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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 v5.0.

Release Notes
EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023

This document is written for and on behalf of Schneider Electric and is supplied on the express terms that it is to be treated as
confidential and that it may not be copied, used, or disclosed to others except as authorized in writing by this Company. This
document is intended for internal use only.

Schneider Electric
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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 v5.0.1

About This Release

The EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 Release v5.0.1 Release Notes document includes
information about the new release as well as some general information about the EcoStruxure
Building Operation products.

This version of EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 Release provides new features and
enhancements. It also includes fixes for several previously reported field defects.

This EBO software release is fully compatible with SpaceLogic IP Controller firmware v5.00.01
and therefore this document should be read in conjunction with the SpaceLogic IP Controller
v5.00.01 release note.

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Boston ONE Campus, 800 Federal Street, Andover, MA 01810 Telephone +1 978-794-0800
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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 v5.0.1

Table of contents
ABOUT THIS RELEASE ......................................................................................................................................................... 2

1. ECOSTRUXURE BUILDING OPERATION 2023 RELEASE V5.0.1 AVAILABILITY ...................................................... 7

1.1 Upgrade options ...................................................................................................................................... 7

1.2 Licensing ................................................................................................................................................. 9

2. NEW FEATURES IN ECOSTRUXURE BUILDING OPERATION V5.0.1 RELEASE .................................................... 10

2.1 SpaceLogic and EasyLogic Controllers and SpaceLogic Servers ................................................... 10

2.1.1 Connected Room Solution (CRS) in this Release ............................................................................................ 10
2.1.2 SpaceLogic RPC Pro Plus ( Hardware Release 2023) ..................................................................................... 10
2.1.3 EasyLogic Controllers Series ( Hardware Release 2023) ................................................................................. 11 EasyLogic RPC ............................................................................................................................................... 11 EasyLogic MPC ............................................................................................................................................... 11 EasyLogic IO Module....................................................................................................................................... 11

2.2 Engineering Enhancements ................................................................................................................. 11

2.2.1 MQTT UDMI support ....................................................................................................................................... 11
2.2.2 MQTT WebSockets ......................................................................................................................................... 12
2.2.3 MQTT Timestamp resolution............................................................................................................................ 13
2.2.4 Timed override................................................................................................................................................. 13
2.2.5 Store retained values frequently in the database for ES/EC ............................................................................. 13
2.2.6 External Log Storage support for Microsoft SQL Server ................................................................................... 13
2.2.7 Support for compression in External Log Storage ............................................................................................ 15
2.2.8 Improved search performance ......................................................................................................................... 16
2.2.9 Notification Performance.................................................................................................................................. 16
2.2.10 Rezoning Repair – Workstation ....................................................................................................................... 17
2.2.11 WorkStation SDK ............................................................................................................................................. 17
2.2.12 Modbus Custom Type and Modbus Device Imported Type .............................................................................. 18
2.2.13 New S-Link Objects in MNB-70/300/Vx Controllers .......................................................................................... 18
2.2.14 Support for b3 Native Objects in Application Subfolders .................................................................................. 20

2.3 Visual Programming – Features and Improvements .......................................................................... 21

2.3.1 Builder for Function Block Enhancements ........................................................................................................ 22 Replace bindings: ............................................................................................................................................ 22 Automatic adding of AND or OR operators: ..................................................................................................... 22 Automatically add data type conversion: .......................................................................................................... 22 Swap bound input ports: .................................................................................................................................. 22 Added quick access to filter: ............................................................................................................................ 23 Automatic update of Module for Component content: ....................................................................................... 23 Automatic Label for Operator made public: ...................................................................................................... 23 Double-click to add a new bound object: .......................................................................................................... 23 Port Name or Index for remote bindings:.......................................................................................................... 24
2.3.2 Simulation in Builder for Function Block ........................................................................................................... 24
2.3.3 Visualization of bindings – Builder View ........................................................................................................... 25

2.4 Semantic Enhancements ...................................................................................................................... 26

2.4.1 Multi-tenant support (CQT) .............................................................................................................................. 26
2.4.2 Semantic: Upgrade Brick ................................................................................................................................. 28

2.5 Security Enhancements........................................................................................................................ 28

2.5.1 Support for IPV6 .............................................................................................................................................. 28
2.5.2 Certificate Management ................................................................................................................................... 28
2.5.3 DA - Override invalid certificate........................................................................................................................ 30
2.5.4 Show metadata for certificates in Device Administrator .................................................................................... 31
2.5.5 New Update to Automation Server Platform ( SE3Linux) ................................................................................. 31

2.6 WebStation Enhanceents ..................................................................................................................... 31

2.6.1 New Settings page........................................................................................................................................... 31
2.6.2 Enhanced Users page ..................................................................................................................................... 32
2.6.3 Backup and restore.......................................................................................................................................... 32

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 v5.0.1

2.6.4 Dynamic Dashboard ........................................................................................................................................ 32

2.6.5 Default view for alarm objects .......................................................................................................................... 32
2.6.6 Alarm creation ................................................................................................................................................. 33
2.6.7 Timed override................................................................................................................................................. 33
2.6.8 Alarm limits in a trend chart ............................................................................................................................. 34
2.6.9 Diagnostics in WebStation ............................................................................................................................... 34
2.6.10 Zoning, repair segment groups ........................................................................................................................ 35
2.6.11 Custom-type view ............................................................................................................................................ 35
2.6.12 Graphics and other presentations in the Semantic view ................................................................................... 36
2.6.13 Other enhancements ....................................................................................................................................... 37

2.7 Workstation Enhancements ................................................................................................................. 37

2.7.1 Hyperlink ......................................................................................................................................................... 37
2.7.2 Graphics Editor – updated library of the NAM Standard team components ...................................................... 37
2.7.3 Imported Device Types available from the Create New Object dialog .............................................................. 38

2.8 Licensing Enhancements ..................................................................................................................... 38

2.8.1 Return all Demo Licenses on Selected Servers ............................................................................................... 38
2.8.2 Possibility to return Embedded licenses ........................................................................................................... 39
2.8.3 Improved License Entitlements handling in Device Administrator ..................................................................... 40
2.8.4 New improved flow for setting up Entitlement when Offline .............................................................................. 41
2.8.5 Intelligent license selection in Device Administrator ......................................................................................... 42

2.9 BACnet Enhancements......................................................................................................................... 43

2.9.1 EBO supports BACnet Protocol Revision 16 for BACnet B-BC Profile.............................................................. 43
2.9.2 New BACnet Integer Value object .................................................................................................................... 43
2.9.3 Choice of BACnet Network Types when Creating a BACnet Interface ............................................................. 43
2.9.4 Permissions for BACnet/SC SSL Key Logging: Commands Set to Deny (per default) ...................................... 43

2.10 Virtualized Automation Server - Edge Server ..................................................................................... 44

2.11 SpaceLogic, EasyLogic Controller Enhancements ............................................................................ 45

2.11.1 SpaceLogic supports BACnet Protocol Revision 16 for BACnet B-ASC, B-AAC Profiles .................................. 45
2.11.2 New BACnet Integer Value objects .................................................................................................................. 45
2.11.3 64-bit Support – Energy Metering .................................................................................................................... 46
2.11.4 Modbus Support on MP-X................................................................................................................................ 46
2.11.5 RP Webservice Enhancements ....................................................................................................................... 46
2.11.6 SmartX to SpaceLogic rename ........................................................................................................................ 46
2.11.7 Increased Modbus Polling Rate Options .......................................................................................................... 46

2.12 Connected Room Solution Enhancements ......................................................................................... 47

2.12.1 DALI Emergency Lights - Test Recording ........................................................................................................ 47
2.12.2 Remote Control Enhancements ....................................................................................................................... 47
2.12.3 Insight Sensor – Mask Improvements .............................................................................................................. 49
2.12.4 SpaceLogic Living Space Sensor – CO2 Stoplight ..................................................................................... 50
2.12.5 SpaceLogic Living Space Sensor - Alignment with Remote Control ................................................................. 51

2.13 Zigbee Enhancements .......................................................................................................................... 51

2.13.1 Zigbee Light and Blind alignment to CRS (AS)................................................................................................. 51
2.13.2 Zigbee Change Channel .................................................................................................................................. 51

2.14 BMS Application Portal for Modbus Device Import Files .................................................................. 53

3. KNOWN DEFECTS IN ECOSTRUXURE BUILDING OPERATION RELEASE V5.0.1 ................................................. 54


5. CYBERSECURITY VULNERABILITY DISCLOSURES ................................................................................................ 81

6. IMPORTANT ENGINEERING INFORMATION ............................................................................................................. 82

6.1 General Engineering ............................................................................................................................. 82

6.2 Backup ................................................................................................................................................... 83

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 v5.0.1

6.2.1 Backup validation ............................................................................................................................................ 83

6.2.2 How to activate full validation of historical data ................................................................................................ 83

6.3 Automation Server ................................................................................................................................ 83

6.4 WorkStation ........................................................................................................................................... 84

6.5 WebStation ............................................................................................................................................ 84

6.5.1 Graphics Viewer .............................................................................................................................................. 84
6.5.2 Workspace and Panels .................................................................................................................................... 84
6.5.3 Setting up WorkSpaces for responsive WebStation. ........................................................................................ 84

6.6 LonWorks............................................................................................................................................... 85

6.7 b3 Devices ............................................................................................................................................. 85

6.8 Trends .................................................................................................................................................... 86

6.9 Archiving................................................................................................................................................ 86

6.10 Web Services ......................................................................................................................................... 86

6.11 Editors .................................................................................................................................................... 87

6.12 Authentication ....................................................................................................................................... 87

6.13 Schedules .............................................................................................................................................. 87

6.14 Import / Export....................................................................................................................................... 87

6.15 Search .................................................................................................................................................... 88

6.16 SmartDriver............................................................................................................................................ 88

6.17 EWS ........................................................................................................................................................ 88

6.17.1 Domain login.................................................................................................................................................... 88

6.18 BACnet ................................................................................................................................................... 88

6.18.1 Synchronize Bindings of Value and Default Priority Level ................................................................................ 88
6.18.2 EcoStruxure BMS Force Behavior ................................................................................................................... 89
6.18.3 MNB Device..................................................................................................................................................... 89

6.19 Zigbee Engineering ............................................................................................................................... 89

6.19.1 Zigbee Device import files clarification ............................................................................................................. 89
6.19.2 Downloading Zigbee Device import files .......................................................................................................... 89
6.19.3 Improved handling of Zigbee Device import files ........................................................................................ 90
6.19.4 New way to associate Zigbee physical device with logical device .................................................................... 90
6.19.5 EBO 3.xx Zigbee Devices already configured on network ................................................................................ 91
6.19.6 Conversion of already configured Zigbee Devices to EBO 4.0 ......................................................................... 91
6.19.7 Zigbee configuration in a SpaceLogic server.................................................................................................... 93
6.19.8 Discovering the Zigbee Green Powered sensors. ............................................................................................ 94
6.19.9 Decommissioning GP sensors from an existing Zigbee network ...................................................................... 95
6.19.10 Moving Zigbee USB adaptors .......................................................................................................................... 96

6.20 Database for External Log Storage...................................................................................................... 96

6.20.1 WebReports/Report Server discontinuation ..................................................................................................... 96

6.21 Memory Consumption Before Upgrade............................................................................................... 96

6.22 Builder for Function Block – Simulation ............................................................................................. 97

APPENDIX A – PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................................................ 98

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 v5.0.1

A1. Installing EcoStruxure Building Operation .............................................................................................. 98

A2. Upgrading EcoStruxure Building Operation ............................................................................................ 98

A2.1 System Upgrade Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 98
A2.1.1 Upgrade Enterprise Server and Enterprise Central ................................................................................................. 98
A2.1.2 Upgrading Automation Servers .............................................................................................................................. 99
A2.1.3 Upgrading WorkStation and Client Tools Installation .............................................................................................. 99

A3 Extended Log Storage Schema .................................................................................................................. 99

A3.1 PostgreSQL/TimescaleDB database schema......................................................................................... 99

A3.2 MSSQL database schema ........................................................................................................................ 99

CHANGE HISTORY ............................................................................................................................................................ 100

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 v5.0.1

1. EcoStruxure Building Operation 2023 Release v5.0.1

The software and firmware included in the EcoStruxure Building Operation v5.0.1 Release
deliverable are available for download on Schneider Electric EcoXpert Extranet.

EcoStruxure Building Operation Edge Server is published here.

The EcoStruxure Building Operation Release 5.0.1 deliverable includes the following software
and firmware.

Product Version Build

EcoStruxure Building Operation Device Administrator software * 5.0.1 128
EcoStruxure Building Operation Enterprise Server software 5.0.1 128
EcoStruxure Building Operation Enterprise Central software 5.0.1 128
EcoStruxure Building Operation WorkStation software 5.0.1 128
EcoStruxure Building Operation License Administrator software 5.0.1 128
EcoStruxure Building Operation WebStation Language Packs 5.0.1 128
EcoStruxure Building Operation Edge Server software and scripts 5.0.1 128

* This release is NOT supported on the original AS’s often referred to as AS classic (part
number - SXWAUTSVR10001) .

This release is compatible with the following auxiliary tools:

A new version of Project Configuration Tool and a v5.0.1.128 EcoStruxure Building Operation
Server template will be available for download from EcoXpert Extranet.
An updated version of the EcoStruxure Building Operation Vista transition tool to support
v5.0.1 is available for download from EcoXpert Extranet.
Automated Engineering Tool and Export Tool versions to support EcoStruxure Building
Operation 5.0.1 are available for download from EcoXpert Extranet.
A new version of the EcoStruxure Building Commission mobile application to support the new
features of v5.0.1 are available to download from the appropriate store.

1.1 Upgrade options

Release v5.0.1 offers the possibility to upgrade a system in a non-sequential way. Any
EcoStruxure solution that is currently at v3.2 or higher can be upgraded directly to v5.0.1.

BMS Software Support Policy establishes a clear expectation for product support timelines. There
are two main levels of software support, Full support when the software is in its active phase and
Limited support for a period of two years after the active phase. For more information, refer to
the software support policy document on EcoXpert Extranet.

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 v5.0.1

Supported upgrade paths:

Ending Version
Upgrade Paths
3.2 4.0 5.0
1.8 Via 3.1 Via 3.1 Via 3.1
Out of Support
1.9 Direct Via 3.2 Via 4.0
Starting Version

2.0 Direct Direct Via 4.0

Limited Support 3.0 Direct Direct Via 4.0
3.1 Direct Direct Via 4.0
Full Support 3.2 X Direct Direct
Limited Support 3.3L X Direct Via 4.0
Full Support 4.0 X X Direct

Full Support

* Versions 1.9 and earlier are not supported and should be upgraded to a fully supported version.
For details on older versions, see earlier versions' release notes

** Multi-version support is supported from EBO 3.0 onwards however excluding v3.3L . See section
6.1 for more details.

Compatibility Matrix between EBO and SpaceLogic, EasyLogic controller versions :

SpaceLogic and EasyLogic MP/RP and IP-IO Series Controller Versions

v1.00.0x v2.00.0x v3.01.0x v3.02.0x v3.03.01 v4.00.0x v5.00.01

V3.2.x Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported

V4.0.x Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported

Not Not
v5.0.1 Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Supported Supported

*Versions not mentioned in the table above are out of full support. Refer to earlier versions' release
notes for the older versions' compatibility matrix

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 v5.0.1

Note: The SpaceLogic IP Controllers shipped from the factory may not have the latest firmware
installed. It is essential to verify that the controller has the latest firmware build loaded for the
EcoStruxure Building Operation version build being used before programming the controller.

Down-Rev from a factory installed 4.0 or 5.0 firmware IP Controller to “earlier” versions
It is important to note that any Down-Rev should be undertaken after hosting and prior to connecting
any external equipment (beyond power and Ethernet connection) and prior to downloading any
application or undertaking any other configuration of the controller.

Warning: Down-Rev is NOT supported between versions once the application is loaded onto the
controller. On controllers loaded with a database, an Erase Database or Factory Reset command
should be issued (and allowed to complete) before a downrev of the controller is attempted. Once
the downrev is completed, the database can be downloaded from the server, assuming that the
server and controller versions are compatible.

1.2 Licensing
EcoStruxure Building Operation 2023 (EBO) v5.0.1 requires either EBO 2022 licenses or EBO
2023 licenses to run.
If your system is currently based on EBO 2022 licenses, there is no need to upgrade your existing
licenses to EBO 2023 in order to operate with EBO 2023 (5.0.1).

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 v5.0.1

2. New Features in EcoStruxure Building Operation v5.0.1

2.1 SpaceLogic and EasyLogic Controllers and SpaceLogic
The SpaceLogic and EasyLogic Controllers can be hosted by SpaceLogic servers:
• SpaceLogic Automation Servers (AS-P / AS-B)
• Enterprise Server

SpaceLogic CRS modules can be hosted by all SpaceLogic Controllers with a Room Bus port.

For additional information please refer to the user documentation which can be found on EcoXpert

2.1.1 Connected Room Solution (CRS) in this Release

The following models are supported by this release:
• Multi IO Module (NEW) – Please refer to Release notes 5.00.01
for more details.

Existing modules:
• Blind High Voltage (4 groups) with power distribution
• DALI 4 groups (1 channel) with power distribution
• Sensor expansion module for infrared motion detection and
luminosity measurements
• Blind Low Voltage (2 groups) with power distribution
• Lighting 0 to 10v with power distribution
• Standard Motor Interface (SMI) high voltage with power
distribution (4 groups)
• Standard Motor Interface (SMI) low voltage with power
distribution (2 groups)
• DALI without power distribution (2 groups)
• Light 0v to 10v without power distribution (2 channel)
• Relay module high voltage with power distribution (4 channel)
• Relay Module (10 channels)
• Insight-Sensor

2.1.2 SpaceLogic RPC Pro Plus ( Hardware Release 2023)

The RP-C Pro Plus will be supported by both EBO and SpaceLogic firmware from versions
5.0.1/5.00.01. This model of the RP controller maintains all the features of previous RP-C
controllers but with the following enhancements
• Uses the same LCES2 CPU as the MP-C/V IP controllers
• An additional COM port, now 3 configurable serial ports instead of just 2.
• Plug terminals for all power and I/O connections

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 v5.0.1

• 16 I/O points
• 4MB available application space (Free Object System Memory)
• 64MB Flash memory (persistent storage)

2.1.3 EasyLogic Controllers Series ( Hardware Release 2023)

Support has been added for the following EasyLogic controller hardware pending release during
2023. EasyLogic controllers are limited to BACnet MS/TP as primary communications to the server.
The “M” designation in the model name is used to differentiate these controllers from their IP
counterparts. Depending on the model they may also lack other functions associated with the
SpaceLogic range, e.g., BLE wireless, Realtime clock (RTC) support, reduced FRAM and Flash, etc.
See specification sheets for details. EasyLogic RPC

The following models of EasyLogic RP-C will be introduced:
• RP-C-12A-M-24V
• RP-C-12B-M-24V
• RP-C-16A-M-24V EasyLogic MPC

The following models of EasyLogic MP-C will be introduced:
• MP-C-24A-M
• MP-C-36A-M EasyLogic IO Module

The following models of EasyLogic RP-IO will be introduced:
• RP-IO-12A-M-24V
• RP-IO-16E-M-24V

2.2 Engineering Enhancements

2.2.1 MQTT UDMI support
EBO supports Google UDMI v4.2. A new MQTT client is introduced and can be configured in the
same way as the MQTT Google client. A UDMI device object can be created for each device. The
UDMI configuration must be saved in JSON format.

There is also a Gateway object for the server data.

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 v5.0.1

2.2.2 MQTT WebSockets

It is now possible to communicate using WebSocket:

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 v5.0.1

2.2.3 MQTT Timestamp resolution

A new keyword TIMENOW_ISO_FRACTION has been added to use when formatting MQTT
messages to publish. This is similar to the current TIMENOW_ISO but also shows fractions of a

2.2.4 Timed override

For forced values in EBO, it is possible to set a time or duration when the forced value shall go back
to unforce. The clock icon will appear when clicking on the Forced button. To see the configured
time in the tooltip, you need to do a manual refresh or leave the object and read it again.
This behavior is identical in both Workstation and Webstation

2.2.5 Store retained values frequently in the database for ES/EC

Retained values are now frequently stored in the database every 10 minutes for ES, EC, and Edge
2.2.6 External Log Storage support for Microsoft SQL Server
It is now possible to send historical data to MS SQL Server. We have tested with SQL Server 19. As
for now, it looks like the script requires at least v2016 SP1, but that version is not tested yet. If you
use Docker, you can follow these instructions to test the feature. Just be aware that performance
using that version is not evaluated and for real data, a licensed version is recommended.

Install MS SQL Server and MS SQL Server Management Studio. Log on to the database management
tool and create a database, e.g. “EBO”. Then right-click on the created database and choose New-
>Query. Copy the corresponding SQL script (distributed separately) and paste it into the edit
window. Click on “Execute” in the toolbar.

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 v5.0.1

In the EBO Server, open ~/System/External Log Storage/Microsoft SQL Server. Then configure the
necessary communication parameter and enable Event and Trend storage:

Monitor the synchronization process here. When both variables are true, then all data is
synchronized. Note: It can take some time to synch all data if you use a free version.

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 v5.0.1

You can monitor the synchronization in the management tool by the query “select count (*)
from nsp.trend_data” (or nsp.event_data) and see when the count increase.

2.2.7 Support for compression in External Log Storage

Compression for TimescaleDB

Upgrade to at least schema version 7 and TimescaleDB 2.0.

To activate compression, run this in TimescaleDB. Can be run again if you want to change the
compress age or alignment-time.
Parameters are <CompressAfterAge> and <BackgroundJobAlignmentTime>
CALL NSP_Trend_SetCompression('1 months', '2020-01-01 03:00:00');

This will enable compression and start a background job to handle backfill, which runs every 24h
based on the alignment-time.

It is not recommended to compress event data in PostgreSQL/TimescaleDB since the index will be
removed which will decrease the performance when reading old event records.

Compression for MS SQL Server

Both event data and trend data can be compressed in MS SQL Server. All configuration is done in
MS SQL Server Management tool by executing queries.

This can be run to see how much storage compression will save

EXEC sp_estimate_data_compression_savings
@schema_name = 'nsp',
@object_name = 'Event_Data',
@index_id = NULL,
@partition_number = NULL,

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 v5.0.1

@data_compression = 'PAGE'

EXEC sp_estimate_data_compression_savings
@schema_name = 'nsp',
@object_name = 'Trend_Data',
@index_id = NULL,
@partition_number = NULL,
@data_compression = 'PAGE'

To enable compression you can run this





2.2.8 Improved search performance

Search has been improved and optimized based on knowledge of the field bus.
2.2.9 Notification Performance
Search will always run to the end before the report is generated. There is no timeout aborting the
search. The way to read values for a search is also optimized for Notifications. You can also monitor
the ongoing jobs and cancel them:

It is also possible to set the sort order of historical data to ascending or descending time order.

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 v5.0.1

2.2.10 Rezoning Repair – Workstation

If zoning objects have changed include/exclude properties, references might be unresolved. To
repair them, there is a new toolbar icon, which opens a dialog showing a list to be repaired.

2.2.11 WorkStation SDK

Two interfaces are updated.

IConfigureProperty: The interface has been updated with methods that pertain to forcing runtime
values: IsForcingSupportConfigurable, ConfigureForcingSupport, IsForcingSupported,
IsTimedForcingSupported, SetForced, SetForcedDuration, SetForcedUntil, SetUnForced, IsForced,
and GetForcedUntil.

IProgram: The interface has been updated with a method where it is possible to specify the
encoding of a retrieved AUT file: GetFunctionBlockProgramFile.

Clarification on how files are encoded with different versions of EBO has been added to the
documentation of these methods: CreateFunctionBlockProgram,
CreateFunctionBlockProgramString, CreateMPxFunctionBlockProgram,
CreateMPxFunctionBlockProgramString, SetFunctionBlockProgramFile, and
SetFunctionBlockProgramString .

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2.2.12 Modbus Custom Type and Modbus Device Imported Type

EcoStruxure Building Operation 2023 introduces the possibility to create custom types from some
of the server Modbus devices ( and
and MP/RP Modbus device objects (bacnet.mpx.modbus.MasterDevice).

EcoStruxure Building Operation 2023 also introduces Modbus Device Imported Types. These are a
special custom type that you can import into your type library and they are designed to speed the
integration of specific Modbus devices into EBO. Once a Modbus device type is imported into the
type library, you can add it to your projects like other custom types, and the device will also be
available in the “New” menu when you create new devices on your Modbus interface. Note that
these imported types cannot be instantiated or created from the New command when logged into
an EC. These imported types restrict some of the modifications you can do with a regular custom
type, for example, users cannot check out and modify imported types. The library of these Modbus
device imported types are managed by Schneider Electric and they will be available from the BMS
Applications Portal ( and new devices will be
added regularly.

Modbus custom types or Modbus Device imported types cannot be instantiated in older server
versions. If you attempt to do this in an EBO 4.0 sub-server you will get this type of message:
This custom type or imported type feature (servermodbusdevice) is only supported in Server Version
EBO 5.0/2023 and above
This custom type or imported type feature (bacnetmodbusdevice) is only supported in Server
Version EBO 5.0/2023 and above

2.2.13 New S-Link Objects in MNB-70/300/Vx Controllers

EcoStruxure Building Operation 2023 and version 1.443 MNB-70, MNB-300, and MNB VAV
controllers add support for new BACnet objects that extend the level of configuration and control
available in EBO for S-Link setpoints, fan modes, and HVAC modes.

NOTE: MNB firmware version 1.443 is required to support these features.

S-Link Setpoint Limit Objects in MNB Devices

The system supports new BACnet objects that allow you to adjust S-Link setpoint limits in MNB
devices. The new objects appear when you execute an Upload all objects command from an MNB
device with setpoint limits configured in the controller’s I/A Series application.
On upload, the objects are named S-LK:SPxHiLim and S-LK:SPxLoLim where x is 1 through 4
corresponding to the S-Link setpoint to which they apply. Setpoint limits are constrained to whole
numbers in the range 0 to 254. When you modify an S-Link setpoint limit in an MNB controller
hosted in an EcoStruxure BMS 2023 or later server, the modified setpoint limits are retained
through I/A Series Application downloads.

IMPORTANT: If you host an MNB device with S-Link setpoint limit objects in an EcoStruxure BMS
server version 4.0 or prior, you can modify the setpoint limits in the MNB device. However, the
changes will not be retained through I/A Series Application downloads.

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S-Link Fan Mode Objects in MNB Devices

The system supports new BACnet objects that allow you to modify S-Link fan modes as if doing so
directly via an S-Link sensor. The new objects appear when you execute the Upload all
objects command from an MNB device with fan modes configured in the controller’s I/A Series
application. On upload, the objects are named S-LK:Fan1 and S-LK:Fan2 corresponding to the S-Link
fan modes configured in the controller’s I/A Series application.
The available choices for a fan mode value are Off, Low, Medium, High, On and Auto . If you
attempt to set a fan mode to a value not enabled in the controller’s I/A Series application, the
system will produce a value out of range error. The numeric values of fan mode BACnet objects
differ from the values written to and read from the S-Link sensor tags in the MNB controller
The following table provides a map between BACnet object values and S-Link sensor tag values.

Fan Mode BACnet Object Value in S-Link Tag Value in MNB S-Link Tag State in MNB
EcoStruxure BMS Controller controller

Off 1 0 100

Low 2 33 100

Medium 3 66 100

High 4 100 100

On 5 N/A 100

Auto 6 N/A 0

When you modify an S-Link fan mode in an MNB controller hosted in an EcoStruxure BMS 2023 or
later server, the modified values are retained through I/A Series Application downloads.

IMPORTANT: If you host an MNB device with S-Link fan mode objects in an EcoStruxure BMS
server version 4.0 or prior, you can modify fan modes in the MNB device. However, the changes
will not be retained through I/A Series Application downloads.

S-Link HVAC Mode Objects in MNB Devices

The system supports new BACnet objects that allow you to modify S-Link HVAC modes as if doing
so directly using an S-Link sensor. The new objects appear when you execute the Upload all objects
command from an MNB device with HVAC modes configured in the controller’s I/A Series
application. On upload, the objects are named S-LK:Mode1 and S-LK:Mode2 corresponding to the
S-Link HVAC modes configured in the controller’s I/A Series application.
The available choices for an HVAC mode value are Off, Heat, Cool, and Auto. If you attempt to
configure an HVAC mode to a value not enabled in the controller’s I/A Series application, the
system will produce a value out of range error. The numeric values of HVAC mode BACnet objects
differ from the values written to and read from the S-Link sensor tags in the MNB controller

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The following table provides a map between BACnet object values and S-Link sensor tag values.
HVAC Mode BACnet Object Value in S-Link Tag Value in MNB
EcoStruxure BMS Controller

Off 1 6

Heat 2 1

Cool 3 3

Auto 4 0

When you modify an S-Link HVAC mode in an MNB controller hosted in an EcoStruxure BMS 2023
or later server, the modified values are retained through I/A Series Application downloads.

IMPORTANT: If you host an MNB device with S-Link HVAC mode objects in an EcoStruxure BMS
server version 4.0 or prior, you can modify HVAC modes in the MNB device. However, the changes
will not be retained through I/A Series Application downloads.

2.2.14 Support for b3 Native Objects in Application Subfolders

Starting in EBO 5.0.1 it’s possible to create and move all types of b3 native objects into sub-folders
of the Application folder within a b3 BACnet device.

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After upgrading a server to version 5.0.1 or transitioning a legacy b3 database to EBO, perform the
following steps to move b3 native objects to Application sub-folders.

IMPORTANT: Do not import, paste, or move b3 BACnet device native objects into b3 application
subfolders in EcoStruxure Building Operation version 4.0.x servers.

1. In WorkStation, in the System Tree pane, expand the b3 device where you want to
create folders and subfolders.
2. Select Application.
3. In the File menu, select New Object.
4. In the Create Object wizard, in the object type list, select Folder.
5. In the Name box, type a name for the folder.
You may want to name folders to describe the b3 native objects you intend to
move into each folder (for example, analog values, datetime values, digital inputs,
digital values, schedules, and Script programs).
6. Click Create.
Create and name as many folders as needed to organize the b3 native objects.
Once you finish creating folders and subfolders, you can start moving objects from
the root Application folder of the b3 device into the new folders.
TIP: For efficiency, you can automatically configure the columns to display in the
various subfolder list views using content types and content type rules based on
the subfolder names. For more information, see the Content Types topic in
7. In the Application folder List View, select the b3 native objects that you want to
move into a particular subfolder.
TIP: You can use the List View column filters to quickly select a group of objects.
For example, if you want to organize b3 native objects into subfolders by type, add
the Type property to the Application folder list view and use the column filter to
show only objects of a particular type. Then, select the displayed objects.
8. Move the selected objects into a subfolder by following one of three methods:
• Use the Cut and Paste commands (not Copy/Paste) in the right-click context
• Use the Move command in the right-click context menu.
• Drag and drop from the List view to the System tree.
9. In the b3 device, click Download all objects to synchronize the b3 device to the
updated server database.

2.3 Visual Programming – Features and Improvements

EBO 2023 includes additional features and improvements to Visual Programming and Builder for
Function Block as well as introducing a view to graphically navigate objects and bindings.
Additional details are below.

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2.3.1 Builder for Function Block Enhancements

Since the introduction of Builder for Function Block in EBO 2022 and the last maintenance release
v4.0.3, additional features have been added to this release.

The main additions/changes are described below: Replace bindings:

An already bound input port on an object can be automatically replaced by dropping a new
binding on it. Automatic adding of AND or OR operators:

Instead of just replacing a bound binary port, an AND or OR operator can be automatically
added. Automatically add data type conversion:

When binding two ports with incompatible data types, a conversion block can
automatically be added. Swap bound input ports:

If a block or operator with two compatible input ports is already bound, the two incoming
bindings can swap places without having to manually rebind them.

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 v5.0.1 Added quick access to filter:

By right-clicking on a column in the tabbed lists (e.g., Variables, Constants, etc.) the filter
dialog can be accessed directly for that column. Automatic update of Module for Component content:
When naming or renaming the Module on a Component, all blocks within it can also
automatically have their Modules updated with the same name. In addition, if you remove
or change the module name for a component, you will be prompted accordingly to adjust
the module names of the objects in that component. Automatic Label for Operator made public:

When an operator is made public, it will automatically be given an appropriate label since
all public objects require a label. Double-click to add a new bound object:
Users now have an additional way to launch the “add new object” dialog, by double-
clicking on an input or output port of an existing block. This will bring up the create a new
dialog and only show blocks compatible with the block and port you initiated it from. The
new block will be automatically bound to that port.

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 v5.0.1 Port Name or Index for remote bindings:

If a remote binding includes multiple targets, the display will include a port name or index
to help the user navigate to the appropriate object.

2.3.2 Simulation in Builder for Function Block

Function Block programs can now be simulated in Builder for Function Block before deployment.
When editing a Function Block program in builder you can activate simulation and preview how
your program will work. Some features of the simulation mode include:

• Ability to create multiple graphs. Analog and digital values can be reviewed on separate
charts for improved visibility.
• Chart properties allow you to name and scale charts accordingly
• Simple to add values to a chart through right-click menu on any object
• Ability to simulate for a given time, step through in single increments, or run for ”n”
number of steps
• Ability to simulate at a specific date and time
• Review the simulated data over the recorded time period

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While in simulation mode you cannot edit the existing function block program. To resume editing,
stop simulation mode. When you return to simulation mode in the same program, your chart
settings will remain.
2.3.3 Visualization of bindings – Builder View
EBO 2023 introduces Builder View, a graphical method to navigate between objects and bindings.
When in the system tree, a user can activate the right-click menu and choose Builder View. This
will allow the user to view the objects and bindings at a specific location on the system tree. Once
in Builder View, the user can navigate by clicking objects to move up and down in the folder
structure or to move to other bound objects.

The Builder View is introduced in EBO 2023 as an early implementation of Builder for Applications
which will allow users the ability to create, configure and bind all EBO objects in the “Builder” style.
Builder View is currently view only, it is not possible to make or save new layouts but can be used
to interrogate objects and easily identify how they are bound.

Objects bound between servers may not work properly in Builder View. This will be addressed in a
future release.

*Note: Builder View is included in EBO 2023 to enable users to provide feedback on future
functionality to include in Builder. Comments or suggestions about Builder View should be posted
to the Ecostruxure Building Operation Forum.

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2.4 Semantic Enhancements

2.4.1 Multi-tenant support (CQT)
To solve the problem with a system containing several tenants, which shouldn’t share each other’s
semantic information, it is possible to create semantic repositories for each tenant. The system
engineer will create all semantic information in one main repository, but relevant semantic data for
each tenant, can be transferred to specific tenant databases, and together with group permissions,
they will only be able to see information related to their site.

Each tenant repository contains a filter of the location(s) and equipment and also user credentials
for the database user to use.

To create the repositories in the semantic database, you right-click on the Tenant Repositories
folder and choose “Create repositories”.
When the semantic configuration is done you execute the command “Populate repository” to
extract the semantic data matching the configured filter.
Note: Any changes done directly in the tenant repository will be overwritten if it is executed several

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Note: To be able to execute those commands, the user must have Semantic permissions as Admin
in a user group.

A user group for the tenant can then be configured to show only semantic information matching
the filter.
Note: It is strongly recommended to set the Semantic permission to Read-only (as default) since
changes in tenant repositories will be overwritten if an administrator does a new Populate tenant

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2.4.2 Semantic: Upgrade Brick

EBO will now use Brick 1.3. See for more information. One
important feature is a flexible model for describing meters, submeter hierarchies, and their
relationships to the building.

2.5 Security Enhancements

2.5.1 Support for IPV6
It is now possible to add child servers with IPv6 addresses. It is also possible to log on with
WorkStation and WebStation using an IPv6 address.

2.5.2 Certificate Management

Interaction with certificate management on Windows for Enterprise Server (ES)/Enterprise Central

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If you want Windows to store certificates used for ES/EC TLS authentication/communication
instead of the ES/EC, perform the below steps.
For certificates to be stored in Windows you do not use WorkStation for the actual storage
function. You use WorkStation only to select a certificate from Windows that the EC/ES should use.

Note - Certificates with Elliptic Curve Cryptography(ECC cipher / encryption ) are supported in EBO
2023 ( v5.0.1)

Step 1 - To store a certificate in Windows you use the Windows tools that exist for this purpose –
certlm.msc (Local Computer)

The certificate should be placed in the Personal folder.

The associated root certificate should be placed in the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities folder

The private key for the certificate must be marked as exportable
This is needed for Windows to be able to do backups and is also needed for the EC/ES to be able to
establish a TLS session.

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Step 2 In WorkStation, in the certificate view, you check the “From Certificate Store” checkbox and
select the certificate that you want to use for this server in the dropdown list – here you should
choose the certificate that you imported into the Windows certificate store in step 1.

2.5.3 DA - Override invalid certificate

When adding a server in Device Administrator, it is now possible to trust a certificate with unknown
validation status. If you choose to not trust the current certificate, some functionality is disabled.

The exception is valid for the current user session and when closing and re-open Device
Administrator, the certificate is not trusted anymore. The choice can be changed by clicking on the
Certificate State icon:

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2.5.4 Show metadata for certificates in Device Administrator

More columns have been added to the certificate tabs so it is now possible to see details of server
and BACnet certificates.

2.5.5 New Update to Automation Server Platform ( SE3Linux)

Yocto 4.0 and Linux kernel 5.15

2.6 WebStation Enhanceents

2.6.1 New Settings page
(Introduced in 4.0.3)
In Options in the User menu, there is a new menu entry: Settings. The Settings page contains server
settings that are useful in a stand-alone AS solution. “Default system settings”, “System security

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settings” and “Device configuration” have been moved from the Options menu into the new
Settings page.

The Settings page is available when the logged-in user's group has the group policy "Allow
members to access Automation Server Web Configuration".

2.6.2 Enhanced Users page

(Introduced in 4.0.3)
The Users page (System/Domains/domain_name/User) has got a facelift to make it easier to
manage users.

2.6.3 Backup and restore

(Introduced in 4.0.3)
We have implemented a default view for “System/Backup and Restore” which makes it possible to
back up the server in WebStation and you can restore the local backup. The primary target is a
stand-alone AS.

It is also possible to download the backup, but WebStation does not support upload so you cannot
upload and restore an “external” backup using WebStation.

2.6.4 Dynamic Dashboard

We have introduced a new Search widget that makes it possible to include multiple instances of
TGML widgets automatically. When the dashboard is opened, the widget searches for TGML
objects with a specified name in the specified folder, including subfolders, and creates one TGML
widget for each of the found TGML objects.

2.6.5 Default view for alarm objects

The new default view for alarm objects will give the operators a better overview of the alarm
properties and the status of an alarm object The new default view will also make it easier for the

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operator to, for example, handle user actions and attachments. Checklists, cause notes, and action
notes can be created and edited on the alarm page.

2.6.6 Alarm creation

You can now create EBO alarms with WebStation. The create command is available in the context
menus of objects that have a numeric, an enumeration, or a string variable as the default variable
(in the object list) and the context menu of properties of the types numeric, enumeration, and
string (in property editors).

The location (path) of the alarm object is chosen when you create the alarm object.

It is also possible to rename and delete alarm objects in WebStation 5.0. The commands Rename
and Delete are available in the context menu of alarm objects.

Note: It is not possible to create BACnet alarms in WebStation 5.0.

2.6.7 Timed override

WebStation 5.0 has support for a timed override. When the value is forced, the users can set the
amount of time they would like this force to last. If you don’t set a duration, the value will be
forced “forever” (as in earlier versions).

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Note: TGML JavaScript does not support timed override (no timed-force method).

2.6.8 Alarm limits in a trend chart

It is now possible to show alarm limits in a trend chart if the logged values are monitored by alarm

2.6.9 Diagnostics in WebStation

Diagnostics is available as a tab, together with the list view, when you navigate to the System
folder. The purpose of the diagnostics is to make it easier for technicians that use WebStation to
identify issues or potential issues in the system.

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2.6.10 Zoning, repair segment groups

It is now possible to repair incorrect references between grouped segments. For example, if you
change the segment-object property Exclude after you have grouped the segments, the references
between the segment objects will be wrong, according to the Exclude setting. Repair inspects the
groups and repairs the references between the segments if needed.

A Repair button is available in the zoning tool. This button opens Diagnostics - Zoning where you
can verify and repair the segment groups. You can of course also navigate to System Diagnostics
and choose Zoning.

Note: This is a 5.0 feature. If you have a multi-version system and navigate to a server that is not
yet upgraded, the zoning diagnostics may not display the correct information.

2.6.11 Custom-type view

WebStation has now a custom-type view. The view is available when you use a workspace
that contains a custom-type view, for example, “Engineering with Custom Types”. The view
shows which custom types have been installed on the server.

The instances of a type are displayed when you expand the type representation in the list
and it is possible to navigate to the instance.

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Update instances
You can update an instance of a custom type in the custom-type view. The context menu (ellipsis)
of the instance displays the available type versions for this instance. Click on the type version to
update the type of the instance.

Note: The primary purpose of the update function is to be able to update device objects (device
proxies) in the Ready-Server product, but it can of course be used in “regular” EBO installations
also. WebStation has no check-out or check-in implementation, so updating “nested” custom-type
instances in WebStation is not supported, unless you check out and check in the “surrounding”
custom-type instance using WorkStation.

2.6.12 Graphics and other presentations in the Semantic view

A presentation object, such as a TGML graphic or a WebStation Dashboard, can be associated with
a semantic node, typically Location or Equipment, in the semantic tool in Workstation.

When you navigate to this semantic node in the semantic navigator in WebStation, a tab containing
the presentation will be displayed in the semantic view. The tab will have the same name as the
presentation object.

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2.6.13 Other enhancements

• Quick filter (button) for alarms assigned to the logged-in user.
• Indication for priority overridden BACnet values.
• Path information is added in the tab “Object matching type” in the “Select object” dialog.
• You can add place-holder values when you export to Excel from a multi-trend list.

2.7 Workstation Enhancements

2.7.1 Hyperlink
Hyperlink Objects now provide an option to choose which browser you would like the hyperlink to
use. By default, it will open like normal in the internal browser in Workstation, but you may also
choose to open the link in a hyperlink object in an external window using the Windows account
default browser. This is set in the new property “Open externally”. Note that this setting is only
valid for Workstation.

2.7.2 Graphics Editor – updated library of the NAM Standard team

An updated library of the NAM Standard Team Components has been included as part of the
Workstation installation (where the Graphics Editor is included).
Some of the changes and additions include:

• New components added: Air Valve damper, Power Meter, MOA Duct inlet right, three
damper types for horizontal positioning MOA duct

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• Scripts for all components updated to adjust Replay behavior. Trend data subscriptions will
not occur until the Replay event is initiated - delaying or offsetting the processing power
needed to perform the action away from page load (or indefinitely for pages without
• Created "Misc" naming group since the number of miscellaneous components has grown.
This includes Clock, Electric Meter, Fume Hood, Link Button, and Reset Button.
• Renamed Power Meter to Electric Meter for a more accurate description
• Added duct endcap options for Supply Down and Supply Up
• Added MOA dampers in all orientations
• Added Insert - Steam Coil with steam heat color from pipe palette predefined

Full details on all changes to these components can be found on the Schneider Electric Community.

2.7.3 Imported Device Types available from the Create New Object dialog
Device Types imported into your Type Library will automatically be shown in the Create New Object
dialog under a folder called “Imported types”.

In the system, you will be able to identify a Device Types in your system. If you hover over its
shared symbol, the tooltip will be “Imported type”. If you do the same for a custom type the tooltip
will be “Custom type”.

2.8 Licensing Enhancements

2.8.1 Return all Demo Licenses on Selected Servers
If the Demo license is missing in the Entitlement container it is not possible to remove the Demo
license from the Automation Servers. To mitigate this situation, we have created an alternative way
to remove a Demo license it is now possible to return Demo licenses activated on Automation
Servers (AS) without having the corresponding Demo license in Entitlement Container. AS selection
can be done independently by checking the checkbox to the left of the server name or by selecting
all servers by checking the “Name” checkbox at the top left position. The function will remove all

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Demo Licenses present on the selected ASes regardless of if the corresponding Demo License is
present in the Entitlement container or not.

2.8.2 Possibility to return Embedded licenses

When the AS is connected to the internet it is now possible to return all licenses activated on an
Automation Server to the online license server (FNO). The returned licenses can after this
procedure be reused on other servers.

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The above action will return all licenses on

selected servers

2.8.3 Improved License Entitlements handling in Device Administrator

When setting up License Entitlements in Device Administrator(DA) new flows have been
developed. It is now possible to use EntitlementCertificate.html file attached to the Entitlement
Email to set up DA with Entitlements. The two flows are shown below.

1. From Entitlement
Certificate File (when
the attached HTML file
is available)

2. Manually (possibility
to enter the name of
Entitlement manually
when HTML file is

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Flow 1

Flow 2

Click Add and the Entitlement is added

to the Entitlement container.

2.8.4 New improved flow for setting up Entitlement when Offline

In the previous version of EBO when setting up Entitlements offline it was necessary to fill in all
information manually. The use of the EntitlementCertificate.html file(attached to the Entitlement
email) eliminates this time-consuming process. All the necessary information to set up the
Entitlement is extracted from the HTML file.

To set up Entitlement Offline use the default Add Entitlement button, select the
EntitlementCertificate.html file, and press next. If DA does not find an AS that has an internet
connection the Entitlement is created from information in the HTML file without the sync* with the
license server (FNO). If it's known that no AS has an internet connection, press skip, and the
process will skip FNO sync and create the entitlement information from the HTML file. View the file
in the table and add it to the Entitlement container by clicking Add.

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Offline flow using EntitlementCertificate.html file.

Offline flow when EntitlementCertificate.html file is missing.

If the HTML file is missing it is necessary to fill in the purchased product information manually. The
license features that each entered product contains are filled automatically by DA.

Click on the down arrow beside the button Add

Entitlement and select Manually. Enter the Entitlement
Name, click Skip, and click Next. Enter the data for all the
Click Add when finished.

*Sync with FNO license server to return the number of licenses in the Entitlement that are available
for activation. Offline Entitlement setup does not provide this information. It is assumed that it is
possible to activate the maximum number of licenses that were purchased.
2.8.5 Intelligent license selection in Device Administrator
To prevent users from activation of wrong licenses on Automation Servers, a filter has been added
to Device Administrator. It is now only possible to select licenses that apply to the server. Also now
it’s not possible to accidentally activate duplicate licenses(same license twice) on the same server.
Device Administrator will not allow activating the same license that is already activated on an
Automation Server.

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2.9 BACnet Enhancements

2.9.1 EBO supports BACnet Protocol Revision 16 for BACnet B-BC Profile
The EBO B-BC profile has been updated from BACnet Protocol Revision 14 to Protocol Revision 16. Updated features
• Support for extended-size MS/TP frames
• Addition of the Signed Out Of Range alarm algorithm
• Ability to monitor Integer objects using the Change Of State alarm algorithm
• Support for new Engineering Units

2.9.2 New BACnet Integer Value object

EBO now supports a Standard BACnet Integer Value object. This new object type complements other Standard ‘Value’
objects – Analog, Digital, and Multistate.

2.9.3 Choice of BACnet Network Types when Creating a BACnet Interface

In previous EBO versions, when the user created a BACnet Interface, by default a BACnet IP network was also created. This
version of EBO now offers the choice instead create a BACnet SC network or no network.

2.9.4 Permissions for BACnet/SC SSL Key Logging: Commands Set to Deny
(per default)

Commands for BACnet Key logging are set to Deny per default. To execute these commands, the
permission must be changed to Allow in the user group. Note that the Administrator group is read-
only and cannot be changed so if the admin account shall execute the commands, a new user
group must be created with permission set to Allow.

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2.10 Virtualized Automation Server - Edge Server

A new server type is introduced in EBO 5.0: Edge Server. The Edge Server is a PC software product
only and is not distributed as/with hardware. Instead, a container image can be downloaded
together with user scripts. The container shall be started in Docker Engine running on Ubuntu 20.04
or Ubuntu 22.04 on an AMD64/x86_64 CPU architecture. The hardware requirements are 1 GB
Ram and 4 GB disk space per server.

The Edge Server requires a license to be able to add a server to an ES, communicate in both
directions to devices, and log trend data.

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In the server hierarchy it is located under an ES, i.e. on the same level as an Automation Server,
however, it has no IO and can only talk to IP devices like BACnet and Modbus.

All instructions are attached in readme files distributed together with the scripts, but here is a
simplified workflow:

• Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04

• On Schneider-Electric network you need to install a couple of certificates and set
environment variables for Docker in your Ubuntu PC
• It is also recommended to save sudo credentials to avoid having to type them for every
script and Docker command
• Download user scripts and save them in a home folder
• Change the directory to the user script folder
• Create IPvLan
• Ask your IT administrator for a static IP address (es) for the Edge Server(s)
• Run the start script with parameters (name, version, IP address)
• Start Device Administrator and add the server (change server type to Edge Server/ES/EC)
and assign a demo license.

For people within Schneider Electric, here is a link with help how to setup certificates, environment
variables :
Setup Ubuntu and Docker for Edge Server.docx

Password reset
• To set the Edge Server in Password reset mode, type (example): ./password-reset-mode
• Open WorkStation and shift+click on Eco Struxure symbol on the left side
• Copy the session id and send it to support.
• Log on to the server using the temporary password and change the password

2.11 SpaceLogic, EasyLogic Controller Enhancements

2.11.1 SpaceLogic supports BACnet Protocol Revision 16 for BACnet B-ASC,
B-AAC Profiles
SpaceLogic controllers have been updated from BACnet Protocol Revision 14 to Protocol Revision
16. Updated features include:
• Support for extended size MS/TP frames
• Addition of the Signed Out Of Range alarm algorithm
• Ability to monitor Integer objects using the Change Of State alarm algorithm
• Support for new Engineering Units

2.11.2 New BACnet Integer Value objects

SpaceLogic controllers now support a Standard BACnet Integer Value object. This new object type
complements other Standard ‘Value’ objects – Analog, Digital, Multistate, DateTime, and String.

Additional, new object types, based on the BACnet Integer Value object are also provided.

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• Integer Consumer Value

• Integer Producer Value
• Segment Integer Input
• Segment Integer Setting

2.11.3 64-bit Support – Energy Metering

To support a greater range of values and granularity, 64-bit integers have been implemented. This
is primarily to support energy metering requirements for Modbus and Zigbee.

Note: Zigbee will only natively support 48-bit metering values.

2.11.4 Modbus Support on MP-X

Modbus support, previously introduced to RP controllers has now also been added to the MP range
of controllers.

2.11.5 RP Webservice Enhancements

• RP Webservices: Support of String and Date/Time values - Webservices may now be used
to access both String and Date/Time values.
• RP Webservices: Support for Alarms - Alarm support has been introduced to view the list
of active alarms. No alarm interaction is available, e.g. Alarms may not be acknowledged
via Webservices.
• RP Webservices: Subscription support (COV notifications) - Subscription support allows for
live value updates over Webservices based on change of value.
• RP Webservices: Batch read - Batch read allows for multiple value reads in a single
transaction, increasing both the efficiency and speed of retrieving values.
• RP Webservices: Keep alive - Keep Alive increases efficiency by reducing the need for a
handshake before each transaction. Following establishment of the connection, it will
remain alive for up to 10 seconds to facilitate additional communications with less

2.11.6 SmartX to SpaceLogic rename

IP Controllers previously branded SmartX, have been renamed to SpaceLogic. Other associated
hardware has also been similarly renamed, e.g. SmartX Sensor is now called SpaceLogic Sensor. This
name change is followed through on the upcoming BACnet MS/TP MP and RP controllers, where
the name EasyLogic is used to identify controllers within this range.

2.11.7 Increased Modbus Polling Rate Options

The options for configuring Modbus polling have increased from 2 to 4 discrete selections. In
addition to the Fast and Slow options, Very Slow and Single have been added. This allows more
control over the bandwidth usage on the Modbus.

•FAST – 50ms default, range 50ms - 1000ms

•SLOW – 10s default, range 1s - 60s

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•VERY SLOW – 1m default, range 1m to 1440m

•SINGLE – Once per online detection

Poll rates may be configured in the basic properties of the Modbus interface. Poll rate selection is
done at the Modbus Point Group and all Modbus points that are a member of that group will
adhere to the selected poll rate. Points not assigned to poll rate groups will default to the slow
polling rate.

2.12 Connected Room Solution Enhancements

2.12.1 DALI Emergency Lights - Test Recording

System events are now created whenever the DALI module detects the completion of an
Emergency light test
• Emergency Light Function Test Succeeded
• Emergency Light Function Test Failed
• Emergency Light Duration Test Succeeded
• Emergency Light Duration Test Failed

Example of an Emergency Light Function Tests that succeeded and then one that failed

2.12.2 Remote Control Enhancements

In ‘Light and Blind Configuration’:

It is now possible to select 21 steps (5%) to define the step to apply when controlling the
blind position with the Remote Control “+” / “-“ buttons.

It is now possible to select 11 steps (10%) to define the step to apply when controlling the
blind position with the Remote Control “+” / “-“ buttons.
NOTE: the use of 10% step is to be reserved for SMI blind if required. It should not be used
for another type of blind unless the operation time of the blind engine to move from 10% is
long enough to effectively move the blind.

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There is a new property ‘Supported light levels’ to define the step to apply when controlling
light with “+” and “-“ buttons of the Remote Control:
- 2 steps (On -Off)
- 5 steps (25%)
- 11 steps (10%) -> default value

Note: if the remote control object is created before upgrading to 5.0.1 then ensure to
Restore optional properties to display this new property.

In ‘Light and Blind Control’:

There are new properties ‘Light forced disable’ and ‘Blind forced disable’ to disable a group
of light so it cannot be accessed from the Remote Control.

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The way to operate light level and blind position & angle with the “+” and “-“ buttons have been
simplified so that:
- Each short press will always apply the defined increment
- A long press would go directly to 0 or 100% ( a long press is when the button is held for
more than a 600ms)

The UI of the Light control menu has been updated to explicit the level of light set: horizontal bar +
display of percentage value.

2.12.3 Insight Sensor – Mask Improvements

The maximum detection area depends on the height of the sensor as defined in the Installed height
property of the Insight sensor object. When creating a mask object and adding an inclusion area for
a specific ceiling height, the maximum square that can be fitted in the Max field of view will appear.

The Default Mask for a ceiling height of 3m is as below :

The green circle represents the maximum detection area. If you add a point that appears outside
the circle, it is located outside the detection range as shown below. A point or an area outside the
green circle is not visible for the sensor

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Sensor Orientation
For orientation, an image of the insight sensor appears in the circle at location X=0, Y=0.

For more details, please refer to Insight-Sensor Masks on WebHelp.

2.12.4 SpaceLogic Living Space Sensor – CO2 Stoplight

It is now possible to configure the background screen color of the SpaceLogic Sensor according to
the measured CO2 value. This is configured by setting the Heating cooling status property of the
Display object to “CO2” and further configuring the yellow and red warning levels. Below the
yellow warning threshold, the background color will default to green.

Also, note that the Auto setting for the Heating Cooling Status property has been directly replaced
by the CO2 selection for this release. As such, following an upgrade, if the Auto selection had been
previously selected, the display color will now be determined by the default CO2 properties.

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2.12.5 SpaceLogic Living Space Sensor - Alignment with Remote Control

As the SpaceLogic Sensor on the Senor Bus of the controller, and the Remote Control largely have
the same control functions, the common configuration elements have been aligned. This also
added support for controlling multiple lights and blinds via the SpaceLogic Sensor along with better
facilitating rezoning/grouping due to common references.

Each SpaceLogic Sensor with a display can now support controlling up to 4 lights or light groups and
up to 12 blinds or blind groups.

When multiple lights and/or blinds are configured for a SpaceLogic Sensor, pressing the light
control button on the display will launch a selection menu to allow the user to choose which light
or blind or related group the user wishes to control.

2.13 Zigbee Enhancements

2.13.1 Zigbee Light and Blind alignment to CRS (AS)
Zigbee Light & Blinds Object control is now supported on Automation Servers.

PS. The Lights and Blinds connected to the CRS modules should be tested for compatibility /
verified with CRS.

2.13.2 Zigbee Change Channel

It is now possible to change the channel on a Zigbee network. If there is a lot of interference on a
specific channel, it might be useful to change to another less congested channel.

• In EBO Workstation, navigate to Zigbee network properties.

• Select the new channel in the drop-down.
• Click save.
• The devices connected to the network will change to the new channel if they support
channel change.

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• Remark regarding Green Power(GP) devices, please look picture below.

PS. If there are GP devices in the network,

make sure to set “Network search enable”
to True (before changing channel).
Otherwise, the device will not rejoin the
network on the new channel.

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2.14 BMS Application Portal for Modbus Device Import Files

As mentioned in section 2.5.13, EcoStruxure Building Operation 2023 also introduces Modbus
Device Imported Types. These are a special custom type that you can import into your type library
and they are designed to speed the integration of specific Modbus devices into EBO.

A library of Modbus device types will be available on the BMS Applications Portal (https://bms-

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3. Known Defects in EcoStruxure Building Operation

Release v5.0.1
The table below lists known defects that are in this release. Those marked with an * after the
Defect ID are new in this release.
For IP Controller related defects please refer to the IP Controller release note 5.00.01.

Defect ID Functionality Summary Workaround

Set the buffer size down to 100.

MPX: Error changing Trend Log buffer
33140 BACnet Enable\Disable and then set the
buffer size back up to 50K.
Alarm decoration settings found in the
Use the same settings in the
37528 Presentation tab in SpaceLogic alarm
BACnet Notification Class object with
37529* objects, such as Flashing Alert and
the alarm references.
Audible Alert, are not effective.
MPC: RPC: Download may fail on a
daisy chain network when a multi-
Repeat uprev on failed
41634 BACnet stage firmware uprev is required for
supplementary firmware file
In a large, multi-server environment,
trace logs have many BACnet
41691 BACnet None
Unknown Object errors when Device
Discovery is performed
CIO: Print IO module labels tool label
44834 BACnet text is not red when label text does None
not fit on the label
Workstation: Not possible to sort and
49968* BACnet filter based on the columns in the None
Enhanced firmware upgrade.
Server does not send a Disconnect-
Request to connected BACnet/SC
50179* BACnet Restart the connected node
nodes when the BACnet/SC Interface
is deleted from the EBO Server
The Disable state-change logging
checkbox in the Presentation tab of a
50775* BACnet SpaceLogic EventEnrollment object None
does not prevent EBO from recording
the alarm in the EventView
When changing the new CO2 warning
level properties of the Living Space
Change the values
50942* BACnet Sensor, an error may occur if changes
are saved to the red and yellow values
at the same time.
Workstation may crash when quickly
expanding and collapsing different
51114* BACnet None
tree view containers in the Enhanced
Firmware Upgrade view.

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Defect ID Functionality Summary Workaround

Port references for the various

Users must now explicitly
SpaceLogic controller communication
configure each Port reference,
51140* BACnet interfaces were automatically
as desired for each
configured by the system in previous
communication interface.
Custom Type information is lost when
a SpaceLogic controller is dragged
from the BACnet Device Discovery From Device Discovery View,
view directly onto an MSTP network, first drop the controller onto an
within the EBO Server’s BACnet IP Network within the EBO
51174* BACnet
Interface. This scenario occurs when Server’s BACnet Interface, then
the SpaceLogic controller was Move the controller to the
configured with a previously MSTP network.
generated image file, derived from
that Custom Tpe.
It is not possible to configure a
51185* BACnet None
BACnet/SC Network on Edge Server.
Some i1 controller IO point
configurations are invalid when Manually reengineer the device
Continuum transitioned to EBO. For example, in EBO using the corresponding
Integration input 3 on a TCX865 can be used for i2 device. In the case of the
any input type, yet EBO won’t allow it example, use an i2865.
to be configured as a voltage input.
When creating an Infinet
device, after naming the object,
Infinet device creation fails with an
Continuum click Edit in Wizard and set the
47255 invalid data error on attempt to create
Integration Infinet device’s serial number
a device with no serial number.
and device type before clicking
Move the b3 device from the
Continuum b3 FW upgrade fails when device
48246 folder to the parent MS/TP
Integration located under folder.
Continuum Conversion Tool does not In WorkStation manually add
49482 convert engineering unit prefixes to unit prefixes after the
EBO. conversion.
Error "Object reference not set to an
Continuum Use export-import to replicate
49484 instance of an object" when copy-
Integration i2 controllers.
pasting an i2 controller.
i2 schedules only take
Continuum i2 Schedule with an EBO calendar
49663 exceptions from i2 Calendar
Integration Exception doesn't work.
Do not import b3 objects into
In a multiversion system it’s possible an application subfolder of a b3
Continuum to import native b3 objects into b3 device in a 4.0 automation
Integration application subfolders in a version 4.0 server. b3 ojbects in application
automation server. subfolders are only supported
in version 5.0 servers.

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Defect ID Functionality Summary Workaround

Be aware that values won’t

transfer until first change after
Infinet Interface Application folder
deployment. If a value in an
Continuum values do not transfer their initial
50265* Infinet Interface Application
Integration values after being deployed from PCT
folder is intended to be a
to a live server.
configuration constant, set the
value after deployment.
If copy-paste fails in a b3 device
with Duplicate BACnet name
error find and resolve the
duplicate name as follows.
1. Put WorkStation in Database
mode and repeat the Paste
"Duplicate BACnet Name" error while operation.
50507* copying-pasting a folder containing 2. Select and download the
BACnet values pasted objects to resolve
duplicate BACnet names and
download the objects to the b3
3. Restore WorkStation to
normal mode to continue
Duplicating b3 objects within a b3
Continuum device results in an error "Property Use copy-paste to duplicate b3
Integration value <BACnet name> already objects within a b3 device.
assigned to <Original BACnet object>".
Use Roam IO or temporarlily
connect the i2 device to a v3.2.3
Can’t re-enable i2 backup up to flash
Continuum automation server to re-enable
51100* after controller reaches 10,000 backup
Integration flash backup. Mitigate the issue
to flash cycles.
by reducing the frequency of
backing up to flash.
Manually deploy the server by
Error on deploy from PCT to a target taking a backup of the server
51178* server – Unable to decode CSP database from the PCT and
response for message 'WriteFile'. restoring the backup to the
targer server.
One search in HAL system takes
35974 WorkStation None
almost 30 minutes to finish.
Custom types: Attaching objects with
35685 WorkStation None
the same name
MPX: In a multi-server environment,
the list of available MPC firmware’s is Log onto the sub-server directly
35232 WorkStation
not specific to any one server, this can (not via the ES)
cause download failures

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Defect ID Functionality Summary Workaround

CAM: Configuration Menus containing Create your Configuration

two multistate menu items with Menu so that you use the same
43015 WorkStation different bind names bound to the bind name for menu items you
same property will display state text want to bind the same property
for only one and not both. to.
CAM-Menu item referring to alarm
41414 WorkStation type settings doesn't work in eCom None
Custom Type Library import: Warning
Use the regular import instead
when import 2.0 export files if the
41028 WorkStation of the Custom Type Library
MPx contains objects with
enumerated properties
EBO: List of firmware packages is
40935 WorkStation empty if Firmware folder is selected in Retry
System Tree
Workstation: Objects in tree view
40861 WorkStation does not accept clicks, user has to None
click multiple times to navigate
MPX: Drag and Drop binding to an
40854 WorkStation input is not possible with a value Manually type in point location
already used as an output
Upgrading the ES from to
39059 Server with ES backup selected None
resulted in a 'reboot' message.
Finish by manually binding
EBO 2.0 - not all point binds are found
38526 Server missing binds.
dragging binding templates
Restore configuration in 1.9.3
and run one more upgrade.
1. Uninstall everything.
37937 Server ES upgrade failed from 1.9.3 to 2.0.1
2. Install ES 1.9.
3. Restore backup.
4. Upgrade again.
MNL-800 SNVTs are not all removed
32566 I/A Transition when device type is changed from Manually remove the SNVTs.
MNL-800 to standard controller.
When updating a PCT from a
live server containing WPT
applications, delete the
When an AS is restored into PCT, an
33384 I/A Transition automation server in the PCT,
MNL application will not open
and then import the server
instead of restoring an existing

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Defect ID Functionality Summary Workaround

When an S-Link point in an MNL Log onto the Automation Server

device is forced via a graphic while directly to force and view the
40614 I/A Transition logged onto an ES, the word “Text” is point. The overridden state is
displayed in the graphic instead of the displayed correctly when logged
correct forced state of the point. onto the automation server.
Uninstall all versions of
Error when adding remote I/O tags to
WorkPlace Tech and WorkPlace
44641 I/A Transition MNB-1000 applications in WorkPlace
Tech Editor and reinstall the
Tech Editor.
desired versions.
-Revert to the automation
server to the version prior to
Automation server containing MNL
44960 I/A Transition -Upgrade the automation server
devices fails to start up after upgrade.
to version 3.2.3 before
upgrading to versions later than
Don’t change the controller
After importing an MNL or MNB
type of the application. Once
device with an attached I/A Series
the application has been saved
48606 I/A Transition application, it’s possible to change the
in WorkPlace Tech Editor, it will
controller type of the application in
no longer be possible to change
WorkPlace Tech Editor.
the controller type.
Descrptions entered when saving I/A
Use the applcation name and
Series MNL and MNB applications do
50105* I/A Transition category fields to describe
not appear in the server Control Panel
WorkPlace Tech Editor application list.
Open Workplace Tech Editor by
right-clicking the application
It’s not possible to launch WorkPlace
instance under the device and
50134* I/A Transition Tech Monitor from MNL or MNB
select Edit. In WorkPlace Tech
device right-click menu.
Editor, click Connect to monitor
and write to RAM
Do not open standalone WPT
and EBO WPT Editor or Monitor
It’s possible to open both standalone
at the same time. Simultaneous
50166* I/A Transition WPT and EBO WPT Editor or Monitor
use of standalone and EBO
at the same time.
versions of WPT is not
Launch Visio without Workplace
Tech Editor. In Visio, select File,
EBO WorkPlace Tech Editor won't Options, then Add-ins. In the
open applications and displays an Manage dropdown, select
50423* I/A Transition
error message if a required add-in is disabled items, and click Go…
disabled. Enable any WorkPlace Tech
Editor add-in that has been

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Defect ID Functionality Summary Workaround

You drag a custom object from a user

Use copy-paste to copy the
defined stencil and drop the custom
desired custom object from an
object into an application, but the
50817* I/A Transition application that contains the
operation fails with error messages
desired custom object to the
and red boxes around the objects
application under edit.
within the custom object.
Copy the used cells in the excel
i.e. until Column KF and Row
number 300 to a new Excel file
Notification There is a long generation time with and use this template and test
Reports large excel templates. the report generation. This new
excel file is reduced to about
169KB and I think this should be
Automation Server - Emails
Notification Notification sends empty emails and Increase timeout to 10, 20 or
Reports excel sheet when External Log Storage 30s.
(TimescaleDB PostgreSQL) is enabled
Using a backslash in File Name of
Notification Write to File in Variable Triggered
51150* Don’t use \ in file name.
Reports Notification causes error in External
Log Storage
Unable to configure the ‘Report’ Login into ES 3.2.3 to create the
47568 Report (MVS)
object created in MVS [EC 4.0] object
Session WOS: Session notification dialog hides
46297 Resize and move dialog.
Notifications Error dialogs that locks the GUI
Alarm view in Workstation does not
show newly configured alarms with Close alarm view and open
48666 Semantics
semantics matching the semantic again.
criteria if a semantic filter is present
Close the script editor by
Script Programs that require clicking the red X in the upper
Electronic Signatures will only prompt right corner. Select Yes that
42344 Script
the user to sign the changes if the user you would like to save, and
tries to shut down the Script Editor enter the needed credentials to
sign the change.
Workstation sometimes stops
Don’t attempt to check out a
responding when you attempt to
Script program when the Script
43288 Script check out a Script program that is a
program’s Code tab is
custom type if the Script program’s
Code tab is displayed.
It’s not possible to enter text in a Edit the binding template from
45624 Script binding template when it is launched the binding editor in
from Script Editor. WorkStation.

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Defect ID Functionality Summary Workaround

Revert the monitor

configuration to the prior
Script Editor does not appear on dual settings, launch Script Editor,
monitor PCs after reconfiguring the and move the Script Editor
49527 Script
relative location of the monitors in the window to the primary monitor.
Windows PC display control panel. Now you can re-configure the
monitor location without Script
Editor issue.
In Windows display settings, set
Text in the Script Editor "Binding
the Scale and Layout size of
49738 Script Variables" window fields is cut off
text, apps, and other items to a
when using a 4K resolution monitor.
value less than 150%.
The ability to write NaN in
WorkStation property grid is an
26815 WorkStation None
unintended side effect of being able to
display it
Wrong data in the programming of the
26649 WorkStation None
Wrong value on Status flags for Xenta
26374 Xenta that exists on the Backup Set that is None
used when AS is cloned
On ES, Back up sets path, should be
25694 Server None
grayed out.
Sometimes valid Lon Bindings are Even though the Binding is
25364 Lonworks indicated as faulty (Background Color indicated as faulty, it can be
is red in Binding field) when created saved
Uncheck unconfigured
Enabled but not configured NIC_IP in
22080 Lonworks NIC_IP_00X in L-Config and in
L-Config stops all interfaces in ES
WS use Device Discovery again.
Monitored Variable for a Function
17431 WorkStation None
Block Alarm can be edited
Drag a single priority instead of
Value onto the program input
Issue binding to a script program and then type in “value” after
47272 WorkStation
within an RP-C removing the priority, e.g.
to “CalculatedCtrlTemp/value”
FBP has incorrect output for
Function Block expression blocks when the value in
programs the expression has a divide by zero
Builder for Some Text Types won't save properly Avoid using some font styles
Function Block and will revert to main defaults like: Narrow, Condensed, Light
It can take several minutes to change If you experience this after
Builder for view mode to classic mode when a using the switch mode slider,
Function Block Function Block Program is located on select another object and then
an EC select the FB program again.

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Defect ID Functionality Summary Workaround

If you get the error "Failed to

initiate simulation: Object
Simulating programs with reference not set to an
Builder for
51172* ALARM/TSCHI blocks with module can instance”, WorkStation needs
Function Block
only be started once. to be restarted to be able to
start simulation of the FB
program again.
FBP Graphics Viewer causes COV TL (
42315 Workstation logging PVI in FBP) values to alternate Change the server value.
between Server value and InitValue
Please try to go to C:\Program
Files (x86)\Schneider Electric
EcoStruxure\Building Operation
Copy the file Charset.s.
Could not change Xenta OP language
42953 Workstation
file Go to
Electric\TAC Vista 5.1.x\OP
Configuration Tool, and paste
the copied file without
Values shown for PVR/PVI blocks, Exporting the FBP and re-
inside an HFB, is not visually shown importing has been seen to
43661 Workstation
correctly in FBP Graphics Viewer in correct this. Not every time
Workstation though.
Y, Store the file on desktop for
Menta Editor throws an exception on
44999 Menta example and no exception is
opening a menta file
thrown on opening.
When DFU upgrading several SE3 Upgrade a few AS at the time.
45724 Linux AS-P via USB, some, or many of And if that fails set them to DFU
them can fail. again.
1. Stop GraphDB service
2. Goto C:\ProgramData\Schneider
Electric EcoStruxure\Building Operation
5.0\Enterprise Central\GraphDB
3. Delete the content in the folder (Data,
Logs, Work)
4. Start GraphDB service
5. Change password on admin and add
Upgrade makes the semantic db users if there were any before deleting
50531* Semantic the folders above
inactive and corrupt.
6 Create a new repository "nsp" with
Enable Context index checked.
7. Restore Semantic DB from
(~\System\Semantic\Backups and right
8. Right click on Semantic folder and do
Upload Ontologies
9. Restart WorkStation

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Defect ID Functionality Summary Workaround

Semantics: No indication to the user in

Look in trace log or log on to GraphDB
51156* Semantic EBO when a Semantic db Restore is and check.
Semantics: A more informative error
Admin password has been cleared in
pop up message when Authorization GraphDB to default (root). Log on to
51160* Semantic failed should be applied when GraphDB and change to custom
password. Unfortunately, the Restore
Restoring Semantic db with wrong does not show error.
Shortcut to
Notification reports does not show up Type in the file name when
50699* Notification
in the “Shortcut target” browser creating the shortcut object
Unforce can take time when having a Wait. It takes about 3s for each
50768* Timed forced lot of values that have the same time variable and not always possible
for auto unforce. to do it in parallel.
No auto refresh of propertygrid when Do manuall refresh if the
50777* Timed forced
force is released automatically. property grid is open.
In Control Panel->Security
Crash when log on with Remember settings, disable Remember me
50891* WorkStation
me on a FIPS-site. (Instruct clients to allow
Events/Alarm view filter for “System
alarm id”: The horizontal scroll bar is Scroll to bottom or expand
51023* WorkStation
not always present in the Event filter window.
view when needed
Could be caused by corrupt
timestamp due to power fail on
EC. Do Force transfer or re-
Extended Trend Log on an EC stopped enabling the log i.e.: making
51058* Trend transferring from an RPV Extended config changes followed by
Trend Log reverting back to original
settings seems to get the logs
going again.

Place GoTo Init at the bottom of

Smart-X Controller: Publics going to
43915 Script the programs so that it is always
null when reloading controller
evaluated during the loop.
When a BACnet alarm type is changed
Remove the reference again and
50901* and the monitored variable is
WorkStation save.
removed, the reference comes back
when the alarm is saved.
Bindings may be shown as unresolved
51024* Bindings when the server is offline. -

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Defect ID Functionality Summary Workaround

Source server list in events column

filtering will not show all servers in a
51007* WebStation large scale environment because of a Type the name of the server.
list-size limitation in Chromium-based
Subservers on ES not shown in Backup Log on to ES and do backup
51081* Backup
Options for ES when logged on EC there.
AS-P does not disappear from system
Select the server with left click
51086* WorkStation tree on detach when one server is
selected and right clicking on another.
Graphics on EC/ES does not display Change server communication
51126* NAME and SW Version from some protocol from tcp to http
subservers after upgrade temporary.
Use the “change version” in
WebStation instead or if using
WorkStation you need to notice the
name of your Zigbee device object
in the RP instance. Check out the RP
RP custom type instance that contains a
instance and delete the Zigbee
Zigbee device without the share symbol
Zigbee device object, but select to keep
50573* indicates that it is not possible to upgrade
imported type references. Create an instance of
the Zigbee device to a new version using
the new version you want to
the “change version” in WorkStation.
upgrade to and associate it to the
Zigbee device. Give this instance
exactly the same name as the object
you deleted before. Check in the RP
custom type.
When trusting cert and in state Remove server from list and add
51157* "Wrong logon" after cert upgrade again wth the newly set
attempt device admin crash password.
No warning shown when restoring a
51096* Backup backup on a CS that is created from No Workaround
another CS
Dev Admin - Upgrade warning shown
51085* when upgrading customer db from No Workaround
Device Notification Files folder on AS empty
51051* No Workaround
Administrator after Upgrade
License Subservers on ES not shown in License Log on ES and open License
Manager Manager for ES when logged on EC Manager for ES.
Device Dev Admin - CS shown as offline if Remove CS from server list and
Administrator server guid is changed add it again.
Modbus RTU Write - When a write
None, only a warm start or
response is an exception response,
deleting and recreating the
50914* Modbus further write attempts from the same
point enables another write
EBO point stops, only started by a

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Defect ID Functionality Summary Workaround

Add an input with the same

name as the XPI, remove the
forced value, change the name
back to the XPI and remove the
When changing an XPI block name to
previously used forced input or output
50908* Menta Another workaround is to delete
name, it keeps the forced value and
XPR block and then add it
cannot be unforced
again.Yet another is to simply
uncheck the "Public" box of the
XPR block, save, and then
check/save again
Create a new temporary
instance of the custom type (CT).
Checkout the CT via the
Instance values for public constants in temporary object, and then edit
Function Block a function block that is a custom type, the program and deploy it.
programs are reset to initial value when the Check in the new CT version.
program is edited. Change version of the initial
instance object to the new CT
version and delete the
temporary instance.
Semantics: Right clicking items in the
Childrens view of a Semantic View is
51207* Semantics No workaround
treated as a left click and navigation
Webstation - Cannot change http or
No workaround , Use DHCP
51213* Server https port if static address method is
address method instead
The two SNMP passwords needs
to be stored and reapplied
SNMP auth and priv password is lost
manually in the Device
51155* Upgrade when upgrading to 5.0
Administrator after the upgrade
has been completed.

The certificates needs to be

802.1X using TLS will lose certificate manually restored in the Device
51196* Upgrade when upgrading to 5.0 Administrator after the backup
has been completed

Unclear alarm text when losing

51151* Alarm No workaround
connection to External log storage
After upgrade, the bind of light level
Reconfigure the binding to use
51001* CRS must be copied to light 1 level in order
the new light level property
to keep compatibility
Lamp failure alarm is not cleared in
50181* CRS Reset DALI Module
alarm list

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Defect ID Functionality Summary Workaround

Unable to Delete Infinet Networks.

Delete the Infinet Networks
50848* Infinet Unknown object BACnet error
while in Database mode
message is observed.
When Downloading an Infinet Devices
on an AS-P ( &, a
The errors in the trace log file
50849* Infinet large number of Infinet Network
can be ignored
errors are observed within the
trace.log file.

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 v5.0.1

4. Field Reported Defects Fixed in EcoStruxure Building

Operation v5.0.1 Release
These tables list all field reported defects fixed in 5.0.1
Note: a PSS Ticket ID of 99 = Alpha / Beta, 97 = Bench testers

Alarms Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
BACnet Alarm: 'Copy properties from...' option does not provide the option for
'the Time Delay property 43908 99
Alarm buttons not fully visible in ADv3 47989 83805990
A user with a set of permissions can acknowledge a sum alarm originating from
EC but not on ES when logged in to EC 48824 86471794
XLSX Reports: Not acknowledged alarm appears with acknowledge Time 1970 49369 88691993
The alarm Count widget will display the number of alarms in "Alarm" state only
even with no filters 49612 89714863
Device offline alarm state-change logging settings are not kept 49616 90043767
New CIO driver gives alarm with Xenta AS-P adapter 49706 90328012
The alarm text shows Pa instead of kPa 49837 90889144
EWS: GetUpdatedAlarmEvents function will not work properly if the alarm
sequence number exceeds the signed int32 range 50559 94833110

Account Management Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
Unable to add AS-P under ES by a user(who has full access permissions for ES)
when logged into EC 49059 84908074
99, 97,
User cannot login despite having the IP address added to allow list 50697 96855621

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 v5.0.1

BACnet Defect PSS

Summary ID Ticket ID
Creating a BACnet network on a gateway-router allows invalid network zero to 78991882,
be used 47174 97
BACnet values behave strangely when running the AS-P in database mode 47625 80592839
Given two devices with the same BACnet ID, mix up the devices, even if only
one of them is added to the system. 49953 91511181
Not all properties are shown in the List view when an RP-C act as a BACnet
device under an AS-P 50544 94741640
BACnet IP Interface frequently goes offline until the Server is restarted 50594 98

Dashboard Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
Dashboards; periods are not recalculated during the time the dashboard is up. 49293 91784054

Device Administrator Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
Setting scaling to 110% causes the light green menu row in Device
Administrator to disappear. 42089 59239486
Documentation WebHelp - Device Administrator Server Configuration View
details needs an update 49289 99
Netmask changes to a different value upon clicking apply on the Device
Administrator 49909 91182017
Device Administrator - Ipv6 address method set to static by default on upgrade
from 3.2 or 4.0 to 5.0 50648 97
Device Administrator: Automation Server is removed from the list when eth2
mode is changed and saved 50966 97

LonWorks/Xenta Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
Lot of communication every ten minutes, and we do have an interval log 79452816,
running every 10th minute. 47335 85688166
SNVT with unit psi is re-calculated 47355 85564534

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 v5.0.1

Documentation & Web help Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
Documentation: Not enough documentation in regard to command
permissions 45128 70337386
Documentation: Need to remove default IP from AS-B/AS-P documentation 46209 74451106
Lead-Shadow Documentation Defect for Calendars & Schedules 46640 76426919
Information required on how the EBO digital filter works 46634 76231962
PostgreSQL and TimescaleDB version recommendations are not valid 47025 77951843
Web Help: Missing information on the topic of uploading MP-x for re-hosting 47149 78607143
Documentation error in the webhelp for the warm start and cold start retain
levels in case of warm and cold reboots. 47914 83463752
Documentation: wording incorrect to disable TLS 48038 83482763
Documentation of service_blacklist object in Webhelp 48176 84688907
Documentation - Multi-version server hierarchy Version number confusion 48735 86209641
PCT needs ports between 49152 to 65535, not mentioned in the Project
Configuration Reference Guide 48796 85693785
Documentation: Variable Air Volume Data Object Control Loss Diagnostic
Message 49181 88035504
Documentation: wrong flowchart in Mass Edit Value Transfer Settings
Workflow article 49317 0
Technical documentation Power Tag compatible FW with "Zigbee Adapter
SpaceLogic Room Controllers" 49360 87615855
Documentation: WebHelp doesn't explain Invalid Certificate Settings for Server
to Server Communication 49477 89323791
Documentation: Incorrect license activation port in Information Technology
System Planning Guide 49457 89276593
Documentation: Reclaim Licenses article wrong link for Automation Servers and
missing Products and Functionalities 49681 0
Documentation issue in EBO_DB(External Log Storage-PostgreSQL
TimescaleDB) backup and restoration. 49743 90495869
Documentation: "Full Bundle allows unlimited Connected Products (250 per
architectural guideline)" -- should be 300 50213 92786836
Documentation: Need to add registration link and port to Information
Technology System Planning Guide 50415 94272000
Lack of clarity if Lon devices are counted as a "Connected device" 50428 94166513
EBO 4.0 Version of Visio used to support WorkPlace Tech Editor needs updating
in WebHelp and Arch. Guidelines 50435 94286078
Documentation: support for importing DWG and DXF files to the graphic editor 50778 0
Can we connect AS-P secureboot SXWASPSBX10001 to the Xenta adapter. 50938 96038311

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[ Release Notes ] EcoStruxure™ Building Operation 2023 v5.0.1

Electronic Records Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
Change Control and Windows Active Directory not authenticating 48377 84101241
Write to file notification will not update the <dimension ref=""/> in XLSX
report output 48965 86808480
Notification Report with Multi Trend List with Calculation method set apart
from none has Wrong Periods 49082 87469490
TimescaleDB "Source" column value changes back to old folder name. 49229 88180618
An issue in Notification report when persist data is set to False for Log
processing trend 49232 84778740
Excel notification report does not handle commas as expected 49613 90023222
Multi trend log list notification report does not give values if the calculation
method is set as meter consumption 49784 90786335
Parentheses () in a report name results in no data being printed 49867 90958548
Notification Report - Formatting of TimeStamp via XLSX Template,
YYYY/MM/DD not possible 49902 91187820
A Notification report value does not consider a unit prefix during conversion 49926 90889144
Notification Reports: Large trend log values are incorrect 50012 91460179
Compliance Report issue with EBO 2022 - Hotfix requested 50307 92618768
No values in the chart for PDF documents created by a Notification report 50326 93786707
Notification report result is not same as the search object result 50734 97

Graphics Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
Option "New Menu" is not available from Graphics point 49445 88998445
EBO Component Library does not fill the Side Bar 49664 90756952
Time schedules in TAC Xenta can not be bound to graphics in EBO 2022 50152 93960580
EBO: Components not appearing in the TGML component library 50276 93401258
EBO - Graphics Editor: Textbox content limited number of
characters 50834 95720212
Add force until to client api subscription 50923 97

I/A Integration (MNL, MNB, NW8000) Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
Infinet integration: State property changes to disabled after applying 50036 (CP12), unable to disable objects 91717384
Infinet integration: Binding error after applying HF 50369 92334344
Continuum Conversion Tool 4.0.3 converts FlashWRCount Infinet System 94649239,
variable as incorrect Object ID causing multiple issues 50517 95830836

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Function Block Programs/Menta/Visual Programming Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
Modernized Programming - Some Text Types won't save properly and will
revert to the main defaults 48504 97
Could only have 24 nested If-Then-Else in one XPI block 48613 85731384
Modernized Programming - Remote Binding is not updated when the Module
Name is Changed 48706 97
Can not bind to Dig Out on Xenta I/O module in 4.0 49386 89202221
New FB Editor: Unit disappears from Constants after deploy command 49399 88893452
Got "Symbols - Out of memory" In FBP editor 49686 89720681
When doing a deploy, blocks are moved around in the new FB editor 49797 90739783
Deploy error after moving an HFB block into another in the new FB editor 49798 90739783
In the new FB editor rectangles come out of sync with comments 49799 90739783
Old FBP Editor: Units removed from Constants 50062 91883741
Validation error modern FBP XPR block when using the Scientific Notation with
a negative exponent 50260 93357022
Visual Programming - Incorrect output values inside HFB block 50457 99
EBO: having the "Classic editor style" selected on the FBP modern
programming, the constant blocks can't be connected to another object 50705 95295338
Visual Programming - Find/Replace - Can't replace with blank 50726 99, 97
ModProg: Exceptions are thrown when using Builder view and system bindings
in RP/MP 51064 97
Menta stand-alone, not possible to generate the application 51107 96569042

Modbus Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
Modbus transfers become slow after applying CP11/12 50042 90039912
Modbus TCP Network using Ethernet Port 2 in Dual IP mode 50225 92775596

Semantics Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
Semantics: Some classes have underscore in their names 50011 91672400
Semantics: Equipment relations are not displayed correctly in Semantic Graph
View if located in and feed same location 50022 91672400
Semantics get stuck and load for 1- 2 mins when navigating 50075 92056403

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SpaceLogic & EasyLogic Controllers (including CRS) Defect ID PSS Ticket

Summary ID
MPX: The value of Temperature and Resistive inputs changes when
digital filtering is turned off 37849 73095799
CRS: Starting CRS DALI module with DALI bus disconnected never
recovers when the DALI bus is reconnected 43362 99
The Communication Parameters of Modbus will be lost once attached
a Custom type to a brand new RPC 46494 80565864
ZGB: Zigbee connection with Vingcard stability 46836 99
MP-V-7A - upgrading from v1.00.05.00004 to, the k-
factor and Balanced Flow correction factor are at zero with the BOX
FLOW remains at zero and damper goes to/remains at 100% 47087 77306579
Change to Device Id not retained during a power cycle 47242 92375920
Documentation: Where is relinquish default stored? 47573 80924307
Function Block program is not running OK after a change in Custom
Type 47689 82089186
Conversion issue with PVI block having an EBO bind 47715 81621925
Occupancy override value changes from on to off if the sensor has a
short loss of communication and comes back online 47782 99
MP-C: Values truncated on display 48093 84170790
Value converted C to F in Workstation for custom Temperature
measured in F, in the display of MPV 48117 83554250
BNP: 20 out of 640 RPC failed to upgrade to a Hotfix IP controller
package SmartX_IP_Controller_3.03.01.03102.mpfw and in constant
Amber state 48197 99
"IsBound" does not work for Numeric Triggered Input in the Script
Event Programmer 48383 84388097
RPV - Room bus and sensor bus should come with default ports and
not show up blank port references 48475 97
RUD status flapping from Firmware download to offline 48583 89694289
MPC/RPC Application Export causes MPC or RPC to fail, require a
power cycle or factory reset, after import and download 48623 85371405
PVR function block values can get shuffled after a Warm Start, Cold 85807949,
Start, or Power Cycle 48791 86681028
Zigbee MTH/SED Sensors - Sometimes the properties of the sensor
like CO2, Humidity, Temp, etc get a "Null value" 49115 99
Insight Sensor - Wrong People counting in the room due to the water
radiator heater 49286 99
Renew DHCP Command Fails 49391 85486114
Nonexistent sensor Input Reliability status shows “No-fault-detected” 88822233,
instead of "Unreliable" 49413 92105616
4.0.1 runs out of memory with the Hotel application 49421 99
New SpaceLogic RP-C advanced Controllers - Down-rev Clarification.
"Invalid firmware error" 49592 00

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Remote control sometimes stops connecting to the multisensor 49603 99

DALI Light stuck at “Power On Level” after a short power cut on 230v 49666 99
IP controllers: Forced outputs have wrong values displayed in the 90638638,
Function Block program viewer 49746 92214674
MPV Installation/Commissioning - There is no attribute to
differentiate between the MPV's IP or IP/MSTP during BACnet device
discovery 49823 97, 99
DALI v2 light wink command can be too short and unnoticeable when
the light is already ON 49876 99
Custom value text is not displayed and/or updated on the SmartX 90893211,
sensor device 49879 93543941
Documentation: missing information upgrade procedures of
SpaceLogic Controllers 49908 99
Damper position drifting while velocity pressure and flow are holding 87133324,
steady 49944 91226400
Remote Control Object - Room control, light & blind property values
are not retained on a Multisensor/Insight Sensor restart 49949 99
MP-x devices malfunction (apparent loss of db) after power failure 50193 90972405
RP-C keeps sending Modbus write requests although value has not 92483471,
been changed 50215 91932170
Controller writes zero to Modbus HMI register before reading the 92483471,
register 50279 91932170
Unnecessary Modbus writes from HMI output 50280 91932170
RP-C: Binding between consumer value and function block program is
not working 50306 93323735
MPC & IPIO Do Not Retain Display Module Override Disable Setting 50412 99
RP-C output goes True for about one second after a power restart 50477 94214004
Light level goes to lower value after using a group level/command and
a min/max level different from the default value 50907 97
Living Space Sensor - Temperature unit is set to Fahrenheit after a
power cycle of the sensor when the display is set to show
“Temperature display mode” = Temperature Setpoint and
“Temperature Units” = Celsius. 50927 97
Remote Control: a 5.0 RP-C with a 4.0 EBO will not allow to dim Light
level (only on/off) 50947 97
CRS - It not possible to send the same scene twice, the scene value
returns to 0 by the Segment setting between 2 tries 50951 97

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Licensing Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
Not possible to activate licenses on 6 out of 34 Automation Servers 42070 93867693
No option to add products part of AS non-secure or secure boot license
bundles when the user uses the option to add entitlement offline 49268 89087091
License violation when public dashboards are created 49323 89322961
Workstation Hotfix Installer does not update the x64 FNP Licensing Service 49694 90248425
License Administrator Installer does not update the x64 FNP Licensing Service 49695 90248425
License violation when using a demo license with federated authentication
enabled 49731 90499146
Non-Secure boot licenses can be activated on Secure boot hardware 50277 94797148
A secure-boot AS-B license can be activated on a secure boot AS-P hardware 50539 94484578

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Servers (AS, AS-P, AS-B, ES, EC) Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
Multistate Outputs created in b3 or i2 controllers show Override = True 41931 71961164
EBO: EBO fails to get Internet Protocol Settings - DBus ERROR 45526 92013533
GetEventInformation requests from AS-P are knocking the HMI offline 48054 80580272
after upgrade from SBO 1.9 the AS will go offline randomly and come back 58,940295
online automatically 48188 34
AS-P Server crashes when calling RemoteServerManager::AddRemoteServer 48750 89707699
Writing Event_Algorithm_Inhibit_Ref property with default value causes AS-P 98,
failure 48959 90901421
During the automated backup of an AS-B, one or more IO are reported as 80040284,
offline 47904 89170628
CDA - Segmentation fault: AS-P crashed unexpectedly during runtime 47913 98
ES Fails to start: Hangs at Trace log message nsp.util.netcom.Async_IOContext
Async_IOContext::Run AsynCSPClientIO 49143 87807749
AS-P crashes and never recovers when restoring backup with a new
configuration ID. 49176 93867657
CDA - Workstation crashes when binding to Infinet program re-start property 49507 98
Crash in trend plug-in post application of hotfix errand #50170 50217 99
EBO generates an error and crashes when creating a Watch View and selecting
Create and Edit 49114 87689761
ES crash every day 48849 98
ES crash intermittently probably in Sigma plugin 49231 95869122

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Some object types related SmartX IP controllers will have same names as
server objects 49266 88345556
ES memory usage increases fairly quickly 49485 89104843
ES crashing and cannot be started 49495 89451612
Log processing crashes the server 49946 91392103
No stacktrace files generated upon an ES crash 48985 99
Memory increases while generating reports 50024 91687718
Subscribing to segments with bad data using Client API in TGML crashes the
enterprise server 50807 97, 99
The written value directly to Priority16 is lost on a download when the Retain
level is set to cold start On the Value properties 49292 88191733
ES Backups are not created after an upgrade 49992 91127799
Unable to reset password for ES/EC/AS due to specific set password policy 50000 99
Security Setting: Allow authentication with MD5 hash settings is always
enabled 50110 99
Server does not start after an upgrade due to udt type does not exist 50151 99
AS CPU is high and goes offline to the ES when https comms is used between
servers 50184 92276718
If the IP address of an AS-P’s dual network is in the same IP range as the AS-P’s
primary IP address, the AS-P loses network connection 50199 91882201
After and upgrade from EBO 2022 v4.0.2 to 403 program scan times increase 50270 93489854
MP-V Flow Balance Data not sent to a device on download 50424 94177520
System very slowly after upgrade from 3.2.3 to EBO 2022 (4.0.3) 50451 93664114
CIO: Counter Input doubles in value after upgrade to 4.0.3 50753 95435811
AS-P Switch Mode Setting Prompts Problem In SE Managed Network
Environment 50432 96892937

Script Program Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
IP Controller Script editor fails to compile all open scripts if one has
an error (on the same RPC/MPX) 48417 85079510
EBO Workstation 3.2.3 I/A Device description field value doesn't survive an
Upload Hosted Objects Command 50201 92192023
Script - when subtracting a later date time from an earlier one resulting in a
negative value, an error DateTime calculation with overflow is generated 50263 93062620
Script program SendWebRequest works in debug mode but Bad Request error
on a normal run 50791 95010294

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Trend Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
After DST event SmartX controller trend log records will be retransferred to ETL 85763903,
with 1 hour shift causing duplicated records in ETL 48968 86810384
External Log Storage: After restoring of PostgreSQL Database (VM PC) data is
not recovered and overwrites the trend log 49163 86790508
Pending enable is never set to false for a trend log 49374 86928657
Trend Chart Transparency not maintained after save 49422 88994956
When creating a new folder and trend log, then copy and paste the same folder 89577982,
with trend log to other folders, an 'unexpected error' occurs 49540 89758340
The disc is filled with files called in temp folder 50021 91004814
Log processing Trend Log with Delta calculation gives a different output when
Persist data is enabled 50055 91764603
One press of the up/down arrow keys changes an interval trend log size by 2 50126 92242532
Issue with Log Processing Trend Log and Meter Consumption 50164 91686513
SE Translation: Create New Connected Objects: Extended Trend Log 50315 93765417

WebServices Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
EWS is not hosting points correctly 49915 91134436

WorkStation (Bindings) Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
Check out custom types and edit/save FBP will cause break bindings 47007 89153112
After correcting a binding with mismatched units, the invalid binding indication
is not removed 48118 99
Binding Value transfer rate will not be shown correctly in Search results if it is
set to 100ms 48720 85974979
Bindings do not work between an ES and AS-P 48760 84014297
Value transfer settings in binding window disappear 49573 88498724
Binding Template - Same folder binding with 3 variables does not work as
expected 50209 92259727

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WebStation (General) Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
Webstation Listview - Terminal column is not visible 48502 97
Webstation - BaSE Replica - Offline error observed when logged into
webstation after upgrade of EBO from to 48734 97
Webstation - EBO product name should not get translated in google chrome
using translate option 48740 97
WebStation: Exported Multi Trend Log List will have orginal Trend Log name
instead of series name 48817 86614119
Shortcut to document doesn't work in Webstation 48821 86672999
WebStation ignores type permission settings 48978 86981607
Webstation: Images in graphics are not moved when moved 49005 87567674
Webstation - Graphic: Curve object rotated with large center values is not
positioned correctly 49050 87357758
Webstation: Many translations missing 49111 87706035
Webstation - trend chart view will only display a maximum of 10 logs even
though legends are displayed for all added logs. 49140 87647893
Webstation : Spanish and Portuguese language packs when loaded have "es-
ES" and "pt-PT" as display names 49192 99
Webstation extended loading time in EBO 49254 88256207
WebStation: Creating trend log for a value in graphic page will not enable user
to change the trend log type 49316 0
Documentation: Need to update information about trend logs in WebStation 49368 0
Webstation displays schedule properties not the schedules. 49389 88659893
calendar date range view is not displayed in webstation if 'Start date of month'
and 'End date of month' is selected as 'Any Day' and Year is selected as 2022 49521 99
Adding an email as distribution method under a notification in WebStation
forces you to select a user or group 49555 89634194
Issue of a very pixelated/blurry presentation of vectored TGML objects in
WebStation 49709 90374171
Webstation logged into ES, viewing graphic under attached AS-P with 89427891,
multistate returns number not text. 49735 92221221
Graphic is not working in Webstation but are working in Workstation 49783 90820548
WebStation allows lower limit to be greater than higher limit for out of range
alarm 49827 90938956
Webstation EBO Slow graphic update in EC and ES 49873 91071174
Using a search object in Webstation there is always a limit of 1000 results. 49919 91205851
Trend Chart Legend is not sized correctly in webstation 49942 91449506
Trend chart show inaccurate Time and date axis posiotion in webstation 49974 91489954
When using multiversion support, we do not get a save button when editing a
schedule in webstation 50132 92165325
‘DEFAULT’ icon seen in Webstation variable objects 50205 92786888
WebStation: Events Pane and Event View will not show all events when no time
filter is selected 50230 93082820

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Zoom function in WEbstation is not working good in touch PC panel 50273 93478690
Unable to change the HTTP and HTTPS ports from the Webstation 50282 93547582
EBO Webstation generates an error when switching between 92954471,
workspaces 50290 94622461
Webstation doesn’t animate the graphic’s fan component that does animate in
Workstation 50378 92896172
Text shows aligned in workstation graphic but mis-aligned in webstation 50379 92896172
EBO: Dashboard widgets inconsistency between workstation and webstation. 50431 94288818
Webstation - Documentation: Same graphic in two folders in menu in panel
always opens in first folder 50433 94269215
Semantic view in Webstation hangs 50476 94639366
Error when trying to open a time schedule in Webstation 50666 95032128
Webstation: User setting "Decimals" does not affect how values are displayed 50810 95567596
WebStation - Changing Custom Type version does not refresh the graphic ( for
eg) if you have graphic open 50855 97
Webstation -There is an offset to the bottom on the position of the text in a
TGML Graphic 50952 97

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WorkStation (general) Defect PSS Ticket

Summary ID ID
Renaming Menu added to another Menu is not working properly 48563 85697997
Workstation crashes when trying to export data 49245 98
Workstation Crash - DataGridValidationException
SE.WorkStation.Core.Windows.Controls.ExtendedGrid.HandleKeyDownDataRo 79701032,
w(Object, KeyEventArgs) 49960 98
Workstation Crash- ArgumentException - 98,
SE.WorkStation.Core.Services.NamingConventionService.Initialize() 49532 90041452
Workstation crash when binding Infinity value to Infinity program in PCT 49121 92334344
WorkStation crashes during Semantic engineering 50090 98
WorkStation crashes when tries to duplicate the Function Block program that 91645602,
has block with an invalid value 50051 98
Link to a document opens document properties and the document 49945 92369929
Image made in Workstation could not be loaded into RP-C-12A
version 45140 69937294
Trying to edit settings in a panel that opens through another panel makes the
panel abruptly close 49000 86534722
WorkStation will hang and take a long time to export search results with a large
number of items to Excel 49046 87297049

Workstation: Cannot log in to EC after an upgrade to 4.0 49952 91288978

Reports including a search don't include all data compared to the same search
run from WS 50172 92443711

Workstation: Unresolved bindings when replacing bindings in modules in FBP 50211 92592847

Workstation hangs when importing bad xif file 50293 93625442

Opening AS-P BACnet point properties causes the workstation locks up and 92954742,
stops responding 50382 98
WorkStation Logon directly to an AS using IP address takes 400 seconds if the
AS is hosted and addressed by DNS (first logon) 50524 94120921
Workstation: Log Processing Trend Log containing Property Item only causes
error message 50618 95017429

Edge Server - Date & Time Tab missing in workstation 50774 97

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Workstation Installation - Do not uninstall and reinstall if there is no need to

update edgeviewer 50975 97
Some settings left when all products are uninstalled prevent the user from
selecting the installation path 49570 91301746

Digital Schedule does not change true/false 49620 85457137

Edit property windows do not display the information in a consistent order. 49714 89963597

Mass edit value transfer settings are missing for Lon objects 49752 90719254

Values are missing in a new Function Block Program 49780 90739783

TGML reloads each time the user changes the value of exclude in digital
segment setting or multistate segment setting. 49897 99
RP-C -Modbus Multistate Output Point "State Configuration" Tab missing in
EBO2022 50543 94856093

Cannot add new domain to ES 50563 92626765

Autohide doesn't work as expected 50624 95155809
Schedule Shadow does not work for multiple Schedules on each remote Server
(first schedule works correctly) 50652 95096449

Default name for "Counter Input" under a Xenta IO module is "Counterl Input" 50679 95309369

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5. Cybersecurity Vulnerability Disclosures

For information on security notifications refer to the link

For more information refer to the Schneider Electric Recommended Cybersecurity Best
Practices document

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6. Important Engineering Information

Important engineering information with respect to EcoStruxure Building Operation v5.0 is listed

6.1 General Engineering

• If operating from a WorkStation via a VPN to the EcoStruxure Building Operation
servers, it is possible that communication to the license server could be disrupted. In
this case, licenses that are local to the WorkStations may be required.
• Change operations are queued for data integrity reasons; consequently, lengthy
change operations carried out by users may affect other logged-on users so that their
"queued" changes seem to take longer. If there are extensive changes to be
accomplished, it will have less impact on day-to-day operational activities if the large
changes are accomplished at times of light utilization
• Multi-version System :
- From version 3.1 of EcoStruxure BMS it is possible to use a multi-version
- The capability to handle multi-version system starts with 3.0. So, a 3.0
automation server can be used in a multi-version system with an Enterprise
server with a higher version. Although the capability starts with 3.0 it is
recommended to use 3.0.4 as the base for a multi-version system.
- From version 3.2 an Enterprise Central of version 3.2 may have an Enterprise
Server of version 3.1 as a sub-server, but not any lower version. Before version
3.2 the Enterprise Central had to have the same version as the Enterprise
Note that v3.3L is excluded as a supported version in a multi-version system.
For more information , see Multi-version topic on Webhelp.
• Setting time
o Until the time is set, b3 data will not update in the Watch Window.
o Until the time is set, BACnet COV will not be functional.
o Automation Server time does not synchronize directly with the Enterprise
Server. Instead, all servers can synchronize to the same accessible time server.
• If there are communication failure alarms with the Automation Server as the source
server and/or alarms indicating that the Automation Server Alarm Control Panel
could not “Verify Lead Object Status” with the Enterprise Server’s Alarm Control
Panel, then there is likely to be a communication problem between the Enterprise
Server and the Automation Server. The following items should be examined:
o Look at the “Communication” tab for the Enterprise Server and confirm that
the IP address for the Enterprise Server is correct.
o Examine the OS on the Enterprise Server and confirm that there is no firewall.
• Binding
o Changing the units to units that are incompatible after two objects have been
bound can result in a broken binding unless the units were “No Units” prior to
the change. The Reference Manager will show this as an invalid binding.
• WebStation operation
o There are currently available some cybersecurity software products that make
use of what is known as “aggressive” caching. This action will prevent

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redirection and will prevent a user from being able to log into an Enterprise
Server or Automation Server that is downstream of a device that uses this
software. Such caching will need to be disabled for WebStation to operate
• Long user-initiated operations
o A user-triggered operation, like hosting a big system via EWS or the manual
start of a huge backup, that takes more than 90 minutes to complete by the
server will result in an error message “Wrong user ID or password” and then
WorkStation will be restarted. The message is somewhat benign since the
actual operation started by the user will be successfully completed by the
• Resource limitations to consider during engineering
o When designing and engineering a system, make sure not to over-engineer a
server. Make sure to follow stated architectural guidelines and do not add, for
example, too many trend logs in an AS where resources are the most limited.
Adding too much content and logs can cause performance reduction and even
a crashed server if disk ends up being full.
For more details refer the Architectural Guidelines on Extranet.

6.2 Backup
6.2.1 Backup validation
Please note that the default behavior for database backup validation is changed. The
configuration database will always be validated, but the historical databases on Enterprise
Server and Enterprise Central will not. This change is made for performance reasons. We
think this is acceptable because we have seen an insignificant number of actual cases of
issues with databases getting corrupt on a PC in a way that can be detected by the current
SQL validation during the lifetime of this product.
6.2.2 How to activate full validation of historical data
To activate full validation of historical data in backups for Enterprise Server and Enterprise
Central respectively, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Schneider Electric EcoStruxure\Building
Operation 3.0\Enterprise Server\etc\config and change the Enterprise Server and Enterprise
Central config file line value for NspServer.BarManager.FullValidation from false to true.
Please note that this can have severe performance implications, especially if you are using a
mechanical hard drive for your database.

6.3 Automation Server

• When upgrading an Automation Server, the Device Administrator will indicate the
upgrade has completed successfully before it is possible to log on. The time difference
can be quite long for a large-size database.
• Due to changes that were made in several areas of the Linux server operation, there are
more frequent spikes in the CPU utilization percentage. The average CPU utilization is
not substantially increased but there will be spikes that could generate false alarms if
alarms are attached to the CPU percentage. It is recommended that CPU percentage
alarms include a time delay of at least 60 seconds.
• DFU upgrade: It has been seen that using DFU mode to upgrade an AS-B can fail,
generally repeating a second time will resolve, if not unplug the USB lead, restart Device
Administrator, and repeat the upgrade.

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• Downgrading a system is not supported; however, there are occasionally circumstances

that may cause a person to abort an upgrade and revert their system to the previous
version by downgrading servers and restoring backup files. Downgrading must be done
locally via USB and following a DFU reset of the Automation Server. The DFU reset may
also result in the Automation Server falling back to the default IP address which will then
need to be changed.

6.4 WorkStation
• If a binding name is changed in the graphics or script editor, any binding that might exist for
that component is removed.
• If a value is displayed in the spreadsheet view with localized units, then any copying of that
value to another location will also copy the localized units.
• An event view can only show 100,000 entries. If there are entries that are older than 100,000
entries, a filter will need to be created that allow the entries of interest to be included in the

6.5 WebStation
6.5.1 Graphics Viewer
• Global variables that are already defined in IE, Firefox, and Chrome will not work.
Example: top,x,y, width, height
• Functions that are called and that actually are properties show a script error.
Example: array.length() instead of array.length
• Scripts that do 'drag', need to call preventDefault() on mousedown. This disables
standard touch/drag panoration
• The use of java classes is unsupported.
• Please use 'var' when declaring variables inside your TGML scripts instead of assigning
global variables. This enables you to use global scripts (UseGlobalScripts flag in TGML
root element) that make it possible to share functions between Script nodes. Having
UseGlobalScripts set to True will also improve performance substantially in
WebStation. See section 6.3.
• There is a simple tool in the Statistics tab of the Graphics Editor that will tell you if your
image has some of these common issues.
6.5.2 Workspace and Panels
• The use of toolbars in WebStation is restricted. The Statusbar, Historybar, and
Addressbar have no effect in WebStation. Hidden and Not available have the same
results (Hidden).
6.5.3 Setting up WorkSpaces for responsive WebStation.
As WebStation supports displaying on devices with different screen sizes a scheme has been
introduced to adapt the WebStation layout. A workspace designed for running on a desktop
computer might not be usable on a mobile phone.
To improve the usability on small devices, WebStation will analyze the platform it is running
on and utilize the new responsive features.
All Autohidden panes in the work area of a Workspace will be collected and grouped into a
common menu at the bottom of the work area.
All Auto hidden panes in the WorkSpace will be collected and presented in the new
WorkSpace menu.

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In order for the layout to be visible in WebStation the Edit Layout Command must be issued
and the layout edited and saved in WorkStation.

6.6 LonWorks
• When creating folders beneath a LonWorks Network, naming is more restrictive than
other EcoStruxure Building Operation names. The name is restricted to 20 characters
with no minus sign.
• When a LON binding is created to a CPT, the delta is displayed as a property, but there
will be no effect if the user changes this delta. Consequently, the CPT will be written
to even on changes that are less than the entered delta. As a workaround, the user can
create an EcoStruxure Building Operation binding to allow for adjustable polling
• When the Local Node is imported, it is necessary to perform a commission on the node
in order to activate the bindings.
• To view network variables and configuration parameters in WorkStation select the
Variable Fields tab in Properties.
• To edit properties of a Network Variable (NV) in WebStation, simply left-click on the
NV in the System Tree and the property grid is displayed. Alternatively, right-click the
NV in the System Tree and select Properties, and a Property Dialog is displayed. The
Variable Fields tab contains the values of the NV.
• If a Xenta 401 device has an overall high load, with a large application program and
many trend logs, the following settings of the device Non-group receive timer are
o 768 ms, if the number of Network Variables <=50
o 1024 ms if 50 < the number of Network Variables <=100
o 1536 ms if the number of Network Variables > 100
• Occasionally, trend objects may look empty, but retain values in the List View. This can
happen if a Xenta device has been reused without emptying it first.
• It is not possible to move a folder that contains a LON device from one Network to
• Alarm polling for an alarmed object on a LON device will continue to take place even if
the alarm shunt has been activated.
• TAC I/A Series text reports do not function in the WebStation.
• When working with Schedules on Xenta devices, it is possible to enter “over-night”
events and “Days of Week” exceptions directly through the Menta editor.

6.7 b3 Devices
• When selecting and downloading from the application folder, it is necessary to select
and download in the appropriate order to satisfy all of the referencing accomplished
in the bindings. Downloading the entire device avoids this type of problem.
• When creating BACnet schedules, it is important to add those items to be controlled
by the schedule to the Object Property Reference List and NOT to use the binding tool
to bind those items to the schedule’s value.
• In order for extended log data to capture b3 log data successfully, they must be
configured in a very specific way: a) Smart Logs = False b) The intrinsic b3 logs must be
evenly divisible by the maximum transfer interval of the ETL Reference. See
Extended-Trend-Log-for-b3-Infinet-Point-and-Value/ta-p/3343 on the Schneider
Electric Community.

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6.8 Trends
• When a COV trend log is created in an Automation Server to monitor an object from a
field bus device, attention should be given to the capability of the field device. If the
field device supports COV, as many BACnet devices do, then the BACnet device will
supply the Automation Server with data via COV, but it will do so at an interval that
corresponds to the devices interval not to the delta as established by the trend log. If
the device does not support COV, then the trend will function as a polling trend with
an interval of 500ms. In those cases, users should create an interval log to avoid
unnecessary field bus communication.
• In order for extended log data to capture b3 log data successfully, they must be
configured in a very specific way: a) Smart Logs = False b) The intrinsic b3 logs must be
evenly divisible by the maximum transfer interval of the ETL Reference on Schneider
Electric Knowledgebase.
• Each SpaceLogic server in an installation has two properties relating to trend logs:
Trend storage capacity and Trend storage usage. Whenever the usage exceeds the
capacity, a system alarm will be generated. There is also an indication whenever a
trend log of any type is created of how many records the new log will consume and
what the available storage is.
• Previous versions of the Architectural Guidelines contained erroneous information
concerning BACnet trend logs. All SpaceLogic server devices have a limit of BACnet
trend log size limit of 1,000 records. The 1.9.0 Architectural Guidelines have been
updated to include this limit.
• Manual trend logs are truncated - Old manual trend logs are truncated to 100 000
records in EcoStruxure Building Operation 2.0 and EcoStruxure Building Operation 3.x.
6.9 Archiving
When archiving using the CSV format, the maximum size limit for the archive will be
65,536, which is the maximum allowed in an Excel spreadsheet.
6.10 Web Services
• Script Web Service
o When capturing date/time data through a script program in an Automation Server,
that time will be localized by the WorkStation to the time zone of the WorkStation
whenever the data is displayed. Consequently, the Automation Server’s script
program should include the logic to adjust the date/time value to UTC.
o Script programs do not recompile based on bindings. Consequently, you may enter
a program, save it, establish bindings, and save the bindings. Yet, it will only appear
to be running without many of its outputs actually being set. It is necessary to force
a recompile of the programs to allow the web service information to be
incorporated into the actual byte code of the program.
• EcoStruxure™ Web Service (EWS)
o When configuring trend logs and extended trend logs, it is important to be aware of
their relative sizes and polling intervals. The trend log must have a size big enough
to store all values from a single poll - typically at least twice the size of values
received in one poll. Otherwise, the extended trend log will not be able to keep up
with the trend log. There must be sufficient time for the extended trend log to read
the values from the trend log before they are overwritten.

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o EWS connections to servers and clients that support MD5 and not SHA2 (SHA-256)
HASH algorithms will require the MD5 is enabled in the EcoStruxure Building
Operation Server. The documentation of each connecting EWS solution should be
reviewed to determine which HASH algorithms are supported when configuring
EcoStruxure Building Operation servers. MD5 is the least resilient HASH algorithm
and SHA2 (SHA-256) is the most resilient HASH algorithm that EcoStruxure Building
Operation supports. The option can be found in WorkStation Control Panel ->
Security Settings -> Disable MD5 Hash.
o When configuring a multi-server system, it is best to establish the EWS interface
after all server renaming takes place. A client that uses cookies will suddenly trigger
error messages such as "access denied", and no more data will be communicated
when the server is renamed or moved into a multi-server configuration in a running
system. The cookies, and all other communication parameters, are valid so the client
does not detect any communication problems and continues to use that cookie.
When this occurs, it will be necessary to restart the reconfigured server.

6.11 Editors
• If When two engineers are simultaneously editing the same program (Function Block or
Script) or using WorkPlace Tech Editor, they will have no idea that someone else may be
editing the same object. The final save of the object in question will be the final copy
that is on the server.

6.12 Authentication
• When setting up a site with a Windows Active Directory, make sure the Enterprise
Server is running with rights to read at least those AD-groups that are intended to be
used for authentication via EcoStruxure Building Operation.
6.13 Schedules
• In order to accommodate as many resolution settings as possible for the graphic
display of the WorkStation Schedule editor, it was decided that the smallest event
duration for that editor would be 5 minutes. If an event duration of less than 5 minutes
is desired, the user is directed to use either the text editor that is located on the
Advanced tab of the graphical schedule editor or to use WebStation.

6.14 Import / Export

• In keeping with the general policy of maintaining support for a period of time after
releases are delivered to the market, the 4.0.x release will not guarantee backward
compatibility to files that were exported prior to release 1.8. For more information,
refer to the software support policy document on EcoXpert Extranet.
• Export files are, in general, NOT backward compatible. A Script or Function Block
Program that is exported from v4.0.x is NOT guaranteed to import successfully into an
earlier release.
o Starting in version 3.0.x, import files exported from a newer release than
where they are imported will be denied. An export file from 3.2.x cannot be
imported in 3.0.x. An export file from 3.0.x can however still be imported in
2.0.x, but it's not recommended, and it may fail to import successfully.
o In version 3.1.x, or earlier, import files exported from versions older than 1.3,
will be denied.

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o Starting in version 3.2.x, import files exported from versions older than 1.8.x,
will be denied.
• If you make use of a library of exported files, then you should import them into a
supported version and re-export them for maintenance in your library.
• Import of export files created from version 1.7, or earlier, with StruxureWare Building
Operation bindings to Lon variable fields outside the scope of the export file, will not
convert those bindings when you import the file into version 1.8, or later. They need
to be corrected manually after the import. Please use Binding Diagnostics in the
Engineering section of the Control Panel to detect references that are not properly

6.15 Search
• If a saved Search object from previous versions, has contained a type that no longer
exists in the server, e.g. an E-mail-notification that is converted to an Alarm Triggered
Notification, then the search operation will not find any object and will need to be
manually re-configured in order to present the expected result.

6.16 SmartDriver

By default, SmartDriver drivers are loaded at startup. If a faulty SmartDriver driver causes the
EcoStruxure BMS server to crash repeatedly i.e. more than thrice, the EcoStruxure BMS server
disables the SmartDriver drivers. This prevents further crashes.

This crash counter is reset after 10 mins. The user can then re-enable the smart driver and perform
a warm start operation on the ASP. The smartdrivers will be operational again.

If the SmartDriver drivers are enabled to load at startup and the EcoStruxure BMS server is crashing
again, then the SmartDriver drivers are disabled again. The problem with the SmartDriver driver
needs to be fixed before the SmartDriver drivers can run again without crashing the server.

6.17 EWS
6.17.1 Domain login
It is possible to use the format <domain/username> as a username to log in to a specific
domain when using EWS. Using the standard format <username> will use the default
domain. When logging on to an AS which is a subserver to an ES and the AS has its default
domain on the ES you will have to log in using the format <domain/username>.

6.18 BACnet
6.18.1 Synchronize Bindings of Value and Default Priority Level
Previous EBO versions allowed users to modify the Value property of a BACnet object when a binding
exists on the default Command priority (typically, 16), and vice-versa. As some customers found this
confusing, the system now makes each property read-only when the other contains a binding.
For users who wish to maintain the previous behavior, a new system setting was added. This setting
is found in <Server>-System-Interface manager-BACnet called ‘Synchronize bindings of value and
default priority level’. When changed from True (default) to False, the system behaves as before. The
setting applies to all BACnet objects in all types of devices – EBO, IP Field Controller, 3rd-party, etc.

Please see the Technical guide for more detail.

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6.18.2 EcoStruxure BMS Force Behavior

This is new behavior for EBO Servers, which are now aligned with IP controller behavior.

The following behavior occurs when you force a value in the pre-v3.2 EcoStruxure BMS:
• The Force button is shown
• The value is highlighted in orange

With the 3.2 release, force behavior now also includes the following:
• The forced hand icon is visible in the Watch Window
• The forced text is also displayed in the List View
• The standard blue border displays around the control object in the graphic

This behavior is now consistent across all BACnet objects

6.18.3 MNB Device
It’s possible to overwhelm MNB devices by repeatedly clicking the Refresh button in WorkStation
while the BACnet application folder of an MNB device is shown in the list view. When this occurs,
values from the MNB device will stop updating for several minutes and then return to normal. To
avoid the problem do not click the refresh button in the list view. Values in the list view update
automatically without the need to refresh.

6.19 Zigbee Engineering

6.19.1 Zigbee Device import files clarification
Each Zigbee physical devices supported by EBO need a dedicated Zigbee Device Import File. This file
describes functions and abilities specific to the physical device. You can think of it like a logical device
(driver) that EBO needs to be able to set up the physical device under a Zigbee network.

There are two variants of Zigbee Device import files. Automation Server (AS) files and RP Controller
(RP) files. If you intend to set up a Zigbee Physical device under AS choose file names with the prefix
AS. If your Zigbee device runs under an RP choose file names with the prefix RP. Zigbee Device Import
Files can be downloaded from Schneider BMS Application site.

Above picture shows two variants of the same Zigbee physical device as you can find them on
Schneider Electric BMS site. Note the prefix difference AS or RP.

6.19.2 Downloading Zigbee Device import files

Zigbee device types are not included in the EBO installation. They must be downloaded to your PC
and imported to the Type Library as “Zigbee Device import files” before the corresponding Physical

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Zigbee device can be configured in EBO. Zigbee Device Import File can be downloaded from
Schneider Electric BMS Application site.

6.19.3 Improved handling of Zigbee Device import files

In EBO 4.0 the handling of Zigbee Device import files has been improved. The files are still imported
to EBO, but now the device type is imported to the Type Library instead. To add a Zigbee Device
Import file to the Type Library simply download the file to your hard drive and point to the location
by pressing the icon and navigate to the directory where the files were downloaded, select the
downloaded file, press OK. The file will be imported to the Type Library.

Type Library

Warning: Engineering with Custom Types pane must be chosen to make Type Library visible.

6.19.4 New way to associate Zigbee physical device with logical device

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Drag the logical device from the Type Library to the Zigbee network in the System Tree.
Choose the physical device in Device Discovery and drag it to the logical device in System Tree. Click
on the save icon.

6.19.5 EBO 3.xx Zigbee Devices already configured on network

EBO 4.0 Zigbee Device import files differ from the type used in previous EBO releases. EBO 3.x Old
Zigbee device types already in the system will still work in EBO 4.0. New Zigbee devices added under
EBO 4.0 must use the new Zigbee Device import files made for EBO 4.0.

6.19.6 Conversion of already configured Zigbee Devices to EBO 4.0

It is possible to convert old Zigbee Device types to the new ones used in EBO 4.0. This operation can
only be done in an EBO 2022 server. The user might lose the existing configuration without warnings
due to differences between old and new Zigbee Import file types.

1. Update the AS or RP according to upgrading instructions.

2. Download and import the new Zigbee Device import files and include them in the Type
Library. As explained in the previous chapter.
3. Select the Zigbee Device that you intend to upgrade.

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4. Right-click on the selected device and choose “Types”.

5. Click on “Attach”.

6. Choose the corresponding Zigbee Device version 4.0 from the Type Library pop-up list.

7. Click ”OK”.
8. Click on the save icon.

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9. To verify that your configured Zigbee device has been updated to EBO 4.0.
-Select the Zigbee device.
- Click on the “Properties” Tab.
- Verify that the “Type” property has v.4.0 in the last part of the id string.

Note 1! This operation can only be done on an EBO 2022 server.

Note 2! Note that Attach is not the same as an EBO upgrade and configuration may be lost without

6.19.7 Zigbee configuration in a SpaceLogic server

A Zigbee network was created in the SpaceLogic server system tree.
When creating a Zigbee network select the ‘Zigbee standard security network’, enabling automatic
Zigbee channel detection, this will find the best available channel available.
The network by default is created Offline.

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If the Zigbee network is not set to automatic in the creation wizard it will be necessary to manually
set one.
If all is well the Network status should be ‘Online’.

6.19.8 Discovering the Zigbee Green Powered sensors.

First, you need to set the Sensors into pairing mode, 1 quick press should be followed shortly by 3
green flashes, meaning it’s been discovered, if you get three red flashes the pairing has failed, check
you are in the range of the USB adaptor and try again. Also check if the sensor is in the
decommissioned mode by doing a long press, you will see 2 orange flashes followed by 2 red flashes,
release the push button after the first red flash.

When the sensor is in pairing mode use EBO to discover the devices:

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Note: it can take some considerable time for all the properties of the SE Green Power sensor to be
obtained, an upload generally speeds things up.

Also, some object properties are not implemented such as the Green Power and Basic objects.

6.19.9 Decommissioning GP sensors from an existing Zigbee network

It is essential when decommissioning a Zigbee device i.e. GP sensor (for use on another AS or RP)
that the ‘Remove association’ command is performed from EBO while the Zigbee device is operating
normally (i.e. online and connected to its parent controller).

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If you decommission the Zigbee device by pressing the service button on the GP sensor or via the
EBO command ‘Leave’ while it is commissioned but not connected with its host controller, it will not
be possible to re-commission it to the same EBO or RP host.
This is due to cyber security requirements.
The work-around to re-using a GP sensor that has been blocked is to delete the Zigbee network on
the host AS or RP device and re-create it.

6.19.10 Moving Zigbee USB adaptors

Do not swap the Zigbee USB adaptors between RP-C’s or AS-P’s, for this release, once plugged in and
recognized by the device they will not be recognized again if moved between devices, without
deleting the complete Zigbee network.

6.20 Database for External Log Storage

The External Log Storage option for EcoStruxure Building Operation enables connectivity with the
3rd party TimescaleDB time-series database, built on top of the PostgreSQL database.

It is essential that the hardware to run this solution is ordered to meet the expected and future
EcoStruxure Building Operation logging requirements.

Ensure that the minimum hardware and software requirements for the TimescaleDB
( and PostgreSQL ( is exceeded.
High performance SSD storage is required and expect that additional CPU/RAM capacity will be
required for large EcoStruxure Building Operation systems.
As an example, a minimum 64GB RAM is recommended for systems with 100 Building Operation
6.20.1 WebReports/Report Server discontinuation
Since WebReports isn’t supported since EBO 4.0, there is a Data Migration Assistant (DMA) tool
available which read data from a WebReports 3.x and write it to External Log Storage. A zip file with
binaries and instructions will be available on EcoXpert Extranet.

6.21 Memory Consumption Before Upgrade

The RAM system memory usage on a SpaceLogic server device should never exceed 80%. The system
will, after an upgrade from an earlier release, require slightly more memory, it is therefore important
to assess the current level of system memory usage before upgrading to this release.
Where the server has been operating for at least 2 months since the last restart, should the system
memory usage be above 50% for a 1.5/1.6 release, 55% for a 1.7 release, 60% for a 1.8 release, 65%

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for a 1.9 release, 70% for a 2.0/3.0/3.1 release then you may need to make engineering adjustments
to reduce your system memory usage or consider upgrading older AS devices to AS-P or AS-B which
have larger memory capacities.

The numbers above are indicative only and will vary depending on system configuration and the use
of field devices.

6.22 Builder for Function Block – Simulation

ALARM and TSCHI blocks do not work in simulation mode and can show incorrect values. If the
program relies on the output for these blocks, it might be necessary to add and connect another
block (e.g., a PV block) to represent the ALARM/TSCHI block while testing, to better simulate the
value from them.

In addition, unit conversion is not done during simulation, so values will be reported in their native

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APPENDIX A – Procedures
A1. Installing EcoStruxure Building Operation
For installation of EcoStruxure Building Operation v5.0.1 WorkStation, Enterprise Server, Enterprise
Central, please reference the Web Help for that topic.

A2. Upgrading EcoStruxure Building Operation

Note: this release is NOT supported on the original AS’s often referred to as AS classic.
Warning: Upgrading from the pre-release (v5.0.1) bench tester build is not supported.

A2.1 System Upgrade Overview

A system upgrade can include an Enterprise Server Enterprise Central, one or more automation
servers and Workstations, and the supporting administrator software, such as Device Administrator.
For more information, see System Upgrade Overview

It is imperative that any upgrades be accomplished only after reading and understanding this
document, especially those areas that are related to the upgrade process.

During an upgrade from any of the previous releases, there is a limited level of runtime compatibility
during the upgrade process. You can find more information on Webhelp here.

A2.1.1 Upgrade Enterprise Server and Enterprise Central

If your EcoStruxure BMS contains an Enterprise Server, use the Enterprise Server Upgrade Workflow.

If your EcoStruxure BMS contains an Enterprise Central, use the Enterprise Central Upgrade

Depending upon the size of the system and the quantity of trends, it is possible that the database on
the Enterprise Server/ could be quite large. When upgrading, always make certain that you have at
least twice as much disk space available as the size of your database. It should also be expected that
the Enterprise Server may appear to “hang” for as much 20 to 30 minutes upon the first initial start-
up after the upgrade, but only on the first start.

If the installation path is longer than the default path, an error will occur during installation. See
defect 48808.

If ES-upgrade hangs and shows error “-4”, then a restart of the PC will solve the problem.

CPU-load can be high some minutes in the AS after an upgrade depending on how large historical db.
there is.

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A2.1.2 Upgrading Automation Servers

To upgrade a single automation server or a series of standalone automation servers, use the
Automation Server System Upgrade Workflow.

You use Device Administrator to upgrade the automation server. You must upgrade Device
Administrator before you upgrade the automation server.

A2.1.3 Upgrading WorkStation and Client Tools Installation

To upgrade WorkStation, select editor tools and language packs, and use the Upgrading WorkStation
and Client Tools Installation.

In case of issues compiling or saving applications in WorkPlace Tech Editor, update Visio with the
latest Microsoft Office updates.

A3 Extended Log Storage Schema

A3.1 PostgreSQL/TimescaleDB database schema

If you use External Log Storage, new scripts must be run in the PostgreSQL/TimescaleDB database
for EBO 5.0. The script “pg_install_db.sql” can handle schema upgrade from 3.0 and forward.

For more info, read WebHelp Topic: “Setting up a Database Schema in the PostgreSQL Database”.

A3.2 MSSQL database schema

Use the workflow described here to install and configure the EcoStruxure BMS External Log Storage
feature using Microsoft SQL Server.

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Change History
Revision Date Author Description/Change
A 2022-12-15 R. Yanappa Final version

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