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FULLNNAME: jeanette Salazar revolledo CYCLE: …………III……………………………DATE:…



The Bald Eagle is a majestic bird. The adult bird has a brown body, brown wings, white head, and large, hooked
yellow bill. Younger birds appear all brown.Bald Eagles almost always live near water because their main food
source is fish. Sometimes, however, Bald Eagles will eat dead animals (carrion). They will even steal food from
other birds such as ospreys and gulls! It was for this reason that the famous Patriot Benjamin Franklin preferred
the Wild Turkey as America's National symbol. Nevertheless, the Bald Eagle remains America's symbol.

1. What color is the bald eagle's bill?

a. white

b. black

c. yellow

d. Brown

2. How are younger bald eagles different from adult bald eagles?

a. They have lighter bodies.

b. They are smaller.

c.They are totally brown.

d. They have black bills.

3. Benjamin Franklin thought....

a. the wild turkey was a better choice as America's symbol than the bald eagle.
b. the bald eagle was a better choice as America's symbol than the wild turkey.
c. neither the wild turkey or bald eagle were good choices as America's symbol.
d. the bald eagle was a fine choice as America's symbol.
4. The author seemed surprised that....
a. the bald eagle is America's symbol.
b. bald eagles have white heads.
c. bald eagles steal food from other birds.
d. bald eagles eat fish.


Accounting is a professional career that deals with the planning, organisation, management and control of the
assets of a company or entity. The accountant is the professional responsible for recording the company's
economic transactions, preparing financial statements and providing financial information to the company's
directors and shareholders.


a. The managment is responsible for activities that consist in plannin activities, organization,
direction and control
b. Positioning is a marketing strategy that tries to get a product to occupy a distictive place
relative to the competition.
c. Logistic is the process of planning, executing, and controlling the eficiente, cost- effective Flow and
storage of godos and services between the point of origin and the point of cosumption.


a. We wouldn`t like to practice the lessons.

No nos gustaría practicar las lecciones.
b. The students and teachers should get to the institute on time.
Los alumnos y los profesores deben llegar a tiempo al instituto.
c. You must work in class because the teacher is angry.
Hay que trabajar en clase porque el profesor está enfadado.
d. The boys aren`t in class because today is Saturday.
Los chicos no están en clase porque hoy es sábado.

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