What To Improve in A City To Get The Tourists Attraction More

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What to improve in a city to get the tourists attraction more?

Blog by Maple
Should you be on guard and nervous when exploring a new city? What if you are not impressed by
the features of the city? If we do not want to face such problems, we need to enhance our cities.

I recently watched a documentary about the struggles that is faced by tourists when came into a new
city. Tourists, especially women, are more likely to be harassed and to be robbed. Main aspects of
the city such as architecture, underfunded cultural gathering venues and most importantly safety
might not be satisfactory to tourists. So, what can we do about it?

As independent individuals, there is actually not much for us to do regarding the safety issues of the
city. However, if the government and civil organisations collaborate, eye catching aspects of the city
could be stood out and attract more people. When we think that the government is not functioning
appropriately, civil organisations can intervene the action and citizens can sign and support petitions
in order to prevent a negative consequence to exist. The picture below has to be enough to make it
clear to you:

We should all acknowledge our history and protect it. Are we all going to play three monkeys while
horrendous things happen to our culture and history? Really?

Now, some might try to defend the awful handywork and `effort` that has been used to renovate our
architecture but I do not agree with them. While a lot better work could be done, why our
government still choose to come up with these results, I am not even counting the amount of tax
that every citizen have to pay. Local authorities should take other states of the country, or even the
other countries and have to compete with them, if they want to attract more tourists of course.

Tolga Ozyurt 9/B 889

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