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Scientific Ethics and Integrity

Scientific Ethics and Integrity

According to Carpi and Egger 2009, Having ethical standards in scientific experiments will help
to ensure the reliability of the results and the safety of research subjects. Informing the general
public of the benefits and risks of every discovery and how can they be used and misused is
reasonable and safer for them.

BILL JOY - In the year 2000, He proposed a "Hippocratic oath for scientists, similar to the oath
doctors are taking, requiring them to refrain from harmful research. This oath may not
necessarily work as scientists may not even realize that their inventions could eventually lead to

Examples of the Research that brought harmful effects:

The Chinese - They invented gunpowder when they thought they were discovering the secret to
immortality (Szczepanski).

Alfred Nobel - He adapted Ascanio Sobrero's invention, nitroglycerine, to create dynamite for
engineering purposes.

Albert Einstein and Max Planck - They developed the theory of relativity and the quantum

We have since seen the harmful effects of gunpowder, dynamite, and nuclear bombs in the
death of millions and the destruction of the ecology. There is more scenario that can contribute
to harmful effects such as some scientist making mistakes, politicians and governments
pressuring scientist, scientist tempted by more money for research, and some tempted by fame
and profits.

There is also technical arrogance, it is the desire to do it just to see if it can be done. For
example, Dawson fooled many people for decades that he had discovered 'Pitdown' which
claimed that this was the missing link between an ape and a human, Another example is how
Afro-Americans were used as guinea pigs in a study of syphilis and last but not the least, the
golden Rice experiment in China.



According to Polgar, there has been a discussion of the need for a universal set of ethical

Sir David King - proposed a Code of Ethics with seven principles.

The Polish Academy of Sciences published a Code of Ethics in Science in 2012, meant to be
a model for national codes in European Union countries. Organizations in Europe, Singapore,
and Montreal have statements on research integrity.
The Czech Academy of Sciences has a Code of Ethics for Researchers.

In 2017, the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) published its
organizational code.

The Philippines published its National Ethical Guidelines for Health and Health-Related
Research in the same year. In 2018, the World Economic Forum Young Scientists also
proposed a Code. There is still, however, no universal code of ethics for S&T as of 2019.


Meanwhile, in Science courses such as Engineering, Information Technology, and Science,

Ethics has not been a required course from the undergraduate up to the Ph.D. level in some
schools. These schools rely on General Education courses such as Philosophy to provide moral
concepts for the professional courses. Ethics should also be for end users of science and
technology not only scientists.

Humans are limited by their lack of knowledge, the field is too new and still unregulated, or
practitioners wittingly or unwittingly limit choices, as in the case of genetically modified foods

Science and technology have brought many comforts and conveniences to humans, especially
the middle and upper classes. The question is whether humans have the moral compass to deal
with the risks of technology.

Gender Matters in Science and Technology

Gender has been defined as the ‘economic, social, political and cultural attributes and
opportunities associated with being women and men. Gender is not sex which is determined by
male or female biological attributes. It is a social definition of what it means to be a woman or a
man that varies among cultures and changes overtime (Jhpiego 2016,72).

Male-dominated S&T Gender relations have influenced the historical and social process of the
construction of S&T as evidenced by the way the field has been selected, classified and
determined as scientific or not (Lucas Bueno de Freitas, and Nanci Stancki da Luz, March 13,

The field of S&T has yet to resolve the constricted technological development and technological
resources affecting the support to women’s activities and occupations. According to Devananda
Beura (June 2017), the gender gap in science and technology is due to the following:
• Women have poor access to finances, property, education and technology; •
Women have less talents and inclinations in the field of S&T;
• Economic status and political power are not supportive of the important role that woman
play in S&T.
The issue of whether women can engage in science and technology activities, or whether this
sphere is the sole domain of men, remains a subject of considerable discussion in the academic
and scientific community, social development workers, and among feminists.

As stated by the United Nations, a “gender lens” needs to be applied to ensure that STI policies
will be effective, equitable and sustainable. A “gender lens” means looking at the aims,
situations, abilities and issues being experienced by men and women, including those
identifying differently such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. Ways of applying
“gender lens” in S&T include the following:
• Analysis of the differences between the professional trajectories of women, me and
LGBTQ are analyzed, particularly the barriers faced by women and transgender people. •
In STI policies promoting and leveraging science and technology (S&T) to support
women’s development in key sectors, such as agriculture, water, energy and transport,
where they play a particularly important role;
• Address the S&T gender gap in primary and secondary education environment.

The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of UN endorsed “Transformative Action Areas” in
July 1995, and another one was included in 2006 (UNCTAD, 2011, pp. 1, 2 & 7). The eight
transformative action areas are as follows:
• Gender equity in science and technology education

• Providing enabling measures for addressing gender inequalities in scientific and

technological careers.
• Making science responsive to the needs of society: the gender dimension. • Making
the science and technology decision-making process more "gender aware" • Relating
better with "local knowledge systems"
• Addressing ethical issues in science and technology: the gender dimension. • Improving the
collection of gender-disaggregated data for policymakers. • Equal opportunity for entry and
advancement into large-scale science technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
and innovation systems.

Gender-fair S & T. The second gender issue is in S&T processes and products. In her study of
the design process, Els Rommes (2014, 48) points out that several researchers criticized the
"normal' design of ICTs, that designers design for the masculine norm." The I Methodology,
which is a commonly used design technique in ICTs are design decisions based on the
designers' preferences.

To evaluate gender lens in S&T programs, policies, curriculum, tools or materials, consider some
of the questions below:

• What or who is the subject?

• What kinds of examples are used?

• Is the gender gap identified?

• Are the types of messages gender inclusive?

• What are the methods for highlighting or solving gender issues?

• What are the positive outcomes of the use of a gender lens?

• What are other possible barriers to participation by men, women and transgender people?
• How can these barriers be minimized or eliminated?

• How can gender lens be applied in a sustainable manner?

Gender Matters in the Philippines. The Philippines has the narrowest gender gap in Asia and
ranks eighth in gender equality in the world (Tomacruz 2018). Half of those in S&T research are
women. This narrow gender gap may not persist though as indicated by statistics in education.
In 2016-17, only 29% females enrolled in engineering and technology, and only 41% in IT-
related courses. There are also many women in medical sciences but few in engineering
(Cabico 2018). The most telling statistic is that S&T tends to be concentrated in the country's
center, Metro Manila (Yang).

Indigenous Science and Technology

Indigenous Science
The science of indigenous people who carefully and patiently studied their sorroundings through
the countries and built an integrated knowledge system around it.

It includes complex arrays of knowledge, expertise, practices, and representations that guide
human societies in their enumerable interactions with the natural millieu. Indigenous science
helps the people in understanding the natural environment and in coping with everyday life.

Indigenous science uses science process skills such as observing, comparing, classifying,
measuring, problem solving, inferring, communicating and predicting.

• Pierotti explain the indigenous ways of understanding and interacting with the natural
world in a concept called Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK).

Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) also called the Indigenous Knowledge or Native
Science . TEK is holistic and rooted in community. It highlights interconnectedness, reciprocity,
and the utmost respect for nature. TEK or Indigenous Knowledge is an evolving way of thinking
about the world and can co-exist with modern ways of thinking. It advocates recognition and
inclusivity of indigenous thinking.

Indigenous Knowledge practices

1.Prediction of weather
2.Using herbal medicine
3.Preserving of foods
4.Classifying plants and animals into families
5.Selecting good seeds for planting
6.Using indigenous technology
7.Building local irrigation
8.Classifying different types of soil for planting
9.Producing wines from typical fruits
10.Keeping the custom of growing plants and vegetables in the yard.

Indigenous Beliefs
According to Johnston (2000), indigenous beliefs also develop desirable values namely.
1. Motivating Attitudes
2. Cooperative Attitudes
3. Practical Attitudes
4. Reflective Attitudes
• In Northern America, indigenous people used their knowledge to combat scurvy and
aspirin from willow tree bark. They built means of transportation such as snow shoes
and canoes, monitored wildlife and changes in the environment and practices
sustainable harvesting.
• In the Philippines, indigenous peoples (IPs) such as those in the Tublay Domain of
Benguet express their indigenous knowledge, systems and practices (IKSP) in hunting,
fishing, gathering, system of land use and management, land ownership, forest,
watershed and mineral resources management and protection, and natural health
protection. They use flora and fauna as medicines: red aunt for toothache, pulverized
dried coconut shell and guava shoots for wound, cogon grass roots for kidney problem
and breast milk for sore eyes.
• Colonialism, aided by big business interests, relegated indigenous knowledge and
science to the margin as quakery and superstition. It is only recently that Indigenous
Science is slowly regaining recognition and a place alongside Western Science.
• Worldwide Indigenous Science Network (WISN) restoring Traditional Ecological
Knowledge (TEK) dialogue to the World's most pressing ecological issues. • In the
Philippines, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) , recognizes the
importance of indigenous in its list of functions. "Promote the development of indigenous
technology", although it puts this alongside " the adaption and innovation of suitable
imported technology and in this regard, undertake technology development up to
commercial stage". The Department of Health has also recommended herbal plants such
as sambong, lagundi, ampalaya and pancit-pancitan as remedies (DOH). The Benguet
practice of hilot on therapeutic massage has now been adopted in spas. • RA 8371
(Indigenous People's Rights Act of 1997)

Citizen Science and Citizen Scientist


• Citizen Science is the practice of public participation and collaboration in scientific

research to increase scientific knowledge. Collaboration in citizen science involves
scientists and researchers working with the public. It bridges gaps by harnessing the
power of people who are motivated by curiosity.
• Citizen Science increases public participation and encourages the public to take a stake in
the world around them, making them aware that science, the natural world and the
phenomena happening in it is entwined with the society.
• Citizen science refers to scientific research and data collection activities that involve the
participation and collaboration of members of the general public, often referred to as
"citizen scientists."

• A citizen scientist is an individual who actively participates in scientific research and

data collection, typically as a volunteer or amateur, without necessarily having formal
scientific training or professional qualifications.
• Citizen scientists contribute their time, effort, and observations to various scientific
projects and initiatives, helping researchers gather data, analyze information, and solve
scientific problems.
• Thomas Jefferson first envisioned a network of weather observers by recruiting
volunteer weather observers from six states in 1776. By 1800, more volunteers came
from five other states. However it was only in 1953 that a plan to cover the entire US
with weather observers was established.
• Mary Anning, was an English fossil collector, dealer, and paleontologist. As a child, she
started collecting and selling fossils to help support her family. Mary and her brother
discovered a specimen that supplied data for the first ever scientific paper about the
• John James Audobon was an American ornithologist, naturalist, and a painter. He was
only 19 years old in 1804 when, as a naturally curious person, he figured out that the
Eastern Phoebes bird returns to the same nesting site each year; he discovered this by
catching some birds and marking them by tying strings around their legs.
• In 1873, German-born British astronomer William Hershel found his passion in the stars
after reading a book about it. He started building telescopes, studying the sky, and
recording everything he saw. One day, 1881 he saw a small blue-disk and a few days later
he saw that it had moved. At first, he thought it was just a comet— just another wandering
traveler shooting through our solar system—- but with careful observation, he came to
realize that he had actually discovered the seventh planet in our Solar System.


The use of Science and Technology raises ethical questions about whether it benefits the many
or mainly benefits the rich.

• While the Agricultural Revolution allowed humans to produce more food and live
longer, it also created more work and less leisure time.

• The Religious Revolution pushed away polytheism but created ecological crises,
driving many species to extinction.

• The Industrial Revolution introduced capitalism, allowing private individuals to

own and use capital.

All these changes raise ethical concerns about using science and technology for the benefit of

Science, Technology, and Society Private wealth would supposedly result in wealth and
prosperity for the rest of the world if profits are reinvested in new production. Economic
growth is equated with prosperity and justice.
It has also resulted in financial crises such as

• the Great Depression in the US in the 1930s

• the Asian financial crisis in 1997,

• and the collapse of Wall Street in 2007-2008.

In 1972, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) entitled The Limits to Growth used a
computer simulation to study growth trends and the implications of growth to society. In 2016,
a report published by the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group on Limits to Growth concluded
that the findings in the original report were coming to pass
The emphasis on money and credit, on "build, build, build," and on growth has not necessarily
brought a better life for the many as shown by dismal statistics on poverty and homelessness
and the implosions in Africa, Latin America, Asia, and Europe.
• Since 1980, the global economy has grown by 380%, but the number of people living in
poverty on less than $5 (£3.20) a day has increased by more than 1.1 billion.

• In fact, growth isn't an option anymore we've already grown too much.

• And the hard truth is that this global crisis is due almost entirely to overconsumption in
rich countries.

• In addition, the UK group also points out that some issues not fully addressed in the
original 1972 Limits to Growth report, such as climate change, present additional
challenges for human development.

• But rethinking our theory of progress is not only an ecological imperative, it is also a
development one.

• Have the revolutions in human knowledge through science and technology resulted in
The Good Life for human society?

In Homo Deus, Harari (2015) states, In the past 1000 years, Humans have evolved to take over
the world and are on the verge of overcoming natural selection and becoming gods.

Why the Future Does Not Need Us

Science fiction has a good track record as a fortune teller of sorts.

Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, and George Orwell

• novelists who predicted the submarine, telephone, television, satellites, rocket ships,
email, and genetic engineering.

Stanislaw Lem
• Polish writer, wrote about a planet as a sentient being in SOLARIS.
• sophisticated computers taken over the world in CYBERIAD.

Karel Capek and his brother, Joseph

• Czech writer who invented the term "robot"

• to mean "artificial person"

Isaac Asimov
• An American writer and professor who spelled out "Three Laws of Robotics" in his
Foundation Series.
1. 1st law: A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a
human being to come to harm.
2. 2nd law: A robot must obey orders given to it by human, except where such
orders would conflict the 1st law.
3. 3rd law: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does
not conflict with the 1st or 2nd law.

Kazuo Ishiguro
• A Japanese-British novelist predicts a future of tragic clones deposited in farms until the
time their eyes, kidneys, liver, and heart need to be "harvested" by their humans.

Richard Morgan
• British writer who wrote the ALTERED CARBON

• hypothesizes a future time when human souls and consciousness can be stored digitally
and transferred to other bodies called "sleeves."

Yuval Noah Harari

• Israeli author, fears the discovery of the fountain of life through life extensions and
human enhancements.
• transforming sapiens to homo deus through robotic parts, genetic engineering and

Bill Joy
• American computer scientist and venture capitalist. Co-founder of Sun Microsystems. •
wrote the article "WHY THE FUTURE DOES NOT NEED US"
• it speculates that the new technologies of genetic engineering, nanotech and robotics may
lead to the extinction of human species. Their potential to self-replicate makes them
more dangerous than 20th century technologies. Because of its ability, products coming
from GNR TECHNOLOGIES can go out of control and threaten the existence of the
human race.

For example:

Genetic engineering
• new species will be created including variations of human species
• "gray goo" problem—self-replicating nanobots out of control
• the desire to be immortal by downloading ourselves into robotic bodies.

Alternatives to Growth

Zero waste- advocates a "circular economy," where all products and their packaging are
redesigned so that everything is reused and nothing goes to the landfill.

Green design- also called green architecture, is an approach to construction that tries to
safeguard air, water, and the earth to lessen harmful effects on humans and the

Eco-innovation- refers to two things: technologies that improve economic and environmental
performance and organizational and social changes to improve competitiveness and
Product Stewardship and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)- are sometimes used
interchangeably to refer to the principle of making producers responsible for the planning and
management of resources down to the disposal phase.

Natural capitalism- is a phrase used by the Rocky Mountain Institute. Natural

capitalism considers the impact of manufacturing on the environment by using energy-efficient
technologies in the drive for profit and competition.
Natural capitalism involves four major shifts in business practices that are all vitally
interlinked: •dramatic increase in the productivity of natural resources
•shift to biologically inspired production models
•a move to a solutions-based business model, and;
•reinvestment in natural capital

Biomimicry- is innovation inspired by nature. It seeks "sustainable solutions to human

challenges by emulating nature's time-tested patterns and strategies." Biologists are called in to
help in the design and production of materials, structures and systems that mimic nature.

Environmental Justice- This is the principle that development should bring environmental
justice and sustainability, not only meaning fair treatment of communities but also fair sharing of
environmental benefits (and negatives).

Concerns of the Developing World- Some sectors in the developing world have raised the
issue that while the developed world is now thinking of limits to growth, developing countries are
still dealing with the basics of food scarcity, disease, and energy sources.

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