Manav Agarwal - 23PGIB083 - HRM

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In the realm of Human Resources, the u liza on of data analy cs has become a transforma ve
force, reshaping tradi onal approaches to talent management and recruitment. The six kinds of
analy cs for managing your workforce from simplest to the most sophis cated are –
1. Human capital facts 4. Workforce Forecasts
2. Analy cal HR 5. Talent Value Model
3. Human-capital investment analysis 6. Talent Supply Chain
Drawing parallels to the cinema c portrayal in "Moneyball," where the Oakland Athle cs baseball
team revolu onized player selec on through sta s cal analysis, HR professionals now harness the
power of data to make informed decisions about their most valuable asset—their people.

In "Moneyball," Billy Beane, portrayed by Brad Pitt, challenges conventional wisdom by adopting a
data-driven approach to assemble a competitive team within budget constraints. Similarly, in HR,
organizations are turning to analytics to identify and cultivate top talent. The movie's emphasis on
statistics and performance metrics resonates with the HR landscape, where workforce analytics
enable companies to evaluate employee performance objectively, identify skill gaps, and optimize
team dynamics.

Thus, we see by the data-driven approach by Billy Beane, how he implements the first three uses
of Analytics in HR i.e., Human Capital facts, Analytical HR and capital investment analysis. Oakland
Athletics is a team, facing budget constraints, and he sets out to assemble a team to fulfil essential
roles compensating them with an amount equivalent to the market value. This is in contrast to his
own value when he was drafted as a rookie in the first round itself when actually, he shouldn’t
have been until the draft pick of ninth round.

Moreover, the film underscores the importance of predictive analytics, as Jonah Hill's character,
Peter Brand, develops models to forecast player success. In HR, predictive analytics play a pivotal
role in forecasting workforce trends, anticipating employee turnover, and strategically planning for

We see here the uses of Workforce Forecasts, Talent Value Model and Talent Supply Chain, where,
Peter Brand, an alumnus of Yale, utilizes study of economics, in forecasting workforce measures to
field the players, who can produce the desired outcome. These decisions which seemed irrational
to traditionalists, but mathematically proved to be effective and efficient.

Just as "Moneyball" transformed baseball, the integra on of data analy cs in HR prac ces is
reshaping the way companies approach talent acquisi on, development, and reten on. By
leveraging insights derived from data, HR professionals can make strategic decisions that not only
op mize organiza onal performance but also create an environment conducive to employee
growth and success.

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