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Test Unit 8

Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____
Total: ___/50


1 TRACK 9 Listen to the winner of the Duke of Edinburgh Award. For questions 1–6
choose correct option A–D.

1 From what we hear, we know that 4 Compared to her university friends,

Abigail Abigail
A was reluctant to go onto the radio A has got a better job.
show. B is finding it easier to get work.
B was invited onto the radio show. C has applied for more jobs.
C was surprised to be interviewed for D is better in job interviews.
the radio show. 5 In her final point, Abigail advises people
D asked to be a guest on the radio A not to have a social networking
show. page.
2 At the moment, Abigail B to do the award with a friend from school.
A is at school. C not to listen to other people’s
B is at university. comments.
C is looking for work. D to argue with people who are cruel.
D is waiting to go to university. 6 While on the radio show, Abigail
3 While doing the Gold Award, Abigail A thanked the people who helped her.
didn’t have to B encouraged people to take part in
A live away from home at all. the Duke of Edinburgh award.
B work with other people. C recommended the best age at
C worry about her studies. which to take part in the scheme.
D do any public speaking. D advised people on how to prepare
for the award.



2 Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letters have been given.
Use the definitions in brackets to help you.

Stacey tries to do at least one good deed every day to show that she cares about (worries
about) people.
1 Some people think that losing your passport is a t___________ (unimportant) matter, but
it can be very upsetting if you’re abroad at the time.
2 He's accused of t___________ (the act of stealing) and mugging.
3 When Cindi discovered she had a m___________ (very serious) illness, all of her friends
and neighbours got together to help her cope.
4 The man’s claim that he knew where to find the murderer was met with s__________
(doubt) by the police.
5 Receiving a surprise phone call from my best friend really made my d___________ (made
me happy)! I felt positive all day long.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)
Test Unit 8
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____

3 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

If you wait a bit, I'll give you a hand with cleaning the kitchen.
1 If you take the ___________ to stop and talk to a homeless person, they will have a much
better day.
2 In many cases it's not necessary to spend any money to ___________a good deed.
3 The police offered a ___________ of £5,000 for information about the location of the thief.
4 I can’t believe anyone would ___________ advantage of another person by stealing their
purse after they have fallen down in the street.
5 My requests for donations to our charity were ___________ with suspicion by some very
untrusting people.
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the
Passive Voice.

A large amount of money was raised (raise) by the charity last weekend.
1 We don't know who the new president is – the votes _______________________ (count)
at the moment.
2 Two drug dealers _______________________ (arrest) today in the city centre.
3 The journalist pointed out that the princess _______________________ (see) at the
airport that day.
4 Was anybody taking photos as the contract _______________________ (sign) by the ministers?
5 There's a lot of evidence and we're sure the thief _______________________ (find) guilty.
5 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use
have something done.

Every five years someone paints a new portrait of the Queen.

Every five years the Queen has her portrait painted.
1 When I visited Barry last time, someone was constructing a shed in his garden.
When I visited Barry last time, he _________________________ in his garden.
2 Obviously, they didn't fix their car on their own.
Obviously, they _________________________.
3 Are they going to ask someone to change their locks after the burglary?
Are they _________________________ after the burglary?
4 The floor is wet. Someone is cleaning our house right now.
We _________________________ right now and the floor is wet.
5 I'm sure that someone has corrected Ollie's essay – there are no mistakes.
I'm sure that Ollie _________________________ – there are no mistakes.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)
Test Unit 8
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____


6 Complete the sentences with the missing words.


A recent study has shown that the most common question among the people who want
to rent a house is, “Is there an Internet connection?” If the answer is negative, the
following question tends to be, “Can I 1___________ it installed then?” What else do
people worry about while looking for a place to live? Mostly about their security.
___________ instance, they want to know which neighbourhoods are good, which are
changing and which should 3___________ avoided at all costs. That's the reason why
a few UK public institutions have started a special web page where you can find
information about crime rates in your area.
This service can 4___________ a real difference to home buyers who are new to a city and
aren’t familiar with the qualities of various areas.
If you use this service, you will be able to see how many crimes were
___________ every month and how serious they were.

7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Do not
change the order of the words in brackets.

An important criminal (just / arrest) has just been arrested, so the police are preparing
a press conference.

1 Earlier this morning, the guilty man (sentence / five years / prison) _________________
for stealing from his clients.
2 The court (charge / banker / crime) _________________ of fraud yesterday morning.
3 I think (everyone / impress) _________________ by his ability to reach an agreement with
the terrorists.
4 After almost a week, the doctor decided to (release / he / hospital) _________________.
5 They (alarm / install) _________________ at the moment.


© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)
Test Unit 8
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____


8 Read the texts. For sentences 1–4 choose correct text A–C. Two sentences match
one of the texts.

We need volunteers to operate food banks in our area. Traditionally, food banks gave food to
the homeless but, in these days of low wages and high prices, even
some families with parents in work need them. We are not asking for financial help. The food
is provided by supermarkets, charities, schools and other organisations. Local business
leaders have helped to finance our centres. What we need from our volunteers is time. We
need people to check that the food isn’t out of date, pack it in boxes and, most importantly,
chat with the people who come into the centres. We will train you to give help and advice to
people with serious problems as well as providing addresses and phone numbers of
government funded organisations that people can contact if they need emergency financial
help for debts or rent.
Would you like to play a bigger part in helping your community? Why not sign up to join
a neighbourhood watch scheme? Being part of a neighbourhood watch scheme in your area
makes you feel safer because you know other people are keeping an eye out for any
suspicious behaviour and reporting it to the authorities.
If you join up, you will receive emails with reports of burglaries or other problems in your
area. These will also give advice on things such as securing your home at night or when you
are out and what to ask if people come to your door claiming that they are collecting money
for charities.
In addition, we are trying to persuade the government to make funding available for burglar
alarms for the less well-off. At the moment this hasn’t been offered but we are hoping that the
situation might change if more people join a neighbourhood watch scheme and sign our
We are calling on all business people to help us with our new Rehabilitation in the Workplace
scheme. The aim is to provide work for people who have recently been released from prison
and who are finding it hard to return to life in the community. Despite some opposition from
those who think that we should be doing more to help those who haven’t committed any
crimes, we believe this will bring benefits to everyone.
It can also help you cut costs. This is an official scheme set up by the Prime Minister. Half of
the wages and all the employment insurance and taxes of anyone on the scheme will be paid
for you. A trial of the scheme has been running for the last six months in the London area
and, if you wish, you can read reactions of employers who have taken on employees on our

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)
Test Unit 8
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____

1 Volunteers will learn what to say to

people who need help.
2 Volunteers will be given financial help.
3 Volunteers can find out more about
the scheme online.
4 Volunteers are asked to help change
government policy.


9 Do the exam task.

Niektórzy politycy uważają, że młodociani przestępcy powinni być karani więzieniem za
drobne przewinienia, jeśli dopuścili się ich kilkakrotnie. Napisz rozprawkę, w której
wyrazisz swoją opinię na ten temat oraz podasz argumenty i przykłady ilustrujące twoje
stanowisko. Wypowiedź powinna liczyć od 200 do 250 słów i spełniać wszystkie wymogi
dotyczące formy wskazanej w poleceniu.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

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