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1) Time Adverbials 03-ноя-2014

Syntax Point: Shortly after that / At some time in the future / During this period / At the moment / In the meantime / Within months /
Up to a short time ago / Over the last five years / Eventually / At present / Until recently

Essay Topic: What events make a person an adult?

Syntax Time:

2) Cleft Sentences 07-ноя-2014

Syntax Point: The reason why... * The thing that... * The place where... * the day when... * The person who... * The day (when)... *
What we now need are... * What the police did first was (to)... * What I enjoyed most… * It was because the celebration

Essay Topic: Why are groups or organizations important to people?

Syntax Time:

3) Comparative Structures 10-ноя-2014

Syntax Point: far more... * nowhere near... nowhere near as... as...* by far... * not nearly as... * a good deal more... * a lot more ... *
much less... * not quite as... * twice as old as ... * half as interesting… *

Essay Topic: It has been said, “Not everything that is learned is contained in books.” Compare and contrast knowledge gained
from experience with knowledge gained from books.

Syntax Time:

4) Conditionals 14-ноя-2014
Syntax Point: (КРОМЕ IF) unless, in case, on condition that, provided that, providing, as/so long as, if only, if not for
Essay Topic: Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future?
Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Syntax Time:

© Pavel Rakitin, 2014.

5) Reporting Verbs 17-ноя-2014
Syntax Point: suggest, argue, believe, reject, demonstrate, claim, conclude, point out, state, discuss, explain, note, consider, report
Essay Topic: What changes will the 21 st century bring?

Syntax Time:

6) Defining and Non-defining Clauses 21-ноя-2014

Syntax Point: Men who/that migrated in order to make a living were often prepared to accept any available work. * Matthews, who
published a number of articles in the 1950s, suggested that birds navigate by the sun.

Essay Topic: Some people say that love reveals our hidden talents, while others believe that it makes us silly.

Syntax Time:

7) Intensifiying adverbs 24-ноя-2014

Syntax Point: It was such a nice party... * It was so important an occasion... * extremely, really, terribly, particularly, absolutely
completely definitely entirely, greatly, perfectly, seriously, greatly, unexpectedly, badly deeply, lightly, sharply,
strikingly, utt

Essay Topic: Is the ability to read and write more important today than in the past? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and
examples to support your answer.

Syntax Time:

8) Concesive Clauses 28-ноя-2014

Syntax Point: Gamelan music relaxes me, whereas steel bands make me want to dance. Much as I would like to come to the concert,
I'm really too busy. While they may not be able to analyse their pleasure, most people enjoy some form of music.

Essay Topic: Learn the form, but seek the formless. Hear the soundless. Learn it all, then forget it all. Learn The Way, then find
your own way.

Syntax Time:

© Pavel Rakitin, 2014.

9) Inversion 01-дек-2014
Syntax Point: Only after I had... * Only at night do... * Not only did we visit... * In no way will I agree to... * Under no
circumstances are you... * Never before had I seen such... * No sooner had I arrived at... * Rarely do we see such... *
Scarcely had we fini

Essay Topic: Are zoos good for children?

Syntax Time:

10) The present participle in place of adverbial clauses 05-дек-2014

Syntax Point: Instead of: Since we arrived here, we have made many new friends, We can say: Since arriving here, we have made
many new friends. Other examples: 1 They broke this window when trying to get into the house. * 2 Though refusing to
eat, he admitted he was v

Essay Topic: "Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is awful, face it. Memories are sweet. Cherish

Syntax Time:

11) Pronouns: one, ones 08-дек-2014

Syntax Point: * My home is far bigger than the one that my grandparents lived in. * There is sometimes tension between a village's
established residents and new ones coining in from towns.

Essay Topic: The method of doubt must be applied to civilization; we must doubt its necessity, its excellence, and its

Syntax Time:

12) Adverbial clauses of purpose SO THAT 15-дек-2014

Syntax Point: * I shouted, so (that) they would know I could see them. *They had to take some of his land so that they could extend the
chuchyard. *The company conducted a detailed survey in order to gauge its clients’ views. *The university introduced
two new English

Essay Topic: What does it mean to be human?

Syntax Time:

© Pavel Rakitin, 2014.

13) Contrast in Complex Sentence 19-дек-2014
Syntax Point: although, considering (that), though, even though, even if, much as, while and whereas however small, however much,
however well etc. no matter how much, no matter where, no matter how (slow/slowly). whatever

Essay Topic: Next time you're stressed, take a step back, inhale and laugh. Be strong, love yourself, and love others. Remember,
just keep moving forward.

Syntax Time:

14) The usage of whether/if + clause 22-дек-2014

Syntax Point: *I'd like to read this book, but it's so expensive, I doubt whether/if I can afford it. *I'm not sure whether or not this
translation is worth buying. *I'm not sure whether/if this translation is worth buying or not.

Essay Topic: Fatherhood ought to be emphasised as much as motherhood. The idea that women are solely responsible for
deciding whether or not to have babies leads on to the idea that they are also responsible for bringing the children

Syntax Time:

15) That of (COHESION WITHOUT REPETITION) 12-янв-2015

Syntax Point: *Rule of thumb with a deadfall is you set the weight five times that of the target animal. *My disappointment is that of a
child upon seeing a giftless tree on Christmas morn. *Adam's problem is similar to that of the majority of people in the
western wor

Essay Topic: I'm perfect in my imperfections, happy in my pain, strong in my weaknesses and beautiful in my own way cause I'm

Syntax Time:

16) There and then (COHESION WITHOUT REPETITION) 16-янв-2015

Syntax Point: *In some areas of the country, people do not... What they typically choose to do there is… *It is noticeable how in the
late twentieth century...At that time, computers were a relative novelty…

Essay Topic: Saying sorry doesn't mean there isn't guilt and forgiving doesn't mean the pain is gone.

Syntax Time:

© Pavel Rakitin, 2014.

17) Think about pronouns! (COHESION WITHOUT REPETITION ) 19-янв-2015
Syntax Point: *There are some people who believe that… One argument they often make is… *Several solutions have been
suggested... The one that seems most practical is… *It is important to consider not just television commercials, but also
billboard advertising… both o

Essay Topic: I can't make people value me. All I can do is show them who I am what I feel, and what I believe in. It's up to them
to realize my worth.

Syntax Time:

18) Infinitives in Syntax 26-янв-2015

Syntax Point: *A good environment helps rats (to) learn quickly. *More work needs to be done before we can describe the process.
*My dog seems to have learnt certain skills from his parents. (= It seems that my dog learnt / has learnt ...) *I'm sorry
to have missed you

Essay Topic: Some students like classes where teachers lecture (do all of the talking) in class. Other students prefer classes
where the students do some of the talking. Which type of class do you prefer?

Syntax Time:

19) Change of word form (COHESION WITHOUT REPETITION ) 30-янв-2015

Syntax Point: *If we analyse the figures for this period… We can see from this analysis that… *Most people agree that there is a
growing problem with children's behaviour. One possible reason why they behave in this way is…

Essay Topic: People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life. Some read; some exercise; others
work in their gardens. What do you think are the best ways of reducing stress?

Syntax Time:

20) Non-finite clauses 02-фев-2015

Syntax Point: * I hope to see a glacier during my trip to Argentina. *I enjoy listening to the sound of the waves. * Preventing
pollution of the lagoon may not be easy. * It may not be easy to prevent pollution of the lagoon. *The government is
finding it hard to persu

Essay Topic: How do movies or television influence people’s behavior?

Syntax Time:

© Pavel Rakitin, 2014.

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