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Sure, I'd be happy to help you with your presentation on practical attachment in the cooperative bank of Oromia,

Hikmaa branch. Here's a possible outline for your presentation: I. Introduction * Brief overview of the
organization and its mission * Importance of practical attachment for students and professionals * Objectives of
the attachment program II. Theoretical Base * Overview of relevant theories and concepts in cooperative
banking * Discussion of the theoretical frameworks that guide the attachment program III. Practical Knowledge
Gained * Description of the day-to-day activities and experiences during the attachment * Analysis of the
practical skills and knowledge gained during the attachment * Comparison of the theoretical knowledge gained
in the classroom with the practical experiences during the attachment IV. Gap Analysis * Identification of gaps
between the theoretical knowledge and practical experiences * Analysis of the reasons for these gaps *
Discussion of the implications of these gaps for cooperative banking practice V. Limitations Encountered
during Practice * Description of the limitations encountered during the attachment, such as resource constraints,
lack of access to information, etc. * Analysis of the impact of these limitations on the practical experience VI.
Recommendations * Recommendations for addressing the gaps and limitations identified during the attachment
* Suggestions for improving the practical attachment program for future students * Implications for cooperative
banking practice and policy VII. Conclusion * Summary of the key findings and recommendations *
Reflection on the significance of the practical attachment program for cooperative banking practice and
education * Final thoughts and suggestions for future research or action. I hope this outline helps you in
organizing your thoughts and ideas for your presentation. Good luck!

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