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OR1QINS is a titaOCMank ovroeo by tt?c QaMe MSNyf actuRens AssociatioN

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

Player's Booklet

by Ed Greenwood

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Table of Contents
Introduction 2
The People 2
Clans 6
Government & Justice In The Shires 9
Language 11
Of The Telling of Tales 13
Music of the Halflings 15
Of Pipesmoke 16
Home 17
Money & Hade 18
High-Level Halfling Characters 19
The Master: A Halfling Sub-Class 19


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This one's for Grandma and Aunt Clara. See? There still
are magic kingdoms.
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ISBN 0-88038-592-8 9232

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

Welcome to the Players Guide To The about it; just run off and have fun. When Shires will only act stupid or innocent
Five Shires. This book contains informa- ye stop having fun, come home." when performing plays in taverns or
tion for both players and DMs, but unlike halls. Halflings are generally straightfor-
the larger DM's booklet, these pages will "Clje People ward, honest folk.
concentrate on information role-playing Halflings are a proud people, but they
The inhabitants of The Five Shires are
D&D® game players will need to bring a are also sensitive to the needs of other
almost entirely (96 percent) halfling. The
halfling player character to life. creatures which share their land. They do
remainder are humans, dwarves, and
The existing rules of the DUNGEONS not consider themselves superior to other
elves, mostly ambassadors and traders,
& DRAGONS® game cover the mechan- races or to those who have different
and are almost always to be found in the
ics of creating a halfling player character. beliefs, unlike the human tribes of the
large settlements of the Shires.
Follow them; except for a special subclass Emirates of Ylaruam who distinguish
Humans are the most likely non-hin between True Believers and Unbelievers.
known as the Master, this booklet makes races to be found outside such settle-
no changes to the existing rules. Instead, Halfling pride is not exhibited by being
ments, either as solitary peddlers travel- haughty, or quick to find insult, or by dif-
the culture and essential nature of half- ling the roads, or solitary mages living in
lings are explored. ficult behavior toward others.
towers. Such magic-users, always Lawful
For players who don't want to play a in alignment, are welcome by local hin Hin take pride in their own survival
halfling character but do want to adven- clans if they live peacefully, have few visi- through centuries of persecution, and in
ture in The Five Shires, your DM will tell tors from outside the Shires, and aid local their deeds and accomplishments. The
you how hin treat non-hin (halflings call hin with their magic. In return, they history of hin society is recorded in the
themselves hin). If your non-halfling receive the peace and protection of the tapestries of the various hin clans.
character is going to begin play in the hin in the beautiful countryside of the Hin tend to be curious and inquisitive,
Shires, if he was born or raised there or Shires. though not in a pushy or very obvious
has lived there for some years, read the manner. "All things pass the eyes of one
rest of the book. Unless your character has who watches and blinks not with impa-
some problem in perceiving the world or Sifce' of tience," goes a very old hin saying. Hin
has lived a life of enforced isolation, most are always interested in learning more
or all the information in the other sec- Due to their stature and disposition, half- about the world around them. In youth,
tions of the book will have become appar- lings are often thought of as childlike, all halflings go through "yallara," a time
ent to your character just by living in the unimportant in terms of international of finding themselves, an essential part of
Shires. warfare and diplomacy, and mentally this learning. A hin will never be so set in
Halflings who live or travel outside the immature; happy, innocent, fun-loving, his ways that he will be blind to possible
Shires may not be able to celebrate all the uncaring, and stupid. trouble or resist new ways or inventions,
customs of hin in the Shires, but all who Racial stereotypes are always false, but regardless of age or station. The continual
play halflings should be aware of these they are based on perceptions of common observation of the world around also
customs; they are essentials to the nature traits and may contain a kernel of truth. makes a hin difficult to surprise or dupe,
of all halflings. As your DM reveals these Whereas dwarves are thought of as dour, as many individuals of other races have
customs, look for the philosophies that grim, and taciturn, halflings are thought discovered to their cost.
lie behind them. For example, the half- of as having a merry spirit, and this is
ling custom of The Dragging isn't really true. What is wrong is to think of hin as a Monale
about killing ores, but about the desire to lightheaded, unimportant, simple race,
be free from oppression and help one's While standing on the soil of The Five
happy with their lot as pigs are happy in a Shires, all halflings gain +2 to their
friends. mud-wallow. This view is incorrect, but
First and foremost, a player who wants morale and a + 2 bonus to Saving Throws
halflings are not the type to go to war against magical fear and similar magics
to breathe life into a halfling character about it.
must put aside notions of cute little pipe that work upon the emotions. Hin are
It is also wrong to view halflings as mis- almost fearless in the defense of their own
smoking creatures who have quaint man- chievous children. Halflings in general
ners and think of halflings as people. As land and folk; they are very willing to die
have none of the wide-eyed innocence of to protect their fellows. "Do what must
old hin say to the young, "Begin then human children and are far more respect-
and learn. When ye have the hang of be done; the clan will remember," runs
ful of the property and dignity of others. an old hin proverb.
learning, ye will know just how little ye Although it is true that many of those hin
have come to know and why it is good to This does not mean that hin will fool-
who go adventuring and travel outside ishly throw their lives away when retreat-
learn. But never worry about not know- The Five Shires enjoy both thieving and
ing things. When that makes sense to ye, ing to fight later would better protect
mischievously playing pranks, hin in the their fellow halflings, but it does mean
it'll probably be too late, so don't worry

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

that adventurers facing monsters can 40-45 effect diverted 3O'-7O' away from A denial uttered within 30' of Black-
expect aid from halfling children and target, or robbed of 3 dice of flame does not involve a hit point loss;
ancients alike, not a lot of screaming and damage, depending upon the the Blackflame powers the denial (the
flight. intent of the denying hin Blackflame loses some power; this is
46-49 effect robbed of all but token described more fully in the Dungeon
DCNial effect (mainly visual); maximum Master's booklet). Only Clanmasters,
possible damage dealt to all tar- Keepers, Witnesses, and Masters of 4th
Halflings of 5 th level or higher have a gets is 2 hit points level or greater will know this until other
special power known as "denial." A half- 50-53 effect negated completely; hin learn it by battlefield observation.
ling can deny a single spell or magical charges still used, spells still lost For an example of play involving deni-
item effect once every 24 hours simply by 54 or effect hurled back upon caster or al, see Bungo's Denial. Players should
crying, "No!" and focusing his will into more wielder, for full effect remember that this isn't a miracle cure.
thwarting the attack. This power will only Each halfling can only use it once per day
work within The Five Shires, as it draws Possible Modifiers To A Denial Score: and it is often ineffective.
on the inherent forces of the land. If the power being denied is that of an
When a hin denies something, he artifact: - 5 .
instantly suffers a 1 to 4 hit point loss. Bungo's Denial
If the denying hin is defending his own Bungo Greentoes, a 5th level halfling,
This occurs even if the threatened attack, individual home or clan stronghold, or a
such as a wand being raised, is not walks out of a tavern and sees a human
spot thoroughly familiar and special to in dark robes muttering and waving
launched or was never intended. Hit him: +2.
points lost this way can be regained his hands. The man is looking at one
If the denying hin is defending beings of Bungo's friends, Dlotho, and Bun-
through normal rest. A hin who drains other than himself who are very dear to
himself of hit points in this manner will go assumes that whatever magic the
him or her: +4. wizard is going to unleash, it will be
perish but death does not affect the suc- All of these Modifiers are cumulative,
cess or failure of the denial. bad for Dlotho.
and nearly all could apply to a single (The player running Bungo informs
A hin can only deny magical things, Denial Score, given the right circum-
not purely physical threats such as mis- the DM that Bungo will attempt to
stances. deny the spell; note that the player
siles or avalanches, and cannot deny The slaying or wounding of a hin in the
things of which he is unaware. Surprise or need not correctly guess what the spell
same round in which the hin is bending is.) Bungo, who had begun to run for-
hidden attacks cannot be denied. An act his or her will to a denial does not cause
of denial takes all of a hin's attention in ward while pulling at his belt-knife,
the denial to be ruined or wasted; it will stops and yells, "No!" hurling his will
the round in which it is voiced, and is have full effect with no alteration of the
effective for that round and the following at the wizard. The act leaves him weak
Score. and trembling. Bungo sits down very
round only.
For example, assume NPC hin of suddenly on his well-padded funda-
unknown abilities who are attempting a ment. (Bungo loses 2 hit points for his
DcNial "Cable denial to have scores of 14 in both Intelli- denial, on the DM's roll of a d4.)
The DM must determine the effect of gence and Wisdom; their Score will be The spellcasting is completed. The
each denial attempt in accordance with ld20 + 28. wizard directs his spell, a lightning
the situation. The halfling's wisdom and Denial attempts cannot be combined. bolt, triumphantly at the unwitting
intelligence added together give the DM If two or more hin all attempt to deny the Dlotho. Dlotho's current lady friend,
a base for any denial attempted; add this same attack or effect, all will lose hit Jatha, who is walking with him, hears
to the roll of ld20, and consult the table points, but only the most effective score is the muttered end of the spell, turns
below: considered. The results are not cumula- her head, and sees the wizard. She,
tive. too, cries her denial.
Score Result A denial is a very personal thing; most (Bungo has 14 intelligence and 13
less hin will not speak of it. No hin can be wisdom; the player rolls ld20 for a
than 30 denial fails compelled to use denial, even by a Keep- score of 11; the combined total is 38.
30-35 effect robbed of either 1 round of er. The NPC Jatha is assumed to have a 14
duration or 1 die of damage Magical item charges are drained and in both intelligence and wisdom, and
36-39 effect diverted 10'-30' in random spells are lost even if they are utterly the DM rolls a 5; her total is 33. Only
direction, or robbed of 2 dice of negated by denial. A hin never knows Bungo's score—the higher one —
damage, depending on what the how effective his denial will be, before or takes effect. A modifier of +4 applies
hin using denial was attempting during exercise of it; the DM will inform
players of what occurs in every case.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)



ning in adolescence, when hin go they survive and return to the Shires
to both Jatha's score and Bungo's, through a process of finding themselves. makes the halflings of that peaceful land
because Dlotho is dear to them; Bun- Such yallaren halflings usually go on a surprisingly well-informed as to the
go's final score is 42.) rampage of adventure, doing anything nature, details, and happenings of the
Bungo was attempting simply to "just for the fun of it," joining weird wide world.
negate whatever unknown spell the causes, societies, and clubs, and often A halfling encountered anywhere in
wizard was casting. Thus, the only traveling to the farthest reaches of the the Known World, of any age and
result the DM can apply to the spell is world. This is brought on by the essential appearance, may as a result reveal an
robbing it of 3 dice of damage; the nature of hin, not by clan or peer pressure astonishing variety of knowledge and
1 lth level wizard's bolt does 8d6 dam- or decree. Yallara ends only when a half- experience. Hin may also leap feet-first
age, not Ild6. Jatha is not hit by the ling discovers what he really wants to do into somebody else's adventure without
bolt, but her denial attempt drains her in life. For some, this may take sixty years warning; player characters in a tight spot
of a full 4 hp (on the DM's roll of Id4); or more; for others, only three or four sea- may well receive unexpected aid from a
Bungo sees her moan and fall limply yallaren. Adventurers who survive such
to the road. Dlotho, trailing smoke, sons.
aid are full of colorful tales about the
follows her earthward. The round carefree, reckless enthusiasm of halflings,
ends, with Bungo wondering if he can who will all too often attempt anything.
get off his behind and reach the wiz- Most adventurers and halflings traveling
ard before the next spell slays him. We far from the Shires are yallaren. Yallaren
leave Bungo in suspense. are willing to try almost anything that Social
doesn't seem likely to result in certain There is no social standing based upon
death. They are interested not only in try- wealth or birth in The Five Shires. Half-
yallana ing many different lifestyles and profes- lings vary in wealth and influence, and so
sions themselves, but in observing others do their clans, but every hin has his place
This is perhaps the most important part all around them. Yallasen are thus 'gung within his clan and it is this standing that
of a halfling's life. The yallara or "wild ho' adventurers, and the rich variety of affects how a hin is treated by other hin.
time" is a restless period, usually begin- experience they relate to their clans if The Five Shires has no recognized nobili-

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

ty. There is also no slavery in The Five
Shires, but there are clanless folk; hin Faith, order, and clear aims are good ClaNS
who are outcast or orphaned or recent things, but there should be limits to such
immigrants who know not their clan and The central focus of hin life in the Shires is
beliefs. When others are hurt, deprived,
have not been adopted by a hin clan. the clan. Clans tend to have up to 1,500 or
enslaved, or compelled to direct their
so members, all of whom are related and
By human standards, almost all half- lives in certain strict manners because of
have the same last name. Hin within a clan
lings of the Shires are commoners in that one's religion, that line has been crossed.
who also happen to have the same first
they work diligently at such professions as A halfling will fearlessly tell even a cleric
name are distinguished by the use of nick-
hunting, farming, and fishing. Almost so; the support of some Immortal or other
names, which are very common among
all are comfortable; although the halfling is no excuse for one's own excessive
halflings. Hin also use "son of —" and
and his clan may not be rich in terms of "daughter of —" phrases, which most
An outsider traveling in the Shires will hin are used to having uttered with their
coins, they do not suffer from want. Even be treated with good-natured politeness own names from birth. For example, a
poor hin tend to be adequately housed,by most encountered hin because that is
halfling who is known simply as "Rory"
clothed, and fed without stint or short- the nature of most hin. Bullies and brag- in Karameikos will be called "Rory
age, and most own weapons and some garts will soon wear out this warm and Runnerguts-son-of-Dluth-Alehill" in the
finery. easy welcome and will discover that half- Shires.
Land in the Five Shires is clan property lings are also open and direct of speech far
Clan influence, and a halfling's per-
or common property, although individ- more than humans are. Wasteful extrava-
sonal reputation as a successful and cou-
ual hin may own small areas at the plea- gance and ostentatious wealth perplex or
rageous adventurer, should have great
sure of a Sheriff. Non-hin, such as human disgust hin rather than impress. Visitors
bearing on whether the halfling is consid-
wizards may also be granted such rights— who insist on strange manners or who
ered for any of the military or civil offices
enough land for a walled keep and a small openly pass judgement upon individuals
of the Shires. A DM who carefully
farm to support it, but rarely more. and conditions within the Shires will be
emphasizes and follows the importance
How halflings regard the social stand- looked down upon, not deferred to.
of clans in halfling life will succeed in
ings of others is a similar affair. A hin is Social standing in the Shires is earned,
making a halfling PC something truly
utterly unimpressed by a title of Court not conferred or held by right, although
different from a "short human with spe-
Lord, Baron, or even Duke or King, eccentricity is considered the right of all.
cial powers" in campaign play.
unless the person bearing the title is per- The social standings of clan members
sonally impressive or his known deeds are will be examined in the next section. All
worthy of respect. Battle ranks are some- clans are considered social equals, FOUNtMNQ A ClaN
what different; a Captain or General of although clans vary widely in wealth, Clans are founded only rarely, usually by
another nation will be obeyed or treated size, and actual influence. There are individuals of great fame and accom-
with deference by hin, depending on many strong rivalries between clans but plishment who take a new clan name they
whether they are allies or foes, but this nowadays these are friendly contests have invented or have acquired during
treatment is probationary; if said Captain between equals, not bitter feuds. their adventures. This name cannot be
or General turns out to be a weak or
unscrupulous character, the respectful
treatment accorded him will end forth-
Halflings resident in other lands will
respect the ranks, protocol, and authori-
ties of those lands, but within the Five
Shires such ranks are regarded with toler-
ation, not awe.
Halflings venerate elders but regard
most religious behavior with head-
shaking bemusement. This bewilder-
ment is particularly strong in cases such as
in the Emirates of Ylaruam where such
behavior involves cruelty to others, une-
ven hospitality, or treatment of folk sim-
ply because of belief. They also view with
disdain hardships visited upon anyone in
the name of a creed.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

the same as, or very similar to, the name ClaN "Capestuies influences.
of an existing clan. If a clan founder is not Halflings are taught when very young
fecund, the clan will stay small for some Around the walls of the Great Hall, and that defacing a clan rune, or using it with-
generations and may well die out. hanging in banners from its rafters, are out permission of the relevant Clanmas-
By tradition, there can be no more tapestries depicting important events in ter, is a terrible crime. Non-hin visiting
than a Hundred Clans; a player character the history of the clan and great deeds of the Shires will have to learn this the hard
halfling should not be able to found his clan members. Clan Seniors work on way, if they lack sense.
or her own clan unless at least one of the these tapestries constantly; they are care-
present clans is wiped out. This extinc- fully preserved and tended, but never
altered or restored if damaged. The old- ClaN AfcVaNC€M€Nt
tion must be known and certain to at least
two halfling Sheriffs — and of course the est tapestries may well hang in tatters, In every clan there are differing ranks;
hin wishing to found a new clan must although the Seniors, carefully schooled clan advancement is more important to
have had nothing to do with the fall of by their grandparents as their grandpar- most post-yallara hin than anything else
the clan that has disappeared. ents were before them, can tell a visitor in life. Certainly almost all post-yallara
exactly what scenes are depicted in detail hin living in The Five Shires will be of this
Most clans have existed for centuries.
and at length on the now-vanished opinion. Clan advancement is measured
When possible, clans tend to settle and
weaves. in points just as is character experience.
remain in certain areas of the Shires. In
the past this has not always been possible, The DM must keep track of such points
due to the many invasions of The Five ClaN Loyalty (Influence Points) for all PC halflings,
Shires, but left to their own devices, half- and should remember that NPC hin will
For players and DMs who wish to take rise within their clans as well. A halfling
lings move about little. advantage of it, the possibility of making can rise within his clan by the achieve-
halflings truly memorable as player char- ment of greater influence or of rank,
StRONQljOlfcS acters lies in their deep devotion to, and although the two are obviously connect-
Offices involvement in the ongoing betterment ed.
of, their clans. A halfling of the Shires
Clan strongholds are usually small but who draws his or her own clan rune (these
defensively strong castles, surrounded by runes appear in the clan summaries on iNf 1U€NC€
the farms and homes of the rest of the the back of the main Shires map, each Influence is gained as the result of the
clan. At the center of each stronghold is a with its respective clan), even if it is only proper (wise, understanding, judicious,
Chamber of the Ancestors. Within it are in a puddle of spilled beer on a tavern and kind) exercise of powers of rank, and
kept trophies (famous weapons and tabletop, does so with reverence. To a hin the doing of good and great deeds. Good
belongings) of dead clan members, and a of The Five Shires, the clan is all that is deeds include aiding others of your clan
Crucible of Blackflame. The crucible is important in life. Nothing short of magi- and, of lesser importance, other hin, and
tended by the Keeper and 2-8 Witnesses. cal compulsion or similar mental control great deeds are high adventures outside
The position of Keeper is hereditary, but will ever make any halfling knowingly act The Five Shires which add to the glory,
Witness is a position awarded by secret to the detriment or harm of his own clan. safety, or prosperity of hin. Influence may
vote of the Clan Elders to hin especially Nothing. This moral principle can lead to also be gained by experience in the mili-
esteemed by their clan. In such votes, the some interesting adventures if a DM is so tary defence of the Shires, conducted
two highest-ranking clan members, the inclined. within its borders.
Keeper and Clanmaster, each have a veto.
Surrounding the Chamber of the Yallaren are effectively exempt from Great influence allows a halfling to
Ancestors are the High Halls of the Clan. this overriding loyalty. They are usually speak and act within his own clan as if one
These include the Chamber of the Coun- far from the Shires and are always in the rank higher than he has achieved. Any
cil of Elders, the apartments and throes of questioning everything about deed may well result in the awarding of
audience-chamber of the Clanmaster, hin life, society, and the Shires. Yallaren that rank, whereupon influence builds
and the Great Feasting Hall of the Clan. or not, the support and love of clan is from the amount normal to the new rank
Such halls are usually great lofty cham- deep and instinctive in every halfling who upwards again.
bers with galleries, able to hold nine hun- has known clan kinship. Attempts to
dred hin or more. By tradition the Great magically compel a halfling to betray or EaUNlNQ iNf lUCNC€
Hall of a clan must at all times be able to work against his clan are definitely "con-
trary to the victim's nature" as far as The player of a halfling should contin-
comfortably hold all living members of ually be reminded of the importance of
the clan. charm magics are concerned. The DM
should bear in mind the usefulness of the the character's clan to the character. Just
hin ability of denial in evading such as a character earns Experience Points, he
also accumulates Influence Points in

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

dealings with the clan. AwanbiNQ of same clan(s) as PCs, and whose exploits can
The DM should keep track of such always be related to players to remind them
points and keep the PC aware of the char- that there are other hin perhaps more
acter's progress. The halfling's influence DMs should award points for influence deserving of any offices. It is recommended
level will determine how much aid the according to how well-regarded and that such NPCs be largely unavailable as
clan will give the character and how much widely-known the deeds in question are, allies for the PCs, although a DM could use
aid and service the character is expected as well as for their motivational worth. them to rescue PCs in peril.
to give to the clan. Therefore a given act is worth not a set
In personal dealings not directed by amount, but its worth is chosen by the
DM from a range of points as follows: BUNQO'S BaO Day
clan members of higher rank or ceremo-
nial duties or activities defined by law or Exercise of powers of rank (such as an We last saw Bungo Greentoes, a 5th
custom, hin of the same clan and the Elder voting on a matter, or a Clanmaster level halfling, sitting in a road con-
same nominal clan rank will establish a deciding clan policy): 1-6 points (Id6) templating his imminent death. The
pecking order based on influence within Good Deed: 2-8 points (2d4) wizard who struck down his friend
the clan. This is not a petty or malicious Great Dead: 5-20 points (5d4) Dlotho with a lightning boh has turn-
system, merely an instinctive social order- The dice values are given for those situa- ed to look at Bungo with an unhealthy
ing. Hin seem to know when the hin they tions in which the DM is unsure of how expression.
are addressing is of a higher influence much fame a given act will bring; it is rec- Bungo leaps to his feet as quickly as
than themselves, whether of their own ommended that the DM choose a value his weak knees allow and, drawing his
clan or not, and behave accordingly. rather than rolling dice whenever possible. belt knife, staggers forward into a
Exceptions are the very old, very young, Please consult Bungo's Bad Day for an charge. The wizard begins to cast
deliberately clanless, or yallaren. example of the handling of the gaining of another spell. Bungo runs closer, as
The judgement of the DM is crucial in influence points during play. A DM can fast as he can. He hears the excited
awarding points that reflect the magni- make the awarding of such points as shrieks of halfling children and one
tude of, and true motives behind, a given detailed as in Bungo's case, or leave eve- darts in front of him. Bungo looks
deed. Competition between hin to rise rything until a session of play is finished, wildly all about as he runs; hinlings
faster than each other in the ranks of their and reward only what he recalls of point- everywhere!
shared clan is never a vicious or cutthroat worthy acts. After all, influence is a mea- "Throw stones at that wizard!" he
matter; that would be contrary to the sure of just such possibly incomplete or bellows, "and then GET OUT OF
nature of halflings and their love of clan. faulty recollection and esteem. HERE! Alert the Elders!" (Exercise of
Deeds done by a PC halfling merely to Competition between players to earn powers of rank: 1-6 points. Bungo has
look good should be rewarded little. This the most Influence Points for their char- done the obvious thing, but did it
should be particularly true if such deeds acters should not dominate play, just as a mindful of the hinlings' safety. He
are reckless gambles that will harm clan or scramble to earn more experience than gets a single influence point.)
comrades if they go wrong. the next character should not. A DM Stones fly at the wizard, as does
The hin who puts clan and friends always has more senior NPC hin of a PC's Bungo. The hinling who darted in
before self unhesitatingly, and without a clan at his disposal to sharply remind a front of Bungo was the only one to hit
lot of "look at the great sacrifice I'm mak- vainglorious or wayward PC of "duty the wizard with a stone — too late.
ing" moaning, should gain the most. before zeal" and similar moral lessons, Casting complete, the wizard turns his
Note that a properly roleplayed halfling and to prevent a PC who rises a step in hand toward the infant in anger. Bun-
is always generous in describing the deeds rank over other PCs from bullying or go dives in front of the child, shielding
of other hin. A halfling PC who faces ordering them around. her with his own body. Nearby, some-
death to rescue a hin friend should never Individual players and DMs will find one shouts, "No!" angrily.
have to blow his own horn when the party the amount of preoccupation with influ- (Bungo has just done a Good Deed;
returns to the clan. In fact, a PC who ence comfortable to them in their cam- in protecting the child rather than
wishes hin friends or companions not to paigns; if it is entirely ignored, the DM striking the wizard, Bungo has know-
talk about shared adventures or grand should give some thought to just how ingly aided another to his own greater
deeds should have a hard time compel- clan offices and ranks are awarded. PCs danger. Because his act is quite likely
ling them not to talk. It is the nature of should not find the acquisition of either a to prove fatal, and Bungo knew that
hin to talk of such deeds to fellow clan fast or easy process, or the players will when he did it, the DM gives Bungo 7
members. soon run out of challenges within the influence points.)
Shires and become bored. Another hin who had come out of
DMs may wish to establish some hotshot the tavern, the 6th level senior Barusz
NPC adventurers who are members of the

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

queries and criticisms of yallaren form an the actual daily working and balance of
"the Herder," has just denied the wiz- accepted opposition to established hin power determined by the personalities of
ard's second lightning bolt. Barusz, a order. Yallaren are listened to in hopes the two individuals holding the offices.
"DM's Special" NPC, has 16 intelli- that inefficiencies and clan mistakes may A Keeper is often named to the office
gence, 17 wisdom, and rolls a 10, for a be uncovered. by his dying predecessor, in the case of a
Denial Score of 43. He recognized the When a halfling returns from yallara Keeper having no trained offspring at the
spell being cast as a lightning bolt, and settles down, he may apply for mem- time of death. Otherwise, the Elders and
and willed it to be diverted to one bership in a clan. Halflings who are not Clanmaster elect one of the Witnesses to
side. It is, and misses everyone. Barusz known to have murdered, tortured, be the new Keeper.
has just done a Good Deed, placing raped, betrayed, or stolen substantially Many Clanmasters are frail or crippled
himself in danger. He now has no from other hin are always accepted. They due to their advanced ages. They often
denial ability left for the day, and is become truly hin, the backbone of any choose an Acting Clan Chief to serve as
facing a demonstrably hostile wizard, clan, and full members of their clan. their mobile eyes and ears and to act as the
so he earns 5 Influence Points. Were A member can rise to the position of clan's battle general. Such an individual
he to promptly run away, the DM Senior through influence and respect holds the rank of Elder, but may be dis-
would probably lower that award to gathered by long experience or outstand- missed by vote of the Elders. A Clanmaster
one or two Influence Points. ing service and performance. Seniors of a who becomes mentally unfit to lead the
As the bolt crackles harmlessly to clan continually debate the merits of clan will resign if aware of his own deficien-
one side, Bungo roars, "Run!" at the activities and business carried on by their cy, or he may be removed by agreement of
child as he hauls her to her feet (no clan, and they vote to raise one or more the Keeper and a majority of the Elders. In
more Influence Points; he told the hin of their own rank to the ranks of the either case, the Acting Clan Chief has no
child to flee earlier and was awarded a Elders of the clan when necessary. vote or say in the matter, although such an
point at the time). Then he charges Between Seniors and Elders in rank come individual is sometimes considered as a
the wizard. Barusz pulls a dart from the Witnesses of the clan, who assist the replacement Clanmaster.
his belt and runs closer. Keeper by learning some aspect of the Any member of a clan may serve as
The hinling plucks up another stone Relic's powers. When acting for the Keep- Clanmaster if older members do not
and throws it hard and accurately at er, in the event of the latter's death or wish. In times of war, young hin warriors
the wizard (and earns three Influence absence, a Witness rises above all Elders in often lead their clans. An Acting Clan
Points for a somewhat-perilous Good influence and nominal rank, but remains Chief can be dismissed instantly for
Deed). The wizard staggers back, just clearly below the Clanmaster. proven misrepresentation of the Clan-
as Bungo reaches him . . . and we must The Elders of a clan elect clan ambassa- master's will either by inventing orders
leave them all. dors and representatives in Shire govern- and giving them in the name of the Clan-
ment and in direct dealings with other master or by altering the Clanmaster's
clans. Such clan representatives carry a words. Harder to detect is the allied crime
RaNk temporary rank equivalent to Elder. Each of misinforming the Clanmaster of situa-
Rank within a clan can be achieved in many Elder has a single vote in these matters, as tions so that the wrong orders will be
different ways as a hin advances: some by well as in deciding major clan business given; traditionally, Keepers try to ensure
age, some by inheritance, some by vote. and policies. that aged Clanmasters are attended at all
Clan ranks can be summarized as follows: Above Elders in rank and influence, times by at least one Witness to prevent
\bung hin, also known as younglings but having a shade less than the Keeper such abuses of power.
or hinlings, are probationary members of and Clanmaster, come the mysterious Most Clanmasters and Keepers consult
the clan into which they are born. They Masters of the Shire. This class is present- with each other and with the Elders of the
wield no influence and are protected by ed later in this book; any halfling who clan in complex or especially grave cases. In
the clan in return for service to the clan becomes a Master renounces clan mem- matters of great importance to the clan as a
such as work in the fields, cleaning clan bership but attains rank in all clans with whole, they will often ask the Elders for a
halls and stables, carrying food and whom he has dealings. vote, retaining their vetoes over the result.
water, loading and unloading goods sent Above all, at the head of a clan, are two Above clan leadership in rank are the
away for sale or acquired by the clan, and individuals: the Keeper and the Clan- five Sheriffs of the Shires, but they delib-
similar menial tasks. master. The Keeper is venerated and erately hold themselves apart from clan
A step above hinlings are the yallaren, wields the greatest influence, but the government.
who are still probationary clan members Clanmaster, traditionally the eldest living The chart that follows summarizes clan
and who wield no formal influence yet clan member who is competent to head ranks. The names of these ranks, and
are allowed to speak and act freely. The the clan and wishes to do so, is first in their relative importance and numbers,
rank. The two are thus in practice equal, may vary slightly from clan to clan.


Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)


C/aN RaNks
Rank from Influence
lowest to highest Points Powers and Rights
Hinling 0 service to clan in return for protection
Yallaren 0 to speak and act freely
Member (Hin) 1-3,000 full member of clan
Senior 3,001-17,000 experienced full member; can vote fellow members into the ranks of the Elders
Witness 10,001 17,000 assist Keeper; each learn some aspect of Relic's powers and properties; act for Keeper in his or
her incapacity or absence
Elder 17,001-22,000 + equal vote on major clan business and policy, elect clan ambassadors and representatives
Keeper absolute: sole keeper of Relic, domination of clan members as described in D&D® game Players
25,000 + Companion rulebook
Clanmaster absolute: (usually) eldest living clan member; domination authority over clan members
25,000 + (see "Keeper", above)

NON-HalfliNG C/aN MeMbens result of injury or magic, it will be readily the lands in which they dwell have feared
forgiven and forgotten. If it is the result hin clans provide a network of spies,
Clans can adopt non-hin as members.
of drunkenness, it will be only slowly for- smugglers, or even possible invaders
Elves and humans are sometimes accept-
given unless the offender is bereaved or across their borders. Therefore, most
ed into hin clans Even more rarely, hin of
yallaren. halflings outside the Shires tend to keep
other clans are taken in as members,
quiet about their clan ties or allegiances.
although they must renounce their prior
Half HNQ ClaNS OutsiOe O?e Not all hin know the names and runes'
Seines of all the Hundred Clans, nor care.
Such members by choice are always
highly regarded; they are not considered Most halflings who choose to dwell out-
inferior to those who belong to a clan by side The Five Shires are clanless, unless QOV€RNM€Nt Q JUStiCC
right of birth. Only a Sheriff can officially they reside nearby in Darokin, the west- iN tl7€ S171RCS
belong to more than one clan at a time. ern Grand Duchy, or the northern Ierendi
Masters and, in a lesser sense, Keepers are Unlike most lands of men, The Five
isles since hin there are close enough to Shires have few formal laws or set senten-
always considered to belong to all clans. retain contact with their clans within the ces for given crimes. Justice in the Shires
Shires. Clanless hin have renounced their consists in practice of the judgement and
AbusiNQ RaNk clans, been cast out, or are the descen- decrees of Clanmasters, Keepers, and
A halfling trying to falsely pull rank on dants of hin who reared them outside the Sheriffs.
other hin by assuming a rank or level of Shires.
Within a clan, the code of accepted
influence he does not really possess will Such halflings may well have smaller behavior is laid down and maintained by
be ignored by those hin once they realize families with less ritual and clearly the Clanmaster and Keeper. In the rare
what is going on. They will stop speaking remembered history and traditions, more event of the holders of both offices being
and looking at the offending hin, simply akin to human families. These hin fami- slain, absent, or incapacitated, a council
avoiding him. They will provide food, lies tend to have names derived from of seven Witnesses and Elders tradition-
water, and a place to sleep, but no more. family characteristics or professions, such ally runs the clan and passes judgement
If attacked or hampered in their activi- as Winkeye and Sheepwatch. Such far- in all disputes.
ties by the offender they will defend scattered hin by tradition give shelter to
themselves, seeking to drive out or dis- many weary traveling yallaren who usu-
able the offender without causing serious ally entertain their hosts with tales and CuiMes
harm. Note that locking the offender in a news of the Shires. As a result, hin out- Little formal law is written down because
cellar or knocking him cold is not seen as side the Shires are almost all aware of the halflings know what is right and what
serious harm. An offending hin who is existence and the doings of clans in the decent folk do as a result of their clan
injured will be treated. Only upon the Shires related to them or with whom they upbringing and instruction. Halflings
withdrawal or abject apology of the share common names. who witness or suspect misdeeds can
offending hin will the avoidance end. Hin outside the Shires have in the past bring complaints directly to their Clan-
If the offending conduct is seen as the suffered persecution when those who rule master. Murder, betrayal of clan or Shire,

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)


rape, torture of hin, destruction of clan or Darokin and Ierendi. Since the rise of the ters, Knight-Heroes, and others to head off
hin property, slave-keeping or trading, Black Baron, the illicit trade with Kara- such future catastrophes, and attending
firesetting; all these are the most serious meikos has dwindled considerably. endless hin feasts to give and listen to inter-
sort of crime. Theft of all types, and non- Smuggling is widespread and persistent minable speeches. Unless the Shires are at
fatal injury to a hin are lesser; damage of among hin, and is centered in the port of war, a PC who becomes a Sheriff will effec-
property and living things in the Shires Tothmeer. tively be retired from active adventuring
are of the least of the punishable crimes. while serving as Sheriff. (Alternatively, role-
"Clje Sl7€Riff s playing a serving sheriff could be a fascinat-
ing one- player-and-one-DM campaign,
Each of The Five Shires is administered by perhaps as a sideline to an ongoing D&D®
All crimes are rare among hin in the a Sheriff; together, the five Sheriffs gov- game campaign of the more traditional
Shires, for they truly are law-abiding ern the Shires. They handle all disputes sort. The life of a Sheriff is an endless web
folk. Those who do not abide by the rules between or involving hin of several clans, of protocol, intrigue, divining and uncover-
may be cast out by their clan or treated to and all disputes involving clanless hin ing deception, and anticipating possibili-
deathly silence for a time as described and non-citizens of the Shires such as visi- ties and problems).
under Abusing Rank in this book. Trou- tors and almost all non-hin within the Four times a year the Sheriffs meet at
blesome hin may be executed by the borders of the Shires. some location, usually secret, and always
Sheriffs or sent upon a quest or service. The Sheriffs will meet in council if a different from that of the last feast, to
The fulfillment of a quest or service will Sheriff feels a matter is too complex or too decide Shires-wide policy. The five Sher-
restore to the hin any rank or office which important to be resolved without all the iffs rarely disagree on matters, but if they
they have had stripped from them as part Shires being involved. Hin are plain- do, they always vote and abide with iron
of their sentencing. Hin who cripple oth- speaking folk; most decisions are made in loyalty to the result.
er hin intentionally must always bear the a matter of days and most Sheriffs are of
cost of any healing magics used to make the opinion that a wrong decision is bet- Sljeniff
their victim well and whole again. ter than no decision at all. As one Sheriff
put it, "Those who wait for a problem to To become a Sheriff, a halfling must be of
SMUQQliNQ go away wake up in bed and find the at least 8th level and have served with dis-
problem coming through the door swing- tinction as a Knight-Hero or Acting Clan-
The only crime in the shires that hin turn ing a sword." Chief. Any hin may propose any hin as a
a blind eye to is the smuggling of goods Sheriffs serve only as long as they wish, candidate for the Sheriffs Chair to the
in and out of the Shires in excess of the for their duties are heavy. A Sheriff may other Sheriffs, who covertly investigate
amounts approved by the Sheriffs. travel freely about the Shires, has a trea- all such candidates and then in private
The Sheriffs want to keep the prices of sury of 10,000 pieces of gold each sum- ask their chosen one to become a Sheriff
the finite resources of the Shires high in mer for personal use, and may of the Shires.
the Known World outside by rationing commandeer whatever he or she wishes If the candidate accepts, the Sheriffs
exports such as gems, gold, and precious from any hin encountered. In practice, come before the candidate's clan and for-
metals mined in the Black Spires. The except to seize known stolen material or mally invite the candidate to become
Sheriffs also fear that a gold rush or simi- evidence, Sheriffs make such requests Sheriff. This is a cause for much clan
lar influx of undesirables seeking to grab only of Clanmasters or, if Blackflame is pride and, usually, a gigantic feast. Most
what they can of the riches of the Shires needed, of Keepers. They ask for these Sheriffs serve for six or seven years,
will occur if the world around ever learns goods seldom; to be a Sheriff is an honor although some have served for as long as
of the true plenty of the Shires. not to be abused. All Sheriffs know that twenty.
Individual hin usually find such they are under the eyes of The High
imported goods as silks, exotic fruits, per- Heroes (halfling Immortals) at all times. LeavtNQ Office
fume, and strong drink to be overpriced A Sheriff who is unfit for office will be
and in far too skimpy supply. The Shires A Sheriff may renounce his office freely at
told so by a Keeper or Master who may any time, before at least two other Sher-
are a small, out-of the-way market con- have received a sign from an Immortal.
sidered unimportant by most human iffs.
Most Sheriffs who survive such meetings Ex-Sheriffs rejoin their clans as Knight-
merchants except as a source of plentiful immediately renounce their offices and
foodstuffs, so the hin trade for and bring Heroes, or become Masters. Some few
leave the Shires. adventure outside the Shires, or serve the
in their own supplies usually by means of It is hard work, constantly traveling
the halfling pirates. The pirates act as High Heroes in mysterious ways. To have
about one's Shire, inspecting conditions, served as Sheriff is a lasting honor.
freebooters who are largely ignored by settling disputes, anticipating upcoming
the Sheriffs to go-between merchants in troubles and 'leaning on' local Clanmas-

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

KnoNttan the ground, unused and unactivated. Sheriffs and hold them in high esteem.
Each Sheriff can name up to two dozen Upon striking a target, an arrow of justice They are about as loved as rulers can
deputies, or Krondar. These deputies vanishes forever. expect to be, and no hin will be quick to
serve as police, bailiffs, messengers for, A being struck by an arrow of justice betray or cross the wishes of a Sheriff.
and bodyguards of, the Sheriffs. Most are will glow with a silvery radiance for 3-18 Indeed, hin will leap to aid or obey a
8th level halflings, although they need rounds. This effect will foil attempts to Sheriff even if to do so they must face
not be so high in experience—or even be hide in shadows, mingle with other crea- great personal danger. What greater hon-
halflings. To identify themselves, all tures, or use invisibility, but can readily or can there be for a hin, save to be
Krondar wear the rune of the Sheriffs be removed by a dispel magic. named a Sheriff oneself, than to serve a
upon their cloaks or the breasts of their Hin Masters and Keepers construct Sheriff?
tunics: a white sphere set within a single, these items in secrecy under the guidance Hin tell the tale of a Thyatian spy who
vertically-reaching tongue of Blackflame, of certain human mages, and Sheriffs came to the Shires years ago, in the days
with a horizontal rod of office beneath it. hide caches of replacements in handy of Gunzuth, to incite the hin into rebel-
All Krondar bear a magic rod identical to places about the Shires. No hin would lion. He escaped death only because the
the one depicted in the rune — a Rod of dare to move or take an arrow of justice he outraged hin he had approached told
Justice. discovered, unless fellow hin are endan- other hin why they had him by the
gered and the arrow might aid them throat, and he managed to flee into the
whereupon the hin would act and trust mountains while they were all laughing
Rods of justice the wisdom and mercy of the Sheriffs to at the idiocy of such a plan. He has never
A Rod of Justice is an iron + 2 rod that avoid any punishment. emerged. Perhaps he plots there still.
smites for 2-8 damage, and can upon
command hold person by touch rather
than doing damage, such immobility
SeNteNces LaNQuaqe IN ttye Five
affecting only one target per round, last- Sheriffs can order anyone slain, although
they will usually carry out such sentences
ing for 2-5 rounds, and being in all other Halflings speak the tongue of humans
respects like the clerical spell. themselves. More often they banish
offenders, demand payment of fines to common to all the surrounding lands.
All Sheriffs have two such rods (only They use only a few surviving fragments
the wronged, decree imprisonment or
one normally carried upon the Sheriffs of their own, older tongue. Keepers,
enforced labor or apply two or all three of
person), and they are allowed to retain Masters, and some Clanmasters preserve
these sentences at once.
one if they leave the office of Sheriff hon- enough of this largely lost language to
orably and of their own will. A Sheriff may also call upon a High
Hero or a human cleric to quest a being communicate with each other when they
they have judged guilty to perform some know they are being listened to and don't
Annows of Justice dangerous or difficult service of benefit to wish others to know what is being said.
All Sheriffs carry 1-8 arrows of justice in the Shires. Few other halflings understand more
their boots or thrust through their belts at Among non-hin, payment of fines than the words listed below. The lan-
all times. Such arrows remain inactive in and/or banishment are the sentences guage is called Lalor: "lal" = old + "or"
the hands of a non-halfling. When cast most often received. Non-hin adventur- = speech; "ora" = talk, conversation,
by a halfling at a visible target, an arrow ers may well find themselves upon an discussion; "orag" = argument, dis-
of justice will flash unerringly to strike enforced quest. Sheriffs always consider pute. Sentences always begin with the
the creature as a magic missile does, fol- the probable results of their sentences subject, then the details of what was said,
lowing it around obstructions and before decreeing punishment; they will then end with the verb. Some of the sur-
through changes in direction to any not unleash an incompetent adventurer viving words are:
range, within 1 round. on a quest of delicacy and intrigue just to
The touch of an arrow of justice may be rid of him. bras = moving water; river, stream,
deal 2-12 points of damage (save vs. Among hin, limited banishment or rapids or falls
Spells allows half damage), or merely root finite exile, usually of 2-5 seasons, is com- bur = hearty good spirit, rowdiness
the being struck to the spot held for 2-5 mon. In the old days, hin convicts were or jollity
rounds, with no save), as its hurler sent to islands that are now part of Ieren- galass = luck, good fortune, a fair
desires. It may be mentally commanded di; these days they usually become result or pleasing achievement
to cause both effects when it is released. If pirates. gusst = a matter for weapons, a fight,
not commanded, it will always deal dam- or the assumption of an armed
age. If the target is an illusion, the arrow readiness expecting trouble
will simply fall from the caster's hand to hin = halfling, or of the halfling
Most hin are unshakably loyal to their


Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

WHKWOOOfl-0-frM£ B:B:r>M-lHHmSflWFO{ran-B5?HJ^

people, or (as a prefix) property the hin suffered. Keepers carefully guard their meanings have been lost. A few have
belonging to them what little has come down and about all no known surviving meaning and new ones
leerhar mystery, puzzle, doubt, the average hin or non-hin can expect to are being rediscovered all the time.
uncertainty, or apprehension see while exploring the Shires are old The runes presented herein, however,
lurgh = cave(s), cellar(s), under- runes. are known to all hin who have ever been
ground place or hideout These runes are of great interest to instructed in childhood by a clan Elder or
meirmeir= danger adventurers for they mark the locations of a parent who was in turn taught by a clan
nasz = state of cozy 'Tightness,' traps and secret doors and give directions Elder. Hin will freely teach these runes to
peace, things 'right' and 'nor- and warnings in the deep mines that can visiting adventurers, with many a chuckle
mal' with halfling life or people mean the difference between life and death and the invariable demand, "If ye come
ockle = joke, teasing or gently derid- for those who can read them. So old are back, mind ye, I'll expect a good rousing
ing conversation these runes that their origins and much of tale of thy escapades, in return!"
rimbul = nobility, loyalty, virtue, grace
under pressure, lightheartedness
in the face of death The Known Runes
suldush = strangeness, unusual things,
wonderment (good, as opposed Rune Rune Name Meaning
to "leerhar," which is dangerous x* Abbairath This is the way; you are on the right path
or bad) •><• Bungol Danger; take care
teerteer = tragedy, death, martyrdom, ^ Cullathas Trap or pitfall ahead
savagery ^T Dath (Drinkable) water ahead
zalvorn = heroism, great deeds, high •**- Ellanath Do not disturb
adventure O Fyrdol Hidden door or way
i Glaunthas Look up
Speaking among themselves, all half- fc r Hurhur Change in direction (of path or correct route)
lings will use the words given here inter- A" Ingle Climb here
mixed with the speech of humans. They , Y Juth Look down
call themselves 'hindul' ( = 'halfling' + -7?" Klaun Way out
'all', or 'the halfling people'), or merely «=^ Laddath Treacherous footing or unsafe rope or construction
'hin' for short; 'halfling' is a human >0< Maerdeth Treasure; wealth or riches
term. M Nol Death; great danger
Halflings are great story tellers and love -I- Olipur Magic here
jokes and puns; a few enjoy riddlery and -**>- Pellasz Lock or forbidden entry
more difficult word-games. All enjoy IT Rozul Descend here
songs and singing, and a few are even y Sashsash Good place; fun or hospitable
good at it. Over their evening meal and ~ Tarth Strong or safe
into the night at any tavern of the Shires, S Uluth Beware guardian creature or frequent monsters
hin love to tell famous deeds of the past. - Unzle Grave; burial place
They often tell the same ones, night after ^ Valas Important site or sacred area or locale
night in a manner that might drive non- /> Xabbas Start here; beginning, or first step, or go here first
hin to distraction, for they are lovers of T Yondul Stop; turn back
tradition and comfortable, favorite ^ Yukoul Evil force or beings present or frequently encountered here
things. Later, over extra tankards, there These runes are often used in combination. For example, Unzle and Ellanath
will be a 'hin sing' (see Music of the Half- together would mean: " Grave. Do not disturb." A crypt or coffin believed to contain
lings, later in this book). undead would probably be marked with Nol, Ellanath, Yondul, Unzle, and Yukoul.
Spell-guarded treasure is traditionally marked with Maerdeth, Nol or Bungol, and
In ancient days halflings relied on clan Such runes may be found painted or smoked onto rock walls underground or upon
Seniors and Keepers, and the telling of stones, or painted or graven in stone or upon trees. In buildings, they are either
tales, to preserve the history of their peo- deeply graven in walls or floors, or, more often, laid out in mosaic tiles.
ple. Little which may have been written The most important rune in a grouping (such as Nol, \bndul, or Olipur) is usually
has survived the Shires' many invasions circled or boxed, drawn larger than the rest, and placed in the center of a group of
and the recurring periods of slavery which runes, or above the others.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

HIN Naiwes who is older, within the same clan, and they may seem so to non-hin.
also known as "Bowlegs."
Feel free to create any relatively simple
The Summer of Leeches
name for a halfling character. Long or
complex names tend to be drastically O f tl?€ "CClliNQ Of "Now, I've heard some young hin
hereabouts wagging tongues about
shortened by halflings. Any hin unfortu- 'Cales the size of leeches around and about
nate enough to be known as "Delzarinfa-
One of the most important elements of this summer, and how big they're get-
linkar" would find himself called "Delz"
halfling life is good fellowship; the ting. One young fella, three days' ride
or "Flink" in short order in the Shires.
friendly cheer of friendship in comfort- back that way, told me they had leech-
Halflings who live in the Shires will es so big that they lay out in the fields
able surroundings with good and plenti-
always belong to the clan whose last name waiting for farmers to get too close to
ful food and drink and fun pursuits.
they have, although they may live or tra- 'em; they'd nestle in among the mel-
These typically include singing, gaming,
vel far from their clan stronghold. Clan- ons and marrows and look just like one
the telling of jests and news (not to men-
less hin usually adopt a different surname of the vegetables, only a little whiter
tion gossip) and the spinning of yarns.
of their own fancy; only outlaw hin of the and a little bigger. Then, when the
Most halflings are good at telling tall
mountains use no last names. It is recom- poor farmer came up, stooping and
tales, although non-hin listening in may
mended that PC halflings be named by hauling and stooping again—glurp!
soon be driven crazy by the repetition of a
the common agreement of DM and the The leech would leap up and be down
few well-worn favorites. The tale being
player. The DM may wish to detail the his throat before he could even gulp.
told need not be new, for the enjoyment
lules and traditions of the specific clan If he was a little feller (the farmer, I
of halfling listeners lies in the manner
chosen more fully before the character is mean), why, the leech'd be out his
and sound of the telling more than what
introduced into play. other end and after the ox pulling the
happens. A few hin become very good
storytellers indeed. cart!"
NickNaMes Not every DM will want to roleplay "That's nothing," the hin sitting
Many hin have the same first name as oth- such fun, and not all players will want to next to him said; "out my way, we'd
ers within their own clan. To distinguish sit through listening to it, either, but it find herds of cattle dead in the fields,
one hin from another, many nicknames can serve not only to add color and char- all in a row, still standing, each with a
have come into use in the Shires. Not all acter to halflings and the Shires, but also hole through its middle sideways, big
hin have or need such names; the DM as a source of information about hidden enough that a hinling could jump
only should bestow such names through treasures, the whereabouts of dragons through. All these holes were in a line
the mouths of NPCs during play. Nick- who may guard rich hoards, and the like. so that one could stand and look right
names should be chosen deliberately Halflings often preserve local lore in the through forty or fifty cattle."
from the table, not randomly. Certain form of ballads or tales, using puns, rid- Nothing again, said another, and
nicknames have special meanings within dles, and rhyming slang to conceal infor- told us about "giant jumping leeches
the Five Shires, as follows: mation they wish to be hidden but not that would leap across seas from ship
Greatheart: usually reserved for monster forgotten and lost forever. to ship and from the back of one whale
slayers. A sample tall tale is included for the to another, tunnelling away every-
Keen-Eagle: a fanatical, hasty, or overly convenience of DMs needing to bring a thing in their path and letting it all
excited person is a keen-eagle. tavern-full of hin to life, with their pipes sink behind them."
Pipmouth: someone with a sharp tongue, and tankards and ready laughter, and for "Well, you know, I've heard about
quick wit, or sharp mouth. players whose characters are called upon enough. Giant jumping leeches,
Squintglass: usually applies to those who for a tale in the same tavern. Hin are indeed! On my travels earlier this sum-
wear spectacles, or need to. Sometimes respectful, quiet listeners, although they mer I met a leech or two, and these
applied to the absent-minded or careless. may occasionally be asked by a tale-teller were little things, just about as long as
Another term added to one's middle to join in, whereupon catcalls, funny- a joint of your finger; the only size any
name is a term of clan respect; a 'trusty' is voiced responses and background noises here have ever seen, I reckon. Aye, just
a local veteran of battles against invaders such as howling wolves or winds will be normal leeches. I was out riding on the
of the Shires. heard as the story rolls along. road when the ale I'd had at the last
One should also note that these names Opportunists should note that a merry inn caught me a mite short, and I tied
may be applied cumulatively. A hin may tavern full of hin are not often so drunk my horse to a tree by the roadside, cart
be known as "Osca Bowlegs Farwalker or distracted as to be easy prey for a sud- and six pack mules and all, and
the Younger Flintfoot." In this example, den attack, pickpocket or other robbery hopped over a little hill. I wasn't gone
there is presumably an Osca Farwalker attempt, or cheating at games, although

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)


for more than about three tunes, when es, too. I had to sell most of my gear
PC StonytclliNQ
I found my horse and six mules all when I reached the next town because If a player character elects to tell a story to
gone. Three very fat leeches were lying the leeches were back down to their an audience of halflings during play, the
there, amid the harness—I heard one normal size and were making slow DM can quickly gauge its relative success
belch. Well, I walked up, not quite going in the dirt of the road, covered by using the storytelling rules introduced
believing it, and one leaped up at me by those big piles of sacks and all. But in The Emirates of Ylaruam Gazetteer.
like a hunting dog! Well, I hadn't but they didn' t flag or fail; they went on to This method, modified slightly to
my long mule-whip to hand, but I got the end. I'll tell you all, if we can catch reflect the different society of the Shires,
to it just in time. They hadn't left me leeches and train them, when next the can be summarized as follows: the Intelli-
more than the bones of my faithful ores come calling, we'll be mounted gence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores of
Happyhoof and the mules, and I was and ready. We shall fight them on the the storytelling character are added
forced to travel for two days and nights leeches and shores, fight them on the together; to this total, add the character's
straight without sleep so I wouldn't land and grounds that are ours; we level. The result is the character's Story-
get eaten, with the leeches pulling the shall never surrender! We shall prevail, teller Rating. Whenever a tale is told, the
cart and me, and all the mules' sacks my fellows of the Shires, if only you character rolls 3d6 and adds the result to
piled up and lashed to their backs! can be-leech! Ah, and I'm as thirsty as his Storytelling Rating. The resulting
"I sweated blood out of those leech- a leech now, too, with all this talk. total, or Score, is compared to this modi-
Can anyone spare some ale?" fied Storytelling Chart.


Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

Score Story Quality Audience Response
100 masterpiece Unforgettable experience; teller acquires instant fame and will probably be called upon for a
story whenever attending a party or spending an evening in a tavern or inn taproom in the
Shires. He will be regarded as an honored guest; if at an inn, the bill may be reduced at the end
of the stay; if a tavern, drinks may be on the house for the night; unless involved in a dispute or
other unpleasantness, teller will be remembered as a "good fellow" and a friend; reputation
will spread.
90 remarkable Audience deeply moved; teller reckoned wise and worldly and a good friend to have; a small gift
may be offered, or drinks and meals paid for; reputation may spread.
80 pleasurable Audience enthusiastic; the teller earns great respect and will be regarded in a friendly manner.
Drinks may be paid for, or hospitality offered.
70 interesting Audience attentive and cordial; teller earns respect. •?~-*™F-^r^"?
60 tedious Audience bored; may be polite or may heckle.
50 or less shameful Audience offended; will catcall, boo, jeer, or drown out teller; an old hin will always tell a tale to*
"show how it's done."

Bonuses and Penalties to a Storytelling Score:

+ 5 if based on true character experience
+ 1 to + 4 if tale involves good singing, mimicry of voices, acting
+ 1 to + 1 0 if tale enhanced with magical effects depending on subtlety; hin dislike trickery or overbold displays of magical power, but
enjoy vocal or auditory storytelling effects, or touches which display great emotion. For example, when an oppressed hero finally lashes
out in revenge or when sundered lovers or family are reunited after long days apart
+ 1 to + 4 if tale includes good and fresh one-liners or jests that hin can re-use later
- 1 if teller non-hin but elven or human and appearing well traveled
- 2 to - 1 0 if teller is foppish, arrogant or snobbish, is a foreigner of nondescript appearance, or is a known enemy (e.g. a dwarf, Glan-
trian, or citizen of the Black Eagle Barony)

but long instrumental, such as harpists the enslaved halflings rose and cast the
Music of tl?e Half HNQS - are wont to indulge in, only make hin dwarves out.
Halflings sing—a lot. Any human mer- restless. Outside the Shires, all such hin Halfling High is a happily defiant,
chant who has visited die Shires can tell you behavior (except their lighthearted chat- table-thumping ballad celebrating half-
as much; often with rolling eyes and pained tering, which they will continue in the ling endurance. A hymn of pride in being
expressions. A tavern or inn taproom in the face of battle itself) is muted; traveling a hin, it is much favored by younger hin
Shires is ringing with songs all evening. Hin hin will not tend to break into song unless and those who are very drunk.
sing loud and long and heartily, whedier invited to do so. But in the Shires, hin The Ballad of Nob Nor is perhaps the
they can carry a tune or not. Talking loudly sing many well-worn ballads nightly, led most famous halfling song of all. It
through a tavern-song, or stuffing one's by a good singer if no clan senior cares to recounts the tragic love of the greatest
ears with wadding, or wincing and looking lead. The lyrics of a few of the most popu- hero of hin folklore, Nob Nar. The ballad
pained throughout are all considered very lar hin ballads are included here. The is true; Nob Nar lived east of Wereskalot
bad manners and will make travelers traveler should note that although tunes and loved Navrilstar, daughter of the
unpopular indeed. vary from clan to clan in the Shires, indi- mad Traladaran Baron Ulstagh of Halag,
Hin songs are generally led by one or two vidual singers harmonize at will, the circa AC 612. The Nar clan has been
strong-voiced and senior hin and are usu- words never vary and different or extinct for three hundred years, the last
ally unaccompanied by instruments, "wrong" words will not be well received. falling about their clan standard (three
although tankards, feet, and even pipes are The ballads included here are repre- talons of brown on a white field) in the
often used to mark the time. Long ago, hin sentative of the pride and common fel- Battle of Blackflame (AC 700). In that
developed such instruments as the 'gockul' lowship of hin and tell of events in the struggle, a great force of invading ores
(carved wooden clapper-bells) and the 'tit- history of the Shires. Sing Of A King tells was drawn into one great host by skillful
terbuk' (a shaken instrument, rather like a of the rule of the Five Shires by the evil hin retreats commanded by Bleth Nar
miniature tree, of tiny metal discs or cym- dwarven king Loktal almost two thou- (last dan-chief of the Nars), and utterly
bals set upon a branched wooden pole). sand years ago. Finally, Loktal's kingdom destroyed by massed hin magic (notably
These are rarely seen today. was raided by one invading army after Blackflame).
Halflings enjoying a hearty song will another until the dwarves were too weak
not see it amiss if a piper or lutist joins in, to hold the riches the invaders sought and

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)


We are the little people; we

live underground or under tree
We'll never leave our Five Shires
Here's everything hin heart desires!

And when perchance your feet stray

Across lands and seas; far away
Remember your home, recall your clan
And stand tall, half as high as man!

Ballafc of Nob Nan

O, young Nob Nar was one of the best
Through all the Shires hin saw his crest
Save for his courage he rode quite alone
With a long knife, and a helm of
In a cold hall deep and dark old bone.
SiNQ of a KING So breezy his manner, a smile for
Far away from Shires today
O minstrels sing of a dwarven king Where his rule has left no mark. each scare
who ruled a long, long time ago. (Chorus) There ne'er was hin warrior like
Before hin were strong for many young Nob Nar.
years long
Half liNQ Hiql) He quailed not at dragon; he turned
He held iron high, hin low.
Chorus: Far fewer than teeming men are we not for troll
His beard was long and his hands Half as high—the right height to be! Rode fearless through fell forest and
were black Our castles small, our people free o'er goblin knoll;
From mining gold so he'd not lack Just the way we'd have it be But ere he fell dying at Everwake Way
Enough gold for him to swim and Chorus: His heart had broken, his smiles
roll around in. The hin marched in one by one fled away
The foe just stood and laughed For a human princess, fair Navrilstar
From forests free he dragged the hin
But when the bloody fray was done Though dead, was the love of hin
The Shires five then all his lands
We laughed at the last. Nob Nar.
Hin in chains all cold dug deep for
Our pockets lighter far than most One day boldly he entered the
To weigh down greedy dwarven hands. barony hall
Our armies but a smallish host
(Chorus) Ale aplenty, and lots to eat Where sat his chosen, her father, and all
Happy homes, good friends to greet Then spoke the proud baron, hand on
So rich was he that from realms afar
(Chorus) his blade,
Came ores and worse to take his gold
"Why come ye uncalled for, of man
Red war did spill o'er forest and hill
Many found graves rude and cold. Many came to take our lands: but half made?
(Chorus) Dwarven troops, human bands I hired no jesters, this proud day to mar
Hordes of ores; all we met Get thee hence, infamous half-man
And stood our ground; we're here yet Nob Nar."
Dwarves fell hard, but fall they did
Hin, unchained, rose in anger bright (Chorus)
Short but strong, of courage long Up spoke the hero, gentle yet fearless
Dwarves and all were put to flight. Where now those proud who did invade To the baron as an equal, as though
(Chorus) Our Shires' depths, field and glade? men were peerless;
We sent them back; they went away "Here I am come, though the road be
This is our home; here we'll stay yet far;
O minstrels sing of a dwarven king (Chorus)

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)


ticularly in rural areas of The Five Shires,

For I would be wed to the fair Navril- And slew his own daughter, with is the making of specially formulated
star." raised bloody blade pipesmoke mixes. Halflings compete to
The hall rose in mirth, but the Baron She that ne'er father's will in the grow and blend tobacco, various herbs,
grew black slightest had stayed. spices, aged wine, berry-juice, and other
And screamed, "For such insolence, ingredients to produce tobacco of unusu-
ye shall know the rack! She sank to the rushes, her blood them al tastes and aromas. A hin proud of his
did stain efforts in this field will always offer some
"See not this brave knight that sits at Nob Nar cried in amazement, "Thou of his or her blends to guests after the
my side? hast slain meal. It is not impolite to refuse to par-
This very day he makes my daughter Thy own daughter who never did thee take, but careful, reasoned criticism and
his bride! ill! polite enjoyment is expected of those
Ye are not even a man, ye are nothing I shall slay thee now, and any who will who do. There is always a meal for guests,
here! Stand to defend ye—or die in the try- regardless of the time they arrive; ale,
How dare you come into my hall with- ing, cheese, hot buttered biscuits, jelly, and
out fear! And I see not enough here to manage cinnamon paste spread will be offered if
Guards! Seize me this halfling!" the my dying!" guests arrive in the middle of the night or
Baron roared. between main meals.
And bring for my daughter his famed But though then the Baron, raging, Most halfling pipesmokes tend to be
magic sword!" did command spicy and savoury in scent and taste, rath-
His men to strike down the hin who er than sweet or fruity. Gulduph Slowleaf
Nob Nar laughed then, in the face of did stand of Shireton was famous for his own mixes,
the foe. So alone and so short, there in the hall and for carrying samples of the mixes of
The hall fell silent, the charge 'pon None moved to strike him; they drew other hin back and forth across the Shires
him turned slow away, all in his travels. Since his death some twenty
For all the fine gallants and guards- And raised sword in salute, as the grim winters ago, no other hin has risen to such
men there Nob Nar Shires-wide prominence in the field. The
Had heard of the mettle of the Nob Did slay the Baron that slew Navril- mixes of Thresk Alehill of Thantabbar are
who did dare star. highly thought of by those hin who drop
To steal a hoard from 'neath the very by his boot repair shop on Staddle Street.
claws Then he took up the lady he now ne'er As a point of pride, hin do not sell their
Of that great elder dragon, Gaul- would wed pipesmoke tobacco, but only give it away,
thaumyrauz. And cried a little, and then sternly although a desperate hin may trade it for
said, needed objects of coin. Except in taverns,
His blade it glowed with magical fire "I will lay to rest my gentle Navrilstar inns, and alehouses, it is considered an ill
as Nob drew and brandished the Tooth At your peril stand now my way to bar comment on the food to smoke during a
of Highshire To a fair place in the Shires I'll away meal, unless the first to smoke is also the
"Who'll be first, then?" he laughed, And bury my lady at Everwake Way. cook.
eyes all bright Those hin who do smoke usually light
To taste my answer to this insult, and "For they say that some who sleep up both before and after meals. Hin
fight! there pipesmoke is often of strange hue as well
For no man yet has matched 'little' Will rise up some day, whole, strong, as scent, and may well give off sparks or
Nob Nar and fair varicolored wisps of smoke.
And I will defy all to take Navrilstar." And I shall wait down all the long
"None?" the Baron in shrill madness So go now, and tell all your peers HOM€
did spit. That one day your own fair Navrilstar The concept of a home is central to half-
"Then I shall be first to make Nob Nar Will ride by the side of the half-man, ling culture. A hin's most prized posses-
admit Nob Nar." sion is his home. Because home is more
That he can be beaten by the hand of a than just land and buildings, invasion or
man!" Of PipesMoke loss of a hin's home is not devastating so
Then before all that company he swift- much as it is a cause of deep, tireless
ly ran One of the most avidly pursued pastimes anger.
among older, less adventurous hin, par- A hin will not be confused or dis-

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

traught if crops or houses are burned, usually below the level of the land around UnbaN HIN DwelliNQs
vandalized, or pillaged. Instead, he will and almost always has extensive stone-
be furious. Angry hin growl or are coldly lined, low-ceilinged arched storage cellars Those who think all hin live in the quaint
silent, not loud or brawling. If those who beneath it, accessable by crawl-tunnels. little homes of the countryside are in for a
do the damage are within reach, they will Where flooding is a problem such cellars nasty shock if they ever visit Shireton,
be challenged to the death. Humanoids are small or non-existent, but elsewhere Thantabbar, Tothmeer, or Ober's Mim-
and dwarves are not accorded the dignity they are common, leaving the typical bur, and see tall stone castles—small cas-
of a challenge, but are attacked without halfling home free of a lot of clutter. Ports tles, to be sure, but castles
ceremony or delay. tend to resemble human settlements nonetheless—rising up grey and graceful
Hin in such situations who face hope- more than others in the Shires. on all sides. As the Traladaran sage
less odds will not throw their lives away in Wuenkol put it, "There's more to the
land of the halflings than first meets the
doomed attacks, but rather will withdraw RuRal HiN DwelliNQs eye." Truly spoken, indeed.
and plan revenge later. Hin grudges
against non-hin may be passed from gen- Almost all of the Shires would be consid- Urban hin cities often have the misdi-
eration to generation until they can be ered rural. In the country, most hin rected, wandering streets common to cit-
paid off, but modern-day feuds with oth- homes have a house, plenty of trees, a ies across the Known World. Negotiating
er hin always die with the individual barn for messy work and the keeping of a city in the Five Shires is almost impos-
involved. livestock, and a garden. There is always a sible without a map.
The halfling home is inevitably linked, garden, and it is always a vegetable gar-
but not limited, to his clan. Hin feelings den, adorned with the flowers of the veg-
for home also arise out of a love of coun- etable plants. Inedible flowering
ornamental plants grow wild everywhere The trade-goods important in the Shires
try and natural beauty and good fellow- have already been mentioned in the sec-
ship and tasks well accomplished with else in the Shires except in gardens.
A hin barn will be built mostly of tion on Smuggling, but underlying the
others, rather than any feeling of obliga- flows of these highly-priced goods is the
tion to relations or employers. wood, while his wealthier neighbor's
barn stands proudly upon a fieldstone basic prosperity of the Shires. The Five
Hin see themselves as one gigantic Shires include much of the richest agri-
family far more than other races do. If a foundation and floor, with a fieldstone
lower level. In a settlement of any size cultural land in the Known World. The
pony gets free of its owner in a market- peaceful patchwork of tiny, rolling hin
place, or a stack of food-crates begins to there is always at least one barn with a
stone tower—three or four storeys high— farms feed many mouths in lands outside
topple, hin will come rushing to help the Shires. The halflings are also self-
without hesitation or thought of reward; for storing grain in winter and as a look-
out over the surrounding countryside. sufficient; they have all the lumber,
it is simply the thing to do. Even non-hin hides, milk, meat, metals, and plant
visiting the Shires benefit from this "Dangerwatch" is an old name for such a
tower. A social climber or self-important foods they need. The rest of the Known
cheerful helping and consideration. As a World is always hungry for more metal
result, the Shires is one of the most peace- hin will be called a "Hightower" by other
hin behind his back because of the ten- and more food; the hin can trade these
ful and safe of the known lands, as well as from a position of strength for the goods
one of the most beautiful. dency of newly wealthy hin to build a
silo-tower right away, and to make it a they cannot produce themselves: silks,
bigger and better one than the neighbor- many types of fruit, various drinkables,
T:i7€ i:ypical H I N HOM€ ing towers. and the like. The standard of living in the
The physical appearance of a typical half- Hin farms also usually have a smoke- Shires is very high; the clans ensure that
ling home is a low, massive building of at house and, if they have a spring or other none of their members go hungry or ill-
most two storeys in height. It has a means of keeping things cool, a house for equipped.
thatch, sod, or sometimes shingle roof above ground cold storage. Hin homes In a country so prosperous, money
and walls of carefully-fitted fieldstone are usually immaculate but often smell seems of little importance. Indeed, most
sealed inside with mud, baked hard with strongly of many good meals cooked hin carry little. Barter, particularly in
fire before the roof-beams are laid in within them and of the bunches of herbs rope, which always seems in short supply,
place. that hang from the roof-beams every- lamp oil, finely-carved stools, window-
The peaked roof rises from cross-beams where. "Dark but cozy," one human mer- shutters, and other small items of furni-
which lie in sockets prepared in the stone chant traveling in the Shires once put it, ture are more common among hin than
walls. Whole trees are usually used for the and to human eyes that sums most half- cash payments.
beams. The ridge-beam is supported by a ling homes up.
central stone pillar.
The dirt or tile floor of a hin home is

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)


CoiNaqe between the Shires and neighboring exalted halflings don't look any different
Darokin and Ierendi. Ierendi forces toler- from halflings of 7th level or so.
The main unit of trade exchange is the ate halfling pirates (who rarely molest
gold piece, known in the Shires as the shipping known to be Ierendi) largely
"little sun" or simply "a yellow." One because of heavy hin financial support of
Xilj£ MasteR: A Half IINQ
side displays the rune of the Sheriffs, a Ierendi's freight shipping. Substantial Sub-Class
circle within a tongue of Blackflame, a hin monetary investment in the busi-
rod horizontal beneath all, the other says, The Wise Ones Of The Woods
nesses of Darokin similarly keeps the bor- Masters was the term of respect used by
"Gold of The Five Shires/Worth One ders between the two lands open and
Royal." hin to describe the elves, also known as
easy-going regarding the passage of 'the Gentle Folk,' who once inhabited
Between hin in the Shires more silver goods and wares. the deep woods of what is now the Shires.
pieces change hands than do gold ones.
The hin saw the elves as masters of the
The silver piece of the Shires is deliber-
ately a little larger than the gold one to Hiql7 Level Half UNQ woodland life and ways.
Those particular elven folk are now
prevent mistaking one for the other in OjaRactens believed to be extinct. The term Master
poor light, and to keep the trade-value of
the easily-tarnished silver what it should The Expert rulebook of the D&D® game now refers to a special class of halflings who
be relative to the gold piece. To the hin gives the title of an 8th level halfling as have left their clans to protect and nurture
such a coin is known as a "star" (the plu- Sheriff. Players are advised that a halfling the Shires as a whole, using what fragments
ral is "steel" for some unknown reason, PC who reaches 8th level does not auto- of the lore of the land that hin have gained
not "stars"). On one side they bear the matically become a Sheriff, but only a in the past from the elves, and what half-
rune of the Sheriffs, and on the other, the foremost candidate for such a post if it lings have since discovered themselves.
words "Silver of The Five Shires/Worth falls vacant. Halflings of 8th level are This spell-using halfling character class
One Crona." known as Guardians of the Shires or resembles the human druid class, and is
Knight Heroes, and will be granted land closely tied to The Five Shires. Player
Copper pieces in the Shires are flat and
and a crest by the Sheriffs if they do not characters may become Masters if their
diamond-shaped in outline and are
have either already. Knight-Heroes can players wish, but the life of a Master is a
known as "sunsets" or "points." One
wander and adventure freely: they are not contemplative, gentle, largely solitary
side is the rune of the Sheriffs; on the
bound to remain within The Five Shires, existence, not usually an adventuring
other, the inscription "Copper of The
despite their Guardian courtesy title. career. Most Masters will not willingly
Five Shires/Worth More Than A Kopec."
Many 8th level halflings serve as Kron- leave the Shires, and Masters cannot
Trade-bars (particularly of silver) are regain their spells outside the borders of
dar (Sheriffs deputies), captain their own
used in 25 gp and 50 gp denominations the halfling homeland.
ships for a time, or serve for a time in the
within the Shires. Wealthy hin also use
armed forces of the Shires (discussed in Masters know that their powers come
gems carried in little oval brass cases for
the Dungeon Master's Booklet). An 8th from "The High Heroes" (halfling Immor-
large denominations. Platinum pieces are
level halfling may also wish to become a tals) Nob Nar, Coberham Shadowglint,
little used, but accepted as worth 10 gp.
Master, a special halfling sub-class and Brindorhin. like these halfling Heroes
described hereafter. This can be done by once did in mortal life, Masters are dedi-
Xilje ECONOMY seeking out a Master and asking to be cated to preserving and protecting the land
The Shires are in enviable financial trained, or the 8th level halfling may be and people of the Shires. No Master is
shape. Largely self-sufficient, halflings asked to become a Master by a Keeper or known to have betrayed this trust, although
won't be much hurt by a downturn in Clanmaster who wishes to increase the a Master may leave his calling to return to a
trade such as that caused by large-scale defenses of the local Shire. Would-be more active social existence, although very
war in the vicinity. There is no state reli- Masters are usually asked to perform a few do so.
gion or heavy taxation to force a cash flow service or undertake a quest before begin-
among the native hin, so in adverse times ning their training, and as a result usually BecoMiNQ A Masten
coins will simply get put away until out- begin as masters at 9th level.
The Players Companion D&D® game Any 8th level halfling may seek out a
side trade picks up.
rulebook details additional abilities and Master and ask to be trained as a Master.
The Sheriffs do not openly engage in Some hin are asked by Masters, Keepers,
military or political alliances with other powers gained by "experienced" half-
lings. Note that there Knight-Heroes or Clanmasters to become Masters.
lands in the Known World, but they do
with 3,000,000 XP and even more in the Typically, a hin who wants to become a
not forbid individual hin from lending to
Shires; non-hin PCs who like to throw Master accompanies a Master about the
or investing heavily in other lands, and
their weight around are warned that such Shires, learning the ways of the woods, for
much hin money flows back and forth

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

4-6 months. Then the prospective Master LcaviNQ "Cfte Class after the Master if the reason for the defec-
undertakes a 'great adventure' or diffi- tion is something of vital importance to the
cult service under the direction of his Masters who leave their calling lose all spells safety and security of the Shires. A Master
tutor. Upon completing this task, the hin and special abilities such as the doubled who leads hin to war outside the Shires
becomes a Master and gains the use of denial and infravision, but retain their inti- when halflings are threatened or at war
spells described hereafter. The Master's mate knowledge of the land and its crea- would not be leaving his calling.
learning of the ways of nature has just tures. A Master who decided to travel
begun; such an education ends only upon outside the Shires to have adventures unless
called upon to do so by a tutor, Sheriff, or a AOvaNC€M€Nt AS A Mast€R
sign from the High Heroes would certainly Masters do not gain Influence Points.
Upon becoming a Master, the halfling
be abandoning his calling, until he reaches They gain Experience Points in the nor-
retains his current hit points and abilities,
attack rank I. If he should leave, one of the mal manner, and advance and gain spells
and is not prohibited from using any of
hin Immortals would covertly send agents as follows:
them. The new Master changes his or her
name from, for example, "Jollyar
Heatherfoot" to "Jollyar Heatherfoot
Highshire," the latter name denoting the Spells by Spell Level
Shire in which the hin has lived. Master Special
Level Notes XP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 200,000 1 - - - - - -
Masteu Abilities 2 201,500 2 - - - - - -
A Master's denial ability is based upon a 3 203,000 2 1
doubled total of intelligence and wis- 4 206,000 2 2 . - - - -
dom. All Masters acquire infravision as a 5 212,000 2 2 1 - -
natural ability, by will of the High 6 225,000 3 2 2 - - - -
Heroes, as follows: none at 1st level, up to 7 250,000 3 3 2 1
10' range at 2nd level, 20' range at 3rd, 8 (1) 300,000 3 3 3 2 - - -
30' range at 4th, and so on. 9 400,000 4 4 3 2 1 -
A Master comes to know the living 10 500,000 4 4 3 3 2 .
habits, including probable lair locations 11 (2) 600,000 4 4 4 3 2 1 -
and warning signs or recognition calls, of 12 700,000 5 5 4 3 2 2 -
wild beasts, birds, and even insects of the 13 800,000 5 5 5 3 3 2 -
Shires. Masters do not hunt creatures for 14 (3) 900,000 6 5 5 3 3 3 -
sport, although they will hunt for food. 15 1,000,000 6 5 5 4 4 3 -
Masters will battle humanoids and many 16 1,100,000 6 6 5 4 4 3 1
of the evil beings described as "Monsters 17 (4) 1,200,000 6 6 5 4 4 3 2
of The Five Shires" in the DM's Booklet. 18 1,300,000 7 6 5 4 4 4 2
A Master will do whatever is necessary 19 1,400,000 7 6 5 4 4 4 3
and least harmful to all creatures con- 20 (5) 1,500,000 7 6 5 5 5 4 3
cerned to protect halflings from the 21 1,600,000 7 6 5 5 5 4 4
attacks of such creatures. 22 1,700,000 7 7 6 6 5 4 4
A Master can always find drinkable 23 (6) 1,800,000 8 7 6 6 5 5 4
water anywhere in the Shires if it is there 24 1,900,000 8 7 6 6 5 5 5
to be found. They will recognize animal 25 2,000,000 8 7 7 6 6 5 5
tracks and trails on sight. 26 (7) 2,100,000 8 8 7 6 6 6 5
Masters tend to be quiet, soft spoken, 27 2,200,000 8 8 7 7 7 6 5
and seldom seen. They work apart from 28 2,300,000 8 8 7 7 7 6 6
hin as much as possible to avoid incurring 29 (8) 2,400,000 8 8 8 7 7 7 6
resentment or making other hin depen- 30 (9) 2,500,000 8 8 8 8 8 7 6
dent upon the aid of Masters and aban- 31 2,600,000 9 8 8 8 8 7 7
doning self-reliance. Masters tend to 32 (10) 2,700,000 9 9 8 8 8 8 7
dress simply and have no distinctive uni- 33 2,800,000 9 9 9 8 8 8 8
form, speech, or rune. For an example of 34 2,900,000 9 9 9 9 9 8 8
a Master, see the NPC Marintor Treesha- 35 (11) 3,000,000 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
dow Seashire in the DM's Booklet.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

Notes Masten Spells 3. Detect Invisible (magic user, BP 41)
Masters gain 1 hit point upon reaching 4. Neutralize Poison (cleric, EX 8)
1st level (200,000 XP), and 1 hit point Masters use a mixture of clerical, druidi- 5. Remove Curse (cleric, EX 6; also, see
per level achieved thereafter. They may cal, magic user, and unique spells gaining below)
use all weapons, armor, and items spells as a cleric does. The total number of 6. Repel Lightning (special; see below)
allowed to non-Master halflings. Masters spells a hin Master may carry is the same 7. Speak with Plants (cleric, EX 8)
can turn undead as a cleric of the same as for clerics of equivalent level. Masters 8. Summon Animals (druid, MP 5)
level (that is, an 8th level human cleric may use the known reverse forms of all 9. Water Breathing (druid, CP 15)
has the same chances of turning undead spells listed below. Masters may use all
as an 8th level Master—who must be a magical items usable by druids, clerics, or FIFTH LEVEL MASTER SPELLS
halfling of at least 300,000 XP). magic users, as well as those open to all
classes. 1. Charm Monster (magic user, EX 13)
2. Cure Serious Wounds (cleric, EX 7)
Special Notes
FIRST! LEVEL MASTER SPELLS 3. Dissolve (druid, MP 5)
(1) = At this point, like non-Master hin 4. Dispel Magic (cleric, EX 8)
of the same experience, the Master goes 1. Detect Evil (cleric, BP 26) 5. Fly (magic user, EX 12)
from Attack Rank A to B, and automati- 2. Detect Magic (cleric, BP 26) 6. Plant Door (druid, CP 15)
cally takes half damage from any 3. Know Intent (special; see below) 7. Repel Non Living Material (special; see
damage-causing spell or spell-like effect 4. Locate (druid, CP 15) below)
(see the D&D® game Companion Players 5. Predict Weather (druid, CP 15) 8. Summon Weather (druid, CP 16)
and DMs rulebooks). 6. Purify Food and Water (cleric, BP 27) 9. Web (magic user, BP 42)
(2) = The master achieves Attack Rank 7. Radiance (special; see below)
C. 8. Resist Cold (cleric, BP 27) SIXTH LEVEL MASTER SPELLS
(3) = Attack Rank D is achieved. The 9. Thornspear (special; see below)
1. Animate Objects (cleric, EX 9)
Master gains the Combat Options for
SECOND LEVEL MASrER 2. Anti-Animal Shell (druid, CP 16)
Fighters. Two attacks per round are possi-
SPELLS 3. Barrier (cleric, CP 12)
ble at this level.
4. Charm Plant (magic user, CP 21)
(4) = Attack Rank E is achieved. 1. Cure Light Wounds (cleric, BP 26) 5. Insect Plague (cleric, EX 8)
(5) = Attack Rank F attained. 2. Hold Animal (druid, CP 15) 6. Pass Plant (druid, CP 16)
(6) = Attack Rank G is achieved. 3. Obscure (druid, CP 15) 7. Raise Dead (cleric, EX 9 and CP 12)
(7) = Attack Rank H is attained. The 4. Remove Fear (cleric, BP 27) 8. Shout (special; see below)
Master now automatically takes half dam- 5. Resist Fire (cleric, EX 5) 9. Turn Wood (druid, MP 5)
age from any breath weapon XU damage 6. Sleep (magic user, BP 40)
if successful save made, where Saving 7. Snake Charm (cleric, EX 6) SEVENTH LEVEL MASTER
Throw allowed. 8. Speak with Animals (cleric, EX 6) SPELLS
(8) = Attack Rank I achieved. 9. Water Walking (special; see below)
(9) = Master becomes a Higher Master, 1. Assume Animal Shape (special; see
and may freely travel and adventure THIRD LEVEL MASTER SPELLS below)
including regaining spells outside the 2. Earthgrip (special; see below)
Shires. 1. Cure Blindness (cleric, EX 6) 3. Feeblemind (magic user, CP 20; also,
2. Cure Disease (cleric, EX 6) see below)
(10) = Attack Rank J achieved. Higher
Masters who wish to become Immortal 3. Find Traps (cleric, EX 5) 4. Metal to Wood (druid, CP 16)
and are judged suitable by the High 4. Growth of Animal (cleric, EX 6) 5. Plant Fist (special; see below)
Heroes may become candidates for 5. Hold Person (cleric, EX 5) 6. Raise Dead Fully (cleric, CP 13)
Immortality, on the path of the Epic Hero 6. Locate Object (cleric, EX 6) 7. Restore (cleric, CP 13)
and begin to fulfill the necessary tasks. 7. Produce Fire (druid, CP 15; also, see 8. Survival (cleric, MP 3)
below) 9. Weather Control (druid, CP 16)
(11) = Attack Rank K achieved. Same as
8. Silence (special; see below)
a human fighter of levels 22-24. Three
9. Speak with Monsters (cleric, EX 9) Spell Notes
attacks per round possible at this level.
SPELLS Level: 1
Range: 0 (Master only)
1. Call Lightning (druid, CP 15) Duration: 1 round per level of the caster
2. Control Winds (druid, CP 16) Effect: Gives knowledge of immediate

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

intentions of a creature within 120' they will still be able to detect the posi- when the spell is meditated for, not upon
This spell permits the Master to know tions of other creatures. Radiance created casting). The reverse, quench fire, has the
the precise, immediate intentions of any by this spell can be as strong as sunlight or same duration as produce fire, but can
mortal creature within range. Creatures of any hue and intensity desired. affect a 40' diameter spherical area up to
of four or more hit dice or levels gain a 60' distant from the Master. It may be
saving throw to avoid; they must roll their Thornspear mentally invoked or relaxed as many
level or less on a d20 to avoid reading of Level: 1 times as desired during the spell dura-
their intentions. One creature per round Range: Touch tion. Each switch from 'active' to 'inac-
can be so scrutinized. Alignment is not Duration: 2 rounds tive' involves a round of transition during
specifically revealed by this spell, nor are Effect: Creates a temporary weapon which the magic is 'inactive,' but the
specific thoughts accurately relayed to the With this spell, a Master creates a active magic may be exercised any num-
Master; only the intentofcreatures can be shimmering, spear-shaped thorn or splin- ber of times without exhausting it; only
learned. ter of force, which can be wielded or expiration of the spell duration or a dispel
A creature saving against the spell thrown (normal 'to hit' chances apply) as magic will do that. Quench tire is usually
(note that beings of high level will auto- a spear is wielded. It will vanish into used to instantly extinguish any fire, nor-
matically save against it, as they outstrip a nothingness at the end of two rounds, mal or magical, within its area of effect.
d20) will cause the Master to receive no whether it has been used. It is solid and Volume does not matter, although fires
impression, not a wrong impression. The can be used by any creature. Its thrusting extending beyond effective spell range
only way to deceive a know intent is by strike does 2-12 points of damage, and will only be put out within the spell's
casting its reverse conceal intent, a spell can pierce armor, stone, stout wood, and sphere. Heat and corrosive effects are not
that protects only the caster, and makes other normally impervious objects. lessened by this spell, nor will it repair -
the caster aware of all magical or magic- fiery damage. Quench fire may be
like mental scrutiny of his or her own Water Walking invoked in an area and left active, to pre- \
thoughts, giving him or her the choice in Level: 2 vent fires of all sorts. A fire ball, for
every round of communicating a false Range: 0 (Master or creature touched) example, cast into a protected area would
intent or of blanking out the scrutiny to Duration: 1 round per level of caster simply vanish without effect, doing no i
reveal nothing. Effect: Enables one being to walk upon damage and being lost forever. The same
the surface of any liquid or thin ice spell cast into an inactive protected area i
Radiance This spell enables a Master, or another would have full flame and blast effects, s
Level: 1 creature deliberately touched during the although if the quench was activated on •
Range: 140' spellcasting, to walk upon the surface of the round following, any fires begun by \
Duration: 6 turns any liquid, and other semi-solid surfaces the fire ball, even among paper, straw, or
Effect: controls light intensity in a 40' such as mud and ice. The spell actually other highly flammable substances,
diameter sphere supports the being on a cushion of force would be instantly snuffed out.
This spell, once cast, continues despite just above the liquid so that the being
the departure, slumber or unconscious- will not actually come into contact with Silence
ness, or subsequent spellcasting of the the substance. The spell has no effect Level: 3
Master casting it. It can be ended by a dis- upon gases and does not guard against Range: 120'
pel magic or by the will of the caster, who the effects of severe heat or cold. The Duration: Special
can continue to manipulate light within Master will feel how much time he or she Effect: One creature
the spell's area of effect after breaking off has left before the spell expires. Unless This special sort of silence spell affects
concentration to perform other activities, the Master tells a non-Master empowered only one creature concentrated upon dur-
or continually alter conditions through- by this spell to walk upon liquids how ing casting by the Master. The creature is
out the spell duration. The spell enables much time is left, the magic will end allowed a saving throw against the spell;
the Master to change the existing light without warning. Rough and agitated if made, the silence never comes into
level within its sphere of effect; to total liquids can be walked, run, or slid across being and the spell is wasted. If failed,
darkness, to blinding light, or at any level without fear of submergence. the creature is utterly silenced, sounds
in between. The light can be changed as cannot reach it or radiate from it it cannot
often as the Master desires and can blind Produce Fire speak, cast most spells, or use most magi-
or stun creatures into a round of inactivity Level: 3 cal items; nor does its movement make
and 'to hit' penalties of up to —3 when Masters cast this spell as do druids (as any sound.
blinded, and conceal or reveal things explained in the D&D® Players Compan- Other creatures near the affected
clearly. Creatures with infravision cannot ion Book), but they can also cast a reverse being, or even touching it, are unaffected
be confused by such light alterations; of this spell (which must be determined by the magic. The silenced creature,

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

intelligent or not, gets an additional sav- Lightning has normal effects on objects or fall out of their containers when acted
ing throw against the spell each round. where it strikes even after being deflect- upon by this magic.
After its initial save, + 1 is added to each ed, and is not robbed of any of its power
saving throw roll until one succeeds and to damage. If two or more creatures Shout
the spell is broken. The Master need not attempt to control a lightning bolt in dif- Level: 6
remain present or concentrating upon the ferent directions, it will break up and dis- Range: 120'
affected creature after the spell is cast and sipate without going anywhere (a rare Duration: Instantaneous
may well undertake other spelkasting. occurrence). Effect: Special (varies)
This spell drains 1 hit point from the
Remove Curse Repel Non-living Material Master whenever used. The lost point
Level: 4 Level: 5 may be regained by normal rest. The
Masters use this spell, and its reverse, Range: 120' magic affects all nearby creatures. The
just as do clerics as detailed in the D&D® Duration: 1 round per level of the caster Master cannot choose to exclude certain
Expert rulebook. Included here are some Effect: Repels non-living material of all beings from the spell effect if they are
typical Master curses cast upon creatures types within range. The Master-player rolls Id6
who have run afoul of them: the first This powerful magic affects undead and adds the Master's level (as a Master,
blow struck by a cursed creature against a and all non-living material, even once not as a halfling) to arrive at the score for
halfling will miss; any lie told to a half- alive substances such as leather or corpses. the shout spell just cast. This score is com-
ling by the cursed creature will immedi- It is usually directed against weapons or pared to the level or hit dice of all crea-
ately be known by the halfling; any armor to repel creatures bearing them tures within range to determine the
attempted theft of any halfling property away from the Master to the limits of spell effects of the spell on each creature as fol-
by the cursed character will immediately range, but it can also be used to scatter lows:
be detected; any food eaten within the small objects such as coins or keys. Crea- Creature's Score exceeds Shout score: no
Shires by the cursed creature, for the rest tures can struggle against the repulsive effect
of its life, will taste bad and cause indi- force of the spell if they can gain traction Scores equal: creature stunned for 1
gestion and embarrassing flatulence. aerial or levitating creatures are helpless round, cannot attack, speak, move, or
until they reach the ground. Struggling cast spells; ongoing creature spelkasting
Repel Lightning creatures are allowed a saving throw ruined.
Level: 4 against the spell. If successful, this allows Shout score 1-3 points greater: Creature
Range: 120' them to remain stationary. If they save stunned tor 1-3 rounds, as above; all held
Duration: Instantaneous successfully on the next round, they can weapons or items will be dropped. Crea-
Effect: Changes the area of any lightning move toward the Master at half normal tures of 5 dice or less also deafened for 1-2
strike movement speed, but must save again on turns.
This spell can be invoked upon the the following round and will be forced Shout score 4-6 points greater: Creature
approach of a natural or magical light- back if they fail at any time, rallying only instantly unconscious; will collapse and
ning discharge. It instantly deflects the when they save successfully again. The cannot be revived for 2-8 rounds; will also
20'- diameter strike sphere of a descend- Master can end the repulsion by will but be deafened for 2-5 turns. Creatures of 10
ing bolt to a new location or changes the need not concentrate to maintain it and dice or greater allowed a Saving Throw vs.
direction of the path of a magical bolt as can even undertake other spelkasting spell; if successful, they are not rendered
follows: the Master-player rolls Id 10; a while it continues. The velocity at which unconscious but flee involuntarily out of
result of 1 means that the lightning is non living objects move varies with the spell range, dropping all held items.
shifted 10' in a direction desired by the level of the Master. A Master of 10th level Spells and weapons cannot be used dur-
Master, a roll of 2 means a 20' deflection, can repel at a rate of 10' per round, and ing flight. The flight cannot be ended by
and so on. Any result of 7 or more means can move objects of up to 50 pounds spell or opposed will until out of spell
that the Master can control the discharge weight; a Master of 1 lth level can repel at range. Once out of range, creatures are no
so accurately as to place it precisely as a rate of 12' per round, and shift objects longer affected and can turn and charge
desired within the range of the repel, of up to 60 pounds weight. A 12th level back at the Master if they wish. Both
including hurling it right back at its Master repels up to 70-pound objects at a flight and return will be at normal move-
source. Anything struck on the way will rate of 14' per round, and so on. A cloud ment rates.
take normal damage, but utterance of a of coins or gems hurled by a Master at Shout score 7 points or more greater:
repel always means that the Master is pro- creatures by means of this spell could well Creature rendered unconscious, and may
tected, therefore a Master could deflect a do any creatures 2-8 points of damage. not be revived for 3-12 rounds (no saving
bolt away from other creatures nearby DMs must determine whether coins in throw allowed). Revived creatures will be
onto himself and suffer no damage. pouches or worn on thongs can break free deafened fot 3-12 turns, and confused (as

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)


in the fourth level magic user spell confu- Target score 3 or more greater than Mas- Feeblemind
sion, detailed on page 13 of the D&D® ter's: target completely unaffected. Spell Level: 7
game Expert rulebook) for 18 rounds. lost. This spell is identical to the fifth level
Non-living objects and undead are Target score 2 or more greater than Mas- magic user spell of the same name
unaffected by a shout spell. ter's: target slowed to half speed for 1-3 (described on page 20 of the D&D® game
rounds. Players Companion book), except that a
Assume Animal Shape Target Score 1 greater than Master's: tar- Master may use it on all sorts of intelli-
Level: 7 get heldax the spot touched (as in the cler- gent creatures. A Master will only use this
Range: 0 (Master only) ical hold person spell, but any creature spell on a halfling if there is a very impor-
Duration: Permanent until ended by will can be affected). tant reason to do so. All creatures are
of caster Scores equal: Earth rises up to strike tar- allowed to save against a Master's
Effect: Changes Master into animal shape get once, doing 5-20 points of damage. feeblemind at only — 3.
This spell allows a Master to take the Target will be thrown down by the earth
shape of any living creature. The Master movement; Master will be unaffected. Plant Fist
retains his own alignment and intellect Master's Score 1 greater than Target: tar- Level: 7
and instantly learns the capabilities of the get struck by a fist of earth that rises up to Range: 140'
new form without disorientation. If the do the Master's bidding for 2-5 rounds Duration: 1 round per level of caster
assumed form can speak, spells may be (determine randomly), striking for 5-20 Effect: Animate and controls plants
cast while in it. No magical or spell-like points per round at + 2 to hit. Even if the This spell is rarely used by Masters
natural powers of a monster form will be fist misses, the target will be thrown to because at its end the plants involved die.
gained by a Master assuming it. the ground by the convulsions of the Plant-like monsters such as treants are not
A Master need not be familiar with a earth underfoot, and target spellcasting affected by this spell. The Master can
form to assume it, but must have person- will be impossible. Only creatures able to cause 3 trees, 10 saplings or medium-
ally seen a living specimen of the crea- levitate or fly can escape the effects of sized bushes, 20 shrubs, or 36 small
ture. The Master is never forced to act as moving earth—but the fist can reach up plants to animate and obey his will.
the new form would, but will realize how to 20' vertically to strike at them. The plants can be made to entangle or
the creature would normally behave in Master's Score 2 or more greater than Tar- whip a single target, preventing spellcast-
any situation that arises. get's: crack opens in the earth beneath ing, slowing movement to half rate, and
A Master cannot be trapped in animal target, trapping it instantly as the fissure causing all physical attacks by the target
shape unless a permanence spell with that snaps shut again. Only the upper half of to be at - 3 to hit and - 1 on damage.
specific aim in mind is cast upon him the target remains above ground; target is The plants will bludgeon and constrict
while in animal form. A Master gains no immobilized unless it can dig free, for 3-12 points of damage in any round in
additional hit points by taking animal change its form to escape, or use magic to which the target creature does not
shape, but may assume a form having as free itself. Immobilized targets can auto- directly fight them.
many as twice his own Hit Dice. Note matically be hit by others, twice per In each round of directly fighting the
that a "red dragon" shape could be tak- round. plants, a target lessens the damage it suf-
en, but a red dragon of a particular size Master's Score 3 or more greater than Tar- fers to 1-4 points and has a chance to
and powers could not be chosen. Some get's: earth opens to swallow up target. break free for 1 round. If a Saving Throw
Masters habitually remain in beast-shape; Target takes 10-60 points of crushing vs. Spells is successful, the target breaks
except for attacks from other creatures, a damage, and must save vs. spells to avoid free. The plants will re-entangle the tar-
Master is not harmed in the slightest by death by suffocation and crushing. A suc- get on the second round after freedom is
being in animal form for years on end. cessful save results in the target being gained. The Master can end the spell at
imprisoned within the earth, alive in sta- will; once stopped, it cannot be started
Earthgrip sis, helpless until freed by digging, natu- up again. He need not concentrate upon
Level: 7 ral forces, or a dispel magic cast on the the plants to maintain it.
Range: Touch spot.
Duration: Permanent A Master can always choose to have a
Effect: One creature is attacked by earth lesser effect occur than the usual result of
This spell can only be used when the the compared scores. Earth elementals
target is on the ground. The Master struck by an earthgrip spell are instantly
touches the creature ('to hit' required) sent back to their own plane, exhausting
and exerts his will to cast the spell. Both the spell.
Master and target roll Id 12, and the spell
effects are as follows:


Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

Dungeon Masters Booklet

Five Seines
by Ed Greenwood

Table of Contents
Introduction 2
The History of the Shires 3
Climate 9
Agriculture in the Shires 9
Topography 10
The Defense of the Shires 11
The Calendar 15
The Sacred Mysteries 16
Halflings, Heroes and Highwayhin 21
The Pirate Life 34
A Visitor's Guide to the Five Shires 37

Campaigning in the Five Shires

Monster Encounters in the Shires 53
Adventures in the Five Shires 56
Monsters in the Five Shires 65
Adapting Gazetteers to the AD&D® Game 69
The Non-Halfling Adventurer of the Five Shires 70
What Everyone Knows About the Five Shires 71

Design- Ed Greenwood AD&D, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, and WORLD OF
GREYHAWK are registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
Ed.ting: John Fitzgerald
Product Manager: Bruce Heard OF YOUR IMAGINATION and the TSR logo are trademarks
Coordinators: Bruce Heard, Karen S. Boomgarden owned by TSR, Inc.
Cover Artist: Clyde Caldwell Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random
Interior Artist: Artie Ruiz House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd.
Graphic Design: Stephanie Tabat, Dave Sutherland, and Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors.
Dennis Kauth Distributed in the United Kingdom by TSR UK Ltd.
Cartography: Dave Sutherland, Dennis Kauth, and
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Typography: Betty Elmore "" - J reProdu"ion ° r ° t h « ""'V*?'™? usc
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the express written permission of TSR, Inc.
This one's for Grandma and Aunt Clara. See? There still
are magic kingdoms.

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POB 756 1 ' The Mill, Rathmore Road
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ISBN 0-88038-592-8 9232

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

TZtje CJazetteeu
This booklet is a reference work intended
primarily for Dungeon Masters. If you are
a player, please read only the Players
Guide that accompanies this book. Yout
Dungeon Master will reveal information
from this book appropriate to what your
character knows before, and learns dur-
ing, active play. From here onwards, this
book is for the DM's eyes only.
The Five Shires is a complete campaign
reference, one of a series of Gazetteers
that together detail the D&D® game
Known World. This Gazetteer presents
the homeland and culture of the halfling
race in great detail as an aid to all D&D
game enthusiasts in enriching play. It is
split into two booklets, one for Players peaceful, but that should not mean that races (such as the dwarves) are not exactly
and the other—this one—for DMs. play in the Shires is boring. welcome—and no one loud and hasty
Well, sort of, as wise hin Elders are The very lush fertility and tranquil about swinging blades and hurling magic
wont to say. A DM cannot run play in the beauty of the Shires make them highly- will be too popular, either. The halfling
Shires without first becoming thoroughly sought-after lands. Covert forces are people may seem quaint and droll to
familiar with the material in the Players always at work in the Shires as well as in hardened human adventurers, but they
Guide. It has the basic information about the lands seeking to gain influence over are tough and wily and more shrewd than
halfling skills and society. This DM's the Shires. they look. No Dungeon Master should
Booklet presents more information about The folk of Darokin, to the north and play halflings as cute, empty-headed
the land and provides the DM with a sta- west of the Shires, are the most friendly dolls, or helpless midgets who run about
ble of NPCs useful in campaign play and with the halflings. Darokin has never, shrieking the moment trouble erupts.
in devising new adventures to challenge whatever their true intentions, openly Clans vie endlessly for supremacy and
PCs. After the clans and places-of- tried to dictate or manipulate halflings by individual hin strive to advance their own
upbringing of all PCs in the Shires (if threat of force. Others neighbors, such as wealth or clan rank or both. Mysterious
any) are known, the DM should reveal the 'Black Eagle' Baron von Hendriks or evil lurks in Shireton Port, and many seek
information about the Shires from this the far-off Empire of Thyatis, are not so to learn and control the secrets of black-
Booklet that is appropriate. Remember respectful of halfling freedoms. flame. Pirates raid ships offshore, and
that among themselves halflings are a ores raid mining bands in the mountains.
Travelers in the Shires may well be
simple, open people; there are few secrets Things are never as peaceful as they
used, unwittingly or for pay, as messen-
or subtleties. appear.
gers or agents in other countries' games of
The closing section of this book intrigue. The Shires may have few Exactly what kind of play the Shires
presents many adventure ideas, each treasure-laden crypts or ruins but there takes is up to you, the DM, and your
ranked by PC level: Basic for Basic-level are monsters in plenty and food and players. Feel free to change anything in
characters, Expert for Expert-level charac- wealth in abundance for those who aid these pages to better entertain and
ters, and so on. DMs can freely run char- the hin clans or who can seize what they engage the interest of your players. The
acters of different levels than the ones will and somehow escape. There is a lot Five Shires is yours to enjoy. Handle it
printed herein through a given adven- going on in the Shires beneath the peace- with love and care and many hours of
ture, if the difficulty of challenges and ful exterior known to the world outside. memorable play will be your reward.
monsters involved is adjusted so as to test Characters of certain citizenship and
but not overwhelm PCs.

Do It youu Way
First and foremost, play in The Five
Shires should be fun. The Shires are
green and beautiful and for the most part

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

Histony of tljQ Sl?mes
•CI76 Eauly Days Halflings began to speak of the land of anger, returning to Hinhome determined
Hinhome or "Llora" ( = 'ours'). to overthrow the ores. They mounted
Halflings came to what is now the Shires Human raids on the coasts dwindled many raids, though they soon learned
by ship. The hin named the cape where around the time of the elven disappear- that to stand against Othrong's counter-
they landed Faerdinel ("faer" = hope + ance. Gnolls invaded the Traldar lands in attacks was to die.
"dinel" = haven). The Coming of the great numbers and humans had little Hin bands began to wander the south-
Hin is the beginning of all halfling histo- time for perilous exploration westwards. west of Hinhome and east of the Cruth
ry and is little questioned. Ores, however, became far bolder and River, raiding often into the Realm of
The hin built a tower where they made more numerous (perhaps driven south by Othrong. The ores grew more numerous
landfall. Many magical treasures are said the gnolls), striking out of the mountains and prosperous as years passed, but they
to still lie within its walls. Many yallaren in large, brutal bands. The hin lacked the no longer lorded it easily over passive,
eagerly search for Faerdinel Keep, but strength and numbers to withstand these helpless slaves—they ruled in armed war-
none has recently found it. The Keep attacks and soon became slaves of the iness over an increasingly truculent half-
long ago fell into the sea. No trace of it ores. The ores fought among themselves ling servant-folk. As roads and farms
remains, even to those who can search until Othrong rose to prominence. expanded, hin communications
beneath the waves. All its treasures lie improved. The lazy ores depended on
buried or were lost to earlier searchers. halflings to do so much that hin became
Beyond the headlands hin found roll-
i:i7€ RealM Of Otl7RONQ
increasingly strong and skilled in order to
ing forest land of unusual richness and Othrong was able to rule the weak hin carry out required tasks. Othrong was
beauty that climbed to soaring moun- with only a small warrior-band to enforce doomed.
tains beyond. They spread out across it his will. He put halflings to work clearing As events turned out, the Doom of
and soon met other folk: an isolated, forests to establish farms and pastures on Othrong fell not on Othrong, who died
dwindling race of elves. which food to feed the ores was grown happily in an orgy of overeating at his cit-
The elves were called 'Masters' by the and herds of livestock seized by the ores adel, Castle Bone, but upon his far stu-
halflings—not masters of the hin, but grazed. The strongest hin were set to pider son, the monstrous and brutal
masters of the land itself. Hin also call work on a more dangerous (because of Raurgh.
them the Gentle Folk for they refused to woodland predators) and physically pun- Raurgh was a giant—a bald, scarred ore
fight even when ravaged by vicious ore ishing task: clearing roads through the of dull wits and crude humor who stood
attacks. From the kindly elves halflings deep woods to link the farms. twenty feet tall and could find no horse to
learned lore and magic of the woods; The Realm of Othrong was to be a land bear him. In foolish pride he decreed that
learning preserved today by hin Masters. of plenty where ores could enjoy a good no ore would ride when Raurgh could
The Gentle Folk soon disappeared life without the harsh cold and scarce not, and from that moment his armies
under ore and human attacks. There is no food of the mountains. Othrong looked were doomed. Never able to catch the
record of any strife between hin and the forward to a day when many peoples fleet raiding bands of hin, the ores lost
Folk, nor are they remembered by hin would serve the Ores, and fat, happy ores control of eastern Hinhome entirely, rul-
with anything but respect, admiration would remember him with fond pride ing much of the land only as far as their
and sorrow. Legends persist in hin lore of and gratitude for the great kingdom he weapons reached.
a few Folk hiding in the darkest forest had founded. Hin began to realize this as food-trains
depths and of a 'Last Ride' of shining Othrong, however, 'could see clearer in traveled the usual routes to feed ores
golden winged horses that carried the last his dreams than beyond his nose,' as the across the realm. Talk rose of overthrow-
splendid band of Gentle Folk away from hin saying has it. For thirty winters forests ing the hated ores at last. The most war-
the Deep Land. were cleared, many farms begun, and an like hin began to organize their fellows
Then hin called their new home The astonishing reach of good roads laid for an eventual rising.
Deep Land because its woods were so vast down, but the realm of luxuriantly happy
and dense. It was not given a 'proper' ores was never to be. Hin youth began to
halfling name because hin did not feel it steal away from farms and to slip away
belonged to them. They felt they were from road gangs during the worst storms The Rising came one harsh winter when
guests in the Forest of the Folk. when ores could not easily recapture snow choked the roads. Food ran short in
The Early Days are reckoned to have them. Castle Bone and other ore-holds and
ended when the Gentle Folk could no The escaped hin ventured far across the increasingly frantic orders to resupply the
longer be found by searching hin, who Known World; the practice of yalhtz had heart of the realm killed many hin in the
liked to bring the Folk great feasts offish begun. Some never returned and found harsh winter.
and sit and listen to beautiful elven music happier homes elsewhere, but most met Little food got through, and hin after
and tales late into many moonlit nights. other hin in far places and shared their hin decided it would cost less in halfling

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

Histowy of tlje Styines
blood to defy local ore overlords than to Before long hin established trade with dwarven, and ore bands roamed the land
die carrying the ores food and perish of neighboring lands and ventured in fighting viciously with each other. Hin
cold or be torn apart by hungry monsters. strength into the mountains where new hid underground or in the deepest tan-
The food stopped coming. Winter metal-rich ore deposits were found. Hin- gles of the forest depths and let the bat-
stretched on. don remained a little-developed but fair- tles rage around them. Those who did not
At last Raurgh was forced to venture ly happy land as years passed. swiftly perished.
out of Castle Bone in search of provender. To the east, the gnolls had begun to In these Dark Years, the weather and
Hin sent their fastest running on ahead withdraw from the Traldar lands. Lawless- bounty of the land were unusually fine—
with word of his coming. Food was car- ness and banditry were rife. Human and but there was no law but the law of the
ried on before the ores could reach it. ore raids on Hindon, where food was sword, and few blades indeed were wield-
Only the oldest, weakest hin stayed to plentiful, increased. Word spread of a ed by hin. Human bands were largely
fight and die, killing an ore here and an land of great forests where there were rich interested in fast and easy plunder but
ore there. The stouter hin ran ahead until farms and much iron, copper, silver and the dwarves and ores were determined to
they made a stand at an ore-hold called gold, protected only by 'little people.' rule the land as their own. Battles
Hinskulls. Ships began to arrive at Hindon's between them grew larger and more
The battle of Hinskulls was long and shores to trade cloth, cattle, ponies and fierce; large armies began to gather, rein-
bitter. Halflings, working hard and only a beer for Hindon's metal and foodstuffs, forced by both races from beyond Hin-
little less hungry than their foes, were no and for its rarer and larger trees—timber don's borders. There were several pitched
match for desperate ores. But they were that had grown scarce in Thyatis and oth- battles: the first, Bloody Sands, a narrow
more numerous and warmed by hatred. er seafaring lands. Halflings prospered victory for the ores; the second, Fireaxe
Fighting raged for days among the trees and multiplied; hin clans grew suddenly Field, a great victory for the dwarves, who
as the ores slowly pushed east and more in pride and importance. Hin wealth and trapped and burned alive many ores; and
hin joined the fray. The Fall of Raurgh culture flourished. the third, the Hill of Cold Teeth, a chilly
came on a rocky height known today as struggle in a raw winter blizzard where
Orcfall, as Raurgh and all with him were Xllje Fall of HJNDON tlje both the ore-chief Gaur and his chief ore
slain by the sheer numbers of hin who rival Hurag were slain by the dwarves of
went up against them.
Dank yeans Loktal Ironshield.
The fierce winter raged on. A few hin It was a time of swords, dark deeds, and
went about in the teeth of its fury to flush raw might in the lands around Hindon. DwanveN Rule
out an ore-hold here or a stand of ores As news of the prosperity of the lightly-
there, but most of the realm did not defended halfling land spread, greedy In the spring after Cold Teeth the armies
know Raurgh had fallen until spring. eyes began to turn Hindon's way. Human of both sides were exhausted, but the
The Spring Slaughter was savage but and ore raids increased. dwarves held most of the forests. Loktal
exultant. Ore bands coming down from Halfling smithy-work was small-scale, crowned himself king of the Glittering
the mountains were overwhelmed or the armies of Hindon small and poorly Land, naming his realm for many gems
chased back up into the heights. Many equipped: enough to intercept raiding the dwarves had found in its rivers.
hin Heroes met to tear down Castle Bone, bandits but far too few to stop large and Loktal was a shrewd and grasping king.
and there agreed to establish a rule of sur- determined armies. Ore raids became He maintained strict discipline among
viving halfling Elders. The realm of Hin- almost continuous near the mountains; his warriors, never letting them forget
don ("don" means 'land' in the hin many fighting hin fell in the strife. they were at war with all non-dwarves in a
tongue) was founded. Dwarves made the long journey to hostile land and dare not relax. Captured
Hindon, attracted by tales (and samples) halflings were enslaved and put to work
of its metal rich ores. The more evil mining. Toiling under heavy dwarven
HlNOON guard, they soon tunnelled deep into the
among them took careful note of the
The Elders came to be known for long- realm's failing military strength. mountains, meeting many ores and fear-
winded squabbles over the smallest It was ores, again, who swept away the some monsters of the inner caverns.
details of government, but this didn't last halfling defenders in the end, but it Loktal spared no hin or dwarf in farm-
bother the new conquerors. Many youn- was not ores who prevailed over the forest ing, but let the land slide back into a
ger hin Heroes were content to ride about realm this time. The ore-chief Gaur wild, overgrown state. Loktal kept only
the new won land slaying human bandits burned the Elderhall one spring morning the roads open for his marching armies
and ores that had survived the Slaughter less than thirty summers after Hindon and wagon-trains of metal. The dwarves
while their Elders argued in relative peace was founded, and the Fall of Hindon is bought most of their food from outside
in the center of it all. These proud hin considered to have occurred then. the Glittering Land's borders.
Heroes became The Fangs of the Shires. In the years that followed, human, Hin grew skilled at catching and eating

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

Histony of tlje Seines
wild creatures on sight; game, untouched ClaNstnif e
by the dwarves, remained plentiful.
Unfortunately for Loktal, so too did ores. This time the hardened, wiser hin let the Fierce arguments erupt among hin today
Ore raids became heavy again and few surviving Elders talk all they wanted over who started the Clanstrife, this hin
greedy humans came to plunder as well as at a distance somewhat greater than ear- Lord or that one. The wisest Elders do not
trade until Loktal found himself embat- shot from those who ruled. Hin who had try to name names but merely make grave
tled as fiercely as Raurgh had forty win- commanded in battle continued to lead observations like "one against another
ters earlier. War spread across the land small but well-armed (from fallen dwarf means a fight, perhaps a murder or even a
again, while hin stayed hidden or mined and ore foes) hin armies, and also ruled feud—many must strive, and care not for
deep in the mountains. the restored hin kingdom. They called the consequences, to cause a war," and
themselves the Lords, governing by vote "the younger Lords had never known a
in council. One old female Elder, 'Moth- time when hin were enslaved, and others
Xltje SecoNb RisiNQ er' Jatha Many toes, called and chaired ruled the land."
Gnolls were seen in the northern hills of the Council, but had no vote in its deci- Time has hidden precisely who did
the Glittering Land one spring, and the sions. The Lords called the new kingdom what but in the end hin raised blade
ores were stronger than before. A battle- Shaerdon (shaer='home'; thus, 'home- against hin. Fighting spread swiftly across
weary Loktal led his warriors into the land'), and ruled the hin almost as ruth- Shaerdon, clan against clan, no doubt
mountains and surprised a gathering lessly as Loktal had. fuelled by personal grudges and resent-
horde of ores at Brokenfang Falls, routing Few hin rebelled because the Lords did ments. The country erupted in a wild
them. Thousands of ores were pushed all in the name of hin self-rule and bloodbath brought to an end by a harsh
from a precipice in the fray when the strengthening the land so that hin might winter that closed the roads and cooled
dwarves charged them. This sight gave never be conquered again. Their armies many tempers. In the spring that fol-
rise to the laconic hin expression "until it grew in strength as the hin grew in num- lowed, many hin fled by ship: some never
rains ores again," and won Loktal enough bers. New farms were established, and to return, some yallaren, and some
time to rush his dwarves north to meet clans recovered wealth and pride as hin because they were the last of their clan
the gnolls. worked harder than ever. and knew they were prime targets.
There Loktal found only a few scat- Ore raiders came and were told to go A cold, armed peace that was no peace
tered gnollish bands and destroyed them away and come back without weapons at all began. Hin eyed hin and kept dag-
easily. He had more trouble with another and with something useful to trade. Hin gers sharp. Tension grew and the mines
gathering of ores, but finally cornered who went yallaren were told to learn all fell idle as hin stayed on their farms or
and defeated them at the battle of Three they could of far lands and of magic to waited well-armed in their holds. The
Shields. Only then he discovered that the help the hin grow wiser and stronger. Lords of weaker clans formed untrusting
hin had quietly risen at his back: an ene- Years passed and the hin grew strong. alliances to better their own chances of
my that refused to fight in the open but No invaders conquered and after a while survival. When the Elder who had fol-
made him pay in dwarven blood for every they stopped trying. Shaerdon grew lowed 'Mother' Manytoes to the chair of
step south along the forest roads. At one increasingly wealthy, the land tamed by the Council upon her death called a
camp on a bare hilltop, Loktal found he busy halflings who worked its wood and Council, no one came. The land was poi-
had fewer than four hundred dwarves its fields and delved ever deeper into the soned by hatred and mistrust.
left. In the morning he quietly turned Black Spires. The ores of the mountains had watched
and marched north again, abandoning Hin armies patrolled the borders, and and waited, and now came slinking in the
perhaps a thousand dwarves scattered after pirates began to seriously harm ship- night. Hin swords were ready, but they
across the mines and harbors of the land. ping, hin began to build small, wallow- were also few. Before long, hordes of ores
Loktal was never heard from again in the ing ships and patrol the coast. gathered in the mines. The next spring,
land of the hin. Few dwarves survived Shaerdon grew rich indeed, bellies hin found their rich mines closed to
their flight across the countryside to fol- within its borders fat and satisfied. A them. While they were accusing each
low him. hundred winters of hin self-rule passed. other and wetting daggers in each other's
Ores came down from the mountains The Lords grew proud and powerful backs, ores poured down out of the
again, but when they entered the forests, indeed and began to use their wealth to mountains and fell on isolated clan
they did not come out. One ore band dabble in magic and to work against rival strongholds.
made it back to the peaks but most died Lords. Eventually they dragged their Some Lords rallied together to fight
before they found the riches of the clans into these fierce rivalries. the common foe, but it was too late. War
dwarves. Halflings ruled once more. raged up and down Shaerdon for years,
but fighting hin had become too few to
withstand the invaders. Some hin Lords

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

HistOR? Of
stubbornly held their forces in their wounded often over the years. His woods; all others should wait until there
strongholds and refused to join the fray innards were a mass of poorly healed, were not so many armed ores running
until the ores stormed and overwhelmed twisted scar tissue, and his life of gluttony about the countryside.
them, one by one, and they fell. soon killed him. The fighting dragged on through a
Goghkh had wisely chosen his succes- mild winter and the next summer. Ore
i:i7e HiMe o f "CoRivteNt sor and equipped Furgh Oorr with plenti- bands ravaged their fellows and looted
ful quantities of poison. This ambitious indiscriminately. Bridges were burned
Once again hin were enslaved, worked to ore wasted little time when Goghkh's and ore graves dug up in a search for bur-
death and then eaten. Their ore overlords health failed. He poisoned the king and ied plunder. A savage madness lay upon
were ruled by Thrail, a shrewd and most of the court as well, crowning him- the land. Many hin fled from woods set to
patient ore who went nowhere without a self forthwith before any rivalries could the torch and holds torn apart stone by
strong bodyguard. He established strict develop. Furgh Oorr cared not a whit for stone to the mines. There they delved
discipline, a voice for all ores in govern- the health or comfort of hin, but he dis- deeper, to hide until the strife ended.
ment, and a shadowy network of killers to liked waste. And so, during his reign of Deep beneath the mountains, on the
dispose of serious rivals. over twenty winters, halflings were treat- shores of an underground lake discovered
The wisdom and ruthlessness of Thrail ed fairly well by their ore masters. It was when hin broke into older tunnels than
made his kingdom stable and strong. It expensive to feed infant hin in numbers their own, Blackflame was first found.
soon seemed to most hin, as they lived great enough to replace hin losses if they How Blackflame came to be and its
harsh and short lives of servitude, that ore were mistreated or made cruel sport of; it precise nature are secrets known only to
rule would endure forever; the fair land made sense to take good care of those one Keepers, and not lightly divulged. It is
of rolling farms and forests would never had. The essential hardiness of halflings clear that the powers of Blackflame were
belong to hin again. Always with ores, allowed them to recover greatly under little known or at least poorly understood
however, their ceaseless, jealous rivalries Furgh Oorr's rule. Clan ways were at this time. It served more as a rallying-
make their kingdoms only as strong as the restored, and a covert information net- point for hin hopes for eventual freedom
leader. As the ruler falters, so do the sta- work formed. than as a practical weapon.
bility of the land and adherence to law. 'Wild' hin (those hiding deep in the Hin withdrew to the southwestern end
So it was with Thrail, who was laid low woods, free from ore rule) were warned of the land in numbers enough to defend
with disease not quite twenty winters when ores planned 'hin hunts' in their a few farms. There, they quietly set about
after taking the throne. The ores were areas. Many hin babies were spirited away feeding the hin hiding in the mountains
fighting each other viciously for the at birth to be raised by wild hin instead of as ores went on wildly killing each other
crown even before Thrail breathed his being slain by ores as a feast delicacy. across the kingdom.
last; Thrail's son Maerogh was one of the Halflings began to plan for a day when Clanmasters debated if it was time to
first slain. they would rise again. take arms against the ores yet. The older
A coldly ruthless old ore general pre- ones cautioned against haste and proved
vailed over the bodies of many who had to be right. The talk was still going on
fancied themselves more important and Xllje ORCstuif e
when a hard winter came upon the land,
influential, taking the crown by butcher- Ores being ores, the stability of the realm frighteningly cold and with many raging
ing rivals until none dared act against could not last forever. One day Furgh storms. In spring, hungry hin coming
him. This king, Goghkh, delighted in Oorr was slain by the arrows of a would- down from the mountains found not an
torture and wanton slaying, and hin suf- be usurper while riding along a forest ore to bar their way in the southwest.
fered horribly under his rule. One of his road and the country erupted into fierce Winter had taken a toll all across the
favorite entertainments was to set one ore warfare almost before his corpse was cold. land. Ores fought little over an empty
against five hin, all blindfolded and Halflings tried to keep out of the way crown until most of the summer had
armed with daggers, in a small pit, while as ore swords found warm homes in ore passed and their bellies were again full.
ores watched and laughed and placed bodies all across the land. Ore-holds Halflings tried to avoid bloodshed and
bets, throwing the bones from their burned and ore archers soon ran out of work more fields, building up foodstores
meal—hin bones—down on the combat- arrows. in the mountains. The next winter was far
ants. The ores loved Goghkh's temper Hin tales say wherever no trees stood milder, and ores fought up and down the
and jovial spirit, and any bitterness over the ground was thick with fallen ores. country again. This time, however, hin
his ascension was quickly forgotten by his Pestilence spread over the land and the came down from the mountains ready
people who came to regard him as the ores were much weakened. On several and eager to fight.
greatest king the ores had ever known. occasions ores were slain by hin rising
Luckily for the hin, Goghkh was very old against them, but the wisest hin advised
when he took the crown and had been those who could to run to the deep

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

T:I?€ Histony of ttje Styincs

O)€ TIiiuD RisiNQ into the woods than the hin had ever seen some hin were obviously unsuited for the
before) and laid in an underhill tomb to duties of ruling, and woe betide the
There was still no king among the ores. rise and lead the hin in "The Fourth Ris- small, rich realm if such a one ever came
Ore bands went about with ready weap- ing" that might one day occur. to the throne.
ons, clashing when each side thought it It was not by feats of arms that hin Still others thought a system where
could manage a victory. Hin quietly fol- regained their land, however. The various many ruled—perhaps a Council of
lowed such bands, whittling down their invaders simply went on fighting each Elders—was the only way to avoid abuses
numbers by night, or when circumstances other until all were too weak to prevent of power and the rash thinking of youn-
isolated an ore warrior. the return of hin to farms and holds and ger hin. This group always came to bitter
Before summer ended only a few hun- harbors. disagreement over which Elders should
dred ores were left in the land who could Clan after clan went back to the lands sit on the Council, and how future mem-
bear arms. The hin were not to win back their Elders said they had held before the bers would be chosen, and which clans or
their realm so easily this time, though. ores came. Each hin clan cleared out settlements should be represented and
Many human raiders began to appear whatever creatures with whom they did which not? It was obvious to all, as a sum-
along the coast. Hearing of the Orcstrife, not want to share the land, rebuilt what mer passed while tongues wagged, that
they reasoned that ores at war are only a they had to rebuild, destroyed what they no government of all Elders would ever
little more dangerous than ores at any could not abide, and got on with life. make decisions swiftly enough to safe-
other time and might be too busy, or too This slow rebuilding of the halfling land guard the realm.
weak, or too intent on destroying each and people went on for nearly a decade By winter, one of the younger war-
other to guard their mines as well as oth- before Elders began to speak of the resto- leaders had heard quite enough. He went
erwise. ration of Shaerdon. into the hall where the Elders were
So men came, and hin fought them, In each clan stronghold there was now meeting—hastily built, its roof had
and the ores rallied. Gnolls appeared a sacred place where a Crucible of Black- begun to leak in the fall rains, and the
again, and some dwarves. The onetime flame was kept and when the Keepers Elders were arguing how best to repair
Hinhome became a lawless land of roving spoke of a new ruler, hin listened. At last it—and shouted them all to silence. Then
bands and bloody skirmishes. Monsters it was agreed that the Elders of each clan he proposed a plan: they would name a
roamed the woodlands, feeding on all should gather at a ruined ore city in the Sheriff, a general and high justice com-
combatants alike. Long years of sporadic south, the only place large enough to bined, to see to the defense of the realm.
warfare and banditry began. For the hin, house them all together. The rebuilding Elders would see to the governing of their
it seemed a hopeless fight; but it was one of this city began; Shireton was born. It own clans by advising their Clanmasters;
they must win, or perish utterly. took several years to ready the city as out- the Sheriff would govern the realm as a
lying clans took their Elders toward it by whole. Each clan would provide warriors
•C17G HiMe of Heuoes easy stages, repairing roads as they went. to defend the land under the command
A new spirit was awake in the land. Hin of the Sheriff; the Sheriff would have no
The lawless years dragged on, decade
dared to hope again, but more warily and lands or men of his own. The Elders, by
after decade, until it seemed the woods
far better armed than before. meeting in Council, could vote a Sheriff
below the Black Spires had always been a
out of office; otherwise, he or she would
land at war, ruled by no-one. Hin dwelt
RestcmatioN serve for life or until resigning. The Sher-
in the deepest woods using missile weap-
iff would rule absolutely in all matters
ons to hunt and drive away foes, or When the meeting-place was ready and between clans, such as freedom of roads
retreated to deep places in the mountains the Elders gathered, a great Council was and mines for the use of all, boundary
where they fought several vicious little called. All Elders were allowed to speak as disputes, recognition of clans and Clan-
wars to prevent dwarves from moving in they saw fit. Days of talk resulted. Out- masters, the establishment of laws and
and slaying every halfling to be found. side, younger hin quickly worked out a currency, and the sharing of food in hun-
Many hin ballads tell of the deeds of plan for defense of the land. The hin gry times.
hin Heroes of this time—Nob Nar (per- began to control their land, for the first
haps the most famous hin of all), Brin- The Sheriff would make up his own
time in almost two hundred years. mind in all matters, with no one to forbid
dorhin, and Coberham Shadowglint, to The debate raged on. Many Elders
name a few. Amid the strife, many him but all hin and others accepted as
were adamant that no Clanmasters be neighbors in the land could speak freely
Heroes were overwhelmed far from any allowed any direct say in government to
hin witnesses and thus were never seen to to the Sheriff without fear of reprisal.
prevent clan being set against clan ever The war-leader, Gunzuth, was a hith-
fall. This led to legends of this or that again. Others were just as adamant that
Hero put to sleep by magic (human erto quiet, ugly hin youth who had no
no single ruler should be installed—see known clan. He was no fool, however,
explorers had brought far more magic what that had brought the ores! Besides, and had quite run out of patience. The

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

"Clje Histony o f tY)e SI71RCS
Elders would vote on his plan that same and causing ice sheets to recede from Pestilence. "Savage madness" governs
night, he told them—and he would serve regions of modern Known World. the ores; much bloodshed.
as the first Sheriff. If they voted the plan 2000 BC: Bronze and Iron Age cultures in 746 BC: Hin discover Blackflame deep
down, he promised, one of his warriors D&D® game world. under the moutains; Orcstrife continues.
would go to every clan across the land to circa 1300 BC: "The Early Days." The 744 BC: The Third Rising. Hin defeat the
tell what had occurred. coming of halflings to Faerdinel and the ores but humans, gnolls, and dwarves
To the vast surprise of themselves and building of Faerdinel Keep. Hin contact invade the land; lawless times begin.
the warriors outside the hall, the Elders the Gentle Folk (failing elven race). 743-610 BC: The Time of Heroes. Hin
voted overwhelmingly in favor of the 1000 BC: Elves disappear. Ores invade warrior-adventurers flourish in the land,
plan and Gunzuth became the First and the land and enslave the hin. The Realm eventually reclaiming much of it from the
Last Lone Sheriff of Shaerdon. He ruled of Othrong is founded. To the east, gnoll invaders. Rebuilding of a hin kingdom
long, lightly, and very well, winning the tribes invade Traldar territory and a great begins.
respect and support of all clans. war begins (perhaps displacing the ores 609 BC: The Restoration. Elders proclaim
On his deathbed, Gunzuth ordered who came to the halfling lands). Gunzuth the Clanless as First Sheriff of
that Shaerdon be split into five Shires, for 965-964 BC: The Rising. Halflings over- Shaerdon. He rules wisely and well. The
he had five sons and wished to avoid war. throw ore-king Raurgh at the battles of land prospers.
Each Shire was to be equal in law to the Hinskulls (965), Orcfall (965), and in the 572 BC: Death of Gunzuth; Shaerdon
others, the land as a whole being gov- Spring Slaughter (964). Rule of the split into five Shires, each ruled by a Sher-
erned by a Council of the five Sheriffs, Elders established (964); kingdom of iff, the whole being ruled by a Council of
each having one vote. It was done, and Hindon founded. the five Sheriffs. The Golden Years
from that day to this The Five Shires have 938 BC: The Fall of Hindon; ores burn begin.
had five Sheriffs and have co-existed the Elderhall. The Dark Years begin. 0 AC: Halfling shipmasters establish
peacefully in an increasingly rich and Dwarves and ores fight for control of the naval trade with most coastal nations.
happy land. halfling land, in the battles of Bloody Elsewhere, the first Emperor of Thyatis is
Many men and ores have invaded over Sands (936), Fireaxe Field (932), and the crowned.
the years, but all have been turned back, Hill of Cold Teeth (930). 575 AC: Ierendi islands used by hin as
notably at the battles of Blackflame and 929 BC: Dwarven rule begins. Loktal naval bases year-round for the first time.
Fire Rock. Ironshield crowned King of the Glitter- Hin build large numbers of small, stout
The last invasion occurred eleven years ing Land. Hin enslaved. Dwarven king- rounded ships (nicknamed "wallowing
ago. Baron Ludwig von Hendriks of Kara- dom grows rich, attracting ore and turtles" by human sailors for their comi-
meikos sent a small force, thinking little human invasions that weaken the cal appearance in heavy seas) which prove
of halflings as warriors. The Baron's men dwarves. astonishingly sturdy. Halfling seaborne
were slain to the last man at Fools' Ford. 912 BC: The Second Rising. Loktal trade flourishes.
Canny hin Clanmasters delivered the defeats ores at Brokenfang Falls and rush- 586 AC: The Empire of Thyatis, at war
bodies of the fallen, neatly crated, to the es north to repel gnoll invaders, but is too with the Empire of Alphatia and needing
docks of Fort Doom as "fresh meat for the weak to withstand a hin revolt. Halflings ships and shipbuilding harbors urgently,
Baron." The maddened Baron hurled two found the realm of Shaerdon, ruled by a seizes Ierendi islands from the halflings
more expeditions into oblivion before he Council of hin clan Lords. with all ships in harbor at the time. In
realized he could not subdue the Shires 811-802 BC: Corruption and rivalries of retaliation, halflings begin piracy against
and cope with his enemies in the Grand hin Lords erupt in the Clanstrife, marked Thyatian shipping, which continues to
Duchy at the same time. by the Bloodletting (811) and the battles this day.
The Shires today maintain strong arm- of Manycoats (809) and Bell Horse Ford 700 AC: Huge ore horde invades the
ies to guard against the ores of the moun- (807). Ores come down from the moun- northern Shires. The ores are drawn skill-
tains and the Black Eagle Barony. From tains in force (806), and slowly crush hin fully into a trap and destroyed in the Bat-
the creation of the Five Shires to the resistance. tle of Blackflame.
present, halflings have ruled the land 801-784 BC: The Time of Torment; hin 944 AC: Halfling army surprises a gather-
they came to so long ago; a rule they hope enslaved under the ore-king Thrail. ing ore horde north of Wereskalot, rout-
to continue for many years to come. 784-771 BC: Reign of Goghkh; torment ing them in the battle of Fire Rock.
of the hin continues. 989 AC: Large numbers of Traladarans
770-748 BC: Reign of Furgh Oorr; slavery fleeing the Black Eagle Barony prompt
continues, but hin are better treated. Baron von Hendriks to invade the Shires.
3000 BC: The Great Rain of Fire; Black- 747 BC: The Orcstrife. Furgh Oorr slain, Three successive expeditions from Fort
moor culture obliterated; planet shifts its but no ore can hold the throne; war Doom are annihilated by hin ere Hen-
axis, freezing the Blackmoor continent between ores erupts across the country. driks turns his attention elsewhere.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

Xll)£ Historcy of tt^e
1000 AC: Today. All D&D® Gazetteers but just right. As beautiful as any land turnips, for example—would be fairly
are set at this period. Troubles have may get, and with the pleasantest folk uninteresting eating).
begun to stir in the Shires again; it is a about to share it with, even if all the A halfling who can move and chew will
time for adventurers. pretty maidens are only three feet tall." never die of hunger in the Shires. Hin are
1200 AC: The invasion of the Master of Fall in the Shires is a long and steady famous for their vegetable crops, particu-
the Desert Nomads and the setting for drop in warmth and rise in dampness. larly peas, beans, radishes, mushrooms,
adventures X4, X5, and X10. Mud begins to conquer the roads well carrots, onions, and asparagus.
before frost ends the growing season and Practically every sort of fruit, vegeta-
CliMatc the ground hardens. Winter comes with ble, and herb or flowering plant that can
hard freezing. This cold usually lasts for grow in anything except very hot, arid
The Five Shires are green and pleasant about three weeks in Tembiir and Daun- conditions flourishes in The Five Shires;
with rolling fields, dark woods, and little til, giving hin time to cut lots of dead- parsley and garlic grow wild in many plac-
wasteland. This is due in part to the posi- wood for their winter fires and gather the es. The rocky high country of the moun-
tion of the Shires between mountains and last of the picked vegetables in from tains (a region of slim forage in most
sea. Moist air blowing inland cools and under the haypiles before the heavy lands) is cloaked with berry-bushes.
must leave its moisture behind as it rises snows of aptly-named "deep winter" Mushrooms are cultivated in cellars and
over the peaks, making the Shires often come. caverns; mosses are gathered in the deep
wet and misty. The mountains also serve Winters seem to have been fiercer a woods for dyes, perfumes, and eating;
to shield the Shires, like a great wall, thousand years ago and to be slowly snails are harvested on the fringes of the
from the worst of the cold winter winds shortening and warming up, but hin Blight Swamp. There is little bounty in
out of the north. The coastal breezes have paid too little attention over the the Shires that halflings have not found
ensure that the weather of the Shires is years for records to be clear enough to tell and do not use; what makes the Shires
changeable, serving to moderate the cli- an observer whether this is a continuing different from most lands at present is
mate over the long run. All of these fac- trend or merely an impression arising that there is plenty to go around, and
tors favor a land of comfort and plenty, from the coincidence of the weather of plenty left over. A halfling will pass over a
but to know what it is really like to live in the last decade or so. dozen or so snails, for example, when
the Shires let us look at the passage of the snailing, "just to be sure there's some for
seasons in a typical year. The Shires are known to have stormy
coasts which have protected hin pirates next time," and if the next halfling along
Winter in the Shires can be wet, with from zealous pursuit on many occasions. takes them, the first won't grow angry at
many howling coastal storms bringing The uncertain weather of the coastal the loss of "his" snails; the land has plen-
feet upon feet of snow. The roads of the waters has also allowed experienced half- ty for all—at least for now.
northern Shires are often closed to all but ling shipmasters to dominate legitimate
the foolish, and certainly to wagons and shipping between the Shires and other
carts, for Clabbass and parts of both "Copoquaptyy
coastal lands. A hin going home is more
Dauntil and Vuuldiir, even into Maehin likely to chance a stormy run than a cap- The Shires lie like a vast fringe running
in bad years. Sleds are used when roads tain from the Grand Duchy who is less northeast along the base of the Black
must be traveled in deep snow, but these familiar with the waters. Spires mountain range, hooking due
are usually pulled by the hin themselves, northward at their eastern end, and
not be draft animals. This is exhausting bounded to west and south by the sea.
work, and not done merely for reasons of Aqnicultuue The easternmost tip of the Shires is an
trade or tourism. Most farmers in the Shires get two or area of very high (6,000 feet) peaks from
In Maehin the Shires warm up quickly even, in good years, three harvests. The which the Cruth River flows. From its
but the precipitation continues. Winter Shires have become a granary for other headwaters, the river drops down the
ends in a long period of rainstorms, fog, lands, notably Darokin (and thence, awesome Mistmyr Falls (a fall so long and
mud, and thawing, often referred to as Glantri), the Grand Duchy, and nearby violent that spray always enshrouds the
"wet winter." By the end of Odelin, Ierendi. The Shires produce far more foot of the plunge in roiling mists) into
spring has truly arrived; green, growing food than its present halfling population the Cruth lowlands. These wilderness
shoots and buds are seen again. could ever eat. Large quantities of food hills slope away southeast to the sea, from
As the days draw on into summer, the are stored in hidden underground stone- 1,500 feet above sea level steeply down
weather gets warmer and the rain less fre- lined cellars throughout the Shires as well into the Achelos Woods. Higher sur-
quent. Summer in the Shires has been as in secret caverns in the Black Spires. In rounding peaks and hills enclose these
described by the human minstrel Alba- case of war across the Shires, hin troops "lowlands" into a vast basin.
dan of Penhaligon as "golden days of could call upon almost two years-worth of The Cruth River separates The Five
happy warmth; not too hot, nor too dry, stored food (although much of it— Shires from the Grand Duchy of Kara-

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

Histony of tlie Sfyines
meikos as it flows swiftly south into the advised that this is an area of monsters, Where mines have run out, some hin
Achelos Woods and the small but nasty not the least dangerous of which are do live in the dark depths. Mushrooms of
Blight Swamp. Most overland travelers humans from other lands (particularly famous quality and size are grown in the
are forced to cross the Cruth lowlands in Karameikos) who have come in prospect- dim caverns and emergency stores of food
the vicinity of Riverfork Keep and ing and whose law is a sharp and swift are maintained here by order of the Sher-
Wereskalot, fording the icy Cruth where swordblade. iffs.
they can. In earlier times, before the To the south of the moors lie the forests At the southwestern end of the Shires
Black Baron rose to power, caravans could and farms of Eastshire, guarded by Roll- lies Southshire, where much of the live-
be ferried across on barges. With the ani- stone Keep. The village of Rollstone was stock of the Shires is tended. Largely open
mosity shown by the Baron toward his hin fortified only recently to guard against land, the hills of Southshire are home to
neighbors, however, no one is too anxious the Black Eagle Baron. Its catapults can far more sheep and shaggy hill-ponies
to build new barges so travelers must now hurl rocks, garbage, and such delights as than halflings. The busy port of
get wet. dead horses far out over the Hingulf, the Tothmeer serves not only legitimate over-
Naval trade has largely replaced the Blight Swamp, and nearby Eastshire. seas trade, but is home to many hin pirate
overland caravans since Baron von Hen- Eastshire's rich farmlands provide vessels. Toth Isle, just off the coast near
driks began his rule, but commerce much food for lands beyond the borders Tothmeer, is the only island of the Shires
between Karameikos and the Shires was of the Shires, and Eastshire is probably not considered part of Seashire.
once so extensive that most commoners of the most heavily guarded and militarily The Shires also claim many rocks and
Karameikos know the name of Wereska- alert of the Shires. Baron von Hendriks islands in the sea south of those claimed
lot and will recall it when the Shires are has attacked here several times in the by Ierendi. This area that hin patrol—in
mentioned. Few have ever been there, past, and no doubt will do so again. light force, but probably more thor-
and fewer still know anything more about The broad waters of the Wardle River oughly than any other peacetime
the land of the halflings, but perhaps separate Eastshire from Seashire. Seashire nation—is known as "The Shirecoast,"
considering the beauty of the Shires, is by far the most heavily populated of the and is nominally pan of Seashire.
that's just as well. Shires and the most "humanized" in its The most important islands of The
An ancient road called the Everwake fashions and way of life. Trade and diplo- Shirecoast are Orlin Isle, Seawind Isle
Way runs through the valley of Everwake macy from other lands influences the (which marks the Ierendi border and is
northeast of Wereskalot. Around this Shires most heavily here. Halfling navy open to all, notably pirates), Shipwreck
grassy track the Cruth lowlands rise on ships patrol the Shirecoast (particularly Isle, and Harborlee Rock.
both sides into bleak moors that are rath- the Hingulf between the Shires and Kara- Harborlee Rock serves as a busy transfer
er haunting by moonlight. These moors meikos) heavily. No foreign ships pass point for illicit trade between certain
are home to some desperate human out- through its waters to dock in the Shires Karameikan entrepreneurs and the folk
laws and a few lycanthropes who have without being boarded and inspected. of the Shires. Most of the other islands of
fled or been driven out of Karameikos The Ithypool River runs down from The Shirecoast, not named here, are little
and have not dared to venture into civi- Heartshire into Seashire. Landlocked more than rocks. They make the waters
lized areas. A few very old Traladaran Heartshire is seldom seen by non-hin, hazardous to shipcaptains who do not
tombs have been found in the area over unless they are traders from Darokin. It is know them, and provide ready refuges
the years, some containing rich treasures a region of dark woods, crags, and rolling and stopover points for hin naval and
looted from, or given by, the ancient hills. Most of the extensive natural pirate ships.
Hutaakan race. caverns and hin-dug mines of the Shires To the visitor, the Shires will seem a
West of the moors lie the armed, forti- lie beneath, or at least are entered from, gentle, pleasant land, dominated by
fied mining communities of Highshire, this Shire. The newer, less explored ways farms and forests. Its surface is always
always alert against ore attacks. Armed beneath the mountains of neighboring gently rolling, not flat. It seems old and
patrols are frequent. Halflings here Highshire promise to yield purer and long-civilized, largely tamed, and yet it is
expect dwarves to sneak in seeking miner- more plentiful metallic ores in days to also lightly-settled at present. In short,
al wealth in the mountains if vigilance is come. All of the present halfling popula- the Shires appear to be a nice place to live
relaxed for a moment. tion of the Shires could live in Heart- and visit, but probably a boring place for
A single major road connects northern shire's caverns if their country was for one seeking adventure (until, of course, a
Highshire, through alpine woods, to the some reason lost to them. gently smiling DM sets to work).
rest of the lands of halflings. Visitors are

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)


D € f €NSG Of
The very beauty and rich resources of the The visitor to the wilderness areas of records. Fang troops should be consid-
tranquil Shires make them prime targets the Shires will likely encounter three dif- ered veterans who know the terrain and
for anyone wishing to conquer or plun- ferent types of armed hin: Krondar (the ways of the wilderness Shires well. They
der. The continued tranquility of the deputies of a Sheriff, described in the are lightly armored but are all equipped
"tiny, unimportant" Shires is due in very Players Guide, who will be met while act- with not less than two weapons of "excel-
large measure to the demonstrated effec- ing as police), "Fangs," and "Strikers." lent" quality.
tiveness of halflings in defending their Many Fangs are accompanied by vol-
homeland. FaNQS unteer mages and clerics of low levels who
wish to taste adventure, or by higher-
The 'Fangs of the Shires' are battle
WantiMe level adventurers when a Fang is engaged
groups led by a Knight-Hero (8th level
in a specific mission of interest. Even
The Grand Army of the Shires exists only halfling), usually 40-60 hin strong, and
without magical aid, however, any hin
in wartime and has not been raised since are standing troops, ready in arms to
force can be formidable, considering its
the first invasion of the Black Eagle Bar- answer any alarm sent by a militia patrol.
separate denial powers and morale. Fang
on. All clans send some hin to the militia Patrols consist of 15-25 hin led by a
leaders may well wield magical "Blackfla-
training camps to learn their war skills halfling of not less than 4th level. Riders
me" weapons.
while patrolling the borders of the Shires. on small, hardy ponies exchange reports
Whenever a hin force is raised, most of between patrols and the nearest Fang
the halflings fighting in it will have some encampment at least once per day. Type of Unit: Fang
military experience and discipline The Fangs will form the cores of hin Troop Class: Excellent; BR 150 (BFR
because of these camps. regiments if war is declared; they ride 106)
about on light, fast ponies although they MV: 30 miles/day (12 miles/day
Regiments of 1,000 hin are usually
almost never fight on horseback, and are afoot, in mountains; 20 miles/day
commanded by Knight-Heroes (8th level
armed with daggers, shortswords, and "forced march" in woods or open
halflings). Each Commander will be aid-
light throwing spears of excellent make. country)
ed by a deputy, or "Yondar" (6th level),
A Fang, however, prefers to rely on its Weapons: Bows, slings, spears, dag-
and by any Masters, Knight-Heroes, or
slingers and archers (every fighting hin is gers, shortswords.
human mages or fighting clergy who wish
to assist. By tradition, hin who are led one or the other; some are skilled at
beyond the borders of the Shires to fight both), and it is the way of hin to keep to
must volunteer for such duty, and hence cover, never missing in the open. If cor- Militia
any units of such an expeditionary force nered on open ground, they will set their In contrast to most Fangs, a militia unit
will be known as "Volunteer Regiments." spears up in menacing lines, ends driven called up hastily—that is, one led by Clan
Calling up hin to arms is simple. into the ground so that the points form a Elders rather than one that has been
Alarm horns bring hin in an area to readi- wall against charging horses and warriors formed around experienced Fang person-
ness, weapons and gear are gathered, larger than halflings. The hin will crouch nel as its officers—is typically: a 6th level
marching food gotten ready, valuables behind these as cover and sling away like leader and 4th level deputy ('captain')
and necessities packed ready for quick fury. commanding 40 second level troops,
hiding or travel, and so on. Masters, The Shires are a beautiful and rich land equipped as the Clan can manage. All
Knight-Heroes, and Krondar serve as desired by many. Hin must be ready— will have daggers, slings, and some form
messengers to Clanmasters who simply and seen to be ready—to defend it. At of shortsword. Bows will be used by 4%,
summon the clan together and decide least one Fang will be ready, encamped in 10% will carry spears, and another 10%
who shall answer the call and how they the open, somewhere in each Shire at any will wield pikes. Twenty five such units
shall be led and equipped. If a clan has an given time. (these small units are called 'Swords' if
'acting clan chief,' he always volunteers to In War Machine terms, consider a typi- formed entirely of clan hin, and 'Shields'
lead the clan warriors into battle so that cal Active Fang as follows: One 8th level if formed around experienced Fang per-
the Clanmaster will be more likely to sur- leader, one 6th level deputy, eight 4th sonnel) make up a Regiment. Within the
vive and see to the safety and continuance level sergeants, and 50 troops: 20 3rd Shires there is rarely time to assemble
of the clan. level hin and 30 2nd level hin. They are such large hosts; small, mobile groups are
'Fighting hin' or maximum militia active at least 10 months out of every year, preferred by the hin.
strength is 60% of total clan population. their leaders are with them almost always,
In peacetime, 10-15% of a clan will be and they train for at least 16 weeks annu- Type of Unit: Militia 'Sword'
under arms for training, patrol or guard ally. A Fang fights ores and other mon- Troop Class: Fair; BR 74 (BFR 56)
duty, or active Fang duty, at any one time. sters almost weekly in the mountains, MV: 24 miles/day (10 miles/day
The militia never leaves the Shires. and almost all Fangs have good battle

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

"Clje Dcf CNse of tl?e Styines
ing without the sanction and against the the mountains north of them along the
afoot, in mountains; 16 miles/day will of the lawful government of the Karameikan border.
"forced march" in woods or open Council of Sheriffs as complaining DMs should devise statistics, magical
country) ambassadors will sorrowfully be told. In items or allies, and band strengths for
Weapons: Slings, daggers, varied fact, the Sheriffs encourage, and in secret these and other Striker leaders in accord-
smallswords; 4% bows, 10% spears, even limitedly direct, the Strikers actions. ance with PC actions in individual cam-
10% pikes They consider Striker activities necessary paigns.
for surrounding peoples and realms to
respect the halflings and not to try to Xltje Navy of tlic Sl?iues
Type of Unit: Militia 'Shield' seize the verdant Shires simply because
Troop Class: Average; BR 104 (BFR 72) "no one there will even know one end of The Shires has a small but vigilant navy. If
MV: as 'Sword,' above a sword from the other until it's too late." there were no hin pirates, the navy would
Weapons: as 'Sword,' above; Fang Strikers are not above 'borrowing' be too small to maintain the halfling
warriors use their "2 excellent weap- occasional food and gear, but never claim to the Shirecoast waters. The hin
ons" usual fighting gear. molest staunch allies of the hin, such as navy is far too small to wage any aggres-
travelers and merchants of Darokin and sive naval warfare against any other
Alfheim. :
i nation, but as a defensive force, given the
StRikctis stormy, rock-studded waters and the hin
pirates, it is adequate. Naval ports are
The 'ready for war' reputation of the Type of Unit: Striker Band Shireton itself, Shireton Port, Than tab-
Shires, however, comes not from its mili- Troop Class: Good; BR 82 to Elite; BR bar, Tothmeer, and Rollstone Keep.
tia troops or standing army but from its 166 (usually "Good;" high likelihood
Commanded by experienced captains
adventurers, the Strikers. To these bands of powerful Masters, Knight-Heroes, and crews loyal to the Sheriffs, the hin
all the bloodthirsty and adventuresome and 'maverick' non-hin magic users, navy consists of 2 war galleys, 4 very old
hin go when they are hungry for adven- with spells and magical weapons and large galleys, 2 small galleys, and 12 small
ture and battle. If Player Characters plan items) sailing ships. Another dozen or so old,
to stay in or near the Shires and get in a MV: 30 miles/day (10 miles/day battered sailing ships can be comman-
lot of fighting, joining a Striker band is afoot, in mountains; 18 miles/day deered or hauled out of beached retire-
the best way to do it without running "forced march" in woods or open ment in wartime, but no new ships are
afoul of the authorities. country) presently being built.
The Strikers are raiders, fierce warriors Weapons: Anything (majority will
The war galleys each have a ship value
who delight in reckless butchery and may- have bows or slings, and above average of 10, and move 6 hexes (4-4 when dam-
hem. They vary wildly in numbers, skill, weapons) aged per round) when one uses the sys-
weaponry, and organization, but make up tem introduced in The Kingdom of
for any deficiencies with enthusiasm. Ierendi Gazetteer. Each hex is 100 yards
Strikers mount raids almost continually PneseNt HIN LcaDCRS across.
against the lizard men and monsters of the The most experienced Fang leaders in the The war galleys are equipped with
Malpheggi Swamp, tangle with forces of Shires at present are Hulborth Bloodyaxe rams and modern, top-of-the line artil-
the Black Eagle Barony in the Barony itself, Treeshadow in Highshire, and Dundol lery. They are The Hinwrath and The
usually striking boldly at marching troops Xebel in Southshire. Pride of the Shires, and they are usually at
from ambush), and conduct an endless Hulborth: 8th level, 375,000 XP (Attack port: one in Thantabbar and one in
series of "slaughters" of the ores of the Rank B; automatically takes 1/2 damage Tothmeer, sailing only in response to clear
mountains. A soldier is on patrol or in a from any damage-causing spell or spell threats.
Fang because it's his duty and the right like effect), In 17, Wi 17, Co 18, Ch 16, The old large galleys have a ship value
thing to do; a Striker is swinging a blade at has both Armor and a Sword ofBlackfla- of 5 each, and move 6 hexes (2-3 when
an ore's head on some nameless mountain- me. damaged). Their clumsiness and lack of
side because it is what he wants.
Dundol: 8th level, 212,000 XP (Attack hull armor is compensated for by loading
Strikers are 'pirates of the land' who Rank A), St 17, In 16, Wi 18, Ch 16, them with catapults and ballistae. They
never prey on the Shires or legitimate wears Armor of Blackflame. are The Tempest, The Shiresword, The
trade overland near Riverfork Keep or Strikers famous at present are Phassra Hin Storm and The Steel Wind.
Mar but raise bloody ruin everywhere else Bloodyhands Fernshiver, who rarely The small galleys are the Barracuda
along the borders of the Shires whenever brings her band down out of the Black and the Swordfish. They have a ship val-
foes of the Shires stir. Spires, and Black Bungo Gullybuck, a ue of 7, and move 7 hexes (3-4 when
Strikers are nominally outlaws, operat- veteran active in the Cruth lowlands and damaged).

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

TTlje Def€NS€ of tl}c Seines

Five of the small sailing ships have ship smithy-work, come from Darokin. No is the chief trading partner of the Shires,
values of 4 (2 when damaged), and seven tariffs exist on such trade and halflings narrowly topping Darokin.
have ship values of 3 (1 when damaged). are welcome in Darokin just as humans of Alfheim: Elves are welcome in the Shires,
All move seven hexes (4 when damaged). Darokin are welcome in the Shires. as halflings are welcome in Alfheim, but
The 4-7s are the Sea Lion, the Shire Karameikos: Relations between the direct trade between the two nations is
Dragon, the Hin Trident, the Deep Ser- Shires and the Grand Duchy are close but light. Much food and metal from the
pent and the Black Shark. The 3-7s are somewhat strained. Hin grow weary of Shires finds its way to Alfheim by way of
the Dagger Octopus, the Scorpion Crab, the constant attacks and trade disruptions Darokin. Halfling and elven caravans are
the Toth Arrow, the Shireton Sword, the of the Black Eagle Barony and expect rarer than those of enterprising human
Shireshield, the Wave Striker, and the Duke Stefan to do something about it. merchants of other lands who act as 'go-
Flame Sword. They are in a position to be heard, too, betweens' to connect the Shires and Alf-
Hin navy ships are known for their because the Grand Duchy can get food heim.
fearless seamanship in storms and their and metals from the Shires far more easily Ierendi: Traditionally good friends, the
devastating archery, but the navy as a and cheaply than from its own interior Shires and the Kingdom of Ierendi are
whole is laughably small in both ship size areas and as the population of Kara- naval neighbors who trade with each oth-
and numbers. meikos grows, the food exported by the er heavily. The Ierendi bring the goods of
Shires will become increasingly impor- far-off lands to the Shires in return for
RelatioNS Witty Specific tant. needed food, metal, and ship timbers.
NatioNS aNfc Peoples No open trade occurs between the Individuals of both nations feud with
Shires and the Black Eagle Barony, but individuals of the other land, particularly
Darokin: Friendly trading relations exist seagoing merchants of both lands seem to those who carry on piracy, but hin pirates
between the Shires and Darokin. Goods encounter each other with surprising fre- rarely attack a ship known to be Ierendi.
pass between the two lands in a steady quency on Harborlee Rock and on land Minrothad Guilds: Little direct contact
stream overland through Mar or by ship near Riverfork Keep. Ships leave Shireton occurs between the Shires and the
via the port of Athenos. Raw metals and Port, Thantabbar, and Tothmeer almost Guilds; many goods change hands
food are exported by the Shires and fin- daily for the coastal cities of eastern Kara- between the two lands via Karameikos
ished goods, primarily cloth and fine meikos. In terms of volume, Karameikos and Ierendi. Relations are cordial but dis-

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

Dcf eNse of tlic Seines
tant; currently, several of the Sheriffs sus- but who are incurably greedy when it Alphatia: Little direct or diplomatic con-
pect certain Minrothad merchants who comes to great mineral wealth. When tact occurs between the Shires and the
travel often in the Shires of spying for the they come to the Shires, dwarves regretta- Alphatians, whom hin regard as far-off
Black Eagle Barony and Thyatis. For this bly cannot be trusted. people who will never come here and if
reason, covert surveillance of Minrothad Dwarves who trade in the Shires are their decadence and magic make them
citizens in the Shires is maintained. always suspected (probably correctly, in anything like Glantrians, that's just fine.
Guild merchants who reach the Shires most cases) of being spies gathering infor- Agents and spies of Alphatia do visit the
regularly are among the most energetic, mation for a future attempt to regain Shires, often, to keep tabs on the source
enterprising humans, and often employ control of The Glittering Land (the of so many raw materials and the adopted
human adventurers as guards and agents. Shires)—or at least the mines of the Black home of many individual mages of power
Glantri: Citizens of Glantri are consid- Spires—once again. who have found conditions elsewhere
ered dangerous. This is not because they Loktal Ironshield may have left the oppressive or less than ideal.
are often aggressively hostile when travel- Shires nearly two thousand years ago, but Certain wizards of Alphatia are
ling in the Shires, but because they are hin do not forget. A dwarf who incurs the extremely interested in the mysterious
known to use halflings in strange magical wrath of a hin can expect to be called blackflame and in discovering all they can
experiments. Most hin will be wary of "son of Loktal," or "kin to Loktal," and it about it. By means of several layers of go-
anyone wielding strong magic. is not meant as a compliment. betweens and hired know-nothing
Except for Glantrian elves, any known Dwarves who visit the Shires will be agents, such as merchants or adventurers
native of Glantri will be assumed to have quietly watched and trusted only slowly. traveling to the Shires for other reasons,
awesome and possibly evil magical However, outside the Shires, halflings they continually try to acquire samples of
powers by a halfling in the Shires. regard dwarves (and gnomes) as decent blackflame for experimental magical pur-
For a Glantrian, halfling trust must be folk who are essentially trustworthy so poses.
earned by aiding hin with one's magic or long as one avoids any deals or activities Vestland, Soderfjord, and Ostland: Little
dwelling amicably and peacefully in the involving gems or precious metals of any or no diplomatic contact occurs between
Shires for a long time. This trust can be sort. the Shires and these remote nations,
lost in an instant if one is suspected of Emirates of Ylaruam: No direct trade although seafarers of both regard each
treachery. Hin still tell vivid tales of cages occurs between the Shires and the desert other with respect and even affection.
of naked hin being flown by magic to folk. The hin think of them as harsh, war- Both consider the others as blunt, honest,
Glantri, escorted by cruel mages armed like men who would be more welcome if decent folk who fight when they must
with wands, who were riding horrible fly- they weren't so intolerant of those with and make their own ways in the world
ing dragons or mechanical bird-things other religious beliefs and didn't regard and work hard—unlike subtler, more dis-
animated by magic. halflings quite so obviously as cute, pre- honest folk, and those who rely too heavi-
Thyatis: There is little direct contact cocious children. Most hin think that to ly on magic or religion.
between the Empire and the Shires. Thy- treat someone else with condescension Atruaghin Clans, other lands not listed:
atians are viewed with suspicion; they are when one's own society has accomplished No direct contact occurs between the
considered essentially decadent and dis- so little and often behaves so cruelly is the Shires and these places except via hin
honest. The long-ago Thyatian seizure of mark of a madman. pirates or hin on yallara. Hin who are not
halfling ships and ports in what is now Religious intolerance, or any strong pirates or recent yallaren and who reside
Ierendi is not forgotten. Thyatian mer- reliance on beliefs and tenets of faith in the Shires will be curious about such
chants and ambassadors have often treat- instead of personal responsibility, places but will have no set opinions about
ed halflings as simpletons, cute little thought, and decisions are also insane them or their customs and doings. Older
children who can be obviously duped and tendencies. Therefore, hin who meet hin may have heard of such lands, and
manipulated. Hin usually play along natives of the Emirates are polite but even traveled there as may individual hin
when so treated and have thereby discov- wary. When one is dealing with someone pirates or yallaren, but the Shires hold no
ered facile Thyatian treachery on several who might not be sane, it is best not to easily-accessible useful information on
occasions, so the word of a Thyatian is provoke them or to let one's guard down any of them, nor care overmuch.
considered false until proven otherwise. for an instant. Humanoids: Creatures of these races will
Hin naturally resent being considered no Ethengar Khanate: Halflings of the be regarded with open hostility. Ores will
better than talking animals and so rela- Shires think of Ethengarians in much the be attacked without hesitation unless a
tions with Thyatis are not cordial. same way as they regard Ylari; dangerous good reason not to exists. Any halfling
Rockhome: Relations are cordial but dis- to be around. If one needn't associate fear of humanoids will never be stronger
tant between dwarves and halflings. Hin with such folk, it is foolish to do so. No than their hatred and revulsion.
generally consider dwarves as decent, fair, direct trade occurs between the Shires
and intelligent creatures who work hard and the Khanate.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

For trade convenience, the calendar of atian on this day in The Five Shires. All The Dragging Once a year, during
the Shires is in step with that of the hin go about armed, and drink, and sing Highsummer (the last two weeks of Gol-
neighboring Grand Duchy of Kara- piratical songs. A new ship is always daun), halflings all over the Shires per-
meikos. It can be easily compared to the launched in Tothmeer on this day though form a ceremony known as The
calendar in the Grand Duchy's Gazetteer it need not be, and usually is not, a pirate Dragging. By tradition, all settlements in
as follows: ship. the Shires must be involved, but the nec-
Contests and trials of arms are held, essary components (a horse or two, a log,
Karameikan Shires and first-blood duels are fought to settle ropes, an ore corpse, a hin to guide it)
Month Month feuds and disputes. Old hin tell tales of may be singular, or there may be separate
Winter Nuwmont Clabbas glories and battles past and old armor is ones for each Shire, or even several in
Vatermont Vuuldiir polished bright and worn proudly. It is each Shire. The hin involved are usually
Thaumont Maehin not a good day to launch any sort of yallaren (working hin can seldom spare
Spring Flaurmont Odelin attack upon The Five Shires. the time required).
Yarthmont Gondulrim Goldaun 15-28: Highsummer A week of The ore must be slain by a halfling in
Klarmont Mithintle feasting, betrothals, costumed dramas single combat. Its corpse is bound to a
Summer Felmont Goldaun and "balladsing" nights. The Dragging log. The log is then dragged behind a
Fyrmont Fyrtal (see below) is performed. Work and trade horse all around the countryside. "Evil
Ambyrmont Aumbyr continues during this week, but in a very calls to evil," the old hin saying goes, and
Fall Sviftmont Ssantiir relaxed (humans would probably say halflings believe that the corpse, of a race
Eirmont Tembiir lackadaisical or lazy) manner. Casks of that is one of the halflings' oldest ene-
Kaldmont Dauntil aged wine are opened in taverns across mies, draws into itself all the misfortune,
the Shires, and old cheese is brought out sickness, and hatred in the land.
Days of Splendor to clan tables. When the corpse begins to disintegrate
Hin call their holidays and celebrations Fyrtal 1st: The Day of Heroes The tombs ("under the weight of evil," superstitious
collectively the Days of Splendor because and battlefields of famous hin are hin say), it is burned on a rocky height
they mark or signify important achieve- respectfully visited and strewn with somewhere in the Shires. The locale
ments of the hin of the Shires. flowers and trophies taken up from the changes over the years with the varying
Clabbas 1st: The Wintergifting enemies of hin after a battle (usually ore- routes of the Draggings; with the burn-
Halflings exchange gifts with their closest weapons). The deeds and lives of these ing of the corpse the Shires are cleansed of
friends and go out into the snow to find Heroes, alive and dead, are retold and the gathering evils.
and make a new friend on this day. The sung; it is a day off work, much loved by
gifts are usually small, handmade, useful the young hin. The Fast and the Feast Once each year at
things such as a new cloak, toy, dagger or Aumbyr 1-12: The Fast and the Feast the end of summer (commencing on the
winter boots, or a new tool to replace a takes place (see below), with much hunt- first day of Aumbyr), all hin in the Shires
broken one. It is a day of little or no ing and much revelry. The Open Tables of fast, drinking only water for six days.
trade, a day for quiet good cheer, talking The Long Feast are an eager attraction for During this time only non-hin guests and
the old year over and looking ahead into all who can find any excuse to be in the visitors, the sick, the infirm aged, and
the new one. The start of the New Year. Shires at this time; almost all are wel- infants are fed. Hin cook as though pos-
Odelin 16th: The Firstflowering Seeds come. The Fast begins on the first day of sessed, however, since at the end of the
gathered in early autumn are readied for fall. fast, the feast begins.
planting or planted (weather permit- Tembiir 22: The Reaping A great feast For six days all within the Shires gorge
ting). Hin use all the magic and garden- and time of slumber, swimming, lazing themselves. Hin and non-hin alike may
ing craft at their command to coax some about and lovemaking. This follows wander freely and dine anywhere and at
of the plants nurtured indoors through- upon the end of the frantic gathering of as many clan or community tables as they
out the winter into bloom. the harvests for the winter that has domi- can reach. Except in the most sparsely set-
Mithintle 22: The Unsheathing On this nated the previous months. tled areas, the Open Tables are never in
day, hundreds of years past, the halfling Clans take stock of their wealth and the homes of individual hin, but always
holdings in Ierendi were seized by the make plans for the year ahead. Herds, in market halls, clan halls, and the like.
Empire of Thyatis. In remembrance of roads, and homes are prepared for the Inns and taverns are closed during the
this event, no hin will trade with any Thy- deep winter to come. feasting.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

SacueD Mystenies
Hidden away in the center of every half- found it burning upon amethyst veins in absorb Blackflame into their bodies for
ling clan stronghold is a Crucible of the rocks upon the shores of a subterra- short periods.
Bkckflame, the Sacred Relic of the clan. nean lake—and touched it without This latter ability is known only to
The D&D® game Companion rulebooks harm. Keepers, a few Masters, and by discover-
give some details of Blackflame (page 31 ing it the hard way, a few Heroes. Absorp-
of the Players booklet, and page 22 of the ClaN Blackf laivies tion is by touch; a hin may take in any
Dungeon Masters tome). Most of the amount of Blackflame in a single round.
Sacred Mysteries of the halflings center Most clan Keepers keep two or even three A halfling containing Blackflame can feel
upon Blackflame's nature, properties, "back-up" Blackflames alight in hidden it roiling about inside, absorbing 1 hp of
and uses. places away from the High Halls of the his personal energy per turn (or part of a
All hin know that the relic of their clan clan, usually underground. These are for turn). The Blackflame feels chilling but
is Blackflame and that the life of the use in the event of damage, theft, or does not hamper movement, spellcast-
flame represents the life of the clan. All deliberate destruction of the clan's Cruci- ing, or concentration, and it may be
know that Blackflame, under the skilled ble of Blackflame. Each of these hidden expelled later. A hin may vomit forth
direction of a Keeper, has magical prop- Blackflames is revealed only to one Wit- Blackflame as a rolling gout from the
erties. These bare facts are the lowest of ness of the clan so that no one but the mouth or nose, or by will exude it from
the Sacred Mysteries. They are to be kept Keeper knows where they all are. hands or arms.
from non-hin whenever practical. If the A halfling Keeper will usually set cer- The first sort of expulsion takes only a
clan will be harmed by concealment, or tain clan Elders, Seniors, and Witnesses single round. Once begun it is involun-
an ally of a clan is harmed aiding clan to each gather some items— ashes, tary and complete: all Blackflame leaves
members and is in need of Blackflame's stones, and the like—each day to feed all the body. The latter method can be a
curative powers, hin will not hesitate to of the Blackflame a clan possesses. slower process so that a halfling willing to
reveal the importance of Blackflame. All Blackflames usually have a protect- suffer the necessary internal damage can
Hin avoid speaking of the Sacred Mys- ive container. This is usually spired or use his coldly flaming limbs as weapons.
teries and usually try to deceive or deny spindle-shaped, pierced with air-holes Normal weapons will burn if held by the
the probings of non-hin. Despite this, and often has projecting carrying- hin at such a time (except for clubs and
many humans, elves and a few beings of handles. It is always large and rounded to other wooden weapons).
other races have been healed or aided by conceal the shape and nature of the trian- A gout of Blackflame appears as a
Blackflame over the centuries. Many of gular wooden Crucible within. Such a cone, 1' wide at the expelling hin and
these have learned or guessed the form of container is used on the rare occasions spreading to 20' wide at its furthest
hin clan Relics. Fewer, however, have when Blackflame must be transported extent, which will be 20' to 30' away
guessed the next highest rank of Mys- outside the Chamber of the Ancestors depending upon the intent and aim of
teries: the precise properties of and is usually of finely-worked wood with the expelling hin. Its touch will do 4-32
Blackflame—what it is, what it feeds a frame of brass, obsidian, or stout, (4d8) points of cold damage to all crea-
upon, what specific uses it can be put to, intricately-woven vines for strength and tures not immune to such (no saving
how it can be harmed or augmented, and stability. Upon the wooden sides of this throws to avoid or halve damage
where it is naturally found. outer container are engraved the names allowed).
of all known clan members, past and cur-
Most hin do not know all of these Slow expulsion of Blackflame takes 2-8
rent. The underside of the base is
things. Only a Keeper is fully a master of rounds, and typically scatters the Black-
engraved with the clan rune. Such a con-
Blackflame. Witnesses each know fully flame into many tiny flames, so it is only
tainer is not an essential, merely some-
only a small part of the Sacred Mysteries used in desperation. A blow from a flam-
thing a successful and long-lived clan will
and a Clanmaster knows all that Blackfla- ing halfling limb does 3-9 (2d4 + l)
take pride in.
me can do, but not all of the hows, and points of damage in addition to normal
not necessarily anything of the why. physical damage.
The uppermost rank of the Sacred Mys- BlackflaMe Once begun, the rate of expulsion can-
teries is known fully only to Keepers, Blackflame will never "burn" (inflict not be altered or stopped, even by the
Masters, and Sheriffs. Some hin Heroes, cold damage equal to the fiery damage of death of the hin. The body expels all
Witnesses, and Clanmasters know or normal flames) those of full halfling Blackflame once some part of it begins to
guess something of such matters. blood. Hin, and only hin, are immune to leave.
Blackflame was originally found in its harmful effects. Hin can carry Black-
caverns in the depths of the mountains of flame without harm, hurl it (it burns
the Black Spires. Few know that the rock, and thus stones alight with Black-
young halfling maiden who chanced flame serve as fiery missiles), and even
upon Blackflame, Eiira Casplardaun,

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)



PnotectiNQ Blackf laMG Puotective Blackf laivic to have any influence over it at all. Only
POWERS in very rare cases (01% chance per point
Normal heat and flames will diminish or of intelligence and wisdom over 14) will a
even quench Blackflame. This seldom Blackflames vary in effective range hin instinctively know how to work with
happens when a Keeper is near, for the depending upon available fuel and use of Blackflame without instruction.
Keeper will absorb some Blackflame into their powers, from 360' down to 0' A Keeper within active range of Black-
his own body to preserve it. (touch). In addition to the powers flame is immune to the disabling effects
DMs should decide the rate at which described on page 29 of the D&D® game of acute pain, nausea, natural or magical
Blackflame is so harmed by determining Players Companion rulebook, Blackfla- fear, and any form of charm, awe, or
how much power a given Blackflame has me has some unique powers usable by domination. A Keeper's mind cannot be
when it is attacked. halfling Keepers. Others who know how controlled, influenced, read, stunned, or
*A Large blackflame (having full 360' to command such powers can also use confused while within active range of
effective range) has 72 hit points. them. Blackflame. Nor can the Keeper be suc-
*A Substantial blackflame (having a In the event of simultaneous attempts cessfully cursed or affected by sleep mag-
range of 100' to 359') has 60 hit points. by several beings to make a single Black- ics.
*A Smallish Blackflame (having a current flame do different things, the 'home' By direct physical contact, a Keeper
range of less than 100') has 48 hit points. Keeper will prevail over all other beings. can extend all such protections to other
*A single tongue of Blackflame (such as If there is no 'home' Keeper present, the beings. Up to four creatures can be pro-
an untended flame in a natural setting, or Keeper with the most experience will tected so long as they are continuously
an almost exhausted clan Blackflame) can automatically prevail. If there are no touching the Keeper. They may cast
be extinguished by dealing it 24 hit Keepers present, the Witness with the spells, hurl missiles, or fight and remain
points of heat or fiery damage. most XP will prevail. If no Witnesses are protected so long as contact is main-
Note that Blackflame damage can be present, the hin Master with the greatest tained. The Keeper need not concentrate
cured by cold or ice magics or applications experience will prevail. Otherwise, the to maintain the protection once it is
of actual ice or snow. Blackflame requires halfling with the greatest experience will begun, but by act of will can end it
the presence of gases for combustion but command the Blackflame. In all cases, a instantly without breaking physical con-
not necessarily breathable air. hin must know how to wield Blackflame tact.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)


07c SacneD Mysteiues

Highest HIN Mystewy — Blackflame. They do not tend to adver- ENCljaNtMCNt
tise their abilities; magical items are kept
Very few mortals know that Blackflame is For a hin, enchantment is a long, exact-
in clan halls and armories.
a substance of the Sphere of Energy. ing process. It can be interrupted without
All Sheriffs are instructed in the proc- spoiling the project, but requires concen-
Released into the Known World in very ess by which magical items are made
few places (usually deep caverns, such as tration and a painful physical contact
upon assuming office. In most cases this between the item and the Blackflame
those in the Black Spires mountain range remains bald theoretical knowledge;
in The Five Shires) by the Hierarch of through the halfling who holds or touch-
Sheriffs are most interested in just who es both to physically link them. The half-
Energy, it can be used by individuals knows how to do it, how long it takes,
aspiring to Immortality by the Path of the ling wills the Blackflame to permeate and
and where in the Shires new magical protect the item and then magically
Paragon. items are being made. If any halflings can
DMs should refer to the DM's booklets empower it to do or possess certain
create magical items without using Black- powers and properties. If glassblowing
of the D&D® game Master and Immortals flame, it has been kept utterly secret. The
rules sets. Blackflame will aid in a Para- was done by power of will alone, then a
methods of making rods and arrows of magic-crafting hin would be very like a
gon's Trial by serving as the "impossible" justice are known to very few hin.
component of the magical item the Para- patient and skilled glassblower, shaping
Certain Knight-Heroes or PCs may an enchantment in many steps to achieve
gon aspirant must create. Blackflame can learn something of how to create magical
also serve to identify Immortal Identities an intricate and practical result.
items through experimentation with
and artifacts acceptable to an Immortal of Any hin enchantment takes time and
Blackflame. For any "magic crafting" to
the Sphere of Energy. In the presence of power. Expressed as costs, these are as fol-
be successful, the hin attempting it must
such, it will form a glowing nimbus out- lows.
be of at least 8th level and have 700,000
lining the Immortal or artifact and then or more XP.
change briefly into normal flame as it dis- Time: 1 day for a Base Enchantment, plus
sipates harmlessly away into nothingness. 1 additional day per 'plus' and per special
HOW- property of the item; two days per prop-
Hin who know this most Sacred Mys-
tery know that Blackflame does these The crafting hin must sacrifice time and erty if the property duplicates a magical
things, but not why. They know that an money in the creation of the physical spell or effect of 3rd level or greater.
Immortal or Immortals placed Black- item, and then enchant it. The enchant- Count bonuses for 'to hit' and damage
flame in The Five Shires, and that they ment costs time and something of the separately; a weapon that is + 1 for both
were chosen to be its guardians to make vitality of both the item's creator and the would require 2 days of enchantment for
Blackflame available and yet hidden, Blackflame. The Blackflame loses some this twofold bonus as well as the Base
denying it to all but the most diligent and power, and the halfling loses experience Enchantment and the time required for
worthy seekers. Halflings are suited for points. Such XP losses may be regained any other properties the weapon has.
this task because of their high natural by further adventuring, but are otherwise Example: A +2 dagger that allows the
resistance to magic and their own unlike- permanent and are suffered whether or holder to become invisible for a limited
liness to seek Immortality through the not the crafting process is successful. Few period and fly once every 4 days is also
Path of the Paragon. hin create magical items and almost no non-reflective (dark and dull) and will
adventurer-hin have the time to do so not ring or clang when striking metal or
unless they retire for a time. stone. The Base Enchantment takes 1
"Maqic CuaftiNQ" day. Four days are added for the magical
To enchant an item, a hin must physi-
cally make it or, failing that, use it for a bonuses (two for 'to hit' of +2, and two
wuo long time until it becomes familiar. Most for damage of + 2), a day for the invisibil-
All Keepers know how to call upon Black- hin adorn, modify and customize a found ity, 2 days for the fly power, and a day
flame to create items. Like other beings or provided item; familiarity with it is each for the non-reflective and non-
who have special knowledge or talents, gained in the reworking of it. metallic-sounding properties, for a total
some do this fairly often or specialize in After the item is familiar to the hin, it of 10 days.
what they create; others do it seldom. can be enchanted. The DM must judge
Most Keepers tutor their Witnesses in the what quality and type of item will satisfy Experience: Any halfling crafting a magi-
making of certain items (usually one per a particular use. An item need not be cal item loses 3,000 XP per day that the
Witness). gold encrusted with gems to be success- enchantment takes, plus 1,000-6,000
Certain Clanmasters, skilled Clan fully enchanted, but a comb or toothpick (roll Id6) additional XP at random. Only
Elders who are smiths, weapon-makers, makes a poor battering ram. one hin may act as a link between Black-
or gemcutters, and Masters also know flame and the item, and thus only one
how to create magical items by the use of hin loses experience; the loss cannot be

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

Xllje SacRcD MystCRics

Highest HIN Mysteuy — Blackflame. They do not tend to adver- ENCfjaNtMCNt

tise their abilities; magical items are kept
Very few mortals know that Blackflame is For a hin, enchantment is a long, exact-
in clan halls and armories.
a substance of the Sphere of Energy. ing process. It can be interrupted without
All Sheriffs are instructed in the proc- spoiling the project, but requires concen-
Released into the Known World in very ess by which magical items are made
few places (usually deep caverns, such as tration and a painful physical contact
upon assuming office. In most cases this between the item and the Blackflame
those in the Black Spires mountain range remains bald theoretical knowledge;
in The Five Shires) by the Hierarch of through the halfling who holds or touch-
Sheriffs are most interested in just who es both to physically link them. The half-
Energy, it can be used by individuals knows how to do it, how long it takes,
aspiring to Immortality by the Path of the ling wills the Blackflame to permeate and
and where in the Shires new magical protect the item and then magically
Paragon. items are being made. If any halflings can
DMs should refer to the DM's booklets empower it to do or possess certain
create magical items without using Black- powers and properties. If glassblowing
of the D&D® game Master and Immortals flame, it has been kept utterly secret. The
rules sets. Blackflame will aid in a Para- was done by power of will alone, then a
methods of making rods and arrows of magic-crafting hin would be very like a
gon's Trial by serving as the "impossible" justice are known to very few hin.
component of the magical item the Para- patient and skilled glassblower, shaping
Certain Knight-Heroes or PCs may an enchantment in many steps to achieve
gon aspirant must create. Blackflame can learn something of how to create magical
also serve to identify Immortal Identities an intricate and practical result.
items through experimentation with
and artifacts acceptable to an Immortal of Any hin enchantment takes time and
Blackflame. For any "magic crafting" to
the Sphere of Energy. In the presence of power. Expressed as costs, these are as fol-
be successful, the hin attempting it must
such, it will form a glowing nimbus out- lows.
be of at least 8th level and have 700,000
lining the Immortal or artifact and then or more XP. * ft ifc «» « %•
change briefly into normal flame as it dis- Time: 1 day for a Base Enchantment, plus
sipates harmlessly away into nothingness. 1 additional day per 'plus' and per special
HOW- property of the item; two days per prop-
Hin who know this most Sacred Mys-
tery know that Blackflame does these The crafting hin must sacrifice time and erty if the property duplicates a magical
things, but not why. They know that an money in the creation of the physical spell or effect of 3rd level or greater.
Immortal or Immortals placed Black- item, and then enchant it. The enchant- Count bonuses for 'to hit' and damage
flame in The Five Shires, and that they ment costs time and something of the separately; a weapon that is + 1 for both
were chosen to be its guardians to make vitality of both the item's creator and the would require 2 days of enchantment for
Blackflame available and yet hidden, Blackflame. The Blackflame loses some this twofold bonus as well as the Base
denying it to all but the most diligent and power, and the halfling loses experience Enchantment and the time required for
worthy seekers. Halflings are suited for points. Such XP losses may be regained any other properties the weapon has.
this task because of their high natural by further adventuring, but are otherwise Example: A +2 dagger that allows the
resistance to magic and their own unlike- permanent and are suffered whether or holder to become invisible for a limited
liness to seek Immortality through the not the crafting process is successful. Few period and fly once every 4 days is also
Path of the Paragon. hin create magical items and almost no non-reflective (dark and dull) and will
adventurer-hin have the time to do so not ring or clang when striking metal or
unless they retire for a time. stone. The Base Enchantment takes 1
Magic To enchant an item, a hin must physi- day. Four days are added for the magical
cally make it or, failing that, use it for a bonuses (two for 'to hit' of +2, and two
wi?o long time until it becomes familiar. Most for damage of + 2), a day for the invisibil-
All Keepers know how to call upon Black- hin adorn, modify and customize a found ity, 2 days for the fly power, and a day
flame to create items. Like other beings or provided item; familiarity with it is each for the non-reflective and non-
who have special knowledge or talents, gained in the reworking of it. metallic-sounding properties, for a total
some do this fairly often or specialize in After the item is familiar to the hin, it of 10 days.
what they create; others do it seldom. can be enchanted. The DM must judge
Most Keepers tutor their Witnesses in the what quality and type of item will satisfy Experience: Any halfling crafting a magi-
making of certain items (usually one per a particular use. An item need not be cal item loses 3,000 XP per day that the
Witness). gold encrusted with gems to be success- enchantment takes, plus 1,000-6,000
Certain Clanmasters, skilled Clan fully enchanted, but a comb or toothpick (roll Id6) additional XP at random. Only
Elders who are smiths, weapon-makers, makes a poor battering ram. one hin may act as a link between Black-
or gemcutters, and Masters also know flame and the item, and thus only one
how to create magical items by the use of hin loses experience; the loss cannot be

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

shared. Such experience, and any levels a range of 0' by magic-crafting will cease This is the rarest and most special of
and accompanying hit points, is lost for- to exist; if a given day's drain would hin magical items. It can be worn by any
ever although further adventuring may reduce a Blackflame to a negative range, single being of halfling size or smaller,
replace the losses. A hin who loses sub- that day's enchantment will fail. but cannot be worn over normal or magi-
stantial XP through magic-crafting never cal armor, bulky backpacks or the like. It
loses clan rank unless deliberately strip- HIN Magical Iteivis appears as a rigid but weightless suit of
ped of it for unauthorized use or subver- full plate armor of shimmering black hue
sion of Blackflame magic. The high costs, uncertainty, and secrecy when empty.
XP losses occur each day of the of magic-crafting make it a rare activity. When donned, it becomes a vague,
enchantment, with the additional ran- Few hin, unless of very high experience shifting aura of darkness rather than a
dom loss on the final day. The enchant- levels, care to face the costs of experimen- solid garment. It confers no armor class
ment can be left unfinished between days tation. As a result, the magical items that protection, cannot be harmed and does
of crafting, for years if need be, but none halflings do create tend to be of certain not stop physical attacks. It does not
of the magical powers of the item can be standard types. Most hin clans create encumber or blind its wearer, may be
used until the enchantment is complete. one or two magical items per year, per- worn by any class, and its darkness con-
A partially enchanted item will detect as haps four a year in dark and dangerous ceals the features of the wearer even
magical. A hin discovering an item parti- times. Such items are kept in the High against magical scrutiny.
ally enchanted by another can complete Halls of the clan in the care of die Keeper Armor of Blackflame can be worn as
die process, but must determine exactly and Witnesses. They are loaned to long as desired and breathed through
what has been done first. This requires Knight-Heroes and other chosen clan freely. It cannot be removed unless the
secluded, concentrated examination of members to aid in accomplishing specific wearer does not resist, and can only be
the item: 1-4 (roll Id4) days per day of perilous tasks or duties. The danmaster destroyed by a disintegrate spell, wish
enchantment the item has already usually owns and bears a Sword of Black- spell, or the touch of a rod of cancellation
received. Such examination time may be flame. Individuals who gain such items (no saving throw). If destroyed, the
cut in half (rounding down) if the second while adventuring are usually permitted Armor will dissipate utterly; it cannot be
hin has been fully instructed by the first to keep them; but outside their own clan repaired or magically restored.
enchanter of the item, either in person or territories they may face a lot of questions
and close watching if they openly bear or Armor of Blackflame protects its wear-
through extensive written notes. er at all times from all natural and magi-
Example: The + 2 dagger described use such items.
cal heat, flame, cold, and explosive
above is made by the halfling smith and Rumors persist in the Shires of other, attacks. A blast might hurl a wearer of
Knight-Hero Maeredin Greyshanks rarer magical items constructed in secrecy Armor of Blackflame end over end, but
Longstride. The enchantment takes 10 in the darkest depths of the woods and in no damage would be suffered. The
days, and costs Maeredin 30,000 XP, plus deep caverns in the Black Spires. Old hin Armor's weightlessness and total lack of
1,000-6,000 xP. The d6 roll is 4; Maere- whisper of pirate ships that can fly, rods encumbrance allows the wearer to swim,
din loses 4,000 more XP, for a total of that can blast stone into nothingness, and climb, and perform delicate manual tasks
34,000 XP. walls diat walk. DMs are advised to con- normally.
sider carefully the effects on campaign
play of PCs gaining control of such pow- Cloak of Blackflame: 100,000 gp/6 days/
Blackflame: It is this sacred substance
erful magic. It is likely that die Shires 19,000—24,000 XP
that powers an enchantment and renders
would use such items militarily if they
it permanent without the use of a perma- This magical cloak resembles a tangle
were reliable and fairly safe to use. No
nence spell like that employed by human of thick black cobwebs or black silk scraps
sign or history of such use is apparent. It
wizards in the making of magical items. when not worn. When examined, it will
is recommended that any items of such
Every enchantment requires some drain be revealed as an intact off-the- shoulder
power that PCs encounter be
of the essence of a Blackflame as well as half-cloak. When donned it fastens by
experimental-and highly dangerous or
an XP loss for the hin involved. Each day itself and alters to fit any wearer of up to
random in their effects.
of the enchanting process requires the giant size. Usable by beings of any race or
presence of Blackflame, and reduces the The more common sorts of halfling class, it can be freely removed and worn as
range of the Blackflame's radiated force magic items are Armor of Blackflame, long as desired. Only one creature can
by 10 feet per day of enchantment. If the Cloaks of Blackflame, Blackslings, and wear and be protected by such a cloak at a
Blackflame's powers are deliberately used Swords and Daggers of Blackflame. time.
for some other purpose during a 24-hour A Cloak of Blackflame makes its wearer
period, the effects of that day's enchant- Armor of Blackflame: Construction Cost immune to all energy level-draining
ment are lost. Blackflame drain and XP 200,000 gp/Enchantment Time 10 days/ attacks, whether they actually strike the
loss will still occur. Blackflame reduced to XP cost 31,000-36,000 XP garment or not. The wearer is also ren-

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)


dcrcd immune to all attacks or effects sling. Objects appearing will be chosen spell-like natural powers, and the effects
that would ordinarily cause paralysis even randomly from the arsenal's contents; the of magical items. The sword will suck all
in situations where no saving throw is wielder of the sling cannot choose to have of an area-effect magic (such as a fire ball)
usually allowed. Although such a cloak a key appear out of an arsenal full of sling into itself, so that the attack does no dam-
does not make its wearer invisible, it does stones, except by luck. age to any creature within the area of
foil infravision by shielding its wearer's Objects in a Blacksling's arsenal cannot effect. The attack will cast back in full
infrared aura. be reached, detected by, or harmed by upon its source in the following round.
Cold attacks do not affect a Cloak of others. Physical destruction of the sling This reflection can be escaped only by
Blackflame, but all other sorts of attacks will cause the loss of the arsenal of objects leaving the plane the sword is on, in
will affect it normally. A damaged cloak onto another random plane. A Blacksling which case the sword will pulse to tell its
will confer full protection until it disinte- saves vs. fire and magical attacks at + 3 , bearer that this has occurred. The bearer
grates utterly into smoky wisps of vapor. and can suffer 14 hp of physical damage can then discharge the magic wherever
This occurs when a cloak suffers 14 hit before being destroyed. desired, with range and effects as origi-
points of damage. Damaged cloaks can Many hin have devised glass globes nally cast or unleashed. This is the only
be repaired by a Keeper or other skilled filled with powder to irritate, blind, or case in which the blade-bearer can choose
hin using Blackflame. A day's enchant- mark targets. Globes are also often filled where to direct magic that the blade
ment (at normal XP and 'flame-drain' with oil or smoke-powders. Objects in a reflects. If no discharge is willed within
costs) will restore 5-8 (Id4 +4) lost points Blacksling's arsenal cannot be struck or the round, the sword will forever absorb
to a cloak; no physical repairs, and thus otherwise broken, damaged, or stolen. the magic, silently and harmlessly.
no gold piece expenditure, are necessary.
Sword of Blackflame: 275,000 gp/12 Dagger of Blackflame: 175,000 gp/7
Blacksling: 90,000 gp/7 days/22,000- days/37,000-41,000 XP days/22,000—27,000 XP
27,000 XP Certain slim, rapier-like shortswords This normal-appearing dagger has
This rare and powerful weapon appears borne by hin are in reality Swords of powers quite different from a Sword of
as a light, wispy black sling, easily con- Blackflame. These precious and powerful Blackflame. It is a +2 dagger that can
cealed amid or beneath clothing. Operat- weapons can be identified by the appear- extinguish all flames it touches, affecting
ing as a +3 'to hit' sling (no damage ance of their blades: shimmering, ever- a lO'-radius spherical area per round.
bonus), these devices feel slippery and shifting glossy black in hue, with white Flames caused by a continuing process,
slithery. They are hard to snatch or steal bubbles and cloudy mottlings within the such as a lava flow, will reignite 6-11
(add 2 points to all ability checks metal that move about constantly. In (Id6 + 5) rounds after the dagger's touch.
involved), and cannot be used to tie shadows, darkness, and near-darkness This automatic power will occur when-
things or creatures. such blades become invisible. They are ever an unsheathed Dagger of Blackflame
Use of a Blacksling enables non- undetectable by infravision and magic- comes into contact with flames.
magical projectiles to strike targets that detecting abilities and magics at all The dagger's flame-quenching power
can normally be hit only by magical times. allows safe passage through flames. Note
weapons. The sling's 'to hit' bonus is A Sword of Blackflame is a +4 weap- that blast effects, intense heat, and haz-
added to any bonus possessed by magical on. By mental command, anyone hold- ards such as falling timbers can still harm
projectiles. ing a drawn Sword of Blackflame can creatures using the protection of such a
A Blacksling has an attached extra- bring magical silence into being in a 20'- weapon to pass through a burning build-
dimensional space accessible only within radius area centered on the blade's hilt. ing. Once every turn any absorbed flames
the active radius of Blackflame. This Such silence can be instantly ended by can be released as a spurt of flames
'arsenal' can hold up to ldlO + 10 objects will of the wielder at any time, and can extending in a line up to 40' long from
of any sort. The objects are restricted to a last for up to six continuous rounds. Up the dagger's tip, by the wielder's use of a
maximum size (each) of a halfling's fist. to four periods of silence can be created command word. All absorbed fire will be
Nothing can be added to the arsenal, by a Sword of Blackflame in an hour. All released at once; none can be saved for
which is attached to the central 'cup' of creatures within the area of effect will be later. If the release of fire is unleashed as
the sling, except in the presence of Black- silenced with no saving throw allowed, part of a physical attack, all flames will
flame. Missiles and other objects placed including the blade-wielder. strike the target (add to physical damage)
in the arsenal, such as keys, coins, or A Sword of Blackflame can also reflect and will not spurt beyond it. DMs should
gems, can be called out of the arsenal at back at its origin one magical attack per estimate the fiery damage absorbed (and
any time by grasping the sling and whis- round (additional attacks in a single released) as Id6 per round of normal fire
pering a secret command word. A maxi- round will have normal effects). This lO'-radius absorption, and 2d6 per round
mum of 1 object will appear from the ability is automatic and will work only of magical fire absorption.
arsenal per round, into the center of the once per hour. This power affects spells,

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)


Half HNQS, Henoes aisiO Hi

The characters included here are for the Ch = Charisma of the armies of the Shires. He spends
DM's eyes only. PCs should discover the H = Halfling much of his time riding about the Shires,
information herein only during the E = Elf noting weaknesses and repairs that need
course of play. The DM should feel free to D = Dwarf seeing to and inspecting the readiness of
alter and 'flesh out' the details of charac- m = male the hin military. Jaervosz has cleverly kept
ters given here to best suit the needs of f = female the soldiery of the Shires busy and alert
ongoing play. The following abbrevia- AL = Alignment by a succession of missions and training
tions are used in the character listings: N = Neutral exercises during peacetime. He believes
that fighting hin should know all areas of
F = Fighter Sljeiiif f s the Shires and be used to traveling about
T = Thief quickly and easily. Jaervosz is grey-haired,
C = Cleric JAERVOSZ Dusty boots, Sheriff of expressionless, and has strange butter-
M = Magic-User Seashire (mH8, St 15, In 17, Wi 18, Dx colored eyes that gleam golden when he is
St = Strength 14, Co 16, Ch 15, AL Lawful) angry. He has iron self-control and is
In = Intelligence A warrior of great reputation, Jaervosz always alert for treachery and deceit.
Wi = Wisdom is the longest-serving of the current Sher- MULTHIM Greybeard, Sheriff of High-
Dx = Dexterity iffs. Famous for his skill with thrown shire (mH8, St 13, In 16, Wi 18, Dx 15,
Co = Constitution hand-axes, Jaervosz serves as acting head Co 14, Ch 14, AL Lawful)

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

Half IINQS, Heuoes aNt> Hi
Eldest of the current Sheriffs, Multhim shamed local hin to frenzied road-work ately reveal it and the identity of the
has charge of the security and develop- around her. Delune is never happy unless betrayer to the Sheriffs, as he has done
ment of mines and deep places. He is she is working, aiding, and serving, but several times in the past. Donthiir does
bearded (rare for a hin), dignified, and she is thankfully free of any tendency to not bother to maintain any agents in the
very shrewd. Carefully guarding the dictate how others should act. Delune has Shires, preferring to gather information
mines with side-tunnels, guardposts, and a clear, bell-like singing voice and can for himself. If he wants to know some-
lookouts, Multhim has developed a often be heard singing as she rides along thing relatively secret, he merely asks,
strong hatred for ores and monsters of the the roads. knowing he will be freely told all that he
mountain deeps. He has also come to SILDIL Seaeyes, Sheriff of Southshire could ever hope to uncover by means of
admire things of precious metal and gem- (fH8, St 15, In 17, Wi 16, Dx 16, Co 16, spies. Donthiir spends the money given
stones and to understand the lust for such Ch 15, AL Lawful) him by Darokin for cloak-and-dagger
things that governs many a dwarf. The curly-haired, fiery-tempered and work on procuring rare imported wines to
Multhim is stout, soft-spoken, and wears tireless Sheriff of Southshire takes pri- please his hin hosts when he goes to their
many rings, one of which is a ring of fly- mary responsibility for the naval opera- parties.
ing. Despite his age, his hair is jet-black tions of the Shires. The navy, seacoast The halflings like Donthiir very much
of hue. security and patrols, and a special watch and have quietly told him that if he ever
MAERAGH Littlelaughs, Sheriff of East- over smuggling and piracy occupy more runs into troubles at home, he is welcome
shire (fH8, St 12, In 17, Wi 16, Dx 17, Co time than life allows her. Although she as a citizen of the Shires, perhaps even as
13, Ch 15, AL Lawful) rarely sets foot on a deck, Sildil is con- its representative in Shireton to meet
The stern and stone-faced Maeragh stantly inspecting the navy and harbors of with the ambassadors of other lands. The
serves as chief justiciar of the Shires. Her the Shires. She is spirited and fearless and halflings wish more men—and particu-
judgements tend to be fair but severe. has already directed the navy in several larly, more ambassadors—were like Don-
She hides her gentle humor behind mea- operations against Karameikan raiders thiir; the Shires would be the better for it.
sured words and drab clothing and man- sent by Baron von Hendriks. Jaervosz Appearance: Donthiir is burly, broad-
ners. Maeragh is an archer of deadly considers Sildil his successor as war-leader shouldered, and of middle years. He has
accuracy ( + 2 to hit), who specializes in of the Shires; she is already a strong- curly brown hair, which he wears short,
fighting in twilight by hearing and peer- spirited and energetic Sheriff. with a close-trimmed beard. He wears no
ing at where half-hidden foes must be. more jewelry than a few finger rings and
She loves the Shires deeply and intends to AMbassaDons prefers comfort to pomp in his dress,
preserve its pastoral beauty at all costs. If wearing fine cloaks and mantles over
hin must become pirates or fierce warriors Donthiir, Lord Brin: (mF4, St 16, In 16, comfortable leather breeches and broad-
to prevent invasion of the Shires, so be it. Wi 14, Dx 14, Co 12, Ch 15, AL N— laced tunics, and not caring overmuch if
Maeragh will be ready and watchful. Lord Ambassador of Darokin) he gets food or wine spilled on them. He
Non-hin visitors to the Shires who do not Lord Donthiir is a kindly, friendly man has a ready smile, a deep chuckle, and a
respect the peace of the Shires must be of easy good manners and warm, jovial sly wink and tries to conceal the fact that
punished swiftly and surely as a deterrent dealings. He was chosen as Darokin's rep- he's a very kindly romantic, easily moved
to others. resentative in the Shires because he is a to tears.
DELUNE Darkeyes, Sheriff of Heartshire shrewder judge of character than one
(fh8, St 13, In 16, Wi 15, Dx 17, Co 14, might believe at first and because he gen- Cordelius, Sir Guldahan: (mF4, St 14, In
Ch 17, AL Lawful) uinely enjoys the company of halflings. 15, Wi 12, Dx 13, Co 14, Ch 14, ALN—
The beautiful, slim and graceful Sher- He delights in collecting colorful hin sto- Lord Ambassador of Karameikos)
iff of Heartshire is the youngest of the ries and one-liners to inflict on visiting Guldahan is a Thyatian follower of
current Sheriffs. Much admired by male countrymen and others. Duke Stefan Karameikos, and cousin to
hin all over the Shires, Delune conceals a Darokin is very friendly with the Shires Bartran Cordelius, Minister of Trade for
spirit of iron and fire beneath her gently and wishes to keep things that way. The Karameikos. Guldahan is a solid, no-
demure manner. More rarely, a mischie- hin are trustworthy, generous allies who nonsense man who has been posted to the
vous sense of humor is revealed to her fel- share Darokin's love of freedom and Shires to ensure that Karameikos will
low Sheriffs. Delune's chief interest is the democracy, and provide much food and always be able to get all the food and
maintenance of roads and replanting of metal that Darokin would have to pay far metals it needs from the 'little folk,' and
forests within the Shires. She rides about more dearly to pry from other sources. that the Shires will continue, despite its
the Shires tirelessly replanting and tend- Donthiir would be horrified by any established merchant trade through
ing and has even been known to work suggestion that he betray or harm the Ierendi and elsewhere, to get many luxu-
knee-deep in a muddy stretch of road Shires. If such a suggestion did not come ry items from lands east and south of the
shifting stones with a pry-bar, a sight that from his superiors, he would immedi- Grand Duchy through Karameikos at

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

Half IINQS, Heuoes aND

prices just a shade higher than they but he can't yet hide his awkwardness at Ambassador of Alfheim)
should be. dancing, especially dancing with ladies Milaster is honest and open with
Guldahan is not a bad-hearted sort, less than three feet tall. Guldahan envies smooth good manners and a ready smile.
but he is neither subtle nor jolly; he likes the easy camaraderie of Lord Donthiir of He has nothing to hide and enjoys the
parties but can't quite accept halflings as Darokin, but may never be able to match relaxed hospitality of the halflings of
more than bright, noisy children, and the it. He feels no obligation nor particular Shireton. Merry and kindly toward young
hin know it. friendship to halflings or the Shires and hin, Milaster loves parties and the compa-
Recently Guldahan has been under rather wishes his posting would end. ny of young hin ladies who are much
pressure from the halflings to get Duke Appearance: Guldahan is a tall, smitten with his charm and good looks.
Stefan to deal with the aggressions of Bar- weathered man with long sideburns and a Milaster has had a grand time in the
on von Hendriks. The Black Eagle Barony wispy moustache. He is balding quickly, Shires, aside from one uncomfortable
is a tricky problem that the Duke wants to and his brown hair and pale blue eyes interview with the Sheriffs Maeragh and
solve in his own way and in his own time give him a rather washed-out appearance Sildil who bluntly told him to behave
to lessen chances of things going wrong that his correct and dignified Kara- himself among the young lady hin unless
(such as a possible Traladaran uprising) meikan finery only accentuate. he had honorable intentions. He is afraid
when a confrontation comes. Guldahan Guldahan is never less than richly his superiors will realize that he really
has instructions to be polite and to assure dressed but is usually stiff and awkward, hasn't a lot to do here and will either give
the hin that steps are being taken and relaxing only when matters of trade and him a lot to do or recall him.
eventually the job will get done; in other commerce are being discussed. He is a Milaster entertains himself by trying to
words, to stall and try to avoid any half- soldier at heart and would be more com- learn all he can about Blackflame and the
ling moves to cut off trade supplies unless fortable in plain leathers, but will never magic of the Shires, in a desultory, easy-
something is done. allow himself this relaxation. Most hin going way that won't (he hopes) arouse
Guldahan is not stupid and has real- who take the trouble to get to know him any anger or consternation on the part of
ized that he will cut more ice with his feel sorry for him. his halfling hosts. He has more personal
hosts if he joins in the parties of Shireton magic than he lets anyone in the Shires
with less stiff humor and is friendlier to Milaster, Sire: (mE8, St 10, In 17, Wi 11, know about (although some have their
the halfling ladies. He's working at it, Dx 15, Co 11, Ch 16, AL N—Lord suspicions) and it takes care of any spying

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

Half liNQS, Henoes Higi7\vayl7iN
he feels necessary. by a kindly acquaintance highly placed in tion or ceremony; his feelings toward her
Milaster is young and rather bored and Ierendi. are not yet known.
will be party to innocent fun, but he is Leethila was at first very bitter at her
neither foolish nor unperceptive and misfortune, but she has since fallen in Malaric, Lord Caine: (mF4, St 16, In 14,
doesn't want to do anything that will love with the Shires and the kindly half- Wi 14, Dx 14, Co 14, Ch 15, AL
upset or harm the Shires very much, par- ling folk who are quick to include her in Chaotic—Lord High Ambassador of Thy-
ticularly if it will mean his return to Alf- outings and dances as well as parties. atis)
heim where there might well be work Even the elven ambassador, Milaster, gal- Lord Caine is a smooth-tongued, for-
waiting for him in between the parties lantly squires her through the intricate mal man of utterly cold thoughts and dil-
and the gentle nights with elven maid- steps of a dance she can now do no more igent attention to duty. Too much the
ens. than shuffle through. If Leethila some- snake even for Thyatian courtiers, he was
Appearance: Milaster is young, slim, times drinks more than she should and sent here some six winters ago to replace a
and agile. He wears his dark hair long and falls very silent until her small and defer- predecessor who was invited to leave in
flowing. He is clean-shaven and wears a ential staff help her home, the hin turn a disgrace after trying to bribe and poison
lot of jewelry, particularly earrings. Milas- blind eye and are warmly friendly upon some important hin clan Elders in a par-
ter wears loose, flowing robes open down her waking. Leethila is well-liked by the ticularly clumsy fashion.
the chest to cummerbund-level, or tight "ladies" that the hin pirates have retired This was only the latest in a succession
dark breeches with dashing high boots ashore, who regard her as a kindred spirit. of Thyatian ambassadors who have been
and flowing, wide-sleeved open shirts. She is good-natured, sensible, and invited to leave by the Sheriffs. Starting
He is darkly handsome, and knows it. He polite, which is all she needs to serve as a from this known disadvantage, Lord
has a ready, light laugh and a soft, husky good ambassador for Ierendi in the Caine has been careful not to get caught.
voice that sends shivers down the spine of friendly Shires. The halflings value He has managed this, so far, by not doing
many a young hin maiden. Leethila's quiet kindness and honesty anything of consequence and falsifying
Milaster is always quick to join in danc- more than flashy good looks or flowery his reports home.
es or games; if his robes get in the way manners— and hin still speak of the time Caine is cruel and calculating and will
and they can be removed without offend- a horlagh charged a hin party riding on often seize upon non-hin visitors to
ing anyone, off they will come in a trice to woodland trails near Moon Hill and Shireton to work the occasional spying or
reveal some dark and daring costume Leethila drew her sword and fell out of mugging job for him or quietly interro-
beneath. Milaster takes mirth at his own her saddle to hastily get between it and a gate someone. He will pay richly for such
expense with merry good grace and is young hin riding ahead of her. work, although his payment arrange-
generally respected—in a chuckling, Appearance: Leethila is not yet thirty. ments (always afterwards) will leave no
head-shaking sort of way by most hin who Slim and fine-boned, she is curvaceous connection to him if the hireswords muck
know him. and wears her hair long. Never to be seen up badly or babble about who hired them
in make-up, Leethila has a few simple to do what.
Barburgh, Leethila: (fF5, St 12, In 13, Wi pieces of good jewelry which she wears to Caine is a master of the smooth alibi
13, Dx 14, Co 15, Ch 15, AL N— parties and hin weddings (to which she is and the courtly dance; he has even
Ambassador of Ierendi) always invited). She is known for giving learned to enjoy the company of hin
The halflings love this slim, blonde, small but thoughtful presents to hin cou- ladies, although the cold leer in his eye
oft-nervous former adventuress and ples and infants, such as blade- causes many to draw away.
always address her as "Lady." Leethila was sharpening stones of the finest quality, Caine has no morals or principles. He
a competent merchant captain of Ierendi magnifying lenses, small kits of fine steel has quietly sponsored several pirates in
of Thyatian descent and hence not close needles, and the like. She is well liked for Shireton Port in order to enrich himself.
to any of the powerful families of Ierendi. her kindness and eager friendliness. They leave hin ships he invests in unmo-
She was crippled some years ago when the Leethila wears fine but simple cloaks lested and delay others with chases and
mast of her small coastal runner broke in and gowns, preferring ordinary leathers raids so that the cargoes Caine stands to
a storm and fell on her, crushing her left and tunics whenever she can. If she took make money with get to port first.
leg very close to her pelvis and ending her the trouble, she could be far more beauti- The Shierffs have their eyes upon
naval career and very nearly her life. ful than she usually appears. She has Caine often and coldly and he knows it,
Leethila was a long time mending and begun to notice Lord Donthiir of Daro- so he is very careful in his dealings, how-
still walks with a severe limp. Gaunt from kin, who is always kind and correct ever dark they may be.
almost a year in bed, Leethila has stayed toward her, but doubts that any man Caine has limited quantities of a spe-
that way despite the good and abundant could really love her crippled as she is. cial drug in his possession; added to wine
food that has come her way since she was She will take care over her appearance if or beer, it makes a human or hin forget
sent to this "safe" ambassadorial posting she knows Donthiir will see her at a func- the events of up to six hours previously.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)


Half MNQS, HcRoes aNO

This has allowed Caine to enjoy question- fond of deep purple and deep green gar- of gold and gems for appraisal or for
ing several hin, and the company of hin ments of silk, and likes ruffs and lace. trade. He wants good friends and peace
ladies for gentler pursuits, on several more than anything else and it shows.
occasions. It is known as "twilight wine" Blackhammer, Thrildor: (mD8, St 16, In The hin of Shireton respect him for it.
and is spicy to the taste (a little will have 12, Wi 12, Dx 13, Co 15, Ch 13, AL The story is told affectionately in Shire-
no effect if one spits it out the moment Lawful—Ambassador of Rockhome) ton of the time when Thrildor toured
one feels the salty spicy flavor) and smoky Thrildor is a good and honest dwarf; Seashire with seven armed Krondar as
grey in hue. Caine would like to get more blunt and plain-spoken, polite, and guides. He took several hin children who
of it, but it is rare even in Thyatis; he will obviously sincere. He has done much to wanted to see the Shire with him. Walk-
pay as much as 50 gp for a 6 dose vial. make dwarves more well regarded in the ing down a street in Leafkindle, he head-
Twilight wine can be had in Glantri, Shires (or at least in Shireton) since his ed straight for some hin children playing
Alphatia, and from certain Thyatian, arrival some twelve summers back. marbles. Their parents hastened to draw
Minrothad and Ierendi merchants, per- Rockhome would like to be on good weapons and hustle out to rescue their
haps even in Karameikos, but Caine can- terms with the Shires in order to get plen- young ones, but ere Thrildor was threat-
not presently reach any of the sources he tiful food through Darokin as much as for ened by anyone, the children he had
knows. the gems and metals that its mines yield. brought along said scornfully, "Don't
Caine has almost limitless financial Thrildor has been a wise choice as ambas- worry, he's quite safe. This isn't just a
resources, a truly impressive wardrobe, sador to the Shires; his obvious pleasure dwarf, it's Thrildort " and pulled hin par-
and a staff of six (all the Sheriffs will allow in playing with hin children at parties, ents and children alike forward to meet
him) that includes two thieves, a minor rather than drinking and jesting with the old dwarf. Thrildor charmed the vil-
magic user, a cleric, and two aides who are their elders, has done more to warm hin lagers and Krondar alike by discussing
discreet, handsome, quiet—and both 6th hearts toward him than forty courtly marbles with seriousness and dignity with
level fighters experienced in quiet, dwarves dancing at all the parties in the children, and allowing his beard and
vicious rough-and-tumble in corridors Shireton could have accomplished. Hin great gnarled hands to be touched and
and alleyways. The open, jolly hin of the have begun to believe that not all dwarves pulled and commented on.
Shires often perplex Caine; no folk can be are cruel slavemasters like Loktal Iron- Those who think that Thrildor is just a
this unambitious, honest, and law- shield was (or at least, is remembered to kindly old soul, however, had best
abiding, but he is determined to quietly have been). beware his iron-cold anger and ready
enrich himself and eventually acquire Thrildor is wise and shrewd. He has a hammer. If one isn't a child, Thrildor
real power in the Shires. genuine soft spot for young children of expects one to be sensible and honest and
Appearance: Caine is in his late thirties any race. He has a love of beauty, whether relatively polite. He has no time for the
and physically fit, although his physique that of a finely-worked piece ofjewelry or scheming and dishonest and he can still
tends towards the sleek and solid rather the fresh loveliness of a hin maiden. catch an unsuspecting human under the
than tough or bulging. He is darkly "After all," Thrildor thinks, "they're no knee, pick him up, and hurl him into the
handsome with glossy black hair, a thin so very much different than dwarven lass- nearest horse-trough or mud-patch in a
moustache, and dark brows. He wears es, if ye ignore the fact they're a foot or so trice. Thrildor is not allowed any dwarven
expensive, tasteful jewelry, fine fur- shorter. An' what's height in the world servants but his hin staff love him dearly,
trimmed cloaks over silk shirts and other anyway, once ye've traveled in the lands and he is never without at least three
garments that never quite cross the line of these great rambling giants of men and Krondar who will leap to his defense as
into foppish over-decoration for he found them to be far more formless than they would for any hin.
knows that this would not sit well with ever a dwarf or a halfling ever thought o' Appearance: Thrildor is very tall for a
the hin, and he hates to be thought of as being?" dwarf—almost five feet in height—with
ridiculous. He always manage to outshine Thrildor is tired of intrigue and bitter- dark brown, gnarled skin. His beard is
all of the other ambassadors in wealth ness and hard feelings and hopes to see long, although save for a little snow-
and up-to-the-minute fashion. Caine is more friendliness between Rockhome white hair behind his ears he is quite
polite and courtly, but his green-grey eyes and the Shires in his lifetime. Already he bald.
can turn very cold when he grows angry. has quietly informed the Sheriffs of sev- Thrildor is very old, with a beard of
He is a man with a long memory for eral overtures made to him by Lord Caine white tinged with silver and a deep, rum-
insults and resistance to his own schemes Malaric of Thyatis, and won trust as much bling, yet almost lilting voice. His eyes
and ways, and it shows when he is angry. for his polite candor as for his snitching are blue and very clear; he is broad and
Caine is very quick, and always armed on another ambassador. Thrildor is solid and still strong.
although he prefers to keep his daggers known for the quiet, unstinting luxury of Thrildor dresses simply in a smith's
and knuckle-bludgeons hidden and only his parties and his personal lack of obvi- leathers and bears a heavy stone hammer
wears a slim court rapier openly. Caine is ous greed when shown or offered things at his belt. On formal occasions he wears a

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)


HalfHNQS, Henoes aNt> HiqljwayljiN

simple black-and-grey breastplate sickened by cruelty, dishonesty, treachery, unhappy with any way of life that ham-
worked with the Blackhammer sign. He is or wanton slaughter and may leave or pered the opportunity to just leap on a
never without a pouch of gold coins and a turn on beings who behave in such ways. pony and ride off, weapons sharp and
small cloth bag of gems which he delights Lathsyr will agree to tutor PC magic shiny, to explore some dark and desolate
in tossing to beautiful hin ladies at par- users, but his only magical items of value corner of the Shires he hasn't yet seen. Of
ties, one gem to each, just to see their are a stone with continual light cast on it the Minstrelwish clan, Joam seldom visits
delighted faces. and another enspelled with silence which Shireton or Shireton Port (where he
Thrildor knows many good adventur- has been made permanent. He keeps his might find a surprising amount of adven-
ing stories, both from his own career and spellbooks hidden by some magical ture lurking about in wait) because of his
from the deeds of others he has heard in means. love of the wild country. He can often be
his long life, but he is an even better lis- There is elven blood in Lathsyr's ances- found merrily battling horlagh or worse
tener. This is why he is often found in the try, and he is especially interested in the creatures which he will give to the nearest
early morning when a party is winding doings and customs of elves. hin house or hold for a feast after he slays
down surrounded by sleeping children, it. He will accompany adventurers who
listening to the earnest wishes and Araum, Biss: (mC8, St 15, In 12, Wi 17, seem in need of assistance or have an
dreams of a sleepy hin maiden or two, Dx 13, Co 12, Ch 13, AL Neutral) interesting quest, plan, or destination,
who have finally found someone to talk Araum is a wandering cleric of The for a time. Joam never carries any treasure
to who is older and experienced and yet Church of Universal Harmony, a tiny sect except for normal, serviceable hin weap-
takes them seriously and spares the time that preaches that all races should live ons and plate mail of the finest quality
to take an interest in them. If Thrildor together in peace, embracing common and condition, and will turn angrily on
lives long enough, a generation of Shire- goals and interests, supported by certain any who betray him or seem to be acting
folk may grow up respecting and trusting Immortals of The Sphere of Thought. in a manner that will harm good halflings
dwarves rather than hating or distrusting Araum is a human male of middle years or the Shires.
them without much thought. and distinguished appearance. He travels Joam is tall for a halfling (nearly four
about the Shires seeking to increase half- feet), and wears his long blonde hair in a
Otljeit NPCs of ttye Sljines — ling acceptance of humans and dwarves. ponytail. In hin society he can exhibit
Araum will cast spells (for fees) for any surprisingly courtly manners, a good
Albrondur, Lathsyr: (mM9, St 14, In 17, adventurers he meets, for he believes that singing voice, and skill at dancing and
Wi 11, Dx 14, Co 13, Ch 16, AL Lawful) adventurers, although ultimately danger- party games. He likes tales of adventure
Lathsyr is a gentle and peace-loving ous to an established and stable society, and rumors of danger and warlike activi-
human magic user who came to the Shires are useful until such stability is achieved ties, but dislikes personal or court
from Glantri. He grew up in Ierendi and as a means of spreading the news and intrigue; "the time-frittering clack of the
later Thyatis and went in search of the influences of far places and peoples about small-minded," as he calls it. Joam owns
"wonderful" land of magic and mages, the Known World. He will not, however, a stable of fine horses, ponies, and sturdy
but was shatteringly disillusioned by its accompany any party on adventures; to mules for his own use. Occasionally he
intrigue and evil. Now he wanders the undertake such behavior himself would, will buy and sell likely-looking animals to
Shires. he believes, be recklessly irresponsible. better the quality of his stock. He has a
Lathsyr has been welcomed by the Biss is a watchful, perceptive man who hidden, magically-guarded treasure cel-
Sheriffs (although they have the Krondar sees much but says little. He will readily lar somewhere in Moon Hill, which may
keep an eye on him) because he freely betray outlaws, thieves, and vandals to contain magical treasure.
helps hin with his magic without charge the local Krondar, and report the activi-
or conditions. When he runs short of ties of adventurers to them as well in the Belchiir, Ulam: (mH5, St 15, In 16, Wi
money, Lathsyr goes adventuring with interests of order and safety within the 14, Dx 15, Co 12, Ch 13, AL Chaotic)
like-minded hin or works on the docks of Shires. One of the most jovially and graspingly
some port in the Shires, loading and greedy of successful traveling hin traders,
unloading ships. He prefers Tothmeer Astlar, Joam: (mH8, St 17, In 16, Wi 14, Ulam may be encountered on any road or
and Bramblerose to the crowded, frac- Dx 16, Co 14, Ch 15, AL Lawful) settlement in the Shires. He is always
tious Shireton Port or the busy, This Knight-hero of the Shires has nev- wheeling and dealing in a crazy mixture
frequented-by-humans harbor of Than- er served as an acting dan-chief or Sheriff of goods from one or more crammed wag-
tabbar. of his Shire (Seashire) due to the contin- ons, and usually a jump or two ahead of
A kind-hearted romantic who loves ued presence of more senior and skilled angry hin he's cheated or simply stolen
music and beauty in all things and lacks holders of those offices. Joam is not bitter from.
ambition, Lathsyr will readily cast spells about this at all. Fat and richly dressed, of smooth man-
for hire or join adventurers. He is quickly He loves adventure, and would be ners and a ready, hearty laugh, "the Bel-


Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

Half liNQS, Hcnoes aNt>

cher" is always accompanied by two or the Shires. Unless they are alert or overly is never without a little vial to refill it),
more well-paid (and hence, loyal) hin suspicious, they may well believe Ulam is and has greasy, curly black hair and a
thugs or accomplices. These usually dress a friendly and helpful merchant who short-trimmed beard. He dresses well
as merchants and stay within sight of always has rope or mules or food or what- and is apt to wear golden earrings except
Ulam but do not approach unless he ever else they need to sell at fairly reason- on lonely roads. He always carries a gar-
stealthily signals them, and never openly able prices until they realize his true rote, several daggers, and darts which he
travel with him although they may "by nature. Ulam never changes, and his inti- is extremely adept at throwing (+ 1 to hit
coicidence" choose the same table to mate knowledge of local Krondar, hidey- on all such attacks). Ulam is also a terrible
drink at in a tavern of an evening. Ulam is holes, and escape routes, and the loyalty coward and will avoid combat if at all pos-
always full of schemes and little ruses to of equally shady hin around the Shires, sible. He can move with great stealth if he
separate travelers from their gear or has enabled him to survive in his chosen desires, and can also run with astonishing
horses for a short time, whereupon one or lifestyle for many years; he is not stupid speed for his bulk. He has a drawling,
both will vanish and be spirited well away or foolishly obvious in his thefts. wheezy voice.
for sale or barter and Ulam will be nearby Ulam is fat, wears many largely value-
and obviously emptyhanded, and very less rings upon his stubby fingers Bulorno, Sintyr: (mT4, St 15, In 13, Wi
sorry to hear of such misfortune. (although one contains a sleep drug on a 11, Dx 17, Co 14, Ch 16, AL Chaotic)
Properly played, Ulam could well be a little scratch-barb; this drug can also be One of the few human thieves to suc-
frequent encounter for PCs traveling in emptied into a drink on the sly, and Ulam cessfully operate in the Shires, Sintyr has

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

Half HNQS, Heuoes aNt) HigljwayljiN
clven blood in his past and has the height (used to quiet and avoid guard dogs); and to share it with and could feel as if she
and general look (in poor light) of an elf. a ring of invisibility. Sintyr always carries belonged and was welcome, Ammagil
He runs a shipping business in Shireton a +1 dagger in a sheath inside his right would be perfectly happy as a lifelong
and Shireton Port and is usually to be boot. adventurer in the Shires.
found in one place or the other. His hired She will readily join non-hin or mixed-
thugs, "The Fingers," control much of Coppertoes, Spiira Quickmagic: (fH8, St race adventuring parties and she is secret-
Shireton's underways near the canal, 14, In 16, Wi 15, Dx 17, Co 14, Ch 16, ly searching for a suitable halfling mate.
including a key tunnel under the canal AL Neutral) She has only just admitted this to herself
itself. This ancient route often floods but Quickmagic is a famous hin adventur- and certainly won't fall head-over-heels
has enabled Sintyr's forces to outflank ess, now retired. Owner and operator of for anyone. Cautious and careful
and attack rival groups of thieves and The Murdered Princess inn near Nob's throughout her travels, she will be just as
smugglers from the rear in several under- Boots, Spiira gained her reputation large- slow and reasoned about setting her heart
ground battles. ly from a single victory in Mar, over the on anyone.
Sintyr also owns a tavern in Shireton, border in Darokin. She encountered a Ammagil is quick on her feet, level-
the Thinsilver Seat, and is quite wealthy. Glantri wizard who had 'collected' sev- headed, and almost fearless in a fight.
He is also insatiably greedy and some- eral of Spiira's friends. She challenged She has the knack of holding herself men-
times slips out of the city and port to go him, to his great mirth, and he accepted tally detached from the action so that she
after treasure he has learned of elsewhere in amusement. Spiira charged at him can act coolly and efficiently in the thick
in the Shires. He is quite good a robbing with only a dagger, into the very teeth of of a fray. When others run about shout-
adventurers who come out of the moun- his spells, and managed to slay him ing at an ore or pirate raid, she will calmly
tains laden with riches and boasting loud- before his magic could transform her. observe and consider how best to counter
ly of their deeds. This gained her the nickname she now this foe, and what its strong points and
Typically Sintyr moves overland by bears and the gratitude of the hin she weaknesses are or may be. If she ever finds
night, avoiding the roads and other spots freed, some of whom now help her in the herself in command of anything, the
frequented by Krondar. He uses the inn. Spiira is happy at her inn and will Shires may discover that they have
ready story that he is an elf sent from Alf- not go off adventuring, but will tutor acquired a first-rate tactician fully com-
heim with news of the death of such-and- young adventurers and freely give advice petent to lead any Fang or Regiment into
such elf, to tell such-and-such- and information about the Black Spires battle.
another-elf in the Shires. and the Cruth moors. Ammagil is polite and rather quiet,
Sintyr is a master of the garotte and quite attractive, and possessed of good
blackjack and will always try to get even Dundershields, Ammagil: (fH7, St 14, (non-magical) leather armor and weap-
with those who best or defeat him. He is a In 14, Wi 13, Dx 14, Co 12, Ch 16, AL ons. She always has at least two bags of
tireless, intelligent, and patient foe who Lawful) sling stones (each containing two dozen)
will sometimes use the Fingers to wreak Ammagil is a clanless hin recently on her person when traveling, and carries
vengeance but usually likes to take a per- arrived in the Shires from an island under a coil of rope in her pack or on her saddle.
sonal hand in it. If confronted in Shire- the sway of the Minrothad Guilds, where
ton, he is never far from secret ways down she was born. Her parents are now dead Duirmir, Armillian: (fM9, St 13, In 17,
under the city and from three or more of (of natural causes), and she sold all the Wi 13, Dx 16, Co 12, Ch 16, AL Neutral)
The Fingers whose armed aid he can call family possessions to pay for passage to An Ierendi by birth, Armillian escaped
on. In Shireton Port, he is never without a the fabled land of halflings her father with some gems when a ship she was
watchful, nearby escort of at least ten Fin- once told her about. Ammagil had many aboard was raided by pirates. She swam
gers. adventures on her way to the Shires, in ashore to Karameikos with enough to pay
Most of the Fingers are Chaotic half- Thyatis, Karameikos, and Ierendi, and is her way by ship to Darokin, and thence to
lings, although there are a few elves, skilled with her sword and sling. Glantri. There she studied at The Great
humans, and even worse creatures among Since landfall in the Shires Ammagil School of Magic until her inexperienced
its ranks which number over thirty, but has been wandering the pastoral land dabbling in the politics of Glantri nearly
whose real strength is known only to Sin- wide-eyed, her money dwindling, want- led to her demise.
tyr himself. ing to see it all before she must find some Forced to flee with her training not
Sintyr is known to possess certain magi- job or other and settle down. She is lonely nearly complete, Armillian took revenge
cal treasures which he will take with him and would very much like to be accepted on certain enemies and tormentors (in
when he goes into known or expected by a hin clan or a band of adventurers, for particular, an older Glantrian lady with a
danger: potions of ESP, gaseous form, she has grown used to the wandering, taste for torturing young magic students
and healing (one of each, in steel vials somewhat carefree and exciting life of the with whips and hot coals) by stealing
sealed with wax); a ring of animal control adventurer. As long as she had someone many books of magic. Pursued by an

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)


Half IINQS, Heuoes aND Higl)way!?iN

invisible stalker, she found her way south lived there happily until all the food they agents sent out of Glantri to track her
into Darokin where she slew agents of had stored was gone. An entire winter down and slay her. She hasn't recognized
Glantri whom she recognized following passed while she studied until she was any yet, but she can't quite believe no
her. She then managed to destroy the forced to either eat ores or venture down one is looking for her.
stalker by mastering some of the hitherto out of the mountains into the green, Armillian is quite changed in appear-
unfamiliar magic she carried. Then she misty Shires below. ance from younger, plumper, more light-
traded her fine but distinctive clothing Assembling a compact traveling book hearted days in Glantri, when her tongue
for the rags of a peasant farmer and of spells, Armillian buried her other was quicker than her prudence and she
bought a mule just in time to join a cara- books and came down into the Shires. had a taste for pretty clothes and
van heading over the mountains to The Armillian has been earning money perfumes—neither of which she likes or
Five Shires. here and there by casting spells and tutor- uses now. In Glantri, she had the sense to
The caravan was attacked by ores. In ing young would-be magic users, and has use a false name ("Chancel Reikos," a
the confusion Armillian slipped away come to enjoy the happy life of the hin. Karameikan name), and so can use her
with her precious books and soon became She is tired of being a fugitive and des- own name now without fear of discovery.
lost in the mountains. She wandered perately wants to relax and befriend and But she will always fear someone in Glan-
until she found a cavern where an outlaw trust someone. But she cannot escape her tri finding her by magic and taking some
band lived. She slew the outlaws with past and is constantly looking over her sort of hideous revenge.
magic as they returned to their lair, and shoulder for evil creatures or vengeful Armillian would like friends more

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)


Half liNQS, Heuoes aND Hi

than anything else; preferably friends talk), Irmir's mission is doomed to strongly it will affect imbibers, are
without magical powers or interests, so failure—although an enterprising player unknown variables. Among other things,
she need not fear betrayal or attack. She character who learns the secrets of Black- Oglentyr can make anaesthetics, aphro-
doesn't mind adventure but would like flame could earn themselves much magic disiacs, hallucinogens, 'truth-babble-
to make someplace in this pretty country from Irmir. DMs should have Irmir warn drugs,' and substances that make one act
her home. She will tutor or cast spells for such intrepid souls that he will know if he very drunk, or delirious, or pallid and
hire but takes elaborate safeguards and is being told false information. Lying PCs near death.
makes mysterious arrangements. At the should find Irmir chuckling and then Oglentyr has steel vials containing a
same time, she is fascinated by the little attacking them with his magic, not meek- potion of invisibility and a potion offly-
folk who live so happily in the Shires, and ly paying them for deceitful information ing hidden upon his person to aid him in
will impulsively unleash a spell or two to about Blackflame. escaping danger, and at least one vial of
aid any she finds beset by monsters or No NPC halfling (not even unsavoury 'knockout gas.' He has a long memory for
natural peril, a habit that has begun to characters like Ulam Belchiir) will betray faces, voices, and mannerisms, and is
earn her a good reputation among half- the secrets of Blackflame to a foreigner. cautious, always looking for a way out or
lings. Krondar watch her as she travels Hin know that the survival of the halfling an alternative plan.
but the Sheriffs have found no reason to nation may depend on those secrets.
make her unwelcome in the Shires. Irmir knows this and won't ask any half- Jollybars, Meermeera: (fH4, St 9, In 14,
ling. Note that any hin who hears of Wi 12, Dx 16, Co 10, Ch 15, AL Lawful)
Elgenblot, Irmir: (mM7, St 11, In 16, Wi Irmir's quest will inform the local Kron- A fun-loving, merry hin on yallara,
12, Dx 14, Co 13, Ch 13, AL Lawful) dar or a Sheriff immediately and proba- Meermeera was born in Karameikos.
This good-natured, befuddled old bly tell his or her Clanmaster, too, and After much wandering around Thyatis
man can never remember what day it is or the hue and cry will begin in earnest. and the Minrothad Guild lands, she has
just where he is. Just now, he's after the Irmir will definitely be carrying a teleport come to see the hin homeland. She loves
secret of Blackflame: its powers and mag- any object spell (detailed in the D&D® the Shires, and is wandering about every-
ical uses. Irmir has come to the Shires Players Companion rulebook) with which where wide-eyed and delighted. She has
from eastern Karameikos to learn this, he can escape to his isolated keep in Kara- no fear of anything in the Shires (she
but he's not the sort to steal Blackflame or meikos if there's any sort of trouble. hasn't met any monsters, yet) and will try
try to trick or eavesdrop on a Keeper to Irmir is tall, thin, and clean-shaven, anything and join in any game or adven-
learn what he wants to know. with a beaky nose and prominent chin. ture without fear or hesitation. Meer-
He's seeking a human magic user liv- He has constantly-rumpled grey-white meera always acts as though she knows
ing in the Shires (there must be some, hair, and a kindly face and manners, but exactly what she's doing. Unfortunately
after all; men have been curious about can be quite testy with those who make for anyone who trusts her, such calm
Blackflame for centuries) who might be fun of him. Irmir wears nondescript experience is just that: an act. Meermeera
willing to part with what he knows in robes, well-made but without ornamen- is the hin who will steer a ship confidently
return for a powerful magical item or tation or stylish cut or fabric. onto the rocks, gaily untie a rope some-
two. Accordingly, Irmir has brought one else is still climbing up, or joke loud-
along a ring of life protection, quill of Hillhallow, Oglentyr: (mH6, St 13, In ly to a companion who is trying to slip
copying, and a lesser talisman of water 17, Wi 16, Dx 16, Co 17, Ch 14, ALNeu- into or out of someplace unheard and
(see "Talisman of Elemental Travel" in tral) unobserved. Meermeera is well-meaning,
the D&D® DM's Companion book; all Oglentyr is a wandering seller and not malicious, but she's still a klutz.
three of the special items Irmir carries are maker of medicines, philtres, and oint- Her fast reflexes and intelligence usu-
described in that rulebook). Irmir also ments. He is an unprincipled, dirty hin ally rescue her from harm, but breakable
has 300 + pieces of gold with him. who is always clad in black, bespattered things and other beings around her may
Irmir may appear as a befuddled old robes. About his person he generally has not be so fortunate. She will swing into
man, but when it comes to strangers long some sleep drugs, a few poisons, and any dangerous adventure or activity with
experience has made him suspicious and 'smoke-bomb' vials. Oglentyr can con- gusto, even glee, laughing and giggling
he has a keen nose for treachery. Unfortu- coct various non-magical potions to order in the face of danger and be totally and
nately for those who would rob or dupe (for expensive fees), with varying degrees cheerfully unreliable when things go
him, he can use all his magical items and of potency. The DM should determine awry. In other words, Meermeera is a typi-
carries a full and powerful complement of randomly how effective a particular batch cal yallaren of the younger and more shel-
offensive and escape spells. The Sheriffs is; Oglentyr is erratic in his measure- tered sort.
do not yet know of Irmir's mission or true ments. A given potion will almost always She can learn fast and will always make
powers. Unless he meets a rare being (88% of the time) do what Oglentyr different mistakes than last time. She is
indeed (such as an Immortal willing to claims it will; but for how long, and how also quick to make friends, will be loyal

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

and loving and even embarrassingly eral reputation of the current ambassador Patriarch Alfric at the head of the
affectionate, particularly to good-looking of Karameikos in the Shires. Church), will have no choice but to
young male hin, and will no doubt stay in Alfric can't quite believe that halflings invade—peacefully, if possible—and rule
the Shires and eventually settle down into can exist without an organized faith. He the childlike hin. Such a rich and pleas-
a considerate and perceptive hin wife. is sure that either they must have some ant land cannot be allowed to go to waste.
Either she will be the partner of an adven- secret cult (the details of which he must
turer or will join a clan and assume a qui- learn, to aid in eventually destroying it Lollos, Shandysar: (fH3, St 13, In 15, Wi
eter life of farming or some small hin and converting the hin) or that they are 12, Dx 17, Co 16, Ch 16, AL Neutral)
business. It will require lasting patience desperate for some sort of spiritual guid- A young hin pirate born in Ierendi and
and the recuperative powers of a powerful ance and leadership, in which case a full- raised on ships wallowing in the seas off
cleric to last that long in her company, scale mission from the Church of The Shirecoast, Shandysar was recently
however. Karameikos should be sent to the Shires rescued by the hin Navy from a watery
Meermeera is brown-haired, bouncy, immediately. death, when the ship she was on found-
and has a full figure and a twinkling, Sperren Juthindar's delicate task is to ered with all hands. She fell off the deck
speedy walk. She knows many light jokes carry out all this poking and prying in a with a litter of empty wine-casks, and
and snatches of songs, likes to mimic the quiet enough manner that he is neither clung to one until rescued.
voices of others and hear hin stories, and expelled by the Sheriffs nor creates Quick with a cutlass or a crossbow,
is quite capable of taking care of herself in enough of a stir that the Karameikan Shandysar is still learning the ways of the
a fight. She's just dangerous to friends ambassador or Karameikan merchants Shires. She was put ashore at Tothmeer to
and companions, that's all. hear of his mission and it gets back to the meet the local Sheriff and be settled in
ears of Patriarch Jowett—or worse, Duke some sort of dock-work, but gave the
Juthindar, Sperren: (mC5, St 14, In 13, Stefan. Krondar the slip and set out to see the
Wi 17, Dx 13, Co 14, Ch 13, AL Lawful) As a result, Sperren will befriend and Shires for herself. The Krondar aren't too
An agent of the Church of Karameikos try to hire any non-hin adventurers he upset, figuring she would have been rest-
sent to The Five Shires by Alfric Oderbry meets to learn what he can from them less and sullen if she hadn't had the
to spread the faith among the folk of the and have them do the more indiscreet chance to make her own decisions. To
neighboring land, Sperren is a young and prying. Sperren's task is further compli- simply set her free in the Shires without
vigorous man. Devout, he firmly believes cated by the fact that Alfric Oderbry is food or money, however, would invite her
that the Church must expand and that not a patient man; results are expected quick death or worse (Shandysar is very
Patriarch Alfric is the right man to lead it; within a season, at least. beautiful, in a wild sort of way), or force
is, in fact, destined to lead it and will only Sperren also fears that his purpose is her into an outlaw life.
be opposed (when Patriarch Jowett dies) known to the rival Church of Traladara, Shandysar has no idea what she wants
by the foolish, the wicked, and the mis- who may have sent agents to the Shires to to do or become. She hopes she'll find
guided. waylay or expose him. Any non-hin he out as she journeys across the Shires. She
Sperren is not above using his mission meets may be such an agent. He will is alert, agile, and alluring in an artless,
as a sightseeing holiday away from the assure himself that they are not by the use uncaring way. Her clothes are ragged and
continual intrigue of the Church and of of spells and 'tests' before hiring them. sea-stained; the high boots and rugged
Karameikos in general, but atones for Sperren carries little gold and no magi- leathers of a crewman not decked out in
this by aiding hin (for fees) with his cal items. He is armed with a mace and a the lace and frippery of pirate plunder.
spells. He rationalizes this as spreading silver-plated war hammer and has a purse Shandysar still has her weapons and
the Church's influence by demonstrating of 8 gold pieces and change, with another has fed herself several times by slaying
how it can aid others. He will also aid 20 gp hidden in the soles of his boots. woodland animals. She has also earned
non-hin to support himself and at the Sperren has another 500 pieces of gold coins for dancing or spent a pleasant eve-
same time make a good name for the buried just outside the walls of Rollstone ning having drinks bought for her by
Church outside Karameikos. Keep, should he run short of funds. He young and ardent hin in taverns along her
His instructions from Patriarch Alfric will try not to use this if possible so that it way.
included the admonition to be very can serve as start-up money for the future Shandysar hates waste and will readily
observant and learn all it is possible to activities of the Church of Karameikos in eat food that has been thrown away if it
politely discern of the life, likes and dis- the Shires. looks good to her, but she won't steal.
likes of halflings. Halfling skills, political Sperren confidently believes that the The 'right' way, as she knows from pirate
organization, and military preparedness Shires will one day be united with Kara- life, is to best someone at arms, blade to
are of interest, as are the personalities of meikos under one Church. If halflings are blade, and then take what you want of
the current Sheriffs, the loyalty of the intractable to Church teachings, Kara- what they have. Crossbows are for dealing
people to them, and the success and gen- meikos (under a later Duke and with with those who try to sling stones or fire

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)


Half HNQS, H€Roes Hiql7wayl7iN

arrows at you without standing to fight. She is rumored to be fabulously well- was impishly good-humored as well as
But she can't find anyone here in the to-do. Men and hin alike up and down daring and rapacious, and once towed a
Shires who will take her challenges seri- the coast speak of her with awe and lust stricken Karameikan ship into harbor in
ously. The hin all laugh and run away, or and admiration. They also pray that if Karameikos after exchanging most of her
make a great game of disarming her by they put to sea they will not meet her, for provisions with the thirsty and starving
swarming all over her at once, or buying she can be ruthless. She once slew a Thy- Karameikans in return for their gold.
her a drink instead. atian captain who spat on her by flaying Loberlinn is currently a candidate for
Shandysar knows she's not grasped him with her whip until his skin was quite Immortality on the path of the Epic
something about hin life yet. She doesn't gone. Hero.
press on until blood is spilled, but shakes Jalassa's ship is known as The Storm She may be encountered anywhere in
her head in baffled frustration and pays Bird and is as large and elaborate as hin the Shires. Few hin will recognize her and
attention, hoping she'll learn how things pirate ships get. It is a large sailing ship she will take a special interest in non-hin
are done in this strange, happy, beautiful with a ram, three large catapults, two bal- whom she meets who seem engaged in
land. She is also very lonely, although she listae armed with fire-arrows, and it has activities harmful to the Shires or inter-
will only come to trust acquaintances an "Exceptional Crew" skilled in archery esting to an adventurer. Loberlinn may
slowly and warily. She sleeps with her and boarding, for a total ship value of 7, use any sort of weapon but is deadly with
blade in hand and awakens at the slight- and a move of 7 hexes; 3-4 when "Dam- a crossbow ( + 2 to hit), a cutlass, or
est nearby noise except the sounds of surf aged." thrown daggers (she is +1 to hit with
and boats riding the water. such, and always carries at least four on
Shandysar would quite willingly Mellothrin, Arcathae: (fDll, St 14, In her person, some concealed).
become a pirate or an adventurer but she 14, Wi 17, Dx 14, Co 9, Ch 15, Al Neu-
wants to choose whom she fights and lives tral) Nildahar, Brace: (mF6, St 17, In 12, Wi
alongside. She will always shy away from Arcathae is a wandering druid—an 13, Dx 14, Co 15, Ch 13, AL Neutral)
anyone who offers a place in a band or extremely rare breed. She is not wander- Brace is an honest, open man of the
crew, then follow them on the sly, eaves- ing aimlessly: the druid who first initi- sword. Born in Ierendi, he heard often of
dropping and observing to learn what ated her into the study of nature and the the beauty of the Shires in his youth, and
they're truly like. All kind, Lawful com- Balance of All Things sent her to The Five of wild battles against ores and worse in
panions, hin or non-hin, who don't Shires to see for herself how a busy and the mountains there from old hin who
threaten her or tease her overmuch and industrious people could live in harmony called in at the ports in Ierendi in pirate
don't press ardent attentions too boldly, with the woodlands and natural things, and merchant ships. He has come here
will be considered fitting companions harming much 'but not overmuch,' and after many adventures in far lands to see
after being so investigated. replanting and preserving what they the Shires for himself. He can't believe
could. any land can be so beautiful and largely
Longwinkle, Jalassa: (fH6, St 15, In 18, She has come from far Thyatis on foot, unspoiled and at peace. He is wandering
Wi 16, Dx 17, Co 16, Ch 16, ALChaotic) striving to watch and remain as silent as the Shires looking for adventure: there
The buccaneer Jalassa of the Long possible and simply learn. Friendly and must be some to be had somewhere in
Whip (few know her last name) is famous pleasant, she will aid anyone she meets this land. He is beginning to think he
along the Shirecoast. She is supremely who does not harm nature. never wants to leave but he is running low
daring and is tall and thin for a halfling, on coins and getting bored and will glad-
looking very much like a young human Mulgor, Loberlinn: (fH Master 32 nd ly join any adventure going.
girl of startling beauty. level, or "Higher Master," St 17, In 18, Honest and plain-spoken, apt to be
She fights with a 20' long whip and a Wi 18, Dx 16, Co 17, Ch 17, AL Chaotic) silent, not a babbler, Brace has no time
rapier-like shortsword. With her whip The most successful halfling pirate of for treachery or deception and may turn
she can deftly knock a running man off the last two decades, Loberlinn is now a on companions who try either on him.
his feet and hook him over the deckrail Higher Master. This legendary she-pirate He is tall and dark-haired with a short-
into the sea, or lash an arrow out of a bow was as beautiful and as feared as Jalassa in trimmed beard, level brown eyes, and
being aimed at her from another ship rac- her day. Raven-haired now going silver- broad shoulders. He dresses simply and
ing alongside her own. With her daring grey in streaks, the long-tressed and agile wears leather armor under a nondescript
she has pulled off such reckless victories as Loberlinn captained the Bloodsail around travel cloak. He fights with broadsword
once sailing into Mirror Bay (in the capi- the mysterious rocks and isles that lie and handaxe and has two daggers, one at
tal of Karameikos) posing as a legitimate between the Shires and Ierendi, particu- his belt and one hidden out of sight in his
trader, spending a quiet night looting larly in the area where the water is so left boot.
every other non-naval ship anchored in studded with rocks that it was once
port, and somehow slipping out again. known as "The Broken Sea.' Loberlinn

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

HalfHNQS, Heuoes aNt> Hi

Seashire, Marintor Treeshadow: (mH has a rod of the wyrm, and always carries a
Master 7, St 16, In 17, Wi 18, Dx 16, Co staff of dispelling. He is active all over the
15, Ch 14", AL Lawful) Shires, particularly in the woods of
Marintor 'the Soft' (so named for his Seashire and Heartshire, and often uses
gentle speech and stealth) is a wandering the wyrm created by his rod to fly about
hin Master. Tall for a halfling and very the Shires to deliver messages from one
thin, Marintor always goes about cloaked Master to another.
and hooded in brown leather so tattered
as to be almost in rags. His eyes are very
clear and cold blue, his brows black and
scowling, but his smile is gentle. He does
not smoke and seldom speaks. Marintor

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)


Piuate Life
Halflings may be known to the folk of A pirate crew will also have at least one Many pirates bedeck themselves with
other lands as cute little child-like crea- beautiful human or elven maiden. Some- so many gems and pieces of hanging or
tures, but to seafarers and coastal dwellers times these "ladies" are captives taken at pinned-on jewelry that they jangle and
in the western Grand Duchy and the sea, and sometimes they are prisoners res- chime with every step. Others use cap-
Empire of Thyatis, in particular, they cued from the Black Eagle Barony or oth- tured make-up to paint their faces in wild
have a darker reputation. er captors. Some have come to join the patterns or draw scary death's heads or
Halflings are cheerfully reckless sailors. pirates at an early age themselves. What- gruesome disease-like symptoms on
The more evil or angry hin, those who ever her origin, every self respecting hin themselves. Hin dislike tattoos but try to
seek revenge, or those on yallara who sim- pirate crew will have its "lady." duplicate their effects with such make-
ply love the sea and crave adventure, The pirates do not molest or mistreat up. In a word, hin pirates have fun.
become pirates. Halflings are bold their ladies; any pirate who does is imme- Most halfling pirate ships are small sail
pirates, daring pirates—and widely diately invited to swim to shore even if ships. In terms of the naval combat sys-
feared pirates. shore is two days of hard sailing away. tem presented in the Gazetteer of Ieren-
Halflings reserve their special blood- They revere them and shower them with di, they move up to 6 hexes at a time and
lust and aggressive feelings for their riches and attention, such as massages, have ship values of 3 or 4 (modified for
meetings with Thyatian vessels because of perfumed baths, and careful hairstyling. Artillery and sometimes for an Excep-
the long-ago seizure of halfling lands, The "Lady" of a crew is sort of a mascot; tional Crew). Most pirate vessels are old,
ports, and the halfling ships in them by even if a bloodthirsty bladeswinger her- small, and battered. Pirates seizing a
the Empire of Thyatis. self, she will slowly come to realize that good ship (hin pirates prefer to board and
Vessels of other nations have good rea- the object of every halfling pirate crew is plunder, not ram and burn other vessels)
son to fear the pirates of The Shirecoast. to find her a faithful mate with whom she will often give their old, leaking hulk to
Unless a ship approaching halfling waters can be happy, and set her up in wealth the crew they defeated to try to nurse
is crewed by halflings or is closely escorted somewhere along the coast. back to land.
by ships of the Navy of the Shires, it will Shireton and the coastal settlements of There are 120 or so seaworthy pirate
be narrowly inspected, probably several the Shires are full of wealthy, earthy ships, with about a quarter of those con-
times, by tiny, swiftly-racing, battered ladies of varying ages who have been stantly active. The most famous of the
and tattered pirate boats. "retired home ashore" by halfling pirate active pirate crews are those headed by
Most hin pirates are halflings of 2nd to crews. Female player characters could Red Rory Hackskull, "the halfling as tall
6th level. They are always armed with well become pirate "ladies," although it as a dwarf," who sails out of Muldair's
slings and carry 20 or so sling-stones. is a dangerous life. Many pirate ships sim- Rock and has a secret refuge elsewhere;
These are carried in a cloth bag so they ply disappear in storms or treacherous Crommor 'the Hammer' of Toth Isle; and
can be easily let go if their owner ends up waters, or in encounters with The Teeth the female halfling buccaneer Jalassa of
in the water. Such a bag does 1-4 points of Of The Deep and other legendary sea the Long Whip. Jalassa is described in the
damage as a blackjack-like weapon at monsters, cherished Lady and all. NPC section of this book.
close quarters. Male player characters will find it The legendary she-pirate Loberlinn
Most hin pirates also bear 1-3 daggers harder to win a place in a pirate crew; hin (also described in the NPC section), now
which they are adept at throwing, and a are suspicious of non-hin in groups of a Higher Master, was the most successful
curved cutlass. three or more, thinking them spies or pirate of the last twenty winters; not only
All types of weapons a halfling can use power-grabbers who will try to seize con- hin still speak of her. Before Loberlinn,
will also be found throughout a typical trol of the pirate ship. the pirate Black Adder Swiftbrand was
pirate crew, right up to and including the A halfling crew usually presents a most famous, but he perished with all his crew
occasional magic wand. Most pirates are comical appearance. Their plundered fin- when Thyatian ships armed with fire-
adept at ramming, sailing in rough seas ery rarely fits and is rarely worn properly. hurling catapults boxed him in and set
and rocky waters, and leaping from rail or A hairy, bearded, fat male halfling may his ship afire, although his blazing ship
rigging safely onto another ship. Many appear at the rail clad in the silk face-veil rammed and sank or set afire three others
hin pirate ships carry rickety homemade and coin-adorned brassiere of an Ylari before it finally foundered.
catapults to hurl rocks, garbage, or even dancer with a finely-embroidered noble's Before Swiftbrand there was Jenkin
dead ore corpses onto the decks of ships vest from Thyatis. He may have a hat tied Firebeard and the Nightstriker, Bross Lot-
they engage. on with silk ribbons and beneath it the sotricks Hillhallow. Many are the exciting
A halfling pirate crew will often finest diaphanous white silk gown availa- stories of bloody battles, daring raids,
include a scattering of humans, for the ble in the Grand Duchy, all worn over and long chases across the seas that the
ranks of the halfling pirates are a refuge leather shorts and high sea-boots, both hin pirates of now-gone days have left
for outlaws and shady characters of all the studded with rusting and battered armor behind in taverns of all the coastal lands.
coastal lands. plates. They've left lots of treasure; lost, hidden

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

TZY)G Piuatc Life

and never reclaimed when they sailed lots of food so that they can stay at sea for not pirates.
away and met death, or just forgotten at long runs. Contraband must often be The Sheriffs know better, of course,
some stopover rock or other. Human stored on deck to take its chances in heavy but the existence of the hin pirates keep
adventurers hoping to find quick riches seas. the Shires secure against naval attack or
sometimes risk a quick run to explore this The use of fire-pots and fire-darts, as marine blockade or dominance by a rival
or that remote rock off The Shirecoast, well as darts that carry fine cord to estab- nation, so the Sheriffs turn a blind eye to
looking for buried treasure. And some lish a line that pirates can swarm across to hin piracy. There are no laws against
have found it. Most searchers simply another ship, are fairly common. But piracy.
don't return; the storms, treacherous most halfling pirates still depend on nim- If the evil growing in Shireton Port
shoals, and the pirates, see to that. ble sailing, savage swordwork, and accu- continues unchecked, or hin pirates
DMs should locate any such surviving rate slinging to carry the day. begin to raid halfling ships or ports in the
treasures in their own campaign in the Most pirate crews take five or six prizes Shires, this easygoing policy may well
smaller, more southerly rocks off the a year and may raid a Thyatian harbor or have to change.
Shirecoast. These rocks are not shown on put ashore in the Black Eagle Barony for a The Navy of the Shires will not support
any map available to PCs but left for char- little brigand-work once a summer as pirate vessels in attacks on foreign ships,
acters to discover, hopefully before well. but it often attacks unauthorized "for-
pirates discover the PCs. The Sheriffs of the Shires simply pre- eign raiders" who happen to be in hot
A typical halfling pirate crew will be tend that there are no halfling pirates. pursuit of a halfling pirate vessel that
30-40 strong with perhaps 2-5 of their The Navy of the Shires protects some tried to bite off more than it could chew,
number non-hin (almost all of these will legitimate vessels against attacks in waters or rescues hin from a foundering pirate
be human males). Magic users and clerics claimed by the Shires. All pirate vessels ship or shipwreck.
are rare on the seas although clerics will- are assumed to be crewed by desperate or Hin pirates are not strong enough to
ing to heal wounded pirates in return for evil foreigners under the sway of das- threaten nearby Kingdoms, but do ham-
rich offerings can be found at most of the tardly Karameikan raiders serving Baron per merchant-captains. Halfling pirates,
ports that the pirates take refuge in. von Hendriks, or lawless renegade Ieren- in short, are no laughing matter—unless
Halfling ships are always crammed di sailors. Vessels crewed by hin must be you're a halfling pirate.
with casks of beer and drinking water and legitimate shippers of one sort or another,

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)


Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

A Visitors Quide to tlie Five SI71RGS
It would take a book many times thicker Oben's MiMbun cherman Clan has its hall here and owns
than this to map and describe all the many farms, as well as the "Happy Nag"
Population: 7,000
Shires in detail. AH that can be managed Stables (horses sold & traded).
Clan Holds: Fellwood, Gladsing,
in these pages is a whirlwind tour of the
Longbuck, Lowbranch, Roaringbras, Tan-
gleberry A encn uth
Details of the settlements not given
Ober's Mimbur is named for a long-ago Population: 450
here are left to the DM; many things will
tale of the Shires. Ober was a farmer Clan Holds: Swiftfeet, Zursannatch
only be revealed in the course of play as
whose lands were where the town now Aercruth is a newer than most settle-
player characters follow the trail of adven-
stands. He was a very successful hin and ments in the Shires with many wooden
ture and should be shaped by the DM
he used his spare gold to build a conical buildings showing signs of repair after
according to the needs of such adven-
stone tower, his "Mimbur." When he fires and haphazard expansion. Its streets
died, papers were found in the Mimbur are mud and corduroy with log sidewalks
First, please consult the Shire bounda- with a cryptic message about rich trea- here and there. It is the center for Fang
ries map. We shall begin in the northern- sure; amber, ivory, and jade, three chests patrols and explorers (i.e. hin hunters
most end of the Shires and move to the of each, and "at least six hundred thou- and prospectors) in the area, and is most
southwest, Shire by Shire. sand" gold pieces hidden somewhere noted for its ready supplies of hot food
about the Mimbur. Hin soon tore the and traveling gear. It boasts a fine weap-
tower apart stone by stone looking for the onry, Olmar Haskin's, two roaring tav-
The northernmost of the Shires is wild, treasure, but it has never been found. erns, The Staggering Hin and The Dying
largely unsettled country of rugged In the meantime, the camp of the Stag, and an indifferent inn, The Sixty
mountains, open rolling hills broken by treasure-seekers had become a regular Warm Beds. Aercruth is a rough-and-
scrub woodland and rocky pinnacles and stopping place for carts and travelers, and ready town where brawls and even armed
deep woods. when mines were opened in the moun- fights are not uncommon, but it has no
Fangs patrol here heavily; it is danger- tains to the north, the town was inevita- less than fourteen Krondar stationed in a
ous country, much frequented by mon- ble. fortified "Lock-up" in the center of the
sters and raiding ores. The headwaters of Today, Ober's Mimbur is a rough, village and they maintain swift and strict
the Cruth River and the depths of hard-working stone town with cobbled discipline.
Darkwood are both places hin do not nor- streets (heavily-laden ore wagons were Aercruth is starved for entertainment
mally go for any reason. Only fools travel forever getting stuck in the deep mud and crowds gather to hear new tales and
anywhere in Highshire unarmed, except until the streets were laid down), and new songs, although they tend to be rath-
within Bridle or Ober's Mimbur. many a weary, sooty hin stepping out of a er severe critics, hurling beer tankards at
The Shireseat of Highshire is Ober's forge or foundry for a breath of cool air. sources of less-than-enchanting enter-
Mimbur. It is probably the dirtiest settle- tainment. A brisk trade in hill-ponies,
ment in the Shires due to the litter associ- BniDle- mules, and donkeys goes on constantly in
ated with smelting and forging. The Aercruth; newcomers are advised to
Population: 850
mines, extensive caverns that open out of beware of buying someone's overworked,
Clan Holds: Trencherman
the mountains around Ringrise, supply lame animal well dosed with painkilling
Bridle is a typical road-junction settle-
much metal of all types to the Shires. To drugs and liniment for sale purposes, and
ment of the Shires. It has a good inn, The
the north, at Longflask, the newest mines useless shortly afterwards.
Pixie's Pipe; two taverns of the shabbily
have been opened, tapping lodes that comfortable, reasonably-priced type, the
promise to be the richest and most exten- Fernbottom Arms and The Leaking Tan-
sive found thus far in the Shires and, per- kard, and a guesthouse, Mother Tren- Population: 950
haps outside of Rockhome, in the entire cherman's. Clan Holds: Evershade, Sharpstone,
Known World. It has a stockyards, a smithy 0obbar's), Vermsquash, Wanderthorn
Lake Hindim, a widening of the War- a well-stocked hardware store (Old- Ringrise is named for an ancient ring of
die River, is broad and shallow. It forms a bole's), and a Market Hall used by well-weathered standing stones that
gigantic pan in which the sun warms the farmers to sell fresh wares. Local indus- crowns a grassy hill in the center of the
chill waters of the upper Wardle to such tries include Olmyr's Fine Woodworking village. The origin of these stones are for-
an extent that the lake teems with fish. (carpentry and wagon repairs), Mallas- gotten; they were old when The Gentle
Enterprising hin net and sell the fish as tyr's Pots & Casks, Lodo's Fine Cloth & Folk were still flourishing ere the coming
far as Bridle, Ober's Mimbur, and upper Laces, Mallar's Fresh Fish, Osca Henn's of the hin. Over the years treasure-seekers
Seashire. Oddjob & Repairs, and Blesk Evershade's digging here (a practice now outlawed by
Moneylending & Changing. The Tren- the Sheriff of Highshire) turned up many

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

A VisitOR's CJuifce to tlje Five Seines


bones but no treasure. The bones were a The Boots & Cat, The Thirsty Throat) of aboveground; most hin simply sleep their
mix of elven, dwarven, ore, and human, lost mines in the hills nearby and of the "fourthday" through. Medicine and care
and were so old that they usually crum- ghosts of dwarves and worse that haunt in Longflask is probably the best in the
bled to dust when disturbed. The hill the upper Wardle west of the village. Eve- Shires; the three clans based here have no
may be largely composed of them. ry year some hin disappear in the moun- desire to lose all their best blood.
Today, Ringrise is the busy center of the tains near the village, it is true—but far Hin who are too young or frail to work
older mines of Highshire. Its broad, grav- more vanish north of Aercruth each year, the mines are constantly scrambling
eled streets have been worn by the pass- too, and it is little cause for comment. around the nearby hills in search of new
ing of many carts into deep channels veins of ore rich enough to be delved into
below the level of the surrounding land; LONQfISLSk for a new mine; over the last dozen years,
to lessen erosion, moss has been planted fourteen new pits have opened.
Population: 700
on the road-banks and trees encouraged Mining has become something of a
Clan Holds: Fernshiver, Nixnoddle, Rag-
to grow. Hence, Ringrise is a very beauti- compulsion to hin in Longflask. High-
ful place often shrouded in mists on cool shire draws all of the most ambitious and
Longflask is a fairly new place; a busy vil-
mornings. Ringrise boasts an above - eager hin of the Shires; where a hard-
lage of rough stone buildings crammed
average, old and comfortable inn, The working hin of Seashire might call it a
into a high valley where new and very rich
Old Stone Ring. Comfortable for hin, day, the miner of Longflask will rub weary
mines have been opened in the last thirty
that is; the four foot thick stone walls eyes with numb fingers and attack the
winters. Carts of stone rubble are con-
enclose rooms five feet high or less, nar- rock with pick and hammer again for a
stantly rumbling through the village and
row dark stairs, and some doorways are as few more hours.
being tipped down the side of the wind-
low as four feet in height. Taller visitors to Precious metal is plentiful in Longflask
ing road that leads out of the valley to
Ringrise usually stay at the newer Fern- although gems are rarer here than further
form a huge stony waste.
bank Inn at the north end of the village. south. Thievery is low; few thieves can
The best smiths in the Shires are said to Weary hin work long hours under-
ground here and do little when they come make off with a cartload of raw ore in
work in Ringrise; certainly the best horse- their pockets undetected. What ore is
shoes come from Ringrise. Many tales are up save sleep and drink. Every fourth day
a hin must, by order of the Sheriff, rest refined here is heavily guarded by the
told in the taverns (The Weary Miner, clans; weapons are always at hand for this

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

A Visitou's (3uit>€ to ttye Five St?iues
is ore country. Dwarves are advised that deeper into the Shires unobserved, and always have a well-hidden, hard-to-
the hin of Longflask tend to slay dwarves although visitors are not forbidden to tra- get-at (from the surface) 'back way out.'
on sight, "just to be sure." vel in the Shires. Non-hin who come in Almost every watchtop has a little
Longflask's only inn bears the curious force, heavily armed and lacking a ready javelin-throwing ballista or catapult, and
name of The Walking Mushroom, having purpose or trade-goods, may well be chal- hin delight in surprising night intruders
to do with a famous monster that early lenged and find themselves in a stiff who scale palisades or gates with little
hin exploring the valley had to slay before fight. Many hin patrols hereabouts are 'spring gun'-style trap-bows. A typical
they could safely start digging. Old hin reinforced by hin Masters or friendly bow of this type is mounted upon a well-
say that these weird creatures (carnivo- human mages hired for the purpose, as oiled tripod and swivels with lightning
rous, and very dangerous) are not extinct humans wielding magic have been a speed and silence to fire when its trip-
but have merely withdrawn westward problem in the past. Eastshire's proximity wire is disturbed. Such a bow will be trig-
into the mountains where they wait for to the Black Eagle Barony has earned it gered by a wire just within the palisade or
unwary ores and hin alike. The taverns of the recent nickname "the Blackwatch," gate or along the top of the palisade and
Longflask include The Black Rose, The and indeed hin here do keep a close watch is usually set to fire four feet off the
Wagon Wheel, and The Old Hin's on neighboring Karameikos. ground (above halfling height). One end
Footwarmer. of the trip-wire (which is usually waxed
Weneskalot cord) is also connected to pieces of old,
WayMeet rusty metal so grouped that they will
Population: 950 clang together as an alarm if the cord is
Population: Nil (see below) Clan Holds: Fastbuck, Watcheye cut or the bow is triggered. Over the
Clan Holds: Quaeromore The Shireseat of Eastshire is located in years, most thieves have learned to cut
Waymeet is not a settlement but merely this northerly village rather than in cen- their losses and try their trade elsewhere,
the meeting-place of the roads from tral Mallowfern or Rollstone Keep but there's always one or two just in the
Longflask and Aercruth which join here because of its traditional importance as a process of learning.
for the long run south to Bridle and the trade-center with the rest of the world
rest of the Shires. The Waymeet Inn and the attendant headaches that keep a Wereskalot has a large open Market
marks the junction; a fortified inn built Sheriff here often. This busy trading cen- Square in the center of the village for
in the roundhouse style popular in ter deserves special attention because it is traveling merchants to set up stalls. It
Wereskalot (see the entry for that village), the settlement that most visitors to the boasts two good inns and three taverns:
and considered very good by hin and out- Shires see, more even than Shireton and The Shirewatch Inn and The Old Trees
landers alike. Shireton Port. Inn; and The Flagon At Dawn, The
Maiden's Kiss, and The Hunting Hin.
Near the inn lies the sprawling farms of Wereskalot (the origin of the name is
Wyrl Watcheye, who has a shop in the
the Quaeromore clan which stretch east unknown; it may or may not have any-
village, sells ready-made weapons of
of the road as far as the thick, nameless thing to do with lycanthropes) lies in a
good quality and is known far and wide
woods shown on the Shire map. Lycan- bowl-shaped valley surrounded by open
for the excellent armor he crafts to fit cli-
thropy was prevalent in the area some grasslands; hin very long ago decided it
ents. It's very expensive and can take as
years ago and the wood is said to be would be best to confine much of their
long as two months for full plate armor,
infested with worse monsters as well as meetings with the outside world to a sin-
which is lightning-fast, but can seem ages
the lost treasure of a rich dwarf-hold gle trademoot that they could readily
to the adventurer in a hurry.
which lies underground somewhere police, and Wereskalot is it.
beneath the wood. Wereskalot's homes are slightly differ-
ent than most in the Shires because of the RollstONe Keep
Eastsfjine village's longtime role; halflings live in Population: 2,900 (maximum wartime
slightly more secure dwellings than else- capacity: 8,000)
This is the part of the Shires most seen by where in the Shires. The typical hin home Clan Holds: Journeyfoot
non-hin, who come by way of the hills in or near Wearskalot is a roundhouse of This stout-walled stone fortress now
north of the Achelos Woods to Wereska- one story in height, made of mud brick watches over the coast and the Blight
lot. The rolling, rather bleak hills north and stone rubble, crowned by a three- or Swamp, guarding against possible inva-
of this village give way to rich, gently- four-story stone tower, or 'watchtop.' Sur- sion from the east. It boasts large towers
rolling farmland which covers almost all rounding the house is a circular log pali- and a double ring of broad, high walls
of this Shire except for some small forests sade which encloses a strip of garden and adorned with far-reaching catapults.
east of Wardlystone. The hin heavily a stables for mules, ponies, and donkeys. The former village of Rollstone was a
patrol all of Eastshire, not just the bor- There is usually a well and a chicken fishing-port enlivened by trade with
ders, to prevent non-hin visitors slipping coop. Hin storage cellars here are deep Karameikos. Much shipboard trade still

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

A Visiton's Quibe to fl7e Five Seines

goes on in a covert fashion but it goes ling size, there are over 8,000 mail shirts Black Pit (listed in descending order of
through the ports farther south on The stored here, well-oiled, for your personal cleanliness and quality). The shops in the
Shirecoast via transfer points at Harborlee use if you can get them out past the Keep are spartan but well-stocked.
Rock and elsewhere rather than here. watchful eyes of the guards. The guards The actual governor of the Keep, in
Over half of the population of Rollstone are very vigilant because there are also everyday and practical fact if not in name,
Keep consists of the standing army of the enough spears, arrows, and swords here is the Commander of the Keep, the
Eastshire Fangs, known as "The Black- to sink several merchant ships and Knight-Hero and Fang General Jolthiir
watch Regiment." Most of the other hin enough food stored here to feed all the Battlebur (8th level, and the constant
in town are the Journeyfoot clan who Shires for a month, even if most of it is in bearer of a sword +1, flames on com-
lived here before the village was fortified such unappetizing form as tons of raw mand, a weapon detailed in the D&D®
and are still allowed to fish in their small, turnips and parsnips. The food-store is Expert rulebook). Jolthiir has a private
ramshackle boats out of the Keep's har- constantly being replenished from all store of potions of healing that he will use
bor. Fang officers regularly inspect such over the Shires by order of the Sheriffs, to aid himself or those who do service to
boats for contraband which has forced who pay for all this by shipping the food the Shires or hin in the vicinity, and are
most Journeyfoot smugglers to make a that has been stored the longest to Kara- laid low.
side trip to the fishing-village of Nob's meikos or back to the Shires for sale and
Boots to unload such cargo before return- consumption. MallowfenN
ing to their home harbor. The one inn in the Keep is run by the
Population: 800
Rollstone Keep is a quiet, fairly light- Fangs (so they can keep watch over who
Clan Holds: Boldnose, Hoefurrow, Rally-
hearted place despite the frowning stone comes and goes). The inn is known as The
walls and the many troops. But non-hin Happy Fisherman. There are only five
Mallowfern is a busy and prosperous cross-
will be challenged often and alertly; there taverns in town so as to keep crowds of
roads village where many hin merchants
is constant fear of some treachery on the drinkers— mainly soldiers—small and
buy cargoes of fresh food to take out of the
part of the Black Eagle Baron. Horses are controllable by the Krondar and senior
Shires via Nob's Boots for sale in Ierendi or
trained in Rollstone Keep for military use Fang officers. They are the Rollstone
Karameikos, and many imported goods
and most of the armor used by the troops Arms, The Tired Soldier, The Sleeping
from Wereskalot change hands.
of the Shires is made here. If you're half- Spectre, The Groaning Cask, and The

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

A Visitou's CJuifce to tlje Five Sl?iii€S
It is the halfling equivalent of WanOlystONe Wardlystone Witch, named for a long-
Wereskalot's "trade-moot," and a center dead human villager of mysterious magi-
Population: 300
of 'crafts-hin.' There are many small cal powers.
Clan Holds: Alehill, Quiverjump,
shops here producing clothing, leather The Wardlystone Witch came from
Shindlewood, Stoneplow, Tumblebrook
goods, ornamented furniture and even Glantri and was found slain by unknown
This village is a center for milling; the
stained and patterned windows. Pottery, magic, presumably at the hands of
mills up and down the Wardle in the
whittling, and embroidery flourish here, someone—or something—that had fol-
vicinity (almost all on the river's east or
and many dice are carved here. Many lowed her from Glantri and eventually
northernmost bank) grind much of the
marbles are fashioned here of dyed and tracked her down. The witch lived in a
flour used in the Shires. There are still
specially-treated clay, finished with glazes hut on the banks of the Wardle above the
two old sawmills here that supply cut
containing secret and mysterious ingredi- village. Old hin can show the place to
lumber from the forests east of Wardly-
ents that give the marbles a certain shine, travelers. PCs will have to dig extensively
stone to the Shires all around.
or feel, or ease of rolling. Exotic plants to find the crystal ball, wrapped in an
from other lands are nurtured here, and The village is old, cobbled, and full of
elven cloak and buried in a chest deep
cuttings sold to traveling merchant hin small, well-pruned trees and shrubs,
beneath some willow saplings that is all
for transport deeper into the Shires. irregular flagstone paving, and small
that is left of the witch's worldly goods.
stone houses with tiled or wood-shingled
Mallowfern is a happy, bustling place The entire area radiates a faint magic due
roofs. Many cats can be seen in the streets
of great beauty with many large trees to many spells cast there by the witch and
of Wardlystone; originally brought in
remaining in the center of the settle- by others trying to find or eradicate any
from eastern lands to control the rats that
ment, some houses and shops even being magic she may have left behind, so detec-
fed in the mills, they have since risen to a
built among their roots or lower branch- tion spells will be useless. Details of the
better life of indolence and half-hearted
es. The famous "mallowferns" for which witch's magical items will be found in the
bird-chasing. Wardlystone is also the
the village is named, which grow DM's Book of the Basic rules set.
place where wooden cages are fashioned,
nowhere else in the Known World, have some of them quite ornate and beautiful. There is said to be a curse on the witch's
thick and squashy white roots that yield a possessions that draws some horrible
There are many willows on the banks of
fine perfumed oil used in lamps and in monster to them after they have been
the Wardle where trees that yield better
the making of scented ointments and lax- unearthed—but as no hin living in
lumber were long ago cut down. Wardly-
atives. Mikkal Mallowfern's Fine Perfume Wardlystone has ever found any of the
stone is a happy, if rather damp, home to
Shop is the foremost supplier of finished witch's treasure or wanted to go looking
fairly well-to-do hin but lacks the wealthy
mallowfern products, but almost every- for it, the truth of this rumor can only be
individual hin found in Mallowfern or
one in the village dabbles in the use of verified the hard way.
Deepmoss, its two nearest neighbors on
the mallowfern.
the Coastfollow Road.
The foremost inn in the village is The N o b ' s Boots
The village's old stone inn is known
Wizard's Wand, run by the (human) Population: 150
(for forgotten reasons) as The Cleric's
Enchanter Berek Shindel who still prac- Clan Holds: Trundlestump
Cloak. There are also two small guest-
tises magic for fees and is married to the This poor, ramshackle fishing village is
houses on the main street: Sevelda's, run
halfling Ammagil Rallytongue. Travelers small and lackluster. Often lashed by
by Sevelda Silvertoes, a kindly old hin
can also stay at Bluehollow, an inn dug fierce storms blowing across the Gulf of
female who is deceptively tough in a tus-
out under the roots of a gigantic tree, Halag, it is a wet, cold place where every-
sle, and is 5th level, and The Fair View,
"quite big enough for humans and thing not made of stone soon rots. The
which stands on a knoll and rises some
elves," as its proprietor, Tetha Longtoes, lone hin clan that lived here were almost
four storys to overlook the Wardle. The
assures everyone. They can dine and the only inhabitants of the place until
Fair View is run by Chjoam Treeshadow, a
drink at the Mallowfern Mistypit tavern recently. The village still stinks offish.
crusty old hin who can relate almost all of
or at the slightly less grand watering-
the treasure-lore and spooky tales of all Partially repaired and rotted old fish-
holes of The Way To Rollstone and The
the Shires to those who sit patiently and ing boats lie everywhere and nets are
Wounded Wyvern.
keep him in drink. draped over these old hulks and on the
Mallowfern is a damp, often misty The taverns in the village are quiet, sloping slate roofs of most of the houses
place; travelers describe the predominant orderly places, one on either side of the to dry and for repairs.
color of the place at such times as "misty local Sheriffpost which boasts only four The small harbor has a tiny pebble
blue." There is a fine stables in Mallow- Krondar. They are The Trumpet Falls beach on which are drawn the fishing
fern where horses can be bought and Tankard (named after a tiny rapids on the boats; some twenty-six or so currently in
sold, and are also trained, bred, and doc- Wardle which disappeared long ago, with use. The boats are all small vessels that
tored, run by the Hoefurrow clan. the building of the mills) and The can be hauled ashore by a dozen or so

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

A Visitou's Quite to tl?€ Five Sl?mes
hin. There is also a newer, stout stone Seasljine sees ships from all nearby coastal lands.
wharf that partially shelters the old har- Many non-hin live in Thantabbar, find-
The richest and most heavily-populated
bor and is always busy with ships loading ing it pleasant, relatively clean, and qui-
of all the Shires is Seashire. Well over half
or unloading cargo. et.
the hin in the Shires live in Seashire,
The small and shady smuggling trade which has three ports and encompasses Thantabbar was half-heartedly forti-
between Karameikos and the Shires that the outflows of two of the Shire's largest fied long ago. Walls and a fort still stand
is not handled by hin pirates also comes rivers, the Wardle and the Ithypool. watchfully over the town's bustling com-
through Nob's Boots, now that Rollstone merce. Caravans arrive and leave daily,
The promontory between Burny and
has been fortified and garrisoned by Fang and the harbor never sleeps.
the Hingulf rises into high, windswept
soldiers. Nob's Boots sees little money by Thantabbar seems remarkably free of
hills that drop to the sea in sheer rock
way of all this trade but it has grown in intrigue and hard feelings. This may be,
cliffs of up to five hundred feet in height.
importance and seen its roads repaired however, due to the fact that lighthearted
Much of the Shire is green and verdant
and its harbor improved so that storm hin are having their usual fun and not
pastureland and farm fields that slope
waters no longer blow up over the beach mixing with the non-hin who may (qui-
gently toward the sea. There are thick
and right into the seaward houses. etly) be up to all sorts of doings of their
woods left only east of Leafkindle and in
The locals still spend their nights in the the lee of the Burny Cliffs, but lighter own. The true state of affairs in Thantab-
mist-shrouded Nob's Arms watching and forests remain north of Moon Hill, east of bar is up to the DM; certainly it enjoys a
listening for the creak and groan of the Thantabbar, and northeast of Stillpool. reputation as one of the cleanest and
hin fishing boats coming in. When a boat Woods once covered this whole area and safest ports anywhere in the Known
does make the harbor, the whole tavern yielded some of the finest ship-timber of World.
empties out onto the beach to haul it the entire coastal kingdoms, as far east as Four times a year Thantabbar hosts
ashore, ply its crew with warm stew and Thyatis. Most of the tall, relatively huge Festivals—quite apart from the tra-
ale, and empty its catch onto the beach straight trees are gone now, but some few ditional hin feast days—at which hin
where it is salted straightaway by lamp- remain; their cutting is carefully con- looking to buy or sell the rare and exotic
light and stowed in covered carts. No one trolled by the Sheriffs and local Clanmas- gather to examine wares brought special-
charges for this service; all the hin simply ters. ly from the farthest reaches of the Known
do it for each other and always have. World. No doubt much covert business
Seashire is nicknamed 'Wetshire'
In recent years the tavern has opened also takes place at these Festivals; the
because of the many rainstorms and fogs
some rooms for the night, but Nob's Krondar keep watch, but by and large
that blow in from the sea and often
Boots still has no proper inn. It is a hard- they consider the Festivals a healthy out-
enshroud it in day-long cloaks of damp
ened, stony grey place with a character all let for lawless elements.
concealment. Unless a storm blows on
its own and is named for a long-ago half- through the night, however, the mist Thantabbar maintains a number of
ling who was wrecked ashore here and lost usually breaks in the dark hours and is pleasant parks within its walls, each con-
his boots in the mud (they have never yet moving when dawn comes. The sun tends taining a pool. These pools are an emer-
been found). to shine bright and hot after a storm and gency water supply as well as ornament,
On the road between Nob's Boots and dries things out thoroughly. The best and by law there is a stiff fine for fouling
Rollstone Keep is an inn, The Murdered farms in Seashire all have proper irriga- the water by swimming, urinating or
Princess; its name refers to the fair Navril- tion and drainage to keep crops thriving washing in it, or throwing litter into it.
star, whose passing is described in "The during such rapidly-changeable condi- Travelers, you have been warned.
Ballad of Nob Nar" in the Players Guide. tions. Notable features of Thantabbar
Nob Nar and the Nob the village was include Fanghold (Thantabbar Castle),
The capital of The Five Shires, Shire-
named for are no relation to each other. home to local hin military; the Sulshar
ton, and the related Shireton Port, are
The "Princess" is run by the hin adven- Stables, a horse-trading establishment
described separately after this general
turer Spiira Quickmagic Coppertoes run by the hin Knight-Hero Bulzim Sul-
tour of the Shires.
(described in the NPCs section of this shar (8th level); Wolfwar Weaponry &
book). The "Princess" is a luxurious, Armor (Wolfwar is a very skilled human
well-appointed place dug into a hillside, smith of 18 Strength and Dexterity, and is
furnished with many ornate brass lamps Population: 10,000 a 4th level fighter); and Shumbril Tower.
and panelled in dark, glossy polished Clan Holds: Leafshine, Quicksilver, Shumbril Tower is home to the soft
woods from the interior of the Shires. Standfast, Stormhin spoken, gentle Alace Shumbril, a 7th
Some rooms in it are quite large enough This calm, business-without-hassles port level human female magic user. She is
to be comfortable for humans, but wiz- lies east of Shireton Port along the coast. rather reclusive, but owns and is protect-
ards from Glantri are not welcome. Goods come to and from it along the ive of The Hins' Own Magic & Mysteries
Deepmoss Road and its crowded harbor Shop, which sells potions and spell com-

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)


A VisitOR's Quite to tlje Five Sfyines

ponents. charming place, but there is a great risk of to some hin and a few elves and are quite
Thantabbar has almost 30 Krondar, fire so no candles, lamps, or the like are safe. Six or more hin Masters are also said
which may account for its peaceful allowed except in the great hearthroom at to dwell in these woods, notably Levalas
aspect. the inn's entrance, which makes for a lot Quickhand Heartshire. Several human
of stumbling and cursing in the dark magic users are also said to have retired
DeepMOSs among non-hin guests trying to find their from the intrigue of the lands of men to
own rooms on the stairs late at night. this area.
Population: 650
Glowing fungi are gathered and placed in Leafkindle has a lone tavern, The
Clan Holds: Bristlebur, Streamford, the roof-beams to aid in reading room Duskymoot, at the south end of the set-
Treeshadow numbers and avoiding fellow guests in tlement. The first of its two guesthouses
The pretty village of Deepmoss lies in a the halls, but these fungi are ambulatory is run by the Proudstride clan and proper-
tree-cloaked hollow where two roads and are apt to move away from where ly called Manygardens, but is more often
meet: the Coastfollow Road, from Shire- their illumination is wanted into warmer, known with tongue-in-cheek casualness
ton to Wardlystone in Eastshire; and the cozier places, such as occupied beds. as 'the Proud House.' The second guest-
Deeps Road, which runs from Thantab- Nonetheless, the Deepdell is a favorite house has a walled garden with much ivy
bar into the interior of the Shires through gathering-place of many old adventurers and gnarled old trees and a pool, and is a
Leafkindle. Deepmoss lies in the midst of of the Known World who enjoy sitting in favorite spot for adventuring bands and
what was once deep woods but is now its gloom and talking of high deeds done wealthy business associates to meet for
rolling pastureland and cultivated fields. long ago and the worsening state of the private conferences. Known as The Crys-
A quiet and prosperous community, it Known World in general. tal Helm, this house is operated by a half-
sees much traffic on the roads, lying as it
ling ex-adventurer, the Knight-Hero
does so close to both Thantabbar and
LeafkiNOle Bellothiir Yollershield, and his human
wife, the wizardess (9th L M-U, AL Law-
To travelers Deepmoss is known for its Population: 200 ful) Ashaera Synribbar.
shaded, mossy beauty; cool springs rise Clan Holds: Belnose, Mouldwalk, Proud-
Leafkindle is the place to buy fresh
here to yield clear, cool drinking water for stride
farm produce if you live within a day's
horses and hin alike. The old, large- Despite its name, which may bring to
ride of it, and it is also the spot where
timbered houses of the village lie mainly mind bonfire and burning, Leafkindle is
livestock and horses are traded or sold.
on the north or west side of the Coastfol- a tranquil and beautiful forest village
Old hin who are interested in good stock
low Road, dug into the hillside which ris- much loved by elves and hin who like to
come here in the summer months just to
es at their backs. be close to woodlands. It stands within a
watch good animals change hands.
In the middle of the town rises the grove of tall shade-trees with open farm
stone-towered Sheriffpost (eight Krondar fields all around. Leafkindle straddles a
are stationed here; two for the village and busy road that links Heartshire, High- MOON Hill-
six 'Krondar of the Road'), flanked on shire, and Seashire together. Leafkindle is Population: 100
one side by the lone tavern in Deepmoss, a popular way-stop, with an excellent inn Clan Holds: Fernscatter, Heatherfoot,
and on the other by one of the two inns in and a bustling market for nearby farmers. Rummelmore, Stoutbottle, Xebel
town. The inn, the White Wizard, is very old This village has a well-deserved "fey"
The tavern, The Silent Knight, is cozy, and is said to have been built by a Lawful reputation as a place where magic is plen-
cheap, and dimly-lit. It is apt to be very human magic user. Certainly it was built tiful and halflings and elves live together
crowded on hot summer nights. The inn for humans or other creatures taller than in peace and merriment. Many ex-
is known as New Inn; it replaced an old hin. In summer it houses non-hin who adventurers, hin and non-hin, make
one, the Green Vulture, which burnt travel into the Shires to trade with hin, Moon Hill their home, and wealthy hin
down some years ago and stood on the who come here to meet them. whose businesses lie in Shireton but who
same site. It is above-average in its prices Leafkindle is policed by eight Krondar; prefer a quiet, bucolic life have grand
but quite good in service and accommo- two for the village and six 'Krondar of the nouses hidden away in the trees and
dations. Road.' As well as keeping the peace, they beneath the ground here.
At the west end of the village, a long are charged with observing the appear- If the Shires were to be invaded and no
walk away from the tavern and the village ances of those who pass through Leafkin- army stood to bar the attackers, it is this
pond, is the Deepdell Inn; a larger, cold- dle so that movements of suspicious or place that would prove costliest to take,
er, and less expensive inn that rambles up wanted beings about the Shires can be not the fortified cities of Shireton or
the hillside in a series of sloping wooden traced. Thantabbar or the fortress of Rollstone
structures all joined together like the Deep, old woods still stand beyond the Keep. Adventurers and retired adventur-
branches of some gigantic tree. It is a farms east of Leafkindle. They are home ers who dwell here command almost all

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)


A Visiton's QuiOe to tlje Five Sljines

magic known to man, from the Seven ticularly reckless stupidity (several ambas- 'no magic use inside the tavern or at the
Secret Crafts of Glantri (see The Princi- sadors before the present one) once tavern or those within it.' The tavern is
palities ofGlaatri Gazetteer) to the little- learned of Moon Hill's reputation and known as The Useless Unicorn and trav-
known arts of the hin Masters. sent a half dozen agents to gather some elers are warned that anyone creating a
Magical items galore lie hidden and magical items. The agents, high-level nuisance may be told by some frail old
well-guarded here, and those who learn thieves, were all delivered back to the man or other to "step outside, fancy-
of Moon Hill's reputation will find tutors ambassador's private chambers, one a pants," where the aged patron will feel
here, for many a powerful mage has night, to appear beside him hideously free to unleash his 30th level magic.
retired here and has the time to spare for transformed by magic but otherwise Remember, you have been warned.
teaching and demonstration. The dis- unharmed. On the road south and east of Moon
honest and the opportunistic are warned, Other hin whisper of dark non-hin Hill, just before the Moon Hill Road joins
however, that the kindly next-door forces from Shireton Port that mounted a the main Coastfollow Road between
neighbor of a tutor one is planning to midnight raid upon Moon Hill. The next Shireton and Deepmoss, there is an inn
dupe or rob may indeed be the wise best morning, small and gory pieces of the for the use of those travelers who wish to
friend of one's intended victim, with the raiders were found on a back street in the go through Moon Hill but not stop there.
spells of one perhaps twice as high in Port, neatly arranged amid the blood, to It is a charming old place dug into a hill-
experience levels as one's tutor! spell out the message: "DON'T BE SO side so that only the white marble foun-
On the surface, this quiet little com- FOOLISH AGAIN." tain of a nude hin and elf with water
munity is almost too quiet for a settle- spouting from their mouths can be seen.
ment this close to Shireton. The residents On the surface, Moon Hill is a sleepy It is run by a Knight Hero (8th L halfling)
like it quiet and have the power to make little town with no inn, although it has a Simmera Oakhollow, and her longtime
and keep it that way. Undesirables may camping-grove with drinking-water adventuring companions Orbold Eri-
find themselves magically compelled or watched over by two hin Masters who take danor (10th L human cleric) and Janszuth
hurried onwards, or may become hope- care to keep hidden most of the time. It Irmpetiir (6th L human fighter, and
lessly lost in an open field with a clear does have a tavern, run by a 30th level former Ierendi pirate). The inn is named
view of known roads and countryside all human fighter known as Corwin Long- The Chime of Charms for reasons known
around. A Thyatian ambassador of par- sword Bloodstar, who has a strict rule of only to the three companions, and is a

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

A Visitor's QuiOe to tfte Five Seines
reasonable and very pleasant place to stay. days" (the hin actually came ashore far to farms. The upper reaches of the Ithy-
Travelers who are in no hurry along the the south of here, near the cape that juts pool River split Heartshire into two parts,
Coastfollow Road often stay there; those south between Bramblerose and connected by the bustling community of
who use it to pass through Moon Hill Tothmeer, but don't try to tell that to Fishtickle Bridge. Above "the Bridge",
without tarrying are advised that unless anyone in Burny). the Ithypool widens into the three pools
they and their beasts of burden are partial The Burny Bungoleir gets its name for which it is named; in ascending order,
to night riding, they will have to make from its location on the road that curves they are Muimzir, Nethlond, and Arluin,
camp just inside Heartshire at the junc- inland and then southwest to Rundegos. rounded remnants of their long-ago
tion where the road linking Fishtickle The first road to follow that route was elven names. The Ithypool rises in the
Bridge and Leafkindle meets the Moon built by an ancient hin named Bungoleir, mountains of Darokin and roars down
Hill Road. and old hin still refer to the stretch of through a series of gorges and cataracts
road between Burny and Rundegos as into the Shires northwest of Arluin.
BunNy "The Bungoleir Road." The Flur River does the same at the
Population: 250 southwestern end of Heartshire; it also
Clan Holds: Quizzinglas, Vindlewalk,
Stillpool comes out of the mountains of Darokin
Population: 380 and runs through Heartshire. The Flur is
navigable from its mouth up only as far as
Burny is a small fishing-village perched Clan Holds: Battlebur, Brambleshun,
Sateeka and is not used for trade; wicked
partway up a rugged cliff, above a tiny, Littleglade, Woodgrott
rapids and its frighteningly fast, cold flow
naturally-sheltered harbor. Like Nob's Stillpool is a farming village that lies, as
prevent it from being used further. The
Boots, it has been revitalized in recent its name implies, along the edges of a
only road through the Black Spires, the
times by shipping trade that is avoiding a small spring-fed pool. Stillpool is much
road that connects the Shires with friend-
larger harbor nearby: Shireton Port in plagued by insects in the hottest weather;
ly Darokin, does use the valley cut by the
this case. if a Master is near, he or she usually con-
Flur, following along beside it to pass
A good, fast road across sloping farm- trives to bring a breeze inland from the
through the first rank of peaks before per-
lands links Burny with Shireton, and it is sea to keep the village pleasant.
ilously climbing over the second rank to
to and from Shireton that most of Burny's Stillpool's simple half-timbered homes
descend into Darokin at the village of
overland trade comes. The balance of the and barns stand amid tall, very old,
goods goes to and from Heartshire by way widely-spaced pines.
of Stillpool and Sateeka so as to avoid the The northwestern edge of the commu-
congestion of Shireton. Burny also ships nity, where the roads from Sateeka and Sateeka
fresh fish into Shireton and Stillpool, Rundegos meet, is a busy hive of activity Population: 990
although both towns can get their own where several small factories are located, Clan Holds: Elintel, Forestfar, Hairytoes,
fish through Shireton Port and Runde- among them a noted wheelwright's shop Kittledance, Lamintar, Whisperrun
gos. and a good smithy. The clans based in The Shireseat of Heartshire is a forested
So Burny remains a largely forgotten and near Stillpool strive to keep the com- village known across the Shires for its cir-
place, lashed by fierce winter sea-storms munity self-sufficient in terms of food so cular cedar-shingled houses. They cluster
when ice can close the road and effective- that it can profit from all else it produces. among the trees like giant mushrooms,
ly seal Burny off from the rest of the Stillpool has one inn, The Running looking comical and yet somehow right
Shires. Nonetheless, the farms above Hin, and two taverns: The Seven Swords and fitting. Sateeka is definitely the most
Burny are home to three hin clans, and and The Pineview. It is a peaceful place relaxed of all the Shireseats, seeming
Burny does have a good if impoverished without a dark past or legends of treasure somehow sleepy and peaceful despite the
inn, The Lanternglow. and such, and prefers to stay that way. considerable trade between the Shires
It also has no less than three taverns: and Darokin which passes through its
The Cliffhead, The Burny Bungoleir, and streets.
The Ship's Deck. All are cozy, well-worn To defend the pass through the moun-
places, where the villagers hoist a pint or The traditional center of the mining tains from ores or other invaders, a Fang is
two and talk of old, bad storms of the activity in the Shires, the mines of Heart- permanently stationed at Sateeka
years past, and of pirates, and of where shire are now mostly worked-out and although it usually, except in the severest
the hin came from when they sailed to the superceded by fresher, newer deposits winter weather, camps along the road
Shires out of the mysterious past. No one being mined in the Black Spires in High- northwest of the actual village. Almost
in Burny really knows where the hin came shire. Heartshire is for the most part 900 armed and trained hin can be mus-
from, but they all like to think that they rural, with hill-country and pockets of tered in this area within a day to face any
have some sort of link to the "ancient old, deep woods where there are no threat.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

A Visiton's Quibc to tfte Five Sljines
Sateeka itself is a place of woodcarvers itely refers to someone who is pushy and involved in such an altercation may find
and wagonmakers. Hin businesses here impatient and in a hurry to improve their it harder to vanish afterwards.
also produce candles, round wax-coated lot in life. Many mills can be found along the
cheeses of sharp cheddar flavor and crum- Named for a tiny, long-ago plank Ithypool both above and below the
bly texture, and scented soaps and oint- bridge where skillful hin used to "tickle" bridge of Fishtickle Bridge; rates are
ments. Once a busy smelting and fish from the river (snatching them with a quite competitive, and the millers are
refining center, Sateeka does compara- bare hand and closing a thumb and fin- skilled and well-equipped.
tively little metal-work today, although gers suddenly into the gills), Fishtickle
the mines above Nethlond still produce Bridge today is a noisy village of tall, SljaOowqate
silver and a little copper which are made steep-roofed houses and ardent gossip
Population: 660
in Sateeka into forge-bars for sale and where the streets seldom grow quiet the
Clan Holds: Dappleglade, Heartwood,
transport elsewhere in the Known World. clock around as wagons rumble through
Sateeka is a place much loved by its carrying goods to and from far places.
This village is another place where half-
inhabitants, although even within the At least one well-known 'fence' (buyer lings and elves dwell peacefully together,
Shires it is considered something of a of stolen or questionable property, no although it is also a center of logging with
backwater. It has three inns, all with questions asked) is located here: the 6th farms being established as the forests are
human-sized rooms for the convenience level halfling Nordobo Flashfoot, who cut back further and further north and
of traders from Darokin: The Miners' runs a "junk" shop at the east end of the south of the village. The homes in Sha-
Rest, on the western edge of the village, village. dowgate tend to be half timbered and
The Hungry Hippogriff, in the center of Fishtickle Bridge also has a lumberyard much decorated by carved wooden orna-
the built-up area, and The Singing Min- whose caring, skilled owner, Oldbuck mentation; "gingerbread," as it is some-
strel, on the road east to Fishtickle Deepdell, specializes in custom cut times called.
Bridge. There are also two taverns, The woods while the customer waits; and
Loaf And Plow and The Shirestone, both Many skilled woodcarvers still practice
Pelm Shedowhin, a jeweler and silver-
run down but comfortable. their trade here; the travel-chests of Sha-
smith of distinction. Twelve Krondar
dowgate, cleverly inlaid with the owner's
There is a Sheriffpost with a large jail (four for "the Bridge," the others 'Kron-
name or a design or crest in woods of con-
beneath it and a posting of 20 Krondar, dar of the Road') are stationed here in a
trasting hues, are popular across the
four for the village and sixteen 'Krondar Sheriffpost that stands right at the three-
Shires and even among human mer-
of the Road' who patrol east as far as way junction of roads where the fresh pro-
chants outside the lands of the hin, who
Fishtickle Bridge, west as far as the Flur, duce market is held and village life is
find them beautifully made and both
and south to the borders of Heartshire. centered.
solid and decorative.
Small, stone walled farms lie southeast Also overlooking the market triangle is Shadowgate is home to a number of
of Sateeka, between the roads from Fishtickle Bridge's only inn, the four- hin Masters, too, and at least two human
Stillpool and Fishtickle Bridge. These story, rather dilapidated Sundargun Inn, magic users of note: Silverhair (Deleetha
grow corn and other grains for sale at the named for the dead human adventurer Arathim, once of Darokin, 7th level),
mills in Brookbank and Fishtickle Bridge. who founded it long ago. Now run by two and Junsable Miraeikos (once of Thyatis,
4th level halfling brothers, Nip and Horl 6th level), both of whom live alone in
Fistjtickle BniOqe Battlebur, it is worn but comfortable separate, remote towers in the trees.
inside, provides meals for all who stay
Population: 960 A hin who dwells in Shadowgate,
there and some first-class service, and
Clan Holds: Cindertoes, Deepdell, Gul- Rolof Heartwood (6th level halfling), is
charges accordingly. Regular guests swear
lybuck, Ilingall, Pytchplume, Sum- famous for the musical instruments he
by it; others consider its rates typically
mergarth makes— flutes, harps, and titterbuks (see
Fishticklian. "The Bridge" also has two
Fishtickle Bridge is as busy and growing the Players Guide for a description of this
taverns, The Downed Dwarf and The
as Sateeka is sleepy and laid-back. It sits latter instrument)—of exceptional quali-
Dancing Ore and a restaurant, The Fish
at the junction of two roads in the center ty. Rolof s prices are very high because he
Under The Bridge. The restaurant is con-
of settled Heartshire and spans the Ithy- has over three season's of outstanding
sidered pricey but good, the taverns pri-
pool River. A milling and market center, orders from merchants as far away as Thy-
cey but indifferent. Now and again on
it is home to a surprising large number of atis and doesn't like to hurry his work
warm evenings, gigantic brawls between
hin clans and is a 'place with a future' almost as much as he hates to keep people
drunken taverngoers will erupt into the
that is eagerly looked forward to. Indeed, waiting, so anyone wishing to 'jump the
streets where the hin of Fishtickle Bridge
overly ambitious hin are sometimes queue' will have to pay handsomely.
have a habit of all joining in for a good
referred to as "proper Fishtickles:" the "punch-up," slipping away adroitly Shadowgate lacks the Sheriffs Hall
term is not entirely derogatory but defin- when the Krondar arrive in force. Visitors that Sateeka (the Shireseat) has, but its

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

A VisitOR's CJuiOe to t!?c Five Seines

b_ Jkjt MOON Hill

Sheriffpost is almost identical in size to acquired taste that is favored by at least "dark beasts in the gnarly woods") to the
Sateeka's. It has only nine Krondar sta- the Karameikan and Thyatian ambassa- west of the village and runs through
tioned within, however; two for the vil- dors to the Shires among humans, and Brookbank to empty into the lowest and
lage and seven to patrol the uplands may come to be more widely accepted as largest of the three pools on the Ithypool
around Arluin and the upper Ithypool for the years pass. It remains to be seen if River, Muimzir.
monsters and the occasional outlaw that Lord Caine's preference for this wine is Brookbank has three Krondar sta-
come out of the moutains or the upland genuine or merely a fondness for its tioned at its Sheriffpost; an old and run-
woods. strong flavor that can readily mask drugs down (but cheap) inn, the Golden Goat;
The village itself is a peaceful place or poisons added to it. a rowdy tavern of similar age and low
whose inhabitants all seem to share the Shadowgate has one inn, The Green prices. The Dragon's Death; several
habit of singing or whistling while they Druid—old, and luxurious, run by the mills; and ten or so farms. It is a happy,
work. New and richly fertile farms have Mistwalker clan, and very reasonable— sleepy place.
been established both north and south of and two taverns, The Sword Held High
Shadowgate, as the forest is cut back, and and The Spitting Dragon, both old and SOUtl7Sl7iK€
farmers here specialize in root crops and cozy and pleasant, but undistinguished,
melons of various sorts, taking them to with fairly cheap prices. Most southerly and westerly of The Five
market in Fishtickle Bridge and Leafkin- Shires, Southshire was where halflings
dle. first landed in what is now the Shires; the
hand of the hin has been felt here on the
There is also a newly-established win- Population: 90 land the longest. Hin have all but cleared
ery in Shadowgate; hin across the Shires Clan Holds: Barrowhin, Tall thicket the woods that once cloaked this area;
are proud to have another wine of their The smallest, most rural of the settle- small forests survive only along the coast
own available across the Known World ments of The Five Shires is tiny and in the hills east of Rattlecart. Most of
but aren't quite sure of its lasting quality Brookbank. It is a farming village located this Shire is old, well-worked farmland
yet; the winery has only been in operation on the banks of The Dancing Water now declining in prosperity, grassy hills
some seven summers. Its product is a which rises in the deep woods (an unsafe that serve as pasture to large herds of
dark, amber to brown-hued wine with a place, local lore warns, whispering of sheep, and soaring mountains. One large
strong "woody" or "nutty" flavor, an


Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

A Visiton's Quibc to ttye Five Seines
river, the Flur, cuts across Southshire to boots, and heavy gloves even in icy gales, character of the smaller ports in the
empty into the sea at Bramblerose; it is because their work makes the sweat boil Shires. Used by smugglers and legitimate
fast-flowing and cold, but navigable past off them. When they grow chilled or wea- shippers lightly but steadily over the
busy Flagonford to Sateeka. Hin of this ry, they duck into one of the buildings years, it remains primarily a fishing and
Shire (except for those of Tothmeer and along the route for a mug of hot stew and farming community, busy and respect-
perhaps Flagonford) tend to be quiet, a few minutes by the fire. Not a house in able and, on the surface, rather unexcit-
conservative, and peace-loving; those Tothmeer will turn away a wet or cold visi- ing.
who love the cut-and-thrust of adventure tor in winter, be it ore, hin, or lizard man, It has a famous hin restaurant, The Siz-
and of commerce have largely gone else- so long as it is alone and leaves its weap- zling Skillet; an expensive but very good
where in the Shires. ons outside. inn, The Black Cloak; expert sail, net,
The hinlings of Tothmeer lead an envi- rope, and ship-repair services; and several
"CotljMeen able childhood, entertained not only by interesting residents.
ice-slides in winter and jumping into These interesting residents include a
Population: 11,600
piles of fish in the summer, but pirates retired halfling Knight-Hero, Blasko
Clan Holds: Hardflask, Idelwise, Knack- who do well have a habit of giving old Thirl, who dwells in "Swordblade Tow-
knell, Nimblefoot, Nudgestone, rusty daggers and bones and broken ship- er" and is reputed to have amassed much
Vailswash, Yollershield gear and similar trophies to the young hin treasure in his long career; the Webmas-
The oldest port of The Five Shires is today in the streets, and many a wide-eyed hin ter, a reclusive 6th level human magic
a cobbled, slate- and tile-roofed stone has borne home a jeweled but broken- user; Meltor "the Faithful," and Karst
city that completely fills a natural valley bladed dagger to show his or her parents. Plashdeep.
at the head of an inlet that is sheltered by
Toth Isle. Chief naval base, shipbuilding When pirates bring home cargoes of Meltor is a 4th level human cleric who
center, and pirate stronghold of the wood in winter, the whole city has ample has come to the Shires to live as a hermit.
Shires, its bleak docks and walls hold and to burn; when they capture cargoes of He will heal for fees in order to support
handle an incredible amount of trade- clothing or cloth, sudden fashions sweep himself, but will not go adventuring
goods each year; it is the chief port-of-call the city. The naval hin turn a blind eye to under any circumstances.
in the Shires for ships of Darokin and all of this, and indeed often come to the Karst Plashdeep makes a living as a
Ierendi. Tothmeer is jealously guarded by aid of stricken pirate vessels, frantically shield-maker and by training those who
both rakish pirate ships and large, trim shifting contraband cargo from a sinking can pay in the use of weapons. He is a 6th
vessels of the navy armed with projecting vessel to their own side-by-side with the level halfling, old and cynical and much
rams and a large battery of catapults, each pirate crew, and retaining none of it scarred. He is afraid of no one, snaps and
navy ship having an extra mast that when they reach the docks of Tothmeer. snarls and makes sharp cracks constantly,
enables it to run up a large spinnaker sail All of this sort of thing will be strenuously is hairy and dirty and is a very skilled war-
for chasing down ships when it has a fol- denied if a foreign ambassador complains rior well practiced in teaching human
lowing wind. Toth Port is large and well about the subject, but it occurs nonethe- fighters. He charges very little (5 cp to 5
laid-out so that battered ships limping less. sp) for well-made, custom-sized shields.
into port can readily reach a drydock slip. Tothmeer's chief industry is shipbuild- His specialty is the 1-gp razor-edged
ing, although it does provide fish to Rat- throwing shield which can be hurled by
The city above the harbor is solidly- an inside handle like a child or hinling
tlecart and Flagonford. Some of the best
built and plain and buildings tend to rise spins a top and slices for 2-8 damage
halfling netmakers also reside in
five stories or more, although the streets when it hits.
Tothmeer, and more pirates call Tothmeer
slope so steeply in places that a building
home than any other place in the Shires.
might be six stories tall on one side and
Tothmeer also has a Fang garrison of FlaqoNfonO
only four on the other. In winter, ice
almost 1,000 for defense of Southshire,
makes many of the streets impassable Population: 900
and is policed by twenty Krondar who
except to small hin who love to slide; a Clan Holds: Foxfollow, Horsetail,
have two Sheriffposts and a separate Jail-
stout net keeps them from shooting right Omblestaff, Pipesmoke, Zindlestone
hole as well as the Sheriffs Hall. It has no
out into the harbor. This pleasant, tree-cloaked village lies
less than seven inns, and sixteen taverns.
There are many "streets of stairs" just west of the Flur River at the juncture
winding through the city, however, shel- of the Coastfollow and Overland Roads
tered by buildings and even covered in RuNttegos where they both give way to the Tothmeer
places. These are known as "rises," and in Population: 800 Road. Barges come upriver from
winter much of Tothmeer's trade is bun- Clan Holds: Plashdeep, Upplemiir, Bramblerose to unload here; Flagonford
dled up and down these streets by strong, Winegullet is always crowded with coaches, carts, and
sweating hin who wear only breeches, Rundegos is fairly typical in layout and stout overland wagons. The Horsetail

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

A Visitou's QuiDe to tlje Five Styines
clan maintains a fleet of large sledges and beleaguered by ores or lost and weakened and The Rose (old, grandly furnished,
sleighs here to aid in winter trade and by harsh winter weather. It is likely that and expensive); three taverns; and a
transportation in the vicinity; they also they would confront and battle anyone rooming house where rooms can be
raise many shaggy-coated dogs to pull defying the peace and laws of the Shires. rented by the month or season. The tav-
them. The names and true powers of The erns are The Shipwrecked Sailor (old,
Flagonford may be primarily a village Fireswords are not known, although they ramshackle, popular, and noisy), The
devoted to the shipping of goods, but the are said to include several fighters of Dark Horse (luxurious, quiet, expensive),
fast Flur river also supports several mills, strength, of both sexes, and at least two and The Pipe and Harp (large, rambling,
including a sawmill that serves an excel- magic users. The true intentions of this cheap, and fairly quiet—a place to talk
lent local furniture factory and coach- group are left for the DM to decide; it is business and relax, not party). The room-
works. Tursk Omblestaff, a noted cooper, suggested that they be made at least four ing house is Mother Belabatha Himmer-
has his main barrel works here and floats levels higher, on average, than any bands sun's; she is a 4th level halfling of greying
great rafts of casks down the Flur to of player characters adventuring in the years who runs an immaculate house. She
Bramblerose for use by the shippers there Shires. has no rules as to behavior as long as resi-
(3 cp a cask to the shippers, only). dents are relatively quiet and set no fires
Flagonford is a work-hard, play hard BnaMblenose except in the fireplaces.
place with an excellent inn, The Five The Darkforest clan have built most of
Population: 700
Gold Flagons, run by Unther Greatbelly the upper roofs in the village, and they
Clan Holds: Darkforest, Stormweather,
Pipesmoke, (5 th L). There are two tav- help repair the busy Stormweather and
erns, The Glendar (cozy and luxuriously Voluteye clan fleets that operate out of
This sprawling, busy port of stone build-
appointed; quiet, pricey, and good, run Bramblerose. In short, Bramblerose is a
ings and small, high-hedged farms lies at
by Appla "the Winker" Hairytoes, 6th prosperous and busy place that hasn't
the broad mouth of the Flur River and is
level, a master of most dice and card been spoiled by its success.
kept bustling by a little fishing and a lot
games), and The Flur Fish (run by Beldor Bramblerose Wood, west of the village,
of shipping.
Greybeard Zindlestone, an 8th level is reputedly infested with monsters who
Many goods come here from the Shires
Knight-Hero retired here to watch the resist all attempts to flush them out. The
to avoid the congestion of Shireton Port,
world go by and hear news of doings in twelve Krondar mount regular patrols
Tothmeer, and the other large ports.
the world beyond his doors from passing around the near edge of the trees and
Goods are eagerly taken aboard by ships
travelers). never go in smaller companies than eight
of other lands; primarily Ierendi, but also
Most of the local hin clans maintain strong. Some say devil swine are the prob-
Minrothad, Darokin, and Karameikos,
large livestock herds and bring their ani- lem; undead, others assert; none in
who for the same reasons, have brought
mals to Flagonford or Rattlecart for Bramblerose know for sure. It is left to the
their goods here for transportation up the
slaughtering and curing ere they are DM to determine the truth to the persist-
Flur to Flagonford to reach the interior of
shipped elsewhere for sale. In Flagon- ent rumors of danger and lurking evil.
the Shires, or even, when the winter
ford, most go by wagon to Shireton or by storms make sailing perilous, to be taken
barge to Bramblerose and thence by ship overland via Sateeka and Mar into Daro- Rattlecant
to Ierendi, Karameikos, and other lands. kin. Population: 400
Flagonford has a small Sheriffpost with The folk of Bramblerose, which, as its Clan Holds: Ogglemurk, Wanderfence
four local Krondar and fourteen 'Kron- name implies, is much adorned by wild The somewhat stark and windswept vil-
dar of the Road' who patrol the roads as thorny roses which festoon its hedges and lage of Rattlecart rises out of very flat
far as Rattlecart and Rundegos and the rocky places, do well by this trade not farmland on the road between Tothmeer
countryside on the west side of the Flur as only because of their location but because and Flagonford. Long ago it served as a
far as the Bramblerose Woods and the they keep much poultry and sell literally mining center when hin were still strug-
Toth Hills. tons of eggs to fast ships who rush them gling to work the small and relatively low-
Flagonford is also home to a rather to Karameikos and Ierendi for quick grade ore deposits of the southern end of
mysterious band of human and elven profits. Bramblerose is a pleasant, sunny the Black Spires. But those days are long
adventurers who spend much of their place with many rock gardens and the gone; today it is mainly a market-moot
time in the Black Spires battling ores and like. Despite its large size, its population and way-stop on the road. As its name
searching. This group is known as The is quite small; there is none of the crowd- implies, many carts rattle over its rutted
Fireswords, and they have some sort of ing and built-up areas of larger ports in streets, carrying goods from elsewhere to
secret agreement or understanding with the Shires. some other elsewhere; hin who live in
the Sheriffs for they are never hindered Rattlecart really do see the world go by in
Bramblerose has two inns, The Land-
by the Krondar. On several occasions they endless procession.
fall (large, spartan, but relatively cheap)
have appeared out of nowhere to aid hin

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

A VisitOR's Quite to tl?e Five Sl?iRes

Sixteen Krondar are stationed at the but does apply to guests staying at either Zotft Isle
Sheriffpost in Rattlecart, which boasts a inn: the horses need their rest, as do the Population: 400
large jail beneath it, but only two are for oxen and other beasts of burden that have This forested island off the mouth of
the village. The others are 'Krondar of struggled to pull wagons into Rattlecart Tothmeer's harbor is home to many
the Road,' who patrol the road west to during the day and are expected to haul retired hin and is the seasonal home of
Tothmeer, the hills behind Rattlecart (a them out again in the morning. The cur- many more pirates and fishermen. Many
persistent refuge of hin outlaws), and the few is a somewhat flexible affair but row- small but luxurious homes are tunnelled
edges of the reputedly dangerous woods dy guests will be severely told off and not into its steep slopes, largely hidden in the
east of the village. welcomed back. ferny banks and undergrowth of the for-
Rattlecart's role as a way-stop on the Clay pipes used by many city hin in the est that cloaks the island.
Tothmeer road has given it two large and Shires (rural folk seem to prefer hand-
Toth Isle has no proper road, only
excellent inns: The Trembling Troll, run carved wooden pipes of their own or local
tracks, but it does have two docks and sev-
by the Knight-Hero Jaorge One-Eye making) are made here in a secret manner
eral anchorages on its landward side.
Wanderfence; and The Found Crown, by Abran Oldhill and his wife Tethega
Much treasure is said to be hidden upon
run by the sharp-tongued, two-foot-tall from clay dug from the banks of the Flur.
it, some buried and some kept within the
hin Jalessa Spitfire Nobbleneer. Both are Oldhill pipes remain somewhat flexible
houses of its owners. Much smuggling
old and well-known; the Crown is slightly and malleable until they are smoked for
takes place to and from Toth Isle by ships
more expensive but also slightly more the first time; thus breakage during their
not quite bold enough to run right into
exclusive and quieter. There is also a wild cart-trips across the Shires is lessened.
Tothmeer harbor under the eyes of the
tavern in the village, The Leaking Cup, navy. Powerful hin and non-hin are said
and an excellent stable run by Oldor t:i7e Isles to live here, quite jealous of their privacy
Ogglemurk. and with well-defended homes. Details
Rattlecart is one of the few places in the The Shires lay claim to many small islands
and rocks off The Shirecoast, but two are of Toth Isle are left to the DM; it is sug-
Shires to have a curfew; unusual because gested that Toth Isle be a very nice place
halflings like to run about partying on large enough to deserve mention here:
to visit but a very hostile place to poke
warm summer nights. The curfew around.
doesn't apply to road trade or the tavern,

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

A Visitou's QuiOe to t!?e Five Srjiues
OnJiN isle and the Port almost meet, although the inside any of the underground ways,
fortified walls of Shireton (a rebuilt ore beyond perhaps a short passage that
Population: 270
hold) clearly mark where the capital ends affords a back way in or out of their
No hin live on Orlin Isle except the ship-
and the straggling Port begins. house, shop, or favorite tavern. The
wrecked (no more than half a dozen at
Shireton is the wealthiest city in the importance of Shireton's subterranean
any time) and pirates. Orlin Isle is there-
Shires as well as the largest, and here lurks ways, their extent and possible treasures,
fore a lawless place ruled by the sword,
the height of hin culture, fashion, and and the adventures they can afford inter-
yet it is surprisingly quiet, for hin like
commerce. The ambassadors of other ested player characters should all be tai-
quiet and Orlin Isle is something of a ref-
lands are all stationed here. Many of the lored by DMs to individual campaigns.
uge to hin pirates. Many use it as a base
most powerful hin in the land live here or DMs running play within Shireton
during the summer months for it does
at least maintain part time residences should bear in mind that in the city and
have some tiny farms and a few fresh-
here. Life in Shireton is marked by an neighboring Shireton Port all things can
water springs, but far more use it as a
endless round of parties at which there is be had for a price and if one is prepared to
place they can limp to when nursing a
much dancing, eating, and drinking. wait long enough, and that all races,
battered ship home.
Beauty in all things is highly prized, classes, and interests are represented.
Orlin Isle is said to be riddled with the
and personal appearance, music, art, Perhaps nowhere else in the Known
burial holes of treasures buried by many
ornament of furniture and housewares, World is there a city so lighthearted.
hin pirates over the years, many of whom
and architecture are all appreciated in Intrigue, competition, one-uphinship: to
will never come back to claim their own.
Shireton. other races these may be deathly serious,
Orlin Isle is also riddled with many
Many of the buildings in the city rise but to the few hin willing to participate in
adventurers, hin and non hin, who may
into odd shapes: spires, horses' heads, them at all they are treated as some sort of
object to people sailing up and digging
snail-like shell shapes, and even spiny great game. It can be unnerving when
holes in their front yard. This isolated set-
constructions like porcupines or sea one is brawling in an alleyway and won-
ting is also left to the DM as an ideal spot
urchins all dot the skyline. dering if one can reach a hidden dagger in
to set a commercial module or other com-
More of the city lies underground than time, to have one's assailant suddenly
plete adventure, such as a lone wizard's
above, with a fantastic network of rooms, burst into great gusts of laughter and run
keep or a hidden pirate stronghold. The
tunnels, and crawl ways existing beneath away—but in Shireton it can and does
reach of the Sheriffs extends here in name
the city. The tunnels are often flooded by happen. This is a hin city; humans should
only; this is adventurers' country.
the Ithypool or joined with the sewers never feel quite at home here until they
The waters around Orlin Isle are said to start to think and act as halflings do.
and studded here and there with locked
be a treacherous maze of rocks and shift-
gratings of massive iron bars to prevent
ing sandbars, and hence studded with the
smugglers and thieves from using them as Featwtes of tije City
bones of many ships wrecked while
an underground highway.
heavily-laden with treasure. In Shireton stand many important build-
No one knows all the twists and turns ings, from The Grand Hall of Sheriffs
of the vast complex of many-layered sub- and The Locktower (the Shires' largest
SljiuetON terranean ways. Much of it is unused and jail) to the grand residences of the ambas-
Population: 24,000 dangerous, inhabited by giant rats and sadors from other lands. The High House
Clan Holds: Flintfoot, Janthobell, worse. Parts of it are definitely used for of Thyatis is unquestionably the grandest
Longquaff, Nogknock, Plodmoor, smuggling. Certain of the garbage barges of these, although The House of Kara-
Roughleap, Slowleaf that shuttle between Shireton and Shire- meikos runs a close second. The largest
The vast and grand capital of The Five ton Port bear hidden cargo from the tun- meeting place in all the Shires, the Clan-
Shires rises from the banks of the Ithy- nels, and there are sometimes vicious meet Hall, stands near the center of the
pool like many a proud city of men, with fights in the underground ways between city. Clanmeet Hall belongs to no clan
tall stone and timber buildings looming rival groups who wish to solely control and can be rented by anyone; it can seat
above narrow, crowded streets. Yet it is this or that area or this or that shady busi- almost 5,000 human-sized people. The
cleaner than most human cities of compa- ness. Details of this gigantic dungeon- great River Citadel guards the entry of the
rable size and dotted with many trees that like underworld are left to the DM. river into the city; Portgate guards its
are carefully tended. Where trees cannot Certainly no very powerful evil inhabits it exit.
grow, moss and creepers are encouraged, or the High Heroes would have become
concerned and taken steps long ago. Of Most visitors to Shireton remember the
so much of the city is swathed in greenery city not for its important buildings but
for much of the year. The Ithypool runs course, a band of evil smugglers can be
'not very powerful' and can still slay a hin for the ornate spired bridges that span the
down to the sea in a canal, connecting river, such as Jumphin Bridge. The river
Shireton with Shireton Port. The City or even a party of PCs.
itself splits into a busy harbor of canal
Many citizens of Shireton never set foot

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

A Visiton's CJuibe to ttye Five Sljiues

inlets and docks just before it flows out hungry 'nighthin' (thieves) for long. taverns than homes," and there are
under the city wall into Shireton Port, indeed many. A few are noted here: The
known as "The Manyways." AccoMMooatioNS Three Dwarves, The Bent Shield, (a wild
dancing club tavern), the Slipsilver Cup,
Shireton City has many fine inns and
Punks The Moonhunt, The Princess and Frog,
guest houses to serve the many visitors.
the Thinsilver Seat, and The Singing
Shireton's parks are known as Greens, These include solid, unpretentious places
Swan (known for its hired minstrels).
and it is rare to stand on a major street in like The Fireside and The Kippin' Grif-
fon to truly excellent establishments such A good place to avoid unless one likes
the city and not be able to see the green-
as the Bluefrost Inn and Turtletowers Inn. bloody brawls is the notorious dockside
ery of at least one park. The Unicorn
There are also very expensive places such Blackbottom Tap tavern. The Winebuck-
Green is probably the largest and most
as Yondel's House and exclusive, 'class' et tavern is as shabby and shady, but is
beautiful of these carefully-tended
houses such as Shadowshaws House and policed by many bouncers to keep the
Greens, but little bowers of great beauty,
Stonelions. There are also a few 'wild' damage down. Catchhalfling House is a
ideal for lovers' trysts and much shadier
places such as Scareskittle House, a fun, gambling house and fence for stolen
business, can be found in Spindleknoll
rowdy, offbeat place where sleep can be goods. Some of its regulars are said to sell
Green, Coppergates Green, Oldoaks
elusive indeed. All of these inns can drugs and poisons if approached with the
Green, and Brass Keys Green. Krondar
accommodate human-sized patrons. proper discretion.
patrol these parks closely, particularly
Easthin Green, where many bodies have The Flame of Gold Gambling House
been found over the years. Most Greens and the many stalls of Tosscoin Square
FooO aNt> FUN provide other ways for hin to let go their
are a mass of trees and rock garden banks
enclosing a pool and several small lawns Visitors need not stay long in their rooms, coins in the pursuit of fun.
or borders. Riverbank Green contains a even after the shops have closed and deep
small stone pavilion used as a place of night has fallen. Shireton is famous for its BusiNess
worship by many visiting clerics. Most restaurants, notably the 'mystic' decor of
The Jade Hin and The Golden Goblin, Most visitors come to Shireton to conduct
Greens are home to many birds and trade. Almost all goods and services can
squirrels; larger wildlife rarely survives and its roaring taverns.
be had in the city, if one knows how to
One visitor said Shireton "has more

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

A VisitOR's Quifce t o t»7C Five Seines
find them. Animal doctors (such as excitement and gaiety; hin who love to PRINCESS!).
Stinkyfingers Oldbole) can be found next play pranks often come to Shireton to DM's are encouraged to have fun,
door to hatters and wig merchants (such play their most outrageous (read: elabo- making Shireton an exhaustingly zany
as Manyhats Janthobell). Famous estab- rate and dangerous) ones because that place. If hardened adventurer PCs blanch
lishments like Mirshim's Coachworks and sort of fun is tolerated and expected. at the thought of visiting the capital of
The Sable Wind Stable compete with Masked balls are common; the hurling of the tiny, pastoral Shires, the city's been
brasher concerns such as The Galloping scented smoke-bombs and street dancing handled right. Of course, there're always
Goodmount Stables and the Honest is a nightly occurrence. It has been said a few crazy PCs who like nonstop mad-
Hin's Bargain House. Fine gowns, tapes- that "the hardest thing to buy in Shire- houses like this. . . .
tries, imported foods, and the like are ton is peace and quiet, or a good night's
sought here by hin from all over the sleep," and that's probably true. ST7iuetON Pont
Shires; they are especially fond of the
shop of Helthar Hairytoes, where they iNtenestiNQ iNtjabitaNts Population: 2,5OO(?)
enjoy Pipes & Exotic Pipe Mixes. The Old Clan Holds: Minstrelwish, Moldgar,
Dark Hin Brewery is also a popular desti- Oddball folk seem attracted to Shireton. Owlhoot, Uvagulp
nation for thirsty hin. There can be found in Wyvernlock Tower The sprawling, rather lawless port of
one Elevos Sturn, tamer of wyverns. Shireton lies on both sides of the Ithypool
A dozen businesses that may be of spe- Elevos is a tall, bearded, haughty man
cial interest to adventurers are listed River where it empties into the Hingulf.
who flies about on wyvern-back; he has a Shireton Port is the place for DMs to put
below: short temper and many wands with which
* Gullorax Sundpate (5th L Dwarf), Far- anything they wish to incorporate into
to display it. their own campaign versions of the Shires
away Messengers Service
A hin pirate, Zaressa Shadowloop (she that doesn't seem to fit elsewhere—
* Touchgold Minstrelwish, Moneylend- conceals her clan name), sleeps on the everything can find a home in Shireton
ing & Moneychanging roof of The Cockatrice Comb restaurant Port, from humans of all nationalities to
* Dreamriddle Perfumes & Scents by day and prowls the tunnels and docks monster collectors and mages of power.
* The Whistling Wizard Wagonworks by night, wheeling and dealing with pri- Most of the clerics found in the Five
(proprietor: Verdrim, 5th L human magic vateers needing goods fenced and ropes Shires are here, although a scattering may
user) and sails provided right away and with no be found in Thantabbar, Tothmeer, and
* Firtrin Filandosz: Medicines, Potions, questions asked. Shireton proper.
and Philtres The fat and jolly halfling Bungo Bar-
* Pelbion Everswift, Fine Swords & Shireton Port has no subterranean
relmore, owner of a fine wine & liqueurs ways—flooding and wet clay soil see to
Edged Weapons (6th L halfling) shop, is fond of dressing up (grotesquely)
* Spiderblood & Maple, Fine Cartogra- that—but it has many apparently aban-
as a Thyatian lady of breeding and wealth doned warehouses, smugglers, and secret
phers & Map Vendors (4th & 5th L female and crashing parties, notably those
hin) agreements. If assassins of any sort are to
attended or hosted by the Thyatian be found in the Shires, it will be here. If
* Longwalk Darkforest, Master Guide & ambassador, who is reportedly unamus-
Hunter (8th L Knight-Hero hin) kidnappers or pirates for hire are sought,
ed. they will be sought here, although they
* Black Spires Mining Consortium / Ores A tavern popular with young hin, The can also be found in Tothmeer.
& Metals Sold Lost Princess, is run by the eccentricjasser
* The Silverchain Gem & Jewelry Shop Monsters of various intelligent races are
Fullbellow, who has spent seventy years said to live in hiding in the ramshackle,
(Alterations & Rentals) searching the city, high and low, for a lost
* Rent-A-Hin Porters & Bearers (proprie- derelict buildings of older Shireton Port,
elven princess whom he swears fled from working their wills in the Shires by means
tor: Gulth Hairytoes, 6th L halfling) far lands to here and is in hiding. PCs
* The Black Anvil Smithy (proprietor: of hired hin. Some outlaw hin who fear to
who are trying to hide something (per- try to reach the mountains, or who have
Baerthim Gnlock, gnome) haps just themselves) will no doubt have no love for piracy or the sea, come here.
a heart-stopping encounter or two with Krondar patrol by the dozens, well-
Otlyen Jasser; young hin looking for a fun eve- armed. It is a quiet, forboding place most
Many days can be spent just looking at all ning enthusiastically help Jasser pounce of the time, not a wild and decadent
the shops and sights of Shireton. Many on lovers in the Greens with torches lit, or place, but it is as dangerous a place as one
old and rich hin clans have offices within break into warehouses, occupied inn can find in the Shires.
the city walls, and almost all hin clans rooms, and other places where the Prin- Along the dockfronts and canals, how-
have at least one representative here. All cess might be hiding and pursue anyone ever, the Port is a busy and bustling place,
are given to throwing parties at any hurrying down a dark street with a full clean and well-policed, where loaders
excuse. Life in the city is a whirlwind of hue & cry (after all, it might be THE and dock-carters go about their business

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

A VisitoR's QuiOe to tl)e Five Seines

with no fear of a knife in the back or theft Shires. Those without good reason for ing of the rightful owners in a trice if it
of their cargoes. being in the Port, particularly if they are proves necessary. They have developed a
Rats are kept down by periodic hunts, carrying weapons, will be subject to network of servants and informants.
as are worse predators. Krondar like to instant expulsion from the Port—usually There is a fairly safe area in the Port
conduct surprise raids by day, reinforced a working passage on the next ship out. where most of the hin clans who make
by hired magic users and clerics, to clean Be warned that Clanmasters and other Shireton Port their home live. Most of the
out specific trouble spots amid the maze hin who hire foreigners always inform evil creatures who lurk about the Port are
of crumbling warehouses and disused fac- their local Krondar of who, how many, wise enough to avoid a major confronta-
tories. Their efforts keep the Coastfollow and when such foreigners will be present tion with the gathered hin of the Shires
Road through Shireton Port safe and in the Shires. by leaving these halflings alone, so most
clear, and provide much tavern talk for Several mujina (see D&D® DM's Com- hin think the Port's unsavory reputation
the hin of Shireton. panion book) are said to lurk in Shireton is very much overblown. Few care to poke
A DM could base an entire campaign Port; they have been there for years, and pry about the Port at night to prove
in the sinister surroundings of Shireton assuming a variety of disguises, and know them wrong, especially when the mists
Port. Human PCs would be subject to its hiding places and back ways well. They close in and the unlit darkness becomes
constant challenges and searches within are said to have gathered formidable impenetrable, and the screams begin,
the Port and whenever they ventured out magic and to lay hold of any magical here and there, faint and far-off or
of the Port into the countryside of the items that come near their grasp, dispos- uncomfortably close. . . .

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

iN tl?e Five Seines
MONSt€R ENCOUNtGRS IN caverns and disused ruins only. *Manscorpion (Companion Set): Very
ST?iR€S *Cat, Great (Basic Set): Rare; found in rare; mountains and Heartshire hills only.
the hills of northern Highshire only *Mujina (Companion Set): Rare; Shire-
Truly random monster encounters are to (mountain lions), and near Longflask. ton Port and deep woods and mountain
be discouraged if one is promoting role- *Deep Glaurant: A new monster detailed caverns anywhere in the Shires; growing
playing in a D&D® game campaign. later in this book. stronger and planning an eventual sei-
Accordingly, no monster encounter tables *Devil Swine (Expert Set): Rare, but can zure of all or part of the Shires.
are given here. Instead, an abbreviated be encountered everywhere. *Nightgleet: A new monster detailed in
guide to where certain creatures may be *Doppleganger (Basic Set): Uncommon, this book.
found in the Shires is presented. This list but can be found anywhere in the Shires. *Nightwing (Master Set): Unknown
is not exhaustive, and DMs should feel *Dragon (Basic Set, Master Set): Rare; except in the Blight Swamp and nearby
free to alter monster dispositions to suit Green Dragons in the deepest woods Eastshire.
their own campaigns. As a general rule, only; Crystal, Onyx, Red, and Sapphire *Orc (Basic Set): Common in all moun-
almost all Prime Plane monsters from the Dragons in the entire Black Spires range. tainous areas of the Shires and may be
D&D® rulebooks can be found in the *Drake (Master Set): Woodrake only; encountered raiding down from the
Shires, although very few are frequently rare, but may be found anywhere in the mountains in Heartshire and Highshire;
seen outside of the deepest woods, Shires. rarely reach Southshire or Eastshire;
underground caverns, or in the moun- *Dryad (Expert Set): Rare; deep wood- unknown in Seashire or offshore islands.
tains. lands in Southshire, Seashire, and Heart- *Owl Bear (Basic Set): Rare; woodlands
'Normal' monsters, such as bandits shire only. anywhere in the Shires.
and normal rats and bats are not included *Ferret, Giant (Basic Set): Very rare; •Robber Fly (Basic Set): Very rare; Blight
in this list, but are present in numbers in woodlands only. Swamp and seacoast caves only.
the Shires. *Feywing: A new monster detailed *Rockfang: New monster, described
Unknown or very, very rare in the herein. herein.
Shires (located in deep caverns or remote *Gargoyle (Basic Set): Very rare; as *Seergar: New monster, described
mountains only) are such creatures as: guardians or in the Highshire hills or herein.
beholders, centaurs, giants, ogres, pixies, mountain caverns. •Skeleton (Basic Set): Rare, but can occur
purple worms, rock toads and snow apes. *Ghoul (Basic Set): Very rare; Highshire anywhere except aboveground in cities.
Others are found only in wilderness and Eastshire only. *Snakes (Basic Set): Very rare, but can be
areas, such as elk, giant lizards, rhagodes- *Goblin (Basic Set): Rare; mountains found anywhere in the Shires.
sas, spectres, and giant weasels. Specific and foothills of Highshire only. •Spiders (Basic Set): Common in wilder-
monster dispositions of note follow: *Grab Grass (Companion Set): Uncom- ness areas of the Shires, particularly on
*Actaeon (Master Set): Rare; sent by the mon; swampy wilderness areas anywhere the offshore islands (exterminated on
High Heroes to aid hin Masters; wood- in the Shires and on many of the islands Toth Isle).
lands everywhere in the Shires. off The Shirecoast. •Sprite (Basic Set): Unknown in the
*Bat, Giant (Basic Set): Common along *Griffon (Expert Set): Rare; mountain Shires except in the Cruth valley (i.e.
The Shirecoast, in the Blight Swamp, and lairs in the Black Spires only. mainly in Karameikos, but a few miles
in wooded hill country throughout the *Hag (Master Set): Very rare; black hags within Highshire).
Shires. only. •Stirge (Basic Set): Uncommon to "far
*Bear (Basic Set): Black bears in all wood- *Haunts (Companion Set): Uncommon too numerous" (according to patrolling
lands of the Shires; grizzly bears in to rare. Banshees in the hills of Eastshire Krondar); wooded areas only; mainly
mountains and foothills. and Highshire; ghosts and poltergeists active by night.
•Beetles, Giant (Basic Set): Fire beetles anywhere. •Unicorn (Expert Set): Uncommon;
only in the mountains; oil and tiger bee- *Hobgoblin (Basic Set): Uncommon; wooded areas only. Revered by hin who
tles in uninhabited hill-country and all Cruth Lowlands and the eastern Black do not hunt or capture them.
woodlands. Spires in Highshire only; sometimes •Vampire (Expert Set): Very rare; East-
*Black Pudding (Expert Set): Mines, attack near the Longflask mines. shire only.
caverns, and subterranean passages only. *Lich (Master Set): Very rare; wilderness •Vision (Companion Set): Uncommon;
*Bugbear (Basic Set): Southwestern end areas and ruins only. ruins, mountain caverns, and old battle-
of the Black Spires and northeastern end *Lycanthrope (Basic Set): Wererats in sites anywhere in the Shires.
of Highshire only, near Mistmyr Falls and Shireton's underways and Shireton Port •Wight (Basic Set): Very rare; wilderness
ranging down into the Cruth Lowlands to only; werewolves and werebears in wil- areas only.
prey upon cross-border trade. derness areas across the Shires; were boars •Wolf, Normal (Basic Set): Uncommon;
*Carrion Crawler (Basic Set): Mountain unknown. near mountains in Heartshire and High-

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

CaMpaiQNiNQ IN tl7C Five Stjines
shire only. /. Weneskalot Watctj magic users do not know of the invasion
*Wychlamp: A new monster described plans.
Adventure Level: 1-3, Basic
later in this book. Topic: A simple skirmish in the dark, They will employ a ring of invisibility,
*Zombie (Basic Set): Rare, but can be fighting among trap-bows and against a helm of teleportation, and a wand of
found anywhere in the Shires except magic-using foes. illusion which they will use to create illu-
aboveground within cities. sions of the PCs running about the village
Interesting Features: PCs are under suspi-
on the night the PCs are guarding a
cion and may be led directly into further
AOvcNtimes IN Tllje Five house. This will draw the Krondar to
adventures. Opponents may become
attack or grab the PCs and the magic users
long-term foes.
will rifle the hin house that the PCs were
The land of halflings presents a unique Campaign Hook: PCs will acquire a sus-
guarding right under everyone's noses.
challenge to Dungeon Masters: how does picious reputation (good or bad, depend-
ing on how things go) among Krondar in The magic users may, if the PCs are a
one make a beautiful, happy, pastoral land strong party, be armed with daggers
an exciting place to adventure without the Shires and will be watched. Bargle the
Infamous of Karameikos (see The Grand dipped in a sleep-inducing poison. PCs
resulting to repetitious, heavyhanded ploys may track the magic users into the Bar-
like "the ores raid the place you're staying Duchy of Karameikos Gazetteer) may
become an enemy of the PCs, and active- ony, and have further adventures there.
at again" or "and in this stand of trees
there is indeed another monster; only this ly work against them in the future.
A very successful thief or group of 2. Cneasi/fie Znail
time it's not an owl bear, it's a —"
(sigh), which will bring on player frustra- thieves suddenly begins operations in Adventure Level: 1-3, Basic
tion in short order. In this section a series Wereskalot. Halfling homes are burgled Topic: Murder, thievery, and suspicion
of short adventure plots is provided for without their traps being set off or any fall on the PCs.
DMs to elaborate upon, so that the end alarm being raised. Magic is suspected. Interesting Features: The PCs are given a
result will fit smoothly into a particular All visitors, hin and non-hin alike, fall quick moral choice to make and upon
campaign (and so the sort of player who under suspicion. Refer to the description their decision hangs their future reputa-
always reads "for-the-DM's-eyes-only" of Wereskalot in this book for details of a tion in the Shires.
material and ruins the fun for everyone typical "roundhouse" home of the area. Campaign Hook: The Krondar will think
won't recognize the adventure until A local Krondar approaches PCs with a the PCs are shady regardless of their deci-
things are too far along to matter). plan: for an honorarium of 2 gp each per sion to run, aid the Krondar, or fight; the
The format here is based on the system night, will the PCs stake out a particular DM should rush the PCs into deciding by
introduced in The Principalities ofGlan- home and try to capture anyone assault- roleplaying the shouting and sword-
tri Gazetteer. Each adventure section con- ing it? The PCs are promised a 25-gp swinging, not allowing time for a big stra-
tains the following entries: bonus if they do successfully capture tegic or moral discussion on the part of
Adventure Level: The experience level (alive) at least one of the thieves. It is the players.
needed for the adventure and the rules made clear that if the party does not co- PCs find a headless hin body, slain only
(Basic, Expert, Companion or Masters). operate, they will be asked to leave the a few days previously. Its purse has been
This assumes a party of six to eight charac- Shires (or, if hin, leave the vicinity of cut away and taken but it retains a dagger
ters. Wereskalot) under a cloud of suspicion. If and, if searched carefully, a scrap of linen
PCs do see or hear anything, they are to on which a message has been written in
Topic: The facet of life in the Shires dealt
raise the alarm by sounding a horn which juice or old blood: "Everwake Way. Two
with in the adventure (a specific custom,
the Krondar gives them; otherwise they dead trees. Bring cart. Your share 400
place, or NPC).
are not to dash around to any other house gold."
Interesting Features: Elements of the after dark, no matter what happens, but
adventure that provide fun and excite- Whether or not the PCs head for
stay at their posts. Everwake Way, other hin will find the
ment (a specific magical item, a monster,
a plot twist, and so on). One of the PCs later hears the Krondar body and track them. The Krondar have
Campaign Hook: A way of connecting making an identical offer to another learned of the meeting at the two dead
the particular adventure idea to a longer- group of people. The PCs accept. trees, and 3-6 Krondar will ride that way,
lasting campaign in the Shires (usually The thieves are evil magic users of low coming up behind the PCs if the PCs go
interaction with NPCs, or important level (1st to 3rd), apprentices of Bargle to the trees. Whenever the PCs arrive,
events caused or linked to the adventure). the Infamous of the Black Eagle Barony they will be ambushed immediately by
in Karameikos. They are on a mission to four chaotic hin led by two human fight-
weaken and stir up trouble in Wereskalot ers. "Give us the rubies!" the attackers
and to prepare for another invasion of the will snarl. "Throw them down and we'll
Shires by the Black Eagle Barony. The let you run!"

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

IN tlje Five Sftines
Of course, at this point the Krondar events. After a bit he excuses himself to into the situation much later. The "ghost
will arrive to arrest everyone, assuming get a beer, promising to tell the PCs of the dead hin" can be any sort of
the PCs are thieves as well, and the real about "the lost sword" when he returns. undead; for extra chilling effect it can
thieves will attack the Krondar without Return he does, strangely silent, and resemble the old hin storyteller exactly.
hesitation. The PCs must decide whether abruptly launches into a tale, chanted Local hin or Krondar can confront PCs
to run, aid the Krondar, or fight both the hurriedly in a croaking whisper quite with the news that a Doppleganger has
Krondar and the thieves. One or more of unlike his earlier voice, about the Old been in the vicinity; have they seen or
the thieves should escape the fray, what- Sword that a local hin hero once wielded. encountered anything suspicious? If the
ever happens. The sword was lost not a mile away at the confrontation involves a hin Master or
The Krondar will suspect the PCs of foot of a certain tree. The tree is shaped someone obviously able to use magic, the
thievery and perhaps murder; they may like a cup, bent over along the ground Doppleganger in the party may suddenly
be found with the murdered hin's dagger before dipping down and back up again. bolt and run. If the PCs escaped or slew
on them. The thieves who did escape will The sword could float in mid-air, strike the Doppleganger, one of their question-
be after them to get those rubies. It might magical creatures, and burst into flames ers could suddenly reveal themselves as
take a while before the PCs capture one of on command. It was lost in a fight against the Doppleganger (or a second Dopple-
their pursuers. The thieves will try to a strange magic user who had the head of ganger, perhaps the mate of the first) and
catch individual PCs when the party is a serpent. The hin slew him but was him- attack! Double, double . . .
asleep, hurt, weary, or split up. self mortally wounded and the strange
If one of the real thieves is questioned, serpent-wizard's dying curse made the 4. O)e BONCS Out Back
PCs will learn that a hin known as The sword vanish too.
Adventure Level: 4-6, Expert
Red Hand stole a chest of 2,000 rubies Once in a while those who stand by the Topic: Black Eagle Barony agents and a
from a jeweler's strong-cellar in Longflask tree at night can see it, hanging in the cursed treasure they have set as a trap.
and rode into the wilderness of the Cruth moonlight. Only then can it be grasped Interesting Features: A cursed sword that
Lowlands hotly pursued by hin and Kron- and taken. Beware: the ghost of the hin forces the finder on a quest.
dar. The Hand's band split up, intending hero is said to guard the place to protect Campaign Hook: PCs get drawn into
to bring a cart posthaste to Everwake Way his sword. intrigue between kingdoms and may
to get the rubies over the border to wait- The old hin then bids the PCs good- wind up considered enemies of the
ing buyers in Karameikos (the two night and wanders off. Whether or not Shires. They may then be contacted to
human fighters). This arrangement was they follow him, he will somehow elude really become agents of the Black Baron
made before everyone started double- them and simply vanish, not fleeing sus- and promptly sacrificed in a dangerous
crossing each other. piciously but simply turning a corner and mission.
No one knows who The Red Hand is; then not being there.
An elderly hin, Yuldo the Clanless,
he or she may well be shadowing the PCs When the old hin went away the first approaches PCs with a tale of strange
to take revenge, followed in turn by tire- time, he was slain by a Doppleganger goings on at his isolated hut in the woods.
less Krondar and angry hin from (detailed in the Basic Set DM's book), Lights and humans digging in the woods
Longflask. who returns to substitute a different story by night, waving lots of weapons about.
(probably a lot of malarkey, but that is up The two places where they had been dig-
3. "Ctje OlO Swonb to the DM) solely for the purpose of lead- ging were filled up by morning and fresh
ing the PCs off to the tree. The tree is human bones have been spread on the
Adventure Level: 1-3, Basic real, the "old hin" will point in its direc-
Topic: An old legend of the Shires earth.
tion while telling the tale.
Interesting Features: The DM can use the PCs who investigate the diggings will
If one of the PCs tries to sneak off alone find that the bones are harmless and non-
old hin to feed the party lots of useful
to get the sword, so much the better. The magical. They belong to humans recently
information leading to further adven-
Doppleganger will try to take the entire killed by ores while exploring in the
tures in the Shires.
party; it can dine on its kills later, know- mountains. Beneath the warning bones
Campaign Hook: The DM can employ
ing survivors won't be coming after it are several feet of earth containing a few
the Doppleganger, if its attack is success-
because there aren't any! It will try to do fragile glass flasks that will shatter if
ful, as a patient, biding-its-time traitor
this on the sly, duplicating the forms of struck by picks or shovels, to release an
within the party.
anyone in the party it slays, hiding the invisible, creeping gas that has a spicy
The PCs encounter an old hin at an body, and then returning to the others,
inn, tavern, or fireside where they camp odor. The gas is a potent coma-inducing
rather than getting into open fights with knockout toxin; all within 20' of a shat-
for the night. He spins many tales of the groups of PCs.
Shires, perhaps imparting some useful tered flask on the first round after it is
information about life and current The sword story can be true with only broken, within 30' on the second round,
the wrong location given so that PCs run

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Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

IN ti7€ Five Stjiues
and 50' on the third round will be affect- with possibly disastrous consequences if how or why: "it's always when they're
ed; the gas reacts with air and will have they are up to anything mischevious by alone, but there're no tracks, nor any
dissipated into harmlessness by the night. remains."
fourth round after its release. Victims If the PCs are caught at anything, they Later, at night, PCs will witness the
must save vs. poison at —3 or immedi- will be told that their innocence will only attack of the lance again. This time the
ately fall asleep for 6-13 (Id8 + 5) rounds be believed if they can catch the Green hin will be seen to be drawn up onto
asleep from which they cannot be awak- Cloak and bring him, her, or it to justice. something floating just above the tree-
ened by purely physical means. Otherwise, have a clan chief ask the PCs tops. Suddenly a lady hin will confront
Beneath the flasks is a thin layer of to help find and catch the Green Cloak or the PCs, point out the vanishing hin sob-
loose earth. Under it lie 6 animated skele- make it a service required by a tutor as bingly, and scream at the PCs to "Help!
tons in one pit and 4 skeletons in the oth- part-payment for PC training. My Bolgor! My little fattykins! You must
er that will rise up to attack any living The Green Cloak is a Chaotic halfling, help me!"
beings nearby when they are released. Emerel Joezz, who had ESP and perma- Now Krondar will arrive, hearing the
Under the skeletons are buried seven cof- nence cast upon him while in Glantri (as last of the mother's plea. The PCs are on
fers (each containing 100 gp) in one hole, part of an experiment). He managed to the spot and should try to rescue Bolgor.
and a magical + 2 sword in the other. The escape imprisonment in the laboratory The magical flying platform is an old,
sword has a curse placed upon it; anyone one night and steal the formula and some rickety, and slippery contraption fitted
laying hands on it will be quested (save samples of potions of invisibility. He has with many cages upon which a perma-
vs. spells at - 2 to avoid) to go to Shireton used these two magical abilities to escape nent silence spell exists. The cages lock
and attack the Karameikan ambassador. from Glantri and to mount his crime magically and will have to be smashed
The diggers were agents of the Black Bar- wave, shadowing hin to learn their secret open (deal 4 hp damage around the
on, trying to create unrest in the Shires on hiding places for valuables, and so on, locks). To prevent caged creatures from
his orders. Their next move will be to and deliberately staying near the PCs to biting, wrenching, or sawing at their
charm a man of Darokin to attack one of put suspicion on them. cages, the cages are magically charged to
the Sheriffs. deal 1-6 points of electrical damage to
6. "Ctje HanpooNeO HalfJiNqs any creature touching them directly or
y. O)e QneeN Cloak with anything (like a metal weapon) that
can conduct electricity; therefore, to bash
Adventure Level: 4-6, Expert Adventure Level: 4-8, Expert the cages open, the PCs will have to take
Topic: The crime-wave of a daring thief. Topic: A Glantrian "hin-collecting expe- some shock damage.
Interesting Features: Thief tries to cast dition" into the Shires; a magic- fighting
adventure for the PCs. The flying raft is fitted with a long
suspicion on PCs.
Interesting Features: A Glantrian magical lance that splits into a ring near its tip and
Campaign Hook: If PCs get too close to
device in poor shape; a battle with a time then joins together again to come to a
uncovering the thief, he will try to hire
limit aboard it, and (if PCs desire it) a point. It can be fired out of a sort of
the PCs to undertake some expedition
"who and why" mystery to be sorted out. spring-gun up to 600' away on a wire
into the mountains and then try to cable, and then drawn back up to the
ambush them. Campaign Hook: Marsheem and Black-
mask can become foes of the PCs, as will raft. If there are pursuing creatures, the
A daring thief, the Green Cloak, raft is usually raised into the sky, and the
becomes known in the Shires. Jewelry is any of the surviving low-level magic
users. The authorities can also lead PCs lance winched in later. If the lance comes
stolen from upper bedrooms where hin within 20' of any living creatures during
lie sleeping and coins, strongboxes, and into further tasks or adventures.
its cast, the largest creature will be drawn
the like vanish from cellars at night. A While PCs are traveling in a remote into the ring and magically held (as if by a
note of thanks is always left, scratched on area, they hear a halfling scream. Then 12th level magic user employing a hold
the wall, floor, or ceiling (i.e. above a they briefly see a hin, apparently trans- monster spell with the usual chances to
halfling's normal reach): "Thanks from fixed by some sort of giant silvery lance avoid the effect) as the harpoon is reeled
the Green Cloak." The robberies remain but still struggling, high in the air and up to the flying raft.
small in scale but accumulate in value rising rapidly upwards.
considerably. Clan chiefs are alerted, Aboard the raft are three low-level
Regardless of what the PCs do, they
patrols begun, and traps laid, but the Chaotic human mages (3rd, 2nd, and 1st
should see no more at this point and
Cloak seems to know of and avoid these. levels respectively), who have been prom-
should not be able to follow where the
ised admission into The Great School Of
The robberies seem to always be near halfling has gone. The next day, some-
Magic by a red-robed caster of Fire balls
where the PCs are, wherever they go in where in their doings, they will overhear
that they know only as Marsheem if they
the Shires, and this gets noticed. Suspi- halflings discussing how all sons of hin
bring at least twenty living halflings to
cion grows. A close watch is set on the PCs arc simply vanishing, and no one knows
Glantri. The three have their daggers,

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

IN tlje Five Seines
two long metal 'fending-off poles' which raft before it hits the ground and halflings.
are very unwieldy (— 2 to hit) but can explodes. It will hit and burst in a spec- They are (were?) a mixed clan group of
clout someone for 3-12 points of damage tacular ball of lightning which will deal 7- adventurers who followed the directions
if they do strike. 42 (7d6) points of damage to all within of a very old hin, Malcrosz Manycoats, to
They have the aid of a 4th level human 40' (save equals half damage), 7d4 dam- the Haunted Mine. Malcrosz will tell PCs
thief, the Blackmask (St 16, Dx 18, and age to all within 4l'-60' of the blast (save (if they buy or give him drinks and listen)
armed with a + 2 dagger and a potion of halves), and 'burns out' all magical items about his younger days when he was an
gaseous form which he will use to attempt that fail a save vs. spells and are within intrepid and successful miner until he
an escape, if necessary). Blackmask, real 60'. The PCs may wind up as heroes, dug into the cavern where a wraith laired
name Gorliir Falthon, was also hired by dead heroes, or bumbling goats. and all his companions were slain by it.
Marsheem in Glantri City. Blackmask The explosion and wild battle will give Malcrosz was crippled when the mine
knows much of Glantrian politics and the PCs a perhaps unwanted reputation supports fell, imprisoning the wraith
intrigue, but no more about Marsheem, around the Shires. They will win either again, crushing his legs and hiding the
except where the raft is to land. gratitude or hatred; perhaps some of each, richest lode he'd ever seen.
Unfortunately for all concerned, any depending on whether a hin's loved one or The missing band of hin had pestered
fight on the raft will cause it to go out of kin survived the battle and whedier the Malcrosz, a month back, for directions to
control. The controls, a steering wheel result is seen as the PCs fault. The Krondar his lost mine. He gave them, so he thinks
and a height lever, will shake loose and involved will report to the relevant Sheriff; the hin found the lost lode. Then the
come off, leaving the magic users terri- even if all on the raft perished, some will wraith got them.
fied and everyone else scrambling to stay have survived on the ground. Their report This is both true and false. The hin
alive. will certainly gain the PCs some official found the mine, worked it, fought off or
The PCs can easily reach the raft by attention, good or bad, and may well lead turned the wraith, left, and were
climbing up the harpoon cable, which to PC punishment, reward, or requests for promptly attacked and slaughtered by
will do them no harm unless they reach the PCs to help widi this or that 'other little brigands who'd lain in wait for them.
inside the ring that holds poor Bolgor problem:' further adventures with trouble- The brigands then took the ore and were
whereupon they, too, will be affected by some ores, pirates, outlaws, thieves in pursued and set upon by the wraith who
the hold monster effect. Once upon the Shireton or a cleanout of Shireton Port. . . chased and scattered them. It has since
raft, it will tilt and careen all over the sky whatever the DM wants to lead the PCs returned to the mine, and if PCs come
with shouting Krondar clinging help- right into. looking, it will attack them at about the
lessly to the harpoon cable (perhaps with Note that the DM should adjust the same time that the surviving brigands
one or more of the slower or more timid/ levels of the magic users and the thief to return in strength and with magic to
prudent of the PCs with them) while the give the PCs a stiff challenge or the fight destroy the wraith. The brigands will
PCs battle the crew. on the raft will be a swift anticlimax. One charge into the mine and take the PCs
Lightning will begin to play all over the of the cages might contain a halfling who from the rear.
raft from the controls and from any cages is really a hungry Doppleganger or other An ore band will also arrive, minutes
the PCs attack, and Blackmask will use monster; tailor the adventure to the later, on the trail of the hin brigands.
his potion to flee when he sees this unless strength of the party. They are hungry for hin flesh and trea-
the PCs somehow prevent him. The mag- sure.
ic users will be so terrified that they may 7. Zl)€ Wnaitlj The DM should make the wraith of
jump to the ground if the raft seems to Ringrise special in some way. Perhaps it
Adventure Level: 6-8, Expert
dip low enough. The DM should keep in can wield magic, such as telekinesis or
Topic: A wraith and others around and
mind that all on the raft face possible levitation of objects or beings, dispel
damage as the raft strikes buildings, about a rich lode or ore.
magic, create illusions, or even cast magic
trees, hills, or mountainsides. Those who Interesting Features: A rich silver ore
missiles. The wraith will withdraw into
can't grab onto something may be flung lode, old tavern-tales come true, and a
the depths of the mine if faced with cer-
free of the raft by such impacts to a per- pile-up of hostile beings in the old mine.
tain destruction, to fight another day.
haps fatal landing below. Campaign Hook: The brigands become
recurring foes for PCs, and an ongoing
In the end, the raft will head north- struggle for control of the silver mine
e. BniqaNOs IN TZtje BacklaNOs —
ward toward Glantri, but will tilt and Adventure Level: 6-8, Expert
dive toward obvious destruction against a
A band of miners is missing in the Topic: Brigands and another plot of the
rock face or other immovable natural fea-
mountains near Ringrise. Their wagons Black Baron.
ture ahead.
are found, laden with incredibly rich, Interesting Features: PCs are accused of
The PCs must get themselves and as pure silver ore, but there is no sign of the being brigands, after an attempt is made
many of the halflings as possible off the

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

IN tl?€ Five STjincs
to rob PCs of magic and valuables.
Campaign Hook: Brozzart will become a
long-term, elusive PC foe. The Black Bar-
on's forces will continually try to cast hin
suspicion on the PCs.
A band of miners disappear in a brutal
storm in the mountains. A Fang patrol
sent to look for them also vanishes. Hin in
the area report finding bodies of
strangely-garbed men, obviously the
losers in a battle of blades. They have
been stripped of valuables and weapons,
but neither mutilated nor eaten. The
alarm is raised: brigands are active in the
area again!
PCs will notice that they are being
watched by traveling humans whenever
they enter an inn or tavern or encounter
others on the roads. If they confront and
question such a watcher, they will always
very reluctantly be told that the spy was to
report their activities to a "man who
wears green, called Brozzart."
Hin keep vanishing in the mountains.
If the PCs investigate, they will be set
upon by hooded men using nets, clubs,
and sleep gas, who will attempt to steal
any magic or weapons they carry and then
get away.
Later, they will encounter a Fang patrol
riding with a human who will point at the
PCs and say, "They're the ones!" The
Fang will attack the PCs, thinking they
are brigands.
This is another of the Black Baron's
schemes. Brozzart is a 3d level fighter
who has been hiring traveling merchants
to report on the doings of adventurers.
There is a small force of raiders from the
Black Eagle Barony who are robbing hin
and non-hin adventurers alike of magic
and valuables and spreading rumors of
brigands, then posing as victims and
identifying those diey have robbed as
brigands. Surviving PCs will have to con-
vince sceptical Fang hin of their inno-
cence or face hin justice.

9. WavestONe
Adventure level: 4-10, Expert
Topic: A pirates' search for a missing
magical artifact.
Interesting Features: PCs may become

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

IN tlje Five Styiucs
suspects as the pirates search for the known to the hin captain only as "the seas, no).
Wavestone, and may themselves join the Brothers." Jalassa interrogated the cap- *A ship bearing the Wavestone can be
hunt for it. tain and crew before sinking their ship. turned invisible with everyone and every-
Campaign Hook: The present where- When she reached Bramblerose, "the thing aboard at the will of any living crea-
abouts and owners of the Wavestone are Brothers" were long gone. Since then she ture touching the Wavestone. Once a
left to the DM, who can use Jalassa's has been searching the Shires, her crew crewmember leaves the ship, he is no
search to draw the PCs into other adven- (1st to 3rd level halflings, well-armed but longer invisible. When invoked, such
tures (perhaps the Grand Glaurant—see discreet) going about in bands of three to invisibility lasts for 4 turns or until the
"The Deep Mine" adventure later in this five. ship strikes solid material, whichever
section). Any crewmen who get into trouble or happens first.
Rumors spread in the Shires of winged find suspicious folk (such as the PCs) can The DM should devise additional
lions flying low in smal groups over the call on Jalassa's trained seergar. Seergar properties of the Wavestone, or alter
fields at dusk. Armed hin ask in the are rare winged lions (new monsters, those given here, to suit the individual
coastal taverns if anyone's seen a stone described in this book). Jalassa has cap- campaign. The Wavestone could well be
that floats, black obsidian triangles, or a tured and trained eight such creatures. If linked to an Immortal.
chest as big as four hin standing in a line. crewmen sound a magical horn, it will be
Pirates board and search all ships sailing heard far away on Jalassa's ship, and one jo. Ztje SljinetON DnagoN
away from Shire waters, without excep- or two seergar will be released. They will
tion; mages are with them, looking for arrive, 'homing in' on the horn, in 10 Adventure Level: Any (adjust numbers
something. turns to one day depending on distance, and levels of opponents)
and will attack according to the crew's Topic: A stolen box of wands and the
One evening PCs encounter five armed attempts of many groups to gain the box.
hin who ask if they've seen a triangular directions. If the crew are all slain or not
present, the seergar will attack anyone Interesting Features: Many groups all
piece of black obsidian "as long as a hin's chasing and trying to identify each other
foot, flat and polished smooth." They possessing the horn and attempt to seize
it. If the battle goes against them, one and hunting for the stolen wands. The
offer a thousand pieces of gold for it, and DM can use this scenario to introduce
a gold piece for any tips of its where- seergar will always try to escape back to
Jalassa's ship. When seergar return to the new magic into a campaign.
abouts. If PCs ask who the five hin are or Campaign Hook: PCs risk being declared
where this stone came from, they will be ship, Jalassa's 6th and 4th level magic
users will use ESP magic to learn what the outlaws and earning the enmity of Lord
told only, "the lady from whom it was Caine, who will become a continuing foe
stolen is very anxious to recover it." seergar have seen. More forces will be sent
if necessary, up to a total of thirty hin who will try to frame the PCs for illicit
One of the PCs notices a mage watch- activities of his own. If the magic user
ing them, having cast a spell (scanning crewmen. Jalassa has two 4th level hin as
'war-leaders'. ^ who stole the Box survives all the hunting
the PCs for magical items). and chasing, he too could become a long-
The buccaneer Jalassa Longwinkle Selbrinor's Wavestone term enemy.
(described in the NPC section) is seeking This large, triangular piece of polished A ship belonging to the navy of the
an ancient artifact, Selbrinor's obsidian was imbued with powerful mag- Shires, The Shireton Dragon, recently set
Wavestone. The Wavestone, rumored to ic long ago. The wizard Selbrinor used sail from Shireton Port. It was carrying
protect ships in some way, is said to have spells now lost to give the Wavestone the payrolls of the Sheriffposts and Fang
been buried on an island somewhere off following properties: militia in Heartshire and Southshire, a
the Shirecoast. Consulting ancient, *No ship with the Wavestone aboard will total of 21,000 gold pieces, and 36
crumbling diaries long hidden in Ierendi, ever sink, regardless of the damage it replacement horses for the Fang troops.
Jalassa learned that the hin pirate Black- takes. Movement and steerage damage
The Dragon went up the Ithypool Riv-
kann Dundros buried the magical stone will have normal effect. If the Wavestone
er, poled and towed by horses on the riv-
in a chest of gems on a certain nameless is removed from a stricken vessel, so is its
erbanks. Passing through the city of
isle. When she got there, she found that protection. Exception: a ship that burns
Shireton uneventfully, the ship arrived at
someone had just beaten her to it; the to the waterline will sink without the
Fishtickle Bridge at night, where it was
chest had hastily been dug up and Wavestone.
unloaded and it was discovered that the
dragged to a ship that was beating away *The Wavestone always floats, despite its gold was missing. So was an even more
from the island as Jalassa arrived. weight and /or anyone or thing pulling at secret cargo, magic of some sort, known
Jalassa pursued the ship as soon as she or weighing down on it. only as 'The Box,' that the local Krondar
discovered the fresh diggings. It headed *A ship with the Wavestone aboard can- seem almost frantic to recover.
for Bramblerose, landed the chest, and not be damaged by wave action (storm
If PCs investigate in Fishtickle Bridge
left hastily. There were two hin and two winds and hitting rocks, yes, but pound-
by snooping or questioning, the Krondar
humans in charge of the chest, all male. ing by waves or being swamped by high

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

CaivipaiQNiNQ IN tfje Five Shiues

will hear of it and begin to tail them. So

will the thieves; servants of a low-level
human wizard who is now the proud
owner of a box of magical wands. The
rightful owners of the box, the Sheriffs,
are anxious to recover it. Lord Caine, the
ambassador of Thyatis, is also very inter-
ested in coming into possession of the
box's contents. Mercenaries hired by hin
will try to ambush and rob the PCs; their
actions will draw some powerful hin
Heroes working for the Sheriffs to the
PCs. That in turn will draw the Krondar
after the PCs, who should have interest-
ing lives for a time. The actions of PCs
'under fire' will determine their future
reputations in the Shires in the eyes of the


Adventure Level: 10-14, Expert
Topic: A ring that slays, its presence with
arrows of justice, and its mysterious
Interesting Features: A long-term, con-
tinuing subplot for any campaign set in
the Shires.
Campaign Hook: PCs may be suspected
by both the Krondar and the mujina.
Mujina could infiltrate the party.
The corpse of a hin, badly burned, is
found on a street in Shireton Port. This
otherwise unremarkable finding is of
great interest to the Sheriffs because this
body had an arrow of justice in either
boot and wore a strange magical ring.
The Krondar who found the body fool-
ishly tried on the ring and burst into
flames on the spot. The ring then reap-
peared on the finger of the first corpse.
The corpse was taken to Shireton for dar by isolating and slaying Krondar who easier route to one or more Sheriffs than
examination, and stolen the next night in enter the Port and assuming their shapes. the Krondar. The mujina will not reveal
a daring raid by hin led by men with To do this properly, they need to capture anything of their own nature or their
strange features and vivid green flesh. the Krondar alive and use magic and plans unless forced. They have other
There is talk of Krondar searching Shire- interrogation to learn of the Krondar's magical devices (left to the DMs devising)
ton Port. If PCs enter the Port for any rea- life, acquaintances, and mannerisms so as besides the rings that burn.
son, they will be assumed to be looking not to be detected. The mujina intend to
for the ring and will be attacked. isolate the Sheriffs by posing as Krondar 12. UlaM'sHoano-
Their attackers are Chaotic hin and and, one by one, impersonate them until Adventure Level: 15-20, Companion
humans led by mujina who will be look- they control the Shires. Topic: Ulam's treasure hoard and guard-
ing different than the distinctive like- PCs will be interrogated, if captured, ians.
nesses they assumed to lead the raid. The in order to discover if they are agents of Interesting Features: A link to another
mujina are trying to infiltrate the Kron- the Sheriffs who could serve as a faster, plane, possible rich treasure to be won.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

iN ttye Five Seines
Campaign Hook: DMs can use the hoard sure chests but is in reality a portable vor- nities for knee-deep, non-stop hacking
and the portable vortices to shift cam- tex; when its locked lid is raised it and slashing (for players) and an oppor-
paign play to new settings or introduce becomes a vortex to the Elemental Plane tunity to test PCs with bizarre monsters
new adventures by feeding PCs treasure of Earth and more horde monsters will (for the DM).
maps and spell scrolls. Ulam may become burst down the wormhole 'behind' the Campaign Hook: The great glaurant
a long-term PC foe. chest to attack the PCs. Once opened, the could well become a personal foe of the
Ulam Belchiir has a secret hideaway in chest simply cannot be closed, spells and PCs, and play could shift (via the vortex)
the southwestern Black Spires near the physical activities notwithstanding; the to other planes, perhaps with PCs chasing
Seacoast. He visits it only to hide lid will detach itself, vanish, and reap- the great glaurant or being hunted by it.
extremely 'hot' or valuable treasures, and pear far down the wormhole, dwindling New magic (e.g. to entice or entrap the
has arranged to have it well guarded. If into the distance as it races to the other monsters into the vortex used by the great
PCs follow or keep a watch on Ulam, he end. glaurant) could be introduced into a cam-
will grow nervous and then make for his To close the vortex, PCs must fight paign. DMs could explore the glaurant
hoard by roundabout, zig-zagging ways, their way down the wormhole (DMs can culture, perhaps spread across several
seeking to shake off any pursuit by the arrange monster encounters therein as planes.
time he ducks into the hills southwest of desired), where they will discover Ulam's Rumors begin to spread of a remote
Rattlecart. treasure being carried off by horde crea- mine that seems to spawn monsters;
Ulam's Hoard is a long, winding tun- tures. New magic and riches can thereby hardly a month passes without some
nel. In its mouth lair four feywings (see be introduced into play. strange horror or other emerging into the
'Monsters of the Shires' in this book), If desired, play can be shifted to the peaks around. Many of these creatures
who will attack anyone approaching the Elemental Plane of Earth by destroying have never been seen by hin before; PCs
valley where the tunnel lies. Ulam has the wormhole behind the PCs. If the PCs could learn of this by being attacked by
trained them to 'buzz' but not attack try to close the wormhole themselves, one and being told of the rumor later.
him (or anyone looking like Ulam) or any they will find that they emerge from an Many of these monsters roam the peaks
creature in his immediate company. identical, lidless chest at its far end. The (medusae and kryst from the Companion
Inside the tunnel is a set of tightly fit- lid from the first chest is lying on the rulebook, for example; DMs can use any
ting, bronze-dad locked doors. If these ground nearby (guarded, of course, by 'loner' creatures they wish). As PCs get
are struck, broken open, or climbed horde creatures). If PCs try to move it to closer to the mine, more and more mon-
(instead of the lock merely being picked), the chest, all horde creatures in the vicini- sters will appear, circling to cut off the
a carrion crawler that lairs within the ty will rush to prevent this. When placed PCs from any escape, so that PCs who are
doors will be alerted. Also within the on the chest, the vortex in the Elemental not familiar with the area will not realize
doors are 6 Wychlamps (detailed in this Plane closes. When the Prime Plane is they are being herded closer to the mine.
book), in a long, twisting passage that is reached again, the lid of the second chest Groups of monsters will gather or fly
sealed some five hundred paces farther on will have appeared on the ground beside overhead until PCs who cannot escape by
by another set of locked doors identical to the first chest, the vortex and the worm- teleport magics will have no option but to
the first. A secret passage known only to hole will pass out of existence, and both enter the mine.
Ulam leads around the section of passage chests will vanish, moving at random to The mine is large and labyrinthine;
between the sets of doors. Its concealed two different planes of the Multiverse. many creatures roam its caverns and pas-
door can only be found on a 1 in 8 chance PCs may well be destroyed or trapped on sages fighting among themselves. There
(1 in 10 for non-thieves and non- remote planes if the lids are placed too is room for PCs to hide and travel about
dwarves). soon. for days. DMs can whittle a party's magi-
Beyond this second set of doors is If Ulam survives, the loss of his treasure cal power down steadily by repeated
Ulam's treasure hoard, or rather was will make him a fanatical enemy of those monster encounters and at the same time
Ulam's treasure hoard. Someone or some- he considers responsible (the PCs, of force PCs to go deeper into the mine.
thing has opened a vortex into the pas- course) and he will become their tireless As the PCs descend, they will encoun-
sage from the Elemental Plane of Earth behind-the-scenes foe. ter many deep glaurant (a new monster
leaving behind six horde 'insectoid' detailed in this book) who seem to be
monsters, detailed in the DM's Compan- ?. Vtje Deep organized (sentry posts, patrols, etc.) and
ion rulebook. (DMs should adjust the trying to keep everything away from a
Adventure Level: 20-30, Companion to
strength of these monsters to challenge cavern that seems to be the source of the
but not overwhelm PCs.) Ulam's treasure monsters. If the PCs fight their way to the
Topic: A monster invasion of the Shires
is all gone. cavern, they will find many deep glaurant
by means of a vortex from other planes. and a great glaurant, which is a glaurant
These creatures are guarding a large Interesting Features: Plenty of opportu-
chest that looks like one of Ulam's trea- who is also a powerful magic user. Precise

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

IN tlje Five Seines
abilities for the great glaurant are left to gathers enough strength to invade the nize, perhaps with a vastly changed
the DM but it is suggested that it escape Shires. His forces drive straight across East- Shires under their feet.
the PCs for use in later adventures. shire and Highshire, north of Wereskalot, The DM must work out the political
The great glaurant has opened a magi- to seize the mines and Longflask, and then effects of this war across the Known
cal vortex to another plane. PCs could try race south to take the smelters and smithies World. It is recommended that hostilities
to destroy this link, or pass through it to of Ringrise and Ober's Mimbur. Bargle the be kept as small-scale as possible, perhaps
other adventure settings. The deep Infamous and his apprentices aid the war with the Black Eagle hurrying back to
glaurant are trying to take control of the effort by telepotting here and mere in the protect Fort Doom soon after his inva-
mountains and all the mines beneath Shires to destroy key bridges, weapons sion, using the magic of Bargle to prevent
them. The DM can bring in hin Strikers stores, Clanmasters, Knight-Heroes, and hin reprisals. The threat of his return
or Fangs to rescue PCs who really mess the like. would then hang over an alert and mobi-
up, and should adjust the numbers and The PCs are caught in the middle of lized Shires with all hin suspicious and
types of creatures encountered to provide this fight and may be assumed to be loyal watchful of strangers and a doubled
a stiff challenge for PCs. to the Baron and attacked by hin. The police presence bolstered by Knight-
Thyatian ambassador takes advantage of Heroes and Masters. The boringly peace-
14. Ztje Black Eagle Swoops the confusion to assassinate everyone he ful Shires would suddenly be a tense and
can in Shireton and seize what treasure he exciting place, perhaps for years to come.
Adventure Level: 20-30, Companion to
can to spirit it away for himself. The
mujina in Shireton Port and the ores in Forces of the Black Eagle Barony
Topic: Open warfare in the Shires and the Black Spires both seize the opportu- The forces that the Baron will commit to
possible new directions for a stale or nity to attack halflings and take plunder this war are as follows:
stalled campaign. Drastic stuff. of their own. 1st Lance of Doom: MV 4, BR 108, Per-
Interesting Features: The DM can care-
The country erupts into bloody war sonnel 996 (Average), Human cavalry,
fully build the conflict to really scare and
and the PCs must try to survive and act as bows & swords
challenge the PCs and use the war to
sweep PCs into contact with many foes, they see best. Pirates will close The Shire- 2nd Lance of Doom: MV 4, BR 108, Per-
friends, and acquaintances from earlier coast to prevent any naval invasion or sonnel 996 (Average), Human infantry,
adventures. Anything about the nearby escape by ship, and Darokin gathers its halberds & swords
Known World—Karameikos, the Shires, armies to prevent any spillover onto its Vileraider Bugbear Band: MV 5, BR 68,
even Ierendi or Darokin—as presented in own soil, so the PCs are trapped in the Personnel 600 (Fair), maces, spears,
this series of Gazetteers or in the DM's Shires. mixed weaponry
own campaign that the DM wants Duke Stefan in Karameikos may Blackstone Ores: MV 4, BR 72, Personnel
changed can be altered at one sweep; the decide to mobilize against The Black 700 (Average), mixed weaponry; will
'new order' will simply be different. Eagle while the Baron's strength is com- come from mountains northeast of Cruth
Campaign Hook: PCs can establish their mitted in the Shires; if so, the Baron will River a week after Baron first invades the
own stronghold in the Shires, or be either hastily return to Fort Doom or Shires. 20% chance of disobedience each
named outlaws, or be forced into joining bring all his forces westwards into the time given orders by Baron; will disband
the Shires' armies; a DM can establish northern Shires. He may be forced out of and retreat if reduced to 250 ores or less
strong new directions for play in any cam- Karameikos. Mages: Eleven Chaotic magic users, as
paign. Winter will be harsh and cold, bring- follows: 1st level: 4; 2nd level: 3; 3rd
ing full-scale hostilities to a temporary level: 3; 4th level: 1; 15th level: 1
Baron von Hendriks, the Black Eagle, (Bargle)
halt. PCs will have time to try to orga-

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

MONSteus of tl7€ Five

Despite its tranquil beauty, the land of Black Spires. A glaurant hunts anything sile, iron-strong, sharp-nailed claws
halflings is home to some dangerous crea- and everything it sees for food. It will which enable them to rake and rend flesh
tures. DMs should note that all hin will fight until seriously wounded or threat- and climb stone with equal ease. They are
know these creatures upon sight, and some- ened with death, or until its opponent is capable diggers and have little wings, like
thing about them because creatures com- slain whereupon it will immediately broad webbed claws, protruding from
mon in areas in which were reared will have feed. their shoulders. These wings can be fold-
been fully explained to them by clan Deep glaurant are named for their ed flat, or sculled with dextrous skill, and
Elders. The unlucky may well find some of strange gulping call, which they make are used as aids in swimming, climbing,
these creatures outside the Shires. deep in their throats when excited. If and turning falls into glides.
alone, or when creeping up on prey, they A favorite attack of a glaurant is to dive
DEEP GLAURANT: will be eerily silent. onto prey from high in silence and dark-
Deep glaurant can cause magical dark- ness. Glaurant can see up to 90' with
Armor Class: 4
ness about themselves once every third infravision and are not bothered by nor-
Hit Dice: 7*
round (such darkness lasting for the mal or bright light. They have small, flex-
Move: 90' (30')
entire round) if they so desire, merely by ible horns on their heads which fold over
Gliding: 120' (40')
silent effort of will. Glaurant have their ears against dust and to help them
Swimming: 90' (30')
become deadly foes to all creatures who feel along crevices, and therefore resem-
Attacks: 4 claws/1 bite
venture into deep places. They are intelli- ble death demons (detailed in AC9, the
Damage: 2-8/2-8/2-8/2-8/1-4
gent enough to arrange rockfall traps and CREATURE CATALOGUE), but are
No. Appearing: 1-2 (1-2)
deadly ambushes, and will use magic unrelated to them.
Save As: Fighter: 8
gained from caches, tombs, and victims Deep glaurant are rumored to have cit-
Morale: 10
as weapons against foes or to trade when ies and a civilization far underground.
Treasure Type: (N, O, magic weapons) caught at a disadvantage. Halflings who slay a deep glaurant will
Alignment: Chaotic
Glaurant are massively muscled, always try to behead it to gain a trophy to
XP value: 850
scaled, and ochre to stony-grey in hue. take back to the clan, for all hin know
This thankfully rare race of evil preda- how hard one must fight to vanquish
Humanoid in form, they stand eight feet
tors inhabits caverns deep beneath the such a foe.
tall and their four limbs end in prehen-

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

MoNStCRS of ttje Five Styiues
hUQHXZQLEEZ black bodies and wings. Their eyes are
glistening black with white pupils. They
Armor Class: 4 Armor Class: 7
hiss when angry or hurt.
Hit Dice: 7 +1 Hit Dice: 3*
Move: 60' (20') Move: 60' (20')
Flying: 180' (60') Flying: 120' (40') ROCKFANQ
Attacks: 3 bites or 3 goring horns or a Attacks: 1 bite + sucks blood Armor Class: 2 (8 where exposed)
combination of these Damage: 2-8 + 1-4 per round thereafter Hit Dice: 5 +1
Damage: 2-8 (bites) or 1-10 (horns) No. Appearing: 1-4 (1-4) Move: 90' (30')
No. Appearing: 1-2 (1-2) Save As: Fighter: 3 Attacks: 2 claws, 1 bite, 1 tail sting
Save As: Fighter: 7 Morale: 9 Damage: 1-2/1-2/1-4/2-12
Morale: 9 Treasure Type: (rings only, perhaps magi- No. Appearing: 1-2 (1-2)
Treasure Type: B cal) Save As: Fighter: 5
Alignment: Chaotic Alignment: Chaotic Morale: 7
XP value: 450 XP value: 50 Treasure Type: Nil
Feywings are weird-looking reptilian These horrid predators of The Five Alignment: Neutral
creatures that have been hunted almost Shires hunt only at night or in subterra- XP Value: 225
to extinction by the hin of the Shires. A nean darkness, although if confronted This strange creature of the Five Shires
feywing is scaled, dark red to blue-black with bright light, they will only be claims many unwitting victims. Solitary
in color, and has a bulbous, elastic body angered, not disabled. Nightgleets are and utterly silent, the rubbery- bodied
which is little more than a stomach. It large (up to 12' long) winged eels who Rockfang resembles a gigantic tadpole in
sports weak, soft claws and a feeble pre- inhabit mountain caves and crevices, form. Its main body is amorphous and
hensile tail with which it can stand underground caverns, and coastal caves. can grow temporary arms or probes to aid
upright, and has three long necks ending They bite with large, gulping mouths it in climbing and in grasping rocks. Its
in snout-horned, many-toothed heads. lined with many sharp teeth and may fas- tail can also alter in length by being
Its teeth and horns are razor-sharp and ten themselves to an opponent and drain drawn up within its elastic body or fully
its necks are terrifically strong. Feywings blood. A nightgleet can end this draining extended. The tail ends in a saw-edged,
are often mistaken for dragons from afar instantly to fight on. pointed stabbing hook of bone, like a
due to their size, bulk, and great, arching Nightgleets fly in a vertical position, scorpion's sting, and the rockfang can
batlike wings. They are vicious predators, looking around alertly, and have 90' wield this with great dexterity and enor-
but unlike dragons have only physical infravision. Their smooth-skinned bodies mous strength. A rockfang's 'fang' can
means of attack. are covered with a slime that makes them pierce even armor plate and strikes with
They are intelligent enough to gather hard to hold, and their rubbery bodies such blinding speed that a rockfang is
treasure as a lure and for bargaining if are resistant (half damage only) to crush- allowed two strikes per round (for 2-12
enemies prove too strong. They lair in ing blows. If cut or burned, their bodies damage each). Rockfangs will strike at
ruins and dungeons as well as natural spray a stinging, skunklike spray. The foresters, miners, climbers, and other
caverns and high, isolated valleys. horrible odor of this secretion repels other creatures who disturb them. They can
Feywings like to swoop down, impale creatures but attracts gleet. Water will also use their tails to climb and to dig.
cattle on their horns, and fly off, lessen the odor but it must wear off slowly Rockfangs live on carrion, certain roots
although they will take hin or smaller (1-4 days) unless ended at once by and leaves, and creatures of all sizes that
prey if there is no livestock to be had. immersion in wine or another fluid con- they can slay with their fangs or cause to
Their eyes are hooded with horny mem- taining alcohol. fall over cliffs or into pits by attacking
branes that deflect arrows and daggers Nightgleets are also found in the wildly with their fangs. A rockfang's fang
40% of the time, and they have no fear of Blight Swamp and the Malpheggi is not poisonous.
combat, trusting to their scaly hide and Swamp, although their numbers are few Rockfangs are a mottled dun, ochre,
lack of clearly vulnerable spots to protect due to detemrined hunting. and grey in color, the dominant hue vary-
them until they can slay or devour foes. Nightgleets are quite intelligent and ing from individual to individual. They
Feywings are eagerly sought after by will flee when magical attacks are readied may be found anywhere in the Shires, in
wizards of Glantri for experimentation or victory seems impossible, only to any terrain, although they are rare in set-
and for use as guardian creatures, once attack from hiding again when previously tled areas because halflings slay them on
enchanted and trained. escaped opponents are weak or at a disad- sight.
vantage, often when engaged in fighting Rockfangs gained their name from
another foe. their habit of drawing rocks onto their
Nightgleets have dark blue, mauve, or bodies with their tails and by burrowing

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

MONSteus of the Five Shiues
beneath, and then exuding a strong glue.
This coats them with a rocky rubble
which they can release at will, providing
them with both camouflage and armor-
like protection.

Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 5 + 5
Move: 180' (60')
Flying: 210'(70')
Attacks: 4 claws, 1 bite
Damage: 1-4/1-4/1-4/1-4/2-8
No. Appearing: 0 (2-5)
Save As: Fighter: 5
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: D
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 225
These thankfully rare winged lions lair
only in the mountains of the Five Shires.
They are named for the sound of their
exultant screaming cry which they utter
after making a kill or to attract fellows to
attack prey they have just sighted. All of
the races who have inhabited the Shires
have hunted the seergar, although only
the dwarves did so for sport, and the
Seergar have returned the favor.
Seergar are large and powerful, with
shaggy coats that are flame-red, russet,
brown, dun, or even silky black in hue.
Threy have bright green eyes, 190' infra-
vision and long curving fangs. Only mag-
ical compulsion or food shortages such as
those caused by severe winter weather will
bring them down out of the mountains.
Seergar love to pounce from the air,
beating their dark wings to drag a moving
target to a standstill, raking with their
claws and biting the head or neck, if they
can get at it. Horses will run from the
smell of seergar if they get the chance.
Many tales speak of warriors and mages
riding seergar, but none today will admit
to knowing how to train them.
Seergar are fierce and often battle grif-
fons and prey upon pegasi. They are
sleek, agile, and fast in the air, unlike the
clumsier and heavier manticore. Seergar
meat is said to have a heavy 'smoky' taste,
but to otherwise resemble beef.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)


MoNStens of tlje Five Shines

WyCHLAMP of them to go awry. to 0, and they cannot pass through a gap
* Aimed spells are 77% likely to be of less than 6 inches wide and high. They
Armor Class: 2 or 0 (see below) can thus be netted; a ring of wychlamps
deflected in a random direction as are
Hit Dice: 3 + 3** around a fighter is an effective defense
spell-like powers and magical item
Move: (levitating): 210' (70') against mages.
Attacks: 1 discharge
*Area-effect magics are altered as fol- Wychlamps can discharge their ener-
Damage: 2-5 gies upon physical contact with a living
lows: roll Id6, on a 1 or 2: doubled in
No. Appearing: 1-3 (1-8) creature in a lightning-like arc that does
area and halved in damage; 3 or 4: halved
Save As: Magic User: 3 2-5 damage, and slows a victim to half
in area and doubled in damage; 5: com-
Morale: 12 pletely nullified; 6: unaffected. speed during the following round. They
Treasure Type: Nil *Spells cast and magical item attacks do this only 40 % of the times they come
Alignment: Neutral launched within 20' of a wychlamp are into contact with a creature, seemingly at
XP value: 100 (roll Id6), 1 or 2: directed back on the random rather than as an aggressive
A wychlamp is a small (up to 9" across) caster for full effect; 3 or 4: target and/or weapon.
ball of glowing light. Wychlamps are area of effect altered at random; 5: inten- Wychlamps take no damage from fire,
composed largely of energy, although sity (duration or damage) halved; 6: heat, cold, or lightning attacks; the latter
they have wispy, spiderweb-like skeletons unaffected. Interpret any impossible sort (only) will restore lost hp to a wych-
of geometrical symmetry and translucent results as complete nullification of the lamp; treat each hp of "damage" as a hp
to invisible aspect. These strange crea- magic. restored until all are accounted for or the
tures wander aimlessly, drifting by natu-
Magic directed at a wychlamp, if it wychlamp is restored to full hp, which-
ral levitation, and seem attracted to any
reaches the wychlamp (e.g. by touch) will ever occurs first.
use of magic within 70'. They are silent
and seemingly unintelligent and come be reflected back 100% upon the caster Any undead Energy Drain attack will
from planes dominated by the Sphere of or wielder of the magic. A Wychlamp is destroy a wychlamp, but not the spell
Energy. never affected by magic. that duplicates this ability; it will go awry
Wychlamps may be slain by physical if used against a wychlamp.
Much sought after by those who would
attacks although they will bob and weave
slay mages, wychlamps have the unusual
to avoid being struck after they are hit
property of causing any magic within 20'
once, increasing their effective AC from 2

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)


AbaptiNQ Qazetteens t o tl?e ADJJD® CJaivie

Many of you may be avid players of the play. Everybody understands the differ- ly different names than their AD&D game
ADVANCED DUNGEONS & ence between a level 1 magic-user and a counterparts. Modify the number of mem-
DRAGONS® game. For your convenience, level 15 wizard . . . hopefully! orized spells listed for spell-casters, to
we included this section to help you use this Immortals: These beings are equivalent match the AD&D game rules.
Gazetteer in your AD&D® campaign. to deities in the AD&D game. Immortals War Machine: This is a mass combat sys-
The differences between the D&D® are often NPCs who advanced to 36th tem developed in the D&D game which
game and the AD&D® game are small level and completed a heroic quest of has no equivalent in the AD&D game.
enough that adaptation should not be some sort. Immortals belong to various BR stands for Battle Rating and is only
much of a problem. However, for those of "spheres," such as: used for the War Machine. We suggest
you who are not familiar with the D&D Matter: Usually related to lawful the BATTLESYSTEM™ Fantasy Combat
game, there are a few details that need to beings, fighter types, or the earth ele- Supplement which works for both games.
be clarified. ments. Opposed to the Sphere of Time. Weapon Mastery: Ignore details for D&D
Alignments: D&D game characters have Energy: Usually related to Chaos, game weapon mastery and replace with
only three alignments—Lawful, Neutral, magic-users, or the element of fire. the AD&D game equivalent.
or Chaotic. In AD&D games, assign Opposed to the Sphere of Thought. Final Notes: Keep in mind when adapting
Good, Neutral, or Evil alignments Time: Usually related to neutral your D&D adventures that AD&D game
depending on the context. beings, cleric types, or the element of characters are slighdy tougher at low level,
Armor Class (AC): In the D&D game, water. Opposed to the Sphere of Matter. but D&D game characters can deliver much
the highest (worst) armor class is 9- In the Thought: Usually related to any align- more damage at mid- and high levels.
AD&D game, the highest AC is 10. ment, thief types, or the element of air. The game is designed to handle very
Classes: In D&D games, elves, dwarves and Opposes the Sphere of Energy. high levels of play, up to a maximum of
halflings are actually character classes. Entropy: Not related to anything except level 36. It is suggested that you keep the
D&D game elves correspond to AD&D destruction, it opposes all other spheres. It same levels of experience in the two games,
game elven fighter/magic-users. D&D corresponds to the AD&D game Lower up to level 20. Beyond that, assume that
game dwarves and halflings are fighters. At Planes. Lords of Entropy are demons. each two D&D game levels equal one level
high levels, D&D game demi-humans use in the AD&D game, rounded up. Using
Attack Ranks, which enable them to fight Morale: Whenever NPCs or monsters run
this, a 36th level wizard would be a 28th
better. Ignore these in the AD&D game. into difficulties, especially during com-
level archmage in the AD&D game. •;>;
Human fighters, clerics, magic-users, and bat, there is a possibility they would sur-
thieves are unchanged. render or flee. Use the AD&D game Gazetteer nations can now be set up in
Coins (en): The en abbreviation stands reaction/loyalty system. other game worlds, such as those
for coin and is a measure of weight equal Monsters: Some monsters mentioned in described in the FORGOTTEN
to the AD&D game gp. this supplement do not exist in the REALMS" Campaign Set or the WORLD
Dominions: They are lands under a charac- AD&D game. Simply replace them with OF GREYHAWK® Fantasy Game Set-
ter's rule, like AD&D game baronies. another appropriate creature. Keep an ting. This offers interesting alternative
Rulers receive taxes from inhabitants as well eye on play balance; differences in HD developments to regions not yet charted,
as income from natural resources and serv- and special abilities may occur at times, allowing you to continue your campaign
ices. D&D game dominion populations calling for adjustments. without having to switch to the other
grow an average of 15% minus 5dl0 peo- Movement: Movement rates in the D&D game. The best of two worlds could create
ple per month. At 50 inhabitants per game are given in feet/turn, and then in the greatest campaign ever!
square mile, the growth tops out at Id5% parentheses in feet/round. In D&D The Shires can be linked to other worlds
minus 5dl0 people. Use AD&D game tax- games, 1007turn equals 10"/round in by a hoop of blackflamc that gates those
ation. the AD&D game. who leap through it into the halfling lands
Ranges: All distances are expressed in of Luiren in the Forgotten Realms or The
Equipment: The terminology in the D&D feet, rather than inches. Assume 10 feet Green Fields in Greyhawk. Luiren is on the
game is very similar to the AD&D game. are equivalent to 1" in the AD&D game. soudiern coast of Faerun; ships must sail
Equipment cost, encumbrance, damage in Rounds: Rounds and turne are used the around the jungles of Chult and eastward
combat, or AC protection are slightly dif- same way in both games. The D&D game for many days to reach it. The Green Fields
ferent, but not enough to be worth men- does not use segments. One D&D game lie between Gran March and the Duchy of
tioning. Use the AD&D game statistics. round equals one minute; one D&D Ulek, around the headwaters of the Lort
Encumbrance: See Coins. game turn equals 60 rounds—for more River. Only a few Keepers know how to cre-
Experience: Total accumulated experi- simplicity use the AD&D game equiva- ate Rings of Fire; the only permanent one is
ence for characters is also different lents, without converting. hidden somewhere far beneath the Black
between the two games, but again, not Spells: Some D&D game spells have slight- Spires mountain range.
enough to have a substantial effect on

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)


There are non-hin living in the Shires, precedence. Adventurers traveling in the 93-96 Ober's Mimbur
fully accepted as fellow citizens by the Shires who try to order a meal or a room at 97 Sateeka
hin. One famous human, for example, an inn by barging past or outshouting older 98-00 Other Settlement
Baeremos, runs The Battered Halfling folk of any race will be ignored; if they per-
Inn on the road west out of Wereskalot. sist, a hin will quietly explain their rudeness, Magic-User
Few non-hin are welcomed to live on as if to a slow-witted child. 01-15 Wereskalot
clan lands as opposed to visiting as guests, 16-18 Mallowfern
and so the non-hin permanent inhabit- NON-HiN PC StantiNQ 19-22 Bridle
ants of the Shires can almost all be found LocatioN "Cattle 23-27 Wardlystone
in the larger settlements where land is 28-34 Ober's Mimbur
bought and sold in the same manner as in Roll percentile dice and refer to the class 35-39 Ringrise
human lands. Wereskalot (where there of the starting character, or choose from 40-44 Moon Hill
are almost 700 non-hin), Shireton, and the appropriate table without rolling. A 45-49 Deepmoss
Shireton Port in particular are favored by result of "Other Settlement" always 50-60 Thantabbar
non-hin. There are also large non-hin results in a location in the Shires chosen 61-74 Tothmeer
populations in Thantabbar, Tothmeer, by the DM; usually the character will be 75-85 Shireton
Ober's Mimbur, and Sateeka. one of only 1-3 non-hin families in a vil- 86-94 Shireton Port
Elves are well regarded in the Shires; lage. In contrast to this table, halfling 95-00 Other Settlement
hin tend to be friendly on sight to elves PCs may begin play anywhere in the
who are not obviously hostile, warlike, or Shires, although the locale must match Thief
threatening, when encountered. the clan (if any) chosen for the halfling. 01-08 Wereskalot
Humans and gnomes tend to be regard- Although non-hin may become clan 09-15 Ober's Mimbur
ed in a neutral, politely wary manner. members, it is rare for a starting PC to be 16-26 Thantabbar
Those who proclaim themselves by dress or a clan member. Clan membership may be 27-47 Tothmeer
speech to be of Glantri or the Black Eagle earned during play; non-hin often will- 48-52 Rundegos
Barony of Karameikos, or who are proudly ingly acquire a tattoo on their breasts to 53-56 Rattlecart
and vocally Thyatian, will earn themselves a denote membership in a hin clan. Non- 57-70 Shireton Port
chilly initial reception. hin can be members of more than one hin 71-96 Shireton
Note the word "initial." In all meetings, clan, but this is very rare. 97-00 Shireton Port
halflings look to the character of the indi- Non-hin in the Shires always have
vidual, rather than the race or uniform. readily evident "honest jobs," or at least Dwarf
Exceptions come when they see weapons their families do. The DM should give 01-60 Shireton Port
out or face beings of the humanoid races. some thought as to what job PCs may 61-79 Tothmeer
Dwarves are disliked and treated with have, or have had, or helped parents with 80-88 Shireton
bare civility. Hin keep weapons near at (i.e. what non-class skills a PC may have 89-95 Thantabbar
hand, particularly near the mountains, when beginning an adventuring career). 96-00 Other Settlement
for hin do not forget Loktal Ironshield. A
dwarven visitor to the Shires who travels Die Roll Character starts in Elf
about the countryside will be closely Cleric 01-06 Wereskalot
watched. Near the mountains, a traveling 01-25 Wereskalot 07-09 Bridle
dwarf will be continually challenged by 26-58 Shireton 10-14 Ober's Mimbur
Krondar, Fang patrols, and hin miners. 59-68 Shireton Port 15-20 Ringrise
Ores and lizard men are hated and will 69-85 Thantabbar 21-24 Wardlystone
be attacked on sight. Gnolls are so rare that 86-96 Tothmeer 25-32 Leafkindle
some halflings may not recognize one. If an 97-98 Ober's Mimbur 33-40 Deepmoss
Elder of a northern hin clan sees a gnoll, it 99-00 Other Settlement 41-50 Moon Hill
will be recognized and an alarm raised. The 51-59 Shadowgate
gnoll had then better move quickly if it Fighter 60-66 Stillpool
wishes to keep its hide intact. 01-15 Wereskalot 67-72 Sateeka
Halflings treat young children and elders 16-25 Aercruth 73-74 Brookbank
of all non-humanoid races with respect. Old 26-40 Shireton 75-77 Bramblerose
folks get listened to first, served first, seated 41-70 Shireton Port 78-84 Flagonford
first, and given the best beds unless there are 71-80 Thantabbar 85-90 Shireton
sick or injured hin present who will be given 81-92 Tothmeer 91-00 Other Settlement

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

Wl?at EveuyoNe KNOWS About ttje Five Seines
RUMORS FROM you can always find an inn with a pretty weight around, and you'll wind up dead,
Otl7€R little village around it, like as not. But no matter how peaceful it looks."
they don't go in for cities or buildings The Land: "As pretty a land as you'll lay
The People: "Halflings are like kids. Cra- much, if it comes to that. When I say lit- eyes on in this world, no matter how far
zy kids, mind: all dreamy and full of tle village, I mean 'little': they're not you travel. Small farms, quaint little vil-
plans and pranks. Innocents, most of much more than yay tall, and they built a lages, and lots of trees. Deep woods,
'em, too, but sly little innocents. They're lot of house below ground. So if you're too—and let me tell you, the woods, and
apt to be quick with their fingers and oth- walking along and you see a sort of ridge the mountains, are both as dangerous as
er people's coins, if you see what I mean. with flowers or vines or tomato plants all any lawless land you'll find. Hin let live
But kind? They've hearts of gold, most of over it, chances are you're looking at and don't disturb things overmuch. Folk
'em. Rob you with one hand and give you some halfling family's roof!" who tramp around the woods and old
their last crust with another. Don't scare How To Get Rich And Famous: "Get ruins and other places where you might
easy, either. They take a dagger and go through all the farms somehow and find look to find treasure—they disturb what-
looking for dragons— dragons, mind!— the mines. All throught the mountains ever's there. And they've got some four-
cool as can be, and not just to impress 'twixt them and Darokin, they've tun- stiff-drinks beasts, let me tell you!
folk, either. They bear watching, those neled. The Black Spires, they call those There's one with three heads that flies
little ones. Some day they just might— peaks, and under 'em, let me tell you, like a dragon! There's a snakelike, eely
well, you never know." there's gold the like this world has never thing that sucks blood. There's also a
The Land: "The Shires? Rolling hills and seen yet, hidden there in the dark. Silver thing like a ball of glowing light that
trees and the sun always shining. It's the they take out, and copper, too, but it's sucks magic out of things, or so I'm told.
most beautiful place in the world if you the gold that drew the dwarves there, I only saw one once, and the warriors I
like golden fields of everything else, and long ago. And the halflings drove 'em was with ran as fast as you'll ever see any-
peace an' quiet. Everyone's kind and nice out! Stood there with swords and fought thing move to get away from it. And
and easy-going, if you know what I mean. until the dwarf who'd crowned himself these were men who waded hip-deep in
Not lazy, but no call for shouting and king ran back home, with arrows in his ore blood one day and hunted dragons
rushing about, either. The most beautiful backside! But that's not all. I've heard the next! Be warned; it's not all as peace-
place in the world, I've heard." that they find gems there, too, in the riv- ful as all that."
Shireton: "Shireton's a strange place. It's ers. Emeralds and rubies, as big as your Shireton: "A port of thieves, as bad as
all spires and crazy little tunnels and fist, some of 'em! Fill a wagon or two with any you'll find anywhere. Only there, the
bridges and little parks. It's like a festival, those and sneak out somehow, and if you thieves are all knee-high to you, and so
all year round; people partying and play- can keep your maw shut as to where you are the tunnels and sewers they use. Not a
ing pranks and dancing. Everyone who got it all, you'll be set for life!" place to get cornered. If you just want to
can't sing tries to, too, in the streets! It Hot Tips: "Don't be quick to draw blade have fun, go ahead; it's one big party! Of
goes on all night; if it's sleep you're seek- or open your mouth. Be quiet and gentle course, pretty maids who come up just
ing, better to stay outside the walls. Good and smile a lot. They're smarter than they past your knee take a little getting used
shopping, I hear. A strange place. They look. Don't treat them like little kids; to, but after all, it's adventure you're
play a lot of games an' all, but don' t seem they get mad at that. Old folks come first, after, isn't it? A wild place, Shireton. The
to care if they win or lose. I was only there then women and gals; he who barges in hin go there to have fun and shop and
once, long ago. I wouldn't mind seeing it gets the last meat, and the coldest. believe me, when hin loosen their crowns
again." Remember that." and belts, they really go wild! Everyone
Other Settlements: "Scarce worth the should see it at least once. Again, don't
naming. Oh, they have ports on the F R O M CoNVCRsatiONS Witl? be too quick to draw your sword; they've
coast, Thantabbar and Tothmeer, places got some hin there that can put a copper
like any port, anywhere, and there's a bit A VetCRaN AOveNtimeR coin up your left nostril from the other
of a fort on the coast next to the black The People: "Hin are the most fair- end of a long alley! Don't believe me, eh?
Eagle Barony (and who wouldn't put up minded, kindly folk you'll meet. But I'll tell them that when they get your
some walls, next door to him?). They they aren't scared of anything, and they- body back."
have markets, too, in Wereskalot; that's 'll stand up to anyone. If I had to storm Other Settlements: "Hin don't live in
where most humans go, and in a place Fort Doom tomorrow, I'd like a hundred cities, as we do; they favor small villages,
called Leafkindle, if you want fresh halflings with me before I'd take anyone usually clustered where a few clan hold-
greens and such. There's one that sup- else. And don't ever make the mistake of ings meet. They all look sleepy and
plies the miners, too; a weird name, it's thinking they're stupid. Behave yourself peaceful, but don't be deceived. Clan
got: Ober's—Ober's Mimbur, that's it. in the Shires, and they'll be kind and nice hin too old to work make themselves use-
But halflings aren't much for towns. Oh, as your best friends, or nicer. Throw your ful by watching passersby all day. From

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

What EvenyoNe KNOWS About the Five Shines
some window you can't even see, hidden now there's a way to die rich and famous, again, and even fought the Black Eagle to
in tall grass below your knee; a grassy and real soon." a standstill.
heap between two houses in a village is Hot Tips: "\bu're always being watched, "They're the most care-naught pirates
not a good place to flop down for a rest; even if you don't know it. Behave accord- you'll meet, too, as well as being uncom-
it's probably the roof of someone's house. ingly. These folk are just as wise and monly good thieves. So watch sharp. If
Unseen eyes will watch your every breath skilled as humans, for all that they're you do it politely, without staring, you'll
as you ride by. The old hin that owns three feet tall; get that into your head and soon notice that they're all watching you.
them will be able to tell a Sheriff later never forget it. They value honesty above \bur every move will be seen; don't try
how long it's been since you shaved, how all things, square dealing and kindness. any money-sharp tricks here. Don't ever
old you are by the wrinkles around your Give them that and you'll have no trou- think they're idiots because they're short-
eyes, and how clean your teeth and fin- ble. Let your sword speak for you if er than us.
gernails were at the time, and that's the there's trouble; don't wave it about oth- "You'll see humans in the streets, too,
truth. Be warned." erwise. \bu'll impress nobody but a thief and elves. Watch the humans more warily
How To Get Rich And Famous: "Bring who knows of a place to sell it." than the halflings; they're either mer-
perfume and medicines and fine cloth to chants or worse, or they're powerful wiz-
the Shires and trade them for gems and CouRtesy Trips FOR ards. Wizards seem to love this land; they
gold only. Be fair, keep your prices low, settle here whenever they can and some of
stay soft and polite and easy, never push-
To "Che ShiRes — them you'll pass in the streets this day can
ing anyone, and above all be open and A merchant of Ierendi to assistants as his lift the Coral Castle itself and stand it
honest. Help folk who need it, be polite ship sights Shire ton Port: upside down in Mirror Bay, far off in
to all, and don't mess in where you aren't "Be of good cheer, lads. We're heading Karameikos, without raising a sweat. So
needed. The hin will be so astonished to for the most honest folk you'll meet any- behave. And take a good look around;
find someone who treats them as equals where across this world. Here you can then you'll know why so many of us sail
that they'll bring you all their trade. If deal honestly, and at ease, and you'll off this way when we need a bit of a
you're lucky, you'll leave rich, and well- profit by it. \bu'll fall in love with the break. "Vfou'll miss it, when we go."
respected, and won't even have to draw place; I did. But don't be fooled by the
your blade once in a whole trip. Try to beauty, these little folk have hurled back
steal some gems or gold and sneak out— ores into the mountains time and time

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

J Five
toy EO QneeNwooD
HuMaNS (aNO otheR Races) call tbeM
"lialfHNQS," aNO t€Nt» Not t o take the little folk
t o o seRiously. Tlbey look like chilOReN, so they
get tReateO like cbilORCN—OistRusteO,
uNbeRestiMateO, OR just plaiN igNOReO.
But th€R€'S MUCh MOR€ tO th€ hlN (as the
half liNgs call tbeMselves) thaN petty thieveRy
aNO cl7ilDisl7 pRaNks. "Ctjey aRe a touql?, MatuRe
people, pRoub of t?7eiR legacy of ceNtuRies of
suRvival iN t?7e face of iNDiffCRCNCC aNO
outRiqf7t peRsecutioN f ROM otlieR Races. TX)e
Five SliiRes, tt)e latest QazetteeR f OR the
DUNQEONS Q DRAQONS® qaM€ systeM, gives
you a total, iN-Oeptft look at tl?e l^iN aNO ttyeiR
A New Half HNQ cftaRacteR class
EveRytJiiNQ you NeeO to kNOW a b o u t Ijalf HNQ Magic
ExcitiNg AOveNtuRes iN the Five ShiRes
- A laRge full COIOR Map of the Five ShiRes, aNO its towNS
" A secRet a b o u t half liNg piRates
SepaRate DM aNO PlayeRs' Booklets—96 p a g e s IN all!
"Che SecRet of the Blackf laMe
AlReaOy PublisheO iN XThis SeRies:
QAZ j : Zlje GnaNO Ducljy of KanaMeikos (jAZ 4-. O?e KINQ^OM of leneNOi
QAZ 2: Z\)£ EM mates of yianuaM QAZ $-. Ztje Elves of AlftjeiM
QAZ 3: Ztje PniNcipalities of QlaNtni QAZ 6-. rtje Dwaiives of ROCRIJOMC
QAZ 7: Zlje NontljenN Reaches



1988 TSR, INC. All Riqi7ts ReseRveO. PniNteO iN U.S.A.
ISBN O-88OJ8-592-8

POB 756 Tirje Mill, Ratl7MORC RoaO
Lake QeNeva, 0 46363 09232 0 CaMtmiOqe CBi 4AD

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10250520)

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