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Vanilla latte ankle socks

This sock is inspired by (Rose city rollers) and (Vanilla

latte socks)

1 skeins of Järbo Garn Raggi Multi, Worsted wight / 10 ply.
US #4 knitting needle(s) (3.5mm), circular or DPN.
Tapestry needle
measuring tape
Stitch marker (optional)

30 stitchs = 4 inc in stockinette stitch using 3.5mm needle

Finished size
Fit most women: 7 1/2 inches in circumference and adjustable length

Instep pattern
Work this wide rib pattern over 26sts
K3, p2, k4, p2, k4, p2, k4, p2, k3=26sts

k– knit
p– purl
sts – stitches
st sts – stockinette stitch
dpn – double pointed needle
sl – slip stitch purlwise
k2tog – knit two stitches together
p2tog – purl two stitches together
ssk – slip one stitch knitwise, slip the next stitch knitwise,
knit slipped stitches together
N# – needle number
Cast on 52sts, using German twisted cast on, divided the sts over 3 DPN
(N1:13sts, N2:26sts, N3:13sts), join in the round, be careful not to twist your
knit 13sts (half heel sts), work instep pattern over 26sts, knit 13sts (half heel sts)
repeat for total 10 rows,
then work (eye of partridge heel)

Heel flap
Work heel flap on half the sts (26 sts)
Set up row: k 13 sts from needle #1, turn the work and purl 26 sts from needles
1&3, turn and work the following rows back and forth, turning the work between
each row,
Row1 (right side): sl1, k1, repeat and turn your work
Row2 (wrong side): sl1 purlwise, purl to the end
Row3: sl2 sts, *k1, sl1,* repeat between **, k last 2 sts
Row4: sl1, purl to the end
Repeat those four rows for 30 rows (when heel flap measure 2.5 inc or length your

Turning the Heel

Still just working the heel flap stitches:
(The gab is the wide space between the last active sts and held sts )
Row 1 (right side): K15, ssk, k1, turn the work so the wrong side is facing you and
there are 17 stitches on the left needle and 8 stitches on the right needle.
Row 2 (wrong side): Slip 1 purlwise, p5, p2tog, p1, turn the work. (16 stitches on
the left needle and 8 stitches on the right needle)
Row 3: Slip 1 purlwise, knit to 1 stitch before the gap, ssk (with the stitch before
the gap and the stitch after the gap), k1, turn
Row 4: Slip 1 purlwise, purl to 1 stitch before the gap, p2tog, p1, turn.
Repeat Rows 3 and 4 until all the heel stitches been work and 16 stitches remain
on the needle

Knit across the 16 heel stitches, pick up 16 stitches along the heel flap (N#1), knit
instep pattern over 26 sts(N#2), with a new needle (N#3) pick up another 16
stitches along the heel flap and knit 8 sts from needles #1, now you have 24 sts on
needles # 1&3 and 26sts on needle #2.
Note: now your rows begin in the middle of the heel sts.
Row1: N#1 - knit to last 3 stitches, k2tog, k1. N#2 - knit instep pattern over all the
stitches. N#3 - k1, ssk, knit to end.
Row2: Knit.

Repeat Rows 1 and 2, 11 times, until 52 total stitches remain (13 stitches on
Needle #1, 26 stitches on Needle #2, and 13 stitches on Needle #3)

The Foot
Maintaining 13 stitches on Needles #1 & #3 and 26 stitches on Needle #2, knit
evenly until the piece measures 2 inches less than the desired final length,
measuring from the back edge of the heel

The Toe
Row1: N#1 - knit to last 3 stitches, k2tog, k1. N#2 - K1, ssk, knit to last 3 stitches,
k2tog, k1. N#3 - k1, ssk, knit to end.
Row2: Knit.
Repeat Rows 1&2 7tims until 24 total stitches remain.
Then, repeat Row1 4times until 8 total stitches remain.
With N#3, knit the 2 stitches from N#1 so that there are 4 stitches on each of two
needles, Use the Kitchener Stitch to close the toe.
Pattern by: Fatma Seif

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