Session 16 - Leadership

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Dr Faiza Ali
• Leaders help themselves and others to do the right
things. They set direction, build an inspiring vision,
and create something new. Leadership is about
mapping out where you need to go to "win" as a
team or an organization; and it is dynamic, exciting,
and inspiring.
What Is Leadership?
• Leadership
– The ability to influence a
group toward the
achievement of goals
• Management
– Use of authority inherent
in designated formal rank
to obtain compliance from organizational members
hts • Both are necessary for
organizational success
Trait Theories of Leadership
• Theories that consider personality, social, physical, or
intellectual traits to differentiate leaders from
• Not very useful until matched with the Big Five
Personality Framework
• Essential Leadership Traits
– Extroversion
– Conscientiousness
– Openness
– Emotional Intelligence
• Traits can predict leadership, but they are better at
predicting leader emergence than effectiveness.
Behavioral Theories of
• Theories proposing that specific behaviors
differentiate leaders from nonleaders
• Differences between theories of leadership:
– Trait theory: leadership is inherent, so we must
identify the leader based on his or her traits
– Behavioral theory: leadership is a skill set and can
be taught to anyone, so we must identify the proper
behaviors to teach potential leaders
Important Behavioral Studies
Contingency Theories

Situational Leadership Theory
• A model that focuses on follower
– Followers can accept or reject the leader
– Effectiveness depends on the followers’
response to the leader’s actions
– “Readiness” is the extent to which people have
the ability and willingness to accomplish a
specific task

S1 - Directing Style

S2 - Coaching Style

S3 - Supporting Style

S4 - Delegating Style

House’s Path-Goal Theory
• Builds from the Ohio State studies and the expectancy
theory of motivation
• The theory:
– Leaders provide followers with information, support, and
resources to help them achieve their goals
– Leaders help clarify the “path” to the worker’s goals
– Leaders can display multiple leadership types
• Four types of leaders:
– Directive: focuses on the work to be done
– Supportive: focuses on the well-being of the worker
– Participative: consults with employees in decision making
– Achievement-Oriented: sets challenging goals
Leader-Member Exchange
(LMX) TheoryOut-Group
• Members are • Managed by formal
similar to leader rules and policies
• Receive less of the
• In the leader’s leader’s attention /
inner circle of fewer exchanges
communication • More likely to
• Receives more retaliate against the
time and attention organization
from leader
• Gives greater
responsibility and
Charismatic Leadership
• Charisma means gift in Greek
Charismatic Leadership
How do charismatic leaders influence followers?
Transformational Leaders
• Inspire followers to transcend their self-interests for the good of the organization
Trust and Leadership
• Trust – a psychological state that exists
when you agree to make yourself vulnerable
to another because you have a positive
expectation for how things are going to turn
– Key attribute associated with leadership
– Followers who trust their leader will align their
actions and attitudes with the leader’s
Finding and Creating Effective Leaders
Global Implications
• These leadership theories are primarily
studied in English-speaking countries
• GLOBE does have some country-specific
– Indian employees want action-oriented and
charismatic leaders.
– Brazilian teams prefer leaders who are high in
consideration, participative, and have high LPC
– French workers want a leader who is high on
initiating structure and task-oriented
Summary and Managerial
• Leadership is central to understanding group behavior as the leader provides the

• Extroversion, conscientiousness, and openness all show consistent relationships

to leadership.

• Behavioral approaches have narrowed leadership down into two usable


• Need to take into account the situational variables, especially the impact of

• Research on charismatic and transformational leadership has made major

contributions to our understanding of leadership.

• Leaders must be seen as authentic and trustworthy.

• Investment must be made in the future through mentoring and training leaders.

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