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Analyse the applicability of the social development model of social welfare in growing economies.

The social development model of social welfare is applicable to a highly convenient degree in
growing economies. This is so because it assists in emphasizes the importance of investing in
human capital through education and training programs, it advocates for increased access to
healthcare services and other necessities, promotes policies that encourage entrepreneurship
and innovation, the model focuses on creating an environment that encourages economic
growth and investment. Despite the convenient applicability of the social development
model, it faces certain challenges that can hinder its implementation. These challenges
include mismanagement and lack of resources, the cultural diversity and norms within
growing economies, political instability and governance issues are additional challenges that
can hinder the applicability of the social development model in growing economies.

The social development model is defined by Smith (2010) as a model in social work that
emphasizes the integration of economic growth, social justice, and environmental
sustainability to promote positive social change. It aims to create inclusive and equitable
societies by addressing socio-economic disparities, enhancing community participation, and
ensuring the well-being and rights of individuals and communities. Therefore its essential to
note its applicability to growing economies as it will solve certain problems that need
individual empowerment and resilience.

Firstly, the social development model of social welfare is applicable to growing economies
because it assists in emphasizing the importance of investing in human capital through
education and training programs. Through the investment of human capital people obtain
knowledge and skills that can empower them towards redacting certain issues such as poverty
through self-sustaining where they no longer rely on external forces to help them out, hence
pushing away a dependency syndrome. According to (Kanyenze et al., 2015) poverty in
Zimbabwe has note only been a product of mismanagement, corruption and………… but
rather also been caused due to lack of self-empowering and resilience skills. By focusing on
education, training, and development programs, the social development model can contribute
to the creation of a skilled and adaptable workforce, thus supporting economic progress,
which enables in a self

Moving on the social development model of social welfare is applicable to growing

economies because the model increases health access to all individuals, groups and
communities in a society. By the social development model recognizing the importance of
addressing health disparities and ensuring access to quality healthcare services. Sheikh,
(2014) the model advocates for healthcare policies, resources, and interventions, the model
can help reduce health inequities and improve health outcomes in growing economies.
Therefore, this makes it applicable as in growing economies such as Zimbabwe health
accessibility seems to be a problem by taking this model into account it will help Zimbabwe
to overcome this problem making health accessible to all individuals.

Furthermore, the social model of social welfare is applicable to growing economies because
the model promotes environmental sustenance. Due to growing economies often facing
environmental challenges, including resource depletion and pollution. The social
development model's focus on sustainability can guide policies that promote environmental
conservation, encourage renewable energy adoption, and foster sustainable production and
consumption patterns. By integrating environmental considerations into economic and social
planning, this model supports the long-term well-being of both communities and ecosystems.
(UNDP, 2020). Thus, by implementing this model the social workers are able to bring fo

Moreover, the social development model of social welfare is applicable to growing

economies because it is useful in solving most of the social problems in these growing
economies. Haq,(2003). The social development model focuses on addressing the root causes
of poverty and inequality by targeting individual, family, and community factors. By
providing resources, support, and interventions, the model can help empower individuals and
communities to overcome poverty and reduce inequality. It recognizes that sustainable and
equitable economic development plays a crucial role in poverty reduction. It promotes
policies that foster job creation, promote entrepreneurship, and ensure fair wages and
working conditions. Therefore, through addressing structural barriers and promoting equal
opportunities, the model seeks to enhance the economic well-being of individuals and reduce
inequalities by enhancing the socio-economic status of all individuals.

Going on the social development model of social welfare is applicable to growing economies
because the model focuses on creating an environment that encourages economic growth and
investment. By supporting entrepreneurship and small businesses, the model promotes
policies that facilitate the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This
includes providing access to credit, business development services, and incubation programs.
Supporting entrepreneurship can foster innovation, competitiveness, and job creation,
contributing to economic growth.
In addition, to the above paragraph the social development model is applicable as it ensures
regulatory frameworks the social development model recognizes the importance of a stable
and transparent regulatory environment. Clear rules and regulations, efficient governance
structures, and strong legal frameworks can attract domestic and foreign investment,
providing a conducive environment for economic growth.


- Haq, R. (2003). Empowerment of Women in South Asia: Concepts and Practices. SAGE

Inclusive growth: The social development model can contribute to inclusive economic growth
in growing economies. It focuses on creating opportunities for all members of society,
promoting job creation, and reducing income inequalities. By implementing policies that
prioritize the well-being of marginalized populations and promote equitable access to
resources, this model can help address socio-economic disparities. (OECD, 2018)

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