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for Healers


The Healing Wisdom of the Seer Almine

Published by Spiritual Journeys LLC

First Edition December 2012

Copyright 2012

MAB 998 Megatrust

By Almine
Spiritual Journeys LLC
P.O. Box 300
Newport, Oregon 97365

US toll-free phone: 1-877-552-5646

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced without written permission of the publishers.

Cover Illustration by Dorian Dyer

Content editors: Teena Roush, Jan Alvey and Grace Colgan

Manufactured in the United States of America

ISBN 978-1-936926-44-2 Soft Cover

ISBN 978-1-936926-45-9 Adobe reader
Handbook for Healers

Table of Contents

About the Author ................................................................................. v

Disclaimer .......................................................................................... vi
Dedication to Spiritual Healers ........................................................ vii

Book 1 – Introduction to Health and Healing

Concepts of Wellness ...................................................................... 2
Revealing the Perfection ................................................................. 3
Claiming Who You Are ................................................................... 9
Changing Your Perspective ........................................................... 12
Miracles Stories ............................................................................. 15
Why Miracle Stories are Not Reported ......................................... 29

Book 2 – Practical Advice for Healers

Encyclopedia of A–Z ..................................................................... 33
Household Apothecary ................................................................ 116

Book 3 – Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Introduction ................................................................................. 121
The Language of Pain ................................................................. 122
Interpreting the Language of Pain ............................................... 125
Looking at Disease Differently ................................................... 130
Our Dreams Communicate to Us ................................................ 131
The Language of Dreams ............................................................ 133

Book 4 – The Chakras and Bodies of Man

Introduction ................................................................................. 161
Opening of the Chakras ............................................................... 162
The Mystical Secrets of the Forgotten Chakras .......................... 168
The Merging of the Gold and Silver Chakras ............................. 170
The Seven Bodies of Man ........................................................... 172

Handbook for Healers

Preparing the Body for Increased Light ...................................... 176

The Seven Bands of Nutrition ..................................................... 177
Beyond the Seven Bodies of Man ............................................... 185
The Evolutionary Stages of Man ................................................. 187
The God-Kingdom – The Future Destiny of Man ....................... 203
The Super God-Kingdom ........................................................... 205
Changing to Our Next Level of Evolution .................................. 208
The Additional Bodies of Man .................................................... 210
Beyond the Chakras and Physical ............................................... 216

Book 5 – Improving Our Health

A Study to Determine the Effectiveness of Healing Methods .... 219
How Our Energy and Resources Become Depleted .................... 225
Responsibility - Supporting versus Saving ................................. 230
Finding our Passion and Joy ....................................................... 234
Letting our Light Shine ............................................................... 239
Teaching Children About Joy ...................................................... 240
Releasing Mental and Emotional Patterns .................................. 243
We are the Source of Our Own Comfort ..................................... 244
Sexuality – the Driving Force of the Cosmos ............................. 245
Sexuality that Enhances Well-being ............................................ 248
When Sexual Desire Becomes an Obsession .............................. 250
The Stages of Sexual Development ............................................ 252
Sex and God-consciousness ........................................................ 257
How Emotions Expand Perception ............................................. 260
Sacred Sexuality .......................................................................... 262

Book 6 – The Role of Healers

Being a Peacemaker for Yourself ................................................ 266
Being a Peacemaker for Others ................................................... 268
Aphorisms to Guide Healers ....................................................... 271
The Hakulit as a Tool of Guidance .............................................. 290

Handbook for Healers

Book 7 – Methods of Healing

Aromatherapy .............................................................................. 306
Rosecrucian Sound Healing ........................................................ 376
Restoration of Dental Health ....................................................... 406

Book 8 – Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Part 1 – Restoration of Body Systems

The Reproductive System ........................................................... 428
Mopan Mayan Gynecology ......................................................... 431
Facilitating the Healing of Chronic and Systemic Disease ......... 452
The Pekana Remedies ................................................................. 462
Candida ....................................................................................... 470

Part II Rejuvenation
Regeneration versus Destructuring ............................................. 491
Perpetual Regeneration through Mastering Opposites ................ 492
Principles of Regeneration .......................................................... 494
Human Growth Hormone ............................................................ 497
Anti-Aging Regime ..................................................................... 500
Foods for Health
The Miracle of Apple Cider Vinegar ................................. 504
The History of Stevia ........................................................ 511
The Wonders of Kefir ........................................................ 513
Skin Rejuvenation ....................................................................... 516
Mystical Secrets of Rejuvenation ................................................ 522
The Wisdom of Ilkelke
Disengaging from the Matrix .................................................. 530
Resetting the Body Clock ........................................................ 554

Bonus Section
Belvaspata, Healing of the Heart ................................................ 568
Belvaspata Initiations .................................................................. 572

Handbook for Healers

The Twelve Pairs of Pure Emotions ............................................ 574

Miraculous Healings with Belvaspata ......................................... 576
Belvaspata Daily Maintenance .................................................... 579

Appendix I – Guidance for Beginner Healers ............................. 582
Appendix II – Sigils and Symbols .............................................. 586

Handbook for Healers

About the Author

Almine is a seer, mystic, healer and teacher who traveled for years
through many countries, empowering thousands of individuals drawn
to her comprehensible delivery of advanced metaphysical concepts. In
the wake of her humility and selfless service, unspeakable miracles
have followed.
In her life, made rich by the mystical and the holy, she has stood
face-to-face with many of the ancient Masters of light, retaining full
memory of the ancient holy languages in both written and spoken form.
Her teachings center on the idea that it is not only possible to live a
life of mastery and love, but that it is the birthright of every human to
attain such levels of perfection. Her journey has become one of learning
to live in the physical but maintain the delicate balance of remaining
self-aware while being fully expanded.

When we live in the moment, we live in the place of power,

aligned with eternal time and the intent of the Infinite.
Our will becomes blended with that of the Divine.

Handbook for Healers


The views in this book are personal to the author and they do not
intend to diagnose or constitute medical advice or treatment. All
healing takes place within self; responsibility for one’s own health is
encouraged. All persons with a medical condition are advised to consult
a physician or other health care professional to obtain medical approval
prior to following the guidance in this book.
Spiritual Journeys, LLC, Almine and other contributing authors,
expressly disclaim any liability for loss, damage or injury in connection
with the information in this book. Almine is not a medical practitioner,
nor does she practice medicine.

Handbook for Healers

Dedication to Spiritual Healers

The way-showers of the world are my mission and my inspiration.

The capstone of humanity, I dedicate my life to you. You are the ones
who are not afraid to lay down old belief systems and open to the
inpouring of Spirit.
Together we have come through space and time, from the first
moments of created life, to meet upon this planet to turn the keys
to begin the journey home – back to the heart of God. I have been
called forth for the specific task of touching the hearts of those who
are the pillars of the temple, who uphold humanity by the light of their
presence, both now and in the future.
It is to you that I dedicate the teachings of healing. May your hearts
recognize the many levels of light they impart. May you and I pull
the Earth into an era of hope and peace that lays the path to a new

Book I

Spiritual Healing
Health and Healing
Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

Concepts of Wellness
All diseases exist within us as dormant programs.
They are microcosmic representations of the
Misperceptions and distorted attitudes bring them
online. A change in these instantly places them
off-line and dormant.
Because they are like a computer program we activate,
they are our sub-creation imposed over reality.
There are degrees of realness. Realities individually
imposed we regard as ‘unreal’.
Many feel to deny the reality of disease is to deny their
pain. Pain is the language of spirit prompting change.
Do not judge those in pain as unenlightened because
of misperceptions. Many great ones carry the pain of
The greatest masters on Earth carry cosmic
misperceptions. Through inner change, they evolve
cosmic unfoldment.
Neither welcome, disease nor shun it. Heed its guidance
until the day when you dwell in the life of no opposites.
When duality ends, so does growth through opposition.
Knowing the unrealness of something is the beginning
of its healing.
Belvaspata has been given to restore the proper
perception (light) and emotions (frequency), removing
the illusion of disease.

Excerpt from Belvaspata, Angel Healing Volume I and II. Also, see Bonus Section in this
book for more information on Belvaspata.

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

Revealing the Perfection

Excerpt from A Life of Miracles

Our Duty is to be Whole

It is our sacred duty to be healthy and whole, otherwise we send a
discordant ripple throughout the consciousness of mankind. Sickness is
indicative of something being out of balance.
Healing isn’t merely removing a physical symptom. We need to
look at why things are out of balance because our aches and pains are
Spirit’s way of signaling us to deal with the root of the problem. Spirit
says through the language of pain, “This aspect needs to be brought
back into harmony”.
The body desires all its parts to be functioning in perfect harmony.
That is why it alerts us when something needs to be brought into
alignment. Be aware that this includes our emotions, thoughts and
actions. If anything is out of balance, it eventually manifests in the
physical body.
If we develop a sickness or disease or injure ourselves, keep in mind
that we created it. Spirit attempts to get our attention in subtle ways at
first. If we repeatedly choose to ignore the gentle prodding, it gets our
attention through aches and pains to the physical body.
When we embrace the root problem and correct it, the pain goes
away. Wholeness is what remains when we heal ourselves on every
level: mentally, emotionally and physically. However, becoming
balanced on all these levels is no easy task, for during this incarnation
we are integrating all our lifetimes and solving all the problems
incurred during each. As a result, we need to be patient with ourselves
and realize that we walk the spiral of healing over and over, until not
one cobweb from one lifetime remains.

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

Healing Others
Throughout history there have been times when using energetic
healing was outlawed. Women were labeled as witches and millions
were burned at the stake or ostracized. At a cellular level, our body has
memory of this, therefore, it takes courage to stand up and claim our
ability to heal.
Assisting others to heal is a great service but we need to keep in
mind that ultimately, everyone heals himself. The highest service is to
show others how to make themselves whole: then we have co-created
another healer. It is the principle of helping others to help themselves:
“If someone is starving, don’t give him corn. Teach him how to grow it.”
If we simply healed without educating the person about why the
disease has manifested, the same problem will appear again in a few
weeks, months or in a couple of years. It may return as a recurrence of
the original physical problem or it may manifest somewhere else.
If we heal a man without guidance as to cause, we aren’t honoring the
fact that he masterfully manifested that condition for potential personal
growth. His spirit is saying, “Please get your life into balance and fully
live who you are – a being as vast as the cosmos.” If we deprive him of
the opportunity, it is an injustice. We would be seeing him as a helpless
person who needs to be rescued. However, if he chooses to embrace
the lesson, his perception alters and increased power, peace and good
health will be his reward.

You are Immune to Everything

Ultimately, when we live at our highest level, we are completely
immune to everything. When we are centered and have stable personal
boundaries, we don’t get sick. But if we slip into limiting thought
patterns, we are a likely candidate for an injury, infection or illness.
One of the seeming drawbacks of being a lightworker is that the
more highly evolved we become, the less tolerant our vibration is of any

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

negative energy. That means the slightest limiting thought immediately

manifests in the physical. This isn’t something to fear; it is something
to be aware of.

Nobody is a Victim
It is impossible for us to be victims. Spirit sends nothing but lessons
or gifts, and from a higher perspective, they are both the same. If we are
sent nothing but good, how can we be victims?
Once we fully grasp that we are all things – not just the physical body
– then we know that everyone and all things are within us. Nobody can
do something to us if they dwell within us. Even the lessons and gifts
are what we called forth to unfold the mystery of our unknown pieces.
There simply cannot be anything in this universe that doesn’t
promote the intention of the Infinite to explore the mystery of It’s
Being. Even the undeveloped light has the most profound effect in
helping us grow by offering us opportunities to change our perspective.
Remember, without friction, we cannot walk; without resistance, there
is no evolution. There can be no evil, only delusion.
One of the biggest fallacies on earth is that another person can do
anything to us; that another person is responsible for what happens to
us. This isn’t possible because we create every circumstance in our
life. It was placed there so we can see ourselves reflected back and
know what areas still need to be brought into the light. We cannot
take anything personally, even if something is said that appears to be
an assault on our character. If we react to words, even with a minute
twinge, then there is something that still needs to be dealt with.
When people begin to accept that they create their own reality, they
wonder how horrific things can happen to an innocent child. We cannot
say that a little girl who was molested, consciously brought it about.
It occurred as a result of the negative group consciousness. However,
it is important to understand that on a soul level, she did volunteer to

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

experience it. That is the sacred duty the girl agreed to undergo prior to
her incarnation. When she chooses such an experience and overcomes
it, she is providing a service because it raises the consciousness of
mankind; or her agreement may have been with an individual, to act as
a mirror for him to learn a lesson.

We Create our Reality

Our most prominent thought coupled with feeling is really a prayer
and it is that which creates our reality. Thoughts flow into the reservoir
of the heart and act upon the substance of things hoped for. It is a
living, delicate substance that fills the entire universe and responds
to our thoughts and feelings. Thoughts come alive when they are
coupled with feeling and it sets in motion that which results in physical
One of the powers of creation is that a mindset reproduces itself.
If we spend all day fearful of being fired from work and then at night
we ask, “Oh God, please help”. What is more prevalent, that which we
thought all day or the few pleading words for help?
It is important that we start taking absolute responsibility for our
lives and the condition of the world. We have created the seemingly
imperfect conditions on our planet through our limited thoughts. When
millions of people are thinking negative thoughts, it registers on the
grid1 and they become easier to manifest.
Guarding our thoughts has become more imperative than ever.
Especially since the time lapse between what we think and its physical
manifestation is becoming shorter each year. This is the result of the
deterioration of the electromagnetic fields surrounding the earth.

1 Grids are lines of light that govern the species of a planet. Each species has it own grid
that tells it how to behave. For more information see Journey to the Heart of God. Due to
ongoing cosmic changes since 2008, grids no longer exist as static patterns, but as fluid

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

When we realize we create our destiny, we know we are in control

of our abundance. The Infinite wishes us to have abundance, wealth
and beauty. However, we were created with the ability to create it for
ourselves. We must learn to trust in ourselves and know that we are
connected to the Source that breathed life into ourselves – the I AM
THAT I AM. Then we can lie back in the arms of Spirit and simply be,
having faith that we will be taken care of.

What We Resist Persists

Attention feeds energy, so we empower that which we focus on and
we attract that which we fear. These are some of the hidden laws of the
Some are laboring diligently to change the world in an attempt to
correct what they think is wrong. The error in that reasoning is that we
strengthen that which we oppose. The more we focus on a problem,
the more we empower it. For example, when the media sensationalizes
a situation, it promotes more of the same. Even though it is presented
as opposition, they are still strengthening it because they are giving
it energy. The same is true if we continually focus on a disease – we
magnify it. In addition, the negative thoughts weaken our auric field
and we become susceptible to other harmful things. If we don’t feed
something, however, it grows weaker and weaker.
When we attempt to right a wrong, it divides because we have placed
a judgment on it as not being in alignment with the divine will. This
is separative thinking. However, if we acknowledge the wholeness of
a circumstance or a person, it will uplift and heal. This is inclusive
thinking. We cannot return to Source as long as we exclude anything.
This doesn’t mean we condone unworthy acts, but recognize instead,
the innocence of all roles being acted out for our benefit. This helps
us see that only light exists and we can drop the belief that there are
places where the Infinite is not. It is in recognizing the dark as part

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

of ourselves that we can embrace it within our hearts, and as we find

ourselves returning to the oneness of the heart of Source, we take those
that represent the dark with us.

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

Claiming Who You Are

…The insight dawned gradually that our true identity is a
consciousness as vast as existence, expressing in human
form. I came to understand we are not our experiences. We
are all one grand cosmic being, expressing as many, having
human experiences carefully designed by our Higher Self to
gain insights. At times, we choose to experience life as the
undeveloped light to gain perspective. It allows us to see who
we are, by experiencing who we are not…
Excerpt from A Life of Miracles

Modesty doesn’t belong when we are a consciousness as vast as
existence. Humility does. Humility isn’t the misplaced modesty of
thinking we are less than another. That is paying homage to another
person’s arrogance. Humility is acknowledging that everyone, no
matter what detours he or she may choose, is an expression of God.
There are variances in the amount of consciousness we are expressing,
but there is no distinction in value. The life of the mass murderer in
the street is as valuable as a saint’s life in revealing the mystery to the
Infinite. He is just mirroring what the Infinite is not.
The second part of humility is acknowledging that we cannot
possibly hope to know the totality of existence, since the unknowable
constitutes the vast majority of the universe. This frees us to explore
the tiny speck of the unknown that is in front of us. We can do so
confidently, armed with impeccability as a shield, while playing the
game ‘as if’ we know. Remember, the game is played to stall for time
to allow us to gain the necessary information or insights so surprise
doesn’t drain our energy.

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

Speak as One with Your God Self or Higher Self

We need to make a final transition to speak as One with our Infinite
self. Beginners tend to make elaborate explanations like, “By the grace
of God, if he is willing. He will work through me and you’ll be healed.”
This follows the image of being the flute while God blows his music
through us. However, without the flute, there is no music.
When we start to say, “I heal,” the last two necessary connections
are made in our body enabling it to metamorphose into an Ascended
Master’s body. Our Oneness awakens when we claim who we are
and speak our truth. It does not mean we have to shout it out from
the rooftops. We can speak gently and infrequently, selecting only
words that honor the god/goddess within. It is no longer to anybody’s
advantage to pretend to be less than who we are.

Power is your Birthright

Don’t be afraid of power. It isn’t power over another; it is power
over yourself. The alternative to taking up our power is acquiescing
to the worldview that says we should follow others like sheep. Fear
of power was reinforced by the genocide of over nine million in the
name of eradicating witchcraft over six generations. The majority
were women and ten percent were children. These people were labeled
witches for simple acts such as healing a child’s boil, birthing a baby,
performing a ceremony in the moonlight, or expressing gratitude to a
river. It produced a deep scar in our psyche so it is understandable that
many are frightened of power.2
Some merely want to live in harmony and service, but where God
expresses, there is beauty, love, wisdom, and power. There comes a
point in fulfilling our blueprint where power is naturally the next step.

2 Past life memories of having been killed during this genocide further adds to this fear
of power.

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

To be powerful and effective in fulfilling the roles we have agreed to

play is the highest service we can render. When we align ourselves with
the powers of the universe we can create miracles.
When we claim our power, we can change the course of history.
We are powerful enough to program a peaceable transition and
unconditional planetary ascension, where all people are taken along.
We can create a life filled with grace and a safe future for humanity.

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

Changing your Perspective

Welcome Change
Excerpt from A Life of Miracles
If we don’t take responsibility for our actions, we cannot move
forward. The first guideline to achieve this is to realize the environment
is a mirror of what is going on inside us. When we change our perception,
our environment changes. The secret is to welcome change and change
occurs through life’s challenges.
It is amazing how fervently people avoid challenges. Yet it is the
place where growth can occur. If we allow ourselves to continue
habitual patterns, we become stagnant. Many of the indigenous people
hunted only the deer that repeated the same behaviors day-after-day.
The hunters knew these deer were stuck in a rut and therefore had less
life-force energy. They were easier to hunt and had less energy to pass
on to the next generation. Doing the same activities every day constricts
energy, so be wary of habits and strive to break them.
It is crucial to understand that the greatest perspective may be gained
by the challenge that shows us who we are not, so we can more fully
understand who we are. The challenges we embrace don’t have to be
painful. As we become more adept at seeing behind appearances3, we
can learn the lessons effortlessly.
There are three ways to learn. The first way is to heed the gentle
prodding of Spirit. This may appear as an intuitive instruction, an
inner voice, or visual signs while we are awake or during the dream
state. The second way is to wait for the hard knocks, when it seems as
though Spirit is hitting us over the head with a 2 x 4. That is Spirit’s
way of asking, “Do you want to wake up from this nightmare?” The
third way is by grace. Grace allows an instantaneous waking up. When

3 In ancient mystical traditions, this is called sobriety.

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

grace occurs, those things that are dysfunctional in our lives stand
out like sore thumbs, begging to be brought into harmony. Living in
grace allows us to hear the whispers of Spirit and make decisions based
on the highest reflection of who we are. If we learn to embrace the
challenges that bring change to our doorstep, our spiritual journey will
be greatly accelerated. Remember, a challenge is merely a piece of the
mystery of being that we have, as yet, not solved. The bravest prayer
I know is to ask The Infinite to show you your greatest fear. If you do,
it will happen. If we embrace each step as it unfolds, we experience
tremendous growth. For within our challenges lie our deepest insights,
and insight brings power. Therefore, our challenges are power sources.

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

The Gate of Power

Excerpt from A Life of Miracles

Once we have entered this gate of power we notice miracles occurring,
instant manifestation of thoughts and increasing synchronicities.
However, there is a learning curve with miracles. At first, miracles are
only visible to the performer. When we pass the test of not needing to
persuade others for the sake of approval, our power grows and we can
openly show a life of miracles.
A key element to successfully transitioning to a life of miracles4 is
to know that this is your goal, but then to eliminate it as an agenda, as
you bring mastery and purification into your life.
What we once regarded as a miracle can at some point become our
everyday reality.
Note: As we climb the mountain of ascension, we find ourselves going
through three initiations. They appear as gates: the gate of love, the
gate of wisdom, and the gate of power. See Life of Miracles for more
information these gates.

4 See A Life of Miracles for more information on “Power Seekers versus Perception
Seekers” pages 95–101.

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

Miracle Stories

Becoming a Field
With my bare hands, I picked poison ivy yesterday - throughout my
life, it hasn't always been this way. I have always been careful not to
touch it and usually I wear gloves and long sleeves when gardening. I
would somehow manage to get it even from touching my dogs or the
clothing of my family while doing their laundry. As a child and adult,
I'd often visited the doctor for shots or pills to control acute reactions
to poison ivy.
About eight years ago, I began a dialogue with poison ivy. I studied
it and honored the qualities it could teach me and told it that we are one,
so how could I be allergic to it? The outbreaks were coming less often
and were less severe.
Lately, the poison ivy has grown closer and closer to my home,
invading flowerbeds around the house, driveway, trees in the yard,
etc. I told the poison ivy I would not accept this encroachment and
poisoning. I asked if it would tell me its secrets. It told me that its
potency is like that of the Infinite. One tiny drop of it is enough to
spread among many people.
What happened when I picked the poison ivy? I transmuted the
‘poison’ by stating I am a field. I spoke, “We are One Field of Infinite,
Incorruptible Possibilities and how can anything act as a poison within
me? It is not possible.”
A few tiny spots erupted and became inflamed even though I washed
my hands very well in cold water. If I even thought of the poison ivy, or
looked at my hand, I would remind myself, “I am a field, I am a field."
Several areas on my hands looked like like they would spread, but I
did not contract in fear and I did not believe in any power over me. As

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

the day continued, the spots reduced in redness and by night, they were
completely gone.

Jan, Ohio

Hand in the Fire

I climbed the red rocks of Kahneeta today, about 20 miles outside
of the Warm Springs Reservation. I marveled how effortless my climb
became when I felt total oneness with the soil beneath my feet.
I watched carefully where I stepped. This was exactly the time of
year and the warm rocky location that rattlesnakes relished. I was so
busy watching my feet that I stumbled and as I reached out to steady
myself, I grabbed a cactus.
The very small and almost invisible prickles had lodged everywhere
in my palm and thumb. I tried to pull them out with my left hand but I
could barely see them and I seemed to be making it worse by pushing
them further in. I made my way back to my parked car beside the road.
I decided to gather some wood to light a fire. I knew that in another
dimension fire was not hot - it was light. I also had a close relationship
with the spirit of fire. I felt that if I put my hand in the fire it did not
have to burn but the prickles would however burn.
I stood with my hand in the fire. It felt cool to my touch and the
prickles seemed to be burning nicely when a car pulled up. Perhaps,
the people in the car thought I needed assistance when the wife asked
through the window, “What are you roasting?” I turned toward them
where they saw it was my hand! The car sped away.

A student

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

Regaining the Quality of A Beautiful Voice

In 2008, I lost my singing voice, which had always been my joy.
Before I discovered Almine, performing was the closest thing I had to
going into silence. It was very difficult for me not being able to sing
despite my efforts. Beyond a few lower notes, my vocal cords would
not properly come together; there were strange double notes, or no
sound at all. There were times when I could not listen to music because
it broke my heart.
After I attended my first pod in 2009, another master invited me
to a biweekly meditation group. I was very excited to be there. One
master came up to me to touch my throat and she could feel a note was
missing. I was amazed. She told me the note would return.
When I received a translation of my personal sound elixir5 sometime
later, I overheard the Infinite’s words, “… for you stood by my side
when creation was made, and in your joy you sang as creation...” What
a confirmation. I decided to ask Almine what I could do to get my voice
back. Recently in class, an opportunity presented itself. To my surprise,
without hesitation Almine gently placed her hand on my head and the
other hand on my throat. She bowed her head and closed her eyes and
I felt an incredible sensation echoing through my being.
Instantly I could feel my vocal chords heal. It was more like the
healing had filled an empty space within me. I was elated when I began
to sing.
Healing continues. I can still feel changes happening little by little
and I now experience symptoms as clearing taking place. Almine
assured me my voice would be even better. I am eternally grateful to
Almine for such a generous gift and that I am able to walk this path. I
send much love and many blessings to my beautiful brothers and sisters.

D, Canada

5 See for more information on Sound Elixirs.

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

Witnessing Almine Bi-locating and Changing Form

Last night when someone took inter-dimensional photos of Almine,
she appeared to be in different places at the same time. Later two
students witnessed she became approximately 7.5 feet tall; one of her
examples of changing form.

A student

Miracles of Studying with Almine

Years ago, I had recurring interactive dreams of a beautiful fairy who
allowed me to brush her long, long, light blonde hair. We both seemed
to enjoy this routine. Months later, a friend said his son was healed from
cancer with assistance from this wonderful woman with long, beautiful,
light hair. That same day I randomly stumbled onto Almine’s website.
When I saw her picture, the recognition was instantaneous; it was the
fairy from my dream! From that moment on, my heart started beating a
different beat. I knew my path was alongside Almine’s teachings.
Since my first days with Almine, Divine synchronicities and miracles
happened as I surrendered to the flow of life. The dialogue in my mind,
which I had tried to still for many years, finally silenced. I entered
stages of beautiful bliss, indeed transcending silence. Life was forever
Once, during a workshop with Almine, I saw her physical body in
two places at once. In one instance, she was in the kitchen socializing
while simultaneously coming down a staircase. I stood between the
two places; there was no way she could have passed by without me
noticing. I have since had instances where I can physically be present in
two places. In one case, I worked in one location while also I attended
to my crying child in his bedroom.
Almine also assisted in the entrance of my children’s souls into
my body. My second son’s soul entered on a Thursday afternoon. I
sensed him around me. Almine asked me to lie down as she said the

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

soul entered my womb. I saw a ray of deep blue light connect from
the heavens to my uterus. I had a positive pregnancy test the following
Monday. My son was born 10 months later with deep blue eyes. When
Almine gives blessings, she leaves the divine smell of roses. I love that.
With passion and gratitude,

Denisa, Colorado

A Miracle Trip
Learning that Almine held a workshop at Ferdinand, Indiana during
October 2006, I felt compelled to attend and planned to drive from
Toronto. The week before the class, my car which had logged over
350,000 km developed mechanical problems. It was too late to book an
airline ticket, and as I was nevertheless determined to attend, I drove
the malfunctioning car the 1500 km to Indiana.
Focusing on the Internet information about the location of the
workshop, I placed my intent to park in a specific spot in front of the
big hall. I drove fast in my broken car, only stopping for customs and
to buy gas. Twelve hours later, I arrived in Ferdinand and pulled into
the parking space I visualized. The next day I learned other Toronto
students took 22 hours to drive to Ferdinand.

A student

Miracle House Sale

In February 2007, I put my house on the market. Six months later,
it was still unsold. Almine suggested I attend a workshop in Newport,
Oregon in December. I told her I first needed to sell my house and I asked
if she could help. In early July, I was planting flowers in front of the
house when an individual approached and made an offer on the house.

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

The sale firmed in September, finalized in November in good time for me

to attend the workshop. Almine’s intervention made it all possible.

A student

Regaining My Sense of Smell

At Almine’s class, we learned to see through the eyes of animals.
At home, I watched my dog observe something while I practiced the
Instantly I saw myself sitting in a chair while plant spirits hovered
above me in the room. After the experience, I walked outside. For
years, I have had cold symptoms where I could not smell. Suddenly
I could smell – the most wonderful experience, the trees, the grass
– everything!

Roman, Toronto

Using Light to Heal My Hip

While a weightlifter, I suffered a serious injury and healing, through
three years of pain. Suddenly, I found myself in the following situation
a week before I attended my first pod with Almine: My hips froze up. I
shuffled around the house, hardly able to walk. In meditation, Almine
appeared to me and she told me to use light to pull the blockage out. I
asked her how long the healing would take place. She said three days
and in exactly three days, I was healed. A few days later, I met her for
the first time at the Toronto pod in October 2008.

Brian, Toronto

The Witnessing of Alchemy

At the back of Almine’s class in Ohio, I saw a miraculous event
happen. Almine removed her shoes and taught in her bare feet. Suddenly,
her feet seemed to look like snakeskin, but then they changed to leopard

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

skin and then back again to women’s feet. This happened repeatedly. I
moved to the front of the class to make sure my eyes weren’t deceiving
me. I sat on the floor a few feet in front of Almine as she explained
about the inner relationship between white magic, alchemy, and the
divine architect creative principles. It happened again.
When I asked her about it, she explained to the class that the snake
represents white magic, the leopard represents alchemy and the feet of
a woman represents understanding of the creative principles. This was
a wonderful demonstration.

Buzz, Ohio

A Visionary Experience
After I had read an article written by Almine, in the Sedona
Magazine, I was hooked. I went to her website to purchase books and
CDs and I studied them with diligence. When I received an e-mail that
announced an opening in a workshop, I made a reservation. However,
about one hour after meeting Almine, I wanted to walk out. I could not
understand why I felt like leaving after having been fascinated with her
work for almost four years.
While I thought about travel arrangements to the airport, I heard
Almine say, “I know some of you are thinking about leaving. If you
stay the entire week, I promise you your life will change”. I decided to
stay to see what happened.
On the fourth day of the five-day workshop, I was again ready
to leave. It was Valentine’s Day, 2008. That afternoon Almine was
preparing us for a meditation and she said, “If you are cerebral you will
cry during this meditation and G. is very cerebral.”
The meditation was an exercise to enable speaking in other languages
and I had success with the exercise. My legs became uncomfortable
after some time. I opened my eyes and stopped the meditation to

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

rearrange my body to a more comfortable position. I wanted to return

to the meditation.
The moment I closed my eyes I was in space; it was the void. The
huge blackness appeared to be space, but it was empty, something like
a big, black box. The void was entirely empty as I looked down and
below me; I saw the cosmos and the universe. The emitted light came
from the millions of galaxies inside. It had a distinct border around
it, like a frame around a painting. Because of the border, I could see
another cosmos within the first and another cosmos within the second.
It was composed of three cosmoses within each other. I looked at this
amazing sight for several seconds and then I felt there was something
next to me. I looked up and to my left there was Mother, the Infinite.
I immediately knew this was Mother. We had been talking about Her
all week. She wore a long, white dress with a gold chain in a diamond-
shaped pattern. It looked like the type of dress the Queen of England
would wear at a formal location. In Her right hand, She held a scepter.
She raised her arms and She said, “I AM ALL THAT IS.” I could feel
what She felt in her heart and it made me cry. Earlier in the week,
Almine told us about Mother’s first creation, the Father who stayed
behind during the fall while Mother followed Her children into the fall.
Following eons of separation, Father longed to be reunited with
Mother. Almine did not tell us that Mother felt the same way but I felt
it in Her heart; the emotion was simply heartbreaking. I returned to the
meditation room crying uncontrollably.
After a few seconds of crying, I went back to the void with Mother.
She showed me a galaxy, solar system, star, planet and moon. We
paused to look at a scene that could have been in anyone’s backyard.
There were trees, bushes and grass on a sunny day. It was a beautiful,
very deep peaceful place, but we did not stay very long. Next Mother
said, “AND THESE ARE MY HELPERS,” and we went to earth.
I closed my eyes, bowed my head, and put my hands together in
prayer because I wanted to give these people praise, love and gratitude.

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

Before I could praise them, Mother stopped me to say, “Praise all.”

I thought, “Of course, because One is all and in all is One.” So I
said, “Praise all.” I could hear Mother’s thoughts say, “This may be
overwhelming him.” Maybe those were my thoughts because it was
overwhelming and it all happened very quickly. The vision ended and I
was back in the meditation room.
My life has certainly changed since that meeting. I am certain I have
found God/Goddess/Creator/All That Is. If you attend one of Almine’s
workshops, please do not leave until the end. It may change your life too.

Gary, Texas

Interdimensional Photos
I would like to express my gratitude to Almine for the gift of being
able to film interdimensionally. It has great meaning for me. It is direct
proof that the five senses cannot detect the world around us. Years ago,
my dog entertained himself for hours while he remained in the yard all
day. Many people remarked about how funny he looked, staring and
wagging his tail at things that did not appear to be there. We are finally
catching up to the inner sight animals have had all along!
Every time I see orbs or different light beings and most recently
dragons, I know the new kingdom of heaven on earth is getting closer.
Photos constantly show more; even the ones taken months ago change
with additional lights that show up when I view the photos again.
The interdimensional photography started when I attended the
Alaska 2008 workshop. During the workshop, I learned I had the
ability to take spectacular interdimensional photos like so many others.
I believe the photos will assist everyone to see beyond what we are able
to see today. Thank you Almine for helping us stand on your shoulders
and fly.

A, Florida

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

Inspiration for CD & Abundance

R: How did you come to know Almine and her work? Did her teaching
influence the composition of the piano CD you created.
S: After I found her website, I read three of Almine’s books. I also
listened to her premium CDs. Even without any personal contact,
reading her first book, A Life of Miracles, changed my life with every
page. I was released from past attachments.
I worked with all the sub-personalities according to Almine’s
instructions. I had many unresolved spiritual issues in spite of the help
I had received from many, many spiritual teachers and masters in and
outside of Christianity.
After reading the first book and having listened repeatedly to a
couple of her CDs, I received all my answers. I received the freedom I
longed for.
Then the great music happened. I was very strong in the spirit of
Almine’s work. I firmly believe that a CD I was inspired to create was
a direct result of my studies with Almine.
The fact that I am here now (at a retreat) is a miracle itself. Jill
and I were in Moscow in May. We had no money; no money for air
tickets nor for the next day sometimes. The universe provided in such
miraculous ways.
Out of nowhere there suddenly appeared possibilities and the means
to produce two CDs. Before we released them, our heart’s decision
was to be at this pod. After that decision, everything happened so fast.
The CDs started to sell and we later had money for plane tickets ... we
went along the West Coast of America and performed in many places
including Russian churches. From all directions, these CDs sold and
we had sufficient funds to live in America for two months. We found
the money to come to the retreat too. Is that not a miracle in itself? I sit

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

here and my heart is full of gratitude. I am a sponge for everything. I

am the happiest person on the Earth.

S, Russia

Miracles in the Canadian Rockies

I was at a camp in the Rockies in Alberta, Canada. Almine, known to
us as Proudly Standing Eagle woman, talked about ‘Little People’. That
night in my teepee, Little People came and made such a disturbance it
was difficult to sleep. The next morning Almine suggested we put an
offering of rock candy outside for them. During that night, they did not
bother me again but I saw their silhouettes outside of the tepee.
Upon awakening the following morning, Almine called us to her
tent. In front of her tent flap there were shiny things gathered by the
Little People in the field (the medicine wheel and holy gathering place
of the Stoney Indians). There were old and new coins, arrowheads, lost
earrings, safety pins, anything shiny that they could find; they had put
it all in a straight line in front of her tent, to acknowledge her.
In another situation, men prepared a fire for a sweat lodge. The
high winds caused concern, as we did not want the fire to burn out of
control as the flames soared. It was summer and the grass was dry. The
men wondered if they needed to postpone the sweat lodge. Someone
approached Almine with tobacco requesting that the winds be silenced.
Almine went into the middle of the Stoney Indians medicine wheel to
sit and speak to the spirit of the wind. Soon after, there was complete
peace and calmness and we finished preparing for the sweat lodge.
Almine did not join us for the sweat lodge as she was busy with
healings but she asked the lodge keeper if he would do an extra round
for her after everybody was finished. She mentioned that two bad
spirits followed her through three different countries and she had been
tolerating the situation long enough. I do not know what happened in
the lodge that day but the lodge keeper would not speak about it. Only

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

the two of them were in the sweat lodge together. Afterwards, he carried
Almine outside and she was apparently unconscious. She stayed that
way while we fanned her face and put water on her feet. That night
around the campfire Almine said she had gone out of body to bind the
spirits with a cord of light. The minute their intentions were of the light
they would be free to move through the cords.
Lastly, there was a woman at the camp who asked for help because
a malicious co-worker had sent a pack of spirit wolfs to follow her
around. Almine called in the spirit of the Cave bear and we all felt a
strong presence. I have spoken to the woman since then. Every time the
pack of wolves return, the spirit of the Cave bear chases them away.

A student

Miracle on Orcas Island

During a lecture with Almine, many healings happened. Almine
worked until late evening, as was her habit, with many ill and suffering
people that came to her.
Almine seemed to have energy that others did not. She stood on her
feet all day lecturing, sometimes healing during her lunch hour, worked
late into the night and continued to do that several days in a row.
Sometimes she’d fit in people before breakfast. At times she forgot
to eat. If we did not remind her, she would not touch food or water
all day. As she stood in front of class that weekend, Almine suddenly
stopped to raise her eyes toward the heavens.
Almine seemed to be in communication with something we could
not see. Her face had an ecstatic expression and a glow emanated from
her. For an instant, my vision opened and I saw a great light descend
through the ceiling, through that humble little building and into her
body. Her voice changed. I could see the ecstasy was so strong it was
difficult for her to speak. Almine continued to share information that
flowed through her as peace settled over the class.

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

Afterwards a woman remarked it suddenly felt that all suffering was

replaced with acceptance and joy. Tears streamed across my face. I
could not stop from getting out of my chair to fall on my knees.
In A Life of Miracles, Almine describes the Orcas Island experience
“… an abrupt change in the way the healing energies flowed through
me. Whereas previously it had issued forth from the pineal gland in the
center of my head and out through my hands, it now felt as though a
column of light descended over me.”

A student

Other Miracles Described in the book – A Life of Miracles

Person with Heart Attack

A person who had suffered a heart attack, was hospitalized and spent
time in intensive care. About 10 days later he saw Almine for a healing.
Almine explained to him how we create all our situations and how
narrowing of the primary heart arteries represents withheld or denied
love in primary relationships.
Sometime later, this person suffered another massive heart attack
but within 10 days of the previous angiogram, a large arterial bypass
formed, as though bypass surgery had been done. The bypass led
precisely around the clot that produced the heart attack and without
it death would have occurred. The doctor stated a major artery simply
does not form such a bypass voluntarily, especially in such a short
period. Natural bypasses occur in small veins of the body but even those
require time hence the healing had created the large arterial bypass.

Stilling the Storm

I found that the etheric communication with those who attended my
lectures was increasing. Once, when I came to a new venue, I asked
the audience how many had seen me either in visions, dreams, or

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

meditations prior to that day. Over half raised their hands. It seemed
that at higher levels I was being sent to gather together those whom I
would eventually teach. At first when students would silently call me
for assistance, I would briefly see their face flash before me. Later, as
I became more accustomed to this unique method of communication, I
would become aware that a piece of me was leaving to respond to their
A beautiful Native American woman, Cindy, was on a vision quest
with four days of fasting and prayer when a cold front settled in and
rain drenched the inadequate blanket that she had taken. As she called
upon me for assistance, an opening occurred directly above her in the
dark stormy clouds and a shaft of sunlight shone down and warmed her
in her Medicine Circle

Shoulder Pain Vanishes

During a class, a lady came back to speak to me. She wanted in
some way to express her gratitude since she had gone to many health
practitioners from the East and West to help heal an injury to her
shoulder from a car accident. All of her attempts had been in vain until I
had lain my hand upon her shoulder in a loving gesture, when she came
to ask me a question. She said that all pain was now gone …

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

Why Miracles are not Reported

Excerpt from Secrets of Hidden Realms

Because of the enticement of the hidden realms, most mystics have
neglected keeping their focus on their own growth. Few have therefore
achieved the mastery of losing the ego and attaining the impersonal life
of a God-conscious being.
For those with ego, making themselves vulnerable has seemed very
unappealing. To expose the mystical world that the average reason-
dominated mind cannot grasp, does exactly that.
Even when ‘miracles’, which simply are the revealing of the hidden
realms, take place in front of my students, their minds either minimize
it or argue it away.
• In front of three students, a patient levitated a foot off the bed as
I worked on her. One student closed his eyes so he didn’t have to
deal with adjusting his worldview; another, whose cancer I had
healed, but who attributed it to his diet, no longer wanted to study
with me. Some months later, the third demanded I prove myself by
showing him a miracle.
• A group of students were at my house during the time of a huge
dragon fight. Thuds could be heard that sometimes knocked things
off the wall. Bluish lightning, with and without a thunder sound,
could be seen around my house but nowhere else up and down the
street. A few months later, they wanted me to show them proof of
unseen worlds.
• I gave a previous office manager photos of Mother Mary’s face
appearing in my stained glass windows during prayer, explaining
what they were and asking him to keep them safe. Three Polaroid
shots caught the image, developing from just the outline to a
complete, life-size face. The cloth over her hair and her lovely face

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

could be clearly seen. He threw them away, claiming he thought

they were ‘junk’.

In almost every instance of the multiple dozens of ‘miracles’ or

super-normal phenomena that others have experienced through the
work I’m engaged in, they have either discredited me or the event. This
has happened to mystics and prophets over many ages. It is because
the tyranny of reason is maintained by strongly fighting off or ignoring
anything it cannot control or explain. It will create the most bizarre
conclusion if it has to, if it can argue away the possibility that the
experience lies beyond the grasp of the left brain.
An example of this occurred during a beautiful spring night when a
houseguest saw a fairy in my back yard. She explained to me that she
enjoyed watching “the electric hummingbird strung on a wire in the
There is a second reason why the mind doesn’t register the hidden
realms. That which lies beyond ordinary cognition is accessed by
the right brain. All initial energy is used by the left brain. If the mind
has a deafening internal dialog and is very disorganized, it will use
all available energy. For most people, this leaves very little energy
to access or interpret anything they may experience from the hidden
I had a class ask me why, as a Nagual, I did not lead them into
alternate realities by shifting their assemblage points for them. Finally
I said I would, but asked them first to check the time on their watches.
They did so and then sat waiting. What seemed to them to be a minute
later, one of them asked, “Well is anything supposed to happen?”
I asked them to look at their watches again. Forty-five minutes had
passed. Not one of them had enough energy to enable the remembering
and registering of the events that had taken place during the previous
three-quarters of an hour.

Book I Spiritual Healing Health and Healing

Because of the egocentric benefits of increased power and prestige

interaction with the hidden realms have brought mystics, and,
alternatively, the ridicule it could evoke, they have been silent about
these topics. Even well-intentioned mystics have felt that revealing these
aspects of their lives could potentially jeopardize the credibility of the
higher perceptions they wish to impart in order to raise consciousness.
Dragons in particular seem to be somehow a source of controversy.
There seems to be a deep-seated, but undefined, fear that somehow
they stand for the ‘anti-Christ’ or black magic or demons or Lucifer.
Many will still accept angels as being authentic, perhaps even fairies,
but attack with anger one who speaks of dragons.
Our belief systems are our prison bars, trapping us in the
materialistic world of mind and the five senses. The arrogance with
which man has thought he knew his universe has strengthened his
blindness and widened the chasm that divides him from the beauty of
the unseen worlds that teem with exquisite life. This, coupled with the
unwillingness of mystics to speak about them, has steeped the unseen
realms in mystery.

Book 2

Practical Advice for Healers

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Part I
Encyclopedia A–Z

In this section of the book, alternative methods of managing physical,

mental and emotional conditions are presented, along with information
to develop and/or restore one’s health and well-being. In addition to the
tools and techniques to assist in managing such conditions, we also, in
some cases, offer insights into their origins. Included in this section are
some suggested products for health restoration and maintenance. When
in doubt about any health condition, always consult a qualified health
care practitioner, especially if there is consistent high fever, difficulty
breathing or extreme pain.

Note: Pekana homeopathic remedies as listed in this book may be

ordered through our main office by calling 877-552-5646, toll-free
in US, or see our contact information on www.spiritualjourneys.
com. Young Living oils products, as recommend in this section, are
manufactured and tested for consistent high-grade therapeutic efficacy.
To purchase call 877-552-5646, toll-free in US.
To restore physical, mental and emotional balance, we reference the
angelic healing modality of Belvaspata as provided in the volumed set
of manuals.6

If you take care of your body, it will take care of the Earth.

6 See the Bonus section for more information on Belvaspata.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Acidosis is a metabolic condition of the body, which may result in
a variety of symptoms (based on the underlying cause of the acidosis).
Acidosis may develop when the body produces too much acid, we
ingest foods that are highly acidic or when the kidneys are not removing
enough acid from the body.
For the proper functioning of all bodily systems, an alkaline
environment is necessary. The body, using the regulatory processes such
as respiration, digestion and hormone production, works to maintain
the acid/alkaline balance. Over-acidity puts enormous stress on the
body, affecting all cellular activities, leading to illnesses and disease
including skin problems, premature aging, fatigue, osteoporosis, kidney
failure and obesity. Examples of how the body copes with excessive
acid are the leaching of calcium from the bones to neutralize the blood
and the depositing of acid wastes in the fatty tissues that surround hips,
thighs and even our brains.
Reversing the acidosis, enabling the body to return to its natural
homeostasis, can be achieved by consuming an alkalizing diet,
increasing fluid intake and by including regular exercise in your daily
Lightworkers may experience burning sensations in the muscles
when the physical body lags behind during rapid development of
elevated states of consciousness. A-C Carbamide from Standard
Process Laboratories contains pure urea. It assists in flushing uric acid
from the body; follow dosage directions on the bottle. If you have severe
burning, you could take it 3 times a day. The body will harmlessly
eliminate what it does not use.

Adrenal Gland Imbalance/Fatigue

When we experience stress, the adrenal glands rally the body into a
‘fight or flight’ survival response by increasing adrenaline and cortisol

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

production. No matter what the cause of the stress, whether real or

perceived danger, the body sees it as an emergency.
The adrenal glands often go out of balance as a result of food
allergies7. It is likely that we will crave the very foods that we are
allergic to as the ingestion of these foods causes adrenalin to flush into
the system. It is this adrenalin rush that then creates the food cravings;
the spikes of adrenalin in the blood caused by allergens can cause an
acute or chronic state of emergency. The most common allergenic foods
are caffeine, wheat, corn, soy, egg and milk products as well as sugar.
Foods that cause allergies can also throw the endocrine system out
of balance and may result in high cholesterol8. The book Our Stolen
Future by Theo Colburn, Dianne Dumanoski, and John Peterson Myers
provides much information on this topic.
Muscle Testing for Allergies
Muscle testing, also know as applied kinesiology, is one way to
determine what foods you may be allergic to. You can visit a practitioner
or you may self-test. To do this you will need someone to help you. Tap
yourself hard a few times on the bony part of the sternum, just below
the throat area but above the heart. Hold one arm out straight, with
palm facing up and ask someone to push down on the arm while you
try to resist. Before they push your arm down, they say, ‘Resist’. This
will determine your strength and establishes a baseline.
Next, repeat the test with a loaf of wheat bread or any other suspected
allergen. Hold either the bread or other food by your midriff and again
let the other person say, ‘Resist’. If your arm becomes weaker and they
can easily move it down, this signals you should not eat the food. You
can muscle test all the foods you crave.

7 See the section on ‘Allergies’ for more information.

8 See the section on ‘Cholesterol’ for more information.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

HIV is an abbreviation for human immunodeficiency virus. It destroys
or damages the body’s immune system. AIDS is the abbreviation for
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. It is the most advanced stage
of infection with HIV. See the AIDS/HIV information in Belvaspata
Volumed Set; to be released in 2013.

Acid/Alkaline Balance
Acid-base balance, also known as pH, is the normal equilibrium
between acids and alkalis in the body; ‘with a normal acid-base balance
in the body, the blood is slightly alkaline’. Becoming either too acidic (a
pH lower than 7) or alkaline (a pH greater than 7) creates an imbalance
in our internal environment. Hyper-alkalinity may produce arthritic-
like pain all over the body. If you have pain ‘everywhere you push’,
you are either too alkaline or too acidic. Vegans who restrict their diet
to only raw foods, greens and juice may be too alkaline in pH.
When we enter into the state of awareness known as Oneness, it is
not required that we eat food in order to sustain our physical bodies.
Until then, food combining as explained in the book, The Body Ecology
Diet,9 reflects a balanced diet.
Slightly acidic bath or drinking water is actually good for the skin.
The skin stays young and beautiful, withstanding disease and bacteria
through maintenance of its acid mantle. This is why it is important not
to use hair products that are overly acidic or alkaline as it destroys the
acid balance. Products may contain wonderful healthy ingredients, but
if the acid mantle deteriorates the hair will become damaged.

9 The Body Ecology Diet, by Donna Gates compliments the 5-month program for
Chronic & Systemic Disease. For more information on this see Book 8, Part I.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Alchemical Sound Healing

There are three types of Alchemical Sound Healing including
the Rosecrucian Sound Healing, Alchemical Sound Healing and
Alchemical Sound Healing with Belvaspata. This book contains
information one one form of Alchemical Sound Healing (see Book
7, Methods of Healing). For more information of the other methods
of Sound Healing see the Belvaspata Volumed Set, to be released in

Vaccines, poor food combinations and an overburdened immune
system (due to too many stressors in the environment) cause allergies.
Allergies and sensitivities/intolerance not only result from a congested
liver but they can cause this condition. Examples of some stressors are
fabric softeners, flame-retardant agents in clothing, perfumes in laundry
detergent, shampoo, soap, pesticides in food, cooking in aluminum
pots and other metals. See the section on the Adrenals for instruction
on muscle testing for allergies.

Allergies /Pekana Homeopathic Products

A compromised immune system brought on by allergies needs to
be restored. Use of the following Pekana homeopathic remedies can
be helpful in restoring health and balance. Follow dosage and other
remedy guidelines as provided on the bottle(s) or as given in How to
Facilitate the Healing of Chronic and Systemic Disease by Almine.
Important: When using these remedies, take them either one hour
before or after food and always use plastic spoons or cups for dosing
(do not use metal spoons).
• Apo-Hepat: assists to rebuild the liver and support the immune

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

• Proaller: may be taken 5 to 6 times a day, 3 to 4 hours apart for

acute symptoms of allergy and immune system fatigue resulting
from allergies; otherwise use 3–4 times per day.
• Itires: supports the lymph system and may be used for lymph
congestion and problems in the nose, throat and lungs. Use the
homeopathic remedy 20 drops, three or four times a day.
Other suggestions
Remove other stressors from the environment such as phenols
found in almost all perfumed products, soaps, shampoos etc. Eliminate
smoke, caffeine and other substances in your environment as well as
mold and mildew.
Animal dander is often problematic. If you choose to own a pet be
meticulous about where it sleeps and bathe the pet often to remove
dander and loose hair, vacuum frequently and avoid the use of carpets
in the home.
Allergies represent irritation. Look at the foods or things in your
environment that irritate or have become intolerable to you. If there are
problems with other people, the book Journey to the Heart of God,10
has relevant information on conflict resolution.

Almine TV
See which features a 24/7 continual loop of original
work by Almine including sound elixirs,11 sound healing music and
photography. The elixirs, music and images contain a combination
of black and white light frequency that assists with the releasing
and dissolving of illusion and discordant frequencies within our
environment and us. Illusion is the root of all disease; sound healing
benefits health by detoxifying the body. For example, it has been found

10 See Journey to the Heart of God, page 190, for information on “Conflict Resolution”.
11 See Book 7, Methods of Healing, for more information on Rosecrucian Sound
Healing and visit

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

that different notes on the piano benefit specific systems in the body.
The note ‘g’ balances the lungs and the heart area, enabling them to
express properly. Other keys work with other systems within the body.
Through the combined effects of the photographs and the sound
elixirs, Almine TV assists in ‘clearing space’. It is recommended to use
full screen mode to clear the environment. The photographic images
are gateways into the essence of matter as they contain both black and
white light, which cancel one another out. These images look enhanced
from what normal eyes see as they see life within the article/object,
causing it to appear as though ‘lit from within’.
As you look at the images and listen to the ‘music’ using the totality
of your senses, you can experience the vibrancy of life. The image may
simply be the photograph of a tree branch lying in the mud yet it is
alive, and together they seem to create poetry. For instance, we hear the
song of the heron, sea gulls, algae, frogs and the mist in the trees and
together they form a poem. Almine TV also promotes a deep, profound
silence and peace, which in turn promotes restful sleep.

Alchemical Sound Elixirs for Alzheimer Disease

See Alchemical Sound Elixirs for Autism and Alzheimer’s disease
in the Belvaspata Volumed Set, to be released in 2013.

Amalgam Fillings
Amalgam is the substance dentists use to fill our teeth. One of the
main constituents of amalgam is mercury, which is water-soluble and
one of the most toxic metals on earth. Despite identifying the effects
of mercury poisoning a few centuries ago, people continue to ignore
its hazardous side effects and it continues to be used daily in dental
practices around the world.
The fur industry also used mercury for a long time. People who
worked with the furs and prepared them with mercury became horribly

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

ill with tremors, dementia and all sorts of physical symptoms that
resulted in an early death.
It is unwise to have amalgam fillings and it may be necessary to
have them removed. People who have cashed in their retirement funds
to have amalgam fillings removed from their teeth are in many ways
better off than those who retain this type of fillings.
There are associated health risks in having amalgam fillings
removed as large amounts of mercury can be released into the body. It
is important that you prepare your body in advance. To do this follow
the 5-month purification program as given in the manual, How to
Facilitate the Healing of Chronic and Systemic Disease.12 The 2-hour
audio lecture by Almine that accompanies this manual, details how
health fails progressively through various organs and systems, like
dominoes falling over, and the importance of regaining health and
strength by rebuilding and strengthening the excretionary pathways,
organs and systems in a reverse, progressive order.
Until you are able to use the 5-month program you can do the
following to remove metals from the body:
1. Use Toxex from Pekana Remedies along with Apo-Hepat to pull
out impurities, including parasites. Toxic ‘die off’13 from parasites
often lodges in the tissues and Toxex will help to pull this out,
so it can be excreted from the body. Apo-Hepat also strengthens
the liver to make sure toxins do not lodge there, and it supports
2. Use very high dosages of vitamin C, which also helps to chelate
heavy metals. Intravenous (IV) administration is preferable as
it enables the best absorption of vitamin C. It is, however, an
invasive procedure and health care professionals must administer

12 To purchase the 5-month cleansing program and the 2-hour audio, visit www.
13 The term ‘die off’ refers to the release of toxins following the death of the parasites.
These need to be eliminated from the body.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

it. Look for a physician that offers IV administration of water-

soluble vitamins and minerals; it is also suggested to receive the
entire panel of amino acids. An IV drip of minerals, vitamins
and amino acids will stay in the system longer and absorb more
efficiently when administered slowly, preferably over 2–4 hours.
It is recommended to repeat the IV drip treatment 2 times a
month, ideally for 4 or 5 months, to help chelate heavy metals
out of the body. Ask your physician to use the highest amount of
vitamin C possible.
Megadoses of vitamin C powder may be taken in water or juice.
The recommended type of vitamin C for least gastric upset is
the ascorbate form. Determine your individual threshold dose by
increasing the size of doses of powder until diarrhea develops. Once
the system can tolerate high doses without any diarrhea, increase
the dosage again – this process can be repeated as tolerated. Excess
vitamin C is eliminated in urine or stool and does not accumulate
in the body.
Note: When chewed, megadoses of Vitamin C may erode tooth
enamel. Those with renal impairment, a history of kidney stones or iron
absorption conditions should also consult their health care practitioner
prior to any vitamin C megadose therapy.

3. Certain clays can also assist in removing heavy metals from

the body. John Thomas, author of Young Again14 has written
information on this subject.
4. Although a slow process, activated charcoal capsules can help rid
the body of metals. Take at least 2 capsules a day (morning and
evening); 4 twice a day is preferable.

14 The website for John Thomas is

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

The above suggestions are methods that temporarily assist in

removing metals from the body. To eliminate them completely it is
necessary to have the fillings themselves removed.
The Toltec Nagual15 teachings disclose that meridians that run through
the teeth also affect the body’s soft tissues. Thus, a decayed or problem
tooth can create stress in some of the muscular groups in the body. Sigils
are given that can be successfully used to balance the teeth.16

Anger signals that something needs to shift or that something stagnant
needs to be let go of; it breaks up density. Anger tries to teach us to live
from a higher perspective. It will push and prod us. To break through
this threshold to a place where we can answer our own questions may
require increasing amounts of anger. Eventually anger will no longer
be a guidance mechanism, but at the present, do not be afraid to express
it. Perhaps you see a theme in your life where you notice that people
repeatedly blame others, lie, cheat, act unreliably, etc. It may initially
be something quite insignificant. Then you see more and more of it
until you eventually say, enough is enough, and anger rises.
Avoid taking anger17 out on another. When anger is used as a tool
and expressed appropriately in a disciplined and masterful way, it
is a blessing. If expressed in a vengeful or other inappropriate way,
repercussions of anger cause alienation from others and result in a
diminished quality of interactions; we lose opportunities for joy.
Though anger has had its place in steering and guiding us, it is time
for new tools that direct us towards interpreting divine intent. We are
guided by what we appreciate. Appreciation requires we get out of our
ego and release all feelings of self-pity, self-importance, or thinking

15 See The Way of the Toltec Nagual.

16 See Appendix II: Symbols verses Sigils. Also see Book II for information on
“Restoration of Dental Health”.
17 See Journey to the Heart of God for coping mechanisms to deal with rage and anger.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

that life owes us. Instead, we wholeheartedly embrace the adventure of

each day and in doing so we learn so many new things.
Appreciation pulls us in new directions. We recognize a section of
our life as beautiful, praiseworthy, life enhancing or whatever we wish
to call it. It is like a flashlight that shines on an area, illuminating it. As
gratitude increases in our life, emotions of recognition actually become
a guide in the direction of that which we appreciate.

Some have asked what to do about a hostile person, environment, etc.

You do nothing. You find what aspect inside yourself is manifesting
such big events around you and you heal yourself. You do this with
the multiple tools we have received that are the most incredible
tools on Earth today. I hope people will soon realize this.

Antioxidants and Rejuvenating Agents

Antioxidants are substances that protect your cells against the effects
of free radicals. Free radicals are molecules produced when your body
breaks down food. They can also be the result of exposure to toxins
in our environment such as tobacco smoke, smog and radiation. Free
radicals can damage cells, and may play a role in heart disease, cancer
and other diseases.
Some of the highest food sources of antioxidants18 are Ningxia
wolfberry, blueberries, kale, strawberries and spinach. All raw, pure fats
and oils contain antioxidants as well as vitamins A, C and E. Vitamin A
is a metabolite of beta-carotene, a red pigment found in carrots, squash,
gogi berries, etc. Lake Klamath is one of the richest environments for the
growth of fresh water blue-green algae, a highly powerful antioxidant.
Each year, 17 streams and rivers deposit over 50, 000 tons of mineral-
rich silt from the surrounding volcanic basin into the lake.

18 See Understanding Antioxidants by David Wolfe in Secrets of Rejuvenation.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

The essential oils that have the highest amount of antioxidants are
clove, cinnamon bark, thyme, oregano and mountain savory. Virgin
olive oil is a natural health aid for a variety of reasons. It improves
brain maturation and function, aids in membrane development, cell
formation and differentiation, reduces production of cholesterol,
gallstones and assists in bile secretion and the digestion of fats.

Aravespi Stra-unat – Emotional Healing

The modality of Aravespi Stra-unat is designed to remove the
mental and emotional illusions that are the root of pain, fear, anger
and protectiveness. Because the microcosm in a reflection of the
macrocosm, use of this form of Belvaspata aids the cosmos. For an
more information on Aravespi Stra-unat – Emotional Healing see the
Belvaspata Volumed Set, to be released in 2013

Argan Oil
The seeds of the tree contain rhodium and iridium, which have anti-
aging and rejuvenation qualities These minerals reset the skin to its
youthful properties. It is also very beneficial for conditioning the hair.

Arthritis is a condition that affects the joints, causing inflammation,
pain and stiffness. It may be rheumatoid, an auto-immune condition or
osteoarthritis, a condition caused by wear and tear of the joints.
The joints represent our flexibility and depending what joint is
affected, we can gleam more information and insights into what our
body is communicating to us. (See the Language of Pain.)

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder that causes the airways
of the lungs to swell and narrow, leading to symptoms of wheezing,

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

shortness of breath, chest tightness, coughing and production of excess

mucus. Allergies can trigger and lead to the development of asthma.
According to the American Lung Association, almost 20 million
Americans suffer from asthma, which is reported to be responsible for
over 14 million lost school days in children, and an annual economic
cost of more than $16.1 billion. Increasing consumption of whole
grains and fish could reduce the risk of childhood asthma by about 50%,
suggests the International Study on Allergy and Asthma in Childhood
(Tabak C, Wijga AH, Thorax).
Asthma indicates the need for self-expression, so it important to find
areas in your life where full expression is inhibited. Over-parenting can
be a key reason for lack of self-expressing. Anything that curbs a child’s
ability to express and explore their inner and outer worlds (particularly
between the crucial ages of two and five) could bring about asthma;
especially too many do’s and don’ts for a child. Prolonged periods of
bed rest due to illness can also have an impact. Parents belief systems
and the instilling of deep-seated fears can prevent children from
expressing, as it may feel unsafe for them to do so.
Exercise to strengthen the muscles of breathing
Place 12 small balloons that are difficult to blow up in a little basket
next to your toilet in the bathroom. Every time you are in the bathroom,
blow up all 12 of them. Repeating this exercise regularly will help to
strengthen the breathing muscles. Also practice exhaling with tightly
pursed lips to strengthen breathing muscles.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is diagnosed
by behavior that includes an inability to focus, incessant talking and

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

motion, and poor impulse control; most often diagnosed at ages 3–6 in
children, (twice as often in males) but can also be diagnosed in adults.
Although much research has been done to establish physical and other
causative factors that contribute to this behavior disorder, not many
have considered the possibility of spiritual causation:
Advanced State of Spiritual Evolution
The average person lives in contracted awareness and this allows
him to focus on details. As he moves to the next evolutionary stage,
that of the Master, his mind silences, he has no memory and he exists
in expanded awareness, unable to focus or retain even short memory.
Past Life Memory
Time lies like a spiral of black light and frequency behind the present
life (which is composed of white light and frequency). If a soul clings
to past lives because of their glory or their pain, it forces the focus
back to those past incarnations, creating only a partial presence in the
present. This results in a dissociative state of awareness.
The reality in which we live has a parallel reality, which also consists
of black light and frequency. Each of us has a presence consisting of
multiple incarnations in both realities, like two ends of a stick. With two
opposite poles, if one pole increases the other decreases. In the parallel
reality, consciousness raises primarily through heightened frequency.
Therefore, if a master existed primarily in one reality, their light and
mental abilities would diminish in the other.
Irash Satva Yoga and Shrihat Satva Yoga are the first and second
bodies of Devi Satva Yoga, as received by Almine. (Other forms
of yoga include Saradesi Satva Yoga and Aranash Yoga). Irash
Satva yoga assists with clearing blockages and enhancing the
movement of resources in the body and Shrihat Satva Yoga assists
with the clearing of past incarnations. Therefore, these two yogas in
particular, assist with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. See

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Autism, more commonly known as autistic spectrum disorders, is
a developmental disorder that is usually diagnosed in childhood, but
not always. Symptoms may vary across the spectrum but it is usually
recognized by impairment in one’s ability to communicate with others
and by stereotypical behavior patterns such as: lack of speech and
interaction with others, inability to tolerate touch, and a preoccupation
with repetitive activities.
The mind of someone in autism is almost entirely functioning in
black light range. The definition of light is accessed information.
Black light inverts this information. The template of mind is therefore
The 144 Belvaspata equations are specifically designed to facilitate
two outcomes:
1. To rectify the inverted template and restore the accessing of
information to an acceptable range.
2. To promote the mindless condition of a master. This is the
optimum outcome for any mental disability, since masters bypass
thought in favor of effortless knowing.
Read the powerful story of a practitioner's experience using
Belvaspata for a young adult with autism on the Belvaspata website.
The Alchemical Sound Elixirs for Autism and Alzheimer’s disease
are forthcoming in the Belvaspata Volumed Set, to be released in 2013.

Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are small, oval, brownish insects that live on the blood of
animals or humans; they are a form of lice. Adult bed bugs have flat
bodies about the size of an apple seed. After feeding, however, their
bodies swell and are a reddish color. They cannot fly but can move
quickly over floors, walls and ceilings. They do not carry disease,

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

but are a huge nuisance, especially as they can prevent people from
sleeping properly. They can be particularly problematic in hotels and
Sound elixirs19 deter bed bugs from moving into your environment.
Bed bug infestations reflect increasing density within the body. A reason
for this is that we are finding more answers. Sound elixirs break down
form and frequency held in patterns, and also prevent nano-organisms
from coming into contact with lightworkers.
Young Living Lavender oil can also assist in the elimination of bed
bugs as they cannot tolerate the frequency of lavender. Pour the desired
quantity of high quality almond oil (as a carrier oil) into a spray bottle,
and add a small amount (10 drops or desired amount) of lavender oil.
Spray it over yourself, the bed sheets, under the bed, in vents of the
room and around the perimeter of your house or apartment.

Belvaspata Daily Maintenance Program

For details about Daily Maintenance Program go to Book II Part VII.
For an in-depth guide to the Belvaspata Daily Maintenance Program
see the Belvaspata Volumed Set, to be released in 2013.

Bipolar Disorder
The exact symptoms of this condition may vary from person to
person, with mood swings ranging from depression to irritability,
elevated mood and euphoria; often the mood swings can be very rapid.
For more information on healing Bipolar Disorder see the Belvaspata
Volumed Set, to be released in 2013.
The weight of trauma, old contracts, karma and loss from past
lifetimes pulls a person of bipolar disorder and depression into the

19 For more information on Sound Elixirs, see

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

melancholy and pain of the past. The sublevel frequencies of the past
are known as black light and black-light frequencies. In the body, the
assemblage point that determines the person’s perspective and reality,
drops to a lower position. The subconscious mind generates these
sublevel frequencies that cause depression.
The person with bipolar disorder sinks so low in their assemblage
point position that a backlash safety mechanism takes over. This driving
force is master-minded by the frontal lobes of the brain and pushes
the person into living in the future. The manic-depressive personality
rushes into the future to escape the past, spending very little time in the
peace of the moment.
The forthcoming Belvaspata protocol is designed to help solve the
situation and is to be released as part of a Volumed in 2013/2014.

A birthmark is a type of skin marking that is present at birth; varying
widely in size, shape and color.
Birthmarks may be seen as an emphasis or a reminder regarding a
specific area or place on the body. For instance, a birthmark around the
belly button, the center of will, may remind you not to exert your will
onto others or life.

Bites, Stings and Sunburn

Insect repellants
Orange peel may be rubbed across exposed skin to serve as an insect
repellant; lavender and cedar oil also works to repel insects.
Aloe Vera is beneficial in treating bites and burns. You can use the
gel of an Aloe Vera plant from your home or purchase a gel product
from a health food store or pharmacy. Chilled witch hazel, white or

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

apple cider may be used to decrease the itching of bites. Aloe Vera
gel is cooling and soothing for sunburn and helps healing. Tannic acid
powder dissolved in cool bath water soothes sunburn.
Activated charcoal is an effective treatment for spider or other bites
and stings. First, remove any stingers. Use clean water to make a paste
of the charcoal and apply it to the affected area. A piece of plastic wrap
covered with a bandage will keep the charcoal paste in place. This is
also an excellent remedy for boils or pimples. A paste of baking soda
and cool water is an excellent antidote for stings.
Note: If an insect bite or sting creates an allergic reaction resulting
in abnormal swelling, welts, difficulty in breathing or signs of shock,
obtain emergency medical assistance.

The urinary bladder functions as a temporary storage reservoir for
urine as it is excreted from the kidneys. Due to the elasticity of its
tissue, it can expand like a balloon and hold up to 2 cups of urine.
As it fills up, you feel stronger and stronger urges to empty it. In an
overactive bladder, the bladder muscle starts squeezing to push urine
out before you’re ready to go – even if your bladder isn’t full. These
contractions can create strong sudden urges to urinate, which can lead
to leaks/incontinence. Following childbirth, many women experience
weakened bladder muscle and the ligaments that support it.
Irritable bladder syndrome is the equivalent of irritable bowel
syndrome and can be caused by allergies to foods, micro-organisms, or
chemicals. Foods or beverages that contain caffeine, may also irritate
the bladder. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water per day to keep your
system flushed.
See the A-Z section on Urinary Tract Infections and Incontinence.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

The bladder formed when the polarity of ‘right and wrong’ first
arose. We then found that we had to choose between what was life
enhancing and what was not life enhancing, rather than following the
passion and joy of our existence. This resulted in holding in what we
actually felt and eliminated our authentic expression. For example, the
bladder holds onto the things that we do not express. In order to keep the
peace and to prevent others from getting upset, we hold onto that which
we really want to say. We may consider this as being ‘good,’ because
we define being ‘good’ as tolerating what is actually dysfunctional. We
allow ourselves to be controlled by others. This can lead to bladder
infections. Look at your life to see if you need to ‘speak up’ and more
fully express yourself. The bladder will develop symptoms to attract
our attention when there are things that we are not expressing.

Accepting the unacceptable is not saintly, it is dysfunctional.

It is your sacred duty to safeguard the divine heritage you have
received from the Infinite’s hand.

For more information on healing vision impairments, see the
Belvaspata Volumed Set, to be released in 2013.

Abdominal bloating can be caused by many conditions; one common
reason is excessive gas in the intestines. Improper food combining
which results in delayed or poor digestion can also cause bloating; for
example, combining carbohydrates and proteins at the same meal or
eating fruit and drinking milk with other foods. Excessive amount of
refined foods and poor food combining can make the bowel very thick

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

and enlarged due to a lack of bowel movements. Enemas may help but
colonics are more effective as they irrigate the bowel more extensively.
Kefir, a fermented milk drink, may assist in establishing a healthy
G.I. tract. While it can cause bloating or perhaps diarrhea if you drink
too much, too quickly – with continued use these symptoms will
Regular cleaning of the bowel is important. Drinking plenty of
fluids is the core requirement for healthy bowels. Most people think
one bowel movement a day is the norm but actually two or three times
a day, to match the number of big meals you consume, is more the
Regular use of herbal teas is helpful, but use caution as some may
cause cramping. Organic apple cider vinegar (ACV) can also help with
bowel movements. Place 1–2 teaspoons of ACV in a glass of pure water
and drink 2–3 glasses a day. You may add a couple of drops of stevia,
a natural sweetener, to the solution. Over time, these methods will help
to reduce the enlargement of the colon and bowel.
Cortisol, the stress hormone, is a particular reason for bloating of the
abdomen, especially in the area around the navel.

Blood conditions
Blood is representative of love. If there is an area of your body that
blood does not flow to refer to the Language of Pain to see what that
area represents. For example, the feet represent moving forward in life.
If that area is not being filled with blood, it is an area that you do not
love. If you do not love the way you are moving through your life, you
need to abandon it immediately, you need to change it because a path
with heart is the only life worth living.
The ability to love is very important. If we deliberately withhold
love, we find constriction in our arteries. Hardened arteries mean
hardened emotions and restrictions on giving and receiving love.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Body – Physical Form

The appearance of the physical body is a manifestation of a specific
form in dense matter.
The physical form of the body seems to impose a specific shape,
weight or height for us. What determines our physical form? In essence,
form is fluid and the body can manifest fluidly. To begin to understand
the fluidity of form, see for photos
which show Almine standing over 7 feet tall in front of a woman that
appears about the same size as a small child. Another photo shows
Almine about the size of a small child of about six or seven years.

Children and adults will benefit from the following books and you
can read them to younger children. If you teach your child the world
around him is supportive and healing, you raise a self-reliant child.
These books teach about the value of all life and how we support nature
when we work in cooperation with it.
See the books, The Vision and Grandfather by Tom Brown.

The constant chatter of the surface mind keeps us out of the present
moment, always asking ‘if only’ and ‘what if’ in reference to the past
and future. As ‘monkey mind’ is silenced, we begin to realize that all
that really exists is the present moment. Masters are those who live
in the present moment20 and who have the option of experiencing the

20 See the online course, The Science of Immortality and Incorruptibility at Also see “Silence of the Mind” in the A–Z section of this

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

release of linear time, resulting in silence of the mind. This frees the
awareness and increases perception.

Several types of yoga introduced by Almine work with the breath. In
Shrihat Satva Yoga21, we use eye movements, breath, and head postures
to release past life traumas. This brings the breath to stillness.
Saradesi Satva Yoga exists to bring stillness to movement and
movement to stillness, yet it also contributes in bringing silence to the
movement of breath. This yoga uses postures that contain movement
within stillness; similar to the martial art forms that use very slow
movements like Tai Chi, Chi Gong, etc.
The Arasatma Breathing Technique.
This technique was used by ancient mystics to activate the unused
portion of the pranic tube22 for fuller self-expression and inner peace.
Releasing the traumas of the past, the subtle, etheric functions of the
body and senses are restored, allowing the practitioner to access other
dimensions and a prolonged eternal life of graceful unfolding.
Information on this technique is forthcoming in early 2013 and will
also be available as an online course. See

Breasts represent nurturing and love, whether of self or others.
Woman may experience the onset of breast issues, including cancer,
if they have unresolved issues of love, self-worth, or a ‘broken heart’

21 See section on ‘Yoga’ in the A–Z of this book. See for
more details on Irash Satva Yoga, Shrihat Satva Yoga, Saradesi Yogas and Aranash Yoga.
22 The pranic tube is the size of the circle that forms when you place the tip of the thumb
to the tip of the middle finger on the same hand. It is located in the middle of the body,
extending from the crown to the perineum at the base of the spine. Unseen to the human
eye, it nevertheless plays a vital part in the circuitry of the flow of energy in the body.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

(whereas men may experience a heart attack). Women who experience

hostile marital relationships, such as verbal or physical abuse, infidelity,
or other discord may also develop breast problems, which are usually
located in the right breast. This often reflects the woman’s inability to
express in the marriage relationship.
Lymph fluid congestion (related to blocked emotions) may lead to
sub-acute infections or other type of inflammation within the body. A
classic sign of lymph congestion is coldness and a stiff neck.
Breast/Lymph Congestion
To confirm the presence of lymph congestion in the breasts, press
under either side of the collarbone (clavicle), nearest the shoulder. If
you press along the top of a breast around the rib cage (on either side),
you will find the lymph terminal and it will be very sore. This soreness
affects the lymph all the way into the head and causes congestion due
to the accumulation of mucus. If not cleared, breast milk ducts may
hold mucus that may eventually lead to cancer.
The Pekana homeopathic remedy Itires, 20 drops, taken 3 times a
day for 2 months, supports the clearing of the lymph system. Ricura is
a Pekana homeopathic remedy used to clear the sinuses. It is important
to use Itires for about 3 weeks before you introduce Ricura to help
eliminate sinus infections. Opsonat (20 drops, 3 times a day), is
another Pekana homeopathic remedy that clears the sinuses and mucus
membranes of infections. Some describe this product as phenomenal.
Mucus producing foods can cause a build-up of mucus in our
intestines. Opsonat assists the body to release mucus, which may later
also show up in bowel movements. You can feel the G.I. track decongest
and eventually the mucus membranes become balanced.

A burn is damage to your body’s tissues caused by heat, chemicals,
electricity, sunlight or radiation. Scalds from hot liquids and steam,

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

building fires and burns from flammable gases or liquids are the most
common types. Burns are classified according to severity as first,
second or third degree. First and second-degree burns usually heal on
their own; third degree burns may require a skin graft or artificial graft
to assist new skin to grow over the burn area. A major concern with
burns is infection, as the skin is the body’s protective barrier. Seek
medical advice for serious burns.
Minor burns
Apply ice topically at once to stop further skin deterioration. The ice
should remain in place for about 10 seconds; then wash the area with
cool water in which tea (black/pekoe) has been steeped. The tea contains
tannic acid, which helps to heal the burns. Creams or ointments that
contain tannic acid can also be applied before covering the burn with
gauze or a bandage to protect the area. Tannic acid powder dissolved in
cool bath water can help to soothe sunburn.
Review the use of pure therapeutic grade Young Living Lavender
Oil for burns. Applying it twice a day helps to prevent scarring.

Allopathic medical studies report that often persons who experience
an extreme shock such as a death in the family, illness, loss of a job,
divorce, etc. can develop cancer within one year following such a shock.
The experience of loss in our lives may create an ‘empty place’ within
and in such cases we may develop a condition to fill the ‘emptiness’.
Cancer can also result from a lack of presence in a certain area of the
body. If the cancer is there, a piece of you has been abandoned. Which
piece of your life have you abandoned. It can be described as ‘not being
at home for ourselves’.
For more information on cancer see the Belvaspata Volumed Set, to
be released in 2013

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Candidiasis (Candida)
Candidiasis or Candida23 is a systemic overgrowth of fungus in the
body and can be a huge challenge as it can affect every single organ.
Candida is not a condition that is usually healed quickly because it has
developed over time and can even penetrate the walls of the intestines
with aerobic and anaerobic fungus, such as Candida Albicans and
Candida Parapsilosis. It can also enter into the bloodstream.
The full 5-month program, How to Facilitate the Healing of Chronic
& Systemic Disease,24 is one course of treatment that has been found
to assist in the elimination of Candida and is available as a manual
and a 2-hour audio lecture. The manual details the entire program
and explains why it took five years to design it. The audio provides
specific details of how chronic conditions create malfunctioning organs
and systems as well as multiple solutions for restoring the organs and
systems in the most systematic and optimal way.
Often individuals who are chronically ill or immune compromised
don’t realize how fatigued they are and how unwell they actually
feel, and actually consider their low level of function to be ‘normal’.
This program restores health and strength on all levels. For further
information see the “Purification and Detoxification Program Part I and
II” on the Belvaspata website25.
A food plan, combined with apple cider vinegar (ACV),26 will not
eliminate Candida, but it can help to reduce it. Foods that contain sugar,
yeast, fungus or mold such as breads, beer, mushrooms and cheeses
should be avoided and stress eliminated as much as possible, as it
depletes the immune system.
ACV is rich in amino acids that stimulate the pituitary to release the
human growth hormone. It also helps to balance the blood sugar and

23 See Book 8 Parts I, for Candida symptoms and treatment.

24 See to obtain the book and 2-hour audio.
25 See
26 See Book 8 Part II.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

to clean the liver and gall bladder. It is excellent for parasites in the
G.I. tract and the gut. If possible, only use organic ACV that has been
fermented in wooden vats and contains ‘the mother’.

Cardiac Support – Homeopathic Remedies

For arrhythmias, hypertension and/or disrupted circulatory functions
follow the directions on the bottles of Pekana homeopathic remedies of
Cardinorma, Clauparest and Coro-Calm.
For more information on Heart Disease see the Belvaspata Volumed
Set, to be release in 2013.

Central Nervous System

The central nervous system is composed of the brain, spinal cord
and peripheral nervous system. It coordinates and communicates nerve
impulses throughout the body. The skull protects the brain, while the
vertebrae protect the spinal cord, and both are enclosed in the meninges.
Nervous System Support
Beneficial Pekana remedies are Dalektro N, 20 drops and Psy-Stabil,
20 drops four times a day. For extreme depression and anxiety use Psy-
Stabil, 25 drops every 4 hours while awake for 3 months. Supplement
with St. John’s Wort tea, 2 cups daily and Melatonin at night.

Chest Congestion and Children with Croup

Croup is a common respiratory condition that is usually triggered
by an acute viral infection of the upper airway that leads to swelling
in the throat. The swelling interferes with normal breathing and causes
hoarseness, stridor and the ‘barking cough’ that is characteristic of this
condition. The symptoms are often worse at night. Cool or moist air
might bring relief. Bring the child into a steamy bathroom to breathe
moist air or outside into the cool night air. You can even allow their face
to be exposed to the cool air of the freezer for a very short time. If you

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

have a cool air vaporizer, set it up in the child’s bedroom and use it for
a few nights.
For chest congestion provide exposure to moist air; sit or stand with
a child in a steam room or near a hot, steamy shower. The child should
be able to inhale the steam but have no contact with the water. You can
also place a vaporizer inside a ‘tent’ created with a blanket or towel
around the child’s head. If the cough is unproductive and the chest
congestion seems to be stuck, increase the amount of liquids. Soups
are also beneficial, with the inclusion of onions and garlic, which have
antibacterial and antiviral properties.
When using a vaporizer, you can play the following game with
your child in order to do chest percussion, which loosens mucus and
decreases chest congestion (best done after a warm bath):
Place the child on their stomach with pillows under the stomach and
hips so that hips are higher than the chest and head. With cupped hands
and using an impact that is firm but comfortable for the child, sing a
couple of cheery songs they enjoy and play ‘drum’ on the child’s back,
always moving the hand percussion from the lower lung area towards
the shoulder. This helps to move the phlegm towards the upper chest
and throat so that it can be coughed out.
If you wish to give the child herbs but they won’t drink herbal teas:
Place the herbs in a plastic bag and pulverize them with your fingers.
Remove the powdered herbs and mix them with a little almond oil to
make a paste; rub the paste on the soles of the feet. Put cotton socks
on the feet to help with absorption and leave the socks on overnight.
Soaking the feet in warm water prior to applying the herb paste can
enhance the benefits of absorption.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Chest Inflammation
Chest inflammation can be the result of not expressing and also
prevents the body from expressing. Any constriction of the throat and
lungs can prevent full expression. We may ask ourselves, “How do I
problem solve with people and yet honor their methods of communicating
in a way that all can speak their truth without offending?” Information
on conflict resolution can be found in Journey to the Heart of God.27
Sound elixirs28 can also help to release the illusions in your life.
We all know that spirits lift when someone sings, even if only in the
shower. Lightworkers need to realize that we live among others who
try to run our lives. We need to stand up in our divinity. It helps to
cope with density when we realize ‘what we are not’, and that we can
create a life that is beyond density. Belief that harm can come in any
way such as black magic or shadows cast by our own light also allows
density to close in. We want to feel peace at home; a sacred space where
expression and joy live.

Cholesterol Levels
Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that occurs naturally in all
parts of the body. Your body needs some cholesterol to work properly
but if you have too much in your blood, it can stick to the walls of your
arteries; this is known as plague. Plaque can narrow your arteries or
even block them. High levels of cholesterol in the blood can increase
your risk of heart disease.
One reason for high levels of cholesterol is an imbalance in the
endocrine system. The adrenals29 are one of the root causes of this

27 See Chapter 4, ‘The Alchemy of Relationship’ in Journey to the Heart of God.

28 See ‘Sound Healing’ in the A–Z section of this book and book. See www. for more information on Elixirs.
29 Also, see ‘Adrenals’ in this A–Z section.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

imbalance as are foods that we are allergic to. Areas of our lives that
are stagnant may create high blood pressure and low-grade stress. High
stress produces cholesterol and can adversely affect adrenal function,
causing adrenal fatigue.
To improve health, it is important to reduce one’s stress levels.
Include rest and relaxation, as well as gentle exercise into your daily
schedule. Yoga and meditation has also been shown to be helpful. Find
an activity that you enjoy.
Do not suppress emotions; it is important to feel them for what they
are. Be sure not to direct outbursts at others especially loved ones.
Change is essential and reminds us of ‘old stuff’ that we need to release.
See the online course, Secrets of Rejuvenation.30 This course provides
information on the Fountain of Youth records; giving the participants
such an expanded vision that they no longer stay in the old method of
fretting over every little thing in their environment. Studying such a
course and really living and integrating the principals will help to calm
your life.
The Pekana homeopathic remedy Psy-Stabil is a wonderful support
for management of stress, (also depression and anxiety). Drink calming
teas with Uva Ursa, Chamomile or Lavender on a regular basis. Do
not use these teas for deep depression. Take St John’s Wort tea for no
longer than 3 months daily for mild depression.
Plastics interfere with hormones and the regulation of cholesterol in
the body. Most plastics are water-soluble. If you weigh a water bottle
prior to putting the water into it and after you have emptied it, there will
be a minuscule but definite change of weight depending on the amount
of time the bottle has held the water. That means you have ingested
some of its plastic.
Soy and Canola Oil are refined oils that mimic hormones in the body.
It is time for us to cook our own food and eat out less as restaurants

30 Purchase the online course at

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

often use these oils along with aluminum pots, pans and cooking
utensils. Cooking with anything but extra virgin olive oil or ghee may
interfere with our hormone function. The book, Our Stolen Future by
Theo Colburn, Dianne Dumanoski and John Peterson Myers, tells the
story of endocrine disturbance.

Colds are a common viral infection of the upper respiratory tract.
Treatment involves management of symptoms such as runny nose,
nasal congestion and sneezing. Using a vaporizer in the room where the
person sleeps may help to decrease congestion. Place a drop of Young
Living Lavender oil on the pajama collar or top and/or use lavender oil
drops in a warm footbath; when used on the feet, the oil goes directly
into the body.
Avoid dairy products as they increase mucus production and
congestion. Drink liquids high in vitamin C, which supports the immune
system. Camphor, mint and peppermint teas may ease congestion, but
remember that they interfere with the use of homeopathic remedies.

Connective Tissue Disorders

A connective tissue disease is any disease that affects the connective
tissues of the body such as Lupus, brittle bone disease, and rheumatoid
arthritis. See also “Lupus” in this A–Z section. For more information
on connective tissue disorders see the Belvaspata Volumed Set, to be
released in 2013

Constipation is defined as infrequent or difficult to pass bowel
movements, sometimes accompanied by a feeling of distended abdomen
and/or abdominal cramping. Some foods may cause constipation, and
an insufficient intake of fluids is another contributing factor.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

For infants, allow them to nurse frequently, on demand. Bottle fed

infants should have bottles offered frequently and pure water as well as
the addition of pure juices per individual age and preferences.
A teaspoon of slippery elm powder mixed into fresh pear puree is
also beneficial for young children. Older children and adults can eat
figs, prunes, raisins, currants and real maple syrup. Ensure adequate
fluid intake for all ages.
Regular enemas are helpful but colonics are definitely the best as
they irrigate the bowel much more, especially if meat is part of the diet.
Drink plenty of fluids to keep the bowel moving. Most people think
one bowel movement a day is normal although it should occur after
every big meal or about three times a day. Certain herbal teas help the
bowel flow. Test herbal teas as some cause cramping and some do not.
Figure the dosage that works best for you and use it on a regular basis
but avoid dependency. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) with pure water also
helps bowel movements. Over months, the ACV solution will help
reduce the enlargement of the colon and bowel.

For older children, mix a tablespoon of equal parts of lemon juice
and honey.31
In a health food store, find a good remedy that contains licorice or
cherry bark. Elderberry syrup is used for its antioxidant activity and
is beneficial for coughs, colds, flu, bacterial and viral infections and
tonsilitis. Elderberry juice was used to treat a flu epidemic in Panama
in 1995.

31 Never give honey to babies or small children as it may carry the risk of botulism.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Curvature of the Spine

It takes a great deal to solve curvature of the spine because muscles
have developed in a very specific manner over a period of time, due to
varied causative factors.
Toltec Dream Symbols state that bones reflect parental and
hereditary information – our past. Undue influences in our lives such
as a domineering father, mother or other persons of authority will curve
the spine. It is like the feminine pushes the spine, causing curvature
to the right. Then the masculine pushes the spine to the left, creating
curvature to the left.
Sometimes the spine curves in opposite ways that may indicate
avoiding issues of the heart. Years of good chiropractic care may or
may not work to balance the spine; for some cases spinal surgery is
Esoteric healing approaches include the Toltec32 body healing
system and gemstone activation of crystals in the spine, personal sound
elixirs33 and Belvaspata.34

Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary disease that causes thick, sticky mucus
to build up in the lungs, digestive tract, and other areas of the body. It
is one of the most common chronic lung diseases in children. For more
information on Cystic Fibrosis see the Belvaspata Volumed Set, to be
released in 2013.

32 See Toltec Nagual healing information in Belvaspata Healing Volume Set.

33 See and ‘Sound Healing’ in the A–Z section of this
34 See the Bonus Section in this book and

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Deafness, or inability to hear, may exist at birth or develop over time
with many varied causative factors. For more information on Hearing
Impairments see the Belvaspata Volumed Set, to be released in 2013

Diaper Rash and other Skin Irritations

Wash the affected area with cool water or cool Calendula flower tea.35
Zinc ointment of any kind, will work overnight. Adequate intake of fluids
and frequent changes of diapers will possibly prevent development of
such conditions; urine and stool are irritants to tender skin.

Feelings of density, or of being blocked, may be experienced for
several reasons. We feel density when we reach a threshold or we are
ready to make a major shift. It is as if we run into an invisible membrane
where we feel stuck and blocked. Electromagnetic stress can also create
feeling of density and block or interfere with experiences into higher
levels of consciousness.
If we keep our eyes simply fixed ‘above the storm,’ we are less
likely to be affected by outside interferences. To continually ‘raise our
eyes above the storm’ however takes discipline. We do not look at the
storm around us because we know that from the larger perspective (big
picture) it is only a storm in a teacup.
As long as we find something each day to be aware of that is glorious
and beautiful and where praise, love and gratitude fills our heart, we
can experience life as an amazing journey, whereby incredible insights
come. This view of life raises our light and frequency to such a high
level that black light or frequency beamed at us can have no effect on
us. Living with this vision and perspective, uplifts all life.

35 Boil 1 quart of pure water and pour over 1 cup of Calendula flowers. Let it steep
about 10 minutes, strain and apply.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Suffering is only inherent in life when we engage in its movement. In

the stillness of full surrender, we enter the peace of timelessness.

Occasional symptoms of mild depression such as feeling sad,
unhappy, miserable or ‘down in the dumps’ may occur at one time or
another. True clinical depression is a chronic mood disorder.
People with depression live in the past. Usually something ‘opens
them up’ to the past.
Another reason for depression is malabsorption of the G.I. tract.
If B vitamins are not absorbed, it is like walking around in a fog of
depression or feeling chronically overwhelmed. For this reason it is
important to look at the person’s diet. People with chronic depression
can benefit from the 5-month purification program36 that facilitates
vitamin B absorption.
An important issue to consider is the cause of severe depression
that many lightworkers are currently experiencing. Recently major
lightworker’s contracts were cancelled. We pulled away and severed
‘ties that bind’ so we could thrive on our own. Lightworkers can
experience depression when they ask, “What can I do with all the
unconscious living around me?” However, every time we step into our
power, there is less to ‘clean up’ because we pull humanity up just by
being among them. In the past, we ‘dragged people across the finish
line’ while we ourselves did not meet our full potential. This was
because of the excess weight of what we perceived to be our need to
serve others.

36 Purchase the book and the 2-hour presentation at

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

When we stop doing everything for them, they can become like
children. It is nice to be taken care of and have no responsibility but it
is just another form of tribalism where the chiefs dictated life. Now it
is time for them to grow up and that does not always come with ease.
Many times major lightworkers have worked with people that thrived
on the light of others. When it becomes clear that this is no longer
acceptable, there is anger. It is now time for all to build their own light
and it is the only way for them to grow.
The Pekana Remedy, Psy-Stabil is beneficial for treating depression.
Common uses are mood swings, depression, anxiety, fear of the future,
fear of lack and of being alone. Under a doctor’s supervision, some
people diagnosed with schizophrenia were very gradually able to
reduce their medication with the use of Psy-Stabil.
Psy–Stabil has also been found to be beneficial for people who are
manic or suicidal.
People with suicidal tendencies may benefit from Dalektro-N in
combination with Psy-Stabil. Take 20 drops, four times a day, at least
one hour before or after food. Do not allow contact with metals; use
a plastic spoon if one is required. Dalektro-N delivers homeopathic
vitamins and stimulates the body’s production of B vitamins by
bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.
A third Pekana remedy, Somcupin, assists with restful sleep. A
cup of St John’s Wort tea used 2–3 times a day for 3 months helps
to reestablish seratonin levels, a hormone that plays an important part
in the regulation of learning, mood and sleep. Melatonin, taken at
night, can also help to stimulate the production of serotonin. For more
information on healing depression see the Belvaspata Volumed Set, to
be released in 2013.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes is a group of chronic metabolic disorders characterized by
abnormally high levels of sugar in the blood due to an inability of the
pancreas to produce enough insulin or because cells do not respond to
the insulin that is produced. Management includes diet, exercise and
often medication to maintain balanced blood sugar levels.
Dietary management includes small, frequent meals and snacks
to maintain constant blood sugar level; avoidance of high glycemic
foods including processed foods high in sugar and fat. Some foods are
especially healthy for blood sugar management including cinnamon,
avocadoes, brightly colored fruits and vegetables, high in beta-carotene.
People with diabetes feel deprived of the sweet things of life. The
unacknowledged feminine aspect orchestrates victimhood by abolishing
life’s opportunities, perpetuating a continual feeling of deprivation. For
more information on healing Diabetes see the Belvaspata Volumed Set,
to be released in 2013.

Diarrhea is the passing of loose or unformed bowel movements. It
may be symptomatic of another condition or simply the body ridding
itself of mild food poisoning. It’s important to make sure infants and
adults receive adequate fluids to replace those lost in diarrheic stools.
Slippery elm powder assists to regulate the bowel for babies. Mix
about a teaspoon of the powder into their cereal. Use about two doses
per day. Eliminate fruit juices and use rice or oatmeal to bind the bowel

It is important to maintain the correct acid/alkaline balance within
the body. A proper diet is the main way of ensuring a healthy pH

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

balance, making the body inhospitable for bacteria, fungus and viruses.
Red meat is acid producing, while fish and white meat are alkaline
producing. All fruits, except plums and prunes, are alkaline producing
but carbohydrates are mostly acid producing. The Body Ecology Diet,
provides information on food ratios for acid-alkaline balance and can
assist you in changing your diet.
The Pekana homeopathic product, Lactic Plus, oxygenates the
energy producing organelles inside cells and is designed to balance
the body’s pH so bacteria, viruses and fungus cannot live in the body.
Take it for at least three months, in conjunction with a balanced diet, to
reduce the acidity levels within the body.
Another Pekana homeopathic remedy, Apo-Infekt, kills viruses and
bacteria by assisting the body’s defense system. You can take it if you
suspect a small throat or chest irritation.
For acute flare-ups of inflammation, there is the San Pharma
homeopathic remedy called Notatum, specifically designed for bacteria
such as staphylococcus or streptococcus. The dosage is 5 drops under
the tongue, 3 times a day.
Apo-Hepat, 20 drops, 3 times a day, supports the liver to ensure ‘die
off’ does not remain stuck within the liver. The Pekana homeopathic
remedy Itires also stimulates lymph flow, helping in the elimination of
toxins, and is beneficial in combination with Apo-Hepat. When using
homeopathic drops, take them one after another, placing drops under
the tongue, or place all of them together in a small plastic cup. Take at
least one hour before or after food and do not use metal spoons.

Disease originates from the words ‘dis’ and ‘ease’ and is the body’s
way of drawing our attention to something that is out of balance in our
lives. The ‘Language of Pain’ (Book 3 of this book) can assist us in
understanding what the body is trying to communicate to us.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Belvaspata37, the angelic healing modality of light and frequency

assists with awakening to the existing, underlying perfection of life
and the illusion of disease; our natural birthright is the balance that
manifests in good health and longevity. See Secrets of Rejuvenation,
How to Raise an Exceptional Child and Belvaspata Volumes I and II38
for additional details on restoring and maintaining health.

Wherever diseases exist, a lack of harmonious frequencies can

be found in the body. Plants provide missing frequencies that can
therefore restore health. The plant kingdom represents the resource
for adjusting frequency.

Down’s syndrome
Down’s syndrome is the most common chromosomal disorder
found in humans, typically resulting in delayed or impaired cognitive
In some cases, there was an attempt to jump to an additional two
chromosomes while attempting to become a super human being. A
partial manifestation of this attempt, resulted in Down’s syndrome.
Those with this syndrome are stuck in the horizontal grid, whereas
life on earth is lived in the vertical grid. They are very, expanded and
deeply loving, but the logical, vertical grid is out of their reach. For
more information Down’s syndrome see Belvaspata Volumed Set, to
be released in 2013.

37 See
38 All books are available at

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Allergies may be the cause of earaches in children. Dairy products
frequently cause allergies and earaches, chest congestion and sinus
problems. Goat’s milk produces less mucus than cow’s milk, may
be more digestible and less likely to produce allergies/sensitivities in
children and adults.
If a doctor determines that an eardrum is not ruptured, use warmed
(just above body temperature) almond or mullein oil in the ear canal.
Place 3 drops into the affected ear, massaging lightly just below the
ear lobe. Children with earaches should wear a knitted cap outside the
home to keep the ears warm and protected from wind.
Some children produce excessive wax buildup. For the very
youngest, consult a doctor. For older teenagers you can buy ear candles.
Because of fire hazards, carefully follow the directions and ensure that
all use is supervised. Beeswax ear candles are antiseptic and the best
type to use; they can be purchased in some health stores.
If an insect has entered the ear, hold a light close to the ear for
about 5 minutes; attracted by the light, insects often move toward it.
If this does not work, place 3–4 drops of almond oil in the ear, tilt the
head toward the shoulder and place a white washcloth beneath the ear
to catch the oil and hopefully the insect. If this does not produce the
insect, consult a doctor.

Ear Infections
Earache may occur in infants and small children as a result of a
common cold or a bacterial or viral infection of the respiratory system
and often are accompanied by pain and fever. One study39 revealed
that children with chronic ear problems, who have taken repeated

39 The book Secrets of Rejuvenation refers to this university study.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

antibiotics treatment, have resulting fungal systemic overgrowth that

affects every part of their life.
Children usually respond very well to apple cider vinegar (ACV) ear
washes or eardrops. (Use vinegar with ‘the mother’ in it, fermented in
wooden vats.) Regular use of this particular vinegar seems to alleviate
ear conditions. For eardrops, use half water and half ACV. Place in the
ear morning and night. If that does not work, dilute it less.
To assist with Candida, bathe or soak feet in ACV and water.
ACV40 drink: 1–2 teaspoons or more in an 8-ounce glass of water 3
times a day is a typical recommendation. You may want to use larger
amounts of ACV for adults such as 1–2 tablespoons of vinegar. Use
stevia41 to sweeten the mixture if you wish.
Notatum by San Pharma, a homeopathic remedy, may be used for
children over five years of age with chronic ear problems. Use 1–2
drops, 3 times a day.

Ears (Pierced)
Pierced ears interfere with the body’s meridian flow. The ear lobe is
like the bottom of the feet in that the meridians of the body are located
on the ear. This is why acupuncture is done inside the ear. If delicate
bones or portions of the ear are pierced or tattooed, it disrupts the flow
of energy meridians.

Eating Meat – Food Choices

How does eating meat affect our beingness? The spirit of the animal
leaves before we consume the remains, and the same for plants.
We must decide for ourselves whether to consume meat or not.
The meat of animals that have been treated badly contains the stress

40 See Book 8 Part II.

41 A wonderful herb about 300 times sweeter than sugar yet contains no calories. See
additional information in Book IV Part XI.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

and fear hormones of epinephrine or norepinephrine and these can

create illness. Nanotechnology may be present in meat, as are steroids,
chemicals and antibiotics.
Buying organic foodstuffs if preferable to eating food that has
been mass-produced. When we consider the way some animals are
bred and reared, in an unconscious way, their life-force and frequency
are diminished. Many chickens are mutated to produce more meat.
Consider finding a farmer who cares for his land and animals.
There is hardly any distinction between an animal and vegetable
in terms of life-force and consciousness. We can have brilliant
conversations with plants and trees. That is why it is important to allow
our feelings to guide us in choosing whether to eat meat or any other
food for that matter. We do not need food. We eat it because it is a
joy and delight that honors the life that gave itself to be recycled: life
giving unto itself. Conscious gratitude and awareness, honors our food
choices whether they are plant or animal and honors our own body.

Elixirs, also referred to as sound elixirs, personal sound elixirs, sound
healing, etc. assist to dissolve and release illusion and to eliminate the
cause of symptoms. See Alchemical Sound Healing, Sound Elixirs or
Sound Healing in this A–Z Practical Advice for Healers section and

Emotional Pain and Grief

There are certainly times in life when we will feel pain but it is
important to realize that pain comes as a result of resistance to life.
When you truly function from your highest identity, you know that
there can be no loss. Based on the Law of Compensation, all is like a
ledger balance – what is taken away on the one hand is restored on the
other. All of life is in equity and dynamic balance.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Nothing can be removed – thus if you have suffered what you

perceive to be a loss and your heart is grieving – let it flow until it no
longer has a charge. Just allow it to flow through you. No analysis is
necessary. And then one day you will finally see that now you can do
something you could never do before because when something is taken,
something must be compensated, even if at the time you cannot see it.
In going through the stages of your life and recapitulating them,
going through things that are painful, looking at what was the lesson,
what was the contract and gaining the insights of those experience can
help to heal the heart. A secondary benefit is that it will also helps us
not to lose energy or consciousness from opposing life.

Epilepsy is a common and diverse set of chronic neurological
disorders characterized by seizures. For more information on epilepsy
see the Belvaspata Volumed Set, to be released in 2013.

Eye Infections
Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, creates abnormal redness in the eye and
is often accompanied by the excretion of creamy, yellowish matter
that glues the eyelashes and lids together. It is highly contagious and
can spread from one from eye to the other. Teach your child not to
touch their infected eye(s) and to keep their hands clean by washing
frequently. Provide separate bath and face towels to any person with
this infection to avoid spreading among family members, at school, etc.
Boil enough water to ensure that you have a full pint. Add and
dissolve 1/8 teaspoon of boric acid powder to the boiled water; allow
it to cool. Dip a clean, white washcloth in the lukewarm solution and
gently sponge the closed eye, carefully removing the crusted matter.
Dip the washcloth into the solution only once and wipe the eye from

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

left to right in one movement. Use a clean area of the cloth if you
need to wipe the eye again. Be careful not to contaminate the solution
with your hands. Keep the solution in a clean, sterile container, making
more as you require it.
Other Infections
Use the same method of sponging boric acid solution onto the area.
If the skin is open or raw, seal it with aloe vera gel, followed by a

The online course, Secrets of Rejuvenation42 explains about the
supplement eyebright and cooling the eyes while resting them.
Use of apple cider vinegar43 (ACV) with ‘the mother’ in it and aged
in wooden vats is very important. Three ACV brand names that use
wooden vats are Omega, Eden and Braggs.
Drink several glasses a day of the ACV solution as eye muscles
relax, eyesight keeps changing and ACV stimulates the human
growth hormone to assist with eyesight. As digestion improves, more
nutrients are absorbed from food. A very weak solution of ACV with
approximately ¼ teaspoonful to 1 pint of pure water makes a wonderful
eye rinse. If necessary, use less ACV in the mixture.
Some lightworkers may be clairvoyant and see other realms but the
majority see with their mind’s eye and not their physical eyes. Some of
us may even agonize about not seeing the way others see.
Each us is a unique perspective of the Infinite, each one of us has in
fact come to bring knowledge about beingness that no-one else can. For

42 See or to learn more and to

purchase the course.
43 Go to Book 8 Part II for additional information.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

that reason, we all see differently. Some may see deeply, others widely.
Value the way that you see.
There are multiple ways to see. There may be the wisdom to put
together the parts of the puzzle and deduce the picture before it is
complete, ways to see symbolically, ways of wisdom – to know when
to act and when not to act, when to speak and when not to speak. There
are the ways of the eagle – to see the big picture and to know that every
step you are taking is part of this big picture – it gives meaning to the
As there are multiple ways of seeing – would you like to forfeit any
of the above, just so you can see an angel or a fairy in you environment.
As you start of conserve energy, those gifts will automatically happen.
Remember that you have a contract with the Infinite to access
information in a very specific way and that contract requires a specific
type of vision.
If you no longer engage in the dialogue of the mind, the accessible
energy now available to you, that isn’t sucked up by those constant
thoughts, will enable you to have clairsentience, clairaudience and
clairvoyance to a much greater extent.

Fever is the body’s way of fighting off germs. Do not be afraid of it
but watch for dehydration symptoms such as the following:
Skin that loses its elasticity/turgor (when skin is pinched it stays
wrinkled, indicating decreased body fluids)
Decreased urination
Dry, chapped lips
Fever of 101° or less requires heat and warmth: a warm bath, a
warm footbath with a tablespoon of Echinacea and liquid Vitamin C in
it and/or a hot water bottle at the feet to draw the fever downward. Give
a tepid sponge bath to reduce fevers, but avoid chilling. Place a cool

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

damp washcloth on the forehand, replacing it every few minutes; wipe

the face and hands with a cool cloth.
Note: Never put anything on a child’s skin you would not give them by
mouth as skin absorbs the substances. Never use alcohol on a child as
it can induce hyperglycemia.

Keep the person warm in bed; provide lots of fresh-squeezed orange

juice if possible as it contains higher levels of Vitamin C than bottled
or frozen concentrates. Give fluids that are at room temperature to a
fevered child; they are apt to throw up chilled drinks.
An almond oil and Echinacea paste applied to the soles of the feet
and then covered with cotton socks is soothing and stimulates the
immune system.
Consult a doctor within 20 minutes if you are not able to reduce a
fever of 101° or more in a child or adult.

Food Poisoning in Children and Adults

Mix 1 tablespoon of organic Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) with ‘the
mother’ in it with 8 ounces of pure water. The child or adult should
drink it all.
Give two capsules of food grade activated charcoal with water twice
a day.
Note: Do not give this treatment to infants and children under that age
of 6–7.

Free Will
Individuated lives express through the One Life, also known as the
Infinite. With no resistance to Oneness, individuated choices come as
gracious insights.
Many of us learn by tripping over ourselves, causing great discomfort
to ourselves and others. However graceful transitions are possible, with

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

insights effortlessly coming as a whisper. Either way the insights do

come, whether we choose to trip or dance. One way or another we will
get from one side of the stage to the other.

If these headaches come during menses, they can be related to a
clogged, possibly infected milk duct on RT side breast and the menses
cause symptoms to become worse with additional body fluids, clogged
lymphatics on RT side of body and breast (milk ducts are basically
open to the air). In this case a McTimoney chiropractic treatment may
beneficial. See section on Chiropractic treatment.
Supplement: Colloidal Silver, high grade, take as directed 3 days
prior and during period.
After menses and Colloidal Silver – take Acidophilus to re-establish
intestinal flora just as if you had taken antibiotics (the Colloidal Silver
wipes out all the intestinal flora just as antibiotics do).

Head Lice
Head lice are parasitic, wingless insects that feed on blood. They are
not dangerous but are annoying and highly contagious. They spread
throughout schools and may be difficult to treat. Teach children to
avoid sharing of combs, hats, brushes, etc.
There are multiple known remedies for this highly contagious
condition that spreads through schools. Head lice are common with all
children and it is a myth to think that they infest dirty hair only. Only
treat once you have confirmed that your child actually has head lice and
this is done by seeing the lice themselves in the hair.
Lanolin packed into the hair and left overnight suffocates most lice.
There are also various commercial remedies on the market. Herbal,
non-toxic ones are preferable. It is important that the treatment is

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

repeated 2–3 times, a few days apart. Use a special fine-toothed combs
to remove lice and eggs. Ensure that all family members are checked.
Toys need to be tied in plastic bags and left for a few weeks so the
eggs will hatch and die. Surfaces should be cleaned thoroughly and
herbal solutions are available for this use.
There have been cases when, after trying everything, parents have
considered the drastic measure of cutting the child’s hair or even using
permanent solution (without rollers to curl it). The condition of the hair
can be restored with multiple deep conditioning treatments.

A headache is pain anywhere in the neck or head and may be of
various types or causes such as tension, sinus or migraine which may
include nausea, vomiting, and light-sensitivity. Stress and tension cause
muscles tightness, which may result in headaches. Migraine headaches
are possibly of vascular and/or hormonal origin. Use Apo-dolor, 20
drops, 4–5 times a day, away from food. Lying in a darkened room may
help with managing migraines.
If these headaches come during menses, they can be related to a
clogged, possibly infected milk duct on RT side breast and the menses
cause symptoms to become worse with additional body fluids, clogged
lymphatics on RT side of body and breast (milk ducts are basically
open to the air). In this case a McTimoney chiropractic treatment may
See the section on Chiropractic treatment.
Supplement: Colloidal Silver, high grade, take as directed 3 days
prior and during period.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Heart Disease
Cardiac disease affects men and women, but men may be more likely
to experience a heart attack as the result of a ‘broken heart’ (whereas
women are more likely to develop breast cancer).
The heart has to do with giving love. Drawing love from the limitless
supply of the universe, it should flow out through our heart. If we close
our heart because of fear or from not being fully present in our body,
then we begin to lose energy from our life-force center, depleting us.
For information on the modality to heal Heart Disease see the
Belvaspata Volumed Set, to be released in 2013.

HIV is an abbreviation for human immunodeficiency virus. It destroys
or damages the body’s immune system. AIDS is the abbreviation for
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. It is the most advanced stage of
infection with HIV. For more information on HIV and AIDS, see the
Belvaspata Volumed Set, to be released in 2013.

How to Facilitate the Healing of Chronic and Systemic Disease

See details for this 5-month cleansing program in Book 8 Part I. For
an in-depth healers guide to this Belvaspata Book and the 2-hour audio
lecture available from

Human Growth Hormones-HGH

HGH is secreted by the pituitary gland. For sometime, researchers
have known that the decline of growth hormone (GH) seems to play a
role in the aging process. The production of human growth hormone
(HGH) levels decreases are we age, as does the production of other
hormones such as estrogen, testosterone, melatonin and thymosin.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Some scientists recognize aging as a disease and HGH as the potential

cure. As the ultimate anti-aging substance, HGH affects almost every
cell in the body and promotes regeneration of the skin, hair, muscles,
bones, heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. It speeds up metabolism and
can reduce body fat around the abdomen, waist, hips and thighs while
increasing muscle mass. It enhances the libido, promotes healthy sleep
patterns, lessens wrinkles and improves hydration, elasticity, thickness
and youthful contours of the skin.
It is not recommended that one takes synthetic HGH. There are
however natural products that can stimulate the body to make it own
HGH. Apple cider vinegar (ACV)44 reproduces and releases HGH. Use
it on a regular basis several times a day. Place two teaspoonfuls or more
in a big glass of pure water, with a few drops of liquid Stevia added (to
taste). If you use sparkling water, the result is a beverage with a sweet
tangy taste, similar to lemonade.
Drink ACV water daily to grow strong thick nails and vibrant hair.
The cloudy bits of ACV are the healthiest part of it, what is known as
‘the mother’ – the fermented matter in the vinegar that produces the
health benefits. Look for organic ACV with ‘the mother’ that has been
aged in wooden vats.
Use 2 cups of ACV in bath water as an aid for soft, healthy skin.

Immune System
The purpose of the immune system is to protect the body from disease
using multiple defense mechanisms. Immunodeficiency is the result of
a weakened immune system and causes may be genetic, acquired (HIV/
AIDS) or induced deficiency (immune suppressing medication). When
the body cannot defend itself, it can lead to life-threatening disease.

44 Additional information about ACV is in Book 8 Part I and in the books Secrets of
Rejuvenation and How to Raise An Exceptional Child. Go to:

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

An important aspect of the immune system is recognizing what

is self and what is not. When this process breaks down, the immune
system can attack the cells of the body, leading to diseases collectively
know as autoimmune diseases. Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and multiple
sclerosis fall into this group.
Foods such as garlic, onion and ginger can assist in boosting the
immune system as they have antimicrobial properties and contain
vitamin C and selenium.
Daily exercise rids the body of toxins, increases blood circulation
and lowers stress levels. Consider yoga as part of your exercise and
stress management tools. Yoga has the added benefit of deep breathing
that allows organs to function more efficiently and boosts immunity.
Eliminate (or limit) processed and ‘fast food’ diets, which are laden
with sugar, fat and salt; avoid refined food snacks. Healthy snacks
include vegetables high in beta-carotene and vitamin C, cruciferous
vegetables and fruits high in anti-oxidants.
Itires, a Pekana homeopathic product, supports lymphatic fluid flow
and immune system functioning.

Giggle Incontinence
In the United States, 7% of pre-teen and teenage girls and 3% of
boys in the same age bracket, suffer from this disorder; loss of urine
when laughing.
Stress Incontinence
This is the most common form of incontinence. Urine is leaked from
the bladder as a result of laughing, sneezing or exercise. This is because
the muscles of the pelvic floor, that supports the bladder are weakened.
In women, it may be the result of childbirth or a prolapsed uterus.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Children or adults can strengthen bladder muscles by practicing
relaxing and contracting them – an upward and inward contraction
(Kegel exercises). To identify the right muscles, trying to stop the flow
of urine when you are at the toilet. Try and exercise the muscles 5–6
times a day.
Incontinence underwear may be purchased so there will be less
fear of embarrassing incidents. For teens and pre-teens, discuss the
importance of regular and proper voiding while sitting up straight
and taking their time on the toilet (if rushing, they may not empty the
bladder fully). The most effective treatment may involve a simple trip
to a very good chiropractor. Children often fall during play, displacing
the sacrum where the nerves for bladder control originate. This can
also become a problem with the onset of menstruation when the uterus

Drink peppermint tea for indigestion, upset stomach and stomach
aches. Ginger tea is good for nausea.
The Body Ecology Diet45 book teaches the principles of food
combination to restore the bodily terrain, making it inhospitable to viral
and bacterial infections, parasites and viruses. This book is a excellent
resource for everyone who wishes to improve their diet and digestion,
and especially for those that suffer from chronic or regularly occurring
gastric upset.
It may seem ‘normal’ for everyone to have colds, but it is not. Some
only experience rapidly passing, mild colds. Undigested food becomes
tomorrow’s food allergies and health conditions.

45 Co-authored by Donna Gates & Linda Schatz.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Simple guidelines that one can follow include:

Replace dairy with unsweetened almond milk and sweeten with
stevia if desired. If you use dairy products, eat them away from other
foods as they slow down the digestion when combined with other foods.
Avoid eating fruit with any other food. Like milk, eat fruit alone.
Avoid combining protein and carbohydrates together in the same
meal. As each food group requires a different process and time for
digestion, eating them at the same time means that neither group is
digested properly.
Small children are unable to digest heavy oils and even olive oil is
too heavy. Use coconut butter, not oil or ghee46 for cooking. Use cold
pressed flaxseed oil for salad dressings.

Inflammation is the body’s method protecting itself and is the body’s
first response to injury or disease. It is described as redness, swelling
and fever in a localized area of the body and can be associated with pain
and loss of or disturbed function. Inflammation may either be acute
and a healthy response to a harmful condition or it may be chronic.
Chronic inflammation can be seen as an overactive and potentially
out-of-control immune system which damages the healthy cells of the
body. Chronic systemic inflammation is often described as the hidden
cause behind many illnesses such as arthritis, coronary, pulmonary and
neurological diseases.
Treatment of Inflammation
1. If possible, soak the inflamed area in a solution of water and
Epsom salts or sea salt for 20 minutes. For baths, use ½ cup of
Epsom salt per gallon of water or follow directions on the package.

46 Ghee is clarified butter made by boiling butter, cooling it and then removing the milk
solids that rise to the ; used in Indian cooking.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

2. Pour a thick amount of castor oil onto a washcloth or piece of

flannel. Place the cloth on the affected area, heating the compress
with a hot water bottle. Avoid us of electric heating pads or
blankets as they produce geopathic stress.
3. Mix goldenseal powder with almond oil and alternate it with
castor oil packs twice a day.
4. Grounding (also known as Earthing47) technology using sheets,
blankets or pads, diffuse or eliminate inflammation and related
disorders, speed healing, relieve muscle tension and headache, reduce
fatigue and protect against hostile electromagnetic fields (EMF).
Note: Grounding devices may require an electrical outlet that is earthed.
Ensure that connection option is right for your country.
Grounding can also be achieved by sitting, standing or walking
with bare feet on grass, sand or soil (unpainted, unsealed concrete also
works) for at least 20–40 minutes per day to ground to the free electrons
and healthy frequency of the Earth.
The presence of linear time is felt in the body as tension. Even when
we remove it with diligence from most of the body, it can remain in
specific areas, systems or organs. As long as it is present, it will cause
an inharmonious frequency, which pollutes the rest of the body. The
result is that toxicity and inflammation remain. See “Method to Release
Linear Time” in this A–Z section.

Influenza is a highly contagious respiratory condition caused by
airborne viruses and is more severe than a typical cold. Symptoms
include fever, sore throat, headache and achy muscles.

47 See Earthing by Over, Sinatra and Zucker.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Oscillococcinum, a homeopathic flu medicine obtainable in health

food stores, is an absolute must to have on hand. Follow instructions on
the package, keep the person warm and avoid any sudden temperature
Maintain a light diet of soups etc. and avoid mucus-forming foods
that contain dairy products or sugar. Provide adequate liquids.

Ingrown Toenails
Although this condition is usually found in adults, it can occur in
children as well. Some causes include:
• Toenails trimmed incorrectly. Unlike fingernails, always cut
toenails straight across.
• Incorrect shoe size – measure the foot regularly to ensure proper
size; at times growth spurts occur. Shoes with pointed toes may
require a bigger size.
To treat painful symptoms, roll a tiny ball of cotton about the size
of a grain of rice. Dip it into lavender oil and wedge it firmly under the
ingrown corner of the nail. It may be a little uncomfortable but it will
immediately provide relief from the edge of the nail that grows into the
flesh. It raises the nail and allows it to grow properly.

Injuries, Sprains, Bruises and Trauma

Calendula tea dabbed or dripped onto superficial open wounds heals
them quickly. Calendula ointment is also beneficial.48
Arnica 30 C is a handy remedy. It helps with any trauma suffered by
the body and is great for bumps and bruises.

48 You can also use the Boric acid solution mentioned under eye infections in this A–Z

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Use washcloths soaked in cold apple cider vinegar (ACV) or chilled

witch hazel for bruises and sprains. Headaches also benefit from
application of a washcloth soaked in chilled ACV.
If a child has suffered shock, remember that if the child is pale raise
the feet and legs, if flushed raise the head49 and keep them warm.
Soak sprains, bruises, and areas with swelling in a solution of Epsom
salt or sea salt; use ½ cup of Epsom salts per gallon of water or follow
directions on the package.

Irritable Bowel
Irritable Bowel is a common disorder that affects the large intestine
(colon) with symptoms of cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas,
diarrhea and constipation. Trigger foods differ for each person but
may include fats, dairy, red meat, caffeine, chocolate and alcohol.
Low Serotonin levels may also play a part in this condition. In many
cases Irritable Bowel (IBS) can be controlled with management of diet,
lifestyle and stress. It may help to remove grains from your diet such
as wheat and corn, etc.
Treatment (Management of Symptoms)
Drink plenty of water. Peppermint tea has an anti-spasmodic effect
and may alleviate cramping and aid digestion. Drink Aloe Vera gel,
(not juice), 4 times a day to soothe and coat the intestines. Take it 20
minutes before you eat anything and before you sleep. Eat 4–6 small
meals a day to alleviate large amounts of food sitting in the bowel at any
given time. Maintain regular physical activity and exercise, including
yoga50 to reduce stress.

49 Memory clue, ‘If the child is pale, raise the tail. If the child is red, raise the head’.
50 See

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Something in your environment is not palatable and can no longer be
swallowed. The bowel is irritable, because of dealing with something
that is too harsh to swallow or absorb. Many lightworkers cannot
handle the density of the media, television and movies. Take charge
of your life – it is time to disconnect from the insanities we regard
as everyday life and to create life that is more normal. Turn off the
TV, limit exposure to violent movies, music and internet for yourself
and your children. Eat foods of the highest quality and frequency as is
possible and drink pure water.
The course and the book, How to Raise An Exceptional Child, can
restore your own inner child as well as assist in raising children that
may be in your life. The Secrets of Rejuvenation course and book are
filled with both concepts and practical tips to help establish a higher
way of living. Life becomes more manageable and more enjoyable.

LED Light Technology51

The LED, (light-emitting diode), is essentially a miniature light
source encased in a plastic lens. They are much smaller than traditional
incandescent bulbs and 85% more efficient. For over 40 years, research
has suggested that LED lights provide therapeutic benefits to living
tissue. Skin cells may grow 150–200% when exposed to certain LED
light wavelengths due to increased energy inside the cells and by
speeding up of metabolism and the healing process.
Visible Red light and Infrared light penetrate tissue and have been
proven helpful in treating skin problems such a fine lines, wrinkles or
crow’s feet and also rejuvenation of skin, enhanced wound healing and
treatment of acne. Research conducted by NASA’s space program has

51 One manufacturer: LED Technologies, LLC PO Box 2269 Elizabeth, CO 80107. See
Secrets of Rejuvenation for more information, page 160.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

proven that near-infrared LED light therapy promotes wound healing

and human tissue growth.
Most people see improvement after the first session and increased
improvement over the course of treatment. Differences in skin condition
will determine the length of management; maximum benefits occur
after 10 weeks. No studies claim occurrences of eye damage or other
harmful effects as long as you close your eyes and do not stare directly
into the LED light. Unlike lasers or other types of skin treatments,
light therapy is non-thermal and non-invasive; users report no pain
or discomfort. Many physicians find light therapy complements other
skin treatment.

Lupus and Connective Tissue Disorders

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and Rheumatoid arthritis are
a few examples of autoimmune disorders that affect the connective
tissue of the body. In these conditions, the immune system becomes
hyperactive and attacks healthy tissue, creating chronic inflammation.
For more information on Lupus see Belvaspata Volumed Set, to be
released in 2013.

Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by a bite from a specific
type of infected tick; not all tick bites cause illness.
Pekana and San Pharma spagyric homeopathic products from
Germany have an established treatment protocol for Lyme disease.
When used in combination, they have been highly successful.
In Toltec Dream Symbols52 language, a tick sucks blood and blood
is the symbol for love. Pay attention to how you love yourself. Make
yourself the center of your universe. Make time for yourself, to get to

52 Listed dream symbols are located in Book 3 of this book and Labyrinth of the Moon,
available from

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

know your desires and to explore your passions. You are the first cause
of your universe. This is the key to this particular issue.

Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system is an extensive drainage network that aids
the immune system in removing and destroying waste and bacteria.
It protects the body against infection from viruses, bacteria and
other pathogens and supports the healing process. It also assists in
the distribution of fluids and nutrients throughout the body and in
the draining of excess fluids and proteins left behind by capillary
circulation. Due to the excess build up of toxins within our bodies,
the lymphatic system can become overworked and congested, with its
filtering and neutralizing functions decreased.
It is important to support the lymphatic system in its flow and
cleaning activity as as improved lymphatic system boosts the overall
immune system.
1. As the lymphatic system depends on the skeletal muscles to pump
it along, dry skin brushing is an effective technique. Use a natural
bristle brush and always use it dry. Brush over the skin gently,
starting at the extremities and working toward the heart. For best
results, brush twice a day and before you shower or bathe. A hot
bath with Epsom salts can also assist in removing toxins from the
Lymphatic System.
2. Exercise on a Rebounder or mini trampoline. Gently bounce for
3–6 minutes, bouncing only your heels and keeping you toes and
the balls of your feet in contact with the surface of the mat. Do
hold onto a bar or piece of furniture to avoid losing your balance.
Deep breathing prior to doing the exercise will also help to
release toxins and boost circulation. Brisk walks in nature are also
3. Lymphatic massage can also encourage the flow of lymph fluid.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

4. Nutrition. Eating a balanced diet, with nutritious foods free

from chemical and hormones, strengthens the entire immune
system. Include fresh vegetables, avocados, bell peppers, kale,
pumpkin seeds, and potassium rich foods like broccoli, bananas
and seafood and sea vegetables into your diet. As the lymphatic
system is involved in the transportation of fats, ensure you use
good quality oils such as extra-virgin cold-pressed olive oil or
coconut oil. Drink plenty of pure water every day. Avoid foods
that contain preservatives and additives as they are one of the
causes of swelling and fluid retention. Read all labels. Herbs, such
as ginger, garlic and cayenne pepper, are also beneficial.
5. Be aware that many deodorants contain aluminum. Try to find a
natural product.
6. Stress is a major contributor to stagnation of the lymphatic
system. Identify the stressors in your life and look to circumvent
them. Add activities into your daily routine that reduce stress like
meditation, yoga and walks in nature.

A mantra is a syllable, word or phrase that can be either spoken,
sung or said quietly and that can be transformational. Each mantra will
have its own quality, rhythm and effect.
Mantras seem most powerful when used daily or twice daily for
30–60 days. They should always be in the present tense and in the
positive. Negatives do not register. For example, if you say ‘I do not get
old’, you are in fact saying ‘I get old’.
Examples of a mantra are:
• “I am eternally young.”
• “I am an immortal being.”
See Affirmations of Eternal Youth in Book 8, Part II.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

The menstrual cycle signals the monthly preparation of the female
body for pregnancy. If no pregnancy occurs, the uterus discharges
blood, secretions and the tissue that lines the uterus.
There is a sacredness and power associated with menstrual fluid for
all women. Menstrual blood can turn floods around, help to purify the
ocean and increase fertility of the plants and the earth.
The intuitive abilities of women are known to increase during their
menstruation time, a time when the gates opened slightly, affording
glimpses into the hidden realms and visionary experiences.

Mid-Abdomen Fat (Midriff Bulge or Waistline Fat)

When under stress, the body produces cortisol, also known as the
‘stress hormone’. If cortisol is produced too frequently, it can have
negative consequences. Weight around the middle of the abdomen
blocks the production of cortisol, also known as the ‘death hormone,’
and is responsible for the production of pockets of fat around the
waistline, especially above the navel area. Another reason for increased
abdominal fat is the decline in human growth hormone (HGH), resulting
in more fatty tissue and less muscle tissue.
Drink apple cider vinegar (ACV),53 1–2 teaspoons or more in
an 8-ounce glass of pure water at least 2–3 times a day to increase
production of HGH; use stevia to sweeten the mixture as desired.
Take Cortistop54 capsules (made from completely natural substances)
1–2 times per day, see package directions.

53 See Book IV section IV for additional information.

54 Contact Spiritual Journeys’ office at 877-552-5646, toll-free in US or see

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Toxins trapped in fascia due to lymph congestion may accumulate

and create edema and swelling. The Pekana homeopathic remedy Itires
significantly improves lymph flow.
If you look at your life-force chakra, which is the third chakra, many
people have a little layer of fat – it is a method of protecting themselves
from others draining their life-force area. Even though the life-force
center has moved to the heart, it is represented by the third chakra.
If we allow others to drain us or if we are overly ‘nice’ and polite
and ‘play by all the rules’ even when our heart says differently; if we
live up to the expectations of others yet don’t love ourselves as we
do not feel lovable; we instead settle for feeling needed versus loved
in our relationships. If we settle for pacifying, instead of confronting,
when our feelings need to be expressed: All of these things drain our
life force.
When any of these things occur, we are cut like the flower and all of
the lower 3 chakras leak out their energy. See Book 5, Improving Our
Health, “Our Energy and Resources Become Depleted”.

Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory autoimmune condition that
affects the brain and spinal cord due to deterioration of the myelin
sheaths necessary for transmission of nerve impulses. The cause is
unknown and symptoms vary. For more information on Multiple
Sclerosis see the Belvaspata Volumed Set, to be released in 2013.

Muteness is defined as a speech disorder; the inability to speak. For
more information on speech impairments see the Belvaspata Volumed
Set, to be released in 2013.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Nausea and Vomiting

Chamomile, Peppermint, and other mint teas can soothe nausea.
If vomiting is present, be sure to replace fluids. Ginger is helpful for
control of nausea, even motion sickness; it is available in health food
stores in many forms.
Eating small amounts of dry toast or cereal may help to calm nausea
of pregnancy, also known as ‘morning sickness’. Bracelets that provide
pressure to a wrist acupuncture point are available in pharmacies and
health food shops to prevent motion sickness.

There are three ways of dealing with negativity in your environment.
The positive/active approach resists and opposes the negativity. The
neutral approach absorbs the negativity with a view to transmuting it
and the negative/passive approach is to allow it to pass through you.
One can also change their focus, choosing to contact awareness so that
the negativity is not experienced, but this approach means that other
things in the environment could be missed. A better way would be to
acknowledge that loud music, radio programs, the media, etc does not
resonate with your heart and to find what does resonate and make your
heart sing.

Phosphorus homeopathic remedy is commercially available. Keep
it on hand if your child is prone to nosebleeds. It helps to stop other
bleeding as well.
To stop nosebleeds, hold a child in your lap, and gently but firmly
hold the bridge of the nose at the point just between the eyes. The child
should be upright so blood does not flow downward into the throat,
which can cause nausea. Hold a washcloth dipped in ice water on the

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

upper lip and another washcloth placed on the back of the neck at the
base of the skull. These methods work on adults also.
For adults, monitor blood pressure as hypertension can cause
nosebleeds; other causes are infections of the sinuses, dry air and high

Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative disorder of the brain that
leads to shaking (tremors) and difficulty with walking, movement and
coordination though symptoms vary in degree. For more information
on Parkinson’s disease see the Belvaspata Volumed Set, to be released
in 2013.

The modality for healing animals is called Kriyavaspata. There are 5
Sigils with 1 angel per sigil. The 5 sigils are to be placed 3 times in the
navel of the animal. You do not need to be a Belvaspata practitioner to
use Kriyavaspata and unlike Belvaspata you can use a photo or a stuffed
animal as a proxy when doing the healing. For more information on
Kriyavaspata go to

Qi Vesta Cards – Tools of Masters

An Introduction to the Qi Vesta Cards
Qi Vesta means ‘Breath of the Divine’ or that which breathes life into
manifestation. It replaces previously used divination devices such as
Tarot cards. As life ascends to one of mastery, we clearly see that time
is an illusion which belongs to those who strive against life. The master,
in the stillness of full surrender, knows there can be no predictability
when there is no time. He/she also knows they may manifest a temple
of holy life in their environment, one which honors the sanctity of their
being. This alchemical device is the ancient and powerful manifestation

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

tool to accomplish this; it uses the principles of alchemical leveraging

to produce its results. For more information on Qi Vesta, see the online
course, High Alchemy: Qi Vesta. To purchase the course go to the store
on Also see Book 6, Becoming a Hakulit
Counselor, which uses the Qi Vesta Cards.

Rejuvenation of the Body

Rejuvenation occurs when light and frequency are balanced
and the body does not age. Old belief systems create distorted light
while distorted emotions create distorted frequencies. The body and
organs cause many distorted frequencies. Rejuvenation records found
in The Secrets of Rejuvenation55 reveal methods that go beyond the
distorted frequencies of the body in order to maintain balanced light
and frequency.
Be aware that hostile substances are present in our food, our
environment, and very importantly – in our cosmetics and beauty
products. They cause great distortions in our frequency. Unless we
rejuvenate our body, we cannot move to the point of fluidity found in
changeless changing and the ongoing rejuvenation of eternal life. See
“Inflammation” in the A–Z section of this book.

Resistance to Life
Resistance to life is as subtle as valuing one polarity over the other,
thus resisting one part of the equation. For example, we value ascension
but we do not value descension. We value being awake but we do not
value the dream state. We see one aspect as more valid than the other
or one pole as less real. When we resist, we think there is something

55 For additional information, see Secrets of Rejuvenation and How to Raise an

Exceptional Child at

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

to fix or heal, or something to impose a higher consciousness upon.

Most lightworkers see this as an earthly goal. They begin to believe
something in life is imperfect such as ‘this should not have happened’
or ‘I made a mistake five years ago when I did such and such’. It is not
possible for us to make mistakes because it suggests that flaws exist
within the One Life, although it is flawless.
Uniquely created by Almine, Elixirs of Light56 work with sound and
light; they include a digital art piece and a personal chant. The light of
the digital art assists to dissolve and release the tyranny of superficial
appearances in our outer environment, while the chant is designed to
release areas of suppression that cause addictions in our lives and areas
where we may not be fully expressing. Gazing upon the elixir of light
while listening to its accompanying chant creates a peace within our
environment and ourselves. The art may be displayed upon the wall
and will benefit the environment and all those within the environment.
See “Social Conditioning (Release Of)” in this A–Z section.

Restoration of Intuitive Nature/Reproductive Healing

See “The Reproductive System” segment in Book 8, Part I. For more
information on healing the Reproductive System, see the Belvaspata
Volumed Set, to be released in 2013.

Rosecrucian Sound Healing

There are 3 methods of Rosecrucian Sound Healing. This
book present information on one method – see book 7, Methods of
Healing. For information on the complete Rosecrucian Sound Healing
techniques, see the Belvaspata Volumed Set.

56 See or

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Young Living Lavender Oil57 assists in prevention and reduction of
scar tissue formation. It is wonderful for skin and lessens the appearance
of wrinkles. Young Living Oils is one of the few companies in the
world certified for producing therapeutic grade oils. See the video that
discusses a miracle healing of scars58 by a former Marine, during a
retreat with Almine.

Schizophrenia is a complex mental disorder that often affects
a person’s ability to function in daily life. For information on
Schizophrenia see the Belvaspata Volumed Set, to be released in 2013.

Sensory Impairments
Sensory impairments can involve vision, speech and hearing. For
more information on sensory impairment see the Belvaspata Volumed
Set, to be released in 2013.

Silence of the Mind

The initial establishing of a body free from linear time would ideally
require an entire week to be set aside to do this exercise. However, to
set aside even an hour a day will produce beneficial results. This is
not like meditation, but like a child observing the world around him.
Releasing linear time from the body is not only the way to youthen59,
but is also the way to optimum health.
Linear time, and its resulting tension, are a form of self-conflict, an
inner war that produces inflammation.

57 To purchase call toll free in US – 1-877-552-5636 or go to
58 See YouTube, “Miracle – A former Marine’s Miracle Healing with Almine”.
59 See Secrets of Rejuvenation by Almine.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

In preparation for this week of silence, stock up on any groceries
that you may require – whole foods and pure water. It is recommended
that you do not go into the outside world of people and traffic. Avoid
stores and public places.
As it is your intent to switch the world off for a week, disconnect
all phones, televisions, faxes, computers and music to enable you to
experience complete silence. Use oil lamps or candles in order to feel
the deep rhythms of the Earth blend with you.
Initially you may experience some discomfort as it may feel alien to you
to just be. Over the next few days as the ‘talons of linear time’ are released
from you body, you may experience unprecedented depths of bliss.
Sleep when you are tired, wake when you wish, eat when you feel
inclined. Be comfortable in a self-nourishing way with fuzzy blankets
and comfy slippers. (Do not go to sleep if you are only doing if for an
hour per day.)
Try to just ‘be’. This is different from meditation. When a thought
arises, do not engage it. Just observe the thought rise and fall like a
wave on the ocean. Do not read or listen to music during this time. The
goal is to empty the mind, not to fill it.
If tension in any part of the body persists during the first days,
pretend there is a little mouth over the area and breathe the tension out
in deep breaths. Envision a bird’s talons in the area and see yourself pry
them loose as you breathe.
Whether you use the above exercise in multiple sessions or complete
it as one long session, the goal is to feel the release of linear time. You
may suddenly feel at some point as if egoic mind, which is usually
driving you to action, constantly chattering and moving you out of the
present moment, is… silent. Your mind may seem so still in fact, that
the silence itself is experienced as ‘loud’. Once the stillness comes, you
will find that increased energy is available for ‘paying attention’, which

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

results in increased awareness and perception, and the experience of

‘eternal time’.

You cannot fly high like an eagle while simultaneously

trying to fit in with the turkeys. Moving beyond mortal
boundaries requires an uncompromising life.

Sinus Infections
Chronic sinus infections that settle deep in the head benefit from the
Pekana homeopathic remedy Ricura. Sinus infections may begin with
allergy or cold symptoms that develop into a secondary bacterial or
viral infection.
Candida60 symptoms may create yeast infections in the sinuses,
respiratory and digestive systems. Avoid foods that that are mucus-
producing, such as dairy and foods that contain sugar, yeasts and mold.

Splinters and other Foreign Objects

Silica 30C helps to expel foreign objects from the body in cases
where you are physically unable to remove them. Otherwise, soak the
area with warm water to soften the skin and remove the object with a
sterilized needle or tweezers.

Sore or Irritated Throats

Warm drinks such as soups or teas may soothe the throat. Try soups
with onions and garlic as they have antibacterial and antiviral properties.
Beverages that are high in vitamin C, such as freshly squeezed orange
juice, are also beneficial to the immune system. Zinc or vitamin C
lozenges may be helpful.

60 See How to Facilitate the Healing of Chronic and Systemic Disease on www.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Avoid foods that are mucus-producing such as dairy and foods that
contain sugar, as they inhibit the proper functioning of the immune
system. Eliminate them until the throat is well.
Older children and adults can gargle with warm salt water (1
teaspoon to 1 cup of water). For persistent sore or irritated throat,
gargle with warm salt water that is quite salty; ½ cup of water with 3
rounded teaspoonfuls of salt. Gargle in the morning and at night. The
salt solution helps to eliminate bacteria in the throat and the mouth
To strengthen the immune system of young children, place Echinacea
and almond oil on the bottoms of feet and cover with cotton socks.
A dry or scratchy sore throat may indicate that we have not spoken,
but remained silent. The minute we say what we need to say the sore
throat immediately goes away. Look to your environment and see
where you are not expressing or speaking.
Use discernment when deciding whether to speak or to be silent.
Some indiscriminately speak without thinking. Disrespect when
speaking to another can also cause throat irritations. One Optimist
Club’s creed is “Is it true, is it kind and is it necessary?”

Social Conditioning (Elimination of)

Some of the most powerful tools offered to assist with the release
of social conditioning are Personal Light Elixirs61, Devi Satva Yoga62,
Qi Vesta63 and alchemy. Light Elixirs help to clear illusion both within
our environments and ourselves. Irash Satva Yoga opens the gates of

61 See ‘Sound Healing’ in the A–Z section and visit

62 Devi Satva Yoga is comprised of the 3 yogas: Irash Satva, Shrihat Satva and Saradesi
Satva. See
63 See all online courses at

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

resources in the body, Shrihat Satva Yoga helps to clear past incarnations
and Saradesi Satva Yoga is the yoga of eternal youth.
A prime function of Qi Vesta is to internalize the eternal principles
that dissolve boundaries, leading to a life beyond mortal boundaries.
Through its alchemy, we are able to leverage our ability to move outside
of the box called social conditioning.
The Science of Immortality and Incorruptibility64 online course is a
powerful aid to learning about and overcoming social conditioning and
worldviews. Personal identities linked to worldviews cause victimhood
and we then feel powerless to change our environment or ourselves.
Find the programs in your daily life and start to eliminate them.
For example, if you always dress the same way, wear your hair the
same way; do something different. Question belief systems. Follow
your heart by doing something that brings you joy each day. This will
gently melt away obstructions to perception and awareness. The more
you bring newness and fresh experiences into your day, the more you
will become aware of the wondrous world we live in.
Part of the intent of Almine TV65 is to bring life and freshness to your
day, to dissolve and release illusion and patterns of stuck behavior;
allow it to remain on throughout the day to benefit the environment and
all those in it.

Souls that Leave their Body before Death

Sometimes people who are mentally or physically frail and/or senile
(including those with the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disorder), leave
for the spirit world prior to the death of their physical body. Some of
them leave years ahead of the body, and the body lingers almost like a
physical ghost. There may be small responses to life left in the body,
which can usually be seen in their eyes. These people may actually not

64 See all online courses at

65 See ‘Almine TV’ in the A–Z section and visit

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

be experiencing life as we know it, or attribute to them, because the

soul is not present – it has already left.
During research, some abused children have described that while
they were experiencing abuse, they saw a bright light and a beautiful
being took them by the hand to a different place. In other words, they
were not aware of their body going through the abuse. This is different
from disassociating or living outside the body, where the person
witnesses the abuse. The abused child may return to the body and go
through the motions but they are not present; they are actually in the
spirit world. Animals have a similar situation, as they are not fully
present during physical abuse.

Sound Elixirs
Sound elixirs66 are profound tools of grace that allow us to be in an
expanded space. The more we listen, the more expansive we become.
Sound elixirs affect our living and work environments and offer benefits
from the balance of black and white frequency they contain, even when
allowed to play at a very low volume or in the background.
They assist with breaking up areas of stagnation in the body, releasing
and dissolving illusion, and with detoxification. The 18 (Alchemical)
Sound Elixirs that accompany Alchemical Sound Healing stimulate the
removal of toxins from specific areas of the body. Many people think if
music is ‘spiritual’ it has to be soft and meditative. The 18 (Alchemical)
Sound Elixirs can be enjoyed by anyone, even teenagers and younger
preteens, because some have a contemporary beat.
Every time Almine creates a new sound elixir, a new level of
life purifies and releases duality and illusion. Staff members have
experienced major detoxification in the body when recording and
editing the elixirs.

66 See and visit

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

To practice omnisensory perception, listen to sound elixirs to see if

you can taste them. See if you can feel them with your skin or see color
with your eyes closed. Try to practice this every day.

Sound Healing
Sound Healing is a type of musical sound technology created by
Almine; it has specific properties and varies somewhat from a sound
elixir. The following sound healing products can assist with the
restoration of balance, based on their specific qualities.
Sound Healing Products
Specifically designed for the proactive, masculine aspect of life, The
Children of the Sun67 (also known as the sound elixirs of the Hidden
Planets) help the masculine aspect to become clear and pure in its
Labyrinth of the Moon sound elixirs represents the unknown planets.
They bring balance to the feminine, receptive aspect that needs to
express more proactively. The feminine aspect is often more stagnant
than the masculine. If it is over-stagnant, laziness and an inability to get
going or to stick with a task can result. If possible, play Children of the
Sun and Labyrinth of the Moon one after the other.
Music from the Hidden Kingdoms (the music of Irash Satva Yoga) is
very good to fall asleep to because it promotes resolution. An example
would be the releasing of the toxicity of the past from our organs. These
sound elixirs are also helpful for developing abilities to communicate
inter-dimensionally and with the more etheric realms.
Upon listening to the Saradesi Sound Elixirs, (the Sound Elixirs
for Eternal Youth) one master found herself in a space referred to as
nothingness. Upon her return she described her experience of being
surrounded by beautiful violet light; in the center was a golden sphere

67 Sound healing elixirs are available at and

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

and golden light that rose upward and burst into white light. The master
had gone into Oneness, dissolving her individuation. This phenomenal
occurrence is exactly the type of experience sound elixirs were designed
to create as we see behind the appearances of manifested life.

Sprained ankles and other joints can swell rapidly and discolor.68
Arnica 30 C helps with shock and decreases inflammation and swelling.
Place washcloths soaked in ice-cold apple cider vinegar (ACV) on the
area for 20 minutes or so. Dry and gently rub in Arnica ointment.
Rest, apply ice (10 minutes on and 10 minutes off), and use a
compression bandage to support the injured area and to decrease
swelling. Elevate the sprained area if possible. Soaking the affected
area in Epsom Salts solution for 15 minutes can assist with healing and
provide relief from the discomfort of a sprain.

Stomach Aches
Give warm peppermint tea to children over 5 years and place heat
on the stomach. Stress and nervousness is often felt in the stomach
area, both in children and adults. Infants enjoy the warmth of your hand
on their stomach and back to help them relax.

Stuttering may result from traumatic events that occur either
around birth or in early childhood. Birth trauma can also be a cause of
stuttering. Beings of high consciousness, being confined in the womb
and finding themselves ‘stuck’ in a little body for long periods can also
develop a stutter. It may also occur as a result of a traumatizing event

68 See Injuries, Sprains, Bruises & Traumas in this A–Z section.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

that the mother experienced when becoming pregnant or if they have

considered abortion or even tried it unsuccessfully.
Parents who treat particularly sensitive children badly through
sexual, physical or verbal abuse can cause the child to stutter. Being
made fun of, ridiculed or not allowed to talk about their experiences
can also lead to stuttering.
People who stutter feel life is not safe. They were never able to
figure out what to expect. For example, when an alcoholic father would
come home, a raging mother would lose her temper, or a perpetrator
would walk into their bedroom.
Due to in utero, birth or early childhood experiences that contribute
to the development of stuttering, many rebirthing clinics opened to
eliminate birth trauma69 through the breath. Leonard Orr is said to have
received a special type of breathing exercise from a spiritual teacher
(Babaji) to use for rebirthing. It is one of the three main breaths of
Ancient Lemuria.
Early childhood trauma is held in the gaps between the breaths. The
following breathing technique is designed to eliminate the gaps and
releases the trauma held there. It may take some months to learn, so
patience is required.
Breath Exercise
The best place to do the breath work is in the bath. If you
hyperventilate, get out of the water. Keep a little hot water trickling
into your bath water so that it continues to stay at a temperature similar
to the womb. Remain in the bath longer than 20 minutes (this is most
people’s threshold). When you start to feel uncomfortable and you
really want to get out of the bath, is when you should (if possible) stay

69 See Leonard Orr’s website for more information on


Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

in the tub for at least another 5–10 minutes. You need to break through
the threshold point.
• Breathe in and immediately breathe out. Breath regular breaths
in on a count of 1–2–3–4–5 and immediately a sigh of exhale
is released. As you are eliminating the gap between the breaths,
immediately start your next breath. Place effort on the in breath
only. (This type of breathing is known as circular breathing and is
used to play the didgeridoo.)
• Keep a comfortable rhythm and try not to allow a gap between the
in breath and the out breath.
• Do not over ventilate or hyperventilate with your breaths.
• Use the breath exercise while walking. Walk longer routes and
breathe in the same way as described above.
• The more you do this breathing exercise each day, the less time it
takes for you to see a major difference.
Another incredible tool to use for this kind of trauma is the Shrihat
Satva Yoga,70 which releases past, birth and early childhood traumas.
Through the combination of eye and neck movements, the Shrihat
Satva Yoga helps to break up life patterns that have become trapped.
Psy-Stabil, a Pekana homeopathic remedy helps to improve and
relax the mood. It helps eliminate pent up trauma and high anxiety in
someone who stutters. Melatonin supplement can be used for restful,
deep sleep.

Sunlight provides the full spectrum of light. Contact lenses, glasses,
sunglasses, window glass and smog prevent the very delicate blue and
green rays from being absorbed by the eyes. The liver, gallbladder
and thyroid benefit from the blue and green sunrays. Sound and color

70 Purchase yoga manuals at

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

healing are both beneficial to those who lack blue and green in their
It is very stressful for the eyes to look at the sun other than briefly.
Holes in the ozone layer allow too much sunlight through. The layer
of ozone regulated the amount of sunlight that penetrated it, making it
safer for humanity. Problems arose when industries produced products
that harmed the ozone layer which has been in turn linked with the
increasing incidence of skin cancer. Many sunscreen products actually
contain cancer-causing substances although their intent was to protect
people against cancer.

TB or Tuberculosis
TB is a serious bacterial infection that involves the lungs but may
spread to other organs; it is highly contagious.

See Book 7, “Methods of Healing”, the Restoration of Dental Health
section for methods that can assist in healing the teeth and also the piece
on Amalgam at the start of this section. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is
very good for prevention of tooth decay as it has antibacterial qualities.
Gargle with a 50/50 solution of ACV and water several times a day.
Kefir, a fermented dairy beverage, is a good source of calcium and also
contains probiotics for intestinal health.
Teeth and their roots connect to bones; therefore, they indicate
conflicts with parental figures or societal attitudes. Teeth may also
indicate how palatable parental teachings were. If we cannot accept
a life situation, our teeth may become hypersensitive.71 Teeth always
indicate aggression or problems with aggression. Teeth say, ‘There

71 This is from the Language of Pain. See Book 3 of this book.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

is just too much anger. I can’t chew this anymore and swallow it’.
Find areas in your life where you can no longer suppress aggression.
Normally thoughts suppress emotions. As thoughts become less and
less through silence of the mind,72 these emotions begin to surface.

The thyroid is one of the largest endocrine glands of the body and is
responsible for regulating the rate of metabolism, which in turn affects
the growth and rate of function of many other systems in the body.
The thyroid also produces calcitonin, which plays a role in calcium
In her book, Saving Face, Dr. Sabina DeVita mentions that, according
to her research, the supplement Thyromine was equally effective for
both an underactive and an overactive thyroid. She also speaks about
Young Living Oils73 such as Clarity, Endoflex, Valor, Purification and
Brain Power blends which can be applied to the bottom of the feet.
Vitamins and minerals that support thyroid function are:
• Vitamin A – kale, sweet potatoes
• Vitamin C – bell peppers, kiwi fruit, strawberries
• Vitamin E – almonds
• Vitamins B2, B3 and B6 – Brewer’s yeast, almonds, wild rice,
• Selenium – brazil nuts, tuna, halibut, beef
• Zinc – fresh oysters, sardines, beef, split peas
• Iron – clams, oysters, blackstrap molasses, spinach
• Copper – beef, oysters, lobsters, dark chocolate, nuts, beans
• Iodine – primary source is sea vegetables and seafood (also eggs,
asparagus, lima beans)

72 You align with the Infinite in absolute stillness. See “Silence of the Mind” in this
A–Z section.
73 Call toll free US 1-877-552-5646 to purchase or go to

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Those who have gluten sensitivity should avoid soy products; a

relationship between celiac disease, gluten intolerance and autoimmune
thyroid disorders has also been found.

In our throat chakra is so much of what we wish to say but do not
because we do not trust our ability to say it kindly. In the lives of those
who wish to become masters are petty tyrants who oppose anything
that is opposite to their will or belief.
Often we choose to stay in silence because they would not hear us
anyway. However, if they are crossing our boundaries we do need to
speak up. We do not need to stay in the unpleasantness of rage or self-
pity. Indulging those things in another is to keep them on the treadmill
and prevent them from growing. So often we falsely think it is kindness
not to speak our truth.
At times it is not necessary, but when it is necessary ask – ‘Is it true
and is it kind’. If we say things from the love of our hearts, gently and
in peace, there is no need for offence to be taken. We should have trust
in our ability to speak, so that the throat chakra may release its debris
and we may not create a resistance to life.

Toltec Body Healing System (Complete)

The Toltec oral traditions date back one million years. Their sacred
teachings are said to have originated from the Infinite Holy Mother as
an aid to help restore wholeness during the Great Fall of Consciousness.
For the first time, the ancient and complete Toltec body healing system
is released by Almine, a Toltec seer and nagual, in conjunction with a
compatible Belvaspata program.
Belvaspata was given in response to the major changes in cosmic
laws, when many other healing modalities ceased to work. Its primary
task as an instrument of clearing away the illusory sub-creations of man

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

to reveal Infinite perfection is widely acknowledged. It has a profound

but subtle function that was only hinted at in the earlier information
received: it can serve as a coupling device between the microcosm and
the macrocosm.
In placing the Toltec healing system in tandem with specific
‘coupling’ Belvaspata sigils, the Earth’s corresponding areas are healed
as well. For example, in healing the 8 primary fluid ducts within the
body through the Toltec system and using ‘coupling’ Belvaspata sigils
specifically designed to match that part of the system, the ocean and
river beds are cleared and healed. By clearing and healing the 9 primary
body fluids, the aquifers, surface waters and oil depletion is addressed.
The main joints of the body correspond to the 13 tectonic plates and
so forth.
For more information on the Complete Toltec Healing System, see
the Belvaspata Volumed Set, that is to be released in 2013.

Urinary Tract Infections

Infections may occur in any part of the urinary system: urethra,
ureters, bladder or kidneys with kidney infections being the most
serious due to their role in removing waste from the body. Drink plenty
of water to keep the system flushed.
Bubble baths are often the nemesis of little girls. The alkalinity of
the soapy bubbles destroys the acid mantle of the skin, disturbing the
pH of the area and causing irritation to the genital membranes.
Drink lots of water to flush the system. Cranberry juice concentrate
mixed with pure water and sweetened to taste with Stevia is of benefit,
(avoid cranberry juice which is mostly sugar and water). Cranberry
concentrate is also available in capsules or chewable lozenges; the
active ingredient in cranberries helps to keep bacteria from adhering to
mucus membranes, as it lines the mouth and the urinary tract.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

A vaccine is a biological preparation intended to produce immunity
to a disease by stimulating the production of antibodies. They have
been known however, to cause many side effects ranging from mild
fevers and seizures to auto-immune diseases. They have also been
implicated in autism and SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).
Do not accept that because others vaccinate their children or
themselves that it is necessarily the right decision. The very fact that
autoimmune diseases have increased dramatically since the 1950’s
should be impetus enough to become properly informed, and then to
follow our inner guidance. Inner guidance is invaluable in traversing
the pitfalls of life. How can we keep it alive and well in our children if
we deny it in ourselves?
There is growing evidence regarding the effectiveness of homeopathic
preparations as an alternative. As a parent, if you are concerned about
your child’s ability to effectively manage the outcomes of a vaccination
or immunization, it may be prudent to understand this homeopathic
care option.
Some suggested reading to study the possible hazards of
• A Shot in the Dark, by Harris L. Coulter and Barbara Loe Fisher
• The Douglass Report, by Dr. William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.
Below is a sigil received by Almine that can be used to neutralize the
negative effects of vaccines. Say the name and trace the sigil or draw it
over the vaccine site or over the entire body. It may also be used long
distance by intent.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

The Sigil to Stem the Damage of Vaccinations

Paaarit-asva nechva hurasta anes vibra peru

Warts are small, usually painless growths of the skin caused by
infection with the human papilloma virus. They can be located in any
area of the body but are often found on the hands, feet or even genitals
and are spread by touch.
Treatment is related to the type and location of the warts. They
may be removed by freezing (cryotherapy), salicylic acid, or surgical
removal with electric cauterization (burning off) or excision.
Home treatment: Pick dandelions and use the white sap from the
stem and root of dandelions, applied directly to the warts for 10 days.
This usually dissolves warts.

The Yogas of Illumination74
The 3 bodies of yoga received by Almine are known collectively
as Devi Satva Yoga, The Yoga of Illumination. For countless years,
masters and novices have practiced yoga as a spiritual and physical
discipline in many variations and it is accepted universally as one of

74 See and for more details

and to purchase yoga manuals.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

the most effective developmental tools ever created. Irash Satva Yoga
is transformational in nature and Shrihat Satva Yoga is transmutational.
Saradesi Satva Yoga is transfigurative in that it creates alterations in
human DNA. These bodies of yoga are exceptional tools of enlightment.
Yoga of Abundance – Irash Satva Yoga
Almine received Irash Satva Yoga from the Angelic Kingdom.
This ancient methodology combines easily mastered postures paired
with music from Infinite Source that specifically assist each of the 144
cardinal gates in the mind and body to open and cleansed of blockages
and debris, allowing the practitioner to tap into the abundance of the
One Life.
Yoga of Reincarnation – Shrihat Satva Yoga
The body is designed as a microcosmic replica of the macrocosmic
cycles of life. It contains 12 points along the right, masculine side of the
body and the same number on the left side. These points are associated
with Cosmic reincarnational cycles. With the postures and music of
Shrihat Satva Yoga, these points, known as the Gates of Dreaming,
open and debris can be released. Breath and eye movements also help
to release blockages.
Yoga of Rejuvenation – Saradesi Satva Yoga
Science and metaphysics agree that man utilizes only a small fraction
of his innate capabilities. The ancient Lemurian records, as translated
by Almine, have produced this unique body of yoga to facilitate the
evolution of man’s capacities.
Yoga of Enlightenment – Aranash Suba Yoga
In October 2012, Almine received a new body of yoga, totally
different from all the others. Aranash Suba Yoga, The Yoga of
Enlightenment, works at a deep core level to assist with releasing
trauma, specifically through the effects that the postures, meditations,
stretches and sound elixirs have on the psoas muscle.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

The three yogas that comprise Devi Satva Yoga organize life within
the reality of the matrices in order to generate enough power to break
free from the non-realities of illusion and to transcend linear change by
replacing it with exponential change. The philosophy of Aranash Suba
Yoga is to turn its back on the illusions of the matrices and to embrace
the contradiction of an existence of no opposites. The overall benefit is
to release the hold of illusion and to strengthen the Eternal Song of the
Infinite within.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Part II
Household Apothecary

Consider having the following health aids, supplies and other

materials available in your home. Listed in the Kitchen Supplies are
healthy grain choices to have on hand for baking non-gluten breads, etc.

Books by Almine
Belvaspata Angel Healing Volume I, Healing Methods of
Enlightenment and The Restoration of Inner Divinity75
Belvaspata Angel Healing Volume II, Healing through Oneness, The
Integrated Use of Belvaspata and Fragrance Alchemy
Secrets of Rejuvenation
How to Raise An Exceptional Child
How to Facilitate the Healing of Chronic and Systemic Disease
(featuring The Body Ecology Diet, by Donna Gates and Linda Schatz).

General Supplies
Band aids – various sizes
Cotton balls & cotton tipped swabs
Cotton gauze
Cotton socks of proper size; outgrown socks for herb pouches to put in
bath water
Ear candles
Hot water bottle
White washcloths

75 See for more details and to purchase Belvaspata books.

Also, see the Bonus Section to learn more about Belvaspata.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Calendula flowers, dried
Dandelion plants, fresh
Echinacea, powdered
Goldenseal, powdered

Homeopathic remedies
Arnica 30C
Oscillococcinum homeopathic remedy
Phosphorus homeopathic remedy
Silica 30C
Pekana Homeopathic products, multiple products as listed in A–Z
section of this book

Kitchen Supplies (use organic foods and products whenever

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) – organic, with ‘the mother’ in it, aged in
wooden vats.
Grains and seeds for non-gluten bread76 – amaranth, blue corn flour,
buckwheat, millet, gluten-free rice and oat flour, quinoa and garbanzo
bean flour. You can always combine any flours – experiment for best
Kefir – no sugar added
Prune juice
Pure maple syrup
Stevia drops or powder – alcohol free
Celtic Sea Salt

76 Find bread recipes in The Body Ecology Diet.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Cough medicine that contains licorice or cherry bark (found in health
food stores)
Echinacea drops
Witch Hazel, refrigerated

Almond Oil
Arnica Oil
Castor Oil
Lavender Oil – Young Living Oil77
Mullein Oil
Peppermint Oil – Young Living Oil
Tea Tree Oil/Melaleuca – Young Living Oil

Powders and Salts

Activated charcoal, powder and capsules
Baking Soda
Boric acid powder
Epsom Salts
Celtic Sea Salt
Himalayan Pink Salt

Salves, Gels and Ointments

Aloe vera gel/aloe vera plants
Arnica ointment
Burn ointment that contains tannic acid
Calendula ointment
Zinc ointment/diaper rash ointment

77 To order call 1-877-552-5646, toll-free in the US.

Book 2 Practical Advice for Healers

Teas (bags or bulk)

Breakfast tea bags (black pekoe tea) for burns
Chamomile tea
Calendula tea
Green Tea
Lavender tea
Peppermint tea
Pau d’arco tea
St. John’s Wort tea

Vitamins and Minerals, Digestive Aids

Vitamin C w/ Echinacea
Zinc lozenges for sore throat
Ginger mints or chews

Book 3

Our Bodies and Environment

Communicate with Us
Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us


The research of many behavioral scientists indicates man seems

to have a ‘pain body’ – a layer of magnetic frequencies that carry
memories of pain. This resembles the memory of someone’s voice on
the magnetic strip of an audiotape that can replay repeatedly.
During 2008, the Infinite completed a great deal to remove the
memory of separation by eliminating the cosmic electrical grids, as
well as the matrices. However, the cosmic pain body, the magnetic
matrix had not been dissolved.
The pain body originates from the DNA strand where it lies like
a surrounding sheet of magnetic frequencies containing memories of
pain and trauma.

Dis-ease does not have to develop all the way to dramatic symptoms.
If you dream you stubbed your toe and you heed it, you do not
actually need to ‘stub your toe’.

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

The Language of Pain

At a spiritual level, all illness, pain, disease and injuries are the
language of Spirit telling us what aspect of our lives needs to be brought
into harmony with who we are. Therefore, it is wise to examine what is
behind the symptom and ask for the lesson; then embrace it and release
it. When we release core issues, the illness, pain or disease goes away.
If there is no need for the language of pain to get our attention,
we won’t become sick. Nobody causes another person to get sick. A
sickness that is labeled contagious certainly has the potential to spread,
but it cannot invade the body if we are balanced and have healthy
boundaries. The only time a germ or virus slips in, is if we have
forsaken ourselves by suppressing the sub-personalities78 or engaging
in self-deprecating thoughts or beliefs. We become immune to disease
when we balance the emotional body and we are home for ourselves
by reconnecting the sub-personalities and allowing them freedom of
Accidents don’t occur to those who walk in balance. If we have no
cause for an accident to manifest, we will walk in grace, even if we
are in the center of an earthquake or hurricane. The language of pain
includes injuries from accidents, because in truth, there is no such thing
as an accident. We masterfully manifested the incident.
If pain is the language of Spirit, what is the language of the soul?
It is our feelings. When we have done something that feels wonderful,
we have just lived our highest truth. If we follow our feelings, we
automatically walk our highest truth.
Note: Spirit as used in this context, pertains to our Highest Self as a
being as vast as the cosmos. It is when we aren’t remembering our

78 The sub-personalities are our own inner family – the inner child, nurturer, sage and
warrior. See A Life of Miracles for more information on the sub-personalities.

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

true identity that disease occurs. Soul, on the other hand, relates to
our Higher Self, our fourth-dimensional aspect that has designed our
assignments for this life. It communicates the assignments to our
higher bodies, which in turn communicates it to our emotional body
(assuming the mental body lets these messages through). Then it is felt
in the heart.
We must be careful when it comes to feelings, though, because fears
can masquerade as feelings. Feelings are also frequently confused
with emotions. It is good to clarify this so when we are analyzing the
language of pain, we know the difference.

Feelings versus Emotions

Feeling is a way to access information that isn’t accessible to reason.
It bypasses the mind. Therefore, feeling is a non-cognitive way of
getting information, which registers as an intuitive knowing. Feeling is
the right brain accessing the unknown. It deals with things beyond the
five senses and logic. Emotion has as its foundation, desire.

How to Deal with Pain

When experiencing a painful situation, don’t analyze it while you
are feeling the initial emotion. That clouds judgment. Just experience
the emotion. Afterwards, when you are calm and can access the feeling
without it being colored by emotion, then use your left brain and
intuition, see behind the appearances so you can embrace the lesson.
(If we are tangled up in emotions, we may miss the core lesson and then
we have to create a similar circumstance later.)
To change our emotions, we need to alter our perception. It works
in reverse too, because altering emotion causes altered perception. The
two work hand-in-hand.
It is necessary for the sake of clarity to explain the different meanings
of the word love: Divine love is a state of being that remains when all

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

fear is removed. Love can also be the desire to include, which makes it
an emotion. Love is also a vibration in the cells that resonates with the
intent of the universe and the intent of the universe is to include all of
creation within itself. Divine love is unconditional.
We don’t need to worry about how to generate it because we already
are love. Simply remove all fear by seeing behind the appearances and
the filter obstructing love will be removed.
Sentimental love is a joyous emotion that results from believing
that another completes us. We may choose a partner who brings in
what we don’t have, or haven’t developed yet, or have given away.
Consequently, in his or her presence we experience wholeness. It is a
false sense of wholeness, but it can elicit joy. That explains why some
people feel they have no identity away from the union as a couple. The
same feeling of joy that results from sentimental love, can be developed
within ourselves by balancing our emotional aspects.
Compassion is a response of empathy to another’s emotions and the
subsequent interpretation of it. Unlike divine love, the compassionate
response to another changes as perception alters, taking on different
forms along the rungs of enlightenment.

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Interpreting the Language of Pain

The following list of body parts and symptoms will assist us in

recognizing the areas of our lives that are out of balance when symptoms

General Areas and Systems of the Body

Breath indicates our ability to express ourselves in life. If we don’t
express ourselves, it is as though someone has placed a boulder on our
chest and we cannot fully breathe. Frequently, people place the boulder
on themselves.
The breath is expressing our life-force, so asthma patients have life-
force problems. Often they were stifled from expressing as children.
Babies and toddlers know the big picture of who they are, so they may
experience tremendous frustration over being trapped in a physical
body, unable to express the glory of their true identity. It is helpful to
assist children to find safe avenues to explore their gifts and talents.
When the life-force becomes suppressed, the exhaling process becomes
difficult, as is the case with asthma.
The fluids of our body have to do with emotions. Blood, in particular,
is the equivalent of love. The ability to love is very important. If
we deliberately withhold love we find constriction in our arteries.
Hardened arteries mean hardened emotions and condition of love.
The heart has to do with giving love. Drawing love from the
limitless supply of the universe, it should flow out through our heart.
If we close our heart because of fear or from not being fully present in
our body, then we begin to give energy from our life-force center. This
depletes us.
In order to insulate ourselves from this drain of energy, a layer of fat
could build up around the solar plexus (stomach area). Lightworkers

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

frequently have this layer of fat as an attempt to protect their energy

source. People who suffered childhood abuse may use fat to insulate
themselves from other people.
It is important to live fully in the body. Many people have suffered
childhood sexual abuse and learned to leave the body when things got
unpleasant. If we don’t stay in the body and feel, then the heart center
remains closed and we cannot fulfill our highest calling on this planet.
Soft tissues and ligaments reflect attitudes. Is our attitude positive?
Do we frequently complain? The joints have to do with how flexible
we are. The soft tissues control the joints, so they are affected too. For
example, in the past, prior to a seminar I would receive the topic but no
specific information on the forthcoming lecture. As a result, my knee
joints hurt because I wasn’t flexible enough to trust that I would receive
the information at the appropriate time.
The skin reflects how we interface with the world. When the skin is
irritated, it is because we perceive the world as abrasive or hostile. If a
boil develops, that means a specific area of our life is like a sore.
Bones indicate what we inherited from our parents and ancestors, or
what we received from genetic memory and early social conditioning.
If an ailment occurs on the front of the body, that means we are
aware of the issue but we haven’t dealt with it yet. If the ailment is on
the back of the body, we are trying to put it behind us, or we aren’t
aware of it yet. If it is on the left side of the body, it has to do with our
feminine aspects, or with female relationships in our life. Problems on
the right side of the body reflect the masculine part of ourselves, or our
masculine relationships.
A virus is the result of being invaded – our boundaries have broken
down. The first and foremost sacred space for us is our body and we
honor ourselves by establishing healthy boundaries and maintaining it.
Viruses, bacteria and fungus invade when our sub-personalities
aren’t healthy, happy, whole and functioning. Fungus tends to come
when we have abandoned ourselves, bacteria invades when deliberate

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

hostile influences are entering our boundaries and viruses are the result
of others being allowed to use and abuse us.

Specific Body Parts

The head signals thoughts and ideals – the way we think life ought
to be. The face has to do with what we are presenting to the world. If
our presentation is different from what is actually happening inside, our
two ‘faces’ are in conflict. As a result, acne may develop.
If we have negative thoughts, resentment and feelings of being
inadequate, mucous will develop in the sinuses. Phlegm, the fluid in
the throat, is also an indication of negative emotions.
Headaches often constitute repression of memories. They can also
signify a conflict between the left and right brains. For example, our
right brain knows that we are all-powerful beings – that every one of
us is a consciousness superimposed over All That Is. If the left brain
opposes it, we develop a headache.
Ear problems can mean there are things in our environment that
we don’t wish to hear: abusive language from a spouse, nagging from
a mother or disrespect from a child. When we protect our boundaries,
yet realize that we cannot control the behavior of others, this heals. It
is also helpful to see the abuse as their reflection, not ours, so that we
don’t take it personally.
The thyroid is where we suppress anger at not being heard. If there
are pieces of our reality that don’t fit and we try to ignore them, it
affects the thyroid.
Teeth and their roots are connected to bones; therefore, they indicate
conflicts with parental figures or societal attitudes. Teeth have to do
with how palatable parental teachings were. If we cannot accept a life
situation our teeth may become hypersensitive. Teeth also pertain to the
need for aggression.

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Problems with gums indicate something we cannot swallow in life.

It is stuck and bothering us, so it becomes an abscess in the mouth.
The neck is where thoughts and ideals meet – reflecting the way
life is for us. Lightworkers often have neck problems because the way
they would like life to be and the way life appears, are at variance. That
conflict meets in the neck.
A lot of people have atlas problems, meaning the head isn’t on
straight. This indicates a dramatic conflict between ideal and reality
and an inability to embrace the folly of mankind. If we can start to see
the perfection underlying all things, by looking at the larger picture,
this conflict goes away.
The shoulders, arms and hands reflect that which is done to us,
or that which we are doing to another. The hands indicate the present
moment. The arms mean it may be less obvious or more under the
surface. Shoulders indicate that we have been trying to push it into the
If our feelings were hurt today, it manifests in the fingers. If we are
still hurting over something that happened last week, it will possibly
manifest in the arm, up toward the elbow. If there are issues from our
childhood or from past relationships that we suppress, we find that in
the shoulders or back.
Specific areas of the hands indicate different things. The top joint or
section of the fingers has to do with ideals and the mental. The middle
joint has to do with emotional issues. The lower joint has to do with
the physical body. For example, when someone is hostile towards our
spiritual beliefs and makes fun of a sacred object or a spiritual book we
hold dear, we may develop a problem with the top joint of the finger. If
someone makes fun of our intellect or our ability to solve problems, it
also manifests in the top joint. One young woman who had developed
a huge tumor in the brain came to me. Her husband’s favorite nickname
for her was “brain dead.” That was an insult to the mental and she
continually injured the top joints of her fingers.

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

The area below the shoulders down to the hips has to do with
our desires and passion and our self-expression of the things we love
to do. Liver problems indicate anger. Kidney problems indicate fear.
Sacrum problems indicate that we feel unsupported.
The hip area is where we balance between how we desire to live and
how we are actually living. For example, a man wants to be an artist
but his parents forced him to become a lawyer. Therefore, he develops
problems in the hips.
The pubis bone can lock in the front. There is a cartilage joint that
should move, and if it doesn’t, it throws the back out of alignment. It
locks when our sexuality is being drained. For example, when a young
boy is expected to be the man in the family, he may start to shield his
masculinity because he feels his energy being drained. If a woman is
abused sexually, the pubis will lock.
Sexual organs relate to our ability to be active in reproduction.
Legs reflect how we are moving forward through life. The man who
becomes a lawyer instead of an artist may also be prone to hurting
his legs. Since his artistic talent is part of his feminine side and the
masculine is crowding it out, it will likely manifest in his left leg.
Knees reflect our flexibility towards what is happening to us. For
example, a woman may have a sore right knee when she is being
inflexible with her husband.
Problems with the feet indicate how we are moving through life in
the present moment. For example, a man has many wonderful ideas at
his job but his boss won’t give him the freedom to follow those ideas,
so his masculine side becomes stuck. He may have a car accident and
jam the bones of his masculine foot, because his life is jammed from
moving forward at this time.

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Looking at Disease Differently

The symptoms of injuries and disease could be described as the

body speaking to us. When we know and understand the language of
pain, by asking the right questions, we can help ourselves, or another,
see what area of life needs to be healed.
As we listen to the body’s messages and gain the necessary insights,
symptoms do not need to materialize.
Disease as a reality no longer exists in that the etheric part has been
removed (in 2005). It can still be simulated as distorted frequencies or
light, but the nature of it is no longer real. When treating ‘disease’ it
is therefore important to be aware of this as to treat disease as a real
adversary is to strengthen it.
Some still find symptoms of disease useful to inform them about
which portions of their lives need to be changed. The goal, however,
is that we become sensitive to the signs embedded in our dreams or
other aspects of our environments, and that we do not need more heavy
reminders when we are out of step with Infinite Perfection.

Neither welcome disease nor shun it. Heed its guidance until
the day when you dwell in a life of no opposites.

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Our Dreams Communicate to Us

Excerpt from Secrets of the Hidden Realms

The importance of understanding the language in which the non-
cognitive portions of mind communicate to us through our dreams is
almost always underestimated. Nine-tenths of the information we’re
exposed to each day is non-cognitive. The unknown eludes the cognitive
mind and reveals itself instead through dreams, feelings, meditative
states and symbols.
So much of what we think of as ‘known’ is in fact unknown; people,
words, the future and its outcomes being some examples. Dreams
containing information about these areas come up to be interpreted by
our left brain, or cognitive mind. That information addresses areas of
our lives pertinent to the evolution of our awareness. In this way it tells
us our next step.
Dream language is symbolical in that one thing can represent another.
For example, a concrete item may represent a symbolical concept. The
exception to this is when a dream is in fact a visionary experience. In
this case, one thing doesn’t represent another but is exactly as it seems.
The feeling or mood of such a dream is different. Objects seem lit from
inside – even in a dark room one can clearly see them. This is because
we are in fact experiencing the reality of the etheric or astral realms,
rather than messages in symbols from the right brain. A visionary dream
seems very vivid and its impressions linger much longer.
Following is a list of dream symbol interpretations that have come
down through the ages from Toltec seers. These seers made in-depth
studies of dream language techniques to utilize the power of dreaming
and control the intrusion of other beings into an individual’s dream

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Use your common sense to extrapolate and understand the meaning

of symbols not mentioned; look at the characteristic of the symbol.
A broom might mean you need to clean up a portion of your life; a
breadbasket would mean the ability to hold or receive bread, daily
spiritual sustenance, and so forth.

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

The Language of Dreams

Toltec Dream Symbols And Their Meanings
Acting need authentic expression
Birthing own or new awareness is about to happen
other’s child
Biting one’s tongue not the time to speak
Bleeding leaking resources through loving in a
dysfunctional or exploited way
Boating need or desire for emotional change
Braiding hair self – integrated self-expression,
another – assisting another in integrating
their expression
Breath / breathing life-force; individual expression
Buying giving power away or exchanging power
for approval of others
Cannot move stuck in a worldview, or stagnation
Climbing increased perception, awareness,
Cooking nursing self and others
Coughing difficulty to accept
Dancing self-expression in everyday life, living
with grace
Drinking accepting emotional support (or desire for)
Drowning feeling suppressed or overpowered
Drunkenness abandonment of self
Dumping garbage self – there are old obsolete issues to be
released; others – they are bringing their
unresolved issues into your life
Dying release, success or being afraid of release

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Eating self-nourishment
Exercising preparing for or building energy and power
Falling fear of failure
Flying freedom, or need for freedom
Healing injuries of others externalizing that which must be dealt with
Hunting need for self-mastery
Learning in school humility is needed to learn something
Lessons pay attention to what is before you, it has
something to teach you
Losing hair losing face or stature in the eyes of others
Losing money disempowerment
Mending clothes trying to mend our self-image
Mending roof holding on to old limitations
Mountain climbing
without support life is supporting your hopes
attached to others others support your hopes
Never-ending work fear of being overwhelmed or not up to the
Parachuting abandoning a worldview or life’s direction
by changing perception
Persecution by authority fear of victimization authority
Playing restoring fun to the journey of life
Playing ball polarity, seeing opposites thriving on
opposition, causing divisiveness
Purging releasing unacceptable parts of life
(vomiting /diarrhea)
Reading searching for answers within old
Re-injury recurring karmic issues want to yield their

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Running desire for freedom or window of freedom

Running a race being attached to outcome
Shrinking clothes hiding behind false humility of others;
seeing them as less
Singing finding your voice or life’s calling
Skiing or sledding our ability to love is too shallow; others
can’t give us the love we need
Smelling ability to discern
Smoking tobacco addiction through self-abandonment
Sneezing desire to express passionately
Spinning resistance to life; loss of innocence
Stealing feeling inadequate to provide for ourselves
Suffocating loss or lack of personal power
Surfing utilizing an opportunity
Swimming desire to be loved and accepted
Talking need to communicate
Teeth falling out no need for aggression
Teeth being brushed getting ready for a battle
Theft of money power has been stolen
Tripping fear of inadequacy; letting ourselves or
others down
Travel change or need for change
Washing hands need to fix our relationships
Winning trophy need to give self credit; gold for
spiritual achievement, silver for worldly
Working desire or need to take action
Writing communication
Yawning need to pull in more energy

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Activity – Sexual
Flirting desire for vitality
Heterosexual sex receiving and giving power
Homosexual sex (male) desire to know one’s own maleness; feeling
inadequate as a male
Kissing desire for or lack of energy/power
Lesbian sex desire to know one’s own femaleness
feeling inadequate about being a woman
Masturbation self-empowerment is needed
Mechanical stimulation vibrator – reliance on artificial substances
such as TV or computers for empowerment
instead of real life.
Prostitution compromising our standards, making
choices from less than our higher
Rape sense of being a victim; or allowing others
to plunder our life
Sex with animal the characteristic of the animal is being
strengthened in an illusional way, i.e. dog
represents relationship
Sex with juvenile need to connect with the inner child to
receive vitality
Sexual perversion low self-image

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

The Body Parts as Dream Symbols

Storm - catalyzes, Moon - universal

energy, self-generation water, purification,

Mirror - reflects, Star - elegance,

endlessness art, self-expression

Earth - synchronicity, Hand - knows,

evolves, navigation accomplishment,
giving and receiving

Warrior - questions, World Bridger -

fearlessness, equalizer, death,
intelligence opportunity

Earth - creates, Serpent - survives,

vision, perspective life-force, instinct

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

The Body Parts as Dream Symbols

Wizard - receptivity, Seed - flowering,

timelessness intention, parable

Skywalker - explore, Night - abundance,

wakefulness, pierce the sanctuary, retreat

Human - influences, Wind - communication,

wisdom, free will spirit, breath

Monkey - play, Dragon - primal

childlike innocence, matrix, space
illusion, trickster

Dog - loyalty, Sun - enlightens,

relationship, partners elegance, ascension,
of destiny universal fire

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Ankles flexibility in moving forward in daily life
(left = feminine aspects or relationships
of life like spirituality; right = masculine
aspects or relationships of life)
Arms the way others treat you or you treat others
(males = right, females = left)
Back upper back – responsibility or ability to
carry work load
mid – expression, self-expression
lower – support or lack of
Back of head let go of old memories
Belly button sustenance or life-force
Blood love
Bones parental and hereditary information
Breath expressing life-force
Breasts nurturing or need for
Chest (lungs) self-expression when expelling breath;
pent up grief
Colon letting go of what no longer serves us
Dark skin inner sub-personalities of inner sage and
inner child
Duodenal/transverse mothering or insufficient mothering (solar
colon plexus area)
Ears desire or ability to hear
Elbows fluidity in how we treat others
Eyes desire or ability to see
Feet ability to move forward
Forehead foresight needed
Gall bladder ability to process density

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Genitals self – self-perception of one’s maleness

or femaleness ; other – one’s maleness/
femaleness as reflected by another or, if
opposite sex, one’s male or female aspects
Hair social self-image
Hands relationships
Head intuition, idealism, thought
Heart ability to give love
Hips where the way we want to move through
life and the way we move through life meet
Kidneys fear
Knees flexibility with relationships and our required
roles (left = feminine, right = masculine)
Legs progress through life
Liver anger
Mouth ability to receive sustenance
Neck ideals versus reality; the place where the
way we want life to be and the way it
seems to be, meet.
Nose the right to happiness, to flourish; personal
Ovaries/testicles procreation or offspring
Pubic / pelvic bone protecting sexuality
Shoulders responsibility
Skin interaction with others and outside
Stomach acceptance of life’s circumstances
Teeth need for aggression
Thighs sexuality
Throat unspoken or spoken words
Wrists fluidity in relationships

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Armadillo need for defense
Bat ability or need to find the way through the
Bear time to go into or come out of seclusion or
rest; also rebirth, ending of hardship
Beaver need to control outcomes, lack of
cooperation with one’s higher self
Cat black – black magic, white – white magic,
all others – temporal affairs; everyday
Camel ability to be prepared for opposition and
hard times, and to flourish during them;
need to bolster emotional resources
Caribou/reindeer instinct as guidance
Chameleon fluidity and flexibility needed
Cow nurturing of others
Crab warriorship against illusion; spiritual
Crocodile/alligator pitfall set up by another
Deer tranquility and peace
Dinosaur obsolete supremacies; the old that must be
dissolved; obsolete petty tyrants
Dog loyalty in relationships and friendship
Dolphin right brain awareness, non-cognitive
Donkey allowing others to drain our energy or use
us; false humility
Elephant expanded awareness
Fox being tricked into learning the unexpected;
expect the unexpected

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Frog experiencing other realms, frequencies or

Hamster the need to have a spare supply
Hare / rabbit need for awareness, a quick change may
be needed; speed is needed
Hippo need to approach through feeling rather
than mind
Horse balance and freedom in material life
Lion creation; also destruction
Llama discovery, sense of adventure
Locust/grasshopper destruction producing blessings
Monkey need to play or playfulness
Mountain goat leadership; ability to visualize hopes;
visionary leadership
Muskoxen solitary, oneness of purpose, well-balanced
Octopus control or confinement of or by another
Penguin there is far more to something than meets
the eye
Platypus unintegrated, lack of integrity
Raccoon brashness, impudence; also toughness
Rats/mice secrets; white rat means wisdom
Rooster time to wake up to what is really going on;
time to see clearly
Sloth laziness, lack of self-motivation
Snake wisdom or need for it
Swan mastery
Tiger sovereignty; white tiger means initiation
Tortoise the pace is too slow
Turtle adventurous journey
Vermin invasion through deceit

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Whale superior wisdom or need for it

Wolf stalking79 one’s own motives or a situation
Wolves howling need to be tough or persevere in the face of
great odds
Wolverine need to be tough or toughness in the face of
greater odds
Worms decay; something is rotten at the core
Zebra indecision

Birds (refer to thoughts; observe specific colors.

See section on colors)
Albatross detachment from the group; rising above
the mundane
Birds of prey power
Blackbird (except crows) treachery
Crow/raven path of power
Dove peace, tranquility
Eagle power through perception
Hummingbird energy; increased resources through
Owl seeing or being led through the dark
Sparrow fun, joy, being carefree; if white, peace and
Turkey clinging to old patterns or obsolete habits
Vulture de-structuring; the end of the old

79 In Toltec terminology, stalking means to not think we know and to approach with
great awareness.

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Clothing (self-image or image to others)

Armor dissolve protectiveness; trust in the
benevolence of life
Buttons unbuttoned – closure is needed;
buttoned – completion
Coat need to shield self
Collar hiding vulnerability
Crown/hat self importance
Handkerchief time to get rid of our own or others’
negative emotions
Raincoat resisting the process of life
Shoes understanding
Shrunken clothing we’re made to appear less in eyes of others;
Socks that which prevents us from understanding
what is really going on behind appearances
Tie conformity
Underwear private life
Uniform assumed authority

Black need for wholeness; the unknown
Brown (observe the dirty brown could mean pollution or
feeling around it) unwholesome; clear brown could mean
stability or groundedness
Red need or desire to fight or be aggressive
White peace/wholeness, purity, high-mindedness
Yellow spirituality and faith
Green healing and fertility
Blue humility and understanding
Pinkish purple unconditional love
Pink lightness of being, well-being

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Orange need for shrewdness, cunning, mental

Indigo need for deeper vision
Violet mysticism, unseen realms
Turquoise need to stay centered and go within

East direction of sobriety or need to analyze
behind appearances
West feeling or need to notice feelings; listening
to guidance from inner child
North place of power and warriorship; viewing
the large picture objectively
South need to meditate or watch dream symbols
for guidance, self-nurturing
Right left brained, cognitive; masculine aspects
of life
Left intuitive, feminine, spiritual
Above effortless knowing will be there
Below instincts should be trusted

Almond interdimensional communication
Aubergine / eggplant something appearing very desirable will be
less so once experienced
Bread ability to appreciate and receive daily gifts
and blessings
Fish overcoming appearances; seeing behind
face values; something is not what it seems
Grain field time to reap rewards
Grapes gifts of life

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Grapefruit bitterness
Honey delightful results from cooperation
Lemon / lime sourness
Meat overcoming old instinctual habits
Milk easy accomplishments
Nuts in general worthwhile results once you solve the
Peas / beans that which will give more than it takes
Pomegranate something seeming quite ordinary will
reveal greater worth
Potatoes nurturing the inner life
Pudding good endings
Pumpkin that which brings benefits in a fun way
Truffles buried or suppressed assets

Copper healing; transmuting harmful energies
Diamond mastery through overcoming
Emerald open heart or healing of heart
Garnet need to trust instincts
Gold spiritual matters
Pearls wisdom
Ruby personal sovereignty, dignity, strength
Sapphire need for courage and clarity
Silver everyday matters
Tin rational mind

Angel protection and guidance from the Higher

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Athlete feeling at home in the body, physical

mastery overcoming the tyranny of the
Brother having similar viewpoints or consciousness
Elder the inner sage personality
Elf lighthearted playfulness
Engineer obsolete mental solutions
Giant beyond expectations
Ghost something from the past will resurface if
its insights are not gathered or if it is not
Glutton taking more than is needed
Guests that which we invite into our life
Guide listening to inner knowing
Guru seeking answers outside of us
Herald a new cycle of life has begun
Jester / joker someone or something is playing a trick on
you or making a fool of you
Judge / jury feeling discriminated against and or self-
worth, allowing others to dictate worth or
Motherhood self-nurturing of the inner child; self-
abandonment through nurturing others
Military Navy – emotional action needed;
Air Force – mental action needed;
Army – action needed in everyday life
Podiatrist needing advice to understand the next step
Police when acting protectively, establish
boundaries; when acting oppressively,
victimization or fear thereof

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Priest / preacher judgmental, obsolete value systems; pre-

established value systems
Spouse being integrated; inner balance or need for
it; need for proactivity and receptivity

Insects in general aspects of shortcomings
Ant labor or hard work and cooperation needed
Bee cooperation with destiny
Butterfly spiritual gift; a gift of grace
Hornet/wasp someone with anger in environment or
directed at environment
Moth gift of power from the cosmos
Spider shortcomings that feed on ourselves;
Termite/louse/ allowing others to use and drain us,
parasite our energy or usurp our life

Cliff trust to make a dramatic change
Desert despair and hopelessness
Forest shelter and place to rest
Jungle unforeseen adventure
Mountain/hill hope
Open area need or desire for freedom
Public place fear of exposure

Aristocracy accessing the inner connection to Source
Christmas celebrate unity within diversity

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

December overbalanced feminine energy; emphasis

on emotions
Entrance receptivity; feed the soul or inner
Holiday back away from what you are doing for a
Insurance expecting the worst
January new resolve; new beginnings
June overbalance in the masculine or mental

Air having or lacking the ability to see behind
appearance; to understand what is really
going on; mental activity
Branch disconnection from Source
Caves subconscious programming
Claw open attack, greed or aggression
Cliff trust to make a dramatic change
Clouds the egoic self; surface mind is obscuring
effortless knowing
Comet self-achievement; authentic self-expression
Darkness outcomes are undermined
Desert despair and hopelessness
Disasters fear of the future; disempowerment
Earth / soil being grounded; return to basics; stability
Flower beauty and grace,
dead flower – lack of beauty and grace
Forest shelter and place to rest
Gorse bush something beautiful or attractive will be
injurious or angry
Grass walking a path with heart and enjoyment

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Greener fertility; good results in everyday practical

Fire de-structuring or dramatic change
Flood strong flow of emotion
Fog temporary lack of clarity
Iris elegance; nobility of character
Jungle unforeseen adventure
Lava dramatic changes or de-structuring;
destructive release of suppressed need for
Leaves falling – shed old acquaintances who do
not enrich life; on the tree – acquaintances
who enrich life
Lightning dramatic shifts in awareness
Migration of birds North – time to act, time to create new
methods and ideas; South – time for ideas
to mature; time to wait, time for beingness
Moon our dreaming body, intuitive self
Mountain / hill hope
Ocean life in general
Open area need or desire for freedom
Public place fear of exposure
Rain the process of life
Rainbow good resulting from seeming
River unconditional love
Rock old memory patterns, old memories
Roots joy; coming home to oneself
Sand / sea / beach that which the process of life has taught us
Seed new beginnings that must be nurtured
Shooting star time to be clear about our wishes

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Snow frozen emotions

Spiderweb entrapment or need for freedom from
Storm cataclysmic change
Sun enlightenment
Sunflower boldness
Terrain muddy – you can get stuck
sand dunes – slow but comfortable
sandy – comfort in your journey
snow topped mountain – forsaken hopes
stony – way has many abrasive but small
up a cliff – way is almost impossible
up a mountain – way will be difficult but
wading through water – emotions will slow
dirty water – unpleasant emotions
with big boulders – big obstacles are ahead
Valley place of security
Waves of the ocean opportunities
Wind thought that would change perspectives

0 completion
1 interconnectedness of life; oneness
2 humility and understanding needed
3 trust the intuitive to help create
4 stability and balance or need for
5 freedom and change

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

6 having to choose the old or new; guidance

within physical life
7 information, perception
8 opening or closing of a cycle; harmonious
9 feminine side of spiritual gifts; intuition,
non-cognitive information
10 inclusiveness, not thinking in separative
11 transformation or need for; chance to go to
the next level
12 strength and power, enlightenment
13 new birth or beginnings

Angel protection and guidance from the higher
Ashes remnants of the old
Ball if it’s your turn to throw it, action is
required; if you’re catching it you have just
received a challenge
Balloon not having much substance
Bandage not dealing with the root of the issue; a
cover up
Basement sub-conscious, hidden flaws
Basket possibilities through cooperation
Beads part of a greater achievement; cooperative
Bell praiseworthy emotions waiting to be

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Bible over inflated value through conditioned

Blanket comfort through denial
Books looking for answers within the prison bars
of social learning
Boxes something hidden in a box means secrets
kept; storage boxes – that which we
have put behind us; boxes in general are
limitations through social conditioning
Bricks / buildings / one step at a time; a belief system is
blocks forming to trap your awareness
Buildings view of the world, perspective; public
buildings = social conditioning
Cage loss of freedom
Candle/lamp guidance through perception; guidance
from unseen realms
Ceiling limitation
Chimney outlet for anger
Church seeking peace and contentment without
City/town/village common worldview or social conditioning
Clock (alarm) time to wake up; indicates time for
awareness to move or awaken; time for
change; when we’re late it means change
or action is overdue
Comb a few unresolved issues waiting to give
their insights
Crayon spontaneous expression
Crown arrogant self-opinion
Cross / crucifix caution; others will turn against or falsely
accuse you

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Cupboards/closets the subconscious or storing of events that

have not yielded their insights
Curtains fear of exposure or that which obscures
Dam/lake conditional or conditioned love
Dart need to protect yourself; become less of a
Desk immediate decisions need to be made
Doll substitution of the artificial for the real
Dripping tap suppressed emotions leaking into life
Door possibilities
Eggs fertility awaiting birth
Egg yolks the luminous cocoon of man
Engine the tyranny of social pressure
Excavation find resources or perception deep inside
Factory joyless labor, heartless drudgery; need to
combine work and joy
Farm independence, self-reliance
Feces money or desire for money
Fish beware; treachery; all is not as it seems
Flag a cause, patriotism
Flagpole without a cause, devoid of motive
Floor perspective of life, worldview
Food spiritual nurturing
Furniture bed – need or desire to rest
chair – comfort zone
lamp – illumination or guidance
screen – something obscuring vision
table – decisive action needed
Gallows others will judge you or you are
condemning another

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Garbage that which isn’t properly done or of use

Gift or gift wrap there are unseen gifts and benefits
Glasses the need to see clearly;
sunglasses – pessimism, negativity
Gloves if removed – need for directness or tough
love; if put on – must be treated delicately
Goggles see the root cause of strong emotion
Glue something will be hard to get rid of
Grass walking a path with heart and joy
Greenery fertility, good results in everyday practical
Gymnasium push beyond present boundaries, beyond
mortal boundaries
Harp the need to soothe or be soothed
Hearing ability to receive guidance
Hotel belief systems received from others
Ink spot blemish in purity
Key solution or missing piece; missing puzzle
piece indicates the same
Kite getting an idea or project off the ground
Laboratory alchemy; combination of parts for a greater
Ladder ascending consciousness
Lamp post you are cosmically guided
Law balance and integrity
Lawn conformity; conformity of expression
Lighthouse/foghorn guidance through cataclysmic change or
through uncertain times
Locks without a key not accessible at this time
Lock of hair sentimental programs

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Locket a cherished memory is binding you to that

which no longer serves
Luggage encumbered by past burdens
Magnifying glass details have been overlooked
Manure feeding on the obsolete; looking to the old
for spiritual nourishment
Metronome something dictating the pace of life
Monastery need to bring living space into harmony
with the inner world; need to disconnect
from a life of illusion and materialism
Money crystallized power
Monument value system; socially conditioned values
Music harmonious interaction
Musical instruments percussion – harmony with destiny
string – harmony within relationships
wind – harmony with concepts/thoughts
Musical notes past life issues or memories
Newspaper common view of the world
Nudity feeling exposed
Optician/glasses ability or need to see clearly
Path/road direction
Palace complexity created by mind
Pennies undervalued power and ability
Pets companionship
Photos events or interactions that have not yet
yielded their insights; events that need
Playpen spontaneity is being suppressed
Pots and pans tools of spiritual nourishment
Prism seeing with separation consciousness
Prison the need to let go of belief systems

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Racket the ball is in your court, it is time to act

Record – musical get out of the rut
Religious artifacts self-righteousness; belief systems of status
and self-importance
Report card (grades) time to account for ourselves; time to live
what we know
Rewards money – a gift of power
trophy – acknowledgement
Ribbons pink means innocence; white means
according to divine will; red means do not
proceed; black means death
Riddles do not try to understand; that which is real
is indefinable
Ring power
Road sign an advisable course of action on your life’s
Rocket rapid accomplishment
Roof self-imposed limitation
Rust that which is no longer life-enhancing
Secret mission or agent destiny
School the need to learn
Sight ability to see behind appearances
Smelling ability to discern
Smoke indication of suppressed anger
Soap clean up an area of your life
Spear protect against the vindictiveness of
Spiral finding inner silence
Stairs going up or down in levels of awareness
Stage play lack of authenticity
Tablecloth tactful action needed

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Target goal is in sight or focus

Taste nurturing, self-nurturing or spiritual
Telephone inter-dimensional communication wishes
to express; listen in silent meditation
Telescope deepen your perception
Toilet obsolete need to release; if overflowing –
getting rid of the old is over due
Tools assets and talents i.e a broom might mean
you need to clean up a portion of your
life; a need for a specific tool of a certain
Tracks residue, remaining influence
Treadmill stuck in a no-win situation
Treasure multiple gifts, opportunities or abilities will
be given at once
Umbrella clinging to old viewpoints and belief
systems; holding onto old limitations
Video / movie surface appearances are not real
Walls blockage of perception; being trapped by
labels or belief systems
Washing machine time to clean up our social image
Water emotion
flooding the floor – emotions sweeping
away old foundational beliefs
Weapons need to protect yourself
Well deep, suppressed emotions
Wheels primary supporting relationships
Window vision, ideals
Wings passion, exploration
Wool on a sheep insulate your sacred space

Book 3 Our Bodies and Environment Communicate with Us

Wound unprocessed pain that has not yielded its

insights; pain that has not been valued
Wreck of a vehicle the old way of moving through life must
immediately be changed
Zipper unzipped = exclusiveness, separateness
zipped = inclusiveness

Air changes in perception, ideas or ideals
Animal change in aspect represented by animal;
i.e., donkey = false humility
Bicycle seeing opposites as having unequal value;
Car the way we travel through life, e.g., jobs,
Going backwards slipping back into old habits
Hearse / funeral / something must be eliminated for
procession awareness to progress
Public (bus / train) change in social conditioning
Road change in general awareness, direction
Skates adventurous fun
Skis hopeful anticipation
Sled / sleigh superficial, shallow living

Book 4

The Chakras and

The Bodies of Man
Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man


Excerpt from A Life of Miracles

Normally, a person has seven chakras that are conical in shape, with
a plug in the center; so it looks like an hourglass when viewed from the
side. The seals are formed by debris from previously unresolved issues
connected with those chakras. As a person grows in consciousness, the
plugs open and the cone becomes spherical and eventually spreads to
form a unified chakra field. An ascended master has the seals broken
within the chakras. This means his or her chakra field has become one
large field.
The unified chakra field forms a low or almost non-existent
electromagnetic field around the body, similar to being at a sacred site.
Wherever we are becomes the most sacred place on the planet and our
vibration heals those around us. This happens because the love we emit
through our cells alters any distortions in the geometric fields around
their bodies. They heal through grace. This is what we experience when
we go to sacred sites. People go there because it also alters the way they
look at the world. We have that same effect on people.
Beyond our physical body we have lightbodies, which are connected
to the seven chakras. Before our seven chakras open, the mental body,
which is connected to the ego, stands guard to block the information of
the three higher spiritual bodies. The three spiritual bodies are the ones
containing the blueprint for the full potential of our life. Clearing the
debris from the chakras and forming a unified field gives us access to
this blueprint. We then receive clear communication from all our bodies.
The five lightbodies that surround the physical body alternate
between being masculine (linear) and feminine (flowing fields). They
mimic the dimensions, with the outer-most one (the seventh body) and
the physical body being neutral.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

Opening the Chakras

Excerpt from Journey to the Heart of God

Chakras are energy vortices that act as interfaces between the
levels of light in the cosmos and the physical. Light is received by the
chakras, which act as storage units or capacitors. They then download
it to the physical component designed to receive light, at a rate able to
be received. The main physical components within the human body are
the endocrine glands. However, each cell is also equipped with its own
miniscule chakra system.
The earth too has her chakras, and the opening of the seven seals as
described in the Bible (Revelations) refers specifically to the earth’s
opening of her chakras in preparation for her ascension. Where do
these seals or plugs come from?
As trauma or forced change (pain) occurs, there is often a delay in
processing the insights the experience yields. In the case of the earth
we have to process it for her. The accumulation of these suppressed
insights creates a blockage or plug in the center of the chakra. Most
people therefore have chakras that are conical to the front and back.
As we start living self-examined lives and extract the insights from
past experience, the chakras release their seals and become spherical.
The more we become aware of the purpose of indwelling life hiding
behind form, the more our chakras open and overlap. Eventually,
there is one large unified chakra field. Heartache, sexual stimulation,
expanded awareness, and other feelings usually localized within the
area of a chakra, now are felt in the entire body.
When the chakra fields unify, a lot more energy is available to the
individual and inner guidance becomes strong. The reason for this
is that obstruction from the mental body is partially reduced and the
influence of the higher bodies floods into the lower bodies. One begins

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

to live in grace; to cooperate with the higher self in living the blueprint
for this particular life.
Just prior to entry into God-consciousness, a most miraculous
experience transfigures the chakra field yet again. The symbol for this
event was depicted by the ancients as a dove, beak pointed upwards
wings extended in a sphere or circle. This signifies the opening of
five additional chakras utilized by someone in the second (God-
consciousness) and third (Immortal Master) stage.
The additional five chakras open as a result of incorporating all
seven supporting attitudes into our lives. Their opening happens in a
matter of minutes, unlike the more gradual opening of the other seven.
This event may be preceded by physical discomfort and some bruising
that comes and goes over major acupuncture points like the wrists.
The experience itself however is blissful and expansive. White
light surrounds the body and a violet flame is visible on the head (like
the description in the Bible of the flames during Pentecost, visible on
the heads of those present). The light has a particular configuration
resembling a dove with a circle above its head. (See illustration – Phase
I, II and III of Opening of the Chakra.)

The opening occurs as follows:

1. The areas of the body where a woman’s ovaries would be located
burst open with white light – first the left, and then immediately
the right – chakras eight and nine open;
2. A skirt of light radiates downward, resembling the tail of the
3. This ignites the pranic tube and a great rush of energy travels up
from the base of the spine to the crown of the head and the violet
flame appears;
4. Immediately afterwards a sphere of light about the size of a dinner
plate appears about 8” above the head. It looks like the Sumerian

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

and Egyptian art, depicting the spheres above the heads of those
of spiritual power. The tenth chakra is now open;
5. The eleventh chakra in the middle of the right shoulder blade and
the twelfth chakra in the middle of the left shoulder blade next
open and shoot out wings of light. Angelic beings, who have all
twelve chakras open, have been portrayed as having wings by
those who can see energy directly;
6. The entire configuration of light at this point appears like a
dove with a sphere above its head. There is a hidden reason
however, why the ancients had the dove enclosed by the circle,
rather than having it above the head. The secret lies in the name
the Lemurians gave to the number 10 (remember, the circle or
sphere above the head is the tenth chakra). The number ten is
called ‘lahun’ in Lemurian and some other ancient languages.
‘La’ means all and ‘hun’ means one (la is ‘all’ backwards and
languages still have words like ‘un’ or ‘uno’ etc. for one); The
number ten means all in one and one in all (the Atlanteans also
knew these secrets behind the law of the one). The sphere above
the head will become larger and larger as we progress into the
later stages of God-consciousness. At first it will extend all the
way to the head, cleaving the flame into two ‘horns’ on either
side (also depicted in ancient art). Eventually, when the Immortal
Master overcomes all mortal boundaries, the sphere will enclose
all other chakras – all is in one and one is in all.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

Phase 1 of Chakra Opening

Chakras receive The pranic tube

from the front and is blocked by the
back chakras’ debris

Mental and physical

debris blocks the
center of the chakras

Seven levels of light enter the chakras. The light cannot immediately
download into the endocrine system because of the blockages of a
person who hasn’t overcome the past and holds onto that which no
longer serves him. The light is assimilated during sleep.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

Phase 2 of Chakra Opening

Chakras The pranic

receive from all tube is
drirections open

Earth energies and solar

energies can reach the
lifeforce center behind
the naval

Less sleep is needed while the endocrine system downloads the seven
levels of light. Light is felt as non-cognitive information.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

Phase 3 of Chakra Opening

The chakra spheres have opened into a unified chakra field. The
mental body no longer blocks access to light from the higher bodies.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

The Mystical Secrets of the Forgotten Chakras

The Lahun Chakra
Excerpt from Windows into Eternity
Whereas the Haran chakra in the navel area is amber and the third
chakra is bright yellow, the Lahun chakra is a true luminous gold color.
During mastery’s advanced stages, this lahun or tenth chakra enlarges
until it forms a large sphere reaching from just above the knees to about
2 feet above the head. At that point, the one is in all other chakras and
all are in the one.
But the true glory of the Lahun chakra becomes active when a later,
most mystical union takes place: the union with the Braamish chakra.

The Braamish Chakra

The Braamish chakra is a beautiful silver color, usually about the
same size as the other seven chakras. It is located about 2 inches below
the perineum, or base of the spine. From the ancient libraries of the
Butterfly, located in China, and opened for humanity by the Mother and
Father of all life on February 2, 2008, comes more information:

From the 10th Scroll of the Blue Butterfly

Inik glaava hurin peles pirit nisklavaa huvek.
Setvilisk paranut skelevitvi usvrabaa…

When libraries are opened and holy ones again dwell on Earth
When incorruptible white magic again is re-birthed
The secrets of the ages shall be released
And the holy Mother shall begin a reign of peace

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

In a golden cocoon the silver butterfly is birthed

Holding within its heart the holy libraries of Earth

The golden cocoon is the enlarged Lahun chakra and the ‘silver
butterfly’ holding the secrets of the holy libraries in its heart is
the Braamish chakra (Brahmin is derived from this term meaning
‘Earthwisdom’ in the Naga language, spoken in the mystery schools
and temples of Lemuria. The word ‘Nagual’ means one who officiated
as a holy teacher). The preceding lines imply that some sort of birth
takes place when the Lahun chakra enlarges enough to incorporate the
silver Braamish one. The scroll continues in a later passage as follows:

When the gold threads and the silver in a tapestry unite

When the flame of white magic through the two ignite
The birthright of man will be restored
On Earth, and more, a time of hope is born

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

The Merging of the Gold and Silver Chakras

When the golden sphere of the Lahun chakra enlarges enough to

incorporate the Braamish chakra, the latter is immediately sucked into
the navel area, leaving its position at the base of the spine. Once there,
it explodes into the golden orb of the enlarged Lahun chakra, forming
a unified field. This merging (later in the scroll called the ‘merging
of heaven and Earth’) brings about two enormous benefits. (See
illustration – Transfiguration in the Chakra System.)

1. The ancient libraries of wisdom become accessible. This means

the accumulated wisdom of the ages is at our disposal if we take
the time to listen within. The Lahun chakra holds the wisdom of
the Akashic records. The Braamish chakra holds the wisdom of
the sacred libraries.
2. The flame of white magic ignites. The depiction of the disc above
the head in ancient murals often shows a cleft flame on either
side of the disc. This is the awakened fire of the kundalini that
causes a flame on top of the head. This is described in the New
Testament as what the saints experienced at Pentecost. The power
to do beneficial magic is directly proportional to how far up the
spine the energy – also called the cold fire – can freely travel. This
explosive merging clears blockages in the pranic tube and spinal

This mystical marriage and resulting alchemical reaction can be

available to everyone. It is the culmination of deep self-exploration
and the gaining of insights from experience. This removes blockages
from the centers of the chakras until, at the apex of human experience,
the sacred gifts of the Lahun and Braamish chakras await.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

Transfiguration in the Chakra System

For a description of
the Lahun chakra’s Gold – The Lahun chakra
specific function, (contains the Akashic records)
see The Ring of
Red – Physical life has become
the place of highest wisdom.




Amber – the Haran

Violet – this has changed
places with the red

The little known Silver

silver chakra
contains a living Magenta – also called the
library of earth Alpha chakra
history. Anciently
called the
Braamish chakra,
the word Braamin
comes from there.

Transfigurations in the body have also led to the same

large changes taking place in the chakra system.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

The Seven Bodies of Man

Excerpt from A Life of Miracles

Beyond the physical body, we have lightbodies that are connected
to the seven chakras. Before our seven chakras open, the mental body,
which is connected to the ego, stands guard to block the information
of the three higher spiritual bodies. The three spiritual bodies are the
ones containing the blueprint for the full potential of our life. Clearing
the debris from the chakras and forming a unified field gives us access
to this blueprint. We then receive information from all our bodies. The
five lightbodies that surround the physical body alternate between
being masculine (linear) and feminine (flowing fields). They mimic the
dimensions, with the outer-most one (the seventh body) and the physical
body being neutral. (See illustration – The Seven Bodies of Man.)

Understanding the Seven Bodies

1. Physical Body: The physical body is the anchoring point for our
Higher Self to explore the mystery of our being within physicality.
It is highly susceptible to programming transmitted through touch
for several minutes after birth. It holds the memories of this and
other lives.
2. Etheric or Astral Body: The majority of karma, which is a
constriction in the universal energy flow formed by incorrect
perception, is held in the astral body. Only a small portion is in
the physical body. It consists of bluish lines of light. It produces
the acupuncture points and the major and minor chakras by the
energy lines crossing each other. Where they cross 7 times is an
acupuncture point, 13 times is a minor chakra point and 20 times
is a major chakra point. This body is linear and is located an inch
out from the physical body.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

The Seven Bodies of Man

Masculine bodies are electrical and
feminine bodies are magnetic in nature
The assemblage
point is located Spirit Body (neutral)
on the edge of the Trillons of light
Spirit Body fibers emanate
from the life-force
The Mental
Body Spiritual Mental
obstructs the Body (linear,
higher bodies’ masculine)
messages Spiritual
from reaching Emotional
the three Body (flowing,
lower bodies feminine)
The Mental
Emotional Body (linear,
Body is masculine)
to the Emotional
energy Body
flow from (flowing,
the higher feminine)
bodies Etheric or
Astral Body
The Etheric (linear,
Body holds masculine)
most karma as
constrictions Physical
in its energetic Body
flow (neutral)
The Luminous
Cocoon of man

The bodies are superimposed over each other and form the luminous
egg (cocoon) of man. Death rolls against this egg and when this rolling
force cracks the egg, its life-force spills out and the person dies.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

3. Emotional Body: It is the auric field. Past trauma is held in the

first three bodies – the physical, astral and emotional bodies.
Therefore, as we overcome our past and balance our sub-
personalities,80 this becomes clearer. This body is a flowing field
that extends about 14 inches out from the physical body.
4. Mental Body: As we balance the three minds, including the left
and right brains, the mental body ceases to block access to the
higher bodies. This linear body is located about 14 inches out
from the body.
5. Spiritual Emotional Body: Access to this body allows us to live
in eternal time which aligns us with the intent of the Infinite. This
body is a flowing field that extends about 19 inches out from the
physical body.
6. Spiritual Mental Body: Information within this body contains
specifics regarding the blueprint for this lifetime. When access to
this body is achieved, we start to see from a cosmic perspective.
We begin to see the innocence and value of each life as it mirrors
to the Infinite either what it is or what it is not. We see there is no
guilt so all judgment effortlessly dissolves. This body is linear and
is located about 19 inches out from the physical body.
7. Spirit Body: It is trillions of little light fibers of light radiating out
in all directions from the life-force center,81 (located behind the
belly button). Every living creature within the cosmos has a band
of awareness among these light fibers within our spirit body. That
is why we are the microcosm. Shamans use this body to shape
shift into animals or other forms, in addition to accessing parallel
realities. They move a point of illumination called the assemblage
point located an arm’s length behind the heart and a little bit to the

80 See the role of sub-personalities in the book A Life of Miracles.

81 The life-force center is a ball of white light about the size of a grapefruit that in May
2007, moved to the heart center in all humanity.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

right. This body is a linear field radiating out from the center to an
arm’s length from the physical body.

The assemblage point is on the outer rim of the seventh light

body (spirit body) and is an illuminated spot that determines
which reality we are in. If that point moves, this universe,
which seems solid, disappears and another reality assembles.
It is as though we have accessed different holographic
experiences. A slight movement of the assemblage point puts
us in an altered state, such as in meditation.

With practice, we can go into a temporary meditative state,

even if we are just going to the end of the garden to get the
mail. It is a temporary disconnecting of the clamor of left
brain that allows pure information from higher realms to shed
light on the situation and give us accurate information about
the unknown.

Much of our energy comes from bodies five to seven; consequently,

if our innermost bodies have constrictions, we become tired easily
because the flow of energy from the higher bodies is blocked. The
emotional body is particularly important in allowing the flow of energy.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

Preparing the Body for Increased Light

Excerpt from Journey to the Heart of God

Discomfort can occur in the body as the cells fill with light from
increased perception. Increased light can cause a very unpleasant
burning sensation in the limbs if the body’s acidity levels are too high.
Furthermore, light seekers often experience feelings of ‘spaciness’ as
they are unable to ground their enhanced states of consciousness. This
may be alleviated by the use of trace minerals, no longer commonly
found in our soil. They therefore need to be nutritionally supplemented.
Increased meditative states flush toxins out of the liver. The body
will also shed its toxicity automatically when major transformations
happen. Increased light requires a certain physical purity and will shed
the toxicity until that level of purity is reached. This happens very
noticeably when you enter God-consciousness and even more so when
you enter the Ascended Master stage as layers of toxicity found in
mortality are shed. Preparations for increased light within the physical
could smooth the way and help facilitate these changes.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

The Seven Bands of Nutrition

The nutrients needed by the body not only nourish the physical body
but also establish links between all seven bodies. The seven bodies of man
represent the seven levels of light and frequency within Creation. Each
level of light carries information received by one of the endocrine glands.
An octave of frequency separates one body from another. In the same
way, an octave of frequency separates the frequency bands of nutrition
from one another. Each band has a very different function and a unique
way of behaving. (See illustration – The Seven Bands of Nutrition.)

The First Band of Nutrition

These minerals are involved in cell formation, the building and
maintenance of bones, blood, and the smooth working of muscles and
other soft tissue functions. They include iron, magnesium, calcium,
zinc, and others. These minerals work with the autonomic or self-
regulatory nervous system.

The Second Band of Nutrition

The second band works with frequencies that permeate the body.
They are what scientists call reflective and include nickel, silver, and
chromium. They are necessary for protein assimilation, fat and sugar
metabolism. They feed the autonomic nervous system and assist with
fruitful dreaming and the ability to work out existing karma painlessly
by being able to ‘see’ the subtle information that we refer to as insights.

The Third Band of Nutrition

These minerals, called trace minerals, are no longer available in
the soil and must be supplemented until the body becomes completely
self-sustaining in the later phases of the 3rd stage of human evolution.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

The Seven Bands of Nutrition

Bands of Nutrition Clears Example

1st Band: The basic building blocks
for bones, blood and other tissues calcium, iron, magnesium,
that work with the autonomic nervous zinc
2nd Band: These reflective minerals
regulate the bodily functions through Etheric
nickel, silver, chromium,
frequency. They work with fat and body’s
sugar assimilation. They feed the channels
autonomic nervous system.
3rd Band: Regulate the body’s
hormones. These trace minerals feed
body’s vanadium, gold, titanium
the parasympathetic nervous system.
Brings emotional well-being.
EPC’s are found in negative
4th Band: These Electrical Precursor
Mental ions in nature, sounds
Energies (EPC’s) stimulate the higher
body’s generated by nature, EPC
hormones that are responsible for the
channels devices such as pyramids
transfiguration of the body.
and crystals lit with lasers.
5th Band: Sound healing through our
own voices and the frequencies of Aligning with seasonal
access to
the ascension attitudes: love, praise frequencies. Receiving or
and gratitude. It opens the endocrine giving love to the earth’s
system’s hidden fourth dimensional frequencies.
6th Band: Light healing through
Promotes The blue sky without
the colors of nature and through
access to pollution or obstruction by
recapitulation which allows the light
Spiritual- glasses. The greenery of
from the spiritual-mental body to
Mental body nature.
penetrate through to the physical body.
7th Band: Brings in awareness: Clears the Clearing lightfibers by
Original Awareness. Prepares the pollution eliminating conditioning
human through the endocrine system from the from external sources.
for the evolutionary stages beyond lightfibers Geopathic anti-stress
humanness. Enlarges the life force of the Spirit devices help clear these
center. Body nutritional pathways.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

These minerals like vanadium, gold, and titanium ensure the smooth
functioning of the parasympathetic nervous system. They work with
the body’s hormones to produce emotional stability and a sense of
well-being. They are essential for the promptings, information, and
energy that come through the emotional body from the three highest
spiritual bodies.

The Fourth Band of Nutrition

In his book Rays of Truth – Crystals of Light Dr. Fred Bell, Former
NASA scientist, writes: “Electrical Precursation (EPC) is the energy
that in the end controls the consciousness of all individual cells. It
has basic polarities in that electrical precursation is either stressful or
healing. The body, although biochemical in its nature, is also electrical.
Electricity controls each and every step of our cellular and organism
Dr. Bell explains that cell reproduction starts in the DNA where tiny
“command signals called Electrical Precursor Energies (EPC’s)” are
interpreted. This in turn stimulates the body’s super-hormones. “…
subtle forces such as EPC’s can no longer be regarded as subtle, but
instead, should be recognized as being of the same magnitude as what
we eat, drink, and breathe into our bodies!”

The primary sources for EPC’s are:

1. Negative ions found in nature or ion generators;
2. Sounds generated by nature;
3. Electrical Precursation devices such as pyramids and crystals.

The Fourth Band of Nutrition, consisting of EPC’s in the proper

polarity, allows enhanced perception to occur and establishes subtle
pathways to the mental body from the physical body. Enhanced
perception yields energy, which yields power used to regenerate cells.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

EPC’s allow the thymus to interpret the feelings (non-cognitive ways

of receiving information), generated by the information brought back
from the body’s cells through the venous system. The blood returning
to the heart is laden with the information deposited at the cellular level
and received from the tiny ‘commands signals’ (EPC’s).

The Fifth Band of Nutrition

The fifth band of nutrition consists of pure frequency or sound.
Much information on sound healing is available and the volume grows
annually.82 The portions that are not as widely understood concern the
more subtle frequencies unheard by the human ear:
• Frequency varies with the time of day. There are optimum times
during which to treat certain conditions. This can be tested by
dividing the day into 12 segments of 2 hours each. Touching the
body over the origin of the disease and muscle testing for the
strongest time of the day provides the primary time for focusing
healing. To gather meticulous data, small weights may have to be
• The frequencies of the seasons are beneficial to some bodily
systems while others manifest disease during some parts of the
year if the individual is out of synchronicity with the frequency. An
example would be: in the month of October the energies in nature
move inward in the Northern Hemisphere. Plants withdraw their
sap and their life-force from their outer extremities (such as the
leaves) to their inner (the roots). Energy in nature becomes more
magnetic (earth) than electric (sun) and withdraws into the earth.
Humans that do not cooperate with this cycle by stilling outer
activity and taking time for inner feelings are prone to develop
respiratory diseases. If one becomes sensitive to these feelings one

82 See

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

can feel the seasons change within. Oriental medicine practitioners

take these seasonal frequencies into consideration.
• The Earth’s frequency has the ability to give health to the lower
glands of the endocrine system. Wearing earth resonant shoes when
walking on the earth allows us to absorb these delicate frequencies.
The rubber soles of most shoes act as insulators and cut us off from
these health-promoting frequencies. We should have a lifestyle
that permits the assimilation of these frequencies by walking or
standing on earth at least 40–60 minutes a day.83
• When we resist life, or when we are in a rut, we lose some resonant
frequencies in our voice. Our own voice is a tremendous sound
healing device and the reduction of frequency will manifest in
diminished health. New activities and experiences provide one way
of restoring the frequencies and will be felt as increased energy in
the body.
• Stuck patterns in the body can be broken up not only by the use of
rattles or the recorded sound of thunder, but by the frequency of
love and appreciation being directed at the specific area. Memories
of abuse or trauma held in such a stuck pattern can be released this
• The greatest healing frequencies of all are the ascension attitudes
of love, praise, and gratitude84 that not only have the capability
of healing the cells, but to spiritualize them in such a way that
it can change the body from mortal to immortal. In other words,
frequency as a healing tool also activates the ability of the
spiritual-emotional body to change the ‘unreal’ or transient into the
‘real’ or spiritualized matter.

83 See A–Z Section for information on Grounding products, page 83.

84 For more information on the Ascension Attitudes see Journey to the Heart of God and
also Belvaspata, Angel Healing, Volume I.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

The Sixth Band of Nutrition

• This source of nutrition and health for the body is what is
commonly referred to as light therapy. The pollution above cities,
filtration by windowpanes, sunglasses, glasses and contact lenses
all prevent some of the shorter rays (the indigo, blue and green
rays) from penetrating the eye fully. This adversely effects the
functioning of the upper endocrine system.
• The lack of greenery in the concrete jungles, where many of us
work and live, impairs the functioning of the immune system. The
colors found in nature are balanced for the energies of specific
geographical locations to produce health. It will be found that
people gravitating to certain terrains have auras deficient in those
colors found in that area. When someone lives in an environment
that balances out colors lacking in their aura, that person feels
healthy, balanced, and strong. The same principle applies in the
choice of clothing. For instance, the corporate world is a very
stressful environment that causes adrenal overload and deficiencies
in the kidneys. Black balances this out and is predominantly worn
in business environments.
• The essential skill of recapitulation85 or gaining insights from past
experiences yields perception; in other words it turns the unknown
(un-accessed light) into the known (accessed light). This increases
the light permeating the lower four bodies. Eventually the mental
body becomes so balanced and still that it opens up to guidance
from the higher spiritual-mental body (God-consciousness).
When this refined light floods the five lower bodies, it not only
changes the cells to immortal, but sets humankind free from all
mortal boundaries. It lifts a God-conscious being (stage 2) into an
Immortal Master (stage 3) and makes the advanced phases of stage

85 See A Life of Miracles for more information on the ‘Steps of Recapitulation’.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

3 available in which the body no longer needs to eat since it has

become self-sustaining, or fed by light.

The Seventh Band of Nutrition

The seventh band of nutrition has its source within the fields of the
human body: the life-force center located within the heart center of the
body, appearing as a ball of white light about the size of a grapefruit.
In Ascended Masters, however, it becomes large enough during the
final phase to envelop all seven bodies and feed them self-sustaining
The seventh band of nutrition brings ‘online’ the light fibers in the
spirit body of man. This body consists of trillions and trillions of light
fibers radiating out from the life-force center behind the belly button
through all the other bodies, ending in the luminous cocoon of man.
The light fibers are representative of all life that exists within All That
Is (all seven bodies of the Infinite).
The ability for man to move beyond the three developmental stages
of his evolution of awareness (there is never a point of arrival and there
is always a potential waiting to become) lies within this body. When
the three stages of development have been completed and the body is
spiritualized and immortal, this band supplies the frequencies of all
other nutritional bands and even breathing becomes obsolete.
The vitality and wholeness the life-force center can provide to all
bodies can be disrupted when there is pollution in the fibers. Pollution
is the direct result of outside programming imposed on an individual.
• The primary form of mind-control we are subjected to is social
conditioning. This includes deliberate parental and educational
conditioning, the slanted worldviews produced by events that have
not been recapitulated, and the personal identity we give ourselves
and are given by outside mirrors.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

• The technological tools used through television, some movies and

some DVD’s that are beamed directly at geographical areas are
mass mind control programs. These could affect our light fibers
unless we are aware enough and clear enough to recognize that the
feelings of fear, rage, grief or lust are not our own and refuse to
accept them.
When the pollution in the light fibers is cleared away and the
energy that was tied up in holding the pollution in place becomes
available to the seven bodies, the life-force center grows larger and
the light fibers come ‘online’ (they light up). The life-force center
eventually becomes so enlarged that it forms a ball of light that
encompasses all seven bodies and the light fibers start to receive
energy from the light fibers of the macro-cosmos. As the human
being transfigures into the stages that lie beyond those discussed in
this book, he moves all Creation, which is now connected through
the activated light fibers having come on line, up with him.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

Beyond The Seven Bodies of Man

In April 2007, man (and the cosmos) received a further 2 bodies, the
8 consisting of life-force particles and the 9th of awareness particles.

(See illustration – Nine Bodies of Man.)

This was then enhanced when the Infinite Mother gave part of
Herself as a dense layer of light to all beings as a form of insulation
or shield for the more subtle bodies. As we move through the various
stages of development, we fully activate all 12 lightbodies, living from
all simultaneously. At this point we also function from all 12 chakras.
Because of this interconnection, every past act and thought becomes
perfected. When we change the past, the present changes and when the
present changes the past changes.

The Assemblage Point

Excerpt from online course, Ask Almine Anything I
The assemblage point of the average person is located on the back,
about an arm’s length away from the body, at the level of the heart and
slightly to the right. As one grows in consciousness, the assemblage
point also moves, enabling one to access different realities. Eventually
as one enters the god kingdom, the assemblage point encompasses the
whole body.
As you know yourself to be all life, your assemblage point at first
includes all humanity, then all of creation and finally all cosmic life. As
you change, everything immediately changes – thus the importance of
living the impeccable life. We need to do the right things for the right
reasons and it needs to come through the heart but not from the heart.
The heart will lie to us if it is needy.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

The Nine Bodies of Man

(Corresponding to the Nine Bodies of the Cosmos)
The eighth body Spirit Body consisting
consisting of zero of light fibers
point energy around emanating from the
the heart. life force center

Life force
center Spiritual


Mental Body


The ninth body

consisting of
a dense layer
of awareness

In April 2007, man’s life-force center was moved up from behind the
belly button to the heart center. In May 2007, the cosmos, and man
as the microcosm, received the eighth and ninth bodies. The eighth
body consists of zero point energy around the heart chakra (now
surrounded also by the small sphere of life-force).

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

The Evolutionary Stages of Man

Excerpt from Secrets of the Hidden Realms

The evolution of a human being into the stage that lies beyond
humanness, that of a god-being that can come and go throughout the
cosmos with the speed of thought, follows three distinct stages. Each
stage has within it three separate phases. This brings the total number
of phases to nine through which a human being can evolve.
An initiation is a test of skill, impeccability, knowledge and often
one’s relationship with other life forms. It not only tests the worthiness
of the truth seeker to move from one rung of advancement to another,
but through the testing provides him or her with the chance to fill any
gaps in perception necessary for the next phase. (See illustration The
Sacred Sothic Triangle.)
In the Egyptian and Atlantean initiations the last stage, with its three
phases was guarded by the two Lords of the Two Horizons, also known
as the two Lords of the Three Gates. The smaller triangle represented
the triangulated view of Sirius rising above the horizon as seen from
the bottom of the pyramid. But as the nine rungs were completed, the
Lords of the Two Horizons would bring the Ascended Master to the
top of the pyramid. From there the horizon and Sirius’s rising would be
further away. This would create a larger triangle. The master would have
completed all nine phases of his human evolution. The two triangles
represent the change in perception between the phase of the Initiate and
the Ascended Master. It illustrates how much vision will expand, and
how much more of the unknown will be able to be accessed as a master.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

The Sacred Sothic Triangle

Representing the Nine Phases of Human Evolution


Life More Abundant

Ascended The Immortal Master


The Totally Silent Mind

Re-entering the
Human Condition
God- The Bliss
The Emptiness

The Master

The Adept
The Initiate

The Sothic triangle has a 4 to 9 proportion and is also the ancient

hieroglyph for Sirius. It represents the secret of the last three gates
or phases within Ascended Mastery, presided over by the two Lords
of the Two Horizons. The two triangles represent the view as seen by
someone at the base of the pyramid (Identity Consciousness) and at
the top of the pyramid (Ascended Mastery) of Sirius’s rising above the

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

Stage 1: Identity Consciousness

This stage is like the bottom of the pyramid in that many enter this
stage but far fewer make it through. The three phases of this stage
are all lived while in ego-identification, that state of beingness that
sees ourselves as separate from others and identifies with the body
and surface mind (the ego). (See illustration – Seven Bodies of Man
page 179)

Phase 1 – The Initiate

Type of Change: Transformation
Transformation is the stage within change that discards that which is
no longer needed. The truth seeker dies to the old way of being.

Testing: Fear
To have all belief systems, identities and worldviews eradicated,
leaves one without the comfort of shelters or a frame of reference and
creates fear.

The seals of debris in the chakras start to burst open, causing at
times physical distress in their areas. The chakras become spherical,
instead of resembling a cone to the front and a cone to the back with
the narrow ends meeting in the middle.

The initiate has to learn not to take anything at face value but to
cultivate the necessary humility that will remind him for the rest of his
journey that all he can know for certain is that he doesn’t know.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

Phase 2 – The Adept

Type of Change: Transmutation86
During transmutation something of a lower frequency is changed
into another substance of a higher frequency, much like the alchemist
changing lead to gold. In this instance, challenge is transmuted to insight.

Testing: Addiction
Every stage’s second phase has the testing of addiction. In this phase
the adept learns how to turn challenges into power by seeing behind
the appearances of ‘problems’. This results in power surges that create
endocrine releases of hormones that can be very addictive. The adept
can become addicted to challenge.

As the adept learns to cooperate with the challenges of life, every
challenge becomes a source of power and energy; this causes the spherical
chakras to become enlarged and overlap each other more and more.

The adept can take himself too seriously at this point and so diverts
his attention from chasing challenges to balancing the sub-personalities.
It is essential to become emotionally self-reliant at this point by
bringing balance and expression to our inner family. If we neglect this,
it is unlikely that we will pass the testing of power presented during the
next phase.

86 See Journey to the Heart of God, ‘The Anatomy of Change’.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

Phase 3 – The Master

Type of Change: Transfiguration
The third phase of every stage tests us with power. Because it is
seeing whether we are worthy of the major evolutionary leap that occurs
during transition from stage to stage; its testing is severe. Passing the
test produces transfiguration of either the fields of the body or the body

Testing: Power
The master’s abilities become quite apparent at this point, bringing
praise and in some instances, worship from others. The feeling of
power can produce a sense of gratification that can divert the master
from being a perception seeker to becoming a power seeker, in which
case he cannot proceed any further on the path.

Not only is the power the result of bringing order to the mind, but
also of the chakra spheres growing so enlarged that they form one large
unified chakra field around the body. A heartache or an orgasm or the
opening of the crown chakra by a peak spiritual experience, is felt
throughout the body.

At the very moment that our egos want to assert themselves, we must
not waver for an instant from reaching beyond the allure of the magical
world of the unknown, to the far distant horizon of the unknowable.
Resisting the temptations to do miracles for show, we must keep our
goal of increased perception firmly in mind. Not many truth seekers
make it beyond this point.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

Stage 2: God Consciousness

The previous stage believed the character we play on the stage of
life to be real. This stage no longer identifies with the character. In
fact, during the first two phases, we walk off the stage of life only to
return for the third phase. But even as we again stay in character, we
know without a doubt that we are just enacting a role. (See illustration
– Seven Bodies of Man in God-consciousness.)

Phase 1 – Emptiness
Type of Change: Transformation
Everything we thought we knew gets thrown out of the window.
All we know is that we are no-thing. The usual emotions are gone as a
result of the dramatic shift in perception as our minds become empty.
Nothing in our lives makes sense anymore and a great disssociativeness
is felt.

Testing: Fear
Although the testing in the first phase of every stage is fear, most
ordinary, everyday fears were overcome during the previous stage.
Now the very foundation upon which we have stood has been knocked
out from underneath us. Not only do we at times feel terrified, but a vast
loneliness grips us. We feel afraid when expanding too much, fearing
we may lose our self-awareness just as we have lost our identities;
afraid that our responsibilities won’t be properly done. But something
larger is running our lives and everything gets done without much
forethought. We feel claustrophobic when we contract our awareness
back into the body.

The changes that take place during this entire stage affect the
emotional body. During this phase the emotional body forms a large

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

The Seven Bodies of Man in

The emotional
body enlarges
and surrounds The emotional
all other bodies body becomes
enlarged with



The emotional
body becomes
very large.


Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

round ball, slightly larger than the luminous cocoon formed by the
seven bodies of man under usual circumstances.

If enough fear is present, one can step out of God-consciousness
and, because one didn’t stay in long enough to enjoy the more blissful
states that come later, be hesitant to try it again. This could then keep us
locked into Identity-consciousness. It is helpful to have someone ahead
on the path be able to say that the disssociativeness one is experiencing
is appropriate to this rather bewildering phase.

Phase 2 – The Bliss

Type of Change: Transmutation
The realization that it isn’t that we are no-thing but that we are all
things transmutes the feeling of complete emptiness to the fullness of
bliss. We feel everything as though it is inside us.

Testing: Addiction
The test is a difficult one, not only because of its intense addictive
quality, but because most traditions teach that this is the end goal on the
spiritual seeker’s path. The years of disciplined living have to somehow
penetrate the euphoria and remind us that there is no point of arrival.

A strange phenomenon now takes place in the emotional field,
reducing the physical energy, while creating a vastness of emotion.
It is as though the desire of the cosmos has become one’s own. The
emotional body forms rope-like spikes radiating out from the physical
body. When I first observed this in my own field, I thought that the shock
of encountering the Infinite’s vastness had shredded my emotional body.
Only later did I realize that it was an appropriate part of the bliss phase.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

There is very little growth during the first two phases of God-
consciousness when one essentially walks off the stage of life. The master
has no boundaries and is in a very vulnerable state. But because others
around him are allowed to misbehave as they choose, they aren’t growing
either. The great challenge of this phase is to remember that there is value
to the play; that it was designed that all may grow. The master has to re-
enter the human drama while remembering it’s just a play.

Phase 3 – Re-Entering the Human Condition

Type of Change: Transfiguration
The emotional body now expands itself to twice its former size,
completely transfiguring the size of the bodies’ luminous cocoon.

Testing: Power
As with all third phases, the testing concerns the impeccable use of
power. The master has the ability to manifest whatever he or she wants
to, but having spent many years gathering such power, must now forgo
using it in most instances in favor of cooperating fully with life.

The changes that occur during this phase create intense emotion. But
even as the renewed emotions again churn the surface of the master’s
life, the vast stillness of expanded awareness lies beneath.

The tremendous power that is part of the master’s life at this point
demands the utmost respect and sensitivity for all life forms. It also
requires the master’s full cooperation in order to become a tool in
providing learning opportunities for others. In other words, the master
becomes a steward of all life.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

Stage 3: Ascended Mastery

The three stages themselves follow the roadmap of all change:
Transformation, Transmutation, Transfiguration.
The stage of Identity-consciousness is in essence transformational in
that it is the shedding of that which no longer serves, namely the ego.
The God-consciousness stage is transmutational in that it turns a form
of awareness that learns very little from experience, into a combination
that does. In its third phase the master observes his experiences from
an eternal perspective while again enacting the human drama – it feels
a lot like thinking with two minds at once.
The Ascended Mastery stage transfigures not only the fields of the
body, as do the other two stages, but also the physical body itself. To
transfigure something that dense is a tremendous accomplishment and
the primary function of this stage is transfiguration.

Phase 1 – The Totally Silent Mind

Type of Change: Transformational
Previous God-consciousness phases had silence within the mind
during any time the master did not have to relate or act. Now, even this
form of inner dialog is discarded. Interaction, writing and speaking are
done from a place of complete silence as though being on ‘auto-pilot’.
The silence is only broken occasionally to do something deductive.

Testing: Fear
It takes a lot of trust to have your mouth speak that which you
didn’t first think of. If anything is done from a place of old, obsolete
programming, every thing starts to spin. One is physically incapable of
doing something that isn’t meant to be. The overall fear is that life is
completely out of control and it is – out of the control of the egoic self.
But the vast cosmic mind governs our lives at this point.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

Because of the transfigurative qualities of this entire stage, every
phase has very dramatic changes, all of them pertaining to the mental
or linear bodies of man. In this phase the mental body implodes into a
pinpoint of light, pulling the emotional body with it. It then explodes and
fuses with the etheric body. The emotional body becomes smaller and
denser. (See illustration – Seven Bodies of Man in Ascended Mastery.)

The vestiges of a desire for a personal life have to be laid aside at
this point. The master can and must make sure that his life has joy and
balance in it. His life affects too much to have it be anything less. But
his life’s work is pre-determined by his contract with the Infinite. To
a certain extent, he can determine how he wishes the work to unfold,
but he cannot deviate from his purpose. He cannot allow the total inner
silence to seduce him into inaction.

Phase 2 – Immortality
Type of Change: Transmutation
This is the incredible phase in which mortal matter is transmuted into
immortal matter – ‘lead is turned into gold’. The whole event takes but
minutes to complete and feels like a lightning flash throughout the body.

Testing: Addiction
The bliss that follows this transmutation far exceeds what was
experienced before. Within the body of the Immortal Master, the energy
lines zig-zag through the areas where the chakras used to be localized.
In women they criss-cross from side to side and in men from front to
back. They end in the area above the pineal gland, about four inches
apart, and excrete a substance that is the hormone for this level of bliss
(also called the life hormone). It can be tasted as a sweet substance

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

in the back of the palate during intense bliss. Once again, addiction
becomes the challenge.

The Immortal Mastery phase culminates in yet another spectacular
alteration in the bodies of man. The spiritual mental body implodes to a
pinprick of light and when it explodes, merges with the combined mental/
etheric bodies and carries them outward, forming a large sphere around
the body. The emotional bodies fill the sphere and the spirit body’s light-
fibers radiate out from the life-force center through the sphere.

The unseen realms present an alluring detour during the third phase
of Identity-consciousness. Yet now they become a way of life. They
are no longer seen by the master to be outside of himself, so no longer
present an enticement in the former way. But beings from the various
unseen kingdoms we dwell amongst are attracted to the master’s light
and enter his life. The master has to learn to know the many different
idiosyncrasies of dealing with the various beings around him so that he
can further refine his ability to benefit all life. This helps him resist the
temptation of inactivity induced by bliss.

Phase 3 – Life More Abundant

Type of Change: Transfiguration
The change that occurs with this transfiguration is the apex of human
achievement; it creates an evolutionary leap that only 9 Ascended
Masters had made up until August 2005. When fully transfigured, the
master exits the human kingdom and enters the God-Kingdom.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

The Seven Bodies of Man in Ascended Mastery

Spiritual mental body
Spirit body
The mental body has
merged with the etheric
body, pulling the
emotional body back
with it.

The etheric,
mental and
bodies have
emerged into a
large sphere

The emotional
and spirit bodies
fill the sphere.
Assemblage PHASE 3 center

A zero point
portal has formed
Emotional bodies

The mental
bodies’ sphere

The enlarged
life-force center
surrounds all seven
The light fibers
have formed into
a rope.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

Testing: Power
We can surmise by looking at the previous third phases of the other
two stages that this stage’s third phase also has something to do with
power. The challenge here is to accumulate, harness and conserve
enough power to shatter the glass-like shield that separates kingdoms.
The master has to overcome the huge temptation of over-polarizing
into the light; into the seasonless place of no emotion and great peace
– the place of ultimate stagnation and inaction.

The life-force center explodes during this phase, forming a large ball
of life-force, slightly larger than the sphere of mental bodies. The spirit
body’s light fibers cluster into one rope extending from the assemblage
point behind the shoulder blades, to the zero point portal that has
formed behind the belly-button.

Ascended Masters have great perception. The greater our perception,
the greater our emotions have to be. When emotions aren’t recognized
and utilized as the growth mechanisms they are, these very large
emotions can be deliberately disconnected in order to experience the
peace of the bliss that plays through every cell at this point. But it is the
power of emotion that will crack the ‘glass’ shield the master has to go
through to get to the next kingdom. All chakras must be participating
in creating this emotional response.
Most Ascended Masters live only in the upper chakras. It becomes
necessary to re-awaken the lower chakras, re-activate the sex drive and
use it to arouse the other emotions. With the power of emotion, the
shield shatters and the zero point opening explodes to fill all the fields.
The fields around the body explode to double their size. The cord of
light fibers now elongates and loops from the assemblage point on the
outside edge of the fields to the heart center and back again to the

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

Hormonal Excretions the Hold the Higher Bliss

In the Immortal Master the alpha chakra (a hand length below

In thetheImmortal
spine) and theMaster the alpha
second heart chakraare(afully
(on the sternum) hand length
belowThe theenergy
spine) and the
meridians movesecond
(sidewaysheart (onfront
in women, thetosternum)
in men)
are fully through the
opened. centers
The wheremeridians
energy the chakras used to be (sideways
move before they in
formed a unified chakra field. The meridians end slightly above the
women, front pinealtogland
back in men)
causing through
it to exc the centers
rete life hormones for where
the chakras used to be before
heightened theyimmortality.
bliss and formed a unified chakra
field. The meridians end slightly above the pineal gland
causing it to excrete life hormones for heightened bliss and

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

assemblage point. The master has become a god-being in the flesh.

(See illustration – Bodies of Man within the God-Kingdom.)

Bodies of Man Within the God-Kingdom


Cord of Merged
luminous fibers mental
loop through the bodies
heart becoming
longer Emotional

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

The God-kingdom – The Future Destiny of Man

A large leap of consciousness awaits man if he wishes to go beyond

human boundaries. As we have seen, only 9 made it across this boundary
before 2005.
Unlike the 3 stages within the human kingdom, the God-Kingdom
has two levels. It is essential that more and more humans enter the God-
kingdom, as did Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Quan Yin and Sunat Kumara
among others, because it is their destiny to change the inactivity found
there. Humans are accustomed to struggle, and a great struggle awaits
in the God-Kingdom to avoid succumbing to the inactivity and lack of
growth in that realm. The struggle is against the huge enticement of
bliss. Although we encounter bliss as a testing within the human stages,
the bliss of this higher stage is eight times stronger. It becomes difficult
to move even a limb and activity tends to slow almost to a standstill.
During the first phase of the God-Kingdom, the fields around the
body are very enlarged. The small zero point opening found behind the
belly-button of an Ascended Master explodes as the transition to the
God-Kingdom is made. The zero point enlarges to fill the entire mental
body, pushing the emotional body outside of the mental body.
The mental body (the sum total of all the mental bodies initially
found in man, fused into one) starts to rotate. The cord of light fibers
loops from the assemblage point through the heart and back again.
During this phase emotions are felt much more intensely.
One of the main reasons the vast majority of Ascended Masters
never enter here is because it requires pulsing the emotions between
their positive and negative poles,87 fueled by sexuality, to break the

87 Following cosmic changes in December 2008, we no longer pulse between aspects

as all fields, light, frequency, etc. are now blended. For more information see Belvaspata,
Angel Healing Volume I or II. See also 12 Pure Pairs of Emotion in Bonus Section on

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

glass-like membrane between the kingdoms – something shunned by

Ascended Masters until recently. (See the section on Sexuality.)
The second phase of the God-Kingdom is precipitated by yet
another zero point explosion that pushes the mental body outside of
the emotional body. The end result is a thin emotional body just inside
the mental body, while the rest of the space is filled with the zero point.
The clockwise and counter-clockwise movements of the mental body
no longer make 360 degree rotations, but flip back and forth with just
partial rotations. The cord of light fibers has to elongate to reach in a
loop from the heart to the assemblage point on the enlarged mental
body. Emotions dramatically diminish.
Gods have not reproduced themselves. Then on September 16,
2005, the god that is known as number 3 of the Alumuanu king’s court,
fathered twins. This was an event of such magnitude that it shot our
cosmos up 38 levels, birthing twin rings of suns and planets around
the outer rim of our cosmos. It also enabled gods to reproduce and
catapulted our cosmos into the second phase of its equivalent of the
Another cosmos in its God-Kingdom entered us 12 days later, once
again fathering rings of suns and representing the mating of gods. The
suns had previously been governed by solar lords, but now the suns that
were created were governed by gods birthed simultaneously within the
To reach its God-hood, the cosmos, just like an Ascended Master, had
to become very sexual. Sexual energy became heightened throughout
the cosmos and reproduction increased. To prepare for its Supergod-
hood, however, sexuality transformed to being in love and once again
it swept the cosmos.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

The Super God-Kingdom

Because this kingdom has not been accessible to anyone within our
cosmos until September 2005, we have no name for it and, needing to
call it something, I have named it the Supergod-Kingdom.
Unlike our cosmos, there is not a great diversity of life within these
much higher cosmoses that represent these higher kingdoms. Only
goddesses, gods and lords (who maintain the grid lines along which
information travels as light) reside here. The Alumuanu king became
the fourth being within our cosmos to enter the Supergod-Kingdom
(the Mother was the first) on October 3, 2005 in the early morning
hours. On the same day, the Lords of Amenti became gods as they
entered the God-Kingdom.
Since it is now within the reach of our gods and not just an unreachable
myth for our readers, we should be familiar with the phases of this
stage. (See illustration – Phases within the God-Kingdoms.)

Phase 1
The fields become 6 times the length of the physical body. There
was little emotion in the last phase of the God-Kingdom. In the first
phase of the Supergod-Kingdom, it is 2 to 3 times less than before.
In all three phases of the Supergod-Kingdom, the cord continues to
extend from the assemblage point on the outer parameter of the fields,
through the heart and back again in a loop.
But during the first phase, in addition to the cord, a whole new set of
luminous fibers once again forms, extending out from the heart. Wisps
of emotional body intermingle with the zero point throughout the field,
which is surrounded by the mental body.
One of the notable changes within this phase is the change in time
perception. It is as though each moment has already been lived. For

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

example, to see what choice to make in a particular instance, one would

simply look at the moment before to see what had already been chosen.
It is different than living in the now; in that case there simply is no
future and no past.

Phase 2
The field enlarges by 50% and emotions again become strong. In
fact, they are 20 times stronger than in average humans, which is why
a thorough previous understanding of the proper use and expression of
emotion and sexuality is so necessary. Such emotion could otherwise
cause destruction or be incapacitating.
The luminous fibers that previously formed now cluster around
the looped cord, making it substantially thicker. The mental body still
surrounds the fields.
In Phase 2 and especially in Phase 3, we use hardly any thinking at
all. Speaking and knowing answers are virtually automatic functions.

Phase 3
As with all the changes in fields, the explosion that transfigures them
is preceded by an implosion. The fields in this case become 360 times
bigger. Emotion dwindles to 5 times less than in the average human.
The mental body disappears.
To accommodate the diameter of the greatly enlarged fields, the
previously thickened cord now elongates and becomes thin as it
stretches. For the first time, the assemblage point has no mental body
to attach itself to and hovers on the edge of the very large zero point.
Filling the enlarged zero point is a substance resembling smoke –
the building blocks of the fields of the next stage beyond. The smoky
substance consists of a mixture of zero point, emotional body, mental
body fragments and awareness.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

Phases With-in God-Kingdoms


Assemblage Elongated cord

point through heart

Zero Zero
point point

Wisps of
Thin layer emotional
of emotional body New luminous fibers
bodies form from heart
Very few emotions are felt during this Fields are 6 times the length of
phase. Mental body rotates the same the physical body. Mental body
as in phase 1. has partial rotations alternating
clockwise/counter clockwise.


Mental Enlarged zero point

body with smoke-like
substance within
consisting of mental,
emotional, and
Wisps of awareness components
emotional body of the next stage
intermingle with
zero point
Fields are now 50 times larger. Fields are 360 times larger. Cord
The luminous fibers from previous is stretched thin again and solid
phase have now thickened the cord. mental body is gone.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

Changing to Our Next Level of Evolution

Excerpt from Opening the Doors of Heaven

In May 2007 Mother declared in the Book of Life (in which the laws
of existence are written) that growth no longer comes from imbalance
but from support. The old way, of the mental fields spinning 34 times
counter-clockwise for every 21 times the magnetic, emotional fields
spin clockwise, was changed. All life now had them spinning at equal
She then moved every being’s life-force center (in humans a ball
of white light about the size of a grapefruit) from behind the belly
button to the heart center. This changed life from being logic-driven
to love-driven. This is also the position of the life-force center in some
star-beings who are more conscious than humans. This began the
implementation of Her plan to give humankind an evolutionary boost.
During the same month, more interdependence rather than
dependence was created in Her relationship with all beings.

A More Evolved Being of Light

Two new forms of awareness were introduced into the cosmos – one
feminine and one neutral in relation to our previous form. The Infinite’s
children could now produce awareness, by becoming co-creators
through the heart when they lived the twelve pairs of pure emotions and
twelve pure states of being.88 They were able to pull awareness in from
the sea of consciousness, the Infinite outside the membrane containing
our cosmos. With an enhanced cosmic awareness, humankind adopts a
more responsible and mature role.

88 See Belvaspata, Angel Healing Volume I or II.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

• An etheric or energetic ‘door’ was opened in the pineal to receive

awareness from the Infinite. The activation of the god-cell, a
specific cell in the pineal gland, allows for the capacity to interpret
this information. An etheric door was also opened in the heart to
produce awareness by living the pure emotions and states of being.
• Some on Earth will begin to think simultaneously with surface
mind, higher mind and fully expanded, highest mind. This will
enable them to keep the large blueprint or plan in mind, while
seeing behind the appearances, but also attending to the details.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

The Additional Bodies of Man

On May 17, 2007, the Mother Goddess89 gave a part of Herself to

all creatures and beings (such as planetary bodies). She created a dense
layer of Her light to surround every living being, and around that She
placed a layer of a substance that is the equivalent to the Infinite’s
blood – we shall call it Mother’s Blood.
The purpose of this is as a form of insulation. After eons of outside
tampering, Mother has devised a way of insulating each being. No
invasion from any hostile beings can penetrate Mother’s Blood. It is
the substance She uses to safeguard the cosmos itself during this and
the previous cycle of life.
Mother’s Blood can be called ‘physical’ in that it is from Her
densest, or most physical part. In physicality opposites repel. All beings
protected only with this ‘blood’ would therefore have felt repelled by
Mother’s Blood. This would eventually have caused a repelling of
Mother Herself, since Her physicality is different from that of Her
The laws of existence also decree that opposite light attracts. Mother
has therefore placed a dense level of Her light within the shield of

This will bring several advantages to every being:

• Her creations will feel attraction versus a repelling of Mother. If
we study the history of the cycles (see The History of the Cycles
in The Lemurian Science of Peace), we will find that this brings
ascension rather than descension.
• It will form a further shield to prevent even more subtle forms of
invasion from reaching the individual being.

89 Mother Goddess is a term that denotes the feminine aspect of the Infinite Being.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

• The Belvaspata90 healing modality is highly effective because of

opposite light attracting. Having Mother’s greater light around us
is like having permanent healing taking place. The perfect light is
attracted to any distorted light and can be attracted out of its layer
to the site of distortion. Healing will take place if we do not hold
on to the illusion of the disease.

90 See the Belvaspata, Angel Healing Volume I and the Bonus Section of this book.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

Call for Purification of Illusion

Through the Tenth Body

Barisk tretva uhurus tre tra va

Tru-u spa u ratvi ek stanadok
Berespa. Nin kretvi erestra uesbi
Kletl hut spa-u rak viles taa.

Cleanse from my body every trace

Of aught that of negativity remains
By the Mother’s Blood’s power, let it be so
I release all resistance, only light shall I know

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

Further Understanding on the Bodies of Man

Just like all other parts of dynamic life, the bodies of man (and all
beings) pulse between receptive and pro-active, between allowing
input and giving output.
The two lowest bodies of man (the etheric and the physical)
express the being’s individuality and potential. The two higher bodies
(emotional and mental) are designed to receive the highest wisdom
from the three highest bodies. When the mental body tries to run one’s
life, the upper guidance (including the healing influence of Mother’s
light) cannot penetrate and be passed on to the physical for expression.
The three highest bodies of spiritual emotional, spiritual mental and
the spirit body function as follows (see illustration – Additional Bodies
Given – Living in Mother’s Light):
• The potential of the cosmos lies within the light fibers of man but
it lies in a dormant state until it ‘lights up’ – like being brought
• The zero point body around the heart helps us to create our realities
through love.
• The awareness body receives ever-changing potential from the
layer of Mother’s Light around the fields for the heart to interpret
and create as a reality.
• This is then passed on to the light fibers in the spirit body which
light up certain of these light fibers so that new perception can take
place. (See illustration – The Autonomy of The Bodies of Man.)

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

Additional Bodies Given:

Living in Mother’s Light
The light fibers of
Mother’s Blood – a the seventh body of
substance that keeps someone in identity
hostile invasion away consciousness.
from the bodies.

A denser level of
Mother’s light, The seven bodies
containing all of man forming a
potential surrounds luminous cocoon.
The ninth body consists
every being; further
of awareness. Love,
shielding them from
praise and gratitude
outside influences,
increase the size of the
creating harmony.

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

The Autonomy of the Bodies of Man

The potential received from
The new perceptions Mother’s changing light
affect the cosmic is programmed into the
consciousness. awareness formed here in the
awareness body.
9th 9th
Body New potential Body
potential is
is sent to
8th The zero point receives Zero
8th point
Body the new potential Body energy
arising from the new
When the
potential reaches Consists of
7th From the growth, new the corresponding 7th trillions of
Body fibers light up and new light fibers they Body light fibers
potential develops. light up.
The 10th body,
consisting of The Spiritual-
The new insights Mother’s Blood and Mental body Spiritual-
6th are incorporated interprets the 6th Mental
Body into the individual’s Her Light, insulates Body body
all bodies against information.
plan for life. outside incompatible
influences. The Spiritual-Emotional
The experience is ‘felt’
5th or noncognitively body integrates 5th Spiritual-
Body explored. noncognitively and Body Emotional
perception takes place. body
The Mental
The Mental body interprets body receives
4th the meaning of the the highest 4th Mental
Body experience. wisdom. Body body
The Emotional body Both the Mental
‘feels’ the meaning of and Emotional
3rd the experience. bodies interpret 3rd Emotional
Body information. Body body
2nd Physical body 2nd Etheric-dream body. The
Body 1st Body dream body (etheric)
Experience and physical body turn
prompts Body Prompts wisdom into experiential
insights. experience. knowledge.

The flow of information occurs in a self-directing and autonomous

manner. Potential is ever-increasing through the contribution of

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

Beyond the Chakras and the Physical

Excerpts from the online course Ask Almine Anything I & II

The chakras were created when white light split into separate
colors. As interpretation devices, their specific purpose is based on two
illusions, light and direction. Firstly, the splitting of white light created
seven subtle levels of light. The original purpose of chakras was to
receive the light and download it to the endocrine system.
In accessing Infinite Beingness, we know that there is something
beyond light – something that is inseparable. Because light can separate
it is therefore an illusion.91 The result is that both the chakras and in fact
the organs are no longer necessary – we are fields. None the less, we
still need to balance them otherwise they persist in their illusionary
form. It is in the clearing, cleaning and balancing of the chakras that we
eventually eliminate them.
The endocrine system was also a tyrant of the body through
governing it via the hormones etc. In the past, when change occurred,
the physical pulled us back out of the change. This time when we
balance the chakras through self-work, the physical hormonal cycles
and endocrine system will also be balanced.
As we become aware, the illusion of the need for eating, organs and
systems of the body, downloading and assimilating light in a linear
fashion, starts to change and disappear. We access Oneness. This change
in perception evolves over time as we see beyond the appearances.
The key to assisting us in shedding life’s core illusions is the 3-month,
online course, The Science of Immortality and Incorruptibility.92 It
helps us to become aware of, dissolve and release these illusions of
separation and duality. As we release these illusions we also become

91 Anything within duality that separates or has an opposite is an illusion.

92 For more information on this online course go to

Book 4 The Chakras and The Bodies of Man

more aware of our body as a field and that we are also part of the field
of the One Life.
Like cosmic chakras, the One Life’s purpose fluidly changes
and flows through us. Metamorphosing into this high level (a field)
is indescribable. We are then immortal. Beyond incorruptibility,
immortality exists; there are no chakras. No interpretation is needed as
all is One with the Infinite.

Book 5

Improving Our Health

Book 5 Improving Our Health

A Study to Determine the Effectiveness of

Healing Methods
By Dr Sabina DeVita
A study was initiated in the presence of the healer Almine to ascertain
visible and scientific measures of changes on the biological systems
of a small group of subjects. The Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV)
Bioelectrography camera was used.

About the Bioelectrography Camera

The Bioelectrography camera measures the human energy field and
allows us to detect and monitor changes in the subtle energy fields of
the individual. The energy field is a cosmic blueprint and use of this
technology was most appropriate in monitoring the participants in this
The camera is the most advanced comprehensive full-body imaging
device available on the market today, used and developed by Dr.
Konstantin Korotkov, a leading Russian physicist internationally
renowned for the pioneering research he conducted on the human
energy field over approximately the last 20 years.
The system allows for direct, real-time photos and videos of the
entire energy field of a human as well as other organisms and materials.
The information is extracted by computer software that measures
brightness, size, fractality and other parameters of the energy field. It
is a unique system, distinctive from that used in Kirilian photography.
The photographs can give information about the psychological,
emotional and physical condition of the subject. This aura-imaging
technique is especially useful in showing changes in the subtle energy
distribution around the human body before and after any experience.

Book 5 Improving Our Health

The Study
The principal author, Dr. DeVita, conducted all testing of subjects,
pre and post, over a 6-day period. The study consisted of a small
group of subjects who were subjected to specific healing conducted
by Almine. The testing methodology was based on individual GDV
analysis of psychological/emotional/physical states. Post- and pre-GDV
photography was taken to observe the effectiveness of the healing.
Dr. DeVita was personally trained by Dr. Korotkov in Canada in
October 2001. More advanced training was received in July 2002 in
St. Petersburg, Russia. She received an International Certificate for her
presentation of clinical data to the VI Scientific Congress and for her
active participation in hands-on training workshops.

Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, inventor of the technology

used in this study
Dr. Krotokov is Professor of Computer Science and Biophysics at
Saint-Petersburg Federal University of Informational Technologies,
Mechanics and Optics and Professor of Research in Saint Petersburg
Academy of Physical Culture. He holds 12 patents on biophysics
inventions and is the author of more than 90 papers on physics and
biology published in leading Russian and international journals. He has
written multiple books, published in Russian, English and Italian. The
titles include: Life after Life: Experiments and Ideas on After-Death
Changes of Kirilian Pictures, 1998, NY Backbone Publishing Co.,
and Aura and Consciousness: New Stage of Scientific Understanding,
1999, St. Petersburg, ‘Kultura’. Dr. Korotkov is also President of the
International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography.

Analysis and Interpretation of GDV Information

The Gas Discharge Visualization camera created by Dr. Konstantin
Korotkov is the first device in the world that measures the distribution

Book 5 Improving Our Health

of the energy level of biological objects (energy geomeo kinesis). It is

being used for medical diagnosis in many medical facilities.
This technique is based on the visual observation or registration
on a photo film of gas discharge fluorescence as it appears close to
the surface of the investigated subject, placing it into a high intensity
electromagnetic field. Using computer software, analysis is estimated by
means of non-linear mathematics and data-mining methods developed
by Russian scientists. It has been successfully trialed in Russia,
England, Germany, Slovenia, the United States and is acknowledged
in many other countries.

Healthy Aura
The field of a healthy active person is dense, uniform and has
smooth changes of color from the blue spectrum through the orange
to the yellow. Both psychological and physical profiles of each subject
were taken before and after the healing sessions.

Holes, gaps, heterogeneities and outbursts in the aura are indicators
of disturbances in the energy field. They point to disorders on mental,
functional or organ levels, showing a direct link to the organ system
indicated on the Beogram (aura picture). Left and right side projections
of the image show disturbances that relate to both logical cerebral and
right intuitive hemispheres and right and left sides of the body.
Gaps or breaks in the psychological/emotional profile represent
leakage of energy and the individual is most likely experiencing a
number of powerful symptoms. The images of the Beograms help us
to decode an individual’s main psycho-emotional state and denote the
relationship between the organs and the psyche.
Old Chinese texts link rage with liver damage, worry with spleen
damage. Cord-like structures appear to enter and exit the body, often

Book 5 Improving Our Health

indicating attachments between people via intense emotions coupled

with thoughts of fear or worry.

Brief Interpretations of 3 Subjects from this Study

Subjects 1, 2 and 3 are presented here both before and after their
healing sessions. All three displayed gaps, holes and cords plus
irregular energy fields. The pictures and diagrams included display the
definitive improvement after the healing. The ‘before’ GDV Kirilian
picture outlines the disturbed energy field. The ‘after’ image displays
the bio-energetic change and the significant effectiveness of Almine’s
In conclusion, this study shows that the spiritual healing of
these 3 individuals as performed by Almine was indeed successful.
Similar effects were noted on each of the other participants.

Subject 1 Before Subject 1 After

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Subject 2 Before Subject 2 After

Subject 2 Before Subject 2 After

Side View Side View
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Subject 3 Before Subject 3 After

Book 5 Improving Our Health

How Our Energy and Resources

Become Depleted

Excerpt from A Life of Miracles

Identifying debilitating patterns that cause energy leaks is crucial.
We find these patterns by watching for strong, often emotional ‘knee-
jerk’ reactions. These are some of the potential areas that we can
observe for depletion of our resources and energy.

Relationships that no longer hold a lesson can drain energy so we
need to assess which ones are genuinely serving us. We are either
expanding or contracting at all times. If someone makes us contract,
discern whether he or she has a lesson. If not, release the relationship
and move on. If they do have a lesson to offer, the highest choice is to
welcome the challenge because if we ignore it, it will manifest in another
relationship. Have you noticed repetitive patterns in relationships? The
only way to break the pattern is to embrace the insights the challenges
yield. Co-dependent relationships cause a huge loss of energy. This
is when we are trying to control others or trying to please them. We
attempt to control others when we fear change and are desperately
trying to make someone fit into our worldview. We attempt to please
others when we allow their expectations to determine our actions. An
example is every time our mother comes over, we work extra hard
because the little girl inside wants approval.
Not only do we desire to control others and the environment, but we
spend a lot of time trying to ‘relate to’ events and people. For example,
if we see a toy in a garage sale, we may say, “I had one of those”. If
we hear a song we say, “I wish I could sing beautifully”, or “I can sing
better than he can”. This habit reinforces the separatism of the ego.

Book 5 Improving Our Health

If we have gained our lessons and set boundaries with difficult

people in our lives, and they continue to breach our boundaries, it is
appropriate to release these people – even bloodline family members.
It is okay to choose a new family that vibrates harmoniously with
who we are. Others are waiting to play the role of being our mother,
father, sibling or grandparent, who will do so from a loving and healthy

Daily life
Everyday items and interactions can adversely interfere with our
energy fields and physiology. The following things weaken our auric
field and make it permeable by lower-level beings or negative energy:
• Alcohol, drugs, nicotine, excessive caffeine
• Electric blankets, radio towers and fans
• Microwaves, TVs and cellular phones
• Sex with a partner who vibrates at a lower energetic level
• Unresolved emotional and mental conflicts

Drugs prevent us from feeling pain, but they also prevent us from
accessing light. People who use drugs, including dental narcotics and
marijuana, have a thick grayish mucous in their etheric body that
hangs around the head and over the heart. Heavy drugs can also cause
distortions in the mental bodies.
People who have used marijuana for a long time or heavy-duty
drugs even a few times, have overactive adrenal glands. This pushes
them into a constant state of anxiety because the body interprets the
spurts of adrenaline as a response to fear. They then use more drugs to
calm themselves. Continued drug abuse causes the adrenal system to
become dominant, when the goal is to have the pituitary system and
the heart center be dominant because that is the natural condition when

Book 5 Improving Our Health

we are in balance. A fully functioning pituitary gland provides us with

visions and insight.

Noise pulls us out of the present moment and pushes us into a state
of imbalance. It is essential that we have silence. When we are in a
place of silence the heart chakra opens. It also enables us to connect
with the primordial earth (a time prior to manmade noises) which is
very healing.
Noise is increasing tenfold every 20 years. It has become so insidious
that many people aren’t aware that they are constantly bombarded.
Take note of your environment and see if you can acquire more silence.
Check your refrigerator and the heating system. Are fans running?
Does your wristwatch beep? Do you allow the dog to bark constantly?
Does your computer beep or talk to you? Does the car signal you with
jingles and blares?
Those disconnected from their sub-personalities cannot stand
silence. They enter a room or get in the car and immediately turn on the
TV, radio, or stereo. They go into the wilderness and take along music,
claiming they don’t want to become bored. In actuality, they want a
distraction so they don’t have to face the emptiness inside that silence
might reveal.

Noise pulls us from this moment into the next, where linear
time resides. Treasure moments of silence, they allow the
tension of linear time to leave your body.

Surprise drains energy. The unexpected and the unknown can pull us
out of balance, so we need to approach things with equanimity. When
presented with the unexpected, role-play and act ‘as if’ we already
know, even when baffled. We merely form a hypothesis stating, ‘This

Book 5 Improving Our Health

might be true’, and then we wait. This is a stalling technique to gain

the time to center ourselves, see behind the appearances, and discern
whether action is needed. This is developing an attitude that enables us
to constantly guard our energy so we are less likely to be preyed upon
by those who wish to steal it. Everything requires energy, so it is the
most sought after commodity in the universe.

We cannot define ourselves by who we have been. We must define
ourselves by who we are becoming, and we are becoming masters of
light. Consequently, we cannot insult the god and goddess within by
saying derogatory things: “I am poor at math; I am scared of mice; I
am ugly; or I am terrible with managing money”. That was yesterday
– redefine yourself today. All knowledge is within us. All talents are
within us. All beauty. All power. Watch your words and only speak
those that reflect who you are. (A good rule is to never follow the words
‘I am’ with anything negative – including the word ‘sorry’.)

If we are obsessing about the what, why and how of every thought
and action, we are indulging ourselves. This bends the energy lines
inward and places us in a weakened state. Obsessing about the
questions brings the baggage of the past moment into this moment,
meaning we aren’t traveling lightly enough to do the powerful work of
transformation. For example, if you are traveling 70 mph in bumper-
to-bumper rush-hour traffic and a truck attempts to sideswipe your car,
you jerk the steering wheel to the left and barely squeeze between two
automobiles in the fast lane. The few seconds following the incident are
critically important. If you fall into self-reflection and say, “Wow, that
could have been a serious accident. That man was trying to kill me!”
and continue to mull it over, you are losing too much energy. Therefore,

Book 5 Improving Our Health

you won’t be prepared for the next moment. Twenty seconds later, he
does it again. Are you centered and ready to respond masterfully, or
are you still shaken and feeling afraid? Which state you are in may
determine whether you survive the second attempt.
Self-reflection includes feeling sorry for ourselves: nobody pays
any attention to me; my boss doesn’t know how valuable I am; and
nobody understands me. The other aspect is giving ourselves labels and
comparing ourselves to others. With comparisons, if we say we are less
than another, it is worshipping another’s arrogance.
We straighten energy lines by embracing life with awareness in the
moment. This causes the energy around our bodies to radiate outward.
The self-centered person, constantly engaged in self-reflection, bends
these energy lines inward. This causes decay and eventual death.

A Master is Self-referring
A master is self-referring for his approval, so he doesn’t react to
other’s words or actions. He knows not to expect approval from the
majority. Society lives by tradition and worldviews. In fact, society is
a society because of its attachment to those worldviews. A master has
released these views and so society rejects him.

Confusion drains energy. When faced with conflict or dilemma,

choose to stay in stillness until the answer to the matter reveals itself.

Book 5 Improving Our Health

Responsibility – Supporting Versus Saving

Excerpt from Journey to the Heart of God

One of the greatest impediments to the progress of lightworkers is
a misplaced sense of responsibility – the misguided and deep-seated
feeling that we need to feel guilty about flourishing when another does
not. We often seem to think that somehow we serve life best when we
join others in their blind victimhood, or that we dare not be happy until
we have saved others.
We view happiness as something we must deserve, rather than the
birthright of man. Instead of letting our light shine and becoming one
of the way-showers or light beacons of the planet, we sink back into the
misery of man. Wearing the ball and chain of guilt and the need to save,
we are prevented from flying upon the high winds of destiny.
When we embark upon the path of enlightenment, we must
release others to the responsibility of their higher divine selves. With
the exception of our responsibility to our minor children, we are
responsible only for ourselves. If we can unfold into our godhood, we
can raise the consciousness of every man, woman, and child on earth.
Our greatest contribution always is through the altered frequency we
emit as we become filled with light and not through what we do. This
pure frequency changes all it touches.
To be responsible only for one’s self is the core of an attitude that
refuses to save those who manipulate through ineptness. Manipulation
by those who shirk taking responsibility for their own life can include
the following:
• Confusion – Confusion and obsessing about the questions is a
choice, and as long as others (who, not feeling lovable, settle for
feeling needed) are around to save us, we do not need to develop

Book 5 Improving Our Health

• Self-destructiveness – If I find no value in my own life, but you

keep trying to rescue me, it must have value. Also, if I have not
dealt with feeling unloved by parents, I place you in a saving
parent role, which makes me feel loved;
• Keep me from feeling pain – Pain is the desire for change. If we
keep someone from feeling pain, we also keep them from change.
Through indulging them we inadvertently keep them in their
agony. The key is to organize instead of agonize; to help construct
a way out of that which needs to be changed is better than
wallowing in the pain until it becomes a ‘trusted’ companion;
• The Blame Game – If I can get you to feel guilty, you will keep
trying to compensate, making me able to control you. Or if I rage
at you and keep you off balance by continually having to defend
yourself, I have you hooked into my game.

Responsibilities we cannot shirk

• Our fiduciary responsibility to minor children;
• Responsibilities we have contracted to perform, such as a job we
undertake to perform where others rely on our fulfilling it;
• To speak our highest wisdom when asked for it or when a situation
presents itself where it is needed;
• The responsibility not to abuse a parental/counselor role we
undertake that provides the opportunity for another to become
vulnerable (the reason why a psychologist or spiritual counselor
cannot have a sexual relationship with a client);
• To lend a helping hand when we have the capability to help another
out of a crisis or a ‘stuck’ place in order to move to a higher order.

Book 5 Improving Our Health

Misplaced senses of responsibility

• We are not responsible for saving someone on an ongoing basis if
their conduct indicates they are not prepared to help themselves
and they keep returning to their old mode of conduct;
• We are not required to sacrifice our ability to evolve and thrive in
order to spare another’s feelings;
• We are not responsible for shielding others from looking at their
own short-comings by making excuses for, or compensating for
• We are not responsible for dimming our light so others can feel
better about themselves. If we all sank to the level of the lowest
common denominator, there would be none to inspire and amaze
us; no one to give us vision of what the human race can achieve or
fill us with hope of transcending our limited self.

Our primary responsibility is to fulfill the purpose of our creation;

that contract we made with the Infinite to pierce the mystery of beingness
with light and fold back the boundaries of darkness, illuminating with
compassionate understanding even the darkest recesses of Creation.

Book 5 Improving Our Health


Cords are the result of worldviews and personal labels that have
not been recapitulated. If the average person could see how bound
they are by these limitations imposed by social conditioning, they
would understand the enslavement to which they have submitted. The
warrior of light spends a lifetime tracking his or her motives, working
at eliminating worldviews and removing these ties that bind. The
warrior then emerges a free, self-determinative being dwelling within
the silence of mind to receive guidance from his or her inner wisdom.
The cords formed as a result of these conditioned limiting viewpoints
can be seen on advanced Kirlian photography and can be removed by
the intent of a healer or by ourselves. But just like any disease, they will
remanifest if the misperception is not corrected. The fields of the body
are instantly and remarkably susceptible to healing, but for permanent
repair of these fields and the often more gradual repair of the physical,
the underlying misperception that caused the problem needs to be

Book 5 Improving Our Health

Finding Our Passion and Joy

Passion comes from activity

but joy comes through stillness.

Book 5 Improving Our Health

Finding Our Passion

When the social conditioning of our lives has left the clear impression
that it is unsafe to fully participate in the game of life, we may hang
back in the safety of the known, afraid to make ourselves a target by
being noticed. We may fear that passion could cause our light to shine
so brightly that others might try and tear us down so that their own lack
of luster isn’t as obvious.
If we deny our desire to express passionately long enough, we will
end up being strangers to passion; not knowing how to find it nor
recognize it even if we do. The lateral hypothalamus tells us when we
have eaten enough. The ventromedial hypothalamus tells us when we
are hungry. In the same way, if we deny the promptings from these
portions of the brain, we will end up either obese or anorexic. When
that happens we have to gently coach ourselves into recognizing what
their promptings feel like.
When passion beckons we feel warm and excited, our faces flushed
and our imagination stirring with questions of ‘What if?’ and ‘What
lies beyond the next horizon?’ It inspires us into action and gives us the
belief that we can take risks and build.
We find our passion by following the yearnings our moments of
joy evoke within our hearts. It is the lost song the singer feels hiding
within the shadows of his mind. It is the lost rhythm the dancer forever
seeks. It is the mysteries of the cosmos that wait for the scientist or the
metaphysician to unlock. It is the desire inspired by the innocence in
our child’s eyes to build a life of wonder and beauty for our family.
If passion has become a stranger to us, we might have to become re-
acquainted with it one facet at a time. When expressed, passion consists
of taking risks; of accomplishment and the building of something new.
It adds new experiences, further boundaries, and new depth to our lives.

Book 5 Improving Our Health

To train ourselves to hear the voice of passion once again, we find the
yearning of our heart and follow where it leads. We make a concerted
effort to break free from the prison bars of ruts and expectations, socially
conditioned limitations and self-imposed belief systems that keep us in
mediocrity. We take a few minutes each day to dare to dream of what
would make our hearts sing. We awake each morning and determine to
live the day before us as though it were our last. We look at our lives
as though for the first time, with a fresh perspective that can detect the
joyless, self-sacrificing areas. With courage and great consideration for
the consequences of our actions on others, we implement our first steps
to bring the glow of passion back to these areas.
A decision may take a minute to make, but for it to be as life-altering
as we would want it to be, it needs to be supported by a firm foundation.
This requires planning and also a certain amount of analysis. What
is the goal? What resources will be needed? Is there a discrepancy
between what we need and what we have and how can we fill it? Many
businesses fail, taking many dreams with them, because not enough
thought is given to what is needed to support them in terms of time
and money. Once a goal is identified, break it into projects and tasks.
Jack London is one of the highest paid authors if one takes inflation
into consideration. He used the same method for achieving success.
An immigrant and dockworker, Jack London had a dream of breaking
free from the hard grueling labor and becoming an author. Before his
long day began, he studied English grammar for an hour, and then
worked to earn his bread and butter as a dockworker. At night, he took
a creative writing class at the library and when he got home, he did his
writing. His goal was broken up into projects, then into tasks and his
day structured to accommodate them.
Many envy the achievements of others but they are not prepared to
put in the work. Sometimes it takes burning the candle on both ends to
fulfill a dream. It is our passion that keeps our enthusiasm lit and gives
us our second wind to fly higher than we ever thought possible.

Book 5 Improving Our Health

Finding Our Joy

As passion explores the multitude of possibilities through which we

can express, so joy is concentrated on the simplicity of the moment.
Joy is a mindset, a certain focus that sees the perfection of the here and
now, casting a golden glow over the experiences of yesterday. It turns
the mundane into poetry and captures the moment in a still-life image.
Milton said: “The mind in its own place and of itself can turn hell
into heaven and heaven into hell”. The great English master painter,
Turner, at the end of his life said that in his entire life he’d never seen
anything ugly. Franz Lizt was urged to write his memoirs, but he
said: “It’s enough to have lived such a life”. He found such joy in his
experiences, he didn’t have to externalize them to appreciate them.
Joy can be recognized by the deep feeling of satisfaction it brings;
by the feeling that one has come home to oneself. It taps into the quiet
place within that nurtures the soul and replenishes the mind. When
under its spell, joy makes us feel light and young again, connected to
the earth and freed from our cares.
The key to finding our joy lies in our ability to work with time. In a
world where mounting responsibilities urge us to accomplish more in
less time, most tasks are hastily performed. Yet we don’t seem to have
any more time to enjoy life. The time that is supposed to be leisure time
has even more undone chores competing for it. The reason this is so is
that when we rush, we speed up time and we seem to have even less at
our disposal.
Just as building with passion requires careful and disciplined time
allocations, living with joy requires the ability to compress time.
If we focus on the details in front of us at this moment, time slows
down. Even if we cannot find an hour today to do the things we enjoy,
we can find the time to enjoy the things we are doing. In cutting up
vegetables to make a stew, we can see the colors of the carrots, explore

Book 5 Improving Our Health

the different textures of each vegetable and smell the fresh fragrance as
we cut through their skin.
Even repetitive work can become a mantra, or a production line a
prayer as we send blessings and angelic assistance to the homes where
the products will end up. Walking in the crowded street, we can feel
the sadness of others but can turn it into joy by envisioning blessings
pouring into their lives. The loss in the lives of others can be used to
inspire praise and gratitude for the blessings in our own.
In our choice of the joy to fill our leisure time, we look for that
which will inspire us into achievement. As the joy flows inward on the
surface, the passion it inspires folds outward beneath the surface. The
greater our joy, the greater the actions it will inspire.

When deep elation fills your soul,

you have just lived your highest truth.

Book 5 Improving Our Health

Letting Our Light Shine

Traditionally, it hasn’t been safe to let our light shine: to demonstrate

too great a passion or too deep a joy. It has brought about persecution
from the tribe whose lack of luster becomes apparent by comparison.
Tribes exist everywhere people see the safety of uniformity and these
groups reject that which cannot be controlled.
When confronted with anything superlative that lies beyond the
status quo, the tribe has the uncomfortable choice of either living with
excellence in their midst and feeling less by comparison, changing
their own behavior to match the new standard or, alternatively, to eject
from the tribe the ones who excel.
Throughout history those who have demonstrated great passion or
joy have been all too frequently ostracized and shunned. The great ones
in our midst have found that, more often than not, the price of greatness
has been solitude. But to still our inner song to conform to mediocrity
is psychological suicide. We have come too far through space and time
to be the wayshowers of this planet, to allow ourselves to blend into the
grayness of the unaware masses.
Surrounded by our own inner family, driven by passion and sustained
by joy, let us with courage walk the path of a life well lived. Let us
fulfill our destinies as light beacons unto the world.

Book 5 Improving Our Health

Teaching Children About Joy

Excerpt from How to Raise an Exceptional Child

Most parents cannot teach their children how to have joy because
they do not know it themselves. Having lost the memory of what
brings them joy during careworn or achievement-oriented years, they
fill their own lives with incessant busyness. The role of parenting often
is incorrectly seen as one of self-denial. If we abandon ourselves, how
can we teach our children to be in touch with their own joy?
The child often comes between parents by demanding to sleep in
their room or having a parent sleep in the child’s room. The relationship
between parents is the foundation of the home and they deserve a space
and a time to foster it.
If a child is sent to daycare or preschool, it is preferable not to do
so when he or she is two years old. Behavioral psychologists have
determined this to be the critical age when a child learns to trust the
stability of relationships with others. The realization that he will not be
abandoned cannot be regained at a later age. Start your little one at one
year old or at three, if possible.
The path of joy begins with the inner child. If we lose touch with
that part of ourselves the pain of alienation sets in. This is the reason
young teenagers feel so lost and have so much anguish. Trying to be
grownup, they turn their back on their inner child’s spontaneity and joy.
Eventually this becomes a way of life, producing careworn, unhappy
Nature provides a place where they can unselfconsciously be their
integrated selves again. Lie with the child on your stomach next to a
river, studying the story of the stones – what they tell about the ancient
geological history of the area. Fry the fish they catch on an open fire.
Try learning birdcalls.

Book 5 Improving Our Health

Joy comes from celebrating life and from random little surprises.
Pick up their clothes, if you wish – greatness cannot be fostered in
chaos. But insist on the tidiness of their minds. Help them with
ruthlessness acknowledge that they are never victims of circumstances,
but empowered beings masterfully creating the circumstances of their
Be affectionate with touch and words and spontaneous acts of
kindness. Turn back their sheets at night; stash lavender soaps in their
drawers so their clothes smell nice, sort their clothes into color for easy
mix and matching.
Each family member should know what little things and what large
things make their hearts sing. Make lists you can keep adding to and
put them up where they can be seen. Try budgeting time and money to
fulfill these wishes as much as possible.
This also helps children see parents as more than agents to fulfill
their needs, but as having needs themselves. Consideration in children
must be taught by having them see through another’s eyes. The nature
of innocence is very similar to the sociological stage of tribalism – it is
supremely self-centered.
A joyous day begins with grace. In the foyer all non-food items that
must leave the house for school in the morning are laid out the night
before. Lunches are laid out well before time to leave. If you have
more than one child, there are piles of items. All the things you must
remember for the office, for errands during the day are similarly laid
out the night before. School clothes are laid out the night before as well.
Take a minute of time to have children cultivate the habit of
envisioning how they want their day to unfold.
My daughter is very picky about whether and what she wants for
breakfast. If she doesn’t eat what I bring her for breakfast, I have a
quick-to fix up snack to give her in the car. This seems to work and if it
doesn’t, I have just produced a mid-morning snack for myself.

Book 5 Improving Our Health

It is a healthful habit to eat small, regular meals throughout the day.

Of these, for many reasons including weight regulation, breakfast is
the most important. Tempt children to eat but do not force them so that
meals do not become a battleground. Have them sit and eat – any other
posture can produce hiatal hernias over time. Don’t discuss stressful
subjects at mealtimes.

When you eat, just eat.

Zen proverb

Book 5 Improving Our Health

Releasing Mental and Emotional

Patterns that Bind

Excerpts from the online courses Ask Almine Anything I & II

Growing up in an abusive alcoholic home can lead to distorted
feelings of low self-worth, sadness and anger in adulthood. There are
however, life-enhancing ways in which these emotions can be healed.
Light is electrical and emotion (frequency) is magnetic. We hold
memories on the magnetic, but it is the electrical that interprets it. It is
a bit like a chicken and egg situation in that one begets the other, i.e.
cause beget effect and effect begets cause.
If we are to heal these memories, we need to find the core frequency.
Moving through pain and stuck patterns, they reinvent themselves until
we gain the necessary insights. This is true both cosmically and in our
Frequency looks into the mirror and sees its eternal self. If you look
back over your shoulder, for instance looking at the abuse of your
childhood you see yourself as ‘black’ light. If you see yourself looking
forward, you see yourself as ‘white’ light. For us, it is preferable to
look forward simply because we do not wish to revisit unpleasant
experiences of the past; whether ‘bad’ or ‘good’ – all experiences have
value. Looking back at the experiences that resulted in low self-esteem
and then looking forward to the refined changes, improves self-esteem
because we now have newly defined our self by our accomplishments.
What is the opposite of frequency? Its stationary shadow self is
memory. In the cosmos, the pattern of memory, formed by little bits of
frequency, is keeping our memory alive. We need to release the hold
that memory has over us.93

93 The sound elixirs break up memories. In part, they eliminate past trauma. Sound
elixirs also release the past and open us to new possibilities. See

Book 5 Improving Our Health

We Are the Source of Our Own Comfort

If we live in stability, so does the earth. If we become self-sustaining

for all our resources, including heat or cold, then so does the earth. We
expect to feel cold if it snows or hot when the sun shines. It does not
have to be that way. You should not expect to feel hot or cold necessarily
when you go outside although it might take you a while to get there.
Once I went over the Grand Canyon and when the helicopter landed
it was 112º degrees Fahrenheit. It was incredibly hot and it might have
been even hotter down in the valley where we landed. At first I said,
“Whoa, it is hot” and then I said, “No, I don’t want it to be hot”. It was
a very interesting experience as I realized I could turn the heat off. We
should practice this exercise often.
To begin with, as a master we can ask ‘Do I allow myself to be
miserable when someone in the house is hostile, angry, etc. Am I in
control of my moods?’ This is the first step. In the second step we begin
to control our own heat, our own cold and whether we need a coat or
an umbrella etc. Even our nutrition and our need for food becomes a
As masters, we need to awaken to our self-sovereignty. The earth too,
who is already an Ascended Master, will awaken into self-sovereignty.

Book 5 Improving Our Health

Sexuality – The Driving Force Of The Cosmos

Excerpt from Secrets of the Hidden Realms

First of all, the distinction must clearly be made between lust and
sexuality. Lust asks, “what is the most I can get for the least I can
give?” Lust takes and sexuality gives. The true sexuality that exudes
from a man or woman in love with life gives freely for it is life giving
unto itself without agendas.
Much of what we think of as ‘responsible sexuality’ is simply the old
paradigm of exclusiveness that was part of the journey of descension.
Sexuality is the celebration of self, the constant awareness of the
potency of our being that exudes as the sun does its light or the rose
does its fragrance.
To constantly ask whether the recipient of our exuding sex appeal
is worthy of receiving it is to deny our being its full expression and
to become attached to outcome. This one may receive, either because
I plan to engage them sexually or they’re considered ‘safe.’ That one
shouldn’t receive because I couldn’t love them in the same way. In this
way the most sacred part of ourselves becomes a currency we pay to
get what we want, all the while calling it ‘responsible’.
This constant weight of self-reflection lowers our frequency, hampers
our fluidity and keeps us in our minds versus our hearts. The light-
promoter lives responsibly, determining with the utmost discipline the
consequences of every action. But progress requires that we develop
trust in our discernment and our ability to protect our borders. Defining
ourselves by what we are becoming, namely Immortal Masters, we can
trust that we can secure our boundaries.
The other argument for hiding our light under a bushel is that we
may hurt others. Living at less than the fullest capacity of our being is
always injurious to others. Being at less than our fullest potency because

Book 5 Improving Our Health

a partner doesn’t like the fact that men and women alike are fascinated
by the energy we exude keeps him or her locked into exclusiveness and
feeds their possessiveness and insecurity.
To shine with the full radiance of our being, celebrating ourselves
with every deliberate gesture, evokes admiration in others. To allow that
love and admiration to flow is to allow another to grow. Love inspires
and enlivens. All great art has been inspired by love; whether love
for another or love of life. To deny another the privilege of loving us
because our self-consciousness or unworthiness or insecurity interferes
is to deny them the evolution of their awareness.
We become what we admire. We grow from the assets we discover
in another and our consciousness rises when we love. Victor Hugo said,
“There is in this life no greater gift than that of being charming; to cast
light upon dark days. Is not that to render service?”
The lust of males has been generally expressed as taking from women
without giving the emotional components of love and appreciation that
hallow the sexual act. The lust of females has been traditionally equally
tainted by the desire to get what they want. Men have given ‘love’ for
sex, and women have given sex to get love (also to get security, to get
ahead or with other agendas).
True sexuality in its purest essence gives to everyone alike, trusting
itself to act only with the utmost impeccability. If we believe that our
pure intentions will garner pure results, even those drawn to us who
break their own hearts on their unmet expectations will ultimately
The great beauty of the 18th century, Ninon de Lencloss, said: “I
enjoy! I enjoy! I enjoy!” She was adored by kings and often loved by
three generations of men in the same family at once. She allowed her
passionate love affair with life to enrich all she encountered and men
and women alike were drawn to her charm. She accepted the adoration
of others unashamedly, knowing that she was receiving nothing more

Book 5 Improving Our Health

than that which she bestowed on all life. She had tapped into the creative
power from which cosmoses form, the essence of all life – sexuality.
There is nothing enlightened about stifling sexuality and emphasizing
only the upper chakras. Although it originates at the root chakra, the
expression of sexuality results in a rising flow of kundalini that clears
blockages in all seven chakras. It is the source of youth; the stimulant
of pure emotions and the origin of vitality and consciousness.

Book 5 Improving Our Health

Sexuality that Enhances Well-being

Excerpt from A Life of Miracles

We aren’t ready to have an intimate relationship with another until
we have one with ourselves. We need to know our inner adult. Many
people don’t know what they like. They seem to have lost touch with
that part of themselves. When asked what they like, their response is
about what used to be. “I used to like riding a bicycle when I was a
teenager,” or “the greatest thing in my childhood was camping,” or “I
read a lot when I was younger.”
It is important to have a passionate relationship with our adult. Take
yourself out on a date for a candlelight dinner, a movie, a walk in the
forest, attend an outdoor concert, or go to the park and sketch or paint.
Also, pamper yourself. Take an hour-long bubble bath with candles and
soothing music. Get a therapeutic massage. Sit under a shade tree by a
creek or fountain.
Do whatever makes your heart sing. Living passionately pushes
back the density. If we spend all our time doing work outside ourselves
– even if it is work that may be making the world a better place – the
density will eventually suffocate us.
We also need to approve of our sexual self. Many people keep their
sexual personas hidden in the closet since they don’t understand them.
Our sexual desires and beliefs can seem odd because of the blueprints
formed very early in our psyche. For example, something quite innocent
may have aroused a young boy, such as an adult stroking his hair. He
may thereafter, associate someone touching his hair as being sexual.
As an adult he may avoid touching other adults and his children on the
We have been deliberately disconnected from our sexuality because
it contains enormous power and has the capability of elevating us

Book 5 Improving Our Health

into other dimensions. So we were made to feel guilty towards sexual

behavior. This was done through social proprieties – rules of what is
appropriate and what isn’t. To distinguish between right and wrong
choices regarding sexuality, consider this: the highest choice is the
one that most fully reflects who we are, all-knowing, all-powerful,
luminous beings of light. A further consideration is that anything that
harms another simply cannot be acceptable.
The function of the inner warrior is to protect our boundaries and
fight anything within that would robs us of power. It guards our thoughts
with merciless persistence. The warrior becomes dysfunctional when
fighting circumstances in the external world, not realizing that we
strengthen that which we oppose and we empower that which we focus

Book 5 Improving Our Health

When Sexual Desire Becomes an Obsession

Sexual desire is often suppressed because it may be unrequited and

therefore too painful, but not allowing desires to flow freely also causes
pain. Pain signals us that change is needed. What needs to change in
this instance is the improper suppression of desire that causes a massive
energy loss. Energy loss in turn causes a loss of consciousness.
To learn to love without pain, or to desire without pain (love is but
the desire to include), is humankind’s biggest challenge on this journey
of cosmic ascension. The key is to trust that our desires won’t turn into
obsessions and that we can desire someone without an agenda.
Sexual desire is used to ascend cosmoses. It is a joyous and potent
force under the correct conditions. Suppressing it bends the energy
lines around our bodies inwards, causing energy to leak out. When
expressed without reserve, it radiates energy in all directions, causing
us to become radiant and attractive.
Obsession sets in only when the sexual relationship between the two
poles of inner sexuality do not pulse each other. In other words, we
only focus obsessively on another when we’re not in a dynamic sexual
relationship with ourselves. When this is in expression, we maintain
our emotional sovereignty and find our sexual appeal to others, as well
as our ability to give, much heightened.
For multiple generations, men and women have been over-polarized;
men have been very far into their masculine pole and women over-
polarized into their feminine. As a backlash to this over-polarization,
the last two generations have retreated more and more to the middle
range. Women have felt less vulnerable and less dominated. Men have
felt less pressured to prove themselves as breadwinners or as being
‘tough’. But unless a man or woman lives both the masculine and
feminine sides (or poles), stagnation ensues and the dynamic inner
relationship dwindles.

Book 5 Improving Our Health

A result that flows from this enriching sexual relationship with

ourselves, is our passionate love affair with life. Every sunset, every
bite of a crisp, juicy apple, each walk with bare feet on dew-drenched
grass becomes a sexual interaction with our world. Our senses heighten,
our appreciation deepens and we start to live in that place of power –
the eternal now.
Living in our heart only happens when we’re living in the moment.
Obsession is born from living in our heads, not our hearts. Obsession is
concerned with the next moment and has an agenda, whereas sexuality
is in love with the moment and appreciates what is before it. The former
is concerned with what it can take from life and so depletes not only the
one obsessed, but his environment as well.
The one who simply allows sexual desire to flow, unencumbered
by expectations, raises not only his own consciousness, but also that
of the one at whom it is directed, assuming it is received in the same
innocence with which it is given.
In other words, pure sexuality – whether acted upon when appropriate
or not – is a hallowing experience. It gilds all that it touches. Like
all potent and expressed emotions, it can broaden our perception and
enhance consciousness. It is also the key that opens the doors to the God-
Kingdoms and awakens the power of emotion when it is most needed
as an energy source to attain these elevated states of consciousness.

Book 5 Improving Our Health

The Stages of Sexual Development

Excerpt from Journey to the Heart of God

Understanding the four bands of compassion found within the
Infinite and its Creation is a bit like discovering the Fibonacci sequence
for the first time. Once you know it, it suddenly becomes apparent in
life’s expressions all around you. The four bands of compassion will be
found to provide the pattern for evolving life everywhere, from conflict
resolution and social and relationship stages to sexual development.
(See illustration – Four Great Bands of Compassion.)
The sexual stages of man pertain to the way the opposite sexes
relate to one another and move through the bands of compassion from
the top (as illustrated) to the bottom during identity-consciousness.
Immediately preceding God-consciousness they begin moving from
the bottom to the top, symbolizing the blue road home.
In current industrialized societies these natural developmental stages
have been severely disrupted through corruption from the media, the
increase of neglect and child abuse resulting from the destruction of
primary family units. When societies are declining or de-structuring,
this becomes the case. Traditional stages of sexual development occur in
the following sequence: (See illustration – Sexual Stages of Mankind.)

1. Seeking Sameness: (Pre-Adolescence)

During pre-adolescence boys and girls gravitate towards same-
sex groups in order to learn more about what it means to be a boy
or a girl by observing it in their same-sex peers. Boys build ‘Keep
Girls Out’ clubhouses and girls often view boys as the ‘enemy’
as they huddle together in giggling groups. If sexual activity does
occur, it usually involves same-sex masturbation or exploration of
the self through self-masturbation.

Book 5 Improving Our Health

4 Great Bands of Compassion

Entrainment – The
The Infinite Law of Resonance

Infinite receives new

Same poles knowledge from
attract. materialized life, identifies
All all that is life-enhancing
unidentified and allows Itself to be
pieces are entrained by it.
passed on to
the next band.
Electricity – Further
sameness is identified
and any remaining pieces
that aren’t life-enhancing
become externalized.

All unknown pieces Zero Point – The place of no

are externalized and time, space or frequency that
creation forms. connects all frequency bands.

Inclusiveness – The
unknown is included
Opposite within the known. The
poles attract. unknown is recognized
through its frequency.
Creation Law of Polarity

All further
pieces are
for Opposites Attract – The
exploration unknown becomes known
through through experience. All
experience. new knowledge is gained

These four frequency bands form the matrix of all evolving life.
By aligning with them, we draw upon the power of the All.

Book 5 Improving Our Health

Sexual Stages of Mankind

4. Seeking only 1. Seeking Sameness –
Sameness – During Pre-adolescence. Boys
the final stage of and girls seek same-
human evolution, one sex playmates. This
only identifies with strengthens sexual
indwelling life and not identity.
form. Another is seen
as a door to eternity.

3. Examining
Humanness within 2. Seeking Sameness

IDENTITY CONSCIOUSNESS (Stages evolve this way)

Oneness – We re-enter (with intense interest in
GOD-CONSCIOUSNESS (Stages evolve this way)

the human condition opposite sex) – Early-

even though we adolescence. Boys
remember our oneness. and girls participate
If it is conducive to in same-sex activities
growth, we choose to but obsess about the
engage in sex. opposite sex.
3. Understanding
the Opposite (by
experiencing it within
the familiar) – Late
2. All is Experienced teens and early
Within (first two twenties. Boys and
phases of God- girls experience the
Consciousness) – We opposite sex within
live total inclusiveness. groups of combined
It is impossible to sexes. The relationships
desire another. are more superficial.
4. Experiencing the
Opposites – Mid
1. Opposites Merge twenties and later.
(preceding entry into In-depth and isolated
God-Consciousness) – The relationships form
masculine and feminine with mental/emotional
within merge to give birth exploration. We get to
to the God-being. Sexual know our own opposite
desires decline. sex within by studying
it in another.
Understanding these stages can aid us in honoring where we and
others are along the path of unfoldment in human sexuality.

Book 5 Improving Our Health

2. Seeking Sameness With Interest in the Opposite:

While still staying in the safety of the same-sex peer groups,
adolescents now develop an obsessive interest in the opposite
sex. During this stage the quest to understand their own sexuality
continues but with increasing curiosity about the opposite sex.
Boys spend hours lifting weights, considering cars to drive when
they get old enough to have a license and other ‘manly’ pursuits
that are culturally appropriate. It is a time of proving themselves
as ‘a man’. Hours are spent studying and obsessively speculating
about the opposite sex.
Girls spend a great deal of time with their same-sex peers
learning to become ‘a woman’. They study magazines, makeup and
fashion. They worry endlessly about their bodies and appearance,
fed by the unrealistic portrayal of the feminine ideal the media
gives. They speculate in groups about the opposite sex. Generally,
if sex does occur with the opposite sex, they retreat back into the
same-sex group as their main support group after the encounter.

3. Understanding the Opposite by Experiencing it Within the

Familiar: (late teens, early twenties)
Cliques or groups of both sexes with similar interests form so
that they may study each other in the safety of the group. Sororities,
the ‘jocks’ and cheerleaders, the intellectuals, the rebels and other
groups with similar characteristics form.
Sexual encounters can now be explored with one another within
the safety of a support group with similar values. At a time when
they are still unsure about their sexuality, their peers mirror to them
that they are acceptable through their sameness (unfortunately a
similar reason forms the basis of many friendships, locking people
into approved stagnation).

Book 5 Improving Our Health

The sexual relationships are superficial during this stage. They

are not interested in the deep exploration of the emotions or minds
of their partners but rather in broadening their experience.

4. Experiencing the Opposite: (Mid-twenties and later)

During the mid-twenties and later, isolated relationships form
and the association with peer groups becomes more peripheral. The
opposite sex is now studied in depth as we search to understand our
own inner opposite gender through our partners. The emotions and
thoughts of partners become as important as the physical aspects of
the relationship.

Book 5 Improving Our Health

Sex And God-consciousness

When we enter advanced stages of spiritual evolution, sexuality

changes yet again. The changes mirror the bands of compassion
in reverse order (from the bottom to the top). (See illustration –
Developmental Stages of Compassion.) The sexual stages within God-
consciousness move through the bands of compassion from the lower
frequencies to the highest, in the opposite direction and at a higher
level than the stages of someone in identity-consciousness.

1. Opposites Merge: (Preceding entry into God-consciousness)

One of the pre-requisites to entering God-consciousness is
that the masculine and feminine within each person comes into
perfect balance. The inner union of the masculine and feminine
dramatically reduces the sexual desire for another. The ability to
fall in love is only present when there is an imbalance between our
own inner masculine and feminine.

2. All is Experienced Within: (The first two phases of

To be in God-consciousness is a change so dramatic that one
still in identity-consciousness can only speculate about it. The idea
of having sex with another when first there is no self and then, in
the second phase, there is no other, becomes nonsensical. The bliss
of the second phase is far more intense than a physical orgasm and
the physical aspects of life lose their appeal. The sex drive becomes
The God-conscious person who is in a relationship may continue
sexual activity with a partner however, simply because he or she
only allows during these stages. There are no boundaries to one
who has seen his or her true identity during these first two phases.

Book 5 Improving Our Health

Development Stages of Compassion

1. Feeling
4. We engineer compassion for those
teaching experiences we identify with,
for others. We namely our tribe,
remain incapable of race, nation etc
supporting human
folly unless it evolves

3. We start to practice

IDENTITY-CONSCIOUSNESS (Stages evolve this way)

a form of tough love. 2. Feeling
GOD-CONSCIOUSNESS (Stages evolve this way)

Our compassion compassion for those

supports only we identify with and
indwelling life and outsiders who have
we withdraw any the same traits or
support that keeps adopt our sameness.
another in illusion.

2. We continue to 3. Feeling compassion

see the value of all for those who are
life, but it floods different, but want to
our being to such convert them to that
an extent that we which we represent.
only allow. We have
embraced all within
our inclusiveness.

1. Just prior to God- 4. Feeling

consciousness, we compassion for those
start to see value who are different, but
in those who play we still want to ‘save’
opposite roles and those we judge as less
grateful compassion fortunate.
comes into being.

Understanding these stages can aid us to overcome the tendency of

one stage to judge another as lacking in compassion. We can clearly
see how the level of perception determines the level of compassion.

Book 5 Improving Our Health

3. Examining Humanness Within Oneness: (Re-entering the

human condition)
Re-entering the human condition while remembering our larger
identity, we again act as though we are separate from others in order
to grow. If it is conducive to evolving the awareness of ourselves
and others, we may choose to re-engage in sex.
Because a master at this level serves only the purposes of
indwelling life, sex will be the result of inner guidance received
through the heart and not because of physical needs. Once the
decision has been made to have sex, the master’s focus contracts to
the physical in order to enjoy the experience.

4. Seeking Only Sameness: (The Ascended Master)

At this point, the master only engages in sacred sex,94 if at all.
He sees another as part of himself but now also clearly sees how
unique the perspective is that each person has of life. He may
therefore direct his universal love temporarily toward another and
enter his partner as though through a door to enjoy the partner’s
unique eternal perspective. From this experience the master’s own
perspective gains enrichment.

94 See Belvaspata, Angel Healing Volume II, Healing Through Oneness, for further
information on Sacred Sexuality.

Book 5 Improving Our Health

How Emotions Expand Perception

Excerpt from Secrets of the Hidden Realms

The stages of evolution from man’s identity-consciousness all the
way to the stage beyond Godhood (Super-godhood) stair-step between
being ones of either heightened awareness or heightened emotions.95
They alternate between emotion yielding perception or perception
yielding emotion. In other words, the sides of the pyramid are either
longer than they should be for the perfect ratio or more flat, depending
on the stage. If they are longer, perception (the base) has to increase to
match the emotions. If they are flatter, emotions need to increase for
continued growth.
Because the last phase of the last stage of each evolutionary cycle
(like the end of humanness or godhood) requires emotion as its impetus
to leap across to the next stage, the following needs to be known: how
to create emotion during a phase where there is hardly any. The secret
to this is the value and use of the sacred fire within, the kundalini.
To get the kundalini to awaken emotion, the knowledge of how
to utilize sexuality is essential. Vague memories that sexuality can
facilitate enlightenment have survived among certain groups, like
Tibetan monks and others.
When men and women learn that the safety of the middle range is
nothing but stagnation, they will once again allow each other to express
the extremes of their masculine and feminine poles. They can be safe in
the knowledge that it is done within the boundaries of perception. For
example, a man might not fully express his very dominant side for fear
of the woman thinking he is too rough or overpowering. He may be
afraid of hurting her. But if the underlying perception is one of love and
respect, it will prevent him from harming her in any way. If she knows

95 Following the healing of duality, perception and emotion are now bonded.

Book 5 Improving Our Health

this, she will not be frightened by his assertiveness. His going deeply
into his masculine pole deepens her feminine pole.
The same principle applies when she goes into her masculine pole;
it enables a man who feels secure enough about his own masculinity
to explore the depth of his feminine side. Likewise, going into the
feminine side awakens the more assertive side of the partner. In this
way, the full range of our sexuality awakens our emotions.
The full range of our sexuality can in this way awaken our emotions.
Also, as they pulse they grow larger and larger until they eventually
propel us forward in our evolution. To study the interchange of energy
between two opposing emotions representing the positive and negative
poles respectively, let’s examine the way passion and joy pulse each
Joy is the feminine pole and is contracting. Passion is the positive
pole and is expanding. Passion expands into the unknown, attracted by
its negative energy, since with energy and matter opposite poles attract.
In the same way, joy contracts into the known, drawn by its positive

Book 5 Improving Our Health

Sacred Sexuality

Excerpt from Journey to the Heart of God

There is only one criterion for weighing our actions: do they serve
indwelling life or don’t they? If they serve the world of form only, they
serve that which is unreal. On the other hand, if actions serve to evolve
awareness, then they are aligned with the purpose of indwelling life.
The degree to which sexual acts are enhancing to the indwelling life
of participants depends on the consciousness that initiates them. To be
conscious is to see the big picture. Conscious beings consider carefully
the effects of any act on others. They know that any choice they make
must benefit all equally in the evolution of awareness.
Many sexual ‘spiritual’ practices are designed to enhance energy,
which in turn increases consciousness, but not always equally to both
participants. Using another to enhance primarily one’s own energy can
provide short-term energy boosts but will ultimately deplete not only
oneself, but also one’s environment. A practice that focuses on self-
gain is self-centered, a condition that de-spirals the DNA strand and
warps the web of existence, creating karmic repercussions.
The ancient Chinese traditions of the White Tigress women enabled
practitioners to remain youthful into their nineties and beyond through
the energy these practices provided. Like vampires of energy, there was
personal gain to them with little exchange. Tantric practices provide
more of an exchange, yet are nevertheless more enhancing to males.
There is a limited amount of power and energy available from the
form side of life and a limitless supply from the Divine that breathes
life into form. The only way to gain energy and power without
damaging the web of existence is through enhanced perception. The
secret to unlocking the gift of perception that sexuality can yield lies in
that place of connection with the Infinite: the present moment. It is in

Book 5 Improving Our Health

the stillness of the moment that we experience the ultimate love affair
between Creator and Creation. It can be demonstrated in the following
way: if we pass blindly by a flowering bush along the wayside and fail
to see that it is ablaze with the glory of God, nature withers. Nature
thrives on appreciation. If, in a quiet moment of contemplation, we
truly acknowledge the beauty of a flower, it allows that plant to evolve
more rapidly into a more complex form of expression.
In a similar way, truly being present and appreciatively entering into
the wondrous miracles of our partners contributes to their evolution of
awareness. Thoughts about techniques pull us out of the moment into
the world of form and away from indwelling life.
As we focus on truly experiencing another, the energy lines around
our bodies open like the radiating petals of a flower. When this happens,
blockages are released and power and energy flow freely through us,
allowing us to receive a greater supply of life-force. Once we shift our
focus, however, to personal performance or agendas, the energy lines
fold inwards, draining energy from our partners. The energy we drain
from another may temporarily increase our own but, as is the case with
all self-centeredness, eventually leads to decay and death.
Our insensitivity to the miracle of another disrupts the web of life
because it is damaging to them as well as ourselves. It is damaging
to them because what is unacknowledged decreases and what is
appreciated increases. It is damaging to us because our true identity
is a being as vast as the cosmos with all existing within us. What is
destructive to another is therefore also destructive to ourselves.
To truly experience another is a matter of the heart. The mind and
senses can only appreciate the form, but the heart can know the divine
essence within. In this way another being, whether a partner or a flower
becomes a doorway that leads from the world of mirrors (form) into
that which is real (indwelling life).
The doorway of the human being reveals a far more complex
expression of life than the flower. Creation can be described as a mirror

Book 5 Improving Our Health

that allows the Infinite to see itself. A human being holds up a larger
piece of mirror, revealing more of the Infinite’s face than the mirror
fragment of the flower. A human being, unlike the flower, has the ability
to make mistakes. In this way he also mirrors that which the Infinite is
not, that it may more fully understand that which it is.
Each human being is a unique perspective superimposed over all
that is. The gift of perception sexual union offers us is that we may
enrich ourselves by experiencing another’s eternal perspective. When a
partner has a lower level of awareness, it becomes more challenging to
pierce the illusions (mirrors). If we approach partners superficially, we
become entangled in their web of illusions. Through opened hearts we
can, on the other hand, see the true perfection of their essence, which is
why sex and love should go hand in hand. By focusing on the perfection
underlying the appearances, we see with the eyes of God. Before such a
gaze, illusion dissipates like mist before the morning sun.

Book 6

The Role of Healers

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Being a Peacemaker for Yourself

Excerpt from the online course Ask Almine Anything I

It is important that we are totally honest with ourselves and live
authentic lives. If we are to achieve this we must ask ourselves the right
questions and see behind our actions and words.

Scenario 1.
A woman is troubled as to whether she can forgive her husband
for his infidelity and also whether he can be trusted. You may ask if a
partner did not tell the truth in the past, how trustworthy can they ever
The starting point may be to ask how she could have manifested this
event. From a spiritual perspective, anytime you are untrue to yourself
in any way, it can manifest a partner that is untrue to you. In addition,
when you try to possess anything in any way it will manifest somebody
that wants to break that possessiveness by going to another.
It is time to live a more disciplined life. Look at areas in your life
where you pretend, make believe, are not true to yourself or do not
live authentically. Examine where you do things that are contrary to
the way you feel. As you restore truth in your own life, it will also be
present in your family.
If continued lying exists in the relationship you must then ask
yourself where are you lying to yourself or where are you covering up.
Go through the areas in your life that make you feel uncomfortable and
see where this is the case. We usually lie to ourselves where there is
guilt, but guilt and innocence are two ends of one stick and neither in
truth exists.
We are the center of our universe and everything we manifest is
the One Life flowing through us. If we create opposition it is because

Book 6 The Role of Healers

we are not listening and we need opposition to steer us in the right


Scenario 2.
A person feels they really need to leave the family home because
they are unhappy. Instead of leaving, they may compensate for their
unhappiness in a number of ways such as overspending or they may
create several reasons for staying. They may use the children as a
reason, saying they are too small and decide to wait until they are older.
Another reason is that he or she may fear living on their own or coping
on a reduced income.
We should never endure anything in life. If it is not something that
we can change into something joyous by changing our attitude, then
we should do our children a favor by showing them, for the sake of our
happiness, we will live somewhere else. It is our imperative duty to
illustrate happiness and joy in our life and it comes from authenticity.
Examine areas in your life where you are not completely truthful
with yourself such as the ways you interact with others. An example
may be that you may pretend to like family members when you go to
family reunions but you really do not like them at all. If this is the case,
then do not go to family reunions. They may not actually miss you or
they may try to make you feel bad for not coming, saying it is your duty
to attend. Your first duty is to be authentic to yourself.
Looking at the way you give and relate to others, will present you
with the greatest insights into where you lack truth.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Being a Peacemaker for Others

Excerpt from Journey to the Heart of God

Light-promoters frequently make the mistake of seeing physical
concerns through the rose-colored glasses of a spiritual vantage point
and then treating them as though they are in fact spiritual rather than
physical. Some examples of this would be:
• Bill loves his brother Sam, but his childhood experiences have
made him inclined to find security in wealth. Through conniving
manipulation, Bill cheats Sam out of his share of their inheritance.
Because Sam can see how Bill has suffered, how much money
means to him and because he also knows that deep down Bill loves
him, he lets him get away with it.
Conclusion: Sam believes himself to be acting magnanimously but in
fact he is injuring Bill. Bill can now keep his blindness in calling theft
cleverness and has been allowed to create karma that will call similar
circumstances forth on his own head. If he doesn’t see clearly when
he reaps his karma, it will have to happen again and again. Sam has
foregone the opportunity to lovingly and firmly let Bill know that his
conduct is unfair and unacceptable.

• Mary’s eldest daughter seems to be floundering in every area of

her life and Mary feels guilt because she believes she is partly
responsible for not having been a better parent during a time when
she was floundering herself. She keeps saving her daughter and
finds that she has to do without in order to manage her budget as a
Conclusion: Seeing the reason for someone’s shortcomings doesn’t
excuse them. We may have compassionate understanding for the
cause of their behavior, but to indulge the behavior itself keeps them

Book 6 The Role of Healers

locked into that position. Compensating for the lack in someone else’s
perception robs them of the opportunity to grow. When we keep
someone from growing just to ease our guilt, we are acting selfishly.
If we serve the growth of all concerned, we will not view our role
as peacemaker as one of covering someone’s folly. To promote peace
means to enhance growth as effortlessly as possible and sometimes
it means to expose someone’s flawed viewpoint. It would also mean
helping someone ask the type of questions that can set them free from
the treadmill of lack of perception.

An example of this could be:

• There are three friends: Jane, Sue, and Beth. Sue and Beth get into
a disagreement and are trying to solve it through letters to each
other. Sue sends all letters first to Jane to ‘check over’, asking
whether it is sounding too adversarial and posing various other
questions that skirt the main issue, namely that she is breaching
a verbal agreement upon which Beth has relied and acted on for
many months. Jane loves both her friends and wants to make
peace. She therefore focuses on helping Sue write as nicely as
possible, attempting to answer the irrelevant questions that divert
focus from what is really going on.
She scrupulously tries to avoid giving advice, not pointing out that
the questions don’t really lead to the discovery of the core disagreement
or problem but actually prolongs it. As Sue asks more and more friends
to advise her, and all give a neutral response or a response positive to
her position (not knowing both viewpoints), she becomes further and
further deviated from asking the core question: “Did I have a verbal
agreement my friend depended on and am I going back on my word?”
The mirrors around her have given no hint of any flaws in her reasoning
and she is therefore becoming more convinced by the moment that her
actions are justified.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

If, on the other hand, Jane realizes that by playing this avoidance
game with Sue, she is not being a friend to either Sue or Beth, she
may ask instead: “Where is the area of blindness in this matter?” She
may then, after gathering facts from both sides, find the core of the
disagreement. When this is pointed out with love to one friend or
another, the disagreement at least has a chance to be healed sooner
rather than later.
In an attempt to avoid taking sides, or in a misguided effort to
focus on the positive (which helps only if one is also prepared to point
out the flaws in perception), peacemakers tend to complicate things.
Every challenge has a core mystery or blind spot. No matter how much
clearing of emotions has to be done, it must be accomplished for all
involved to grow.
As peacemakers, our task is to reveal the root of the conflict; to
serve only indwelling life rather than the mirrors of illusion. Mirrors
entrap – the truth sets us free.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Aphorisms to Guide Healers

The goal of existence eternally changes, yet it changes not. All

roads lead to the exquisite revelation of the self as the One Life.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Physical Health

Nurturing of others must occur from our largest awareness, as a

consciousness superimposed over all that is, to prevent being trapped
by social protocol.

Do not suppose that because others listen in earnest that they hear you.
True listening can only take place in the absence of the dialogue of the

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Bodily appetites are like an unruly child and must be schooled to know
their place, not as needs, but merely as optional desires.

The needs of appetites are disciplined by seeing them for what they are:
substitutes for areas in which we have abandoned ourselves.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

It is not death that kills us, but opposition to life. Many say they do not
want to die, but few have every really lived.

Man chafes against his inability to see the hidden realms. Life must
compensate for what is lost. It is therefore in physicality where we gain
all new knowledge.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

You are the center of your cosmos. With all the power of your vast
existence, let every touch and every word convey compassion and
blessings. In this way, you place the crown of sovereignty on your head.

Approaching food with the desire to gain its nutrition is to taint it with
an agenda. Instead, share the abundance of its life-force by savoring it
with appreciation.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Most waste energy wishing their lives would change. Masters change
their environment by changing themselves.

The principle of compensation decrees that anything worthy of life that

is denied the right to exist, receives increased virility. That which you
oppose is therefore strengthened.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Learning to love without pain and live without agenda is humanity’s

greatest challenge.

No life is unimportant. No strand can be removed from the spiderweb

of life without disturbing its perfection.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Mental Health

Blame and forgiveness are two sides of one coin. Both are born of
blindness to the innocence of all experience.

We heal the environment by healing ourselves. We promote abundance

by being abundant with ourselves. If we feel guilt over having when
others do not, we deprive not only ourselves but them as well.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Daydream, as well as fantasy, arises to fill the gaps of our life where we
abandoned ourselves. They are surrogates for life.

Contentment arises from the knowledge that wherever we are in the

moment has taken eons to achieve and is therefore our greatest gift.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

In the absence of the dialogue of the mind, all things are possible.
Thoughts arise from opposition to life. Let your mantra therefore be: I
cease to oppose life.

We empower what we focus on. Define yourself through every action,

as the master you are and you shall surely embody it.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

To fear is to abandon the sovereign perfection of the self, creating

emptiness within. Nature cannot abide a vacuum, thus what we fear
fills the empty space.

Feeling unlovable, many settle for feeling needed. Lovingly parent

your inner child, for it is the birthplace of self-worth.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Watch carefully the ripples of irritation in the river of your life. They
are not a hindrance, but a help. Beneath the ripples lie the prevalent
insights required to further your growth.

True listening takes place in the absence of thought. Only then can you
enter into the experience of another’s world. To truly listen to someone
else is to assimilate a new perspective.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

If you have become a stranger to passion find its tracks within your joy.
The deeper you go into joy, the more your passion will reveal itself, for
they are partners in the joyous discovery of life.

Fulfillment begins by rejoicing in what you have. Change begins in

accepting where you are. Increase begins in being grateful for your

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Spiritual Health

Because all are created from the body of the Infinite, all are by nature
flawless. All conduct is therefore simply the song of life singing to

Self-centeredness occurs when the outer senses dominate. Outer

and inner senses must merge and experience life from the largest
perspective: a being as large as the cosmos having a human experience.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Light-seekers diligently weed the garden of the soul but often forget to
sow the seeds of contentment and delight.

In the absence of the dialogue of the mind, all things are possible.
Thoughts arise from opposition to life. Let your mantra therefore be: I
cease to oppose life.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

What we fight against multiplies. For in shattering one mirror another

stands revealed, reflecting to us our imagined shortcomings. Whether
we know it or not, perfection is all there is.

In the place of pure spirit, growth is exponential. To try and predict the
future is to attempt to put an exploding star in a box

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Fly where your heart takes you, inspired and unafraid. He who waits
for the approval of others has clipped his own wings.

Total self-responsibility and absolute freedom are two sides of the one
coin. One cannot exist without the outer.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Today’s truth is not tomorrow’s truth, so hold your present truths lightly.
The only truth that never changes is that you are a child of the Infinite.

When the human soul feels alienated from Source, it seeks a situation
that offers a sense of ‘belonging’, as in a tribe. The tribe, however,
stunts growth because it requires conformity. Solitude is the price of

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Attempting to right a wrong judges and divides. Acknowledging

wholeness uplifts the interconnectedness of all life.

Most, who seek abundance, instead focus on their perceived lack,

thereby strengthening it. See yourself as part of the abundance of
Creation. There are trillions of field flowers, of grains of sand, of stars.
Your body too consists of abundant life. Let your affirmation be: “I am

Book 6 The Role of Healers

The Hakulit as a Tool of Guidance

Acknowledgement of another’s Divine Oneness

creates the dissolving of his personal matrix,
effortlessly elevating him into the One Life.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Spiritual Counseling
Introduction to the Hakulit System
Excerpt from the online course Ask Almine Anything I & II
In many cases, current counseling methods are unfortunately often
completely counterproductive, for the following reasons:
We take our own truth and we impose it on another as we interpret
their truth. The concept that we can make someone’s life right is
extremely arrogant. Also, to enforce our will on another is a form of
manipulation and agenda, otherwise known as black magic.
The basis of the Hakulit96 system, as a means of spiritual counseling
or guidance for yourself or another is to assist in seeing beyond the
current ‘truth’ or level of perception. The current ‘truth’ or perception
level cannot guide you in your life because it contains the ‘blind spot’
that created the obscurity to begin with.
In using the Hakulit system, the client is always at the forefront
of finding their own answers – the counselor merely facilitates the
accessing of the answers through the art of questioning. The counselor
uses a set of cards, known as the Qi Vesta cards, to assist in gaining
the necessary insights and in determining the right course of action,
according to the highest truth of the moment.
As truth changes, it may be necessary to repeat the process several
times, asking further questions, until there are no further questions. In
doing so, higher truths will reveal themselves, as layers of appearances
fall away. Having gained clarity about the situation and and by
determining a course of action, the Hakulit can also be used to empower
change by removing any illusions that could delay the resolution or
cause it to fail.

96 The Hakulit counseling system and the Qi Vesta are featured in the online courses,
High Alchemy: Qi Vesta and Beyond Mortality. See www.spiritualjourneys .com for these
and other online courses.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

The benefit of this system of counseling is that the client is recognized

as the master of his life and responsible for getting the insights that are
pertinent to his situation. As the client finds his own answers, through
guidance and questioning by the counselor, it empowers the client and
reaffirms to them that they are responsible for their own life and the
decisions they make. Enabling them to find their own answers, builds
confidence and self-reliance, making them less reliant on the counselor.
The Qi Vesta, which means ‘The Breath of the Divine’ is a
manifestation tool that replaces previously used divination devices such
as the Tarot. Although it is taught mainly as a manifestation device, it
is also part of the system of counseling known as the Hakulit by the
Lemurians. It consists of 4 decks of 36 cards which each have a specific
purpose in the gaining of insights. For example, the Ari Vesta deck will
show the belief systems that are obscuring perception. The four decks
are Ari Vesta, Ha, Nua Wa, Ba Va Ru, and Hana Vesta.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Guidance for the Spiritual Counselor

Excerpts from the online course, Beyond Mortality

• Never impose your world views, value systems or social
conditioning on others in the guise of ‘advice’ or counseling.
• You are, as a Hakulit counselor and practitioner, a catalyst of self-
knowledge, not an arrogant purveyor of knowledge.
• Remind yourself throughout your counseling sessions you cannot
know another’s truth from your vantage point. You can only learn
that from them.
• Remember the level of consciousness of yourself or your client is
exactly perfect for each of you. Not all notes play during a musical
piece – it would create discordance.
• Other counseling systems analyze. One cannot hope to understand
another being as vast as the cosmos having a human experience. It
is disrespectful and arrogant.
• You do not need to answer questions; only to ask them. Your client
will bring the answers to you.
• Learn to assimilate rather than hear. Only in complete silence of
the mind can you enter into another’s communication.
• If you need to analyze or answer, you will have thoughts in your
head. Thus, you will be unable to hear the other.
• The Hakulit system for obtaining guidance does not address
physical symptoms. Belvaspata97, healing modality does. Hakulit
deals with the underlying psychological/emotional and mental
roots of the symptoms.
• Do not succumb to the infantile needs of a client who wants to be
told what to do, thereby shirking their self-responsibility.

97 See

Book 6 The Role of Healers

• Remove the obsession most lightworkers have to ‘fix and save’.

Acknowledge that that which causes heartache is merely ourselves
getting in the way of the inexorable unfolding of perfection
through our lives.
• The absence of instruction in this system of counseling does not
preclude the teaching of self-empowering tools.
• The self-knowledge gained from knowing how to interpret the 12
shallow stages of dreaming98 is invaluable in eliminating past life
influences in the present.
• Teach and know the art of the Poetry of Dreaming to help clients
interpret the 12 deeper dream states that do not use dream symbols.
The symbols clients encounter during meditation can also be
interpreted using the dream symbols.
• The Yogas99 of Illumination including, Irash Satva yoga, Shrihat
Satva yoga and Saradesi Satva yoga all help to release past trauma
and increase resources.
• Increased resources and purification of the body through the use
of these yogas as well as other methods to restore youthfulness,100
assist the client to solve long-term problem areas. Resources are
needed to access non-cognitive answers from within.
• It is unconscious and damaging for a counselor to have any
personal agenda with the client.
• A counselor is in the parental/wise one role. Where sexual abuse
has occurred, the client might see his or her value as sexual and
behave seductively towards anyone in a confidential and advisory
role. Be aware of this.

98 See Labyrinth of the Moon, available from

99 To purchase the yoga books, go to Also visit the website
100 See Secrets of Rejuvenation.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

• In their choice of words, clients will reveal their own answers.

Listen to anything that stands out from the moment they come
through the door.
• Any client that reveals issues to you is mirroring something within
yourself. This is why you have come to learn, not to teach.
• Mirrors reflect what we judge, what we have lost, what we have to
learn, what needs to be healed through perception, what we blame
ourselves and others for and what we need to overcome.
• The only large, proactive part we may play is to change these flaws
within and watch the miracle of our client’s problems solving
themselves as a result.
• Familiarize yourself with the inner sub-personalities101 in order to
understand the mirrors.
Each part of the Hakulit counseling and manifesting modalities will
take roughly an hour. Clients may be charged by the hour; allow them
to choose one or both parts of the system for their session. One hour of
counseling may be sufficient for the first time.

101 See Journey to the Heart of God.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Methodology of the Hakulit

The Art of Questioning
The most difficult part of seeking guidance is to determine the
correct question to ask. This is because every unclear aspect is there
because of a blind spot – some lack in us that manifests the situation
in the first place. The Ari Vesta deck will show us the belief systems
that are obscuring perception, the unreal part of the issues on which we
seek clarity.
The basis for using the Hakulit system to do spiritual counseling
and guidance, either for yourself or another, is that your current ‘truth’
does not apply. Your current truth or perception level cannot guide
you in your own life because it contains the blind spot that created the
obscurity to begin with. Nor can it counsel another. Your truth is not
their truth. Whatever level of perception they have, is perfect in the
grand scheme of things.
It is arrogance to suppose higher consciousness is more viable
than lower consciousness. The person, no matter at what level of
consciousness, has their own answers hidden within themselves. The
Hakulit system allows the counselor merely to facilitate accessing those
answers. Well-meaning counselors telling others how to live their lives
can do great damage. The desire to assert our own truth into the life of
another must be resisted at all costs – a very good reason why ego must
be shunned in favor of humility if we are to be true Hakulit counselors.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Method for a Session

1. In preparation for the session, shuffle each of the four card decks
2. Place them like four fans, face down, on the table in front of you
so that each card is partly visible. Place the four-fanned decks in
an order, from left to right so that you can identify them. Place the
Ari Vesta fanned deck on the left, then the Ha Nua Wa cards, then
the Ba Va Ru cards and finally the Hana Vesta cards all the way to
the right.
3. Draw, or have your client draw, one card from the Ari Vesta deck
while envisioning the area of life that needs guidance.
4. Remove the rest of the Ari Vesta deck and put the single selected
card face up on the table.
5. With your client (if counseling another), contemplate the meaning
of the card. Think again of the area that needs guidance and in
what way the blind spot is being pointed out by the card drawn.
6. Place yourself (or your client) in a meditative state. Imagine
your heart opening until your inner vision can see the moon, sun,
solar system and eventually the galaxy. Continue until more and
more of the cosmos becomes visible and until you feel a slight
resistance from the edge of formed life and can expand no further.
7. From this expansion, visualize the properties of the concept of the
card filling all life. Then visualize its qualities filling the situation.
8. Come out of the meditation and now ask yourself or your client:
Q. How do I (you) now see the matter that required clarity
in a different way than before taking the truth of the card into
Note: If the client has difficulty, help with ‘possible suggestions’
and ask them if any of those suggestions feel right.
9. Keep exploring until it is felt that the core question is reached.
Write it down.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

10. Keep in mind that nothing is as it seems and that from our vantage
point, we cannot see the greater perfection. Remind yourself (and
your client) of this.
11. A single Ha Nua Wa card may now be drawn, again while
contemplating the area of life needing clarity.
12. Again, remove the rest of the deck and lay the chosen card face up
on the table.
13. At this point contemplate the tyranny of the heart – the emotions
that are causing the blind spots and slanted perspectives. They
needs to be cleared in order to see fully see how the Ha Nua Wa
card can provide guidance to the situation.
14. Identify the strongest emotion felt about the situation. Ask:
Q. Why is it felt?
Q. When was the first time you recall feeling the same?
15. After contemplating the meaning of the drawn card, go into
another expansive meditation. Envision its principal filling all life.
16. While in expansion, envision the cards properties filling the first
situation in your memory in which you felt these emotions.
17. Stay with the memory, erasing its hold on you until it no longer
evokes the emotion. Stay in meditation.
18. Now, do the same for the current situation in question. Then come
out of the meditation.
19. Ask whether this changes the question(s), you have about the
situation. Write down any of those changes.
20. Next, draw one Ba Va Ru card and place it face up on the table,
removing the rest of the deck.
21. Identify every single belief system involved in how you see the
situation. What we think we know is usually a good indicator of
where the belief systems are.
22. Once the belief systems are identified, use the Ba Va Ru card to
help dissolve them. Question their origins to find out where these

Book 6 The Role of Healers

belief systems had their beginning and how they obscured the
23. Ask if it changes the question by changing our perspective to an
omni-perspective. Write down any changes.
24. Know that as perspectives change so has the situation. It is not as
it was when the session began. The past is fluidly determined by
the present.
25. Draw (or have the client draw) a Hana Vesta card while silently
requesting an answer to the latest question formulated in step 23.
26. Contemplate its meaning. Ask:
Q. How does that meaning apply to the present situation as a
27. End on a meditation to envision the positive changes and answers
taking effect in the specific area for which guidance was sought.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Manifesting Perfection through the Hakulit

The Hakulit, as a guidance and counseling system, determines a

course of action according to our highest truth. Truth changes as we do.
Therefore, the guidance system can be repeated several times as long
as any questions remain. As layers of appearances dissolve, higher and
higher truths reveal themselves.
After gaining clarity about a specific course of action, the Hakulit
also provides a way of empowering it. This can be done by removing
the illusions that can cause failure of any kind or a delay in achieving
resolution. Do this right after the previous protocol for gaining clarity.

Method for Drawing the Sigil of a Powerful Manifestation

First stage in creating the sigil:
1. Make multiple copies of the Wheel of Divine Manifestation. You
will be using one of them at this time.
2. Have a pen handy to draw the sigil of powerful manifestation onto
the Wheel of Divine Manifestation.
3. Have the 4 cards drawn from the 4 decks in front of you. Note
the number on the Ari Vesta card. This number corresponds with
the number on the Ari Vesta wheel – the innermost circle on the
Wheel of Divine Manifestation. This is the starting point to draw
the sigil.
4. Draw a line from the Ari Vesta card’s number to the Ha Nua Wa
card’s number.
5. From there, draw it to the Ba Va Ru card’s number and then on to
the Hana Vesta card’s number.
6. Complete the first part of your sigil by connecting the Hanna
Vesta card’s number to the Ari Vesta card’s number.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Wheel of Divine Manifestation

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Stage 2: Creating a Sigil

1. Draw 1 more card from each of the decks of cards.
2. Place them face up on the table.
3. Read the concept on the Ari Vesta card and contemplate how it
relates to the following:

Nothing is as it seems.
Try to understand how the 2 truths fit together.
4. Read the concept on the Ha Nua Wa card. Contemplate how it
relates to the following:

I cannot hope to solve this problem but my next step is to try.

5. Read the concept on the Ba Va Ru card and contemplate how it
relates to the following:

Life is impartial in its unfolding.

6. Read the concept on the Hana Vesta card and see how it relates to
the following: That which seems like a problem from a smaller
perspective is but the unfolding perfection of the One Life.
7. Now connect the numbers of the four newly drawn cards to
complete your sigil. Draw them in the same order as before. The
new drawing goes over the previous one.
8. You have now completed your sigil of powerful manifestation.
Place it under you bed (like a power object) or on photos or
drawings representing the situation you want to empower in its

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Wheel of Manifestation

Step 1: Drawing the Sigil

Ring of the Ring of the Ring of the Ring of the

Ari Vesta Ha Nua Ba Va Ru Hana Vesta
cards Wa cards cards cards

Example: If you have drawn the following cards, the

numbers will be connected as shown: (Ari Vesta) #6
connects to (Ha Nua Wa) #42; (Ha Nua Wa) #42 connects
to (Ba Va Ru) #76; (Ba Va Ru) #76 connects to (Hana Vesta)
#142; (Hana Vesta) #142 connects back to (Ari Vesta) #6.

Book 6 The Role of Healers

Wheel of Divine Manifestation

Step 2: Drawing the Sigil

Example: (Ari Vesta) #20 connects to (Ha Nua Wa) #41;

(Ha Nua Wa) #41 connects to (Ba Va Ru) #100; (Ba Va Ru)
#100 connects to (Hana Vesta) #144; (Hana Vesta) #144
connects back to (Ari Vesta) #20.

Book 7

Methods of Healing
Book 7 Methods of Healing

Introduction to Essential Oils
In her book, Saving Face, Dr. Sabina de Vita writes:
The human olfactory system – sense of smell – is our most ancient and
powerful root of emotional life (Goleman, 1977). Research has shown
aromas stimulate the brain within one to three seconds. As aromatic
molecules are inhaled, olfactory membranes capture them. There are
800 million nerve endings for processing and detecting odors. Each
fragrance molecule fits itself into specific receptor cells like a puzzle
piece. The stimulation created by odor causes the receptors to trigger
electrical impulses … within milliseconds bypassing the thalamus,
which is the electrical switchboard of the brain.
The research done by scientists on the effects of oil fragrances has
found them to be one of the fastest ways to affect heart rate, blood
pressure, breathing, memory, stress levels and hormone balance. They
produce effects 60% to 76% stronger than the herbs taken whole.
Essential oils are one of the highest known sources of antioxidants
that can prevent free radical damage.

Choosing Pure Products

The oils recommended and available from the number provided102
are all Young Living Oils. There is a very important reason for this: there
are vast differences between good therapeutic grade oils and perfume
grade oils. Their effectiveness varies widely as well. Only 2% of all
essential oils are therapeutic grade oils. The remaining 98%, produced
for the perfume industry, are in many instances synthetic, adulterated,
over or under-processed, laden with chemicals or denatured. One of the

102 Available from Spiritual Journeys Office at 1-877-552-5646, toll-free in US.

Book 7 Methods of Healing

key factors in producing therapeutic grade essential oil is to preserve

the delicate balance of aromatic compounds, which can easily destroyed
by high temperatures and high pressures. Using copper or aluminum
distillers rather than stainless steel (as Young Living Oils does), also
destroys these compounds.
Pure therapeutic oil starts with proper agriculture. The plants need
to be free of pesticides and chemicals so that toxic compounds are not
produced during distillation. Multiple other factors, such as seed and
soil quality (with proper enzymes and trace minerals) need to be taken
into consideration.
“We irrigate with pure mountain water… The herbs are distilled
fresh … under low pressure and low temperature to preserve the healing
constituents,” Dr. Gary Young.
An example of the high standards required for pure therapeutic grade
oil is given by Dr. Sabina DeVita: “Timing and pressure in distillation
are extremely important; e.g., cypress requires 24 hours at 245° and 5#
of pressure to extract all of its active ingredients. Lessening the time by
2 hours will result in destroying 10 to 20 of the oil’s constituents. Most
operations distill cypress for only 1 hour and 15 minutes, so you can
imagine the quality of the oil.”
Roberta Williams in her book, Aromatherapy, states, “…95% of the
products sold as aromatherapy are counterfeit, pseudo-aromatherapy
with no therapeutic value, and produced in massive quantities from
petrochemical imposters.”
Few companies in the world have obtained the AFNOR label – the
recognized international standard for therapeutic Grade A oils. Young
Living Oils have been granted this endorsement for the excellence of
their products.

Book 7 Methods of Healing

The Benefits of Essential Oils

Not only do these great gifts to humankind bring emotional balance
and well-being but they also provide us with extraordinary rejuvenating
effects for the skin. Like sound therapy103, they are a joy to use and
deliver tremendously potent results.
They reverse aging by stimulating rapid cellular reproduction.
They penetrate and moisturize deep dermal layers of the skin.
They promote lymph flow, purifying the skin by removing toxins.
They heal skin scarring, sun damage and wrinkles.
They are a disinfectant to skin bacteria, fungus and viruses.
They reduce redness and inflammation.
They regulate hormones and oil gland activity and reduce stress.
They keep collagen and elastin production at optimal levels.

103 See

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Home Beauty Products

Lavender Oil
The many contributions are as varied as the oils, making it difficult to
single one out. However, lavender is rare in that it is anti-inflammatory
and balancing (normalizing oiliness) and is suitable for every body
type. Furthermore, it reduces stress and enhances libido. It is a powerful
wrinkle reducer, antiseptic and scar eliminator. Like bergamot, you can
use it as an anti-depressant and it is also great as a deodorant. It relieves
sunburn and restores skin’s elasticity.
Note: Drop 4 drops of lavender oil into a cup of cool water. Dip a
washcloth in the solution, wring out the excess liquid, and use as a
soothing eye compress.

Rose Oil
Not all roses are the same due to centuries of cultivation of hybrid
species. Young Living Oils use Bulgarian Rose Oil with a frequency of
320 Hz, the highest in the plant kingdom.
It is a powerful releaser of HGH, a cell rejuvenator and is suitable
for all skin types. Bulgarian scientists have demonstrated that Bulgarian
Rose Oil can reduce high blood pressure and heart arrhythmia.

Facial Masks
1. Add 4 drops of lavender oil to a dessert spoon of oatmeal in
the palm of your hand, and scrub the face with gentle rotating
2. For normal to oily skin, pour 3 tablespoons of fine Celtic sea salt
into your hand, add 3 drops of lavender oil and a little warm water
to make a paste. Massage into the skin and rinse. Use once a week
to exfoliate dead cells and remove toxins.

Book 7 Methods of Healing

3. Place stevia drops (non-alcohol base) in the palm of the hand,

then distribute over the face and neck, and rinse off after 15
minutes. Stevia, like vinegar, is one of the wonder foods. It helps
reduce wrinkles and softens, tightens and enlivens the skin. It
helps burns, cuts and wounds heal without scarring.
4. Lavender or rose oil can be mixed with a tablespoon of honey.
Apply it to your face and neck and leave it on for 20 minutes
before rinsing.
5. Mashed organic strawberries mixed with 5 drops of lavender
oil helps reduce redness on the chest, neck and face when used
regularly as a 20-minute mask.

Toners and Spritzers

1. Mineral water mixed with 3–4 drops of lavender oil.
2. Organic apple cider vinegar mixed with 3–5 drops of lavender oil
relieves skin disorders, redness, inflammation and age spots.
3. A tablespoonful of witch hazel combined with 2 drops of lavender
oil is an astringent, cooling toner that refines skin tone and
minimizes enlarged pores. Store this in the refrigerator.

Mix 4 ounces (1/2 cup) of unsweetened kefir with 8 drops of lavender
oil. Rub into the scalp after shampooing and rinse after 10–15 minutes.
This is also good as an aftershave; leave it on for 5 minutes.
Note: Unsweetened kefir and stevia are essential parts of a rejuvenating
diet. Recommended reading: The Body Ecology Diet, by Donna Gates.

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Life-Enhancing Psychological Effects

of Essential Oils 104

Balsam Fir (Idaho) Self-dignity

Basil Integrated Oneness
Bergamot Finding inner home
Black Pepper Passionate exploration
Cedarwood Recognizing inner divinity
Cinnamon bark Pleasant memories
Citrus Accessing experiential knowledge
Clary Sage Belief in success
Clove Dissolving boundaries
Coriander Releasing untapped potential
Cypress Balancing the feminine/masculine
Dill Unified fields of light and love
Douglas Fir Exuberance
Elemi Dynamic balance
Eucalyptus Dives Emotional stability and flow
Eucalyptus Globulus Creating new paradigms
Eucalyptus Polybractea Openness to new ideas
Eucalyptus Radiata Recognition of intrinsic value
Fennel Comforting the Inner Child
Frankincense Entrainment with the Earth
Galbanum Overcoming conditioned responses
Geranium New beginnings
Ginger Self-trust
Goldenrod Re-establishing faith in perfection
Grapefruit Resurrection of innocence

104 The purest forms of these essential oils are available from Spiritual Journeys office
at 1-877-552-5646, toll-free in US.

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Helichrysum Enlightenment
Hyssop Inner well-being
Idaho Tansy Being in touch with the instinctual
Jasmine Sensuality explored
Juniper Spiritual reawakening
Laurus Nobilis Finding the praiseworthy
Lavender Gratitude
Ledum Acknowledging wholeness
Lemon Purity regained
Lemongrass Youthening through frequencies of praise
Marjoram Delight remembered
Melaleuca (Alternifolia) Self-discovery
Melaleuca (Ericifolia) Dynamic balance
Melissa Being fully present for the self
Mountain Savory Surrender to the divine
Myrrh Majesty reclaimed
Myrtle Faith in bounty
Nutmeg Limitless availability of resources
Orange Reawakening pure sexuality
Oregano Realizing dreams
Palo Santo Clarity of vision
Patchouli Connection with nature
Peppermint Effervescent energy
Pine Feeling enveloped in safety
Ravensara Empathic/telepathic communication
Roman chamomile The peace of immortality
Rose Divine presence
Rosemary Holistic language of truth
Rosewood Integrated transparency
Sage Absolute truthfulness with self
Sandalwood Compassionate understanding

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Spearmint Fervent devotion to self-understanding

Spikenard Silencing the mind
Spruce Awakened connection with Source
St. Marie’s Lavender Recognizing blessings
Tangerine Fluidity in mastery
Tarragon Daring to stretch horizons
Thyme Abundant self-nurturing
Tsuga Establishing sacred space
Valerian Unshakeable peace
Vetiver Eternal perspective
Western Red Cedar Honoring the interconnectedness of life
White Fir Reverent living
Wintergreen Expression of inner strength
Ylang Ylang Divinity of physical life

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Benefits of the 144 Single and/or

Blends of Essential Oils 105

1. Angelica
Note: Avoid exposure to sunlight for 72 hours after application of
this oil.

Physical Benefits
Pre-menstrual syndrome
Menstrual cramps
Menopausal symptoms
Respiratory infections and coughs

Emotional Benefits
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Mood swings
Fear of the future

Spiritual Benefits
Releases the hold of the past on the future
Encourages authentic self-expression
Smoothes interaction with the environment

2. Basil
Note: Do not use if epileptic. Apply to wrists, soles of feet and

Physical Benefits
Soothes insect bites
Anti-viral and anti-bacterial

105 See Belvaspata Angel Healing, Volume II, Healing through Oneness, featuring the
Integrated Use of Fragrance Alchemy for more details on the use of essential oils.

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Decongestant – you can inhale the steam from steaming leaves,

stems and flowers
Very effective anti-spasmodic and for soothing muscles

Emotional Benefits
Apply to the tip of the nose and under the bottom lip (on chin) for
relief of despondency and mental fatigue
Apply to top of the head to relieve over-active thoughts,
especially at bedtime
Alleviates fear of the unknown and fear of the future

Spiritual Benefits
Increases mental quietness for meditation and receptivity for
sacred ceremonies
Assists with receiving and hearing inner guidance

3. Bergamot
Note: Avoid exposure to sunlight for 72 hours after application of
this oil.

Physical Benefits
May be beneficial for strep and staph infection and fungal
Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory qualities
Hormonal support and regulation
Stimulates appetite and aids digestion
Treats intestinal parasites
Can be used as a douche for vaginal infections
Useful as an insect repellant
Cold sores

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Emotional Benefits
Calming, aids peaceful sleep
Useful for treatment of agitation and hyperactive nerves
Useful for anxiety, stress and tension
Has a refreshing quality that uplifts mood

Spiritual Benefits
Instills hope in the future
Wards off density

4. Birch
Note: Do not use if epileptic. May irritate sensitive skin – a skin
test is recommended prior to use.

Physical Benefits
Liver stimulant
Supports bone function
Analgesic and anti-inflammatory qualities
Relieves tendonitis
May be used to treat urinary tract infection

Emotional Benefits
Enhances sensory experience
Encourages self-expression

Spiritual Benefits
Assists in handling density in the environment – apply to the
bottom of the feet

5. Black Cumin

Physical Benefits
Anti-parasitic, anti-viral and antiseptic qualities

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Stimulates immune system

Stimulates digestion
Regulates liver function
May help with migraine headaches

Emotional Benefits
Stimulates inspiration
Calming effect

Spiritual Benefits
Assists with fluidity in responding to life’s challenges
Aids in establishing mastery of the mind
Assists with opening of the heart

6. Cajeput (Myrtle)
Note: Use with caution on soles of feet and in diffuser. Synthetic
Cajeput should be avoided.

Physical Benefits
Following a test on a patch of skin, may be used on insect bites or
Rheumatism and sore muscles
For respiratory infections – use diffuser
May be used as an expectorant

Emotional Benefits
Releases old grievances and resentments
Assists in releasing past trauma

Spiritual Benefits
Assists empaths to cope with their sensitivities

Book 7 Methods of Healing

7. Cardamom

Physical Benefits
Combats worm infestation
May be used for pulmonary disease
May assist with intestinal and urinary tract complaints

Emotional Benefits
Assists with lightening the mood
Restores energy and optimism

Spiritual Benefits
Helps maintain the density of the fields surrounding the body
Assists with healing heartache

8. Cedar (Canadian Red)

Physical Benefits
Insect repellant
Anti-parasitic qualities
Stimulates hair follicles
Antiseptic qualities

Emotional Benefits
Opens extra-sensory abilities
Wards off ill intent

Spiritual Benefits
Opens the pituitary’s ability for omni-sensory perception
Stills the surface mind
Assists to interpret inner guidance by stimulating the abilities of
the pineal gland to interpret multi-dimensional abilities

Book 7 Methods of Healing

9. Cedarwood

Physical Benefits
May be effective against gonorrhea
Useful for treatment of bronchitis
Skin disorders
May reduce hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis)

Emotional Benefits
May stimulate the limbic region of the brain (the center of
emotions) and restores the strength of positive emotions
May produce deep sleep by stimulating melatonin release from
the pineal gland

Spiritual Benefits
Releases joy and passion
Allows the opening of the heart
Restores trust in the benevolence of life

10. Chamomile (German)

Physical Benefits
Reduces scarring
Supports digestion, the liver and gallbladder
Useful for treatment of allergies

Emotional Benefits
Sedating and relaxing qualities
Assists with release of tension and helps with anger management
Assists with clearing the mind

Spiritual Benefits
Assists with releasing of emotional trigger responses and in
achieving emotional mastery

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Assists with stilling the surface mind

11. Chamomile (Roman)

Physical Benefits
May restore elasticity of skin
Assists to relieve muscular tension and spasms
Apply to bruises and cuts
Use as a blood cleanser and for relief of allergies

Emotional Benefits
For relief of mood swings, fear of being alone and depression
Assists to release old grievances

Spiritual Benefits
Assists with centering and focusing in the present
Assists with releasing ‘stuck’ patterns

12. Cassia

Physical Benefits
Antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal
Calms the adrenals

Emotional Benefits
Restores contentment and a sense of well-being

Spiritual Benefits
Brings dynamic balance to the emotions

13. Citronella
Note: Skin test for sensitivity

Physical Benefits
Insect repellant and insecticide

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic
May alleviate headaches

Emotional Benefits
Uplifting qualities
Stabilizes emotions

Spiritual Benefits
Restores yellow to auric fields which creates stable growth

14. Clary Sage

Physical Benefits
May assist with reducing high cholesterol
Supports hormone balance
May assist with PMS and menopause

Emotional Benefits
Very calming and relieves stress

Spiritual Benefits
Allows resolution of past life issues

15. Clove
Note: Skin test for sensitivity

Physical Benefits
Highly antiseptic and anti-microbial
Speeds healing of mouth and skin sores
Supports thyroid function
Numbing of gums when applied topically

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Emotional Benefits
Mentally stimulating
Awakens passion for the adventure of life

Spiritual Benefits
Self-empowering, allows the obsolete to fall away

16. Coriander
Note: Use in small doses – it can be mentally overwhelming in
large doses.

Physical Benefits
Supports pancreatic function and sugar regulation
May alleviate menstrual cramps
Provides relief from gout and rheumatic pain
Sedative properties

Emotional Benefits
Soothing and calming

Spiritual Benefits
Helps release sentimental attachments (cords of the heart)
Increases receptivity to inner guidance

17. Cypress

Physical Benefits
One of the primary essential oils used to support the circulatory
system: Massage with long strokes towards the center of the body
and apply to the armpits.

Emotional Benefits
Assists in releasing pent up self-expression that causes asthma
Assists in promoting grateful acknowledgment

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Spiritual Benefits
Creates the frequency of abundant supply
Assists with grounding and promotes feelings of security and

18. Davana

Physical Benefits
Skin softener
Hormonal balance
Strengthens the endocrine system

Emotional Benefits
Promotes emotional sovereignty

Spiritual Benefits
Assists with creating spiritual poise and grace

19. Dill

Physical Benefits
May support pancreatic function and blood sugar regulation
Promotes proper milk production for nursing mothers
May alleviate constipation – rub on abdomen or the soles of the

Emotional Benefits
Eases muscle tension and anxiety
Aids in recognition of life’s blessings

Spiritual Benefits
Opens up the use of dormant potential and suppressed expression

Book 7 Methods of Healing

20. Elemi

Physical Benefits
Antiseptic for wounds and cuts
Skin care – rejuvenating and softening

Emotional Benefits
Strengthening for nerves and supports emotional resilience

Spiritual Benefits
Creates a ‘sacred space’ for the psyche wherever we may be
Promotes expanded awareness

21. Eucalyptus Globulus

Note: Do not take internally.

Physical Benefits
Powerful antiseptic
Antibacterial aerosol

Emotional Benefits
Promotes well-being and purification

Spiritual Benefits
Directs attention from negative and illusory to the positive

22. Eucalyptus Polybractea

Note: Do not take internally.

Physical Benefits
Urinary infections
Insect repellant

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Emotional Benefits
Inner strength

Spiritual Benefits
Clarity of choices

23. Eucalyptus Citriodora

Note: Do not take internally.

Physical Benefits
Analgesic for sore or sprained muscles
Antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-viral

Emotional Benefits
Clearing mental and emotional confusion

Spiritual Benefits
Clarity of choices and consequences

24. Eucalyptus Radiata

Note: Do not take internally.

Physical Benefits
May help with ear inflammation
Respiratory infections
Sinus congestion – use in diffuser or rub on soles of the feet

Emotional Benefits
Assists in supporting change

Spiritual Benefits
Assists in transitions – also used to anoint the dying

Book 7 Methods of Healing

25. Fennel
Note: Do not use if epileptic.

Physical Benefits
Expels worms
Used to facilitate birthing with ease
Increases lactation
Stimulates cardiovascular system

Emotional Benefits
Enriches the inner life

Spiritual Benefits
Releases memories of trauma held in the tissues, releasing
obsolete patterns

26. Fir

Physical Benefits
Respiratory ailments
Muscular and rheumatic conditions
Antiseptic aerosol

Emotional Benefits
Relaxes the body and eliminates the stress of linear time, releasing
the power of the moment

Spiritual Benefits
Creates the expansiveness of a deep meditative state

27. Fleabane

Physical Benefits
Liver stimulant
May treat delayed puberty

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Cardiovascular dilator

Emotional Benefits
For contact with the hidden realms

Spiritual Benefits
Creates timeless perspectives

28. Frankincense

Physical Benefits
Anti-tumor properties
Stimulates the immune system
Balances hormones

Emotional Benefits
Elevates capacity for increased awareness
Supports higher frequency and changes perception

Spiritual Benefits
Used in initiations – stimulates higher mind
Strengthens spiritual growth

29. Freesia
Note: Use in a diffuser only, not topically.

Physical Benefits
Stimulates the release of human growth hormone

Emotional Benefits
Assists with healing from grief

Spiritual Benefits
Establishes angelic communications and connections

Book 7 Methods of Healing

30. Galbanum

Physical Benefits
Kidney support
Aids in rectifying genital malfunction

Emotional Benefits
Enhances meditative states and inner harmony

Spiritual Benefits
Opens the crown chakra

31. Geranium

Physical Benefits
Aids biliary function
Stops bleeding
Restores and enlivens skin
May assist with healing skin conditions

Emotional Benefits
Promotes deep contentment, inner balance and deep peace

Spiritual Benefits
Aids in releasing restrictions of belief systems

32. Ginger
Note: avoid sunlight after use.

Physical Benefits
Relieves motion sickness and nausea
Aids digestive disorders and protein digestion
May be used for treating alcoholism
Eliminates parasites and mucous in the digestive tract

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Emotional Benefits
Assists with depression
Stimulates initiative and vibrancy of living

Spiritual Benefits
Helps stimulate the inner warrior to protect boundaries and
prevent being taken advantage of
Helps get rid of parasitic relationships and reveals cords that bind

33. Grapefruit

Physical Benefits
Cleanses oily skin
Cellulite and fluid retention
Digestive aid
Cleanses the lymphatic system

Emotional Benefits
May assist during drug withdrawal
Uplifts mood

Spiritual Benefits
Supports self-acceptance and promotes self-love

34. Helichrysum

Physical Benefits
Balances blood pressure
Reduces skin discoloration
Chelates chemicals from the body
Supports cardiovascular system
Supports liver function

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Emotional Benefits
Releases old memories
Instills hope

Spiritual Benefits
Creates new opportunities
Increases manifesting abilities

35. Honeysuckle
Note: For use in a diffuser only, do not use topically.

Physical Benefits
Stimulates hormones of well-being
Balances endocrine system

Emotional Benefits
Promotes joy and a poetic perspective of life

Spiritual Benefits
Opens a multi-dimensional perspective

36. Hyssop
Note: Do not use if epileptic or if you have high blood pressure

Physical Benefits
Reduces cellulite and assists with acne
Raises low blood pressure
Regulates hormonal function

Emotional Benefits
Provides the impetus for inspired living
Promotes creative solutions

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Spiritual Benefits
Promotes expanded awareness

37. Idaho Tansy

Physical Benefits
Anti-tumor properties
Immune stimulant
Tonic for various skin conditions

Emotional Benefits
Assists with grounding

Spiritual Benefits
Promotes acceptance of the physical

38. Jasmine

Physical Benefits
Soothes irritated skin
Rejuvenates skin
Reduces wrinkles

Emotional Benefits
Uplifting and inspiring

Spiritual Benefits
Eliminates shame

39. Juniper Berry

Physical Benefits
Potent diuretic
Promotes kidney function
Promotes uric acid excretion, reducing pain after exercise

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Reduces cellulite

Emotional Benefits
Heightens consciousness

Spiritual Benefits
Increases energy by dissolving belief in illusion

40. Lavender

Physical Benefits
Anti-tumor properties
Antiseptic, anti-viral and antibacterial
Reduces wrinkles and purifies skin
Application of this oil regularly to nipples may reduce menstrual

Emotional Benefits
Promotes deep satisfaction
Provides for deeper sleep and relaxation
Provides peace during stressful times

Spiritual Benefits
Provides memories of how to live a life of no opposites

41. Lavandin (A hybrid of Lavender)

Note: Lavandin should not be used for burns, however Lavender
can be used and will reduce scarring and hasten healing.

Physical Benefits
Supports respiratory and circulatory system conditions
Reduces muscular tightness

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Emotional Benefits (same as Lavender)

Promotes deep satisfaction
Provides for deeper sleep and relaxation
Provides peace during stressful times

Spiritual Benefits (same as Lavender)

Provides memories of how to live a life of no opposites

42. Lemon
Note: Avoid sunlight or UV light after applying.

Physical Benefits
Promotes white blood cell formation
Enhances micro-circulation
Enhances immune system functioning

Emotional Benefits
Promotes a sense of well-being
Balances ‘mood swings’
Eases anxiety and may promote lowering of blood pressure

Spiritual Benefits
Assists in clarity of seeing beyond appearances
Assists in making clear choices

43. Lemongrass

Physical Benefits
Supports regeneration of connective tissue and ligaments
Strengthens vascular walls and dilates blood vessels
Promotes lymph flow
Powerful anti-fungal properties

Emotional Benefits
Purifying and calming

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Spiritual Benefits
Promotes psychic abilities
Increases intuitive capacities

44. Lilac

Physical Benefits
Assists with symptoms of sun deprivation

Emotional Benefits
Assists with depression and stagnation

Spiritual Benefits
Assists in elimination of perceived limitation
Strengthens inter-dimensional awareness by strengthening the
Vagus nerve

45. Lime

Physical Benefits
Promotes imagination by stimulating frontal lobe activity

Emotional Benefits
Refreshing and uplifting

Spiritual Benefits
Promotes fresh perspectives and a sense of well-being

46. Lupin
Note: Use in a diffuser only.

Physical Benefits
Enhances bone function

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Emotional Benefits
Beneficial in altering mood
Promotes lightness of being

Spiritual Benefits
May enhance the experience of timelessness and reveal inner light

47. Mandarin
Note: Avoid direct sunlight after use for at least 4 hours.

Physical Benefits
Stimulates biliary function
Promotes healthy digestion

Emotional Benefits
Promotes pleasant moods and joy

Spiritual Benefits
Increases depth of awareness and the poetic perspective

48. Marjoram

Physical Benefits
Promotes regular bowel movements by optimizing peristalsis
Supports the respiratory system
Supports the parasympathetic nervous system

Emotional Benefits
Strengthens the nerves

Spiritual Benefits
Strengthens the ability to silence the mind

Book 7 Methods of Healing

49. Melaleuca Alternifolia

Physical Benefits
Powerful anti-bacterial action
Anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic
Stimulates the immune system

Emotional Benefits
Purifying and cleansing

Spiritual Benefits
Stimulates the higher spiritual function of the genitals, such as
intuitive capabilities

50. Melaleuca Ericifolia

Physical Benefits
Treatment of bronchitis and sinus infections

Emotional Benefits
Promotes optimism

Spiritual Benefits
Creates stability with spiritual growth

51. Melaleuca Quinquenervia

Physical Benefits
Genital conditions
Treatment of amoeba and parasites in the blood
Respiratory conditions

Emotional Benefits
Calms and reduces tension – may lower blood pressure

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Spiritual Benefits
Enhances refinement of enjoyment

52. Melissa

Physical Benefits
Allergies and chronic coughs
Anti-cholera action
Anti-microbial (used for Herpes simplex lesions)

Emotional Benefits
Promotes gentleness
Promotes refinement of emotional responses
Promotes an optimistic outlook on life

Spiritual Benefits
Assists in awareness of a life beyond duality
Promotes inclusiveness and oneness

53. Mountain Savory

Note: Dilute with pure almond oil when using topically.

Physical Benefits
Abscesses, burns and cuts
May stimulate adrenal gland function
May have anti-HIV properties

Emotional Benefits
Motivates and energizes

Spiritual Benefits
Opens up our authentic source of inspiration

Book 7 Methods of Healing

54. Mugwort

Physical Benefits
Assists with strengthening and balancing the pineal gland as well
as the pituitary gland.
Promotes restful sleep and calms a racing mind
Assists to regulate appetites

Emotional Benefits
Assists to still the internal dialogue and instills a feeling of well-
being and contentment

Spiritual Benefits
Aids in bridging communications between the dream states and
the awakened state
Promotes the ability to interpret dreams and enhances mastery of
the dream body

55. Myrrh

Physical Benefits
Helps with diarrhea, dysentery and ringworms
Eases stretch marks on skin
Anti-fungal for athlete’s foot, mouth ulcers and thrush

Emotional Benefits
Assists empaths in adjusting to their environment

Spiritual Benefits
Raises consciousness and purifies emotion
Removes past life programs

Book 7 Methods of Healing

56. Myrtle

Physical Benefits
Aids with insomnia
Pulmonary support
Skin conditions

Emotional Benefits
Anger management
Supports self-expression
Euphoriant – assists with depression

Spiritual Benefits
Elevates states of praise

57. Nasturtium
Note: You can use all parts of the plant; each has subtle
differences in benefits.

Physical Benefits
Strengthens the immune system
Colds and sinus infections

Emotional Benefits
Creates enhanced enjoyment

Spiritual Benefits
Promotes rapture through extreme awareness

58. Neroli

Physical Benefits
Digestive spasms and spastic colon
Scars, stretch marks and wrinkles

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic

Emotional Benefits
Panic attacks and hysteria
Heart palpitations and heart arrhythmias
Relieves stress, tension and anxiety

Spiritual Benefits
Strengthens and stabilizes emotions
Supports silence of the mind for greater clarity
Encourages sensuality, increases joy and stimulates passion

59. Nutmeg
Note: Do not use if epileptic. Dilute with almond oil if applying
topically or just use a single drop.

Physical Benefits
Supports the nervous system and overcomes fatigue
May benefit muscles and joints
May benefit circulation
Supports the adrenal glands

Emotional Benefits
Invigorating and uplifting

Spiritual Benefits
Enhances appreciation for the physical life
Supports establishment of dynamic balance between the physical
and emotional components of life

Book 7 Methods of Healing

60. Orange
Note: Citrus oils should not be applied to skin that will be
exposed to the sun.

Physical Benefits
Wrinkles and skin disorders
Lowers high cholesterol
Tissue repair
Fluid retention
Insect repellant

Emotional Benefits
Stimulates the senses and feelings of well-being

Spiritual Benefits
Stimulates communication between cognitive and non-cognitive

61. Oregano
Note: Dilute when applying to areas of the body, other than the
soles of the feet.

Physical Benefits
Powerful anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic

Emotional Benefits
Creates inner dynamic balance

Spiritual Benefits
Strengthens the ability to repel psychic invasion

Book 7 Methods of Healing

62. Palmarosa

Physical Benefits
Supports uterine function
Supports cardiovascular function
Assists with many skin conditions

Emotional Benefits
Stimulates resilience in the face of stress

Spiritual Benefits
Promotes trust in the benevolence of life

63. Patchouli

Physical Benefits
Itching of hives or weeping wounds
Weight reduction

Emotional Benefits
Stimulates sensual experience
Calming and relaxing

Spiritual Benefits
Releases old paradigms and belief systems

64. Pepper (Black)

Physical Benefits
Flatulence (works especially well when combined with fennel)
Stimulates appetite and blood circulation

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Emotional Benefits
Stimulates optimistic outlook
Comfort and contentment

Spiritual Benefits
Restores the balance between passion and joy

65. Peppermint
Note: Avoid mucous membranes, open wounds, cuts, eyes and
other sensitive areas.

Physical Benefits
Improves mental alertness
May aid weight control by providing a feeling of ‘fullness’
through stimulating the ventro-medial hypothalamus
Menopausal and menstrual activity

Emotional Benefits
Purifies density accumulated through interaction with others

Spiritual Benefits
Stimulates attitudes of youthfulness

66. Petitgrain

Physical Benefits
Excessive perspiration
May assist with acne
Strengthens and balances the nervous system

Emotional Benefits
Clears confusion and mental fatigue
Refreshes and purifies

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Spiritual Benefits
Increases joy and optimism

67. Pikake

Physical Benefits
Lymph stimulation

Emotional Benefits
Lightness of heart

Spiritual Benefits
Creates states of praise

68. Pine
Note: Low-grade pine oil may contain the hazardous ingredient
turpentine; avoid this by using pure, high-grade essential oil

Physical Benefits
Powerful disinfectant
Respiratory ailments

Emotional Benefits
Relieves anxiety and stress

Spiritual Benefits
Purifies density

69. Plumeria

Physical Benefits
Beneficial for the nervous system
Softens and rejuvenates skin

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Emotional Benefits

Spiritual Benefits
Encourages bliss and rapture

70. Ravensara

Physical Benefits
May heal herpes, mononucleosis, viral hepatitis, and chronic
fatigue syndrome

Emotional Benefits
Assists hypersensitive persons to cope with their environment

Spiritual Benefits
Establishes greater self-sovereignty

71. Rose

Physical Benefits
Supports youthful, regenerated skin
Assists with sexual disabilities
Herpes simplex

Emotional Benefits
Heals birth trauma for mothers and children (dilute with pure
almond oil for use with infants)
Contributes very powerfully to well-being

Spiritual Benefits
Intoxicating feelings of bliss and rapture
Opens higher function of the pineal gland

Book 7 Methods of Healing

72. Rosemary

Physical Benefits
May assist with high cholesterol
Respiratory infections
Skin care and hair loss

Emotional Benefits
Clears emotions

Spiritual Benefits
Brings dynamic balance to heart and mind

73. Sage
Note: Do not use if epileptic or diagnosed with high blood

Physical Benefits
Supports hormonal balance with menstruation and menopause;
may assist with PMS
Soothes skin ailments and reduces scarring
Oral conditions

Emotional Benefits
Elevates the mood

Spiritual Benefits
Encourages states of praise and grateful acknowledgment

74. Sandalwood

Physical Benefits
Cystitis and urinary tract infections
Youthening effects
Supports nerves and circulation

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Emotional Benefits
Calming and stabilizing

Spiritual Benefits
Assists in removing negative programming from the cells

75. Spearmint

Physical Benefits
Respiratory and nervous system
Promotes easier labor during child birth
Stimulates appetite and increases metabolism, causing weight loss

Emotional Benefits
Releases emotional blocks

Spiritual Benefits
Promotes lasting well-being

76. Spikenard

Physical Benefits
Skin tonic
Flatulent indigestion

Emotional Benefits
Soothing influence

Spiritual Benefits
Assists with relieving memories of insufficient mothering (rub
into abdomen)

Book 7 Methods of Healing

77. Spruce

Physical Benefits
Stimulating to the thymus
May assist with growth pains in children

Emotional Benefits
Releases blocked emotions

Spiritual Benefits
Releases cellular patterns from the past

78. Stocks
Note: Use in a diffuser only.

Physical Benefits
Stimulates melatonin release

Emotional Benefits
Euphoriant, stimulates bliss

Spiritual Benefits
Restores memories of life beyond duality

79. Sweetgrass
Note: Use the smoke releases after Sweetgrass is lit and the flame
is extinguished.

Physical Benefits
Antiseptic, anti-bacterial and anti-viral

Emotional Benefits
Creates a sacred space around the area of the smoke

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Spiritual Benefits
Creates expanded awareness

80. Sweetpea
Note: Use in a diffuser only.

Physical Benefits
Alleviates symptoms of sunlight deprivation

Emotional Benefits
Restores the experience of innocent joy

Spiritual Benefits
Supports living in the moment

81. Tangerine
Note: Like all citrus fruit oils, avoid sunlight after using and skin
test for sensitivity.

Physical Benefits
Smoothes wrinkles when blended with lavender
Fluid retention

Emotional Benefits
Calming and comforting

Spiritual Benefits
Engenders optimism

82. Tansy (Blue)

Note: Do not use if you have high blood pressure.

Physical Benefits
Relieves itching

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Antihistamine action
Assists with low blood pressure

Emotional Benefits

Spiritual Benefits
Balanced grounding

83. Tarragon

Physical Benefits
Pre-menstrual discomfort
Genital and urinary tract infections
Abdominal discomfort

Emotional Benefits
Benefits the autonomic nervous system

Spiritual Benefits
Removes obsolete programs from the reproductive system

84. Thyme

Physical Benefits
Pleurisy, pertussis, asthma and bronchitis
Respiratory conditions
Spinal viruses

Emotional Benefits
Strengthens vitality

Spiritual Benefits
Lightens the mood; instills optimism

Book 7 Methods of Healing

85. Tomato Leaf

Physical Benefits
Rejuvenates cells
Stimulates immune system

Emotional Benefits
Gladdens the heart

Spiritual Benefits
Encourages states of praise

86. Valerian

Physical Benefits
Hypothermia, body chills, cold feet and hands

Emotional Benefits
Tranquilizing to the nervous system
Assists with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Spiritual Benefits
Assists to remember dreams (also use Mugwort)

87. Vetiver

Physical Benefits
Hypothermia, cold extremities, body chills

Emotional Benefits
Soothes irritation
Calming and stabilizing

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Spiritual Benefits
Releases trauma and shock

88. Violet
Note: Use sparingly in diluted form – place a few drops in 1/4
cup of pure almond oil.

Physical Benefits
May help reduce blood pressure
Balances cholesterol

Emotional Benefits
Creates depths of living and gently releases old trauma

Spiritual Benefits
Very helpful for balancing inner masculine and feminine – a
prerequisite to mastery

89. Vitex

Physical Benefits
May assist with Parkinson’s disorder

Emotional Benefits
Creates a sense of well-being

Spiritual Benefits
Instills gratitude and hope

90. White Lotus

Physical Benefits
May be anti-carcinogenic
Supports the immune system

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Emotional Benefits
Self-empowering and instills confidence

Spiritual Benefits
Fulfilling and instills contentment

91. Walnut (Black)

Physical Benefits

Emotional Benefits
Inner strength

Spiritual Benefits
Calming the inner dialogue

92. Wild Yam

Physical Benefits
Menopausal symptoms

Emotional Benefits
Emotionally stabilizing

Spiritual Benefits
Assists in mastery of emotions and mind

93. Yarrow

Physical Benefits
Reduces and prevents scarring (use with Lavender oil)
Wound healing
Cleanses prostrate

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Emotional Benefits
Equalizes mood swings
Promotes silence of the mind

Spiritual Benefits
Supports making decisive decisions

94. Ylang Ylang

Physical Benefits
May assist with regulating heart rate
Beneficial to health of hair
Balances blood pressure

Emotional Benefits
Releases frustration

Spiritual Benefits
Promotes androgynous mastery by balancing male/female

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Oil Blends

If using the oils on any individual who has epilepsy or sensitive

skin, consult the section on the properties of the individual ingredients
before using them in oil blends.

95. Rose, Lavender, Stocks

Ratios: 4, 4, 1

Physical Benefits
Cellular regeneration

Emotional Benefits
Emotional rejuvenation and lightness of being

Spiritual Benefits
Promotes inclusivity

96. Orange, Honeysuckle, Chamomile (German)

Ratios: 1, 4, 4

Physical Benefits
Strengthens the immune system
Rejuvenates cells

Emotional Benefits
Anti-depressant, calming

Spiritual Benefits
Lengthens life-cycles by providing spiritual vitality

97. Neroli, Lavender, Mugwort

Ratios: 1, 4, 1

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Physical Benefits
Reduces scarring
Balances the hypothalamus

Emotional Benefits
Feelings of abundant bliss
Youthful attitudes

Spiritual Benefits
Freedom of programming

98. Ylang Ylang, Ginger, Nasturtium

Ratios: 2, 1, 1

Physical Benefits
May promote lymph flow

Emotional Benefits

Spiritual Benefits
Opens blocked emotions for effortless resolution

99. Fir, Juniper Berry, Clove

Ratios: 2, 1, 1

Physical Benefits
Anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-parasitic

Emotional Benefits
Stimulates positive attitudes

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Spiritual Benefits
Promotes inner strength

100. Grapefruit, Tomato Leaf, Neroli

Ratios: 2, 1, 1

Physical Benefits
May lower blood sugar
May lower high cholesterol
Supports health of hair

Emotional Benefits
Refreshes mental fatigue

Spiritual Benefits
Encourages the release of worldviews

101. Orange, Idaho tansy, Ginger

Ratios: 2, 1, 2

Physical Benefits
Anti-parasitic, anti-fungal
Supports absorption of nutrition

Emotional Benefits
Encourages fresh perspectives
Increases resilience to stress

Spiritual Benefits
Increases appreciation through awareness

Book 7 Methods of Healing

102. Peppermint, Rosemary, Angelica

Ratios: 1, 2, 1

Physical Benefits
Colon spasm, digestion, bowel disorders

Emotional Benefits
Balances mood swings, eases fear of being alone

Spiritual Benefits
Renewed trust in the benevolence of life

103. Jasmine, Geranium, Tangerine

Ratios: 2, 1, 1

Physical Benefits
May ease genital disorders

Emotional Benefits
Deepens emotions and opens the heart

Spiritual Benefits
Creates openings for new solutions

104. Sage, Lilac, Lemongrass

Ratios: 1. 4. 1

Physical Benefits
May assist bronchial complaints
May support hormone balance

Emotional Benefits
Grounded balance

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Spiritual Benefits
Refinement of appreciation of life

105. Bergamot, Sweet Pea, Chamomile (Roman)

Ratios: 1, 2, 2

Physical Benefits
May support the nervous system
May support the adrenal system
Insect bites

Emotional Benefits
Calming, relaxing and promotes deeper sleep

Spiritual Benefits
Assists with living in meditative states

106. Sandalwood, Patchouli, Rose

Ratios: 1, 1, 4

Physical Benefits
Pineal support
Supports circulatory system

Emotional Benefits
Releases ‘frozen’ expression and sensuality

Spiritual Benefits
Increases enhanced awareness

Book 7 Methods of Healing

107. Orange, Geranium, Plumeria

Ratios: 1, 1, 4

Physical Benefits
Anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial
Supports lymph flow

Emotional Benefits
Releases sentimental value systems

Spiritual Benefits
Increases feelings of rapture

108. Black Pepper, Black Walnut, Violet

Ratios: 1, 1, 4

Physical Benefits
May support gastro-intestinal health
Aids digestion

Emotional Benefits
Self-empowering and grounding

Spiritual Benefits
Opens up eternal perspective

109. Ginger, Lemongrass, Geranium

Ratios: 1, 2, 2

Physical Benefits
Nausea and motion sickness
Insecticide and anti-parasitic
Stimulates blood flow

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Emotional Benefits
Builds confidence and optimism

Spiritual Benefits
Stimulates seeing beyond appearances

110. Frankincense, Galbanum, Sandalwood

Ratios: 1, 1, 1

Physical Benefits
Rejuvenates hair and skin
Stimulates the immune system
Aids detoxification

Emotional Benefits
Deepens meditation and aids in the ability to remember dreams
Opens communication with etheric realms

Spiritual Benefits
Assists with the interpretation of inner guidance

111. Helichrysum, Rose, Frankincense

Ratios: 1, 2, 1

Physical Benefits
May assist with oxygenation of the cells

Emotional Benefits
Brings balance during great change

Spiritual Benefits
Restores memories of oneness beyond duality

Book 7 Methods of Healing

112. Myrrh, Lavender, Sandalwood

Ratios: 1, 4, 1

Physical Benefits
Prevents and minimizes scarring
Anti-viral, anti-bacterial – apply to cuts and wounds that will
not heal

Emotional Benefits
Brings deep satisfaction and contentment

Spiritual Benefits
Brings quietness to the mind

113. Melissa, Cedarwood, Tangerine

Ratios: 4, 1, 2

Physical Benefits
Bolsters the immune system
May help rheumatic conditions

Emotional Benefits
Assists with soothing emotional distress of menstruation
Soothing to the nerves

Spiritual Benefits
Dissolves patterns of resentment

114. Lavender, Marjoram, Angelica

Ratios: 4, 1, 1

Physical Benefits
Blood purification and general tonic
May assist with psoriasis and other skin conditions

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Emotional Benefits
Clears the vision to assist in arriving at solutions
Stimulates self-confidence and self-sovereignty

Spiritual Benefits
Assists with establishing an eternal perspective
Instrumental in helping the silent communication (known as
‘the song of silence’), in creating sensory perception beyond the
linearity of the 5 senses
May increase rapture

115. Basil, Rosemary, Lemongrass

Ratios: 1, 1, 3

Physical Benefits
Decongests the prostate and lung
Headaches and migraines

Emotional Benefits
Refreshes mental fatigue
Instills optimism

Spiritual Benefits
Promotes self-love

116. Spearmint, Lemon, Ginger

Ratios: 1, 4, 1

Physical Benefits
Nausea and vomiting
Exfoliates skin, supports skin rejuvenation
Aids digestion

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Emotional Benefits
Invigorative and restorative, assists memory

Spiritual Benefits
Stimulates creativity

117. Tangerine, Honeysuckle, Peppermint

Ratios: 1, 4, 1

Physical Benefits
May support cardiovascular system

Emotional Benefits
Heals past trauma and releases emotional blockages

Spiritual Benefits
Induces introspective self-discovery

118. Neroli, Jasmine, Geranium

Ratios: 1, 1, 3

Physical Benefits
Stimulates cellular oxygenation

Emotional Benefits
Calms and restores emotional equilibrium

Spiritual Benefits
Produces states of ecstasy
Stimulates a love affair with life
Increases rapture by stimulating the eternal core of divinity

Book 7 Methods of Healing

119. Bergamot, Lavandin, Mugwort

Ratios: 3, 3, 2

Physical Benefits
Aids with insomnia
May lower blood pressure

Emotional Benefits
Very relaxing, induces clear dreams and deep sleep

Spiritual Benefits
Initiates higher states of consciousness and enables clear dream
symbols to be retained

120. Melissa, Angelica, Chamomile (German)

Ratios: 1, 2, 3

Physical Benefits
Blood purifier
Calms the nerves
Supports the excretory pathways

Emotional Benefits
Refinement and mastery of emotional responses
Deepens enjoyment

Spiritual Benefits
Creates purification of mind and emotions

121. Nutmeg, Patchouli, Orange

Ratios: 1, 1, 2

Physical Benefits
Increases energy

Book 7 Methods of Healing

General health tonic

Aids digestion

Emotional Benefits
Increases sexual satisfaction

Spiritual Benefits
Assists to rise above the density of the world

122. Rosewood, Myrtle, Grapefruit

Ratios: 3, 2, 1

Physical Benefits
Supports and balances the hypothalamus
Assists with ‘jet lag’
May cleanse the kidneys

Emotional Benefits
Releases old fears

Spiritual Benefits
Releases programs that promote separation

123. Freesia, Hyssop, Rose

Ratios: 2, 1, 3

Physical Benefits
Antiseptic, supports resistance to infections
Supports wound healing

Emotional Benefits
Assists healing of broken hearts

Spiritual Benefits
Brings one home to self and overcoming of addiction

Book 7 Methods of Healing

124. Plumeria, Freesia, Geranium

Ratios: 2, 2, 1

Physical Benefits
Softens skin

Emotional Benefits
Calming and promotes well-being

Spiritual Benefits
Opens the heart

125. Helichrysum, Cedar, Myrrh

Ratios: 2, 1, 1

Physical Benefits
Sinus infections
May support the pulmonary system

Emotional Benefits
Releases patterns of limitation

Spiritual Benefits
Opens up new possibilities

126. Pikake, Plumeria, Tomato Leaf

Ratios: 1, 1, 1

Physical Benefits
Stimulates digestion
May support the thyroid

Emotional Benefits
Lightens the mood, restores faith in the benevolence of life

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Spiritual Benefits
Engenders hope

127. White Lotus, Rose, Ylang Ylang

Ratios: 1, 3, 1

Physical Benefits
Hair conditioner, scalp health
Increases sexual prowess
Stimulates the senses

Emotional Benefits
Assists feelings of self-love
Creates feelings of romance

Spiritual Benefits
Opens awareness

128. Cassia, Myrtle, Sweetpea

Ratios: 1, 1, 4

Physical Benefits
Bruises, sprains
Scarring – prevents and heals
Anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial

Emotional Benefits
Restores innocence, purifying

Spiritual Benefits
Overcomes stagnation

Book 7 Methods of Healing

129. Ylang Ylang, Lavender, Honeysuckle

Ratios: 1, 2, 3

Physical Benefits
Rejuvenates scalp and hair
Rejuvenates skin cells, supports healing of scars

Emotional Benefits
Stimulates sexual drive
Relaxing and calming

Spiritual Benefits
Peace inducing, rage management

130. Ravensara, Myrrh, Rose

Ratios: 1, 1, 4

Physical Benefits
Supports nervous system
Supports respiratory system

Emotional Benefits
Clears the mind, consolidates dispersed energies

Spiritual Benefits
Removes cellular programming

131. Cardamom, Hyssop, Jasmine

Ratios: 2, 2, 1

Physical Benefits
Expels worms
Increases elimination through the skin
Assists with nervous tension

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Emotional Benefits
Regulates mood extremes, calming to nerves

Spiritual Benefits
Opens creative flow

132. Cedar (Canadian Red), Bergamot, Patchouli

Ratios: 1, 4, 1

Physical Benefits
Aids with hair loss
Skin disorders

Emotional Benefits
Aids with sensitivity to the environment, supports mental clarity

Spiritual Benefits
Supports the receiving of inner guidance

133. Wild Yam, Yarrow, Melissa

Ratios: 3, 2, 1

Physical Benefits
Uterine complaints
Ovarian distress

Emotional Benefits
Encourages expression of the intuitive

Spiritual Benefits
Cultivates inter-dimensional capacities

Book 7 Methods of Healing

134. Black Cumin, Clary Sage, Black Walnut

Ratios: 1, 2, 4

Physical Benefits
Expels worms
May lower cholesterol

Emotional Benefits
Grounded balance with temporal affairs

Spiritual Benefits
Promotes self-sovereignty

135. Chamomile (Roman), Violet, Pikake

Ratios: 3, 1, 2

Physical Benefits
Soothes tired feet
Chapped skin
Supports deep sleep

Emotional Benefits
Peaceful and contented feelings

Spiritual Benefits
Inspired living

136. Melissa, Ravensara, Violet

Ratios: 3, 2, 1

Physical Benefits
Respiratory infections

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Emotional Benefits
Heals painful memories

Spiritual Benefits
Encourages self-expression

137. Helichrysum, Frankincense, Myrrh

Ratios: 3, 2, 1

Physical Benefits
Diarrhea, stomach viruses
Diphtheria and typhoid fever

Emotional Benefits
Powerful purifying effect on attitudes

Spiritual Benefits
Heightens consciousness

138. Honeysuckle, Stocks, Chamomile (Roman)

Ratios: 4, 4, 1

Physical Benefits
Delirium Tremens
May help with healing addictions

Emotional Benefits
Centered presence, being home for self

Spiritual Benefits
Promotes rapture and bliss

Book 7 Methods of Healing

139. Davana, Sweetpea, Ginger

Ratios: 1, 2, 1

Physical Benefits
Supports hormonal balance
Improves skin elasticity

Emotional Benefits
Feelings of encouragement

Spiritual Benefits
Encourages uplifting perspective

140. Cedarwood, Cajeput, Lupin

Ratios: 3, 1, 4

Physical Benefits
Bronchial conditions
Intestinal conditions
Skin spots

Emotional Benefits
Releases old grievances

Spiritual Benefits
Balances joy and passion

141. Lilac, Geranium, Tomato Leaf

Ratios: 2, 2, 1

Physical Benefits
May help balance blood sugar
Liver detoxification

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Emotional Benefits
Eases feelings of inadequacy

Spiritual Benefits
Strengthens feelings of love

142. Myrtle, Fleabane, Stocks

Ratios: 1, 1, 4

Physical Benefits
Supports the pancreas
May help with delayed puberty

Emotional Benefits
Opens the heart, fuller emotional expression

Spiritual Benefits
Assists with finding one’s voice, self-expression

143. Neroli, Tangerine, Hyssop

Ratios: 3, 2, 1

Physical Benefits
Removes intestinal mucous
May help remove cellulite
Supports immune function

Emotional Benefits
Activates intuition
Mental clarity

Spiritual Benefits
Eliminates patterns of shock in the cells

Book 7 Methods of Healing

144. Rose, White Lotus, Spikenard

Ratios: 4, 2, 1

Physical Benefits
Skin tonic, scalp treatment
Uterine and menstruation difficulties
Circulatory system

Emotional Benefits
Deep contentment and release of birth trauma

Spiritual Benefits
Assists with achieving deep states of meditation and quiets the

Recommended reading: People’s Desk Reference for Essential

Oils, compiled by Essential Science Publishing

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Rosecrucian Sound Healing

Beyond light and sound, the indescribable awaits where

form yields to the intent of a nudge from Oneness.

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Sound Elixirs

It has been found that mental, emotional and physical disease is the
result of missing frequencies within the individual’s ‘sonic signature’.
Frequencies can be lost because of genetics, family trauma and
unresolved issues within the person’s life that have not yielded insights.
Based upon over fifteen years of intensive study and meditation,
Almine has developed an advanced and unique understanding of the
relationship between frequency and enlightenment. The sound elixirs
are received and sung by her.
They function at multiple levels, utilizing alchemical principles
to eliminate disease at the spiritual, emotional and physical levels.
They do this by breaking up areas that are stagnant or blocked and by
stimulating the release of toxins.
They also help to cancel out illusion in our environment, helping
us to see more clearly. Illusion can be seen as a scar that forms as a
program or belief system that then prevents full self-expression. This
blocks healing from taking place in that area. Seeing more clearly
enables attitude and life changes to take place, which then prevent the
healing from being rejected or reversed.
Another benefit is that they can allow the frequency of the area to
change and flow to be restored. This allows vitality to return to dormant
or congested areas.
If you are a Belvaspata practitioner, you can combine the Sound
Elixirs with specific Large Wheels and Sigils106, enabling the healing
of allergies and addictions.

106 See the Bonus Section for information on Belvaspata and Appendix II for
information on sigils.

Book 7 Methods of Healing

The 18 Sound Elixirs of

Alchemical Sound Healing

1. The Joyful Dragon – Inspiration and Joy

Description: This song is designed to break up stasis and
stagnation and is ideal for fluid retention and bodily systems that
circulate fluids. It affects moods in a positive way, bringing in
inspiration, joy and optimism.
Principle: In the alchemical potencies of light and tone, this
musical elixir consists of the pinkish purple tones that promote
flow and fluidity in our daily lives. To test the effectiveness of the
alchemy associated with this color, glasses that are tinted with a
pinkish purple color will immediately alleviate tension and restore
lightness of being when worn. This color promotes the flow of the
kundalini associated with dragon energies.

2. The Mountain Pond – Cultivation of Clarity and Release of

Description: This elixir is designed specifically for cultivating
a connection to Source and for clarity and inner guidance,
by promoting the silence within. Like the mountain pond,
unobstructed vision allows us to see behind the appearances.
This is helpful for daily meditation, calmness in the face of the
stressors of city life and before important decisions, meetings or
any situation where clarity of perception is required. This track
promotes expanded vision. This music elixir is used for any
stress related disease in the body, such as high blood pressure,
hypertension of the muscles and spastic colon conditions.
Principle: Color is tone made visible. The yellow colored tones
promote stability, release of anxiety and the silencing of the

Book 7 Methods of Healing

clamor of the mind. This musical channeling is rich in the yellow

tones, establishing the inner peace necessary to access inner

3. The Tale of the Ancient Ones – Illumination and

Description: This music is designed for enlightment and the
healing of the tyranny of the mind. It promotes the silence of the
mind by stretching beyond current paradigms; a method used by
Toltec Seers to produce masters.
The Principle: The orange/red tones of the music produce
balance while expanding beyond current perception levels. This
promotes flexibility and movement of stiff joints and helps to
reestablish hormonal balance.

4. Shades of Ochre and Green – Grounding and Contentment

Description: The alchemical potencies of the tones produced
in this track are designed to stimulate the release of toxins from
the vital organs and revitalize the liver. In modern society, where
cerebral function is accentuated, where pollution eliminates
some of the blue and green rays of sunlight and where paved
roads and shoe soles cut us off from contact with the Earth,
imbalance results. Such imbalances cause endocrine disturbances
– particularly in the adrenal system. This music is also useful
for spiritual workers to help them ground themselves instead of
craving food and other addictions as a means of doing this.
Principle: Scientists have shown the Earth emits a hertz cycle
that matches the ones emitted by effective healers. The conclusion
is that the Earth’s energies are very healing. The green tones in
this musical elixir give a feeling of contentment and coming home
to oneself.

Book 7 Methods of Healing

5. Singing My Way Home (The Whale Caller) – Dissipation of

Description: The primary purpose of this music is to dissipate
illusion. This music is helpful in creating a higher order of living
to replace dysfunctionality. It is also useful in the healing of
dysfunctional relationships and for general bodily wellness.
Principle: The tones slow down the body frequencies to what is
known in bioenergetics as the ‘Null Point.’ By living from this
point of stillness, the resulting connection to Source cancels out

6. Angels and Humans – Leaving the Past Behind

Description: This elixir is designed for the healing of spirit. It
is beneficial in dealing with the healing of multiple past lives – a
primary cause in systemic illness when the spirit feels broken and
hopeless. Systemic illness often results from our not wanting to
live because of past life associations with trauma. This music is
designed to sublimate lower feelings of failure and pessimism into
those of success and hope.
Principle: The alchemical potencies of this music are primarily
yellow with hints of orange. Orange brings stability and
confidence in expansion and accomplishments. Yellow restores
contentment and belief in self. It is designed to give us the
confidence to move forward successfully with our lives.

7. Desert Sands – Exuberant Self Expression

Description: This elixir facilitates the release of grief often
associated with lung diseases. It is also helpful for self-expression
in general, indicated by bladder infection, throat infections and
subluxations of the vertebrae between the scapulas.

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Principle: The music is in the purple tones, containing both the

blue and the red necessary to accomplish its purposes. One of the
key factors in not expressing the self is not actually knowing the
sense of self due to self-abandonment. The blue brings one home
to oneself, promoting self-knowledge. The red enables, due to its
alchemical properties, expanding beyond present boundaries by
eliminating boundaries.

8. Snow Geese – The Source of Genius

Description: This elixir is designed to provide clarity of mind,
effortless knowing and to balance the endocrine system of the
body. It specifically targets the pineal and pituitary. It also has a
beneficial effect on the hypothalamus, which helps to regulate
appetites and food cravings.
Principle: The turquoise tones of the music are associated
amongst Indigenous People as being the meeting place of Heaven
and Earth. Turquoise is often worn over the heart or Thymus,
helping to balance hyperactivity and hyper-passivity. The blue
properties are strong in this music and give a feeling of roots. The
yellow components bring contentment and spirituality.

9. The Rainmaker – Graceful Release of Suppressed Emotion

Description: Suppressed emotions cause a dialogue of the
mind, impeding consciousness and disturbing clarity. They also
produce multiple symptoms of physical disease pertaining to
bodily fluids. This elixir will benefit bladder conditions, blood
pressure, lymph and bile ducts for example. It can also be used
to clear dysfunctional emotions in the environment and within
Principle: For eons, Indigenous People have used certain tones
such as a rattles, rainfall or thunder to facilitate healing. It has
been efficient in releasing emotional blockages, like pent up grief

Book 7 Methods of Healing

that causes lung disease for example, by disrupting the blockages

of obsolete emotions and bringing release.

10. Cherry Blossom – Promotion of Inner Peace

Description: This elixir is designed to balance left and right
brain functioning and to stimulate the senses. It promotes love in
environments and within the individual, by bringing inner balance
and communication between masculine and feminine aspects.
This is also conducive to peaceful sleep.
Principle: The violet color stimulates the interpretation of
cognitive and non-cognitive communication. It assists with
interpreting feelings and intuition as it minimizes energy leakage
that occurs when mind and feelings disconnect.

11. The Mayan Legend – Healing of the Inner Child and the
Restoration of Purity and Playfulness
Description: This elixir facilitates the gentle release of pent up
angst and trauma from childhood experiences. It also facilitates
healing of the digestive tract, especially the transverse colon – the
duodenal area that is associated with insufficient mothering.
Principle: The peach color of this music brings lightness of spirit
and healing for the heart. In certain specific cases it has also been
known to heal rashes and other skin conditions that occurred as a
result of irritation in interaction with others.

12. The Byzantine Cathedral – Relaxation and the Release of

Description: The cool, peaceful feeling this music generates
produces the release of stress and the removal of geopathic stress
in the environment because of technology and equipment. It also
assists with the removing of linear time from the individual’s life.

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Principle: With repeated use, the deep indigo-blue can assist

in stimulating the third eye. It also aids in pituitary health and
thyroid imbalances. This tone’s color enhances the inner life.

13. The Tale of the Griffins – Psychological Balance and

Release of Trauma
Description: This sound elixir is designed to assist in clearing
the deep levels of trauma in the psyche. It assists in aligning
memories with what is rather than what is not. Psychologically,
it is very nurturing, while stimulating confidence. It is
also beneficial for certain skin diseases and is cooling for
Principle: Subliminal messages are conveyed through the
soothing vocal tones of a nurturing environment, facilitating a
feeling of safety in the deeper, more fragile layers of the psyche.
The result of this is that grace-filled change is facilitated.

14. Beauty Am I – Restoration of Passion

Description: This musical elixir targets not only the physical,
but also the emotional health of the reproductive system. Because
it restores the color red to the root chakra, it is not conducive
for healing inflammation in these areas. Elixir #12 and others
designed for lessening inflammation are better suited during such
conditions. This elixir also stimulates sexuality.
Principal: The proper flow of kundalini from the root chakra to
achieve higher states of consciousness is often underestimated. It
is imperative when transitioning to states of consciousness beyond
ascended mastery and is also desirable for self-empowerment and
effective manifestation.

Book 7 Methods of Healing

15. The Oracle – For Spiritual Gifts

Description: This elixir is designed for the opening of the crown
chakra, the stimulating of linguistic abilities (especially the sacred
and ancient languages), as well as communication with the hidden
Principle: The color of the music is an indigo/deep purple. It
stimulates clairaudience and clairsentience, the abilities of an
oracle, rather than clairvoyancy. It also facilitates the retention of
memories between lifetimes.

16. The Flight of the Mystic – Eliminating the Root of Illusion

of Disease
Description: This elixir stimulates the release of nostalgia, which
causes us to live in the past and is self-sabotaging in producing
a fulfilled present. Its overall contribution is to remove self-
sabotaging behavior and produce an ameliorating affect on the
throat chakra. When the throat chakra is overstimulated it results
in mindless action, joyless ambition and over polarization into
doingness. This elixir has a gentling affect on the driving force
of this center as well as assisting in the health of the thyroid and
throat conditions.

17. The Call of the Sirenes – Transformation and Shedding of

the Old
Description: The spiritual healing from this elixir releases
lifetimes of emotional burdens. Its high frequencies are specific in
removing debris from the bodies of man. It is very much centered
on the healing of the spirit through restoring balanced frequencies
to the specialized cells of the heart known as the heart-brain.
Principle: This elixir uses what is known to mystics as the ‘Mer
frequencies’; the frequencies that target the equivalent of what

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Toltecs call the pollution of the light fibers of man. Lifetimes of

trauma bring grief, not only to the emotional components of man’s
fields, but the spiritual as well. This elixir addresses the fracturing
of the psyche.

18. Immortals of the Holy Mountain – For Enhancing Multi-

Sensory Perception
Description: This elixir eliminates illusion through combining
equal measures of black and white light. It accomplishes the goal
of all healing, namely to eliminate imbalances that create linear
time, duality and illusion. It is designed as the culmination of all
previous elixirs in this set.
Principle: When black light leaks into white light, disease occurs.
When equal measures of black and white light merge as a unified
field however, it facilitates healing by effortlessly dissolving
illusion. The same principle applies to the frequencies associated
with white light and the subliminal levels of black light.

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Alchemical Sound Healing of the Rosecrucians

From the ancient records of the Rosecrucian alchemists, comes the

method of greatly enhancing the beneficial influences of the alchemical
techniques used in the sound elixirs. There are three methods of Sound
Healing which when used sequentially over three sessions address the
three steps of healing that enable stable and long term beneficial results
to manifest. The method given here provides the first step – the removal
of illusion.
When all 18 musical elixirs are played in the precise order of 1–18,
using the Rosecrucian alchemical method, it produces the combination
of music to unlock the null point. Alchemists have been aware that
when the null point, the point of no frequency, can be activated within
the body, it cancels out illusion such as disease. The cancelling out of
illusion occurs not only in the body, but also in the environment.
This technique uses wheels that are like mandalas and are similar to
gateways through which specific healing frequencies are drawn. They
are also a power source in the same way a holy object would be. There
are various uses of wheels. You can place them on healing space walls,
table, under chairs, or on an afflicted area of the body. You can make a
pendant with them.

Note: The Elixirs that accompany the Alchemical Sound Healing are
available from

Book 7 Methods of Healing

1. Place the Power Wheel for Alchemical Sound Healing on the
surface where you (or the person you are facilitating sound
healing for) are going to lie down.
2. On top of the Power Wheel, place the Rosecrucian Gate of
the Gods #18. (The Gates of the Gods represent the primary
animating forces found in the human body.)
3. On top of this, place the Small Wheel of God of No Mind #18.
4. Follow this same process for Rosecrucian Gate of the Gods #17
and the Small Wheel of God of No Mind #17.
5. Continue stacking the gates and wheels in numerical order until
you have the Rosecrucian Gate of the Gods #I with the Small
Wheel of God of No Mind #1 at the top. (For repeated use, you
can laminate the power wheel, gates, small wheels, sigils and
rotating toning devices.)
6. Lie on top of the stack of the power wheel, gates and small
wheels. Make sure you are uninterrupted for the entire session and
that you are able to switch the music on from the position of lying
on your back. Have a printout of the Rotating Devices and their
names with you.
7. As each track plays, call out the name of the corresponding Rotating
Toning Device. Then relax for the duration of the track, while
visualizing the device spinning above you. Do this for all 18 tracks.
8. At the end of the session, draw the Sigils for Praise, Love and
Gratitude. This materializes the healing intentions and pulls
awareness in.

To enhance the process further, if you become a Belvaspata

practitioner, you can use the 18 sound elixirs in conjunction with
specific Large Wheels and Belvaspata sigils to facilitate the healing of
allergies and addictions.

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Power Wheel for Alchemical Sound Healing

The Harmonious Integrating of the Masculine and Feminine
into One Inside the Physical Cosmos

Perskla Hubaset Uvechvi Klava

The Artistic Interplay of Fluid Form

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Rosecrucian Gate of the Gods 1

Rosecrucian Gate of the Gods 2

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Rosecrucian Gate of the Gods 3

Rosecrucian Gate of the Gods 4

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Rosecrucian Gate of the Gods 5

Rosecrucian Gate of the Gods 6

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Rosecrucian Gate of the Gods 7

Rosecrucian Gate of the Gods 8

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Rosecrucian Gate of the Gods 9

Rosecrucian Gate of the Gods 10

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Rosecrucian Gate of the Gods 11

Rosecrucian Gate of the Gods 12

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Rosecrucian Gate of the Gods 13

Rosecrucian Gate of the Gods 14

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Rosecrucian Gate of the Gods 15

Rosecrucian Gate of the Gods 16

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Rosecrucian Gate of the Gods 17

Rosecrucian Gate of the Gods 18

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Small Wheel of the God Small Wheel of the God

of No Mind 1 of No Mind 2

Small Wheel of the God Small Wheel of the God

of No Mind 3 of No Mind 4

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Small Wheel of the God Small Wheel of the God

of No Mind 5 of No Mind 6

Small Wheel of the God Small Wheel of the God

of No Mind 7 of No Mind 8

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Small Wheel of the God Small Wheel of the God

of No Mind 9 of No Mind 10

Small Wheel of the God Small Wheel of the God

of No Mind 11 of No Mind 12

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Small Wheel of the God Small Wheel of the God

of No Mind 13 of No Mind 14

Small Wheel of the God Small Wheel of the God

of No Mind 15 of No Mind 16

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Small Wheel of the God Small Wheel of the God

of No Mind 17 of No Mind 18

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Rotating Devices 1 – 6
1. Mirnavek

2. Blihespat

3. Rutvarbi

4. Mishpelhur

5. Nistrave

6. Ereknu

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Rotating Devices 7 – 12
7. Blahublak

8. Nusvarel

9. Pluhersut

10. Ninhursat

11. Vilshplahuk

12. Vursklava

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Rotating Devices 13 – 18
13. Peleruch

14. Silveti

15. Ursklave

16. Nichteroch

17. Aresvaa

18. Pluharbik

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Restoration of the Dental Health

All life thrives under recognition


Book 7 Methods of Healing

Restoration of the Electrical /Magnetic

Components of the Teeth

Every tooth has an electrical charge. If one of the electrical charges

is more dominant or irritated than another, it affects the heart. Many
who go to physicians for heart attacks or pain would be better served
going to a dentist.
The charges in the teeth are totally imbalanced in the human body
because they are not united with their magnetic components. In the past,
magnetic and electric combined in fields of different voltages of waves/
frequencies, but the magnetic held memories. As memories built and
were not cleared, the overloaded magnetic became so nonfunctional
that it left only electrical charges in teeth. This explains why humankind
is always in a constant state of tension.
Children’s teeth contain their genetic history. When they grow their
adult teeth, they create their own history. You no longer need wisdom
teeth as they hold memories of duality.
The charges in the teeth need to be balanced and when balanced, the
teeth will release old memories.

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Balancing the Teeth

You regularly use the symbols on all 32 areas of the teeth in the
mouth, no matter if you have teeth pulled or replaced. This keeps
the mouth balanced. Once they are cleansed and balanced, the roots
of the teeth send clear messages to the muscles to balance and create
Use a drawing or a diagram of your teeth as a proxy. You may draw
this yourself or download an image from the internet. Make sure it is
large enough for you to place the symbols on.
There are 2 larger symbols, 1 for the upper part of your mouth and 1
for the lower part of your mouth. These symbols are to cleanse the teeth
of all old memories held in the magnetic component.
There are also 16 smaller symbols for the teeth themselves, 8 for
the upper teeth and 8 for the lower teeth. The teeth on both sides of
the mouth have the same function so you will need to draw 2 copies of
each symbol – 1 for each side of the mouth – giving you a total of 32.

How to Clear Memories & Balance the Teeth

Step 1: Using the diagram of your upper and lower teeth as a proxy,
place the respective symbols for the cleansing of old memories in the
middle of the upper and lower arches and say, “I hereby cleanse my
teeth of any old memories held in their magnetic components”.
Step 2: Using the same diagram of the upper and lower teeth, place
the corresponding symbol on each tooth. You may either draw the
symbol over the area or place a drawing of the symbol on the tooth.
Start with the 1st tooth on the right side of the upper jaw and move
around the jaw to the left. Then move the 1st tooth on the left side of
the lower jaw and move to around the jaw to the last tooth on the right.

Book 7 Methods of Healing

NOTE: The upper teeth 1–8 for either side of the mouth share the same
symbols, as do the lower teeth 1–8 for either side of the mouth.
Step 3: When you are completed with the diagram say, “I hereby
balance the electrical/magnetic components of my teeth”.

Sigils to Cleanse the Teeth

Sigil for Upper Teeth

(Place in roof of the mouth)

Sigil for Lower Teeth

(Place in lower jaw)

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Sigils to Balance Teeth of Upper Jaw

Upper 1 Upper 2 Upper 3

Upper 4 Upper 5 Upper 6

Upper 7 Upper 8

Sigils to Balance Teeth of Lower Jaw

Lower 1 Lower 2 Lower 3

Lower 4 Lower 5 Lower 6

Lower 7 Lower 8

Book 7 Methods of Healing

The Teeth and Corresponding Muscles

Psoas Mid Trapezius

8 Lower Upper 8 Abdominals
Quadriceps Arch Arch
7 7 Latissimus Dorsi
Gracilis and Sartorius Diaphragm
Pect. Maj. Sternal 6 6 Pectoralis Major,
Hamstrings 5 5 Clavicular
Quadratus Lumborum
4 4 Popliteus
3 3 Deltoid, Anterior
Gluteus Maximus 2 Serratus
Tensor Fascia Lata,
2 1 1
Piriforms, Adductors Neck Flexors and
Gluteus Medius Extensors

Book 7 Methods of Healing

The Muscles of the Body

Upper Trapezium Levator Scapuli

Neck Muscles Rhomboids
Subscapularis Trapezium
Pectoralis Supraspinatus
Anterior Coracobrachialis
Deltoid Deltoid
Teres Major
Pectoralis Ant Serratus Teres
Major Sternal Triceps Minor
Diaphragm Sacrospinalis
Lat Dorsi
Psoas Gluteus Med
Gluteus Maj
Fascia Lata Adductors
Sartorius Gracilis
Quadriceps Hamstrings

Anterior Popliteus
Tibial Gastrocnemius
Peroneus Soleus

Book 7 Methods of Healing

The Upper and Lower Jaws

8 9
7 10
6 11

5 Upper 12

4 13

3 14

2 15


Right Left

16 1


14 3

13 4

12 Lower 5

11 6
10 7
9 8

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Restoration of the Song of the Teeth

There are 12 pairs of moving frequencies based on desire107 and 12

pairs of frequencies based on recognition.108 These sets of frequencies
are called emotions.
There have also been 16 rays of moving light that Belvaspata
practitioners are familiar with. Until recent translations of the ancient
Hamagda texts by Almine, it was thought that these rays constituted the
basic components of cosmic light. The new discoveries indicated that
only half of the light available to us is being accessed. An additional 16
immovable fields of light existed and waited to be accessed for higher
The absence of frequency from light (light’s song), and of light
(perception) from frequency, produces imbalances. The perceptions
of the 24 pairs of frequency and the 32 frequencies for both sets of
rays and fields are provided by the Hamagda. The 32 frequencies that
accompany light are given as sigils.109
In the microcosm of the macrocosm – the human body – there are
chambers located inside each of the 32 teeth. The chamber inside each
of the lower teeth hold one of the 16 Rays of Light which are moving
(mandible or lower jaw). The chamber inside each of the upper teeth
holds one of the Fields of Light, which are immobile (the maxilla or
upper jaw). In many ancient texts, teeth are called the seat of aggression.
Light is assertive. When it is not balanced with frequency it becomes
aggressive. The sigils on the following pages contain the songs of the
teeth. In joining light with their songs, aggression is removed.

107 See Belvaspata Healing of the Angels, Volume I information of both forms of light
and emotion.
108 Information on the Emotions of Recognition and The Rays of Realization of
Motionless Luminosity can be found in Belvaspata, Angel Healing, Volume II, “Bramish
109 For the difference between a sigil and a symbol, see Appendix II of this book.

Book 7 Methods of Healing

The purpose of the tongue is to filter subliminal impurities in sound

– to match the tone to the purity of intent. The sacred function of the
tongue cannot fully express when the teeth express in an unwhole and
discordant way.
Amalgam (mercury) fillings in the teeth also have also a negative
impact on on how man expresses. It works like an antenna, picking up
the distorted emotions of rage, lust and fear.

1. Draw the sigil for the tongue. Call upon the angel as you look at
its sigil. Ask the angel to place the sigil in your tongue.
2. Touch each tooth or tooth space, if extracted, with your finger as
you say the name of its sigil and envision the sigil placed in that
tooth or tooth-space. (See sigils for teeth given in next section)
Call the angel connected to that particular sigil by its name and
ask it to place the sigil (say its name again) in the tooth or its
space. This restores the optimal ‘song’ or frequency, not only of
the teeth, but the meridians they affect. Start with the 1st tooth on
the right side of the upper jaw and move around the jaw to the
left. Then move to the 1st tooth on the left side of the lower jaw
and move to around the jaw to the last tooth on the right.

Book 7 Methods of Healing

The Upper Teeth

Sigil name: Kasabuk-patravi Angel name: Minash-urusuk

Upper Tooth 1 Upper Tooth 1

Sigil name: Visabut-aravak Angel name: Menhes-ustra

Upper Tooth 2 Upper Tooth 2

Sigil name: Kelhes-uspatvi Angel name: Meshehech-nusa

Upper Tooth 3 Upper Tooth 3

Sigil name: Vribech-ararus Angel name: Kanavisve-utra

Upper Tooth 4 Upper Tooth 4

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Sigil name: Husubasvi-minech Angel name: Krita-blivesvi

Upper Tooth 5 Upper Tooth 5

Sigil name: Rutsul-manunach Angel name: Kretek-uharsbi

Upper Tooth 6 Upper Tooth 6

Sigil name: Visetret-minuhech Angel name: Treneha-suharanut

Upper Tooth 7 Upper Tooth 7

Sigil name: Ublit-perarusvi Angel name: Etrek-blivahur

Upper Tooth 8 Upper Tooth 8

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Sigil name: Karastut-suhalvi Angel name: Retrek-minasu

Upper Tooth 9 Upper Tooth 9

Sigil name: Angel name: Ukles-asanda


Upper Tooth 10 Upper Tooth 10

Sigil name: Eleklesvi-suvavi Angel name: Nechpar-urut

Upper Tooth 11 Upper Tooth 11

Sigil name: Kaarsvana-ubit Angel name: Rechtreranik

Upper Tooth 12 Upper Tooth 12

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Sigil name: Kusuvaspit-bleravik Angel name: Achta-rusatvi

Upper Tooth 13 Upper Tooth 13

Sigil name: Nenasuk-uplevi Angel name: Krachbrahar

Upper Tooth 14 Upper Tooth 14

Sigil name: Silhi-sparuk Angel name: Meshenechvi

Upper Tooth 15 Upper Tooth 15

Sigil name: Angel name:

Selharut-Klarastut Visabrach-meshenut

Upper Tooth 16 Upper Tooth 16

Book 7 Methods of Healing

The Lower Teeth

Sigil name: Netruk-paret Angel name: Nistra-banasut

Lower Tooth 1 Lower Tooth 1

Sigil name: Achvra-kesetre Angel name: Isanut-ukrat

Lower Tooth 2 Lower Tooth 2

Sigil name: Velas-hesatru Angel name: Kirat-brichvatra

Lower Tooth 3 Lower Tooth 3

Sigil name: Kunapri-belastru Angel name: Achtre-pirat

Lower Tooth 4 Lower Tooth 4

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Sigil name: Ekse-visalbu Angel name: Hursta-karanet

Lower Tooth 5 Lower Tooth 5

Sigil name: Bliva-rektu Angel name: Urut-karsti

Lower Tooth 6 Lower Tooth 6

Sigil name: Sarutparet-aruta Angel name: Kisavat-kelvi

Lower Tooth 7 Lower Tooth 7

Sigil name: Si-arut-manusta Angel name: Nusavahut-uleskla

Lower Tooth 8 Lower Tooth 8

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Sigil name: Kaarsavu-nutarek Angel name: Kiritrek-vavu

Lower Tooth 9 Lower Tooth 9

Sigil name: Unuruk-parsukla Angel name: Kenesut-pa-uret

Lower Tooth 10 Lower Tooth 10

Sigil name: Harstava-nenuski Angel name: Klaruvek-unachvi

Lower Tooth 11 Lower Tooth 11

Sigil name: Nesetu-blihavet Angel name: Arasat-mishuhet

Lower Tooth 12 Lower Tooth 12

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Sigil name: Briskaret-nenut Angel name: Vribaverska

Lower Tooth 13 Lower Tooth 13

Sigil name: Kirut-aratret Angel name: Kanaret-ublavi

Lower Tooth 14 Lower Tooth 14

Sigil name: Setkluhavet-usat Angel name: Mishtu-blavanet

Lower Tooth 15 Lower Tooth 15

Sigil name: Trubahech-virisat Angel name: Kalestu-pluret

Lower Tooth 16 Lower Tooth 16

Book 7 Methods of Healing

The Tongue

Sigil name: Karasut-arakvabi Angel name: Mishal-nerechstu

The Isabach

(Located on the Bridge of the nose – where the body’s gyroscope is.)
Received by Daniela

Book 7 Methods of Healing

Testimonials on Teeth

A Master Successfully Uses the Shamanic

Method to Balance Teeth
Having had terrible teeth problems for six months, a student of
Almine’s from Denmark used the symbols given above to balance her
teeth. This alleviated the pain and problems she had been having with
her teeth. She noted however that when she stopped using the symbols,
her teeth problems returned. She now uses them as part of her daily
routine and enjoys healthy teeth again.

Master Uses the Shamanic Method Prior to Dentist Visit

A student recounted how her visits to the dentist were always
extremely stressful, even if it was just to have her teeth cleaned. She
decided to use the Shamanic Method before her next visit. She felt that
she had impressive benefits; the extreme sensitivity that she usually
experienced in her teeth and to the overall sounds of the dental office
was greatly reduced. Furthermore the procedure was also less stressful
than on previous visits.

Book 8

Restoration and Rejuvenation

of the Body
Part I
Restoration of Bodily Systems
Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

The Reproductive System

Excerpt from The Restoration of the Intuitive Nature

For eons, mystics have known that there slumbers within women,
unsurpassed intuitive and mystical abilities. But it is specifically in the
Toltec mystical traditions, as well as in the hidden teachings of the
Rosecrucians, that remnants of ancient knowledge preserved the reason
why this is so.
The secret lies in the female reproductive organs. Physical life is
not as it seems. A ‘simple’ plant can become a gateway into hidden
realms,110 as can a crystal, a powerful capacitor of light and frequency.
Both are tools to be utilized in accessing profound alchemical abilities.
All that is required is the mystical or shamanic knowledge to activate
the hidden qualities of the physical.
The same applies to the feminine reproductive organs. Indigenous
tribes erected moon lodges to separate women during their ‘moontime’.
The intuitive abilities of women are known to increase during their
menstruation, a time when the gates open slightly, affording glimpses
into the hidden realms and visionary experiences. The energy was
considered to be too strong for them to be in the presence of others. In
other cultures, it has been viewed with suspicion and superstition and
during menstruation women were forbidden from attending spiritual
gatherings. This is still the case in most Native American and Tibetan
Because of the pollution and loss of purity within the shamanic
traditions, and the imbalance found in male-dominated religions, the
practices themselves pulled in unwelcome spirits and influences as the
woman’s gates opened the veils between the realms. In the eyes of

110 See

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

the religious leaders, the women in their ‘moontime’ became the cause
of these unwelcome influences instead of being seen as what women
everywhere have always been: the floodgates of the flow of life itself,
bringing change to the stagnant and the obsolete.
Life has since been purified and the hidden realms cleansed as Earth
has led the cosmic ascension. Great gifts have come as a result. The
restoration of health and purity and the resurrection of the mystical
abilities of women’s reproductive organs are among them.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Cleansing the Feminine Reproductive System

Belvaspata for the Restoration of the Intuitive Nature, when used

in conjunction with the spagyric homeopathic remedies suggested by
Almine, Sr., is the first step to preparing a woman for the activating
of her physiologically innate, mystical abilities. Only then does the
balancing of her hormonal system and activation of her reproductive
organs’ mystical abilities begin.
Symptoms of stagnation and imbalance or distress are indications
of corrections that need to be made in attitudes or perception. It is for
this reason we include Mayan and Oriental medicine viewpoints for
the female reproductive system from Almine Barton Jr., a respected
natural healing practitioner and medicine woman. Health starts with
self-acceptance and a loving relationship with our body.
Note: The Rosecrucian method also creates similar intuitive openings
in the male reproductive system.111

111 See Belvaspata, The Restoration of the Intuitive Nature.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

An Introduction to Mopan Mayan Gynecological

Perspectives and their Correlation to Traditional
Chinese Medicine by Almine Barton, Jnr.

The Mayan culture has long fascinated those who came after them.
There are many unanswered questions about the Maya. Who are they?
How did they become such an advanced civilization? Why did the
majority of the population disappear during the classic to post-classic
era? How could this have occurred, archaeologists wonder, when there
appear to be no signs of decline in the civilization, no famine, drought
or war that could have caused such a massive drop in population?
Most archaeologists agree the Maya were among the most advanced
cultures in mathematics, calendars and timekeeping of any other
civilization. Most do not realize their adept knowledge reached far into
other levels of society. They rivaled the Egyptians, Druids and the Incas
in their knowledge of archaeo-astronomy, building their pyramidal
structures in precise alignment with the stars, the equinoxes, the helical
rate rising of constellations and more.
It has been academically accepted that it was the Maya, not the
Sumerians, who invented the concept of zero. It inspires awe of these
‘human observatories,’ as Dr. José Arguelles called them, when we
realize that the oldest time-related period recorded is the Temple of
Coba in Honduras. That record encompasses 900,000 years! How these
people were able to calculate and document such a vast span remains a
The Maya extended their level of mastery to medicine as well. The
present-day Maya are just beginning to allow the world a glimpse
into this system of medical wisdom. Hardly anyone is aware that the
indigenous people of Central America practice acupuncture. That may
be because after the Spanish conquered and decimated much of their

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

culture, the native people found it wise to keep their oral traditions to
themselves for the sake of preserving them.
This lineage of information I share is limited to women’s health
and the gynecological/obstetric lore learned from Dr. Rosita Arvigo,
D.N., whose teacher, Don Elijio Panti, was Mopan Mayan from Belize.
I have little experience or knowledge of Mayan medicine from the
Chiapas area of Mexico although I do know the two systems have
many similarities and much in common.
Mayan theory and practice around women’s health begins, quite
logically with the uterus. It is believed that most ‘female problems’ can
be traced to a misaligned uterus.

“The womb is the woman’s center. Her very being and essence are
in this organ. If the uterus is not sitting where it should be, nothing
is right for her; she will have late periods, early periods, clotted
blood, dark blood, painful periods, no babies, weakness, headaches,
backaches, nervousness and all manner of ailments.”

Don Elijio Panti, Mayan H’men, who died at 103 years of age

Dr. Arvigo believes that stagnant lymphatic fluid in the pelvic

area, due to a tipped uterus, is a major cause of many health issues for
women. She says that 98% of the time women have uteruses tipped to
the right. She also says that of her patients who had uteruses that were
tipped to the left, 99% were due to car accidents.
Dr. Arvigo feels it is unfortunate that when women are given
gynecological exams in our country (the United States), they are
either not told they have a tipped uterus (because it is considered so
commonplace it is not worth mentioning), or if they are told, doctors
are not educated about the long-term effects this can possibly have
on the woman’s health. They are told they have a tipped uterus but
not given a solution and often leave the doctor’s office bewildered. Is

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

this significant? If my liver or intestines were tipped that would create

health problems, so why wouldn’t a tipped uterus?

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Symptoms of a Displaced Uterus

1. Painful periods 19. Frequent urination
2. Late, early or irregular 20. Bladder infections or cystitis
periods 21. Vaginitis
3. Dark, thick blood at onset 22. Blood clots during
and/or at end of menstruation menstruation
4. Abnormal uterine bleeding 23. Chronic miscarriages
5. Dizziness with menstruation 24. Premature deliveries
6. Failure to ovulate regularly 25. Weak newborn infants
and/or lack of ovulation
26. False pregnancies
7. Painful ovulation 27. Difficult pregnancy or
8. Varicose veins in the legs delivery
9. Tired, weak or numb legs 28. Infertility
10. Numb legs and feet, 29. Painful intercourse
especially when standing still
30. Lack of sexual desire.
11. Sore heel when walking 31. Constipation
12. Low backache 32. Difficult menopause
13. Uterine fibroids 33. Dry vagina with or without
14. Endometriosis menopause
15. Uterine polyps 34. Cancer of the vagina, cervix,
16. Endometritis uterus, fallopian tubes,
17. PMS/depression before bladder or lower bowel
period 35. Ovarian and breast cysts
18. Uterine infections 36. Pelvic inflammation

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Causes of Uterine Displacement

1. Repeated pregnancies close together with difficult delivery

2. Bad professional care during pregnancy, delivery and afterward
3. Carrying heavy burdens just before or during menstruation and
too soon after childbirth
4. Walking barefoot on cold, hard floors or wet grass
5. Wearing shoes with heels higher than one inch
6. Running or working on cement surfaces
7. Injury to the sacrum or tailbone from a fall or severe blow
8. Chronic constipation
9. Poor alignment of the pelvic bones with the spinal column
10. Chronic muscle spasms around the low back and sacrum
11. Carrying young children on the hip for prolonged periods of time
12. Rape, sexual abuse or incest at any time in their life

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Displacement of the Uterus

Normal Position of the Womb

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Retroversion of Womb 1

Retroversion of Womb 2

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Anteflexion of Womb

Anteflexion with Retroversion

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Introduction to Mayan Uterine Massage

Mayan uterine massage, according to Dr. Arvigo, “Can play a part in

healing the feminine aspects not only within our culture and ourselves,
but the concept can help balance the feminine of the planet.” Looking
at this metaphorically; when a woman’s womb is out of balance, she is
out of balance.
Due to women’s natural connection to the earth, we can perhaps view
this in terms of the concept ‘As above, so below.’ Indigenous people
over the world, view Western culture as being out of balance with the
feminine, the earth. The ramifications of this are thought provoking.

Accidents or excessive weight can cause obstruction in the flow
of lymphatic fluids. Unlike blood, which is pumped through the body
by the heart, lymph has no pumping mechanism other than exercise.
Massage starts stagnant lymph flowing so it can remove toxins and
waste from the body.

Self-massaging the area above the pubic bone helps to keep the
ligaments supporting the uterus supple. It also moves stagnant lymph
back into circulation.

1. Lie on your back with your knees raised and tilt the pelvis
2. Feel the indentation in the pubic bone. The uterus should sit two
fingers width above that indentation.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

3. Form a wedge with the fingertips of both hands and push the
fingers against the skin in a scooping motion.

Note: Massage is not recommended after an operation, during menses

or for women with IUDs.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Massage is Not Unique to the Maya

For a while, I thought this concept of uterine adjustment, or massage,

was unique to the Maya, but my trip to the Amazon in 2001 proved
this to be untrue. Visiting a tribe of Achual natives, I learnt that it was
practiced there as well. The only difference was that the Achual did this
from the 3rd month of pregnancy through to the end.
However, they did not treat day-to-day gynecological issues in this
way. The village medicine man asked the ladies of the village to sit
around me and via an interpreter, answer any questions I might have on
gynecology, women’s health and so on. I am grateful for their openness
and the wisdom they shared.

Emotional Release
This form of massage, as with other bodywork, can bring up deep
emotional issues held in this region of the body. It is important for
practitioners to be aware of this and be prepared. Women who come to
the healer for gynecological issues will frequently end the session by
wiping their tears.
After the procedure, they may share with the practitioner their
experiences of sexual abuse, incest or rape. Usually women do not
consult the practitioner for the purpose of discussing painful issues
such as these, but frequently after treatment, the buried emotions come
up to be expressed.
Steam baths are a big part of Mayan medicine. The Mayan women
frequently treat gynecological ailments by sitting on a chair (usually
made of reed so steam can penetrate it) placed over a steaming pot of
herbs. They believe the steam is an effective way of getting medicine
into the belly.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Are There Any Benefits for Men?

Massage of the pelvic region is done externally and, on occasions,
is used by the Maya for men with prostate issues. Sometimes it is used
for men who have impotency issues, but typically, herbs, prayers and
baths are used for this.

Herbs Don’t Have Hands

At one of the conferences I attended in Boston were Dr. Arvigo was
keynote presenter, someone in the audience asked, “Why don’t we just
use herbs?” Dr. Arvigo’s reply was simple, “Herbs do not have hands”,
she said. We all looked at each other – good point! Our culture is touch
deprived. We are afraid of being sued, of personal boundary issues and
of respecting someone’s personal space. These are all good things to be
mindful of and to take into consideration in practice.
I also think our culture could benefit from such a hands-on healing
experience. I think the benefits far outweigh the burdens when compared
with the possible surgeries, hysterectomies and unnecessarily painful
labors that could be avoided if this procedure were to be incorporated
into our healthcare practices. The majority of hysterectomies could
be prevented if this practice had taken place early on in a woman’s
treatment protocol.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

What Can Women do to Take Care of


Self-care of a woman’s reproductive processes needs to have the

same priority as dental or other personal care.

The Maya believe that lifting heavy objects while menstruating or
pregnant can cause the uterus to tilt. They also believe repeated impact
with hard surfaces can cause this. Therefore, they say jogging is not the
best exercise, especially for women. When asked what exercises are
best for a woman’s body, they cite yoga, tai chi, walking and swimming
– but especially belly dancing.
The ancient Mayan women, in honor of the goddess Ix Chel,
perform fertility dances at the temple of Tulum where the goddess
was worshipped and at her temples in Isla Mujures, the isle of women,
located off the coast of the Yucatan. These dances had movements
similar to those in belly dancing. The soft rolling of the hips and the
circular movements are found not only in belly dancing but in many
women’s dances all over the world.
The Mayan midwives claim these dances literally massage the
internal organs, particularly the uterus. They say belly dancers are
good pregnant clients because their pelvic muscles are well developed.
The dancing also provides an outlet for emotions, is good exercise and
promotes camaraderie with other women.

Eating lots of cooked greens and yes, chocolate! That is real
chocolate, Mayan style, which tastes a lot like fennel, having a warm
anise flavor. It is high in calcium and magnesium – great for cramps!

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

This is why Mayan midwives smile at the thought of women craving

chocolate. They say women’s bodies know that chocolate is beneficial
for them, particularly when they are on their moontime.
The closest thing American women can do at home is to mix
unsweetened cocoa powder with a little fennel and cinnamon. If you
really have to have that sweet taste, mix a little stevia into it. Stevia will
not raise blood sugar levels, is tasty and full of vitamins and minerals.
Mayan women say it keeps the uterus nice and warm.

Sexual Activity
It is recommended that women reduce, or optimally, have no sexual
intercourse while pregnant. The Mayan believe that both the mother
and baby will benefit and delivery will be easier. They also recommend
abstaining from intercourse during menstruation, or at least make it an
infrequent activity.

Feminine Hygiene Products

Mayan midwives recommend the use of pads, sea sponge or cloth
pads instead of tampons. They say tampons prevent a woman’s chu’lel’
from flowing freely downward to the earth. They believe it creates
stagnation in the uterine area.

Nurture Your Spiritual Life

Walks in nature, dancing, singing, being in silence, meditation, art –
whatever brings you joy and makes you grateful for being alive.

Birth Control Methods and Philosophies

1. The Maya believe it is preventive medicine to not have
intercourse when a woman menstruates. There are several reasons
for this, but I think Don Elijio says it best. “Semen mixes with

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

menstrual fluids and causes large clots to adhere to the uterine

wall, which leads to ulceration and tumors.”
They also believe that most gynecological issues are caused
either from a tipped uterus or from repeated long-term sexual
intercourse when a woman menstruates.
2. Ix Ki Bix (Cow’s Hoof Vine) is their plant of choice for birth
control. The Maya in Mexico mostly use wild yam. Don Elijio
says it works very well, Dr. Arvigo says it works 90% of the time.
The treatment is as follows:
A woman takes Ix Ki Bix for 10 days prior to her period. This
should give her 5 months of birth control. If she takes Ix Ki Bix for
two months then she will have 10 months of birth control. If she
takes it for 9 months (9 being a magical or sacred number to the
Maya), she is said to be permanently sterile.
Ix (pronounced ‘eesh’) has several different meanings. It can
mean ‘shaman’ or ‘rainbow.’ Every herb is considered to have a
masculine and a feminine plant. In honor of Ixchel (the lady of the
rainbows, goddess of herbs, midwives, menstruation, women and
the moon), every feminine plant has Ix at the beginning of its name.
The masculine Ki Bix is used for hemorrhaging and dysentery. It
is said to be good luck to pick herbs with a woman because Ixchel
is partial to women.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

The ‘Evil Eye,’ Menstruation and the

Power of Thought

Indigenous cultures have long been associated with menstruation

taboos. Culture anthropologists Thomas Buckley and Alma Gottlieb
wrote an eye-opening book called Blood Magic: The Anthropology of
Menstruation, which formed the foundation for further anthropological
research in this area.
Like their theory on the various types of winds, the Maya have
formed an intricate belief system around temperature and its connection
to the mind. At the core of Mayan spiritual belief is Hunab K’u, the
great point from which all opposites sprang. They called this essence
‘The one giver of movement and measure’. Therefore, like the Chinese
and their concept of the Tao, opposites are not seen in terms of good
and evil. They are merely opposites. The exception to this is seen with
the nine evil winds. Most wind is seen to come from Xibalba or the
With regard to medicine, much emphasis is given to temperature.
You might hear an H’men say, “She has cold in her wind channels,” or
something to that effect. Menstruating women, however, are considered
to be hot in nature as a general rule. In Mayan tradition, one is believed
to be able to transfer heat or cold through thought, knowingly or
unknowingly, thereby altering another person’s temperature. This
sudden imbalance is believed to cause illness in the person affected.
Those more susceptible to such abrupt disruption of their own
temperature are infants, children, the elderly and the mentally ill.
Most of the time this is done unintentionally but most Mayan people
adhere to, or are at least aware of this phenomena and view it with

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

It is said that when a menstruating woman who is not able to

conceive and who greatly desires a baby, looks upon another’s baby
with desire, the desire is transferred via ‘heat’ onto the baby. The result
is that the baby will get cirro or an upset stomach with foul dysentery
or a ‘hot eye’. The hot eye refers to a red, swollen ring around one eye,
confirming that the baby was looked upon with hot or desirous eyes.
Some animals are said to naturally have hot eyes and are therefore
avoided. Blue-eyed people are also believed to have them.
If people consider someone in the village to have hot eyes, then the
courtesy is for that person to call before the visit so that the baby can
be put down for a nap first. Some Central American women carry their
babies on their backs with a veil over the baby’s face to avoid having it
gazed upon with hot or desirous eyes. The Mayan women’s faces light
up with interest if you want to look at or hold her baby. You first tap it
lightly on the back of their head as you look away. This tells the mother
that you are aware of your thoughts and when you hold their baby, you
will not look at it with hot eyes.

Are Men Affected by Their Partner’s Temperature?

According to Dr. Margaret Henderson, “When a man lives with a

woman, his temperature cycle throughout the month synchronizes
with hers, that is, a man shows a temperature rise and fall which
approximates that of his wife.”

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine 6:254, 1976

“In other words,” says Linda Heron Wind, author of New Moon
Rising, “If she becomes pregnant or is on birth control pills and thus
does not ovulate, the man’s pattern of temperature change stops as does
hers. So even physically then, there is a tendency for men to naturally
follow a woman’s cycle.”

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Correlations with Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine has many similarities in philosophy

and treatment to Mayan gynecology. Both agree that chi and blood
stagnation in this area can cause ‘phlegm’ to be produced.

Similarities Between Mayan and Chinese Medicine

Mayan Chinese
Chu’lul Chi
H’men Wu
Wind Channels Meridians
Ventosa Cupping
Pulse Diagnosis112 Pulse Diagnosis
Tok Bleeding
Jup113 Needing
Wind114 Wind
Heat Heat
Cold Cold
Talladas, Las Acomadadas Tuina
Tzolkin I Ching
Points Points

112 The Mayan pulse diagnosis, like the Chinese, is complex. Each pulse has the quality
of an animal, such as ‘this one feels like a snake’ (slippery) or ‘this one feels like a rabbit
hopping’ etc. The higher up on the arm the pulse is detected, the worse the prognosis.
Prayers are frequently whispered into the pulse by the H’men because it is considered ‘to
move into the blood that way’. Herbs are also frequently tied across the wrist in the shape
of an equi-distant cross. The power of the herbs is said to be more potent here – topically
113 In the case of Jup, it is not exactly like needling. Jup is a technique using the fang of
a rattlesnake or a stingray spine. The patient’s skin is repeatedly poked with the fang or
spine to stimulate the area, causing it to be red, but the skin is not actually punctured.
114 The Maya have a detailed theory on wind. There are considered to be ‘good’ winds
and ‘bad’ winds. There are nine primary bad winds, called the ‘nine evil winds’.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Points Used Frequently in Mayan Gynecology

Yin Tang – Dizziness in childbirth
BL-23 – Warm plant poultices are placed over it for ‘cold in the womb’.
BL-60 – Difficult labor
BL-67 – Garlic clove wrapped with banana leaves placed topically on
this point. ‘It is hot, so the baby runs from it’.

Note from Almine Sr.: The following spagyric homeopathic

remedies,115 distributed by Pekana, are enormously beneficial for
women’s uterine health:
1. Itires – for the re-establishment of the healthy lymph flow.
2. Aligeno – for the health of the spleen which plays an essential
part in the elasticity of the smooth muscles to keep organs in their
proper place.
3. Procenat – to be used for prostate disease and pelvic floor
drainage and regulation.

Western Herbs and their Uses for Women’s and Children’s

Health Care in Mayan Medicine
Note: Mayan names will show in italics.

Basil – Ca Cal Tun tea for delayed menses.

Rue – Mash fresh leaves and water and take for lack of menstruation,
scanty urination and delayed or difficult labor. Wards off energy
projected on one by others. Place a branch under a pillow to prevent
nightmares, especially those emotionally derived. Included in many
herbal bath formulas for physical and spiritual healing.

115 These products are available from Spiritual Journeys. Call US toll free 1-877-552-
5646 or visit

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Marigold Flowers – Ix Ti Pu tea from flower heads (dry or fresh) for

baby colic, gas, bloating and indigestion. Herbal baths for all ailments
of children and infants. Vaginal steam baths for women after childbirth
and for spiritual and emotional ailments of adults and children.

Hibiscus – only pink and red hibiscus are medicinal. Drink as a cooled
tea with cinnamon for postpartum hemorrhage, excessive menstruation
and to prevent miscarriage when spotting occurs during pregnancy.
Use as an herbal bath for diaper rash. Eat for painful and profuse
menstruation and anemia. Cooled tea as a hair rinse adds shine and
softness. Use mashed flowers to beautify the skin.

Red Roses – Nik Te Cha used as a tea with leaves and stems is a lifesaver
in postpartum hemorrhage. The tea can be used for diarrhea in infants,
children and adults and also for ‘red eye’ in newborns. Include in herbal
bathing formulas for spiritual and emotional healing, especially for the

Oregano used as a tea to induce menses, increases scanty flow and

expels retained placenta.

Allspice – use as a tea made from berries or powdered spice for

baby colic, indigestion, menstrual pain, delayed menses and retained
placenta. With garlic, it is drunk for 9 days following childbirth to
cleanse the uterus. Mash berries with teeth and apply bolus to relieve

Ginger – take as hot tea for delayed menses and painful period. For
delayed labor, soak towels in hot ginger tea and lay over the woman’s
abdomen (the baby will ‘run’ from the heat). Tea with cinnamon, milk
and honey, taken at bedtime, can halt snoring. Soaked warm towels
placed over the chest can relieve the symptoms of cold, bronchitis
phlegm, etc.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body


The West is constantly searching for miracle cures for the diseases
that have plagued the world, particularly industrialized nations.
Scientists are now performing studies on Chinese medicine, researching
the efficacy of Ayurveda, and hold annual conferences on Tibetan
medicine. Perhaps the greatest miracle of all is that ancient traditions,
that hold this healing wisdom, are located on our own continent.
As Willaru, one of the shamans of Peru, said to me,

“To us Inca, Pacharmama (the Earth) has two spines. She has a
masculine spine (the Himalayas) and a feminine spine (the Andes).
The light on this plane of existence is changing its poles. It is moving
from the masculine to the feminine. Those who have sought wisdom
from the people who live in their masculine spine will now be
attracted to visit us. We have much to share with our younger brothers
and sisters. We, the keepers of the old way.”

He passed me a cube of traditional Incan chocolate and winked at

me. I smiled and popped it in my mouth. My smile turned to a laugh
when I tasted its sugary sweetness and I looked at Willaru with surprise.
“This is not traditional Incan chocolate!” With a faux look of guilt on
his face and a pretend swish of his colorful poncho, he pulled out a
Hershey wrapper.

Contact for Almine Barton, Jr.,

Indigenous Medicine Therapies,
740 NW Colorado Ave.,
Bend, OR 97701
To make an acupuncture or nutritional consultation appointment,
call (503) 756-5602 or email

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Facilitating the Healing of

Chronic and Systemic Disease

Make sure you look for the cause of the problem

and not the symptoms.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Program to Restore Health to Bodily Systems

Extract from How to Facilitate the Healing of Chronic and
Systemic Disease116
In chronic and systemic diseases, multiple physiological symptoms
are involved. Many treatments, though thorough, prove less than
successful in producing long-term results. After many years of being
mentored by two leading doctors in England and the United States,
Almine has produced this valuable system that has achieved a high
success rate of permanent results.
The order in which the systems are restored to optimum functioning
is crucial. The proper balance of pH of the bodily terrain is a mandatory
component in oxygenating the cells and making the body an inhospitable
host to fungus, bacteria, and viruses.
There is also a 2-hour audio presentation (available from Spiritual
Journey website) that is full of a range of helpful information and
specifically designed to assist those in the healing of Chronic and
System Diseases.

116 The book, How to Facilitate the Healing of Chronic and Systemic Diseases, also
includes Belvaspata Sigils that can be added to the program to further support the healing

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

The 5-Month Healing Program

The 5-month program is broken down into 3-week periods with the
protocol for each period having a designated purpose, creating a process
of detoxification and purification. It is important to follow the program
as directed as there is a specific order in which the various systems of
the body should be restored to optimum health and functioning. The
steps are as follows:

The First Three Weeks or Weeks 1–3

Step 1. Strengthen Excretory Pathways
Step 2. Clear Excretory Pathways
Step 3. Correct the Acid/Alkaline pH Ratio
Step 4. Stimulate the Digestion

The Second Three Weeks – Weeks 4–6

Step 5. Stimulate the Lymph System
Step 6. Detoxify the Liver
Step 7. Remove Fungus from the Gastro-Intestinal Tract

The Third Three Weeks – Weeks 7–9

Step 8. Remove Heavy Metals from the Body
Step 9. Remove Aerobic & Anaerobic Fungus from the Body
Step 10. Strengthen the Kidneys
Step 11. Strengthen the Spleen

The Fourth Three Weeks – Weeks 10–12

Step 12. Remove Viruses
Step 13. Remove Bacteria
Step 14. Clear Uric Acid Deposits

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

The Fifth Three Weeks – Weeks 13–15

Step 15. Removes Parasites
Step 16. Remove Mucus from Intestines and Organs
Step 17. For Absorption of Nutrients
Step 18. To restore Mucous Membranes

The Sixth 3 Weeks – Weeks 16–18

Step 19. Eliminate Focal Infections
Step 20. To Balance Nutrients
Step 21. To Properly Balance Blood Sugar

The Seventh 3 Weeks – Weeks 19–21

Step 22. To Remove Allergies
Step 23. To Clear all Body Toxins

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Purification Program

The purification program is broken down into three phases and uses
Pekana117, spagyric homeopathic remedies. These remedies are of the
highest quality and should be very helpful in restoring the body to full
health. Please consult a medical practitioner

Excerpt from the Body Ecology Diet, by Donna Gates

The Body Ecology Diet, which will correct the PH through diet,
clears the body over a three-month period of its fatty waste products,
supports the liver, and teaches us how to combine foods properly for
maximum absorption.
Please read all comments and recommendations completely before
you take any remedy. It is recommended that for each phase you
complete two bottles of each remedy before going onto the next phase.
Prior to taking any of these remedies, please read the section on
Client Guide for Use of Pekana Remedies at the end of the chapter.
Note: Itires should be added to all phases of the program as it promotes
the proper flow of lymph and strengthens the entire lympatic system.

Phase 1
Remedy Dosage
Apo-Hepat (2 bottles) 15 drops 3 times a day
Toxex (2 bottles) 10 drops 3 times a day
Dalektro N (2 bottles) 20 drops 3 times a day
Lactic Plus (2 bottles) 30 drops 3 times a day
Itires (2 bottles) 20 drops 3 times a day

117 Pekana Remedies are available from Spiritual Journeys office. Call US toll-free
phone: 1-877-552-5646

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Comments and Recommendations – Apo-Hepat

Hepat supports the liver, which is commonly congested, throughout
the detoxification process. As it becomes detoxified, the liver releases
fire energy. You may experience hot flashes. Should they interfere with
daily life, reduce the dosage to 10 drops a day.

Comments and Recommendations – Toxex

Toxex rids the body of accumulations of heavy metals. Metals must
be brought out of the body (chelated) before fungal infections can be
addressed; otherwise, the fungus is locked into the body. Common
effects of the chelation process are cloudy urine, increased body odor,
headaches and ‘spaciness’. If you are elderly or seriously ill, reduce
the dosage to 5 drops, 3 times per day. If you have already completed
a detox program and eat pure food, you may increase the dosage to 15
drops, 3 times per day.

Comments and Recommendations – Dalektro N

Most people have poor nutrient absorption and their vital organs
are therefore nutritionally unsupported. This remedy maximizes the
absorption of minerals and helps the production of digestive enzymes.
There are no negative side effects.
Note: because it enhances absorption, Dalektro N should be regarded as
a mineral supplement (although it is so much more). You should plan to
use it for several months even after the purification process is completed.

Comments and Recommendations – Lactic Plus

Lactic Plus allows 350% more oxygen to be carried to your cells.
Used in conjunction with Dalektro N – which permits the re-absorption
of nutritive iron – the oxygen is delivered to the middle of the cell.
Lactic Plus corrects the pH of the body and makes it inhospitable to
fungus, viruses and bacteria as well as some parasites.
Side effects: more acid in the urine.
Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Phase II

Remedy Dosage
Mucan (2 bottles) 15 drops 3 times a day
Candida (5 packages) 1–2 capsules per day
Dalektro (2 bottles) 20 drops 3 times a day
Lactic Plus (2 bottles) 30 drops 3 times a day
Renelix (1 bottle) 15 drops 3 times a day
Apo-Hepat (1 bottle) 15 drops 3 times a day
Itires (2 bottles) 20 drops 3 times a day

Comments and Recommendations – Mucan

Mucan cleans out pockets of deep tissue fungus as well as mycotic
(fungal) toxins that cannot normally be handled by the immune system
when the body’s metabolism is poor. This product works with Lactic
Plus to correct the pH of the body.

Comments and Recommendations – Candida

This product has the most ‘die off’ symptoms, as virtually everyone
has infestations of fungal overgrowth in the gastro-intestinal tract. The
symptoms include achiness, feelings of a low-grade fever, headaches
and possible diarrhea. This should last only 4–7 days. If symptoms are
too severe or impair normal functioning, adjust the dose to every other
day, then back to once per day.

Comments and Recommendations – Dalektro N

and Lactic Plus
Taking Dalektro N through this phase will further support nutritional
absorption. Lactic Plus, during the phase allows the cells to continue
being fully oxygenated and correct the body’s pH. See Comments and
Recommendation with Phase I

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Comments and Recommendations – Apo-Hepat and Renelix

As Mucan and Candida Remedy pull dying fungus out of the body,
it will continue to need assistance in processing it. Use one bottle
of Apo-Hepat (15 drops, 3 times a day) and when it is finished take
one bottle of Renelix (15 drops, 3 times a day). For most people, the
liver is congested and kidney function is deficient. It is important to
support both of these functions during Phase II. Renelix also acts as a
decalcifying agent for calcium deposits that may have formed in the
kidneys. When these begin to dissolve and the calcium is dumped into
the system, mild sweats my result.

Colonics or Enemas
Weekly colonics and increased intake of liquids will help a great
deal with the process. If colonics are not available, enemas may also
help if symptoms are being felt. Drink at least two quarts of water per
day. It is also helpful to drink Pau D’Arco tea, available from most
health food stores.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Phase III
For those who are interested in getting rid of hostile viruses produced
by vaccinations, the following third phase is also suggested. Purify and
strengthen the body first by completing all of Phase I and Phase II.
Please read all comments and recommendations completely before
taking any remedy.

Remedy Dosage
Quentans (2 bottles) 5 drops 3 times a day
Apo-Hepat (2 bottles) 15 drops 3 times a day
Lactic Plus (2 bottles) 30 drops 3 times a day
Mundipur 1 teaspoon 3 times a day
Itires (2 bottles) 20 drops 3 times a day
Notatum (2 bottles) 5 drops 3 times a day
(Notatum is beneficial if you have recurring infections)

Comments and Recommendations – Quentans

This very strong viral remedy is effective on a wide variety of
viruses. Possible ‘die-off’ symptoms include flu-like symptoms. When
used during a fever, the remedy may exacerbate the fever. If symptoms
are too severe, the dosage can be reduces to 3 drops, three times per
Note: Quentans does not combine well with all remedies, so you should
only use it as directed here.

Comments and Recommendations – Apo-Hepat

Apo-Hepat will help the body eliminate any genetic material of the
virus that may otherwise become lodged in the liver.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Comments and Recommendations – Munipur and Itires

Use with Quentans, not only as a pH adjuster, but also as a drainage
remedy. Mundipur is tolerated well by elderly or seriously ill patients. Be
sure to use only plastic measuring spoons or dosing spoons. Mundipur
is an anti-inflammatory and dissolves uric acid crystallizations and
other calcifications. When crystals dissolve, a burning sensation could
be present in the muscles, as if you over exercised. Other symptoms
include mild sweating.
Itires should be added as it promotes the proper flow of lymph
and strengthens the entire emphatic system. In fact, all phases of the
program benefit from the addition of Itires.
Note: If you have recurring sinus, lung, ear or urinary tract infections,
you could add 2 bottles of Notatum to this phase to kill any bacteria in
the body. The dosage is 5 drops, 3 times per day. If local infections flair
up (such as a cold to drain sinuses) or flu-like symptoms get too severe,
reduce to 3 drops, 3 times a day.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Client Guide for Use of Pekana Remedies

(These Remedies are not to be used when pregnant)
Spagyric medicine was firstly developed in the 16th Century by a
Swiss physician Paracelsus. It is a form of homeopathy in which both
vital healing energy and active substances are extracted from medicinal
plants, creating powerful mother tinctures. Derived from the Greek
words spao (separate) and ageiro (unite), the term spagyric means to
take something apart and then re-unite it.
PEKANA have taken this process and refined it further, producing
remedies that have both powerful energetic and biochemical effects.
These remedies are available in 50 and 100 ml oral drops, capsules
and 125 ml syrups. They are of the highest quality and should be very
helpful in restoring your body to a health.

Recommended Dosages
The drops should be taken directly into the mouth (under the tongue
if possible) or in water or herbal tea. The recommended dosage for 50
ml drops:

Adults: 15–20 drops, 3 times per day

School children: 7–10 drops, 3 times per day
Small children: 5 drops, 3 times per day

The recommended dosage for 125 ml syrups:

Adults: 1 teaspoon, 5–7 times per day
School children: 1 teaspoon, 3–5 times per day

Taking Homeopathic Remedies

You should take homeopathic remedies at least 1 hour away from
food, either before or after eating.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

When using more than one preparation it is best to allow at least

15 minutes between dosages. However, if you are taking multiple
preparations you may mix them together (some remedies may need to
be taken separate) and take them at the same time in a small amount of
pure water, but always on an empty stomach. You may need to practice
to learn how to tip the bottles for accurate measure of drops.
If taking into the mouth, hold for 5–10 seconds under the tongue (if
possible) as it allows for fast absorption via the mucous membranes.
You can also take these drops in herbal tea, fluoride-free water or juice.
For those concerned with the small amount of alcohol in the preparation
of the remedies, you may stir them into water and allow the to sit for
15 minutes so the alcohol will evaporate. To speed up this process you
may simmer the water and preparation on the stove until it just begins
to steam. Do not boil! Do not let the preparation come into contact with
metal cookware.
Note 1: These remedies should never come in contact with metal
spoons, cups or cookware. Use a plastic spoon or infant dosing spoon
for syrups and a glass or plastic cup when taking the drops in liquid.
It is also extremely important that clients continue the therapy for 5–7
days after acute symptoms have disappeared. This protracted treatment
helps the body excrete the residual toxins produced during acute illness
and that would be otherwise be deposited in the connective tissues,
possibly leading to chronic conditions.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Questions Answered by Almine

Q: Why does step 23 clean body toxins when the previous steps cleaned
so many different toxins?
A: It is necessary to remove plastics from the body; they mimic
hormones and cause hormonal imbalances. It is also necessary to
remove dead fungus and fungal waste products as well as any bacteria
or viruses that may have lodged in the liver during previous cleansings.

Q: There is not truly any homeopathic remedy suggested for getting rid
of parasites. Why is this?
A: As the Lactic Plus alters the pH of the bloodstream, aided by the
proper functioning of the excretory pathways, the terrain becomes
inhospitable. Further information is given in the 2-hour audio (available
from Spiritual Journeys store, see on
beneficial digestive enzymes that digest proteins and parasites are

Q: After removing parasites and fungus from the wall of the bowel, is it
not inflamed and raw? Would the increased digestive enzymes not have
an adverse affect the bowel itself?
A: The digestive enzymes must be tapered down to a regular dose after
the program. Follow this method to balance the bowel after you have
completed the entire regime (not before the regime):

1. The cheapest way is to get a bottle of food grade aloe vera gel.
In the United States, you can use Lily of the Desert aloe vera gel
(not juice). Take 4 ounces (1/2 a cup) 20 minutes before meals
and before bedtime for a total of four times a day. Do this for two
months if possible, but at least for one month.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

2. Standard Process Laboratories has a product called Okra Pepsin.

This is handier to have when traveling, but more expensive. You
can order it online or possibly at your local health food store. Use
five capsules exactly the way you would with 4 ounces of aloe
vera gel. The capsules are used four times a day for two months as
well. Do not use abrasive foods like wheat during this time.
These products do not actually aid in healing the bowel, but coat
it so it can heal itself. Aloe vera gel is also very beneficial for the
skin. Place a tiny bit in the palm of your hand and coat your facial
skin at night (women can even wear it under makeup as it has an
added benefit of tightening the skin). After a few days, the skin will
feel baby soft.

Q: I have painful soles when I initially walk in the morning. Will a

footbath that has a method of pulling toxins out with electrodes work?
A: Yes, it is helpful for the first two weeks of this program (no more than
twice a week) since the pain in the bottoms of the feet could indicate
that toxins have settled there. However, you also pull out beneficial
minerals with this method and so you should discontinue it after two

Q: I have a very bad reaction to eating and I have been very ill and
weak. I seem to go into anaphylactic shock from food.
A: There is a strong possibility that you have a wound in the bowel that
allows undigested food, especially protein, to enter the bloodstream.
The shock seems to suggest that. In a case this severe, you could do the
1. For 1–2 months prior to the 5-month detoxification program, use
Okra Pepsin and/or aloe vera gel at least 4 to 5 times a day.
2. During this preparatory period, eat soft foods, preferably bland
and cooked.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

3. Do not use digestive enzymes. Juicing vegetables is highly

4. Twice a week, intravenous feedings of water-soluble vitamins,
minerals and amino acids (as explained in the two 2-hour audio)
is highly recommended, if not essential.
5. Slow drip enemas (1 1/2 hours to 2 hours duration) daily for the
first month, then 3 times a week for the second month is also
essential. Follow the method described in the 2-hour audio except
that for every other enema you add a pint of fresh wheat grass
juice to the enema bag.
6. Use the following products during this preparatory period:
Dalektro N: 25 drops, 4 times a day
Lactic Plus: 30 drops, 4 times a day
Opsonat: 20 drops, 5 times a day

Q: Why do chronically ill people become so thin and emaciated? What

will help?
A: The same program as that given in the previous answer will help.
The reason, above and beyond the inability to absorb nutrition, is
because of the asphyxiation of the energy producing organelle of the
cell. If the cells are not oxygenated, they do not function and shrivel up.
Lactic Plus will also help with this: increase to taking 4 to 5 times a day
if the person is on this program. Die-off will occur because it changes
the pH of the body’s terrain and in an ill person, the excretion must be
supported. Otherwise, use 30 drops three times a day. Wheat grass juice
enemas will help to.

Q: What is your current advice about Xylitol?

A: After I wrote the 5-month program How to Facilitate the Healing
of Chronic and Systemic Disease, I subsequently found Xylitol might

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

be carcinogenic. For that reason, I only recommend the use of stevia118

as a sweetener (without alcohol and organic if possible). Stevia is a
super-food and has many health benefits beyond its use as a sweetener.

Q: What do you consider is ‘pure water?’

A: There are many available systems and products to filter and purify
water. We refer to water that contains no chlorine and no fluoride and
is ‘first-use’ water. This means water that is not treated sewage water.
Treated sewage/waste water may contain hormones from women’s
birth control pills.

118 In this section, see Parts VI–XI for additional information.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Case Study

In one case almost all of the family has allergies and the fact that
one had swelling in their lower extremities – it is like lines through a
dot. All of this pointed to an overburdened system, especially the liver.
There was something in their environment that is causing toxicity.
When I looked at the body of the person with swollen legs, I saw
toxemia and it is settling in their lower extremities. The diuretics they
were taking only made them more ill as there was no place for the
toxicity to settle. The very most thorough answer that I could give was
for the entire family to complete the 5-month program called How
to Facilitate the Healing of Chronic and Systemic Disease. As they
completed the program they could then see what possible things they
could add back into their environment and/or diet.

Reasons for toxicity:

1. Age of house: older homes tend to have metals such as copper
couplings in plumbing, mold and mildew
2. Newer houses: formaldehyde from paint and carpeting
3. Smokers in the household
4. Underground stream and/or proximity to electrical wires
5. Overload of electronic devices being used for the majority of the

All of these factors produce geopathic stress that in turn produce

painful rheumatoid-like symptoms and overburdened immune systems.
1. Diets: the way foods are combined determines how many allergies
are produced. Poorly digested foods produce food we become
allergic to (we also crave the foods we are allergic to). For
instance, many are allergic to milk products because milk should
never be combined with other foods – it’s a meal by itself.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Acid-producing diets create acidic bodies, which harbor more

toxins, parasites, bacteria and viruses.
2. The use of highly toxic chemicals in household products.
Example: The furniture oil used by one family might have tung
oil in it, whereas the house next door may not. Tung oil is linked
to chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer and other diseases, affecting
everyone’s health in the household.

The key to all of this is the book and program, How to Facilitate
the Healing of Chronic and Systemic Disease. available on The audio and book are a package that
includes a 2-hour audio presentation by Almine on how the ‘dominoes
of health fall’ and how to restore health through setting them right again
in the proper sequence.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body


Engage not your thoughts in these days of rebirth, but

watch them rise and fall as the ocean waves do until
you find the silent bliss within.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

What is Candida

While there are more than 20 species of candida, candida albicans

is the most common. It lives naturally in small amounts in the body
(skin, mouth, gastro-intestinal tract) but can turn from a yeast to a
fungal form and start to invade the body. Many factors such as personal
and environmental stresses, poor diet (especially excess sugar intake),
overuse of antibiotics, oral contraception and a weakened immunity
can trigger this.
As it enters the bloodstream via the wall of the intestinal tract and
reaches other organs, toxins are released that produce a wide variety of
symptoms, causing a multitude of health problems.

Candida symptoms
• abdominal gas and bloating
• headaches
• migraines
• excessive fatigue
• cravings for alcohol
• anxiety
• vaginitis
• rectal itching
• cravings for sweets
• inability to think clearly or concentrate
• hyperactivity
• difficulty concentrating
• mood swings
• diarrhea
• constipation – if you eat 2 meals a day and have less than 2 bowel
movements, you are constipated

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

• hyperactivity
• itching
• acne
• eczema
• depression
• sinus inflammation
• nasal congestion
• pre-menstrual syndrome
• dizziness
• poor memory
• persistent cough
• earaches
• low sex drive
• muscle weakness
• irritability
• learning difficulties
• sensitivity to fragrances and/or other chemicals
• respiratory problems
• cognitive impairment
• thrush
• athlete’s foot
• sore throat
• indigestion
• acid reflux
• chronic pain
• joint pain
• muscle pain
• recurrent ear problems

Four or more of these symptoms reflect the likelihood of fungal

overgrowth in the body.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Candida Albicans, The Secret Epidemic

By Almine Barton, Jr., L.A.c, C.F.T.
Excerpt from How to Raise an Exceptional Child
One of the most important things to remember about Candida is that
you can overcome it. It may take serious commitment and perseverance,
but it can be overcome and health restored. Many become very
discouraged when told they have Candida Albicans due to the fact that
they will have to make drastic lifestyle changes. People in the American
culture are used to instantaneous cures. This mindset of ‘fast and easy’
has become the downfall of the American health care system. It is, in
fact, this consciousness that has created the epidemic of Candida in the
first place through the use of ‘miracle cures’ like antibiotics and birth
control bills. These detrimental medications not only feed Candida, but
also create an environment conducive to harboring parasites.
One only has to examine certain words within the Western medical
system to decode what they truly do to the body. Take, for instance, the
word ‘antibiotic’. Its literal meaning is ‘anti-life’. Is this something we
want to take into our body for healing? Birth control pills are another
culprit. These pills are often given to girls in their teens, not only for the
prevention of pregnancy but also for the regulation of menstruation and
suppression of acne. The side effects range from dark circles under the
eyes to flatulence, decreased immune function, compromised digestion,
yeast infection, bloating, back pain and easy bruising. Some of the
long-term effects can include illnesses as serious as breast cancer.
Refined, non-organic foods are a major feeder of the overgrowth we
call Candida. Refined foods are processed to the point where there is
no ‘chi’ or life-force left in them. These are the foods that the majority
of Americans consume – dead food. Death can only create death and
life can only create life. It is absolutely vital that the American public
(and everyone else) become educated in the importance of living foods

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

or foods containing live enzymes. Vegetables, sprouts, grains, herbs,

edible flowers, certain dairy products and krauts are just a few of these
life-promoting foods. Refined foods contain no enzymes of their own,
hence the growing need to ingest digestive enzymes with meals. Living
foods contain their own enzymes that are necessary to break them
To eat organic food is highly desirable. First of all, by eating
organically, we support smaller local farms, providing an income for a
family that uses ecologically sustainable and health-conscious methods
of farming. These families work in harmony with the elements of our
earth. They do not use chemical pesticides or fertilizers that damage the
fragile ecosystem of our world. These synthetic toxins also seep into
the groundwater and poison it to the extent that many people each year
– yes even in America – die from polluted water. Statistics show that
the pollination of flowers by bees rapidly declined in the ‘bread basket’
area of the Midwest United States. Why? Because the pesticides used
on the crops affected the attraction of the bees to the local flora. By
buying food that is not grown organically, we perpetuate environmental
damage as explained in the previous examples.
Dr. Gabriel Cousins reports the following information in his book
Conscious Living: “The overall estimate of the Rutgers University
research suggested organic foods had 87% more minerals and trace
elements than non-organic food that was commercially grown.” He
goes on to state: “The Firman-Bear report on research done at Rutgers
University indicated organically grown foods were much richer in
minerals than the ‘look-alike’ commercial produce. For example,
organic tomatoes had more than 5 times the calcium, 12 times the
magnesium, 3 times the potassium, 600% more beneficial organic
sodium, 68 times more manganese and 1900 times more iron than non-
organic tomatoes.”
Other statistics that resulted from the Firman-Bear study conducted
at Rutgers University are:

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

1. Organic spinach had more than double the calcium, 5.5 times
more magnesium, more than 3 times the potassium, 75 times the
beneficial sodium, 117 times more manganese and 83 times the
iron than that of non-organic spinach.
2. Organic lettuce had 3.5 times the calcium, 3 times the magnesium,
3 times the potassium, 33 times the beneficial sodium, 169 times
the manganese and 57 times the iron of non-organic lettuce.
3. A Harris poll showed that 80% of Americans want organic fruits
and vegetables and more than 50% are willing to pay the small
additional cost of buying organic.

People dealing with an immune disorder like Candida need all the
nutrition they can get because they are nutritionally deprived. There are
several reasons:
1. Their pancreas-spleen organ is not manufacturing enough
digestive enzymes to digest food properly, so the person
with Candida can feel that they are not getting enough food;
manifesting as a starving feeling inside.
2. Their colon walls are usually caked with putrefied food that did
not digest properly. This can cause bloating, enlarged abdomen,
gas and constipation. The human body absorbs the nutrients,
vitamins and minerals from food through the colon walls, so if the
colon is not completely clean and free of parasites or yeast, health
problems persist.

Organic foods have more nutrition, which helps the body feel full
and thereby prevents the starving feeling and lessens cravings. They
also have more fiber and nutrients that push fecal mucus matter,
parasites and yeast out of the colon.
For these and many other reasons, it is important that people eat
organic foods.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Antibiotics and growth-promoting hormones are also in non-organic

dairy, meat and egg products. These are fed to the animals so that they
unnaturally produce more milk or become fatter for meat, or it promotes
the animals’ own hormones to produce at a faster rate. So even if a
person is not taking antibiotics or hormones but continues to eat non-
organic dairy, eggs or meat products, they will ingest these substances
through their food. Many scientists now believe that children exhibit
more adult-like features at an earlier age because they have grown up
on a diet of antibiotics and growth hormones via their food. Remember
pesticides, growth hormones, toxic chemical fertilizers and antibiotics
are all contained in the typical hot lunch meal served in school cafeterias.

Helpful Tips for the Person Recovering from Candida

1. Get a colonic once a month. Colonics are administered by a
certified colon hydro-therapist. Many of these therapists have
backgrounds in nursing and/or holistic Western European
medicine such as homeopathy. Colonics were a vital part of
European medicine for centuries and still are in many places
around the world.
2. Acupuncture is immensely helpful in healing the body of
Candida. The licensed acupuncturist can provide a vast resource
of knowledge regarding human physiology. A practitioner
of Chinese medicine will help the person with Candida by
administering acupuncture for a ‘damp spleen-earth’ condition
in the body. According to Ayurvedic, Tibetan and Chinese
medicines, Candida is an excess of dampness and cold in the
body’s system. This assessment makes sense when you realize
yeast and molds can only grow in a damp environment. The
Ayurvedic physician would call this an excess of ‘Kapha’, while
some Chinese nutrition consultants call it an excess of ‘Chong’. A
typical acupuncture treatment for the client dealing with Candida

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

might entail acupuncture needles inserted into the points for

spleen-pancreas, colon and/or liver. All of these organs closely
affect one another in the domino-like breakdown of the Candida
takeover in the body. In other words because the pancreas does
not have enough enzymes to break down the food, the food will
rot in the colon and cake its walls. This will cause constipation,
leading to a backed-up liver that cannot release its bile into the
colon. So, a knowledgeable acupuncturist would treat all of the
above-mentioned organ points.
3. Large doses of probiotics such as L.acidophilus, Bifidobacterium
and FOS (frutooligosaccharides) repopulate the intestinal tract
and colon with healthy bacteria, helping to eradicate Candida. The
following excerpt is taken from the column “Frontiers of Science”
in the January 1999 issue of Better Nutrition.
“There is a particularly good reason to supplement your diet
with probiotics. We are facing a serious threat to public health
today due to the overuse of antibiotics during the last 30 years. We
have created ‘super germs’ that are drug-resistant and impossible
to restrain. Antibiotics not only destroy the good bacteria in the
intestines but also foster the ability of harmful strains to get a
foothold. Keep in mind even if you rarely medicate with antibiotics,
you are still exposed to them second-hand via non-organic meat
and dairy products. Antibiotics upset the intestinal ecosystem.
Since the digestive process is compromised, nutrient absorption is
also suppressed and either constipation or irritable bowel syndrome
may develop.”
4. The fourth tool to help eliminate Candida is the use of apple
cider vinegar (ACV). Many Candida diets prohibit any vinegar;
however, one kind of vinegar that does not feed the yeast but
actually kills it, is vinegar made from apples. There are several
criteria for true apple cider vinegar:
a. It must be raw, unfiltered;

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

b. It must be aged in wooden, not metal barrels (metal breaks

down the beneficial bacteria);
c. It must contain ‘the mother’ or the beginning culture strain.
If it is true ACV, you will see the culture floating around as
murky bits and pieces within the liquid. Oddly enough, this
is precisely why most Americans will not buy the true ACV
because it looks ‘dirty’. This sediment is actually what the
body needs to restore a healthy interior ecosystem.
Apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries as a folk remedy.
It has been proven to help with the following ailments; arthritis,
colitis, dandruff, diarrhea, food poisoning, inflammation of the
kidneys, obesity, insomnia, chronic fatigue, migraines, high blood
pressure, dizziness, sore throats, over-sensitive eyes, impaired
hearing, ear discharges, blocked nose, tickling cough, hiccups, hay
fever, laryngitis, mild asthma, tooth decay, mouth ulcers, bleeding
gums and fragile fingernails.
A wonderful food for pets is a tablespoon of flaxseed oil with 2
tablespoons of apple vinegar. The urine will become odorless, their
coats will shine, they will recover more quickly from illness and
maintain a healthy weight.
Douching with apple cider vinegar will help rid a woman of
yeast and bladder infections. It will also help counteract toxic shock
syndrome created by the unnecessary use of tampons.
5. Pre-digested foods are a must in the process of healing Candida.
The reason many Asian people live longer lives and have better
health is because their diet contains sea vegetables, kim chee,
krauts and kefir. Kim chee is a spicy type of kraut that is a
staple in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and parts of China.
The old farmers of the Appalachian mountain range in America,
particularly documented in Vermont, have been shown to outlive
other populations in the United States. This is attributed to their

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

diet that contains kraut, apple cider vinegar, honey, tubers, edible
flowers, berries and vegetables.
Predigested foods are exactly that, predigested, therefore the
digestive process is made easier in the body because it does not
have to do so much work. Kefir is another predigested food that is
a favorite among the long-lived centenarian peoples of the Hunza
Valley, Georgia, Ukraine and the Vilcabamba valley of the Andes.
All of these locations have shown the highest populations of people
that not only live well over 100 years of age but also thrive. They
are still able to walk up and down the mountains, work in their
gardens and procreate. For an interesting study of this, including
photographs, see books on the Hunza Valley.
6. Sea vegetables are a wonderful addition to any meal. They are so
packed with nutrients such as iron and B12 that our culture would
greatly benefit from taking notice of them. Unfortunately, most
Americans seem to ignore them because we associate them only
with Asian cuisine. What many people of European ancestry do
not realize is that the Celtic, Picts, Norse, Germanic and Anglo-
Saxon tribes of Europe thrived on sea vegetables as staples in
their diet. To this day, the seafaring folk of Ireland, Scotland,
Wales and the British Isles still make their famous seaweed soup
as shown in the movie The Secret of Roan Inish.
These wonderful vegetables provided by the ocean are loaded
with calcium and are nourishing to the thyroid, typically a problem
area for Candida-afflicted people. The Chinese physician would
prescribe them nutritionally to someone with Candida because of
the sea vegetable’s ability to thrive in damp and cool environments
like the ocean, reflective of the ‘damp spleen-earth’ condition
within the body.
See vegetables also have an anti-radiation effect on the body. This
means that for those exposed to a lot of radiation from computer

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

screens, microwaves, appliances and televisions, they should eat

them as they carry radiation and heavy metals out of the body.
7. The introduction of the stevia plant is nothing short of a gift to
the sugar-infested west. This herb grows in Andean foothills in
Peru, Ecuador, Brazil and Paraguay, although mostly harvested
in Paraguay. It is completely safe for diabetics because it does
not raise blood sugar levels. It actually inhibits tooth decay, has
virtually no calories, is packed with vitamins and nourishes the
pancreas. It also takes care of the sugar cravings that the yeast
perpetuates within the body.
It is so extraordinarily sweet that it is about 200–300 times
sweeter than white sugar! One fourth of a teaspoon of Stevia equals
a half-cup of white sugar in sweetness. This also puts it as the most
economic sweetener around because a little goes a very long way.
Stevia is also heat stable, which makes it ideal for baking. It is
widely used in Israel, China, South America and Japan (which
imports the greatest volume). These countries use stevia as the
main sweetener for toothpaste, bubble gum and some candies. In
Tokyo, many restaurants have little packets of stevia on the table
for added sweeteners just as restaurants in America have packets
of Sweet n’ Low on their tables. Sweet n’ Low is not advised as
a sugar substitute. The indigenous Guarani tribe of Paraguay has
successfully used the stevia leaf and its flowers in a tea concoction
for the treatment of diabetes.
8. Warming, heating herbs are necessary to counteract the damp-
coldness of the Candida-afflicted body. A Chinese or Ayurvedic
physician would prescribe herbs that balance the disease within
the body. If the body is considered too ‘yin’ which it is when it
has Candida, a Chinese physician would prescribe more ‘yang’
or warming herbs to bring balance to the body’s ecosystem. Such
herbs would include ginseng (American and Siberian), cayenne,
garlic, lapacho (Pau d’arco), turmeric, hingwastaka, curry, cumin,

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

astragalus, paprika, coriander and many others. These bring

heat to dampness and warmth to the digestive tract, causing the
digestive fire or ‘agni’ as it is called in India, to help break down
the food better. These herbs also help with peristalsis, which
promotes the easy breakdown of proteins – a typical problem for
people with Candida.
A person with Candida may feel overwhelmed by the amount
of information currently available on the subject. This is actually
a positive thing. More and more people are becoming aware of
the gigantic effects this secret epidemic is having on the world.
Because public interest is growing, there are many books and diets
available to the public. I have tried many different Candida diets
and programs but none of them compare to the program called The
Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates. This book is an invaluable
resource and the program will reverse even the most difficult case
of Candida. I used this program for almost a year and a half. I shed
55 pounds, rid myself of yeast infections and no longer suffer from
panic attacks, dizziness, loss of memory, flatulence, water retention,
bloating, halitosis, rashes, loss of sex drive and other symptoms I
had before I started the program.

Donna Gates wove traditions of macrobiotics, food combining,

eating according to your blood type, juicing and detoxification in a
cohesive program that contains benefits from many philosophies. To
obtain a copy of The Body Ecology Diet or any of her other books such
as The Stevia Story or The Magic of Kiefer, visit her website at http://
It takes courage to want to wipe out Candida. The process brings
up very intense feelings with the ‘die off’ reaction of yeast eradication.
Surrounding oneself with a loving, nurturing and supportive
environment is imperative when healing the body. This may require

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

making some drastic changes within the household. The family of

the person with Candida needs to realize that the old way of eating,
preparing and viewing food is past. It no longer applies. They need
to show their support by not bringing sweets, poorly combined foods
or anything not on The Body Ecology Diet into the house. This kind
of drastic shift in the household can bring about positive changes for
the entire family. Now that one person in the house is eating properly
combined, wholesome, nourishing meals, it is easier for other people to
make a dietary lifestyle change.
The family will also need to support the use of chemical-free
household cleaning supplies. People with Candida are extremely
sensitive to aromas and chemicals. Not only does tobacco smoke
bother them, chemical cleaners such as laundry and dish soaps have the
potential to cause allergic reactions in the individual. Besides the fact
that non-biodegradable household products are not good for exterior
environment, they are also not good for the body’s inner environment.
What damages the Earth damages our body.
An individual who has Candida is blessed in a way. I know it can
be difficult to perceive but one can view it in the light that people who
have Candida actually become so refined intuitively to all that is not
natural that their body actually rejects it. If one is committed to healing
their Candida, then even through the darkest moments – and there will
be some – they can safely assume their body will grow in health every
The body that is healing is able to tolerate more and more of Mother
Nature’s foods that are pure and natural foods even though the ‘die
off’ symptoms of the first three months on the program can be very
difficult. Perseverance, prayer and encouragement from the family help
to create a change in their digestion and absorption of foods. They will
feel happier, more clear and better able to function and thrive.
I am not promising that major emotional trials will not happen. Every
organ, according to Eastern medical philosophies, has a primal emotion

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

associated with it. As we clean our bodies of the yeast, chemicals and
toxins, each of the emotions will emerge to be faced. Each organ in a
sense is a temple, isolating an emotion for the initiate to master.
Gregg Braden, geologist, author and lecturer reveals in his book’s
Awakening to Zero Point and Walking Between the Worlds that temples
along the Nile River in Egypt were actually temples where a particular
emotion was faced by an initiate. The Nile River represented the spine,
while each temple along it represented a chakra or energy center in the
Congratulations for beginning the amazingly empowering process
of removing Candida. I remember the first day in November 1998 when
I had a bite of my first fruit in almost a year. It was like ecstasy. Being
without fruit for nearly a year brings a heavenly experience where you
realize what you have taken for granted for so long. Candida helps
you begin to appreciate the natural sweetness in what Mother Nature
provides. When you realize the fundamental six tastes mentioned in
Eastern medical philosophy are contained in all natural foods, you
never have sugar cravings again.
Wellness is humanity’s birthright. You can claim it for yourself and
your family by taking control of your health, and stating to the yeast
and parasites that your body is not their dwelling place. It is your temple
and you have every right and obligation to keep your temple clean so
that the deity within it, your heart, may be in joy with the ecstasy of
being alive.
This is a supportive and loving universe and world. Enjoy it.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Factors Leading to Candida Overgrowth

Candida overgrowth directly relates to a weakened immune system.

In today’s world, many factors contribute to a weakened immune

ANTIBIOTICS taken into the body not only destroy unfriendly

bacteria, they also destroy healthy intestinal flora as well. A balanced
intestinal flora is necessary to keep candida at normal levels and in
check. Antibiotics have made their way into our everyday lives whether
you take them for colds, infections, acne, etc. or whether you find them
in the meat that makes it onto our dinner tables.


hormonal balance making it easier for yeast to multiply.


environment that feeds and supports candida.

MILK PRODUCTS – Milk contains simple carbohydrates, lactose and

intestinal bacteria what are quickly broken down and converted into
sugars that feed candida.


– Leftover cooked food gets mold on it within one hour of being cooked.
Canned, bottled and processed food because they usually contain
hidden ingredients such as refined sugars, nitrates and sulphates. They
also lack vitamins and minerals essential for optimum health. Corn by-
products like popcorn are also highly contaminated with toxic fungi.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

CAFFEINE – caffeine causes sugar spikes, feeding the Candida. It also

stresses the adrenal glands, weakening the immune system. Coffee also
contains mold. Even decaf tea and coffee contain residual levels of

ALCOHOL – Alcohol is high in sugar that feeds the growth of Candida.

Alcohol ferments the yeast in your body causing toxicity. It also places
stress on your organs, especially the liver, and your immune system.


– These foods tend to be high in sugar and contain yeast. This includes
mayonnaise, salad dressings, ketchup, mustard, Worcestershire and
pickled foods.

CHEMICALS – Chemicals disrupt the friendly bacteria, allowing the

Candida yeast to flourish. They are found in artificial flavors, colors or
additives. When the body has developed candidiasis, it is under stress
and the immune system is weakened. Chemicals place further stresses
on the body leading to hypersensitivity.
Chemicals include paint fumes, smoke, perfume and perfumed
laundry soaps. Gasoline also contains high levels of phenol which may
cause excessive adrenaline in the blood or heart palpitations which feel
like anxiety attacks.

Foods You May Eat

VEGETABLES – Eat many and all vegetables except mushrooms.
Initially avoid starchy vegetables such as potatoes, sweet potatoes,
yams and parsnips. Organic vegetables, raw or steamed are preferable.

MEAT – Eat as much white meat as you wish. Choose meat not treated
with antibiotics. Most meat purchased in mainstream grocery stores,

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

especially red meat, contains high levels of antibiotics. Humans who

consume such meats are in turn ingesting antibiotics into their own
bodies. Many natural food stores carry antibiotic-free meats.
Avoid pork as pork cells contain retroviruses that survive cooking
and may be harmful for those with a weakened digestive system.

EGGS – Eat all the eggs you wish, again be aware chickens are often
treated with antibiotics. Antibiotic-free eggs laid by cage-free hens are

LIVE YOGURT CULTURES – Live yogurt cultures (or probiotics)

help your gut to repopulate itself with good bacteria, crowding out the
Candida yeast and restoring balance to your gut. They also help by
producing antifungal enzymes.

BUTTER – You may eat almond butter, cashew butter and sesame
butter as long as they come from unprocessed nuts.

OILS – Use cold pressed oils as heating or boiling destroys many of

the oil’s nutrients. These are excellent on salads. Choose from olive oil,
flaxseed, safflower, sunflower, walnut or sesame oil.

HERBS and SPICES – Most herbs and spices are beneficial in the fight
against Candida. They contain antioxidants and anti-fungal properties.
They also increase circulation and reduce inflammation, improve
digestion and alleviate constipation.

What to Drink
WATER – Drink filtered water, without chlorine and fluoride. The
human body is 65% to 75% water, so it makes sense that a large
percent of our diet should be water. Both the digestion and elimination

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

processes require water. Eight to ten glasses of water a day will flush
out waste and toxins.
It hinders the body if not enough water is given to the digestive
process and eliminative functions. Eight to ten glasses of water (approx
2 quarts) a day will assist in flushing out waste and toxins.

PAU D’ARCO TEA – builds the immune system, assists the blood,
aids digestion and kills viruses. It helps anxiety states and insomnia.

KOMBUCHA TEA – Kombucha contains glucuronic acid that is a

strong detoxifier. It also helps the blood and digestion.

Dietary Supplements
BROAD SPECTRUM ENZYMES – Enzymes are essential for
digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates as well as absorption of
minerals. You take these daily as all body’s functions require enzyme
activity. While raw foods contain from 5% to 75% of the necessary
enzymes for digestion, these enzymes when cooked or processed will
drastically reduce and in many cases be lost. Emotional stress, exposure
to toxins, drugs, alcohol and tobacco destroy enzymes. If digestive
enzymes are lacking in a person’s diet, the body converts metabolic
enzymes into digestive ones. This has a taxing effect on metabolism
and the immune system. You take daily as all body’s functions perform
with enzyme activity.


complex, C with Bioflavonoids, Vitamin E, Biotin, Zinc, Selenium and

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

AMINO ACIDS – are the nucleus of every cell – are the building blocks
of all proteins and are necessary for the manufacture of all hormones
and enzymes. They are also essential for an healthy immune system.

FATTY ACIDS – Linseed Oil, Black Currant Oil, Fish Oil Lipids or
Evening Primrose Oil and all beneficial.

ACIDOPHILUS – As Candida overgrowth is eliminated from the

system, healthy flora will need to be added to the intestinal tract. Take
milk-free acidophilus 3 times a day. Be aware that some acidophilus
brands require refrigeration.

Additional Supplements
HERBS – These include Garlic, Pau d’Arco, Golden Seal, Echinacea,
Rose Hips, Yucca.

CAPRYLIC ACID TABLETS – eliminates Candida from the intestinal


STEVIA – is a natural sweetener derived from a South American herb.

It is 300 times sweeter than white sugars and may be beneficial if you
crave sweets. Stevia is also nutritious and has no side effects.

HERBAL LAXITIVES – Cascara Sagrada, Chamomile, Licorice,

Elder Flower and/or Senna.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body


Ridding the body of Candida overgrowth will depend upon your

commitment to a new diet and your intent on attaining optimum health.
You may experience flu-like symptoms during the first few days as
Candida dies off and toxins release in the blood stream. It is important
to drink large quantities of water and have daily bowel movements to
flush-out toxins. Sometimes people experience a worsening of original
symptoms, aching, dizziness or nausea. While uncomfortable, these
symptoms are positive indications that Candida overgrowth is on its
way out.

Candida information primarily gathered from:

The Yeast Connection by William G. Crook, MD
Health Handbook, 2nd edition by Louise Tenney
Other recommended material:
The Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates
The Essene Gospel of Peace (Book One) by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely
Fit for Life by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond

Part II
Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Regeneration versus Destructuring

It is imperative that regeneration inside the body takes place faster

the degeneration or destructuring. Although cells destructure, they are
also constantly renewing. If the one outweighs the other, it determines
whether we are going to become immortal masters or whether we do
Scientists have studied a caterpillar metamorphosing into a butterfly.
While in its cocoon, it goes through a stage where there is what scientist’s
call ‘a wave of determination’. This is a little electrical impulse that
occurs in the middle of the caterpillar’s brain, which sets in motion
the release of an endocrine excretion that starts to metamorphose the
caterpillar into an exquisite butterfly that can take flight and exist in a
completely different dimension or reality to the caterpillar.
So it is with man. Scientists have found that in the pineal gland,
there is a cell that they call the ‘life cell’. They have discovered that
this cell is particularly active in those that live for a very long time
and have extremely healthy and active lives. The scientists have found
that in this particular group of people the activity of the ‘life cell’ is
heightened and that a different hormone is excreted. When we go into
immortality, there is another hormone excreted.
However it takes that wave of determination; you have to define
yourself by what you are becoming. Do not allow the words of others
to program this out of you. Do not give credence to them.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Perpetual Rejuvenation
through Mastering Opposites

The art of regeneration, unknown to the masses, has long been

practiced with varying degrees of success in the mystery schools of the
world. Locked away from corrupting influences of man, these mystics
have attempted to disengage from the grid that programs the death and
life cycles of man.
These practitioners of rejuvenation methods, well-kept secrets of
the ancients, were sometimes encountered by outsiders who attested
to the virility and strength of the masters, even at very advanced ages.
Three stages of overcoming death became known through the
ages, each mastering one of the stages of linear change. In order to
understand them, we must first be aware that life spirals around and
around the triangle of these three very distinct stages of transformation,
transmutation and transfiguration.
1. Transformation: This stage takes place when we are in the
process of shedding the old and the obsolete. Growth is slow
during this stage because it follows a mathematical sequence – the
Fibonacci sequence. Life is the largest stage an individual lives
that is transformational. Life is lived in white light.
2. Transmutation: This stage has leveraged growth because it is
alchemical in nature, following an alchemical sequence, not a
mathematical one. Death (or life in the spirit world) represents the
largest transmutation cycle. It is lived in black, or etheric, light.
3. Transfiguration: Having become more etheric and having
risen in frequency during the previous stage, the transfiguration
of the individual is the inevitable next stage. The body and its

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

fields transfigure119 in order to hold more light so as to match the

increased frequency.
The largest transfigurational stage is ascension. The individuation
and self-awareness is retained but the form is not necessarily
kept. These realms have what is known as gray light and were
traditionally known as ‘Heaven’ because of having no burdens
commonly associated with physicality. The sensual joys are also
not present and growth is almost non-existent.
In mastering transfiguration (the physical), life can be prolonged
for about 10,000 years. This is known as immortality.
In mastering transmutation (the soul), life can be prolonged for
about 100,000 years. This is known as incorruptibility.
In mastering transfiguration, life can be continually rejuvenated.
It is known as perpetual rejuvenation (the spirit).

119 “Pathways to Ascension – Day 4: Power and Ascension”. See www. for this free online course.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

The Principles of Rejuvenation

1. Immortality
• As part of mastering transformation (which purifies by getting
rid of the old) the master of immortality must delay the
ultimate purification rite – death.
• In a heightened state of awareness, the master watches every
detail of his or her life for mirrors of what needs to be purified
within, constantly living in a state of overcoming blind spots
and growing in perception.
• Perception increase feeds the individual more and more light,
which feeds the body with resources (prolonging life) and
depleting the soul. The call of the soul for the individual to
come to the spirit world (death) becomes more and more
• Because two opposite poles, such as life and death, can only
delay alternating their expressions for so long before stagnation
sets in, life must eventually yield to death.

2. Incorruptibility
• When life has been lived, the soul demands its share, either in
increments (aging) or in a lump sum (death). The incorruptible
master now changes the rules of the game.
• When the paradigm of life is a small one, the game takes
place in a small circle – the poles are close together and they
have smaller intervals between alternating dominance. When
death comes knocking, the incorruptible master increases the
parameter of the paradigm he or she is living.
• Increased frequency yields perception and increased perception
yields frequency. The master now enters into intense

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

frequencies of love, praise and gratitude, or sees more than

ever before.
• The parameter can only be pushed so far until eventually death
must be able to get its share of existence. The only way to
sidestep this eventual limit (like a rubber band that can stretch
no further) is to move into transfiguration.

3. Perpetual Rejuvenation
• Transfiguration moves between form and formlessness, a
principle that can be utilized to ‘rebirth’ the actual physical
body over and over again.
• When the body alternates between form and formlessness,
instead of between life and death, it has chosen another
opposite. Death now has no opposite to pulse with – a
necessary energy source for opposites – and yet again grows
• Death now creates opposition (from our ‘higher’ self in the
spirit world) to wear us down. It then promises us ‘rest’ in the
• The transfigurational sequence is 1, 0, Ø, –1, Ø, 0, 1 (the
positive numbers being formed life and the negative numbers
• The master uses perception to make a massive leap out of his
paradigm (circle of expression) so that it far exceeds the level
of frequency. The master then goes into complete emptiness
and allows his stretched perception to shoot back, thrusting
him into the formlessness of spirit.
• Because the solidity of physical life takes up a lot of resources
to maintain it, life in formlessness has much more resources
available and accessible to it. As the master returns, he
rejuvenates his body through the resources he brings with him.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

• Only a few seconds may have passed in physical life, but the
master may have rested for months in the timelessness of spirit.
As he increases in mastery, the ability to change the appearance
of his form may also be achieved.
These techniques no longer belong to the hidden teachings of
mystery schools. The fear that they can be misused is unfounded since
they are based on the increase of pure frequencies and light. They are
where they belong: as the birthright of man.
The soul can be nourished by incorporating the principles of the
heart into your everyday life, through the holy marriage of matter and

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Human Growth Hormone

Excerpts from: Secrets of Rejuvenation & the online course, Ask

Almine Anything I
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is an endocrine hormone that
declines significantly as we age, as is also the case with most of the
more familiar hormones such as progesterone, estrogen, etc. Produced
by the pituitary gland most abundantly in our youth, HGH decreases
80% between ages 21 to 61.
HGH was first synthesized in 1985 under the Reagan Orphan drug
act to treat dwarfism. It was quickly recognized to stop aging and, to a
remarkable degree, reverse it. At that time, only the rich had access to
it at a cost of approximately $10,000 per year.
Since then doctors and scientists have developed several all-natural
products that stimulate the release of natural HGH from the pituitary
gland, at very affordable prices.
For quite some time researchers have known the decline of growth
hormone (GH) seems to play a role in the aging process for about half
of the older population. Production of estrogen and testosterone lessens
while less known hormones like melatonin and thymosin are not as
abundant either.
In recent years many scientists have come to recognize aging as a
disease and HGH as the potential cure. As the ultimate anti-ager, HGH
affects almost every cell in the body and promotes regeneration of the
skin, hair, muscles, bones, heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. It speeds up
metabolism and can affect reduction in the size of the abdomen, waist,
hips and thighs while increasing muscle mass.
HGH acts as an aphrodisiac, increasing the libido and sexuality. It
promotes healthy sleep patterns, lessens wrinkles, improves hydration,
elasticity, thickness and youthful contours of the skin.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Increasing the Body’s Production of

Human Growth Hormone

Initial findings of clinical research by Dr. Daniel Rudman and

reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that the use of
synthetic HGH reversed the aging process from 10 to 20 years.
The use of synthetic HGH is highly discouraged. There are, however,
many products that support the pituitary gland’s ability to produce and
release your own stored hormone and that have been shown to be just
as effective. They are safe, without any side effects, and use natural
combinations of ingredients.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Maximizing the Benefits of Using Natural

Human Growth Hormone Stimulators

1. Combine foods properly: Do not eat carbohydrates and protein

in the same meal. Milk products and fruits are to be used on their
own; they inhibit proper digestion of other foods.
2. Eat a balanced diet, including five helpings of fruit and vegetables
a day.
3. Bulk up on protein. The best sources are lean chicken, fish,
occasional lean meat, quinoa, amaranth, egg whites and whey
4. Keep fat to a minimum. Foods high in fat can block both the
production and release of HGH.
5. Try to keep your meals at least 4 hours apart and avoid between
meal snacks.
6. Fast one day every two weeks (optional). Plan this 24-hour period
on a day you are not busy and be sure to drink 2–3 quarts of water
or juice.
7. Exercise regularly. This sends a signal to your pituitary gland to
secrete higher hormone levels. Aerobic exercise results in long
term release of growth hormone in the blood for two hours.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

The Anti-Aging Regime 120

1. Prenolone 21, containing natural pregnenolone121, is produced in

both cream and spray forms as an ideal hormone replacement for
both sexes. Recent studies show pregnenolone to:
• Improve hormonal balance
• Promote well-being and emotional stability
• Gain muscle tone
• Reduce stress
• Increase longevity
• Reverse wrinkles
• Hydrate skin
“Of all the hormones in the body, pregnenolone may be the most
important for health and longevity.”

Dr. Gary Young

Recommended Reading
Pregnenolone, by Dr. Gary Young
Saving Face, by Dr Sabina de Vita

2. Cortisol is produced by the body during times of stress and is

responsible for fatty pockets above the navel. It prevents other
important hormones from being produced, such as DHEA,
estrogen, testosterone and HGH.
Cortistop is a dietary supplement designed to help the body
maintain its natural balance and harmony. It reduces the harmful

120 These natural products from Young Living Oils can be obtained by calling the
Spiritual Journeys office, toll-free in US 1-877-552-5646.
121 For many years in her lectures, Almine referred to Pregnenolone as the ‘life
hormone’ and Cortisol as the ‘death hormone.’

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

effects of cortisol. When cortisol is produced too frequently, it can

have negative health consequences such as feelings of fatigue,
difficulty maintaining healthy weight and difficulty maintaining
optimal health of the cardiovascular systems.

3. Ultra Young + is a natural spray supplement, that is a HGH

releaser supporting healthy pituitary function, containing vicia
faba, which in turn contains L-dopa, a powerful stimulator for
the release of HGH. A national Institute of Aging study found
that L-dopa given to patients over 60 years of age resulted in a
dramatic increase in HGH levels. The product contains:
• L-arginine
• L-glutamine
• Zinc
• Vitamins B3, B6, E
• Chinese Wolfberry
• Selenium
• Stevia
• Sandalwood oil
• Flea Bane oil
4. JuvaTone – The world’s strongest antioxidant supplement
containing thyme, clove and orange is invaluable.

5. The thyroid and aging: Over time your body slows down. Skin
sags and health deteriorates. One thing that often happens is that
the thyroid gland slows down. This affects your energy, mood and
even weight.
Thyromin is a product that naturally stimulates your thyroid to
help you feel better. A strong healthy thyroid boosts metabolism,
allowing you to burn more calories while doing the same amount
of work. Pounds melt off when your body is working at optimal

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

capacity. The thyroid also regulates mood. When it slows down as

you age, it can cause mood swings and unhappiness.
Thyromine helps reduce many aging symptoms. Its natural
ingredients include adrenal and thyroid powder from bovine, ginger,
guglipid, nori, piper longum and L-tyrosin – items that are known
to have health benefits on their own. Now you can conveniently
ingest the correct amounts of each in one easy step to reap the
health benefits of all, even if you have been tested and know that
your thyroid is functioning within normal range. If you are on the
lower end of the scale you could be packing on pounds needlessly
and missing out on energy you don’t even realize you have.
It is estimated that one in five women over 65 and a significant
number of men have low thyroid function (Dr. Julian Whitaker).
Thyroid deficiencies can cause:
• Hair loss
• Elevated cholesterol
• Fatigue and depression
• Weight gain
• Cold hands and feet
• Constipation
• Memory loss
Recommended Reading: Healthy Hormones, Healthy Life by
Dr. E. Berg. The book points out that many men and women in
their 40’s and 50’s have endocrine disrupter overload which ends
up making the thyroid hormones unavailable.

6. DHEA is a precursor to testosterone and has been shown to

improve libido, erectile dysfunction, mood swings, immune
function, skin thickness and youthfulness. It increases lean
body mass, strength and endurance. It is considered the ‘youth
hormone’ aiding diabetes and weight loss. It is found in
Prenolone +.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Foods for Health

Awareness of how attitudes affect our well-being is as important

as to know how external sources of food and water do so.
When all is brought into balance, we transcend them.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

The Miracle of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Excerpt from Secrets of Rejuvenation

Apple cider vinegar created in wooden vats122 and containing the
‘mother’, is truly akin to the fountain of Youth and Health. When the
mother is in the vinegar it will be murky. This health-promoting golden
liquid is packed with essential amino acids and vital enzymes. It is
therefore not surprising that many have found this natural storehouse of
vitamins and minerals a miracle panacea that cures many ailments and
extends life and youthfulness.
A healthy, ageless body requires a diet rich in a wide variety of
nutrients and trace elements – something apple cider vinegar can
supply. A teaspoon of this vinegar, one of the most nutrient-rich
substances known to man, supplies a large percentage of the building
blocks needed to keep the body healthy. Through the ages it has been
proclaimed as an aid to maintaining health, preventing obesity, easing
coughs, colds and other respiratory ailments, as well as cleaning
parasites, aiding digestion and – most importantly – releasing Human
Growth Hormone from the pituitary gland.

The ‘Mother’ of Vinegar

This is the term used to describe the mass of sticky scum that forms
on top of cider when the alcohol turns into vinegar. As the fermentation
progresses, the mother forms a gummy, stringy, floating lump of the
beneficial bacteria that create vinegar.

122 Stainless steel vats may neutralize the beneficial bacteria of apple cider vinegar. Also
choose organic ACV that comes in colored glass bottles as this prevents the breakdown of
the vital nutrients.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Folk Remedies Using Apple Cider Vinegar

• To remain youthful in body and mind, drink one tablespoon of
apple cider vinegar in a full glass of water every day. This is also
touted as the cure for food poisoning.
• Make a healthful tonic for energy and alertness of mind by
combining 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of apple cider
vinegar in a full glass of water. This is to be taken three times a
day, 20 minutes before mealtime.
• Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a teaspoon of honey
and a teaspoon of olive oil to make a dressing for greens or other
salad. This helps maintain supple limbs and skin when used daily.
• For improving memory and lifting depression, half an hour before
each meal drink a glass of warm water into which a teaspoon of
apple cider vinegar has been mixed.
• A small amount of vinegar taken daily helps balance the acidity
levels of the urinary tract to keep kidney and bladder infections at
• For swollen ankles and tired feet, walk back and forth in ankle-
deep bathwater to which a half cup of apple cider vinegar has been
• For athlete’s foot, soak the feet for 30 minutes in a footbath of 1
part vinegar and 5 parts water.
• A tonic for preventing hair loss and keeping hair color calls for
4 teaspoons each of honey, blackstrap molasses and apple cider
vinegar. Take this before breakfast.
• To curb appetite and melt away excess weight, before each meal
drink a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
in it.
• To eliminate dandruff and make hair soft and shiny, after every
shampooing rinse with a half cup of apple cider vinegar mixed into
two cups of warm water. This rinse is also said to eliminate frizz

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

from over-permed hair, brighten dark hair and add sparkle to blond
• To get rid of pimples, blackheads and to prevent blemishes as
well as softening the skin, mash 3 large strawberries into a quarter
cup of vinegar. Let it sit for 2 hours then strain it through a cloth.
Before going to bed, pat the liquid onto the face and neck and
leave it on overnight. Wash it off in the morning.
• Remove corns and calluses overnight with a vinegar compress.
Take a slice of stale bread that has been soaked in apple cider
vinegar and place it on the area you want to treat. Cover it with a
cotton sock and leave on overnight. The skin will look new and
fresh in the morning.
• A mixture of half olive oil and half apple cider vinegar can be used
to prevent sunburn and chapping.
• Applying a paste of cornstarch and apple cider vinegar can
successfully treat itchy hives, insect bites, boils and blemishes.. Pat
it on and let it dry. Rinse with cool water.
• Wrapping the legs in cloths wrung out of apple cider vinegar, then
elevating the legs for 30 minutes in the morning and evening,
can bring relief from varicose veins within 6 weeks. Follow each
treatment by drinking a glass of warm water into which a teaspoon
of apple cider vinegar has been stirred. Sip it slowly and add honey
if you are feeling tired.
• Drinking a glass of water at mealtimes to which a teaspoon of
apple cider vinegar has been added can help relieve nighttime leg

Vinegar and the Skin

Apple cider vinegar has been used in diluted form to treat facial
infections and infections around the eyes and ears, since it is a very
effective antibiotic. Studies at Ohio State University hospital indicate

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

that irrigation of the ears with vinegar can successfully treat chronic
middle ear infections when traditional medicines have failed.
Burns can also be doused with apple cider vinegar, as can itchy skin.
The solution should be diluted for use on sensitive areas, with 1 part
vinegar to 4 parts water. Straight vinegar on a gauze pad can be applied
to ease rectal itching.
Vinegar will eliminate perspiration odor for hours when dabbed in
the armpits and left to dry. Two to three cups can be added to bathwater.
Its pH is almost the same as the skin’s acid mantle that nature intended
as a protective coating against environmental onslaughts and which
soaps in general destroy. Apple cider vinegar restores it.

Vinegar, Fiber and Cholesterol

The U.S. Surgeon General has recommended complex carbohydrates
and dietary fiber as allies against cancer. Both of these are found
abundantly in apple cider vinegar.
Some fibers, such as wheat bran, are not soluble in water. They rush
through the intestines and can also produce large amounts of gas. Apple
cider vinegar fiber – pectin – moves slowly through the system and
binds to cholesterol, pulling it out of the body.

Vinegar and the Gastro-Intestinal Tract

Apple cider vinegar is not very different from the chemicals found
naturally in the stomach, and hence helps digestion. Digestion is a core
component in improved metabolism and health. Its antiseptic qualities
aid in eliminating harmful bacteria that may have invaded the bowels,
lessening the likelihood of bodily toxicity. It is helps with balancing
blood sugar, cleanses the liver and gallbladder.

Almine’s Note: A splash of vinegar into a pot of cooking beans will

tenderize them and lessen the gas they cause.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Vinegar and Antioxidants

Aging, heart disease, cataracts are a few of the symptoms of harmful
free radicals found in the body. They cause many aging symptoms by
damaging the chromosomes as they bounce from cell to cell, damaging
each in turn. Antioxidants absorb the free radicals and render them
Beta-carotene found in vinegar is a powerful antioxidant in an
easy to digest form. When the lenses of the eyes oxidize because free
radicals have altered their structure, cataracts form. Eating foods that
contain antioxidants diminishes this risk.
Studies at the University of Western Ontario and Johns Hopkins
School of Medicine are among many linking the ingesting of beta-
carotene to a lower risk of cancer. It also supplies calcium and boron.
More times than not nature provides us with the most exquisite,
beneficial gifts but because of their simplicity, we often overlook them
or do not take them seriously. For generations apple cider vinegar
(ACV) survived in folk remedies, potions, tonics, recipes, books, etc.
Some state around 460–377 BC, Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine,
used vinegar for various medicinal reasons. In his famous book, The
Canon of Medicine, Avicenna mentions several medicinal uses for
ACV123. From all over the world in many cultures the use of ACV has
stood the test of time.
Apple cider vinegar is made in wooden vats so the original nutritional
properties do not diminish. Stainless steel vats may neutralize ACV’s
beneficial bacteria.
Similar to stomach acid, ACV aids digestion, which is a key factor
to improve metabolism and health. Antiseptic qualities in ACV aid in
eliminating harmful bacteria that may invade the bowel that lessens the
possibility of body toxicity.

123 Information about Hippocrates & ‘The Canon of Medicine’ came from the online
source Wikipedia.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

With similar properties to antibiotics, infections around the eyes and

ears can benefit from a much diluted solution of ACV – perhaps ¼
teaspoon to a pint of pure water. Ohio State University hospital studies
indicate ear irrigation with ACV can successfully treat chronic ear
infections where traditional medicines did not work.
Benefits of ACV:
Drink several glasses a day of the ACV beverage (1–3 teaspoons
added to 8 ounces of still or carbonated water, stevia added to taste) or
as otherwise stated for specific results.
• Excellent for eliminating parasites in the G.I. tract or in the gut, but
it may not kill bacteria in the bloodstream.
• Assists in stabilizing blood sugar.
• Cleans the liver and gall bladder.
• Stimulates HGH to assist in the relaxation of the eye muscles
that may affect eyesight. Drink several glasses a day of the ACV
• Eye wash: 1 teaspoon ACV in 1 pint of pure water. This makes a
wonderful eye rinse. If necessary, use less ACV in the mixture.
• Take a small amount of ACV (1-2 teaspoons) to balance your
urinary tract acidic levels to avoid kidney and bladder infections.
Rinse mouth afterwards (acid of vinegar may damage enamel of
• One tablespoon of ACV in 8-10 ounces of pure water:
Stimulates release of HGH from the pituitary gland for youthful mind
and body. This same mixture neutralizes or stops food poisoning.
• For energy and alertness, try one teaspoon of ACV and local honey
in a full glass of pure water. Take 3 times a day 20 minutes before
• Curb your appetite, improve memory or lift depression: Add 1
teaspoon ACV to a glass of warm water before meals.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

• For a delicious salad dressing: mix 1 tablespoon ACV with 1

teaspoon of honey and olive oil respectively. This may also
maintain supple limbs and skin if used daily.
• For Nails, Hair– Drink ACV water daily to grow strong thick nails
and vibrant hair.
• Hair loss and maintained hair color can benefit from this refresher:
~~ Take this mixture of 4 teaspoons each of ACV, honey and
blackstrap molasses before breakfast.
~~ Shiny, highlights in hair, frizz from permed hair and dandruff
can benefit from ½ cup of ACV mixed with 2 cups of warm
water after a shampoo.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

History of Stevia

Stevia was originally discovered growing in Paraguay 1,500 years

ago. It was initially used to freshen the breath but later became known
for it sweetness. Many cultures also attributed it with medicinal
In the book Natural History of Plants of New Spain, Spanish
physician Francisco Hernandez, sometime between 1570 and 1576,
wrote the first known account124 and traditional uses of stevia. He
wrote that locals claimed stevia possessed capabilities that included
preventing or eliminating hair loss, treatment of stomach aches and
diabetes, soothed burns and aided rheumatism and heart disease. Mayan
women also said that stevia helped to keep the uterus nice and warm.

Benefits of Stevia – Stevia is a calorie-free, delicious, health-promoting

and safe product for diabetics. It will not raise blood sugar levels, is
tasty and full of vitamins and minerals.
While some of the nutrients are lost during the refining process, the
white stevia powder is still the most popular product. In Japan, you will
find stevia in restaurants instead of the artificial sweeteners and in as
many of their food products, especially diet drinks.
As an alternative to refined or artificial sugar, it is not only healthier
but can also assist with weight loss programs and reduce dental caries.
Liquid stevia is convenient to take to restaurants and other places.
Read the label to ensure it is pure stevia and alcohol-free.

How to Grow Stevia – To grow stevia requires rich, loamy soil the
kind other vegetables thrive in. Buy garden-ready starter plants and

124 See Stevia: The Genus Stevia, by A. Douglas Kinghorn and visit the website

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

plant them about 18 inches apart. Harvest them in early autumn before
the first frost. Cool temperatures and shorter days intensify the plants’
sweetness. Fresh stevia leaves, when picked and chewed produce a
sweet taste in the mouth for up to an hour. Lay leaves on a screen or net
and place them in the sun for 12 hours. Dried leaves are considerably
sweeter than fresh leaves. Crush the dried leaves and store them in
closed containers.

Where to Buy Stevia – You can buy green or white finely powdered and
liquid stevia in health food stores, some supermarkets and the Internet.
It is available as dried leaves, ground powder and liquid forms.

Use of Stevia – You can use it in many hot or cold drinks, foods and
baked items. Stevia in a glass of pure or sparkling water with apple
cider vinegar makes a great drink that is refreshing and nutritional.
There are also books available that provide information on cooking
with stevia.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

The Wonders of Kefir

Kefir is a fermented milk drink, similar to yoghurt but far superior.

It is rich in enzymes and full of friendly microorganisms that help to
restore a healthy balance to the gut flora. The word kefir is thought to
be derived from the Turkish word keif, meaning good feeling.
It is prepared by adding kefir grains to milk and leaving it for
approximately 24 hours (depending on the temperature and amount),
transforming it into a healthy, live probiotics drink. As well as cow’s
milk you can also use goat and coconut milk.
To make kefir at home, you can obtain a starter kit with the live
culture either at a local health store or online. If you purchase kefir,
always obtain the unsweetened brand that you can sweeten later, if
desired, with stevia and pure vanilla.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Almine discusses the Benefit of Kefir

Excerpt from Secrets of Rejuvenation

Q. Can you explain why you do not recommend milk but highly
recommend kefir? In fact you yourself consume at least 16 oz of kefir
A. Except for nursing babies, no blood type thrives on milk,
especially pasteurized milk from cows that have received hormones
and antibiotics. This is not the case with fermented, pre-digested
milks, of which kefir is by far the most beneficial. I don’t recommend
starting with more than 4 oz per day and if the body’s functions are
very compromised, start with refined coconut milk made from the
water of young green coconuts. It’s a lot more digestible. Kefir starter
is available online. Initially, until the gastrointestinal tract’s terrain
is healed, kefir causes gaseousness and, if you’re using too much,
diarrhea. Go slowly at first and use unsweetened kefir, which you can
then sweeten with stevia drops and pure vanilla. Use it at least one
hour away from other foods; it causes indigestion when combined
with them.

Q. What is the difference between kefir and yoghurt?

A. I cannot recommend kefir highly enough. It is a cultured, microbial-
rich food that restores the inner terrain and is not made in a way that
destroys certain probiotic strains. Donna Gates says the following:

“Kefir, experts believe, has more therapeutic value than yoghurt.

Its very active yeast and bacteria provide more nutritive value than
yoghurt since they excel in digesting foods you eat and in keeping the
environment of the colon clean and healthy.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Yoghurt is made by adding a starter culture to milk and gently

heating it to a certain temperature. To make kefir, you must start with the
‘grains’ or a ‘starter’ and no heating is required. This means that if you
can obtain a reliable source of fresh, raw milk, you can retain enzymes
that would normally be destroyed by the heat of pasteurization. Kefir
cultures at room temperature in approximately 16–24 hours, right on
your kitchen counter.
After your inner ecology is restored, you may find that you now
digest yoghurt well and want to make use of its friendly bacteria. But
choose kefir first. The friendly bacteria and yeast in kefir are crucial to
the restoration process. We think of them as a SWAT team moving in
quickly to begin the restoration process, efficiently doing the job they
were created to do.
You may see a product in the store that claims to be kefir, but read
the label carefully. Unless it has strains of friendly bacteria and the
good yeast, it is most likely a drinkable yoghurt.
Unsweetened kefir placed in a 100º oven for an hour and strained
through cheesecloth (line colander with the cheesecloth) produces
wonderful soft cheese you can flavor in many ways. Whey, the drained
liquid is an excellent body wash that removes dirt and odor. You can
use it as a facemask (rinse off after 20 minutes). You can also use the
whey as a deodorant and shampoo.”

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Skin Rejuvenation

Never put on your skin that which is not fit to take

by mouth. The skin is our largest area of absorption.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Common Causes of Skin Deterioration

There are a number of reasons for skin deteriorates:

• Stress – In Grow Younger, Live Longer Dr. Deepak Chopra says,

“Agitation in body and mind creates dis-ease and accelerates
• Sun damage
• Air pollution and cigarette smoke
• Formaldehyde – from perfumes, plastics, paint fumes or gasses and
cigarette smoke
• Toxic chemicals in beauty products, soaps, shampoos, etc.
• The use of refined flours, sugars, coffee and alcohol
• Disrupted hormones
• Toxic organs
• Impeded lymph flow
• Radiation
• Medications

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Nature’s Skin Care

Papaya Reduces & Prevents Wrinkles
By Melanie Grimes125

Article from Natural News

The pulp of the papaya fruit can help to reduce wrinkles. Papayas
contain an enzyme called papain, known as a digestive enzyme that
can also help to repair wrinkles. The skin is made of tissues that stretch
with age. Elastin and collagen are two fibers in the skin that contribute
to skin firmness and help to restore skin elasticity. Papayas help to
rebuild elastin, thereby rebuilding healthy skin and prevent wrinkling.

History of Papaya
Papayas originated in Central America and were carried and planted
in other tropical zones by early explorers. Christopher Columbus called
them ‘the fruit of the angels’.

The Makeup of Skin Tissue

The skin is made up of connective tissues. There are three types of
connective tissues in the skin: structural proteins, specialized proteins
and proteoglycans. The structural proteins are the ones responsible for
elasticity – collagen and elastin.

Papain from Papaya Restores Skin

Papain helps digest protein foods (and is used in both dietary
supplements and chewing gum). The enzyme, papain, is found in all
papayas but is especially present when they are not yet ripe. Research in

125 Melanie Grimes is a writer, award winning screenwriter, medical journal editor and
adjunct faculty member at Bastyr University.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Japan demonstrated that a papaya preparation held antioxidant activity

that healed mucus membranes. The research indicated that papain
could improve wound healing and is therefore beneficial to the skin.

Vitamin C in Papaya Prevents Wrinkles

Papayas also contain Vitamin C, which is known to help restore skin
elasticity. Vitamin C helps the manufacture of collagen, which then
firms the skin.

Papaya Facial Mask

To make a papaya facial mask, select a green papaya, one that is not
fully ripe. Mash half of the papaya and combine with a tablespoon of
honey. Cleanse the face with warm water and apply the papaya mask.
Leave on for half an hour and then rinse it off. This can be repeated
twice a week to help rebuild skin and prevent wrinkles.

Latex-fruit Allergy
Papayas contain an ingredient called Chitinases. Chitinases can
cause an allergic reaction in people who have a latex allergy. This type
of allergy is called a latex-fruit allergy. People who are allergic to latex
might be allergic to papaya, so care should be taken. If you suspect
an allergy and want to use a papaya as a facial mask, apply the mask
to a small area of the face and wait 24 hours. If there is no redness or
swelling, it is safe to continue to use the papaya facial mask.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Re-densifying the Skin

In Saving Face, Dr. Sabina DeVita writes:

“To re-densify the skin, phytoestrogens are an important ally.
Clinical tests revealed an increase of more than 82% in the rate of skin
collagen, an increased remodeling of facial features by more than 62%
and restoration of skin plumpness by more than 36% with the use of
Phytoestrogens are the estrogens found in plants that provide low-
dose estrogens, beneficial for many menopausal symptoms.”

Note by Almine: Prenolone + cream contains phytoestrogens that are

highly recommended as a face cream.

Aloe Vera Gel

Use on the skin for it’s anti-aging properties. Leave on until it dries
and even apply make up over it; it can also be rinsed off. Aloe has
anti-aging and rejuvenation properties, due to the fact that it is rich in
rhodium and iridium.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Dangerous Beauty Trends

Injectable wrinkle fillers, lotions and creams use collagen from cows
or human cadavers, plastic microbeads, silicone, synthetic bone and
other hostile substances. Botox injections are a deadly poison that will,
over the long haul, be shown to cause huge health damage. They use
one of the most virulent poisons know to man – botulism that blocks
nervous impulses and paralyzes muscles. This toxin is so dangerous
that scientists fear its widespread use as a germ warfare weapon.
Other techniques like laser resurfacing, epidermal abrasion and
liposuction bring beauty through injury, a method that disrupts the
flow of resources by blocking facial meridians. The alpha hydroxy
used in chemical peels makes the user more sensitive to damage from
ultraviolet radiation from the sun, elevating the risk of skin cancer.”
(De Vita)

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Mystical Practices of Rejuvenation

From the Saradesi Records

From the gifts of the earth, the plants and the trees, make now
the oils from stress to be free. Healing to mind and the body too,
essential oils can rejuvenate you.
The Saradesi

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

The Ikelke Sigils of the Fountain of Youth

Excerpt from Secrets of Rejuvenation

With the oil of almonds, mix henna to a thick fluid and in sacred
communion with the Infinite Life, paint now the holy sigils of Ikelke
on the gateways of the body …

From the Records of Saradesi

The Saradesi Ikelke ceremony had as its purpose the opening of the
body’s ability to access the limitless supply of regenerative resources
from the One Life. It was often done in conjunction with Irash Satva
Participants would eat only the purest foods for a lunar month before
the ceremony. The painting of the Ikelke sigils would take place on the
full moon and left on the body for three days. During the three days,
the participants would be in secluded stillness, sleeping and eating as
they wished.

Engage not your thoughts in these days of rebirth,

But watch them rise and fall as the ocean waves
Until you find the silent bliss within.

The diet recommended before and after the ceremony includes the
grains buckwheat, amaranth and quinoa, “…though never with meat
are they combined...” and vegetables.
The elaborate preparation and ceremony of the ancients was done
with planning. The sigils here can be reduced and printed on clear
adhesive paper that can be cut an applied to the acupuncture points

126 See

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

as shown (and later re-used). Isolate yourself from others for as many
hours as you can and do the following:
• Repeat the aphorisms of Eternal Youth after placing yourself in a
relaxed state. Breathe out any stress in the body with deep breaths
until you are relaxed.
• Visualize your youth returning in great detail and allow yourself to
feel happy about it.
• Then just enjoy being in stillness and not engaging thoughts.
• Every few hours, envision gates opening where the sigils have
been placed. Breathe out all age-related programs and memories
of how others see you or you see yourself. When it feels light and
clear, deeply draw with in-breaths, Infinite Resources from the
endless supply of the One Life.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Facial Acupuncture Points

2 2
3 3
5 4 4
7 8 8 7

9 9

11 11


14 14
15 15

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Facial Acupuncture Points

Number of Sigils Acupuncture Point

1 sigil Central vessel
2 sigil Liver
2 sigil Stomach (forehead)
2 sigil Bladder
2 sigil Triple warmer (temples)
2 sigils Gall bladder (eyes)
2 sigils Governing vessel (temples)
2 sigils Stomach (under eyes)
2 sigils Large Intestine
1 sigil Governing vessel (nose)
2 sigils Stomach (chin)
1 sigil Central vessel (chin)
1 sigil Triple warmer (hollow of neck)
2 sigils Gall bladder (below collar bones)
2 sigils Lungs

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

The Affirmations of Eternal Youth

According to recent studies, any affirmation needs to be repeated

at least once a day for 60 days to ensure effectiveness. The optimum
would be once a day for 90 days. The frequency of the repetitions as
well as the duration of the practice is required to override a lifetime of
interference in the form of:
• Negative programming: The media programs standards of
beauty with highly artificial and narrow margins. It is difficult to
maintain self-worth and self-appreciation when the population is
programmed to be non-accepting of your particular face and body
• Pollution: The body’s natural self-regeneration is disrupted by
pollution, resistance to life that causes stress, belief systems,
vaccines and inconceivably hostile ingredients in beauty products,
toiletries and food. These are passed on to an unsuspecting public
under fancy names and packaging in spite of ample evidence that
many are found to be cancer-producing.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

The Affirmations

1. I am eternal and timeless.

2. I dwell in spacelessness. My body forms according to my intent.
3. (State positively the qualities you wish your body to achieve and
reflect, such as the following examples)
• My body is lithe and fit.
• My hair is luxuriant and thick.
• My eyes see clearly and my ears hear clearly.
• My skin rejuvenates itself every moment into luminous
• Add other affirmations as you wish.
4. I am boundless supply and abundance.
5. I am renewed and rejuvenated by expressing as the One Life.
6. I am indivisible Oneness.
7. I am pristine incorruptibility.
8. I am androgynous, dynamic balance.
9. I am completely at one with the perfect unfolding of the One Life.
10. All that I am expresses at the highest, most complete level of
11. My body sings the exquisite song of the Infinite.
12. I am the perfect peace of Infinite Beingness, complete, whole and
fulfilled eternally.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

The Wisdom of Ikelke

You cannot fly high like an eagle while simultaneously

trying to fit in with the turkeys. Moving beyond mortal
boundaries requires an uncompromising life.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Disengaging from the Matrix

1. Pereklut-hasvi

Where is the root of all aging? Inner conflict is the cause. Find now
the root of all conflict and you will have found the Fountain of Youth.

2. Unet-harashtu

Wherever it is imagined that more than one being exists, an anomaly

has been conjured up. Life does not support an anomaly but opposes it.
Hence conflict forms.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

3. Vrivaba-ertaklu

Twenty-four organ systems have formed over twenty-four eons or

cycles of existence – each one an illusion of separation in conflict with
one another. War begins within.

4. Mishat-hurevas

In the core of every atom, within every being, lies the deep knowing
that there is only the One Life. It is thus prone to fight against that
which seems to contradict that knowing – the illusion that another
being exists.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

5. Nitva-ersat-herklu

The nature of individuated life is conflict and opposition. Only in

knowing ourselves to be the One Being can we find peace.

6. Nunet-virsba

Seeing the body as having many different parts and organs, an inside
and an outside, is but an illusional program imposed by mind in an
attempt to label the incomprehensible.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

7. Kurunet-arekta

Think of the body as a fluid field that exists in the eternal peace of
spacelessness, having no parts and being an indefinable, ever-renewing

8. Viravet-mirechsta

Man obsessively clings to his familiar obsessions, preferring them

over the unsteady ground of freedom. When temporarily relieved of
them, he interprets their absence as an emergency, feeling empty and
lost. As a result, he hastens to reach yet again for his prison bars.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

9. Kluvanet-ersvu

The two greatest obsessions of all beings are the need to know and
the presence of emotions. Both create the illusion of relationship, as
emotions are based on desire for an external source of fulfillment, and
the need to know is based on the desire to control external circumstances.

10. Kiletrat-parabu

Understand death and life for the illusions they are, but illusion does
not yield to absolute truth unless its origin is uncovered.

Note: The Lemurian word for absolute truth is ‘agawa-natvi’. There

are several other words for other forms of truth, such as ‘barach’,
‘surunat’ or ‘plehava’. The concept of eternal truth is described as the
ongoing expression of Infinite Life, rather than yesterday’s truth that no
longer applies today.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

11. Uklatet-mirerut

Two states of life, both an illusion of duality, are lived by man; the
expansion of the master and the contracted, egoic self of the masses.

12. Kirseta-ubavis

Man deifies that which he is addicted to, revering his own prison
bars. The one in contraction places love on the throne of his life. The
expanded master reveres the detachment of one who lives an impersonal
life. Both are addictions.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

13. Ritperut-michtra

In the physical, illusional poles of expanded and contracted

perception exist. Their counterparts exist as the soul and the spirit; the
narrower perception of the formed (soul) and the wider perception of
the formless (spirit).

14. Sitlba-ruratret

Man has revered the esoteric parts of his individuation as more pure
than the physical, but one end of the stick is not holier than the other.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

15. Kirabit-erstu

Man has viewed his soul and spirit as being the support of the
physical but they have been the source of its opposition.

16. Nuchvaret-piklet

The soul opposes rebirth into the physical; the physical opposes
death. In this way they fight for supremacy but each one in turn must
yield to the other.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

17. Nenesa-piravet

The origin of physical disease is from the soul and its counterpart,
the formless spirit. The origin of the weakening of the soul and spirit is
the materialistic life of the physical.

18. Nukrut-hechba

There are 144 illusions of separation127 that brought about

individuated life. These have formed 144 constrictions in the lines of
light of the etheric body that form the 144 acupuncture points.128

127 These are studied as part of The Science of Immortality and Incorruptibility –
128 Irash Satva Yoga is designed to open these gates to access eternal supply.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

19. Kirarut-plihes

There are 144 corresponding acupuncture points in the etheric

body of the soul that are points of discordant frequencies. Distorted
perceptions (illusions) yield discordant frequencies and vice versa.

20. Sutreva-araves

The cosmos too has a soul and a spirit. It also goes through life and
death experiences. This massive separation can be solved by healing it
in a single cell of your body.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

21. Nesklahut-pires

Immortality maintains the supremacy of the physical by feeding off

the resources of the soul and can be maintained for about 10,000 years.

22. Truhavet-pura

Incorruptibility maintains perfect equilibrium between the resources

of the soul and the resources of the body. It thereby prolongs life even

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

23. Mishet-astrava

Immortality over-polarizes into the feminine in the case of masters

who move their bodies into the more etheric realms. Over-polarization
into the masculine for physical ascended masters happens as they focus
on light. It therefore is based on duality, which it uses as an energy
source. The further over-polarization is extended, the more energy is
produced by polarity.
24. Setba-utraves

Incorruptibility dances with the paradox of illusion, embracing the

unknowable essence of life and begins to draw from the endless supply
of the One Life. But there is a stage beyond the paradox of formless
form and spaceless space – Absolute Oneness. It is then that we become
the paradox.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

25. Nishet-murustra

Know the wisdom of Ikelke and the cells and organs shall cease to
exist as separate parts as the body merges into Infinite matter, which is
different from all matter known to man.

26. Ketravit-nunech

When the internal feminine and masculine are separated, they

long for the resolution of such illusion. This causes the birth of the
dysfunctional frequencies called emotions. All emotion is based on
desire, which presupposes lack.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

27. Kelva-pruhasut

In its distress, the feminine forms the spirit, which is an artificial

replacement for its absent masculine. The masculine forms the soul as
an artificial replacement for its feminine.

28. Nensit-aresta

The soul and spirit are ‘external’ from the individual and artificial. It
creates an enormous drain on our resources to sustain such an illusion.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

29. Viravet-erklave

The vastness that intimidates is nothing more than the reflection

of ourselves, yet we have seen it as that which guides our lives – the
highest self.

30. Kelevrut-pribaha

The soul has been called the higher self, but the hardships of our
lives have been created by it as it tried to call the soul-force away from
the body.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

31. Kruvet-splihu

Artificial creations, imagined into existence by the real, are by

nature antagonistic to our existence, for within the unreal the real is an
anomaly it seeks to destroy.

32. Mirat-utret-vraba

The artificial construct of relationship must, by nature, become a

battleground. All opposite poles fight for survival.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

33. Kisut-manachtre

Relationships based on duality that seem to last are based on a pact

of stagnant dysfunctionality. Only in knowing ourselves to be the other
in total Oneness can there be eternal newness.

34. Keleblut-pitresut

The One in forgetfulness is trapped in a world of opposite appearances.

The master knows the illusions and dances with the contradictions of
life to avoid having his or her awareness trapped.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

35. Kivet-arehustrava

Only when it is remembered that the masculine and feminine have

never really been separated, does one live beyond the contradiction.

36. Kuseret-kelarut

The artificial creation of the soul formed emotions; the artificial

creation of the spirit formed states of being.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

37. Nechtra-brivaset

During separation, the ability to know absolute truth was lost to the
masculine. The exploration of grand adventure was lost to the feminine.

38. Ersba-hurut-natre

The ‘external’ soul and spirit is reflected in a similar phenomenon in

the body: Parts of the body are in frequencies of the past and only exist
in the present as artificial creations.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

39. Ki-uhanet-vastra

The artificial parts of our bodies are like holograms. They are the
ones that show age first. As they drain the rest of the body’s resources,
general aging occurs.

40. Peranut-asut

In knowing the cells and organs to be unnecessary parts to the

eternal, fluid field of the body, youthening is restored.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

41. Kiret-aravastra

The alternate reality of the spirit world no longer lures us into death
when we see the illusion of the artificial soul.

42. Kihar-nestru

Linear time originates from the moment, forming a linear progression

of moments in the same way a line of dots make a line.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

43. Misat-uklava

There are four cosmic realities. Similar fields are found within
man; the masculine vertical wheel, the feminine horizontal wheel
and two artificially created realities. The latter two consist of artificial

44. Usut-hanesva

The artificial realities are peopled by beings of artificial intelligence

and have consistently been hostile to ours (the masculine cosmos). Their
warfare has been psychological and through erasure of memory.129

129 More information is given in the online course, The Science of Immortality and

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

45. Ki-arasut-misech

The feminine reality turns horizontally through ours and consists of

a succession of rotating tones. As a tone moves momentarily through
us, a unit of time is experienced as a moment. In this way linear time
is created within us.

46. Klivanut-ubrech

The only way to stop the motion of the feminine and masculine is
through a surrendered life. The motion is the result of resistance to life.
Resistance arises from the illusion that anything can be ‘wrong’ within

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

47. Virabit-etrenut

The artificial creations of thought and emotion disappear when we

know that no masculine or feminine has ever existed. There is only
indivisible androgyny.

48. Siklahut-ubas

In pure androgyny and the knowing of our indivisibility from the

One, eternal timelessness is ours. Life and death are unreal opposites
that only appear to exist as part of the cyclical pulsations of the
masculine reality. As we forsake these imaginings, cosmoses heal.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

Resetting the Body Clock

49. Keserut-alebach

Reason and rationality are prized. To be irrational is scorned. Valuing

the superficial creations of mind create a chain that binds.

50. Vrivrabit-nesa

The rational mind, itself an illusion, obscures the distorted emotions

that hide below, for how can they be other than distorted when they
arise from a distorted mind.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

51. Kuhurut-uplak

In total surrender do we find timelessness. In timelessness do we

find the stillness within.

52. Kerech-vranit-ubas

Eliminate both mind and emotions at once by understanding the null

point of space and the totally still point of frequency (emotion).

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

53. Kalushat-unesvi

It has been known that the still point cancels out frequency. One
thing cannot cancel something else out of existence unless both are

54. Prisarut-menesva

One thing can seem to temporarily negate another only when it

enlarges itself at the expense of the other and if it is its polar opposite.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

55. Esklebit-harustach

The frequency created in the body can be said to be emitted from

the base of the spine, yet it only radiates out from there because the still
point, its opposite pole, is found there.

56. Vilesut-usablivat

Eight original cells form as a body is created in the womb. They are
the only cells that renew themselves. They are clustered in the shape of
a star tetrahedron130 at the base of the spine.

130 A three-dimensional star of David.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

57. Kinushusat-arava

In the middle of these cells where the two tetrahedrons overlap, is

the motionless point of stillness – the point of no frequency.

58. Kirchba-plivarut

Motion and stillness are equally illusional, existing only by virtue of

each other. Each needs the other to define itself.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

59. Piranes-esetu

When the still point of emotion swells, engulfing the eight original
cells, the frequencies they emit are canceled out, as is the still point.
When our surrender eliminates our desires, we move into pure

60. Mishech-ninuset

The memory of relationship causes space to be formed. The seed of

life holds this memory and is located in the navel.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

The Seed of Life

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

61. Kilarut-virk-anes

The seed of life consist of seven cells – six that surround one. They
form as the umbilical cord forms, creating a relationship between the
fetus and its mother.

62. Uset-minasvu

From this cellular configuration, the directions of above, below,

north, south, east and west form around the direction of within.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

63. Karut-pelevri

The seven directions form a cage that surrounds the individual and
cuts him off from limitless supply, causing aging and death.

64. Isata-ese-uklavi

The null point of space in the middle of the central cell of the navel
must swell and engulf the other six surrounding cells. This cancels out
the null point and the directions.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

65. Nechtanaruk-suva

To enlarge the null point and the still point simultaneously, the
ancients developed a yoga, which is called Saradesi Satva Yoga131 – the
yoga to open the gates of the Fountain of Youth.

66. Kisa-ublavit

The yoga was done to cancel out the taint and bondage of space
in the body and bring balance to the null point and directions. Only
balanced opposites can balance one another out. This sets us free from
time and space.

131 For move information on Saradesi Satva Yoga go to or

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

67. Enes-ustra-prahut

The alchemy of sound is used as the yoga is done to bring balance

to the still point of frequency and frequency itself that they may cancel
one another out. This sets the body free from the tyranny of desire born
of frequency.

68. Kuaravit

The twelve Saradesi chants are used with the twelve postures. Each
posture consists of activity alternating with stillness to bring balanced
to the frequency and still point.

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

69. Kilavach-pils-praha

By eliminating the causes of space and frequency, the cause of

inner self-conflict is also removed. The inflammation within the body
is caused by the masculine components regenerating at a much faster
speed than the feminine. The difference in pace between the masculine
and feminine is apparent throughout life.

70. Seklet-brana-vus

Pace can only be present as an illusion when there is a reference point

– the still point. When it is eliminated, so is the issue of a conflicting

Book 8 Restoration and Rejuvenation of the Body

71. Eseleva-briva-hat

The masculine forges ahead, the feminine circles around, resulting

in an inner conflict of tug of war. Either movement requires a reference
point – the null point. When it is eliminated so is the issue of conflicting

72. Kenevuchvavi-spelerut

When these two reference points are removed from the body, it
ceases to be solid and becomes a fluid field, no longer subject to duality.
The body can then retain youth and vitality for thousands of years.


Belvaspata, Healing of the Heart

References from Belvaspata Angel Healing,

The Healing Modality of Miracles Volume I
In righting a wrong, we judge and divide. In acknowledging
wholeness we uplift and inspire the underlying perfection to reveal
itself. Belvaspata neither judges nor divides, but rather reveals and
enhances the underlying perfection and assists in the awakening of
consciousness and the full expression of our being.

What is Belvaspata? Belvaspata is a sacred healing modality that

uses light and frequency to remove the illusion of all disease and to
remove the illusion of distorted emotion and light. With the healing
of all duality and polarity, light and frequency are now unified and all
resources are now drawn to where they are most needed.
While doing Belvaspata, we envision the pristine perfection of all,
knowing that the perfection already exists. As we do, we assist and
support the awareness of the perfection of all life.

As an alchemical equation it reads;

Compassionate Support
Awakening from the Dream
Alignment with the Song of Creation

How Did Belvaspata Originate? In August 2006, the laws of

physics changed and all life ascended into a new level of existence.
In recognition of this, the Infinite, through Almine, gifted us with this
new modality.


Why Does Belvaspata Work? Whereas polarity-duality primarily

moved the cosmos beforehand, new cosmic frequencies now moved us
out of that cycle of existence, which sought mind-oriented perception.
In this more elevated cycle of existence, resonance became the basic
driving force and we now create through the heart. This cycle is like a
blank canvas that challenges us to fulfill one primary purpose: to create
through the heart.
Overnight all healing modalities forever changed due to their basic
design. Opposite energies ceased to attract and healing energy was no
longer attracted toward diseased energies. They now would repel one

How does Belvaspata Work? In working with Belvaspata, light and

frequency would be drawn to their opposites – light would be drawn
to illusion while frequency would be drawn to distortion. Belvaspata’s
body of knowledge is here so we may fulfill the new purpose of life; to
create health, joy and happiness through the heart.
The language of Belvaspata is a high cosmic language and it uses
sacred sigils to facilitate the healing and communicate with the angels.
As gifted by the Infinite, these sigils are always at optimum efficiency.

What are the Levels of Belvaspata? Belvaspata has four practitioner

levels – Level I, Level II, Master Level and Grand Master Level.


The Sigil for Belvaspata

Healing of the Heart

The Over-all Angel for Belvaspata

Angel sigil


The Closing Sigils





Belvaspata Initiations

There are two options for receiving initiation into Belvaspata: either
directly from a Master or Grand Master or by Self-initiation. There are
4 levels of initiation with Level I as the minimum requirement for use
of this modality.
Each level of initiation requires specific preparation. The preparation
is required in order to increase receptivity to the initiation through
raising one's frequency. Preparation for each level is as follows:
Level I – Integration of the 12 Pairs of Pure Emotions
Level II – Integration of the 16 Rays of Light
Master Level – Integration of the States of Being
Grand Master Level – Integration of the Heart Energies

A Master or Grand Master may preform initiations one-on-one, in

person, for an individual who has completed the required preparation
for initiation into any specific level. It is not permissible to perform
long-distance initiations over the phone, skype or other such methods.
Master or Grand Master level practitioners may perform initiations
up to and including their own level of initiation.
Self-initiation is a process whereby an individual may complete his or
her own initiation, with the assistance of a mentor. The MP3 audio which
accompanies Belvaspata Angel Healing Volume I (and II), provides an
example of Almine speaking in the language of the Infinite and assists
with learning the pronunciation of this language. This download is
available for free on


The time frame between initiations is as follows:

Level I and Level II initiations may be received at the same time,
as may Master and Grand Master Levels. There should be at least 3
months between Level I/Level II and Master/Grand Master Level
initiations although some initiates may require a longer period. Regular
use of the sigils is an important aspect of Belvaspata initiation and very
necessary before moving from one level onto the next level.
Full information on Belvaspata, Healing of the Heart (the healing
modality, preparations and initiations) is available in Belvaspata,
Angel Healing Volumes I and II. Further volumes are forthcoming
in 2013 and 2014. You may also view the Belvaspata website at, where you will also find a
directory of Belvaspata practitioners.


12 Pairs of Pure Emotions

(–) (+)
1) Trust Love
The desire to surrender (replaced The desire to include

2) Peace Inspiration
The desire to be at ease, to feel at The desire to inspire and to be
home (replaced protectiveness) inspired (replaced anger)

3) Pleasure Creativity
The desire to be delighted The desire to create

4) Acknowledgement Empathy
The desire to see perfection The desire to connect – we now
see the bigger picture

5) Receptivity Generosity
The desire to receive The desire to give

6) Beauty Encouragement
The desire to be uplifted The desire to encourage and to
be encouraged

7) Assimilation Communication
The desire to integrate The desire to express


8) Joy Passion
The desire to live – being exactly The desire to know
where you want to be

9) Fun Achievement
The desire to revel The desire to excel

10) Contentment Enlightenment

The desire to retain The desire to enhance and to to
be enhanced (replaced pain)

11) Humour Empowerment

The desire to be amused in the The desire to be of service – true
moment service

12) Satisfaction Growth

The desire to be fulfilled, to have The desire to expand – to get the
lived your highest truth next level.(in the past this was
achieved through opposition)

Note: Due to the changes that took place in the cosmos during August
2008, which brought about the healing of duality and polarity and the
ending of linear time, the emotions no longer pulse one another. The
Pure Emotions now form a unified field that contains the qualities of
all emotions with each being a specific emphasis of the whole. It is still
therefore very important to understand the unique qualities within each
of the emotional pairings and how they inspire one another.


Miraculous Healings With Belvaspata

Belvaspata for Third Degree Burns

Master B. received third-degree burns on her hand. Astonishing
doctors, within hours, she became pain-free when she self healed with
Belvaspata. Within days, the entire healing took place. (See images.)

B, Canada


The Benefit of Belvaspata

During Almine’s Toronto pod, my son received a severe kick to his
hand at school. The extent of the injury was unknown but he awoke
every time his hand hit something in his sleep. In the morning, the little
finger and the side of his hand was very black and blue and so swollen
he could not bend his finger.
A friend and I felt something was broken. That morning I performed
Belvaspata for his little finger. During the Belvaspata session, my son
saw over 50 beings with wings that were blue, green and purple flying
around the room. The females wore purple tops and green leaf-like
skirts, and the males wore blue tops with green leaf-like pants. He saw
them shoot light into a gold, purple and pink ring.
My son felt the ring would go on his finger to heal it. He did not
experience any pain after the Belvaspata session. Three days later, he
used his hand normally with no swelling and only a tiny amount of
bruising was visible on his knuckle.

S, Canada

An Eye Injury Healed with Belvaspata

One evening in October 2008, my 22-year-old grandson was
grinding a part needed to repair his car. He did not wear safety glasses.
Two small pieces of metal flew into his eye lodging near his retina.
After trying unsuccessfully to remove them himself, he told me what
had happened and asked me to pull out the fragments with tweezers.
As soon as I saw his eye, I insisted he go to the emergency room at
the hospital. We arrived about one o’clock in the morning. After a
preliminary examination and written report for the doctor, we were told
to join the 15 or 20 people waiting to see the one doctor on duty.


My grandson lay down on some empty chairs while I read parts

of Almine Diary132 that I had printed earlier. He continued to ask me
to check whether the metal pieces were still in his eye. After several
requests, it occurred to me that the use of Belvaspata might help him.
Unfortunately, I did not have any of the Belvaspata materials with me
nor did I know the sigils by heart. Nevertheless, I tried to ease his
Placing my hands on his back over his heart area, I set my intent
on minimizing the damage and preserving his sight. I called in all the
Belvaspata angels as well as Mother and Father to help. I kept repeating
“Praise, Love, Gratitude and Adoration”. Twice again he asked if the
metal was still in his eye, which it was. When he asked for a third
time and I looked, they were gone. He leapt to his feet and went to the
restroom mirror to see for himself. He returned holding two tiny pieces
of metal he had found in the corner of his eye.
When the doctor finally examined my grandson, he was incredulous.
There was absolutely no damage to the eye, not even a scratch, just
the redness caused by my grandson attempting to remove the foreign
objects himself. The doctor said he had never seen anything like this
in his years of practice. The preliminary examination notes show the
metal fragments firmly embedded in the eye. The doctor could not
understand how the metal fragments could have spontaneously ejected
from the eye.
As we went home I realized there were two clear lessons from this
incident. For my grandson it was clear he always needed to use basic
physical protection. For me the lesson was I must not place limitations
on the power of the gift of how Belvaspata heals.

B, Canada

132 To read daily online posts of Almine’s cuitting-edge information see Almine Diary at


Belvaspata Daily Maintenance

After you have begun using Belvaspata healing modality, you might
consider the benefits of adding the Belvaspata Daily Maintenance
Program.133 At times people find that the benefits of a healing session
may not last when they return to their own environment, friends, family,
etc. In their environment, they became emotionally or physically
unwell again. This could indicate the client has not dealt with issues
that caused the problem in the first place.
Often dis-ease begins in the higher bodies of man. Without the
insights, it will later reveal itself in the physical body. In combination
with the Language of Pain, Belvaspata Daily Maintenance Program
provides you with the environment to gain insights into what caused
the dis-ease or imbalance in the first place.

Offering Belvaspata Maintenance Healing

Few healers can offer ongoing daily healings to their clients as part
of their healing session. It would for most, be too time-consuming as a
business practice.
Yet, for the ultimate favorable outcome of Belvaspata as in all other
healings, it would be vital to have ongoing healings after an initial
session. The belief systems that caused the origin of the disease are
in all likelihood still a factor after a session and can work against the
practitioner’s expertise. Even with the elimination of belief systems, an
environmental trigger can spark them again. Whatever the onslaught of
stressors that contribute to the deterioration of health such as allergies,
psychological stress and others; these may also be present to require
ongoing assistance from a healer.

133 Available as a free download on


This program should involve only 10 minutes once a day from the
Belvaspata practitioner. All present and past clients can receive their
maintenance healing during that time. This extremely valuable service
as part of a Belvaspata practice should greatly enhance the desirability
of Belvaspata taught as the modality of choice. To promote Belvaspata,
after their first visit, include your client in the daily healings for six

Forcing others to a higher truth when it is not their reality can

actually make them hold onto their truths longer because we wobbled
their fishbowl.134 Thus, they make the walls thicker by affirming them.
Ultimately, there is nothing to persuade anyone about because
whatever level they express and see truth is their level.

134 A metaphor to explain the repetitive action to ‘swim around and around’ without
ever changing our truths or be open to new truths. The fish bowl represents matrixes,
human grids, etc.


Appendix I
Guidance for Beginning Healers
by Almine

As our journey of exploring the intricate art of healing and our

responsibilities as healers begin, you are urged to remember that the
more you grow, the more you will gain from this information. You may,
therefore, wish to return to it periodically and re-read portions of it that
new layers may reveal themselves to you.
Whether the techniques have a mild or profound effect on those
who come to you for assistance will depend largely on how well you
have internalized the qualities given in the Belvaspata section. Do
not heal for the sake of results, so that you can remain unencumbered
by the weight of self-reflection. However, you will become more and
more aware of how healing frequencies respond to you. This, like the
acquisition of any other skill, will grow with practice. The techniques
provided give you something to practice with. The illusion of disease
comes in an instant and so can healing, but knowing what to heal and
asking the right questions in giving your client guidance is a product of
humility, an openness to receiving information and of practice.
It is recommended that beginning healers form free healing circles,
as their time is available (evenings and weekends, perhaps) to develop
the skills necessary for working with clients. Recognition of the
divinity of those who come for assistance, as well as a deep and abiding
compassion, can make even a beginning healer effective.
Always be sure you are not in a state of emotional duress and that
you have had sufficient food and water. Take time to establish a sacred
space and to cleanse it after each client. The work you are doing is holy
in that it removes the filters that block the passage of light. Treat your
healing room as worship space. Make sure that when your client leaves,


they do not encounter disruptive or hostile emotions from others in the

building, since they will be wide open and highly sensitive.
We urge healers to study and abide by the laws of the state in which
they reside. In many states it is illegal to say, “I heal” and healers have
to call themselves healing facilitators. In others it is illegal to touch
another person unless you are licensed to do so. A minister’s license
will enable you to do so legally. They are easy to obtain and can be kept
current at little cost. Even though there are homeopathics remedies
strong enough to heal disease, it may be necessary to represent them as
facilitating healing or as nutritional aids.
Dealing with these sacred healing modalities where the veils
between realities become thin and the past and present merge with the
future, takes great courage. With impeccability as your shield and in a
place of balance that has shed the need to impress, your steps will be
guided so you may stride forward unafraid to reveal the perfection that
dwells in all beings.
Seeing the divinity within ourselves enables us to see it in another.
To approach our fellow man as less than divine is to deny the Source of
his being. He is an arrow sent forth from the hand of the Infinite, straight
and true upon its course. The ancient Norsemen shot flaming arrows
into mist to guide their boats safely into the unknown. In the same way
we have been sent like flaming arrows to explore the mysteries of the
Infinite’s Being. All flaming arrows are of equal value to the navigator;
some tell him where it is clear to go and others showing where it is
not. In the same way within the mystery of the Infinite’s Being, all are
equal. There is much value in mirroring to the Infinite, through the
experience of a life, that which It is not, so It might fully understand
that which It is.
Exerting influence on the life of another is a sacred, awesome
responsibility. When our fellow man approaches us to ask for help,
remember his true identity as a being vast as the cosmos having a
human experience and approach him with humility and impeccability.


For in helping birth him into an awareness of the infinite possibilities

that lie sleeping within his soul, we are helping him find the diamonds
of divinity lying hidden in the dust of illusion.
There is great value in opposition and, hidden within the shadows of
density, lies the impetus to set us free from mortal boundaries. Without
friction, no creature can walk upon the Earth. Nature has designed the
opposition that any fetus must overcome to earn the right to life. In
truth, opposition strengthens and in a similar manner we strengthen
density when we oppose it. We strengthen the shortcomings we
suppress and the illness we combat. Challenge yields perception and
perception yields power. If we pull the chicken prematurely from the
egg, it dies. If we remove a sufferer’s pain without assisting him to
receive its insights, a great dawn of illumination might die stillborn.
Throughout the cosmos the Infinite has gained in luminosity and
power, not by denying the unsolved mystery of ‘The Dark’ within Its
Being, but by including it within the light so it might yield its insights.
The greatest service we can render as the One expressing as the many
is to remember who we are, for in this memory all is included. The
greatest hardships hold within their overcomings the greatest miracles.
As wielders of power, our balance is maintained through constantly
remembering that the insights gained in all of life’s journeys are of
equal value in enriching the One. The vast majority of Creation falls
within the realm of that which, from our vantage point, is unknowable.
This eliminates the temptation to yield to the compulsion of the left-
brain to reduce the infinite to the finite. It stifles the incessant need to
know and sets us free from attachment to outcome.
To sow in order to reap gives only the harvest as reward. But to sow
like a pilgrim traveling through the land, scattering seeds along the way
with no thought of benefit from their eventual fruition is to become an
instrument in the hand of the Infinite. We sow, not to reap the benefit,
but because the seeds are in our hands and our passage blesses all
creatures. As we bless others with the seeds of healing, let us remain


unencumbered by self-reflection and unfettered by self- importance.

Do not focus on the results of your healing; it is life giving unto life.
You are the blessed flute upon which the Infinite plays divine melody.
Be assured that, in as much as the soil of the soul is responsive, the seed
will grow even if the fruit or flower of its maturity arrives long after
you have passed.
The sublime path of being a blessing to mankind, shedding light on
dark days, is not for those who pretend ignorance to escape culpability.
It is not for those who hide behind false humility, which is simply
conceding to the arrogance of another. Instead, it is for men and women
willing to let their light increasingly illuminate with the soft flow of
hope the darkest corners of the lives they touch. It calls for masters
with the innocence of a child, who freely acknowledges their inability
to know the infinite plan of wisdom that shapes the lives of their fellow
men. Through these masters, the Infinite speaks.
There are those who grasp greedily at every scrap of information,
never pausing to incorporate it into their lives. They hoard and store
and study knowledge as if by merely knowing it, they can gain power.
Book volumes of information cannot enrich those who do not do
the work within. Yet a person who has made wisdom their own will
find their lives altered by a single phrase. It is to them that I speak.
It is my sincere desire to share with healers, through these teachings,
the continual stream of knowledge I receive. There is no limit to the
knowledge that can be brought forth on this planet, but it must be called
through the human heart.


Appendix II
Symbols versus Sigils

Before working with Belvaspata and the relevant sigils, we must

first understand what a sigil is and the difference between a symbol and
a sigil. We will then need to know the meanings of the sigils for this
healing modality in order to properly understand and use them.
A symbol represents something, whereas a sigil describes
something. When someone sees a BMW or a Mercedes symbol, it
represents upper middle-class vehicles of quality and distinction. On
the other hand, the symbol for a Rolls Royce or Bentley represents elite
vehicles that speak of a privileged lifestyle of dignity and wealth.
So much is deduced just from one symbol. A Rolls Royce evokes
images of walled estates, chauffeurs, enough and accustomed money
where the symbol of a Ferrari will speak of more flamboyant taste.
Whereas symbols are common in our everyday world, the use of
sigils is virtually forgotten. Even in mystery schools, their hidden
knowledge eludes most mystics. Throughout the cosmos all beings
of expanded awareness utilize sigils and it is only a few left-brain
oriented races that use symbols such as those in alphabets. An example
would be the word ‘LOVE’ where we have combined four symbols
(letters representing certain sounds) to make one symbol (the word
that represents a feeling). But love is one of the building blocks of the
cosmos, like space or energy.135 It can also represent many different
nuances within the emotion of love (which is the desire to include) and
much other dysfunctionality and degrees of need we mistakenly call

135 Discussed in Journey to the Heart of God, ‘The True Nature of the Seven


As we can see, the symbol or word can be very misleading since

what it represents to one may not be what it represents to another. The
sigil for love describes the quality or frequency of what is meant. It
maps out the exact frequency of the emotion.
The sigil for someone’s name would do the same. As the person or
being rises in frequency, the sigil will change to reflect that. In the case
of angels, even their names change. This is why the angel names or the
goddess names have changed as the cosmos and Earth have ascended
to a much higher frequency. In these higher realms the languages are
also different and reflect the higher frequencies.
When a person has accomplished a major task within the cosmos
pertaining to the agreement they made with the Infinite, they also receive
a ‘meaning’ with its accompanying sigil. When a being is called to do
a task meant for the highest good, that being will come if you have its
name and meaning. The being absolutely must come if, in addition, you
have the sigil for the name and meaning. Having someone’s sigil is like
having that person’s phone number. Sigils not only describe what they
represent, but are a means to communicate with what they represent.

Other Products by Almine
A Life of Miracles
Expanded Third Edition Includes Bonus Belvaspata
Section—Mystical Keys to Ascension
Almine’s developing spiritual awareness and abilities from
her childhood in South Africa until she emerged as a powerful
mystic, to devote her gifts in support of all humanity is
traced. Deeply inspiring and unique in it comparison of man’s
relationship as the microcosm of the macrocosm.
Also available in Spanish.

Published 2009, 304 pages, soft cover, 6 x 9, ISBN: 978-1-934070-25-3

Journey to the Heart of God Second Edition

Mystical Keys to Immortal Mastery
Ground-breaking cosmology revealed for the first time, sheds
new light on previous bodies of information such as the Torah,
the I Ching and the Mayan Zolkien. The explanation of man’s
relationship as the microcosm as set out in the previous book A
Life of Miracles, is expanded in a way never before addressed
by New Age authors, giving new meaning and purpose to
human life.
Endorsed by an Astrophysicist from Cambridge University
and a former NASA scientist, this book is foundational for
readers at all levels of spiritual growth.

Published: 2009, 296 pages, soft cover, 6 x 9, ISBN: 978-1-934070-26-0

Belvaspata, Angel Healing, Volume I

The Healing Modality of Miracles
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced master
of the miraculous healing modality of Belvaspata, this
comprehensive guide is an information rich handbook that
will serve as your most valuable tool – a compendium of
information for everything you need to know to establish
yourself as a practitioner of this miraculous healing modality
of the angels. Also included are Kaanish, Braamish Ananu and
Song of the Self Belvaspata.

Published: 2011, 394 pages, soft cover, 6 x 9, ISBN: 978-1-936926-34-3

Belvaspata, Angel Healing, Volume II
Healing through Oneness Plus: The Integrated Use of
Fragrance Alchemy.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced master
of the miraculous healing modality of Belvaspata, this
comprehensive guide is an information rich handbook that
will serve as your most valuable tool – a compendium of
information for everything you need to know to establish
yourself as a practitioner of this miraculous healing modality
of the angels. Belvaspata Volume II includes “The Integrated
Use of Fragrance Alchemy,” which delivers the method to
obtain wellness of the emotional, mental and physical bodies
through the combined use of Belvaspata, the alchemy of
fragrance and the Atlantean Healing Sigils.
Published: 2012, 467 pages, soft cover, 6 x 9, ISBN: 978-1-936926-40-4

Secrets of Rejuvenation
Discovering the Fountain of Youth
Rejuvenation through physical methods alone creates an
inner conflict resulting in inflammatory physical conditions.
Opposition arises from limiting belief systems and worldviews
that obstruct open channels of the limitless resources available
from Source.
From the ancient records of Saradesi come paradigm
transcending philosophies, coupled with physical practices to
enhance the body's natural inclination to rejuvenate. Almine
has proven it is possible to rejuvenate. Here are the secrets.

Published: 2010, 219 pages, soft cover, 6 x 9, $19.95,

ISBN: 978-1-934070-52-9

How to Raise an Exceptional Child

Practical Wisdom for Spiritual Mastery
Safeguarding the purity of our children in a world of
escalating materialism, requires a deep understanding and
wisdom on the part of the parents, grandparents and other
They walk among us seemingly as ordinary children. But
then we look again, for something in their eyes catches our
attention – a certain knowingness, an ancient wisdom coupled
with a purity so profound that it stops us in our tracks. Surely
the masters throughout the ages, the light-bearers of humanity,
looked out at the world with just such clarity.
Published: 2010, 215 pages, soft cover, 6 x 9,
$19.95, ISBN: 978-1-9349979-11-2

Irash Satva Yoga
Yoga, as a spiritual and physical discipline has been practiced
in many variations by masters and novices for countless
years and is universally accepted as one of the most effective
development tools ever created.
Man’s physical form in its original state was meant to be
self-purifying, self-regenerating and self-transfiguring.
Through pristine living and total surrender, it was possible to
open gates in the body that would allow life to permeate and
lfow through it; indefinitely sustaining it.
In Irash Satva Yoga, received by Almine from the Angelic
Kingdom, this ancient methodology is exponentially expanded
and enhanced by incorporating the alchemies of sound and
Using easily mastered postures paired with music from
Cosmic Sources created specifically for each, the 144 cardinal
gates in the mind and body are opened and cleansed of their dross and debris, allowing the
practitioner to tap into the abundance of the One Life.
Published: 2010, 94 pages, soft cover, 6 x 9, $24.95, ISBN: 978-1-934070-95-6

Shrihat Satva Yoga

The human body is unique in that it is an exact microcosm of
the macrocosm of created life. There are 12 points along the
right, masculine side of the body and the same number on the
left side. These are microcosmic replicas of the macrocosmic
cycles of life.
The yoga postures are designed to open and remove the debris
from these points — the gates of dreaming. This will occur
physically through the postures and the music. Dissolving
debris also occurs by way of dreaming (triggered by the
breathing and eye movements), releasing past issues that
caused the blockages in the points
Published 2010, 108 pages, soft cover, 6 x 9, $34.95,
ISBN: 978-1-934070-15-4

Saradesi Satva Yoga

The Yoga of Eternal Youth
As translated from the ancient texts of Saradesi – The Fountain
of Youth. The ancient texts speak of time as movement.
They affirm that time and space, movement and stillness,
are illusions. To sustain any illusion requires an enormous
amount of resources. This depletion of resources causes aging
and decay. The illusion of polarity, the impossibility that the
One Life can be divided and split is brought to resolution
by balancing the opposite poles exactly. Only then can they
cancel one another out, revealing an incorruptible reality that
lies beyond – the reality of Eternal Youth.
Published 2011, 115 pages, soft cover, 6 x 9, $24.95,
ISBN: 978-1-936926-05-3
Music by Almine

Children of the Sun

Music from the Known Planets (Re-mastered and
re-titled version of the Interstellar Sound Elixirs)

The beautiful interstellar sound elixirs

received and sung by Almine.

Price $9.95 MP3 Download

$14.95 CD

Labyrinth of the Moon

Music from the Hidden Planets (Re-titled version
of the Sound Elixirs of the Hidden Planets)

All the vocals in these elixirs are received

and sung in the moment by Almine

Price $9.95 MP3 Download

$14.95 CD

Jubilation - Songs of Praise

Music from around the world to lift the
heart and inspire the listener.

The extraordinary mystical quality of the music, and the

exquisite clarity of Almine's voice, creates the ambient
impression of being in the presence of angels.

Price $9.95 MP3 Download

$14.95 CD

Visit Almine’s website

for worldwide retreat locations and dates, online
courses, radio shows and more. Order one of Almine’s
many books, CDs or an instant download.

US toll-free phone 1-877-552-5646


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