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Interviewee: Salma Sowar

Interviewer: Sarah Ahmed

Date: October 17, 2023

This is an oral interview with Salma Sowar, it was conducted on October 17,
2023. This interview consists of a teacher’s insights about the use of Chatgpt
and AI tools.

[00:01 - 00:16] Hi, Dr. Salma, I would like to take five minutes of your time to take your opinion
as an English professor about the new technologies such as the chat GPT and AI tool tools
Sure, go ahead
[00:19 - 00:36] Are you in favor of chat GPT's usage in educational settings? If not, why not?
And if yes, why?
I don't think our students should be using softwares, AI softwares Because a huge part of our
[00:36 - 00:53] education has relied on us comprehending, understanding, reading new
information and It helps you build character, build personality, formulate opinions about ongoing
issues in the world. Without that you would have basically no knowledge
[00:53 - 01:09] you would depend on a computer or a system or a software to tell you everything
that you need to know and I think this is something that will gradually decrease Not only the
intelligence, but the awareness of everyone in the upcoming generations
[01:09 - 01:26] How do you see the use of chat GPT and other AI tools in research and
education? I think the best way to utilize these softwares is to use them as like a source of
knowledge and
[01:26 - 01:42] Not a way to think for yourselves So basically the way our students would learn
in the past was by going through books, articles, libraries The way you can use these softwares is
to gather information from different websites or different
[01:42 - 02:02] locations and to compile this information in one source that would help you
gather knowledge so that you can formulate your own unique opinion and analysis of whatever
issue it is that you're studying But the dangers are when you use the software to create and
formulate opinions of
[02:03 - 02:19] your own that are What potential difficulties or restrictions do you see with using
chat GPT in a research or educational settings? I think one of the most important things that we
have to keep in mind is that
[02:20 - 02:41] Although the software does compile a lot of research and information in one
location It is not necessarily credible. So it can give you a headlines You can use this
information and research as headlines that you can further Delve into and research even more to
confirm the information, but these sources are not 100% trusted
[02:41 - 02:58] They're not considered the trusted educational sources that we would usually ask
our students to use So I think one thing that you have to pay attention to is confirming the
information that is being brought up Through the software and making sure that it is actually
[03:00 - 03:20] What steps or precautions should be taken to ensure responsible and effective use
of the chat GPT in educational institutions? I think that our education system for so long has
been curated In a sense that makes students write very long essays
[03:20 - 03:38] Tests their abilities in ways that are not technically Coherent with the current
generations and I think the best way to do that is to find New and more innovative kind of ways
to test their knowledge rather than just typing up the normal essay that they would do
[03:38 - 03:54] one way could be through having activities or Specific exams that would be done
only in the classroom so that the student would be able to participate in it Truthfully
wholeheartedly and honestly only through their own
[03:56 - 04:14] Education and the their own knowledge and not relying on any external tools and
finding fun and new creative ways that students can showcase their Information and knowledge
rather than just the traditional system that we're all used to as a teacher yourself
[04:14 - 04:30] Would you ever allow your students to use chat GPT in your classroom? I think
it's very naive of us to think that as the world evolves our students will not be using this kind of
Technology in their day-to-day lives and this is just the tip of the iceberg
[04:30 - 04:46] Like everyone predicts that this type of technology will be used in the future to
do even more things So the best way to do that is to try incorporate it in a way that would aid our
students in Finding more knowledge and more sources that would help them cultivate
[04:47 - 05:02] Their own opinions and analysis of different things but we do not want to have a
Hardcore ban on using this type of stuff because it is illogical to try to ice out the new
technology That is coming into our world. We need to utilize it to make it
[05:03 - 05:25] easier for them to learn but in the same way to make Their lives more
knowledgeable and to help them actually use their own minds and brains to create opinions of
their own Okay. Thank you so much. Dr. Selma for your time and your contribution for this
interview. Thank you

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