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Mugla Sitki Kogman University, Department of Civil Engineering. Spring 2020 CE2006 SOIL MECHANICS I HOMEWORK V: PERMEABILITY&SEEPAGE-I 1) Refer to the figure given below. The coefficient of permeability of the soil (k) is 3*10° m/s, Find the quantity of discharge q in terms of m'/s per meter length of the dam and the pore water pressure at point A. 74=10 kN/m*. “8, \ 3 \ arhrarby Wyatt Npely b23xtO?mis AH = 65m 0) 4 = edhe a = 36107 n 6.5 x He 4.09 «10? v/s/m ©) Far paint “AY Ngeil 3 potenticl drop to teoch “N’ h pressure, = (6541+ ha) ~ losses (a) ha=W05-D x ia = Ltd Noresmme,A = (L.5+14U,95)- 2% AH Wa 12.259-3% &5 t 10.5 m » Pore pressure « = 10.5410 = 105 L& CamScanne le tarands Mugla Sitkt Kogman University, Department of Ci il Engineering, Spring 2020 2) In the figure below there is a 2-m-deep river channel in which a river is lowing. If the unit weight of the clay layer above and below the water table is 19 kN/m’, calculate total stress at point A. sandy gravel Totol stress @ pot A; T ” Le Yu +3 eX sor (x10 +3% 19 bF LR Camscanne le tarands Mugla Sitki Kogman University, Department of Civil Engineering, Spring 2020 13) For the river shown in question 2, for flood protection purposes we need to deepen the river channel by excavating the pottom of the channel, Piezometric measurements show that there is artesian pressure in the sandy gravel layer amounting toa water level of | m above the original ground surface. Find the max. safe depth of excavation, d, from the bottom of the river channel, so that we don’t observe heave. (River elevation will not change). sandy gravel “Ttch ahress att pant A = (d+) ¥, + (52-4) Boe re pressure at paint A=(5+D¥,, — (dueto ortesion) GENY, +(5-2-d) sor = 6 Xu ad a0.F@ mr = mox cafe depthaP exeuation Camscanne le tarands Mugla Stk Kogman University, Department of Civil Engineering. Spring 2020 4) A conerete hollow box culvert is shown in Figure. 1) Determine the minimum wall thickness to prevent uplift using 2 factor of safety of 1.2. The groundwater can rise to the surface. The unit weight of concrete is 24 kN/m'. Assume the worst-case scenario, by If the weight of the culver is restricted so that uplift can occur, show one possible method to prevent uplift. A) K Coladote Ane ughQt farce par wit length fo cubert for the worst cose trobis the gourd ualer cies to the gand surfece. KThe wpliph pressure sp = h¥y =(U+) 49.8 249 LP x The uplift force at the bow of the abet: Ry =B«p, ah «ld = [SUN % Wegnh of he culvert the wall thknes is, & Fora ght The wctght per unit length + WY = [le5)- (24) (5-24) ] 2b, x FOuw =Re 1.2 « Dee [un 5)-(u-29 (5-24) = 196 42-1,.5t +142 0 & = OUlborm = Ulb ren HD goed archers Camscanne le tarands Mugla Stk Kogman University, Department of Civil Engineering, Spring 2020 5) An excavation is proposed for a site consisting of a homogeneous, isotropic layer of silty clay. 14.24 m thick, above a deep deposit of sand. The groundwater is 2 m below ground level outside the excavation. The groundwater level inside the excavation is at the bottom. The void ratio of the silty clay is 0.62 and its specific gravity is 2.7. What is the limiting, depth of the exeavation to avoid heaving? K Henig vill cur IP 1 Digg Rig 2 Gl _ 2F-1 05 l+e 140.62 % Totol heed diffemne ; AH eH-h = 12.24-h % Avooge hydrate godiot si a x Paley aie , we get. 1.05 = Itech h = 5.9%en *D (12.24 42)-h = 1U-24 -5.93 =9.23 m Camscanne le tarands Mugla Sitki Kogman University, Department of Civil Engineering, Spring 2020 6) A bridge pier is to be constructed in a riverbed by constructing a cofferdam, as shown in Figure E14.4a. A cofferdam is a temporary enclosure consisting of long, slender elements of steel, concrete, or timber members to support the sides of the enclosure. After construction of the cofferdam, the water within it will be pumped out. Determine; a) the flow rate using k=1x10" cm/s and b) the factor of safety against piping. The void ratio of the sand is 0.59. 6m. Impervious clay Q) Flav rote per meter length af wall Atbebm Neel Ny lO q= 2mAu te = Lxiulot gion bx = L8 10” ols Ths 2" is needed becawe you hare to consider both halves ofthe siulure, 157" is sed to cenert cms to m/s b) «Determine the hyprouic gudient for eax. Liane 0.3 en his is on acrage vdie of the Haw lagth atte ext of the sheet pile) AW Au & erste (ty a aeeane|O<01 eae KCdlalale the Tp 20.0 Tp = 00 + Rint “BY (265.0) => dg = S420 = 100 Wilet Ug = 5x 10 = SO EMle? Oy « 100-50 = 50 EM Int RAC” (229.0 m) => Te 2 5420+ URIFa LOE EN led de TL = 163 -90 = Tots’ stress, Pore water precure UL Depth, oy CcamScanne ile tarandi b) Point "A" (2-0.0m) mH -0.0 ( ou ) =- (=) bh (56 100% = gren Ux == Cigs) Su * ao (428) 10 «2 2-20 Ele nl 109. Tr = 00-20) = 20 EXIn? * Point “D’ (22 2.0m) TH = 2x20 aLOLNa? (Because the sand hove pein D is sahwrotal) Up =0.0 lot te ground voter lael > ro heed) Th 2hO-O =O Wer % Rao" B” (22 5.0%) Te = 243) x20 = (00 ENIet Ug = 3.«10 = 30 Wat Th = 100-30= FO Eee « Paint” (223.0 ») - Te = 243) x90 + KIDS (68 Net We = B4y) K 10 = FO Whar Toe 1bG-FO = OP NI ee ce CamScanne il tarands

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