January 2011 Lowersecondary Exam Students

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Use of English

1. Choose the correct answers.

The end of 2010 was a terrible time for many people in Europe. The cold 1. ______ and heavy snow
meant that many planes couldn’t 2. _______. People 3. _______ to wait for days at airports,
sleeping on the floor. Some of them couldn’t get to their families for Christmas. Roads and railways
also had problems. Even some people at home didn’t have a proper Christmas. Lots of them bought
presents on the internet but the bad weather meant that the postmen and postwomen couldn’t 4.
_______ them.

1 A temperatures B degrees C thermometers

2 A sail B drive C fly

3 A had B must C should

4 A send B deliver C post

2. Complete the text with the correct form of the words in the box.

child have not start person safe

Mark Zuckerberg 1. _______ the idea for Facebook when he was still at school but he
2. _______ working on it until he got to university. At first, it was only for students at the university
but he later allowed other 3. _______ to join. Now, it is open to everyone over the age of thirteen.
Why can’t young 4. ________ join? There have been problems with bullying and other things. There
are other websites for the under 13’s to use which are 5. ________ than Facebook.

3. Choose the correct answers.

We are 1. _______ eleven years into the new century and people 2. ______ how to say the years in
English. Is this year two thousand and eleven or twenty-eleven? Some people 3. _______ one thing,
some say the other. The problem will probably continue until 2020. 4. _________ already a phrase
in English: ‘twenty-twenty vision’ which means to have perfect eyesight. Therefore, it is likely that, 5.
_______ this date onwards, people will use the form ‘twenty – something’ as the way to say each

1. a already b yet c for

2. a have still discussed b still discussed c are still discussing

3. a tell b talk c say

4. a There are b There is c It is

5. a since b from c for

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