Defense Mechanism

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Repression involves forgetting an emotionally painful memory.

When a client has repressed a

memory, there may be behavioral evidence that it exists, but the client genuinely has an

absence of recall: ‘‘Hmm. Nope. I don’t remember anything unusual about my childhood. In

fact, I don’t recall much at all.’’

In contrast to repression, denial is usually expressed with more force. Its essence is captured by

Shakespeare’s famous line about protest[ing] too much. Clients using denial often say, ‘‘No

way, that’s not true’’ and repeat their denial forcefully.

Projection occurs when clients push their unacceptable thoughts, feelings, or impulses outward,

onto another person. A client may accuse someone else of anger, while denying his or her own:

‘‘I’m not mad about anything; you’re the one who’s pissed off!’’ Aldatıp eşini suçlama

If it’s too dangerous to directly express aggression toward someone, the individual may behave in

an excessively loving way. This is reaction formation. The inverse example occurs when it’s not

acceptable to express sexual attraction; therefore, the individual behaves in ways suggestive of

hatred or distaste toward the person toward whom he or she really feels an attraction.Kızdan
etkilenip onu zorbalayan çocuk.

Displacement occurs when the aim of sexual or aggressive impulses is shifted from a more

dangerous person or activity to a less dangerous person or activity. Aggressive displacement is

characterized by the colloquialism of ‘‘kicking the dog.’’ Sexual displacement occurs when

sexual feelings are aroused by a forbidden object (person) and displaced onto a more

acceptable object.

Humans are notorious for rationalizing or intellectualizing away primitive impulses.Gol yiyen
kalecinin kaleyi tekmelemes,terapiste kızıp evde kocana bağırman

Rationalization is a defense mechanism in which people justify difficult or unacceptable feelings with
seemingly logical reasons and explanations. For example, a student who is rejected from her dream
college may explain that she's happy to be attending a school that's less competitive and more
welcoming.Ev alcan krediye başvuruyosun çıkmıyor neyse zaten çok büyüktü diyosun.
Intellectualization is a process by which content is separated from repressed affect. A person uses
intellectualization when speaking of his traumatic childhood as if reading a scripted story. A victim of
sexual assault may use intellectualization by researching factual PTSD criteria instead of addressing
her emotional pain in therapy. Duygularını bastırıyor.

Regression involves going back to old, less sophisticated methods of doing things. Traumatized

children may regress to wetting the bed or pooping their pants rather than using more

advanced toileting skills. Gerileme

Sublimation is one of the most constructive defense mechanisms. It occurs when primal sexual

or aggressive energy is channeled into positive loving or vocational activities. For example,

sexual energy is often sublimated into creative tasks and aggression into hard work (e.g., house

cleaning, yard work). Boksör olmak

Somatization is the expression of psychological or emotional factors as physical (somatic) symptoms.

For example, stress can cause some people to develop headaches, chest pain, back pain, nausea or

Dissociation involves disconnecting from yourself and your own thoughts, feelings, memories, or
sense of identity. It often happens in response to a traumatic situation, like when a person is being
abused. Kendi yalnızlığından dolayı sürekli sevdiğin bi ünlüyleymiş gibi kafanda kurman, Bir doktorun
ailesi, sporcu olmayı hayal etmesine rağmen ona mesleğini seçmesi için baskı yapıyordu. Yaşadığı
kariyer çalkantısını kabul etmek yerine atletizm hakkında hayaller kurarak ayrışıyor.Travmatize olmuş
kişiliğinden koparak başka bir kişilikte yaşayarak travmanın etkilerinden kaçınır (çoklu kişilik

Omnipotent control Bir savunma mekanizması olarak tümgüçlü kontrolden bahsettiğimizde

Amerikan Rüyası ve suçluluk duygusuyla bağlantı kurabiliriz. Özellikle Amerikan kültüründe her
şeye kadir olma duygusu vardır. “Her şey mümkün, istediğin her şey olabilirsin” duygusu

Withdrawal consists of retreating into oneself and pulling away from reality in order to take refuge in
the world of phantasy or sleep. An easily observable example is an anxious or overstimulated baby
that protects itself by going to sleep.

Idealization is a psychological or mental process of attributing overly positive qualities to another

person or thing. devaluation is a defense mechanism that is just the opposite of idealization.1 It's
used when a person characterizes themselves, an object, or another person as completely flawed,
worthless, or as having exaggerated negative qualities. A teenager in awe of a rock star idealizes their
idol, imagining them to have a perfect life, to be kind and thoughtful, and so on.

Psychoanalyst Melanie Klein first used the term ‘Projective Identification’: The process of the
recipient of the projected object identifying with it and living it out. Yansıtılan nesnenin alıcısının
onunla özdeşleşme ve onu yaşama süreci

Diyelim ki Sam, kilo aldığını hissettiği için kendini oldukça bilinçli hissediyor ancak bunu kendine itiraf
edemediği için bu düşünceyi arkadaşı Mike'a yansıtıyor ve aslında kilo alanların Mike olduğuna
kendini inandırıyor. . Bu bir projeksiyon örneği olabilir. Yansıtmalı özdeşleşme her iki insanı da içeren
iki yönlü bir süreç olarak ortaya çıkar. Sam, güvensizliğini Mike'a yansıttıktan sonra "Kilo almışsın gibi
görünüyor" dediğinde devreye giriyor. Mike kilo almamış olsa da, gerçekten kilo alıp almadığını
düşünecek ve aynada kendini kontrol edecektir. Eğer gerçekten kilo aldığına inanmaya başlarsa,
yansıtma özdeşleşmesi gerçekleşmiş demektir.

Undoing or making amends for something socially unacceptable by doing something socially
acceptable. an ego defense mechanism whereby a person unconsciously cancels out an unacceptable
desire or act by performing another act. Undoing is a defense mechanism in which a person tries to
cancel out or remove an unhealthy, destructive or otherwise threatening thought or action by
engaging in contrary behavior. For example, after thinking about being violent with someone, one
would then be overly nice or accommodating to them.

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