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NLP Course

Lecture 1

NLP stand for three words i.e. Neuro Linguistic Programming.

First word Neuro belongs to nervous system. Our nervous system or mind understand any experience or
perception through five senses. Five senses include Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Olfactory, Gustatory. It
means seeing, listening, feeling, tasting and smelling. Through these five senses our nervous system
understands any experience or perception. Second word is linguistic and it belongs to language. In
linguistic both verbal and non-verbal communication is included. This communication done by un-
conscious mind. Through this communication, coding can be done of N.R.S (Neural Representation
System) or order N.R.S. or N.R.S create meaning of any event. This communication can be done through
Pictures, Sounds, Feelings, Tastes, Smells and Words (Self Talk). Third word is programming. In this part
we understand how the program is run in our mind and how we can change this program or convert
program according to our need. Assume that you in one room where many other peoples are too.
Suddenly a snake come to in room. After seeing snake, some people run because of afraid, some peoples
are shouting, some People try to hit snake, some people try to catch snake. Different people have
different reaction. It means one event same for all peoples that seeing the snake but the reaction of all
peoples is separate. It means seeing this event, in every people’s mind’s different program is run. Some
people’s mind’s run a program that we should shout, some people’s mind’s run a program that it is
dangerous thing and we should ran away from them, Some peoples mind’s run a program that it is only
an animal and I should catch them in my hand, Some peoples mind run a program that it can bite any
one so we can beat them. Event is one but programs are different. If we expend more them then we
know in our life daily many events are occur. And we are reacting these events or perform action on
these events. Action / Reaction resultant of an event, depends on the program which run in our mind
against this event. If we convert this program in our mind and make it resourceful then we can make
every event of our life if favorable for me. NLP promise that it can give us our dream life. Through NLP
we can better our relation, we can better our performance. This NLP promise base on are hidden on the
programing end. Second thing is that can alter this program and also we can lean any successful persons
program. After understanding we can adopt successful persons strategies and install them in our self. It is
all possible through NLP. NLP definition is “NLP is how to use the language of the mind to consistently
achieve our specific & desired outcomes”. In more simple words “NLP is an instruction manual for the

“Map is not the territory”

Lecture 2

Every moment some event occur every where in external world. Every time events occur in every one
and ourself. We received these events information (from external world to) in our mind (in internal
world) through our 5 senses. These five senses is 1. Visual, 2. Auditory, 3. Kinesthetic, 4. Olfactory and 5.
Gentery. It means we received information through 1. seeing, 2. Listening, 3. Feeling, 4. Testing, 5.
Smelling. When we receive information through external world to internal world (Mind), the first thing
doing our mind is to filter information. The name of filter is called Reticular Activating System (R.A.S).
Our mind do three things with information. 1. Delete. For example we travel anywhere, our mind delete
un-necessary information like building height shape, cars color and model, peoples face, things
information etc, what we see during travel. These information received in mind and mind delete it
because it is not important are it is not necessary to save in conscious 2. Distort (means information
received but changed information). For example I am too busy and my friend calling me. May be mobile
is silent, may be in charging etc I can’t pick the call of my friend. When we meet my friend he say
(assume that) I am ignoring them. This not ture and I am not ignoring them. So in actual the information
is that call not attended but friend mind distort information that his friend ignoring them or create
meaning that I ignore my friend. Being human we always give meaning of events but it is not necessary
that the meaning we created are true. Being human we are meaning making machines 3. Generalize
(Generalize information based on pass experience). For example we meet a person and that time he is
angry. Second and third time we meet same friend but his mode is same (angry). Fourth time where we
go to same friend our mind give us information that when we meet friend he will be angry mode. Our
mind make generalization that the man is always angry. It is possible that this is not true. It may be co-
incident that wherever I meet my friend he is angry. This is because of my mind generalize that the many
is always angry based on my past experience.

First question in our mind is created that the external world event data is received in our mind then why
mind make filter on them. Why delete, distort and generalize data. It is because of two reasons. For
understanding them we share Hungarian Scientist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi book “Flow” research that our
mind received information through our 5 senses on every second 2 million bits of data every single
second. It is huge amount of data. After filtration delete, distort and generalized, the information
process, the information which create internal representation which is 123 bits of data per second.
(Brain can only effectively process around 134 bits of data a second) Percentage 0/0067%. More then
99% data is deleted.

Human not perceive the reality. Human perceived perception of reality. It means event related
information or personal representation I I created that it is not actual information. It means whatever
words I use for describe the event information, it not describes actual information it describes my
internal representation that what information I receive from event, what means I created, what
perception of mine is created. Because of huge data filter is work. Second thing is that our mind tries to
show us similar kind of experiences so that we can understand information easily. At current time
external event information, mind after filter, can relate or associate which information already saved in
our mind.

Every person has their own perception and reality.

Lecture 3
What is the basic of delete, distort and generalization. What basis our unconscious mind deletes, distort
and generalize information. It depends on many reasons like 1. Meta Programs, 2. Values, 3. Beliefs, 4.
Memories, 5. Decisions, 6. Past Experience, 7. Information I have, 8. Physiology. Next few lectures we
understand all of them. Currently for clarity i provide example.


See around you red things. After 10 seconds if I ask you the name of green things. You think asking
question is about red thing but know ask green thing. The green things is already exist but we instruct
mind that only see red things and mind memorize them and mind delete green things information. It is I
decide that what things I see.


If you belief that every person are lying. So, if any one saying truth but mind distort information and that
the person is lying.


What things are important for us, mind memorize them and process them and delete other things.

Past experience:

Mind create same things same as our past experience.

Meta Programs:

These programs are hidden in our self.


If I feel sick and I go to any party then I can’t enjoy party and party make me more uncomfortable. But if I
am feeling well then I enjoy party and everything will be joy full for me

After delete, distort and generalize, small amount of data creates our internal representation which also
called personalize internal representation.

External event is not equal internal event because data is deleted, distort and generalize.

Internal representation of two and more persons on a particular event will not be same because of every
person have their own past experience, values, beliefs etc

Our physiology depends on our internal representation. For example

if an event make me happy then my physiology is happy and I am laughing.

When I receive a surprise letter from a friend, my heart swells with gratitude, and a warm smile spreads
across my face.

Achieving a challenging goal fills me with confidence, making my posture straighten and my steps
Internal representation lead physiology and physiology internal representation and between them I thing
is created called “STATE OF MIND”. It is the powerful thing among all of them.

Resourceful State of Mind: Faced with a problem, a resourceful state of mind allows for creative
solutions to flow effortlessly, turning challenges into opportunities.

Unresourceful State of Mind: In moments of self-doubt, an unresourceful state of mind hampers clear
thinking, making obstacles appear insurmountable and stifling progress.

Resourceful: Creative, empowered, resilient.

Unresourceful: Stressed, anxious, overwhelmed.

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