Diskusi VI

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The economic growth and development of a country is greatly influenced by the quality and

availability of available infrastructure. Good infrastructure will facilitate economic activities, be it the
exchange of goods and services, delivery of raw materials, or export-import activities. Moreover, the
type of infrastructure that needs to be prioritized varies from country to country, depending on their
specific needs and conditions. In this article, I detail two types of critical infrastructure that
policymakers need to urgently address to stimulate economic growth.

Transportation Infrastructure

Transportation infrastructure development has a direct impact on the efficiency and productivity of
the economic sector. By improving and expanding the transportation system, it will influence the
flow of goods and services and facilitate economic activities. Apart from that, the process of
delivering goods will be faster and on time, which of course will have a positive impact on economic

However, the challenge in developing transportation infrastructure is the resources and costs
required. The development of infrastructure such as roads, railways, airports and ports requires large
investments and thorough preparation, including feasibility studies, careful planning, and regulatory
and land acquisition processes.

Digital Infrastructure

In the current digital era, digital infrastructure has become a very important need to support a
country's economic development and growth. Digital infrastructure includes internet networks,
information technology and other digital systems that support economic and societal activities.

With good digital infrastructure, it will spur digital economic growth, create new jobs, and open up
investment opportunities in the technology and digital sectors.

The main challenge in developing digital infrastructure is the aspect of data security and privacy. The
rapid development of technology must be accompanied by an understanding and implementation of
good data security standards. Apart from that, the development of digital infrastructure must also be
accompanied by an increase in human resources who are able to support and utilize digital

From the explanation above, in my opinion, the types of infrastructure projects that must be
prioritized to stimulate economic growth, development is digital infrastructure and transportation
must be a priority for policy makers to stimulate economic growth. Even though there are challenges
that need to be faced, the benefits provided will be enormous, both for economic growth and
improving people's quality of life.

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