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Acondicionamiento de lámina mineral de roca Activity Based Risk Assessment

Version A
Risk Assessed By Approved By Date
Review Due Date Last Review Date 01-abril-2023
Michael Carpintero 15-agosto-2023 Sheet 1 of 7
Last review by

Risk Persons at Risk Risk Level

P = Probability E – Employees Very High Intolerable – Work with this risk level must not be carried out. Controls must be put in place to reduce the risk level to High or lower before work begins.

This is an activity with inherently high risks which must be controlled. The activity may proceed with a residual risk level assessed as “High” if the appropriate formal
I = Impact C – Contractors High
measures are implemented to reduce and control the risk (e.g., method statements, permits to work, specialist training, specific engineering controls, etc.).
O – Others; i.e., members of the public,
RL = Risk Level
clients, employees
Work may proceed when the identified controls are in place. A safe system of work, method statement, safe working instruction, or equivalent, shall support these
activities – see the ABB Way Standard for more information, if required.

Work may proceed when the identified controls are in place.
Very low

NOTE: An assessment of local conditions (Stop Take 5) must be made, and additional control measures implemented if identified as necessary by that assessment.

Acondicionamiento de lámina mineral de roca Activity Based Risk Assessment

Version A
Risk Assessed By Approved By Date
Review Due Date Last Review Date 01-abril-2023
Michael Carpintero 15-agosto-2023 Sheet 2 of 7
Last review by

Control Measures
Persons Risk
Task Evaluate the risk taking into account the existing hierarchy controls listed in this column. (substitution,
Step Hazards (reason and likely consequence) at Risk P x I = RL
engineering; administrative control, PPE)
Peligro: Eliminación:
Exposición a material de fibra de El contenedor no está en funcionamiento
vidrio Sustitución:
Riesgo: Seguir las indicaciones de los jefes o encargados de las áreas de trabajo ya sea
Contacto directo o indirecto con dentro o fuera del contenedor.
material fibra de vidrio. Control de ingeniería:
Consecuencias: N.A
Desempacar Lana mineral X 3 2 Medio
Irritación en la piel, comezón, ardor. Control administrativo:
Competencia: Personal técnico electromecánico que Asegurar que todos los
colaboradores que intervengan en las maniobras peligrosas conozcan las
normas de seguridad para que se lleven a cabo.
traje ignífugo 8 cal según aprobación del Asesor ECAP
Peligro: Eliminación:
Exposición cables energizados Corte de energía del contenedor.
debajo del contenedor. Sustitución:
Riesgo: Verificación de ausencia de tensión.
Contacto eléctrico directo o indirecto Validar los 7 pasos que salvan vidas – Ausencia de tensión.
con cables energizados. No se realizarán actividades hasta tanto los equipos existentes estén libres de
Consecuencias: cualquier tipo de energía eléctrica para eliminar el riesgo por contacto
Quemaduras en la piel, fibrilación innecesario.
electrocución, choque eléctrico En todo caso, seguir las indicaciones de los jefes o encargados de las áreas de
trabajo ya sea dentro o fuera del contenedor.
X Control de ingeniería: N/A 3 2 Medio
Tapete dieléctrico, con el fin de sobreponer en bandeja porta cable para aislar al
funcionario del contacto con los cables energizados.
Control administrativo:
Competencia del personal técnico electromecánico que Asegurar que todos los
colaboradores que intervengan en las maniobras peligrosas conozcan las
Alistamiento de alfombra normas de seguridad para que se lleven a cabo.
dieléctrica EPP:
traje ignífugo 8 cal según aprobación del Asesor ECAP

Acondicionamiento de lámina mineral de roca Activity Based Risk Assessment

Version A
Risk Assessed By Approved By Date
Review Due Date Last Review Date 01-abril-2023
Michael Carpintero 15-agosto-2023 Sheet 3 of 7
Last review by

Acondicionamiento de lámina mineral de roca Activity Based Risk Assessment

Version A
Risk Assessed By Approved By Date
Review Due Date Last Review Date 01-abril-2023
Michael Carpintero 15-agosto-2023 Sheet 4 of 7
Last review by


Very Minor (1) Minor (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Extreme (5)

Occurs Almost
expected Certain Medium Medium High Very High Very High
(e.g., daily) (5)

often, Likely
common Medium Medium High High Very High
(e.g., weekly)

probable Low Medium Medium High High
(e.g., annually) (3)

un-common Unlikely
(e.g., once in Low Medium Medium High High

Acondicionamiento de lámina mineral de roca Activity Based Risk Assessment

Version A
Risk Assessed By Approved By Date
Review Due Date Last Review Date 01-abril-2023
Michael Carpintero 15-agosto-2023 Sheet 5 of 7
Last review by

rare Rare
(e.g., never Very low Low Medium Medium High
realized in
Illness which requires medical treatment or attention, but still
Short-term symptoms (illness)/ condition which does not result fit Illness, rendering them unfit for normal duties (UNABLE TO
Health in lost time. Reversible effects. for normal duties. Reversible effects. WORK). Reversible effects but severe in nature.
Debilitating, terminal and/or lasting ill health issues. Terminal health conditions which could affect multiple people.

Minor injury, no worse than first aid required – First aid Basic medical treatment (not amputations or broken bones),
lost time or restricted workday incident - quick return to work Broken bones, musculoskeletal injury, significant burns Single fatality or disabling Injuries (i.e., amputations, loss of
Safety Incident
(absence beyond the shift it occurred). (significant absence from work). sight, etc.).
Fatalities (multiple).

Serious, medium-term (months) environmental damage

Minimal, short-term (hours) environmental damage, contained Minor, short-term (days) environmental damage, contained Short-term (weeks) environmental damage, contained within and/or Very serious, long-term (years) or permanent environmental
Environment within the immediate area. within the facility boundary. the site boundary. has local offsite impact. damage and/or has national/ international impact.

Acts of violence, not involving a weapon, not perpetrated by

Threat of violence, not involving a weapon, not perpetrated by Acts of violence which involved a weapon and resulted in Acts of violence which involved a weapon and resulted in
employees, contractors, or related third-party individuals, Acts of violence which involved a weapon and resulted in one
Security employees, contractors or related third-party individuals,
resulting in no injuries or injuries requiring no more than first
injuries requiring emergency medical treatment or injury requiring hospitalization for more than 24 hours or
or more fatalities.
resulting in no injuries. hospitalization less than 24 hours. resulting in a fatality.
aid treatment.


Employee Acknowledgement
Affected Worker(s) to print name Affected Worker(s) to Sign Date Affected Worker(s) to print name Affected Worker(s) to Sign Date



Acondicionamiento de lámina mineral de roca Activity Based Risk Assessment

Version A
Risk Assessed By Approved By Date
Review Due Date Last Review Date 01-abril-2023
Michael Carpintero 15-agosto-2023 Sheet 6 of 7
Last review by

I agree that the work described will proceed in accordance with the controls/precautions specified in Activity Based Risk Assessment and associated documentation.

Client/Customer to print name Client/Customer to Sign

Supervisor to print name Supervisor to Sign Date Date
(If applicable) (if applicable)

Acondicionamiento de lámina mineral de roca Activity Based Risk Assessment

Version A
Risk Assessed By Approved By Date
Review Due Date Last Review Date 01-abril-2023
Michael Carpintero 15-agosto-2023 Sheet 7 of 7
Last review by

I confirm that the proposed actions have
Risk Factor Actual been completed and that the expected
Planned action risk reduction has been achieved.
Proposed actions/ risk reduction measures Action Owner completion
completion date
(hazard being reduced) date
Pre-action Risk Factor Post Action Risk Factor Name Signature Date
Asegurarse de que se disponga de un equipo
de extinción de incendios adecuado (por
ejemplo, extintor) (Fuego si hay una Medium Low
1 Asegurarse que en las instalaciones del
actions will be effective in reducing the risk.

cliente , las cargas de los circuitos ramales del

Re-assess risks to show how proposed

Medium Low
equipo a inspeccionar se encuentren fuera de

Also consider whether any new

operación y bloqueadas para su operación.

hazards will be introduced .

2 Las pruebas funcionales de transferencias o

retransferencias cerradas se deben desarrollar Low
con las puertas cerradas de los equipos para

asegurar la protección arco resistente.

3 Asegurar de la disposición de botiquín en el

Low Low
área de trabajo.

This section should only be used to insert actions which have been identified (but not yet completed) which will reduce risks and improve the process.


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