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SPE 71657

When Fracturing Doesn’t Work

Alfred R. Jennings, Jr., Enhanced Well Stimulation, Inc.

Copyright 2001, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

Rather, two approaches will be taken to address the topic
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2001 SPE Annual Technical Conference and “when fracturing doesn’t work”. The first will deal with the
Exhibition held in New Orleans, Louisiana, 30 September–3 October 2001.
historical perspective and pertinent improvements in
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
fracturing over the last 50 years will be discussed. Secondly, a
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to series of common reasons for fracturing failures will be
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at described. Finally, suggestions will be offered to provide
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
further improvements in the success of application of
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is hydraulic fracturing.
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Historical Perspective

Since the early days, a fracturing treatment has been generally

Abstract considered successful if the well produces significantly better
after the treatment. Conversely, a treatment is considered a
Well stimulation by hydraulic fracturing is one of the most failure if there is little change in well productivity (or
unique of the commonly used oilfield practices. In spite of the injectivity) after fracturing. Throughout 50 years of
fact that the treatments are relatively expensive and substantial development, the understanding of fracturing has increased
permanent changes are induced in a fractured well, most of substantially but the rules for definition of success (or failure)
today’s fracturing treatment applications are based on have remained relatively unchanged.
theoretical engineering relationships. For a treatment to be
effectively ‘designed’, a myriad of treatment parameters must Substantial incremental progress in fracturing technology is
be considered using sophisticated fracture modeling software. usually made when existing technology, techniques, or
processes must be extended to match candidate well
For those not experienced with fracturing, the development of conditions. This typically occurs when a particular fracturing
a successful treatment approach may seem quite confusing. application doesn’t work, or at least it hasn’t worked as well
How does one know the ‘best’ or the ‘optimum’ fracturing as expected.
treatment approach? Several related questions arise
concerning candidate selection and methods to evaluate the A historical overview of the following areas of hydraulic
effectiveness of the treatment. fracturing will be beneficial to this discussion:
The success of well stimulation by fracturing is readily • Modeling
observable through well response. Most often the response
• Fluids
can be seen just hours after the treatment. Throughout its
history, sufficient success has been achieved with fracturing • Proppants
that it has become one of the most widely used techniques for • Equipment
improving well productivity. • Perforating
• Interpretation and Optimization
There are many instances where fracturing has not worked, or
at least has not provided desired improvement in well Fracture Modeling
productivity. Failure with fracturing always carries an
economic impact whether it involves a single well or From the first commercial fracturing treatment in 1949 until
influences the feasibility of developing an entire field. the late 1960’s, almost all induced hydraulic fractures were
believed to be horizontal in orientation and all fracture
The purpose of this paper is not to provide an analytical calculations were based on the geometry of a single horizontal
treatise into all the reasons why fracturing treatments may fail. fracture1. Fracture initiation pressure was defined as the

fracture parting pressure indicating the pressure necessary to with fracture modeling continue to be driven by the expansion
open the hydraulic fracture. Since most early treatments were of successful applications in other areas such as frac pack
conducted in oil wells producing from sandstone formations, applications14 and acid fracturing15.
formations were believed to “break down” in a depositional
layer in the sandstone and the fracture would propagate It is important to note that the different 3D models available
horizontally from that point. commercially today all provide different calculated fracture
geometries for a given set of input data. However, each of the
Fracture geometry was described in terms of fracture radius models has been used to design very successful fracturing
and fracture area. With fracture area a function of the square treatments throughout the world. This fact demonstrates that
of the radius, incremental increases in fracture extension hydraulic fracturing has a very high probability of success
required substantial amounts of additional fracturing fluid. when properly (and strategically) applied even with the
current variance in the theoretical “design” concepts.
Proppant concentrations for the early treatments began at 0.25
lbs/gal and were increased incrementally in 0.25 lb increments Fracturing Fluids
to 0.50, 0.75, and 1.00 lbs/gal. The proppant concentration
was typically referred to as Cp max to designate concentration at Since the early days of fracturing, laboratory testing has been
the pumps. The very low proppant concentrations were used to help provide measurements of certain parameters
specifically selected as part of the “design” of the horizontal known to be critical to the outcome of the treatments.
treatment to provide a partial monolayer of proppant. Measurements of fracturing fluid leak-off and of fracture
Monolayers and multilayers of proppant were undesirable conductivity using formation core samples are examples of the
since the fracture permeability was thought to be much less early tests. Fracture fluid viscosity during the treatment has
than that achievable with a partial monolayer based on also been an ongoing concern. Viscosity and other rheological
laboratory fracture conductivity tests. properties were also determined for available fracturing fluids.

As hydraulic fracturing applications spread, the input and For fracturing treatments in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s,
results of several investigators became very important. fracturing fluids were a primary concern. Only oil wells were
Although the viewpoint was very controversial when considered fracturing candidates and only oil-based fluids
introduced to many of the fracturing experts of the day, were used to ensure compatibility of the fracturing fluid with
sufficient field data and technical arguments were offered to the oil-producing formations. With the very limited database
cause a 90o change in fracture orientation from horizontal to for the new technology, early failures with fracturing
vertical2,3,4. This critical change is an excellent example of influenced its further applications significantly. For example,
when fracturing concepts no longer work, theories and for years it was thought that carbonate formations would not
processes are developed to more closely fit applications. be responsive to hydraulic fracturing because of the the
inability of two small volume propped frac treatments to
With the introduction of theoretical concepts to calculate provide production increase in carbonate wells (Hugoton) that
vertical fracture width3,5,6,7, fracture area8, and proppant had been extensively acidized prior to fracturing.
transport9, early computer models were developed for the
design of fracturing treatments. These relatively simple 2D Fracturing fluid development provides other examples of
frac designs based on constant frac height models were ‘state- progress that can be made in fracturing technology when
of-the art’ in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. Fracture fracturing doesn’t work. As described by Jennings16,
design input during this time consisted of well data and limitations of the early oil-based fluids led to the development
fracturing parameters keypunched onto a large stack of of water-based fluid systems that allowed many advances in
computer cards. The keypunched cards were then fed into a fracturing applications. Water-based fluids have the
large mainframe computer (IBM 1120, for example) that advantages of availability, safety, and flexibility with polymer
would crank out the design in about 20 minutes. The entire chemistry that greatly improved the early applications of
frac design process took 2-3 hours for a single design run (i.e. fracturing.
treatment volume and injection rate). Once the initial design
was calculated, the simplicity of the initial frac design When well depths and reservoir temperatures led to screen-
programs, however, could be demonstrated by the fact that outs and treatment failures because the early linear guar gels
doubling the fracture volume would double the fracture length were not stable, temperature-resistant polymers were
accordingly! introduced to the industry. In the late 1960’s, methods were
developed to chemically retard hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC).
With the continued efforts of major operating companies, Although several wells were successfully fractured using this
service companies, and universities, modeling of vertical type of linear gel system, pad volumes using 120 lbs HEC per
fractures became more realistic. Gradually, the 2D frac 1,000 gallons were used in the 30 to 40% pad volumes to treat
models were replaced with the pseudo-3D models in use wells with reservoir temperatures of 300-350o F. It was
today10,11,12,13. Developments and improvements continue possible to achieve production increase values of 5 to 10 fold

in some wells using these high polymer systems. (Fracture pressures approaching 10,000 psi. Several deep wells were
conductivity tests studying the effects of polymer residue on stimulated using the sand/ UCAR® Props mixtures in the
fracture conductivity under reservoir conditions had not been early 1970’s. (Many of these wells were also treated using the
performed at that time). high temperature HEC system containing 120 lbs of
HEC/Mgals!). Although many of the wells indeed responded
Crosslinked fluids were introduced in 1968 primarily to save favorably to such treatments, there were also disappointments.
costs in fracturing treatments (less polymer loading could be
used to effectively transport proppant). Early treatments did In 1973, Cooke17 presented information demonstrating the
not work consistently because up to 80 lbs of polymer per susceptibility of various proppant to the effects of the high
1000 gallons were used for the first treatments. Also, temperatures and stresses encountered with deep well
sufficient gel breaker was not used and improvements were fracturing. In Cooke’s experiments, proppant packs were
also needed in the available breaker systems to effectively exposed to high temperature test fluid (300o F) fairly quickly
breakdown the crosslinked fluids in the fracture. The and heat-up of the proppant was rapid. Nevertheless, Cooke’s
evolution of crosslinked fluids to those in use today was work showed that the hardened glass beads failed drastically
catalyzed by failures with fracturing when contemporary fluid under the test conditions and his work paved the way for the
systems did not provide consistent results. introduction of early versions of high strength bauxite
The verified need for high strength proppant led to the
As mentioned the design of early frac treatments was based on introduction of resin-coated sand grains that were not as
the idea that partial monolayers of proppant (in the expected expensive (nor as strong) as bauxite but were considerably
horizontal fractures) were desirable. Early laboratory testing stronger than uncoated sand. These early advancements
with sand showed that mixtures of particle sizes (e.g. 20, 30, allowed for the competitive development by suppliers of the
and 40 mesh, or 20/40) provided better fracture permeability improved high-strength proppants available today for a variety
(and resistance to crushing) than single-sized particles. of high temperature, high closure stress applications.
Aluminum pellets and rounded walnut hulls were used in
fracturing treatments at this time because these materials were Another significant development in the improvement in
malleable and did not crush. Although many of the early quality of fracturing sand occurred in the early 1970’s. With
treatments were deemed successful, several of these wells also the increased usage of hydraulic fracturing for well
became prime re-frac candidates when vertical fracturing stimulation, larger treatments were used in the exploitation of
became well established. tight gas sands. With the larger treatments came the need for
more sand for proppant, and high quality sand for fracturing
As fracturing treatments were conducted in deeper wells, the was in short supply. At the time there were only general
need arose for proppants stronger than sand. Since proppant guidelines for fracturing sand and these early guidelines were
provides the fracture permeability, its ability to endure various stretched to the limit. Large volume fracturing treatments in
stresses during pumping as well as withstand closure stresses some areas would create minature dust storms from the fines
in the formation is critical to the longevity of the fracture present in the proppant. This led to the rapid formation of an
stimulation. API Subcommittee on Proppant to develop the existing API
Guidelines for Proppant Used in Fracturing. With the co-
The first high strength proppants used were hardened glass operations of sand suppliers and service companies,
beads (trademarked by Union Carbide as UCAR® Props). improvements in sand quality were soon achieved.
Many “successful” treatments were conducted using these
materials. The manufacturing process for the tiny glass Equipment
spheres rendered proppant that had extremely high single
particle strengths compared to similar size sand grains. Glass The earliest fracturing treatments were conducted using
beads were originally developed to compete with aluminum available pumping and mixing equipment. Because oil well
pellets and walnut shells for applications in partial monolayers cementing was an established technology and high pressure
in horizontal fractures. pumps were used to inject cement slurries downhole, these
positive displacement pumps were modified to pump batch-
When it was determined (and generally accepted) that mixed slurries of proppant for the first fracturing treatments.
fractures were usually vertical and that proppant deposition Because only a few sacks of sand were used, the proppant was
occurred in multilayers, it became popular to mix sand and batch mixed into the fluid in small ribbon blenders.
glass beads (usually 75-80% sand and 20-25% glass beads).
The mixtures were stronger than sand and were more The significance of hydraulic pressure to fracturing was
economical than using glass beads alone. Laboratory fracture realized and early treatments were monitored using pressure
flow capacity tests (conducted at room temperature) also recorders with circular pressure charts that were also used to
showed the mixtures had good fracture conductivity to closure provide pumping pressure information during cement jobs.

Much credit should be given to the early frac crews for their
creativity and the patience required to monitor the early With the increase in well completions and the demand for
treatments. Limitations to the early small volume “cookie- perforating deeper and hotter wells, the limits of perforating
cutter” treatments were soon realized, however, with mixed technology were made apparent when fracturing treatments
results from fracturing reported in even the earliest papers1. were attempted through incomplete perforations. In addition,
the limited perforation densities (2 shots per foot typically
Development of fluid proportioning equipment with eductors used for fracturing in the late 1970’s and even fewer
(predecessors to the blenders currently used) and introduction perforations for limited entry, e.g.) exacerbated the problem
of reliable triplex pumps facilitated the increase in the size and when perforation efficiency was not as high as it should have
number of fracturing treatments. In addition to greatly been.
improving the ability to mix various oil and water-base fluid
systems, the blenders allowed the addition of solid proppant Surface tests using concrete blocks and outcrop samples and
directly to the fracturing fluid continuously during the wellbore investigations using impression packers and borehole
treatment. As mentioned, early treatments using these televiewers emphasized the need for improvements in industry
blenders involved starting sand at 0.25 lb/gal and increasing to standards for perforating in the early 1980’s20. Joint industry
1.5 or 2.0 lb/gal by the end of the treatment. As with the fluid efforts were initiated and with the participation of the
systems and proppants, significant equipment development perforating service companies, drastic improvements have
was required to improve fracturing treatments. been implemented into the perforating technology available
today. Oriented perforating, for example, with perforations
All aspects of fracturing applications have influenced aligned with the plane of the induced fracture, is proving
improvements in the equipment used to perform the beneficial in both vertical and horizontal wells.
treatments. Many of these developments occurred more or
less simultaneously. For example, improvements in the The increased charge efficiency and deeper penetrating
monitoring and interpretation of fracturing pressures18 led to charges now likely contribute to tortuosity and multiple
improvements in the blending and pumping of frac fluids and fractures in hard, low permeability formations. Since multiple
proppant slurries. fractures can limit effective placement of the fracturing
treatment (and growth of the primary fracture), measures have
More accurate measurements and increased attention to the been required (pumping proppant slugs in the pad or orienting
quality of fracturing fluids and materials19 quickly pointed out perforations) to improve fracturing success.
the need for more efficient gel mixing and proppant addition.
Interpretation and Optimization
Significant developments have also been made with pumps
and pump capacities. Pumps have been developed that can It is logical that the better the interpretation of a fracturing
sustain high rates for hours at 15,000 to 20,000 psi surface treatment the closer the fracturing theory should match actual
pressure. Higher capacity pumps led to the development of events. This challenge presents itself to us just as much today
wellhead isolation tools to protect lower rated wellhead as it did with the early pioneers in fracturing applications. In
equipment and to make possible the expansion of high attempts to optimize early treatments, production increase
pressure fracturing. relationships were developed for horizontal wells. Fields were
developed using fracturing treatments designed from these
Advances in computers, computer software, and electronics relationships.
have allowed the development of mobile air-conditioned
treatment monitoring stations. The communications and Today, much progress has been made in the understanding and
treatment control methods available today represent a interpretation of vertical fractures in vertical wells:
significant contribution to the improvement of success with
hydraulic fracturing. • Warpinski and others21 have provided inroads into
the actual measurement of propped fractures.
Perforating • Wright and others22 have made contributions
demonstrating the complexities of actual fracture
In addition to the misinterpretation of fracturing behavior, azimuth and fracture propagation.
fluid problems, proppant failure, and equipment breakdown, • Nolte and Smith18,23 have influenced essentially every
another contributor to disappointments with fracturing can be aspect of interpretation of fracturing pressure with
attributed to perforations. Until the early 1950’s, wells were their work concerning net pressure behavior and
perforated with bullet guns. The adaption of military shaped- other factors of fracture growth.
charge technology to perforating began in 1946-1948 using
technology developed in World War II. The shaped charges Success with fracturing can be achieved for a wide range of
were generally shown to be superior to the bullet guns and reservoir conditions. However, one can still ask, “What is a
soon became widely used in perforating.

successful fracturing treatment for a given well?” and “How However, in spite of the advances in the understanding of
effective is this treatment compared to another that could have hydraulic fractures, there remain reasons why fracturing may
been conducted on the well?” Therefore, well performance not work, or if it does work, the results may be less than
“before fracturing” and “after fracturing” remain foremost in anticipated.
considerations related to fracture optimization.
Most real fracturing failures can be attributed to the following:
Fracture optimization continues to be difficult for the
following reasons: • Wellbore problems
• Fracturing materials and equipment
• Sufficient pre-frac well performance data (stabilized • Fracture mechanics
flow rate, pressure buildup/falloff data, etc.) is • Reservoir properties
usually not available.
• After-frac well performance analysis depends on Wellbore Problems
relationships involving input frac length and fracture
conductivity and therefore solutions are not “unique”. For successful fracturing, it is imperative that the wellhead,
• Significant assumptions must be made in the tubing, and well completions (packer or polished bore
analytical process itself involving reservoir properties receptacle [PBR] assembly) be able to withstand the rigors of
and fracture geometry. the fracturing treatment. For this reason, all maximum
working pressure limitations and stress/strain conditions
Realistically, it is proposed that when most fracturing should be established for all components of the well
treatments “fail”, it is because inordinate expectations exist for completion in the candidate well as part of the planning
after-frac well performance. It has been taught repeatedly by process for the treatment. Both the selected service company
several (Holditch et al24) that determination of pre-frac well and the operating company should participate in establishing
performance is critical for the correct interpretation of these criteria.
fracturing success. It is very important that well potential be
defined whenever a well is selected as a candidate for If necessary, the wellhead should be protected by a wellhead
hydraulic fracturing. isolation tool. The tubing and casing should be sufficiently
sound to allow pressurization of the annulus during the
When after-frac well performance is measured, the lack of fracturing operations to help protect the tubing and annulus.
initial (pre-frac) well performance can cloud the definition of The effects of the downward and upward stresses to be
success. For example, treatments devised to overcome induced on the tubing and downhole completion equipment
significant wellbore skin are considerably different than during fracturing (and also during production after fracturing)
treatments used to place high conductivity fractures deep into should be ascertained. These issues are very important in
low-permeability producing formations with little or no preventing costly workovers and well cleanup after fracturing.
wellbore skin. It may be also be difficult to effectively
address both issues with a single treatment. Fracturing Materials and Equipment

Even when a treatment is deemed “highly successful”, Because of the variety of formations effectively fractured
interpretation frequently depends on the proper balance today, the chemistry of fracturing fluids is necessarily
between fracture conductivity (FC) and fracture length (L) to complex. The benefits of an effective Quality
match a given performance model. Assumptions must also Assurance/Quality Control Program have been well
made about the impact of phase changes on relative documented19. Unbroken fracturing gels have left a trail of
permeability, heterogeneity of the producing interval, etc. disappointments with fracturing. In addition, it is important
concerning the sustained productivity of the fractured well. that all aspects of the fracturing fluid (stability under varying
shear and thermal conditions, viscosity characteristics, and
Other Reasons for Fracture Failure breaker concentrations) be monitored during fluid preparation
and during the treatment. The quality of the proppant used
Pertinent topics have been addressed involving improvements should also meet or exceed established API guidelines. It
in the early fracturing concepts and practices to those in use must also be remembered that the success ratio of remedial
today. It should again be emphasized that even from the first treatments to “clean up” poorly used fracturing materials in a
treatments, well stimulation by hydraulic fracturing generally fractured well is not high.
works. It has also been emphasized that when the limits of
existing technology are reached (often made apparent by The ability to sustain (or effectively change) the injection rate
disappointments with fracturing), drastic evolutionary with reliable equipment during a fracturing treatment is also
improvements in fracturing have been made in the industry. very important. Maintenance of injection rates without having

to shut down or to abort the entire treatment are critical to completions techniques over the past several years, there still
fracturing success. exists opportunities in high deliverability oil and gas wells for
production improvement with properly designed hydraulic
Fracture Mechanics fracturing treatments.

How the fracture grows in a producing formation is highly Conclusions

dependent upon the rock properties of the producing
formation. These properties and insitu stresses influence the Significant points made in this paper include the following:
growth of the created fracture. Fracture mechanics dictate
fracture height growth, propagation of the fracture, near- • In the early applications of fracturing, many
wellbore fracture turning, tortuosity, fracture azimuth and treatments were deemed successful with good well
orientation, and fracture closure behavior. The potential response in spite of the fact that basic fracturing
impact of all these factors on fracturing success must be mechanics were not completely understood.
considered to minimize fracturing failures. • With the advancements in fracturing, significant
progress has been made in the development of
Because rock properties and fracture mechanics influence fracture models, fracturing fluids, proppant,
every fracturing treatment, they are frequenly blamed for equipment, perforating, and in interpretation. These
fracturing failures. Fracture growth out of zone, anomalous improvements have worked together to allow more
fracture behavior (e.g. fracture turning), and fracture closing extensive applications of hydraulic fracturing.
behind overflushed proppant are frequently offered as possible • Even with a more complete understanding of
reasons for lack of success. fracturing, fracturing failures still occur. These
disappointments can be primarily attributed to
Although many measurements are available to help define wellbore problems, fracturing materials and
fracture behavior (stress logs, radioactive tracers, rock equipment, fracture mechanics, and reservoir
properties measurements on formation core, etc.), developing properties.
techniques to solve fracture mechanics problems make take a • Important progress in fracturing continues with
few treatments in the field to adequately define the problem primary advancements now being made in the areas
and to improve fracturing success15. of applications to high performance wells.

Reservoir Properties Acknowledgment

The most important reservoir properties influencing fracturing This paper is dedicated to those who see the potential of the
success are formation flow capacity (kh) and reservoir fracturing process and who continually meld materials,
pressure. The kh is important for transporting hydrocarbon equipment, and theory to render hydraulic fracturing more
into the fracture system and it is the kh that is most critical in widely useful for well stimulation.
providing sustained productivity after fracturing. Of course
for kh to be effective, there must be sufficient ∆P to drive the References
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13. Smith, M.B. and Klein, H.H.: “Practical
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14. Smith, M.B., Miller, W.K., and Haga, J.: “Tip
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16. Jennings, A.R. Jr.: “Fracturing Fluids – Then and
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17. Cooke, C.E. Jr.: “Effect of Fracturing Fluids on
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18. Nolte, K.G. and Smith, M.B.: “Interpretation of
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19. Ely, J.W.: Stimulation Engineering, PennWell
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20. Bell, W.T., Sukup, R.A., and Tariq, S.M.:
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21. Warpinski, N.R., Engler, B.P., Young, C.J., Peterson,
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22. Wright, C.A.: “Unraveling the Mysteries of
Hydraulic Fracturing”, 2000-2001 SPE Distinguished
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