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10.1. Reading comprehension

Abortion is an expulsion of a fetus from the womb before it is able to survive, especially in the first 28
weeks of pregnancy (Hornby,1989: 3). Abortion is expulsion of the product of conception. Apart from the
definitions above, it can be concluded that abortion is an unsuccessful product of the pregnancy in which the
fetus comes out before the expected time (Dorland, 1951: 4).

Abortion is not a contraceptive method and should not be considered as one. Medically, abortion
means ending a pregnancy before the embryo or fetus can survive on its own. Abortion is vigorously opposed
by some people in the United States. But among others, attitudes are markedly different. Some assert (1) that
abortion is now a relatively safe medical procedure, (2) that early abortion involves fewer risks than pregnancy,
(3) that even under optimun conditions of correct and consistent use, most birt-control methods can fail on
occasion, and (4) that millions of dangerous illegal abortions have been taking place, with the poor suffering
the worst physical consequences. Some people also feel the issue of personal rights is involved: they believe a
woman should have the right to decide not to bear an unwanted child.

In 1973 the Supreme Court ruled that a womans right to privacy prevailed, and that in the first three
months of pregnancy the decision whether to have an abortion should be left to the women and her physician.
The court specified further that in sub-sequent months of pragnancy, each individual state should be permitted to
regulate the abortion procedures in ways reason-ably related to pregnancy until the last ten weeks; in the last ten
weeks, abortion should be prohibited except when necessary to preserve the womans life or health. In 1997,
under tremendous pressure from the antiabortion lobby, Congress passed legislation severely restricting the use
of Medicaid funds for abortion.

(R. Levy Martin, in Rudiantara,, 2003: 5I)

Answer the following questions based on the reading text above!

1. What does abortion mean? Explain by your own words!

2. Is abortions very risky for the pregnant women?
3. Do illegal abortions cause worst physical consequences to the pregnant women?
4. Did the court specify further that in sub-sequent monts of pregnancy?
5. When is abortion not prohibited?

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