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Tllje PiifNcipalities of

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Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

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1987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

An Official DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® Game Supplement

PuiNcipalities of
by Bruce Heard

Table of Contents
Welcome to Glantri 2

History of Glantri 4

Geography of Glantri 6

The Glantrian Economy 9

The Grand Army of Glantri 13

Politics and Rivalries in Glantri 14

Marauders, Mages, and Masters 22

Guilds and Brotherhoods 32

Glantri City by Night 38

Living in Glantri City 49

The Great School of Magic 58

Creating Spells and Magical Items 64

The Secret of the Radiance 68

The Seven Secret Crafts of Glantri 76

Adventures in Glantri 80

Critters from The Cauldron 94

Opinions and Views on Glantri 95

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ISBN 0-88038-485-9 w™ *•,,*-, T««,I«C. TI . , „ . ,
Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order
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W€ICOM€ to

"Know ye, Beholder of the Late Centuries, PuiNCipalities of character classes. However, there is a price for
CJlaNtRi this: graduates from the School of Magic are
that all in the dark ages did not grow from fearsome characters and they do inspire a cer-
savage beliefs, or from the whims of a Glantri is a large nation located northwest of tain amount of awe, sometimes fear and
primitive shaman. As with life, the spark the Grand Duchy of Karameikos (see GAZl hatred, in foreign places. Also, beyond Glan-
of knowledge does not create itself from for details). tri's borders, clerics, fighters and even dwarves
emptiness, but is a sentient gift from the It is a federation of ten principalities ruled have lately been hunting wizards who are
higher spheres of the universe. Those who by a council of wizards. Glantri is a nation run known to be Glantrian or Glantrian-trained.
wield the Power of the Radiance ignore the by magic-users, for magic-users. Their goal is It appears that defeating a Glantrian wizard is
true nature of its artifact. to promote magic and make it the leading a way of establishing one's reputation. It is
"Eons ago, when Blackmoor still was a power in the world. At the hub of their power also evident that foreign nations do not clearly
great empire, visitors came from the stars stands the Great School of Magic where most understand the Glantrian culture, and so per-
in a great chariot of fire and landed in the Glantrian mages and countless numbers of ceive it as a threat; any Glantrian character,
realm of mortal men. Stranded, they soon foreign spell-casters come in a pilgrimage to traveling through distant lands, may be greet-
disappeared from this world, leaving rare acquire the finest Glantrian techniques in ed with hostility or worse.
remains of their science. Among these, a magic-use.
Though magic-users and elves have an
huge object producing a deadly glowing
advantage here, other character classes may be
energy was buried deep into the rocks JZtje FiNal Qoal of played within Glantri. Although they have no
under what was to become the City of
future as nobles in this land (only wizards can
Glantri. It was a great, wonderful piece of
A strange magical power radiates from the be nobles), their activities can still be very
machinery, indeed the very one that
center of the capital, Glantri City. Although exciting.
enabled the visitors to travel among the
stars. Yes! Oh, Seeker of Lost Legends! This most mages believe it to be a legend, a few Clerics are considered heretics in Glantri
is the true nature of the Radiance! have discovered it to be quite real. This power, and will be executed if discovered. Playing a
called the Radiance, enhances the powers of clerical underground activist is a dangerous
"It remained in the dark underworld, wizards and, at very high levels, may allow a task, but may provide a fun and exciting
radiating its formidable aura for centuries. particularly gifted mage to attain Immortality game. Pretending to be a fighter may be wise
Then, disciples of the Sphere of Energy in the Sphere of Energy. As the player- for cleric and druid characters.
transformed the artifact, imbuing it with characters adventure in Glantri, they should Dwarves are highly prized in Glantri
magical powers in a plot to swell the ranks gradually discover the existence of the power because they are thought to have natural
of their followers. And so, mortals could and its effects. The first goal of this campaign resistances against magic. Therefore, local
learn forbidden sciences, thus becoming is to provide an example of how to reach alchemists will be delighted to have a few
Immortals in the Sphere of Energy—a clear immortality. This should be the conclusion of "specimens" to study in laboratories. In
abuse of the Laws of Immortality. Energy a long series of adventures and of the cam- short: playing dwarves and even halflings may
had sinned, and it was up to Thought, paign itself. turn to be a very unhealthy experience.
Time and Matter to reestablish the balance
of universe. It was so, that Energy was to be The second goal of this gazetteer is to Despite their distrust for fighters and
punished by the object that was the very offer players and DMs new options on how thieves, wizards recognize their value. Good
focus of its sin." to play magic-users. New abilities are avail- fighters can reach high ranks in the Glantrian
able at the Great School of Magic; new rules army, and thieves will never be out of a job:
on spell research and magical items are wizards consistently need them to recover
developed in these pages, along with an stolen secrets, spells, and scrolls, and to spy on
(Jazetteeu Experience Points reward system more their rivals. Both of these classes may be
This sourcebook deals with the Principalities appropriate for wizards. played without restriction in Glantri.
of Glantri. It is a reference book for the eyes of Finally, the last goal of this supplement is to To fully understand the material used in
the DM only, describing relevant past, present offer an interesting game background for this gazetteer, it is suggested that the DM use
and alternate future events affecting the Prin- playing adventures in a land where magic is the Basic, Expert and Companion Sets. The
cipalities of Glantri. This gazetteer is a com- prominent. This background can be used D&D® Masters Set is desirable but not abso-
plete campaign setting centered around the either for occasional incursions into Glantri, lutely necessary. Although this product often
magic-user and his craft. It will take daring or as a permanent campaign setting for PCs refers to immortals, knowledge of the D&D®
adventurers on a fabulous journey, starting residing there. Specific methods are described Immortal rules is not needed here.
when they are apprentices and continuing to to allow characters to become dominion rulers
their deeds among the high wizardry, the in a land ruled by wizards, as well as long-term
nobility of one of the most powerful magocra- strategies to rise among nobility and become
How to Use "Ctiis Qazctt€€R
cies known in the D&D® game world, and This sourcebook is a journey across Glantri—
one of the Wizard Princes of Glantri.
ultimately, to the spheres beyond. but do not forget that this journey is for the
DM alone. Players are to take their journey in
Wljo Sljoulfc Play IN active play.
CJIaNtui In the first chapters, the "History of Glan-
Obviously, magic-users and elves are at an tri," "Geography of Glantri," and "The Glan-
advantage in this campaign setting; they will trian Economy" are covered. These three
benefit from arbitrary advantages over other chapters offer much of the information a char-

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

WelcoMC to


acter needs to become a dominion ruler. Glantri from the viewpoints of a Karameikan tongue-in-cheek fashion. If you find some
Then we have "Politics and Rivalries in innkeeper, a Darokin merchant, a Glantrian parts to be too strange for your own campaign,
Glantri," "The Grand Army of Glantri," and sorcerer, and an Ylari storyteller. Give some of change them to suit yourself: it's your Gazet-
"Marauders, Mages, and Masters," which these to your players, depending on their teer, your campaign, and your choice.
describe famous (or infamous) personalities, characters' backgrounds, so that they have
guilds and brotherhoods. ready-made information with which to begin
"Glantri City by Night" and "Living in play. AbtmeyiatioNS Specific to
Glantri City," provide a thorough descrip- Many chapters start with boxed material. QlaNtui
tion of Glantri City; a large player's map of They are designed to be entertaining reading; Several new terms have been created here to
the city appears on the back of the fold-up however, the DM may use them as inspiration- define new material. Have a look at the fol-
map representing Glantri. These sections al material for adventures and encounters. lowing glossary before going further.
should be used as starting points for adven- PCs wishing to learn information pertaining
tures and encounters. to these chapters could very well end up in the BC: Before Crowning. A reference to the
"The Great School of Magic," "Creating situations described in boxed texts, at the day the first emperor of Thyatis was
Spells and Magical Items," "The Seven Secret DM's discretion. crowned, used to compare various eras
Crafts of Glantri," and "The Secret of the in history.
Radiance" sections aim at developing speciali-
zations for magic-users and providing new, HaviNQ FUN — — - — AC: After Crowning (see BC). %>\v.
helpful rules for the DM. It should be under- Adventuring is, above all, about enjoying
stood that all these rules are optional and that yourself, and sometimes in order to do so it dc: Golden Ducat. The base currency in
the DM should alter them if he chooses. is necessary to overrule some dice throws. It Glantri, roughly equal to the common
Toward the end of the Gazetteer is the is your job as a DM to give your players an gP- •:•. -:'lw , - i
"Adventures in Glantri" section. It is a series exciting and fun time; relying entirely on
of adventures—not just scenarios, but also dice throws is not always the best way to do cr: Crown. A platinum coin in Glantri,
examples of playing and staging all the back- so—they are an aid, not a means in them- roughly equal to 50 gp when enchant-
ground described earlier. It is followed by a selves. But be discreet—you don't want ed.
Glantrian bestiary, "Critters of the Caul- your players to get the idea that you are
dron." pulling punches! sv: Silver Sovereign. A coin of silver in
Finally, the last two pages of the product are Also, because fun is the whole idea, you'll Glantri, roughly equal to 1/10 of a
players' handouts. These are descriptions of find many parts of this Gazetteer written in a gP-

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Histony of
A bell in the Great School strikes six in the ented in magic-use related to fire. *
afternoon, echoing interminably in the corri- murmuring out the corner of his mouth
The Flaems discover the Radiance, a strange
dors. Students enter the study room, chatting "Where in heaven are we? It's freezing
magical force radiating from the intersection
and laughing, seating themselves at their here!"
of the Vesubia and Isoile rivers. There, they
desks. "Where's our master?" asks one. The princess' voice suddenly echoes in build a great capital, Braejr, and thrive for
"Who cares!" answers the tall one in the back, the students' minds: "These, dear stu- another three centuries. Then, elves reappear
causing the others to laugh again. dents, are the true colonizers of Glantri. from the south.
Suddenly, the opposite door opens and They were the first to reach this land after
Braving the dangers of the Broken Lands,
twelve elven soldiers enter, in high leather the realm of Blackmoor perished in the
southern elves find a trail back to Glantri. His-
boots, cloak, rapier and morion. "Guards of Fiery Rain."
torians believe them to be the missing elven
Belcadiz? What are they doing here?" whis- The elves suddenly charge the students. tribes, returning to claim their lost realm.
pers a student. One swings a silvery blade toward the eyes News spreads fast, and soon clans of fair elves
of a student; then the scene fades away. and humans from Traladara (now known as
Between the two rows of soldiers, a small
vociferous noblewoman steps in, followed by Karameikos) and Thyatis settle in Glantri,
a visibly embarrassed Captain of the Guard. attracted by rumors of the strange magical
"How could they?" she clamors. "Me, Dona- DM Notes: Centuries after Blackmoor's force.
Carnelia-Maria-Juanita de Fedorias y destruction (see DAI for details), elves from
Belcadiz, most eminent Princess of the Coun- the far south colonize this area. They form
The students materialize atop a small hill.
cil! How impudent! And where is my duenna, several large clans... then they discover a
A horn sounds loudly as a small group of
I want my duenna! These Ambrevilles are Blackmoor artifact. For reasons unknown, the
horsemen rides away to the south. "Now
impossible. This is a disgrace!" device explodes, causing catastrophe in the
what?" says the younger student. "I want
The Captain unctuously intervenes as the frozen valleys. Billowing clouds form in the
to go home!"
lady catches her breath. "Please, Yout High- skies, and the sun disappears for years. Ice
storms and blizzards rule over the land. A "Oh, stop your whining. We're here to
ness. Just one lecture and our obligation will learn something." answers the older one.
be met! 'Vbur duenna is on her way; a coach is strange disease that rots flesh and withers all
that grows spreads throughout the valleys. "Guys? Oh, guys?" says one student,
waiting and the mansion is mere moments looking north. A wild mass of cavaliers
away. Certainly, you will be back in time to The elves find shelter in the deepest caves of
Glantri, leaving behind only a few runes charges out of a nearby forest, yelling and
greet Don Hippolito!" screaming while hundreds of arrows fly
engraved in the rock. Today, elven legends tell
Without a word, the lady sits down and of a few tribes that emerged from caves hun- overhead.
starts flipping angrily through the pages of dreds of miles south, past the Broken Lands. The princess' voice echoes once more in
the History of Glantri. "I knew it, it's their the students' minds. "You are about to
version of the facts! Well, we'll see about behold the great Battle of Braejr. Observe
this..." Sternly observing the students, she The baffled students now stand in a how wizards win their wars!"
opens her fan and gestures the guards out. splendid city of brass towers, among a Another army rushes from the south
After a long moment of silence, the lady closes crowd of copper-colored people. At the amidst burst of flame and lightning bolts.
her fan and begins uttering strange incanta- sight of the students, they all suddenly With a thunderous roar, the two enemy
tions. The apprentices stare at the lady, totally shout, in an old Glantrian dialect, "Qali- vanguards clash atop the hill...
mesmerized. ma! Qalima-shan! Infidels!" As the students run for their lives, the
The crowd grabs the students and drags scene blurs again.
Q Histcmy, them to the center of the plaza, quickly
chaining them to sacrificial blocks.
by DoNa CaRNClia, An old man, totally covered with tatoos, DM Notes: Disgusted by the fair elves' and
PRJNCCSS of BelcaOiz ceremoniously anoints the hapless party the humans' lack of skin color, the Flaems
and declares, "May the Great Flame now nickname them the Pale Ones. After decades
Silence replaces the sound of the lady's purify this sanctuary from these pale of friction between Flaems and settlers, the
voice. Startled, the apprentices look up to ones!" Flaems turn openly hostile; this unrest leads
find themselves in a mountainous realm of Slowly, the heavy blocks open under the to the Battle of Braejr, in 785 AC, between the
ice and snow. The princess is nowhere to be students, revealing heaps of hot, glowing Flaems and a coalition of elven and human
seen. coal beneath. As steam rises in the air, the settlers. The disorganized coalition is broken
In the distance, a volcano rumbles softly, scene once again fades away. and most of its army is driven south of Braejr.
and white dragons dash across the sky. The most dramatic event of this era is the
Running behind sleds, elven hunters DM Notes: Nine centuries later, the ice arrival of an obscure warlord, Halzunthram.
approach the students. Quickly, they pull recedes to the north and a new race occupies He is the leader of a colonizing force from
out daggers, bows and spears. the valleys. They are men of copper complex- Alphatia. He sides with the coalition and pre-
"Djamel'ne, djamel'ne o solinocha?" ion and reddish hair, alien to this world. They vents it from being destroyed. Soon, the
asks an older elf, pointing at the students. call themselves the Flaems, literally Followers Flaems are driven back north of the Vesubia,
The taller student, moving his hands in all of the Fire in their dialect. They are a faction and, during the disastrous Battle of Braastar,
directions to make himself better under- of Alphatians opposed to the old regime, the the Alphatian force shatters the Flaemish
stood, responds, "Uh, hello? We friend, Followers of the Air (see module Ml for defense.
just visiting, understand, yes?" Then, details). They are highly civilized and very tal- The Treaty of 788 gives the south to the

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Histony of

elves, the north to the Flaems, and the west to 395 AC: The Flaems colonize the lands; the
their minds: "You behold the Light of Radiance is discovered in Glantri.
the human settlers. A council is founded to
Rad, a parliamentary session which
rule over Braejr and unite the three provinces. 400 AC: Alphatia first recognized as a power-
declared nobility to be a right only of wiz-
That same year, Halzunthram executes a coup ful empire in the east (see CM 1 for details).
ards. This is one of the foundations of our
and takes over the council. He declares the 450 AC: The city of Braejr is built. /
magocracy." The scene blurs again.
land a protectorate of Alphatia—which was
the true reason for his presence here. 585 AC: Ethengar raiders oppose the Flaemish
Infuriated, the elves proclaim their indepen- DM Notes: During the years of peace that in numerous skirmishes; the Khan's horse-
dence and the Flaems once again rebel with the follow, the council reforms the nation's laws, men are driven out.
support of Thyatian settlers. This rebellion goes and builds a Great School of Magic. It
becomes the receptacle of Glantrian science as 645 AC: Ethengar attempts a major invasion
on to become the Forty Years War.
well as a source of knowledge known through- but is defeated at Skullhorn Pass.
Later during the war, word spreads that 662 AC: The Flaemish attempt to invade
gold is to be found in the mountains. Dwarves out the world. By now, wizards represent a
large majority of the influential people of Ethengar, but the expeditionary force is
from the eastern mountain ranges arrive to
Glantri. utterly massacred in the steppes.
form lawless, armed bands. At the same time,
a plague strikes the nation, afflicting more During the parliamentary session called 700 AC: Frictions between Alphatia and Thy-
than half the population. Suspicious of the The Light of Rad, the council approves two atis.
dwarves, who resist the disease better, the set- major laws that affect the future of the nation. 730 AC: Settlers come to Glantri; frictions
tlers accuse them of bringing the pestilence The first limits the rights of nobility to wiz- begin between Flaems and settlers.
with them. The angry population relentlessly ards, and the other allows council representa- 784 AC: A Thyatian settler kills a Flaemish
hunts down the dwarves until most flee the tives the right to bear the title of Prince. The lord; war is declared.
land; this violent period is known as the Years laws cause a revolt among the population as 785 AC: Battle of Braejr; settlers are driven
of Infamy. the "illegal" nobles are expelled from their south of the Vesubia.
lands, but the wizards quickly crush the dissi- 786 AC: Arrival of Halzunthram.
It is during one of the all-too-common
dents. Order is restored and the nation finally
dwarven hunts that a certain Lord Alexander 788 AC: The Flaemish are defeated at the Bat-
enters an era of prosperity.
Glantri, a war hero of Thyatian descent, tle of Braastar; Halzunthram captures the
ambushes Halzunthram. Their leader cap- council; Glantri becomes an Alphatian
tured, the Alphatian faction surrenders the dominion; elves become independent; the
council and their army is disbanded. The princess sits quietly at her desk, Flaemish revolt.
Having imposed a period of peace, Lord observing the dreaming students. After
flipping her fan a last time, she claps her 802 AC: Gold rush; plague; Years of Infamy.
Glantri successfully founds a government rec- 828 AC: The dwarves are expelled and Lord
ognizing the rights of all communities. The hands and wakes up her class.
"I hope you have learned well, students. Glantri ambushes Halzunthram; the
city of Braejr is renamed Glantri City in Lord Alphatians are defeated, marking the end
Alexander's honor. You will find the details of our history in
the school's library. Those of you learning of the Forty Years War.
the historian's art would do well to memo- 829 AC: Lord Glantri founds the Republic of
The battle scene fades away as the students Glantri and reforms the council.
now appear in a large hall, sitting among a rize the important dates. Do remember
the true facts; perhaps you will need to 845 AC: Construction of the School of Magic.
crowd of nobles. No one notices their 858 AC: Nobility is reserved for wizards only;
impromptu arrival. know them some day. It is now time for me
to leave. Guards! Where is my duenna?" council members gain the hereditary title
A knight stands at the center of the hall. of Prince.
"Never, do you hear? Never shall we 859 AC: Illegal nobles are expelled and the
accept this absurd law! Our might on the wizards crush a minor rebellion.
battlefield determines our right. We shall DM's Historical SYNOPSIS 875 AC: The School of Magic is completed.
give up no part of our land!" 898 AC: New immigration wave, the popula-
"My friend," answers a copper-faced 3000 BC: The Great Rain of Fire obliterates tion mixes freely; frictions decrease.
wizard, "I'm afraid you do not understand Blackmoor; the rotation angle of the plan-
the facts. The law was voted by an over- et shifts, causing a temporary ice age in the 920 AC: Economic agreement signed between
whelming majority. It is not up to you to area of Glantri (see module DAI for detail Glantri and Darokin, allowing free passage
dispute the will of the people!" of Blackmoor). for all merchant caravans. Business is
Pulling his sword out, the knight shouts booming in Glantri City.
2200 BC: Southern elves move into the frozen
"If it's war you want, by the Holy Blade, 1000 AC: Today. Contemporary period of
valleys of Glantri.
you shall have it! Death to the wizards!" Glantri.
Answering the outcry, a number of the 1700 BC: Local cataclysm. The elves disappear
nobles sitting in the large chamber pull and the Broken Lands become unstable. 1200 AC: Great War between the Republic of
swords, daggers and wands and attack each Darokin and the Master of the Desert
800 BC: The ice recedes to the far north. Nomads (see modules X4, X5 and X10).
other. As heavily-armored knights corner
the students, the princess' voice sounds in 0 AC: The 1st Emperor of Thyatis is crowned.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

In the feeble light of the candelabra, the In the valleys are small, wooded areas which
young baron flips through the pages of a dusty below him roars a river glistening in the sil-
never cover more than a few hundred yards at
tome, struggling to keep his eyes open. The very moonlight. On the verge of panic, the
a time. Most common are cork oaks which
city beyond the school is asleep and in the dis- student looks around, hoping to find some-
have been imported into the Principalities
tance howls a dog. Watching through the thing to hold on to; then the prince swoops
during the past century, and mulberry trees
open window, he nervously taps on his desk down from a nearby cloud. "Well, well. Do
highly prized for their silk worms and the fab-
with the edge of an ebony ruler when a sud- not be frightened!" says the nocturnal
rication of silk.
den gust of wind blows a stack of scrolls off his prince. "We are just having a bit of a flight;
desk. Surprised, the student stumbles to his classrooms are so stuffy! Look, here is the Red
River!" Hills
knees to recover the precious parchments
when he realizes someone is standing in front The student glances down again and turns
pale green. Closing his eyes, he grabs the The student, flying peacefully for a
of him. Slowly raising his gaze, he mumbles moment, hears the prince mumbling
"Oh, My Lord! I didn't know you were here... prince's cloak and asks "What about it?"
Morphail goes on. "I often come here obscure words. "Oh no, not again!" he
It is so dark..." Bowing before the gloomy visi- whimpers; then the clouds, the moon and
tor, he rapidly backs up to his desk dropping a when I need peace and quiet. The rocks in
the Kurish Massif give this river the color of the rivers once again start spinning wildly.
few more scrolls. The teacher has arrived.
blood, until it joins with the Vesubia. Such Some time later, the student wakes up,
"Good evening!" says he in his strong diis time comfortably lying on the prince's
a nice touch, isn't it? Alas, it has only the
Boldavian accent. "Indeed it is late and the cloak, surrounded by high grass. After a
flavor of mud..."
sun has long disappeared behind the hills. moment, the nocturnal concert of crickets
But, you are welcome in this nocturnal and frogs begins anew.
silence, for tonight we shall study the beauties Recovering from his experience, the stu-
of our living land. Be at ease, tonight no one DM Notes: Most of the rivers flow to Glantri
dent feels a white rose brush his cheek. He
will disturb our thoughts. Now, watch me City and the southern valleys to form the
turns to smell the flower, wondering where
closely, and please, no garlic!" Vesubia River. This relatively peaceful river
the prince has gone. Abruptly, thorns wrap
A dog howls in the night... turns into tumultuous rapids when it enters
around his legs and arms, and the rose fas-
the Broken Lands. The rivers are navigable
tens itself to his cheek. "This can't be,"
from the village of Trintan in the south, to Liz-
AN Oveuview zieni in the southwest, Vyonnes in New Ave-
says the student, "I must be dreaming
by PniNce Monptyail roigne, Leenz and Glenmoorloch in the
again. "Ouch!" A searing pain on his
cheek informs him otherwise and he shouts
of BolOavia north. Similarly, the Dol-Anur River in the
for help, struggling to tear free of the
Ethengar Khanate is relatively quiet, allowing
thorns. The white rose slowly turns pink.
normal navigation from Rymskigrad in Bolda-
The young baron gazes at the prince's A black wolf appears between the bush-
via, down to the Broken Lands. The strength
strange eyes and suddenly feels dizzy. The es and growls menacingly. Peculiarly, the
of the flow in the remaining rivers and the
room spins around him. As in a dream he plants let go and the wolf backs off into the
numerous waterfalls prohibits any sort of com-
feels himself flying in the mild summer bushes. Moments later, the prince reap-
mercial navigation. The changing bed of the
night, high above the city, while the pears. "Welcome to the Glantrian Hills!
Vesubia and Streel rivers in the Broken Lands
prince's voice echoes in his mind, speaking As you can see, nothing is as peaceful as it
often causes huge cataracts and deadly whirl-
on the land of Glantri. seems. % u have just discovered one of the
pools. A metal gate across the river in Trintan
prevents drifting ships from going beyond. most common creatures of the hills, the
DM Notes: The Highlands (as the older genera- vampire rose! There are many other
tion refers to the realm) are a series of valleys Most of the riven are bordered on both sides marvels here; for example, the ..."
winding between high mountains and rolling with poplars, willows, elms, birches, alders, and
hills. The Wendarian Reaches tower in the north a few nut trees. These woods are usually well
(see module XI1 for details on Wendar), while tended by the local people, because of the extra
source of income they bring. DM Notes: The rolling hills of Glantri are cov-
the eastern frontier borders with the Ethengarian ered with high grass, heathers, thistles, large
steppes, at the foot of the Colossus Mounts. In ferns, and juniper. Despite their peaceful
the south lie the Broken Lands and part of the Valleys appearance, the hills are notorious for causing
Silver Sierras, north of Darokin. The western val- The valleys are extensively farmed. There the unaccustomed traveler to lose his way.
leys lead to the Kurish Massif, a huge chain of are three major valleys in Glantri, the largest Hundreds of high rolling hills, all more or less
mountains diat reaches the Sind Desert (see being the Vesubian Valley extending from the similar, follow each other in random patterns,
module X4 about the Sind Desert) and the Broken Lands up to Glenmoorloch and Vor- usually with no visible trails. These are the
wastelands west of Glantri. stadt. The Isoile Valley lies to the west of perfect areas in which Glantrian wizards seek
At die heart of the nation, where the greatest Glantri City. In the south is the Red River Val- to establish quiet and discreet towers.
rivers join, stands the fabulous capital of the ley, between the Glantrian Alps and the Silver Besides the high grass that thrives there, a
magocracy, Glantri City. Sierras. multitude of briars and hawthorns grow along
Their rich soil and milder weather allow for the hills, with many smaller uncommon
Rivens- a variety of agriculture. The exception to this plants. These hills are the hidden realm of
is the western plain around Fort Sablestone. such herbals as the legendary mandragora,
Slowly regaining his senses, the student sud- The Kurish Massif often prevents the clouds belladonna, clovers, lupin, strange varieties of
denly realizes he is floating in midair. Far and the rain from reaching Sablestone, caus- mosses, sootleaves, andfireroots, all common-
ing droughts from time to time. ly used in alchemy.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)


MOUNtatNS have distinct dressing habits and accents when

but never had the chance to really practice. speaking the common language.
The highest mountains are the Glantrian Alps I was sick that day and missed class..." Within the territories that are not part of a
and the Colossus Mounts, rising sharply straight "Oh please, spare me the cheap specific principality, these people mix easily,
from their foothills. Glaciers reach into the mid- excuses," says the prince. "Surely you except perhaps the elves and those of
dle areas of these chains, sometimes as close as don't expect me to drag you along for the Ethengarian origins. This is not the case with-
ten miles from the bordering hills. The most rest of the night!" And as he launches into in the principalities, where the population
awesome feature of the Glantrian Alps is their the air, he adds, "By the way, I can see a usually identifies with its ruling family and
3000- foot high cliffs majestically towering above troll coming your way... and a nice speci- their original culture and is less tolerant of
the Arnus River. These two mountain ranges men too!" others. Each principality has specific laws, cus-
rival each other with peaks as high as 25,000 Spitting out his incantation without a toms, architecture, languages and many other
feet; however, it is difficult for the Glantrian second thought, the student rises off the details reflecting the princes' peculiarities.
sages to measure their heights, for these moun- ground, but upside down, feet above
tains are often shrouded by clouds. Once in a Lady Carlotina, Chamberlain of the Land,
head. "Oh no, I stumbled again on that estimates the total population at 780,000
while, an expedition might be organized for a last word!"
sage to explore a glacier or reach the top of a peak inhabitants, for a nation of 116,650 square
With a sigh, the prince follows him and miles. About half the population is devoted
and determine its altitude. Some explorers came begins a new lecture. "There are many
back with tales of strange crystal-like trees grow- to farming in all its aspects, living mostly in
interesting forests in Glantri, like the valleys. One sixth of the citizens are thought
ing in the ice at altitudes where only the edelweis lovely blue pines of Boldavia..."
and the snowdrop survive. These things were to live in the cities, while about one fifth dwell
called "snowtrees" by their discoverers, but sam- in the hills. Less than one Glantrian in ten
DM Notes: There are few large forests in lives in the mountains; less than one citizen in
ples taken from the mountains withered and dis-
Glantri, except near Boldavia and New Ave- a hundred belongs to the Grand Army.
appeared before their existence could be
roigne. Smaller forests exist near New Alvar
and Erendyl in the south valleys. These are p?e Wildlife
The Wendarian Ranges and Kurish Massif are artificially grown, under the control of the
older mountains, bearing signs of erosion. elvish clans. These are oak forests, well-
Although high in altitude, they are easier to get tended. They are considered private parks While the prince goes on with his descrip-
through because of many passes and canyons. closed to visitors without a proper permit from tion of Glantri, the student does his best to
The size of the Kurish Massif prevents casual the Chamberlain of the Land. keep on flying. "They could have told me
tourism, but rare travelers can be found there about this lunatic and his fancy transporta-
The rest of the forests remain in the moun- tion modes!" he thinks, angrily swatting a
because of the local production of sumac used tains. The Wendarian Ranges are well known
for making dyes. Poppy, pimento and other spic- bird away from his pouches.
for their large numbers of blue pines growing
es commonly grow in the Kurish Massif, along Suddenly, he realizes he is losing altitude;
on the lower slopes. Many woodcutters pros-
with gentian which produces the mountaineers' his spell is running out. Frantically flapping
per there.
traditional liquor. his arms, he shrieks horribly, falling like a
The most common trees in the mountains
Despite their name, the Silver Sierras are rock, punching interesting silhouettes
are various types of pines, yews and, higher
reddish in color, often turning purple at dawn through the clouds below and ending up in a
up, the solitary larches. More uncommon are
or at sunset. The Sierras are newer heights, of pig-wallow near a farmhouse.
woods in the Silver Sierras. In these lower
the same geological age as the Broken Lands. mountains grow cedars, aspens, and a few rare Somewhat shook up, he walks out of the
Earthquakes are common there, along with myrtle and balsam trees within the most thick, smelly mud, panting and sweating.
mudfloods, so most of the southern popula- secluded areas. Some stonewood can also be "I'm getting tired of all this. I'll never make
tion avoids these ranges, save the greediest found—this is an extremely hard wood that is it to graduation..."
who mine the area's silver and gems. Glantri highly prized at the capital. The prince lands nearby and interrupts
considers this area a national treasure, since his grumbling. "Now, now, let's not get
substances such as sulfur, coal, and rare ores upset! There still is work to be done. Here,
Population let's visit this little farm and have a quick
(useful for alchemy, spell-casting, and the
production of arcane metals) can be found The population is a mosaic of old Flaemish bite. Then I will tell you about the crea-
here. Forests of huge rhododendrons and (easily recognizable with their copper tinted tures that dwell in Glantri."
bizarre mushrooms are known to thrive in the skin), elves of Erendyl (with their fair skin and
deepest canyons where the sun never reaches. golden hair), southern elves ofBekadiz (rath- DM Notes: Because of the density of human
er small but darker and with black wavy hair), population, very few wild animals remain in
and the common men of various complexions. the valleys, except those that can survive close
Fonests Among the latter, although this is not appar- to man (such as rodents, birds, and other inof-
ent at first, many different origins exist, such fensive forms of wildlife). The hills and
After his lengthy description of the hills as the Boldavian people of Karameikan mountains offer a more interesting array of
and mountains of Glantri, the prince sud- descent, the men of Aalban, Caurenze and wildlife and evidence of monsters, however.
denly says, "I was told you were capable of Blackhill, of Thyatian or Alphatian origins, The hills of the Vesubian and Isoile valleys
flying of your own. Show me." some "legal" Ethengarians (whose families are dangerous with strange vegetable life,
The student answers, "But, but, I date from before the law against Ethengarian such as archer bushes and large patches of grab
wasn't told I was going to actually fly immigration), and the men of Averoigne and grass that remain concealed within the high
tonight! You see, My Lord, I know the spell Klantyre, from unknown distant lands. All grass and briars. Fortunately, these become

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)


dormant during the winter. The hills are oth- Colossus Mounts. There, through the perpet- or northeast. There is regular, moderate precipi-
erwise the realm of wild dogs, foxes, bats, and ual shroud of billowing mountain clouds, tation in the mountains and valleys, except for
wolves of all sorts. Travelers should beware of wander the impressive white sasquatches and the Sablestone area, which is rather dry.
bears in spring. The hills surrounding the snow apes, as well as their rivals, the frost Fog is very common in summer, spring and
Principality of New Averoigne are also known giants. Ice toads, frost salamanders and white fall. High winds can be extremely dangerous,
for wandering lycanthropes of various sorts. bears are not uncommon for those learned causing hails of small stones (a menace peculiar
The hills in the Red River valley, as well as travelers who know where to search. The most to Glantri). Mountain houses usually do not
these bordering the Ethengar Khanate, are the awesome creature in these frigid ranges, how- have glass windows, but thick translucent stones
realm of wild horses and mountain felines. Par- ever, is the ice horror, a variety of monster sim- instead, to avoid damage from the hails. Ava-
ties of hunters can be encountered, seeking to ilar to the purple worm of the lower altitudes, lanches are also common at the end of winter.
capture and sell horses. Griffons and hippo- which is capable of nesting in the ice cracks
griffs are often seen high in the skies, the form- below the glacier's surface. Many other A little later they leave the farm. The stu-
er preying on the horse herds. strange creatures have been observed there, dent, baffled, asks the prince, "I still don't
Marauding ores and other disgraceful but the veil of clouds seldom allows a closer understand why you bit that poor fellow!"
humanoid tribes often raid these hills, coming look. The glaciers are a treacherous realm, for
"Truly?" the prince smirks. "Well, maybe
from the Broken Lands or the Kurish Massif. crevices may always crumble open, and ava-
you'll learn sometime. However, I have
They seek silver and sometimes hunt horses lanches or snow storms strike at the most
nothing more to teach you tonight. Morning
for food, often targeting villages in the hills. unpredictable moments.
is close, and it is time for me to leave."
Mountains are also home to goats, wildcats, The prince walks away in the fog;
and yaks. In the sky reigns the mighty condor, C7;e Cliiyiate moments later, a bat flaps away over the hills,
sometimes as strong as a small roc, which nests toward a gloomy tower.
The weather is mild in summer to very cold in
on the steepest and most perilous cliffs. Bats "Oh, this is just great!" says the student,
winter, because of the high altitude. Tempera-
are known to thrive in the blue pines near angrily kicking a small stone off his path. "I
tures in summer range from fifty to seventy
Boldavia, but these are inoffensive night crea- don't even know where I am!"
degrees at most. In winter, temperatures fall
tures. During the day, they remain within "Pssst!" calls a voice from the dark. A
between sub-zero and the mid twenties. Then,
caverns. The Kurish Massif is notorious for its hunchbacked servant steps from behind a
snow often blocks mountain passes, stopping all
more infamous inhabitants, such as griffons, tree and continues, "%u are in Boldavia.
trade with outside nations; the navigable sec-
chimeras, manticores, trolls, dragons of all Come! I have a coach waiting for you. Prince
tions of the rivers generally freeze.
sorts, tribes of savage humanoids, and ogres. Morphail ordered me to drive you back. If we
The wind in spring and summer blows from
There is also life on the glaciers, in more hurry, we should arrive in a few days, just in
the south or southeast: in winter, from the east
remote areas of the Glantrian Alps and the time for your graduation!"

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Noon. The canal is crowded. Heavy-armored
gondolas and barges move slowly as the slick the magic is dispelled, a crown is only worth
passenger gondolas speed by. On the more gold, gems or alchemical minerals. But its metal value, five ducats. The silver Sover-
modest boats, the gondoliers sweat and curse don't even think about the hills! They're eign, or "sv," is a coin worth one tenth of a
the traffic as they propel their craft to their crawlin' with diseases and weird creatures. ducat. Then comes the large copper penny,
destinations. Luckier gondoliers use Glantri's The last time we established a regional representing one twentieth of a ducat (it's the
latest development in propulsion, the water guild in the hills, most of our guys died or size and value of five foreign copper coins).
elemental engine. disappeared in a week. The survivors start- Electrum is not minted in Glantri.
ed to grow hair and fangs during the full
Stepping down from a pier, two hooded The Dukes and Archdukes of Glantri are in
moons. It took us months to clean that
characters board a slick, black gondola. Both charge of minting these coins. The production
mess up..."
enter the cabin at the rear and close the door of all these coins is under tight control from
behind them. Soon, the uniform-clad gondo- Council officials.
lier orders his elementals forward and the gon- DM Notes: Many of the financial activities
dola moves ahead. in Glantri center around the needs of the wiz-
Louie pulls out a crystal carafe from a small
"Welcome home, Aldo." says one of the ards. For instance, there is a high demand for
lacquered chest, and pours a goblet of his
two, pulling the curtains over the windows."I sculpted woods, stones and metals for the wiz-
best Averoigne brandy. "The citadel is
wu2 afraid ya wouldn't get past the guards. ards. They say an artistically crafted item set
sealed up too tight. But I've got a plan for
with gems and gold retains a magical
The constabulary's startin' to make life tough making gold hand over fist. It'll be the
dweomer better than a more primitive object.
for the Guild. Anyway let's get down to busi- greatest sting ever! I got a Treasury magis-
For the same clients, paper-making artisans
ness. Did Nicky send ya to oversee the mer- trate on the payroll. He knows when and
are common and very often provide the serv-
how much gold gets into the vault. We can
chant branch?" ices of professional scribes.
put the squeeze on him and get the magic
Toying with a small hand-size crossbow, Libraries thrive near the urban centers, as Word of Opening for the vault."
Aldo answers, "The boss noticed the decline do alchemists and shops selling bizarre trin-
"And how do you expect to get the
in your revenues. Three of your men captured kets imported from far lands. The richest and
dough out of the city?" answers Aldo. "I
by the constables, five loads of black lotus yet most obscure market lies in the center of
noticed these gates at the canal entrances."
powder busted, two hideouts torched... You Glantri City. There, wizards may find the rar-
"No sweat, I got it covered. The tough-
disappoint me, Louie, deeply." est substances, creatures alive or dead, arcane
est part is to get back to the hideout faster
knowledge needed for their researches, and
"Please, listen Aldo, ya dunno how it is to than the constables' gondolas—and that I
even magical inventions to improve their
operate in this place. It's not like in Darokin, I know how to do. I have this new gondola:
quality of living. Magic in Glantri can be
tell ya. This magic's impossible to deal with. two rapid-fire magic missile rods mounted
openly purchased, or used extensively as a
Ya sail down a canal, nice and clean, and the on swivels, eight water-elementals in a V,
next thing ya know a dozen constabulary reinforced cabin, magically silenced, and
squads drop in. Look, now I got this magis- as black as the night... a beauty! Nobody
trate working for me. Just gimme more time. I Aldo pulls out a cigar. "Shazzamo!" says can catch us. Once at the hideout, we can
swear I'll make up for the lotus shipments." he, and a flame dances at the tip of a tiny telepon the goods to this place I have in
Aldo waves his crossbow under Louie's wand. After three puffs, Aldo finally adds Nyra."
nose. "I don't know, Louie. All right, gimme "Hmmm, Shireton brand, the best." Aldo nods approvingly. "I hope for your
the whole picture, from the beginning." After a moment of silence, he blows a sake that this scheme works... or you may
cloud of nauseating smoke at Louie's face. get a flounder's eye view of the canals, if
Resouuces IN QlaNtiri, "Spare me the sob story, pal. How about you get my drift."
the big money? Where are the coins
by Louie minted, where are they stored? \bu're way
Thieves' Distuict DM Notes: If players decide to establish
below your quotas and Nicky's having sec- dominions, the following information helps
ond thoughts about you. I suggest you go determining dominions' average population
for the city funds and make up for your density and income.
losses, plus interest of, say, fifty percent..."
Bending the window blinds, Louie ner- Within 12 miles around the capital, 100
Louie turns pale, sickly pale... souls live per square mile, 20 in valleys, five in
vously looks out the gondola cabin. "I
can't get used to this place. I always feel hills, and one in mountains. The Sablestone
like someone's watching." DM Notes: The common coin is the Golden region only has ten inhabitants per square
Ducat, abbreviated "dc". The value of the mile. Add 50% to these numbers along rivers,
"Most of the big money stays in towns
ducat is close to that of foreign gold pieces. and halve them in wooded areas. Each hex on
and in the Big City. The amount of gold
They are minted at the capital, within the Cit- the fold-up map of Glantri is eight miles in
comin' out of the rural areas isn't worth
adel of Glantri. For large transactions, the diameter, or 56 square miles. Glantrian fami-
the trouble of settin' up regional guilds.
heavy platinum Crown coin, or "cr," is com- lies are very small, averaging five people.
Most of the trade in and out of town is food
monly used. Crowns are worth fifty ducats Example: a hex in Sablestone averages 560
and raw materials comin' in, processed
and are minted within each principality inhabitants, or 112 families.
materials goin' out. We have several active
(either in the local capital, or in the prince's Each valley or mountain family generates 7
guilds in the mountains, especially near
palace), bearing the face of the local prince. ducats worth of cash each month. Hills pro-
the large mining areas. The richer miners
Crowns come with a permanent magical duce about 4 dc per month, 3 dc for the for-
pay big-time for the protection of their
dweomer that makes them glow brilliantly. If

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)


ests, and 9 dc for the cities. These figures per voting session conducted at the Parlia- retaining enchantments, and have developed
include both Resource Income and a 1 dc Tax ment in which the gaining of the title was the making of fine swords and light metal
(see Companion Book Two, page 5). Families involved. If the noble cannot pay, he may armors to the level of an art. No other state in
in dominions provide another 10 dc in services relinquish the title or sell part of the estate to Glantri matches their workmanship. Belcadiz
(Standard Income) to the dominion. The pay the Bill. This income helps Glantri cover is also famous for its very fine black lace. The
Council gets 20% of the total in cash. the cost of the unending Parliament sessions. bulls of Belcadiz are prized for their strength
For example, a valley hex in Aalban would and aggressiveness. Wine and various fruits
earn the Prince of Aalban 1,568 dc cash each The slick gondola veers into a dark, narrow represent most of the local agriculture. There
month, plus 2,240 dc of Standard Income. canal. Sordid waste floats on the green are a few gold mines in the mountains which
The Council gets 20% of the total, which water, scraping along the gondola's hull. bring extra resources to the Princess of Belca-
comes to 762 dc, payable in cash. Above the boat, miserable laundry hangs diz.
Due to the lack of local management, free- on wires between decrepit buildings.
territory families generate half the Resource Going through the tomes, Aldo checks PniNcipality of BenqOhoveN:
Income mentioned above, plus the usual 1 dc the income figures, tax returns, and stacks
Tax, and do not provide Standard Income. of receipts, analyzing the wealth of each Surface: 1,120 sq. miles (20 hexes)
The Council collects the Resource Income and prince. Submerged in the paperwork, he Population: 36,420 (including towns)
Tax in full from these families. Example: a val- reads obscure columns of numbers Kopstar: 4,500
ley hex in Sablestone generates 448 dc in cash through a small crystal cube. Once in a Altendorf: 2,800
which goes directly to the Council Treasury, while, results flash in red in the cube; each
life in free territories may be cheaper, but the time, Aldo grumbles "Why, you cheap lit- Net Income: 2,535 cr/month (571 crcash)
law isn't as strictly applied there as it would be tle crook..."
in dominions. The flowers of Bergdhoven are well known
in Glantri, for their bright colors, but also
because Bergdhovians specialize in using
Negligently dropping his ashes into Lou-
ie's brandy, Aldo inquires, "Let's go take a
Wcaltl? of tpe them in perfumes, subtle oils and substances
look at this citadel. By the way, Nicky
PRiNcipalitics: used in alchemy. Fishing is also important
wants a full picture of your branch's activi- here, and much of the fish is sold at the capi-
ties and how well you did on the tax eva- PniNcipality of AalbaN-. tal. Bergdhoven is also famous for the produc-
sion deal. Get your accounts out, and take tion of huge round cheese, and for its
a hike on the deck for awhile." Surface: 1,232 sq. miles (22 hexes) windmills. The prince traditionally grinds
Louie turns paler and greener than usual Population: 35,480 (including towns) large quantities of purchased grain into flour,
and seems suddenly to age ten years. After Leenz: 4,500 then sells it to the capital and exports it to the
pulling a huge tome and reams of scrolls Graez: 1,300 south. Bergdhovians are known for their artis-
from under the bench, he silently walks tic taste in jewelry, so many gemcutters are
out the cabin and shuts the door behind Net Income: 1,967 cr/month (525 cr cash) found in Kopstar.
The Aalbanese are specialists at making PniNcipality of Blackhill:
DM Notes: There are many individual taxes machines of extremely good quality. They are
in Glantri, one of the most important being masters at building siege devices, construction Surface: 1,232 sq. miles (22 hexes)
the Utterance Right, a tax on professional machines, and traps for all sort of monsters. Population: 27,390 (including towns)
spell-casting. All spell-casters in Glantri must Many are mercenaries. The area is noted for its Eriadna: 5,500
have a license to practice their craft. Spells cast swine-herding and derivative businesses Volnay: 2,500
in exchange for money, or services with a mea- (leather, grease for machines, pork butchery,
surable gold value, are taxable at the rate of etc). Some local alchemists invented a gaseous Net Income: 1,508 cr/month (413 cr cash)
10% of the transaction value (the minimum substance from pig excrement which they use
tax comes to 20 ducats), payable to the Great in heating devices. Aalbanese also grow cab- The largest business in this region is the
School of Magic to support its expensive bage, potatoes and grain, and have many fine magically-enhanced production of vegetables
budget and promote the craft. breweries. and fruits. The area produces very large fruits
Undercover Inspectors of the Utterance are and vegetables that are sold at the capital.
in charge of enforcing the law. Penalties for PniNcipality of BelcaOiZ: Also grown are grains and a variety of tea used
violations are given in the "Living in Glantri for meditation and medication. The people of
City" section. Surface: 1,232 sq. miles (22 hexes) Blackhill raise horses and cattle for the Grand
Another important internal revenue is the Population: 12,548 (including towns) Army and for export. Many strange stones lie
Chancellor's Bill. When a noble gains a new New Alvar: 5,100 in the soil under Blackhill (thus its name).
title, or replaces a family member at the head The population has discovered black stones
of a dominion, he must pay the Chancellor's Net Income: 649 cr/month (147 cr cash) that burn slowly and for longer than wood.
Bill. It is payable within a month of earning They are used in heating devices. Black oil is
the new title and amounts to 10% of the new The elves of Belcadiz are famous for their also present in the ground; alchemists use it in
dominion's monthly tax income, plus 100 dc fine metalworks. They provide Glantri with some of their potions. Tar pits are not uncom-
the rarest and most precious alloys capable of mon.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)


PniNcipality of Bo/da via.- Net Income: 1,415 cr/month (338 cr cash) regional use or for the children of nobles.

Surface: 1,456 sq. miles (26 hexes) The elves of Erewan are great bowyers and PniNdpaute De /a Nouvelle
Population: 14,984 (including towns) fletchers. Their production is limited, but of
Rymskigrad: 6,500 excellent quality. They produce rare woods,
which they sell sculpted at the client's request, Surface: 1,428 sq. miles (25.5 hexes)
Net Income: 812 cr/month (213 cr cash) and herbs of all sorts. Erewani art, in all its Population: 29,340 (including towns)
forms (poetry, sculpting, painting, music, Vyonnes: 5,200
Boldavia is a poor country, located almost etc.), is the finest in Glantri, and Erewan has Perigon: 1,200
entirely in hills. The area is notorious for its salt the highest literacy level in Glantri. Many Ximes: 2,500
mines worked by convicts and slaves. There is scribes and translators live in Erendyl, where
some trade of wild horses with Ethengarian paper factories thrive. The elven scholars are Net Income: 1,591 cr/month (418 cr cash)
tribes; that business is conducted in Bramyra, among the best in land. These elves produce
under the eye of the army. Fishing is also much beeswax and honey, a large quantity of New Averoigne is famous for its excellent
important, as is the production of giant salmon which is sold at the capital. They are also wines and sparkling beverages sold all over the
eggs. (This is a delicacy usually exported to the excellent horse trainers. Traditionally, the best nation. Its specialty is all food-related busi-
capital and to the south.) An unusual trade and fastest light horses come from Erewan. nesses. Local chefs boast they can cook any-
consists of getting ice chunks from the moun- thing, from normal ingredients to monster
tains and transporting them to the capital PniNcipality of KiaNtyn& meats. Many fruits, vegetables, meats, and
(magic is used to keep the ice intact in sum- dairy products are available in this pleasant
mer). The ice and salt are also vital elements to Surface: 1,456 sq. miles (26 hexes) region. The inhabitants are an easy-going
preserve fish and salmon eggs during transport. Population: 28,060 (including towns) people, and the area boasts many famous
Boldavians grow potatoes, most of which are Glenmoorloch: 3,200 entertainers and actors.
used to brew a strong local beverage. Boldavia lavish: 1,900 Weavers produce many clothes in various
also is a large producer of garlic, which is used styles. New Averoigne is probably the largest
both for culinary preparations and for house Net Income: 1,125 cr/month (317 cr cash) producer of furs, especially different types of
decoration throughout the region. wolf. These fur coats can reach high gold value
A variety of longhaired sheep is raised in at the capital, because of their workmanship,
PniNcipality of CauneNze-. Klantyre, providing a large quantity of wool and because they are a mark of class among
and meat. The second largest business here is the nobles. Belladonna is also a local produc-
Surface: 1,232 sq. miles (22 hexes) lumber: Glenmoorloch is a large center for tion.
Population: 31,820 (including towns) woodwork, especially for construction of
Iizzieni: 4,500 houses and bridges. There are many banks in x:i7€ "Citeasuiiy
Oreggiano: 2,400 T Glenmoorloch; their bankers and money-
changers are known to be the shrewdest in
Glantri. Through Glenmoorloch, a lot of gold At the sound of the timid knock, Aldo
Net Income: 1,756 cr/month (484 cr cash)
enters and leaves Glantri with no questions raises his head and answers "What?"
asked. The area grows grain and potatoes, "Eh, Aldo. We made it to the citadel.
Caurenze is the homeland of the most bril-
some of which used for the production of a Want to have a look?" says Louie from
liant Glantrian architects. The populace quar-
famous local drink. behind the door.
ries stone of all sorts, including varieties of
Aldo yanks the door open and Louie
fine marble. Much of that is transported to the
falls flat on his face. "Get in here. I'll show
capital, under the army's escort. Gold mines PniNcipality of KnoNOatjan-. you citadels!" Aldo grabs Louie by the col-
and precious stone are another resource.
lar and drops him on the bench like a bag
Olives are an important crop in Caurenze, and Surface: 1,176 sq. miles (21 hexes)
of dirty laundry.
used to make fine oils and soaps. Monsters are Population: 26,540 (including towns)
captured in bordering mountains and "You call this an accounting log?" snarls
Braastar: 7,500
brought back to the capital; the people of Aldo, waving a fistful of scrolls under Lou-
Caurenze have also developed the art of rais- ie's face. "\bu thought you could cheat the
Net Income: 1,477 cr/month (416 cr cash)
ing uncommon creatures in captivity. Once a boss, eh? %u're cheap, Louie. We dragged
year, people gather in arenas to observe mon- you out of the gutter, and by the Blade,
The most prized production of Krondahar
ster combats and other horrors. Also, you're going back—but not before I'm
is its beautiful silks. Rows of mulberry trees
Caurenze is a producer of heavy weapons and done with you! And where are the figures
are grown to support colonies of silk worms.
armor. The best heavy warhorses and chariots on the Council's Treasury?"
Magic is used to speed up production. Cattle
are from Caurenze. are also rajsed, both for meat and dairy
products such as the local specialty, the DM Notes: This last year, the Treasury
PniNcipality of EnewaN: yoghurt. Many leather goods are exported, earned an average cash income of approxi-
particularly coats, gloves and boots. The best mately 11,739 cr per month. Out of this
saddles of Glantri are thought to be made in impressive amount, 7,150 cr goes to the
Surface: 1,288 sq. miles (23 hexes)
Krondahar. The people of this region also Grand Army in salaries, maintenance and
Population: 26,920 (including towns)
Erendyl: 4,800 raise a breed of small horses, mainly for

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)


supplies. The princes' charges cost another

1,160 cr each month. The constabulary gets The gondolier appears at the door, visibly around the block, while the elementals
640 cr in salaries and equipment for consta- nervous. "Uh, boss? It's getting dark and roar horribly with the effort.
bles, spies, magistrates, and various anti- curfew time is close. Should we turn A hundred yards away, a large armored
subversion programs. Council and parliament back?" Then he notices Louie lying on the barge blocks the intersection. A constable
officials get 580 cr (ministers, scribes, pro- floor, a large lump on his head. stands at the bow, manning a large rod on
vosts, reeves, etc). The Council supports the "Come down here, Luigi, and help me a swivel. In a moment, the rod fires a ball
Great School of Magic and pays another 300 cr tie him up. From now on, I give the orders of fire that barely misses the zig-zagging
to its Grand Master over and above the Utter- here!" declares Aldo. gondola; steam rises from the water.
ance Right. A moment later, as the two prepare to "Forget it, pal!" shouts the gondolier as
Land development and maintenance cost drop a large sack into the filthy water, a he dives into the water. Panicked, Aldo
about 950 cr (upkeep of roads, forts, towns, beam of light surprises them. pulls out his hand-crossbow and points it
agricultural and mining prospection and "Freeze! Glantri Vice!" comes the at the constable—then a huge ball of fire
exploitation in free-territories, and people shout. A heavily-armored gondola loaded engulfs the boat. In a matter of seconds,
welfare in case of famine). Glantri also secretly with constables slowly sways in their direc- the slick black gondola is reduced to a
spends around 600 cr each month in covert aid tion. "\bu are surrounded! Drop your smoldering wreck, quickly sinking into the
of foreign wizard guilds and sects. A lot of this wands and come out with your hands on murky canal waters.
gold goes, for example, to individuals in your mouth!" Wiping sweat off his forehead, a consta-
Ethengar and Ylaruam. Finally, the Council "Cheese it, the constables! Let's go!" ble murmurs, "Too bad about Louie. He
saves 359 cr each month for holidays, ban- yells Aldo. The gondolier shouts a com- should have warned us earlier. There goes
quets at the citadel, or any other unforeseen mand and the water elementals roar up, another good informer. But, by Rad, at
event. The Council Vault presently contains violently pulling the gondola away. Nearly least we'll get the bounty this time!"
12,320 crowns. capsizing, the boat barely negotiates a turn

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

QuaND A R M ? of
A N iNtnotnjctiON borders, a few camps, major towns and in the under the jurisdiction of the Prince of New
capital city, as follows:" Averoigne (Etienne d'Ambreville)
toy PniNce jaqgau, Forteresse d'Ylouigne: Vanserie's 1st & 2nd
Waitt>€N Of Town of Btaastai: Jherek's 2nd Banner, under Banners, under the jurisdiction of the
the jurisdiction of the Prince of Krondahar Viceroy of Ylourgne (Innocenti di Mala-
"Our military forces are rather few in num- (Jherek Virayana) pietra)
bers but the quality of the troops more than Camp of Bramyra: at the village of Bramyra;
makes up for the size. Because of the profu- Morphail's and Carnelia's 4th Banners; all "These troops are in charge of patrolling up to
sion of highly educated spell-casters in our under the command of Don Diego de 48 miles away from their garrison in order to
ranks, the Grand Army is one of the most Belcadiz maintain law and order. At peace, the troops
effective in the known world. This also Town of Erendyl: Carlotina's 4th Banner, are under the "jurisdiction" of the noble in
explains why the army represents barely one under the jurisdiction of the Princess of charge of the area. For example, my 4th Ban-
percent of our total population. Erewan (Carlotina Erewan) ner at Lizzieni is under the command of
"In wartime, we are organized in eight divi- City of Glantri: Carlotina's, Jherek's and Prince Innocenti di Malapietra; it is to remain
sions commanded by Prince Jherek of Kronda- Volospin's 1st & 3rd Banners; all under the within Caurenze. At war, I would resume
har, Prince Morphail of Boldavia, Prince jurisdiction of the Constable of Glantri command immediately. Troops in forts or
Brannart of Klantyre, Prince Volospin of (Jherek Virayana). camps can patrol any area not under another
Blackhill, Princess Carlotina of Erewan, Prince Town of Glenmoorloch: Brannart's 3rd Ban- noble's jurisdiction. Princes usually delegate
Vanserie of Bergdhoven, Princess Carnelia of ner, under the jurisdiction of the Prince of the responsibility over town order and law to a
Belcadiz, and finally myself. I have the plea- Klantyre (Brannart McGregor) Constable who is then entitled to command
sure of being the honorary supreme com- Camp Huledain: 48 miles south of the village the local garrison.
mander, the Warden of the Marches. of Huledain; Volospin's and Carlotina's "Although troops must follow orders of an
"Each commander controls a Division of 2nd Banners, all under the jurisdiction of assigned leader, there may be some friction
approximately 860 soldiers, organized in four Sir Qenildor Erewan. between high ranking commanders and cap-
Banners. Our Fighting Manual, called the Town of Kopstar: Vanserie's 3rd Banner, tains if they are not of the same origins. For
Wai Machine, describes our troops as follows: under the jurisdiction of the Prince of example, an elven commander may get some
Bergdhoven (Vanserie Vlaardoen) dark looks from a captain of Volospin's Army
Type of Unit: Regular Division Town of Leenz: Jaggar's 3rd Banner, under the when both are assigned to Camp Huledain.
Troop Class: Excellent; BR 159 jurisdiction of the Prince of Aalban (Jaggar Troops of different armies have a natural ten-
AfV: 12 miles/day (3rd & 4th Banners can von Drachenfels) dency to avoid each other, forming clans with-
move up to 24 miles/day if alone) Town of Lizzieni: Jaggar's 4th Banner, under in the same garrison. Different languages may
the jurisdiction of the Prince of Caurenze add to the problem. Despite frictions, troops
Army Commander: Prince or family member, (Innocenti di Malapietra) will remain loyal to their commanders, but
(M18 minimum) riding a pegasus(CB + 1 , Fort Monteleone: Carnelia's 1st & 2nd, under not more than what strict military duty
Int + 1 , Wis + 1 , with appropriate magic the jurisdiction of the Viceroy of Monte- requires.
items). leone (Don Hippolito de Belcadiz) "Dominions, baronies and principalities
Deputy Army Commander: Traditionally a Town of New Alvar: Carnelia's 3rd Banner, alike can raise a militia of about 10% of the
count, but a family member or a fighter under the jurisdiction of the Princess of local population to defend their borders.
loyal to the Prince's House is sufficient Belcadiz (Carnelia de Fedorias y Belcadiz) Nobles' towers have a personal guard of 20 to
(12th level F or M minimum), riding a Fort Nordling: Jaggar's 1st & 2nd Banners, 60 soldiers remaining with the dominion. The
pegasus. K, under the jurisdiction of the Viceroy of amount and quality of troops depend on the
Nordling (Jaggar von Drachenfels) noble's wealth and rank. For example, the
1st Banner: 120 elite M3 human cavalry, Town of Rymskigrad: Morphail's 3rd Banner, Archduke of Westheath owns the following
armed with daggers and slings, riding war- under the jurisdiction of the Prince of force:"
horses; plus 4 sergeants (M4) and a captain Boldavia (Morphail Gorevitch Woszlany)
(M5) Fort Sablestone: Brannart's 1st & 2nd Ban- Tower Guards: MV 24; BR 110; Troop Class
2nd Banner: 240 elite F2 human cavalry, ners, under the jurisdiction of the Viceroy Excellent; 10 M3 with daggers, riding light
armed with bows and swords, riding war- of Sablestone (Brannart McGregor) war horses; and 25 M2 mounted infantry,
horses; plus 6 sergeants (F3) and a captain Skullhom Pass Camp: at mid-point in the with swords and bows, riding normal
(F4) pass; Brannart's and Jherek's 4th Banners, horses: two sergeants (F3) and a captain
3rd Banner: 240 regular F2 human mounted all under command of Sir Duncan McGre- (M5).
infantry, armed with bows and swords, rid- gor
ing normal horses for transportation only; Fort Tchemovodsk: Morphail's 1st & 2nd,
plus 6 sergeants (F3) and a captain (F4) under the jurisdiction of the Viceroy of
4th Banner: identical to 3rd Banner. Tchemovodsk (Morphail Gorevitch-
"In times of peace, our Grand Army is Town of Vohmy: Volospin's 4th Banner, under
deployed differently to watch over the borders the jurisdiction of the Prince of Blackhill
and maintain civil law. The troops are garri- (Volospin Aendyr)
sonned in five fortresses defending Glantri's Town of Vyonnes: Vanserie's 4th Banner,

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Politics aNt> Rivalui€s iN CJlaNtni
The Hall of History is in a state of hysteria! ZHE WEB OF INCRIQUE
The crowd of barons, dukes, and spokesmen
are up on the benches, raising fists, snarling House of CnowNQuanO Glantri is a magocracy, a nation ruled by a
and cursing, while some keep a hand on their council of ten wizard-princes. The nation's
wands, a dark look in their eyes. The Chancel- The elven woman, Esmeralda, discreetly administration is conducted through votes at
lor of the Parliament frantically hammers as points at a quiet man sitting close to the the Council of Princes, in Glantri City. Minis-
the magistrates try to calm the crowd. Chancellor. "That hooded man over there: ters handle lesser business. Whenever a tie
"Silence! Silence, I say, or I'll have the hall avoid him like the plague. He is the occurs at the Council or less than six prince are
evacuated!" shouts the Chancellor. The spokesman for Prince McGregor. There is a available, the House of Lords assembles at the
uproar goes on for a moment and finally calms feel of sickness to this human; I am certain Parliament and votes their decision. Attend-
down somewhat. his master is a necromancer. His tower is ance of voting sessions is not requirement.
A man stands in the middle of the hall, rumored to be haunted—not surprising! Nobles control dominions, but owe fealty to
dressed in uniform and high cavalry boots. Play him against the House of Igorov; they the Council. Wizard-princes rule over principali-
" % s , by Rad! We will get them!" he exhorts. are rivals in necromancy." ties which are semi-independent realms. The
"Hah! Give me five thousand men and I, laws within principalities, local taxes and other
Prince Jaggar von Drachenfels, will scatter Ruler: Prince Brannart McGregor administrative details are up to the princes, but
these yellow-bellied horsemen like dust in the Siege: Principality of Klantyre at Crownguard they must obey the general decisions of the
wind!" Alignment: Chauvinistic Scots of Chaos Council. Lands that are not pan of a dominion
The crowd roars again and a man points a Voting Power: 16 at the Council, or a principality are called "free territories." The
skeletal finger at the Prince, "And perhaps we 33 at the Parliament Council administers them directly.
shall defend Glantri with only two thousand Family: Sir Duncan, son; Lady Barbara,
men? You are jeopardizing our entire nation! daughter; Sir Quentin, son; Lady Mary, The Voting Business: All decisions at the
Truly, your ego has overwhelmed your intel- Quentin's wife; Sir Bruce, Mary's brother; Council or at the Parliament are made by
lect, dear Prince!" Lord Alasdair McAllister, Barbara's vote. The voting powers of nobles and princes
Shouts of fury come from the crowd as a huband; Sir Angus, Quentin's son; Sir vary, depending on their titles.
small ball of fire bursts high up in the hall's Sean McAllister, Alasdair's son.
vault. A noble, up on a higher bench in the Allies: Lady Mira McDuff, Baroness of Uig- Baron 4 points Viscount 5 points
back, yells, "Deal with the threat now! We are muir; Lord Alasdair McAllister, Count of Count 6 points Marquis 7 points
doomed if we sit still. Death to the Khan!" Glenargyll; Lord Eachainn McDougall, Duke 8 points Archduke 9 points
The crowd roars again and a lightning bolt Marquis of Dunvegan. Prince 10 points
dashes across the hall. Amidst the cries of Foes: Houses of Sylaire and Igorov.
anger and the Chancellor's frantic banging on Princes with several titles and charges have
his desk, a man and a frail woman sit in a far Origins: The McGregors came from the cumulative points. The charges have the fol-
corner, still and quiet in the dark. same world as the d'Ambrevilles, from a land lowing values:
In a low voice, the woman says to the other, similar to medieval Scotland. The McGregors
"Don't be alarmed. Every day is like this! You arrived in Glantri when one of them found Viceroy of a Fort 1 point
understand now why we nobles only send pro- the d'Ambrevilles' magical gate (see House of Treasurer of the Council 2 points
fessional spokesmen." Sylaire for details). Wanted for witchcraft in Chamberlain of the Land 4 points
The other nervously pulls on his beard. their own world, many made the transition to Chancellor of the Princes 6 points
" This is what I have to face tomorrow? These this world, and today's nobles of the House of Supreme Judge of the Council 8 points
are not wizards—they are more like wild Crownguard are their descendants. Grand Master of the School 10 points
beasts! I cannot believe that a nation of this Since then, the McGregors had many rulers
size is run this way!" for their clan, most of whom were beheaded Example: Sire Etienne d'Ambreville, Prince
The woman smiles. "Well, Alfheim is a or assassinated by rivals. Some come back of New Averoigne, Grand Master of the
long way away; this is a humans' realm. But from Beyond to haunt their towers. Although School and Vicomte de Sylaire, has a personal
don't worry, there is no danger while the dogs they all plot to become Prince of Klantyre, voting power of 25 points.
bark!" they are quick to rally against outsiders. At the council, a request is rejected with 50
The bearded man's hood slides off to reveal Lord Brannart is a lich of the Radiance (see votes or less; it is accepted with 80 votes or
the pointed ears of an elf. "There is no time to "The Secret of the Radiance" for details). His more. Between 51 and 79 votes, the Council
waste. I will need to know whom all these ruf- kin don't realize this, although they know he must appeal to the Parliament. All votes at
fians are so I can present my request. There is a practices necromancy. Brannart never leaves the Council are confidential, using the system
great gain for the elves of Alfheim if we Crownguard. On the rare occasions when he of the black ball.
succeed—and for you as well, my dear meets visitors, a spokesman acts as intermedi- Parliament votes are counted by the raising
Esmeralda." ary, or Brannart conceals his true appearance of hands. Requests scoring two-thirds or more
with illusions. of the nobles' votes are accepted. Below that
Ties to the House of Sylaire: After moving a score, they are rejected. If, at the end of a vote
substantial number of people, the McGregors at the Parliament, two or more nobles claim
were unable to keep the gate open. This loss the result of the vote unsatisfactory, they may
provoked the anger of the d'Ambrevilles, who settle their dispute in the Dueling Court at
the Great School of Magic.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Politics aNt> Rivalnies IN

Voting Representatives: Many wizards (or also were in process of bringing more people Morphail's mission is to spread the twin
adventurers) dislike wasting time voting, so over. Since then, the d'Ambrevilles have car- curses of the vampire and the nosferatu. So
they send representatives. It can be a family ried a grudge against the McGregors. far, all of the prince's family and the barons
member or a professional from the Guild of Ties to the House of Igorov: Brannart's forming the House of Igorov have become
Spokesmen (see the "Guilds and Brother- secret is known to the Baron of Igorov. He is undead under Morphail's control. They rarely
hoods" section). Both must be legally regis- perceived as a rival to the baron. Brannart leave their towers, always using spokesmen, or
tered at the Parliament to thwart imposters. knows the true nature of the Boldavian nobles conducting business at night.
(see below) and considers them lesser beings Ties to the House of Sylaire: Etienne d'Am-
The Order of Radiance: An old Glantrian that owe him fealty. breville dislikes Morphail for his morbid use
legend says that a great power radiated from of necromancy, and for allowing these curses
the capital. It enhanced the power of mages House of Iqonov - to plague his land. Etienne is sensitive to this,
who knew its secret. It was thought to be considering New Averoigne itself has under-
strong at the capital and weak at the nation's Preoccupied, the bearded elf asks gone an epidemic of lycanthropy.
borders. Esmeralda, "Who is this young noble, sit- Ties to the House of Silverston: Prince
It became a custom to award higher ranked ting across from the McGregor envoy? He Volospin is a pure Alphatian (see module
nobles dominions closer to the capital, while seems to be watching him closely." Ml). Alphaks almost totally destroyed his
lesser nobility remained far away from the "The pretty one?" answers the elven ancestors. Volospin has sworn the destruction
capital where the magical aura was weak. This lady. "He's Boris, Prince Morphail's broth- of Alphaks' followers (the Boldavian nobles).
is called the Order of Radiance. This custom er. Despite his appearance, he is a subtle Ties with the House of Klantyre: See House
does not affect Princes who often reside in politician. Every time he needs support, of Klantyre for details. The Gorevitch-
Glantri City, near the Council Palace. unlikely allies show up to defend his cause. Woszlanys act very friendly toward the McGre-
Thus, baronies are created no closer than He must be using magic. The Boldavians gors (and all other houses) in hopes of
180 miles from the capital, viscounties at no have always been neutral to the elves. They transmitting their noble diseases to their "col-
less than 120 miles, counties at 80 miles, mar- are now in conflict with the House of leagues," thus turning them to their side.
quisates at 50 miles, duchies at 40 miles and Sylaire, which accuses them of abducting a However, the House of Crownguard ignores
archduchies at no less than 30 miles from the d'Ambreville." all invitations to Boldavia.
capital. The Council will never allow domin-
ions within 30 miles of the capital. Ruler: Prince Morphail Gorevitch-Woszlany House of LINOCN
Siege: Principality of Boldavia, at Igorov
Becoming a Glantrian Noble: By law, one Alignment: Expansionist chaotic vampires A wizard on the other side of the hall
must be a wizard (9th level magic-user) to Voting Power: 15 at the Council, points his finger at the bearded elf. "How
become noble. The wizard must either per- 35 at the Parliament dare you show up today! At least three her-
form a great deed for the Council or graduate Family: Sir Boris, brother; Lady Tatyana, sis- etics have been caught in your barony!"
from the School of Magic. Then, the wizard ter; Sir Mikhail, brother. The elf starts to jump to his feet when
must gain audition at the Council where his Allies: Lady Natacha Datchenka, Baroness of Esmeralda holds his arm. "Hold it; He's
request is either accepted or rejected. Pavlova; Lord Piotr-Grygory Timenko, Bar- not talking to you."
A newly "elected" noble starts as a baron on of Kutchevski; Lord \buri Ivanov, Baron A man with a strange copper headgear
with a vacant dominion or, if none is availa- of Palatinsk; Lady Szasza Markovitch, Bar- sits two benches away from the elves. He
ble, he must create his own. A baron's title is oness of Vladimirov; Lord Laszlo Wutyla, stands to answer, "It is not I who trade ille-
tied to his dominion's name. For example: Baron of Mariksen. gal horses with the Khan!"
Lord Wutyla takes over the old Tower of Foes: Houses of Crownguard, Silverston and "You think he heard us?" wonders the
Mariksen — he becomes Baron of Mariksen. Sylaire. elf. "It was rather noisy for human ears. I
The baron gets to name his dominion if he wonder how he got so close. Who is he?"
creates it. The chosen name is permanent, in Origins: The Boldavian are a mix of Trala- "He is the Baron of Oxhill, a pawn of
deference to the noble who founds the barony daran (Karameikan) and Flaemish outcasts. Prince Vanserie. Their secret sect, the Fol-
and builds its tower. Prince Morphail's power is due to his obses- lowers of the Fire, is a joke among elves.
DM Note: This whole system should be used sion with immortality. He managed to gain an The Vlaardoens are our worst enemies,
to enhance role-play whenever a PC seeks a Immortal's attention, and promised to serve claiming they discovered and populated
favorable decision. To be granted a favor, a PC him for as long as he would live in this world, this land before everyone else. Play them
should campaign and negotiate with nobles or if the Immortal would reveal him the path to against the House of Silverston."
princes to get the most favorable votes possi- Immortality. The Immortal was Alphaks (see
ble. Alliances and enmities exist among module Ml), a Lord of Entropy. He accepted Ruler: Prince Vanserie Vlaardoen XI
nobles; openly meeting one can mean making Morphail's kind offer, and gave him a great Siege: Principality of Bergdhoven, at Linden
sure enemies elsewhere. The nobles' secret quest at the end of which Morphail became a Alignment: Vengeful Followers of the Flame
allegiances are given in the Web of Intrigue, nosferatu (see the "Critters of the Cauldron" Voting Power: 17 at the Council,
in this chapter. In short, a PC ignoring the section). Claiming that he had lived up to his 32 at the Parliament
role-play aspect of this society should have no word, Alphaks then reminded Morphail he Family: Sir Anton, brother; Lady
success at politics. His chances at using the was bound to serve him as long as he "lived" Wilhelmine, wife; Lady Juliana, daughter.
Radiance are thus jeopardized. in Glantri. Allies: Lord Pieter Vandehaar, Baron of

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Politics aND Rivaluies IN CJlaNtni

Awarding Higher Nobility Titles: The most

common way of obtaining a higher title is
when a noble dies without a wizard heir. In
this case, his family is dispossessed and nobles
with the next closest title compete to take over
the "vacant" dominion. For example, the
Archduke of Westheath passes on. The Duke
of Hightower and the Duchess of Fenswick
both compete for the title. If only one gets
sufficient votes to qualify for the vacant title,
either from the Council or the Parliament, the
title is awarded to the winner. Should both or
neither get the minimum votes, whether at
the Council or at the Parliament, then both
must duel at the Dueling Court—a method of
decision which is most pleasing to the popula-
tion. The winner is awarded both title and
Should Lady Margaret of Hillsbury be the
final winner, she becomes the Archduchess of
Westheath (dropping her former title of
Duchess of Fenswick). She must move to the
new dominion, therefore leaving the Duchy
of Fenswick vacant for other nobles.
Nobles with the next closest title, the Mar-
Oxhill; Lady Rowcna Krollnar, Viscountess of Singhabad because Ethengarians were quis, may now compete for the vacant duchy
of Bergen; Lady Sinaria Verlien, Countess ancestral enemies of the Flaemish at the time (etc.). The process goes on until all vacant
of High Sonden. the latter colonized the area. Vanserie believes titles are awarded, usually leaving a barony
Foes: Houses of Singhabad, Silverston, the an ancestor of Jherek forced the daughter of vacant until a new noble is named.
Clans of Ellerovyn and Belcadiz. an old Flaemish family to marry him and The award of vacant titles is called the
reveal secrets on the Radiance. They are cam- "Awards Festival." It is an entertaining period
Origins: The Vlaardoens are the oldest paigning to have the House of Virayana ban- that draws crowds of visitors. In an attempt to
Flaemish family. Glantri was once the bastion ished to Ethengar and the ownership of gain more votes, the petitioning nobles usu-
of the Flaemish civilization, but through the Krondahar returned to a Flaemish family. ally spend money and magic in flashy ways in
course of history, their hold over Glantri has order to impress princes and barons alike.
been reduced to one principality. In general, House of Rittenbunt; • Some of the most legendary characters of
the Flaemish believe they are the ruling class, Glantrian history have gained a key title, not
since they were the first to civilize this region. The prince in white still stands in the mid- because of the number of their allies or their
Tics to the House of Silverston: The Vlaar- dle of the hall, provoking more uproars reputation as great nobles, but essentially
doens are of Alphatian descent. In another among the nobles. The elf finally asks, because of the most stunning demonstrations
world, the Flaems were followers of an "But who is this fool?" of new spectacular magic—which all learning
Immortal called Alphaks (see module Ml). "If he is a fool, he is a dangerous one," mages crave to glimpse. Duels are equally
They were fighting another faction of Alpha- answers Esmeralda. "He is the Prince of spectacular, especially for those who manage
tians, the Followers of Air. Alphaks caused the Aalban, a powerful wizard and a great bat- to buy a seat at the Dueling Court.
downfall of both. Since then, the surviving tlefield commander. His strategy is to gain The biggest problem for nobles is moving
Followers of Flame settled in Glantri, while command of the Grand Army and lead a to a new dominion. Guilds of Movers are spe-
the Followers of Air founded the Alphatian crusade against the Khan's heretics and the cialized in moving wizards, their families,
Empire in the east. Although Alphaks is now Emirates of Ylaruam. He is skillful enough possessions and darkest secrets to anywhere in
their common foe, these two factions are to win, but if he loses, Glantri is doomed. Glantri, for a great sum of gold. Poorer nobles
fierce enemies. Both Houses struggle to elimi- He is a foe of the Ethengarian House of rely on their retainers' services to move
nate each other. Singhabad. He will help you if you, as dip- through the treacherous Glantrian hills. Of
Ties to the House of Igorov: The House of lomat of Alfheim, support his cause." course, banditry is common during these
Linden is violently opposed to the Gorevitch- moments of confusion.
Woszlanys because of their sworn allegiance to Ruler: Prince Jaggar von Drachenfels Another risk comes with the tower a noble
Alphaks (see above). Siege: Principality of Aalban, at Ritterburg moves into. It often happens the previous
Ties to the Elves: The Flaemish hold all Alignment: Warmongering Military Techno- occupant was a foe of the tower's new owner.
elves responsible for the war that reduced the crats Deadly creatures or hidden traps may remain
Flaemish power in Glantri. Voting Power: 16 at the Council, behind; this is considered fair play among the
Ties to the House of Singhabad: The House 32 at the Parliament Glantrian nobles. This is the ultimate proof
of Linden is also fiercely opposed to the Khan the noble is worthy of his newly acquired

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Politics aND RivalRics IN

title—or at the very least, it may be perceived

as a practical joke.
Becoming a Prince: The most coveted goal of
all nobles is to become a Prince and gain con-
trol over a large territory. The last principality
to be founded began a century ago. The elves
controlled a single large principality, but
internal rivalries and revolts led to the separa-
tion of the principality into two distinct terri-
tories. The other princes were all too glad to
allow the division of this dominating power.
Thus were created the Principalities of Erewan
and Belcadiz.
Other possibilities are the death of an heir-
less prince or an Act of Enfiefment. To avoid
the first case, princes raise their progeny in the
arts of magic. In case of an heirless death, the
current archduke is awarded the principality.
His old dominion then becomes vacant and
lesser nobles may petition for it.
For an Act of Enfiefment, representatives of
at least 5,000 people living more than 80
miles away from the capital must first request
their enfiefment by a noble of their choice.
This enables the Council to create new princes
Family: Frau Hildegarde, mother; Frau Ties with Silverston and Sirecchia: These
for economically depressed areas that need
Gertrud, wife; Frau Helgar, sister; Herr two Houses do not recognize the existence of
better administration. New Averoigne is an
Sigmund, son; Herr Rodrick, son. Ritterburg, because it was created by an alli-
example of an Enfiefment Act in favor of
Allies: Herr Franz Lowenroth, Baron of Adler- ance of Alphatian and Thyatian outcasts. But
Etienne d'Ambreville.
turm; Herr Rolf von Graustein, Viscount interested parties in the Council like the
The Council favors principalities in the Fort of Blofeld; Lady Mariana Terlagand, Mar- house's good military commanders, and enjoy
Sablestone and Bramyra regions. Nobles have chioness of Berrym. having a tough adversary for the powerful
been competing for years in order to gain the House of Silverston present.
Foes: Houses of Sirecchia, Silverston and
local population's support. The local chaotic
situation has prevented any success so far.
House of SiivenstON
Council Charges: Positions such as the Vice- Origins: The von Drachenfels clan was cre-
royalty of a Fort, the Treasury of the Council, ated by the union of two rebellious families, Continuing her discussion, Esmeralda
Supreme Court of the Council, Grand Mas- one Thyatian, the other Alphatian. Violent points to another spokeman. "Watch out
tery of the School, Chamberlain of the Land family clashes regularly divide Ritterburg. for this one. He is the representative for
and Chancellery of the Princes are called Between quarrels, the von Drachenfels Prince Volospin Aendyr."
charges and are awarded only to Princes. became local heroes when they allied their tal- The other elf raises an eyebrow.
Competition is fierce to obtain them. Since ents in magic to their skill in combat to defeat "Sounds like an Alphatian name."
these are not family titles, other princes may fearsome dragons in the Wendarian Ranges. "Bullseye!" answers Esmeralda. "We
compete to gain a new charge, as described for Since then, dragon hunting has become the caught a merchant on his way to Silver-
titles. traditional family business. They are now the ston; he bore interesting papers. They
There are five charges of Viceroy or Vice- main suppliers of spell and alchemy compo- revealed invisible markings. We haven't
Queen in Glantri, one for each of the five nents from dragon material. yet managed to find the key to the code,
forts. These charges enable the holder to com- The von Drachenfels are also able army but one thing is sure: the Aendyrs must be
mand the troops in the fort in case of local commanders, appreciated by their officers dealing with Alphatia. Beware of dealing
invasions, raids or revolts. A viceroy is respon- and troops because of their experience in the with them; they are treacherous."
sible for sending patrols up to 48 miles away to field. Jaggar has earned the honorary title of
maintain law and order. A Viceroyalty pays Warden of the Marches, for winning several Ruler: Prince Volospin Aendyr
100 cr per month from the national treasury. decisive victories in the name of Glantri. High Siege: Principality of Blackhill, Silverston
The Treasurer of the Council's duty is to morale is common among his soldiers. Alignment: Sneaky Alphatian Imperialists
maintain a healthy national treasury. This Ties to the House of Krondahar: Jaggar is Voting Power: 22 at the Council,
charge enables him to propose new taxes and campaigning at the Council to declare war 41 at the Parliament
enforce them among the population. The upon Ethengar, to satisfy his military ambi- Family: Sir Uthar, brother; Lady Serena, wife;
Treasurer must also propose a budget for all tions and put an end to the eastern peril. This Sir Lathan, son; Lady Thylera, daughter.
the other charges at the beginning of every has earned him the antipathy of the Prince of Allies: Lady Arbana Jerbat, Viscountess of
year, which is usually a period of intense Krondahar.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Politics aNO Rivaluies iN QlaNtni

Redstone; Lord Emeth Urbaal, Count of Ruler: Prince Jherek Virayana IV campaigning among the princes. The Trea-
Wylon; Lady Margaret of Hillsbury, Duch- Siege: Principality of Krondahar, Singhabad surer gets 200 cr per month.
ess of Fenswick. Alignment: Lawful Pacifists of Ethengar The Chamberlain of the Land's devotion is
Foes: Houses of Sirecchia, Ritterburg, Linden, Voting Power: 25 at the Council, to the land, the development and exploitation
and Igorov. 32 at the Parliament of all its wealth, the welfare of the population
Family: Lady Lan-Syn, wife; Lady Aleah, wife; and the construction of roads, bridges, forts
Origins: The Aendyrs came with the Lady Waira, wife; Sir Ralindi, son; Sir and other vital structures for the nation. Since
Wizard-Prince Halzunthram during the dark Rejladan, son; Lord Urmahid Krinagar, its creation, this has been a traditional charge
years of Glantri. After Halzunthram's death, Lan-Syn's brother. of Elven nobles. The annual pay amounts to
his followers, including the Aendyrs, retreat- Allies: Lord Urmahid Krinagar, Count of 120 cr per month.
ed to the area that is now Silverston. Skullhorn Pass; and Lord John Beaumarys- The Chancellor of the Princes is to speak for
Volospin is distantly related to Empress Moorkroft, Duke of Hightower. the rest of the council when the Princes are
Eriadna of Alphatia. He keeps in touch in Foes: Houses of Linden, Ritterburg. absent. This responsibility is the least appreci-
hopes to gain some magical knowledge that ated because it requires journeys to foreign
would give him an edge over the wizards of Origins: Virayanas are of Ethengarian countries, interrupting the wizard's magical
Glantri. Eriadna secretly maintains a perma- descent, but have lived in Krondahar since the studies. On the other hand, he gets to
nent agent in Blackhill, seeking to learn some- dark years of Glantri. Because they are skillful "phrase" the various motions during votes at
thing useful about the Radiance. mages, they are tolerated in Glantri. Jherek's the Council which is a critical point consider-
Ties to the House of Sirecchia: Spies sus- ancestors swore a magical oath that they ing the way votes function. The pay reaches
pected the relationship of the Aendyrs with would never break the Glantrian law against 160 cr per month.
Alphatia and reported their thoughts to harboring clerical sects. The oath extends to The Supreme Judge of the Council is in
Prince of Caurenze. Innocenti, of Thyatian their seventh generation. Its effects are charge of submitting all new laws to the
origins, became Volospin's most virulent foe. unknown: no Virayanas broke the oath. Council, and of enforcing them at any level.
The free territory between the two dominions Jherek feels some sympathy for his The Supreme Judge also acts as Constable of
is the site of numerous illegal military clashes. Ethengarian compatriots; however, he knows Glantri, leaving him in control of all armies
In the same spirit, Volospin is reluctant to let he would be executed by the Great Khan of and militia stationed in the capital to defend
anyone cross the border to Caurenze. Ethengar if captured. He is considered a trai- the city and maintain law and order. City
Ties to the House of Ritterburg: Volospin tor in Ethengar. Despite this, Jherek main- troops patrol the Isoile and northern Vesubian
does not recognize Ritterburg because their tains contact with his homeland through the valleys up to 48 miles away. The Supreme
dynasty was founded by the union of Thyatian use of spies, whom he uses to observe the Judge's pay reaches 180 cr per month.
and Alphatian outcasts. Great Khan's movements. The Grand Mastery of the School is the
Ties to the House of Linden: Linden was the Ties to the House of Linden: See House of most illustrious charge of all. It allows the
first to oppose the Aendyrs' arrival in Glantri. Linden for details. It is true the first Prince of supervision of all activities at the Great School
They also happen to be a distant rival faction Virayana married such a Lady, but out of love. of Magic, and the casting of great spells for the
of Alphatians who once fought the Aendyrs in Jherek's position of Supreme Judge of the benefit of the nation and its citizens. Even
a bloody war. Council has enabled him to easily fend off more so than other princes, the Grand Master
Ties to the House of Igorov: They are these allegations. is the fiercest defender of the wizards' cause.
another foe of Volospin's because they are Ties to the House of Ritterburg: Jherek dis- He administrates all that is related to the edu-
secret followers of Alphaks, an Immortal likes the von Drachenfels for their heavy- cation of the people. Because of its endless
being responsible in part for the great war handed attitude and blundering foreign source of knowledge, this charge enables the
between the two Alphatian factions. policies. He considers their efforts to start a holder to become the most powerful wizard in
war against the Great Khan to be insane and Glantri and perhaps in the world. No salary
House of SiNQljabaO • hopeless. Jherek knows of Ethengar's might comes with this charge.
and fanaticism and he fears for Glantri.
Political Life in Glantri: The most popular
"No, my lord! Krondahar does not harbor activity among nobles seems to be the almost
heretics! \bu should know the Khan has House of Sineccljia. perpetual campaigning to gain one favor or
put a bounty on Prince Virayana's head— another. It is the essence of the internal politi-
how could this be a gesture of friendship?" Esmeralda goes on with her explanations: cal activity within a society that is notoriously
says a spokesman with Ethengarian looks. "The man sitting next to the spokesman of corrupt. If gold opens a few doors, magic
"He has a point," mumbles the elf. Krondahar is the representative of Sirec- opens even more...
"But I do see a man of the steppes here!" chia. The di Malapietras are ancestral ene- Fortunately, a large majority of these nobles
"He does have Ethengarian blood, but mies of the Aendyrs, for good reason: they use the services of representatives for all voting
he was probably born in Krondahar, a are of Thyatian descent." business. The administration of their fief is
dominion of Ethengarian outcasts who The other notes, "It is surprising neither similarly left to a valuable seneschal or a trust-
became wizards. As hard as it is to believe, of these two Houses called upon the help worthy relative. This allows the nobles to
they have been faithful to Glantri, so far. of their parent countries!" spend their "free" time at personally negoti-
The Virayanas keep a low diplomatic pro- "\bu are right," says Esmeralda, "but it ating with other nobles, plotting obscure
file, so don't count on them for help." is more likely that what they really want is moves, researching new spells, or secretly
seeking arcane knowledge and rare ingred-

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Politics aNt> RivalRies iN QlaNtm

icnts. Adventuring is not uncommon among

to remain independent and use their back-
House of Sylaine
nobility, either in hopes of securing a new
magical power, or as frivolous leisure. Wizard- ers to gain influence at the Council. Avoid (La MaisoN de Sylaine) •
princes often organize gorgeous balls and ban- them, they are Sylaire's foes. You'll do bet-
ter supporting the d'Ambrevilles." The great hall suddenly becomes quiet as
quets in their estates in the capital city. the main doors open. A lonely figure
Business is discreetly conducted there. These enters and, without a word, sits down on
receptions are a most efficient way of meeting Ruler: Prince Innocenti di Malapietra
one of the velvet seats reserved for ruling
key characters, and certainly entertaining. Siege: Principality of Caurenze, at Sirecchia princes. With a gesture, he waves the
Alignment: Poisonous Thyatian Machiavelli- "debate" to go on. As suddenly as they
Running Vote Sessions: Each Prince has a spe- ans
cific attitude toward the other members of the stopped, the roars of anger again shake the
Voting Power: 16 at the Council, great hall.
Council and lesser nobles. Nobles are usually 35 at the Parliament
grouped in large factions, called "Houses" or "Well, well. This is our day of luck!"
Family: Signor Giovanni, brother; Signora
"Clans," simplifying voting procedures at the giggles Esmeralda. "The Grand Master
Letizia, wife; Signorina Lucrecia, sister;
Parliament. There is one House per Wizard- himself!" Then, turning to the bearded
Signor Agostino, brother; Signor Bartolo-
Prince. For example, all the nobles allied to elf: "This is one you want to have on your
meo, son; Signorina Fiora, daughter.
the Prince of Klantyre, and his family, form side. He happened to recently ruffle the
Allies: Signor Griseo Fulvina, Viscount of Belcadizan pride—music to our ears! He is
the House of Crownguard (from the name of Verazzano, and Signor Antonio di Tarento,
the Prince's tower). Thus, there are ten parties the most powerful wizard of Glantri but
Viscount of Castelbianco; and Lord Harald has many enemies. Apparently, he has had
in Glantri. of Haaskinz, Archduke of West- clashes with Igorov and Sirecchia for rea-
The Houses are either in favor of a request, heath. sons I do not know. He is neutral to the
against it, or neutral. In the latter case, Foes: Houses of Silverston, Ritterburg and cause of elves in general. I think he can be
Houses abstain from voting, which speeds up Sylaire. trusted to a certain extent."
the vote count. Only interested factions vote
on an issue. Origins: The di Malapietras were agents of
Suggested voting powers, allies, families Thyatis scouting the area for colonization. Ruler: Prince Etienne d'Ambreville
and general politics of each House are detailed This never occurred, and the di Malapietras Siege: Principality of New Averoigne, Sylaire
in the Web of Intrigue. When running voting decided to settle down. Poison is the family's Alignment: Mutant Werewolves of Averoigne
sessions, assume all the nobles are present or specialty. They are notorious paranoids. Their Voting Power: 25 at the Council,
have a representative in order to use the sug- history shows that the more paranoid a ruling 45 at the Parliament
gested voting powers. prince is, the longer he will live. Family: Dame Camille, mother; Dame
A secret representative of Thyatis came over Catherine, wife; Sire Jean-Louis, son; Sire
Breaking Allegiances: The loyalty of nobles to Claude, son; Sire Richard, brother; Dame
one House or another is not always perma- recently to rekindle relations with the agents'
descendents. Innocenti's intentions are Isidore, Richard's wife; Andre-David, Isi-
nent. Princes try their best to retain their vas- dore's brother; Magdalene, sister; Sire
sals' loyalty, either through negotiation or explained in the boxed text above; he did not
send any valuable information on Glantri's Charles, brother; Dame Isabelle, Charles'
intimidation. When a noble gains a new title, wife; Sire Simon, brother; Sire Henri,
his new dominion may be closer to another magical secrets, on the grounds that mere sol-
diers cannot understand the subtleties of brother; Sire Gaston, cousin; Sire Guil-
principality. The noble may switch allegiances laume, cousin; Damejanette, Guillaume's
to the closer prince for security reasons. In this mages such as himself...
wife; Dame Marie-Helene, Camille's sis-
case, the former liege becomes a long lasting Ties to the House of Silverston: See House ter, mother of Gaston and Guillaume (see
foe of the disloyal noble. Thus, the higher the of Silverston for details. Innocenti suspects the module X2 for more detail).
title, the more foes a noble is likely to have, Aendyr Princes of maintaining secret relations Allies: Sire Malachie du Marais, Baron de
because of the number of times he switched with Alphatia, though he is cannot prove it. Morlay; Sire Gilles Grenier, Vicomte de
allegiances. Ties to the House of Ritterburg: See House Fausseflammes; Dame Diane de
Some few nobles never willingly abandon of Ritterburg for details. Jaggar's scheme to Moriamis, Vicomtesse de Malinbois;
their original House or Clan because of com- start a war against the Khan is a direct threat Dame Genevieve de Sephora, Comtesse de
mon origins, racial similarity or strong magical to the Glantrian security. He knows Thyatis Touraine.
bounds. The best examples are the Houses of would probably intervene.
Ties to the House of Sylaire: Disliking Foes: Houses of Crownguard, Igorov, Sirec-
Igorov, Sylaire, the Clans of Ellerovyn and chia, and Clan of Alhambra.
Alhambra. The barons of the House of Igorov Sylaire's rising power, Innocenti managed to
always ignore chances to gain a higher title convince the Council that Etienne d'Am-
breville should not acquire both the charges of Origins: The d'Ambrevilles came from a
because it would force them to move else- parallel world similar to medieval France,
where. Journeys inside a coffin are risky, even Grand Master of the School and Viceroy of
Ylourgne. Innocenti earned the viceroyalty of where sorcery was forbidden and mages
for vampires. burned at the stake. The d'Ambrevilles left
Ylourgne, which earned him the enmity of
FoneiQN Policies of tlje COUNCH the House of Sylaire. Innocenti also secretly through a magical gate and settled in Glantri.
plots to have Etienne replaced as head of the During the darker years of Glantrian histo-
Darokin: The most important and vital politi- school, on the grounds that he is now too old ry, the d'Ambrevilles and their estate disap-
cal partner of Glantri is the Republic of Daro- for the job. peared without a trace, only to reappear years
kin, essentially because the latter controls the later, as if nothing had happened. In the

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Politics Rivamies IN

meantime, several of his family members dal: "Had mon cher Hippolito been more caravan routes leading to Glantri. Glantri is in
betrayed Etienne in hopes of becoming the careful with his fiancee, zis would not have a rather secluded area, locked between high
head of the household. Fortunately, a band of happened!" mountains and desert barrens. Little trade
adventurers intervened (see module X2) and comes from the east, and Glantri is paranoid
saved Etienne from oblivion. Etienne's rela- ClaN about the intentions of the Ethengarian
tives died; in his great generosity, Etienne Khan.
wished his relatives back to life. He wisely A small, dark-skinned elf stands up from In exchange for a fair trade policy from
forced upon them a powerful magical oath to the crowd. "Ha! Now you show up! Per- Darokin, Glantri often offers magical help
ensure they would not act against him again. haps are you afraid to measure yourself and advice, and the exclusivity of their com-
These eccentric relatives never again betrayed against me!" mercial exportation. Both seem satisfied with
him, not knowing what kind of horrible fate The elf waves his rapier under Etienne the agreement. The only friction between
the oath would bring upon them. The whim- d'Ambreville's nose. "Yes! I, Hippolito de these two nations has to do with their borders
sical d'Ambrevilles now spend a great deal of Belcadiz, challenge you to a duel. Since along the Silver Sierras. These mountains are
their time embarrassing other nobles. your cowardly brother dares not to defend known for their wealth of minerals and both
In the years following their return to Glan- himself, then you shall speak for Sylaire!" states are still discussing the "official" fron-
tri, the d'Ambrevilles managed to assist the Etienne, calmly sitting, moves his finger tiers in that area.
passage of other spell-casters from their world twice and utters a short command. The
to this. These people are now nobles faithful southern elf then disappears in a puff of Ethengar & Ylaruam (see modules B4, X3):
to Sylaire; they, with many of their servants smoke. As if nothing happened, the crowd Ethengar always represents a risk of invasion
and retainers, now form a fair portion of New of nobles goes on bickering and arguing. and raids. Fortunately, the dry, steep hills at
Averoigne's population. Most speak both "Who was this peacock?" asks the elf. the foot of the Colossus Mounts are a major
Common Glantrian and French. They were Esmeralda smiles. "Princess Carnelia's obstacle for the mounted men of the steppes.
quick to call their new domain "La Nouvelle brother. Only fools challenge Etienne! The Ethengarian faith in deities, whether
Averoigne," and rule it the more to resemble Hippolito occasionally represents Belcadiz good or bad, is known to be vivid, and it is
their homeland. Alas, they brought with at the Parliament. He is a direct enemy of perceived as a threat to a nation of wizards.
them the curse of lycanthropy, spreading it ours. Belcadiz has not forgotten the sepa- Even more so, the princes despise the near
through New Averoigne's hills. ration of the elves. Needless to add, they fanatic faith of the Emirates of Ylaruam (see
Ties to the house of Klantyre: See House of are opposed to Sylaire." GAZ2 for details) and the insolent way they
Klantyre for details. The d'Ambrevilles accuse treat wizards. The heresy of their philosophy
the McGregors of losing one of their gates is a constant risk to the mages' power in Glan-
Ruler: Princess Carnelia de Fedorias y Belcadiz
through negligence. tri.
Siege: Principality of Belcadiz, at Alhambra
Ties to the House of Sirecchia: See House of Alignment: Proud Elven Swashbucklers The Ethengar Khanate and Ylaruam broke
Sirecchia for details. Etienne is aware of Inno- Voting Power: 18 at the Council, all ties with Glantri since the day the wizards
centi's plot to have his illustrious charge taken 29 at the Parliament decided to outlaw all Ethengarian and Ylari
from him. In response, he has secretly Family: Leontina, mother; Don Hippolito, immigration into Glantri. Constables near the
"exported" healthy werewolves to Caurenze. brother; Dona Carmina, Hippolito's eastern borders and within the land are always
Ties to the House of Igorov: See House of fiance; Dona Blanca, Carmina's twin sis- on the lookout for squint-eyed, copper-
Igorov for details. The Boldavian barons are ter; Don Alejandro, Blanca's husband; skinned humans. Ethengarians and Ylari dis-
secret followers of Alphaks, an immortal Victoria, Leontina's aunt and mother of covered past the border without a legal escort
opponent to Etienne. He suspects Alphaks is Blanca and Carmina; Don Diego, brother; are immediately expelled. Those found
responsible for corrupting the Radiance. Don Ricardo, brother; Don Miguelito, beyond the Colossus Mounts usually end up
Ties to the Clan of Alhambra: During a son; Don Sancho, son; Dona Maria, in the darkest dungeons of the capital, there
recent visit of courtesy in Belcadiz, the eccen- daughter; Don Carlo, Maria's husband; never to be seen again.
tric Sire Henri, Etienne's younger brother, Dona Yblanda, Leontina's sister, wife of An exception to this policy is the Prince of
had the audacity to romance a pretty elven Fernando; Don Fernando de Casanegra, Krondahar, who is a distant Ethengarian
lady he knew as Dona Blanca. In fact, it was uncle. descent. He and his family are unpopular fig-
Blanca's twin sister, Dona Carmina, the fian- Allies: Dona Isabella de Montebello, Barone- ures out of their principality, but since they
cee of Princess Carnelia's brother. Carmina sa del Egorn; Don Fernando de Casanegra, are all mages, the Council tolerates them.
was pretending to be her twin sister to avoid Marques de Satolas. They are often and unduly blamed for the
her fiance's suspicion, but Don Hippolito Foes: Clan of Ellerovyn, House of Sylaire. country's various ills.
soon discovered the details of the affair. He
issued a challenge to Sire Henri, who respond- Alfheim: They are another political partner
Origins: "LaPrincesa" rules over the south- of Glantri. The elves sympathize with the
ed by mocking the elven lord's small size. Sire
ern elves. They came from a far land, beyond wizard-princes' philosophy, essentially
Henri then ran off with his lover and both set-
the seas of Thanegioth. They are similar to the because of their interest in magic. Trade of
tled in Glantri City, enjoying a rather extrava-
elves of Alfheim, although their skin is darker magical knowledge occasionally occurs
gant and decadent life. Don Hippolito and
and their hair is black and wavy. They dress between the Council and Alfheim. There is,
Princess Carnelia feel their entire clan has
and act in the fashion of 17th-century Spanish however, a dissent among some of the wizard-
been insulted by the House of Sylaire. Etienne
nobles. Vain and arrogant, their honor is a princes about Alfheim's influence in their
seems to treat this affair as a frivolous farce
touchy subject.
and has not paid much attention to the scan-

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Politics Rivamies IN

politics. Alfheim openly supports the Clan of standards. This, and their hot temper, tend to
Erendyl, of Alfheim descent, against the provoke sarcasm from taller nobles. This is a An elven spokesman replies, "I protest!
Elven Clan of Fedorias y Belcadiz. The Prin- reason why challenges are so frequent within This is a trick! May he with such poor taste
cess of Belcadiz claims Alfheim is meddling and without their principality. undo this ridiculous spell."
with Glantrian internal affairs. Otherwise, the Ties to the house of Sylaire: See House of At these words, Esmeralda points at the
realms are friendly. Sylaire for details. Don Hippolito thinks that speaker. "Oh, yes. And he's my spokesman.
Sire Henri is a werewolf and that he gave his As you can see, this session was especially
disease to Carmina; but he has no proof. The futile. It will take a bold attack from the
Rockhome: Relations with the dwarves of
situation worsens because the eccentric duo Khan to unite these wizards. It is unlikely to
Rockhome are the worst possible. Since the
provokes gossip with their conspicuous antics happen. Jaggar will not have his war."
gold rush incident of 926 AC, when the
dwarves where accused of bringing the pest to in Glantri City.
the realm and hunted down without mercy, Ties to the Clan of Ellerovyn: There used to Ruler: Princess Carlotina Erewan
the clans of Rockhome always had a grudge be one large, powerful elven clan under the Siege: Principality of Erewan, at Ellerovyn
against Glantri. Glantri did not bother control of Belcadiz. A fair portion of these Alignment: Tree-Loving Elven Ecologists
improving its relations with Rockhome since it elves were immigrants from Alfheim, and Voting Power: 21 at the Council,
is a popular belief that dwarves have an they resented being ruled by such a different 32 at the Parliament
unpleasant tendency to resist magic. The rare clan. After violent clashes, Belcadiz was Family: Lady Eleesea, mother; Lady Norelia,
dwarves daring enough to pay a visit to Glan- divided into two separate states. Belcadiz has Eleesea's sister; Lady Bethys, Eleesea's sec-
tri may very well end up in the Great School of never accepted this resolution of the Council ond sister; Sir Qenildor, son; Sir Then-
Magic and some of its obscure laboratories... and considers the elves of Erewan to be traitors dain, son; Lady Esmeralda, Thendain's
For the same reasons, the Five Shires show a to their monarch. wife; Sir Unedyrin, Thendain's son.
great deal of antipathy to Glantri. The Clan of Alhambra was given the Vice- Allies: Lord Ezechiel Naramis, Viscount of
royalty of Fort Monteleone. Although Carne- Nathrat, and Lady Aliana Nyraviel,
Bordering Nations: To the north of Glantri, lia holds the charge, she appointed her Countesse of Soth-Kabree.
on the other side of the Wendarian ranges lies brother, Don Hippolito, as legal Castellan. Foes: Clan of Alhambra, House of Linden.
a realm ruled by an elven monarch (see mod- Hippolito hampers the commercial trade
ule XI1). Relations are sound, but the Wen- across the Red River, imposing a "protection Origins: The elves of Erewan are from
darian Mountains prevent any relevant trade. tax" for crossing the river. Elven merchants of Alfheim. These elves have parted from Belca-
The western borders of Glantri open on a fair complexion are the ones who pay the tax diz and formed their own principality under
huge desertic area scarcely populated by tribes the most often, which outrages both Alfheim the Clan of Ellerovyn.
of nomads. Absolutely no relation exists with and the House of Ellerovyn. So far, the Coun- At the time of their separation from the
this undesirable population (see modules X4, cil tolerates this policy because the money is House of Alhambra, Princess Carlotina
X5 and X10). As for the humanoid tribes of spent for the maintenance of the road to the became Chamberlain of the Land. She has
the Broken Lands, many of their raiding par- capital and Fort Monteleone. shown suitable profiency in that function;
ties and foul monsters have been massacred During a "tax collection," Don Hippolito however, the most controversial policy for her
when intercepted in time. This border is heav- discovered magical tomes revealing clues on ministry has been a very strong program to
ily patrolled and guarded by both men and the Radiance. The tomes came from Erewan, grow forests in the Red River valley. Other
magic. and were being sent to Alfheim; exporting wizard princes have complained at the Coun-
such secrets to foreign powers could be consid- cil that this only benefits elves of a certain
ered treachery. The Castellan seized the books kind and certainly not the whole Glantrian
General Policies: The attitude of the
as evidence, but did not report to Carnelia. community. Her answer is that their program
wizard-princes toward other nations than
He kept them secret and hid them at Monte- boosts the timber industry, and that elves are
those mentioned above is rather neutral. The
leone. Don Hippolito hopes to learn vital naturally best suited for that task.
council constantly worries about the distant
Empire of Alphatia, rumored to be utterly clues on the Radiance that will earn him the Ties to the House of Linden: The Clan of
powerful in the craft of magic-use (see mod- title of Ruling Prince of Belcadiz. Ellerovyn claims that their ancestots were the
ules Ml and M2). This is a great concern, as first to colonize this area, and thus, it should
they fear for their supremacy over the rest of Of EUCROVPN • be part of Alfheim. However, the rest of the
the civilized world, in all that deals with the population and nobility is not of the same
arcane sciences. opinion. The old Flaemish families, in partic-
A good dozen nobles are now in the mid- ular the House of Linden, claim they were the
dle of the hall, still arguing about the first worthy civilization here and that they
Khan's fate, when someone stands up should rule instead.
These elves are masters at using rapiers. from the crowd: "Look! The Chancellor!"
Their swordmanship varies from Expert to The hall suddenly falls quiet as the Ties to the Clan of Alhambra: See Clan of
Grand Master proficiencies, Carnelia being nobles see the Chancellor desperately Alhambra for details. Some of the "cultural
their Grand Master. Belcadizan nobles are hammering, but making no noise! The exchanges" between Alfheim and Erewan on
trained in magical and rapier dueling; duels prince in white raises his hands: "Treach- the Radiance were requisitioned by Hippolito
with rapiers or daggers are intended to be ery! Someone cast a clerical silence on our de Belcadiz. But apparently, and for reasons
fights to the death. Chancellor! Look, heresy is already among unknown to the Princess, the House of
In general, the males of the House of us, in our own Parliament! Let us march Alhambra has not yet mentioned the event to
Alhambra are rather small, even by elven against the Khan without delay!" the Council. ' '' .

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Mauaubens, Mages aNb Mastcus
The characters and the families described Lawful—Rad, the Empyreal of Energy; or
below are for the DM's eyes only. The PCs M35, St 9, In 18, Wi 16, Dx 13, Co 12, Ch 11,
should meet these characters and discover AL Lawful, in his human form)
information about them during the course of "Le Prince-Magicien" is the ruler of New
adventuring and role-play. Averoigne, Grand Master of the School and
The most important characters have some Viscount of Sylaire. What no one knows is
of their statistics given. If more detail becomes that he is an Empyreal from the Sphere of
necessary, the DM should add the extra infor- Energy. When dealing with mortals, he looks
mation as the situation demands. Below, like a gruff, reclusive, ancient man.
class, level and alignments are given as fol-

F = Fighter M = Magic-User
T = Thief E = Elf
C = Cleric AL = Alignment
St = Strength In = Intelligence
Wi = Wisdom Dx = Dexterity
Co = Constitution Ch = Charisma

Glantrian Vampires: Co-existing with vam-

pires in Glantri are the nosferatu, a similar from twelve lashes to forced feebleminded-
form of undead (see the "Critters of the Caul- ness for up to four weeks. He maintains his
dron" section). All Glantrian vampires and youth and that of his close relatives with
nosferatu have the full range of character abil- strange Alphatian magic that requires the
ities; use these whenever they exceed the heart of a wolf every full moon, though it is
undead's (levels, hit points, spell-casting abil- said that human hearts are sometimes used. In
ities, etc). These NPCs otherwise have all of PRINCE d AMBRFA'ILLE
reality, he is in his seventies.
the abilities of the vampire or nosferatu. He is trying very hard to get rid of his charge
Wizards' Specializations: Several NPCs so as to avoid lengthy trips to foreign lands.
below are described as belonging to a "circle," He has not mastered the Radiance but knows
or as High Masters of an order. These are about its existence. He seeks to secretly son; however, he may show up at embarrass-
described in the "Seven Secret Crafts of Gian- abduct, interrogate, and dispose of those who ing moments when an important character is
n i " section. know more about the Radiance. He will not plotting against him. Pretending to study
hesitate to eliminate disloyal nobles or family arcane secrets in his impenetrable quarters at
Aendyr, Sir Uthar: (F9, St 17, In 11, Wi 9, members in his House. He also is the High the Great School of Magic, he actually spends
Dx 14, Co 16, Ch 8, AL Chaotic) Master of the Air Elementalists (see "The Sev- most of his time dealing with all relating to
He is Prince Volospin's despised older en Secret Crafts of Glantri" for details). the Radiance and the cause of magic in Glan-
brother, an uneducated brute unable to tri. He is the secret leader of the Brotherhood
understand the art of magic. He is also Con- The Aendyr Family: The Aendyr family is of the Radiance (see "Guilds and Brother-
stable of Volnay. He spends much time seek- held together by the strong will of the Prince. hoods"). His secret name there is Rad. He has
ing out merchants crossing the border to the His wife, Serena (M10, C, Air Elementalist of no compassion for those who break the law of
west. Those caught are fined 500 dc or kept in the 3rd Circle), spends most of her time vot- the Brotherhood, but is otherwise a kind and
jail for a month. He enjoys using inmates for ing at Parliament. She is most likely to suc- impartial being capable of generosity and fair-
target practice; he is notoriously clumsy. Uthar ceed her husband, and is as cruel as he is in her ness.
is a fat red-faced man, with long, grey hair methods. She is very similar in appearance to
and a scar on the right cheek. the Prince, but has deep purple eyes. She d'Ambreville, Sire Henri: (M12, St 14, In
appears to be in her twenties. The daughter, a 16, Wi 10, Dx 14, Co 13, Ch 17, AL Chaotic)
Aendyr, Prince Volospin: (M22, St 12, In 6-year old named Thylera (M4, C), is the bane Sire Henri is one of Etienne's brothers, and
17, Wi 15, Dx 14, Co 12, Ch 16, AL of Castle Silverston, where she enjoys practic- is still his most treacherous enemy. He spends
Chaotic—Count of Silverston) ing her magic lessons on the prince's guests or most of his time at the d'Ambrevilles' manor
He is the ruler of Blackhill and Chancellor retainers. Her brother, Lathan, is 12 years old in the capital. He is a boisterous, colorful, and
of the Princes. He is a tall, insensitive, hand- (M5, C), and resides at the Great School of mischievous character, and spends scandalous
some, youthful man. As all pure Alphatians, Magic to study ancient crafts. He loves walk- amounts of money upon his concubine, Dona
his skin is pale, with faint blue tints; he wears ing around with his pet, a vicious, slimy grem- Carmina de Belcadiz, the former fiancee of
his jet-black hair neatly tied in the back. He lin familiar. The little creep gained the Don Hippolito de Belcadiz.
dresses like a dandy and is very strict about familiar after dark conjurations that involved He has slyly convinced Dame Marie-Helene
manners and etiquette in the presence of a pint of his own blood. (see below), his aunt, to attempt a coup
nobles. against Etienne, to see what the effects of
Ignoring proper etiquette at his castle can d'Ambreville, Prince Etienne: (HD36, St Etienne's geas are. Not knowing his brother's
be a serious offense, with penalties ranging 25, In 72, Wi 65, Dx 35, Co 47, Ch 59, AL true nature, he hopes to be able to counter the

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Mauaubens, Mages aND Masteus

effect of the geas once he sees its result on Censors of New Averoigne—they hunt down cades down to her waist. She is touchy and will
Dame Marie-Helene. and execute clerics and druids. Etienne's last call upon her younger brother, Don Diego, to
brother, Father Simon (C35, C), has been champion her cause in a duel. The princess
The d'Ambreville Family: This is the larg- banished from New Averoigne. Fearing for his spends most of her time plotting against the
est princely family. Most of these people died safety, he became a hermit in the high Glantr- Clan of Erewan. Her favorite tactic is to frame
decades ago when they attempted to over- ian Alps. Dame Marie-Helene (F15, C) is the nobles belonging to that House in order to
throw Etienne; the powerful prince wished mother of Gaston and Guillaume and the sis- weaken her foe at Parliament. Carnelia is the
them back and now keeps them more or less in ter of Camille. She thinks she is protected High Mistress of Witchcraft.
line with a powerful geas. Many of these against Etienne's geas and plots to overthrow
nobles live at Chateau Sylaire in New Ave- her nephew and gain the title for her son Guil- de Belcadiz, Dona Carmina: (E7, St 13, In
roigne; others keep lavish manors in various laume. She seeks adventurers to assassinate 14, Wi 9, Dx 17, Co 12, Ch 18, AL Chaotic)
parts of the country and at the capital. The Etienne. Dona Carmina is the ideal of the sensual
d'Ambrevilles are all absolutely eccentric (see elven lady. She is only interested in romance
module X2, Castle Amber, for more details). Beaumarys-Moorkroft, Lord John: (M16, St and pleasure. She adores seducing brave
The oldest of them is well over a hundred, the 13, In 16, Wi 14, Dx 10, Co 12, Ch 13, AL young men and setting them up to duel her
youngest around thirty. There are no children Chaotic—Duke of Hightower) fiance. Sire Henri d'Ambreville was her latest
in this family. Lord John is an ally of the House of Singha- victim, but instead he lured her away from her
The ageless mother, Dame Camille (Ml5, bad because the Virayanas are the only family former fiance, Don Hippolito de Belcadiz.
N) is rather senile and miscasts her spells he has not yet betrayed in his political climb. She will stay with any good-looking noble
(80% chance) causing the most unexpected He is a distant cousin of Lord Moorkroft who "wins her heart" and heroically defeats
and bizarre things to happen instead. Elvenbane (see module CM7). He is a staunch all other contenders. Her parties at the capital
Etienne's wife, the venerable but paranoid opponent of the elves, but usually pretends to are notoriously decadent. She is famous for
Dame Catherine (M13, C), left Glantri to be their friend; when given a chance, though, her bright red dresses and headgear. She is a
hold the charge of Ambassador to Thyatis. he will attempt to ruin elven plans without Witch of the 2nd circle.
Sire Jean- Louis, Etienne's older son (F12, C), drawing suspicion. Lord John is a skinny,
is "Monsieur le Constable de Perigon." This weaselly type, a nervous man who always feels de Belcadiz, Don Diego: (E9, St 14, In 15,
fifty-year-old loves organizing boxing tourna- someone is watching or listening. Wi 11, Dx 16, Co 12, Ch 16, AL Lawful)
ments. The younger Sire Claude (F10, N), Don Diego is Princess Carnelia's younger
Etienne's second son, disappeared some time de Belcadiz y Fedorias, Dona Carnelia: brother, and "el Senor Capitano" of Bramyra.
ago (he has become a vampire under Lady (E10, St 8, In 17, Wi 15, Dx 16, Co 11, Ch 13, He has been chosen by the Council to oversee
Tatyana Gorevitch-Woszlany's control). He AL Neutral—"Marquesa del Alhambra") the horse business there, because of his repu-
now hides at the Tower of Igorov in Boldavia. Princess Carnelia rules Belcadiz and holds tation as a gentleman. He is Dona Carnelia's
Etienne's brother, Sire Richard (F10, C), the charge of Vice-Queen of Monteleone, but champion, and champions other just causes at
and his wife, Dame Isidore (Mil, C), are in has transferred the charge to her older brother, the drop of a hat. When confronted with a sit-
charge of hunting down cases of lycanthropy Don Hippolito. When her father died, her uation he cannot handle legally, he sneaks to a
in New Averoigne, although they are suspect- husband was out adventuring in the moun- nearby hideout, puts on a mask and a black
ed of actually spreading the disease. Sire tains. He never returned. Since then, she has costume, and battles the oppressor under the
Andre-David (F9, C), Isidore's brother, remained the ruler of the Clan. pseudonym of Manuel of the Plains. He usu-
spends most of his time fixing the blunders of ally steals from the rich and dishonest and
those two. Etienne's sister, Dame Magdalene gives the money to the poor, hardworking
(F8, C), is secretly a werewolf and she con- peons. He is very popular with the local popu-
stantly tries to seduce Andre-David away for a lation. Don Diego is also an expert on crea-
moonlight serenade. She can be recognized by tures of the outer planes, slimes, oozes,
the white streak in her hair in both human puddings and grubs.
and werewolf form. She hates Charles for
burying her, thinking she was dead, when she de Belcadiz, Don Hippolito: (E9, St 14, In
was in a cataleptic trance. Etienne's second 14, Wi 12, Dx 12, Co 13, Ch 8, AL Chaotic)
brother, Sire Charles (M9, C), and his wife, Don Hippolito is Princess Carnelia's older
Dame Isabelle (M12, C, Alchemist of the 3rd brother, a small fat fellow of dark complexion
circle), remain at Parliament, handling the and drooping mustachios. He feels an avid
prince's paperwork. Charles is a reclusive man attraction to all that concerns the Radiance.
who hates noise. Dame Isabelle is the secret Once he gains control over the force, he
lover of Don Diego de Belcadiz (whom she expects to overthrow Carnelia at the head of
charmed some time ago). the clan. Meanwhile, as Castellan of Monte-
Etienne's cousin, Sire Gaston (M9, N), is leone, he has imposed heavy taxes to mer-
the Constable of Vyonnes, but once in a while chants crossing the river to Erewan.
he loses his memory and forgets who he is. "Extortion" is a more accurate term, plus
Etienne's second cousin, Sire Guillaume embezzlement of the Council's funds, since
(M10, C, alchemist of the 3rd circle), and his She is as a small but proud young elven lady he keeps some of the "taxes" for himself.
wife, Dame Janette (M9, C), are the Cultural of 180 springs. Her long, black, curly hair cas-

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

, Mages aNt> Mastens

The de Belcadiz Clan: This is second largest Damn, Master Jakar: (M12, St 11, In 16, turers on monster hunts. "Urkvarth" will not
princely family, after the d'Ambrevilles. Wi 11, Dx 12, Co 11, Ch 11, AL Chaotic) help kill lawful creatures, and the only pay-
Dona Leontina, the mother (E6, L), has Jakar is a shady alchemist from the Corpo- ment he takes is the creatures' heads. Of
retired to a wizards' convent since her hus- ration of Alchemists (see "Guilds and Broth- course, these heads can be found some time
band passed away, several years ago. Don erhoods"), as well as an Alchemist of the 3rd later in Jaggar's monster gallery, at Castle Rit-
Miguelito (E3, N) is Carnelia's first son, study- circle. Although he performs his crafts with a terburg. Jaggar is the High Master of Dracolo-
ing at the Great School of Magic. He is afflict- legal license, he has a tendency to dupe his gy (star dragon).
ed of a sad curse that prevents him from customers by selling faulty concoctions. He Jaggar often wears high cavalry boots and a
growing normally, keeping him 4 feet high. also works closely with the People's Spell- white uniform covered with medals and
Don Sancho (El, C) is a 10-year-old brat. Casters Company and the Guild of Thugs, stripes (most of which are magical trinkets of
Dona Maria (E2, L), the young princess' whom he provides with various (quite effi- various effects). Some of them have a tenden-
daughter, recently married Don Carlo and cient) poisons. cy to fall off when he sneezes. He has a strange
lives in New Alvar. Don Carlo (E6, N) is the magical item that dates back from the Black-
constable of the city and the secret leader of Datchenka, Lady Natacha: (M12, St 18, In moor era (see module DA3, City of the Gods).
F.A.E.R.Y. (see "Guilds and Brotherhoods" 14, Wi 9, Dx 14, Co 16, Ch 7, AL Chaotic- It is an L-shaped piece of blue metal that casts
for more detail). Baroness of Pavlova) lightning bolts for 2Od6 points of damage. He
Don Ricardo (E7, N) is the princess' youn- She is one of the nosferatu pawns under carries the item at his belt and claims it
ger brother. He is a fan of bullfighting and can Prince Morphail's control. This ugly red- belonged to a Blackmoorian ancestor (50
often be found in the arena himself. Dona haired creature used to be a champion pugilist charges left).
Yolanda (E5, N, Witch of the 1st circle) is the which earned her the Barony of Pavlova)
princess' aunt and the sister of Dona Leon- before embracing her undead destiny; these The von Dtachenfels Family: This family
tina. She lives at the Tower of Satolas with her days, she still challenges her toughest-looking has always been plagued by its divided origin.
husband, Don Fernando de Casanegra, "El guest to a bout of fisticuffs. (Unfortunately, in Two fleeing clans of Alphatians and Thyatians
Marques de Satolas." the clinch, the dear lady tends to try a quick allied and formed the House of Ritterburg to
Dona Blanca (E3, C) spends her time at bite—highly irregular.) avoid defeat from rivals. However, the two
Castle Alhambra, and sometimes secretly factions never got along. Frau Hildegarde
trades places with her twin sister, Dona Car- von Drachenfeb, Prinz Jaggar: (M30, St 16, (F15, N, Earth Elementalist of the 5th circle),
mina, to get away from her boring husband. In 16, Wi 15, Dx 13, Co 16, Ch 15, AL Jaggar's 6 5-year-old mother, is of Thyatian
This husband, Don Alejandro (E8, L), is the Lawful—Count of Ritterburg) descent, and tries her best to isolate Frau
clan's sage; he hasn't noticed his wife's game. He is the ruler of Aalban, the best Glan- Gertrud (M12, C, Air Elementalist of the 2nd
Victoria (E9, L, witch of the 2nd circle) is the trian commander on a battlefield as well as a circle), his wife. Frau Gertrud, of Alphatian
clan's oldest member, and is Dona Leontina's crafty spell-caster. In times of peace, he spends descent, often threatens to leave her husband
aunt and the Treekeeper. She is the mother of most of his time trying to prevent family quar- if his mother does not end up in a wizards'
Blanca and Carmina. rels that plague his house. convent soon. Gertrud was secretly offered
asylum by Lady Serena Aendyr. Frau Gertrud
Budulug, MeisterRannigar: (M18, St 12, In is also the secret leader of the Free Anachronic
17, Wi 11, Dx 12, Co 10, Ch 17, AL Society of Aalban (see "Guilds and Brother-
Chaotic—Guildmaster of Spokesmen) hoods").
Rannigar managed to take over the Guild Fraulein Helgar (M8, N, Dracologist of the
of Spokesmen (see "Guilds and Brother- 2nd circle—white dragon), the prince's sister,
hoods") after abducting the previous guild- respects her mother's position but is also a
master, magically erasing his memory of the close friend of Frau Gertrud, so she mediates
deed, and forging the succession papers. He between the two. Herr Sigmund (M8, N) is
then "hired" his victim to represent him. the prince's older son and the family's eccen-
Ranningar is a skillful extortionist but he will tric inventor. He spends his time creating
not endanger the reputation of the guild to incredible machines that often go haywire,
satisfy his greed. wreaking havok in the castle. Herr Roderick
(T5, C), the prince's younger (teenaged) son,
de Casanegra, Don Fernando: (E9, St 11, In has none of his parents' magical abilities.
18, Wi 17, Dx 11, Co 9, Ch 14, AL Lawful— Despite intense training from his mother,
"Marques de Satolas")
PRINCE Roderick has never been able to cast spells. Of
He has begun to master the Secret of Radi-
VON DRACHENFELS course, Frau Hildegarde blames this on
ance, and is now a member of its Brother- Gertrud.
hood. He will never reveal his craft, especially Many other relatives of Thyatian or Alpha-
to Don Hippolito de Belcadiz, whom he con- He commonly hires adventurers to seek out tian descent reside in Leenz and Graez, get-
siders a fraud. He respects the princess of the numerous monsters that dwell in the ting along similarly well.
Belcadiz and will use his craft to help the clan. mountains bordering his principality. Once in
After two centuries of life in this cruel world, a while, seeking excitement, he will take on a Erewan, Princess Carlotina: (E10, St 13, In
Don Fernando has white hair, and many wrin- second identity, that of dragon-hunter Herr 17, Wi 16, Dx 14, Co 11, Ch 17, AL Lawful-
kles on his face. Urkvarth of Graez, and join a party of adven- Marchioness of Ellerovyn) ;

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

MauauOens, Mages aNb Masteus

Lady Carlotina is the ruling princess of Ere- never fight openly, although from time to uses them as political and military tools.
wan, and Chamberlain of the Land. She time some may resent Lady Carlotina's deci- Morphail plans to have these barons increase
became princess of the clan when her husband sions. The mother, Lady Eleesea (E10, N), is their lands and then abdicate in his favor.
died in battle against raiders from the Broken the Treekeeper of the Clan and the only clan Boldavia will then cover the whole northeast-
Lands. member to actually influence the princess; ern area of Glantri, making him the most
Lady Norelia and Bethys (E10, N), the powerful prince. Naturally, he is the High
Treekeeper's sisters, are the clan's oracles. All Master of Necromancers.
three are famous seers among the elves (as well Prince Morphail appears as a civilized and
as Cryptomancers of the 4th circle), requiring handsome man, always dressed to kill. He has
as a payment the planting of ten trees where very sophisticated manners and speaks with a
none now grow. The client must care for the charming Boldavian accent. Fearing an all-out
trees until they grow to twice the si2e of the war with mages if they become aware of his
client. They know when one does not fulfill true nature, he conceals his family's curse and
these obligations, and then there is no telling enforces a strict law, called the Vampire's Law,
what curses and geas may befall the culprit. among his pawns: they may not infect com-
Sire Thendain (E6, L), the princess' son, moners, nor may they kill when they feed.
has moved to the great School of Magic with Should he be destroyed, all those Boldavian
his wife, Lady Esmeralda (E9, C). The latter undead will become independent, and so no
pretends to be a neophyte in the arts of magic. wise mage will ever try anything against him.
In reality she is quite capable of graduating
from the Great School, but she plays this role The Gorevitch-Woszlany Family: The
PRINCESS EREWAN in the hopes of finding new information Gorevitch-Woszlanys are all undeads under
about the Secret of the Radiance. She intends the Wizard-Prince's control. The older broth-
to keep that knowledge for herself. She is also er, Sir Boris (M18, C, Necromancer of the 3rd
the secret leader of E.L.F. (see "Guilds and circle), is an elegant but effeminate nosferatu
She has not mastered the Secret of the Radi- Brotherhoods" for more detail) and a Witch who preys on the degenerate and bored young
ance; however, she has managed to find some of the 2nd circle. nobles at the capital. A famous socialite, he
rare books on the subject. Although she is loy- organizes many famous nocturnal parties at
al to the Council, she feels that the Radiance is Gorevitch-Woszlany, Prince Morphail: (M his manor. His charming gaze earns him pop-
too powerful a knowledge to hide from her 28, St 17, In 18, Wi 15, Dx 11, Co 14, Ch 16, ularity and support at Parliament, especially
kin in Alfheim. A good-hearted elf, she is AL Chaotic—Baron of Igorov) the day after such a party.
torn between her loyalties to her nation and to The sister, Lady Tatyana (M12, N), has
the elves of Alfheim. fallen in love with Sire Claude d'Ambreville.
She has devoted herself to her charge of They are both vampires and reside at the Tow-
Chamberlain of the Land. She truly attempts er of Igorov. Claude, now called Nikolai, sel-
to help the poor, but has been accused of dom shows himself, fearing to let his family
favoritism toward the fair elves. She is the know his fate. He remains a bat on Tatyana's
High Mistress of the Runes. shoulder. They both hate vampirism but can-
not resist Morphail. Sir Mikhail (T16, C) is
Erewan, Site Qenildor: (E9, St 16, In 15, rather jealous of his brother's good fortune at
Wi 14, Dx 13, Co 16, Ch 12, AL Lawful) the capital. He wants Morphail to send him to
Sire Qenildor is Princess Carlotina's older the capital to take over the underworld, desir-
son, and the Captain of Camp Huledain. He ing to have as much success among the world
dreams of leading an expedition into the Bro- of thieves, spies and beggars as his brother has
ken Lands to destroy the humanoid tribe with the princes. Sir Mikhail is a cruel and
responsible for his father's death. Since the sadistic vampire. The worst can be expected
father's body was never retrieved, Qenildor from him when he is not directly under the
still hopes to find his father alive. PRINCE VOSZLANY prince's control. He has at times ignored the
Since he obtained the commission for Vampires' Law; consequently, many "illegiti-
Camp Huledain, Qenildor has had difficulties mate" vampires have died on Boldavian
with Volospin's 2nd Banner contingent sta- stakes...
tioned there. The officers are particularly Viceroy of Tchernovodsk, he is also the
uncooperative, especially since Qenildor start- absolute ruler of sinister Boldavia and all bar- Graustein, Herr Rolf: (M14, St 10, In 17,
ed a series of patrols a little too close to the onies north and east of Rymskigrad. He Wi 11, Dx 12, Co 13, Ch 8, AL Neutral-
border with the Broken Lands. They claim he became a nosferatu circa 720 AC. Since then, Viscount of Blofeld)
ignores the Silver Sierras much too often, and he has had many opportunities to "visit" local Herr Rolf is one of Prince Jaggar's closest
dislike his sophisticated military tactics. barons and spread the curse of the undead friends. He is often called Herr Doktor at Cas-
among them; alone among his kind, he can tle Ritterburg because he spends most of his
The Erewan Clan: The Erewan Clan is a typ- choose whether his victim will be a vampire or time in libraries, learning ancient secrets deal-
ical elven community. The family members a nosferatu. He now controls these nobles and ing with golems and similar animated crea-

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

ManauOens, Mages aNt> Mastens

tures, mechanical or living. During his experi- of Palatinsk) ally wears a translucent blue veil over her face.
ments he tends to wear a long white blouse Lord \buri is another vampire pawn of She is a Fire Elementalist of the 3rd circle.
and high leather boots. Rolf is a 3rd circle Prince Morphail. In life, he was a famous vam-
alchemist. pire hunter, until he met up with the Prince. Lowenroth, HerrFranz: (M12, St 15, In 16,
His vampiric nature is not common knowl- Wi 13, Dx 12, Co 12, Ch 14, AL N e u t r a l -
Grenier, Sire Gilles: (M9, St 12, In 16, Wi edge, and he is still thought to hunt the Baron of Adlerturm)
13, Dx 12, Co 14, Ch 14, AL Neutral— undead. He will gladly join vampire hunting Hen Franz is a tall, muscular man. His people
Vicomte de Fausseflammes) expeditions, giving the hunters fake wooden often refer to him as the Lion Master. Franz
Sire Gilles came from Old Averoigne with stakes and stale garlic, in order to make them spends his time at spell research on all that deals
the d'Ambrevilles when they opened their believe the vampire has been destroyed. with animals (enlarging, controlling, shape-
portal. He is now in his fifties. Sire Gilles is a When the "hunters" leave, things returns to change, etc.), or on taming lions and other
sorcerer who specializes in mixing potions, normal and everyone is happy, \buri is a 3rd felines. Through magic, Franz has acquired all
particularly love potions. He murdered his circle necromancer. the abilities of a weretiger. It is not rare to see
wife Sabine in a fit of passion when in Old him walking along the streets of Leenz or Glantri
Averoigne, and now his potions are cursed. Jerbat, Lady Arbana: (M9, St 8, In 18, Wi City with two large lions at his sides. He is a Cry-
There is a 50% chance any of these potions 15, Dx 12, Co 11, Ch 9, AL Chaotic- ptomancer of the 3rd circle.
will have a harmful effect, either the reverse of Viscountess of Redstone)
the intended effect or as poison (see module Lady Arbana is a true Alphatian. This wick- di Malapietra, Prince Innocenti "Nero":
X2, Castle Amber tot more detail). Although ed old lady came to Glantri twenty years ago (M17, St 11, In 17, Wi 16, Dx 12, Co 16, Ch
he did not attend the Great School of Magic, to live out her old age; but she is actually a spy 12, AL Chaotic—Viscount of Sirecchia)
he has the abilities of a Witch of the 2nd cir- paid by the mighty Alphatian Empire to keep Innocenti is the ruler of Caurenze and Vice-
cle. an eye on Prince Volospin Aendyr and seek roy of Ylourgne. He is the most paranoid of all
out the secret of the Radiance. She has already his family, which perhaps explains why he has
Haaskinz, LordHarald (of): (M25, St 14, In been spotted by the Brotherhood of the Radi- remained the prince so long. Prince Innocenti
17, Wi 14, Dx 10, Co 12, Ch 11, AL Lawful- ance as a suspicious individual. If given a is a fat oily man in his late thirties. He makes a
Archduke of Westheath) chance, she will have anyone she discovers to great show of his enjoyment of poetry and
Lord Harald joined the House of Sirecchia be a member of the Brotherhood abducted music; but this is just a facade concealing a
because Prince Innocenti di Malapietra promised and spirited to Silverston for questioning. She ruthless man who will not hesitate at murder
to help him earn a principality in the Sablestone is an Air Elementalist of the 2nd circle. or genocide to reach his goals.
area. The Archduke does not really trust Inno-
centi but needs all the allies he can get. Sir Krinagar, Lord Urmahid: (M15, St 12, In
Harald is a master in the use of the Radiance; 16, Wi 13, Dx 17, Co 12, Ch 16, AL Lawful-
this is the reason why Innocenti wants to remain Count of Skullhorn Pass)
in his good graces. Sir Harald is a gende and Lord Urmahid is of ancient Ethengarian
kind person, but generally avoids society because descent. His title as Count of Skullhorn Pass is
of a painful decaying disease that withers his left highly controversial at the Parliament,
arm. Some of his close guards say that, one because it makes him responsible for securing
night, they could see the Archduke glowing with the pass against Ethengarians. But because he
a pale, mysterious blue aura. He is the High is loyal and because the Khan would have him
Master of Water Elcmentals. executed if captured, several princes support
his title. Urmahid also happens to be an occa-
Hillsbury, Lady Margaret (of): (M14, St 16, sional, and masterful, spy for the Council
In 15, Wi 15, Dx 10, Co 14, Ch 9, AL when missions deep in Ethengar are needed.
Neutral—Duchess of Fenswick) He is an effective counter for the Khan's spies,
Lady Margaret is a strong-willed woman who assassins and undercover missionaries. Urma-
rules her dominion with an iron fist. She is quite hid is also Prince'sjherek's brother-in-law and PRINCE diMALAPJETRA
touchy on matters of law and principle when it an Illusionist of the 4th circle.
comes to her subjects' behavior and nobles' atti-
tudes at Parliament. She is absolutely loyal to the Krollnar, Lady Rowena: (M10, St 12, In 17,
system of principalities, the Order of the Radi- Wi 11, Dx 13, Co 12, Ch 17, AL N e u t r a l - He is fond of the monster combats at Circus
ance and the supremacy of magic. She joined the Viscountess of Bergen) Lizzieni. There are large numbers of monsters
House of Silverston because the Aendyrs are This young noblewoman from the House of and humanoid slaves in the city, most brought
masters at making the best use of their magic in linden is one of the most beautiful courtesans from the Kurish Massif. Prince Innocenti
all circumstances. She also feels that Prince in Glantri. Her face bears a scar dating from organizes gladiatorial games every month at
Volospin (whom she desperately wants to the time she accidentally invoked a creature the arenas, which helps keep him popular
seduce) is a true gentleman. She is an Air Ele- from the Abyss. The creature escaped. with his people. It is not rare to see con-
mentalist of the 3rd circle. Rowena has offered her hand to any hero who demned prisoners (or the Prince's foes) fight-
will kill the creature and bring her proof of the ing in the arenas against unspeakable horrors.
Ivanov, Lord Youri: (M10, St 12, In 16, Wi deed. Many men think the scar adds to her Some manage to survive and build a following
14, Dx 12, Co 13, Ch 14, AL Chaotic—Baron beauty. She is a tall, shapely blonde and usu- among the spectators. Once in a while, Prince

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Innocenti will grant clemency to a hero of the Glantri, equally white in wolf form. He is also Ch 17, AL Neutral—the ghostly Baroness of
arenas, but the lucky fellow had better leave the leader of the Canine Protection Society Uigmuir)
Caurenze rapidly for his own sake. Innocenti (see "Guilds and Brotherhoods" for details) Years ago, a large orcish tribe from the
is the High Master of the Earth Elementalists. located at Chateau de Morlay, as well as an Wendarian Reaches overran her barony. After
Alchemist of the 3rd circle. the orcish king forced her to marry him and
The di Malapietra Family: All of the oldest bear his child, he assassinated her. After the
members of the di Malapietra family passed Markovitch, Lady Szasza: (M12, St 16, In garrison from Fort Nordling drove the ores
away (with a horrible look in their eyes and 17, Wi 8, Dx 13, Co 14, Ch 18, AL Chaotic- back to the mountains, Myra returned to the
foam on their lips) soon after Innocenti took Baroness of Vladimirov) tower as a ghost and tricked the Viceroy into
the throne of Caurenze. This beautiful and sensual blonde is one of believing she was still alive.
"II Signor Giovanni" (M9, C, Earth Ele- the nosferatu pawns of Prince Morphail. She Myra still runs the barony, none being
mentalist of the 2nd circle), the older brother has the habit of inviting good-looking nobles aware she is a ghost. She has the statistics of a
and Condottiere of Lizzieni, is known for his from the capital to spend some time at the haunt (see the Companion Book Two), plus
cruelty toward both the inhabitants and his Tower of Vladimirov. She is a particularly the spell-casting abilities of a 10th level
Aalbanese garrison. Fearing the prince's strong nosferatu and can stay in the sun, magic-user. She hopes to hire adventurers to
changing moods, he constantly plots coups which helps her find potential victims. If the avenge her and retrieve the "rightful" heir of
and revolts against Innocenti. victim is truly handsome, she may let him Uigmuir. Only then will she reveal her true
"La Signora Letizia" (F10, N) is the prince's leave Vladimirov unhurt but charmed, per- nature and rest in peace.
wife. Plotting to leave her husband because the haps with a bat or two to keep an eye on him
constant internal rivalries of the di Malapietras (she is atrociously jealous). McGregor, Sir Angus: (M12, St 7, In 18, Wi
frighten her, she has been promised protection She presently blackmails Lord Laszlo Wuty- 12, Dx 16, Co 8, Ch 12, AL Chaotic)
by Lady Juliana Vlaardoen, at Linden. Her son, la into revealing to her any new spells he Sir Angus is the ten-year-old grandson of
Bartolomeo (M7, C) is a twelve-year-old study- might discover, in order to gain the favors of Prince Brannart and the youngest member
ing at the Great School of Magic. He is aware of Prince Morphail. She hopes one day to ever of the Brotherhood of the Radiance.
her plot to leave his father and hates her for this. become his wife, and the princess of Boldavia. Angus is capable of using the lower-level
However, he will not betray her because he fears She is also a Witch of the 3rd circle. spells related to the Radiance. He knows his
the prince's two brothers; a safe haven with his grandfather turned into a lich because of the
mother may be desirable upon his graduation McAllister, Lord Alasdair: (M13, St 13, In Radiance, and expects to avoid this unpleas-
from the school. 16, Wi 12, Dx 11, Co 14, Ch 6, AL Chaotic- ant fate. He eventually hopes to succeed his
Agostino (M9, C) is the prince's younger Count of Glenargyll) undead father by overpowering him with the
brother. Since he has no hope of gaining the This young noble is Prince McGregor's son- Radiance. Despite his age, the child has
family title as long as Innocenti and Giovanni in-law, and part of the House of Crownguard, already forgotten the joys of childhood and
are alive, he plots to have both assassinated, as well as the Brotherhood of the Radiance. acts as an adult. Death may befall those who
along with Bartolomeo. He has promised Thy- He is as obsessed as the Prince with becoming do not treat Angus as a grown nobleman. He
atian emissaries a local consulate if they will immortal. He spends most of his time study- also is a 3rd circle necromancer.
help in the assassination. Recently, though, ing the effects of the Radiance, but so far he
the prince named him Castellan of Ylourgne has been unlucky; part of his face, his chest McGregor, Prince Brannart: (M33, St 16, In
to keep him away from the palace. and one arm bear the horrid disease caused by 17, Wi 13, Dx 11, Co 16, Ch 7, AL Chaotic-
Lucrecia (M10, C, Earth Elementalist of the excessive exposure to the Radiance. His wife, Viscount of Crownguard)
third circle) is the prince's sister. She stays at Lady Barbara, bravely does her best to soothe
the capital where she represents the di Mala- his pain.
pietras during Parliament votes. She hopes to
build some advantage over her paranoid McDougall, LordEachainn: (Mil, St 14, In
brother. If things go wrong, she has been 16, Wi 13, Dx 12, Co 15, Ch 15, AL Lawful-
thinking of taking Bartolomeo hostage, since Marquis of Dunvegan)
he is nearby, at the Great School. McDougall, an inventive and easy-going
noble, was chosen to hold the other end of
du Marais, Sire Malachie: (M10, St 16, In Skullhorn Pass because of his military expertise.
16, Wi 9, Dx 17, Co 15, Ch 13, ALChaotic- He is a man ahead of his time in these matters.
Baron de Morlay) He helps train his troops with "war games,"
Sire Malachie is one of the mages who where soldiers fight with dummy weapons and
made it across the magical portal to New Ave- magic. He developed a great tome on war games
roigne (see The d'Ambreville Family and and magic in cooperation with Jaggar von Dra-
module X2 for details). Sire Malachie is a chenfels, with who he remains on good terms.
werewolf who stalks the area of Morlay. He is a Dracologist of the 3rd circle (gold
Although they both belong to the House of dragon). Eachainn is a tall, athletic man with a
Sylaire, he is a fierce enemy of Dame Gene- thick dark beard. His great taste for the local
vieve de Sephora, who has been stalking him beverage is quite famous at Dunvegan.
since the times of Old Averoigne. Sire Mala- Prince Brannart is the ruler of Klantyre, and
chie is an albino, perhaps the only one in McDuff, Lady Myra: (HD14, In 17, Wi 10, Viceroy of Sablestone. He attained the status

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MaRauOens, Mages aNt> Masteus

of lichdom years ago when overusing the band's madness from the Council. If this were Wi 14, Dx 17, Co 11, Ch 14, AL Chaotic-
powers of the Radiance; he is also a Necro- to be discovered, Quentin would have to Viscount of Nathrat)
mancer of the 4th circle. Brannart hates all liv- return to Klantyre, a loathesome fate, in the Ezechiel spends some of his time exploring
ing creatures and eventually will rid his tower lady's opinion. The officers at Sablestone are the most remote areas of the Sierras. He has
of all living occupants, except perhaps Angus, loyal to her. been commissioned by the Council to seek out
his grandson, whom he feels will make a wor- Sir Bruce (C28, N), Mary's brother, is new sources of spell-casting and alchemical
thy servant, unless of course, he gets too pow- Angus' tutor and the Castellan of Crown- components. He has discovered a strange ore
erful. Brannart knows that the Radiance leads guard. What no one except his sister knows is just over the border in the Republic of Daro-
to immortality but still ignores how exactly. that he is a cleric (utterly illegal in Glantri) kin. He has failed to report the discovery to
He hopes to reach the Sphere of Entropy. He is pretending to be a fighter. He belongs to the either Darokin or Glantri, keeping the ore for
one of the oldest members of the Brotherhood Followers of the Claymore and hopes to over- himself. The ore seems to have anti-magic
of the Radiance but does not know that Angus throw the vile magocracy. He replaces Duncan properties, excellent for armor and containers
has also become a member. Should he ever McGregor when he is away from Glen- of various sorts. Ezechiel is a (black) Dragon-
learn about it, he will attempt to eliminate moorloch. Sir Bruce has escaped trouble so far master of the 2nd circle.
Angus. because the Sphere of Time arranged to divert
Prince Etienne's attentions; Bruce's own com- Nyrariel, Lady Aliana: (E9, St 11, In 17, Wi
McGregor, Sir Duncan: (F28, St 17, In 13, mon sense has done the rest. The laird of 12, Dx 14, Co 12, Ch 16, AL N e u t r a l -
Wi 15, Dx 12, Co 15, Ch 17, AL Lawful) Crownguard is easily recognizable for his large Countess of Soth-Kabree)
The Prince of Klantyre's older son, Sir Dun- red mustache, traditional kilt and claymore at This noble from the House of Ellerovyn
can, hates all that is related to magic and this his side (although he never uses it as a weap- holds one of the southernmost dominions in
cursed land of mages. This brave Highlander on; it is his clerical symbol). In times of Glantri. She has formed an interesting force
had to follow his clan into new Averoigne, despair, Sir Bruce can be heard playing his of elven knights mounted on griffons. Locals
leaving his beloved Scotland behind (see age-old bagpipe. say that she may have up to twenty such crea-
explanations on the House of Crownguard). Many fathers, uncles and older ancestors tures. Aliana can often be found in Lizzieni or
He resents the arbitrary law of Glantri that roam the area, as ghosts, shadows or spectres at the capital, seeking to purchase griffon
reserves the status of noble to wizards only. He seeking to avenge an untimely death. eggs. She is a Dragonmaster of the 2nd circle
feels Prince Brannart mismanages the people (blue dragon).
of Klantyre; he dreams of leading his clanfolk de Montebello, Dona Isabella: (M10, St 9,
out of Glantri. He is the Master of the Fol- In 16, Wi 14, Dx 11, Co 12, Ch 15, AL Orlovski, Shurav: (T6, St 13, In 14, Wi 10,
lowers of the Claymore (see Guilds and Broth- Neutral—"Senora Baronesa del Egorn" Dx 17, Co 12, Ch 14, AL Chaotic—Thief of
erhoods). He hopes to foment a revolt against This young and new elven baroness is the the Guild)
the established magocracy. His underground most influential noble in this area of Glantri. Shurav is a thief from the Fellowship of the
activities have been slowed down since he Her great charisma has enabled her to gain Pouch. He is a skinny, five-foot tall man, with
became the captain of the Skullhorn Pass followers among the local population (she is a a thin drooping moustache. He used to be a
camp. witch of the 3rd circle). She hopes to qualify famous contortionist with the United Artists
for an Act of Enfiefment and found a new Guild, but was thrown out for his pilfering
The McGregor Clan: The McGregors came elven principality. She is an enemy of the Bar- habits. He now uses this peculiar talent to
from another world, the same as that of Old on of Oxhill, whom she claims has attempted hide in small boxes or to squeeze his way
Averoigne (see notes on the House of Crown- to frame her for serious crimes, thus damaging through bars and enter the manors of wealthy
guard). Most of the people and retainers in her reputation. nobles. Shurav can be recognized by his
Crownguard are mildly insane because of the Boldavian accent.
bizarre and spooky nature of the tower. They de Moriamis, Dame Diane: (Mil, St 9, In
have all witnessed frightening undeads and 17, Wi 12, Dx 16, Co 10, Ch 11, AL Pingo, the Dark: (HD6, St 14, In 15, Wi
spirits that keep on returning from the tower's Neutral—Vicomtesse de Malinbois) 11, Dx 14, Co 13, Ch 9, AL Chaotic—Thug of
dungeons. "Madame la Vicomtesse" was born in Old the Guild)
Lady Barbara (F4, L), the prince's daughter, Averoigne at the time of the Inquisition (see Pingo is a tall black man who specializes in
was lucky enough to leave the tower when she notes on the House of Sylaire, and module the business of slaying for money. His meth-
married the Count of Glenargyll. Her son X2). She is an old lady who loves collecting ods usually consist of leaving poisonous snakes
Sean (M5, C, Water Elementalist of the 1st cir- ancient jewelry. She usually appears in public in his victims' bed or packs. He can silently
cle), a six year old, studies at the Great School covered with pearls, gems, and other glitter- control his pets by moving his head or his eyes
of Magic. ing trinkets. If she can't buy them, she might (provided the snake is visible). He is also an
Sir Quentin (M9, C, Water Elementalist of have them stolen, especially if the knows the adept of quiet strangulation. He has long
the 3rd circle), the prince's schizophrenic jewelry to be magic. Diane is a fat lady in her been a member of the Guild of Thugs.
younger son, also managed to escape the tow- fifties who unfortunately lost her hair (she
er when the prince named him Castellan of wears a wig to avoid ridicule). She would pay Qb'erabis, Vfassam: (M5, St 10, In 15, Wi
Fort Sablestone. Still, Sir Quentin's sleep is dearly for a hair-growing spell. She studies 11, Dx 13, Co 12, Ch 14, AL Chaotic-
often troubled by nightmares and odd mes- alchemy (and is an Alchemist of the 3rd cir- Magistrate)
sages the prince sends him at night. It is cle). Wassam judges petty criminals at the Court
Quentin's wife. Lady Mary (F12, N), who House and works at the City Treasury. He also
actually leads the fort, concealing her hus- Afaramis, Sire Ezechiel: (E9, St 14, In 15, holds an office at the Constabulary of Glantri,

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where he gains much knowledge on the Antonio gained support from Prince Inno- find if he has any connections with Thyatis.
whereabouts and assignments of Inspectors of centi after he perpetrated several assassina- He sometimes sends his wife, Rosabianca (a 10
the Utterance (see "The Glantrian Economy" tions among the older members of the di HD thug who works freelance, unbeknowst to
for details). On the side, he sells information Malapietra family. Antonio is very good at the Guild of Thugs), on special missions. At
for the right money. He can be recognized by brewing virulent poisons (he is an alchemist of the Tower of Verazzano, Griseo and Rosabian-
the long red robes the Magistrates tradition- the 3rd circle). With the prince's support, ca wear similar long dark robes, concealing
ally wear. He also belongs to the Hall of Mag- Antonio was able to found the Viscounty of their faces, so it is difficult to tell one from the
istrates. Castelbianco. During the time Antonio was in other.
Glantri City, he took over the Guild of Thugs
Ratibus, King o' the Beggars: (T32, St 14, (see "Guilds and Brotherhoods"). He controls Urbaal, Lord Emeth: (M12, St 18, In 16,
In 15, Wi 14, Dx 16, Co 12, Ch 9, AL Cha- the thugs directly from his tower of Castel- Wi 12, Dx 12, Co 14, Ch 10, AL Chaotic-
otic) bianco. Prince Innocenti has a "preferred cus- Count of Wylon)
Lord Ratibus is the leader of the dreaded tomer" status among the guild, enjoying Lord Emeth is a member of the House of
Court of Beggars (see "Guilds and Brother- lower rates and faster service. Silverston. He is often refered to as Urbaal the
hoods"). He is a hunchback, blind in one eye. Blue because of his thick silver and blue
His grey greasy hair barely conceals lumps and Terlagand, Lady Mariana (Narda Shelyn): beard. He is a master of magic related to air
warts over his head and face. He was once the (M15, St 13, In 17, Wi 12, Dx 13, Co 12, Ch and weather (of course an Air Elementalist of
servant of a prince but was caught stealing a 13, AL Neutral—the (fraudulent) Marchio- the 3rd circle). He is said to have built a flying
magical artifact. He was condemned to tor- ness of Berrym) ship hooked under a cloud, and pulled by two
ture, which caused his deformity. Despite The so-called Marchioness is a fraud. She giant rocs. (The "cloud" is actually a balloon
this, he is a quick and agile thief. died thirty years ago, alone, without an heir. filled with warm air.) Emeth has developed a
Should any individual seek to enter his Concealing her death, the Guildmaster of spell that keeps air warm for long periods of
court and not possess an affliction as ugly as Spokesmen, Meister Rannigar Budulug, took time.
his, he will order his beggars to beat the per- the opportunity to keep on representing the
son until the victim is equally ugly. This is the Marquisate's interests. Today, few ever get to Vandehaar, LordPieter: (Mil, St 14, In 15,
price for entering the Court of Beggars. meet Lady Mariana—an accomplice loyal to Wi 14, Dx 11, Co 16, Ch 9, AL Chaotic-
the guildmaster (Narda Shelyn) remains at the Baron of Oxhill)
deSephota, Dame Genevieve: (M20, St 11, Tower of Berrym, impersonates Lady Mariana, Lord Pieter holds the westernmost barony,
In 17, Wi 15, Dx 10, Co 13, Ch 11, AL and controls an array of other representatives near Fort Sablestone. He has secretly been
Neutral—Comtesse de Touraine) at the Parliament, who are "graciously" pro- paying a band of bandits to force the mayor of
Dame Genevieve used to be the chatelaine vided by the Guild (and unaware of the whole Kern and other key people to call for an Act of
of Sylaire in Old Averoigne (see the notes on scam). She manipulates or eliminates embar- Enfiefment in his favor. Pieter has assassinated
the House of Sylaire, and module X2). After rassing servants, army officers, guards and many other nobles seeking to found a princi-
the destruction of Castle Amber, she offered other officials of the marquisate who might pality here; the Guild of Thugs is quite active
her tower to Etienne in exchange for safe pas- cause difficulty. in this area. Pieter is a fierce opponent of
sage into Glantri. Sylaire was carried stone by Dona Isabella de Montebello, his most serious
stone across the magical portal into Glantri. Timenko, Lord Piotr-Grygory: (M9, St 15, competitor. Pieter is also a Follower of the Fire
Since then, she managed to become the Com- In 16, Wi 17, Dx 11, Co 15, Ch 14, AL (see "Guilds and Brotherhoods") and a Fire
tesse de Touraine, as well as the High Mistress Chaotic—Baron of Kutchevski) Elementalist of the 3rd circle.
of Alchemy. She is very beautiful, with thick, Lord Piotr-Grygory is another vampire
curly chestnut hair bound with silver filigree. pawn of Prince Morphail. He poses as a sage Verlien, Lady Sinaria: (M21, St 12, In 17,
She has the power to charm any male if he fails on the subject of the undead, vampires espe- Wi 11, Dx 12, Co 12, Ch 8, AL Chaotic-
a saving throw vs. spells. cially. Anyone foolish enough to meet the Countess of High Sonden)
"sage" in person will probably learn the truth Lady Sinaria has been searching for the
Soag-Aah, the Fist of Khan: (C18, St 13, In about his questions. Some questioners secret of the Radiance for many years, but in
15, Wi 17, Dx 11, Co 14, Ch 16, AL become controlled vampires; others are sent vain. Upon scrying the despised Virayanas,
Chaotic—Wandering Cleric) out of the tower, where a large pack of hungry she discovered that Lord Rejladan knew some
Song-Anh is a cleric from the Ten Thousand wolves (under Piotr's control) await. He is a obscure secret of the Radiance. She had him
Fists of Khan (see "Guilds and Brotherhoods" 2nd circle necromancer. abducted and trapped without his spells on a
for more detail). If, when spreading his word small moebius-type plane, where an athach
of faith, he stumbles on one who does not Fulvina, Signor Griseo: (M16, St 14, In 16, constantly stalks him. Rejladan is condemned
believe, Song-Anh has the habit of bestowing Wi 12, Dx 16, Co 10, Ch 17, AL Chaotic- to flee forever until he gives up and reveals his
a quest upon the infidel. The victim is to go Viscount of Verazzano) knowledge. He has been in this five-mile long
preaching aloud until he returns with one or Signor Griseo is a follower of Prince Inno- plane for months now. Sinaria is also a Fol-
more followers. Of course, the wandering centi di Malapietra. Griseo has developed an lower of the Fire and an eminent member of
priest is long gone by then. expertise with all magic that deals with shape- the Free and Anachronic Society of Aalban
changing. He is a master at impersonating (see "Guilds and Brotherhoods"). She is a
di Tarento, Signor Antonio: (M12, St 17, In other nobles, which makes him the master spy Fire Elementalist of the 4th circle.
16, Wi 10, Dx 16, Co 10, Ch 9, AL Chaotic- for Prince Innocenti. His current assignment is
Viscount of Castelbianco) to impersonate Agostino di Malapietra and

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Virayana IV, PrinceJherek: (M27, St 12, In has tried to find his half-brother but has not Lady Juliana (M9, L, 1st circle Fire Elemen-
17, Wi 16, Dx 15, Co 10, Ch 16, AL been successful. Actually, Rejladan has been talist) is now an 18-year-old who does well in
Neutral—Khan of Singhabad) abducted by Lady Sinaria Verlien because of the craft of magic and in the Mastery of Fire.
his knowledge on the Radiance. He found an Unlike her parents, she has silver curly hair,
old tome, dating from the time of his ances- but with the copper skin of the Flaemish; she
tors, about the Radiance but was abducted has beautiful, large green eyes, sensual lips,
before he could study the book in detail. and a flirtatious manner. Her mother does not
approve of her manner, and a recent law of
Vlaardoen XI, Prince Vanserie: (M28, St 8, Linden specifies that death will befall any
In 18, Wi 14, Dx 10, Co 10, Ch 12, AL man who touches or speaks to the princess—a
Chaotic—Viscount of Linden) fact Juliana ignores.
Prince Vanserie is the ruling wizard of The prince's brother, Sir Anton (F22, C)
Bergdhoven, Viscount of Linden and Trea- died years ago when he attempted to kill an
surer of the Council. Vanserie is easily recog- ancient gold dragon. Out of boredom, Rak-
nized by his flamboyant red hair and beard. naar the dragon (HD22, L) polymorphed into
He is one of the more powerful mages in a human, came to the Tower of Linden, and
Glantri, having discovered some of the secrets finally magic jarred into Anton's body. He hid
of the Radiance and reached the High Mastery his polymorphed body deep in the tower's
of Fire. dungeons. Since then, Raknaar has fallen for
Juliana's beauty and remained to protect her.
The old dragon senses that Juliana's align-
ment does not correspond to that of her par-
Jherek Virayana is the fourth ruler of Kron-
dahar, the Supreme Judge of the Council and Wutyla, Lord Laszlo: (M9, St 11, In 14, Wi
Khan of Singhabad. He is a very civilized man 8, Dx 10, Co 18, Ch 7, AL Chaotic—Baron of
who will not hesitate to spend fortunes when- Mariksen)
ever a noble pays him a visit. His banquets are Sir Laszlo is another nosferatu pawn of
famous for their scrumptious exotic foods— Prince Morphail. He is the most remotely
although their ingredients may be best left to located from the Tower of Igorov, and the
the guests' imaginations. He takes any oppor- hardest to control. He knows the Boldavian
tunity to organize wild monster hunts, for Vampires' Law (see Morphail Gorevitch-
pleasure, in the bordering Colossus Mounts. Woszlany) and so he sometimes leaves
Mountain tigers are likely prey; so are unwel- Mariksen for a "raid" into Ethengar. This has
come visitors. (In the name of sportsmanship, caused the Khan to send more clerics to this
Prince Jherek always grants clemency to the border to combat the vampiric threat, causing
visitor if he survives more than a full day.) greater friction between Ethengar and Glan-
Jherek also happens to be the High Master of tri. Laszlo's biggest fear is of the prince learn-
illusionists. ing about his misbehavior. Should someone
On occasion, Vanserie disappears for several (like Lady Szasza Markovitch) happen to learn
The Virayana Family: The Virayanas are a weeks at a time, searching outer planes for sur- of this and blackmail him, he will agree to any
quiet family, united behind their ruler, Prince viving Followers of the Fire, a faction of old terms demanded of him. He is a 2nd circle
Jherek. The prince has three wives, Lan-Syn Alphatians opposed to those represented by Necromancer.
(M17, C, fourth circle Illusionist), Aleah the Aendyrs. He hopes to find allies and bring
(T17, C) and Waira (F14, C), and a great them over to reconquer Glantri. Vanserie also Zispaghi, Luigi "Belcanto": (T5, St 12, In
number of concubines. The wives do not get is the leader of the Followers of the Fire in 14, Wi 8, Dx 13, Co 10, Ch 17, AL Chaotic—
along and each is trying to become the Glantri (see "Guilds and Brotherhoods" for the Singing Gondolier)
prince's favorite. Succession might become a more details). Luigi works as a full-time gondolier in
difficult problem: Of the three, Lan-Syn is the Glantri City, and is part of Fellowship of the
only "legal" heir, since she is a wizard. How- The Vlaardoen Family: The Vlaardoens are Pouch. He is famous for his love songs while
ever, she has given him no sons, and Aleah one of the smallest princely families. It is he pushes his gondola. The People's Spell
and Waira have given him one each. Each wife believed Lady Wilhelmine (M23, C, fourth Casters Company pays him to abduct various
will try to eliminate the others in order to gain circle Fire Elementalist), the prince's wife, is people when needed (especially Inspectors of
the throne for her line. sterile, and that Lady Juliana's birth made her the Utterance). A knob located at the rear of
Sir Rejladan (M9, L, 1st circle Illusionist), so—or, perhaps, that she always was, and that his gondola releases a sleeping gas in the cabin
the younger son, recently disappeared while Juliana was secretly purchased or stolen to be and locks the door and the windows.
participating in a wild hunt in the mountains. her child. Wilhelmine is a Follower of the Fire
Jherek thinks sasquatches did it, but so far all as well as a member of the Free Anachronic
attempts to find Rejladan have failed. Ralindi Society of Aalban (the latter is not common
(M9, N, 2nd circle Illusionist), the older son, knowledge in her family).

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Maitaubens, Mages aNt> Mastens

AMbassaOous the elven ambassador to Karameikos (see Treasury. This would weaken Duke Stefan's
details in GAZl). Galladin is also a new stu- hold over the throne on which Sergei has per-
GaUzdin, Sire: (E8, St 8, In 17, Wi 10, D dent at the Great School of Magic, now work- sonal ambitions. On occasion Sergei can be
15, Co 12, Ch 16, ALN—Lord Ambassador of ing on his first circle of Dracology (jade found in Glantri's West Side meeting shady
Alfheim) dragon — see Masters rules). people incognito.
Galladin is perhaps one of the most honest
ambassadors in Glantri City. He doesn't allow Torenescu, Sir Sergei: (F4, St 16, In 15, Wi Diaura, Lady Scrutina: (F4, St 7, In 17, Wi
gratuitous theft of Glantrian knowledge, sin- 14, Dx 13, Co 12, Ch 15, AL Chaotic — Lord 16, Dx 15, Co 5, Ch 9, AL N — Lady Ambas-
cerely beliveing elves are not in need of Glan- Ambassador of Karameikos) sadress of Darokin)
trian wizardry. He has no connection with Sergei is a fat, oily man, with a scar on the Lady Scrutina is a wealthy lady chosen by
E.L.F. or F.A.E.R.Y. subversives. Galladin is side of his right eye. He earned this ambassa- Darokin as representative because of her great
aware of the Glantrian spies across the street dor position thanks to Boris, a cousin connect- shrewdness in business and things political.
and some occasional scrying on the constabu- ed to Karameikan government. He helped She is an old, skinny one, with grey hair and a
lary's part, but he fears them not since he has Boris elimiate a rival family member several quavering voice. She wears surprisingly com-
nothing to hide. Subversives will be rapidly years ago (see GAZl for details). mon gear with very little jewelry for a person
expelled from the embassy. Galladin is essen- of her rank.
This commission saved him the unpleasant
tially interested in the welfare of fair elves in
alternative of answering questions about Despite Scrutina's political and business
Glantri, and the support of the Glantrian alli-
shady activities recently unveiled in Specu- abilities, she has the bad habit of cutting cor-
ance to Alfheim.
larum, in the name of public opinion and pol- ners on what she thinks is not absolutely vital.
Galladin appears as a middle-aged elf, with itics. Sergei allegedly runs a false money ring. Many people say she is a terrible scrooge as far
a slight tan complexion, silver white hair and a It links the People Spell Casting Company as petty cash goes. Banquets at the embassy
neatly trimmed beard. He often wears a pail making illusory gold, to Karameikan extor- are as rare as they are frugal, cheap and dull,
green, silken costume and discreet jade jew- tionists. The plot is to generate real money for not quite insulting to her guests but by a nar-
elry. He happens to be Shalander's brother, the P.S.C.C., and damage the Karameikan row margin.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Their robes are red and long, covering them Status
from head to toe, with pointed hoods over follow the mercantile organizations han-
Legal: These groups are officially recognized
their faces and silken girdles reaching the dling most of the population's business.
by the Council as representatives of their
floor. Quietly they sit, waiting in the chilling Many other groups exist, but remain
craft. They may defend their interests as
dampness of the dungeon. Lonely footsteps underground, for their goal is either illegal
long as their activities remain legal.
echo in the dark, approaching. or harmful to the people.
Semi-Legal: These groups are tolerated by the
"It's him," whispers one. "In order to enter one of these groups, Council of Princes, as long as they do not
His neighbor clutches his staff and answers one must usually perform a deed appropri- cause any major problem for the nation or
coldly, "The Tower is deep, and no one knows ate to the organization, be it a payment of within a principality.
for sure what dwells here other than wards and gold, an oath, or a specific service. Usually, Illegal: Any known members of these groups
captives. Hope that it is he whom we have membership is maintained by paying some are considered criminals and will be hunt-
sought, else it might be our doom." gold every month. ed by the local constabulary. Illegal sects
A hooded man in the front turns and "To understand these groups better, you are always underground movements that
replies in a low rumbling voice, "We are sen- must study their roots, motives and meth- are difficult to find and join.
iors in the Science of Law. The school would ods. Two criteria can be used to summarize Underground: These are not necessarily ille-
not have us sent here if danger lurked so close. their nature and basic goals. In the Magis- gal, but feel they should remain secret for
Keep quiet, my brethren, for the Master is trates' jargon, they are called Alignment fear of opposed factions, or to avoid possi-
close. I can sense him now." and Status." ble legal complications.
The students fall quiet, as the echo in the
corridor comes to an end. A word is uttered in AHQNMCNtS Xltje Quiios aNO BtiotljentjooOs
the dark, and suddenly a globe of light Belligerent: Any faction in this category uses
appears amid a flash of scintillating colors violence to enforce the purpose of the fac- "Now that you have the basic facts, we
sparkling in all directions. The brilliance dims tion. These groups are always secret. shall proceed with more information on
and reveals the master: his robes are purple Although most are illegal, some princes the specific organizations."
and long, covering him head to toe, with a may unofficially tolerate their existence.
pointed hood over his face and a silken girdle Dissuasive: In these groups are those who seek Alcfteiwists, ConponatioN of
reaching the floor. to protect their interests against known or Alignment: Mercantile, scientific
legal parties, using the power of dissua- Status: Legal; licensed alchemists
iNf IUGNC€S sion. Their methods usually involve a mass Entrance Fee and Dues: 135 dc/18 dc
SubvensioNS IN QlaNtui, non-cooperation when a member's or the
community's interests are impaired.
ovenview pneseNteO by His Mercantile: The leaders of these groups seek
"As you already know, the alchemists of
HONOR, PRINCC Jljenek, Glantri must be licensed by the Great
to make a profit from the members' finan- School of Magic to legally perform their
SupneMe JuOge Of tlje cial activities, and provide certain services craft. The purpose of their corporation is to
COUNCH to their members. Some of the dues are compile knowledge pertaining to their sci-
spent to provide the services; the remain- ence and make sure it remains utterly
der goes to the leader(s). secret. There have been cases of alchemists
"Greetings, Seekers of Knowledge! I am
delighted to see you in this place of sorrow, Philosophical: The members of these groups eliminated for openly selling recipes and
for no one should venture in darkness usually pool their resources to impose, in a secrets belonging to the guild.
without knowing who might be there organized and efficient way, their philo- "Licensed alchemists are easily recogniz-
before him. Should you become a ruler, sophical (or religious) ideals upon a larger able by the blue star tatooed on their fore-
the little I shall now reveal may be of help share of the population. Self-preservation heads."
to those well intentioned. The others shall is often their motivation.
become my prey. Deep are the dungeons Political: These factions usually seek to gain DM Notes: This corporation maintains ties
under the Tower of Sighs and those I have advantages over other people, or to eliminate with the Guild of Thugs, especially when one
sent there have never returned. Now, let us another faction's advantage. Their methods of their members is suspected of selling trade
begin, for there is much to learn. involve the manipulation of people, laws and
voting powers through negotiation. secrets.
"Intrigues and interests have often torn AMbassadcms aNt> MiNistcns Soli-
our nation apart. When the magocracy was Scientific: The members pool some of their
established, many factions were crushed resources to increase the flow of knowledge baitfty
among them, on the condition this knowl- Alignment: Social, political
while a few survived. Since then, new guilds
edge remains among the members. In Status: Semi-legal; princes' retainers only
and brotherhoods appeared, both more elu-
doing so, they hope to gain a higher social Entrance Fee and Dues: 580 dc/60 dc
sive and aware of the utter power of High
Wizardry. Their importance varies greatly, status and manipulate the ignorant.
depending on their methods and intents. Social: These groups usually pool part of their "All high-ranking officials working for the
"The greatest forces in our nation are resources in order to redistribute them to a Council are members of the Solidarity. Its
the philosophical movements supporting failing part of their community. In so functions are to defend the members'
Wizardry as our nation's purpose. Then doing, members hope to reduce uncertain- political privileges: diplomatic immunity
ties in their future. in all Glantrian principalities, and non-

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)


DM Notes: The undead barons under Scotland (see Brannart McGregor in "Mages,
taxable income. Whenever a member dies Prince Morphail's control must obey his Marauders and Masters"). They resent the
during active duty, the surviving head of Boldavian Vampires' Law, which forbids the mages' absolute control over this nation and
the family gets a 20-year pension from the spreading of vampirism among the common- plot to overthrow them.
solidarity. Headquarters are located in ers (see Prince Morphail in "Marauders, So far, the groups's activities remain within
Glantri City." Mages and Masters" for details). the borders of Klantyre. However, because
The result is that all vampire barons merciless- Brannart's 1st and 2nd Banners are located at
Ancljitccts' Catmc ly hunt down commoner vampires to destroy Fort Sablestone, the group is becoming active
Alignment: Mercantile, scientific them. The victims organized the Boldavian Lib- in this lawless area (another reason why no
Status: Legal; Caurenze architects only eration Organization, whose purpose is to hire wizard has managed to create a principality
Entrance Fee and Dues: 1,500 dc/95 dc vampire hunters to stalk vampire nobles. Taking there). The Skullhorn Pass Camp is also high-
noble hostages is their favorite defense tactic ly infiltrated by the followers. Their head-
"These architects are well-known for their against Prince Morphail. Their ultimate goal is quarters are hidden in Glenmoorloch, under
ability to build elegant but solid struc- to kill Morphail and free all vampires. Sir Duncan or Sir Bruce McGregor. The fol-
tures. These may have magical attributes if lowers are also marginally active in Glantri
the proper fee is paid during the construc- PROtectioN Society City among military circles.
tion. The Cadre's architects jealously keep Alignment: Philosophical, belligerent
this knowledge secret. To enter the Cadre, Status: Illegal; a must for lycanthropes E1V€N LibenatiON FnoNt
one must have built an extraordinary struc- Entrance Fee and Dues: 180 dc/ 5 dc Alignment: Political, belligerent
ture, be a native of Caurenze and pay the Status: Illegal; Clan of Erewan only
fee. The headquarters are in Lizzieni." "This group is utterly illegal because its Entrance Fee and Dues: 140 dc/ 5 dc
members are lycanthropes. It is a band of
filthy creatures who seem to have estab- "This terrorist group is highly unpopular
S' Count among the non-elven population. Unfor-
lished some form of organized crime in the
Alignment: Mercantile, belligerent
hills north of New Averoigne. They are tunately, the local Erewan population
Status: Illegal; beggars only seems to support these brigands. They are
very elusive brigands."
Entrance Fee and Dues: An affliction/1 dc an armed faction of elves whose believed
DM Notes: The members of this society per- purpose is to oppose any attempt from the
"The beggars of Glantri City are often the Clan of Belcadiz to rebuild their suprem-
ceive themselves as innocent victims of racial
victims of someone's odious magic or are acy over the fair elves. Despite her denials,
prejudices and nationwide persecution. Their
the losers of a duel. As a result, the poor Princess Carlotina's position in this affair
slogan, "Remember the Yeats of Infamy," refers
wretches bear curses, deformities and dis- remains highly suspicious."
to the 802 AC incident with the dwarves, which
eases that prevent them from living a nor-
is similar to their case. For this reason, they will
mal life. Rejected by most of the
never harm dwarves or halflings. DM Notes: E.L.F. is also illegal in Erewan.
population, they have sought refuge at the
Beggars' Court, a rundown area of Glantri Their plan is to spread lycanthropy so that Carlotina unsuccessfully tries to dismantle the
City, in the west district." they can officially call for an Act of Enfiefment group because she disapproves of its violent
and create their own principality—which is per- and cruel methods.
fectly legal. This society has its headquarters at Their true objective is the separation of Ere-
DM Notes: To enter the Court, one must Chateau de Morlay, under Sire Malachie du wan from Glantri, then alliance with
bear an obvious and repulsive deformity. The Marais' authority. Some dwarven families of Alfheim. Canolbarth will strongly deny any
court's goal is to protect and avenge its vic- Rockhome secretly provide financial support, as involvement with the E.L.F., although there is
tims, in exchange for the membership fee and a means of revenge for the Years of Infamy. some evidence that individuals from Alfheim
absolute loyalty to the King of Beggars, Lord have transferred funds to the E.L.F. Their
Ratibus (see "Marauders, Mages and Masters" y e , Followeus of trje headquarters are located at Erendyl, under
for details). Alignment: Philosophical, belligerent Lady Esmeralda Erewan.
Status: Illegal; mostly fighters
BolOaviaN LibenatiON OnqaNizatioN Entrance Fee and Dues: Act of bravery/ S, Fitee FuNbaMCNtalist
Alignment: Philosophical, belligerent Alignment: Social, belligerent
Status: Underground; non-noble Bolda- none
Status: Illegal; free territory farmers
vians Entrance Fee and Dues: 1 dc/1 cp
Entrance Fee and Dues: None/50 dc "This group is perhaps one of the most
threatening underground movements in
Glantri. The few members we have had a "The members of this fledgling group are
"Little is known about these terrorists. chance to interrogate have all been soldiers. militant farmers in free territory areas.
They concentrate on Boldavian nobles, Some high military commanders at the capi- They try to prevent the local population
killing them or abducting their families for tal or in the Sablestone region are suspected from calling for an Act of Enfiefment, in
obscure reasons. It is believed they are local of conspiring against the Council, but so far order to preserve their ownership over the
activists seeking to become independent. nothing specific has been learned." land, and their freedom. They are usually
Their headquarters lie in the sewers of extremely poor and resent the presence of
Rymskigrad, in Boldavia." wealthy landowners. They are most active
DM Notes: Most members of this faction
are fighters from the parallel-world land of in the areas of Sablestone and Bramyra."

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

CJuilOs Bnotlieulioobs

DM Notes: They usually work closely with the Drachenfels' control. Its members include DM Notes: Should any action be taken
Thugs' Guild, to enforce their ideals over the Serena Aendyr, Wilhelmine Vlaardoen, and against the merchants (like excessive taxes),
local population, or with nobles seeking to build Sinaria Verlien. the consortium can respond by controlling
a new barony. They have regional headquarters prices and the arrival of vital merchandises in
at Bramyra, Estoniarsk, Huledain, and Kern. In
Fnee ARM€& EIVCN ResistaNt Voutrj
any principality. Their headquarters are in
case of an invasion (or revolt), they can muster in Alignment: Political, belligerent Glantri City.
a day a force of 150 men (Troop Class Fair, BR Status: Illegal; Clan of Belcadiz only
58) armed with pitchforks. Entrance Fee and Dues: 150 dc/25 dc S' SyNOicate
Alignment: Mercantile, dissuasive
Tine, F O I I O W C K S o f trje "This elven faction seems to consist of Status: Legal; all creatures' handlers
Alignment: Philosophical, political individuals from Belcadiz. Most of their Entrance Fee and Dues: 35 dc/ 3 dc
Status: Illegal; old Flaemish nobles activities have been the destruction of
Entrance Fee and Dues: None/none material property in Erewan and the "This government-backed guild trains
abduction of fair elves. Their headquarters monster handlers to make sure they are
"This faction baffles us. Many constables are believed to be in New Alvar, although properly prepared to deal with each mon-
have studied their alleged coven activities no link was traced to Princess Carnelia." ster's specific powers. Each type of monster
but cannot recognize any son of pattern, requires a qualified handler with a license
other than the spreading of chaos and con- DM Notes: This armed faction of Belcadiz from the union. A dragon handler will
fusion. The Vanserie family is suspected of elves is strongly opposed to the Elven Libera- only deal with reptile monsters, and a
being involved." tion Front. F.A.E.R.Y's purpose is to seek out giant handler will only deal with giants.
criminals from E.L.F. and execute them. Their There is nothing illegal here."
DM Notes: This group is made up of old other activities include illegal tampering of
Flaemish nobles who specialize in the use of voting ballots in favor of Belcadiz's affairs. DM Notes: The syndicate will always
fire as the basis of their magic. Most of these They ultimately seek the reunification of Ere- oppose individuals with known monster pets
nobles have graduated from the Great School wan and Belcadiz, of course under Carnelia's or familiars on the grounds that the monsters
of Magic with various degrees of mastery over control. The group is tolerated in Belcadiz but must have a union handler for the popula-
fire. They resent the fact that the Council con- illegal in the rest of Glantri. Don Carlo de tion's safety. If the individual refuses to com-
trols the nation that was once under their Belcadiz is the secret leader of the faction, and ply with the union's orders, they may legally
supremacy. Their secret activities are to pro- also happens to be the Constable of New have the monster confiscated by the local con-
mote wars between the principalities to weak- Alvar, where F.A.E.R.Y. is based. stabulary.
en them. They are often at the source of A monster handler costs 10 dc per HD of
frictions between Belcadiz and Erewan, or the MaqistRates, Hall o f
monster to be handled, per month. The
Aendyr and the di Malapietras. Alignment: Scientific, political union has headquarters in every major town,
Status: Legal; Parliament retainers only but is particularly active in Leenz, Lizzieni
The leader of this faction is Prince Vanserie
Entrance Fee and Dues: 65 dc/3 dc and Glantri City.
and the members are Pieter Vandehaar, Sinaria
Verlien, and Wilhelmine Vlaardoen. The secret
"This group consists of retainers working MONStCK HUNtCRS' UNION
headquarters are located at the Tower of Linden.
at Parliament. They are masters at cam- Alignment: Mercantile, scientific
ANacrjKONic S o c i e t y o f AalbaN paigning to gain votes, so much so that Status: Legal; all monster hunters
Alignment: Scientific, belligerent many nobles pay for their advice. They Entrance Fee and Dues: 75 dc/15 dc
Status: Semi-legal, underground; MUs intend to make sure this strange political
only science remains in their hands." "This union is interested in compiling
Entrance Fee and Dues: 340 dc/50 dc information about monster lore and
DM Notes: Another goal of the group is the powers. Most members are sages who do
"This faction seems to have a pathological protection of the voting system in Glantri, not participate directly to the capture or
fear of anything that does not involve mag- which is the source of the magistrates' wealth. destruction of a monster, but will join a
ic, particularly machinery. They have sabo- The Hall of Magistrates is at the Parliament. party and give them advice."
taged new mechanical artifacts in the
s' CoNsontiuM
capital and in the Town of Leenz. The DM Notes: For a fee, a member offers his
destructions seem to be linked to individ- Alignment: Mercantile, dissuasive
knowledge to hunting parties. The fee
Status: Legal; all merchants welcome
uals in the Aalban region." depends on the type of monster to be hunted.
Entrance Fee and Dues: 500 dc/100 dc
When the mission is over, the member is to
DM Notes: These people perceive any tech- report to the local headquarters and describe
nological invention as a threat to civilization "The members of this society seek to control any previously unknown abilities the hunted
and the craft of magic. Whenever a machine all significant business in the country, espe- monster presented. The information is then
has been created without the use of magic, cially import and export. All merchants earn- compiled and forwarded to the union's
there is a 30% chance a member will attempt ing more than 1,000 dc per year must belong numerous headquarters. These are located in
to have it destroyed or secretly oppose its crea- to the consortium, or be shunned by Glan- all major towns.
tor in legal or illegal ways. The headquarters tri's merchant community." This group works closely with the Monster
of this society are in Leenz, under Genrud von Handlers' Union. If a party does not mention

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)


a capture upon its return, it is the member's do maintain tenuous contacts with the Ten Entrance Fee and Dues: None/2 dc
responsibility to notify the other union. Thousand Fists of Khan, a sect described in
this section. They have provided sanctuary to "This is a branch of the Fellowship of the
Movens' Quilt) fugitive clerics at times, but nothing more.
Alignment: Mercantile, dissuasive Pouch; its members sell their favors for the
The Great Saffron Mystic of Glantri has its pleasure of their customers. Their rates
Status: Legal; all professional movers seat at Lhamsa, in the Colossus Mounts.
Entrance Fee and Dues: 500 dc/10% vary widely, depending on their experience
profits People's Spell-Castetis CoMpaN? and ability and customer preferences."
Alignment: Mercantile, belligerent
"All moving enterprises in Glantri belong Status: Illegal; unlicensed magic-users DM Notes: This group's lobbying activities
to the Movers' Guild. They offer their serv- Entrance Fee and Dues: 50 dc/12 dc have been very successful at all levels of socie-
ices whenever a noble needs to move to ty, including the Magistrates at the Parlia-
another tower, which occurs rather fre- ment; no vote will fall against them. The
"Many magic-users from foreign lands or
quently in Glantri. The different movers members protect each other by threatening to
those who have had their licenses withheld
have varying amounts of gear and experi- stop their services in case of trouble. Individ-
join this secret sect. They offer magical
ence on how to move nobles, treasures, ual members are usually protected by the Fel-
services at lower prices than licensed spell-
and magical items across the land. Noth- lowship of the Pouch.
casters. Members buy information on the
ing abnormal has ever been noted in these activities of Inspectors of the Utterance and RaOiaNce, BuotrjeRrjoob of tfte
activities." will not hesitate to attack our men; some Alignment: Philosophical, belligerent
even practice extortion rackets in their city Status: Underground; all Radiance users
DM Notes: Prices vary greatly depending district. Leaks are suspected among corrupt Entrance Fee and Dues: None/none
on how fast and how far the noble wants to Magistrates at the Parliament, which helps
move, and the nature and amount of the these brigands escape the law."
"Very little is known about this obscure
goods to be transported. Movers often use the group. As its name implies, it seems to be
help of the Monster Handlers' Union and DM Notes: Stealing spell-books and scrolls related to a mythical force thought to radi-
mercenary troops. Their methods range from is another of their specialties, which has made ate from the center of our nation. A boun-
teleporting devices to flying carpets and over- them enemies of the Fellowship of the Pouch. ty of 100,000 dc has been offered by the
land caravans for the less wealthy. Prices Stan They are especially active in Glantri City, near City of Glantri's Constabulary for informa-
at 1,000 dc for not-so-reliable services to more the School of Magic. tion leading to the capture of any member
than 50,000 dc for top-notch service. of this brotherhood. It is not known where
The Movers' Guild has headquarters in eve-
Pouct), Fellowship of tfte
they hold their meetings."
Alignment: Mercantile, dissuasive
ry major town but the best services can be
Status: Semi-legal, underground; thieves
obtained in Glantri City. The amount of gold DM Notes: This brotherhood is the most
Entrance Fee and Dues: 50 dc/ 3 dc
spent on movers is often a reflection of the secretive and the smallest in numbers of mem-
noble's social status. bers; yet it is the most fearsome and powerful
"Most thieves belong to the Fellowship of
Mystic Healens, Hospice of in the nation. Its members are wizards who
the Pouch. Members must pay their dues
Alignment: Social, dissuasive have learned how to use the Radiance, a
monthly, in exchange for the right to oper-
Status: Legal, underground; mystics only strong magical force that radiates from below
ate within the Fellowship's territory. Non-
Entrance Fee and Dues: All wealth /same the School of Magic.
members, when found, are usually dealt
with in the most brutal manner. Their None of the members know each other
"A few monasteries of mystics are toler- activities are tolerated in Glantri because because there is no set headquarters or meet-
ated in Glantri because they do not bear many nobles use their services." ing place; all members use code-names. The
any religious character, and because these group's leader is no less than Prince Etienne
mystics have great knowledge of healing d'Ambreville (see "Marauders, Mages and
DM Notes: This group is on good terms Masters" for details). Because he is an immor-
wounds and diseases with herbs. It is not as with the Guild of Thugs but is usually
quick as clerical curative spells, but there is tal, Etienne can automatically identify any
opposed to the Beggars' Court, which they mortal user of the Radiance. Through magical
little they cannot heal within a week's feel overlaps on their territory.
time. Most of them can be found in high receptacles needed to control the force, users
The largest single Fellowship is that of can communicate mentally with each other
mountains, away from the population." Glantri City. Other semi-autonomous groups without revealing their identities. They must
of this nature can be found in all major towns. communicate during each equinox and sol-
DM Notes: These mystics are herbalists and Most of them reluctantly pay dues to the Fel- stice, at midnight. Etienne allows them to
alchemists, not clerics, so their healing power lowship in the capital, although once in while communicate to discuss new activities to sup-
is limited. They cannot regrow lost limbs or one of the sub-groups will try to break free. port the Order of the Radiance (see "Politics
organs, raise the dead, or reverse the diseases This leads to violent fights with the central and Rivalries in Glantri" for details) and talk
associated with the Radiance (though they can Fellowship. about critical events. Users of the Radiance
ease their pain). They heal wounds at a rate of know they must obey their leader, whom they
two hp/day and can provide the equivalent of Pnivate Houses, Sislens of tr)e
Alignment: Mercantile, dissuasive know as "Rad."
a cure disease spell in a week. They are disin-
terested in politics and money; however, they Status: Semi-legal underground; anyone The purpose of the Brotherhood is to

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

ensure that the users of the Radiance are all ScKibes AssociatioN The employment rates to be paid to the
nobles and that their magical receptacles are Alignment: Scientific, social spokesman vary greatly depending on the rep-
properly located according to the Order of the Status: Legal; scribes and interpreters resentative's abilities. Spokesmen originally
Radiance. Should a commoner magic-user Entrance Fee and Dues: 20 dc/2 dc pay for their own training when they join the
ever tamper with the Radiance, or a noble Guild (at which time they are also magically
move his receptacle closer to Glantri City than "The scribes of Glantri have an important conditioned to be loyal). Their abilities are
his noble title allows, Etienne will order the function in the Parliamentary bureaucracy, commensurate with their original investment.
offender to put an end to his researches at since all edicts and voting results must be So, there are low-priced spokesmen who can
once. If the mental order is ignored, Etienne translated into the various languages spo- handle simple operations, as well as highly
then contacts one of the Brothers of the Radi- ken in each principality. expensive representatives capable of oversee-
ance, identifies the culprit, and orders his "Scribes are but low class servants who ing a principality's administration and diplo-
immediate elimination. The method is up to are often abused by their eccentric wizardly macy. Rates vary from 50 dc to 5,000 dc per
the Brother. Betrayal of the Brotherhood's masters. Any error they make can create month, a third of which goes to the Guild.
secrets brings the same penalty. major diplomatic or magical problems; The Guildmaster is the only person capable
The brothers can affect the decisions of the thus, their trade is a risky one. of bypassing any of his spokesmen's condi-
Shepherds of Rad (see Temples of Rad later in "The purpose of their association is to tioning (this is not common knowledge). This
this section). The current Brothers are Don provide the families of unlucky scribes had never happened until the present guild-
Fernando de Casanegra, Lord Harald of with a temporary fund. Some of the associ- master, Meister Rannigar Budulug, secretly
Haaskinz, Lord Alasdair McAllister, Prince ation's finances are used to provide educa- took over a dominion after its ruler died (see
Brannart McGregor, Sir Angus McGregor, tion to the scribes' most talented progeny." Lady Mariana Terlagand in "Marauders,
Prince Vanserie Vlaardoen, and the mighty Mages and Masters"). Otherwise, Guild busi-
Prince Etienne d'Ambreville. SpokesMeiM's QuilO ness is performed honestly.
Sages' League Alignment: Mercantile, political of Rao
Alignment: Scientific, philosophical Status: Legal; geased diplomats only Alignment: Philosophical, belligerent
Status: Semi-legal; sages only Entrance Fee and Dues: Variable/special Status: Legal; Shepherds of Rad only
Entrance Fee and Dues: 500 dc/25 dc Entrance Fee and Dues: All wealth
"This organization is one of the largest in
"Many of the sages in Glantri belong to Glantri, and plays an important role with-
in the political system. Because of the wiz- "Respectable citizens go to the Temples on
this league to trade information and
ards' need to spend time away from the a regular basis. This ensures a clear mind
knowledge. Once a year, the sages travel to
political scene, the Spokesmen's Guild and adherence to the ways of wizardry. The
Glantri City to attend the Sages' Forum,
offers a commercial service of diplomatic Shepherds of Rad run the temples. Their
where knowledge is freely traded or sold
representation and advice. wisdom comes from talismans only they
among members.
"The guild features magical condition- know how to build. Donating gold to pro-
"Sages are almost above the law when it mote the construction of new temples is a
comes to kinds of information and how it is ing and guarantees of its spokesmen,
which were necessary conditions to earn way to improve one's social status."
acquired. For example, a sage who reveals
some national secret cannot be prosecuted, the wizards' trust. The spokesmen have
although the source of the leak will be in the reputation of being absolutely loyal to DM Notes: Shepherds are wizards whose
serious trouble." their employers. They are capable of run- goal is to influence people so they support the
ning the finances and politics of a domin- "Official Philosophy of Glantri" (see "Living
ion, as well as representing its ruler at the in Glantri City" for details). Their talismans
S' FnateuNity Council or at the Parliament. An officially are magical receivers through which Brothers
Alignment: Scientific, dissuasive registered spokesman has all legal powers of the Radiance send mental visions and
Status: Legal; school masters only to manage his employers' business, accord- orders to the Shepherds (brothers "send"
Entrance Fee and Dues: 180 dc/15 dc ing to limits set by the employer. Upon through their receptacles). The Shepherds
being hired, a spokesman must register at think they are hearing the Voice of Rad.
"Many schools of various sorts exist in the Parliament's offices to become legal. Brothers send to Shepherds in the temples
Glantri, including the Great School of they've founded, while Prince Etienne, the
"A spokesman of the guild can easily be
Magic. Anybody who teaches as way of life founder of the first Temples, sends to the
recognized by the small diamond implant-
may enter the Scholars' Fraternity. remaining ones. The fact that he created the
ed in his forehead."
"The Fraternity seeks the right to teach Temple's philosophy is not common knowl-
any topic freely, without fear of retaliation. edge but may be discovered at Glantri City's
If a scholar is threatened in any way, the DM Notes: Removing a spokesman's dia-
main library after several weeks of research.
whole fraternity could refuse to teach until mond implant causes his immediate death. It
The Shepherds and their believers are abso-
the insult is redressed. Since most scholars is the receptacle for the magical power that
lutely faithful to the talismans' suggestions.
have something to do with magic teach- keeps the representative loyal to his employer.
Etienne will punish brothers abusing this
ings, this would mean a serious problem The diamond prevents a spokesman from
for the wizards and the Council." talking under torture, magical or alchemical
influence. The diamond's effects are not dis-

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)


t:ijousaNt) Fists of KtjaN set up a local sect somewhere else in Glantri. Half the fee is payable in advance; if the thug
Alignment: Philosophical, belligerent The elusive central headquarters of the sect dies in the attempt, the advance is lost. The
Status: Illegal; clerics only are located in the town of Braastar, in Kronda- chances of success are 50%, minus the victim's
Entrance Fee and Dues: none/75 dc har. Prince Jherek is the most virulent foe of level, plus the thug's level. Reduce chances
the sect. Not one year passes in which a new 10% if the victim is a spell-caster, and another
"This highly illegal sect is an Ethengarian- branch of the sect is not discovered and utterly 10% if the victim is noble. Spy mission are
sponsored movement whose sole purpose destroyed by the constable (Jherek). also possible.
is to spread religion in Glantri and destroy The leader of the guild is no less than
Ttjuqs' Quilt) Signor Antonio di Tarento, the wicked Vis-
the wizards' supremacy. The members of Alignment: Mercantile, belligerent
the sect are usually believers in the cleric's count of Castelbianco. The guildmaster con-
Status: Illegal; thugs only trols the thugs' business indirectly from his
faith. Entrance Fee & Dues: 75 dc/12 dc
"Once in a while a member is discovered tower, using teleportation spells for his mes-
by the local constable and a wild manhunt sengers, and a crystal ball with ESP.
"The members of this guild offer their
immediately ensues to destroy the cleric UNiteO Autists Quilb
services for variable fees. They are special-
and his followers. So far, New Averoigne is Alignment: Philosophical, social
ized in eliminating people in the dark of
one of the only principalities almost totally Status: Legal; actors, dancers and acrobats
the night. Thugs operate in any sphere of
cleric-free. Entrance Fee & Dues: 10 dc/2 dc
society. At various times in Glantrian his-
"A bounty of 5,000 dc will be paid by tory, even some nobles at the capital were
any constable for information leading to notorious thugs. The guild is, however, "This association consists of all entertain-
the arrest of a cleric of this sect, plus 100 dc tolerated by the wizards because most of ers, including actors, troubadours,
per other non-clerical member." them hire their services at some point in dancers, acrobats, buffoons, animal han-
their careers." dlers, poets, painters, sculptors, and so on.
DM Notes: The most difficult task of the Their purpose is solidarity, in case one of
sect is to smuggle Ethengarian clerics across them meets an untimely end. Their head-
DM Notes: The fees to hire a thug usually
the border and forge false identity scrolls for quartets are located in Vyonnes."
reach 500 dc per level of the victim, double
them in Krondahar. Then each cleric tries to
that for wizards, triple if the wizard is a noble.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

City by NiQl7t
The fog is thick and the distant clamor of the Tllje NoctuRNal PoiNt of
city slowly dies out in the night. The reflection View, pneseNteO by Sin in business: they mount their vessels on
of the golden glow of a magical street lamp on skates and have them pulled by horses,
the oily surface of the canal is cut by a passing Bonis Qoncyitcfj-WoszlaNy, dogs, sails or even magic. The most famous
gondola's bow. At the rear of the boat, a lone- faiuous socialite winter gondolier is Prinz Jaggar's, which
ly figure slowly pushes on its pole, whistling in uses a tamed white dragon. Truly, the man
the night. Finally the ghostly gondolier stops "As you've noticed, a striking feature of has sryVe...
under a street lamp next to a narrow marble Glantri City is the fact there are hardly any " % u probably wonder where the water
stair on Manor Row. The bell on Alexander streets. Instead, we have many canals. in the canals comes from, since it flows
Platz eerily rings twice as half a dozen men They lead to the rivers south of the city, the toward the rivers. Well, this is actually very
furtively walk out from the dark. One after Isoile and Vesubia. So we sail along simple. An engineer from the Architect's
another, they cautiously step down and board between the buildings, comfortably seat- Cadre opened several small gates to the
the narrow, swaying boat. The night is cold ed, enjoying our ride. The city has over plane of water and so supplied the city
and the passengers pull their cloaks around three hundred fifty professional gondo- with an endless source. No one now knows
them. Moments later, the gondola slowly liers, most of them working during the where the gates are, since they lie at the
leaves, gliding quietly on the waterway. day. Their fees start at 1 copper piece per bottom of various canals, underneath ten
One of the men sitting at the front leans ride in the West Side to 1 dc in the Citadel or twenty feet of murky waters.
over to his neighbor. "It looks as though we and Nobles' Quarters on more comfort- "One more detail: the water in the Citadel
are all here for the same reason." able gondolas. There are even some ador- Quarter never freezes, except on Manor Row
"So it seems," answers the other, "and ably elegant boats capable of serving tea and on the School Channel. Perhaps some of
eager to learn more about this strange city. I and pastries during a ride. How lovely, the gates are there, supplying warmer waters.
was at the Tower of Sighs yesterday. Have you with their silk curtains and velvet cush- This is fortunate, as it's best for this vital part
been there?" ions... Of course, the wealthier citizens of the city to be better protected against
"I have," says the first, and looks per- have their own gondolas. thieves or creatures of evil intent.
plexedly up and down the canal and at the "Glantri is city of 39,200 residents, if we "Notice the number of towers and the
gondola. "What an odd way to tour a city," he include both suburbs and the city itself. way the houses are built in Glantri. All the
continues. "Frankly, I'm cold, and poling On the other side of the Isoile River are a buildings compete in elegance, with their
along the canals of this city just to see old few farms and, immediately after, a long balconies, graceful galleries for boarding
houses does not exactly appeal to me." series of rolling hills. On the other side of gondolas, statues and gargoyles at the cor-
"I agree. "Vbu'd think they'd provide some the Vesubian River lie marshes for several ners, high slanted roofs, turrets and pinna-
guide to explain what all these monuments hundred yards, beyond which the land cles. Stained glass is very popular because
are," replies the second. "Nor am I sure how dries up. Many fanners live there; they of the color and the privacy it offers the
safe this trip is. Have you any idea of what bring their produce to the city every day. occupants. Of course, the tower is a sign of
may lurk in these waters?" There is little room to spare within the high social standing; they are usually
"Well, I never leave without my little com- defensive walls of the city, so many inhab- inhabited by a powerful user of magic, or a
panion here," whispers the man, tapping on itants have built their homes outside, on master in the art of alchemy or arcane lore.
the wand that bulges under his cloak. the north and west sides of the walls, form- Many of these towers are covered with lay-
A voice—smooth, aristocratic, and a little ing the suburbs. Beyond are a large num- ers of bronze, brass, or, in the case of the
amused—rises from the rear: "My dear, ber of small villages and farms, boring Parliament, with thin sheets of gold and
you've no reason at all to fear for your safety. places, if you ask me. silver. When the sun rises over the city, the
%u are my guests, and absolutely safe; you "The walls and defensive towers around view can be breathtaking. Some of the old-
can put your trust in me!" the city form a two mile arc and extend to er towers have a green hue because the
All six passengers turn back and realize the the rivers, but stop there. The city authori- brass has tarnished over the years, but once
gondolier is missing. In his place now stands ties found that battlements would ruin the in a while the owners have the metal
an elegant young man, wearing an elegant view from the city on its river side. Of cleaned or changed.
suit of silk set off with pearls, white gloves and course, the canal entrances can be secured "The city is divided in quarters that cor-
a red cloak. Behind him, the pole continues with a series of watergates. When winter respond to the general type of inhabitants
pushing the gondola—all by itself. "I do comes, the river usually freezes, which dwelling there and what they do, such as
apologize for appearing before you in this leaves the south of the city unprotected. the Citadel Quarter, for all that deals with
manner, but a little discretion was necessary. But the Great School of Magic usually government; there are also the Nobles',
And I hope you don't mind my little trick sends its most talented students to raise Business, Entertainers', Port, Middle
with the pole. Allow me to introduce myself: I magical walls there. In spring, when the Class, and West Side Quarters."
am Sir Boris, representing Prince Morphail ice breaks, the walls are dispelled and the
here in Glantri. It is my pleasure to guide you beauty of the scene is restored.
through our charming city."
Ztje Citadel Quanten
"Meanwhile, the poorer people travel
on ice skates; sometimes the wealthier do "The most fabulous district of Glantri
so as well, but only for amusement. Even City, the Citadel Quarter, contains the glo-
in frozen weather, the gondoliers are still rious buildings from whence the nation is

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

City by

In the center of the plaza is the City Belfry, The prisons are located far below the
ruled. It is usually restricted to nobles, gov- actually a mausoleum dedicated to Lord Alex- ground, under the surface of the citadel's
ernment retainers, guards and students. ander Glantri, a hero of Glantrian history. It canals. Horrible creatures guard the dark
Other visitors must have a written pass from contains the hero's remains in a crypt, as well dungeons, such as the one that patrols this
one of the three city gate constables, or from as a magical mechanism that rings every hour. district at the night. It is a nightwing (from
the Port Authorities. Local gondoliers will Depending on the predicted weather, various the Master DM's book) under the control of
ask for passes before allowing unknown visi- statues come out near the top wearing garb the Supreme Judge, Prince Jherek Virayana.
tors aboard. They might refuse the visitor (or appropriate to the expected weather. The tow- His personal quarters are located near the top
alert the next patrol), but bribery sometimes er is made of pink marble with red veins in the of the tower. A large, slippery chute opens at
works. Any unauthorized visitor caught here stone. No door to the tower exists. the top of the tower and reaches the lower
is immediately taken to the Tower of Sighs Alexander Platz has covered bridges that levels of the dungeons. The nightwing uses it
for questioning. arch over the waterways to the Parliament, the to fly in and out of the tower.
"Armed gondolas regularly patrol these Great School of Magic and the southern end
canals during the day. This area is under a
curfew during night hours. No guards will
of Manor Row. The bridges to the school and Nobles' Quanten
the parliament are guarded (a proper pass is
then be found, but a powerful creature of necessary to enter). Many stairs around the "Noble families reside in 'The Rim,' the
darkness watches over this area of the city, plaza allow visitors to get on and off gondolas. eastern side of the city. Most own their
especially the Citadel and the Tower of 4. Great School of Magic: This imposing mansions there. Newcomers can rent resi-
Sighs." building is made of dark grey stones, covered dences, but the prices are outrageous and
with plates of bronze and silver decorations. there is often a waiting list. This area of the
DM Notes The bronze turned green many years ago. city is the richest and the most ostenta-
1. Citadel: Carlotina's and Jherek's 1st and There is only one entrance, at the bridge to tious. There are a few luxury inns and tea
3rd Banners are garrisoned here, totalling 372 Alexander Platz. Several towers of various parlors, but the most common shops here
soldiers, plus high ranking constable officers, heights and shapes rise above the school. The are jewelers, goldsmiths, and rich cabinet
servants, council retainers and guests. highest tower contains Prince Etienne's per- makers who specialize in the construction
The citadel has three bronze doors that sonal quarters. Only scholars and students are of various items according to the (expen-
open on large marble walkways. Under attack, usually allowed in. The school is protected by sive) fantasies of nobles living here."
these walkways will collapse under the weight many magical wards and guards which are not
often or more men. This pentagonal structure common knowledge (see "The Great School
DM Notes
has five inner courts, five defensive towers, of Magic" for details).
7. Malapietra Estates: This beautiful white
and a large central building topped with the 5. House of Ministers: This large structure marble mansion belongs to Prince Innocenti
city's highest tower. Prinz Jaggar has perma- houses all ministers and government retain- di Malapietra. It is the permanent home of his
nent quarters in the tower, where he can be ers. This is the central authority of the tentac- sister, "la Signorina Lucrecia." Once a month,
found during his visits to the capital. The ular Glantrian bureaucracy. Although it is in Lady Lucrecia organizes worldly receptions in
stones of the citadel are of a deep red color and charge of enforcing any decisions from the order to meet potential new nobles and have
the central tower is covered with plates of Council of Princes or the Parliament, it is a them join the House of Sirecchia. She tries to
shiny brass engraved with dragon silhouettes. power in its own right because of its incredible keep them under her control rather than her
The stones were hewn in the southern quar- inertial strength. The House of Ministers also brother's. The prince's quarters are in the tow-
ries, in the Principality of Blackhill, and fer- contains the nations' treasury vault. This er above the mansion.
ried to Glantri City, a process that took years House has no doors or windows that can be
to accomplish. 8. Camelia's Tower: This is where Princess
opened, but only magic doors with a magic
Carnelia stays when coming to the city. This
2. Parliament: This most elegant building word allowing entry and exit. It changes every
fine house is made of pink marble and carved
is the seat of the voting session in the House of day.
wood. Many bushes and flowers grow in
Lords, as well as of the Court House and the The building itself was constructed with niches and balconies on the walls. The roof
Chancellery. Magistrates and all Parliament smooth stones of a dark blue color. The large has an elegant garden with a small jade foun-
retainers work here. tower on the top of the building is of a lighter tain continuously spouting white wine.
The building is made of white marble, and blue and glows dimly in the dark. It contains Receptions are usually given here in summer.
bears many decorative gargoyles, turrets, and the personal quarters of Princess Carlotina, Carnelia lives in the upper levels of the tow-
statues of various historical nobles. The roof Prince Vanserie and various visiting ambassa- er. At the top is an aviary with hundreds of
and the highest pinnacles are covered with dors. small, multicolored singing birds. Alas, these
thin layers of gold and silver. Four slim towers 6. Tower of Sighs: This sinister and lonely creatures are ferocious predators in presence of
rise above the Parliament, one of which tower rises from the middle of the murky living flesh (unwanted visitors soon end up in
houses Prince Volospin's personal quarters. waters of the citadel quarter. The name of this the aviary, leaving no trace).
Various other high-ranking officials live in the black structure comes from the prisoners sigh-
other towers. 9. The Rim: This area is the easternmost
ing as they sail to the tower. Few will ever see paved walkway of the city. The nobles call it
3. Alexander Platz: This area is a large, the sun again, for this is the dreaded Glantr- the rim because of its round shape and it is as
smooth, bare plaza made of black marble. ian prison and the seat of the capital's con- far as one can go in the city. Princes and othei
Many noble and wealthy people made it their stabulary. The Glantrian police headquarters nobles can often be seen here walking along
favorite place for a relaxing stroll before going and secret intelligence network are based with their personal escorts, or sitting on palan-
to the Parliament. here.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

City by Niql7t

quins. Beggars and low class visitors are not familiar to the locals because of the outra- once the property of a noble merchant. He
allowed on The Rim and will be harshly dealt geous and decadent parties that regularly take died after going bankrupt and selling his
with by the various nobles' guards. place there. It is the house of Sire Henri estate. The house now belongs to the Mer-
10. The Gorevitch-Woszlany's Manor: Sir d'Ambreville and Dona Carmina de Belcadiz. chant's Consortium and can be rented for 450
Boris, Prince Morphail's older brother, lives in Gambling is common here, occasionally end- dc per month, or purchased for 8,000 dc. The
this stylish manor. Receptions and banquets ing with the loser's body floating down Consortium, which maintains the house,
are commonly offered here, but always at Duke's Canal. A dangerous "follow-the- hopes to find a suitable occupant. Spies work-
night and before crucial voting sessions at the leader" game on the outer walls of the house, ing for the City Constabulary are among the
Parliament. Boris' tactic consists of charming for sport, often entertains the people on Alex- house's permanent staff. Their mission is to
guests in order to gain some political advan- ander Platz, across from the manor. The keep a watch on the nearby Embassy of
tage during the next day's votes. The cellar of object of the game is to dare the laws of gravity Alfheim (see #21, below).
the manor contains a large kennel of wolves. by jumping from one ledge to another, with- 15. Beaumarys-Moorkroft's Mansion: The
Unwanted visitors will certainly run into the out falling into the murky canal waters. Dona Duke of Hightower lives in this mansion when
wolves in charge of guarding the house in Sir Carmina is a champion at this game and has in Glantri City. In his absence, servants and
Boris' daily "absences." never yet lost her footing his majordomo take care of the estate.
16. Haaskinz's Manorhouse: The Archduke
of Westheath often comes to this classy manor,
especially when dealing with important topics
at the Parliament. He rarely receives visitors.
Once in a while, his black palanquin can be
seen coming in or out, but with curtains
pulled down, concealing passengers.
17. Hillsbury's Mansion: Lady Margaret's
mansion is quite well known to the locals for
its rather conspicuous ceremonies. The Duch-
ess has a personal company of Klantyre
Guards standing on two gondolas and playing
their bagpipes, whenever she or any high-
status visitor leaves or enters the mansion.
Falling off a gondola in presence of the Duch-
ess can be a serious problem for her guards.
The whole ceremony is colorful indeed, but of
questionable taste when it takes place in the
middle of the night.
18. The Silver Tower Inn: The high society
of Glantri often meets here for leisurely
luncheons. This classy inn is reserved for
nobles, and seems much like a small palace.
Dinner may cost from 10 to 100 dc per guest.
CITADEL QUARXXR The owner boasts he offers the best food and
service in Glantri, and that any customer's
wishes may be fulfilled. The night can be
spent in a posh palace suite, for a minimum
350 dc per person per night. Customers of the
Silver Tower Inn immediately gain some re-
11. Haunted House: This rich house was 13. Amberhouse: This is the abode of Charles cognition from the local nobles.
once inhabited by a powerful noble, now pre- and Isabelle d'Ambreville, the representatives 19. Ambassador of Karameikos: A perma-
sumed dead. Several months after his disap- of Prince Etienne at the Parliament. They are nent representative from the Grand Duchy of
pearance, it became apparent the house was slightly embarrassed by Henri d'Ambreville's Karameikos lives here. Once or twice a year,
haunted, or at least occupied by some strange antics at South Manor Row (see above), and the ambassador will organize a reception to
creature. City authorities sent constables, and the notoriety of these events ultimately costs maintain good relationship with the Glantr-
adventurers to deal with the unknown, with- them a few votes at Parliament. The couple ian Nobles.
out success. None ever returned. Since then, organizes receptions at the same time as 20. Ambassador of Darokin: This large
the city declared the house "unsafe" and Henri's in an attempt to lessen the number of mansion belongs to the Ambassador of Daro-
sealed all the exits. At night strange noises can people attending Henri's parties. They are kin, a prime ally of Glantri. Receptions may
be heard from within, but the local citizens quite offended by people not showing up at occur but business related meetings are more
have grown accustomed to the house. It has their parties after being formally invited. common. They usually involve the Chamber-
now become an attraction familiar to the Long-time offenders might have to deal with lain of the Land, the Treasurer of the Council,
locals as an interesting monument. the Guild of Thugs later on. the ambassador and a representative from the
12. South Manor Row: This house is quite 14. House for Rent: This elegant house was Merchants' Consortium.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

i City toy Ni

21. Ambassador of Alfheim: The elves of

Alfheim maintain a permanent embassy here.
Although Alfheim is an ally of Glantri, the
building is often under watch by the Constab-
ulary of Glantri. The constables try to single
out spies or members of the Elven Liberation
Front who might show up. Undercover consta-
bles are located in various neighboring houses
or across Ambassadors' Canal. Suspicious
characters leaving the embassy might be
secretly abducted to the Tower of Sighs (see
area #6 above). Innocents are usually not
released; this prevents any sort of diplomatic
incident from occurring.
22. Temples of Rad: These are commonly
found in Glantri City and most towns in the
nation. The larger are usually built of purple
stones, while those in remote areas are simple
log structures. They consist of a main medita-
tion hall with several hundred small gongs
(their use is detailed in the "Living in Glantri
City" section) and one or more smaller
chapels for private worship. Golden statues of
the greatest wizards in Glantri's history sit in
small alcoves all around the main meditation
hall. Visitors light a candle at one of the
statues and toss a coin into its alcove, as a sign
of good faith.
The upper levels contain the quarters of the
Shepherds of Rad, the spiritual guides of the
temple. These wizards preach respect of the
magocracy upon the people. The temple's
crypts contain the Shepherds gold as well as an
array of magically-tamed monsters. They are
released at the night to keep intruders out and
protect the temple's statues.

Zlje BusiNess Quanten -

"Most of the city business is conducted in 27"
the Business Quarter, south of the Parlia- DM Notes buildings. The rents for such places are usu-
ment. You shouldn't miss the Open Mar- 23. Open Market: This is the biggest paved ally high, but business is good. The poorer
ket, where you can get all materials area after Alexander Platz (see #3 above). It merchants operate in the open marketplace,
necessary for the craft as well as petty pur- covers the whole area east and west of the in tents or wooden stands, all year long.
chases such as food, clothing and various loading docks (area #32). Here, anything can 24. Movers' Guild: The guild's headquar-
services. In the marketplace, you will find be bought or sold. Here you can find the most ters are located in this posh building.
tamed monsters, finely carved woods and different people side by side: beggars might Although the upper levels are not accessible to
metals to become the receptacles of magi- be here, next to a noble, a wealthy merchant, the public, the lower levels contain a series of
cal powers, spell and potion components or a great mage from the School. These are the offices representing the wealthiest moving
by the pound, blank spell books, scrolls hunting grounds of thieves, cutpurses, extor- businesses in Glantri (see "Guilds and Broth-
ready to be inscribed, anything you need. tionists, money lenders and changers, or erhoods" for more detail). A lot of hawking is
All around this place are shops with bizarre bankers of varying integrity. This place is still done in the corridors and waiting rooms in
and obscure secrets for sale, even shops crowded in the quietest hours of the night. All order to attract the customer's attention:
with magically dweomered items, if you the houses here have an entrance or at least a "Carpets for Hire, Fly the Friendly Carpets!...
know how to ask. Silk, gold, services, peo- corridor leading to the open market. The big- Oxen Trailways, slow but cheap! Safety guar-
ple, information and exotic delights—all gest houses have an exit on the back, over the anteed! Can't beat our prices... Now availa-
are here to satisfy one's demands. Truly, Magistrates' Passage, Safe Conduct or Kash ble! The Ultimate on the market, try our
this is the busiest site in our city." Flow canals, for loading and unloading of instant teleponing movers! Order Now...
merchandise. Many shops open at ground Thou-Haul! Move today, pay later! Don't miss
level, or on the higher floors in the larger our special low rate offer, available until

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

City by Nigltf

tomorrow only!" erhoods" for more details). It is usually a scoop of white sweat 33 dc
25. Builders' Conglomerate: This guild has difficult to reach the tower because of the a square yard of gold wing 87 cr
its headquarters here, with its main entrance heavy gondola traffic to and from area #29. a puff of green gas 58 dc
on Bridgetower Place. It is probably the most The tower contains a treasure vault rumored a jar of black acid 23 dc
elegant house in the district, a true demon- to be as full as that of the House of Ministers. a dozen unidentified eggs 295 cr
stration of the guild's talents in construction. 31. Spokesmen's Guild: This large building Dragon Turtle, a shell (at the port) 55 cr*
26. Meister Rannigar Budulug's Tenement: has no evident windows but a heavily armored Dwarven Skull (trephinated twice) . 10 dc
The guildmaster of the Spokesmen's Guild door on the Open Market side. It is the seat of Elephant, a trunk 5 sv
purchased the two top floors in this five story the Spokesmen's Guild (see "Guilds and Fire Giant, a yard of skin 76 dc
structure. Rannigar boasts the best view over Brotherhoods" for more detail). The building Gelatinous Cube, a pound (live) .. 420 dc
the Vesubia River. The building has a refuse contains offices where the representatives are Ghoul, a dried tongue 12 dc
chute that leads directly into the river (an exit "managed" and the accounting done. Green Slime, a pot of the items for sale in
unwanted visitors are likely to follow). The house has tunnels and chambers below the shop. The initial sales price should be at
27. VEitergates: These small towers guard canal level, where spokesman apprentices are least double the creation costs. Haggling is
entry to the various city canals. The gates bar conditioned and trained for their profession. appropriate here, too.
entry by means of thick chains that extend The guild guarantees the safety and success of
above and below the surface of the water. The the conditioning on the grounds that no one 34. Magic for Sale: This small building
metal web is not tight enough to stop a swim- has ever contested the claim. Those who wish appears as a shop for prestidigitators, selling
ming man, but boats cannot get through. to become professional representatives come mostly mechanical tricks and decks of cards to
The watergates are usually closed, except of their own free will, and leave as spokesmen impress the ignorant. But this is just a front
for the ones leading to the port (the West and by the main door, or as floating debris on for the People's Spell-Casters Company (see
East Port Canals). A platoon of twelve consta- Dukes' Canal (a swift execution immediately "Guilds and Brotherhoods" for details). The
bles usually guards each tower. follows a failed conditioning—outside knowl- informed customer knows some stolen magi-
28. Tbwerbridge: The southern entrance to edge of the conditioning is too great a risk for cal items or spell books might be available
the city is a very large bridge with a a heavy the guild). from the shopkeeper. The price of these items
defensive tower upon it. The bridge portion, 32. Market Docks: The traditional way of varies greatly depending on their powers.
directly underneath the tower, is made of two getting to the Open Market (area #23) is to DM Note: See "Creating Spells and Magical
large bronze plates. They can be raised sepa- ride a gondola, although some people make it Items" tofindthe cost of die items for sale in the
rately to block the bridge passage under the a point to actually teleport, fly or dimension shop. The initial sales price should be at least
tower. One bronze plate then forms the north door to impress the crowd. This area of Mer- double the creation costs. Haggling is desirable
door, the other blocking the south tower chants' Waterway and the dock are almost at + / - 3 0 % of the item's supposed value.
entrance. The tower is a fortress of its own. always jammed by the crowd of gondolas try-
Usually guarded by a score of soldiers it can ing to come in and out. Most merchants enter ENteRtaisens Quanten
house up to fifty soldiers and their war through back doors on Dukes' Canal, Magis-
machines in case of war. Visitors must pay a trates' Passage or Kash Flow, only using the "For my part, I find the Entertainers' Quar-
fee to enter and get a pass from the local con- docks to load merchandise before sunrise. ter, in die south part of the city, much more
stable (see area #68 for more detail). 33. Monster Handlers' Syndicate: This interesting. There, you will enjoy anything
29- Towerbridge Plaza: This paved area is building is the headquarters for the syndicate from boisterous taverns to the most select
where most travelers end up when first enter- and a store for a fair choice of monsters of inns, spectacles in the streets involving trou-
ing the city. A crowd of gondolas of various small to human size. They are either alive or badours, actors, acrobats, wrestlers, animal
types and prices wait here for customers. dead, in one undamaged piece or in various and monster handlers, as well as exotic spell-
Because of the heavy traffic, the waterways other forms. One may find about any sub- casting in die streets. Most travelers go diere
beyond this place are usually heavily congest- stance of monster origins. For larger speci- first in order to find a place to sleep. Taverns
ed and many gondoliers can be heard insult- mens, the syndicate has a warehouse in the are usually busy and one might not necessar-
ing each other for a right of way or a dent in Port Quarter. ily find a room on thefirsttry. Once a proper
their gondolas. Making it to the Merchants' The list of available merchandise changes inn is found and the room paid for in
Consortium's tower at the hub of this traffic is every morning and is posted at the entrance. advance, the traveler is free to enjoy die activ-
a tough job (area #30). One could read the following: ities, and die great choice of food or drinks in
To the left of Towerbridge Plaza is the Busi- this quarter.
ness Quarter of the city; to the right is the Beholder, an eye-stalk 27 dc "Avoid rooms on Actors' Lane, because
Entertainers' Quarter, where travelers may Black Pudding, a slice (live) 25 cr it is a noisy place until late at night.
find room and board. Professional guides and Blink Dog, an ounce of hair 79 dc Princes' Way is quieter at night, but early
interpreters will come up to visitors and, for a Carrion Crawler, a gallon of slime .. 35 sv in the morning gondola traffic will start,
small fee, offer their guidance throughout the Centaur, a hoof 21 dc with much yelling and bickering between
City. Cockatrice, an eye 2 cr gondoliers going back and forth to
30. Merchants' Consortium: This large tow- a feather 15 dc Towerbridge Plaza. Avoid especially the
er sits in the middle of a wide watery area, at Displacer Beast, a roasted tentacle . 32 dc intersection between Kash Flow and
the intersection of the Kash Flow and the Safe Dragon, a fang or claw, any color .. 52 dc Princes' Way, for the foulest of languages
Conduct canals. It is the seat of the Mer- a red snout 9 cr may wake you up at dawn."
chants' Consortium (see "Guilds and Broth- a slice of blue tail 87 dc

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

City by Niqltf

House (see "Guilds and Brotherhoods" for

more details).
41. Shurav Orlovski's Tenement: Shurav
MERCHANTS the Thief lives in this rundown place. He
spends part of the day on Actors' Lane, dis-
QUARtER playing his contortionist's talents for a few
sovereigns, or following wealthy-looking trav-
elers to get a hand on their pouches or any-
thing of value.
42. Lou Garou's Fries: This small tavern
located at the northern edge of Actors' Lane
offers an incredible variety of exotic foods for
low prices. The exact nature of the food is not
common knowledge and usually hard to iden-
tify because it is always deep fried in batter;
nevertheless, it is of excellent taste.
43. United Artists' Guild: This incredible
house is located on the west side of Safe Con-
duct, next to the Open Market place. The
building is particularly remarkable because it
glows slightly in the dark and shadows can be
seen moving along on the walls. Whether they
are an optical illusion or actual creatures still
remains a secret of the guild.
44. Mages' Hostelry: This establishment is
one of the most surprising inns of the city.
Dim magical lights permanently glow inside,
instruments play a fine background music all
by themselves, and the customers are attend-
ed to by various invisible forces. The place is
DM Notes tal dome. The tower dominates the rest of this sponsored by the Great School of Magic and
35. Metropolitan Theater: This great build- quarter, offering a pleasant view of the river serves as laboratory for courses on Useful
ing is one of the most ancient in this quarter of flowing south. Rooms go for 20 dc a night per Magic-Use in Common Life, or experimental
the city. The greatest Glantrian actors perform person, and a copious dinner with the finest study grounds for school trainees. Most of the
here, offering a strange mix of conservative New Averoigne wines and brandies for a rea- inn's effects are permanent until dispelled (an
theater and magic-use. The most popular sonable 5 dc. Their specialties include Troll offense for which a guest can be thrown out of
plays involve a heroic scene in which a monster Steak du Chef and Gelatinous Cubelings the hostel).
(live) is reduced to ashes. Occasional accidents Flambe. Invisible stalkers under the innkeeper's
occur, when the monster does not cooperate as 38. Fireworks Arcane House: This small fac- control, levhation, telekinesis or telepon any
expected, but this is equally interesting. tory has a shop that opens on Princes' Way. item are commonly used is this hostel. Almost
36. Game Lizards, Inc.: This shop is named The owner is a magic-user who prepares magi- every customer need is met by magic. Once in
for the owner, who is fond of polymorphing cal staves capable of producing noisy but col- a while, a student will make a faux-pas, but
into a lizard to entertain the crowds. Here you orful explosions in the skies. The magic used is the victims are promptly compensated for any
can buy arcane manuals on monster-hunting perfectly inoffensive. Once a month, during inconvenience. The school will offer to repair
and the acquisition of treasure; you can find warm summer sights, the shopkeeper will any serious wound to customers at the school
various decks of cards, dice games (loaded or organize a grandiose display of these eerie itself (bad publicity is highly undesirable).
not), phony coins with two heads or two tails, effects to advertise his merchandise. A staff
etc. This shop also carries an extensive line of only functions once and costs 30 dc. Pont QuanteR
"how-to" manuals for organizing entertain- 39. The Golden Imp: This tavern should be
ing receptions with a seasonal theme, so you visited at least once for its shady looks and "Farther west comes the port area. Oh,
will find many nobles wandering here, look- bizarre customers. This is one of the favorite dear, dear... The people here are incredi-
ing for the latest such tome. places for dockers, soldiers and gondoliers. It bly rude and not very helpful unless you
37. The Watertower Inn: Wealthy people also happens to be the secret meeting place of have some alcohol or money on hand. This
traveling to the city might be better off get- the Followers of the Claymore (see "Guilds area contains mostly warehouses and grain
ting a room at this place. It is a tower located and Brotherhoods" for more detail). Obvious silos, river barges' and gondolas' repair
at the center of Circus Pool, where Princes' spell-casters are usually not welcome here. docks, and so forth. It is very busy during
Way joins with Barons' and Earls' Gates. This 40. Hostelry of the Unicorn: This family the day, and totally deserted at night, save
stylish inn is covered with bronze that turned hostelry looks perfectly quiet and respectable, for the Port Authorities' patrols in charge
green many years ago. The top of the tower is but only the ignorant believe this. The place of the warehouse security.
a comfortable dinner area protected by a crys- actually belongs to the Sisters of the Private

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

i City try Niqlit

"People run around with carts of mer-

chandises back and forth from barges to
gondolas and warehouses. The river mer-
chants, farmers and travelers often arrive
through East or West Port from the Isoile ENTERTAINERS QUARTER
River and unload passengers and goods
on any of the three main docks. The mer-
chandise is then stored in the warehouses,
or ferried toward Back Canal or directly
onto a freight gondola. Most of the gon-
dola traffic leaves through Boldavian
Channel, Teamsters' Waterway and Back
"Only passenger gondolas are allowed
on Actors' Lane after sunrise to avoid caus-
ing more traffic congestion. Port Authori-
ties normally supervise the local activities
and will watch out for visitors; these will be
directed to the Port Authorities to pay the
entrance fee and get information on where
to go."

DM Notes
45. Monster Handler's Warehouses: These
metal buildings belong to the guild. They use
them to store various large items that would
not fit in their office at the Business Quarter.
The buildings have several lower levels with
cages and cells containing the more dangerous
(live) specimens in stock. The foods appropri- 49. River Teamsters Headquarters: The cen- Zlje MiOOIe Class Quanten •
ate to these creatures and various restraining tral authority that control the Glantrian river
tools used to control them are stored here as barges and the city gondolas is located in this "The Middle Class Quarter is the part of
well. These warehouses are simply locked at building. They have a private court of their the city where most of the population
night since no one really dares to enter this own where responsibilities in gondola damage lives. It is located in the north and center
place alone (in some areas, the stench alone are solved and fines issued. To be a gondolier, area of the city. There you will find all the
will kill burglars). one must belong to the River Teamsters. people and talent behind the art of wiz-
46. Warehouses: These large buildings are 50. Ship Yards: This place is used to build ardry, such as sages, alchemists, scribes,
used to store most of the merchandises enter- or repair barges. It is an incredible mess of librarians, paper makers, and ink special-
ing or leaving the port. Any warehouse may wooden hulls, masts, oars, ropes, tools, tar or ists. Truly, it is the domain of the Glantrian
contain up to hundreds of golden ducats' paint buckets and wooden scaffoldings. Intellectual class.
worth of merchandise; however, the place is 51. Boatmen's Tavern: Passengers unloaded "House rents are more acceptable here,
often patrolled by the Port Authorities, on on the western dock may only exit through ranging from 1 dc per month for a small
foot or on gondola. this area. The ground level of the building is a tenement to 100 dc monthly for a family
47. Grain Silos: These huge tower struc- protected gondola port for passengers, and is tower. The area is relatively quiet allowing
tures are used to store grain and vegetables fairly crowded. A Port Authority officer will intellectuals to study. One of the most seri-
that are needed to feed the city population. be here collecting entrance fees from visitors ous offenses here is disturbing the peace
The silo openings are magically sealed and (see area #68 for more detail). during the night. Fines can go from 10 dc
require a special word to unlock; the Port Stairs go up to the upper-level Boatmen's to a couple of days at the Tower of Sighs.
Authorities have the word. Tavern, a place frequented mostly by port "People not owning shops in this area
48. Port Authorities: This branch of the workers, boatmens, and gondoliers. The leave during the day to work in other plac-
City Constabulary is in charge of managing crowd is usually rowdy and brawls are fre- es of the city, for instance as servants of the
all business activities taking place in the quent, with the various undesirables flying Noble Quarter, retainers of the Citadel
port. They are responsible for collecting out the windows into Teamsters' Waterway' Quarter, shop owners in the Business area,
entrance fees and taxes on merchandises, as below. Gondolas will not stop unless the hap- and so on. Gondolas are extremely busy
well as enforcing the law within the port or less swimmer waves a coin of sufficient value here in the morning or late in the after-
on the rivers. Port Authorities are entitled for the passage fee. noon. The rest of the day remains quiet."
to sign official passes to visitors if they need
to enter the Citadel Quarter (see area #68
for details).

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

City by Nigl7t

DM Notes
52. Sages' League Headquarters: This large
building is the center of the sages' activities in
Glantri. Dozens can be seen coming in and out
during the day, most of them working for a noble
wizard or another. Some reside in the city; others,
who live in distant principalities, find room and
board in this building. There are several entrances
on Main Waterway South and North.
Most of the building is surrounded by a
protected walkway with mooring areas for
gondolas. Several amber golems, a gift from
the d'Ambreville family, patrol the walkway
night and day. To enter the building, one
must either show proof of membership to the
league (a magical medallion with a secret sym-
bol) or declare a need for sage's help. In the
latter case, one of the golems will usher the
visitor to a waiting room.
If no sage shows up, the customer is to leave
the waiting room at nightfall (else one or more
golems will attempt to force the customer
out). If the visitor is lucky, or the person asked
for is readily available, a sage will show up and
deal with the visitor. If no specific sage is
requested, the chances one will show up are
10% per day. If a specific one is requested,
success chances reach 25% per day (sages are
busy people).
53. Scholars' Fraternity Headquarters: This
is where scholars, teachers and specialists in fire which never goes out. There are many barred (book theft or vandalism in this building are seri-
various domains may be hired. The building windows at various other levels; on some, the ous offenses, worth a trip to the Tower of Sighs).
is located at the intersection of Alchemists' bars bend outward, with badly charred marks Rather than leaving, many visitors pay library ser-
Duct and Princes' Way. There is an entrance around the rim of the openings. vants to leave the tower and fetch food or any oth-
(reserved for the scholars of the fraternity) at The place is well known for its common er needed item. The library servants are easy to
the base of the building's tower, on Prince's explosions and bizarre, nauseating fumes. recognize by their red and yellow outfits.
Way, and another on Raknaar Garden, west of These mishaps usually don't affect people At each level of the library tower are small
the building. The top of the tower contains an outside, but once in a while debris of rooms one can rent to study in peace without
observatory, a very popular place for astrolo- unspeakable origin flies out the windows. being interrupted by other visitors. The
gists (or constable spies who need a closer view Alchemists are prompt to come out and sweep entrance fee to the library costs 5 dc, plus 1 sv
to nearby buildings). these remains into Alchemists' Duct. The fire per hour of presence. Visitors must register at
Every three months, the fraternity organiz- at the top of the tower is the result of one of the entrance, facing Ink Flow. A private
es meetings on Raknaar Garden where they these explosions, which the alchemists have chamber costs 10 dc per day, and a servant
conduct free lectures for the people. This is still not managed to put out. Rather than service goes anywhere from 1 sv to 10 dc
part of an educational program to improve the admit ineffectiveness in the matter, the corpo- depending on the difficulty of the task.
general intellectual level of the local citizens. ration claims it found the secret of perpetual At the top of the tower is a laboratory spe-
These are communal courses on reading and fire (they haven't) and have chosen to let the cialized in deciphering ancient or foreign
counting. The city named the garden after the fire burn. The alchemists dedicated the fire to tomes, at a rate of 1 sv per page. The library
heroic battle Sir Anton Vlaardoen fought the Ever Glowing Light of Knowledge. Never- does have floors below canal level; they con-
against a dragon called Raknaar. The place is a theless, the authorities have banned the cor- tain older archives and precious tomes. The
pleasant garden where studious scholars walk poration from any dangerous experiments place is dark and dusty, and magic prevents
around or relax while reading ancient tomes. after nightfall, in order to preserve the peace. water seepage. Some people have lost their
Students also favor this place of peace. 55. City Library: This lonely tower standing way in this vast maze of bookshelves that go
54. Corporation of Alchemists' House: This amidst the grey waters of Library Drain is the larg- from floor to ceiling. The place is rumored to
large purple stone tower is located on the north- est library in Glantri. Others exist in the Citadel be haunted by the souls of the unfortunate
eastern side of Kreepton Aire, a paved area and at the Great School of Magic, but this one visitors who never returned; now few people
almost entirely covered with a mosaic. On the contains the greatest number of volumes. The willingly enter here.
floor glow thousands of well-known alchemical building is open all year long, at any hour of the 56. Scribes Association Headquarters: This
formulas, signs and runes arranged in a decora- day or night. Many visitors enter and do not come huge, decrepit building holds the Association
tive pattern. At the top of the tower is a bright out for days, since the books cannot be taken out offices, as well as the city's most efficient

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

QlaNtni City by Nigtyt

parchment and papermaking manufacturer. The "guests," with lighter pouches, quietly Brotherhoods" for more details). From out-
Workers can be seen rushing around, carrying leave an hour or two after arriving. side the house seems unremarkable, but for
loads of woods, reams of fresh scrolls, and 60. Monster Hunters' Union: This build- the number of shady-looking people coming
blank tomes. In the front of the building are ing, located on the northern edge of Main in and out of its various entrances. The main
carts being unloaded of raw merchandise Waterway, contains the most advanced knowl- entrance is on West End (see area #67). All
brought straight from the Gondoliers' Land- edge on monsters, their lore, their powers, members of the fellowship must come here
ing Port (see area #57) or from the west city their lairs (and the best tactics to observe or every month to pay their dues.
gate (area #68). capture specimens) to be found (see "Guilds 62. Guild of Thugs' Headquarters: Dark grey
Anyone can buy blank scrolls here, at 3 sv die and Brotherhoods" for details). stones make up the main walls of this old build-
dozen, 12 sv for high grade vellum. Scribes are The place is also a museum of monsters of ing. The front door opens on West End (area
available for hire (see "Guilds and Brother- every sort. At the top of the building is a large #67) and is ostentatiously guarded by two ogres.
hoods" for more detail). Other similar factories iron crane with a platform hanging over the Although a heavy chain links one foot from each
related to books, ink, paper, feathers, blotting waterway. At the upper level of the house is a to the wall, they are close enough to block the
sands, leather works (etc.) are common in this large double door leading into the museum way in. The two are armed with large halberds
area of die Middle Class Quarter. laboratory, where new monster specimens are and have orders to stop anyone trying to come in
57. Gondoliers' Landing Port: This small unloaded. Crowds of people inevitably watch without unering die secret password. The word
inner port is the place where most gondoliers the operation from their gondolas, causing changes every day and only members of the
leave their boats during the night, and where traffic jams on the waterway. guild know it.
raw merchandise is unloaded for the numerous The union purchases undamaged, dead No business will be conducted within the
manufactures located in this area of the city. The species of monsters at the rate of 10 dc per HD building. The thugs prefer meeting potential
port lies at the end of Gondoliers Strip. (ten times more if the monster's HD have an employers at a less incriminating place, usu-
This place is always crowded; however, the asterisk, twenty for two asterisks, thirty for ally in the Entertainers' Quarter, at a previous-
gondoliers are quieter than usual because in three, etc.). For example, a small red dragon ly agreed-upon place. This building is where
die middle of the port stands a pedestal with a (HD 10**) could be sold for 2,000 dc. The the members of the guild must come every
city constable in charge of traffic. He is a tall, thing has to be delivered at their door. The month to pay their dues.
rough man who does not tolerate disorder, union will not pay more than these rates. The 63. People's Spell-Casters Company: This
and has been known to sink the gondolas chances that the union does not have a partic- building is the only one in the area with a tow-
(widi passengers aboard) of argumentative ular monster in its collection are equal to 3 % er. From outside it appears to be an aban-
gondoliers. The constable is rumored to have per HD of the creature; however, the union is doned structure, with many panels posted by
some ogre blood. not interested in damaged specimens (sword the city authorities indicating its unsafe nat-
58. Master Daron Jakar's Tenement: This blows, fire burns, missing parts, broken ure. Many cracks, fallen stones and plaster,
middle-class building contains several apart- bones, etc., are unacceptable). The museum cobwebs and rats are obvious features of this
ments. One of the tenants is Jakar's quarters likes to have both male and female specimens. place. The middle part of the tower has caved
(see "Marauders, Mages and Masters" for in, giving it this utterly fragile look.
more detail). If the place is carefully watched, WestSiOe- All this is just appearance maintained by
one can see a few shady-looking people enter- the dreaded People's Spell-Casters Company
ing the building when Jakar lights a candle at "In the west of the city lies the saddest area (see "Guilds and Brotherhoods" for more
his window, behind a blue glass shade. The of all. It is a run-down district that used to detail). It is their highly secret meeting place.
visitors are members of the Guild of Thugs be a nobles' quarter. But, the ground is The actual entrance of the building is located
coming to buy their usual doses of poison not too firm here and the houses have a in the basement of area #65.
from Jakar. The blue light indicates poison is tendency to sink slowly. Only the poorest The lower levels of the house are still in rela-
available for sale. live here now—as do shady characters. The tively good condition, but are a bit flooded in
59. Wassam Qh'Erabis' Tenement: The canals are narrower and darker, and the some areas. Most of the walls ooze the brack-
whole building belongs to this magistrate smell becomes atrocious in summer. The ish canal waters and are covered with patches
working at the Tower of Sighs (see "Maraud- houses are very old and do not have pipe of grey mosses. The headquarters of this band
ers, Mages and Masters" for more detail). drains leading directly to the rivers like in of criminals contains a small library of stolen
Occasionally, the magistrate organizes recep- the other quarters. People just dump their books, scrolls, magical items, and all the nec-
tions; however, none of the people from the refuse out the windows into the canals. essary tools to forge false spell-casters' licens-
City Constabulary are invited. The parties are Never stand under an open window, for es. Any paperwork staying here more than a
thought to be intellectually oriented. From a one never knows what may fall out. In the week starts warping or growing mold because
distance, one could see elegantly dressed peo- very center of this area is a dreaded place of the humidity.
ple coming over in their gondolas, apparently called the Beggars' Court. Never enter this A pair of gargantuan gray oozes guard the
learned scholars. These are in fact members of place, for you might not be able to leave." place. They have been magically grown to this size
the dreaded People's Spell-Casters Company after odious experiments by the People's Spell-
(see "Guilds and Brotherhoods" for more Casters. They are conditioned to attack anyone
DM Notes
detail) coming for their monthly briefing on who does not dap his hands three times when
61. Fellowship of the Pouch: This old
the constabulary's activities and goals. (Mem- entering the main corridor from area #65.
building, located south of the Gondoliers'
bers informed of the constabulary's suspicion 64. Beggars' Court: The poorest and most
Landing Port (area #57), is the headquarters
go underground for some time after the meet- rundown slums are located in this area of Glan-
of the city's guild of thieves (see "Guilds and
ing, staying at their secret hideout, area #63). tri, between Beggars' Row, Boldavian Channel,

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

CJlaNtui city

for more details). There are several secret exits to

adjacent buildings' passageways.
66. Little Boldavia: This colorful area is the
home of immigrants from the Principality of
Boldavia. Several hundred of these people live
here and have redecorated the houses to recre-
ate their beloved homeland. Visitors should
speak Boldavian to get around this place.
Many of the local citizens are professional
gondoliers, dockers, and other workers. This
place is also famous for its fortune tellers. The
locals spend free time in their central plaza
dancing around a bonfire, telling tales about
the vampire lords of their land, and drinking
their traditional liquor, until late at night.
67. The West End: This large paved area has
this name because it is the westernmost limit of
Glantri City. It is usually crowded; most of the
manufacturers are located here because of the
cheap rents and the easy access to the city gates
with carts and mounts. Most of the houses here do
not have sewers or other means to getridof refuse,
so much of this clutters the sides of the streets.
This is a smelly, unattractive area, but still
extremely busy during day time.
Beggars often come up to wealthier passers-by
and beg for a piece of bread or a copper coin.
Many of these are dextrous thieves, but few dare
to molest them, for one might belong to the
Beggars' Court (see area #64 for more detail).
68. City Gates: They are usually open during
day hours, but are heavily guarded. An entrance
fee of 5 copper pennies per person must be paid
to enter, plus one sovereign per mount, if any.
Palanquins are charged 1 dc and merchandise is
MIDDLE CLASS QUARCER taxed 5 sv per cart (or pack animal).
Visitors may speak to the local constable if
they need an official pass to enter the Citadel
Quarter. A constable who has doubts about a
Main, and Teamsters' Waterways. The windows more details), a ruthless character. The west side of visitor's intentions may use an ESP spell to
and entrances of these houses on the canal side the area is slowlyflooding,inch by inch, year after check him out. If nothing particular is detect-
are all blocked off, leaving only one passage to year. The lower levels are dangerous places that ed, the visitor gets a one-day pass. Otherwise,
the Beggars' Court on Boldavian Channel. threaten to cave in at any time. the suspicious visitor may be issued his pass
Some of the area still beats evidence that it was 65. Pingo the Dark's Tenement: This decrepit and then followed, or simply refused.
once an elegant quarter. However, half of the building contains a series of small tenements 69. Guard Post: These offices are located at
houses are now mere rubble, and the majority that can be rented at a very low price (no more various places in Glantri City, the suburbs, towns
have caved-in roofs, crumbling walls, or broken than one or two sovereigns per month). One of and villages of the country. They consist of a
windows covered with rotting planks. On both the tenants is Pingo the Dark, a thug of the small, three-storey high, stone tower with a
sides of the entrance to Beggars' Court are high guild. His quarters harbor many jars and cages. heavy door and a few barred windows at the
stacks of rubble. Pingo keeps his trained snakes in the jars and col- upper levels. A wooden sign hangs above the
This place is the domain of society's waste: the lects rats and mice in the cages to feed the entrance, the size and shape of a shield. It is
poor, sick, deformed, cursed and forgotten snakes. The nauseating stench of the place is black with a red eye that constantly seems to be
wretches with nowhere else to go. Hundreds of obvious at the front door and worse within. observing the people, no matter where they are
squatters live here, in inhuman conditions, hating At canal level of the building is a small obscure in the street. This is only an optical illusion to
society. They live off the canal slime, rats, and oth- pub, a place for poor workers and (more especial- impress the ignorant. The office's district name
er things they might catch in the lower levels. The ly) thugs of the guild. The drinks are terrible and (a main canal, a street or a neighborhood in most
luckiest are those capable of wandering the city guests enter at their own risk. Anything looking cases, or the name of the village) is painted in
streets and canals and beg or steal without being like a wealthy customer has afinechance of inher- gold above the eye. In New Averoigne, the sign
thrown out. Their unchallenged master is King iting a dagger in the back. One of the rear rooms simply says Gens d'Armes.
Ratibus (see "Marauders, Mages, and Masters" for contains a secret entrance to area #63 (see above The street level is a noisy, busy waiting

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

i City by Night

room. Shady characters with cuffles, unli- The third level is the top of the tower, and is In some areas, the tower may have a well
censed magic-users (tied and gagged), illegal directly underneath a pointed roof. The roof is and an attached stable with half a dozen
monsters, drunkards, and citizens with a com- covered with brass plates. This level contains the horses, sometimes a large wagon with barred
plaint sit on benches, waiting for their turn. A tower's weapons: daggers, swords, crossbows, windows, and a young stable boy.
senior officer sitting behind a large desk is in quarrels, barrels of oil, dry wood, and a large
charge of directing people. Constables come cauldron. In case of trouble, boiling oil can be Constables(7-10): any class up to level 2. AC
up and down spiral stairs, escorting an indi- poured out of the tower's machicolations. The 8; hp 4-8; MV 120' (40'); AT 1 sword,
vidual. This area commonly has half a dozen trap door leading to this place can be barred crossbow, or staff; D 1-6; Save as per class;
constables on duty. from inside. A cage with a dozen pigeons allows ML 9; ALany;XP 13-30
The second level contains a series of offices communication from one post to another. Officers (2-4) & Chief, any class up to level 3.
where officers handle the various cases. The Inmates are locked up below street level. A They traditionally have a billy club +1,D
Chief Constable works here. There is a 10% tower usually has a couple of small cells, and a 2-5 + save vs. paralysis or be stunned. AC
chance the Chief has a truth device, a small crys- chamber large enough for a small crowd. One 8; hp 6-12; MV 120' (40'); Save as per
tal cube giving him the ability of ESP when look- guard is usually on duty here at any hour of class; ML 10; AL any; XP 30-65.
ing through it. Three officers and the Chief work the day or the night. The door leading to this
on this floor during daylight hours. level usually is wizard locked. 70. Gambling House: This charming three-
storey-high manor is built according to tradi-
tional Boldavian taste, with small alcoves,
statues and cupolas decorating the entire
structure. Many visitors of differing social
ranks come to this house to play cards or vari-
ous games for money. The house is owned by
WESt SIDE QUARTER the Merchants' Consortium, and appropri-
ately licensed for this kind of business.
The preferred customers (the biggest losers)
are offered rooms for the night on the upper
levels. The current manager, Henri d'Am-
breville (see "Mages, Marauders and Mas-
ters") recently started a discreet business in
the house's dungeons, patroned by the Fel-
lowship of the Pouch. Unlicensed gambling is
being conducted there at the benefit of the
manager and his thieves. To enter this place,
one must be a customer in good standing with
this establishment.
The game is called Boldavian Roulette: two
players sit opposite each other at a long table.
They each have a dozen wands which they
attempt to fire at each other, in sequence. The
wands are useless, except one that still has a
charge. The effect may be fatal or not to the oth-
er gambler (no one knows what the wands are).
While the two reckless fellows push their luck,
gambling furiously goes on among the specta-
tors, with stakes increasing each round. The sur-
viving player earns fifty percent of the losers'
bets, which often reaches hundreds of ducats.
After a busy night, dead corpses float down
Boldavian Channel, bearing very strange marks.

"Well, now, the gondola will stop at the

place whence you came. It is now time for
me to retire. We are having a reception
tomorrow night. Please come and visit us:
You will be most welcome!"
The gondola suddenly enters an area of
thick fog and the sound of flapping wings
can be heard near the boat. When the fog
rises again, no one stands at the bow, and
the pole continues pushing all by itself.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

IN Qlaisrtui City

"Oh, it's been a tough day! Can't wait t'get that stuff in later classes; it's no big deal. But school; the sweetest dream of all students! Just
out an' breathe a little fresh air. C'mon, Ced, wait until you get to the real thing, like the keep busy with your stuff, kiddo. I'll go check
let's take a break!" magic missiles. % u should see that!" Leaping her out." Raphael leaves his elven friend and
"\bu're sure we should go out, Raphael? off the gondola, Raphael adds, "C'mon, this walks to Leranda's table.
We have an awful lot of work for tomorrow," is where we get off." Shortly after, Humphrey returns to Cedrik's
asks Cedrik, a young elven apprentice. Moments later, the two are sitting at a cor- table with the two drinks. "I see your friend
Already halfway down the stairs, the other ner booth in the Mages' Hostelry. Cedrik is has left for awhile. Is there anything else I may
turns back. "We'll study later, all right? Hey, I already lost in his scrolls, trying spell-casting do?"
know this great place called the Mages' Hos- gestures a la Raphael, when a vaguely man- Cedrik, still not comfortable in Hum-
telry. Everyone who's someone goes there to shaped sheet creature floats to the table. phrey's presence, nervously answers, "Oh? Er,
study. It's quiet, service's great an' we also get Absently glancing up, Cedrik suddenly jumps yes. As a matter of fact, I'd like to know a little
a rebate as apprentices. The school owns the to the other end of the table, panicked: "A more on this place, what it's like to live in a
place. Come on!" ghost!" big city. I was raised in the forests, according
The two teenagers scamper down the stairs At Cedrik's reaction, the sheet creature to elven tradition. Can you help me?"
and race out to the gate. Barely catching their drops its tray. Clutching its apron, it looks all "Why, certainly, my boy!" Straightening
breath, they quickly proceed with the compli- around and asks in an anguished voice his bow tie, Humphrey adds "\bu've found
cated gestures and command words to get past "Where, where?" the right stalker!" Then, leaning toward
the magical portal. Pushing and shoving Raphael bursts out laughing. "That's Cedrik: "Ahem, by the way, have you a spare
through the crowd, the two jump into a pass- Humphrey! He's just a servant—you know, an crown, my boy? No gold, please, only the
ing gondola, almost causing the gondolier to invisible stalker! Geez, where d'you come glowing stuff, or some gems perhaps?"
fall off the narrow, swaying boat. from?" Then, turning toward the creature:
"Oh, Raph? Did you get that lecture on the "Two mandrake liqueurs, please!" HiQtjiiqhts
floating disc?" inquires Cedrik. "I've been Once calm is restored, a young lady steps by Misten HuMphney,
trying to make it work, but all I did was drop into the main room, a good-looking brunette the iNvisibie stalken
the master's reports." with large blue eyes and a form-fitting robe.
"It's all in the wrist," Raphael replies smug- "Well, look who just walked in," says "Coming to Glantri was a good choice, my
ly. "See, always make ample moves, like this." Raphael. boy! If you have the smarts, your destiny can
Demonstrating the appropriate gestures, the "Who's she?" asks Cedrik, distractedly set- be glorious. In Glantri, you see, only those
older apprentice almost bumps another pas- ting his scrolls aside. with knowledge of magic can hope to become
senger's hat into the water. "They'll teach you "She's Leranda, the new sensation at the noblemen. This means power, privileges,

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

IN i City

wealth, and the chance to discover the secrets ence of ten or more people in such a manner
of the universe! magic to check out the applicant's inten- they all can hear requires a license (50 ducats
"Here, all those hoping for a better life seek tions. So beware, my boy! If you are caught per year). This license is necessary for scholars,
to learn magic. The stronger you are in the telling stories, you may never get the magistrates, entertainers, army officers, mer-
arcane science, the higher your status is. license and probably will earn the visit of chants, parliament spokesmen and represent-
Always remember this, my boy: As long as constables later on. They caught me last atives dealing with large audiences. Listening
you are a mage, I remain your loyal servant; year for being invisible without a license, does not require the license.
but abandon your craft, and your rivals will and I've been condemned to wear this Hazardous Magic in Urban Areas: A license
show you no mercy. shroud for a whole year. Talk about a ridic- is mandatory for producing magical effects in
"People are either Mundaneis or Aicaners. ulous fate for an invisible stalker! It's hot town, endangering large areas or crowds. The
The first can't cast spells; they are the ignorant, in here, and I still had to pay for the effects are: phantasmal force and other illu-
the workers, the merchants, and the bourgeois, license. sions, fire ball and fire-related spells, light-
poor and middle-class and wealthy. The others "In any case, the official will register ning bolt, confusion, wall of fire and other
are the magic-users. There is a further distinction your name, current address and personal magical obstacles, cloudkill and other clouds,
among them: An arcaner can be a gent, one who description and the list of spells you know. conjure elemental, death spell, move earth,
knows magic but is not of noble birth, or a If they don't have a license for something weather control, mass invisibility, reverse
nobleman, a wizard who rules a dominion rec- you want, they'll invent one on the spot, gravity, symbol, gate, meteor swarm, mass
ognized by the Parliament. All these people seek just for you! The whole idea of the licenses charm, and wish with greater harmful effects.
to enter the higher class and gain status so as to is to know who can do what and why. In a Lower water and aqueous magic are also
benefit from new privileges and protections. A land of magic, this is one thing they do to part of this list but in Glantri City only. The
gent is dangerous enough, but don't you go keep on top of the situation. Here are some license costs 100 dc per year, per spell.
offending a nobleman! Glantrian justice is a of the more common licenses you may
ruthless machine made to protect the masters need during your career." "These are but a few weapons in the
before all.
bureaucratic arsenal. Inappropriate use of
"The first goal of a mundaner—after sim- Private Spell-Casting: len dc per level of a license can get you in real trouble, the
ple subsistence—is the accumulation of spell, cumulative (one for 1st level spells in least of which is the suspension of the
wealth. Gold can open many doors. Some general, three for 2nd level, six for third level, license for a number of months. Always
even buy their way into the Great School of etc..) One license is sufficient for all of the carry your licenses on your person. If you
Magic! Of course, they don't have the voca- magic-user's spells, but a list of his spells must are requested to show your licenses and
tion, and most won't make it to higher levels appear on the license. This license must be don't have them, you are immediately
of learning; all they seek is to become gents approved by the Great School of Magic's High considered guilty. Watch out for thieves;
and gain the privileges of this class. The elite Secretary, to whom the license fee will be for- stolen licenses are worth gold on the black
consider them vulgar parvenus." warded. market. Also beware of inquisitive eyes
Arcane Business: Twenty dc per year and watching over your shoulder. There is a
LiceNses aNt> Buneaucnacy per level of the spell or spell effect. Each spell bounty for identifying unlicensed users at
intended to be used on a regular basis in the House of Ministers, or those who did
"Our greatest national headache is the exchange for services or money must be not report their Utterance Right. Some
kindly Glantrian bureaucracy! The licensed separately. A license for magical infamous citizens make a (licensed) living
amount of scrollwork required in Glantri is detection costs 20 dc, professional fire ball off these bounties!
frightening. Everything must be legally casting comes to 120 dc per year, etc. "All this is just one of the public serv-
approved and licensed by the nation's Mundane Business: For activities generat- ice's malfeasances. Once in a while they
magistrates. Licenses are sold at the House ing less than 5 dc per day: 1 ducat per year; for misfile scrollwork or get the wrong names
of Ministers for 1 to 100 dc per year, 5 to 100 dc per day: 5 ducats per year; and 20 and addresses. The first year I moved to
depending on the importance of the ducats per year for any larger business. Each this place, I received one of those scroll
requested activity. For example, I own a activity (with its usual time and place) is cases with the army's seal on it. It indicated
license for serving in a tavern (1 dc), serv- licensed separately. that a "Captain Humphrey Talker" was to
ing alcoholic beverages (1 dc), serving Bearing Weapons: One ducat per year for report immediately to the Citadel for
magical brews (5 dc), being a non-human weapons less than 15 inches; ten for each active duty! It took me six months to prove
entity legally allowed to reside in Glantri weapon of larger size. A surcharge of five duc- that they had the wrong person; then, they
City (8 dc—one per HD), and another for ats will be added for blunt weapons. Gents almost court-martialed me for impersonat-
turning invisible at will (3 dc), for a total of and nobles do not need these licenses. Other- ing an army officer! I had to wear this
eighteen ducats per year! But business is wise, they are only granted if a licensed spell- bulky, noisy armor all the time... Anyway,
good here. caster vouches for the applicant. I got to keep the officer's pay. The Citadel
"\bu can only get a license with a plausi- Wearing Armor: Five ducats per year for bookkeeper wouldn't take the money
ble reason. % u must explain why you need shields and helmets, ten for leather armor, back; as far as he was concerned, the
the license and under which conditions twenty for metal armor. These licenses can money was paid out to "the captain" and
you expect to use it. The official in charge only be granted if a licensed spell-caster nothing else mattered.
of licenses is quite paranoid; he may use vouches for the applicant. "For every bureaucratic blunder, a pub-
Speaking in Public: Speaking in the pres-

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

LiviNQ IN CJlaNtni City

law, felonies are punishable only during the

lie servant has some imaginative way of week following the crime. By the eighth day, lar to that of this city. Enforcement is bet-
dealing with it. Anything can happen. at sunrise, if the offender has not yet been ter in Glantri City, because the capital's
They may force citizens to switch names or apprehended, he may no longer be punished constabulary is by far the most efficient in
houses because they don't match their for the crime—legally. all Glantri. The Hall of Magistrates keeps
files, or return to a citizen taxes he hasn't Penalty for general felonies is the removal busy with judgments.
yet paid, while another public servant of one finger (tendril, tentacle, pseudopod or "Also, people in Glantri tend to sue
requests the same amount from someone equivalent) per 100 ducats of assessed dam- others as often as they change boots. The
else who did pay his—money has to come age. If no finger remains, capital punishment price of legal action is high. A magistrate
from somewhere, right? They even sent a is applied. Rape is punishable by magical sex- costs 10 to 100 dc per appearance at the
baron's inheritance title to some gondolier. change for a year, permanent for repeat court. The loser must reimburse all costs
The fellow had a good time for a month or offenders. Murder is punishable by death by incurred by the judgment. This includes
so, but then got in real trouble when the green slime. plaintiff and defender's magistrates, the
true heir returned with appropriate scroll-
Unlicensed Activities are felonies. Unau- judge, the constables and all the scribes
work. I think he ended up as the baron's
thorized spell-casting is punishable by one to involved with the case. This often amounts
buffoon for perpetuity.
twelve months of dispelled magic. Second- to 300 to 400 dc per appearance at the
"The Glantrian administration is such a time offenders have their tongues torn out. court, plus briberies—which are not
horrid machine that even nobles have prob- Third-time offenders are permanently feeble- uncommon, but are risky for the inexperi-
lems dealing with it. Magistrates benefit minded and banished to the Beggars' Court. enced.
from all these innumerable complaints; they Other penalties for unlicensed activities "For important matters, magic is often
can be expensive, but they are the best way to vary from one to twelve months' imprison- used to determine if one lies or not. All
deal with the administrative maze. They ment at the Tower of Sighs, without bail, or arcaners have the right to request such
understand its traps and nuances even better 100 ducats fine for minor offenders. examination (ESP), but you should
than the public servants.
remember that in order to address a court
"Aside from licenses and bureaucracy, Misdemeanors of magistrates, you must have a license for
the law is another tool public servants and Nocturnal Noise in Urban Areas, Disturb- speaking in public—else they might
magistrates skillfully use to maintain order ing Public Order, Obstructing the Course of charge you for another felony! If you nei-
and keep gold flowing into the treasury." Law or Public Service, Lying to a Magistrate, ther can afford a magistrate's defense nor
to an Agent of the Constable or to a Noble, speak in public, you are doomed, because
£7?e Laws of Qlantni- Mocking, Insulting or Libelling an Arcaner are you can't verbally deny accusations! Of
misdemeanors punishable by flagellation, course, you can communicate with written
"Since you'll be here for some time, you hanging by the thumbs, or fines ranging from scrolls, but in this case, each must be
need to know about our laws, and the sen- 10 to 100 dc. notarized—this too can become expensive!
tences for breaking them." Wounding or Intending to Wound an "So much for Glantri's legal system. I'd
arcaner using a mundane weapon or an open summarize all this by saying, 'Just stay out
Treason and High Treason hand, without the approval of a Viceroy, con- of trouble!' But don't be frightened. Life
Violation of Allegiance toward the Council stable or noble wizard, is punishable by ten to in Glantri offers many advantages, too—
of Princes is called High Treason. The penalty thirty days' imprisonment in the Tower of such as the wide array of magic-use so com-
is death by exposure on the Tower of Sighs for Sighs. mon in everyday life."
one night (see the description in "Glantri City
by Night"). Violation of Allegiance toward a Other Laws
Magic IN
ruling prince or a noble, or any felony com- Penalty Immunities: Penalties for misde-
mitted against him by a mundaner, is called meanors do not apply to nobles in their
"I'm sure you noticed our street lamps.
Treason. The penalty is up to the ruler. dominions. Penalties for misdemeanors and
Each consists of a iron pole that is elegantly
Religion is a crime of High Treason. Only felonies do not apply to princes in their princi-
sculpted, with a continual light glowing at
the official philosophy of magic is acceptable. palities. Princes may grant mercy for misde-
the top during night and day. This is the
The penalty for worship is torture by black meanors and felonies in their principalities
first manifestation of magic you notice in
pudding exposure followed by life imprison- and within Free Territories.
Glantri City. There is much more than
ment at the Tower of Sighs. Clericism and sim- Civil Rights: A mundaner is considered that, of course.
ilar heresy is punishable by death by fire. guilty of a crime until proved innocent if the
"Starting with the middle-class families
Tax Evasion is Treason. The sentence plaintiff is a nobleman. In all other cases, a
and up to the noble households, licensed
include the removal of all titles, lands, and suspect is considered innocent until proved
spell-casters are commonly hired to pro-
private wealth, with one to ten years impris- guilty.
duce magical effects, both for comfort and
onment at the Tower of Sighs. social status. Conspicuous display of magic
"As you see, my boy, there are many is the key to social success, my boy! There
Felonies things to know before traveling around are many examples right here. Do you
Overdue Debts, Theft, Murder, Rape, Glantri. The laws vary from one principali- need water? A small permanent gate to the
Bribery of Public Servants, and Destruction of ty to another, but in general they are simi- plane of water opens into the kitchen. It is
Private Property are felonies. By Glantrian

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

iN i City

Main Calendar Key

linked to various pipes and faucets—this
tunes every hour, wizard locks, wizard eyes
latest in magical technology can be w New Moon
to see who's at your door, creative illusions
installed in your own home for a modest 36 # Quarter Moon Waning
for interior decoration, reverse gravity to
crowns! 9) Quarter Moon Waxing
reach the top of your tower without effort,
"Heat, you say? Have your very own fire brooms and cloths which clean a house on © Half Moon
elemental in the cellar. It is fully restrained their own, the list is endless! In short, if O Three Quarter Moon Waning
within a magical boiler through which the you have the gold, you can get anything © Three Quarter Moon Waxing
water pipes circulate. \bu can now take a done. The usual rate is two crowns per level O Full Moon
hot bath in winter or cook at low price. All of spell. But make sure you are dealing l5r Shooting Star—A comet crosses the
this, complete with licenses to operate fire with licensed spell-casters! The black mar- night sky (20% chance), in a direction
elementals in the city, comes to a trifling ket magic-users could be using stolen or helpful to one who seeks an unknown
10 crowns, a true bargain! counterfeit licenses and then, Great Efreeti destination.
"Should you desire refreshment—it's knows what ill second effects may plague % Eclipse—The sun disappears behind
equally easy. The ice box is located in the your house!" the moon for Id6 turns (15% chance).
kitchen and filled every day. We order our if New Star—An unusual star of any col-
ice from the the Vladimirov Brothers, or shines during one night (5%
mages who make a business of magically SeasoNal Festivities -
chance), or stays permanently (3%
freezing clean water and foods. They deliv- chance).
er directly to your home for a meager four "Enough on magic for now. There are
•& Missing Star—A well-known star per-
dc per iceblock. Wait until you try our deli- many other sources of entertainment, for
manently disappears from the known
cious summer delights, such as the Frozen the mundaner as well as the arcaner. This
constellations (10% chance).
Griffon Egg Souffle, our specialty! society is rich in holidays and festivities;
that's probably due to the large number of >:•• Stellar Cataclysm—Unusual celestial
"Is there any refuse left after dinner? activities cause the sky to change color
Scrape it into the ultimate garbage dis- different cultures in Glantri. To suit all the
princes' fancies, each has one holiday for one day, or glow eerily for one
posal, a personal black pudding unit. It night, causing fear and disorder
disposes of anything and requires no clean- devoted to his subjects, or to something
dear to his people. Each is only observed in among the population (3% chance).
ing and no maintenance! The whole sys- All'magic is totally ineffective during
tem can be installed in your very own the appropriate principalities, except in
the case of Glantri City, where any excuse is that day.
kitchen for the incredible sum of 25 cr,
which includes a ten-year warranty! good enough to take a day off. On top of
that, the House of Ministers adds a few of NUWMONT
"Are you looking for designer furni-
ture? Try this! Permanent floating disks its own from time to time. Public servants,
Lunadain !• • 8© 15O 22
that conform to your body weight and magistrates, scholars and sages observe
every single holiday and expect the rest of Gromdain 2* A 9 16 23
shape, and follow you on command. They Tserdain 3 10 17 24
sell on the market for no more than 20 the population to do the same. Shop own-
ers, innkeepers and entertainers are, how- Moldam 4 11 18 25
crowns, 25 with silk or velvet upholstery. 5• 120
ever, exempt and make great profits at that Nytdain 19O 26
"Do you desire personal lighting at Loshdain 6 13 20 27
home? Try this: A small sphere of contin- Soladain 7 ^ 14 0 21 28
ual light that follows its owner, stands in "The best way to remain up to date is to
place or varies in intensity at a command consult the seasonal calendar published by
: 1st day of the year and beginning of early
word. This marvel costs only six crowns. the Sages' League. It includes moon phas-
spring season. This day is also called Good
"More? Try the latest in communica- es, potential star and solar activities, sea-
Sprite Day, the national holiday for the
tions! For quick delivery, have your mes- sons, and holidays. It is quite different
elves of Erewan. They celebrate thefirstday
sages teleported directly to their from the one your elven folks use. Look,
of spring starting at sunrise. Music, dance
destinations by your local Arcane Telepos- there's one hanging on the wall behind
and banquets last until late at night. The
ters and Towers office. This will cost you 14 you.
sprites and other woodland spirits are
crowns. "We have twelve months of 28 days, for thought to awake from their winter slum-
"Need a multipurpose servant? Here a total of 336 days. There are four weeks of ber. In their honor, die elves perpetrate
comes Rent-a-Stalker. For 12 cr, hire your seven days per month. The first day of a pranks and practical jokes, their way of get-
own stalker for a specific service—but if month always starts on a Lunadain and ting ahead of the wee folks. Other races are
you ask me, most of these fellows are ill- ends on a Soladain. It takes one month for often their victims. Regrettable excesses
mannered morons." the moon to accomplish its full cycle, full occur when the E.L.F. settles an account
"Flying carpets, creatures and constructs moons always rising on the night of the with some long-time foe, disguising the
for security and service, weather control for third Lunadain in each month." crime as a (bad) joke.
handling fires and storms, force field : Spring Equinox—Some bad weather can
umbrellas against the rain, magic doors, be expected that day (high winds, late
magic windows, magical hourglasses that snow storms or hail). The Brotherhood of
flip around by themselves and whistle the Radiance must make contact at mid-

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

LiviNQ IN QlaNtui City

$: Spring Break—The students from the Moldain 4 11 18 25 A this day cleaning the building while eve-
Great School of Magic go about the canals Nytdain 5 •) 12 O 19 O 26 rybody, is out.
and rivers, blowing up the ice. This is a Loshdain 6 13 20 27 + : Army Parade—The garrisons in each
chance for the students to display new Soladain 7 14 Sz 21 28 principality and in Glantri City organize
knowledge and show off spectacular mag- military parades. The original idea for
ic. No traffic is allowed that day until the PI: Beginning of the late spring season this festival comes from the Prince of
canals are safe. Although the nominal A : Arcanium—This is the annual wizards' Aalban, who normally leads the parade in
date of this event is the 6th of Nuwmont, fair, a convention lasting night and day Glantri City. This often turns out to be a
the date may be changed according to until the end of the month. All interested show of force to intimidate the popula-
how late or early the seasons are. The magic-users come to Glantri City and tion and make sure they understand just
point of Spring Break is to get rid of the share some of their most treasured secrets who is in charge. Later in the afternoon,
unsafe fragile ice crust and allow normal for gold or more knowledge. Others orga- jousts are organized between the rulers'
gondola traffic. But some of the more nize crowded seminars where the wizards' knights, as well as magical duels between
rowdy students cause mischief in the city, philosophies and point of views are dis- magic-using army officers. The best fight-
taking this opportunity to get even with cussed in a rather informal and open- er will then confront the best spell-caster,
the monotonous life at school. ended manner. Many of the activities are according to very strict duelling rules (the
sponsored by the Prince of Blackhill, the knight wins if he bloods the magic-user
VATERMONT Great School of Magic and the Game Liz- before being trapped or rendered uncon-
ards. All the city's inns are booked solid scious). Magic-users are the odds-on
and have many bizarre visitors. Buildings favorites, but once in a while a knight
Lunadain 1• • 8© 15 O 22 3
with large main rooms are rented by the proves to be the best. Later, during the
Gromdain 2 9 16 23
wishing to meet and conduct their trade. night, many soldiers spend time in the
Tserdain 3 10 A 17 24
Business is done within closed booths, towns. The more vulgar taverns are full of
Moldain 4 • 11 18 + 25
behind curtains, to aid in secrecy. Mean- drunken soldiers, either spell-casters or
Nytdain 5 €> 12 O 19 O 26 • fighters eager to prove they are better
Loshdain 6 13 20 £ r 27 while, in the crowded rows, peddlers walk
about selling trinkets, spell components, than the other class. Brawls, naturally, are
Soladain 7 14 21 * 28
blanks scrolls and tomes. In open booths, very common that night.
Q : Beginning of the mid-spring season poorer mages resort to selling common,
A : 1st Tax Day—Citizens of Glantri City low-level spells for a few gold ducats, YARTHMONT
bring their quarterly taxes to the House of loudly boasting of the qualities of one
Ministers before midnight. In the princi- spell or another; this is a blessing for Lunadain 1#D 8© 15 O 22 3
palities and Free Territories, people bring apprentices with gold to spend. Charla- Gromdain 2 9 16 23
their gold to the local Constabulary. Tax tans are also very common here. Shady Tserdain 3 10 A 17 24
evaders will be identified within the next individuals also come to Glantri City, Moldain 4 11 18 25
three months and hunted down by the snooping around and hoping to steal Nytdain 5 €> 12 O 19 O 26 •
constables. For richer citizens, magic may some new ideas. Once satisfied, these fel- Loshdain 6 13 20 27 &:
be used to determine if they are making lows disappear as quickly as they showed Soladain 7 14 + • 21 28
appropriate tax payments. up, which has earned them the nickname
+ : Monsters Fair—This is the national cele- of the "Mayflies" among the true and
FT Beginning of the mid-summer season
bration day for Caurenze. Its prince orga- respectable wizards.
A : 2nd Tax Day—See 1st Tax Day in Vater-
nizes games at Circus Lizzieni, with many mont for more detail.
monster fights and races. The criminal FLAURMONT + : Gondola Games—The great games of
offenders, barbarian raiders, and slaves Glantri City occur during this mid-
are sometimes executed there. Heroes Lunadain 1 • • 8 €> 15 O 22 3 summer day. To mock army jousts, the
may (willingly or not) enter the arena and Gromdain 2 9 16 23 contestants stand on top of a narrow plat-
prove their bravery, earning great rewards Tserdain 3A 10 17 24 form at the bow of their gondolas, hold-
and fame. In Glantri City, people orga- Moldain 4 11 18 25^~* ing a long pole in their right hand, a large
nize a monster parade (largely sponsored Nytdain 5 • 12 O 19 O 26 O pan lid in the left, and wearing a metal
by the Monster Handlers' Syndicate). Lat- Loshdain 6 13 20 + 27 pot on their head. The purpose of the
er during the afternoon, the beasts are Soladain 7 14 21 28 game is to knock the other contestants
rounded up on the open market place into the canals. The winner gains a silver
and sold to customers. The better-tamed •: Summer Solstice—Beginning of the early medal, as well as free passage on all gon-
creatures perform spectacular shows to summer season. The Brotherhood of the dolas for a year (the medal serves as pass
attract visitors. Accidents are likely to Radiance must make contact at midnight. and shows the year the winner gained it.)
occur. A : Parliament Day—This holiday is the a Many banquets, dances and spectacles
THAUMONT creation of the Glantrian bureaucracy to occur in the Entertainers' and Port Quar-
get an extra day off from work. Nothing ters. The port business is usually halted
Lunadain 1#D 8© 15 O 22 3 special happens this day, except that the the day of the games. The event is spon-
Gromdain 2 9 16 23 House of Ministers and the Parliament are sored by the River Teamsters.
Tserdain 3 10 17 24 closed to business. Servants usually spend

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

LiviNQ IN QlaNtRi City

KLARMONT are released in the streets of their city, New AMBYRMONT

Alvar, where the people prove their bravery
Lunadain 1#D 8© 15OA22 3 by trying to outrun them or removing a lit- Lunadain 1• • 8 © 15 O 22 3
Gromdain 2 9 16 • 23 tle ribbon from one of their horns. Magic is Gromdain 2 9 16 23
Tserdain 3 10 17 24 not considered fair in this run. In Glantri Tserdain 3 10 17 24
Moldain 4 11 18 25 City, this day is when the city gets rid of Moldain 4 11 18 25
Nytdain 5 # 12 O 19 3 26 <• dangerous creatures lurking in the water- Nytdain 5 • 12 C 19 O
Loshdain 6 13 20 27 ways. At first, it was the army's responsibili- Loshdain 6 13 20 27 ft
Soladain 7 14 21 28 ty to seek out and destroy them. Then the Soladain 7 14 21 28 :£'.
southern elves of the capital took the mon-
|~1: Beginning of the late summer season ster hunt into their own hands. Nowadays, n i : Beginning of the late fall season
A : Night of the Red Moon—The mundaners the more courageous urbanites are invited A : Fire Night—Many of the old Flaemish
believe that evil spirits come out during to board war gondolas and hunt the crea- people wear long golden robes and high
the night to haunt them and cause catas- tures using magic or weapons—good train- pointed hoods covering their faces during
trophes. The moon seems to turn red (a ing for the Great School of Magic's this festival. They make a quiet proces-
natural phenomenon), and it is true that students. The Monster Hunters' Union is sion along the streets of Kopstar, carrying
animals and monsters become nervous ,often out to purchase some newly captured torches. Officially, they honor the end of
this night. Mages find that their percep- monsteis. fall. These people are followers of the
tions of magic are slightly aroused this + : Beggars' Hope—The poor wretches of the philosophy of fire, the traditional ele-
night. All the mages in Glantri must roll Beggars' Court are allowed out of their ment in their culture. In the Flaemish his-
ld20 under their Intelligence. Those who city quarter to beg without threat of tory, the purpose of the procession was to
fail are unaffected; the others gain 1 being chased away. Many middle-class purify the air in the towns, waving torches
point of Intelligence for Id6 night hours people and some nobles come to the West and eventually burning down the houses
but must then save vs. spells or be inebri- Side Quarter to make donations of food of less desirable inhabitants. This still
ated by this surge of magic. Missing the and old clothes and occasionally remove occurs in smaller villages in the Principali-
saving throw by 3 points or less causes a some of the most awful curses. ty of Linden, and only rarely at Kopstar or
spell-caster to feel dizzy and euphoric, Glantri City. At the capital, the proces-
but has no further effect. Missing by 9 or •*s FYRMONT sion goes along in gondolas, drawing
less causes a spell-caster to be mildly crowds of curious onlookers.
intoxicated; he will lose all memory of Lunadain 1#D 8© liO + 22 3
what occurs that night, including spell Gromdain 2 9 16 23 SVIFTMONT
discoveries. Missing by 10 or more causes Tserdain 3 10 A # 1 7 24
a spell-caster to be totally intoxicated: he Moldain 4 11 18 25 Lunadain 1#D 8© 15 O 22 3
loses Id8 points of Dexterity for that Nytdain 5• 12 O 19 O 26 • Gromdain 2 9 16 23
night, babbles unintelligibly, giggles or Loshdain 6 13 20 27 Tserdain 3 10 17 24
laughs insanely, has odd hallucinations, Soladain Moldain 4 11 18 25
14 21 28
and finally loses consciousness (and mem- Nytdain 5• 12 C 19 3 26 <•
ory of what happened) after Id4 hours. O : Beginning of the mid-fall season Loshdain 6 A TS: 13 20 27
More powerful mages who fall victim to A : 3rd Tax Day—See 1st Tax Day in Vater- Soladain 14 + 21 28
the red moon can be quite dangerous (the
mont for more detail.
Great School of Magic usually turns into a
+ : Vyonnese Carnival—This is the national • : Winter Solstice—Beginning of the early
' madhouse during these hours).
festival of New Averoigne. The celebrants winter season. The Brotherhood of the
go along the streets of their towns, or the Radiance must make contact at midnight.
FELMONT canals of Glantri City's residents, waving A : Best Wishes of Krondahar—This is the
scarecrows around, wearing colorful cos- annual holiday for the people of Kronda-
Lunadain 1#D 8© 15 O 22 3 tumes and masks, laughing, dancing, har, the first day of their year of the
Gromdain 2 9 16 23 banging on pan lids and making the most Ethengarian Calendar. They spend the
Tserdain 3 10 17 24 -&r _ atrocious noise possible. Most other peo- day in towns and fields, wishing the best
Moldain 4 11 18 25 + l $ r ple think they do this just to have fun of luck to any they may cross paths with.
Nytdain 5 • 12 O 19 3 26#-£E (and many join in these processions), but Entire parties walk about the streets of
Loshdain 6 13 20 27 •££• the real meaning of the festival is to scare Braastar (or riding gondolas in Glantri
Soladain 7 14 A 21 28 ft evil spirits away and mock the werewolf. City) swinging censers, slowly beating a
With a closer look, an observer can see drum, blowing a huge horn or ringing a
I]: Fall Equinox—Beginning of the early fall that many of the scarecrows wear wolf bell according to a rhythmic but obscure
season. The Brotherhood of the Radiance skins or look like ugly wolfmen. The car- musical an. Traditionally, a Krondaharian
must make contact at midnight. Some nival starts at dusk and lasts until sunrise, wishes luck by sticking out his tongue at
bad weather could be expected, with high driving the city constabulary mad, as it is the person to be wished good luck. In
winds or violent thunderstorms. impossible to stop the massive crowds of return, the grateful person must bow
A: Feria dc lotos—This is the national holiday lawbreakers (disturbing nighttime peace once and stick his tongue out. The cere-
for die southern elves of Belcadiz. Irate bulls is a crime in Glantri City.) mony ends with the first Krondaharian

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

LiviNQ IN QlaNtui City

slapping the other on the left cheek and races occurring on the frozen city canals. meaning in Glantri City. The people
bowing twice. This ceremony can cause All sorts of races are organized, including crowd Alexander Platz and its waterways
difficulties outside Krondahar, when a simple races on foot (with or without ice when the sun is about to disappear
Krondaharian wishes luck to one of a dif- skates), and on sleds pulled by various behind the hills. They quietly watch the
ferent culture—but can't speak common creatures or by magic. The winner is City Belfry, Lord Glantri's mausoleum,
Glantrian (as many don't) and explain offered a golden trophy. After the races, hoping to see an omen. If any ill luck is to
the custom to one whom it offends. at night, balls take place on the ice, under plague the nation in the coming year, the
+ : Raising the Walls—This day is dedicated multicolored Ethengarian lanterns. On people see a sign: an eerie color in the sky,
to the raising of defensive walls on the the following day, other games are a frightening rumble in the ground, a
south side of Glantri City. The date may organized—such as ice jousting and mysterious silhouette that resembles Lord
be changed according to how early or late snowball battles. Glantri pacing at the top of the belfry. If,
the cold weather sets in. The purpose of $: 4th Tax Day—See 1st Tax Day in Vater- instead, future prospects are good, the
this event is to make sure the south of the mont for more detail. tower glows slightly and a melodious
city is protected when the river freezes. voice softly sings a song of peace. The
Immense crowds of people watch the KALDMONT mausoleum radiates magic then and no
mages cast their spells. The Mages' per- one dares enter it. So far the phenome-
sonal goal is to show their arcane talents Lunadain 1 ' • 8 © 15OA22O non remains unexplained.
by creating walls decorated with different Gromdain 2 9 16 23 $: Bells of Fate—This is the last day of the
colors, decorative sculptures, eerie glows Tserdain 3 10 17 24 -it- Glantrian year. At midnight, all the vil-
and auras, and so forth. A large banquet Moldain 4 11 18 25 & lages, towns and the capital ring their
will be offered at the parliament in honor Nytdain 5 D 12O 19O 26#tf- bells. At the same moment, a heavenly
of the mage with the most spectacular Loshdain 6 13 20 27 + • portent is seen; it is especially visible from
wall. Soladain 7 14 21 28 $ : :;. Glantri City if the sky is clear. (Should
there be clouds, wizards make sure the
EIRMONT [U: Beginning of the late winter season sky is clear on time.) This portent is a
A : Boldavian Procession—This is the nation- shower of shooting stars. On occasion,
Lunadain 1#D 8© 15 O 22 3 al holiday in Boldavia. Although it is an one of these stars will fall from the sky and
illegal celebration there (Prince Morphail land somewhere in Glantri. These celes-
Gromdain 2 9 16 23
does not approve of it), the local people tial objects are supposed to bring bad
Tserdain 3 10 17 24$
nevertheless perform the procession. luck, so people frantically ring their bells
Moldain 4 11 18 25
During the night, they go about the to scare the evil spirits away. (This
Nytdain 5 § A l 2 O 19 O 26 •
streets, carrying torches, waving strange explains why all respectable houses or
Loshdain 6* 13 20 27 ,-
f symbols and censers, hanging festoons of farms have at least one small bell or
Soladain 7 14+ 21 28 '*'
garlic on doors, windows, and street inter- gong.) Should a mage see one of these
sections. In the middle of the night, they objects fall to the ground, he will imme-
f~l: Beginning of the mid-winter season diately order a few brave men to find it
A : Nectomantia—This is a national holiday burn coffins in the main plaza, sing,
dance and stay awake together until day- and bring it back to his tower. There is no
in Klantyre, originally implemented by way to predict what may be found on the
the Prince of Klantyre in honor of heroes break. In Boldavia, the constables often
intervene to keep the peace, but they do site; sometimes there is nothing, but at
who died upon the field of honor. The other times strange mushrooms and
people go to the graves of their ancestors avoid excessive brutality to prevent riots
(drunken, angry mobs of Boldavians are fungi, diseases, deadly creatures, or fabu-
to pay homage and to clean weeds and lous gems may be found. Wizards, natu-
dirt from the burial sites. Adventurers known to march down to unpopular
noble's mansions and put them to the rally, want these objects from the skies.
may start a quest to give a decent burial to
lost relatives. On the night that follows torch). Because of the large number of
this event, ghosts and spirits are rumored Boldavians in Glantri City, the Magis- Otljen EveNts •
to visit their descendants. If proper trates declared the Boldavian Procession a
respect was shown, then nothing is to be legal holiday in the Free Territories and at
"As you see, my boy, we have lots of fun
feared; but some disrespectful families the capital, infuriating the nobles at the
here. But that's not all. Not a year goes by
have been found dead the next morning, Tower of Igorov. Outside Boldavia,
without a noble losing his title, dying
with expressions of utter fear on their though, this celebration is always peace-
without heir, or challenging another to a
faces. Although there has been no proof ful.
magical duel. Since all politics in this land
of supernatural visitation, the cases + : Alexander Day—This is the official main are influenced or decided by vote, rival
remain strange, even in a land plagued by holiday for the whole nation, when the nobles will go to great lengths to gain vot-
the undead. The people of Glantri City people of Glantri pay homage to the late ers' attention. During voting campaigns,
and Boldavia also follow theis custom. Lord Alexander Glantri, founder of the supporters of one noble or another go
+ : Annual Glantrian Ice Games—Once the Parliament. All the people throughout about the city waterways, waving large bills
canals are frozen, the younger population the nation are to stop working at noon and boasting the values of their leader.
feverishly prepares for this festival. The and spend one hour in total silence. Mak- Once in a while, two factions run into each
best skaters of the country come to the ing noise during this hour of respect is a
capital to participate to the national ice felony. The holiday has an even greater

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

LiviNQ IN i City

other and fight until the constables inter-

of understanding obscure concepts that are 7. A chime playing a child's tune follows
vene. These people also hire supporters, a
above the minds of common men, but chil- a nearby creature until dispelled. The
lucrative but dangerous business.
dren do not understand risk, or right from victim of the effect is chosen at ran-
"Last year, when I was still wandering
wrong. They do not know when to draw the dom.
the city free and invisible, I witnessed sup-
line. Some end up demented, unable to 8. Butterflies fill the area where the child
porters of a faction bringing thirty mun-
understand the pain and damage they cause. is. If outside, the butterflies spread
daners, tied and gagged, into a mansion's
Even good children may accidentally miscast out over a mile radius, blinding every-
inner court. I was hiding at the end of the
spells and cause great catastrophes." one.
row. The leader, a nobleman whom I do
not personally know, cast a spell upon 9. The child and all beings within a 30-
them. For a short instant a sensation of DM Notes: Spell-casting children must be foot radius gate into an outer plane
friendliness toward the man overwhelmed sent to the Great School of Magic for training where all is made of cake, cream and
me and I felt compelled to help him. But (seven days a week, eight months a year mini- other sweets.
soon the effect vanished, although I think mum). Failing to provide this training causes 10. A dozen gremlins dressed as puppets
I was the only one to break free. The other the child temporarily to lose his spell-casting appear next to the child and decide to
fellows listened to the nobleman's speech ability. It is regained when the child resumes entertain him at the expense of nearby
and left the place, waving their posters, school studies or reaches the age of sixteen. An creatures and furniture.
shouting slogans, and ready to do battle! NPC child gains one level of experience per 12 11. An illusion of a man sitting on a cloud
Ten minutes later, another thirty victims months of study, up to half the parent's high- flies overhead, dropping fistfuls of
where brought in and the same happened est experience level. sand. Those underneath failing a sav-
again. In a single day, this man bewitched Whenever a child casts a spell, there is a ing throw vs. spells fall into a sound
over a hundred people to serve him. I say, chance it will misfire. Roll 4d4, trying to roll sleep which lasts until dispelled.
it chills my spine to think about what these less than the child's age. (With elves, the DM 12. Flowers and mushrooms of various
people do to achieve their ends! So decides what human age the child most shapes and colors pop up everywhere
remember, always stay clear of these closely approximates and rolls against that.) within a one-mile radius and grow one
crowds of howling fanatics. The spell works normally if the roll is equal to to three feet high.
or less than the child's age. If the roll is higher,
"Nobles sometimes come down into the
the spell fails and produces an unexpected Legal age in Glantri is 16 years old, the age
streets and cast spectacular new spells to
effect. Miscast spells do not not affect the cast- at which spell-casting is possible without fear
impress voters. The object of this is to show
er. The effects are up to the DM; some exam- of infantile side effects. Under this age, chil-
their magic is superior to that of their com-
ples are below. ^ dren should normally only appear as NPCs in
petitors, so therefore they are worthier of
their votes. Of course, many nobles are the Glantrian campaign.
charged by the constables with casting Infantile Catastrophe Table Because of the time necessary to reach very
spells for business reasons without a (Roll Idl2) high levels and the dangers involved, it is
license. I say, good for the constabulary! likely that PCs may be lost during the course
1. The target of the spell is polymoiphed of a long campaign. PCs who have reached
Personally, I have no sympathy for politi- into a teddy bear or similar plush toy
cians; all they do is make promises; few nobility and/or established a family before
(no saving throw). they die may play an NPC son or daughter.
actually uphold them when they get what 2. The target of the spell turns blue with
they want." The new player-character is at whatever level it
yellow dots (no save); any variations of reached at the time of the PC's loss. If the new
bizarre colors are welcome. It may also PC is not yet 16 years old, an NPC parent will
CtjilOljoob aso make bubbles and funny popping run the dominion until the child reaches legal
SuccessiON IN sounds. age. This opportunity should be viewed as an
3- The target of the spell grows purple encouragement to role-play and create
"Well, Cedrik my boy, you probably think hair all over its body, at the rate of a detailed character backgrounds.
that this is no place for children. But you'd foot per round. The growth lasts Id6 When two ruling nobles marry in Glantri,
be surprised how well some younger fel- rounds. they lose the dominion farther from the capi-
lows do. %u've probably met a few of 4. All beings in a 60-foot radius cannot tal. For example: the Duchess of Fenswick
these marvels, or abominations should I move without leaping ld20 feet in a marries the Baron of Oxhill; the Baron
say! No offense to you, my boy, you are at a random direction, or Id 10 feet becomes Duke of Fenswick. The baronial
proper age to learn the secrets of magic. straight up. dominion becomes available to lesser nobles.
But in this land, to be a noble one must be 5. A 10-foot high tower made of wooden No decisions in the couple's dominion can be
a wizard, and so to insure the continuity of cubes materializes. The child can made without both nobles' consent. If the
his dynasty he must raise his children in shoot cream pies from the top with a two perish without naming an heir, or an heir
the tradition of magic-use. So, some begin small catapult. cannot be agreed, the Council of Princes and
to learn as early as five years old. 6. A monster of great strength appears Parliament recognize the oldest wizardly
"There is a price to pay for this folly. next to the child. It thinks it is the descendant in the family as the heir.
Children learn fast, often faster than their child's mother and will be danger-
elders. The brightest children are capable ously protective of the child.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

LiviNQ IN QlaNtRi City

Official QlaNtniaN "Well, then, it's getting late! My, where did
Ptjilosopljy Shepherds say the disciples are in trances and your friend go?"
must not be disturbed. Disturbed, ha! I Piling up his homework, Cedrik turns
"\bu should know one important thing think they already were! They'll tell you the around, looking for Leranda and Raphael.
about living in Glantri. \bu already know gong's vibrations on your cranium are good "Oh, you're right. The cute human girl is
religion is considered heresy here, but this for meditation. But I tried it once and got gone and so is Raph!"
does not mean spiritual ways are ignored. In only invisible bumps and a headache! Laughing softly, Humphrey the Stalker
fact, Glantri has its very own philosophy, and "But it does seem that in the long run adds, "I bet he went out with her. Another
temples where it is taught. The wizards who some people are affected permanently. Over conquest in Leranda's bag!"
run the temples are called Shepherds of Rad. the years, one can increase his Intelligence A small voice comes from under the table:
People go there when they need an answer to slightly, but Wisdom is then similarly "Hey! What do you mean, another conquest
a personal problem, or when they seek the reduced. The disciples become fanatical fol- for Leranda? When you two are done debat-
light of universal knowledge. If you ask me, I lowers of the wizards' way of life, absolutely ing the meaning of life, will you please get me
think they're charlatans. All they do is recite opposed to the concept of divine religion. out of here!"
bizarre mantras over and over and perform These men are totally loyal to their Shep- Both elf and the stalker stare blankly at each
meaningless ceremonies. The Shepherds herds. The only thing I like about the Tem- other and then look under the table. A toad
claim these enhance the intellect and the ples of Rad is the nice, ongoing ringing of the sits there, croaking angrily at them. "It's
memory. gongs that can be heard in the streets. It's a about time you noticed me! Will you give me
"For example, one will rapidly recite this reassuring sign of the people's goodwill. a hand now?"
verse: 'Knowledge is light, light in the mind, "A good citizen goes to the Temples of "Yep, that's Raph all right!" says Hum-
I mind the ways o' Rad, Rad is the source o' Rad. Army officers, public servants and phrey. "I'd recognize these dumb eyes any-
Knowledge!' after which he bangs his fore- constables must attend every morning, where. I forgot to tell him Leranda just
head on a gong to make sure the lesson sinks according to their manuals. \bu see, my graduated to the class of Sorceress with her
in! And this one: 'Magic is life, life is a spiral, boy, if you want to remain on good terms polymorph others spell. Neat, eh?"
I spiral to the Nucleus o' Rad, Rad is the with your masters at the school, make sure
source o' Magic!' I saw disciples repeating you regularly show yourself at the Temple
this hundreds of times, until they collapsed of Rad—but don't overdo it! Leave this to
to the ground, shaking and foaming. The the mundaners and the zealots."

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Queat School of Magic
It is early and, low over the mountains, the Punpose of we Sctjool -
sun sets the sky ablaze. The little red creature Opening wide eyes, Loricks turns to the
yawns, stretches its small batwings, and "%u ssee, Lorickss, the purpose of the imp on his shoulder. "%u mean I can
scratches its horny head. Suddenly a gong ech- sschool is to train young talentss like you actually use their laboratories and do my
oes in the room below, making it jump. and make wizards of them. Are you not own research, use their books and all?"
Almost falling, it grabs hold of the large anxiouss to become a sstudent here? Well, "Yess, but I wouldn't try that yet if I
statue on which it was sleeping. it'ss easily done. You need to get a sspon- were you! Besides, the fee does not include
"By the beard of Baal, why are they sso ear- sor, ssomeone who knows a teacher at the componentss for researching sspells and
ly?" cries the creature in its sibilant lisp. sschool. Then, you sstart directly. A letter enchanting items, and this is expensive.
Quickly, it scampers back on top of its van- from a Glantrian nobleman will do as well. And if you break ssomething, boy are you
tage point, the crown of a great statue over- Otherwise, as in your case, you have to pass in trouble!"
looking the main study room. There, up in an examination. I went through their Suspiciously staring at Diabolus' pouch,
the room's vault, among incense fumes, its sscrolls yesterday and saw that they will be which is getting bigger by the minute,
devilish eyes glow with glee. "Aah, sstudents! asking for ventriloquism. Can you casst Loricks asks, "But what if I run out of
How delightful! Let's ssee... ah, thiss one that?" money?"
here, I can feel his anguish..." "Who, me? Are you joking? I don't "Funny you should assk." Diabolus
The apprentice stands up and leaves the know how to do that!" moans Loricks. glances down at Loricks' now-empty
room, stacks of scrolls tucked under both "That's it, I'm doomed! I'll never make pouches. "Then, you would have to leave
arms. Reaching his quarters, he angrily throws it!" and earn some more outside. A few sspells
all the paperwork on his bed. "I can't stand all "Now, now! Let'ss not get carried away. casst here or there for gold, or a good
this! I'll never make it by tomorrow! My uncle Look, I'll hide and make noises for you! adventure, will do. Then you come back
will skin me alive if the school doesn't accept But you better learn that sspell later, or and pick up where you left. Ssimple!"
me as a student!" they'll get you! They don't like cheaters
"Tissk, tissk, tissk!" comes the lisping around here."
whisper. The student quickly turns to see the
CoMpieMCNtany Counses-
"Gee, thanks, Diab'. I sure am glad
small creature, sitting crosslegged on top of a you're here!" says Loricks, patting the imp Observing a busy class through one of the
chest, reading one of the scrolls. "Really, who on the head. windows, Loricks wonders, "What kind of
needs all thiss?" Continuing his speech, Diabolus dis- stuff do they teach here? Why should I
"Just who the devil are you?" asks the stu- tractedly fondles the contents of Loricks' learn here? I mean, I used to study with an
dent, poking his finger at the creature's snout. pouches with his prehensile tail. His eyes old enchanter, back at Kern; that seemed
"How did you get in here?" sparkle when he finds a gem or a coin. all right to me."
"Eh? Oh. Greetings, I am Diabolus!" "Well now, how about all that money!" Pulling a small pair of glasses from its
answers the creature, shaking the baffled stu-
pouch, Diabolus assumes a scholarly tone.
dent's hand with its pointy tail. "Sseems
you've got yoursself in trouble, eh? Maybe I
Fees - "Well, you have a choice of coursses you
can follow, aside from regular sstudies.
can help you... if you'll let me."
"Once you've been accepted as a sstudent, Among some of the classes are: sspell com-
"What are you anyway? Say, aren't you the
you have to pay a tuition fee to the sschool. bination, quick cassting, agility training,
lad Leranda polymorphed the other day?"
It's usually no more than five ducatss per meditation, mandragora-related ssciences,
asks the student, ripping his scroll from the
day for a Medium. It includes your teach- and all ssorts of other things to excite the
creature's tiny, grasping hands.
ing cossts, room and board, use of the intellect! % u sshould also remember that
Snorting at the question, Diabolus whines, sschool's laboratory and library—and jusst when you gain the rank of wizard, the
"Of coursse not! Do I look like a sstudent? in case, you also get free legal sservices." school awards you an official diploma. This
I'm an Imp! Can't you tell?" will open many doors in your career, either
"Oh, yes. A nimp, sure," says the student, for employment or politicss."
scratching his head. "By the way, I'm Loricks. DM Notes: The tuition fees amount to 5 dc
Did I hear you say you could help me?" per day per level of the student. The gold may
"Of course, that'ss why I'm here. I'm the be paid daily, or in advance for one or more DM Notes: A student goes to school to have
Great Master's companion. He ssent me weeks. When a PC has accumulated enough a master teach him magic. The master's train-
because he has great hopes for you! I'm ssup- experience to reach the next level, he must ing is necessary for level advancement, and
posed to show you around the place. If you still complete at least three weeks of serious the master will teach his student at least one
want to be a sstudent here, you have to know studies, plus one week per experience level spell at the time of the level advancement.
how things work. Then, the tessts are easy!" (equal to the one he's achieving), and pay for Aside from this training, the student may
them, before his master admits his progress. If choose to take one course at a time while he
With the flap of a wing, the imp perches on
he spends more than the minimum time, the studies. The student is assumed to acquire the
Loricks' shoulder. "Let'ss go; we have a lot to
master may be more generous with the spells full knowledge of the course when he reaches
talk about!" Proudly, Loricks leaves the room,
he will teach him. his next experience level (and has paid for his
and walks among the students in the halls.
tuition). He may then start another course.
The tuition fee also covers these courses. The
student may learn from the following, one at a

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Queat School of Magic

Agility Training: This allows the magic-user

to roll (d20) under his Dexterity to be able to
cast spells while moving. This can only be
done at a normal walking pace; riding a
mount or dodging attacks imposes a severe
penalty on the ability check (DM's discretion,
a -1 to -10 to the Dx score, depending on cir-
cumstances). If the attempt fails, the spell is
Conjure Companion: This ability allows a
magic-user to summon a creature that will
become his companion. He can attempt this
only during a full moon, and has a 2% chance
per level to succeed. The companion is men-
tally linked to its master and has an Intelli-
gence of 9-18 (dlO + 8). The master, by
concentrating, can see and hear what his com-
panion perceives (range is unlimited). It
behaves as a charmed creature. A magic-user
can only have one such companion at any
The exact type of creature is up to the
magic-user, but he must have a part of the
type of creature as basic component for the
conjuration. For example: if he wants a black
cat, he needs hair from a black cat; if he wants
a gremlin, he needs a gremlin skull; etc.
Often, the magic-user must leave on an
adventure to get the component. His chances
of success are reduced -10% per asterisk in the
creature's statistics (a gremlin, HD 1**, would hp and cannot conjure a new companion for a conjuring a magical companion.
penalize an attempt -20%). When an attempt year. Quick Casting: This allows a magic-user to
fails, the components are destroyed. The same Learning Languages: The student may learn cast spells more quickly. If, at the beginning
creature or pans coming from the same crea- extra languages (up to the maximum allowed of a round, the magic-user states he has the
ture cannot be used several times as a source of by his Intelligence). Only one language can be components ready for a specific spell, that
components for conjurations. learned at a time. The student must reach the spell goes off first thing in the next round,
The creature must be of the master's align- next experience level before taking this course before initiative is rolled. If he changes his
ment. It will have a hp equal to the caster's again and learning another language. Virtu- mind in between, he must shuffle his compo-
level (consider elves to be two levels higher per ally any language is available at the school. nents and do nothing else that round.
Attack Rank beyond C—see Companion Mandragora: This allows a magic-user to Spell Combination: This technique allows
Book One, page 30, for more detail on Attack recognize mandragora plants and safely har- the student to mix his spell levels in any com-
Ranks), and have one HD (or level) for every 2 vest them. The roots may be used to make bination, so long as the total spell levels mem-
points the wizard's Intelligence exceeds 10. soporific or hallucinogenic drugs. A victim of orized do not exceed his capacity. For
For example, an 18 Intelligence, level 21 wiz- the drug must make a Constitution check example: a level 4 magic-user normally casts
ard may summon a 21 hp (HD 4**) hell- (ld20 against Cn); if he fails, he will fall two 1st level spells, and two 2nd levels (for a
hound, with a 22% chance of success (44% - asleep for Id6 days, or answer the truth to Id6 total of 6 spell levels). With this technique, he
20% for the **). If the master chooses a char- questions the magic-user asks. At ninth level, can choose to memorize six first level spells, or
acter type (a fighter, an elf, a mystic, a thug, a wizard can animate the plant's root to create three second levels, or any other appropriate
etc.) for a companion, it can not be a known a manikin (see "Critters from the Caul- combination.
NPC or a player character. These companions dron").
are called sidekicks. A sidekick is considered a Meditation: This helps the character reach a ExpenieNce-
monster with two asterisks for purposes of higher level of intellectual perception. After
conjuration. The player will give it a personal- an hour of preparation (absolute quiet) the As the imp lectures, he and his charge
ity and a name. A sidekick is utterly loyal and wizard gains a modifier to an Intelligence wander about the school, visiting laborato-
cannot be charmed or influenced against his Check (+ 1 up to level 5, + 2 up to level 10, ries, libraries, classrooms, and study quar-
master. etc; and +8 at level 36). He must tell the DM ters. Their latest stop (after a shortcut
Once summoned, a companion stays with which problem he wishes to solve before med- through the kitchens) is a gallery filled
its master. He cannot dismiss or dispel it. It itating. The effect lasts until the ability check with stuffed creatures of various sorts. Each
does not gain hp as the master gains levels. If is attempted. Meditation improves chances of has a little plaque explaining its origins.
it dies, the master suffers damage equal to its discovering new spells, enchanting items, or

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

^t \ \\^i^i wwtmf/ 7 ••'

QReat School of Magic

produce large amounts of XP if the wizard is nents for a spell or for a magic item enchant-
Loricks points at one of them: "Look, successful. The basic XP value of magical ment. In this case, he could get the full XP
there's one just like you over there! Let's go items is 1 XP per gold ducat spent in any value of a monster.
see what it says!" attempt, with the following values: Uncommon and efficient use of spells is
At these words, Diabolus opens wide his considered a good quality for a wizard (say,
eyes and quickly wraps his little wings around Attempt was successful: All 100 XP per ingeniously used spell level).
Loricks' head. "Sssh, be quiet! The keeper Attempt failed: 1/10 Gaining a noble title in Glantri could give
will hear uss! Let'ss get out of here!" the wizard an XP bonus equal to 10% of the
Once they're past the corner, he adds, Acquiring a magical item does not give the wizard's total experience each time he gains a
"Phew, that was a close call! Didn't you wizard XPs because he already benefits from higher nobility rank.
ssee the keeper coming our way? Ssorry its powers; this is sufficient in itself. He may There are many other sources of experience
about the wings. What was I talking sell it latet if he wishes and gain some experi- for wizards (like discovering the Radiance,
about? Oh, yess, gaining experience. ence for the gold, as explained below. entering a secret order, etc).
"A lot of sstudents don't know how to The DM should always keep an eye on the
gain experience anymore! I remember my Getting Treasure: Money is the least favor- way a wizard behaves. Awarding appropriate
masster ssaying: 'You ssee, Diabolus, young ite subject for a wizard. A wizard's overhead XP bonuses to well-played charactets is quite
people today forget what the true purpose of can be terrifying: tuition fees, spell research, appropriate in role-playing games.
wizardry is! The word wizard means wise component needs, enchantments, taxes,
man. Their goal is knowledge; by finding it, licenses, membership dues if he is pan of a QnaOuatiON
they increasse their power. So, the way a wiz- guild or a secret order, etc.
ard gains experience is not by sslaying mon- Although wizards do not generally feel The conversation is interrupted by a terri-
sters and owning a dragon's hoard! Leave attracted to wealth, money is still quite neces- ble howling from a nearby room. The door
that to fighters and merchants. Wizards are sary to acquire knowledge. Unless the DM bursts open and two men, apparently mas-
here to think, to use their grey matter.' In decides otherwise, 1 gold ducat is equal to 1 ters, help a student out of the room. He
sshort, ssearch for sspells, invent magical XP. Use the following rates fot wizards: bears an ugly smoldering burn on his arm.
items, find old and rare books. That's the "What was that?" inquires Loricks,
true goal of wizardry!" Gaining treasure in adventures: 1/2 impressed by the accident.
Trading, selling magic, theft, Carelessly, Diabolus replies, "Oh, noth-
DM Notes: The best way for a magic-user to casting spells for gold (*): 1/10 ing important. I guess he flunked his tesst.
earn experience points is by inventing spells, Dominion resources: As per Masters rules No one said spell-casting was a safe busi-
enchanting magical items, and studying rare ness. Every now and then, sstudents pass
tomes. When playing a magic-user, use the (*) Whatever gold the wizard earns. tests to show they are worthy of their titles.
guidelines below to reflect this philosophy. That's how it works. %u sstart as a Medi-
Acquiring Rare Books: Another wizardly um (that's what they call apprentices
Gaining Spells: This is the main activity of a habit is the quest to find old books and build here); you take your courses and learn your
wizard. How much experience he gets up a library. Aside from the effect owning sstuff. Then, to become a Seer, you have to
depending on how he acquires spells. The books has on magical research, this is a source invent a sspell and demonstrate its effect to
basic XP value for spells is 1,000 XP per spell of pure knowledge. Experience value for such a jury. If it workss, then you become a Seer.
level. Use the XP values indicated below, activity comes to 1 XP pet dc value of rare Latet on, you invent another, and you get
according to the situation: tomes. Use these rates: the title of Conjurer, something like that.
Of course, if there's a flaw in the sspell you
Magical Research of a New Spell + 1/2 Acquiring books in an adventure: All invented—well, I guess you just saw what
Magical Research of a Common Spell All Acquiring books by trade, happened!"
Discovered in a Treasure: 1/2 purchase, theft (etc.): 1/10 "What if I bought a spell ftom someone
Spell given by Master: 1/4 else and demonstrated that instead?"
Trade, purchase, theft: 1/10 Slaying Monsters: Destroying creatures is wonders Loricks, cautiously looking
more the purpose of a hero than of a wizard. around the corner into the room.
For example: A wizard creating a new 1st level Wizards go on adventures to find compo- "Well, well, you're getting ssmart. I'm
spell would gain 1,500 XP; rediscovering a nents, secrets, books, or magical items, but sstarting to like you! Nice idea, but that's
common spell would only get the wizard not specifically to slay creatures. The experi- not going to wotk. See, you have to show
1,000 XP; finding a scroll with a 1st level spell ence value of monsters is given in the rules, all your sstudies and how you managed to
would be worth 500 XP; gaining it when but, as a general practice, wizards should only find the ssolution. They want mathemati-
reaching second level would be 250 XP; steal- get two-thirds the normal XP for killing mon- cal equations, alchemical formulae, a com-
ing or trading the spell with another wizard sters. The DM may give bonuses if the wizard plete pharmacopaeia of components, and
would earn him 100 XP. ..,„..„,,_„„„„„, was exceptionally useful or effective during they'll assk you to explain the whole thing
the adventure. from sscratch, just to see if you really did
Enchanting Items: This activity occurs later the job yourself! There's no way around it,
in a wizard's career, since he must be 9th level Other Incentives: The DM is free to award believe me. Then, they ask you to cast the
to make magical items. Nevertheless, it can experience for other tasks. For example, he thing; that's when the fun begins."
could award XPs for acquiring major compo-

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

TZY)£ Queat School of Magic

Loricks steps into the room. A dozen out of my ears! Tell me, Diab', what else is have a master teach them. It is up to them
tables have been overturned, a window is there to know about living in this place?" to find their way, using the school's labora-
blown out, and the walls are charred. In The little imp slides down a chandelier tories and library. Ssome of them give
the middle lies a sorry little lump that above the student, hanging upside down courses to avoid paying the tuition fees,
might once have been a spell book. by its tail. "To be honest, what you were but that doubles the time they must spend
"This is the training room. They make doing is most of a sstudent's activity; in the school."
magical experimentss or test ssuspicious except, of course, they can read that sstuff.
sspells here. I bet he tried some rireba// We have to do something about this prob- RUNNING Duel EveNts -
sstuff! Yep, that phosphorus dosage will do it lem of yours.
every time," adds the little imp with a giggle. "Anyway, let's sstart at the beginning. "I just thought of something, Diab'," says
Meanwhile, Loricks examines the book \bu get up in the morning, about two Loricks. "What if those two masters realize
on the floor. "Hey, look! There's some- hourglass cycles before sunrise; winters are we stole the scroll?"
thing that didn't burn in there!" tough, but what else is there to be done in "We?," asks Diabolus innocently. "I
Diabolus quickly looks over his shoul- winter? All the sstudents who are not yet didn't ssteal the scroll—you did! But I
der. "Be quiet. Pull that page out and let's wizards sspend an hour at the school's tem- don't think they really care, and they can't
get going! Maybe there's a sspell on it!" ple, and attend service with the Shepherds prove it anyway. In any case, if the owner
The two rapidly leave the room with the of Rad. A minimum of ten mantras is wants to get at you, all he can do is chal-
blackened piece of parchment. "All right! required. Then you get to eat. Don't lenge you to a duel."
It's a scroll!" says Loricks, excited. "Maybe expect a feast: all you get is a carrot and Suddenly nervous, Loricks stares at
it's a wizard's secret!" fish soup (good for the eyes and memory), Diabolus and gulps, "Duel, what duel?
"Maybe. Oh, yeah, about wizards. They just enough to quench morning hunger. You mean /would have to fight this guy—I
have a sspecial ordeal to go through. It's son Over-eating is bad for the intellect. can't even bewitch straight!"
of a major graduation in this school. Instead "Then you follow the course you have "Don't worry," answers Diabolus, toy-
of showing some dumb sspell, they get to go chosen until the sun is halfway up in the ing with a small dagger. "Judging from his
into the school's dungeons. Neat place, ssky. After this, all the sstudents are tesst, that sstudent isn't much of a foe—
really—dark, damp, creepy; I love it! I required to spend one hour at the temple and I'll be here with you! Don't you trusst
sspend some time there once in a while. They to recite ten more mantras, and another me yet? Actually, duels are fun, especially
enter on one side, alone, with just their sspell hour in the school's garden to meditate. between the big guys. People outside pay
components, and they have to reach the oth- Don't miss that: it's the only time you get fortunes to be allowed in to behold great
er alive. If they make it, then they get to to rest and close your eyes. There is a duels. Aside from graduation day, these
become wizards, licensed, with the doors to chance a school master will come around are the most fun times at the school. No
nobility wide open, and all the goodies. If looking for help to clean in the school or sstudies that day, no chores, except setting
they fail, there's no telling what happens to work in the kitchens—here's good advice, up the school's garden for the duel. When
them. I remember once, I was hiding behind don't hang around masters at noon, they the work's done, you go to your quarters
a gargoyle. When the thing moved to attack might have you volunteer for chores. and stay at the window to watch the fight. I
the sstudent, I took his pouch and ran away. "After this, you go to your master's can make you a fortune betting on win-
What fun! The sstudent was following me all quarters and learn your basic lessons in ners, you lucky devil! The sspectacle of two
over the place, sscreaming and trying to get magic. This will take you two or three ministers or nobles fighting each other is
his sstuff back, with the gargoyle after him." hours, after which you help your master awesome; you'll see!"
"What? There are monsters in there?" with whatever he may need. This may be
inquires Loricks, not reassured at all. cleaning his laboratory, helping during DM Notes: Duels regularly take place at the
"Of course! And trapss, and wicked experiments, disspatching messages for school because of the nation's political regime
magical things, and strange noises, and him, preparing ink, filling out paperwork, (see "Rivalries and Politics in Glantri"). For
dead ends. You'll love it!" shining his boots, washing his clothes, or 500 dc, visitors are allowed in to watch the
"Thanks, that's all I need," Loricks says whatever else he may need you to do. duel. While the opponents prepare their spell
sternly. "I'm getting tired of walking. Let's Sometimes you get lucky and he sends you components and magical items in separate
go back to my quarters; maybe I can deci- out to the Business Quarter to buy various rooms in the main building, the school sets
pher the scroll." components. Depending on how late he wooden seats up to ten tiers high around the
keeps you, the rest of the day (or night) is middle garden. Then the duel grounds are
yours. That's when you get your second prepared with areas of hallucinatory terrain,
daily meal. \bu are free to make experi-
Zlje Life of a StuOeNt- ments or research your own sspells, but
concealed pits, invisible monsters restrained
to an area by a chain, and so forth. The duel-
make sure you get some sleep, too. ling grounds are enclosed within a 50' diame-
Loricks, back at his desk, moans and
groans as he attempts to understand the "Of course, sstudents who are licensed ter white circle out of which the two
bizarre runes on his scroll, "I need a break. wizards are exempt from all the chores. opponents are not allowed until the end of the
If I keep trying to read, smoke will come They take their courses, go to the library duel. The circle is anti-magical and protects
and do their own research. They do not the people outside. When the two opponents
are ready, they are blindfolded and brought to

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Xllje Queat School of Magic

the duel grounds, facing outward. At a signal, Adventurers can greatly profit in Glantri;
they remove their blindfold and the duel A sudden gust of wind blows the scroll they may receive, as payment for a task, an
begins. away. "Hold it, my child!" orders a low, uncommon magical item or strong magic aid,
The two must fight each other using their vibrant voice from behind the two fellows. and may naturally acquire powerful friends in
magic. The duel can be swift or take some "I did already tell you to leave this place, the Principalities.
time, depending on the magic used. The duel Diabolus, didn't I?" The voice bears the On the other hand, should they acquire
ends when one of the two wizards surrenders, unmistakable accent of those who come enemies, don't forget: the arms of Glantrian
or when one is neutralized and obviously at from Averoigne. nobles are long, due to their magical abilities,
the mercy of the other, or when one dies. In As if something bit him, the imp wheels and their money. They have contacts and
case of a tie, a jury of ten school masters, around and turns a nauseous pink color. agents in many foreign countries, and these
including Prince Etienne (the Great Master of With a little scream, he squeaks, "Ooopss, people, too, are often powerful mages. The
the School) decides who wins. No physical bye!" and disappears in an puff of smoke. spectre of a mistake made in Glantri could
contact is allowed between the opponents and Confused and blinking his eyes, Loricks haunt them for a long, long time.
they must remain within the circle. Teleport- sputters, "But, but, what happened? Who
ing out and coming back later is not allowed, are you, sir? What happened to Diab?" At tlje Qneat Scljool of Maqic
nor is outside help. Once a wizard surrenders, Raising an eyebrow, the venerable man
the other must immediately dispel his attacks at the door answers, "Sacrebleu! I'm the You may prefer to set your campaign at the
against him. A wizard cannot pretend to sur- Grand Master. Destroy the scroll, my Great School of Magic. Players will either
render to surprise his opponent. Fleeing or child, and never sign anything with your bring their experienced characters to the
breaking any of these rules automatically for- own blood, for you might sign your soul School (they will probably all be of the same
feits the duel. away. Get some sleep now. Tomorrow, approximate level, thus setting the tone for
you'll pass your test—without your little the start of the campaign) or they can all begin
A loud snoring suddenly interrupts the friend's help, I take it. Do not disappoint with first-level magic-users about to embark
imp's speech. "Hmm, wha... Oh, sorry on their learning careers. (If you start with
Diab'," mumbles Loricks. "Reading the first-level MUs, these characters will be sixteen
scroll did me in for awhile." years of age or older; most should be of Glan-
"Yess, it's getting late anyway," adds trian descent, though it is permissable for one
CAMPAIQNINQ IN to be foreign, for additional "flavor.")
Diabolus. "I have to go now. Good luck
with your sscroll." In such a case, you should give your players
"Wait!" cries Loricks. ""ibu can't leave a brief overview of Glantri, touching quickly
me like this! I want to know what's on the There are several ways you can play your on the history, geography, politics, and—most
scroll! What if that student finds me? D&D® adventures in Glantri. Here are three importantly—nobles, and then give them the
Please help, I'll do anything!" approaches: highly descriptive tour through the Great
"Will you, now? All right, here: ssign School of Magic in their first adventure. In
this!" Diabolus pulls a small scroll from his JUST: PASSING THROUGH general, these characters should be out adven-
pouch and unrolls it on the table. turing in the world (for the experience and for
Rubbing his eyes, Loricks glances over Any number of errands—diplomatic mis- the money to continue their education) about
the scroll. "What's this?" sions, spy missions, the last requests of dying four months out of the year, learning at the
Handing a quill to the student, the imp friends, the desire for travel—can bring your School the remaining eight—but learning at
says, "Oh, nothing, really. It's just a campaign's usual party of adventurers to the the School doesn't mean retiring from adven-
friendly agreement between you and me. Principalities of Glantri for a visit. turing. The School itself causes its own adven-
This is how things are done here. I help If the characters just want to visit Glantri tures, as can any good night of carousing in
you out with my expertise, and you sign and then move on, you can give them numer- the streets (and canals) of Glantri City.
this agreement, that's all. See, I make a liv- ous adventures in an easy fashion. Meanwhile, other PCs could become pow-
ing on bonuses paid by the school every In their first adventure, their arrival in erful members of one of the Seven Secret
time I help someone graduate. Failing tests Glantri, stress the sights and sounds and Crafts thriving among students and teachers.
looks bad on your master's teaching smells of the capital city. In the previous chap- These are perfect for providing PCs with spe-
records. The best masters often get paid ters you've seen enough boxed-text descrip- cial motivations, personalities and great
more, so..." tions of the city features to have a good idea of adventure plots.
Loricks slowly dips his quill into the ink- how the city appears to a first-time visitor. Use Use your own adventure ideas, based on the
pot, wondering about this deal, when these impressions, and your own, to firmly characters' deeds and personalities, along
Diabolus intervenes: "No, no, no! Not ink; establish in your players' minds the noisy, col- with the scenarios from the "Adventures" sec-
here, try this!" He quickly stings Loricks' arm orful, memorable hodgepodge of life in Glan- tion. Over time, the characters will rise in
with his tail; a drop of blood pearls on his tri City. experience, becoming more and more formi-
skin. Holding Lorick's inky fingers with his While they're in Glantri, select the sce- dable magic-users, until they reach 9th level
two tiny hands, the imp dips the quill into narios from the "Adventures" section which and (we hope) graduate from the School.
the blood. "Always sign a gentlemen's con- best suit their temperaments and levels, and They don't have to leave the School then, as
tract with your own blood!" play them out; play additional adventures discussed earlier in the supplement... but the
based on what they do in Glantri, how they type of education is different, for they no
react to the nobility, and so forth. longer have teachers.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Tllje Queat School of Magic

Some characters will also be considering they'll have learned, at home, is read magic.) mies, when they capture the heroes, generally
entering the political arena; of the player- But these new students aren't adult— lock them up where only half-learned magic
characters' group, one will probably do so they're children, aged 12 to 15 (players' spells can get them free. The staggeringly
eventually, with the other PCs as his trusted choice). They suffer the effects of the Infant intricate politics of Glantri don't make much
friends and retainers. Catastrophe Table (from "Living in Glantri of an impression on children's adventures;
Ultimately, these characters will reach high City"), they run around and get into trouble, some consist merely of trying to convice the
levels of nobility, recognize the presence of the they spy on adults and have the most marvel- condescending grownups that something bad
Radiance and investigate it, and deal with the lous adventures because of that, and they really is indeed about to happen.
many problems and adventures caused by rul- grudgingly attend class at the Great School Of course, eventually the characters are
ing over men and investigating powerful mag- and have learning forced upon them. going to reach adulthood, reach Wizardhood,
ic. Perhaps one will eventually achieve the You'll want to talk to your players first to and put the interests of children behind
ultimate goal of the Glantrian wizard: find out if they want to have a campaign like them. At that point you can take up the cam-
Immortality. this. If they do, you have the opportunity to paign in a more normal fashion, as described
create a lot of fun. above. But until that happens, your heroes
at ttje Qneat ScJjooJ of This son of campaign should have a very can sneak through corridors when they're sup-
Mac/c childlike air about it: the characters pursue posed to be asleep, practice magics they're too
children's goals (getting out of chores, run- young to perform properly, form their own
Finally, you have the opportunity to conduct a ning around where they're not supposed to, clubs and gangs, and live the life of the
really eccentric sort of campaign at the Great figuring out what the adults are up to, finding bright-but-stubborn, noisy, inventive,
School. new places to explore, putting one over on student-child in Glantri. . ~
Begin with an all-new party of first-level hated grownups); the adventures all have chil-
magic-users. (Remember that the first spell dren's book sensibilities about them. Evil ene-

Touring Gondola

Beamier than most gondolas, this boat offers a slow, comfortable sight-
seeing journey, or a secure place for clandestine meetings. The master FOOD Stouaqe witrj
gondolier poles the boat while standing on the roof.
Flip-up Table Top

Scale: r = 10 This gondola can carry 6-8 passengers, a young servant and the master
gondolier. Catered foods, beverages, and entertainment can be provid-
ed for the party.

1987 TSR, INC. All Riqlits ReseRveb.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

CueatiNQ Spells aNO Magical Iteivts

The dream of the Glantrian magic-user is the casts his spells. The quick-mutter, finger- before attempting spell research, and must go
research and development of spells and magi- shake method of teleport any object is the on an adventure to acquire the basic spell
cal items. This is one of his greatest sources of spell crafted by Etienne d'Ambreville; components needed (he must track them
experience. Morphail Gorevitch-Woszlany uses dark words down the hard way for spell research).
In many D&D® game campaigns, details of of command and a dramatic gesture of dis-
spell learning are glossed over: the character missal. Time and Money
easily trades spells with his friends, learns So, below we have optional rules for spell The magic-user must then be prepared to
them from scrolls, and he occasionally creates research and magical item creation. They are spend large amounts of gold during the course
one of his own. different from the Expert rules, but are more of his research. The total to be spent comes to
But in a campaign where the main focus is appropriate in Glantri. 1,000 dc times the spell level. The DM decides
on magic-users, you should devote more what the spell level should be, according to
attention to this. The Glantrian spell-caster Spell Reseancl? - the effects the player describes.
learns a few spells from the school: one per Research takes a week for the initial
experience level from his master, a few low- N e c e s s a n y EleMCNts research, plus a day per 1,000 dc. The player
level ones bought from professional magic- To research a spell, a magic-user must first does not necessarily know how much time is
users. The majority of the rest he must have access to a large library such as those that needed. The PC spends 1,000 dc per day of
learn—invent or re-invent—for himself. exist in major cities, or in the tower of any sin- research (not including initial research time)
When a Glantrian spell-caster wants to gle Wizard-Prince. until the DM tells him to make an attempt roll
learn, say, a feeblemind, he will find that Then, the wizard must find components for (a sure sign the research has come to its end).
most wi2ards guard their spells jealously; and the spell. These are up to the players and their If the wizard runs out of gold before then, he
those that don't still may not have the availa- DM to determine; on the average, the compo- may interrupt his research, leave on an errand
ble time it will take to teach the spell. nent should be from a monster with HD at to earn more money, and come back later and
So, our magic-user haunts the libraries, least equal to the spell level, or of similar diffi- spend more time and money to advance his
assembles components, and gradually pieces culty to attain. research. ;
together the clues that allow him to cast his Examples: Red dragon scales for an explo-
spell. For this reason, every spell can be con- sive cloud, fresh troll blood for a Chances of Success
sidered different; two magic missiles will only reincarnation, fur from a displacer beast for a The chances of success to discover a spell vary
be alike if they were taught by the same spell- teleport, etc. There are no limits to this but depending on the spell level researched and
caster. Characters can, on occasion, figure out the players' and DMs' imaginations. Remem- whether it is a new spell or a common one (one
where a magician has studied by the way he ber, the researcher must have the components already described in the rules). For a common

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

CueatiNQ Spells aNt> Magical Iteivis

spell, add the magic-user's intelligence score The cost of recharging items is equal to the Weapons
to his experience level, and multiply the result original cost of charges (10% of the Initial aNd ARMOR
by two. Then subtract 3 per spell level being Enchantment). Potions or scrolls are items
researched. (For a new spell, subtract 5 per with charges (a charge per dose or per spell); The procedure for bestowing "plusses" or
spell level instead of 3.) Any roll of 95 or more they are not rechargeable. Different spells on "minusses" to items requires a different
is an automatic failure. one scroll are considered separate magical enchantment than for other magical items. To
items. Items with charges can't be recharged find the Initial Enchantment cost, multiply
Common Spell: ((Int + Lvl)x2)-(3 per spell level) beyond the original number of charges they the item's normal price (gold) by its encum-
New Spell: ((Int + Lvl)x2)-(5 pet spell level) had when created. A wizard may decide at the brance (coins). For armor, divide this result by
moment of creation that an item with charges 3; for weapons, multiply it by 5 instead
Example: A level 5 magic-user with a 15 is non-rechargeable. In this case, reduce Ini- (always round up to the next 10).
Intelligence, researching a common 1st level tial Enchantment Cost by 20%.
spell, has a ((15 + 5)x2)-3 = 37% chance of The actual procedure for enchanting items Armor Initial Enchantment Cost:
success. The research would cost him 1,000 dc is otherwise similar to researching spells. If item price (gold) x encumbrance (en) / 3
and take eight days (a week, plus one day for this is the first time a wizard enchants this son Weapon Initial Enchantment Cost:
the 1,000 dc). of item, his chances of success are equal to dis- item price (gold) x encumbrance (en) x 5
covering a new spell. If the wizard has success-
Miscellaneous lteius fully enchanted a similar item before, chances Example: A sword normally costs 10 dc and
of reproducing it later are equal to discovering weighs 60 coins. Its initial enchantment costs
A magic-user must be 9th level to even hope a common spell. 10 x 60 x 5 = 3,000 dc. A plate mail enchant-
to make a magical item. As with spells, he ment costs 60 x 500 / 3 = 10,000 dc.
must go on some adventure to find one basic Multiple Effects: If an item has several sepa- The initial enchantment makes a " + 1 " or
spell component for each effect of the magical rate powers, like a crystal ball with ESP, then " - 1 " item, according to the wizard's choice.
item he wishes to produce. the extra effect must be rolled for separately, For each subsequent " + " or " - " of either
The first thing to do is to list all of the magi- with the appropriate chances of success. Each armor or weapons, multiply the initial
cal item's effects. Compare them to existing successful attempt indicates the item gains the enchantment cost by the total " + " or " - " .
spells in order to know their (spell) level of power rolled for. A failure means the corres- Success chances are similar to discovering com-
power. A wizard must know the spell he is try- ponding effect is lost as well as any other not mon spells, each " + " or " - " being equiva-
ing to imitate with his magical item. For yet rolled for. In other words, if the first roll lent to a spell level.
example, a wizard who does not know the fails, the whole item is spoiled, the money Important: For the sake of game balance,
invisibility spell cannot make a ring of invisi- spent, and the time lost. Once an item is cre- the minimum Initial Enchantment cost
bility. If an item's effect does not compare to ated, the wizard cannot add new powers. should be no less than 100 dc for weapons, or
an already existing spell, then the wizard must Example: A 16 Intelligence wizard makes a 3,000 dc for armor. Daggers are considered
research a new spell that will produce the crystal ball with ESP (clairvoyance is used as short swords for purposes of calculating their
desired effect. the base spell effect). It would cost him Initial Enchantment cost. All enchantments
Once this is done, take the total spell levels 30,000 dc, and take 37 days of work (see the should be limited to + /- 5 maximum.
of the spells going into the item and multiply example above for details) at the end of which Adding Extra Powers: Extra magical effects
the result by 1,000. The result is the number the two rolls are attempted. Chances of suc- can be added to weapons or armor. Proceed as
of gold ducats necessary to make the initial cess for clairvoyance are 41 %, 44 % for ESP. If if enchanting a separate item as described for
enchantment. If the item has charges, add the first roll fails, the whole item is spoiled. If spell levels. The cost and time is added to that
10% of the initial enchantment cost per only the second fails, the wizard still has a of making the magical weapon. Success
charge. A permanent enchantment costs the crystal ball without ESP chances are rolled separately for each extra
equivalent of 50 charges. Time limitations: Some items may be usa- effect. If the effects of an enchantment are
ble only a certain number of times within a limited, the cost of extra magical effects is
Initial Enchantment: Total Spell Level x 1,000 given time length. Simply reduce the Initial reduced 10% per restriction.
Cost of Charges: (10% of Initial Enchant- Enchantment Cost 20% for items which can For Example: A +5 green dragon slayer
ment) x number of charges be used hourly, 25% for daily, 30% weekly, costs 15,000 dc for the sword, plus 36,000 dc
Cost of Permanency: (10% of Initial Enchant- 35% monthly, etc. Then add the cost of 30 for a permanent disintegrate spell effect (6th
ment) x 50 charges, plus one per use during the chosen level). It is restricted to: (1) dragons, (2) green
Total Cost: Initial Enchantment + Cost of time frame. dragons. The efects cost is thus reduced 20%,
Charges, or Example: A wand of fire balls usable twice a coming down to 28,800 dc. The final cost is
Total Cost: Initial Enchantment + Cost of day costs 2,250 dc (Enchantment Cost) plus 43,800 dc, 45 days of work, and the player
Permanency. 7,200 dc (cost equivalent to 32 charges), for a rolls twice: Once for the +5 sword and once
total of 9,450 dc (as opposed to 18,000 dc for a for its special power.
Example: a ring of flying is similar to the fly permanent item with unlimited uses).
spell (3rd level). It has only one function and Special Swords: If an extra bonus is neces-
is permanent, therefore it costs (3 x 1,000) + sary vs. a special opponent, like a +1 sword,
(300 x 50) = 18,000 dc. The enchantment +} vs. dragons, simply add the extra "plus-
takes 25 days (one week plus 1 day per 1,000 ses" to the original enchantment costs, at half
dc). price. Talents are considered spell powers (see

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

CncatiNQ Spells aND Magical

Miscellaneous Items). For complex weapons, well considered beforehand. only valid if the wizard owns the library (i.e. it
the DM should adjust the guidelines at his is located within his own workroom and
discretion, to cover unexpected cases and safe- QeNenic List of ENChaNtMeNt knows it inside out). Bonuses due to large
guard game balance. libraries should be limited to +10%.
Intelligent weapons are only created, on Finding rare tomes is helpful to a wizard. In
Cost Time
purpose, by Immortals. Every time a wizard a large city, the wizard will spend about a day
Magic Item (in dc) Needed
makes a magical sword, check to see if it has per 100 dc of expenditures (or fraction there-
Scroll (3 Charm spells): 1,040 9 days
been made Intelligent (see Table 12c, page 46, of) to find the desired tomes. Any single book
Dagger +1: 1,050 9 days
of Companion Book Two). found in a treasure, in an abandoned library
20 Arrows +1: 2,000 9 days
or for sale on the market costs 10 dc multiplied
Potion of Invisibility*: 2,140 10 days
OptioNal BONUSCS aNt> PeNalties by a percentage roll.
Leather Armor or Shield +1: 3,000 11 days
When role-playing with book merchants
Sword +1: 3,000 11 days
As an option, the DM may modify chances of (or book thieves), a wizard should appraise
Long Bow +1: 4,500 12 days
success depending on the situation. the value of what he is offered. The basic
Chain Mail +1: 5,340 13 days
Appraisal Score (rolled on dlOO) of a wizard is
Wand of Fire Balls**: 9,000 16 days
Interruptions equal to his Intelligence score plus his level,
Plate mail +1: 10,000 17 days multiplied by two. The DM makes a secret
Each time a wizard interrupts his spell
Helm of Clairvoyance: 18,000 25 days
research or the course of an enchantment, the check and informs the player of the perceived
War Hammer + 5 of Flying: 24,250 32 days book value. If the roll was successful, the wiz-
DM may penalize his chances of success 5 %.
Ring ofTeleportation: 30,000 37 days ard appraises the book value correctly. If the
Only the number of interruptions should be
Lance +} of Speed: 45,000 52 days roll failed, the difference between the
considered, not their duration. The character
Talisman of Meteor Swarm: 54,000 61 days Appraisal Score and the dice roll gives the per-
should still have the option of adventuring to
Staff of Wizardry***: 156,200 164 days centage of error. If the difference is an even
keep up with his research cost.
number, the wizard thinks the value is higher;
(*) Three doses, non-rechargeable if the difference is an odd number, the wizard
Special Materials
(**) Twenty charges, rechargeable thinks the value is lower.
Using special material can affect chances of
(***) The ultimate solution for Monty Hauls
success as well. Precious gems or metals might Example: A wizard with an Appraisal Score
retain magical powers better than rough wood of 50 tries to buy a book worth 500 dc. The
or stones. The list below shows possible modi- Labon Costs - DM rolls a 98 and informs the player the
fiersforchoosing better material: books seems to be worth (98-50 = 4 8 % ,
Whenever a PC, a dominion, or a nation hires higher) about 750 dc. The PC starts haggling
wizards to perform enchantments, labor must from there. A roll of 01 means the seller's
Material: Modifier:
be added to the cost of enchantment. This is price seems right to the wizard.
Precious stones (gems, crystal): +6% important in the case of a ruling PC planning
Precious metals (gold, silver): +4% to outfit army units with magical items. The A book merchant has an average Appraisal
Rare, elaborately carved woods: + 2% cost of labor averages 500 dc per level of Score equal to his Intelligence x 5. He will set
Common metal: +0 magic-user hired for the job, and per month his price according to his perceived value of
Common wood: —2% of work needed to accomplish the task. the book, plus a benefit margin of 30%. A
Common stones: ~4% thief of libraries has an Appraisal Score equal
Other mundane material (*): -6% to his thief level x 2 and sells for double that
CneatiNQ a Libnany price. Whether both are likely to sell their
(*)Bone, claw, leather, powder, balm, liquid, books below their perceived values is a ques-
Some wizards may need to compile their own tion of how well the wizard was role-played.
etc. libraries because their tower is located far from In any case, merchants never sell 20% below
civilized centers (and thus do not have access their sales price; a thief never sells for less than
to public libraries). The guidelines below half price, unless Constables are after him.
Depending on how well a wizard was explain how to acquire these rare tomes.
played, the DM may want to further modify Several days later, after studying the book, the
As the power of spells being researched wizard realizes its true value (the DM reveals
his chances of success or even the cost of
increases, the importance and expense of the the actual price). Studying a book takes a day
research and enchantment. Good thinking
library increases accordingly. For a library of per 100 dc of actual value.
and role-play is always more desirable than
minimum value, 4,000 dc must be invested.
using mathematical rules. The DM should
This allows research on first level spells. For
feel free to reward good play in an appropriate Appearance of a Book
each subsequent spell level to be researched,
manner, or penalize abuses of the system. The arcane volumes the wizards crave come
another 2,000 dc must be invested.
Eventually, the DM can make secret attempt in a variety of shapes and colors. The system
rolls for the player and not reveal the results For example, a library suitable for ninth
below is designed for the die-hard comple-
until the wizard actually uses his new creation. level spell would cost 20,000 dc. Every time a
tionist. To find the general appearance of a
If game balance is at stake, the DM should not wizard discovers a spell, 10% of the gold
book, roll ld% + 1 per 100 dc of book value,
hesitate to intervene and change the rules. spent for that effect is added to the library val-
ue. For every 2,000 dc of library value above and check the score below.
The guidelines given above are designed to * 01-60—The book has a velvet (1-4 on Id6)
avoid these problems as best as possible. Any the minimum required, the wizard's chances
to discover his spell increase 1 %. This bonus is or a silk (5-6 on Id6) cover. Roll Idl2 on
modification (penalty or bonus) should be column one below to find the fabric color.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

CueatiNQ Spells aNO Magical Iteivis

* 61-95—Use the Wilderness Encounter 7 Pearl Jade Eyes and mouths triggered after the book has been read for
Tables, pages 30-35, in the Expert Rule- 8 Purple Ebony Flames and clouds ld20 hours ( 1 % chance per 100 dc of book
book. Choose the columns corresponding 9 Red Redwood Stars, moons, suns value). Common wards are lightning bolt,
to the terrain type where the book was 10 Silver Ivory Mazes, hourglasses polymorph other, death spell, doudkill, dis-
found (or said to be found). The result 11 White Lacquered Non-magical pentades integrate, feeblemind, curse, energy drain,
indicates which creature's skin was used for 12 Special Coral, nacre Monsters' features poisonous pages... They should be undetect-
the book cover. able, and non-dispellable.
* 96 +—This is a stack of scrolls in a small Special: Roll again ignoring scores of 12. The And now, the final touch! Give all tomes
chest, a large scroll case, or between two item glows with a continual light spell. high-sounding titles and author names.
flat slabs. Roll Idl2 on the Material Famous NPC wizards are good authors, and
column below for the nature of the con- All the books come with metal fittings, and this may cause new, exciting intrigues to chal-
tainers. a clasp or a lock. Roll Id6 on the Material lenge PCs (an author or his rival trying to
column above to find the metal used. Roll recover a lost secret; the book contains clues
# Color Material Ornaments Idl2 on the Ornaments column for the pres- on NPCs; etc.).
1 Black Platinum None ence of ornaments (printed, painted or
2 Blue Gold Common runes carved). The first column can be used for a
3 Brown Silver Alchemical symbols variety of things such as the color of book edg-
4 Gold Brass Knotwork, lattices es, bookmarks, separate bindings, ornaments
5 Green Bronze lightning bolts and writings on the cover.
6 Ochre Steel Demonic, faces Books may have magical wards which are

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Secuet o f ttye
It is late in the night when the wizard sudden- Zlje Sounce of tlje RaOiaNce -
ly wakes up, sweating and shivering. At the "Why?" inquires the old man. "Does it
foot of the bed, rolled up in a corner of the The child's voice continues, "I am Brother make a difference?"
blanket, a tiny gnarled man-thing raises its Morningsun. The light in the night is called "Yes, indeed," says Nightfire. "As the
head, watching its master attentively. With- Radiance, the source and substance of our power radiates from underneath the capi-
out a word, it jumps off the bed, grabs a can- power. As you know, it emanates from deep tal, it is stronger there and weaker at the
dle and a tinder box on the chest and trots below our capital city. There, out of reach, borders of the nation. As you rise among
along behind the wizard already rushing for lies a divine artifact—a gift from the Masters the ranks of nobility, you gain a fief closer
the secret passage. of Energy. After decades of research and to the source of the Radiance, thus increas-
"Fool that I am! The equinox! How could I reflection, we discovered the relationship of ing your power, as fits your title. If you are
forget!" curses the wizard. After endless min- the Radiance with Immortals from beyond. a Prince, then you may call upon the power
utes running down the narrow spiral stairs, he It is our belief it was left there millennia ago of Rad from the capital itself."
reaches a dark crypt deep beneath his tower's to assist mankind in its quest to learn the
dungeons. Panting, he speaks the magical secrets of life and universe. We are the chosen DM Notes: The whole Glantrian nobility
words to release the locks. ones—this secret is much too precious to be system is built around the Radiance.
The door creaks and rumbles as a strange shared with others than true, loyal wizards." Although many nobles don't know of the true
blue glow radiates from the crypt beyond. existence of the Radiance, others spend most
"Thank Rad, they are still here!" whispers the DM Notes: There is indeed a powerful arti- of their lives trying to discover its secret. Once
wizard. In the center of the room stands a fact deep under the Great School of Magic. It a loyal Glantrian noble discovers the power he
massive crystal ball mounted on an ebony is a machine from another age that produces a may become a Brotherhood member. A magi-
pedestal. The crystal glows with swirls of color form of nuclear energy, and is described at the cal receptacle of large size is needed to use the
and sparks of light. end of this chapter. Immortals of Energy Radiance, and it must remain within the own-
Laying his hands on the crystal, he utters, gave the item great magical powers and er's dominion.
"I hail the Light of Rad! A new brother comes altered its radiations. This allows wizards to According to the distance of a dominion
forth in his quest for knowledge!" use this energy to enhance their powers, and from the capital city, a noble will be able to
"Welcome, brother; we have been wait- to allow wizards a chance to reach the Sphere draw more or less power. The higher the
." ing," answers a vibrant voice in the crystal. of Energy and perhaps become Immortals. nobility rank, the closer to the capital the
"We shan't waste further time; the Brethren This should be the final goal of a campaign dominion will be and the more power he can
have assembled. Tonight, a newcomer joins set in Gianni. It should take the whole career draw from the Radiance, as described later in
the brotherhood. His intentions are just and of a PC to gain the sufficient control over the this chapter. Attempting to move a receptacle
he is worthy of the Secret. Let him speak; we Radiance for an attempt to become an Immor- closer to the capital than what the wizard's
shall answer his questions." tal. Make sure that you read the information nobility rank allows is a clear offense—see
The old man shivers in the cold, damp given on the Brotherhood of the Radiance and under "Guilds and Brotherhoods" for details
crypt. His eyes are closed and his head thrown the Temples of Rad in "Guilds and Brother- on how to proceed from there.
back. The little man-thing crawls up along the hoods," and on Prince Etienne d'Ambreville,
wizard's robe, and sits on his shoulder, staring in "Marauders, Mages and Masters." USING tlje RaOiaNce •
at the crystal.
"My humblest apology, Brethren. The path RaNQe of tlje RaOiaNce- "But how does one use the Radiance?"
of darkness is a long, arduous one and my
inquires the old man. "My researches led
body is weak. At last I have found the light I
The small man-thing sitting on the old me to the construction of this receptacle,
sought for so long. Before going further, I
man's shoulder slowly closes its eyes, fall- but so far, I have never been able to really
would learn about the source of light."
ing asleep. Leaning against its master's use the power of Rad."
"You have chosen well," replies the vibrant head, it soon rolls over his shoulder and Morningsun answers, "There are many
voice, revealing a slight Averoigne accent. falls on the stone floor. Without paying ways the power can be used, but for each,
Then a child's voice breaks in, "We need to attention, the wizard asks "Yes, yes! This one must first discover the proper tools!
know this brother's name! What shall we call does corroborate my findings, but what is Each power is only usable with the appro-
you, newcomer?" Another, with the accent of the purpose of the brotherhood?" priate spell—spells that you must research
Belcadiz, says "I suggest Moonshadow; this
The Belcadizan interrupts. "Good ques- and discover alone. These are most subtle
suits him so well!"
tion! Let me introduce myself; I am Brother spells and require the rarest and most dan-
"So be it," says a fourth. "Moonshadow is Estocada. The purpose of the brotherhood is gerous ingredients. One might spend a
your name be among us! \bu may refer to me to make sure neither outsiders nor common lifetime, or more, just researching these
as Brother Nightfire. You have indeed many men use the Radiance and that our nation is secret spells."
things to learn. Release your mind to the protected at all times. It is our duty to use the
guidance of Rad, and we shall lead you to the Radiance when there is need. Brethren must
light you seek." DM Notes: A wizard can learn about the
also draw the power of Rad from within their various spells that can affect the Radiance by
fief—and from nowhere else. This is our first finding (through adventuring) old scrolls and
law." books that refer to the Radiance. Contact out-
er planes and wish can help guide a wizard in
his endeavors. These spells can neither be pur-
(Continued on page 77)

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

SGVGN Secuet Cuafts of
The most interesting features of the Great then begins to study his new abilities. In pri- For example: 60 + 1/lvl means 60% chances
School of Magic are its secret crafts. These are vate instruction, higher-level disciples teach plus 1% per level. A level 15 wizard would
arcane philosophies of magic-use that have led him the craft in exchange for gold (that will be have a (60 + 15) = 75% chance (half that,
to the creation of new magic. The general spent for research). The price and length of rounded down, if he has not yet gained the
public is not aware of these factions, but any studies vary depending on which circle the PC required experience points).
student curious enough to ask questions and reached (as described below).
observe people at the School can discover the
secret orders' existence.
Circle Cycle Cost Experience Level Success # of Uses
These seven philosophies include: Alche-
my, Dracology, Elementalism, Illusionism, 1st 14 500 5,000 xp 5th 60 +1/lvl 3 a day
Necromancy, Cryptomancy, and Witchcraft. 2nd 28 1,000 10,000 xp 7th 50 +1/lvl 2 a day
These orders are active solely within the 3rd 42 1,500 20,000 xp 10th 40 +1/lvl 1 a day
school; their goal is to influence key people 4th 56 2,000 35,000 xp 15th 30 +1/lvl 1 a week
into supporting their cause, and generate
gold, either from their disciples or their allies. 5th 70 2,500 55,000 xp 20th 20 +1/lvl 1 a month
The gold is then spent to further the order's
magical research; the more research, the ExplaNatioN '•• 0 Uses: This defines the number of times
greater the chance of unveiling new awesome within a specific period that a disciple can
abilities and thus gain even more influence. Circle: A disciple's rank among his order, or attempt to use an ability. A failed attempt
Also, the High Masters of each order hope to the power rank of an ability (similar to "expe- counts as one attempt.
use their influence to become the Grand Mas- rience level").
ter of the School. All abilities of a circle must be learned
Each secret order is divided into five circles Cycle: The time needed (in days) to study before advancing to the next circle. A 4th Cir-
controlled by a High Master. The High Mas- one ability of a circle. At the end of a cycle, cle student must find the way to reach the 5th
ter's identity is unknown to all, except disci- the PC gains the studied ability. A student Circle by himself. Costs and cycles on the
ples of the Fourth Circle within their orders. may freely interrupt his studies, come back chart are guidelines for personal research.
Upon finishing studies at each circle, a fol- later and pick up where he left. To learn an Once he has reached the last circle, the High
lower gains special magical abilities. All of ability, he must roll under his Intelligence (on Master will challenge his rival to a duel. The
them are natural abilities of the disciple, not d20) or start all over again for this ability if he 5th Circle ability is gained only after the High
related to normal spell-casting limits. Each fails the roll. Master is defeated. High Masters do not neces-
ability can be used a number of times per day sarily reside at the school. They are likely to be
(as shown in the chart below), with variable Cost: The fee in gold ducats for each day of found in their own towers. Their true identi-
chances of success. Except for alchemists, they studies. The gold is paid to the teacher, each ties are given in the "Marauders, Mages and
are all magical abilities that can be dispelled at day, or in advance for the full cycle. Masters" section.
any time. Unlike spells, they do not need to The duel is strictly between the PC and the
be memorized every day to be used. Experience: The experience points a stu- High Master. They may travel great distances
To enter a secret order, a PC must first find a dent must earn before being capable of using in order to find a deserted area for the chal-
disciple who will sponsor him. Students or a new ability with the best chances of success lenge to occur. The loser of the duel may die
masters never openly admit to being disciples (see Succes5, below). He must earn the indi- (if the winner is Chaotic), or surrender. If the
of one order or another. Newcomers in an cated XPs, using his newly acquired ability, PC loses, he retains his abilities, but must
order are usually not welcome because they before starting a new study cycle. When done, leave the order (revealing the order's secrets is
represent another source of competition for these XPs are lost and the PC may resume nor- still a major crime). If the High Master is
the rank of High Master. The PC has to con- mal level advancement. defeated, he loses his 5th Circle ability. The
vince the disciple to sponsor him. Charm, cor- nature of this ability is such that the winner of
ruption, deceit, blackmail, and bribery are all Level: This is the minimum level at which a the duel gains this ability. The High Master
legitimate ways to further a PC's ambitions, disciple may start studying abilities of each will not lose his ability if the challenger has
but subtlety is a must. Brute intimidation or circle. Elven levels are treated differently: eve- not successfully accomplished the last cycle of
violence will get the PC in serious trouble with ry time a "per level" ability modifier is men- studies. Upon losing his ability, the High Mas-
the order. A "convinced" disciple then tioned throughout this chapter, add 2 levels ter (if still alive) permanently retires from the
informs his order of the PC's wish to become a per Attack Rank beyond C to the elf s level order.
follower; if they think he may bring new (see Companion Book Two, page 30, for more Note: Each craft is given on one page for
knowledge to further their cause, they will detail on Attack Ranks). This bonus does player convenience. Feel free to photocopy the
accept him. Upon entering the order, the PC apply here as well. material for the players' personal use.
must swear loyalty (revealing the craft to out-
siders will get the PC expelled from the order Success: This indicates the percentage
and probably hunted by city thugs). chance a disciple has of using an ability. The
Once a disciple, the PC is marked with an higher the ability, the lower the chances he
invisible symbol to prove his identity to other will succeed. If he has not accumulated the
disciples. Once a month, the brethren gather needed Experience yet, his chances are halved. e
1 9 8 7 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
to plan their activities in the school. The PC

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)


nje Mastens poison, cure disease, cure light wounds (Id6 of 01 causes a fireball explosion inflicting Id6
hp per character, per day), purify food and points of damage per 10 en of transmuted
Alchemists are magic-users specialized in the water, etc. The alchemist can make other non- weight, destroying the laboratory (maximum
use of rare ingredients and compounds, and magical substances, such as poisons, inflam- 20d6 damage; save for half damage).
the alteration of matter, energy or their own mable oil, smoking devices, etc. The DM
bodies. Their abilities are not spells but exper- makes the final judgment on which formulas Transcend Energy (Fourth Circle): This
iments requiring a laboratory. Experiments of can be discovered and what their effects are. enables the alchemist to focus energy into
the First Circle take ld6 hours to accomplish, The success of a preparation is known at the matter. Usable energies include a bolt from
2d6 hours for the Second, up to 5d6 hours for time it is used (the DM secretly rolls a dlOO; a the sky during a storm, the Radiance (for
the Fifth. They must be uninterrupted to suc- natural 01 indicates the presence of harmful members of the brotherhood), concentrated
ceed (-5% chance per minor interruption of a components whose effects are up to the DM). sunlight during a solar eruption, or spells
few rounds or less). Only one experiment can causing 60d6 of damage (three lightning bolts
be attempted at a time. Find Magical Components (Second Circle): or fireballs cast simultaneously).
This experiment is similar to the Find Compo- This ability is a way of recharging magical
An alchemist's laboratory costs 5,000 dc per nents of the First Circle, except it allows the items, animating golems or constructs (1 HD
Circle (a High Master needs a 25,000 dc labo- identification of magical potions and items. per level of the alchemist), reversing the aging
ratory), complete with beakers, retorts, bal- In addition, the alchemist detects the kind of process (one week per level), or recalling to life
loons, crucibles, components, powders, energy radiating from an item (electrical. a creature (dead no more than one day per
liquids, crystals, balms, gases, ores, etc. Com- Radiance, magical, and so forth). A roll of 01 level of the alchemist).
ponent replacement costs 500 dc per month, indicates a false interpretation.
plus 1,000 dc per experiment conducted. In A device to collect the energy and focus it
Glantri City, an alchemist spends about a toward a specific area must be built in the lab-
Magical Preparation (Second Circle):
week per 1,000 dc to search for and purchase oratory. It requires a 12,000 dc component (a
This ability works like the Alchemical Prepa-
equipment and components. In other places, huge antenna, a giant magnifier, a large gem,
ration, except it allows the creation of magical
it often takes twice as long. etc). Each use destroys the component in a
or clerical potions at half price. Alchemists do
very spectacular way. A roll of 01 causes a fire-
In "field conditions" (dungeons and wil- not need to know corresponding spells to
ball explosion destroying the laboratory and
derness) an alchemist can use a "field labora- make magical potions (see "Creating Spells
all of its contents (Id6 per level of the alche-
tory" consisting of miniature equipment and and Magical Items"). Look at the normal
mist, up to 20d6; save for half damage).
a limited supply of basic alchemical substanc- chance for making potions and the alchemist's
es. Such equipment costs 3,000 dc per Circle success roll from the Mastery Chart, then use Mutate Lifeform (Fifth Circle): The alche-
and is usable up to the Third Circle. It comes whichever is best. Preparations need not be mist is able to alter part or all of his body (or a
in a chest a man can easily carry. It can be used liquid potions, but can be powders, balms, helpless man-sized victim's). The affected liv-
ten times after which the set runs out of com- pills, or oils. Unlike true magical potions, ing matter turns into a mineral, metal, gas,
ponents. Components cost 500 dc to replace. these only last ld4 days per level of the alche- liquid, crystal or a living flesh of the alche-
A field laboratory allows the same experi- mist. A roll of 01 indicates a flaw in the magi- mist's choice.
ments as with a full laboratory, but the cal compounds (effects up to the DM). For example, the alchemist could change
chances of success are halved (rounded down). his hands into " living gold ", in effect creating
Transmute Matter (Third Circle): This
a gold-based life form. He could change his
changes the nature of a non-living object to
Find Components (First Circle): This opera- whole body's molecular composition to that of
another non-living matter, such as minerals,
tion defines all components within a non a black pudding, or a fire elemental, thus
crystals, metals, gas, liquid, or dead organic
magical item (specific minerals, metals, basic gaining their innate abilities. Dragon flesh
matter like wood, hides, fur, bones, claws,
substances, as well as known compounds: gas- does not enable one to breathe fire, nor does
es, liquids, vegetals, flesh, etc). This is ideal troll flesh allow to one claw and bite as a troll,
for detecting and identifying poisons, vegeta- The alchemist can affect up to 10 en of but the latter would allow regeneration.
bles, bones, etc. A roll of 01 indicates a false material per level of experience. This produces
Only the alchemist's appearance and consist-
interpretation. the same weight in minerals, metals, organic
ency change (not his body shape, intelligence
substances, etc., or 1 cu. ft. of gases (per
nor spell casting abilities). A living crystal alche-
Alchemical Preparation (First Circle): The level), or 1 quart of liquid (per level). Remain-
mist would become AC 0 and be translucent.
alchemist concocts a powder, balm or liquid ing matter burns during the operation. For
There are drawbacks to altered states (like rust-
solution producing a specific effect. He must example, a 36th level alchemist can reduce a
ing metals, excessive weight for minerals, etc.);
first research the formula in a laboratory wood chunk weighing 360 en to a single gem
the DM must keep track of all these.
before being able to produce the compound of the same weight, or vice versa.
(see "Creating Spells and Magical Items"). A roll of 01 causes the recipient to perma-
The original material must be a single item.
nently turn into the matter or lifeform. For
Once the formula is known, it must be writ- For example, one coin or one weapon can easi-
example, if he tried to obtain an ochre jelly
ten in the Alchemist's Codex (book of formu- ly be changed but a portion of a wall or pile of
molecular structure, he actually becomes this
lae). Alchemical preparations should be used coins cannot. The purity of material an alche-
monster under the DM's control; if he was try-
rapidly because they only last ld4 days. After mist can produce is worth 1 dc for each level of
ing to turn into gold, he then becomes an
this period, the components separate and the alchemist, per en of weight of the gem.
inert, dead, statue of gold (he can only be
decompose, becoming totally useless. The final shape of the transmuted material is
wished back to life).
Their effects are not magical, although they up to the alchemist.
can imitate known spells, such as neutralize Transmuting is dangerous business. A roll
"1987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)


"Clje Mastens Of DnaqoNS The dragon master can affect dragons of his Dragon Breath (Third Circle): This allows
chosen color as if he were three levels higher. the dracologist to use his chosen dragon's
These magic-users are specialists in dracology A roll of 01 causes the dragon(s) to become breath weapon, with the appropriate effects
(the study of dragons). They are capable of enraged and attack the dracologist. and damage (based on the magic-user's hit
protecting themselves from dragons, imitat- points). If the dracologist is of insufficient
ing their powers, controlling them and finally Dragon Tooth (Second Circle): The dracolo- level, his breath weapon (cone-shaped)
becoming true dragons if need be. gist can materialize shadow fangs and cause inflicts non-specific damage equal to half his
When starting his career, a dracologist, or them to attack up to 20' away. In melee, the hit points. This ability allows three breath
Dragon Master (as they call themselves), must fangs cause damage equal to a dragon bite. If weapon uses per day.
choose a dragon color corresponding to his the dracologist has a number of levels (plus
alignment. His choice is secret until he uses an attack ranks for elves) equal or superior to that Dragon Might (Fourth Circle): The dracolo-
ability in a way that reveals his colors. A lawful of the dragon color he has chosen, the damage gist can charm a total of dragon HD equal to
dragon master could choose a crystal or golden will be that of this specific type of dragon. his level. He creates a mental link and com-
dragon; a neutral may favor a blue or onyx Example: A white dragon inflicts 2d8 points mands them by simple concentration. This
dragon, while a chaotic will prefer a black or a of damage, a black dragon 2dl0, and so forth. allows him to ride a dragon without fear of
red dragon. They cannot choose the color of If a dracologist is not yet of the appropriate falling off. If concentration is broken (he casts
any of the Dragon Rulers (see Master DM level, he only causes 2d6 points of damage. a spell) the dragons keep doing what they
rules, page 28). They can speak their chosen The effect ends after five successful attacks. were asked to do. The effect lasts a turn per
dragon languages. level of the user.
The effects of the abilities correspond to the Dragon Eye (Second Circle): This power
type of dragon chosen. At higher levels, a dra- enables the dracologist to recognize any High Mastery of Dragons (Fifth Circle):
cologist improves his abilities to those of a dragon in polymorphed form, unless the This allows the High Master actually to turn
large or huge specimen (as opposed to dragons dragon has more Hit Dice than the dracologist into his chosen dragon form in Id4 rounds.
from the Basic Set). All of the abilities has levels. This power includes all forms of When in dragon form, he has all statistics and
described below need a round to take effect. illusions and tricks dragons use to conceal abilities of his dragon type. To use spells
Elves are fond of this craft, and elven dracolo- their appearance. This power lasts one round beyond the normal dragon's capacity, or magi-
gists may become formidable opponents in per level of the dracologist. cal items that only function for humans or
combat. elves, the High Master must revert to his
Dragon Paw (Second Circle): This power is human form, which he can do at any time.
Protection from Dragons (First Circle): The similar to the Dragon Tooth except the draco- At level 24 + , the High Master may
dragon master can protect himself from one or logist can grow dragon claws on one or both attempt to turn into the lesser Dragon Ruler
more dragons. This ability gives him automat- hands, as he wishes. In melee, the damage of his alignment. If he succeeds, the true
ic success against a total Hit Dice of dragons corresponds to the appropriate dragon color Dragon Ruler is automatically aware of the his
equal to his level. If his level is insufficient to (Id4/ld4 for a white dragon, 2-5/2-5 for a location and identity. He will find the
fully affect a dragon, the dragon gets a saving black dragon, etc.). If the dracologist is of "impostor" and challenge him to a duel. If
throw versus magic with a bonus of +2 per insufficient level, damage is 1-3 per hand the High Master defeats the dragon in a duel
difference in level. If the saving throw suc- until the proper level is reached. The effect (either in dragon or in human form), he
ceeds, the effect is negated. lasts one round per dracologist level. becomes the new Dragon Ruler (the former
This power prevents a dragon from harming retires to an outer plane). If the High Master is
the dragon master. The dragon is fully aware Dragon Scale (Second Circle): The dragon defeated, he permanently loses the power to
of the dracologist's presence. He can converse master can make scales appear on his skin; turn into a Dragon Ruler (or dies if he was cha-
with him or physically block his way without they give him an Armor Class equal to that of otic) and all the dragons of his alignment for-
touching him, as long as he does not initiate his chosen dragon: AC3 for white dragons, ever become his foes (10% chance they
combat or use his breath weapon against the AC2 for black dragon, etc. If the dracologist is recognize him in his human shape).
dragon master. The dragon can cast spells if not of sufficient level, the AC gained remains Cheating (outside help during the duel)
they do not affect the dragon master in any at 4 until he reaches the appropriate level causes the Great One, Ruler of all Dragons, to
way, and he can attack members of the dragon (plus attack ranks, for elves) to match his cho- personally seek out cheaters and come with his
master's party. sen dragon's Hit Dice. This power lasts one body guards to wreak havoc in their lands, in
This effect lasts as long as the dragon master round per level of the dracologist. order to force them to fight to the death. No
remains visible and within 150 feet of the High Master can take the form of the Great
dragon, or until dispelled. The effect is dis- Dragon Wing (Second Circle): This enables Dragon.
pelled if the dragon master obviously the dracologist to grow dragon wings of his
attempts to steal the dragon's treasure, eggs or chosen color. They will enable him to fly at his
hatchlings, attacks him, or casts spells that dragon's speed and carry a weight equal to 100
obviously affect the creature. Any member of pounds of weight per dragon HD. (Two
the party initiating combat versus the dragon Dragon Paws are needed to hold a load of
will cause the effect to be dispelled. Once the more than two hundred pounds.) If he is of
effect is broken, the dragon master cannot insufficient level, the flight speed is 60' per
affect that specific dragon until the following round, with a maximum load of 500 pounds.
day. The power lasts one round per level. ^ m ? TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)


"Ctje Mastens of We EleiueNts on clouds or climb smoke up to 90 feet or up magical missiles or carries the master at 360'
to 3 rounds whichever comes first. per round. The master is immune to high
Magic-users of this craft are masters at dealing winds.
with the elemental forces of nature. Through Minor Conjuration (Second Circle): The Master of Water: The master causes water to
their career, they learn to protect themselves elementalist may conjure Id4 elementals of be still or rough as a storm in a radius equal to
from elementals, to conjure and control ele- his academy by concentrating. Summoned three feet times his experience level. He can
mentals. Finally, the High Master gains the elementals have a number of hit dice equal to breathe water as if it were air, and swim
ability to enter or leave an outer plane and or less than that of the elementalist. These regardless of currents or whirlpools.
become an elemental creature. creatures remain under the elementalist's con- Master of Fire: The master extinguishes a
There are four Academies of the Element trol. He cannot control more Hit Dice of ele- fire or causes one to fill the area of effect (two-
(Air, Water, Fire and Earth), which are rival mentals than he has levels. Excess elementals foot radius per experience level). The master
orders. Elementalists must choose an academy are automatically hostile to the conjurer. can build walls of fire or resist to any sort of
to learn their craft. There are four High Mas- He can give a series of orders of any level of heat, either magical or natural.
ters of the Element, one for each academy. complexity, and the elemental(s) will execute Master of the Earth: The master can shape
Elementalists only deal with their chosen ele- them to the best of its abilities and knowl- stone or earthen matter at will within a one-
ment; they can speak the language of elemen- edge, without trying to distort the intent of foot radius per experience level. His creations
tals of their academy. Their abilities take Id4 the orders. The elementalist does not need to have the statistics of any elemental he could
rounds to take effect. concentrate to keep control of the creature. conjure. The master is immune to crushing
Elementalists are taught the following The control over the elemental lasts one day damage from falling stones or lava burns.
spells at the appropriate levels: Dispel Magic, per level of the elementalist, or until dis- A roll of 01 causes the affected area to go
Protection from Evil 10' radius, and Conjure pelled, or until the mission is accomplished, out of control. Anything inside automatically
Elemental. Depending on their academy, they whichever occurs first. At the end of the con- suffers full damage from one attack each
also learn the following spells: trol, the elemental returns to its plane. round until it moves out of the affected area.
A roll of 01 causes a 16 HD elemental of the Anything still inside the area at the end of the
Fire: Fire ball, wall of fire; opposing plane to come instead of the expect- duration is utterly destroyed. The disciple suf-
Water: Water breathing, lower water, ed one. It is automatically hostile to the ele- fers great trauma which permanently reduces
Earth: Wall of stone, move earth; mentalist (water is opposed to earth, air is all future elementalist ability checks 10%.
Air: Fly, weather control opposed to fire). An elementalist can always
cast a dispel magic or dispel evil to force an Metamorphosis (Fifth Circle): The High
These spells are taught only when the ele- unfriendly elemental back to its plane. Master can actually become an elemental of
mentalist has learned all the abilities in the his academy, with a number of Hit Dice
circle corresponding to his level. Elves should Major Conjuration (Third Circle): This equivalent to his level. He retains the use of
be allowed to cast these spells despite their allows the elementalist to conjure and control spells and magical items, and gains all abili-
normal level limitation. Use their Attack any creature native to the elemental plane of ties and statistics of his elemental form,
Ranks as described in this chapter's introduc- his academy: a Master of Air could conjure a whichever are the best. In addition, he can
tions to find when they can learn these spells. djinni, a Master of Fire could conjure an freely enter or leave his elemental plane.
efreeti, a Master of Earth a kryst, and a Master A roll of 01 causes an elemental ruler to seek
Protection from Elements (First Circle): of Water an undine. The ability is otherwise out the High Master and put an end to his dis-
The elementalists of the First Circle can pro- similar to the minor conjuration. turbing activities. He may leave, but the ele-
tect themselves from the natural element of The origins of monsters from outer planes mental ruler will seek to corner him every time
their academy. The exact effects are described are explained in the Monster List #2 of the he enters his plane. The High Master may
below, according to each academy. Companion and Master DM rules. With a roll fight; if defeated, he dies by being crushed or
Fire: Disciples suffer only half damage from of 01, the creature(s) conjured automatically disintegrated. If he wins, the High Master
all fire-related attacks (spells, dragon breath, become hostile to the elementalist. then gains the ability to turn into a 41 HD ele-
high temperatures, fire elementals, etc). They mental ruler (but only in the elemental
can walk up to 90 feet or up to 3 rounds Full Elemental Control (Fourth Circle): The plane). Each new level he gains adds two HD
whichever comes first over lava. disciple controls non-living matter corres- to his elemental ruler form. Out of the plane,
Water: Disciples suffer only half damage ponding to his academy. He can shape and the High Master only has his normal elemen-
from all water-related attacks (waves, water move it for one round per level of experience. tal form (not that of the ruler).
elementals, ice blocks or snow). They can walk The animated matter fights as a 12 or 16 HD
up to 90 feet or up to 3 rounds whichever elemental, depending on the disciple's level,
comes first over water. as above. By concentrating, he can make the
Earth: Disciples suffer only half damage matter attack anything within the area of
from falling rocks, stone projectiles, and earth effect. He can move at 20' per round maxi-
elementals. They can move up to 90 feet or up mum with the effect following him, or walk
to 3 rounds whichever comes first over quick- out of the affected area at normal speed (no
sand, mud or crumbling stone ledges. more than 30' away from the affected area).
Air: Disciples suffer only half damage from Master of Air: The master causes winds to
air related items (high winds, sand storms, stop or blow as a hurricane within a four foot
whirlwinds, or air elementals). They can walk radius per exp. level. The air deflects non- ®1987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)


Ztje Mastens of IUUSIONS • Nightmares (statistics up to the DM, but no The illusionist can create immobile objects
more than 1 HD per level of experience) (such as walls, doors, stairs, bridges, etc.) out
Illusionists use unique techniques which haunt the victim's dreams. Conduct "dream" of shadows. Light spells act on these obstacles
influence what people see or think by affect- combats as per normal combat rules. If the as a dispel magic. Shadows can be normally
ing their minds. These abilities are different monster wins, the victim wakes up screaming dispelled only if they are created by a darkness
from the phantasmal force approach because and temporarily loses a point of Constitution. spell. The area affected covers a yard per level
they do not create a magical vision or a sensa- All lost points are recovered after one full of experience.
tion; they alter a victim's perception all at night of uninterrupted sleep. At 0 points of A roll of 01 sends the illusionist to the
once, using emanations from the Dimension Constitution, the victim falls insane (effects Dimension of Nightmares, where he must
of Nightmares. up to the DM). A heal spell is needed to cure find a way of his own to return to safety.
Upon entering the order, disciples are this type of insanity. A suspicious character
taught the phantasmal force, confusion, and may identify the nightmares' nature (the illu- Dreamlands (Fifth Circle): The High Mas-
hallucinatory terrain spells. Because of the sionist and his general whereabouts) by cast- ter may enter or leave the Dimension of
illusionists' expertise, the two last spells ing a contact outer planes spell. Nightmares once per month. There, he may
become 3rd level spells to them. If the illusionist fails two attempts in a row, build a stronghold of solid shadow or phantas-
he cannot affect this particular victim ever mal matter. Any native creature that wanders
Hypnosis (First Circle): The illusionist can again (and his true face appears in the victim's in (25 % chance per week) must make a saving
attempt to influence the reasoning of one or dream). On a 01, the disciple himself dreams throw or remain under the High Master's con-
more persons (total HD or levels equivalent to he fights a monster of nightmares (as per this trol. The maximum number of creatures he
the disciple's). He needs only to speak casually ability's effects). If defeated, he permanently can control in his stronghold equals twice his
for five rounds. The DM then rolls a secret loses a point of Constitution. experience level. They will guard the lair to
ability check to see if the attempt succeeds. the best of their abilities and knowledge.
This is not a magical effect and so cannot be Delirium Tremens (Third Circle): This cre- After returning to the Prime Material
dispelled normally (see below). ates illusions of any size within a victim's Plane, the High Master can gate a number of
If the attempt fails, the victims suddenly mind. It has all the sensations needed to be HD of creatures equal to or less than his level,
realize the disciple is making bizarre gestures, plausible (movement, noise, heat, touch, once per month, and give them a mission.
swinging a medallion, and speaking in a soft, smell, etc.). A disciple can affect 1 HD or level The creatures gate from the High Master's
all-too-suspicious voice as small lines spiral in of victims per level, within a 120' radius. This shadow stronghold into his tower. This feat
his eyes. The victim's reactions are up to the effect does not require light (but the illusion- requires the burning of a nightwing's tongue
DM, according to the situation. ist must at least vaguely see his victims). as prime component.
If the attempt succeeds, the victims trust Effects are similar to a phantasmal force The High Master can see and hear all that
and do whatever the illusionist says, as long as except that all illusory damage becomes actual these creatures perceive, as well as speak
it does not obviously threaten their lives. He hit point damage. The illusionist can create through them with no range limit. The crea-
can cause them to forget things, speak the monsters from the Dimension of Nightmares tures remain until the end of their missions,
truth, or accomplish one mission for him. A (statistics similar to dream alteration) in the after which they return to their dimension
hypnotic trance lasts until someone slaps the victims' minds. Fights are conducted as per (and regain their freedom).
victim in the face (or causes any sort of dam- normal combat rules. Any other effect imi- A roll of 01 causes a rupture between the
age), or the mission is accomplished. If a vic- tated by the illusion inflicts Id6 points of two dimensions, releasing his servants all at
tim does not understand the illusionist but damage per level of experience (maximum once into the High Master's tower. Because of
was still hypnotized, he remains immobile 20d6). Unaffected witnesses will see victims the shock, the creatures will be hostile and
and stares blankly until the effect is broken. frantically swinging their weapons or casting seek to tear the High Master apart. They will
A roll of 01 causes the illusionist to hypno- spells against invisible foes. come every night thereafter, wherever he is,
tize himself and be the victim of his own com- The spell lasts as long as it takes for the illu- until he or they are all dead.
mand, whatever it was to be. sion to represent the desired event or until the Note: At the end of each day spent in the
victims defeat the monster in their minds. Dimension of Nightmares, visitors make an
Dream Alteration (Second Circle): The illu- On a roll of 01, the disciple dreams he is in Intelligence check or become permanently
sionist may attempt to affect one intelligent the Dimension of Nightmares, until he finds insane. The High Master of Illusions is
creature's dreams, up to a mile away per level a way back or someone wakes him up. Dam- immune to this effect. The DM is free to cre-
of experience. False messages or horrible age suffered is real, as per this ability's normal ate horrible monsters from the Dimension of
nightmares sent during his sleep alter an effect. Nightmares, or use creatures from outer
NPC's reasoning if he fails an Intelligence planes as a substitute.
check the next morning. PCs will react accord- Shadow Reality (Fourth Circle): The disci-
ing to the way their players interpret the ple can attempt to control shadowy or black
dreams (obviously, the DM should role-play areas, for one round per experience level. It
the event and not reveal the source of the allows him to dimension door ax will from one
dream). dark area to another or stay in the dark as a
Any successful dream negates one night's non-corporal form that can only be spotted
rest, and prevents the recovery of spells the with a detect invisible or similar spell. While
next day. In addition, the illusionist can make immaterial he cannot cast spells but he can
one or more monsters from the Dimension of affect shadows (see below). ®1987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)


Zlje Mastens of NecnoMaNcy undead under his control, at any time, by dis- Raise Dead (Fourth Circle): A necromancer
missing its soul. However, the creature must of the Fourth Circle gains the ability to recall
The science of the dead, or necromancy, has be in the necromancer's presence. souls from beyond the grave. This ability is
always been active in Glantrian history. This power can also be used as a cleric's identical to the clerical spell raise dead fully.
Although a frightening power, it is still recog- turning ability. It does not require a religious A roll of 01 causes the necromancer's vital
nized as a legitimate form of magic and is symbol, but only a few gestures and ritual powers to be temporarily drained, at the rate
therefore acceptable. Necromancers are noto- words. The necromancer turns undead as a of 1 point of Constitution for each two levels
riously chaotic; rare individuals may be neu- cleric of the same level. or HD he attempted to affect (rounded
trals less interested in powers of darkness than A roll of 01 causes the necromancer to fall down). If a necromancer's Constitution is
in their scientific value. These disciples use prey to his own power. He becomes the pawn entirely drained, he turns into a pile of ashes
their magic to control, create or protect them- of the toughest undead creature in his pres- and disappears. He cannot be raised by any
selves from undead creatures. When their ence, until one of the undead creatures initi- means; his body and soul have been obliterat-
experience of the world beyond improves, ates melee against him or one of his party ed from reality. Surviving necromancers recov-
they gain the ability of recalling spirits to their members. If the undead present are all non- er a point of Constitution per night of full
dead bodies. The most impressive power is intelligent, the victim falls into a state of cata- rest.
that of the High Master who knows the secret lepsy for Id8 hours.
of lichdom, a ghastly form of Immortality. Attain Lichdom (Fifth Circle): The High
Create Undead (Third Circle): Upon com- Master of Necromancy can become a lich of
Protection from Undead (First Circle): A pletion of studies in the Third Circle, a necro- the appropriate level. The ordeal of becoming
magic-user of this order can protect himself mancer may create undead monsters. He must a lich takes a day per level of experience. Once
from undead creatures upon completion of his first research the arcane ceremony and compo- a lich, the necromancer remains one forever.
studies at the 1st Circle. This ability keeps at nents needed to create each type of undead He controls undead as per rules on Lieges and
bay a number of Hit Dice of undead creatures desired and write them down in his Book of Pawns (see DM Masters Book, page 22 for
equal to or less than his total levels of experi- Necrology. Finding these dark ceremonies is more detail). This power replaces the normal
ence. When encountering groups of undead, similar to spell research (see "Creating Spells necromancer's control undead ability. The lich
the lower levels are affected first. If an undead and Magical Items"); each two HD of undead otherwise retains all other abilities particular
liege is affected, all of its pawns (undead crea- equals a level of spell research. For example, to necromancers.
tures under its control) cease to count towards creating zombies requires first level spell The prime components of this power are a
the maximum HD limits. research, wraiths require second level pint of venom from a nightcrawler's tail sting-
The power lasts until the necromancer or research, fifth level for vampires, ninth level er and the skull of a red imp (see "Critters
one of his party members attacks the affected for revenants, etc. Necromancers cannot cre- from the Cauldron").
creatures. A roll of 01 causes the necromancer ate liches at any level whatsoever. The DM should pay special attention to
to fall prey to his own power (he is incapable Each undead a necromancer creates remains players with a PC lich, if such thing is at all
of harming or affecting undead in any way, permanently under the necromancer's con- acceptable in his campaign. Common people
unless one of the creatures initiates melee trol; the control undead ability is not needed. are frightened by such horrid monsters. If the
against him or one of his party members). The necromancer cannot create more HD of lair of a lich is publicly known, the population
undead during any one ceremony than he has may attack the place and seek to destroy the
Control Undead (Second Circle): The nec- levels of experience. The ceremony takes Id6 monster, with the blessing and support of rival
romancer gains the ability to control a number turns for creatures with no special abilities (no mages. Once a PC has become a lich, he may
of HD of undead creatures equal to or less asterisk after their HD statistics). Otherwise, not gain any further level advancement. He
than his total levels of experience. When the ceremony takes Id6 hours per asterisk. For may still try to attain true Immortality, but
encountering groups of undead, the lower example, a ceremony to create skeletons takes only with the Sphere of Entropy. There are
levels are affected first. If a powerful undead Id6 turns; creating vampires takes Id6 hours; other liches in the world, but only one at any
liege is affected, all its pawns (undead crea- ghosts require 4d6 hours. A body is necessary time can be a necromancer lich (the High Mas-
tures under its control) cease to count towards for each corporeal undead (skeletons, zom- ter).
the maximum HD limits (liches are never bies, wights, vampires, etc). Only a portion of A roll of 01 determines the High Master's
affected). a body is required for immaterial undead ultimate fate. He immediately becomes a true
The power lasts until the next full moon, at (wraiths, haunts, phantoms and spirits), Immortal, a screaming demon (see D&D®
which time all controlled undead are released. although each part must come from a differ- Immortal set) under the DM's control. The
These undead cannot be controlled again ent body. Created undead are permanent and creature gates to the Sphere of Entropy after
until the following dawn. Control is also bro- cannot be dispelled, except for skeletons and totally wrecking the necromancer's tower and
ken if the necromancer or one of his party zombies. ravaging his dominion, if any.
members attacks the affected creatures. It oth- A roll of 01 causes the necromancer's life-
erwise does not require concentration; the force to be partially drained, his attempt fail-
undead follow orders to the best of their ing lamentably. He suffers Id6 points of
knowledge and capacity. The control works up damage per HD of undead he attempted to
to a 24-miles distance (beyond which it is create, plus 5 for each asterisk (no save). If the
negated). If need be, a necromancer can necromancer dies, he immediately becomes
always specify which creature(s) he controls an undead of the type he attempted to create.
and which he does not. He may destroy any S
1987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)


"Ctje Mastens of tlje RUNGS - of reshaping the affected matter within a one appropriate to his level). Each rune is equiva-
foot diameter sphere per level of experience, lent to a seventh level spell for purposes of
Cryptomancers are specialists of nature and its plus attack ranks for elves. This could be used to research. The spell must be known in order to
profound identity. Their philosophy, called open passageways through stones, mend broken find its rune.
Cryptomancy, is based on the assumption that items, calm an area of water, or whatever the The runemaster can write a magical rune on
all things in life have a truename; knowing a runemaster attempts to do. The reshaping lasts an item. By uttering arcane phrases, he speci-
thing's truename allows one to control that Id4 rounds, after which the change remains per- fies in which condition the effect goes off.
thing. The basic magical language to manipu- manent or reverts to its original shape, at the Example: The runemaster inscribes a rune of
late runes and how to research them is taught wizard's choice. fire ball on a door so it goes off when the door
at the First Circle. In his career, a runemaster is opened. The effect will be appropriate to
seeks to discover runes designating animals, Runes of Life (Second Circle): A disciple the level at which he would have cast the spell.
insects, plants, energy, magic, and finally, the can research runes identifying specific types of When the rune is created, it becomes invisi-
High Master of Runes may discover the true- non-intelligent or animal intelligence life ble, but it can be detected with a detect
name of intelligent beings. forms such as: a fox, whale, eagle, zombie, magic. Dispel magic removes a rune with the
The abilities of the runemasters are not as gray ooze, spider, worm, iron statue, rust normal chances of success.
awesome as those of other crafts. Their true monster, oak, pine, archer bush, and so forth. Only one rune can be inscribed on any sin-
strength lies in the variety and free choice over Each rune equals a third level spell for research gle item (except for magic circles—see below),
which rune they use. Unlike spells, runes do purposes. but is permanent until removed or triggered.
not need to be memorized every morning. The runemaster can affect a number of HD The runemaster can use this ability to create
Each rune must be researched separately as of creatures equal or inferior to his total level, magical circles protecting him from a specific
spells would, and then be inscribed in the or a one-foot-diameter sphere per level of magical effect or a type of creature. The rune-
runemaster's Book of Runes. If a PC attempts experience when HD are inappropriate. master needs the rune for the appropriate
to use a rune without opening his book, an These runes give the cryptomancer a tele- creature. He may discover the rune for a type
extra Intelligence check is necessary. pathic link with the life form, allowing him to of intelligent creature (elemental, demon, elf,
Using runes is dangerous and affects the communicate thoughts or sensations, or know human, etc) but only to protect himself, or
balance of nature. Overusing them may cause what it knows. The rune effect otherwise is restrain the specified creature within the cir-
natural catastrophes. The DM should note similar to a charm spell. The victim will follow cle. This is nor equivalent to a Rune of Life.
each runic use. On an attempt roll of 01, a orders to the best of its intelligence and abili- The runemaster can otherwise inscribe magi-
runemaster causes the following to occur: ties (an oak cannot be ordered to move, a cal runes on the circle so that a spell effect goes
If the runemastet did not previously use any monkey cannot read a scroll, etc.). The com- off when someone steps into or out of a circle
rune that day: A hurricane or a violent storm munication is limited by the creature's intel- (telepons from one circle to another, poly-
hits the area on a 24 mile radius. It lasts Idl2 lect. The effect lasts one turn per level of morph others, etc). Five magical runes placed
hours during which no travel is possible. experience. on the same circle will make it permanent
If the runemaster already used one rune until physically destroyed.
that day: A minor earthquake shakes the area Runes of Power (Third Circle): The rune- Five runes of magic will animate a golem (1
around the runemaster, within a 12 mile radi- master gains the ability to research runes des- HD per level). The disciple must spend 5,000
us (beware of avalanches, falling trees and ignating energy forms such as: fire, cold, dc in components per asterisk (and per failed
rocks). electricity, wind, light, gravity, etc. Each rune roll) to build his golem. A 01 permanently
If he already used two runes earlier that is equivalent to a fifth level spell for purposes destroys all components.
day: A violent earthquake shakes a 36 mile of research.
radius around the runemaster, causing great These runes allow the runemaster to alter a Truename (Fifth Circle): The specific runic
structural damage. specific source of energy. In no case can a rune- name of one single intelligent being can be
If he used three or more runes earlier that master alter energies to cause more than 20d6 found. The effect is exactly the same as a Rune
day: The storm and earthquake occur, all of damage, and he is limited to Id6 per level of Life. Each truename is equivalent to a new
magic and runic use are totally inoperative for of experience; he can reduce damage in the ninth level spell for purposes of research
6d4 hours, and the rune used last is perma- same way. Example: A runemaster attempts to (research can only be attempted at 21st level,
nently altered (all runemasters must relearn it, cross a wall of fire; he may use a rune of fire to but this does not prevent the High Master
causing great anger among their circles). extinguish the fire (if the wall is weaker than from using truenames acquired from another
the runemaster's ability) or reduce damage if source).
Runes of Matter (First Circle): The rune- the wall is more powerful. As a general rule, if In addition, this allows the High Master to
master may research and discover runes identi- a rune affects an area, the area is a one-foot scan his victim's memorized spells and
fying any specific non-living material (gold, diameter sphere per level. The duration of the attempt to understand them (Intelligence
steel, lead, granite, sand, crystal, water, glass, rune effect is no longer than a round per level check). He must memorize his victim's spells,
leather, silk, wool, tar, etc.). The limit of of the runemaster, or until the source of causing his own to be "erased" from his mem-
runes is up to the player's imagination. energy has been affected up to his maximum ory. He can cast these new spells normally, for-
Researching any of these runes is equivalent to ability, whichever occurs first. getting them in the process, or walk to his
researching common first level spells. tower and write them down in his Spell Book
Once a rune is known, the runemaster may Runes of Magic (Fourth Circle): The rune- to retain their use permanently.
control the matter it refers to, by uttering ritual master gains the ability to research runes iden-
words and the desired rune. The control consists tifying magical effects (any spell effect ®1987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)


Ztje Mistnesses of Witcljcnaft— one of the dolls in the victim's house. Every and one of them, chosen at random, takes
night thereafter, wherever the victim may be, control over the witch for an entire day.
Sorceresses, better known by the common folk the witch uses the other doll to affect the vic-
as witches, are experienced in the use of age- tim. Here are the most common methods: Witches' Curse (Third Circle): This ability
old recipes and home-made magic remem- Dolls of Pain: Every night, the witch plants is similar to the reversed remove curse spell,
bered from before history. They are often a needle into the second doll, causing great except the witch can affect a number of levels
looked down upon by wizards of the other pain to the victim. Small wounds may appear or HD equal to her level with the same curse.
crafts, but their magic is as potent as any oth- on the body (Id6 damage per night, no save). If only one person is to be affected, then the
er. A few male wizards are sorcerers in this Dolls of Sickness: Every night, the witch curse will affect the victim's family for a num-
order, despite the popular belief that witches dips the second doll into various slimy brews ber of generations equal to the witch's level.
are always female. and causes the victim to catch a disease (up to The curse can only be removed with a wish
Among the abilities of the witches are the the DM) which no magic will cure until the spell (or by the meeting of conditions the
making of brews and philters, cursed dolls, first doll is destroyed (no saving throw). witch may choose to impose at the time of the
use of charms and lies, and bestowing curses. Dolls of Insanity: Every night, the witch curse). On a roll of 01, the curse affects the
Each day they can also cast spells from an open utters words of hate to the second doll, caus- witch instead, and herfamily members, if any.
spell book once per 6 levels of experience, ing the victim to become totally insane. The
without using their memorized spells. Unfor- effects of the insanity are up to the DM and Shapechange (Fourth Circle): Witches of
tunately, witches use a form of chaotic magic last until morning (no saving throw). At the this circle have the ability of changing their
affecting Charisma. Upon ending studies at end of the night, the victim must make a sec- physical shape to that of another creature.
each circle, witches lose 2 points of Charisma ond saving throw or temporarily lose a point This ability is similar to the level 9 magic-user
(to a minimum of 3). They develop hunched of Constitution. Every night, the witch keeps spell of the same name, but the witch can
backs, warts, bone deformities and horrible on using the doll until the victim runs out of become any creature whose HD do not exceed
voices. This has led them to become the best Constitution—and dies—or the first doll is her total level. She cannot take the likeness of
users of deceit, charms and shapechange, to discovered and destroyed. All effects cease a specific character.
avoid being shunned or persecuted by others. when the doll is destroyed. This ability also allows her to become sev-
A witch can affect up to three people every eral creatures at once, as long as the HD limi-
Brews and Philters (First Circle): This abili- night. She must make an attempt roll for each tation is respected. For example, a 10th level
ty is similar to the alchemist's Magical Prepa- victim. On a 01, her doll is damaged (and use- witch could turn into 10 separate black cats, or
rations, except the brews must remain in the less), and the witch becomes the victim of a two different creatures (no more than 4 HD
form of a potion. They are either poisons or minor curse up to the DM. A remove curse per form). One of the forms must be desig-
soporifics with various effects and durations, will negate the witch's curse. nated as the original. All forms are mentally
or charms affecting the imbiber (philters of linked to the original and can cast spells (from
love). Although a witch can join the First Cir- Witches' Charm (Second Circle): A witch the original's pool; spells are not duplicated
cle at 5th level, she can still make potions, can modify her appearance to avoid suspicion. for each form).
despite the fact that other magic-users have to The effect is purely phantasmal and can be If any of these forms is "killed," it immedi-
wait to 9th level before creating magical negated with a dispel magic. This ability ately disappears. Upon regaining her human
items. Unlike alchemists, witches do not make causes affected NPCs to observe the witch shape, the witch suffers damage equal to the
potions at half normal enchantment costs. intensely, almost forgetting what they where lost form's hp. If the original form is killed,
These potions last Id4 days per level of the doing. This improves the witch's Charisma 1 the witch dies and all other forms turn into
witch. point for every 3 levels of experience, up to 18 ashes. On a 01, she cannot regain her former
A roll of 01 indicates a flaw in the compo- maximum. In any case, her minimum Cha- human body nor recall her other forms. She
nents (a poison would in fact become benefi- risma will be no less than 10, her warts, remains so until another witch dispels the
cial to the imbiber, or a charm would cause hunched back and other unpleasant features effect.
him to develop a permanent and pathological going unnoticed. The effect lasts 1 turn per
hatred of the witch). level of the witch and affects anyone observing Ultimate Possession (Fifth Circle): The
the witch within 100 feet. Any harmful act on High Mistress has an ability similar to the
Silver Tongue (First Circle): The witch gains her part breaks the charm. On a 01, she per- magic jar spell, with no saving throw. The vic-
the ability to speak in a very persuasive man- manently loses a point of Charisma. tim must be of lower level (or HD). She can
ner, as long as her arguments remain plausi- use both her victim's and her own abilities.
ble. This affects NPCs and monsters, who Spellbinding (Third Circle): At the Third For example: If she possesses a mystic, she can
must make a saving throw vs. spells or believe Circle, a witch learns to conjure one or more use his abilities, and cast her spells. Upon
the witch. The witch must be able to speak the creatures for total HD or levels equal to or less returning to her body, she does not retain her
victim's language for the effect to work. A roll than the witch's level. The creatures must be victim's abilities or remember his spells. The
of 01 will reveal to the victims that the witch is of the witch's alignment. They are utterly loy- victim is aware he is being possessed. In case of
lying and cause them anger. al to the witch (including gremlins and imps). telepathy, two voices are heard! On a roll of
This spellbinding allows the witch to see, hear 01, her own body dies and she is forced to
Doll Curse (Second Circle): When a witch and talk through the creatures (if they can remain within her victim's body forever, or
has a personal foe, she makes two dolls that talk). The witch cannot control more HD or until dispelled (at which time she dies).
look like the victim, a process that takes one levels at any single time than this ability
day per level of the victim. She must then hide allows. On a 01, the conjured creatures appear ®1987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Secnet of ttje RaoiaNce

chased nor stolen. A PC must undertake sev- the receptacle. A Baron can Call upon the
eral quests to find the information and ingre- After a moment of silence, the vibrant Radiance when within 24 miles of the capital
dients he needs to create the spells. This is voice breaks in, "Well, Moonshadow, or his receptacle, 48 miles for a Viscount, 72
exactly what the Immortals of Energy expect there isn't much more any of us will reveal miles for a Count, 90 miles for a Marquis, 120
from their followers. A character that some- tonight. % u know all you need to further for a Duke, 144 for an Archduke, and 168 for
how gets around these difficulties will never our cause; you are now one of us. Tomor- a Prince. The Radiance only functions on the
be able to reach the supreme goal: the discov- row you shall promote the construction of Prime Material Plane.
ery of the spell to reach Immortality. a new Temple in your town. Its Shepherds
The exact spells of the Radiance that can be will be yours to guide. Should you be in Retain Power (Spell Level 7)
created are described in detail later in this danger, come to your receptacle and call Range: 0 (caster only)
chapter. These spells require the use of a mag- upon the help of Rad and I shall answer! Duration: permanent
ical receptacle. To create it, one must enchant Farewell, Brethren. We shall assemble Effect: Build-up personal Radiance power
a single crystal item weighing at least 4,000 again at the next solstice."
en. Anything smaller shatters at the first This spell allows the caster to store Radiance
attempt to use the force. The item requires an power for later use. The caster's body becomes
enchantment for a permanent 6th-level spell
Spells of tfte RaOiaNce- a temporary receptacle for a fraction of the
effect (see "Creating Spells and Magical AH Radiance-related spells function as normal power. The Radiance intensity is measured in
Items"). spells. For purposes of research, they cost Radiance Points, or rads. Each spell enables
twice the normal amount and the chances of the caster to retain ld20 rads. This extra power
O)e DaNQens of ttje JlaD/aNce— discovery are half the normal rate (see "Creat- can be spent with control destiny or discharge
ing Spells and Magical Items" for these rates). spells.
Scratching the lump on its head, the small A caster can safely retain a total number of
man-thing crawls back up the wizard's Call Upon Radiance (Spell Level 5) rads equal to his level. Beyond that, the caster
robe. The wizard picks it up gently and Range: 30' radius from receptacle has a 1 % chance per excess rad of suffering 2
drops it into his pocket. After a moment of Duration: 1 round per level hp of damage per excess rad, and of acquiring
thought, he asks, "What are the limits of Effect: increases spell effects the Radiance rotting disease on one part of his
the power? Can one use it at will?" body. The damage occurs when this spell is
"The Radiance," answers Nightfire, "is This spell enables the caster to increase his cast. Whenever the caster retains 12 or more
indeed powerful, but as with all power, it spell effects for one round per level. This rads, he glows with an eerie blue aura similar
may corrupt the weak. The power must be requires the use of the receptacle. When call- to a continual light. It cannot be dispelled but
used only when necessary; else, your body ing upon the Radiance, a baron would cast the aura disappears when the caster reduces
will wither and rot even as you live. The spells as if he were one level higher than his his power under 12 rads.
power of the Radiance can pervert both the present level, a viscount two levels higher, a
body and the mind. Those so perverted count three, a marquis four, a duke five, an Control Destiny (Spell Level 7)
may enter a realm of limbo, between life archduke six, and a prince seven. If the level of Range: 0 (caster only) -
and death, with no mind of their own." spell casting does not substantially changes Duration: permanent until used
effect, the caster may instead choose to Effect: Affects the fate of the caster
DM Notes: Upon discovering the existence increase one of the following factors:
of the artifact, lords of Entropy perverted its range (except for range 0 spells) This spell alters the result of dice rolls affect-
powers so that the price for great energy could duration (except for permanent or instanta- ing the character. To use this power, the char-
be the user's soul. neous effect spells) acter must have built-up a reserve of rads (see
Every time a brother uses a spell related to area of effect (except for spells affecting Retain Power above) and cast the spell in
the Radiance, there is a 1 % chance it will cor- only one person or target) advance. The character must then state,
rupt part of his body. This corruption is a rot- The factor increases 10% per nobility rank of before an event occurs, that its result will be
ting disease that mortals cannot heal. One the caster ( +10% for Barons, +20% for Vis- altered by the spell. If the dice roll fails, the
part of the wizard's body, chosen at random, counts, + 70% for Princes). Example: A 36th- caster spends rads to change the score, on the
rots permanently, though the rotting is not level wizard-prince could cast a Fire Ball 408' basis of 1 rad per score point.
progressive. The affected part can be a hand, away instead of 240', or cover a 68' blast area For example, if the spell caster fails a saving
an arm, a leg, the chest, the back, or part of instead of 40' (damage does not increase since throw by 7 points, he may spend 7 rads to
the head or face, for a total of ten different spells never cause more than 20d6 of damage, modify the score. When using this spell, the
body parts. The affected body part cannot be as per Companion rules). caster must spend at least 5 rads whether the
used (rot affecting the face or head only leads dice roll was successful or not. If in the exam-
to loss of Charisma, partial blindness, deaf- Summon Radiance (Spell Level 6) ple above the caster only failed by one point,
ness, or speech limitations, etc.). Whenever Range: 24 miles per nobility rank the expenditure would be 5 rads instead of 1.
the whole body is affected, the wizard Duration: 1 round per level One control destiny spell can affect only one
becomes a lich (if level 21 or more) or a Effect: Using Radiance away from receptacle dice roll. The wizard can pre-cast any number
zombie-like creature (1 HD per level of the of these spells before leaving on an adventure.
victim). They must be cast within 30' of the receptacle.
Upon casting this spell the wizard can benefit
If the caster runs out of rads to affect a score,
from the Radiance without having to stay near
the spell is expended.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Zlje Secuet of tl7€

Rolls that can be affected include to-hit ways, through research and adventuring.
rolls, saving throws, weapon or spell damage, The spell requires the expenditure of 50 disappeared from this world, leaving rare
and ability checks. The caster cannot spend rads (see Retain Power) and the knowledge of remains of their science. Among these, a
rads to get a score superior to what the dice can all Radiance related spells. This spell cannot huge object producing a deadly glowing
naturally produce. be used more than 36 miles from the center of energy was buried deep into the rocks
the capital. When the spell is cast, the wizard under of what was to become the City of
Discharge (Spell Level 8) enters a state of dream and envisions a dark Glantri. It was a great, wonderful piece of
Range: 20 yard per level corridor that ends at a golden door. His efforts machinery, indeed the very one that
Duration: instantaneous to move toward the door seem progressively enabled the visitors to travel among the
Effect: Poisonous energy blast harder. At this point, he has a 5 % chance per stars. Yes! Oh, Seeker of Lost Legends! This
level beyond 20 of reaching the door and get- is the true nature of the Nucleus.
To use this spell, the caster must have a reserve ting past. "It remained in the dark underworld,
of rads (see retain power). He can discharge If he fails, he wakes up at the end of the radiating its formidable aura for centuries.
some or all of his rads in a destructive energy spell duration, wracked with pain. It lasts 2d4 Then, disciples of the Sphere of Energy
blast followed by flames. The spell can only days, during which time all spell-casting has a transformed the artifact, imbuing it with
function outdoors and requires a turn to cast. 30% chance to fail. Further, he is unable to magical powers in a plot to swell the ranks
The blast is like a 20d6 fire ball, causing use the Radiance one day for each percent of their followers. And so, mortals could
double damage against hard material (stone rolled above the success score. He must also learn forbidden sciences, thus becoming
or metal), normal against softer objects, half save vs. death ray or permanently lose one Immortals in the Sphere of Energy—a clear
against living creatures. It causes a flash of point of Constitution. abuse of the Laws of Immortality. Energy
light, a clap of thunder, and a billowing If the spell succeeds, he gets past the golden had sinned, and it was up to Thought,
cloud. door into the realm of Immortality. On the Time and Matter to reestablish the balance
The smoke rises to the sky and spreads out other side, an Empyreal of the Sphere of of universe—and so we did. It was so, that
on a 200-yard radius per rad expended. Any- Energy is waiting, most likely Rad (Etienne Energy was to be punished by the object
thing that remains a full day within that area d'Ambreville). He explains what happened that was the very focus of its sin. Thus it
must save vs. poison or be affected by the and the meaning of things. The caster is in the was that our servants secretly altered the
Radiance's rotting disease. Saving throw mod- process of becoming a Novice Immortal but artifact's powers.
ifiers include: + 1 for remaining inside a log still must defeat a creature of this plane in a "Energy's intent was to enhance its fol-
cabin or equivalent, to +5 inside a fortress duel as his final ordeal. lowers' magical power by draining the arti-
(save is automatic if remaining underground If he wins, he has earned the Novice fact 's raw energy. Indeed, the Nucleus gave
in caves or crypts). The cloud is not affected by Immortal rank. If he loses, his lifeforce is power to those who learned its secrets.
winds but dissipates after one full day. imprisoned in the artifact producing the Radi- What Energy ignored is that power came at
ance (see Nucleus of the Spheres below). If he a dear cost: each use of the artifact forever
Transcend Life Force (Spell Level 9) attempts to flee, cheat, or attack the Empyre- drained some magic from the Prime Mate-
Range: 0 (caster only) al, the Sphere of Entropy takes possession of rial Plane. Such was our sentence.
Duration: 2dl2 hours his soul; his body becomes a red imp under "Later in mankind's history, magic may
Effect: Attempt to reach Immortality the DM's control. vanish, along with the object and the
motive for Energy's crime. 'How could
This spell gives the caster a chance to become C77e Nucleus of ttje Spljenes- we ?' do you say ? Magic is indeed a precious
an Immortal; that the discovery of this spell is power, but a power not to be foolishly
the culmination of an entire campaign for a Excerpt from the Archives in the Sphere wasted. It must remain in the spheres of
character. To acquire this spell, a Glantrian of Time, from Khoronus to an those who truly understand it. There will
mage must be of sufficient level, be an arch- outer-world visitor: be a time for mankind when magic will
duke or a prince in Glantri, a member of the yield to the coming of technology. Mortals
Brotherhood, and acquire the ingredients "Know ye, Beholder of the Late Centuries, shall then learn to tame their own universe
necessary for the spell: a lich's skull, a that all in the dark ages did not grow from by powers that are truly that of their plane.
nightwing's tongue, 12 ounces of ashes from a savage beliefs, or from the whims of a Magic and Immortality shan't stand in
greater phoenix, a pint of fresh steamy grem- primitive shaman. As with life, the spark their way. Such is the Law of Immortals."
lin blood, two mandragoras, a tooth from the of knowledge does not create itself from
Star Dragon, two malfera's eyes and 12 feath- emptiness, but is a sentient gift from the DM Notes: The artifact producing the
ers from an archon. One spell will use up all higher spheres of the universe. Those who Radiance was the central power source in a
these ingredients. wield the Power of the Radiance ignore the large alien spacecraft (see module DA3 for
A PC will never discover this spell if an true nature of its artifact. We, among details). It is a series of three nuclear reactors
Immortal of the Sphere of Energy does not Immortals, call it the Nucleus of the of advanced design, complete with tons of lay-
wish so. If an Immortal is favorable to a PC, he Spheres. ers of protection, huge pieces of machinery,
may send him dreams about the spell and "Eons ago, when Blackmoor still was a wires, pipes, pools of coolant, radiation zones,
what it does. Only at this time can a PC start great empire, visitors came from the stars etc.
researching this spell. The caster must be obe- in a great chariot of fire and landed in the When Immortals of Energy bestowed their
dient to the philosophy of energy and have realm of mortal men. Stranded, they soon magic upon it, the artifact gained the ability
gained control over the Radiance in honorable

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Secuet of ttje

to produce the Radiance and enable mortals barian and humanoid raids, and is totally DrtaiNiNQ LifefORce
to attain Immortality. Unfortunately, Immor- infiltrated by religious movements. Absolute
A character can fail his attempts at becom-
tals from the three other spheres intervened chaos reigns.
ing an Immortal (as per the transcend life
shortly after and gave the artifact a nasty side 5,000 Rad force: The artifact explodes, force spell). This causes the victim's body to
effect which consists of a permanent magical causing a cataclysm. Glantri and its artifact wither and turn to ashes while his lifeforce is
drain. cease to exist; the nation is reduced to nuclear drained into the artifact, where it becomes
slag. Centuries later, Glantri is similar to the more energy supply.
Magic DnaiN Broken Lands.
The character is forever lost and cannot be
Every time the artifact is used, magic energy revived. However, this "sacrifice" prevents
In other words, as long as someone uses the any magical drain from the Prime Material
is permanently drained from the Prime Mate- artifact, magic is drained from the Prime
rial Plane. The exact effects are not measur- Plane for a year per experience level of the vic-
Material Plane. If the Radiance is not used, tim. The trapped lifeforce(s) remain conscious
able on an individual basis, but after centuries the draining effect stops until someone else
of use, the artifact may cause magic to become within the artifact until their last flicker of
discovers the power again. Drained magic can energy. Someone in presence of the artifact
excessively rare. The guidelines below explain not be recovered, but further loss can be per-
which symptoms become visible, and when could use ESP or any other mental communi-
manently stopped with the destruction of the cation mode and converse with the victims. A
they occur. artifact. At the time this campaign begins, 50
Every year the Brotherhood of the Radiance lifeforce can only reveal what it knows (essen-
Rad force have already been drained by the tially how it got there and whatever it knew
is active, magic will be drained depending on Brotherhood of the Radiance (currently with
the number of brethren. The magic drained before its arrival).
six brethren).
each year is measured in "Rad force." Symp-
toms of magic decline take place according to OtI)€R POW€RS
DestuoyiNQ tt?e Nucleus Of tl?e
the total Rad force drained over the years, as The Nucleus of the Spheres is buried in a
described below: Spl7€R€S
cave ten thousand feet below the Great School
The artifact cannot be destroyed now. The of Magic, in hard rock. There is no access tun-
Average / of Total Rad force only way to destroy it is to travel in time, back nel. Because of the high radiations prevailing
Active Brethren Drained each Year to the Blackmoor era (see module DAI). PCs in the cave, any living being would have to
1-5 1 can then find and destroy the alien nuclear make a saving throw vs. poison each round or
6-10 2 reactor before Immortals of Energy make it an die. After leaving the place, a visitor must save
11-20 3 artifact. vs. poison at — 1 per round of exposure or be
21-30 4 Unfortunately, destroying the artifact permanently affected by the radiation.
31-50 5 causes the doom of Glantri. All these wizards Should he fail, death occurs after 2d4 weeks.
51 + 6 came to Glantri precisely because of the Radi- A wish or any high level healing spell cures a
ance. If the artifact is destroyed, then the victim.
FOR DecliNiNQ Magical Radiance never existed, the wizards would
Strange alien writing can be seen on glow-
never have had a reason to gather in Glantri,
ing crystal cubes (computer screens). If a visi-
and the magocracy never was created (nor was
100 Rad force: Each year, for a whole day tor has a way of deciphering unknown
the Great School of Magic!) If a party of
chosen at random, magic does not function writing, he will learn about the artifact's rela-
adventurers returns to their era after having
(only spell casting is affected). tionship with the era of Blackmoor, and the
destroyed the artifact, Glantri then becomes a
500 Rad force: Each year, for a whole week read the words "F.S.S. Beagle" painted on the
mountain wilderness!
chosen at random, magic does not function. equipment. No further information should
All magical effects, items and spells are tem- be revealed. The artifact has no other powers.
porarily dispelled during this week.
PaRaboxes of XTiMe tRavel
1,000 Rad force: The same as above hap- Realizing the nation's fate, the party could
pens, and great talent is required to study again return to Blackmoor to undo their mis-
magic; an 18 Intelligence is required to begin take. This would set up a situation where the
studies. Mages with a lower score retain their party meets its "earlier selves" on their way to
abilities and levels, but cannot advance in destroy the artifact!
levels any further. After a generation or two, Destroying an earlier self causes the charac-
the number of wizards decreases drastically in ter to vanish from existence, since the original
the world. is the same person but at a later date! If the
2,000 Rad force: Magic is very rare. Magical earlier double is the sole survivor of the two,
beings (dragons, elves, and monsters with he then becomes the PC under the player's
magical abilities) are almost extinct and are control (possibly still looking forward to
thought of as legends. destroying the artifact). In any case, if the
Magic items are a once-in-a-lifetime find destruction of the artifact is prevented, then
and there are no more than one or two wizards the normal course of history takes place and
per hundred mile radius. The Great School of magic withers away as inescapably as ever!
Magic is run by charlatans; the magocracy has
collapsed; Glantri is ravaged by bandit, bar-

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)


"Cowe on, we haven't got all night. Eh, the tower isn 't far now." (usually interaction with NPCs, or impor-
Luigi, get that pack on the gondola before the "Humpf" snorts Wilbur, "the younger tant events).
constables see us." As he gives the order, the generation, they think they know it all. A lit-
shady-looking character grabs an old wan by tle advice here might help. Yes, I'll see to it. The DM is free to develop these plots into full-
the back of his robes and yanks him aboard Now, where did I put that pack?" sized adventures. At the end of this section is a
the frail gondola. "You come over here and be longer adventure, featuring the Graduation at
quiet." DM Notes: This section provides the DM the Great School of Magic. It may be used sev-
Meanwhile, Luigi unties the ropes and with a series of adventures plots he may use in eral times, with minor modifications, each
starts pushing the gondola through the thick his campaign. Through the course of the time a PC attempts to graduate from the
nocturnal fog. "You sure we should take this thieves' mission, Wilbur will tell about his School.
wizard with us? I hope you know what you previous experience as an adventurer. The DM
doin', Max. He looks old for the job!" may use these stories as starting point for new MeMOtties of a Life Of
Max and the wizard sit in the gondola adventures. The sections to watch for are AOveNtune, Mone on less
cabin. Playing with his knife, Max explains boxed and are followed with a series of DM neMCMbeneO by Wilbun
the situation. "This is the deal, old man. All notes. For the DM's convenience, the notes RakNanoO
we need you to do is help us get past the wards contain the following information:
at the vault. The Fellowship wants the elven Luigi's gondola silently woves up to the
lady's jewels. We get them. Then we split. You Adventure Level: The experience level needed tower's wall, in a dark corner. While Luigi ties
just follow us there and be quiet. Clear?" for the adventure and the rules (Basic, the gondola to a wooring pole, Max swings a
With a quavering voice, the wizard Expert, Companion or Masters). This grapnel to the top of the tower.
answers, "I'm not old, and my nawe is, uh... assumes a party of six to eight characters. Shouts and laughters echo in the tower.
oh yes! My name is Wilbur, Wilbur Raknarod. Topic: The facet of Glantrian life covered in Light glows at all the widows.
I'm glad you asked for help. It's been a long the adventure (a guild, a specific NPC, or a "Looks like the Belcadiz are having a party
tiwe since my last adventure. It reminds me of special event) in there!" says Luigi. "You sure we shouldn 't
wy first expedition, out there in the Broken Interesting Features: Elements of the adven- cowe back sowe other time?"
Lands. It was sixty-five years ago if I remem- ture that provide fun and excitement (a ''Nah, noproblew.'' answers Max. "They '11
ber, or perhaps sixty-three, I'm not too sure specific magic item, a monster, an interest- never know we were here. The noise they're
anymore..." ing twist to a plot, etc.) waking will wake our job easier."
"Oh, be quiet. You're ain't here to tell us Campaign Hook: A way of connecting the sto- Max's grapnel falls into the water for the
the story of your life. Just get your pack ready, ry ideas to a longer lasting campaign game twelfth time. "This tower is higher than I

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)


thought. I'm afraid we'll have to climb." Calendar for the fire in the sky.
"What about the old man?" asks Luigi. Campaign Hook: Recurring disease symp- they assaulted the depot, agents of E.L.F.
"Hmmm? Talking about me again?" toms; the party must return to the Hospice also showed up, hoping to thwart
Wilbur comes out of the small cabin. "You from time to time, eventually meeting F.A.E.R.Y. Meanwhile, we fought back,
think I can't hold up my end? You think I'm Song Anh (see "Marauders and Masters"). using magic missile ballistas. When things
afraid of a little wall-crawling? Well, that The Hospice may serve as a starting point got worse, the fort garrison finally showed
reminds me of this expedition we had fifty for more mountain adventures (sasquatch up and finished turning the depot into a
years ago in the Colossus Mounts. That was hunt, lost hermit, recovering a lost meteor- pile of smoldering rubble."
climbing; mountain peaks and cliffs like ite, etc.).
you've never seen before!" Adventure Level: 1-3, Basic
"Will ya be quiet and climb that wall, ya Topic: F.A.E.R.Y. versus E.L.F. (see "Guilds
A. To the Peak of Wisdom old windbag?" snarls Max. and Brotherhoods" for details), an elf-
"Eh? Watch your language, young man! bashing adventure.
"Yes, we were looking for the crystal trees, Me, climb a wall? Who do you take me for? Interesting Features: Aside from the final
up there in the glaciers. One night, great Let's see, what was chat fly spell... Ah, yes!" combat, the party should be involved with
fire balls fell from the sky and hit the The old wizard mumbles and gestures an investigation to find the hostage, as
mountain above our camp. It caused a bizarrely. "Here! And away we go!" well as the possibility of becoming mem-
huge avalanche and the next I remember, The two befuddled thieves watch a fiery bers of either faction.
we were in bed, a dozen Ethengarian yel- projectile shoot forth from Wilbur's ringer Campaign Hook: The PCs become personal
low faces looking at us! In fact, we had tips, flying high into the sky and producing a friends or enemies of Esmeralda Erewan
been rescued by mystics, these strange fel- large ball of fire. and Don Carlo de Belcadiz. Glantrian offi-
lows who live high in our mountains: The "Ah! That's how it is done! I've been look- cials suspect the PCs of belonging to one of
Hospice of the Mystic Healers. ing for this one for a long time," says Wilbur the subversive factions. •-...-
"They told us we were sick and we with a large smile.
couldn't leave before they gave us a cure. The two thieves duck into a dark corner of Finally, after finding his fly spell, Wilbur
We had been exposed to strange spores the tower as an elf sticks his head out of a win- and his two thiefly friends are on top of the
coming from the fire ball. They were afraid dow. "Old Bravo!" shouts he, vigorously tower. Sneaking down the stain, they enter an
of spreading the disease down at Lhamsa. clapping his hands. "Princess Carnelia knows unoccupied room.
"But someone among the mystics was how to entertain!" Then, tossing a coin to the "Well!" says Wilbur. "Rad strike me if this
stalking us. We managed to find our foe, wizard, he adds, "Here, my good man! Here's isn't a library!"
an Ethengarian priest and a dozen fol- for your trouble, and come back with more "Hold your horses, old man!" snarls Max.
lowers! They were victims of the same ava- fireworks!" "That's not what we came for. Luigi, peek
lanche that got us. It was about then that "This reminds me of this trip we made through the lock and see if anyone's coming."
we learned the mystics had a cure, but not some thirty years ago," Wilbur says. "Let's Quickly, Luigi answers, "No one. Let's go."
enough for both the Ethengarians and us. see, how did it start?" The two thieves tiptoe from the room. Fifty
We were getting weaker and it was the feet down the corridor, Max suddenly curses,
wrong season to find the right medicinal B. Good Sprite Day "Wait! That blasted wizard didn 't follow us."
plants. When they reach the library again, Wilbur
"So, claiming neutrality, the mystics "We had been hired by the Supreme is there, waving a book, "Look! How wonder-
organized a duel between the Ethengar- Judge's Secretary to check out some illicit ful! Tome XVIII of the Seekers of the Mayflies!
ians and us, in their special training room. arms dealing in Nyra, south of the capital. Have I a story for you!"
Only the survivors would have the cure. There was an arms dealer there who was "Oh no... not again!" In despair, Luigi
The room was a bottomless pit with sway- suspected of selling weapons to unknown drops on his knees, holding his head.
ing vertical wooden beams coming up to individuals. The Secretary thought Fol-
our ledge. We had to jump from one beam lowers of the Claymore to be involved. C. Mayflies of the Fair
to another and fight our opponents, while "We managed to get hired to guard the
being weak and dizzy from the disease. We depot. The merchant had been robbed "This book is a classic in the series. It's
won. They let us go, but in exchange for several times during the night. He was about this famous spy mission during
our silence on the incident, they agreed to secretly dealing arms to F.A.E.R.Y. in Arcanium. A large number of visiting wiz-
deliver saplings of the crystal trees in exchange for gold but also because they ards complained that their scrolls and
Lhamsa, whenever we would need them." held his brother hostage. The thieves were books were stolen during the night, often
no other than agents of E.L.F. also trying to after demonstrations in the Halls of Arca-
Adventure Level: 1-3, Basic get their hands on the weapons. nium. They blamed the Mayflies of the
Topic: The Hospice of Mystic Healers and fric- "After investigating, we were able to Fair, lowly thieves of magic. The constabu-
tions with the Ten Thousand Fists of Khan retrieve the missing brother. Discovering lary, incapable of finding the culprits,
(see "Guilds and Brotherhoods"). the loss, F.A.E.R.Y. decided to attack the hired a group of adventurers to do their
Interesting Features: Fighting under tricky depot the following night and capture the spying.
conditions while struggling against disease weapons. It was a wild fight. As soon as "The spies discovered that the Mayflies
effects; see "Bells of Fate" in the Glantrian

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)


were not to blame—this time—but his dagger. He was totally crazed; I'd never me from turning into a dragon. The charm
instead, the Peoples' Spell-Casters Com- seen him like this. I immediately dispelled proved useless but I found that all this
pany was involved. The spies managed to the conjured monsters and tried to talk aroused my curiosity.
enter the secret headquarters of the Com- sense to my friend, but he savagely "I let them capture me after a little
pany and find what their new plan was. attacked me. During the fight, he acciden- magical battle; they never suspected any-
They'd gathered all this new magic and tally fell on his own dagger and died. thing. Once inside, it was no difficulty for
were thinking of raiding the Great School "At this moment, the older students me to break free. I cornered that old buz-
of Magic while most wizards were out to entered and they saw me holding the dag- zard of Naramis and turned him into a
Arcanium. After sneaking out, the spies ger, with blood all over my robes. Immedi- black dragon. The funniest part is, when
set up a trap in which dozens of illegal spell ately, they accused me. I didn't think I'd the alarm was sounded, the adventurers
casters and criminals were captured, earn- stand a chance on trial. I fled, flying out and the tower guards ran into the black
ing a huge reward from the constabulary." the window, and never returned." dragon! Thinking it was me, they battled
the Viscount and managed to cut his tail
Adventure Level: 1-3, Basic Adventure Level: 1-3, Basic off. So he fled and eventually dispelled my
Topic: Peoples' Spell-Casters Company (see Topic: The Night of the Red Moon (see Calen- enchantment! It took him a couple of days
"Guilds and Brotherhoods" for details) dar for details). to succeed, but when he came back, well...
and Arcanium (see Calendar). Interesting Features: A rival wizard has the the tail was still there for him to use. Not a
Interesting Features: The discovery of a dan- victim accused of murder, claiming the vic- bad deal after all!"
gerous lair; a tricky mission; possible access tim was trying to steal some secret from his
to stolen magic after the spell-casters are master. The victim hires the PC to prove Adventure Level: 1-3, Basic
captured; party's first visit to the Great his innocence, which consists of stealing Topic: A quest to acquire spell components for
School. the dead bodies to have them questioned a wizard.
Campaign Hook: All of the Peoples' Spell- by a necromancer in presence of a magis- Interesting Features: A combat against a weak
Casters Company hasn't been captured. trate. black dragon (out of spells, tired to the
The remaining elements consider the PCs Campaign Hook: The PCs may gain a sponsor point of doing minimum damage), the
foes and will seek revenge. to enter the Great School of Magic, or PCs aided by two dozen Tower Guards.
make a foe of the rival wizard. Campaign Hook: The Viscount later hates the
"Here, tie him up and gag him." The two PCs for defeating him in his own tower, yet
thieves hold the wizard to the floor, jamming The two thieves carry the wizard a further he is in debt since they got him a black
a cloth into his mouth. down the hall, then find a narrow shaft in a dragon tail as per their agreement, and
"That'll keep him quiet!" says Max. wall, with a service lift. chased "the dragon" out of his tower at no
"Now, let's move it." The two fellows pick up "Luigi, go down first. See if the path is safe, fee.
the wizard and trot down the hall. and let me know." orders Max.
"Blast, someone's coming!" Max ducks When the small platform is back, Max loads 5oon, Wilbur wanders into the main hall of
into the next room. It is filled with alchemical Wilbur and pushes the elevator down. A the tower. A crowd of jovial elven nobles is
equipment and cobwebs. moment later, he finally crouches on the plat- there, having a great time, chatting, dancing,
With avid eyes, Wilbur observes the area in form and pulls himsetfdown the shaft. drinking the finest vintage of New Alvar's
detail. "I'd recognize the smell anywhere!" "Max?" says a baffled Luigi as his friend tequilas, even fencing near the fireplace.
the old wizard thinks. "Mandragora root; emerges. "Where's the old man?" "Hola, Senor!" says the butler seeing
there must be some in here. I'll have to come "That double-crossing rat! I betcha he got Wilbur. "Please take one of these masks; Prin-
back. The last time I saw any was at the school. free on his way down and stepped off at an cess Carnelia ordered a masked ball!"
How I miss those happy days. A sad thing I other floor. Now we're in trouble. Let's go Wilbur takes an ugly troll mask and joins
left so early." find him before it's too late!" the crowd. "Well, shan 't you welcome your
On another floor, Wilbur chuckles softly, favorite wandering monster?" asks he. The
D. Murder on the Orient Tower "It takes more than ropes to trap good old crowd laughs and it isn 't long before the old
Wilbur. Reminds me of that quest the old wizard, socializing with his peers, is off on
"I was a novice back then. No one knew buzzard gave those adventurers." another story...
who I really was; I guess I always loved
being among these humans. As I recall, it E. Quest for the Lizard Tail F. Some Old Vampire's Story
was midnight, the Night of the Red Moon.
I was on guard duty at the Orient Tower. "The Viscount of Nathrat was after a black "When I was young and seeking adven-
"During my tour, I discovered five dead dragon's tail, a component he needed for ture, I worked for Thou-Haul, at the Mov-
students, all horribly mangled. I followed some new spell. Oddly enough, he ers' Guild. One day we got an assignment
a trail of blood upstairs, to my master's thought I was a black dragon in human for the Tower of Vladimirov. This young
quarters. There, four monsters were hold- form! What nonsense! Well, he hired these Baron just earned a title of Viscount and
ing him while one of the students, my best adventurers to abduct me with the help of needed to move to another fief. We never
friend then, was madly stabbing him with a powerful charm, supposedly to prevent dealt with him in person, only with his

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

AOveNtuues IN

The crowd answers with a happy "Salud!"

seneschal, a loathsome limping hunch- Gondola Games were getting close and he and Wilbur goes on telline his stories,
back. wanted me and a few other fellows to win between erratic tequila-spawned hiccups and
"His master was a poor noble and we the Grand Prize. He could then advertise giggles.
had to carry his personal effects on foot. his fine workmanship and bring more
First bandits attacked us, then a couple of business. H. The Lords of Beggars' Court
werewolves, and finally, undead beings "It is then we discovered that some of
stalked us every night. Each morning, we the gondolas were sabotaged and that "Anyway, our new fortunes were quickly
discovered one of the bearers sucked dry of illicit gambling was going on. A certain spent and again we looked for new and
blood, two holes in his throat. The worst Luigi was behind this; we secretly followed exciting tasks. A local baron's seneschal
was the night the undead stormed a ham- him to a tavern. There, he met with a cor- hired us for a mission. The baron's son ran
let and got past our barricade. We thought rupt magistrate, the true organizer. He away after a dispute and stole a powerful
we'd lost it when the Baron himself would bet high on an underdog, while crystal device. We were to retrieve him,
showed up and blasted the undead to Luigi sabotaged the expected winner's and above all, the precious crystal.
smithereens. As surely as the sun rose the gondola for a fee. "A lengthy investigation brought us
next morning, he was gone again. "Despite their numerous sabotage back to the city. We'd heard he'd been
"The trip went on, and we finally made attempts, our team finally made it to the seen suffering from a loathsome rotting
it to our destination. Most of the bearers finals—against Luigi himself! We were the disease. Fearing an epidemic, the build-
were dead by then. Later, the Baron underdogs. We knew they gambled a for- ing's tenants threw him out with his per-
explained he'd angered a powerful necro- tune on us and Luigi would probably lose sonal effects and drove him to the Beggars'
mancer who tried to prevent him from the finals on purpose. We bet all our Court.
moving away from Boldavia. He mysteri- money on Luigi, then lost the game on "We went there wearing rags and illu-
ously disappeared a year later." purpose before Luigi had a chance to do sions to look deformed and sickly. Avoid-
the same. Of course, we sabotaged his gon- ing the beggars' king was tough, but
Adventure Level: 4-6, Expert dola; it sank quickly afterward, covering eventually we made it to the dungeons.
Topic: The vampires of Boldavia, and the him with ridicule. The place was infested with slimes and
Movers' Guild (see "Guilds and Brother- "Though my employer was chagrined at other horrors. We found the young noble,
hoods"). losing the contest, he still got new business but he was a mere shadow of himself, near-
Interesting Features: A vampire baron is torn with his new slogan, 'Win or Lose, a ly dead. A secret passage out of Beggars'
between the need to protect the hirelings Vinrood Gondola Never Sinks!' We made Court led us out of the city. We brought
moving him to another tower, and his a fortune, at the magistrate's expense, and the son back, barely alive, and his crystal.
drive to feed on them. Good scenario for he thought that Luigi double-crossed The device radiated an aura of fear and
mindless undead bashing. him!" uneasiness; we were glad to get rid of it and
Campaign Hook: The PCs aid the baron vam- get our reward."
pire at the cost of angering the Prince of Adventure Level: 4-6, Expert
Boldavia. The baron belongs to the Bolda- Topic: The Gondola Games (see Calendar) Adventure Level: 6-8, Expert
vian Liberation Organization, and hires and corrupt magistrates. Topic: Beggars' Court and the Brotherhood of
the PCs on a vampire hunting mission. Interesting Features: Gondola fighting for the Radiance (see "Guilds and Brother-
fun; following suspect into a sordid ruffi- hoods")
A pretty senorita is dancing on the table, ans' nest and dealing with shady people to Interesting Features: Mission in Beggars
clapping her castanets in the traditional Belca- set up a sting. Court; a crystal device related to the Radi-
dizan way, and hammering the table with her Campaign Hook: The magistrate is an inter- ance; its aura leaks some clues to the PCs
heels. Excited by the music, Wilbur jumps on mediary for some unscrupulous noble- on the Brotherhood.
the table. He claps his hands over his head and man. The nobleman goes broke; both he Campaign Hook: King Ratibus seeks revenge
shouts wild "Oles!" while the senorita dances and Luigi later seek revenge on the PCs. for the loss of his new recruit and the crys-
around him. tal. The baron may sponsor the PCs if they
After a minute of this, the old man feek "Why, that crooked troll-face! I knew I saw wish to enter the Brotherhood.
dizzy and falls off the table into the arms of that face somewhere!" snarls Luigi. "I'll give
another noble. "Thank you, young man!" you some stories, you old—" Two servants walk down a corridor when
says Wilbur. "I'm not used to this any more! As the old Wilbur proudly recalls his youth- they run into the butler. "Ay! By the Alham-
But when I was young and healthy..." ful exploits, the two thieves stand on an inner bra! You two, come here!"
balcony overlooking the main hall, just above The two servants turn pale. "I told you
G. Datsa' My Boat! the old wizard. stealing servants' uniforms wouldn't work! I
"Cool down, Luigi! Take it easy!" says Max. told you, Max!" whispers the first.
"When I quit working for the Movers' "You'll settle with him later. We gotta get "Ah, shut up, Luigi, an' let's see what he
Guild, I found a temporary job at the ship- him outa there, or else no jewels and lotsa wants!" answers the other.
yards. My employer built gondolas, but his trouble with the Fellowship." "Straighten your jackets! Where do you
business was on the decline. The annual Below, Wilbur proposes a toast: "Long live think you are? And go to the main hall, they
Adventurers and Conquistadores!" need more- tequila!" orders the butler.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

AOveNtimes IN QlaNtui

The two fellows pick up trays and cut The two thieves help the drunken wizard
through the crowd, looking for Wilbur, and Carnival but the creatures easily tracked us out of the main hall. "Let's go down thisway."
see him standing on his left foot while trying through the crowd. At the Silver Quarrel says Max, reaching a narrow spiral staircase.
to touch his nose with his right knee. we found the owner trading silver—which They reach a cellar and find another door.
"Here! I told you! Shee, I'm not drunk!" we had paid him—for weapons. His part- As Max inspects the lock, Luigi snarls at
claims the wizard as Max draws closer. ner was a dwarf. How he came to Vyonnes Wilbur, "So, you're the one who sank my
"What are ya trying to do? Spoil the mis- still is a mystery. As it turns out, the shop boat! You just wait till we get the gold, and
sion? Follow me!" whispers Max, frowning at owner was a werewolf who delivered the then..."
Luigi's dark, threatening look. weapons to the Canine Protection Society. "Luigi!" says Max. "Be quiet and come
"All right, but not before thish lasht one!" Meanwhile, he was selling phony silver here. I think there is someone back there. Try
giggles Wilbur. blades to his foes; but we brought that to listen at the door."
trade to a quick end. After a bloody fight, Suddenly, a gushing sound comes from
I. The Silver Quarrel the other werewolves died from the true behind the two. Lying under a huge barrel
silver weapons we found in the shop. Sev- with his mouth wide open, Wilbur gulps the
"After this mission in Beggars' Court, we eral days later, we received a scroll of apol- pouring wine. "Averoigne '45! One of the
ran short of components and weapons. ogy from the Baron and word that he had besht! Thish really beatsh the shtuff they
There was an opening in Vyonnes for a his Tower Guards replaced." sherve in Glenmoorloch! What a night that
were-hunt so we went shopping at the Sil- was..."
ver Quarrel, a specialty shop for anti- Adventure Level: 6-8, Expert
werewolf devices. Topic: The Canine Protection Society (see J. The Taverns of Glenmoorloch
"Our first clues led us to the Chateau de "Guilds and Brotherhoods").
Morlay. The Baron graciously invited us to Interesting Features: Intrigue at Chateau de "After leaving Averoigne, we spent some
stay for the night and offered us the help of Morlay; a good fight against the were- time in Klantyre, working as Tower Guards
his tower guards to search the forest. The wolves during the Carnival of Vyonnes in a at Crownguard. The first day on leave, we
night after, at die camp, his guards turned shop filled with silver weapons. visited all the taverns in Glenmoorloch.
into werewolves and chased us for several Campaign Hook: The Baron—true master of The next I remember, we woke up in the
nights. None of our weapons harmed them. the werewolves—keeps on sending his sheriffs jail. He told us we were caught
"We arrived in Vyonnes the night of canine followers after the party. roaming the streets and singing religious
songs in the middle of the night. We were

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

At>v<ENtuues IN

to be executed the next day, unless we ters had to be loaded on barges to reach the Since the school had ordered younglings,
accepted this mission. market. they told us to stay in one of the crypts
"The Captain of the Tower Guards at "Sure enough, other monster dealers until the hatching. I always had a knack for
Crownguard was suspected of being a Fol- were sailing nearby. The close presence of dragons, and taking care of them was no
lower of the Claymore. We were to return natural enemies provoked the creatures, difficulty.
to our post, and eliminate him as soon as causing some of our gondolas to capsize. "Some unscrupulous dealer mixed vari-
possible. At the tower we made our inves- The fun part was the recovery of the cages ous types of eggs without notifying us. A
tigation. It appeared the captain was loyal and their occupants from the water. dragon of each color hatched, including a
to his prince, but most of his guard were "We had a load of bugbears to amuse cute little golden dragonette. The blue
traitors and were plotting to assassinate the passers-by. A merchant purchased one, an and white dragons turned against us, while
prince after dealing with the captain. old beast. Later at night, someone opened the red and green attacked the golden one.
"The captain granted us protection the cages; we later found out the old bug- It was tough subduing them all.
from the sheriffs accusations in exchange bear broke free from its buyer and came at "I didn't have the heart to leave the dra-
for our help to clean the tower of the fol- night to free its friends. It was tough track- gonette to these wizards. Who knows, per-
lowers. As for the sheriff, he disappeared ing them down, but we finally found them haps they would have dissected her. I hid
as soon as he heard about the failed coup in a nearby gondola, which we sunk. They her under my robes and left. A day later, a
against the prince." tried to swim away but we pursued and wizard met me at the tavern and said he
hunted them down to the last—more or knew about the missing dragon. He was
Adventure Level: 8-10, Expert less. Once in awhile one will show up in willing to sponsor my membership to the
Topic: The Followers of the Claymore (see the catacombs." Circle of Dracologists if I returned the crea-
"Guilds and Brotherhoods"). ture. Temptation was great, but I refused.
Interesting Features: Coup attempt at the Adventure Level: 8-10, Expert Fearing some intervention from the wiz-
Tower of Crownguard; the PCs are black- Topic: The Annual Monsters Fair (see Calen- ards, I set her free during the night and
mailed into committing a crime. PCs may dar), and the Monster Handlers Union. never saw her again... so sad..."
actually become true Followers of the Clay- Interesting Features: Getting a load of wild
more. monsters to the fair, an investigation to Adventure Level: 10-12, Expert
Campaign Hook: A member of Brannart's fami- find the runaway monsters Topic: The Circle of Dracologists (see "The
ly was behind the coup; both he and the Fol- Campaign Hook: The more intelligent mon- Seven Secret Crafts of Glantri" for details)
lowers seek to take revenge on the PCs. sters set up a lair in the sewers and raid the Interesting Features: The party may get away
city from there. with a cute little dragon, or become disci-
"That sheriff," says Luigi, "shoulda ples of the Circle of Dracologists.
hanged you when he had the chance!!" "Haaarrrh! Zoh, yoo da ones hoo kaptoored Campaign Hook: Depending on the PCs'
The two thieves slowly open the door, rip- my frriendz!" roars the bugbear. "Kill!" choice, the little dragons grow up to
ping through cobwebs. Suddenly, a large "Gack! Wait, want freedom? Gold? Gems? become friends or foes of the party; the
hairy paw from within grabs the door and Food? Mates?" squirms Max; he pulls out a mommy comes looking for her eggs and
fUngsitopen. A horrible grinning head comes small flask. "Look, good brandy!" she is furious.
out of the dark, snarling and growhng. The bugbear sniffs at the flask. Without
"You 're the boss, you handle it!" says Luigi dropping Max, it bites off the cork and gulps The bugbear wipes a tear off its hideous
as he ducks behind a barrel. down the brandy. "Zoh, about dat gold?" face while Max straightens his servant jacket
The creature grabs Max as the panicky thief "Well, uh, we're on our way to get the prin- and sniffs loudly.
desperately tries to stab it with his knife. The cess' gold. Ya kill us, ya get nuthin'; ya help "Awright, awright! Let's go." says Max.
monster prepares to rip Max's head off when us, ya get a 3% share and we drop ya at the "We got work to do here!" All four leave the
Wilbur shows up at his side. next catacomb entrance. Deal?" cellar and enter the bugbear's cell.
"Oh, a genuine Ursus Bugensis/ Let'sh Showing its five hairy fingers, it answers, "Here, I told you! The safe is in the cell.
shee, I need shome ofthish!" says he, pulling "Duh, thoity purzent... an' him!" pointing Y}U just keep watch while I break the combi-
out a fistful of the creature's fur. at the drunken wizard. nation!" says Luigi, already rubbing his
The thief and the bugbear suddenly fall "That's a deal!" says Luigi with a smile. greedy hands.
quiet, staring at the old wizard. "Fery vunny!" adds Wilbur. "Anyway, I "Oh! That'sh intereshting!" intervenes the
"Hie! The lasht time I shaw one oftheesh shall go on with the resht of my shtory. The old wizard. "Thish ish exactly the shame vault
was at an Annual Monstersh Fair, back in monshter fair led ush to The Great Shchool of brand ash the one we cracked in zhe Remple
Glantri City. T'wash twentyyearsh ago..." Magic..." of Tad! Uh, Temple of Rad! We were after
money to repay the Shchool for the mishing
K. TaUy-Ho! L. Love Story dragonette..."
"Here he goes again..." moans Max while
"We led an assortment of monsters from "We delivered dragon eggs to the School. the bugbear stuffs its large ears with handfuls
Glenmoorloch to Glantri City, for the They were about to hatch but we had no of rags and other grubby things.
Annual Fair. T'was a tough job. The crit- idea what kind of dragons these would be.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

ADvcNtuues IN QlaNtni

M. Dark is the Night bedroom. Thish reminds me ofthish case we the verge of hysteria, Luigi grabs the bugbear
had to sholve..." by the beard. "You fool! You realize the noise
"We'd had a tip from a friend in the Fel- you 're making? You 're gonna get us all cap-
lowship of the Pouch. There was supposed N. Things That Go Bump in the Night tured!"
to be decent treasure in the local Temple of "Wuh? Wah yoo sayin'?" asks the bugbear.
Rad's vault. It was this or offend the wiz- "I woke up one night after this horrible Shaking the bugbear, Luigi screams at the
ards still further. nightmare. I dreamt of this fellow of Kron- top of his lungs, "I said, be quiet!"
"So away we went, creeping and crawl- dahar running away from hooded men "Wha?" asks the bugbear.
ing through the garden and the worship with torches. They were burning his house. Wilbur walks up to Luigi. "Might be a
hall. We didn't have much problem get- "I went out for a stroll and learnt it was good idea to pull the rags out of his ears; he
ting down to the vault and opening it. But Fire Night. There was a fire around the might like my next shtory."
there was a magical ward inside the vault block and hooded men walking away. I
and, as we discovered after, the door acti- don't believe in coincidences! I was able to O. Dirty Half-Dozen
vated a mechanism releasing monsters in help a Krondaharian merchant, who
the garden. claimed the Followers of Fire attempted to "Things were getting hairy at the capital.
"The vault was permanently obscured take his life. He would pay a great amount We had offended the Thugs Guild, the
with a high-level spell of darkness. The of gold if my friends and I put an end to House of Singhabad was suspecting us of
guard inside was a blackball that took sev- this barbarity. plotting something, and the Followers of
eral lives before we retreated with the loot. "It took us a few days to find the secret Fire were more than upset with us for
Some strange magic prevented the ball place where the Followers of Fire met. We abducting one of their lieutenants.
from leaving the vault. had some trouble dealing with various fire "Then we all received an official scroll
"Then the Shepherds were on us with creatures guarding the area and the disci- from the army. We were drafted to Camp
their monsters. Some of them even saw our ples who discovered us. After the battle, Huledain, under Volospin's banner. They
faces. The High Shepherd's diary was in we captured their leader, but found out he were at war there with a large tribe of
the loot, telling about his suspicion about knew nothing. We delivered the fellow to mountain humanoids. The day after our
his order. He contacted us later and agreed the merchant for safe keeping. arrival, we were 'volunteered' for a danger-
to keep our identity secret and forget "Using connections with the Fellowship ous mission to eliminate the tribal chief
about the loot if we destroyed the diary in of the Pouch and lots of gold, we found the and break the enemy's chain of command.
his presence. So the deal worked out for culprits' hideout. Capturing them was "It took us weeks to accomplish the mis-
easy, except they turned out not to be true sion. There, we found a prisoner, an old elf
followers. In fact, they were morons work- whom we brought back. He was none oth-
Adventure Level: 10-12, Expert ing for the Thugs' Guild. They had been er than the camp commander's father. His
Topic: Temples of Rad, and Fellowship of the paid by some Krondaharian visitor to torch son rewarded us with our freedom, and
Pouch (see "Guilds and Brotherhoods"). a house! promised that if we swore allegiance to his
Interesting Features: A blackball (see Masters "The so-called Krondaharian merchant clan, he would support our petition at the
DM's Book, page 40 for details); secrets was a nobleman from the House of Singha- Parliament for a Barony."
about the Temple. bad, an illusionist who desired revenge on
Campaign Hook: The Brotherhood of the the Followers of the Fire. We'd been had!" Adventure Level: 16-18, Companion
Radiance learns about the theft and their Topic: Sire Qenildor Erewan; becoming a
High Priest's lack of faith; they attempt to Adventure Level: 12-15, Expert noble; voting support at the Parliament
get hold of the diary or capture the PCs. Topic: Followers of Fire; House of Singhabad Interesting Features: A dangerous raid into
(See "Guilds and Brotherhoods") the Silver Sierras, ores galore.
Luigi slowly pulls the vault's door open. Interesting Features: Fire elementalists, fire Campaign Hook: The old elf wants to remain
"Well, I did my job, now you check the creatures, illusionists, and city thugs incognito and retire from politics. His son
vault!" says Luigi to Wilbur. Campaign Hook: The PCs rescue the Fol- orders a PC Baron to safeguard the old elf.
"It'sh about time I get to do shomeshing! lowers of the Fire leader, perhaps entering Other nobles send spies to break into the
What was that shpell again?" Wilbur makes the secret sect. The nobleman hires more PCs' tower and find out who the old elf
strange gestures as the two thieves retreat to thugs to get rid of witnesses, i.e. the PCs. really is. Abduction or assassination are
the stairwell. The bugbear asks "Woh? Wha' possible events.
yoodooin'?" The four fellows quietly return upstairs,
Luigi's head appears at the stairs' entrance. doing their best to avoid the crowd of drunken Luigi looks under the mattress, Max pokes
"Duck first, ask questions later!" hidalgos and busy servants. at the walls, and the bugbear rips the wood
A column of fire suddenly strikes the bug- "Here, that's the room!" whispers Luigi as planks off the floor. Meanwhile, Wilbur falls
bear. The old wizard turns around and discov- he listens at the door. "Quiet, now!" asleep on a couch, snoring loudly.
ers the hapless creature sitting on the floor, Immediately, the bugbear goes crashing Suddenly, the double doors slam open and
smoking and coughing. "Oh, that was nice! I through the door, scaring Luigi half to death the three fellows turn in alarm. A crowd of
wonder how I did that one! But there ish in the process. hidalgos and senoritas walks in, wearing ludi-
nothing in the vault! Knowing the princesh, Seeing the room is empty, all four rush crous costumes and masks.
she probably wears herjewels or left 'em in her inside and close what remains of the door. On "Ay! Look at these costumes! The bugbear

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)


is truly terrific!" says an admirer. brother of the late baron (raises the dead
"And there! These burglar outfits are a true land, and the crops wither. The people cry body and magic jars into it); the people
success! Bravo!" adds a senorita. and grab Wilbur's golden tabard, implor- revolt against the chaotic usurper.
"Behold senores! It seems our old friend ing his return. He accepts this duty and Campaign Hook: The necromancer's suzerain
Wilburro lost to the tequila! Let's bring him marches back to the tower, followed by the wants the PCs to swear fealty and enter the
back to the main hall. Ole! Viva!" gleeful people. necromancers' circle, or he'll act against
The happy crowd pulls the three terrified Widi a thunderous roll, die tower door them and their barony.
fellows along with them, while the butler bursts open, and the dark lord steps back
picks up the dreaming Wilbur. from Wilbur's might. The duel must be "Dear Rad, I was dreaming I had a horren-
fought. Fire and lightning, wind and ice, dous income tax return!" says Wilbur. The
P. Dreams of Power and Glory traps and death: the duel goes on in the crowd laughs loudly as the wizard recovers
nightmare's fog. With a fell blow of his from his nightmare.
In slow motion, Wilbur rides his destrier wand, Wilbur wounds die dark lord. The As Wilbur keeps on joking, the three fel-
along with his old adventuring friends. lord stumbles; he falls to his knees; he crawls lows take advantage of the situation to tip-toe
They come to a glittering tower, with flags on the floor; at last, he begs forgiveness. away, unseen from the crowd.
of silk fluttering in the wind, and garlands A magistrate in his red robes appears "Let's go back to the room," says Max.
of flower over the windows. next to the dark lord and binds his hands "The jewels must be somewhere in there. We
Wilbur steps into the main hall where a with heavy manacles. He reveals the dark don't need the old man anymore. It'll be one
throne awaits his arrival. Two lines of lord's false identity. Then, he pulls out a less share to pay."
knights in shining armor raise their swords scroll, the Chancellor's Bill: a fortune for Meanwhile, Wilbur continues with yet
and hail the new lord. A distant relative Wilbur to pay. A sinister laugh echoes in another story. "Talking about taxes, it was fif-
has died, and Wilbur is the last of his line. Wilbur's dream... Wilbur suddenly wakes teen years ago, in my friend's barony..."
A man in black robes suddenly appears up, panting and sweating.
at the throne, takes the crown and orders Q. Reds
Wilbur out. He is a long forgotten brother Adventure Level: 18-20, Companion
of the late baron. The knights in shining Topic: The inheritance of a Barony, duels "Loyal to my friend as always, I decided to
armor throw the hapless Wilbur out. among wizards, the law and its cost. be his seneschal for some time. My first
Soon, dark clouds gather above the Interesting Features: A nefarious necromancer task was to help gather the tax from the
usurps the identity of a long-forgotten wilder ranges of the dominion. That was

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

AOveNtunes IN

"Eezy to zay!" roars the bugbear. "Me want Interesting Features: Several underground
not easy; the farmers there resisted the new foiftypurzent! No werewoof in deal!" movements attempt to disrupt a noble's
baron's authority. "You got it!" squeaks Luigi. He opens the tactic to become a prince.
"Before we knew what was happening, closet, ready to push both the bugbear and Campaign Hook: Some of the PCs may
half the dominion revolted. The land so gen- the werebutler inside, then screams, "The attempt to take control of some of the
erously awarded to my friend was a nest of jewels! The jewels! I found the jewels!" underground movements or earn a barony
Free Fundamentalist Farmers. They despised The bugbear heaves the werewotf into the in exchange for some critical service to a
noble authority and were fighting to remain closet as Luigi dives out with the jewels, and powerful prince.
independent. Quickly, they raised a force of a Max slams the door. "Rats! Where's the key?"
hundred fifty men armed with pitchforks The hapless trio does its best to hold the At last, the bugbear pushes the bed against
and flails, and besieged the tower. The door shut while the lycanthrope wildly claws the closet, trapping the werewolf inside. The
Guards were barely able to defend the walls, and bites at the wood. Meanwile, in the main two thieves and the bugbear quickly leave the
so my friends and I went out on a special mis- hall, Wilbur starts a new story. ravaged bedroom.
sion: to find the leader of the F.F.F. and dis- "We must cross the main hall to leave the
mantle their organization. R. War and Peace tower," says Max. "I can't believe they still lis-
"They used a few horrible monsters they ten to his dumb stories."
rented from the Monsters Handlers' "After we cleaned his barony of most F.F.F. Down below, in the main hall, Wilbur con-
Union, but we eventually dealt with these activists, my old friend ran his dominion tinues, "Aha! It was then we staged this wild
and captured the insurgents' leader. He like a pro. All his old adventuring buddies raid against a nest of red dragons..."
was none other than a lowly wizard. Once joined him and became captains of the
he was captured, a chunk of the F.F.F. went guard, provosts, sheriffs, treasurers or rep- S. Apocalypse Then
home. The others were dealt with in more resentatives. The key positions were held
traditional ways—induction into the by his most loyal friends. The other nobles "The Chamberlain of the Land summoned
army!" referred to us as the Old Clan. us for a new mission. A highly inflammable
"It took just a few years to reach great ore had been discovered in a mine, but this
Adventure Level: 20-25, Companion prosperity. The people were happier that attracted swarms of red dragons. The local
Topic: Mass rebellion in a barony, a plot from a they ever had been. There was a rumor that army proved insufficient to deal with the
rival wizard to take over the barony. the town mayor was gathering votes for an threat and a solution was urgently needed.
Interesting Features: Hordes of unionized Act of Enfiefment in the barony and the "At about the same time, the Great
monsters protecting the wizard; proletari- surrounding lands. School of Magic made a great discovery, a
an terrorists armed with green slime bombs "This brought jealousy from the rival new secret weapon. They wanted us to try
harrassing the imperialist baronial forces nobles—jealousy and fear. Creation of a it out for the occasion. The thing looked
Campaign Hook: Subversive activists from the new prince would change the political like a huge dragonfly, clearly a magical
F.F.F. (secretly controlled by a rival House) map. Suddenly, we saw a new period of construct made of metal. The hollow inte-
keep on attempting to raise more followers chaos. F.F.F. insurgency flared up again, rior was spacious enough for ten people. A
among the baron's people. with the support of the Followers of the large enchanted rotating tube stuck out of
War Machine: F.F.F. Militiamen—Troop Class Claymore, the Guild of Thugs, all more or the thing's mouth, and was capable of
Fair, BR 58, 150 troops on foot. less supported by rival nobles. A bloody shooting meteor swarms. One man sat in
civil war ravaged the barony. In the end, each of the crystal bug eyes, one to guide
The trio finally reaches the bedroom. It is the good baron prevailed, but the price the dragonfly's flight with magical knobs
now dark but a silvery moon glow beams into was high. Some of his closest friends and levers, the other to shoot the meteor
the room from a large window. The three fel- became Followers or the Claymore, others swarms. On both sides of the dragonfly
lows begin their search anew when the door were assassinated, a few betrayed the baron was a large opening with a staff mounted
slowly opens behind them. for gold, magic, or the promise of a distant on a swivel that could launch magic mis-
"Caramba! I knew you were up to some- barony. Those who remained turned fear- siles in a rapid fire.
thing," says a voice. "This time you have not ful. The Old Clan was no more. "Away we flew in our proud machine,
escaped my vigilance." "When peace was restored, the people against the dragons. The younger red
Max twirls around and pulls out his knife, petitioned for an Act of Enfiefment and dragons fell like flies. More than once we
Luigi breaks a bottle on the dresser and the the baron got involved in shady intrigues barely avoided a fire blast or a tail lash by
bugbear rips a wooden pole off the bed. to gain votes at the Council. He became a maneuvering wildly. Finally, we met die
"Well, if it's not our good friend the butler!" prince, but he had changed tremendously. leader of the dragons—an ancient, huge,
snarls Max. "Come, if you dare!" It is then I decided to return to a life of utterly evil dragon. Our dragonfly was
Fearlessly, the butler walks up, into a patch adventure, away from politics and power, already damaged; we shot a hole dirough the
of moonlight and shudders convulsively. sharing dangers, poverty and hope with dragon's wing just as its breath weapon was
Patches of hair cover his body as he grows my new companions of fortune." finishing off our craft. The crash wrecked the
wicked fangs and claws. "Now, you under- invention, but we and the dragon survived;
stand who I really am!" The butler, now a Adventure Level: 26-30, Masters we had to kill it on the ground, using all of
werewotf, roars and leaps upon the bugbear. Topic: Becoming a Prince, court intrigues and our wit and bravery.
"Lock him up in the closet!" yells Max. power struggles

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

AOveNtuues IN CJlaNtni

cony when Luigi and the bugbear grab him.

"We brought the wreck back to school "Max, cool down! Stay put!" enough. The place was filled with magical
and declared it worked perfectly well, but "Mego nutz ifliss'n to 'nother story! Arrh, wards and undead horrors. We reached the
they refused to pay us. The wizards were an' 'ungry too!" whines the bugbear. laboratory and discovered a teleporting
furious at the great machine's destruction. "Ha! But you haven't heard the best!" con- device capable of pinpointing a single area
Fortunately, we received a pension from tinues Wilbur, now standing on the table. He in any tower of the nation. That much we
the Chamberlain, who was delighted at picks a guitar and plays a familar tune as he understood, but its exact mechanism was
the dragons' demise and the Great recalls another adventure... still obscure to us. We tried to take parts
School's consternation!" away to have them studied in our labora-
"Unfortunately, one of the meteors hit T. Leave and Let Die tory, but then a crowd of undead creatures
the mine entrance, blowing up the ore. broke in. Some we destroyed, others we
The mine owner was ruined and ended up "A couple of years later, I accepted a posi- managed to push into the teleporting
in the gutter. I guess he hated us for the tion as assistant to the Supreme Judge of device. We never found out where they
rest of his life, dragons or not!" the Council. I was in charge of the intelli- went... Some runes appeared on the device
gence branch of the General Constabulary. but they were hard to decipher, something
Adventure Level: 26-30, Masters It often happened I couldn't resist doing like Balhamdra, Aldambar, Almandra. We
Topic: Mass dragon slaughter the field work myself, a reason why I was never figured it out.
Interesting Features: A wondrous flying fired some time later. "Anyway, we left the place and blew up
machine loaded with utterly destructive "As months went by, we realized our the laboratory. The baron never knew what
weapons; a dragon battle like no man has branch had been infiltrated and some of struck him. The fire spread out in the tow-
fought before; a strange ore that attracts our best operatives were being killed. er and caused great damage. We never
dragons Worse, we had no suspect. When I got heard of the spies thereafter, but I was
Campaign Hook: The mine owner is ruined involved, though, I had no difficulty find- fired for lack of respect to a noble."
and later becomes a boss at the Thugs' ing two tiny holes in the victims' neck. My
Guild, an enemy of the PCs. first suspect was the Baron of Igorov. How Adventure Level: 26-30, Masters
he breached our security was a mystery. Of Topic: Boldavian vampires, the Circles of
"What! So he's the one who ruined me! I'll course, I joined the Igorov mission. Necromancy.
have his guts for this!" "Sneaking into the tower was tough Interesting Features: Exploring a deadly nec-
Furious, Max is about to jump off the bal- romancer's tower; a teleporting device

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)


linked to many distant places. hear its horrible giggle near the tower. to reappear at the student's belt.
Campaign Hook: Both the necromancer and All the magical doors have a small window
the owner of the tower the undeads U. Sample Graduation Test (the shape of the door's symbol) that allows
appeared in seek revenge on the "spies." the student to peek into the next area. The
DM Notes: The following is an example of student can see the symbol engraved in the
"So, you are the one who released all these what an aspiring wizard may be confronted next area as well as the symbols on its doors.
horrible monsters in my tower!" shouts an older with when attempting to reach 9th level at the Depending on the route the student fol-
senora. "I am the Princess ofBelcadiz and my Great School of Magic. lows, he may get stuck in a passage without
tower is Alhambra! Guards, seize him!" The day before the graduation, the master the keys to get out. If he is at an intersection,
At the same time, a servant appears at a informs his student that he should select a the student is teleported after Id4 rounds into
window overlooking the main hall, "Treach- series of spells for the test. He should not be one of the numbered areas; roll ldlO to find
ery! The Princess' jewels have been stolen!" given any information about the test, nor the area number. If he is stuck in a corridor, a
The guards move on Wilbur, and he points what types of spells he should memorize. one-way door automatically opens after Id4
his finger at a corridor, "There, there, the On the morning of the graduation test, the rounds into a numbered area (see Encounter
thieves! They're running away!" student is brought down to the School's Key in the next column).
As the guards turn around, Wilbur sprints dungeons. He is stripped of all his equip- All the doors in this dungeon can be
in the opposite direction. The thieves and the ment, save non-magical clothes, a mapping knocked open, including one-way doors. If
bugbear on the balcony stand up, thinking set, and a simple dagger (non-magical). He is the student is trapped somewhere, he can
themselves betrayed. not allowed to keep his spell book, scrolls or always cast a dispel magic, or a dimension
"To arms!" screams the Captain of the any sort of magical item. door to get past a magical door. The three last
Guards. "The E.L.F. is here with monsters!" At five in the morning, the master shows a doors near the exit cannot be magically tam-
Max, Luigi and the bugbear jump off the door to the student and informs him he must pered with (the student absolutely, positively
balcony, swing down a chandelier and crash on enter the graduation grounds through this door needs the right keys to get out). The entrance
a table. Meanwhile, Wilbur jumps out a win- and leave through the other exit before the end to the two north hallways (heart symbols)
dow into the canal. of the day, midnight. If he magically leaves the leading to the exit are fitted with a perma-
Pointing at Wilbur, Luigi screams, "Scum, area without getting past the final door, if he ment dispel magic. All spell effects in these
you sank my boat!" and jumps out the win- gets some outside help, or if he fails to leave the two hallways are automatically we had to
dow after Wilbur. area before time is up, the student flunks his test unveil dispelled.
"Yoo kaptoored my friendz! Kill, kill!" and must try again some time later.
The bugbear follows. Example of Play: The student enters the
"You ruined my career!" Max follows. Dungeon of Aces—House Rules: The student first area next to the entrance and picks up the
"You wrecked my tower and stole my starts at the top of the stairs marked "Entrance", ring with the heart key. He goes north to the
jewels!" The Princess follows. south of the graduation grounds. He must find a heart door and enters the next area. The dia-
"The Princess is drowning!" The hidalgos way to reach the stairs on the north side. At the mond key appears at the ring.
follow. bottom of the south stairs lies a metal ring with a The student then goes east through the dia-
"Haaaarw!" The werebutler follows. key that bears a heart symbol (all the corridors mond door, into the next area. The spade key
In the utter confusion, Wilbur, the two and intersections are lit with a continual light appears at his ring. Having no other option,
thieves and the bugbear make it to their gon- spell cast at 20th level). he returns to the previous area; the diamond
dola and paddle away from the mess. All the intersections in this dungeon are key disappears from the ring.
"And now, it's payday, old man!" snarls blocked by magical doors that bear a symbol He goes north into the club area. The club
Max. A nasty look appears on his face, while (a heart, a spade, a club, or a diamond). A key appears at the ring. He returns south to
Luigi and the bugbear look on, grinning. magical door is opened by simply touching it the diamond area, and the diamond key
"Now, now, let's not be naughty, boys! We with a magical key of the same symbol. The appears at the ring. At this point, the student
got out of the tower, didn't we? You know, I magic door closes after the student gets past. has all four keys.
really wasn 't doing this for the money; it was One of the four symbols is engraved in each To make the game easier for both the player
for fun. But there must be an end, even to the corridor and intersection. Each time the stu- and the DM, feel free to use four aces from a
best of times..." dent enters an area, the magical key corres- regular card deck. Every time a key appears at
Suddenly, Wilbur starts growing, taller and ponding to the area's symbol appears at the the ring, give the corresponding ace to the
heavier. Then wings sprout from his back, and metal ring. If the key was already at the ring, player; when a key disappears, take the ace
a tail, and fangs. In moments, Wilbur is a it disappears instead. A symbol only functions card from the player's hand.
huge, ancient gold dragon. Under his weight, once, when the student enters its area. The
his edge of the gondola suddenly goes under- symbol is reactivated after the student leaves Number of Moves: The number of moves
water; the see-saw effect propels the three fel- for the next area. the student makes and the time spent in num-
lows through the air, back into the mass of As the student progresses through the bered areas must be marked down. Each area
swimming, screaming elves. dungeon, his four keys will keep on appearing the student enters constitutes a move. At the
"Thank you so much for this charming eve- and disappearing from the metal ring. The end of the test, the total number of moves
ning! I will be back again some time! Raknaar keys do not come off the ring (opening a door counts against the student's victory points (see
the Dragon wishes you the best of luck!" The does not cause the key to be lost). The student conclusion at the end of this chapter). As an
huge creature launches itself into the night. cannot discard keys on purpose. Throwing the average, assume each move takes five rounds
And to this day, some people still say they ring and its keys into another area causes them (allowing enough time for observing through

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

AbveNtunes IN


windows, thinking, moving and opening 1. The Mirror of Life Trapping the deadly sphere and easily avoid it. A small
doors). Numbered encounters also affect the gate exists in the center of the room; however,
This dimly lit area is filled with an eerie veg-
extra time a student spends in each. it is blocked by a magical ward. A dispel magic
etation. Large mushrooms and glowing moss-
will break the ward and suck the blackball
es grow everywhere, leaving three narrow
DM Note: The student is under constant back into another plane.
winding paths leading to the three doors. The
observation from School officials and his mas- If the student gets close enough to the cen-
southern door is the only way out. The stu-
ter. They use scrying devices to follow his ter of the room, he can see a small tube float-
dent can only see ten feet away.
progress. Should he be wounded to the point ing inside the gate. The student can stretch his
A mirror of life trapping is bolted to the
of passing out, the PC will be rescued within arm into the gate and get hold of the tube. It
back of the exit door. Letters are painted on
Id4 rounds (an official telcports in, and res- contains a wand of secret door detection (with
the mirror, in very small characters, saying:
cues the PC with potions of healing and magi- 10 charges).
"Knock three times, and the door shall open.
cal help in case a monster was turned loose.) The student can open the door by pushing.
Search the purple flowers."
The player must roll ld20 under his Strength
The student may safely read the words by
Encounter Key: Whenever a student runs each round until the door gives way.
casting a wizard eye. He must otherwise make
out of keys, he is either randomly teleported
four saving throws or be drawn into the mir-
to the entrance of a numbered area (roll 3. The Eyes in Disguise
ror. The student can leave the area by casting a
ldlO), if he was in an intersection, or a one-
knock spell on the mirror, to open the door. This area is a large pit filled with burning
way door automatically opens, if the student
was in a hallway. Among the vegetation are 3d6 purple coal. Depending on which door the student
flowers. One of them contains a ring of fire came in, a narrow bridge stretches from his
A one-way door can only be used in the direc-
resistance. The student may locate the ring in alcove to the opposite door. The coal gives off
tion of the arrow (see map); however, it may be
Id6 rounds by casting a detect magic, or a dim reddish light, barely sufficient to see the
knocked open in any direction. Unless noted
spend Id4 hours looking for the right flower. narrow bridge.
otherwise, the numbered areas are dark.
The ceiling above the pit is a dark dome,
Once inside a numbered area, the student
2. Oblivious Darkness with the illusion of dozens of blinking red
must get past the area's obstacle to get back
eyes watching the student. Whispering and
out into the corridors. All of the numbered This area is totally dark. In the middle of
giggling sounds come from the illusion.
areas contain an item that could be useful for the room is a blackball (see Masters DM Book
the student, either in this dungeon or later in Each round the student walks across the
page 40). It starts moving toward the student
his career. The student will retain these items bridge, one of the eyes drops from the ceiling,
as soon as he enters the area.
if he graduates. screaming horribly. If the student believes the
A light spell will allow the student to see

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

A O V G N t U U C S IN

illusion, he must make a Dexterity check of not so." In one of the passages is a bronze 7. The lower of Knowledge
lose his footing. This just means that he stum- golem, waiting to hammer anything that
This room is a circular library. Overloaded
bles on the bridge; but three Dexterity checks attempts to get past (AC 0; HD 20**; MV 80';
bookshelves cover the walls from floor to ceil-
missed in a tow will cause the student to fall AT 1 fist + special; D 4-40; Save as F10; ML
ing. In the middle is a small table with a chair,
into the burning coal. The coal inflicts Id6 12; AL N; XP 4,300). The golem will not fol-
a pitcher of brandy, a crystal goblet and a
points of damage per round. The student can low the student out of the passage.
get out by casting movement spells (levita- In the second passage is a goblin armed
tioa, fly, dimension door, etc...) As soon as the student enters, the entire
with a dagger, cowering in an alcove. If the
room quietly rotates, blocking all exits.
A light spell will reveal the eyes are harm- student enters its passage, the goblin waits
Among the thousands of books in the library
less illusions designed to frighten him. A dis- until the student is past, then tries to sneak up
is a message that will enable the student to
pel magic has a. 50% chance of destroying the on him and attack him in the back (AC6; HD
leave the room. The student must search
illusions. The student will safely get across the 1-1; hp 7; MV 30'; AT 1 dagger; D Id4; Save
through the books to find the message. For
bridge with a dimension door. as NM; ML 7; AL C; XP 5). If the student
each hour of research, the student makes an
In the middle of the bridge, under a loose fights, the goblin drops its dagger and runs in
Intelligence Check. If he succeeds, he finds
stone, is a cylinder containing a magical scroll the opposite direction.
the message. If he fails, he must spend
with a charm monster spell. The student will The goblin has a pouch that contains two another hour searching through the books.
spot the loose stone once he knows the eyes are malfera's eyes and a nightcrawler's sting.
illusions and he actively searches for concealed These spell components may be precious to The scroll bears writings that require a read
items. the wizard later on if he graduates. magic spell to understand. It tells which books
to pull off the shelves and in which order to
The student can open the exit door by Although the alcoves in which the golem and
open the exit.
pushing hard. The player must roll ld20 the goblin stand guard are dark, they are not
affected by the continual darkness of the two The dome above the library is in the dark.
under his character's Strength each round
passages. The wizard may find the safer passage At its highest point, 15 feet above the floor, is
until the door gives way.
by casting a wizard eye or an ESP. In the latter a magical dagger +2 stuck between the
case, the wizard should locate the goblin's stones. Only the hilt sticks out of the stones.
4. Bagging Bear ~~ i—s The student may cast a spell allowing him to
thought: "Gee, I hope he takes the left passage.
Two bridges stretch across the room, form- I'm gettio' real tired ofbein' beat up..." reach the dagger (levitate or fly). If he does
ing crossroads in the middle. The area under not have these spells, he can pile up the books
At the end of both passages, the student and climb up to the dagger. For each five feet
the bridges is filled with water.
can open the exit door by pushing. The player of books, the student must make a Dexterity
On the opposite side of the room is a bug- must roll ld20 under his character's strength
bear (AC 5; HD 3 + 1 ; hp 15; MV30'; A T I Check or cause an avalanche of books. It takes
each round until the door gives way. an hour per five feet of books. Pulling the
club; D Id6 + 1 ; Save F3; ML 9; AL C; XP 75).
He has a potion of mirror image hanging at his dagger off the ceiling will open the door.
6. KoboldLand
belt. The bugbear is a prisoner and wants to The student may leave the library with as
leave the area. He will ask the student for the Twenty kobolds are kept prisoner in this many books he can carry (a book per point of
ring of keys in exchange for his potion. If the area. The floor is covered with straw. Mealy Strength). Remember die student has no
student refuses, the bugbear charges across remains are piled in the center of the room. As backpack and must carry anything he finds in
the bridge and attacks the student until he can soon as the student enters, the kobolds scam- his hands or any other way the player can
get hold of the keys. He then walks away and per up a rope ladder, to a 10' x 10' balcony think of. The books are worth ldlOO dc each
ignores the student. located 10' above the exit. Quickly, they pull for a wizard's library.
In the middle of the bridge is a wooden trap up the ladder and start shooting small stones
door. The student may cast a knock spell as the at the student (AC7; hp V2; MV 30'; AT 1 8. A World in a Bottle
bugbear runs across, or a fireball (or any other stone; D Id4; Save as NM; ML 6; AL C; XP 5).
Entering this area (or being teleported in)
spell he has available) to try to stop the bugbear. A portcullis blocks the exit. A winch located
causes the student to gate into a pocket uni-
If the monster is in the water and the student on die balcony will pull it up. The student can
verse, a small outer plane of 40' in diameter by
threatens to cast another spell, die creature will get rid of the kobolds by casting a Ere ball or a
10 feet high. The room is an alchemist's labo-
give up its potion in exchange for mercy. sleep spell. Survivors surrender and open the
ratory, complete with beakers, retorts, cruci-
Once the bugbear is dealt with, the student portcullis. The kobolds hide a potion of healing
bles and hundreds of jars.
can open the exit by pushing hard. The player under rags over on their balcony.
On the middle table is a bottle that glows an
must roll ld20 under his character's Strength If the student attempts to get at the door
eerie aura. Inside is a tiny laboratory widi some-
each round until the door gives way. without first neutralizing the survivors, the
one working. When the student approaches to
kobolds drop a net from the balcony and cap-
observe the bottle, the person inside turns
5. Deadly Passage ture the student. They use the winch to bring
around and shows its face: the student's. Imme-
him up. Spells casting through the net have a
All the entrances to this area lead to the diately, the student and die tiny prisoner are
50% chance of failing.
center of the room. There, the student has the transposed. The student finds himself in the
Once the portcullis is raised, the student bottle, and the prisoner appeals outside.
choice between two passages. Both of them
can open the exit door by pushing hard. The
are obscured with a continual darkness spell The ex-prisoner was a red imp by die name of
player must roll ld20 under his character's
cast at 30th level. Diabolus. After sinister laughter, Diabolus
Strength each round until the door gives way.
Above the two entrances is a note engraved warns the student that he will never let him out
in the rock, "Onepassage is deadly. The other of the bottle, unless he signs a special contract

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

AOveNtimes IN

with him, signing of his own blood. An ESP When the student enters, he falls upward gains respect or disdain from his peers.
should warn the student the imp is not lying, to the ceiling. To reach one of the two exit The student's master and several school
but his intentions are chaotic. If the student doors, the student must use a fly or levitate officials appraise the value of all the items he
accepts, he loses his soul to the laughing imp, spell, or may try to climb to the exit door. brought back with him, the monsters defeat-
but the creature drops a magical scroll that will A dozen gray oozes cling to the walls. If the ed, the number of uncast spells, and the time
enable the student to leave this area. For his own student climbs down, he will encounter three the student took to reach his result. Use the
sake, the imp disappears for some time. gray oozes, one after the other (AC8; HD 3*; victory points suggested below (based on the
If the student refuses, the imp stays in the labo- hp 13; MV 3'; AT 1; D 2d8; Save as F2; ML 12; experience values of items and monsters):
ratory, laughing and tormenting his captive. Trie AL N; XP 50). The student may fight the crea- Area #5 spell components 5,000
bottle cannot be broken from inside, but the stu- tures using any method available, or cast a Area #8 spell components 5,000
dent may exit using a dimension door. If the stu- s/cep spell on a portion of the wall. This causes Charm Monster scroll 4,400
dent does not have the proper spell, he may use three of the oozes to fall off, clearing a path Dagger +2 1,575
the laboratory to research a spell that will get him down to the exit. Elven cloak 9,000
out. Any second level spell or better should do. Behind a loose stone, under the first gray Magical keys remaining 2,000 each
The laboratory contains food, a library sufficient ooze the student runs into, is a scroll case. It Bronze Golem 4,300
for level 4 spells, and all components needed. It contains a scroll with a knock spell. The stu- Bugbear 75
does not, however contain any spell books, only dent may use it to open the exit door. When Goblin 5
information needed for the enchantments. this happens, the reverse gravity spell is dis- Imp 500
The peculiarity of this plane is its time factor. pelled and the student falls down, taking 2d6 Gray ooze 50 each
One full day in this plane is equal to a single turn points of damage. The door can otherwise be Kobold 5 each
in the student's real world. If the student observes opened with simple pressure of the hand. New Reduce spell on scroll 4,400
the area out of the botde in detail, he should spot Potion of Healing (3 doses) 1,300
a odd cuckoo clock. Its pendulum is neatly immo- 10. The Hourglass of Life Potion of Minor Image 2,200
Ring of Fire Resistance 12,000
bile, although the student will notice it changes Tiny bottle laboratory 8,000
The room is bare save for a ten-foot high
position slightly when he isn't looking. The hours Uncast spells 1,000/level
hourglass. Upon his arrival, the student is imme-
change as well, but very slowly. Wand of Secret Door Detection 12,000
diately teieported inside the hourglass's upper
If the student gets out using his newly half. The sand startsflowinginto the lower half. Add up the victory points given above and
acquired magic, the imp will cower to one end of No magic will allow the student out of the reduce the total 500 xp per move, and 200 per
the laboratory, begging for mercy. He pulls out a device. The sand is magical and causes the stu- turn spent in numbered areas. Check the
magical scroll that bears the secret to leave this dent to see his entire life and the graduation table below for results:
area. If the PC approaches, he threatens to rip ordeal. He sees himself running through the
the scroll apart. He lies. He has been the victim 0 or less: Mediocre Performance. The stu-
corridors of the graduation grounds while the dent's master is greatly offended and the
of a geas that forces him to turn over the scroll to sand keeps flowing. At this point the student
the student if the student has dearly defeated other magic-users consider the newly grad-
realizes the sand is slowly dragging him down. uated wizard a fraud.
him. Diabolus will try again to have the student
Runes are written inside the hourglass. If the 1 to 19,000: Average Performance. The stu-
sign the wicked contract, but if the student
student uses a read language oi z read magic, he dent graduates with no particular honors.
refuses again, the imp is teieported into the bot-
should understand the following: "fhw wrth No wizard will remember his performance.
de and drops the scroll on the floor.
the sand of tone, with time comes the wizards' 20,000 to 39,000: Good Show. The master is
If the student searches the area, he may find a experience." If the student casts a dispel magic
mandragora root (see "Critters from the Caul- flattered. Both he and his student gain
on the sand, he immediately appears at the exit, fame among wizards and nobility. The new
dron"), three archon feathers, and a new level 4 with no ill effect. If the student lets go, his body
spell that reduces the caster and his equipment wizard is well accepted among his peers.
turns into sand as heflowsinto the lower half of
to a 1" tall man (permanent until dispelled). 40,000 and over: Outstanding Performance.
the hourglass. He then wakes up an hour later at
The spell allows the student to use the tiny labo- The master is greatly flattered. Princes hear
the exit. The student is ten years older, gains a
ratory in the bottle. Anything created or sum- of the deed and consider the new wizard a
point of Intelligence (or 5,000 xp), but loses a
moned inside the bottle will stay at a size potentially dangerous rival.
point of Constitution.
appropriate to the tiny laboratory, until dis- If he successfully graduated, the student is
If the student resists the sand flow, he may
pelled. The student may take the bottle and the allowed to leave with all items he managed to
remain inside the hourglass. After 3d4 rounds,
imp with him. After uttering die magical runes acquire during his test. The keys are magical
the air gets thinner and the student sutlers one
on die scroll, the student appears on the other items with the following powers:
point of damage each subsequent round. At 1 hit
side of the one-way exit from area 8. Key of Heart: Allows saving throws versus
point, the hourglass shatters and frees die student
in the room. He permanently loses a point of all types of charms at +5.
9. The Oozing Pit Constitution. An erven cfcafc is hidden inside one Key of dub: Equivalent to a potion of luck,
of the wooden beams supporting the hourglass. usable once a day.
This area is an upside down pit with a perma-
The exit opens on simple hand pressure. Key of Diamond: Allows the user to cast a
nent reverse gravity spell cast at 20th level. The
free knock spell once per day.
ceiling of the room (the bottom of the upside
Ending the Graduation Ordeal Key of Spades: If the wearer ever falls to 1
down pit) is 40' above the entrance and is coated
hp, he may teleport to his laboratory upon
with a diick layer of straw. Numerous bricks stick
If the student reaches the north stairs, he uttering the command word (once a month).
out of the walls, allowing an easy climb.
graduates and becomes a 9th level wizard.
Depending on how well the student did, he

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

CRitteus fROM tl?€ CaulDRON
IMP- needed for spell casting and is terribly noisy. A wizard must designate a specific point of
If attacked, the blue imp dimension doors his laboratory to be the mandragora's spiritual
Annor Class: -5 away and comes back later. It will not rest tie (any unmovable item). This location can
Hit Dice: 1/2**** (1-4 hp) until it manages to undo the red imp's charm. never be changed. The creature must remain
Move: 120'(40') Once this is done, the two creatures disappear within 100 feet of this area throughout its life
Flying: 180'(60') and never show up again. If cornered, a blue (until destroyed or its creator dies). When
Attacks: 1 bite, 1 tail, or 1 weapon imp summons a small harp producing a time alone, the manikin hides in shadows as a 10th
Damage: 1-3, 1-3, or 3-6 stop, which it uses to get to safety. If killed, level thief and observes unexpected visitors in
No. Appearing: 1 (or two) both the blue imp and the harp teleport back its creator's laboratory. If discovered, it can
Save As: M-U21 to the Sphere of Matter. blend into wood or stone and escape. A mani-
Morale: 7 ' kin's Dexterity is rolled on d4 +14 (15-18).
Treasure Type: Nil MaN/7u'N- The manikin's creator can read its mind and
Alignment: Chaotic or Lawful memory as clearly as a book. He mentally con-
XP Value: 500 Armor Class: 6 trols the manikin and often uses it as an assist-
Hit Dice: 1/2* (1-4 hp) ant when working in his laboratory. When the
Red Imp: This is a small but very intelligent Move: 120'(40') wizard is performing a complex experiment,
creature from the Sphere of Entropy. It is a Attacks: nil the manikin automatically senses its creator's
foot-tall humanoid, with two bat wings in the Damage: special (dying shriek) needs and performs that task. Using the help
back, two little horns on its head, a pointy No. Appearing: variable of manikins when making alchemical
tail, and rubbery skin. The imp often wears a Save As: M-U 1 products or magical items increases the success
small cloak. Morale: 6 chances 3% per manikin to a maximum of
The imp seeks to destroy those who Treasure Type: Nil 12%. A mage can enchant as many manikins
befriend it by offering help in exchange for Alignment: Neutral as desired (as long as he can find the roots).
their souls. It desires to trick a victim into sign- XP Value: 30 A dying manikin produces the same shriek
ing a contract with his own blood. Upon gain- as the mandragora's root and its creator suffers
ing its seventh soul, it becomes a minor The manikin, ormandragora, is a rare plant a permanent loss of hp equal to his manikin's.
demon in the Sphere of Entropy. in its original form. The 10"-long root has a
If the victim dies later on, it cannot be gnarled humanoid shape, with a few leaves N o s f e n a t u (fitOM QAZi): NA 1-4; AC
raised by any means. The only recourse is to growing on the top. If uprooted, it oozes 2; HD 7-9**; AT Bite, Weapon, or Special; D
find the imp and destroy the contract. The blood and shrieks horribly. To uproot it, one 1-4 (bite), by weapon type, or by magic type;
imp will help the victim as per the contract, must save vs. death spell or die in agony as the MV 120' (40'), flying 180' (60'); Save as char-
but always indirectly, and in a way to get the plant shrieks. Mandragora is usually harvested acter class at level; ML 11; TT F; Alignment
victim in trouble. by being tied to a dog; the dog dies when Any; XP 1250 (HD 7), 1750 (HD 8), 2300
The imp likes to imitate the face of its vic- pulling out the plant, but the root can then (HD 9) if Fighter or Thief; 1650, 2300, 3000 if
tim. It has infravision and can use a charm safely be picked up. Only one mandragora MU or Cleric. This is an undead creature
monster spell once per day, dimension door grows within a 24-mile area and an Intelli- much like a vampire, except that it does not
three times a day, move up to 500 en of objects gence check is needed to spot the plant (it drain energy levels: It drinks blood. It has all
at a 100' range, and turn invisible at will. It takes ten years to grow to a useful size). Glan- the abilities of the vampire, but may choose
speaks all humanoid languages, is immune to trian hills are a favorable terrain for mandra- whether its victims come back as nosferatu or
fire and cold based attacks, and all mind gora. not. It has most of the same weaknesses as the
affecting spells. If forced to fight, the imp will The root can be treated by an alchemist vampire. It retains the character class and level
summon a small trident ( + 2 magical weap- well-versed in mandragora science to produce it attained in life, and (at DM discretion) may
on). When destroyed on the prime material various compounds, such as soporifics, narcot- continue gaining in experience level as an
plane, the imp turns to ashes. Its weapon ics, anesthetics, hallucinogens, aphrodisiacs undead. Very powerful nosferatu can go
turns into a cursed -2 weapon. or medications that improve conception. Only abroad by day. Fighter and cleric nosferatu can
Blue Imp: It is a native of the Sphere of one compound can be produced from each wear armor, though it does them no good
Matter. It is pearly blue with a faint golden root and the effect is up to the DM. The root is unless it gives them an AC better than 2. They
aura over its head instead of horns. Its wings also a major component for potions of invul- often use weapons and magic in combat.
are feathery, it has no tail, and wears a translu- nerability, heroism, treasure rinding, plant VaMpiRC R o s e <fiu>M B3): NA 1-8 (l-
cent white robe. control, and various philters of love. 8); AC 8; HD 4*; AT 1 + blood drain; D 1-8;
The blue imp has the same abilities as a red Wizards familiar with mandragora science MV 30'; Save F2; ML 12; TT Nil; AL C; SA
imp, but is lawful. Every time a red imp can create a manikin from a root. The victim hit must save vs. spells or allow blood
charms a victim, a blue imp has a 3% chance enchantment requires a permanent create drain; XPV 125. These look like normal white
per level of the victim of appearing on its normal monsters spell effect. rose bushes, but can uproot themselves and
opposite side. It will imitate the face of the A manikin is a 10" high humanoid with a move about slowly. Thorns do 1-8 damage,
victim and attempt to use its charm abilities to grey or brown rubbery skin. It does not speak and blood loss is 1-8 points of damage per
undo that of the red imp. If it fails, it follows nor write and has a mere animal intelligence. round.
the victim everywhere, trying to convince him It has the ability to blend with wood (and
to come to his senses, constantly arguing with move within its fibers at a rate of 10' per
the red imp; this prevents the concentration round) and with stone (5' per round).

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)


A coNvensatioN wizards' laboratories—that's how they call "Now, get this; Not even clerics can enter
their torture chambers. They injected him this realm, even to help the widow and the
oventjeanO IN a taveiw of with all sorts of poisons, took flesh from his orphan. Gran'Pappy saw them burn a dozen
SpeculanuM, betweeN a body, gouged out his left eye, and even cut off men of faith on the main plaza. They claimed
OwanveN iNkeepen aNO his hair and beard... for spell components, they were guilty of heretical worship and act-
tnavelens: they said! After building a wooden leg to ing against the people's best interests. They
replace the one the wizards amputated, he have their own religion, the Temples of Rad.
"Ha! The scum of the world, that's what managed to escape with a prison mate—a Who has ever heard of such a god?
they are! They live in a world where every- werewolf they regularly drained of blood for "But I hear some clerics are secretly infil-
thing is ruled by magic. There is no freedom nefarious experiments. Together they man- trating the land to organize underground
for those like you and me; no respect for life, aged to flee through the great mountains that resistance activities. Good for them! The
no beauty of stone, no pride of steel, no joy of surround this land of horror. Archclericies and the King of Rockhome
drinking a mug of good ale and dying on the "The wizards have never stopped their would pay dearly for the destruction of the
battlefield... Only darkness and slavery to the experiments on dwarves and halflings. This is evil wizards' dynasty. I'd like to let them feel
wizards remain. not a place for an honest man to visit. Isn't the fine edge of my axe; show me one Glantr-
even a decent career to be had in their army. ian wizard, and I, Thrumbar Shieldkroten,
"Trust me, these are evil barbarians. Liter-
Wizards are everywhere, controlling every- swear to avenge those who perished in this
ate they are, but their hearts are cold. Listen:
thing. This is a realm where a man needs a land."
Gran'Pappy Shieldkroten, my great grand
uncle, went over there some two hundred filthy piece of parchment to grant him the
years ago, with his whole family. Rumor had it right to dig a mine or bear arms and armor. It's
fantastic gold mines were discovered in the got to be legal, they say! You need a license for
mountains. But the wizards of Glantri blamed this, a license for that; I am amazed they
some plague on us, the dwarves, and drove us haven't come up yet with a license for having
out of their land like cattle. These were the licenses! Yet, their mountains hide many
Years of Infamy. wealths and secrets, just begging for dwarven
hammers to pry them out. There are still tun-
"Like many others who refused to leave,
nels and caves in those hills; Gran'Pappy used
Gran'Pappy Shieldkroten was taken to the
them during his escape. "1987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

AN inconsiderately, to rise the taxes on business to But there are days I am not so proud of being an
unacceptable levels. Soon, all the merchants elf either. The two elven princesses are bitter
speakiNQ to a fnieNO IN a gathered and formed their own guild. We had foes. The Belcadiz Clan claim they lived in these
book stjop of DanokiN: a few difficulties then, but things got better. lands long before the arrival of the humans and
Now all merchants dealing in Glantri, either the elves of Erewan. Erewani are descendants of
"Yes, my friend, business is booming. Last local or foreigners, must belong to the guild. Alfheim. I feel the Belcadiz are a marginal clan
year only, I sold more than ten thousand gold "I started a new business in Glantri City. My and they should not dictate to major communi-
pieces' worth of art. I own three farms in wife handles all the details. She is now in the ties what they think is right. Why, no later than
Darokin. The majority of the crop is sent to Monster Hunting business. You would be last month our monster shop in Glantri City was
Glantri, via the Broken Lands. The risks are amazed by the number and the variety of crea- blown to pieces. The constables said there was
great, but the wizards pay well. tures the wizards need for their experiments. A evidence F.A.E.R.Y. was guilty. They are a gang
"You should try to go there one day. It's a fas- lot of them are wild, dangerous monsters from of criminals paid by the Belcadiz to spread terror
cinating nation. If magic came in coins, this the forests and the mountains. Some of them are among the elves of Alfheim. Not that I sympa-
would be the Glantrian currency. Everything even captured in outer planes. Glantri City has thize with E.L.F., the Erewan equivalent to
important works with magic; only wizards have its own market for wild creatures. The wizards do F.A.E.R.Y, but I decided to join them for pro-
status. Fortunately, we elves are welcome there. not necessarily use all these creatures in their lab- tection.
We are free to come and go as we please. oratories. Some also become charmed guards, "I've gained quite a bit of popularity in
"Of course, you must follow the local rules. spell components, or practical ways of making a Glantri City and business is still good. Per-
The people of Glantri are fond of organiza- device work—I once saw a fire elemental used in haps one day I might be interested in politics.
tions, guilds and other brotherhoods. Just a heating device! When I have enough gold saved, I will start
about every aspect of the trade belongs to a "As far as business is concerned, all is fine. studying at the Great School of Magic. With
guild. Don't you go cast a spell there without However, there are days I am concerned with the some luck I might become a wizard myself! I
a license! The members must usually pay infernal rivalries of the wizards. Humans are pre- heard there were many secrets to be learned
some fee in order to be allowed to practice dominant, and I'm sure this is responsible for there. At least for the sake of curiosity, I'll take
their professions. In exchange for the fee, the the chaotic state of the nation's political affairs. a few credits, just to have a feel of what it is
member often earns some sort of protection. With a little luck, a number of elves in the like to be a Glantrian wizard."
"Years ago, business was a little shakier. nation's ruling class could improve all this.
The wizard-princes of Glantri decided, rather "Out often principalities, two are elven clans. ®1987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)


A soncenen fnoM tlje CJneat Aalban who are a strange half-Alphatian, half- small size, enter the bottle, and conjure a minor
Scljool of Magic talldNG to Thyatian lot, the Virayanas of Krondahar who demonic creature. When he left the bottle and
used to be Ethengarian wizards, and finally, the regained his normal size, he took the creature out
a wizanO IN a fan couNtny: di Malapietras of Caurenze who are suspected of of the bottle with a pair of tweezers and dropped
dealing with Thyatis. it into his pocket! Every year, new wizards pass the
"Oh, yes, things are fine now. The wizard- "Once you know about the goals of each of test and come out with some incredible item...
princes' authority is unchallenged. There were these major families, you should have no difficul- and the precious diploma!
difficulties at one time with the Khanate of ty dealing with them. %u may even want to relo- "I am sure you'll have no difficulty adjusting
Ethengar, but right now there is no fear of inva- cate there for all the benefits. The Great School of to the life in Glantri City. It is a unique place
sion. Our troops are perhaps the best in this area Magic offers many services for the wizards who can where water canals replace the streets. During
of the world and magic will always be in our favor. afford the teaching fees. There are many secrets to day hours, heavy gondola traffic clutters the
At last, Glantri has become the heaven of magic- be learned. There are secret sects within the main canals. It is a cosmopolitan city that offers
users. It is a nation created by wizards for wizards. school, sects who use special powers only they many diversions. Among the highlights are the
"So far, there are ten princes ruling at the understand. I tried to join one of the sects, but City Library, Alexander Platz where the who's
Council. Another thirty nobles control the they wouldn't even consider my request. I think who of wizardry enjoys an evening stroll, the
Parliament to handle litigious cases from the they look for people with more experience. Entertainers' Quarter where all the fun can be
Council and lesser business. Great rivalries "%u should see the laboratories in the school, found, the Monsters Fair in the Merchants'
divide the nobles, but this isn't new. Most of and all the facilities at the students' disposal. Quarter, the Temples of Rad where one can
them are aligned with one of the princes. Since in Glantri all the nobles must hold a diplo- meditate and improve one's intellect, and
"The most powerful families are the d'Am- ma of high wizardry from the Great School of finally, the imposing Citadel. The latter contains
brevilles of Averoigne, who control the Great Magic, it may be a good idea to study there for the city garrison and the Council's Tower.
School of Magic, the McGregors of Klantyre and some time and attempt the graduation test. I Remember never to remain in the Citadel's
the Gorevitch-Woszlanys of Boldavia who are was told it was a difficult ordeal and that only Quarter at night. A creature of darkness guards
suspected of necromancy, the Vlaardoens of the best manage to get through. the area against intruders. Avoid the Tower of
Bergdhoven who are of old Flaemish origins, the "The thing that impressed me the most was Sighs, the city's prison. Visitors are not welcome
Aendyrs of Blackhill who may be related to what my grandfather found when he graduated anywhere near this sinister place."
Alphatia, the elves of Belcadiz and Erewan who fifty years ago. It was a tiny laboratory inside a bot-
are long-time foes, the Von Drachenfels of de. He said he was able to reduce himself to a ®1987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

A stonytellen netined to ttje is finished, it is wise to leave to another place shame; life without faith is like a rose in the
Isle of IeneNOi, telliNG for some time. The more powerful the wizard, desert! I was told they had some subversive
the more gold there is to earn, but the higher influence over the military establishment in
about tjis exploit aNO qooo the danger. Thieves in Glantri had better the capital. I wouldn't be surprised to hear
fontuNe to tjis know their classic magic traps and wards or about a military coup against wizards one of
else they'd never survive long. A wizard's tow- these days. Things may get ugly there if it
er is one of the deadliest places to rob; but happens.
"Yes, my children, I was quite rich then. At most anything taken from there is worth a for- "Then, there is the rivalry between nobles.
the time, I was working with a fellow named tune. Only wizards can be nobles according to the
Luigi. A fine guy, Luigi. You could always "I took me a mere five years to establish my law. All of them want to become a prince at
trust him to get you out of the city if you were own branch among the Fellowship of the the cost of another. One day, I was hiding in a
in trouble. Together we pulled off incredible Pouch. I was responsible for all operations prince's palace, spying for another wizard.
stings in the streets of Glantri City. within a five block area at the capital. I had Hoping to unveil some secret, I quietly fol-
"I was sixteen when I left Ylaruam, being over thirty men working for me and paying lowed the man into a crypt. There he spoke to
in trouble with the law there. I came to Glan- their dues. City life was fine. It wasn't long a glowing sphere. I could have sworn he was
tri in search of adventure, and adventure did I before I accumulated an incredible hoard. I talking to Rad himself! Rad is he whom the
find! Huge fortunes constantly change hands spent most of it buying all sorts of magical people of Glantri worship. The prince was
there. In a land where magic is the prime ele- inventions, like heaters, machines that make talking about getting through a golden door
ment of society, lots of gold is needed to fur- pictures and sounds, clean dishes, clothes, or and become immortal. He was a fool, for sure,
ther one's interests. Wizards abound in this keep food cold. I even bought a flying carpet but a dangerous one!
place, spending fortunes to gain secrets, arti- to travel at my leisure. "I was getting too old to be annoying
facts, or books. When gold does not work, "Once in a while I joined adventurous princes. Soon after I got out of there I gath-
then wizards call upon the help of yours truly! expeditions to see some of the nation's wilder- ered my most precious belongings and flew
A thief in Glantri is never out of work. ness. The most frightening places are the away. That's how, I came about to retire in this
"Don't think it is an easy life. These wiz- Glantrian hills. We ran into things like vam- pleasant country and swear never to return to
ards have no honor and their word isn't worth pires, werewolves, and carnivorous plants! We that fascinating land."
much. They dislike witnesses and when a job encountered a cleric who tried to convert us.
Clerics are renegades over there. What a ®1987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

MaiN School
Masten's COWCR
CclGstial ObscRvatORy
of Rao
CjRiffON ITakG-Off ARGa
Maqic D O O R
GuauO House

«1987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

SCALE: I " = 2 O FEET!

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)
Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

PuiNcipalities of
by Bnuce HeanD
"It is eanly, aNt) low oven the MOUNtaiNS the
SUN sets the sky ablaze. The little net) cneatune
yawNS, stnetches its SMall batwiNqs, aNfc
scnatches its honNy heaO. SuODeNly, a QONQ
echoes iN the KOOM below, MakiNQ the
cneatune JUMP. AlMost falliNQ, it qnabs hoIO of
the lanqe statue ON which it was sleepiNQ."
DOWN below, the stubeNts ane pnepaniNQ
fon thein Daily bannaqe Of counses IN
qeoqnaphy, ecoNOMics, histony, noyal liNeaqes,
aNC> Massive Maqical iNStnuctioN (iNCluOiNQ
New spell neseanch aND castiNQ). It is nuMoneO
[ that each of the school's iNstnuctons is a
MCMben (on leaOen) of ONG of the SeveN
Secnet Cnafts—with stnaNqe, New abilities.
All who COMG to on live iN QlaNtni ane
seanchiNQ fon a secnet—the Secnet of the
RaOiaNce, a Mythical fonce coveniNQ the whole
of the PniNCipalities. Now youn chanactens
caN JOIN the aOveNtune, with this Qazetteen™.
Hene ane coMplete Maps of the PRiNcipalities,
a stneet Map of the capital, aNO all the
iNfonMatioN you'll NeeO to iNtenact with the
citizeNS—people nuleO by wizanO-pniNces, Not
all of theM satisfied with that situatiON . . .
®1987 tISR, INC. All Rights ReseRveO. PniNteO iN U.S.A.


POB 756 The Mill. RatftMone RoaO
Lake GeNcva. CaMbuitxje CB14AD
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ISBN O-88O;S-485-9

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Jaime Torres Fernandez (Order #10577618)

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