Model Answers Revision #2 Trimester 3 Unit 3 Lesson 3 The Compass Rose

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Unit 3 lesson 3
The Compass Rose
A) Put ( T ) or ( F ):
• The compass isn’t important to show us the main direction. { F

• Muslims can’t pray without using the compass to know the

Qiblah. { T }

• There are eight main directions in the compass. { F }

• The needle of the compass moves freely and points to South

direction. { }

• The intermediate direction which lies between the North and

the West is WN. { F }

• The North direction is opposite the West direction. { }

• It’s not important to have a compass drawn on a map. { F}

• There are four (main) cardinal directions and four intermediate

directions drawn on the map. { T }

• My head points to the North while my left hand points to the

South. { F }

• My left hand points to the West while my right hand points to

the East. { T }

• The North direction is opposite the South direction. { T }

• The Northeast lies between the North direction and the South

direction. { F }

• In the past, before knowing the GPS, travellers use the compass

to travel in the desert to help them to know the directions. {T

• On each map, there is a map key to show us the directions.

{ F }

• The Southwest is known by WS. { F }

• The Southeast lies between the East and the North. { F }

• Muslims need the compass to know the right direction of the

Qiblah. { T }

• Every map contains a Compass Rose to show us the North

direction. { T }

• The Southeast lies between the East and the West. { F }

• NE refers to the Eastnorth. { F }

• SE refers to the Southeast direction.{ T }

• There is a needle in the Compass Rose which moves freely and

always points to the North direction. { T}

• The compass rose is drawn on the map to show direction us the

direction of the North. { T }

• The Southeast lies between the South direction and the East

direction. { T }

• The West direction is opposite the East direction. { T }

• There are four (main) cardinal directions drawn and four

intermediate directions on the compass.{ T }

B) Complete the following sentences using the words in

the box:

• ………NE…………. refers to the Northeast.

• ……………S…….refers to the South.

• ………………NW…. refers to the Northwest.

• ………W………..refers to the West.

• …………SW……..refers to the Southwest.

• …………N…….refers to the North.

• …………SE…….refers to the Southeast.

• …………E…….refers to the East.

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