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In 1990 Mark Brown............................

(go) on holiday to Brazil for a month where

he............................(spend) over 1,000£, more than he ............................ (plan). His
mother ............................ (send) him money from England, by mail to cover his expenses.
He ............................ (insure) himself before going to Brazil and so he ............................ (decide) on
the last day to go to the police and say that he ............................ (rob), and with the report from the
police he............................(can) claim the money back from the insurance company.
He............................(be) so afraid about just happily walking to the police station that
he............................ (decide) that the most convincing way............................(be) to fake the robbery
in the street. He............................ (leave) all his bags in the hotel and ............................ (go) to a
rather dangerous part of Sao Paolo. He ............................ (walk) up and down the street for half an
hour deciding what to do, he ............................ (pick) up a telephone and............................ (pretend)
to speak to someone. Suddenly, he ............................ (scream) and ............................ (call) for help
and he ............................ (claim) that his bag............................(steal). To his surprise several
people ............................ (stop) and one man ............................ (tell) him to cross the street to where
a policeman............................(stand).
All the people ............................(follow) him across the road. He............................(be) very nervous
and ............................(know) that he............................ (have to) continue with his story.
He............................(tell) the policeman that he............................ (leave) his bag on the floor while
making a phone call and that when he ............................ (look) down, it ............................
(disappear). He then begin to describe all the things that ............................(be) in the bag.
He ............................(practise) it in the afternoon as he ............................(know) that the more
things he............................(say), the more money he would get. He............................(be) so nervous
that even though the story............................(be) true, he............................(start) to cry.
He............................(give) a description of two men he ............................(see) following him and
was told to go to the police station later that day to collect a report for his insurance company.
When he ............................ (get) back to England he ............................ (send) the police report to
the insurance company and they........................... (tell) him that every item over 50£ required a
receipt. He busily ............................ (spend) the next week collecting receipts from all the people
he............................ (know). He then............................ (send) the receipts off to the company
and ............................ (wait). After about five weeks he was sent another letter from the insurance
company telling him that he ............................(take) enough care of his bag and that they would not
pay any money. Mark ............................ (can) really complain, after all the story ............................
(be) all a fabrication. However, two days later he............................ (receive) a telegram from the
police in Brazil to tell him that his information and the prompt reporting of the
crime ............................ (let) to the arrest and conviction of two criminals who the
police ............................ (pursue) for much more serious crimes and that he was also entitled to a
reward of 2,500 £.

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