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1/8/23, 09:06 platzi.


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Curso Intermedio de Escritura en Inglés

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9.13 21 / 23


1. What is the skill that is more connected to writing?


2. When do we normally capitalize words?

We capitalize proper nouns, the first letter of a sentence after a period and the subject
pronoun I.

3. Which structure is this sentence "He passed the exam although he didn't study for
it" ?

Compound Complex sentence REPASAR CLASE

4. What are the main aspects within a paragraph? 1/4
1/8/23, 09:06

Topic sentence, supporting sentences and concluding sentence

5. How many ideas are usually developed within a paragraph?

6. What is Unity within a paragraph?

Unity means that a paragraph discusses only one main idea.

7. Where is the main idea often stated in a paragraph?

In the last supporting sentence REPASAR CLASE

8. When could we say a paragraph is coherent?

When the supporting sentences are in some kind of logical order and have transition

9. What are four tips to have a coherent paragraph?

Repeating key nouns, Using consistent pronouns, Using transition signals and Organizing
points logically

10. How can we identify the Key Noun in a paragraph?

It's usually the topic of the paragraph. What the paragrah is about.

11. What is a good piece of advice when using pronouns within a paragraph? 2/4
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To identify the key noun

12. What is a good linking word to add a complete contrast?

On the other hand

13. What are the three main orders in writing?

Time, space and order of importance.

14. What is a fact?

It is an idea that could be known and proved to be true.

15. Which of the following could be considered facts?

Statistics and Quotations

16. What is plagiarism?

It is using someone else's words or ideas as if they were your own.

17. What is a quoation?

It is a sentence or phrase that is taken out of a book, poem, or play.

18. What is the main focus on a narrative paragraph? 3/4
1/8/23, 09:06

Events, stories, experiences

19. What is the main focus on a expository paragraph?

Explaining something or providing instruction.

20. Which type of writing allows us to use contractions and idioms?

Informal writing

21. How do we know if an email is formal?

When it contains specific words and there are no contractions, idioms or phrasal verbs.

22. Why is it a good idea to use emojis when writing something on your social media

Because they help communicate your idea better in a fun and creative way.

23. What does "cuz" mean when chatting?


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