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Subject: News

Bulletin from Aidan Burley MP #25 Date: Thursday, 13 October 2011 13:05:26 United Kingdom Time From: To: Aidan Burley MP

In this edition:
Aidan Burley MPs Diary Website of the Week: Blue Bird Care Aidan meets Job Fayre success stories MP swaps Question Time for milk time Photo news: Cannock Chase High School Groups have their say to support the Chase Photo news: Staffordshire University Academy Aidan in the papers: Week in Westminster How to contact Aidan Burley MP

Issue 25 Thursday 13th October 2011

Since the last edition, Aidan has:

Hosted the second of his Jobs Fayres at the Rugeley Rose Theatre, Rugeley. Met with three of the new employees of Blue Bird Care, recruited at his Cannock and Rugeley Jobs Fayres. In total 18 local people have so far been employed as a direct result of attending one of Aidans Jobs Fayres with the number growing every day. Hosted a meeting with key stakeholders on the main issues affecting the Chase Line rail service. Among issues discussed included the proposed timetable changes by London Midland as well as potential future plans for electrification and line speed upgrades. Visited Chadsmoor Community Infants and Nursery School to become a 'milk monitor' and help celebrate World School Milk Day. Questioned the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Work and Pensions on what steps she has taken to assist parents and carers of disabled children to work through the provision of help with disabled child care. Spoke at the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy conference on Policing Reform on the on the topic of The Future Landscape for Policing.

Website of the Week:
The website of Blue Bird Care who have employed several local people and are interviewing more as a result of attending Aidans Cannock Jobs Fayre. Blue Bird Care is part of a franchise network and Cannock was the first franchise, starting in April 2007. There are now 105 franchisees in the Bluebird Care network. Across Cannock & Stafford they employ about 70 carers who visit people in their own homes to help them live independently at home.

Aidan meets Job Fayre success stories

Aidan with Samantha Danks (recruited at Rugeley Jobs Fayre), Kayleigh Taylor (recruited at Cannock Jobs Fayre) and Sean Doyle-Burnett (recruited at Cannock Jobs Fayre). Aidan last week met some of the local people and employers who have benefited from Cannock Chase's inaugural Job Fayres. The Fayres had been organised and hosted by the local MP as part of his mission to get Cannock Chase working. In all over 600 local people attended the two Jobs Fayres held at South Staffordshire College in Cannock and the Rugeley Rose Theatre and over 360 CVs were handed out to businesses. As well as meeting potential employers at the fayres, local people also had the opportunity to attend a number of free seminars and workshops aimed at improving their employability skills. One employer who has already benefitted is Bluebird Care, which provides home care to elderly and vulnerable people to help them live independently at home. They have confirmed that as a direct result of the fayres they have already interviewed and recruited 4 local people for positions as Care workers with more due to be in interviewed and hopefully recruited over the next couple of weeks. Sudan Milakovic Director of Bluebird Care said: "We were really grateful for the opportunity to recruit some excellent staff ready for the Autumn & Winter increased need for care in the community. There is a huge demand in the area for high quality care staff and all that is required is a caring manner and willingness to learn." One of the new recruits Samantha Danks said: "I had not thought about working in care and thought I would be turned down as I have no experience. But, I was thrilled to be given the chance to be a carer and I know I'm going to love it. I'm very grateful that the Jobs Fayre was held and very excited to be back in work." As well as the success at Bluebird Care, Aidan has confirmed that he has received a number of emails from constituents who have said that they have been given interviews and placements as a result of meeting employers at the Fayres. Commenting Aidan said: "I would like thank all the businesses and jobseekers for getting involved in these two Job Fayres. "At the beginning of this process I was clear that if we could help just one person find employment then the Fayres would be worthwhile. I am delighted therefore that a number of businesses including Bluebird Care have already got in touch saying that they have employed several people as a direct result of meeting them at the Jobs Fayres. I hope this is just the beginning and that many more attendees will go on to gain employment."

MP swaps Question Time for milk time

Aidan at Chadsmoor Community Infants and Nursery School, alongside Head Teacher Mrs Karen Burns and the children. Aidan recently visited Chadsmoor Community Infants and Nursery School to become a 'milk monitor' and help celebrate World School Milk Day. Chadsmoor Community Infants and Nursery School is one of thousands of schools across more than 40 countries taking part in celebrations dedicated to World School Milk Day (28th September). The day encourages children to drink milk and aims to educate them about the benefits of milk. In the UK, school milk is free for children in day-care or primary education under the age of five, and subsidised for school students aged five to eleven. Milk is delivered fresh and chilled to the classroom, distributed by students and consumed as a group. This process helps teach children responsibility, independence, manners and numeracy, and providesimportant social time in a child's day. Further, milk is vital for building healthy bones and teeth and improves a child's concentration, memory and creativity. Commenting after the visit Aidan said: "I was delighted to pay a visit to Chadsmoor Community Infants and Nursery School as part of World School Milk Day 2011. I enjoyed being an honorary 'Milk Monitor' for the day, and was pleased to have the opportunity to support this international initiative which helps promote the importance of drinking milk at school." Head Teacher from Chadsmoor Community Infants and Nursery School, Mrs Karen Burns, said that milk at snack time in our nursery is helping our pupils adopt healthy eating habits. She added: "It also rehydrates and gives an energy boost enabling them to get the most out of their active learning."

Aidan giving out milk and stickers to the children at Chadsmoor Community Infants and Nursery School, as part of World School Milk Day.

Photo news:

Cannock Chase High School

Aidan at Cannock Chase High School, where he visited recently to unveil a plaque marking the inauguration of the school as the Academy for our community.

Aidan with Headteacher Barrie Scott at Cannock Chase High School.

Groups have their say to support the Chase

Aidan Burley MP has confirmed that all 4 local groups he recently selected to speak with a representative of the Independent Panel on Forestry have now completed their discussions. This comes after Aidan was asked to identify a small number of key local groups who were able to put forward their views on the future of Cannock Forest directly to the Panel looking into the future of the public forestry estate. The groups selected to put forward their views were: Friends of Cannock Chase, Brindley Heath Parish Council, 'Save Cannock Chase' Facebook Group and Hednesford Town Council. Commenting Aidan said: "I am pleased that all four of the local groups I selected to speak to the Panel have now had the chance to do so. I would like to say a special thank you to all the groups for taking part and helping to support Cannock Chase." A spokesperson from the Panel Secretariat said: "The conversations were most helpful and revealed a range of views about a number of issues relating principally to the public forest estate and Forestry Commission, but also some about the wider Chase. The two most common themes from the conversations were a clear sense of "local ownership" of the Chase and the important role it plays for access for local people and those from the wider area." The Panel expect to publish a progress report of their findings towards the end of November.

Photo news:

Staffordshire University Academy

Aidan with staff and pupils during a visit to Staffordshire University Academy, which has recently re-opened under this name, having formerly been Blake Valley. Commenting after his visit, Aidan said: I was delighted to get the opportunity to visit Staffordshire University Academy so soon after its re-opening. I particularly enjoyed speaking with the staff and students about some of the changes they have made since there conversion into an academy as well their exciting plans for the future; in particular the 9.7 million of Government investment it will be getting over the next 3 years. During my visit I was intrigued to learn that 96% of the students walk to the School, which highlighted to me just how important the school is to the local community. The whole school should be very proud of what they have achieved over the last couple of years and I firmly believe that with the sponsorship of Staffordshire University and the new freedoms that come with academy status, the School will continue to go from strength to strength.

Aidan in the papers:

Aidan Burley MP, Chase Post Thursday 13th October 2011

Week in Westminster

Parliament returned this week after the traditional Party Conference season. There has been much debate as to whether such events are still necessary, but I for one welcome the opportunity three weeks away from Westminster brings to spend more time in the constituency. My main focus during this recent recess was to organise and host Cannock Chases first ever Jobs Fayres - one in Cannock, and one in Rugeley. Over 600 local people attended and over 360 CVs were handed out which was great considering these were the first of their kind in the constituency. When organising them, I felt that if we could help just one person find employment, then all the work would be worthwhile. So you can imagine my delight when Bluebird Care got in touch last week saying that they have already employed people as a direct result of meeting them at the Jobs Fayres and are going on to interview even more. I hope this is just the beginning and that many more companies will follow suit. In the last couple of weeks I have also had the privilege of visiting Cannock Chase High and the new Staffordshire University Academy, the latter of which will shortly be receiving 9.7 million of Government investment for improvements. Both schools should be very proud of what they have achieved over the last few years and I firmly believe that with the new freedoms that come with academy status, they will continue to go from strength to strength. I completed my time in the constituency last week by hosting a very useful meeting with key stakeholders on the main issues affecting the Chase Line rail service, which I know is vital to many of my constituents. Among issues discussed included the proposed timetable changes by London Midland as well as potential future plans for electrification and line speed upgrades. It is vital that we have regular, fast services from Rugeley to Birmingham.

5 ways to contact Aidan Burley MP:

By Phone: 01543 502 447 By email: By post: Aidan Burley MP 6 High Green Court, Newhall Street Cannock, WS11 1GR In person: Click here for details of how to book an appointment at Aidan Burley MPs regular help and advice surgeries.
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Aidan Burley MP Putting Cannock Chase First!

Published & Promoted by Aidan Burley MP, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA

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