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Unit2: How do we discover things?

The Big Question

To discover means to find something new or learn about something you didn’t
know before.
We discover things in different ways:
1- Exploration: sometimes we discover things by exploring (going to new
places, visiting a museum).
2- Books and school: We can discover things by reading books and
learning in school.
3- Asking questions: Teachers or friends can help us discover new
4- Experiments: In science class, we discover things by doing experiments
to see what happens.
5- Technology: We can discover things using computers and the internet.
We find information and learn new things online.


Zero conditional

1- What happens if you heat water to 100 degrees

------ If I heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils.
present present

2- What happens if you melt ice?

------ If we melt ice, it turns into water.
3- What happens if you freeze water?
------ If we freeze water, it turns into ice.

------ We use the present simple to make zero

conditional sentences.
Zero conditional sentences state facts that are always

Activity Book page 19

Fancy: To feel that you would like something.
I fancy a pizza.
Dislike: (hate) To not like somebody or something.
I dislike drinking orange juice.
Carry on: to continue
Carry on (continue speaking) What happened next?
Suggest: To say what you think somebody should do or
what should happen.
Imagine: To make a picture of something in your mind.
Stop: To not do something anymore: to finish
Stop making that noise.
Reading comprehension
Deep Sea Adventure!
• What happens at the beginning of the story?
Tomas and Oli choose the Metamorphosis power up.
Then, they look for the octofish.
• What happens in the middle of the story?
They activate the Metamorphosis power up and they see
that the sharks are really photos.
• What happens at the end of the story?
They discover that Professor Zol is really Dr Zeevil and the
octofish isn’t real.
They free all the fish in the submarine and activate the
secret Balloon maker power up.
*I enjoy listening to music.
*We like eating marshmallows.
*Do you fancy reading?
*Does he like painting?
------Sometimes, we use two verbs together in a sentence.
The verbs (enjoy, like, dislike, fancy, stop, carry on, imagine
and suggest) are followed by the ing form of the verbs
which come after them.
Artists ‘materials
Which materials can you use to make a work of art?
You can use various materials to make a work of art,
such as: Paper, crayons, coloured pencils, paint, glue
and scissors.

An e-flyer, which stands for “electronic flyer”, is like a digital poster

that we find on the internet or in emails.
It’s a fun and colourful way to share information with pictures and
E-flyers can be about many things, like events, activities or school
You receive them in your email or see them on a website.
Write a paragraph about one of the four seasons (winter,
summer, autumn, spring)
The following questions can help you:
*what’s the weather like? (It’s sunny. / It’s windy. / it’s
*What do you eat?
*What do you wear?
*What do you go?
Correction of writing
In spring, the weather becomes warm and the flowers start
to bloom. I enjoy eating fresh strawberries and salads during
this season. I usually wear shirts, jeans and sneakers.
In spring, I love going to the park to see the colourful
flowers and have a picnic with my friends.
Summer is hot and sunny. I love eating ice cream and
watermelon to stay cool. I wear shorts, T-shirts, and sandals
during this time. My favourite summer activity is going to
the beach to swim and build sandcastles with my family.
During autumn, the weather is windy and the leaves fall
from the trees. I like picking apples to make apple pie and I
fancy drinking hot chocolate. I wear jumpers and boots. My
favourite autumn activity is walking.
Winter is cold, and it often snows. I enjoy eating warm soup.
I wear a heavy coat, gloves and a hat. In winter, I go ice
skating with my friends and make snowmen.
Unit3: How do we get around?

The Big Question

‘How do we get around?’ means ‘How do we travel?’,

“How do we move from one place to another?’
It’s a question about transportation methods and can refer
to various ways people move such as: walking, driving,
cycling, taking public transportation.
Means of transport: car – bus – train – plane – helicopter –
ferry(boat) – skateboard – scooter – bicycle-
Wheel chair for disabled people.
*Which form of transport is your favourite?
--------I like travelling by train.
Skateboard helmet

Knee pads elbow pads wrist pads

I love my camper van! it's my favourite way to travel.
It's like a comfortable home on wheels.
The camper van has big windows to see outside.
And inside, there are seats for my family and me.
We can go on adventures and explore new places together. I
like how the camper van has little kitchen,
so, we can cook our favourite meals. We sleep in it, too.
We can stop wherever we want and enjoy the beautiful

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