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Present simple1. GRAMMAR FOCUS(Track 35-1B)

Do:I, you,we, they
Does: he, she, it Did she work on Saturday?- She worked all Saturday.-She didn´t work on Saturday
-positives sentences:
Regular verb: the verb changes into past

Irregular Verb:

Did she go anywhere last weekend?-She went to the beach. -She didn't go anywhere
A. Complete these conversations.
1. A: _____________ stay
you _____________ (stay) home on Saturday?
B: No, I _____________ drove
(call) my friends. We _____________ (drive) to a café for lunch.
No, I didn't. I called
did spend "normal": infinitve form
2. A: How _____________ you _____________ (spend) your last birthday? bare form
had enjoyed
B: I _____________ (have) a party. Everyone _____________ (enjoy) it, base form
didn't like
but the neighbours _____________ (not/like) the noise.

3. A: _____________ do
you _____________ (do) anything special over the weekend?
did went
B: Yes, I _____________. I _____________ (go) shopping. Unfortunately,
I _____________ (spend) all my money. Now I’m broke!

4. A: _____________ go
you _____________ (go) out on Friday night?
didn't invited cooked
B: No, I _____________. I _____________ (invite) friends over, and I _____________ (cook)
dinner for them.

study: studied
play: played

VACATIONS was: singular pronouns:I, he, she , it
were: plural pronouns:we, they, you
Are you a student?

No, I wasn't

3. GRAMMAR FOCUS (Track 36-1B)

A. Complete these conversations.

1. A: _________ you in Los Angeles last weekend?

B: No, I _________ I_________ in San Francisco.
A: How _________ it?
B: It _________ great! But it _________ foggy as usual.

2. A: How long _________ your parents in Europe?

B: They _________ there for two weeks.
A: _________ they in London the whole time?
B. No, they _________ They also went to Paris.

3. A: _________ you away last week?

B: Yes, I _________ in Istanbul.
A: Really? How long _________ you there?
B: For almost a week. I _________ there on business.

A. Write an online post to a partner about your last vacation. Then exchange messages. Do
you have any questions about the vacation?

Greetings from Cancun! I’m having a great time.

Yesterday, I took a tour to the Mayan ruins of Chichen
Itza. They were amazing! This morning I went …


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