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of the verb
Sarmantay Aqerke
Ryskeldinova Zhansaya
Polatova Dariga
Verb system.
The verb system of Old English
was represented by finite and
impersonal forms of the verb,
the difference between which
was more significant than at
present, since impersonal forms
were not only conjugated, but
also inflected, like nominal parts
of speech.
The Old English verb conjugation
system included the categories of
tense, mood, number and
The verb person category included first,
second, and third person forms. This
difference appeared only in singular forms of
the indicative mood.

The category of time was represented by the

forms of present and future tense. The
meaning of the future tense was expressed
using a form - the present in combination
with a temporary adverb or a combination of
a modal verb with an infinitive.
The category of number was formed by
the opposition of singular and plural

The mood category included forms of

indicative, imperative and indirect mood.
The latter was used to express both unreal
and problematic actions (for which
modern English uses two different
moods), and also instead of the indicative
mood to convey indirect speech.
All categories used only
synthetic indicators -
inflections, intra-root
alternations, suffixes.
All Old English verbs can be
divided into groups depending
on the grammatical means used
in the formation of their stems
- alternation of vowels in the
root and suffixation.
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