Communicative Strategy Summative Test

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Oral Communication in Context

Quarter 2- Summative Test 1: Communicative Strategy

NAME: ___________________________________________Score: ____________________

SECTION: ________________________________________Date: _____________________

I. True or False: Write True if the statement is correct and False if not. Write your answer on the
space provided before each number.

___False_______1. Repair in communication refers to any limitation you may have as a speaker.
____True______2. Turn-taking pertains to the process by which people decide who takes the
conversational floor.
_____True_____3. Termination refers to conversation participants’ close initiating expressions
that end
a topic in a conversation.
____True______4. Communicative strategies are used to achieve an effective and a meaningful
_____True_____5. Nomination, Restriction, Turn-taking, Topic Control, Topic Shifting, Repair, and
Termination are the communicative strategies.
___False_______6. Nomination is used to consider any limitation you may have as a speaker.
__________7. Turn-taking leads the communicators to determine who should speak and respond
next to establish and sustain a productive conversation.
__________8. Topic-shifting helps the communicators to stick to a topic throughout the
__________9. Repair refers to how communicators address the communication barriers or
problems that may occur in a conversation.
__________10. Nomination refers to bringing the conversation to its conclusion, or simply ending
topic in a communication.
__________11. Topic Shifting is where one part of a conversation ends and where another
__________12. The primary idea of turn-taking is to give all communicators a chance to speak.
__________13. Termination aims to resolve problems arising in any communicative situations.
__________14. Termination is a communicative strategy that involves ending a conversation.
__________15. Nomination is a communicative strategy that we use when we want to establish a
topic in a conversation.

II. Identification: Identify the type of communicative strategy evident in each statement. Write
your answer on the space provided before each number.

________________1. “Ok goodbye! See you around.”

________________2. “Hello, I guess you are familiar. Have we met before?”
________________3. “Anyone, who is not in favor of my idea?
________________4. “May I request everybody to be quiet so we can proceed to the next part of
our discussion?”
________________5. “Sorry but can you repeat your question?”
________________6. “That was an excellent solution to resolve this issue.”
________________7. “Do you have any clarification about our contingency plan this school year?”
________________8. “The president will lead the meeting and then the secretary will write the
________________9. “In addition, to what you have said, I think we should also assure the safety
of our learners in times like this.”
________________10. “The rules only specified in the ordinance will be followed.”
III. Performance Task: Draw a 1-page comic strip in which the communicative strategies are
evident. Use long bond paper.

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