Task Toefl

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Nam : Ismayanthy Z Mahulette

Nim : 200203009
Prodi : Manajemen Informatika

Put the ADVERB in its usual midsentence position
1. Erick has seen snow  Erick has never seen snow
2. Teddy studies at the library in the evening  Teddy often studies at the library in the
3. Amanda is at the library in the evening, too  Amanda often is at the library in the
evening, too.
4. Marcia has finished studying for tomorrow’s test  Marcia has already finished
studying for tomorrow's test.
5. Mr. Elly is at home  Mr. Elly is always at home
6. Does he stay there?  Does he always stay there?
7. He goes to mall with his friends  He always goes to the mall with his friends.
8. You should tell the truth  You should always tell the truth.
9. She loves action movie  She always loves action movies.
10. Sandy stays at apartment  Sandy always stays at the apartment.

Identify the verb (V), noun (N), Adjectives (ADJ) & Adverb (ADV)!
1. Mr. Clark opened the heavy door slowly

 Verb : opened
 Noun : Mr. Clark, door
 Adjective : heavy
 Adverb : slowly

2. Please listen to the beautiful song carefully!

 Verb : listen
 Noun : song
 Adjective : beautiful
 Adverb : carefully

3. The old man are absolutely happy

 Verb : are (Note: "are" should be "is" to match with "man")
 Noun : man
 Adjective : old, happy
 Adverb : absolutely

4. The hungry children ate burger

 Verb : ate
 Noun : children, burgers
 Adjective : hungry

5. Thank God you arrived safely at home

 Verb : arrived
 Noun : God, you, home
 Adjective : safely
 Adverb : None

Chose the correct one! Adverb or adjective
1. George is a careless writer. He writes carelessly.
2. Frank asked me an easy question. I answered it easily.
3. Sally speaks softly. She has a soft voice.
4. I entered the classroom quietly because I was late.
5. John speaks English very well. He has very good pronunciation.
6. This math problem looks easy. I am sure I can do it easily.
7. The chair looks comfortable.
8. I felt sad when I heard the news.
9. Susan smiled cheerfully. She seemed cheerful.
10. I tasted the soup carefully because it was hot. The soup tasted good
11. The room got quiet when the professor entered. The students sat quietlyat their desks.
12. The sky grew dark as the storm approached.

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