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Juan Guaycha, Paula Zavala.

Phase 2, language artists

PAULA: Guaycha, what do you think if we start talking about the diversities of cultures that
Brazil has?

GUAYCHA: Of course Paula, let’s talk about the climate, in Brazil there are three different
types of climates: highland, semi arid, and tropical climate.

Paula: How interesting! There are also very marked seasons in Brazil right?

Guaycha: Yes, from October to April is the wet season while from May to September is the
dry season

Paula: During the wet season they have intense rains, although it really rains all year round

Guaycha: Paula, don’t you think it would also be good to talk about the natural disasters that
occur in Brazil?

Paula: You’re right, I almost forgot about that! In Brazil the most common natural disasters
are floods, landslides and droughts

Guaycha: The northeastern region, which has a semi-arid climate, often experiences drought
conditions that can affect agriculture and water supplies

Paula: Despite that, we can consider Brazil as a country with an incredible climate,
especially to go on holiday.

Guaycha: Brazil’s clothing is very colorful. The most important dress styles is the cangaceiro
outfit that is worn mainly in the northeast. Includes leather hats and jackets.

Paula: There’s also the gaucho outfit, it’s associated with cowboy culture, it consists of long
pants called panties, boots and wide-brimmed hats. And we can not forget the carnival
costumes, elaborate and colorful, are a significant part of the most important celebration of
Brazil, the carnival!

Guaycha: Yes! It is one of its most important traditions, although there is also the junina
festival, which is celebrated in June. This festival has roots in European Midsummer
celebrations. It features traditional foods, dances (like the quadrilha, similar to square
dancing), and costumes reminiscent of rural life.

Paula: Actually my favorite tradition is the brazil carnival but I also really like capoeira, it’s a
mix of martial arts, dance and music, brought to brazil by African slaves, it’s really fun!

Guaycha: how interesting!

Paula: Guaycha, do you know more aspects of Brazilian culture?

Guaycha: In fact, yes, I know about Brazilian food, Brazilian cuisine varies by region but
popular dishes include feijoada (a black bean stew with pork), pão de queijo (cheese bread),
and churrasco (barbecue). Brazil is also known for its coffee and exotic fruits like açaí.

Paula: I love açai, it’s delicious!! Another important aspect of Brazilian culture is football
without a doubt. This sport is a great passion in this country, with legends such as Pelé,
Romario and Neymar raising the country with their achievements.

Guaycha: Who wouldn’t like football with legends like that representing them!

Paula: I think I feel like going to visit Brazil, what kind of things can I do if I go?

Guaycha: One of the things that every tourist has to do when going to Brazil is to visit its
beaches, nobody can miss enjoying the world famous copacabana and ipanema beaches in
Rio de Janeiro, they are paradise without equal.

Paula: Don’t forget the statue Christ the Redeemer in Rio de janeiro, thousands of tourists
visit it every year.

Guaycha: you are right but I would like more to visit the Amazon forest, you can take a
cruise and visit the jungle, diving into nature

Paula:What about the Iguaçu Falls? They are beautiful waterfalls on the border of Argentina
and Brazil, they are unmissable.

Paula: Without a doubt, Brazil is an incredible country with many things to visit and history to

Guaycha: Yes, with all this information I can assure you that it has become my favorite
country, it has a lot of culture!

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