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1. John, you _____________ (eat) more than two _____________ (loaf) of bread, didn
´t you?
2. According to a survey, most people _____________ (buy) kitchen furniture once or
_____________ in their life.
3. These days, there is more _____________ (know) about how music
_____________ (affect) the human brain.
4. _____________ you _____________ (believe) that there is a connection
_____________ music and emotions?
5. He can’t speak _____________ of the stroke he _____________ (suffer) last year.
6. Music _____________ (associated) with love _____________ centuries.
7. Thirty years ago, scientists _____________ (begin) to study the link _____________
aggressive behaviour and television watching.
8. "How _____________ do you go to the cinema?" "I usually go once _____________
9. What will you do when you finish your homework?
He asked the girl _______________________________________.
10. At the moment, space travel is very expensive, but if you dream of _____________
(go) into space, don’t give _____________ hope!
11. She _____________ (win) a big prize in the quiz show yesterday because she
_____________ (can) answer all the questions about space.
12. If I had the opportunity _____________ travel to space, I _____________ (take) it.
13. When people first heard _____________ space holidays, they _____________ (not
think) they were possible.
14. My brother _____________ (like) video games, and he spends a lot of time in front
_____________ the computer.
15. The psychiatrist, _____________ is highly qualified, recommended _____________
(play) video games to help the problem.
16. I _____________ (play) a video game on the computer _____________ he
17. They are very fond _____________ animals and worry _____________ their
18. Due _____________ their terrible conditions, some zoos may be forced to close;
_____________ the other hand, zoos like the one in Jersey are doing very well.
19. On our recent safari holiday, we _____________ (photograph) the animals while
they _____________ (sleep) in the wild.
20. You can’t teach children _____________ animals keeping them in unnatural
21. For many years, books _____________ (provide) insight _____________ difficult
22. After he _____________ (read) the book, he understood his own situation
_____________ clearly.
23. The bibliotherapist announced _____________ in that session, we _____________
(discuss) a Shakespeare play.
24. “I have read this book several times.” She said
25. The thief insisted _____________ consulting his lawyer before _____________ (go)
to the police.
26. Some dots _____________ be seen _____________ a magnifying glass.
27. I enjoy _____________ (sew) my own clothes because it makes _____________
unique, and it’s cheaper.
28. “Write your name or ID number on your personal property.” The police
recommended _______________________________________.
29. Peter announced, “I will not give up until this factory is shut down. Peter announced
that ______________________________________.
30. Betty said, If I knew the answer, I would tell you.” Betty said that

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