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University of Puerto Rico at Ponce English Department ENGL 4021 M03 MINUTES Meeting Date: August 10", 2023 NI to Order: {A regular meeting ofthe Course ENGL 4021 M03 of the University of Puerto Rico at Ponce (UPRP) was held in room MTC-3 of the Ruth Fortuflo Academic Building on August 10", 2023, The meeting convened a 9:00 aim, Professor LeCompte presiding and Lara V, Robledo, secretary. All students attended except: Jean P, Rodriguez. Approval of Minutes: were Ginad ‘August 8%, 2023 meeting(a) approved as distributed to members of the course. 7 Matters Discussed: 1. Professor Le Compte welcomed students and discussed the agenda for the meeting. ,, 2 The profesor instructed students 0 doa fee writing exercise anserine the followit Teenie eliminate a species of insect from the phase ofthe Earth, which one would tbe and why? She gave studentsG)ninutes to complete the writing” tee 4 After the time was up, Le Compe asked fortwo volunteers o read their free writing out loud The volunteers were Lara Robledo and Anjennyliz P. Nunez 4. The professor mentioned that students wll have to complete a minutes section in thei portfolios, 5, Le Compte discussed the technical document, minutes. The student Mis cs 1 ‘explaining the subject, the professor defined the following words: ree re venue, chai, and gist. Se explained to students the vocabulary section ofthe che tad ~ portioti. Gator we & mS 6. The chair informed students of an assignment in which each meeting GDhecein will be mua) A ce en bat meciny Gnas 2 : a Sorel Sone ‘Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 10:15 am. ‘Submitted by’ a Z CRveuk) August ) a2 Tara V. Robledo, Secretary Date of Approval University of Puerto Rico at Ponce English Department ENGL 4021 M03 MINUTES ‘Meeting Date: August 17, 2023 Gall to Order: ‘A regular meeting of the Course ENGL 4021 MO3 of the University of Puerto Rico at Ponce (UPRP) was. hheld in room MTC 3 of the Ruth FortuBo Academic Building on August 17, 2023. The meeting convened ‘at9.05 A.M Professor LeCompte presiding and Alejandra Y. Enchautegui Ramos, secretary All students attended. ‘Approval of Minutes: Minutes of August 15, 2023 meeting were approved after corrections Matters Discussed: 1. Professor Le Compte began the class with a free writing exercise. Students had to answer the question, “If you could be any disease, what would it be?” and gave three minutes to complete the writing cut, asigied she 2, The professor assign the students to sit in prs, she handed outX mouses traps. Fkey had six ‘minutes to assemble the mouse traps and write technical dooument on how it should be assembled. mstruthone, 3. The professor explained to the students that ll the characteristics are elements of casity to include in a technical document Also explained thatthe document needs to have e ttle an introduetory sentence, the steps must follow a chronological order, alabet diagram ofthe parts thai refering ty and fl» warning, beled 4, She 0:24 %n assignment todo a Venn diagram about the characteristics of three different mouse ap. ‘Adjournment; The mesting adjoumed a 10:04 AM Submited by | A brbeca —— ‘Algjandra Y. Enchautegut Ramos, Secretary Date of Approval University of Puerto Rico at Ponce English Department ENGL 4021 M03 MINUTES Meeting Date: August 17, 2023 Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Course ENGI in room MTC-3 of the Ruth Fortuio Academic Building on Augus Professor LeCompte presiding and Jorge A. Soto De Jesis, secretary. All students attended. Approval of Minutes: Minutes of August #, 2 5 1L 4021 MO3 of the University of Puerto Rico at Ponce (UPRP) was held 417, 2023. The meeting convened at MFE=3, Godan 123 meeting were approved as distributed to members of the course Matters sed: ng the students and giving a free writing exercise 1. Professor Le Compte started the class by weleomi I could cure any disease, which would it be” The exercise was based on answering the question “I 2. The professor told the students to choose a partner so they could start the application exercise with the information given in the previous class. The exercise consisted that in six minutes, without using any technological devices, they had to figure out how they could assemble a wooden mousetrap and write the technical instructions on how to do it students to read their instructions in front of the class to see if they 3. The professor asked one of the ‘ollowing this, she explained the elements of the technical instructions ‘were clear enough to understand. F that were i jure a) Beginswittre title i wali Spo b) Introductory sentence | / 10 bt fac c) Steps 4d) Labeled diagrams e) Warnings 4 After the professor showed a video of a cheese commercial, she assigned the students to make a Venn Diagram out ofthe different type of mouse traps, which were: wooden mousetrap, snapping mousetrap and glue mousetrap. tumore Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 10:04 am. ‘Submitted by He: eo August 22, 23, Tore/Coio De Jess, Secretary ate of Approval University of Puerto Rico at Ponce English Department ENGL 4021 M03 MINUTES Meeting Date: August 24, 2023, Gall to Order: ‘A regular meeting of the Course ENGI 4021 M03 of the University of Puerto Rico at Ponce (UPRP) was held in room MTC-3 of the Ruth Fortufio Academic Building on August 22, 2023. The meeting convened at 9:00 AM., Professor LeCompte presiding and Alejandro J. Ruiz Justi, secretary. All students attended ‘Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the August 22™ 2023, were approved after corrections. oe) 1. Professor Le Compte commenced the class with a free writing exercise. Students had to answer the question: “If you could eat only one meal forthe rest of your life, which one would it be and why? 2. The professor assigned the students to read chapter one of the ¥Pocket Guide to Technical Communicationk for the next class. She also announced a test in approximately three weeks. 3. The chair of the class discussed the components of linguisties, which are: Phonology Morphology Syntax Semantics Lexicon 4, Professor Le Compte explained some instructions about the final project. Ww | 5.,To conclude the lass, the professor asked the students to create an account on or ie, Before leaving the class, the students had to create a folder with their names on either of these websites. ooh Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:55 A.M. A gid 2% 202 Date’of Approval University of Puerto Rico at Ponce English Department ENGL 4021 M03 MINUTES Meeting Date: August 31, 2023 ‘A regular meeting of the Course ENGL 4021 M03 of the University of Puerto Rico at Ponce (UPRP) was held in room MTC-3 of the Ruth Fortuiio Academic Building on August 31, 2023. The meeting convened at 9:00am, Professor LeCompte presiding and Luis F. Colon, secretary, All students attended, Approval of Minutes: Minutes of August31,2023, meeting were approved after corrections Ags} 29 Matters Discuss 1. Professor Le Compte began the class by giving a quiz tothe student's based on the assigned reading material,which was chapter 2 of pocket Guide to Technical Communication. cintal 7 2. Professor gave the students the score of quiz | and’the outline. 3, She discussed the chapter 2 and gave a review of: a) ABC format b) Report ©) Page design 4. Finally, The teacher assigned we to watch the video The future of foods ; the class ea Vout’ eth Adjournment: The meeting adjoumed at 9:55am. Submitted by Luis F, Colon Rodriguez, Secretary Date of Approval

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