Account Summary by Term

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Martina Capozza

trueUnparseable date: "9/25/2023"

Account Summary by Term

Anticipated third party contract payments, financial aid payments, and memo items are NOT included in this

Current Amount Due as of 25/09/2023 11:18:13 IST 0,00 €

Amount for current activity from all terms.

Account Balance 0,00 €

Sum of all transactions, without regard to term or effective date of transactions.

Academic Year 2023-24 0,00 €

Term Balance

Description Charge Payment Balance

Continuing Ed PT Tuition Fee 500,00 € 500,00 €

Online Application Payment 500,00 € -500,00 €

Total 500,00 € 500,00 € 0,00 €

Please note this is not an official document and is provided for information only.

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