March 2023 - Altitude Newsletter - Sleep Tips & Benefits

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March 2023

Sleep Soundly
Sleep is an important component in our overall health and well-being. While
sleeping, our bodies and minds undergo important physiological processes that
Interesting facts
allow us to function optimally when we are awake. Getting an adequate amount of
sleep over time, not only allows you to recharge, but it is linked to lowering long- about the sleep
term health risks. According to the CDC, adults require seven to nine hours of  A person experiences four to
nightly sleep. Unfortunately, lifestyle choices, stressors, and medical conditions six sleep cycles per normal
have made getting the proper amount of sleep a challenge for many people.
sleep period

Statistics about Sleep  Body temperature drops one

to two degrees in Fahrenheit
Sleep is a natural and essential part of human life. Lack of sleep, however, can during sleep
have serious consequences. When we do not have time to recharge, it can lead
to physical and mental health problems. It can also pose a danger to your daily  People tend to dream more
life, as you may be more prone to accidents. The following are some statistics in color as they get older
populated from the CDC on sleep and the dangers related to sleep:
 During sleep, the brain
 35.2% of all adults in the U.S. report sleeping on average less than seven continues to process and
hours a night consolidate memories
 14.5% of adults had trouble falling alseep most days
 40% of people with insomnia are believed to be affected by mental health  Some animals, such as
 People with severe insomnia are seven times more lively to have work- dolphins and whales, only
related accidents than people without it sleep with half of their brain
 Drowsy driving is responsible for more than 6,000 fatal car crashes every at a time
year in the United States
 Drinking more than two servings of alcohol per day for men and one  Bats are the only mammals
serving for women, has been found to decrease sleep quality by 39.2% that area known to hibernate
during the winter and sleep
Health Benefits of Sleep during the day

 Newborns sleep up to 17
There are numerous health benefits from getting the proper amount of sleep each
night. Studies have shown, getting enough sleep plays a vital role in supporting hours a day
our brain fuction and phsyical health; while inadequate sleep over time can lead to
 Sleepwalking occurs during
chronic health problems. Although your body may seem at rest during your
deep non-REM sleep and
slumber, in actuality, your internal organs are hard at work to keep you functioning
can range from simple
at your best. Below are health benefits of getting quality sleep:
behaviors to complex
 Boost your immune system activities
 Regulate metabolism
 Lowers risk of serious health problems like obesity, diabetes, and heart
 Reduces stress and improves your mood
 Helps you to think more clearly and make better decisions
 More productive
 Consolidate memories
Ways to ensure quality sleep
To ensure a good night’s sleep, there are several steps that we can take. Set up some of these positive lifestyle
changes and sleep habits to receive a sufficient amount of sleep.
 Implement a night time routine. Set up a realistic bedtime on weekdays. Turn off screens (TV, phone,
tablets, etc.) and try journaling or reading instead.
 Create a quality sleep environment. Lower down the lights and maintain a comfortable room temperature.
Invest in a good mattress and bed sheets!
 Abstain from caffeine, alcohol, and large meals in the hours leading up to bedtime. Instead, try a hot cup
of non-caffeinated tea like chamomille or peppermint tea.
 Exercise during the day. Physical activity in general is linked to impove sleep quality.
 Get exposure to natural light. Sunlight improves our circadian rhythm and sleep patterns.

Sleep is necessary. With the information provided, we hope that it will help educate us on ways to get proper sleep
and what decisions can be made to ensure we have more restful sleeps to come. By taking the right steps, to
ensure good sleep hygiene, we can improve the quality and quantity of our sleep, and enjoy all the many health
benefits that come with it.

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