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 Put 1 word in each gap, or choose 1 option for each question.


1. There are two main modes of interpreting:....... and ..... interpreting

2. Word-for-word is often .demonstrated.. as interlinear translation,

with the TL immediately below the SL words.

3. Regional variations of a language are called ..dialects......

4. A/An . Faithful... translation attempts to reproduce the precise

contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the TI
orammatical structures.

5. The.... of translation can vary. It is what you are translating at that

moment. It can range from a word, a sentences to a paragraph or
whole passage

6. …is rendering information and ideas from one language into

another language by means of speaking.

7. The interpreter should … in handling grief and bereavement.

8. Translation is a …means..of interlingual communication.

9. In any interpreting situation, an interpreter should not ..., .....or

speak too .....or slowly.

10. In traslation, there should be no change in the sequence…of

narration or in the arrangement of the segments of the text

1._________is rendering a written text into another language in the way

that the author intended the text.
A. translator
B. interpreting
C. translation
D. theory

2.Each of these forms of literary activities comprises a number of

subgenres and the translator may __________ in one or some of them in
accordance with his talents and experience.

a. come
b. specialize
c. put

3. Translation ………… is an academic interdiscipline dealing with the

systematic study of the theory, description and application of translation,
interpreting, and localization.

a. studies
b. work
c. learn
d. tutoring

4. The concept of context has been extensively studied by different

linguists from different ________,such as pragmatics and systemic-
functional linguistics.

a. minds

5. Different types of translation can be singled out_____________the

predominant communicative function of the source text or the form of
speech involved in the translation process.

a.depending to
b.depending for
c. depending on
d.depended on

6. The_______of the translation should follow that of the original text.

a. results
b. reasons
c. causes
d. structure

7. ________is rendering information and ideas from one language into

another language by means of speaking
A. Translation
B. Free translation
C. Interpreting
8. The_______ of the translation should follow that of the original text.
A. results
B. reasons
C. causes
E. structure
9. The literary translation deals with literary text, i.e. works of fiction or
poetry whose main function is to make an_______ or aesthetic
impression upon the reader.
F. emotional
A. emotion
B. motion
C. moving
10. In translation, there should be no change in the_______ of narration
or in the arrangement of the segments of the text.
A. Path
B. sequence
C. road
D. play


1. Translation is a ....set..........of actions performed by the translator

while rendering the source text into another language.
2. Each of these forms of literary activities comprises a number of
subgenres and the translator may ....speacialize... in one or some of them
in accordance with his talents and experience.
3. It is .........presumed................ that the translation has the same
meaning as the original text.
4. Each language has an area of equivalence in ......respesct..................
to the other language.
5. The original text may deal ...........with......any subject from general
philosophical principles or postulates to minute technicalities in some
obscure field of human endeavour.
6. Different types of translation can be singled out .........depending........
on the predominant communicative function of the source text or the
form of speech involved in the translation process.
7. The .........structure........ of the translation should follow that of the
original text.
8. Translation is a.......................... ofinterlingual communication.
9.The source language ....................of cultural context and situational
10. A number of subdivisions can be also suggested for informative
translations, though the principles of .............................here are
somewhat different.

1/ ….. translation reproduces the "message" of the original but tend to

distort nuances of meaning by preferring colloquialism and idioms
where there do not exist in the original.

2/ …… translation reproduces the matter without the manner , or the

content without the form of the original. Usually it is a paragraph much
longer than the original, a so-called “ intralingual translation “, not
translation at all.

4/ In addition to single or compound words that we know in a language,

there are phrases called….., the meaning of which cannot be inferred by
the individual words they consist of.

5/ All native speakers of a language have a particular way of speaking,

which depends on their age, sex, mood, education, etc. This very
personal way of speaking is called…...

6/ For obvious reasons, is essential that interpreters have ….. hearing.

8/….. substitution involves replacing a culture-specific item or
expression with one of different meaning but similar impact in the
translated text.

1_______ is rendering a written text into another language in the way

that the author intended the text.

2.All native speakers of a language have a particular way of speaking,

which depends on their age, sex, mood, education,etc. This very
personal way of speaking is called _______

3. _______ words occur frequently in speech. although we use slang on

many occasions, it is rather difficult to define it. the use of slang, or
colloquial language, creates new forms by combing existing words, (beat
it, rip-off) giving new meaning to words( grass, pig) or introducing
cmpletely new words into the language.

4.Idiomatic translation reproduces the “________” of the original but

tend to distort nuances of meaning by preferring colloquialism and
idioms where there do not exist in the original.
5____________ is what you are translating at that moment and it can
range from a word, a sentence to a paragraph or whole passage.

6. The________ of the translation should follow that of the original text.

7.Translation_________is an academic interdiscipline dealing with the

systematic study of the theory, description and application of, and.
8.Your base level when you translate is the text. This is the level of the
literal translation of the source languge into the target languge, The level
of the ________ you have to climonate, but it also acts as corrective of
paraphrase and the parer-down of synonyms.

9. Translation methods is important to introduce the two main methods:

________ and communicatetive translation.

10.All professions, sciences and occupations. Including the less

honorable ones have a language, which includes words known only to
their members of intiates. There “ language” are called ________


1. ___Interpreters_____ is concerned with the spoken word.

2. The interpreting process consists of __four_____ stages.

3. When we translating, we are translate with 4 levels in mind: the SL

text level, the referential level, the __cohisive______ level and the level
of naturalness.

4. When translating texts, you have to ensure that ur translations makes

__senses______ , that is read naturally, that it is written in ordinary
language, the common grammar, idioms and words that meet that kind
of sitiuation.
5. ____Translation_______ is a preeminently occupation in which you
have to be thinking of several things at the same time.

6. The ____short-team____ memory is used for the temporary storage

of segments of speech so thay they can be decoded and re-encoded.

7. __Interpreting____is an immediate process, which leaves little

margin for thought before action must take place.

8. During meeting and discussions, an interpreter

must___interpret_______ what.is said to the best of his/her knowledge.

9. Idioms and ___fixed_____ expressions can be dealt with in ways

similar to those discussed above. With idioms, however, there is the
added difficulty that the translator may not realize that s/he is dealing
with an idiomatic expression, since more idioms may make sense when
translated literally.

10. The passive voice is used very frequently in English and poses some
problems for translation into Vietnamese. Passive voice can be
translated from English into Vietnamese in the following ways: to
___be_____ done.

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