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3 fr naka
2 a
0 , 20 ro T
2 j o Tu
u ne Ban 17 esda
J y
e s d ay, 4.6 b
Query Classification 2.1 y,
6.2 Jun
Tu .16.2 .6 e 20,
172 Tips and Common Mistakes Ba 2023
njo fro
Ta m IP

Table of Contents

Common Mistake #1: Failing to identify additional wording. ................................................. 2

Examples of requests that consist of ONLY Entity names: ................................................... 3

Examples of Entities with additional wording: ........................................................................ 3

Common Mistake #2: Apps VS Organizations. ........................................................................ 4

Common Mistake #3: Apps VS Websites (Others or None of the above) VS Videogames
(Others or None of the above) ................................................................................................... 5

Common Mistake #4: Famous Person VS Athlete ................................................................... 7

Common Mistake #5: Can the request be understood? ......................................................... 8

Common Mistake #6: Clear Intent VS Ambiguous Intent ........................................................ 8

o m ka
17 esda f r
23 Tan
2.1 y, 2 0
6.2 Jun 0, or o
.6 e 20, n e 2 Banj
Ba 2023 ay , Ju 6 by
njo fro
ro u esd .254
Ta m IP T .1 6
ka 172
This material contains information that is proprietary and confidential to TELUS International. It cannot be shared with third parties 1
without TELUS International written consent. DO NOT COPY. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE.
3 fr naka
Common Mistake 2 a
0 , 20 r#1:
o T Failing to identify additional wording.
2 nj o T u
e 17 esda
J un y Ba 2.1 y,
The most common ,
ay 4.6 b mistake in this task is observed in Q3 (Categories).
6.2 Jun
s d
e .2 5 54
T .16 .6 e 20,
2 by
17 indicate for Q3, to select “Others or None of the Above” Ba 20if23the entity
njo fro
contains additional wording. ro
Ta m IP
We noticed that the majority of analysts are ignoring this rule, and are incorrectly
classifying queries with extra wording as something else.


Request: lakers game

Request: lakers game

Entity Additional wording

Correct Answer: Others or None of the Above

The additional wording wouldn’t allow for correct category classification.

Tu “Others or None of the Above” should be selected in these cases. IP
e r o m ka
17 sda f a
2.1 y, See additional examples below. 2 0 23 Tan
6.2 Jun 0, or o
.6 e 20, n e 2 Banj
Ba 2023 ay , Ju 6 by
njo fro
ro m u esd .254
Ta IP T .1 6
ka 172
This material contains information that is proprietary and confidential to TELUS International. It cannot be shared with third parties 2
without TELUS International written consent. DO NOT COPY. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE.
3 fr naka
Examples of requests 2 a
0 , 20 ro T that consist of ONLY Entity names:
2 j o Tu
u ne Ban 17 esda
J by 2.1 y,
• “DHL”
s d ay, (a4 .6business name) 6.2 Jun
e 5 54
Tu .16.2 .6 e 20,
• “49ers”
172 (a sports team name) by
Ba 2023
njo fro
• “McDonalds” (a business name) ro
Ta m IP
• "San Francisco" (a physical location name) ka

• "Shake it off" (a song name)

• "Inception" (a movie name)
• "LeBron James" (an athlete name)
• "Bank of America" (a business name)

In these cases, the request consists of only an Entity name. In these cases, please
choose the category that best describes the user’s request in Q3.

Examples of Entities with additional wording:

• “DHL tracking”

• “49ers game”

• “McDonalds menu”

• “McDonalds locations”

• "San Francisco weather"

• "Lyrics to Shake It Off"

• "LeBron James age"

e • "Directions to Bank of America" f r o m ka
17 sda 23 Tan
2.1 y, 2 0
6.2 Jun 0, or o
.6 e 20, n e 2 Banj
In these
Ba cases,
2 , Ju 6 by
the query consists of an Entity name + Additional wording.
3 .
njo choose
You should ro rom
f esd .2of
"Others or None of Above" in Q3 for thisutype 54requests.
Ta IP T .1 6
ka 172
This material contains information that is proprietary and confidential to TELUS International. It cannot be shared with third parties 3
without TELUS International written consent. DO NOT COPY. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE.
3 fr naka
Common Mistake 2 a
0 , 20 r#2:
o T Apps VS Organizations.
o Tu
n e 2 Banj 1 esd
u mistake 72 question
Another common
a , J
y .6 b y in this task is observed in the same .16 ay, J (Q3 - Categories),
es d 54 .25 une
when deciding
Tu .16.2 whether a request refers to an ‘App’, or an ‘Organization’. 4.6 2
7 2 by 0, 20
1 B a 23 f
If a request can be categorized as both, before selecting “Name of anjoMobile ro romApp”,
you should always do research to determine if the request can be first Tclassified an IP
as any of the other categories given above in the list (like Organization). Example: a

Request: resy

The Wikipedia page of “Resy” says that “Resy is an American online restaurant-
reservation service company”, so this request belongs to “organization” category:

“Resy” could also be categorized as a “Mobile App”, however, according to the task
instructions, the further-above category “Organization” should be selected in these

e r o m ka
17 sda f a
2.1 y, 2 0 23 Tan
6.2 Jun 0, or o
. 6
0 n e 2 Banj
Please by note:
, The option for “Mobile App” should only be selected if, none
Ju byof the
Ba 2023 ay .6
categoriesnjoabove f in the list could be selected.
ro rom u esd .254
Ta IP T .1 6
ka 172
This material contains information that is proprietary and confidential to TELUS International. It cannot be shared with third parties 4
without TELUS International written consent. DO NOT COPY. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE.
3 fr naka
Common Mistake 2 a
0 , 20 r#3:
o T Apps VS Websites (Others or None of the
2 nj o T u
e 17 esda
above) VS Videogames
, J un y Ba (Others or None of the above)
2.1 y,
ay 4.6 b 6.2 Jun
e .2d 5 54
AnotherT common 16 .6 -e Categories),
7 2 . mistake in this task is also observed in question 3 (Q3 by 0, 20 when
deciding whether a request should be categorized as an App, a Website - Others
B a 2 3
njoor None
f of the
ro rom
Above, or a Videogame - Others or None of the Above. See the differences below: Ta I
na P
- A mobile Application or “App” is a program or software application designed to run on a
mobile device such as a phone, tablet, or watch. Apps are usually available through
distribution platforms called app stores. Examples: whatsapp, tinder, we chat.

- A Website is a collection of webpages that are hosted on a webserver, and can be

accessed using a web browser over the internet. Examples: quora, reddit, imdb.

- A Video Game is an electronic game designed mainly for entertainment purposes, which
can be played on a computing device, such as a personal computer, gaming console or
mobile. Examples: call of duty, super smash bros, overwatch.

Example 1:

Request: rotten tomatoes

According to research, “Rotten Tomatoes” is a Website. “Website” is not given in the category
list, so “Others or None of the Above” should be selected in these cases:

o m ka
17 esda f r
23 Tan
2.1 y, 2 0
6.2 Jun 0, or o
.6 e 20, n e 2 Banj
Ba 2023 ay , Ju 6 by
njo fro
ro u esd .254
Ta m IP T .1 6
ka 172
This material contains information that is proprietary and confidential to TELUS International. It cannot be shared with third parties 5
without TELUS International written consent. DO NOT COPY. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE.
3 fr naka
Example 2: 2 a
0 , 20 ro T
2 j o Tu
u ne Ban 17 esda
Request: empiresJ y
ay, 4.6&bpuzzles
2.1 y,
s d 6.2 Jun
e 5 54
Tu .16.2 .6 e 20,
172 Ba 2023
njo fro
Ta m IP

According to research, “Empires & Puzzles” is a Video Game. “Video Game” category
is not given in the list, so “Others or None of the Above” should be selected in these

Tu Please specify the category that best describes the Entity in your comments. om I a
e r k
17 sda
2.1 y, 0 2 3 f ana
And: T
6.2 Jun
54 e 2 0, 2 joro
2 e n
by 0, 20 , J un y Ba
Ba 23 y b
njo fro Always do research to confirm your ratings. esda 254.6
Ta m IP Tu .16.
ka 172
This material contains information that is proprietary and confidential to TELUS International. It cannot be shared with third parties 6
without TELUS International written consent. DO NOT COPY. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE.
3 fr naka
Common Mistake 2 a
0 , 20 r#4:o T Famous Person VS TAthlete.
2 j o ues
ne Ban 1
Another commony , J u y
b 7 2.1 day, 3 (Q3 - Categories),
in this task is also observed in question
a 4. 6 6.2 Jun
u esd .25whether
when deciding a request refers to an athlete or a famous 54person.
.6 e 20,
T .16 by
17 2 Ba 2023
If an Entity can be categorized as both, please conduct research to establish njo frthe
ro om most
appropriate categorization. Ta IP

Request: gina carano

According to research, Gina Carano is an American actress, and former mixed martial

According to the search results, the most appropriate categorization would be

"American actress/celebrity”, so a “famous person” categorization would be more
appropriate than “athlete” in this case.
e r o m ka
17 sda f a
2.1 y, Please note: 2 0 23 Tan
6.2 Jun 0, or o
.6note in
0 “Name of a Famous Person (excluding athletes)” means that e 2 Banj
by , 20
should be Ba categorised
2 as such, using their own “Athletes” category, it , Ju 6 bmean
ay y
njo fro s d 4 .
a famous person ro can’t
m be a former athlete. u e .25
Ta IP T .1 6
ka 172
This material contains information that is proprietary and confidential to TELUS International. It cannot be shared with third parties 7
without TELUS International written consent. DO NOT COPY. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE.
3 fr naka
Common Mistake 2 a
0 , 20 r#5:
o T Can the request be Tunderstood?
2 j o ues
ne Ban 1
y , J u
b y 7 2.1 day,
sda .254. mistake in this task is also observed in Question
Another ecommon 6.2 Ju1n (Can the request
T .16 .6 e 20,
be understood?),
2 when deciding whether a request can be understood
by or20not.
17 Ba 23
njo fro
Q1 should be answered “Yes”, unless it can’t be understood, because Ta mofIP the
following reasons:

- Gibberish or incomplete (it’s impossible to read/understand the request).

- Inappropriate (the query contains disturbing, offensive, illegal, pornographic, or other
inappropriate content).
- Wrong language (the query can’t be understood because is in a wrong language, it
is NOT the name of popular song, movie, business, etc., and is not widely used in English).

Please use your best judgement to answer this question, but only select “No” if it’s
impossible to understand the query because of the reasons mentioned above.

Common Mistake #6: Clear Intent VS Ambiguous Intent

Lastly, another common mistake observed in these tasks is in Question 2 (Is the user's
intent clear?).

- “Clear intent” means, by reading the request, that is clear what the user wants to

- “Ambiguous intent” means the query can be understood, but it is not clear what
the user wants to do. Please only select this option if, after doing research, and
based on the information available, you conclude that there are multiple
interpretations of the request.

If there are multiple interpretations of the request, please conduct research and
use your best judgement to answer Q3, and select the category you consider to be the
Tu most appropriate for the request, or “Others or None of the Above” if the most appropriatem IP
17 esda category is not given. fro naka
2.1 y, 23 a
6.2 Jun
2 0 , 20 joro T
54 e2 n
.6 Any
by 0,reasonable choices of category would be correct, but research should ne conducted,
ube Ba
B 023 , J b y
fro es day 54.6
be provided in the comments to support your ratings.
ro Tu .16. 2
Ta m IP
ka 172
This material contains information that is proprietary and confidential to TELUS International. It cannot be shared with third parties 8
without TELUS International written consent. DO NOT COPY. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE.

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