Accounting Section1.1

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Accounting principles


Class 1
Before Mid

Chapter 1 Part 1
DR / A.I Chapter
Accounting principles 1
 What Is Accounting? ‫يعنى إي محاسبة‬

- the financial information system to understand what was happening financially in the
.‫هو نظام املعلومات املالية لفهم ما حيدث ماليا يف املنظمة‬

-Accounting consists of three basic activities—it identifies, records, and communicates the
economic events of an organization to interested users.
.‫توصيل) االحداث االقتصادية للمستخدمني املهتمني بها‬- ‫تسجيل‬-‫ أنشطة رئيسية (حتديد‬3 ‫تتكون من‬

1-As a starting point, a company identifies the economic events (TRANSACTIONS) relevant
to its business.
‫التعرف على املعلومة املالية املتعلقة بالبيزنس‬

2-it records those events in order to provide a history of its financial activities. Recording
consists of keeping a systematic, chronological diary of events, measured in dollars.
‫ثم يتم تسجيلها لالحتفاظ بدفرت يومية بطريقة منظمة وبتسلسل رقمي‬

3-Finally, the firm communicates the collected information to interested users by means of
accounting reports. (Financial statements). & IN ADDITION TO Analyze and interpret for
.)‫ (القوائم المالية‬.‫ تقوم الشركة بتوصيل المعلومات التي تم جمعها إلى المستخدمين المهتمين عن طريق التقارير المحاسبية‬،‫وأخيرا‬
.‫مش بس كدا حضرتك بتحللها وتعرضها بشكل يفهمه اليوزر‬

**You should understand that the accounting process includes the bookkeeping function.
Bookkeeping usually involves only the recording of economic events. It is therefore just one
part of the accounting process]
.‫فقط‬recording ‫ عبارة عن ال‬.‫ وليس العكس‬accounting ‫ جزء من‬bookkeeping ‫ملحوظة مهمة الزم تبقى عارف ان ال‬

Accounting principles

Who are accounting users‫مين هم مستخدمي المحاسبة؟‬

Internal users ‫مستخدمني داخل الشركة‬ External users ‫مستخدمني خارجيني‬

are managers who plan, are individuals and organizations
organize, and run the business. outside a company.
These include marketing
managers, production ✓ Investors (owners) use accounting
supervisors, finance directors, information to decide whether to buy,
and company officers. hold, or sell ownership shares of a
‫يستخدم المستثمرون (المالكون) المعلومات‬
)‫موظفين‬+ ‫(إدارة‬ ‫المحاسبية لتحديد ما إذا كانوا يريدون شراء أو‬
.‫االحتفاظ أو بيع أسهم ملكية الشركة‬
✓ Creditors (such as suppliers and
bankers) use accounting
information to evaluate the risks
of granting credit or lending
‫يستخدم الدائنون (مثل الموردين‬
‫والمصرفيين) المعلومات المحاسبية لتقييم‬
.‫مخاطر منح االئتمان أو إقراض األموال‬
✓ Taxing authorities (IRS)
‫زي مصلحة الرضائب عندان‬
✓ Regulatory agencies (SEC)
‫املؤسسات احلكومية زي البورصة‬
✓ Customers ‫العمالء‬
✓ labor unions‫نقاابت العامل‬

**Uses managerial and cost **Uses financial accounting

‫حماس بة إدارية و تاكليف‬ ‫حماس بة مالية‬

Accounting principles

 The Building Blocks of Accounting ‫حجر أساس المحاسبة‬

1-Ethics in Financial Reporting

• Cause of financial scandals like (Enron, WorldCom,

HealthSouth, AIG), have bruised investors’ faith in the
reliability of earnings reports.
‫• أدت الفضاحئ املالية لزعزعة الثقة يف التقارير املالية‬
• Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX). Its intent is
to reduce unethical corporate behavior and decrease the
likelihood of future corporate scandals
‫ ويغصب ع اإلدارة اهنا تعمتد قوامئها‬SOX ‫• خىل الكوجنرس األمرييك ميرر قانون ال‬

✓ Top management must now certify the accuracy of financial information.

-Definition of ethics
✓ The standards of conduct by which actions are judged as right or wrong, honest or
dishonest, fair or not fair, are ethics. Effective financial reporting depends on sound
ethical behavior
‫ عادلة أو غير‬،‫ صادقة أو غير شريفة‬،‫معايير السلوك التي يتم من خاللها الحكم على األفعال على أنها صحيحة أو خاطئة‬
.‫ يعتمد إعداد التقارير المالية الفعالة على السلوك األخالقي السليم‬.‫ هي األخالق‬،‫عادلة‬

2-Generally Accepted Accounting principals

 The primary accounting standard-setting body in the United States is the Financial
Accounting Standards Board (FASB). The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is
the agency of the U.S. government that oversees U.S. financial markets and accounting
standard setting bodies.
(FASB (SEC) GAAP (FASB). ‫ ال‬

 The SEC relies on the FASB to develop accounting standards, which public companies
must follow. Many countries outside of the United States have adopted the accounting
standards issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). are called

Accounting principles

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

IFRS (IASB). ‫ ال‬

 In order to increase comparability, in recent years the two standard-setting bodies have
made efforts to reduce the differences between U.S. GAAP and IFRS. This process is
referred to as convergence.

 two primary qualities that make accounting information useful for decision-
making ‫معايري جودة املعلومة احملاسبية‬
1- Relevance means that financial information is capable of making a difference in a decision.
. ‫ يعىن تكون املعلومة مؤثرة يف اختاذ القرار‬: ‫املالمئة‬

2- Faithful representation means that the numbers and descriptions match what really existed or
happened—they are factual.
‫ أي اهنا تعرب عن ما حدث يف الواقع‬: ‫الصدق‬

3-Measurement Principles ‫مبادئ القياس‬

1-HISTORICAL COST PRINCIPLE (or cost principle) dictates that companies record assets at
their cost. This is true not only at the time the asset is purchased, but also over the holding
time of asset.
.‫ يعىن تفضل مسجل الاسل بتلكفته همام قميته اتغريت‬:‫مبدأ التلكفة التارخيية‬

2-FAIR VALUE PRINCIPAL: assets and liabilities should be reported at fair value (the
price received to sell an asset or settle a liability).
.‫ يعىن تسجل ابلقمية احلقيقية سواء لألصل او الالزتام‬:‫مبدأ القمية العادةل‬

, most companies choose to use cost. Only in situations where assets are actively traded, such
as investment securities, do companies apply the fair value principle
‫ الا لو اكن عندك اصل بيتضارب عليه ابس مترار زي‬،‫من الاخر جسل األصل بتلكفته التارخيية‬
.‫األوراق املالية جسهل بقميته العادةل‬

Accounting principles

provide a foundation for the accounting process.

two main assumptions: -

1-MONETARY UNIT ASSUMPTION The monetary unit assumption requires that companies
include in the accounting records only transaction data that can be expressed in money terms.
‫متسجلش املعامةل الا اذا اكنت عبارة عن فلوس‬: ‫فرض وحدة النقد‬

2-ECONOMIC ENTITY ASSUMPTION requires that the activities of the entity be kept
separate and distinct from the activities of its owner and all other economic entities.
‫ افصل معامالت املاكل عن معامالت الرشكة‬:‫فرض الوحدة الاقتصادية‬
 Forms Of Organizations :


 owned by one • owned by two or more • Ownership divided into shares
person. small persons associated as • The holders of the shares
service-type partners is a partnership. (stockholders) enjoy limited
businesses. • is like a proprietorship liability; that is, they are not
 small amount of except that more than one personally liable for the debts of
money (capital) is owner is involved. the corporate entity.
necessary to start in a partnership agreement • Stockholders may transfer all or
business as a (written or oral) sets forth part of their ownership shares to
proprietorship. such terms as initial other investors
 The owner receives investment, • The ease with which ownership
any profits, suffers • Each partner generally has can change adds to the
any losses, and is unlimited personal attractiveness of investing in a
personally liable for liability for the debts of corporation.
all debts the partnership. • can be transferred without
dissolving the corporation

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