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Physics 30 Workbook Unit 3: Electromagnetism UNIT 3: ELECTROMAGNETISM PERFORMED ASOENTIAC, ‘SECRIMENT TOUAY ‘Wun DID YOO FIND wt? 0 ENON Ho! MAPS ALWANS ‘SMW WORTH RS UP AND ‘SOUT AS DOWN? T WANTED 7O SEE IF TWAT tkS TRUE, OR NOT. Ny eS oT MUCH, TORR /oMPASS DONT SURNWE THE, “TRP_SOUTH FRow| THE TOP OF THE p46 Physics 30 Workbook Unit 3: Electromagnetism UNIT 3: ELECTROMAGNETISM_ A. MAGNETISM 1. Fundamental Law of Magnetism - there are two magnetic poles: North and South Fundamental law: | Opposite poles attract Like poles repel 2. Magnetic Fields (B) ~ magnetic force (Fa) isa distant force, much like F, and Fe - its influence on other magnetic objects is best understood using fields «Direction of B - direction that the N part of a test compass points - same direction as the net magnetic force vector on a “N test particle” ‘Magnitude _- shown by the density of the field lines (how close they are together) - density of magnetic field lines is called magnetic flux Highest flux at ends of magnet (utside the magnet) ‘Two Bar Magnets b) Opposite poles a) Like poles / \ Strong, uniform field between magnets as paT Physics 30 Workbook Unit 3: Electromagnetism 3, Earth’s Magnetic Field ~ Earth has a magnetic field very similar to a bar magnet Earth’s B is strong Geographic ~ Magnetic and perpendicular North South at the poles Test compass Earth’s B is weaker and parallel at the equator Geographic ~ Magnetic South North, 4. Domain Th iron, nickel, cobalt, and gadolinium are the only elements that can be affected by a magnetic field - they are called ferromagnetic materials - ferromagnetic materials are composed of domains, which are tiny “magnets” created by electrons that “spin” in the same direction Unmagnetized ferromagnetic material Magnetized ferromagnetic materials | Path === NY SiN sts Domains are random —<—<—<— > ‘Magnetic fields cancel each other External magnetic field aligns the dom (unmagnetized) (which magnetizes the material) ‘The magnet induces the opposite pole in the closest region Note: © Soft ferromagnetic material (e.g. iron) gains and loses magnetism quickly Good for temporary magnets used inside electromagnetic devices ‘+ Hard ferromagnetic material (e.g, alloys) keep their magnetism for a long time Good if you wish to make a permanent magnet p48 Physics 30 Workbook HOMEWORK (Magnetism) 1, Determine the direction of each number compass (N pole) in the diagrams belo a) <+o- x] @t b) Unit 3: Electromagnetism @ @ 2. Using a vector sum diagram, determine the direction of the net magnetic field at P. a) N Ss s 3. Explain the following, using domain theory. b) a) Why does the $ pole of a magnet get attracted to a metal fridge door? b) Heating or dropping a magnet can cause it to lose its magnetism. ©) How can you use a strong magnet to reverse the poles on a bar magnet? d) Building beams are found to be magnetized due to the combined effects of the Earth’s magnetic field and the vibrations created during construction, SOLUTIONS 1. a) Compass 1: -» ; Compass 2: — NG » b) compass 1: + compass 2: T 3. a) The fridge door must be ferromagnetic. When the S pole is brought close, the domains inside the metal door align in the same direction as the magnet’s external magnetic field (towards the S pole). As a result, this induces a N pole in the region of the door closest to the magnet. Opposite poles attract. b) Heat or dropping shakes up the domains, which allows the domains to return to their original random directions. This leaves it unmagnetized. ©) A proper bar magnet has domains aligned towards the end labelled as North. But if you take the N end of a strong magnet and stroke the bar magnet in the opposite direction (towards the end labelled South), the domains will reverse. Then, the labels would be wrong. 4) The metal beams are hard ferromagnetic materials. During construction, the domains are shaken up and since they are now easier to move around, they will align in the same direction as the Earth’s magneti ic field. This magn: p49 ss the beam. Physics 30 Workbook Unit 3: Electromagnetism ROMAGNETISM - magnetism and electricity are similar in many ways: 1. bipolar natures - only two possible natures 2. distant forces - forces can repel or attract; as distance increases, force decreases 3. field theory - e fields produced look very similar (positive is like N; negative is like S) 4, induction - they can both affect some “neutral” objects from a distance - Oersted (1820) discovered accidentally that they are in fact highly related Electric Current produces a magnetic field BI, Magnetic Field about Straight Wires - reates circular magnetic field RULE #1 (B around straight current) Thumb - direct Curled fingers of current Ifelectron flow (negative charge), use your left hand e SUSE your Note: Drawing 3-D vectors Vector into the page ®&) Vector out of the page: © Example a) Sketch the magnetic field b) Determine the direction of the magnetic around the wire field at location A. Physics 30 Workbook Unit 3: Electromagnetism B2. Solenoids (coil of wires) - the magnetic field of a solenoid is the sum of the magnetic fields of all of its loops ~ as a result, the field inside the coil is very strong and uniform ~ the field outside the solenoid is similar to a bar magnet, RULE #2. (Solenoid (Solenoids) For negative charge, Curled fingers - direction of the « yund solenoid use your left hand, ‘Thumb - Points towards the solenox le The thumb also represents the direction of the magnetic field inside the solenoid ie. Thumb = Birse and determine the direction that the compass is pointing, Example Predict the poles for the electromagnet psi Physics 30 Workbook Unit 3: Electromagnetism HOMEWORK (Rules #1 and 2) 1, Determine the direction of: a) the magnetic field right b) themagnetic field above ¢) _the magnetic field of the wire the wire around the wire ie 2, Although electrons are the only charges that can move in a solid, positive charge is able to move in a liquid or gas. These moving charges can also create a magnetic field. a) Determine the direction of the b) Determine the direction travelled ‘compasses around the proton by the alpha particle below: ‘moving into the page Oey io) ma cconipass ee 3. Determine: « the nature of the magnetic poles for each solenoid ‘the direction the compass points a) b) nt iife Ss & 4 4, Determine: « the nature of the magnetic poles for each solenoid * the direction of the electron flow around the solenoids a) xX ¥ b) x sttttthe Y - ps2 ~ Physics 30 Workbook Unit 3: Electromagnetism I 5. The magnetic field strength around a wire is calculated using the formula B = “0 ar where Bis the magnetic field strength around the wire (in Teslas, T) Tis the current (in A) ris the distance from the wire (in m) Ho is the permeability of free space (1.25664 x 10°) a) What are the units for the constant jlo ? b) If the field strength around a wire carrying 11.0 A of current is 6.90 x 10° T, then what is the distance from the wire? Answer in cm. NI 5 6. The magnetic field strength inside a solenoid is calculated using the formula B= where Nis the number of loops Lis the length of the solenoid If the field strength inside of a 8,00 cm solenoid with 500 loops is 0.240 T, then how much current is travelling through its wires? 7. Complete the following table: ‘Gravitational field Electric Field “Magnetic Field Source Direction Strength ‘Tested with? SOLUTIONS 1. a) into the page (x) b) out of the page (#) ©) clockwise (0) 2. a) Left compass: Up (7), Right compass: Down (1) b) Moving left 3. a) Nonlefi, Son right; N part of compass points left (<-) b) Sontop,Non bottom ; N part of compass points upward (7) 4, a) Nontight side of solenoid, $ on left ; e- flow from Y to X b) Non top of solenoid, S on bottom ; e- flow from X to Y 5. a) Units: Tm/A b) 3.19em 6 30.6 7. i Biecirie Field Magnetic Field Souree Central mass Central charge ‘Magnet / Moving charge Direction ‘Atract only ‘Attract (-) or repel “Magnet: From N to § outside ‘Current: Use Rules #1 or 2 Strength Strongest on surace ‘Sirongest near charge Strongest at Ends Decreases with distance | Decreases with distance __| Decreases with distance “Tested with? ‘Test mass (Test charge TN pat of test compass p53 Physics 30 Workbook Unit 3: Electromagnetism B3, Magnetic Force on a Current-Carrying Wire current creates a magnetic field (ie. it exerts a magnetic force on another magnet) - by Newton’s 3 Law, an external magnet should exert an equal but opposite force on current - this was also discovered by Oersted Direction of Fm Fn Consider a straight wire carrying current through an extemal magnetic field: Rule #3 (F..) Fm ‘Thumb — direction of current through wire Straight fingers — direction of external magnetic field * Palm — direction that F,, pushes Ifelectron flow, then use left hand If the flow of positive charge, then use right hand Example. Predict the direction of a) Fn b) Bex Fu ps4 Physics 30 Workbook Unit 3: Electromagnetism Magnitude of Fm Equation: BAL IN=1m-A-T where Lis the length of the wire in the magnetic field (in m) 1 i the current going through the wire (in A) B is the magnitude of the external magnetic field (in Teslas, T) Note: ¢ #, is always perpendicular to both B and 7 elf BAL, then Fy is ata maximum value; if B || Z, then Fy= * Current is defined as the rate of flow of charge 1=4 | where q is the total charge (in C) through the device in t seconds 1 Example (Current Balance) massless suspension wire Mass of wire: 55 g. Length of wire in field: 8.0 em If the wire is suspended in the magnetic field, N Ss and if 7.3 x 10” electrons travel through the y wire in 13 seconds, determine: a) the external magnetic field 'b) the direction of the e- flow through wire 5 Thassless suspension wire pss Physics 30 Workbook Unit 3: Electromagnetism HOMEWORK (Rules #3, Fa, on wire) Both A and B 1 Determine the direction of a) Fa on the wire ) external magnetic field a i N | s c) electron flow d) electron flow « xB s x — O nie F —> n * x N A0.350N wire is placed into a 0.600 T magnetic field, as shown. The length of the wire is 7.00 cm inside the field. ‘What are the magnitude and direction of Ss N the electron flow to keep the wire suspended? ‘Which of the following is an equivalent unit for a Tesla? Nemes Nes A 13.0 om long wire experiences a magnetic force of 0.620 N. If the perpendicular ‘magnetic field has a strength of 1.50 T, then determine how much charge flows through the wire in 4.00 minutes, p56 Physics 30 Workbook Unit 3: Electromagnetism 5. Awire carrying 7.00 A of current is placed eon 2)0 on within a 85.0 mT magnetic field, as shown. . : . . rs Determine the magnitude and direction of ce 0) the magnetic force. Saad <> 16.0.cm B. 6, A wire has 9.80 x 10°” electrons travelling through it in 10.0 seconds. If it is inside of a 37.0 mT perpendicular magnetic field and it experiences a magnetic force of 6.10 x 10 N, then determine the length of the wire in the field. Answer in cm. 7. A.60.0 g wire that is 4.20 cm long is placed within a 800 mT perpendicular magnetic field, as shown, The electron flow through the wire is 11.0 A. Determine the initial acceleration of the wire (assuming it is at rest) if the electron flow goes from: N Ss a) Ytox b) XY e 8. A Physics 30 student conducted an experiment with a current-carrying wire that is suspended inside of a magnetic field. She varied the mass of the wire inside of the field and measured how much current was required to suspended the wire. All other variables were held constant. Sketch the straightened curve for this relationship, provide the equation of the straight line, determine the significance of the slope, and provide the units for the slope. SOLUTIONS 1. a) outofthe page (*) b) into the page (x) ¢) upward (Tt) —d)_into the page (x) 2. Mag: Fy=F,=0.350N ; 1=8.33A Dir, Using LHR #3, e- flow goes from X to Y 3. B 4, 1=3.1795.A ; = 240s ; q=763C 5. 7.14 107 N upward (7) 6. q=156.8C ; 1=15.68A ; L=0.105 m = 10.5 cm 7. Fy=03696N ; F,=0.5886N I a) is upward ; a =3.65 m/s* downward b) F, isdownward ; 6.0 m/s* downward 8. They have a direct relationship. Equation: = (slope) m Significance of Slope: —S— Units for stope: 4 or LB, kg PST Physics 30 Workbook Unit 3: Electromagnetism B4, Magnetic Forces between Parallel Wi ss ‘When two wires are parallel and they are carrying current, they exert a force on each other Same current Opposite current Ye #l yf Ye al Yy Since they create opposite fields in between, Since they create like fields in between, they attract each other they repel each other BS, Magnetic F Equation: vLB In-1 emt s where 4 is the magnitude of the charge (in C) - is the speed of the charge (in m/s) B iis the magnitude of the external magnetic field. (in T) Note: F,, is always perpendicular to both B and 7 — (Using Rule #3) elf BLY, then Fis ata maximum value If B is parallel to +, then F_=0 Fu Uniform Circular Motion: v mA If Fn is the only force on the charge (i.e. Fre:)s ena the charge gocs into uniform circular motion. ‘ Based on Newton's 2" law: 2 x, * 5 1 lA. =a} nee 7 Fm = mae S nT Nx Physics 30 Workbook Unit 3: Electromagnetism HOMEWORK (Rules #3, Fa on q) Both A and B 1. Predict the direction of: a) Fa b) velocity ©) Baw ee Pp —.” eect Py 2. Which of the following is an equivalent unit for magnetic field? AL Bom co Mm p. &s Nem Nes Cs Cm A. 3. The magnitude of the acceleration of a proton is 5.0 x 10! m/s*. Ifthe magnetic field strength is 400 mT, then what is the proton’s speed? 4, An alpha particle enters a perpendicular 75.0 mT oe ke magnetic field at a speed of 3.90 x 10° mvs o a) Is the motion clockwise or counterclockwise? @”* ———-—* b) What is its acceleration when it first enters? ©) What is the radius of curvature? Answer in em. B. 5. Anelectron is travelling at a velocity of 1.88 x 10’ m/s towards the West. If the magnetic force on the electron is 1.37 x 10°"? N directed vertically upward, what is the magnetic field? 6. A particle with 7 electrons in excess enters a perpendicular 300 mT magnetic field at a speed of 4.00 x 10° m/s. If the diameter of its motion is 14.0 cm, determine its mass. 7. A Physics 30 student performs an experiment with an electron moving in a perpendicular external magnetic field. He varies the magnetic field and measures the effect on the resulting acceleration. All other variables, including the speed of the electron, are held constant. Sketch the straightened curve showing the relationship between the two variables, state its ‘equation, determine the significance of the slope, and provide the units for the slope. SOLUTIONS 1. a) Up (1) _b) Outofthe page (#) c) Into the page (x) 2D 3. Fret = 8.35 x 10° N ; v= 1.3 x 10" m/s 4. a) clockwise b) G@=1.41x 10" m/s? downward(¥) c)_ 0.108m = 10.8cm 5, 0.455 T North (tT) 6. g==1.12x 10°C ; r=0.070m ; m=5.88 x 107 kg 7. Equation: a= slope-B a » m C-m Significance of slope: © Units: or ae Pe on Ts ges p59 Physics 30 Workbook B6, Applications of Electromagnets 1. Speakers When current comes from an external signal, it {goes around the voice coil and magnetizes the region. By repelling (or attracting) the fixed magnet, this causes the cone to move back and forth, vibrating the air and creating sound waves. The cone amplifies the sound. The frequency of the external signal determines the frequency of the sound waves produced. 2 ectric Bell ‘When the switch is closed, current flows through the circuit. When the current flows around the solenoids, it magnetizes the soft iron cores (thereby creating a horseshoe magnet). The magnet induces the opposite poles in the soft iron armature, thus attracting the armature. The armature then hits the bell. However, when the armature moves towards the bell, it moves away from the contact screw and breaks the circuit, There is no current flowing through the circuit, so the soft iron cores and the armature get Unit 3: Electromagnetism fixed voice coil magnet s N current from external signal cone spring sf soft iron armature} contact demagnetized. Since there is no more magnetic force, the J spring pulls the armature back to the contact screw. This, completes the circuit again, and the cycle repeats. Thus, the bell gets hit repeatedly when the switch is closed. When the switch is closed ... p.60 When the armature hits the bell .. fo, Nol Physics 30 Workbook 3.DC Electric Motor (Electrical Energy -> Mechanical Energy) Step 1: (0°) - the C-rings are in contact with the brushes, creating a closed circuit ~ current will flow through the armature in an extemal magnetic field ~ each side of the armature will experience a magnetic force, since the current moves perpendicular to the magnetic field (F = LIB.) = this will cause the armature to tum "clockwise" Unit 3: Electromagnetism No I, No Fin (inertia phase) Step 2: (90°) - the C-rings are no longer in contact ith the brushes (open / broken circuit) no current will flow through the armature, and thus no force (based on Fn =L 1B.) ~ however, the armature continues to ‘tum "clockwise" due to inertia / ‘momentum armature Propulsion Phase Il Inertia brushes Phase II split-ring commutator (C-ring) Step 3: (180°) Step 4: (270°) ~ the C-rings are once again in contact with ~ identical to Step 2 the brushes, and current will flow then, the cycle repeats ~ however, the C-rings have switched brushes (from Step 1 to Step 4) - thus, the current in the armature changes directions - this causes the Fz, on each side of the armature to switch directions ~ thus, the armature continues to get pushed "clockwise" Note: If the current did not switch directions, the armature would be forced counterclockwise Asa result, it would simply oscillate back and forth pb Physics 30 Workbook Unit 3: Electromagnetism C. ELECTROMAGNETI ‘TION Cl. Faraday's Law Magnetic flux can be thought of as the number (density) of magnetic field lines that pass through a coil Faraday’s law: x x x Kx To induce a current (voltage), you must change the flux Note: In order to induce the greatest voltage (and thus, current), you need: a strong magnetic field + many loops ‘© change the flux as fast as possible (highest rate of change) How? By changing the magnetic field, or by moving the loop / wire C2. Lenz’s Law An induced voltage produces an induced current whose magnetic field always fights the change in magnetic flux or ‘The induced magnetic force always fights the change (ie. a resistive force) e.g, Consider a magnet pushed towards a solenoid Faraday’s Law ~as the magnet gets closer, the magnetic field gets stronger in loops Uv - there is a change in flux in loops ‘Thus, current is induced —> motion — Lenz’s Law ~ solenoid becomes an electromagnet N e - the electromagnet will fight the change (repel the magnet coming in) — Frid - aN pole is induced nearest the magnet repels - using Rule #2, the direction of the current can be predicted = If Lenz's Law was not true, then it would violate the law of conservation of energy p62 Physics 30 Workbook Unit 3: Electromagnetism Example. 1. Predict the direction of the induced electron flow through the galvanometer G. —@- motion ACTIVITY: Sliding Tube Why does a magnet move so slowly through an aluminum tube? Aluminum tube - when the magnet is first 4—— = good conductor dropped in, the magnet - not ferromagnetic free fall (a=9.81 m/s’) ~ but, as it increases in speed, this induces current in the aluminum tube - the induced current creates a ‘magnetic field (and force) which fights the motion - the faster the magnet falls, the greater the current induced and the greater the resistive force - eventually, the magnet experiences balanced forces (Fm = F,) and it falls ata slow, constant speed (Ce ((C) p63 Physies 30 Workbook it 3: Electromagnetism Other Examples Involving Lenz's Law 1. When a conducting rod (wire) moves through a perpendicular magnetic field, a potential difference (and thus a current) is induced. Notice that BL ZL a) Determine the direction ofthe induced b) Determine the polarity (+ or -) ¢- flow around the circuit at location ¥ x ar A er soe + 98 , r= |?» ea Y 2. When a loop of wire (or any metal object) enters or exits a uniform magnetic field, current is induced, Determine the direction of the induced electron flow (if it exists) for each situation below: a) Entering the field b) Inside the field ©) Exiting the field p.64 Physics 30 Workbook Unit 3: Electromagnetism HOMEWORK (Lenz's law) 1. Predict the direction of the induced electron flow through the galvanometer for each solenoid. a) ‘motion iB motion aon x () | ) | ) 4 = G G (G) G) °) @) em (|}I{110 OUI) tex ees aaa motion of solenoid motion of solenoid 2. The direction of the induced electron flow through the galvanometer is shown. Determine the: a) direction of the b) unknown pole c) direction of the magnet’s motion of the magnet solenoid’s motion ~| dé \d Ss Deane NB ere ane ce \_ = a perpendicular field, as shown. uv i —= a) Determine the direction of the induced c ° o 0 e- flow through the wings. Then, y determine the charge at region X. p65 Physics 30 Workbook Unit 3: Electromagnetism 4. Determine the direction of the induced electron flow around each of the following circuits, a) b) AW = ¢—- » . . 2B bk x ° s Be . . a) WW | x x xB SOLUTIONS 1, a) Left() b) Right (>) ©) Right (>) @) Left (-) a) Away from solenoid (J) b) South pole c) Towards magnet (1) 2. 3. e- flows to the right through wing ; Induces a positive charge at X 4 2) €-flows up the wire, so the current is counterclockwise b)_e- flows to the right through the wire, so current is counterclockwise ©) clockwise @) clockwise P.66

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