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Module Name Customer Experience Strategy

Student Reference Number


Assessment Title

Declaration of Original Work:

I hereby declare that I have read and understood BPP’s regulations on plagiarism and that this
is my original work, researched, undertaken, completed, and submitted in accordance with the
requirements of the BPP School of Business and Technology.
The word count, excluding contents table, bibliography, and appendices, is 2,650 words.

Student Reference Number: __________ Date: ______

The importance of customer experience.........................................................................................................3
Defining Customer Experience....................................................................................................................3
CX's Importance to ChenOne.......................................................................................................................3
Defining Consumer Persona and Its Role in CX Strategy..................................................................................3
Generation Z Consumer Persona for ChenOne............................................................................................4
Defining the Customer Journey and Its Importance in CX Strategy.................................................................5
Mapping the Customer Journey for the Generation Z Consumer Persona (Sarah)......................................5
Defining Omnichannel Marketing and Its Role in CX Strategy.........................................................................6
The Role of Customization in Omnichannel Marketing................................................................................6
ChenOne's Omnichannel Marketing Channels............................................................................................6
Customer Experience (CX) Performance Metrics: CES and CE.........................................................................7
Customer Effort Score (CES):........................................................................................................................7
Customer Experience (CE):..........................................................................................................................7
Importance of CES and CE for ChenOne......................................................................................................7
CX Critical Success Factors (CSFs): Structure, People, and Measurement....................................................8
1. Structure:.................................................................................................................................................8
2. People:.....................................................................................................................................................8
3. Measurement:.........................................................................................................................................8
Implementing CX Critical Success Factors in a Company:................................................................................8
Comparing CX Processes in ChenOne and Facebook:..................................................................................8
The importance of customer experience
The Customer Experience (CX) strategy of ChenOne, a well-known Pakistani retail company, is
the subject of this article. The significance of CX, consumer personas, the customer journey,
omnichannel marketing, performance indicators, and CX processes are all covered.
Defining Customer Experience
Customer experience, or CX for short, is a broad notion that includes all encounters and views a
customer has with a business over the course of their relationship with it(Bonfanti et al., 2023). It
includes a variety of touchpoints, such as those that occur before, during, and after a purchase.
Beyond simple transactions, CX captures the full interaction between a consumer and a business by
emphasizing the emotional, psychological, and sensory components of a customer's experience.
CX's Importance to ChenOne
CX is crucial in the case of ChenOne for a number of reasons. First off, the retail sector is by its
very nature competitive, and the Pakistani market is no exception. The success of the company
depends not only on the caliber of its goods but also on the complete experience it provides to its
clients. A key factor in setting ChenOne apart from its rivals is CX(Calza et al., 2023).
In Pakistan, shopping is also a very important cultural and social practise. It is more than just a
transaction; rather, it is an event that frequently involves families and friends. ChenOne conducts
business in a nation where shoppers have a wide range of preferences and deep emotional ties to
their purchases. In order to succeed in this setting, ChenOne must not only provide high-quality
goods but also an experience that speaks to the cultural and emotional nuances of its target
market(Gao et al., 2023).
Customer advocacy and loyalty are fostered by effective CX management, which is essential for
repeat business and fruitful word-of-mouth promotion. This translates into keeping an existing
consumer base that is loyal and luring new customers in the retail sector(Hague and Hague, 2023).
Customers' enduring impressions, which spread to their friends in a domino effect, are what fuel
business expansion.
Additionally, a variety of consumer goods, including everything from clothing to furniture, are
included in ChenOne's product offers. These products frequently evoke strong personal and
emotional responses in consumers, and their total shopping experience has a big impact on how
they view the brand. The attractiveness of ChenOne's items is further enhanced by a seamless and
enjoyable browsing experience, making it the go-to retailer for people seeking high-quality goods
and a memorable shopping adventure(Hoodi and Hasangholi Pouryasouri, 2023).

Defining Consumer Persona and Its Role in CX Strategy

A consumer persona is a thorough, somewhat fictional depiction of the ideal client for a specific
good or service(Kim and Kim, 2023). To better understand the target population, it is based on
market research, analytics, and actual consumer insights. By assisting businesses in customizing
their goods, services, and marketing initiatives to match the distinct needs, tastes, and behaviors of
their target customers, consumer personas play a significant part in the development of CX
strategies. Because of this alignment, customers have more efficient and personalized experiences,
which boosts customer satisfaction, loyalty, and business success(Kumar et al., 2023).
Generation Z Consumer Persona for ChenOne


Name: Sarah

Age: 22

Occupation: Student

Location: Urban City

Lifestyle: Active and Social

Sarah, a 22-year-old student, discovered
ChenOne's online store to effortlessly find
trendy, eco-friendly fashion, saving time and
supporting ethical brands.

PROFILE: Motivations:
 Tech-Savvy: Fashion Trends: Keen to stay updated with the
Comfortable latest fashion trends.

with digital Convenient Shopping: Prefers shopping online for

technology and ease and efficiency.

 Environmental
ly Conscious:
Values eco-
friendly and Goals:
products.  Trendy Shopping: Aims to find stylish
clothing and accessories.

 Fashion-  Time-Saving: Prefers to save time by

Forward: Stays avoiding in-store shopping.
updated on
fashion trends.
 Value
Seeks time- Pain Points:
saving solutions
 Time Constraints: Limited time due
in a fast-paced to studies and social commitments.
 Ethical Shopping: Seeks options to
shop sustainably and support
ethical brands.
A portion of ChenOne's target market is represented by Sarah, a consumer persona from Generation
Z. ChenOne's CX strategy is tailored to deliver a seamless online purchasing experience that is
consistent with her lifestyle and values by taking into account the customer's demographics,
motivations, goals, and pain points. ChenOne can successfully address Sarah's needs and produce a
positive CX that appeals to her and others like her by providing eco-friendly products, a practical e-
commerce platform, and current fashion items(Kumar et al., 2023).

Defining the Customer Journey and Its Importance in CX Strategy

A consumer's interactions and touchpoints with a business or brand during their whole experience,
from first learning about the good or service to maintaining a relationship with them after the sale,
make up their customer journey(Marutschke, 2023). At each level of the customer's connection
with the brand, it entails comprehending their journey, actions, emotions, and needs. Customer
journey mapping is essential to CX planning because it enables businesses to understand how
customers interact with their goods and services, pinpoint pain points, and find areas for
development. An organization may improve and personalize its CX by comprehending the
customer journey, which will ultimately increase customer happiness and loyalty(Nuseir et al.,
Mapping the Customer Journey for the Generation Z Consumer Persona (Sarah)

Stage Activities Feelings and Needs Potential Opportunities for

Awareness - Online ads and - Curiosity and - Improved targeted marketing
social media interest in fashion and personalization
exposure trends
Research - Browsing - Excitement about - Enhanced website user
ChenOne's website trendy fashion experience and product
Consideration - Exploring product - Desire for eco- - Highlight eco-friendly
listings friendly options products and ethical practices
Purchase - Adding items to - Convenience and - Streamline the checkout
the online cart satisfaction in choices process and offer multiple
payment options
Post-Purchase - Tracking order - Anticipation of - Provide real-time tracking and
status and delivery product arrival delivery notifications
Loyalty and - Sharing her - A sense of - Create a loyalty program and
Advocacy experience with community and brand incentivize referrals
friends loyalty

Mapping Each stage of Sarah's customer journey reflects both her emotional and practical
demands. boosting customization in marketing, boosting the user experience on the website,
highlighting eco-friendly products, expediting the checkout process, providing transparent tracking,
and fostering brand loyalty through advocacy programmers can all be done to enhance the
customer's experience. Through this mapping, ChenOne is able to develop a CX strategy that meets
Sarah's needs and leaves a favorable, long-lasting impression(Nwachukwu and Affen, 2023).
Defining Omnichannel Marketing and Its Role in CX Strategy
In order to give customers a seamless and uniform experience across all touchpoints, omnichannel
marketing merges diverse sales and marketing platforms. Its basic tenet is that regardless of the
channel selected, people can interact with brands through a variety of online and offline channels,
and brands should offer a consistent and tailored experience. Breaking down walls between various
marketing and sales channels is at the heart of omnichannel marketing, which aims to create a
seamless and integrated customer journey(Nwachukwu and Affen, 2023).
The Role of Customization in Omnichannel Marketing
The goal of omnichannel marketing customization is to cater to the preferences and needs of each
customer. To personalize marketing messages, product recommendations, and interactions, data
about consumer behavior and preferences must be gathered, analyzed, and used(Olorunsola et al.,
2023). Because it enables businesses to offer clients pertinent and personalized content,
customization is essential to omnichannel marketing and improves the customer experience.
ChenOne's Omnichannel Marketing Channels
ChenOne utilizes a range of sales and marketing channels to connect with customers, including:
1. actual storefronts: ChenOne has actual retail storefronts in Pakistan that let clients do in-
person transactions(Pacheco et al., 2023).
2. Online store: ChenOne provides online shopping through its online store, allowing
customers to browse and buy things from the convenience of their homes.
3. Mobile App: To further improve the online purchasing experience, the company also offers
a mobile app for easy smartphone shopping.
4. Social media: To interact with customers and promote its products, ChenOne keeps a robust
social media presence on websites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitte(Ponsignon, 2023)r.
5. Email Marketing: ChenOne uses email marketing to let customers know about new
products, discounts, and special offers.
Effectiveness of ChenOne's Omnichannel Marketing in Achieving a Seamless Customer
Through the use of omnichannel marketing, ChenOne has made considerable progress towards a
seamless consumer experience. A wide range of customers' needs are met via the merging of
physical stores and internet platforms. Here is a review on its efficiency:
1. Consistency: ChenOne consistently communicates its brand message and image across all
platforms. This consistency helps people recognize and trust a brand(Veloso and Gomez-
Suarez, 2023).
2. Personalization: The company leverages customer information to make online shopping
more enjoyable for customers by providing specialized product recommendations and niche
3. Convenience: ChenOne accommodates a wide range of client preferences with both online
and offline solutions. Both the mobile app and the website offer an easy-to-use buying
experience(Vijayakumar, 2023).
4. Integration Across Channels: ChenOne has successfully spanned the divide between online
and offline channels. For instance, buyers can use the website or app to check whether a
product is available in real stores.
5. Communication: The company keeps in touch with customers via social media, email, and
SMS to alert them of sales and new arrivals(Zha et al., 2023).
However, there are opportunities for improvement:
1. personalization: To provide more accurate product suggestions, ChenOne could increase
personalization by making investments in cutting-edge data analytics and machine learning.
2. Inventory management: By ensuring real-time synchronization of inventory across
channels, it is possible to lessen the annoyance that out-of-stock items generate in
customers(Bonfanti et al., 2023).

Customer Experience (CX) Performance Metrics: CES and CE

Customer Effort Score (CES):
The Customer work Score is a statistic used to determine how much work customers must expend
when interacting with a business in order to accomplish a task. Customers are frequently
questioned, for example, "On a scale from 1 to 7, how much effort did you have to put into
resolving your issue today?" High scores suggest a seamless and effortless experience, whereas low
scores indicate greater effort(Bonfanti et al., 2023).
Customer Experience (CE):
Customer Experience is a more comprehensive review of the customer's total encounter with a
brand, taking into account factors like ease of use, contentment, and loyalty. It is frequently
quantified through surveys or feedback methods. It's a comprehensive evaluation of how a
consumer feels about the entire experience, from first contact to post-purchase assistance(Calza et
al., 2023).
Importance of CES and CE for ChenOne
For ChenOne, these CX performance metrics are of great importance for several reasons:
1. Easy Shopping: The retail sector is incredibly competitive. ChenOne can monitor the CES
to make sure that clients, whether making purchases in-person or online, are not subjected
to needless hassle. A low CES indicates a simpler purchasing procedure, which is critical
for ensuring consumer happiness(Gao et al., 2023).
2. Quick issue resolution: Keeping track of CES is essential in situations where consumers
have problems or questions. It enables ChenOne to quickly locate and fix any customer
service bottlenecks. Quick issue resolution reduces turnover and increases customer loyalty.
3. End-to-End Experience: Whereas CES concentrates on certain encounters, CE offers
ChenOne a more comprehensive viewpoint on the complete customer journey. Insights into
how well the brand is living up to its promises and whether it is satisfying customer
expectations from the awareness through post-purchase phases are provided by CE, which
assesses overall satisfaction and loyalty(Hague and Hague, 2023).
4. Long-Term Customer Loyalty: Strong CE ratings are often associated with higher levels of
customer loyalty. Customers are more likely to become repeat customers and brand
evangelists when they have a wonderful experience with ChenOne. Revenue and brand
reputation are directly impacted by this(Hoodi and Hasangholi Pouryasouri, 2023).
To ensure a complete picture of its customer experience performance, ChenOne is advised to
regularly monitor both CES and CE. While CES provides insights into certain pain areas and
pinpoints problems that may be motivating or dissatisfying customers, CE delivers a more
thorough, qualitative assessment of overall customer satisfaction(Kim and Kim, 2023).
ChenOne should regularly poll its customers and collect their feedback, especially after a purchase,
in order to use these analytics efficiently. Finding patterns and trends in the data is crucial. For
instance, ChenOne can act right away to simplify the procedure and minimize work if CES scores
reveal that customers commonly experience problems with the online checkout process(Kumar et
al., 2023).
CX Critical Success Factors (CSFs): Structure, People, and Measurement
1. Structure:
 A well-defined plan that is in line with corporate objectives is the first step in a successful
CX programmer. The company's commitment to delivering a good customer experience and
the resources devoted to accomplishing it should be expressed in the plan.
 Cross-Functional Teams: Effective CX frequently necessitates departmental collaboration.
Cross-functional teams can be created to solve customer problems and opportunities, which
can help to eliminate silos and improve the customer experience(Kumar et al., 2023).
2. People:
 Client-Centric Culture: It's crucial to establish a culture where the demands of the client
come first for everyone within the organization. Training, communication, and leadership
support may all be necessary for this cultural change.
 Employee Engagement: Highly competent customer service is more likely to be provided
by motivated personnel. It's critical to find, develop, and keep staff members that are
enthusiastic about offering satisfying customer experiences(Marutschke, 2023).
3. Measurement:
 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Establish and monitor KPIs that support CX
objectives. Churn rates, customer effort score (CES), customer satisfaction (CSAT), and net
promoter score (NPS) are examples of common KPIs.
 Constant input: Establish a procedure for gathering and evaluating client input. Tools for
social listening, surveys, and feedback can offer insightful information on a regular
basis(Nuseir et al., 2023).

Implementing CX Critical Success Factors in a Company:

1. Structure: Create a crystal-clear CX strategy that explains the organization's dedication to
customer centricity. Create cross-functional teams to handle the various CX responsibilities,
including product development, marketing, and customer service. To enhance the entire
experience, these teams ought to work together and exchange ideas(Nwachukwu and Affen,
2. People: Promote a customer-centric culture by teaching the value of CX to staff members at
all levels. Encourage staff members to pay attention when customers provide feedback and
give them the authority to take appropriate action. To maintain staff motivation,
programmers for employee engagement might be created.
3. Measurement: Create and monitor KPIs in line with your CX objectives. Install systems for
collecting, analyzing, and acting on client feedback. Utilize these insights to continually
enhance your processes, services, and products(Nwachukwu and Affen, 2023).
Comparing CX Processes in ChenOne and Facebook:
 Organization: ChenOne has developed a distinct CX approach to provide a superior
purchasing experience. Cross-functional teams work together to improve the customer
journey, and different departments coordinate their efforts to guarantee a seamless shopping
experience(Olorunsola et al., 2023).
 Employees: The business is committed to promoting a customer-centric culture. Employees
are instructed to put the needs and satisfaction of the customer first, from salespeople to
customer service representatives. This culture is reflected in the actual store layout and
design as well as the usability of its online platforms(Pacheco et al., 2023).
 Measuring CX: ChenOne uses several metrics, such as Customer Effort Score (CES), Net
Promoter Score (NPS), and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT), to keep track of the customer
experience. Through surveys, it gathers user input, and then uses the information to
continuously improve things like inventory control and customer service.
 Structure: User engagement and delivering a user-friendly platform are the two main
focuses of Facebook's CX strategy. They have teams working to ensure that billions of users
enjoy a smooth experience, taking care of things like content moderation and
privacy(Ponsignon, 2023).
 People: Facebook places a strong emphasis on user privacy and safety as part of its
customer-centric culture. To increase user safety, the company employs content moderators
and has strict policies. It is crucial that employees take an interest in user security and
content quality(Veloso and Gomez-Suarez, 2023).
 Measuring customer satisfaction through user comments and reports is what Facebook
does. User participation, content reporting rates, and comments on particular features like
the News Feed algorithm are important KPIs. These measurements direct the creation of
new products and features(Vijayakumar, 2023).

The CX strategy used by ChenOne is quite successful. The business recognizes the importance of
CX and adjusts its strategy to suit the requirements of its wide range of clients. ChenOne has
developed a smooth and positive customer journey through omnichannel marketing, personalized
experiences, and the evaluation of CX indicators. This enhances its position in the cutthroat retail
sector along with a focus on customer effort reduction, culture reform, and collaboration across
functions. The organization's dedication to continual improvement, supported by data and
consumer input, ensures that its CX strategy remains flexible and responsive to changing customer
expectations. The adoption of CX CSFs by ChenOne illustrates its commitment to providing a
great CX and its unwavering focus on client loyalty and satisfaction.
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