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cost. Ibey are limited iri colors, bowevsr, anci less durable tban tbe vellum.

>^n acibesive-bsckeci clotb tape up to 4 incbes in wi6tb is obtainable in rolls

from stationery stores ancl bookbinding supply sources.


Various domestic an6 imported lestbers, available by tbe wbole or balk bicie
(or skin) as well as by tbe foot, can be usecl to cover books. Ibese are ciis-
cussecl in tbe section on leatber techniques.

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Larciboarcis of various kincls, usecl as covers for books, portfolios, ancl sim­
ilar constructions, are generally referrecl to as "boarcis." Davey boarcls, obtain­
able from binclers or tbrougb catalogue sources, are available in a variety of
weigbts. professional bancl binclers generally use a bincier's boarci csllecl tar­
boarci, wbicb is tougb, strong, ancl very rigici. Ibis type of boarci is recom-
mencieci for books sewn on corcls wbere tbe corci is Iace6 into tbe cover.
boarci 1/1b or 3/32 incb tbick is suitable for most work. Orciinary cbip boarci
can be usecl wben a cbesper, more easily available boarci is ciesire6, especially
for scbool work,' it is, bowever, less rigici anci more likely to warp. It is avail­
able in several clifferent tbicknesses in sbeets about 24 by 36 incbes in sire.
Otber boarcis, like pbotomount, poster boarci, illustration boarci, anci mat boarci
can also be usecl. Heavy tagboarci is satisfactory for scbool booklet covers anci
for pampblet covers.
lablet backs, sbirt carciboarcis from laundries, anci ciiscarcieci advertising
clisplay carcis are sources to consicier. If tbe carciboarci is too tbin anci flimsy,
two or more pieces can be glueci togetber anci presseci to form a gooci, rigici


paste for book work can be eitber bougbt or macie by tbe bincier as neeciecl.
Lookeci flour paste, wallpaper paste, launciry starcb, cornstarcb, anci rice flour
paste are all suitable for use. kecipes for tbese will be founci in tbe back of
tbe book, library paste is generally available in scbools but proves expensive
wben large quantities are neeciecl. Rubber cement can be useci anci is less ex­
pensive wben purcbaseci by tbe quart or gallon tban wben bougbt in small
amounts. Ibere are a number of milky latex rubber-base glues available on
tbe market. Lertain casein glues will stick even to book clotb tbat bas a glossy
tresteci surface. 5ome binclers use a strong vegetable glue tbat can be tbinneci
witb water to tbe ciesireci consistency, librarians use a creamy wbite plastic aci-
besive, a polyvinyl acetate, solci uncier a tracie name, wbicb can be ciiluteci
witb water for ligbter consistencies.
It is ciesirable to use flexible glue on tbe spine of a book to bolci tbe sewn
sections togetber in orcier to keep it from cirying out ancl prevent cracking
wben tbe book is openeci. Ibis glue can be purcbaseci as a Iiquici or in gelatin
form from a bookbincler wbo makes bis own glue or from a bookbinciing sup­
ply company. Ibe gelatin glue must be kept wrappeci in beavy wax paper so

it will retain its softness. 8ome glues are usecl Kot, ancl otbers are appliecl co>6.
Clues may also Ke usecl wberever paste is neeclecl except on leatbers, wbere
paste is generally clesirable.
kaclcling an6 tabbing cements, rubbery compouncls usecl commercially in
malcing scratcb pa6s, bave a great clesl of strengtb ancl can take tbe place of
strong glue wben a series of magazines are bouncl togetber. Ibey are available
as a wbite or reel liquici from bookbincling supply sources.


Ibe signatures tbat malce up a boolc are sometimes sewn on tapes, wbicb
kelp to bolcl tbem togetber ancl secure tbe contents to tbe cover. Cnbleacbecl
or wbite twill cotton tape is available from bookbincling supply sources in
V»-, V--, or Vs-incb wicltbs. Iwill lingerie tape founcl at notion counters makes
a satisfactory substitute.


kook sections can be belcl togetber witb corcl as well as tape. Ibe corcl looks
like a bemp rope ancl comes in clifferent tbicknesses, rollecl in a ball. tbick
corcl is usecl wben raisecl effects are clesirecl on tbe spine, wbile a tbinner corcl
will lie flat or can be sunken in. If regular bookbincling corcl is not available,
any corcl tbat is not twistecl too barcl ancl can be frayecl out at tbe encis, sucb
as bempen corcl, ligbt rope bemp, or tbick string, will suffice. Corel is available
from bookbincling supply companies.


^n unbleacbecl linen tbreacl is usecl by binclers to sew signatures, l^or average

work sire 16/2 is recommenclecl. Ibis comes in cones or in Vr-ounce skeins.
8trong cotton tbreacl about number 10 to 12, button tbreacl, cotton crocbet,
or embroiclery silk can serve as substitutes. If a book bas tbin sections ancl tbin
paper, a very fine linen or silk tbreacl is recommenclecl.


8uper is a material usecl on tbe back of a book, after tbe signatures bave
been gluecl togetber, in orcler to belp form a binge, kookbincler's super is solcl
by tbe bolt, eitber narrow or wicle. Ibe kincl usecl for average book jobs is a
tbin, stiffened mesb tbat looks like cbeeseclotb. Otber materials tbat can be
usecl for tbis purpose are cambric, unbleacbecl muslin, crinoline, buckram, or
tarlatan. stronger super similar to outing flannel is usecl for bincling beavy
books or magazines, kegulsr outing flannel can also be usecl.


Commercially macle beaclbancls, placecl at tbe top ancl bottom of tbe book
to give it a tailorecl finisb, are available in clifferent colors by tbe yarcl or bolt
about Vr incb or less in wicltb. Ibe professional bincler makes bis own beacl­
bancls clirectly on tbe book, generally witb a silk floss.


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