Rom CMD Output

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--------- beginning of main

11-01 20:40:19.886 178 178 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:19.898 183 183 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:19.900 186 186 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:19.953 192 192 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:20.554 231 231 I houdini : houdini64 enabled
11-01 20:40:20.637 250 250 W : VBoxShell enter the main function ...
11-01 20:40:20.649 255 255 I /system/bin/tzdatacheck: tzdata file
/data/misc/zoneinfo/current/tzdata does not exist. No action required.
--------- beginning of system
11-01 20:40:20.665 251 251 I vold : Vold 3.0 (the awakening) firing up
11-01 20:40:20.665 251 251 V vold : Detected support for: exfat ext4 iso9660
ntfs vfat
11-01 20:40:20.744 281 281 I virtual_shell: wait for property change...
11-01 20:40:20.757 294 294 D local_gps: wait for connect
11-01 20:40:20.758 293 293 D vinput : vinput property get resolution_x: 1024
11-01 20:40:20.758 293 293 D vinput : vinput property get resolution_y: 576
11-01 20:40:20.758 293 293 D vinput : vinput get converted xmax: 1024
11-01 20:40:20.758 293 293 D vinput : vinput get converted ymax: 576
11-01 20:40:20.758 293 293 D vinput : vinput create input deivce by property
11-01 20:40:20.766 289 289 I lowmemorykiller: Using in-kernel low memory killer
11-01 20:40:20.790 307 307 I : debuggerd: starting
11-01 20:40:20.799 311 311 I installd: installd firing up
11-01 20:40:20.806 305 305 I Netd : Netd 1.0 starting
11-01 20:40:20.807 305 305 D TetherController: Setting IP forward enable = 0
11-01 20:40:20.807 312 312 I keystore: Found keymaster0 module Keymaster
OpenSSL HAL, version 2
11-01 20:40:20.807 312 312 I SoftKeymaster:
system/keymaster/soft_keymaster_device.cpp, Line 122: Creating device
11-01 20:40:20.807 312 312 D SoftKeymaster:
system/keymaster/soft_keymaster_device.cpp, Line 123: Device address:
11-01 20:40:20.807 321 321 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:20.807 305 305 E Netd : Unable to create netlink socket:
Protocol not supported
11-01 20:40:20.807 305 305 E Netd : Unable to open quota socket
11-01 20:40:20.807 305 305 D MDnsDS : MDnsSdListener::Hander starting up
11-01 20:40:20.807 305 324 D MDnsDS : MDnsSdListener starting to monitor
11-01 20:40:20.807 305 324 D MDnsDS : Going to poll with pollCount 1
11-01 20:40:20.808 312 312 I keystore: Keymaster0 module is software-only.
Using SoftKeymasterDevice instead.
11-01 20:40:20.808 312 312 I SoftKeymaster:
system/keymaster/soft_keymaster_device.cpp, Line 122: Creating device
11-01 20:40:20.808 312 312 D SoftKeymaster:
system/keymaster/soft_keymaster_device.cpp, Line 123: Device address:
11-01 20:40:20.808 312 312 I keystore: SELinux: Keystore SELinux is disabled.
11-01 20:40:20.844 291 291 I SurfaceFlinger: SurfaceFlinger is starting
11-01 20:40:20.844 291 291 I SurfaceFlinger: SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready
to run. Initializing graphics H/W...
11-01 20:40:20.855 306 306 I : debuggerd: starting
11-01 20:40:20.866 291 291 D libEGL : loaded
11-01 20:40:20.895 291 291 D libEGL : loaded
11-01 20:40:20.898 291 291 D libEGL : loaded
11-01 20:40:20.936 310 310 V MediaUtils: physMem: 4144664576
11-01 20:40:20.936 310 310 V MediaUtils: requested limit: 2694031925
11-01 20:40:20.936 310 310 V MediaUtils: actual limit: 2694031925
11-01 20:40:20.936 310 310 V MediaUtils: original limits: 4294967295/4294967295
11-01 20:40:20.936 310 310 V MediaUtils: new limits: 2694031925/4294967295
11-01 20:40:20.940 310 310 I mediaserver: ServiceManager: 0xf614c680
11-01 20:40:20.940 310 310 I mediaserver: mediaServer start AudioFlinger
11-01 20:40:20.940 310 310 I AudioFlinger: Using default 3000 mSec as standby
11-01 20:40:20.944 310 310 I mediaserver: mediaServer start mediaPlayerService
11-01 20:40:20.945 310 310 E : batterystats service unavailable!
11-01 20:40:20.945 310 310 E : batterystats service unavailable!
11-01 20:40:20.945 310 310 I mediaserver: mediaServer start
11-01 20:40:20.945 310 310 I mediaserver: mediaServer start CameraService
11-01 20:40:20.946 310 310 I CameraService: CameraService started (pid=310)
11-01 20:40:20.946 310 310 I CameraService: CameraService process starting
11-01 20:40:20.946 310 310 E : batterystats service unavailable!
11-01 20:40:20.946 310 310 E : batterystats service unavailable!
11-01 20:40:21.081 445 445 D opengl-gc: Connection established.
11-01 20:40:21.085 442 442 I gatekeeperd: Starting gatekeeperd...
11-01 20:40:21.085 442 442 W gatekeeperd: falling back to software GateKeeper
11-01 20:40:21.089 291 291 E SurfaceFlinger: hwcomposer module not found
11-01 20:40:21.089 291 291 I SurfaceFlinger: EGL information:
11-01 20:40:21.089 291 291 I SurfaceFlinger: vendor : Android
11-01 20:40:21.089 291 291 I SurfaceFlinger: version : 1.4 Android META-EGL
11-01 20:40:21.089 291 291 I SurfaceFlinger: extensions:
EGL_KHR_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_ANDROID_presentation_time
EGL_KHR_swap_buffers_with_damage EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image
EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_KHR_create_context EGL_KHR_surfaceless_context
11-01 20:40:21.089 291 291 I SurfaceFlinger: Client API: OpenGL_ES
11-01 20:40:21.089 291 291 I SurfaceFlinger: EGLSurface: 8-8-8-0, config=0x1a
11-01 20:40:21.110 291 291 I SurfaceFlinger: OpenGL ES informations:
11-01 20:40:21.110 291 291 I SurfaceFlinger: vendor : Qualcomm
11-01 20:40:21.110 291 291 I SurfaceFlinger: renderer : Adreno (TM) 640
11-01 20:40:21.110 291 291 I SurfaceFlinger: version : OpenGL ES 3.1
11-01 20:40:21.110 291 291 I SurfaceFlinger: extensions:
GL_EXT_EGL_image_external_wrap_modes GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_color_buffer_float
GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_EXT_copy_image GL_EXT_debug_marker
GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query GL_EXT_draw_buffers
GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed GL_EXT_float_blend GL_EXT_frag_depth
GL_EXT_geometry_shader GL_EXT_gpu_shader5 GL_EXT_instanced_arrays
GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box
GL_EXT_read_format_bgra GL_EXT_robustness GL_EXT_sRGB GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks
GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod GL_EXT_tessellation_shader GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp
GL_EXT_texture_buffer GL_EXT_texture_compression_bptc
GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc
GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc_srgb
GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_norm16 GL_EXT_texture_rg
GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_EXT_unpack_subimage
GL_KHR_debug GL_KHR_no_error GL_KHR_te
11-01 20:40:21.110 291 291 I SurfaceFlinger: GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 16384
11-01 20:40:21.110 291 291 I SurfaceFlinger: GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS = 32768
11-01 20:40:21.110 291 291 D gralloc_x86: gralloc_alloc: Creating ashmem region
of size 4096
11-01 20:40:21.124 291 291 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=2, type=0
11-01 20:40:21.131 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera: Initialize:
11-01 20:40:21.131 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera: initializing back
camera on local srv port 24801
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_GenyDevice: Initialize: Connected
to the emulated camera service 'back'
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_Device: initializeWhiteBalanceModes
with auto, 1.000000, 1.000000
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_Device: initializeWhiteBalanceModes
with incandescent, 1.380000, 0.600000
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_Device: initializeWhiteBalanceModes
with daylight, 1.090000, 0.920000
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_Device: initializeWhiteBalanceModes
with twilight, 0.920000, 1.220000
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_Device: setWhiteBalanceMode with
white balance auto
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera: getCameraOrientation:
camera orientation set to 0
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera: Initialize: Geny camera
back is initialized. Current frame is 1280x720
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 I CameraService: Loaded "Emulated Camera Module"
camera module
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera: getCameraOrientation:
camera orientation set to 0
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera: getCameraInfo:
overriding parent method, orientation: 0
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera: getCameraFacing: camera
facing set to back
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera: getCameraInfo:
overriding parent method, facing: back
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_Camera: getCameraInfo
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_BaseCamera: getCameraInfo
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera: getCameraOrientation:
camera orientation set to 0
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera: getCameraInfo:
overriding parent method, orientation: 0
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera: getCameraFacing: camera
facing set to front
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera: getCameraInfo:
overriding parent method, facing: front
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_Camera: getCameraInfo
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_BaseCamera: getCameraInfo
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera: getCameraOrientation:
camera orientation set to 0
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera: getCameraInfo:
overriding parent method, orientation: 0
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera: getCameraFacing: camera
facing set to back
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera: getCameraInfo:
overriding parent method, facing: back
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_Camera: getCameraInfo
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_BaseCamera: getCameraInfo
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera: getCameraOrientation:
camera orientation set to 0
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera: getCameraInfo:
overriding parent method, orientation: 0
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera: getCameraFacing: camera
facing set to front
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera: getCameraInfo:
overriding parent method, facing: front
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_Camera: getCameraInfo
11-01 20:40:21.132 310 310 V EmulatedCamera_BaseCamera: getCameraInfo
11-01 20:40:21.133 310 310 I mediaserver: mediaServer start AudioPolicyService
11-01 20:40:21.133 310 310 I AudioPolicyService: AudioPolicyService CSTOR in
new mode
11-01 20:40:21.135 310 310 I APM::ConfigParsingUtils: loadAudioPolicyConfig()
loaded /system/etc/audio_policy.conf
11-01 20:40:21.140 310 310 E audio_hw_primary: Unable to open the mixer,
11-01 20:40:21.140 310 310 I AudioFlinger: loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio
interface from Grouper audio HW HAL (audio) handle 1
11-01 20:40:21.140 310 310 I AudioFlinger: openOutput(), module 1 Device 2,
SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
11-01 20:40:21.141 310 310 I AudioFlinger: AudioStreamOut::open(),
mHalFormatIsLinearPcm = 1
11-01 20:40:21.145 310 310 I AudioFlinger: HAL output buffer size 512 frames,
normal sink buffer size 1024 frames
11-01 20:40:21.165 310 310 I BufferProvider: found effect "Multichannel Downmix
To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
11-01 20:40:21.165 310 310 E MonoPipe: Failed to fetch local time frequency
when constructing a MonoPipe (res = -32). getNextWriteTimestamp calls will be non-
11-01 20:40:21.165 310 310 I AudioFlinger: Using module 1 has the primary audio
11-01 20:40:21.165 310 483 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0xf2780000
ready to run
11-01 20:40:21.165 310 483 E AudioFlinger: no wake lock to update!
11-01 20:40:21.175 310 486 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0xf2380000
ready to run
11-01 20:40:21.183 310 310 D BlueZ : external/bluetooth/bluez/android/hal-
11-01 20:40:21.183 310 310 D BlueZ : external/bluetooth/bluez/android/hal-
11-01 20:40:21.183 310 310 E BlueZ : APTX: failed to open library libbt- (dlopen failed: library "" not found)
11-01 20:40:21.183 310 310 D BlueZ : external/bluetooth/bluez/android/hal-
11-01 20:40:21.183 310 310 D BlueZ : external/bluetooth/bluez/android/hal-
11-01 20:40:21.183 310 310 D BlueZ : external/bluetooth/bluez/android/hal-
11-01 20:40:21.183 310 310 I AudioFlinger: loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio
interface from A2DP Bluez HW HAL (audio) handle 4
11-01 20:40:21.184 310 489 D BlueZ : external/bluetooth/bluez/android/hal-
11-01 20:40:21.184 310 489 D BlueZ : external/bluetooth/bluez/android/hal-
audio.c:ipc_handler() Waiting for connection ...
11-01 20:40:21.186 310 310 I AudioFlinger: loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio
interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 5
11-01 20:40:21.186 310 310 I mediaserver: mediaServer start
11-01 20:40:21.186 310 310 E SoundTriggerHwService: couldn't load sound trigger
module sound_trigger.primary (No such file or directory)
11-01 20:40:21.186 310 310 I mediaserver: mediaServer start RadioService
11-01 20:40:21.186 310 310 I RadioService: RadioService
11-01 20:40:21.186 310 310 I RadioService: onFirstRef
11-01 20:40:21.186 310 310 E RadioService: couldn't load radio module
radio.primary (No such file or directory)
11-01 20:40:21.187 310 310 I mediaserver: mediaServer start
11-01 20:40:21.187 310 310 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service
11-01 20:40:21.213 443 443 I powerbtn: open event0(Power Button) ok fd=4
11-01 20:40:21.217 468 468 I BootAnimation: boot animation disabled
11-01 20:40:21.218 291 291 D SurfaceFlinger: shader cache generated - 24
shaders in 84.551659 ms
11-01 20:40:21.219 291 291 D gralloc_x86: gralloc_alloc: Creating ashmem region
of size 4096
11-01 20:40:21.228 511 511 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.228 514 514 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.230 441 441 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<<
11-01 20:40:21.235 517 517 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.235 519 519 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.238 522 522 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.239 524 524 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.243 441 441 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
11-01 20:40:21.244 528 528 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.245 530 530 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.246 305 305 I iptables: iptables v1.4.20: can't initialize
iptables table `nat': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)
11-01 20:40:21.246 305 305 I iptables: Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to
be upgraded.
11-01 20:40:21.246 305 305 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(3)
11-01 20:40:21.246 305 305 E Netd : exec() res=0, status=768 for
/system/bin/iptables -w -t nat -N oem_nat_pre
11-01 20:40:21.251 533 533 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.251 536 536 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.252 305 305 I iptables: iptables v1.4.20: can't initialize
iptables table `nat': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)
11-01 20:40:21.252 305 305 I iptables: Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to
be upgraded.
11-01 20:40:21.252 305 305 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(3)
11-01 20:40:21.252 305 305 E Netd : exec() res=0, status=768 for
/system/bin/iptables -w -t nat -A PREROUTING -j oem_nat_pre
11-01 20:40:21.253 540 540 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.257 542 542 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.260 546 546 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.261 548 548 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[0]=-Xzygote
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art :
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[2]=exit
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[3]=vfprintf
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[4]=sensitiveThread
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[5]=-verbose:gc
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[6]=-Xms8m
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[7]=-Xmx256m
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[8]=-X64mx512m
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[9]=-XX:HeapGrowthLimit=128m
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[10]=-XX:HeapGrowthLimit64=512m
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[11]=-XX:HeapMinFree=512k
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[12]=-XX:HeapMaxFree=8m
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[13]=-
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[14]=-Xusejit:true
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[15]=-
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[16]=-Xlockprofthreshold:500
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[17]=-Ximage-compiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[18]=--runtime-arg
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[19]=-Ximage-compiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[20]=-Xms64m
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[21]=-Ximage-compiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[22]=--runtime-arg
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[23]=-Ximage-compiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[24]=-Xmx64m
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[25]=-Ximage-compiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[26]=--compiler-filter=verify-at-
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[27]=-Ximage-compiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art :
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[29]=-Xcompiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[30]=--runtime-arg
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[31]=-Xcompiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[32]=-Xms64m
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[33]=-Xcompiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[34]=--runtime-arg
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[35]=-Xcompiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[36]=-Xmx512m
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[37]=-Xcompiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[38]=--compiler-filter=verify-at-
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[39]=-Ximage-compiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[40]=--instruction-set-
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[41]=-Xcompiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[42]=--instruction-set-
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[43]=-Duser.locale=es-ES
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[44]
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art : option[45]=--cpu-abilist=x86,armeabi-
11-01 20:40:21.261 441 441 I art :
11-01 20:40:21.269 551 551 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.270 553 553 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.272 556 556 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.272 558 558 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.273 305 305 I iptables: iptables v1.4.20: can't initialize
iptables table `nat': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)
11-01 20:40:21.273 305 305 I iptables: Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to
be upgraded.
11-01 20:40:21.273 305 305 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(3)
11-01 20:40:21.273 305 305 E Netd : exec() res=0, status=768 for
/system/bin/iptables -w -t nat -N natctrl_nat_POSTROUTING
11-01 20:40:21.280 561 561 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.280 563 563 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.280 305 305 I iptables: iptables v1.4.20: can't initialize
iptables table `nat': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)
11-01 20:40:21.280 305 305 I iptables: Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to
be upgraded.
11-01 20:40:21.280 305 305 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(3)
11-01 20:40:21.281 305 305 E Netd : exec() res=0, status=768 for
/system/bin/iptables -w -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j natctrl_nat_POSTROUTING
11-01 20:40:21.285 568 568 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.285 570 570 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.290 305 305 I OemIptablesHook: OEM iptable hook installed.
11-01 20:40:21.336 589 589 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.337 591 591 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.337 593 593 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.337 305 305 I iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that
11-01 20:40:21.337 305 305 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1)
11-01 20:40:21.337 305 305 E Netd : exec() res=0, status=256 for
/system/bin/iptables -w -A fw_dozable -m owner --uid-owner 0-9999 -j RETURN
11-01 20:40:21.343 596 596 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.343 598 598 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.344 600 600 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.344 305 305 I ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by
that name.
11-01 20:40:21.344 305 305 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
11-01 20:40:21.345 305 305 E Netd : exec() res=0, status=256 for
/system/bin/ip6tables -w -A fw_dozable -m owner --uid-owner 0-9999 -j RETURN
11-01 20:40:21.382 305 305 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -F
natctrl_FORWARD) res=0
11-01 20:40:21.383 305 305 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -A
natctrl_FORWARD -j DROP) res=0
11-01 20:40:21.384 619 619 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.385 621 621 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.385 305 305 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -t
nat -F natctrl_nat_POSTROUTING) res=3
11-01 20:40:21.434 441 441 D ICU : No timezone override file found:
11-01 20:40:21.516 439 439 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<<
--------- beginning of events
11-01 20:40:21.516 439 439 I boot_progress_start: 2999
11-01 20:40:21.524 439 439 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[0]=-Xzygote
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art :
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[2]=exit
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[3]=vfprintf
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[4]=sensitiveThread
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[5]=-verbose:gc
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[6]=-Xms8m
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[7]=-Xmx256m
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[8]=-X64mx512m
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[9]=-XX:HeapGrowthLimit=128m
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[10]=-XX:HeapGrowthLimit64=512m
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[11]=-XX:HeapMinFree=512k
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[12]=-XX:HeapMaxFree=8m
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[13]=-
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[14]=-Xusejit:true
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[15]=-
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[16]=-Xlockprofthreshold:500
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[17]=-Ximage-compiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[18]=--runtime-arg
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[19]=-Ximage-compiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[20]=-Xms64m
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[21]=-Ximage-compiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[22]=--runtime-arg
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[23]=-Ximage-compiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[24]=-Xmx64m
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[25]=-Ximage-compiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[26]=--compiler-filter=verify-at-
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[27]=-Ximage-compiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art :
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[29]=-Xcompiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[30]=--runtime-arg
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[31]=-Xcompiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[32]=-Xms64m
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[33]=-Xcompiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[34]=--runtime-arg
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[35]=-Xcompiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[36]=-Xmx512m
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[37]=-Xcompiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[38]=--compiler-filter=verify-at-
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[39]=-Ximage-compiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[40]=--instruction-set-
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[41]=-Xcompiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[42]=--instruction-set-
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[43]=-Ximage-compiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[44]=--instruction-set-
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[45]=-Xcompiler-option
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[46]=--instruction-set-
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[47]=-Duser.locale=es-ES
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[48]
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art : option[49]=--cpu-abilist=x86_64,arm64-
11-01 20:40:21.544 439 439 I art :
11-01 20:40:21.546 441 441 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such
file or directory)
11-01 20:40:21.546 441 441 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module:
11-01 20:40:21.552 441 441 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
11-01 20:40:21.567 441 441 I SamplingProfilerIntegration: Profiling disabled.
11-01 20:40:21.585 441 441 I boot_progress_preload_start: 3068
11-01 20:40:21.585 441 441 D Zygote : begin preload
11-01 20:40:21.587 441 685 I Zygote : Preloading classes...
11-01 20:40:21.596 689 689 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.597 692 692 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.597 694 694 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.598 687 687 D idmap : error: no read access to
/vendor/overlay: No such file or directory
11-01 20:40:21.598 305 305 I iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that
11-01 20:40:21.598 305 305 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1)
11-01 20:40:21.598 305 305 E BandwidthController: runIptablesCmd(): res=1
status=256 failed /system/bin/iptables -w -A bw_INPUT -m owner --socket-exists
11-01 20:40:21.604 697 697 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.605 700 700 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.606 703 703 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.607 305 305 I ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by
that name.
11-01 20:40:21.607 305 305 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
11-01 20:40:21.607 305 305 E BandwidthController: runIptablesCmd(): res=1
status=256 failed /system/bin/ip6tables -w -A bw_INPUT -m owner --socket-exists
11-01 20:40:21.653 441 441 I Zygote : Preloading resources...
11-01 20:40:21.674 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080096
(android:drawable/toast_frame) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.681 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108010c
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.681 439 439 D ICU : No timezone override file found:
11-01 20:40:21.681 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108010b
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.682 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080109
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.683 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080108
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.688 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080106
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.689 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080105
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.689 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080104
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.689 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080103
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.689 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080102
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.689 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080101
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.690 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f9
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_pressed_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.690 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f8
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.696 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f4
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.697 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f3
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.704 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f1
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.704 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f0
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.708 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ef
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.708 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ee
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.708 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ed
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.708 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ec
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.709 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080109
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.714 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f4
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.717 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108010c
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.717 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f9
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_pressed_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.717 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080106
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.717 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f1
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.730 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f4
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.730 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080109
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.730 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080104
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.731 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ef
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.731 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080102
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.731 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ed
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.731 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ef
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.731 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080104
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.731 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800e2
(android:drawable/btn_check_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.731 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080108
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.731 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f3
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.731 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108010b
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.731 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f8
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.731 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080105
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.732 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f0
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.732 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f3
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.732 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080108
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.732 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080103
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.732 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ee
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.732 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080101
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.732 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ec
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.732 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ee
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.732 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080103
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.732 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800e1
(android:drawable/btn_check_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.733 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108019d
(android:drawable/btn_radio_on_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.734 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108019c
(android:drawable/btn_radio_on_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.735 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080199
(android:drawable/btn_radio_on_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.739 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080198
(android:drawable/btn_radio_on_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.739 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080196
(android:drawable/btn_radio_on_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.740 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080195
(android:drawable/btn_radio_on_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.747 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080194
(android:drawable/btn_radio_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.747 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080193
(android:drawable/btn_radio_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.747 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080192
(android:drawable/btn_radio_on_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.748 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080191
(android:drawable/btn_radio_on_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.752 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108018e
(android:drawable/btn_radio_off_pressed_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.753 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108018d
(android:drawable/btn_radio_off_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.753 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108018b
(android:drawable/btn_radio_off_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.753 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108018a
(android:drawable/btn_radio_off_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.753 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080188
(android:drawable/btn_radio_off_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.753 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080187
(android:drawable/btn_radio_off_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.753 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080186
(android:drawable/btn_radio_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.753 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080185
(android:drawable/btn_radio_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.753 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080184
(android:drawable/btn_radio_off_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.753 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080183
(android:drawable/btn_radio_off_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.754 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108012e
(android:drawable/btn_default_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.755 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108012d
(android:drawable/btn_default_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.761 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108012a
(android:drawable/btn_default_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.761 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080129
(android:drawable/btn_default_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.762 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080120
(android:drawable/btn_default_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.762 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011f
(android:drawable/btn_default_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.763 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011d
(android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.763 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011c
(android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.763 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011a
(android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.768 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080119
(android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.769 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080129
(android:drawable/btn_default_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.770 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011c
(android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.770 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108012d
(android:drawable/btn_default_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.771 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011f
(android:drawable/btn_default_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.772 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080129
(android:drawable/btn_default_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.773 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080119
(android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.773 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011c
(android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.773 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080121
(android:drawable/btn_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.773 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108012a
(android:drawable/btn_default_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.773 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011d
(android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.773 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108012e
(android:drawable/btn_default_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.779 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080120
(android:drawable/btn_default_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.780 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108012a
(android:drawable/btn_default_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.780 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011a
(android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.780 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011d
(android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.780 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080122
(android:drawable/btn_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.782 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fe
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.782 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080208
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.783 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080204
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.783 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fa
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.783 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108020a
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.783 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080200
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.783 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080206
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.783 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fc
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.783 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080202
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.783 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f8
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.795 439 439 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such
file or directory)
11-01 20:40:21.795 439 439 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module:
11-01 20:40:21.798 439 439 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
11-01 20:40:21.804 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fe
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.804 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080208
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.804 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080204
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.804 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fa
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.805 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108020a
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.805 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080200
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.805 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080206
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.805 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fc
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.805 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080202
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.805 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080204
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.805 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f8
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.809 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fa
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.809 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fe
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.812 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080208
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.812 439 439 I SamplingProfilerIntegration: Profiling disabled.
11-01 20:40:21.812 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f3
(android:drawable/btn_star_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.813 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fd
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.813 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080207
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.813 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080203
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.813 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f9
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.813 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080209
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.813 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801ff
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.814 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080205
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.814 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fb
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.814 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080201
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.814 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f7
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.814 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fd
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.814 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080207
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.814 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080203
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.814 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f9
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.815 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080209
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.815 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801ff
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.815 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080205
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.815 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fb
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.815 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080201
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.815 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080203
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.815 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f7
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.815 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f9
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.815 718 718 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.816 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fd
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.816 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080207
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.816 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f2
(android:drawable/btn_star_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.816 720 720 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:21.816 305 305 E Netd : cannot find interface dummy0
11-01 20:40:21.817 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023d
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_pressed_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.817 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023c
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.817 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023b
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.817 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023a
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.817 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080239
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.817 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080238
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.817 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080237
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.818 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080236
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.818 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080235
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.818 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080234
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.818 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080232
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_pressed_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.818 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080231
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.820 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080230
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_normal_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.820 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022f
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.820 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022e
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.821 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022d
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.821 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022c
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.821 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022b
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.821 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022a
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.821 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080229
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.821 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023b
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.821 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080237
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.821 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023d
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_pressed_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.821 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080239
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.821 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023b
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.821 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080235
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.822 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080237
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.822 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080230
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_normal_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.822 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022c
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.822 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080232
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_pressed_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.822 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022e
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.822 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080230
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_normal_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.822 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022a
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.822 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022c
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.822 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080226
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.822 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023a
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.822 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080236
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.822 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023c
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.822 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080238
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.822 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023a
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.822 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080234
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.827 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080236
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.828 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022f
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.828 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022b
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.828 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080231
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.829 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022d
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.829 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022f
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.829 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080229
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.829 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022b
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.829 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080225
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.829 439 439 I boot_progress_preload_start: 3313
11-01 20:40:21.830 439 439 D Zygote : begin preload
11-01 20:40:21.830 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108070d
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_default_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.830 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080711
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.830 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108070b
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_activated_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.831 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080713
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.831 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108070d
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_default_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.831 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108070f
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.831 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080711
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.832 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806ff
(android:drawable/textfield_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.832 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080705
(android:drawable/textfield_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.832 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806f6
(android:drawable/textfield_activated_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.832 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080708
(android:drawable/textfield_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.832 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806ff
(android:drawable/textfield_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.832 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080703
(android:drawable/textfield_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.832 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080705
(android:drawable/textfield_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.832 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802a5
(android:drawable/edit_text_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.832 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108070c
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_default_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.833 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080710
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.833 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108070a
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_activated_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.833 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080712
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.833 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108070c
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_default_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.833 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108070e
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.833 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080710
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.834 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806fe
(android:drawable/textfield_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.834 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080704
(android:drawable/textfield_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.834 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806f5
(android:drawable/textfield_activated_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.834 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080707
(android:drawable/textfield_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.834 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806fe
(android:drawable/textfield_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.834 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080702
(android:drawable/textfield_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.834 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080704
(android:drawable/textfield_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.834 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802a4
(android:drawable/edit_text_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.834 439 726 I Zygote : Preloading classes...
11-01 20:40:21.837 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806ec
(android:drawable/text_select_handle_left) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.837 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806f2
(android:drawable/text_select_handle_right) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.837 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806e9
(android:drawable/text_edit_paste_window) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.838 728 728 D idmap : error: no read access to
/vendor/overlay: No such file or directory
11-01 20:40:21.838 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802bc
(android:drawable/expander_close_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.839 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802bd
(android:drawable/expander_close_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.845 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802bc
(android:drawable/expander_close_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.846 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802c5
(android:drawable/expander_open_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.846 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802c0
(android:drawable/expander_group_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.846 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802bd
(android:drawable/expander_close_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.846 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802c6
(android:drawable/expander_open_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.846 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802c1
(android:drawable/expander_group_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.847 439 439 I Zygote : Preloading resources...
11-01 20:40:21.851 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804b8
(android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.852 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804b8
(android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.855 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080497
(android:drawable/list_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.859 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080495
(android:drawable/list_longpressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.859 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080490
(android:drawable/list_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.859 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804bc
(android:drawable/list_selector_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.872 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080096
(android:drawable/toast_frame) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.873 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108010c
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.873 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108010b
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.876 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804b9
(android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.877 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080109
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.878 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804b9
(android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.880 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080498
(android:drawable/list_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.880 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080496
(android:drawable/list_longpressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.880 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080108
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.881 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080106
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.881 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080105
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.881 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080104
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.881 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080103
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.881 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080102
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.881 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080101
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.881 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f9
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_pressed_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.881 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f8
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.881 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f4
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.881 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f3
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.881 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f1
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.881 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f0
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.881 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ef
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.881 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ee
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.881 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ed
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.881 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ec
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.881 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080109
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.881 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f4
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.881 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108010c
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f9
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_pressed_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080106
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f1
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f4
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080109
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080104
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ef
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080102
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ed
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ef
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080104
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800e2
(android:drawable/btn_check_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080108
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f3
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108010b
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f8
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080105
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f0
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800f3
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080108
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080103
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ee
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080101
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.882 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ec
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.883 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ee
(android:drawable/btn_check_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.883 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080103
(android:drawable/btn_check_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.883 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800e1
(android:drawable/btn_check_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.883 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108019d
(android:drawable/btn_radio_on_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.883 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108019c
(android:drawable/btn_radio_on_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.883 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080199
(android:drawable/btn_radio_on_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.883 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080198
(android:drawable/btn_radio_on_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.883 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080196
(android:drawable/btn_radio_on_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.883 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080195
(android:drawable/btn_radio_on_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.883 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080194
(android:drawable/btn_radio_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.883 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080193
(android:drawable/btn_radio_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.883 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080192
(android:drawable/btn_radio_on_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.883 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080191
(android:drawable/btn_radio_on_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.883 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108018e
(android:drawable/btn_radio_off_pressed_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.883 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108018d
(android:drawable/btn_radio_off_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.883 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108018b
(android:drawable/btn_radio_off_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.883 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108018a
(android:drawable/btn_radio_off_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.883 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080188
(android:drawable/btn_radio_off_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.883 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080187
(android:drawable/btn_radio_off_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.883 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080186
(android:drawable/btn_radio_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.883 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080185
(android:drawable/btn_radio_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.883 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080184
(android:drawable/btn_radio_off_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.883 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080183
(android:drawable/btn_radio_off_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108012e
(android:drawable/btn_default_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108012d
(android:drawable/btn_default_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108012a
(android:drawable/btn_default_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080129
(android:drawable/btn_default_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080120
(android:drawable/btn_default_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011f
(android:drawable/btn_default_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011d
(android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011c
(android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011a
(android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080119
(android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080129
(android:drawable/btn_default_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011c
(android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108012d
(android:drawable/btn_default_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011f
(android:drawable/btn_default_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080129
(android:drawable/btn_default_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080119
(android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011c
(android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080121
(android:drawable/btn_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108012a
(android:drawable/btn_default_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011d
(android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108012e
(android:drawable/btn_default_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080120
(android:drawable/btn_default_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108012a
(android:drawable/btn_default_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.884 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080490
(android:drawable/list_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.884 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011a
(android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.884 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804bd
(android:drawable/list_selector_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.885 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108011d
(android:drawable/btn_default_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.885 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080122
(android:drawable/btn_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.888 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108049a
(android:drawable/list_section_divider_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.889 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fe
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.890 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080208
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.890 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080204
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.890 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fa
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.890 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108020a
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.890 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080200
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.890 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080206
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.891 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fc
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.891 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080202
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.891 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f8
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.891 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fe
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.891 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080208
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.891 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080499
(android:drawable/list_section_divider_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.891 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080204
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.891 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fa
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.892 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108020a
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.893 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080200
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.893 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080206
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.893 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fc
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.898 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080202
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.898 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080204
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.898 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804cd
(android:drawable/menu_hardkey_panel_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.898 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f8
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.898 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fa
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.899 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fe
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.899 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080208
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.899 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f3
(android:drawable/btn_star_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.899 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fd
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.899 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080207
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.899 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080203
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.899 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f9
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.899 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080209
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.899 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801ff
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.899 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080205
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.899 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fb
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.899 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080201
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.899 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f7
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.899 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fd
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.900 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080207
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.900 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080203
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.900 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f9
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.900 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080209
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.900 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801ff
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.900 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080205
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.900 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fb
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.900 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080201
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.900 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080203
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.900 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f7
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.900 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f9
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.900 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fd
(android:drawable/btn_star_off_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.900 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080207
(android:drawable/btn_star_on_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.900 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f2
(android:drawable/btn_star_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.900 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023d
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_pressed_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.900 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023c
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.900 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023b
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.900 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023a
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.900 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080239
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.901 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080238
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.901 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080237
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.901 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080236
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.901 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080235
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.901 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080234
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.901 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080232
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_pressed_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.901 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080231
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.901 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080230
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_normal_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.901 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022f
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.901 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022e
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.901 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022d
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.901 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022c
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.901 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022b
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.901 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022a
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.902 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080229
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.902 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023b
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.902 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080237
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.902 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023d
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_pressed_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.902 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080239
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.902 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023b
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_normal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.902 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080235
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.902 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080237
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.902 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080230
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_normal_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.902 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022c
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.902 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080232
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_pressed_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.902 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022e
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.902 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080230
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_normal_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.903 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022a
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.903 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022c
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.903 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080226
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.903 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023a
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.903 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080236
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.903 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023c
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.903 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080238
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.903 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023a
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.903 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080234
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.903 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080236
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_on_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.903 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022f
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.903 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022b
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.903 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080231
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.903 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022d
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.904 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022f
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_normal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.904 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080229
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.904 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108022b
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_off_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.904 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804ce
(android:drawable/menu_hardkey_panel_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.904 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080225
(android:drawable/btn_toggle_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.904 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108070d
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_default_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.904 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080711
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.904 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108070b
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_activated_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.904 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080713
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.904 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108070d
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_default_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.904 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108070f
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.904 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080711
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.904 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806ff
(android:drawable/textfield_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.905 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080705
(android:drawable/textfield_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.905 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804d5
(android:drawable/menu_submenu_background) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.905 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806f6
(android:drawable/textfield_activated_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.905 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080708
(android:drawable/textfield_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.905 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806ff
(android:drawable/textfield_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.905 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804cc
(android:drawable/menu_dropdown_panel_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.905 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080703
(android:drawable/textfield_disabled_focused_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.905 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080705
(android:drawable/textfield_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.905 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802a5
(android:drawable/edit_text_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.906 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804cb
(android:drawable/menu_dropdown_panel_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.906 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108070c
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_default_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.906 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080710
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.906 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804d2
(android:drawable/menu_popup_panel_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.906 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108070a
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_activated_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.906 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080712
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.906 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108070c
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_default_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.906 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804d1
(android:drawable/menu_popup_panel_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.906 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108070e
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.906 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080710
(android:drawable/textfield_multiline_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.906 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804d2
(android:drawable/menu_popup_panel_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.906 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806fe
(android:drawable/textfield_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.906 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080704
(android:drawable/textfield_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.906 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806f5
(android:drawable/textfield_activated_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.907 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804cc
(android:drawable/menu_dropdown_panel_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.907 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804d0
(android:drawable/menu_panel_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.907 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080707
(android:drawable/textfield_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.907 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806fe
(android:drawable/textfield_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.907 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080702
(android:drawable/textfield_disabled_focused_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.907 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804d1
(android:drawable/menu_popup_panel_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.907 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080704
(android:drawable/textfield_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.907 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802a4
(android:drawable/edit_text_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.907 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804cb
(android:drawable/menu_dropdown_panel_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.907 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804cf
(android:drawable/menu_panel_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.907 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806ec
(android:drawable/text_select_handle_left) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.908 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806f2
(android:drawable/text_select_handle_right) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.913 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806e9
(android:drawable/text_edit_paste_window) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.913 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802bc
(android:drawable/expander_close_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.913 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805fa
(android:drawable/spinner_16_outer_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.913 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805f9
(android:drawable/spinner_16_inner_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.914 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805fc
(android:drawable/spinner_48_outer_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.914 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802bd
(android:drawable/expander_close_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.914 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805fb
(android:drawable/spinner_48_inner_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.914 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802bc
(android:drawable/expander_close_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.914 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805fe
(android:drawable/spinner_76_outer_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.915 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805fd
(android:drawable/spinner_76_inner_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.916 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802c5
(android:drawable/expander_open_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.916 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802c0
(android:drawable/expander_group_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.917 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802bd
(android:drawable/expander_close_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.917 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802c6
(android:drawable/expander_open_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.917 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108055b
(android:drawable/progress_bg_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.917 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802c1
(android:drawable/expander_group_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.917 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108055c
(android:drawable/progress_bg_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.917 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804b8
(android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.917 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804b8
(android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.917 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108055b
(android:drawable/progress_bg_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.917 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108056c
(android:drawable/progress_secondary_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.917 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108056a
(android:drawable/progress_primary_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.917 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108055d
(android:drawable/progress_horizontal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.917 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108055c
(android:drawable/progress_bg_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.918 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108056d
(android:drawable/progress_secondary_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.918 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108056b
(android:drawable/progress_primary_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.918 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108055e
(android:drawable/progress_horizontal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.921 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080576
(android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo1) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.922 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080497
(android:drawable/list_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.922 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080495
(android:drawable/list_longpressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.922 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080490
(android:drawable/list_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.922 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804bc
(android:drawable/list_selector_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.929 439 726 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font
11-01 20:40:21.929 439 726 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font
11-01 20:40:21.929 439 726 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font
11-01 20:40:21.936 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804b9
(android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.937 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804b9
(android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.937 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080498
(android:drawable/list_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.937 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080496
(android:drawable/list_longpressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.937 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080490
(android:drawable/list_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.937 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804bd
(android:drawable/list_selector_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.937 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108049a
(android:drawable/list_section_divider_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.937 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080499
(android:drawable/list_section_divider_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.937 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804cd
(android:drawable/menu_hardkey_panel_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.937 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804ce
(android:drawable/menu_hardkey_panel_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.938 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804d5
(android:drawable/menu_submenu_background) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.938 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804cc
(android:drawable/menu_dropdown_panel_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.938 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804cb
(android:drawable/menu_dropdown_panel_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.940 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804d2
(android:drawable/menu_popup_panel_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.945 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804d1
(android:drawable/menu_popup_panel_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.945 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804d2
(android:drawable/menu_popup_panel_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.945 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080577
(android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo2) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.945 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804cc
(android:drawable/menu_dropdown_panel_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.945 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804d0
(android:drawable/menu_panel_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.949 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804d1
(android:drawable/menu_popup_panel_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.949 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804cb
(android:drawable/menu_dropdown_panel_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.949 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804cf
(android:drawable/menu_panel_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.949 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080578
(android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo3) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.949 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805fa
(android:drawable/spinner_16_outer_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.949 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805f9
(android:drawable/spinner_16_inner_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.949 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805fc
(android:drawable/spinner_48_outer_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.949 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805fb
(android:drawable/spinner_48_inner_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.949 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805fe
(android:drawable/spinner_76_outer_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.950 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805fd
(android:drawable/spinner_76_inner_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.950 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108055b
(android:drawable/progress_bg_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.950 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108055c
(android:drawable/progress_bg_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.950 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108055b
(android:drawable/progress_bg_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.950 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108056c
(android:drawable/progress_secondary_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.950 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108056a
(android:drawable/progress_primary_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.950 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108055d
(android:drawable/progress_horizontal_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.950 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108055c
(android:drawable/progress_bg_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.950 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108056d
(android:drawable/progress_secondary_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.950 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108056b
(android:drawable/progress_primary_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.950 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108055e
(android:drawable/progress_horizontal_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.950 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080576
(android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo1) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.950 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080577
(android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo2) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.950 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080578
(android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo3) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.951 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080579
(android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo4) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.951 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108057a
(android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo5) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.951 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108057b
(android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo6) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.951 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108057c
(android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo7) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.951 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108057d
(android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo8) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.951 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080560
(android:drawable/progress_indeterminate_horizontal_holo) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.951 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805fe
(android:drawable/spinner_76_outer_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.951 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805fd
(android:drawable/spinner_76_inner_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.952 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080563
(android:drawable/progress_large_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.960 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805fc
(android:drawable/spinner_48_outer_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.961 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080579
(android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo4) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.961 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805fb
(android:drawable/spinner_48_inner_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.961 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080567
(android:drawable/progress_medium_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.961 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108056a
(android:drawable/progress_primary_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.961 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108056b
(android:drawable/progress_primary_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.962 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108056c
(android:drawable/progress_secondary_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.962 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108056d
(android:drawable/progress_secondary_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.962 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805fa
(android:drawable/spinner_16_outer_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.963 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805f9
(android:drawable/spinner_16_inner_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.963 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108056f
(android:drawable/progress_small_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.965 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108057a
(android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo5) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.965 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805db
(android:drawable/scrubber_track_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.965 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805da
(android:drawable/scrubber_secondary_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.966 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805d6
(android:drawable/scrubber_primary_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.966 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805d8
(android:drawable/scrubber_progress_horizontal_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.966 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805dc
(android:drawable/scrubber_track_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.966 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805da
(android:drawable/scrubber_secondary_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.966 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805d6
(android:drawable/scrubber_primary_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.966 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805d9
(android:drawable/scrubber_progress_horizontal_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.967 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108057b
(android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo6) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.967 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805ca
(android:drawable/scrollbar_handle_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.967 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805cb
(android:drawable/scrollbar_handle_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.967 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080621
(android:drawable/spinner_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.967 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108062e
(android:drawable/spinner_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.967 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080627
(android:drawable/spinner_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.968 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108061c
(android:drawable/spinner_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.968 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080615
(android:drawable/spinner_background_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.968 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080623
(android:drawable/spinner_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.968 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080630
(android:drawable/spinner_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.968 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080629
(android:drawable/spinner_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.968 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108061e
(android:drawable/spinner_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.968 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080616
(android:drawable/spinner_background_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.968 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108057c
(android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo7) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.969 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080601
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.969 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080603
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.969 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080605
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.970 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080607
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.970 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080609
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.970 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108060b
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.971 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108060f
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.971 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080611
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.971 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080605
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.972 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108060f
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.973 439 726 V DngCreator_JNI: DngCreator_nativeClassInit:
11-01 20:40:21.973 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080609
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.973 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080601
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.973 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108060d
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.973 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080607
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.973 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080611
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.973 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108060b
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.973 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080603
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.973 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108060e
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.973 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108061c
(android:drawable/spinner_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.973 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108061e
(android:drawable/spinner_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.973 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080621
(android:drawable/spinner_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.973 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080623
(android:drawable/spinner_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.973 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080627
(android:drawable/spinner_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.973 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080629
(android:drawable/spinner_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.973 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108062e
(android:drawable/spinner_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.974 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080630
(android:drawable/spinner_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.974 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108024e
(android:drawable/cab_background_bottom_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.974 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080253
(android:drawable/cab_background_top_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.974 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108024f
(android:drawable/cab_background_bottom_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.974 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108030e
(android:drawable/ic_cab_done_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.974 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080252
(android:drawable/cab_background_top_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.974 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108030f
(android:drawable/ic_cab_done_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.974 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d6
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.974 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d9
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.974 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d7
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.974 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800dc
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.974 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d8
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.974 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800dd
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.974 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080498
(android:drawable/list_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.975 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d9
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.975 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d7
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.975 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800db
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.975 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080497
(android:drawable/list_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.975 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d8
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.975 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d6
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.975 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800da
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.975 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080038
(android:drawable/ic_menu_close_clear_cancel) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.975 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803bb
(android:drawable/ic_menu_copy_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.980 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803bc
(android:drawable/ic_menu_copy_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.980 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803bf
(android:drawable/ic_menu_cut_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.980 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803c0
(android:drawable/ic_menu_cut_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.980 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080045
(android:drawable/ic_menu_more) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.981 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803d9
(android:drawable/ic_menu_moreoverflow_normal_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.981 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803d4
(android:drawable/ic_menu_moreoverflow_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.981 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803da
(android:drawable/ic_menu_moreoverflow_normal_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.981 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803d5
(android:drawable/ic_menu_moreoverflow_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.981 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803dd
(android:drawable/ic_menu_paste_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.982 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803de
(android:drawable/ic_menu_paste_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.982 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108057d
(android:drawable/progressbar_indeterminate_holo8) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.982 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080560
(android:drawable/progress_indeterminate_horizontal_holo) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.982 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803e7
(android:drawable/ic_menu_selectall_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.982 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803e6
(android:drawable/ic_menu_selectall_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.982 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108031a
(android:drawable/ic_clear_disabled) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.982 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080319
(android:drawable/ic_clear) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.982 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108031a
(android:drawable/ic_clear_disabled) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.982 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080419
(android:drawable/ic_search_api_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.982 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108041a
(android:drawable/ic_search_api_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.982 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108034b
(android:drawable/ic_go) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.983 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080431
(android:drawable/ic_voice_search_api_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.983 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080432
(android:drawable/ic_voice_search_api_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.983 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108026e
(android:drawable/dialog_bottom_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.984 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108026f
(android:drawable/dialog_bottom_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.984 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805fe
(android:drawable/spinner_76_outer_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.984 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108027c
(android:drawable/dialog_middle_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.984 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108027d
(android:drawable/dialog_middle_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.984 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108027e
(android:drawable/dialog_top_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.985 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108027f
(android:drawable/dialog_top_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.985 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080336
(android:drawable/ic_dialog_alert_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.985 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080337
(android:drawable/ic_dialog_alert_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.985 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805fd
(android:drawable/spinner_76_inner_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.985 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080563
(android:drawable/progress_large_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.985 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108048c
(android:drawable/list_divider_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.986 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108048d
(android:drawable/list_divider_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.986 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108048d
(android:drawable/list_divider_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.990 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805fc
(android:drawable/spinner_48_outer_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.990 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800c1
(android:drawable/ab_transparent_dark_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.990 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805fb
(android:drawable/spinner_48_inner_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.990 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080567
(android:drawable/progress_medium_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.991 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800bf
(android:drawable/ab_stacked_transparent_dark_holo) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.992 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108056a
(android:drawable/progress_primary_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.993 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108056b
(android:drawable/progress_primary_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.993 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108056c
(android:drawable/progress_secondary_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.993 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108056d
(android:drawable/progress_secondary_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.993 441 685 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font
11-01 20:40:21.993 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800a1
(android:drawable/ab_bottom_transparent_dark_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.993 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800b7
(android:drawable/ab_solid_dark_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.994 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800bc
(android:drawable/ab_stacked_solid_dark_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.994 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108009e
(android:drawable/ab_bottom_solid_dark_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.994 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800c2
(android:drawable/ab_transparent_light_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.994 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800c0
(android:drawable/ab_stacked_transparent_light_holo) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.995 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800a2
(android:drawable/ab_bottom_transparent_light_holo) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.995 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800b8
(android:drawable/ab_solid_light_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.996 441 685 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font
11-01 20:40:21.996 441 685 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font
11-01 20:40:21.996 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805fa
(android:drawable/spinner_16_outer_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.996 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805f9
(android:drawable/spinner_16_inner_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.996 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108056f
(android:drawable/progress_small_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.996 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800be
(android:drawable/ab_stacked_solid_light_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.997 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805db
(android:drawable/scrubber_track_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.997 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805da
(android:drawable/scrubber_secondary_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.997 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800a0
(android:drawable/ab_bottom_solid_light_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.997 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800b9
(android:drawable/ab_solid_shadow_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.997 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805d6
(android:drawable/scrubber_primary_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.997 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805d8
(android:drawable/scrubber_progress_horizontal_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.997 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804b8
(android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.997 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804b8
(android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.998 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080490
(android:drawable/list_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.998 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080447
(android:drawable/item_background_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.998 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805dc
(android:drawable/scrubber_track_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.998 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805da
(android:drawable/scrubber_secondary_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.998 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805d6
(android:drawable/scrubber_primary_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.998 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805d9
(android:drawable/scrubber_progress_horizontal_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.998 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804b9
(android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:21.999 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805ca
(android:drawable/scrollbar_handle_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:21.999 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804b9
(android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.000 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805cb
(android:drawable/scrollbar_handle_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.000 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080490
(android:drawable/list_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.000 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080448
(android:drawable/item_background_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.000 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d1
(android:drawable/fastscroll_thumb_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.001 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802ce
(android:drawable/fastscroll_thumb_default_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.001 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802cf
(android:drawable/fastscroll_thumb_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.001 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d1
(android:drawable/fastscroll_thumb_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.001 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802ce
(android:drawable/fastscroll_thumb_default_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.002 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080621
(android:drawable/spinner_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.002 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d7
(android:drawable/fastscroll_track_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.002 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d2
(android:drawable/fastscroll_track_default_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.002 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d4
(android:drawable/fastscroll_track_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.002 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d7
(android:drawable/fastscroll_track_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.002 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d2
(android:drawable/fastscroll_track_default_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.002 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108062e
(android:drawable/spinner_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.002 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d8
(android:drawable/fastscroll_track_pressed_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.002 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d3
(android:drawable/fastscroll_track_default_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.002 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d5
(android:drawable/fastscroll_track_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.002 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d8
(android:drawable/fastscroll_track_pressed_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.002 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d3
(android:drawable/fastscroll_track_default_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.003 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080627
(android:drawable/spinner_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.003 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802a9
(android:drawable/editbox_dropdown_background_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.007 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108061c
(android:drawable/spinner_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.007 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080726
(android:drawable/textfield_search_selected_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.007 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080615
(android:drawable/spinner_background_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.007 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080718
(android:drawable/textfield_search_default_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.007 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080728
(android:drawable/textfield_searchview_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.008 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080723
(android:drawable/textfield_search_right_selected_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.008 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080721
(android:drawable/textfield_search_right_default_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.008 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108072a
(android:drawable/textfield_searchview_right_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.008 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080727
(android:drawable/textfield_search_selected_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.008 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080719
(android:drawable/textfield_search_default_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.008 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080729
(android:drawable/textfield_searchview_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.008 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080724
(android:drawable/textfield_search_right_selected_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.009 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080722
(android:drawable/textfield_search_right_default_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.009 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108072b
(android:drawable/textfield_searchview_right_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.009 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080726
(android:drawable/textfield_search_selected_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.009 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080718
(android:drawable/textfield_search_default_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.009 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080723
(android:drawable/textfield_search_right_selected_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.009 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080721
(android:drawable/textfield_search_right_default_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.009 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080727
(android:drawable/textfield_search_selected_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.010 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080719
(android:drawable/textfield_search_default_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.010 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080724
(android:drawable/textfield_search_right_selected_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.010 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080722
(android:drawable/textfield_search_right_default_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.010 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806e3
(android:drawable/tab_unselected_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.011 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806de
(android:drawable/tab_selected_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.011 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806e2
(android:drawable/tab_unselected_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.011 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806dd
(android:drawable/tab_selected_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.011 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806e4
(android:drawable/tab_unselected_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.011 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806df
(android:drawable/tab_selected_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.011 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806e4
(android:drawable/tab_unselected_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.012 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806df
(android:drawable/tab_selected_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.012 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806d0
(android:drawable/tab_indicator_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.012 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806e3
(android:drawable/tab_unselected_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.012 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806de
(android:drawable/tab_selected_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.013 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806e2
(android:drawable/tab_unselected_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.013 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806dd
(android:drawable/tab_selected_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.013 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806e4
(android:drawable/tab_unselected_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.013 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806df
(android:drawable/tab_selected_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.013 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080590
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_pressed_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.013 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080587
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_focused_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.014 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108058c
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_normal_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.014 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080586
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.014 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108058c
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_normal_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.014 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080590
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_pressed_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.014 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080592
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_pressed_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.014 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080589
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_focused_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.014 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108058e
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_normal_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.014 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108058b
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.014 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108058e
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_normal_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.014 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080592
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_pressed_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.014 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800b5
(android:drawable/ab_share_pack_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.015 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ba
(android:drawable/ab_solid_shadow_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.023 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080623
(android:drawable/spinner_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.024 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080630
(android:drawable/spinner_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.024 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080629
(android:drawable/spinner_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.025 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108061e
(android:drawable/spinner_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.025 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080616
(android:drawable/spinner_background_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.025 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080601
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.025 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080603
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.027 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080605
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.027 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080607
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.028 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080181
(android:drawable/btn_radio_material_anim) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.028 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f5
(android:drawable/btn_star_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.028 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080250
(android:drawable/cab_background_bottom_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.028 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080254
(android:drawable/cab_background_top_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.029 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802a6
(android:drawable/edit_text_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.029 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802c2
(android:drawable/expander_group_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.029 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080609
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.035 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108060b
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.036 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108060f
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.041 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080611
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.041 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080605
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.041 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108060f
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.046 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080609
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.046 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080601
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.047 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108060d
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.048 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080607
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.048 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080611
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.048 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108060b
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.048 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080603
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.048 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108060e
(android:drawable/spinner_ab_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.048 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108061c
(android:drawable/spinner_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.052 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108061e
(android:drawable/spinner_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.053 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080621
(android:drawable/spinner_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.053 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080623
(android:drawable/spinner_disabled_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.053 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080627
(android:drawable/spinner_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.053 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080629
(android:drawable/spinner_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.053 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108062e
(android:drawable/spinner_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.053 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080630
(android:drawable/spinner_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.053 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108024e
(android:drawable/cab_background_bottom_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.054 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080253
(android:drawable/cab_background_top_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.054 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108024f
(android:drawable/cab_background_bottom_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.054 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108030e
(android:drawable/ic_cab_done_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.054 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080252
(android:drawable/cab_background_top_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.054 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108030f
(android:drawable/ic_cab_done_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.054 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d6
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.054 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d9
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.054 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d7
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.054 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800dc
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.054 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d8
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.054 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800dd
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.054 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080498
(android:drawable/list_pressed_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.054 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d9
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_focused_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.054 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d7
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_default_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.054 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800db
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.055 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080497
(android:drawable/list_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.055 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d8
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_focused_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.055 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800d6
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_default_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.055 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800da
(android:drawable/btn_cab_done_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.055 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080038
(android:drawable/ic_menu_close_clear_cancel) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.055 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803bb
(android:drawable/ic_menu_copy_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.055 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803bc
(android:drawable/ic_menu_copy_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.059 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803bf
(android:drawable/ic_menu_cut_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.059 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803c0
(android:drawable/ic_menu_cut_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.061 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080045
(android:drawable/ic_menu_more) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.061 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803d9
(android:drawable/ic_menu_moreoverflow_normal_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.061 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803d4
(android:drawable/ic_menu_moreoverflow_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.062 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080329
(android:drawable/ic_commit_search_api_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.062 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803da
(android:drawable/ic_menu_moreoverflow_normal_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.062 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803d5
(android:drawable/ic_menu_moreoverflow_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.063 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803dd
(android:drawable/ic_menu_paste_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.063 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080343
(android:drawable/ic_find_next_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.063 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803de
(android:drawable/ic_menu_paste_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.064 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803e7
(android:drawable/ic_menu_selectall_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.064 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080347
(android:drawable/ic_find_previous_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.064 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803e6
(android:drawable/ic_menu_selectall_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.065 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108031a
(android:drawable/ic_clear_disabled) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.065 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080319
(android:drawable/ic_clear) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.070 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108031a
(android:drawable/ic_clear_disabled) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.070 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080419
(android:drawable/ic_search_api_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.070 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108041a
(android:drawable/ic_search_api_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.071 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108034b
(android:drawable/ic_go) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.071 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080431
(android:drawable/ic_voice_search_api_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.072 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080432
(android:drawable/ic_voice_search_api_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.072 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108026e
(android:drawable/dialog_bottom_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.072 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108026f
(android:drawable/dialog_bottom_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.072 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108027c
(android:drawable/dialog_middle_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.073 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108027d
(android:drawable/dialog_middle_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.073 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108027e
(android:drawable/dialog_top_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.073 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080395
(android:drawable/ic_media_route_connecting_material) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.074 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108027f
(android:drawable/dialog_top_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.080 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080336
(android:drawable/ic_dialog_alert_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.081 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080337
(android:drawable/ic_dialog_alert_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.081 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108048c
(android:drawable/list_divider_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.081 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080395
(android:drawable/ic_media_route_connecting_material) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.081 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108048d
(android:drawable/list_divider_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.082 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108048d
(android:drawable/list_divider_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.082 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800c1
(android:drawable/ab_transparent_dark_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.082 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800bf
(android:drawable/ab_stacked_transparent_dark_holo) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.082 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800a1
(android:drawable/ab_bottom_transparent_dark_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.083 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800b7
(android:drawable/ab_solid_dark_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.083 441 685 V DngCreator_JNI: DngCreator_nativeClassInit:
11-01 20:40:22.083 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800bc
(android:drawable/ab_stacked_solid_dark_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.084 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108009e
(android:drawable/ab_bottom_solid_dark_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.085 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800c2
(android:drawable/ab_transparent_light_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.085 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800c0
(android:drawable/ab_stacked_transparent_light_holo) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.085 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800a2
(android:drawable/ab_bottom_transparent_light_holo) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.085 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800b8
(android:drawable/ab_solid_light_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.085 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800be
(android:drawable/ab_stacked_solid_light_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.085 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800a0
(android:drawable/ab_bottom_solid_light_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.085 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800b9
(android:drawable/ab_solid_shadow_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.085 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804b8
(android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.085 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804b8
(android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.086 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080490
(android:drawable/list_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.086 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080447
(android:drawable/item_background_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.086 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804b9
(android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.086 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10804b9
(android:drawable/list_selector_disabled_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.086 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080490
(android:drawable/list_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.086 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080448
(android:drawable/item_background_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.086 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d1
(android:drawable/fastscroll_thumb_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.086 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802ce
(android:drawable/fastscroll_thumb_default_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.086 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802cf
(android:drawable/fastscroll_thumb_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.086 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d1
(android:drawable/fastscroll_thumb_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.086 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802ce
(android:drawable/fastscroll_thumb_default_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.086 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d7
(android:drawable/fastscroll_track_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.086 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d2
(android:drawable/fastscroll_track_default_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.086 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d4
(android:drawable/fastscroll_track_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d7
(android:drawable/fastscroll_track_pressed_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d2
(android:drawable/fastscroll_track_default_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d8
(android:drawable/fastscroll_track_pressed_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d3
(android:drawable/fastscroll_track_default_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d5
(android:drawable/fastscroll_track_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d8
(android:drawable/fastscroll_track_pressed_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802d3
(android:drawable/fastscroll_track_default_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802a9
(android:drawable/editbox_dropdown_background_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080726
(android:drawable/textfield_search_selected_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080718
(android:drawable/textfield_search_default_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080728
(android:drawable/textfield_searchview_holo_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080723
(android:drawable/textfield_search_right_selected_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080721
(android:drawable/textfield_search_right_default_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108072a
(android:drawable/textfield_searchview_right_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080727
(android:drawable/textfield_search_selected_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080719
(android:drawable/textfield_search_default_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080729
(android:drawable/textfield_searchview_holo_light) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080724
(android:drawable/textfield_search_right_selected_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080722
(android:drawable/textfield_search_right_default_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108072b
(android:drawable/textfield_searchview_right_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080726
(android:drawable/textfield_search_selected_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080718
(android:drawable/textfield_search_default_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080723
(android:drawable/textfield_search_right_selected_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080721
(android:drawable/textfield_search_right_default_holo_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080727
(android:drawable/textfield_search_selected_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080719
(android:drawable/textfield_search_default_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080724
(android:drawable/textfield_search_right_selected_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080722
(android:drawable/textfield_search_right_default_holo_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806e3
(android:drawable/tab_unselected_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806de
(android:drawable/tab_selected_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806e2
(android:drawable/tab_unselected_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806dd
(android:drawable/tab_selected_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806e4
(android:drawable/tab_unselected_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806df
(android:drawable/tab_selected_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806e4
(android:drawable/tab_unselected_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.087 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806df
(android:drawable/tab_selected_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.088 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806d0
(android:drawable/tab_indicator_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.088 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806e3
(android:drawable/tab_unselected_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.088 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806de
(android:drawable/tab_selected_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.088 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806e2
(android:drawable/tab_unselected_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.088 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806dd
(android:drawable/tab_selected_focused_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.088 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806e4
(android:drawable/tab_unselected_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.088 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806df
(android:drawable/tab_selected_pressed_holo) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.088 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080590
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_pressed_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.088 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080587
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_focused_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.088 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108058c
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_normal_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.088 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080586
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_dark) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.088 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108058c
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_normal_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.088 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080590
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_pressed_dark) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.088 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080592
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_pressed_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.088 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080589
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_focused_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.088 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108058e
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_normal_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.088 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108058b
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.088 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108058e
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_normal_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.088 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080592
(android:drawable/quickcontact_badge_overlay_pressed_light) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.088 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800b5
(android:drawable/ab_share_pack_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.093 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108039b
(android:drawable/ic_media_route_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.094 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800ba
(android:drawable/ab_solid_shadow_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.108 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080181
(android:drawable/btn_radio_material_anim) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.108 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f5
(android:drawable/btn_star_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.108 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080250
(android:drawable/cab_background_bottom_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.109 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080254
(android:drawable/cab_background_top_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.109 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802a6
(android:drawable/edit_text_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.109 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802c2
(android:drawable/expander_group_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.113 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803c7
(android:drawable/ic_menu_find_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.115 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080329
(android:drawable/ic_commit_search_api_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.115 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080343
(android:drawable/ic_find_next_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.116 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080347
(android:drawable/ic_find_previous_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.116 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803e4
(android:drawable/ic_menu_search_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.116 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080395
(android:drawable/ic_media_route_connecting_material) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.117 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080395
(android:drawable/ic_media_route_connecting_material) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.117 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108039b
(android:drawable/ic_media_route_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.118 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803c7
(android:drawable/ic_menu_find_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.118 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10803e4
(android:drawable/ic_menu_search_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.129 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108049b
(android:drawable/list_section_divider_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.131 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805bf
(android:drawable/ratingbar_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.131 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805c3
(android:drawable/ratingbar_small_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.135 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805be
(android:drawable/ratingbar_indicator_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.136 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802a6
(android:drawable/edit_text_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.137 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080633
(android:drawable/spinner_textfield_background_material) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.139 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806a3
(android:drawable/switch_thumb_material_anim) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.140 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108071f
(android:drawable/textfield_search_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.140 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806ed
(android:drawable/text_select_handle_left_material) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.140 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806f0
(android:drawable/text_select_handle_middle_material) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.140 441 441 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806f3
(android:drawable/text_select_handle_right_material) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.140 441 441 I Zygote : ...preloaded 342 resources in 486ms.
11-01 20:40:22.141 441 441 I Zygote : ...preloaded 41 resources in 1ms.
11-01 20:40:22.141 441 441 I Zygote : Preloading shared libraries...
11-01 20:40:22.154 441 441 E EmojiFactory_jni: Failed to load
dlopen failed: library "" not found
11-01 20:40:22.176 439 711 I art : Background concurrent mark sweep GC
freed 26575(5MB) AllocSpace objects, 136(2MB) LOS objects, 33% free, 2MB/3MB,
paused 88us total 135.688ms
11-01 20:40:22.178 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108049b
(android:drawable/list_section_divider_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.188 310 310 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service
11-01 20:40:22.205 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805bf
(android:drawable/ratingbar_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.206 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805c3
(android:drawable/ratingbar_small_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.206 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10805be
(android:drawable/ratingbar_indicator_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.210 439 726 I art :
recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib64/"
11-01 20:40:22.210 439 726 D MtpDeviceJNI: register_android_mtp_MtpDevice
11-01 20:40:22.210 439 726 I art :
recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib64/"
11-01 20:40:22.211 439 726 I art :
recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib64/"
11-01 20:40:22.212 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10802a6
(android:drawable/edit_text_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.212 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080633
(android:drawable/spinner_textfield_background_material) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.216 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806a3
(android:drawable/switch_thumb_material_anim) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.216 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x108071f
(android:drawable/textfield_search_material) that varies with configuration!!
11-01 20:40:22.216 441 685 I art :
Thread[6,tid=685,Native,Thread*=0xf3ab5e00,peer=0x12c35400,"Thread-6"] recursive
attempt to load library "/system/lib/"
11-01 20:40:22.216 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806ed
(android:drawable/text_select_handle_left_material) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.216 441 685 D MtpDeviceJNI: register_android_mtp_MtpDevice
11-01 20:40:22.216 441 685 I art :
Thread[6,tid=685,Native,Thread*=0xf3ab5e00,peer=0x12c35400,"Thread-6"] recursive
attempt to load library "/system/lib/"
11-01 20:40:22.216 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806f0
(android:drawable/text_select_handle_middle_material) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.217 441 685 I art :
Thread[6,tid=685,Native,Thread*=0xf3ab5e00,peer=0x12c35400,"Thread-6"] recursive
attempt to load library "/system/lib/"
11-01 20:40:22.217 439 439 W Resources: Preloaded drawable resource #0x10806f3
(android:drawable/text_select_handle_right_material) that varies with
11-01 20:40:22.217 439 439 I Zygote : ...preloaded 342 resources in 370ms.
11-01 20:40:22.223 439 439 I Zygote : ...preloaded 41 resources in 7ms.
11-01 20:40:22.223 439 439 I Zygote : Preloading shared libraries...
11-01 20:40:22.239 439 439 E EmojiFactory_jni: Failed to load
dlopen failed: library "" not found
11-01 20:40:22.246 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.tmgp\.bh3 abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.246 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.(tencent\.tmgp\.)?bilibili\.snake.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.246 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.yinhan\.skzh\.uc abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.246 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.braygame\.GunDam abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.246 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.braygame\.bc\.aligames abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.246 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.SleeeeepFly\.BuilderDuet abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.246 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.ilongyuan\.implosion abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.246 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.xcqy\.uc abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.246 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.xd\.scd\.release\.inside abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.246 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.tmgp\.mhzxsy abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.246 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.game\.rhythmmaster abi = arm
11-01 20:40:22.246 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.tako\.muses abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.246 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.cldts abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.247 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.tmgp\.ysj abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.247 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.tmgp\.fcicv abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.247 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.KiHan abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.247 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.yzs abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.247 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.shootgame abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.247 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.pandadastudio\.ninjamustdie3 abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.247 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.easybuddy abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.247 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.hxh abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.247 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.tapenjoy\.actx abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.247 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tnyoo\.z abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.247 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tiancity\.yzgj\.mumu abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.247 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.shining\.nikki4\.tw abi = arm
11-01 20:40:22.247 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.papegames\.nn4\.tw abi = arm
11-01 20:40:22.247 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.tmgp\.jx3m abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.247 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= .*\.tmgp\..* abi = arm
11-01 20:40:22.247 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.af abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.247 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= .*got\.wintercoming.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.247 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.douyu\.hd\.air\.douyutv abi = arm
11-01 20:40:22.247 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.bandainamcoent\.imas_millionlive_theaterdays abi = arm
11-01 20:40:22.247 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.lzhx abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.247 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= ^com\.aniplex\.fategrandorder$ abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.247 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.yysbwp abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.frxy abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.ulugame\.faithkr\.google abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.yysbwp\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.blizzard\.wtcg\.hearthstone abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.kurogame\.haru.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= .*\.Arknights abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= tw\.sonet\.princessconnect abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.miHoYo\.HSoDv2Original abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.miHoYo\.HSoDv2.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.fangcun\.gg.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.yzqy\.qm.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.uf abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.uf\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.miHoYo\.yuanshencb abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.lilithgame\.roc\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.lilithgames\.rok\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.taiyouxi\.jwshmt abi = arm
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.sofunny\.Sausage abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.ma84 abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.ma84\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.bilibili\.fatego abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.papegames\.evol abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.newtypegames\.jwsko abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.newtypegames\.jwsko abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.xml\.sw\.bilibili abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.248 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.bilibili\.arterygear\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.249 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= go\.OtakuGames\.ArteryGear\.bilibili abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.249 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.xmcy\.hykb abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.249 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.bilibili\.priconne\.yofun\.mumu abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.249 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.bilibili\.priconne abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.249 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.forest abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.249 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.xml\.sw\.gf abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.249 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.cokutau\.pj3x\.fc abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.249 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.devsisters\.ck abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.249 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= ^code\.asaiq\.azure\.r.* abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.249 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.stove\.epic7\.google abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.249 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= ^com\.djeablejbmfp\.yudianjiuyiwu$ abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.249 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= ^com\.ifengwoo\.zyjdkj$ abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.249 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= ^com\.cyjh\.gundam$ abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.249 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= ^com\.njmjmhngmImnmfmhnkjhjpjojo\.epic$ abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.249 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= ^com\.android\.AlipayGphone$ abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.249 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.sqw\.setdl\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.249 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.sqwtt\.setdl\.aer abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.249 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.smon\.erwa abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.249 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.minitech\.miniworld\.nearme\.gamecenter abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.249 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.cyjh\.mobileanjian abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.249 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.pearlabyss\.blackdesertm\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.hssm abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.lhrw.* abi = x86_64
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.bingningle\.mrqs abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.escape\.zjy2\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= tv\.danmaku\.bili abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.ninonetwork\.skyIsland abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.pwrd\.xxajh\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.yofijoy\.mlbbgl$ abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.estgames\.cm\.ph abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= net\.chinesegamer\.tsm abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.mcnamijjjjjhjojljmjp\.com\.aaaaf abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.mhjojgjhjpjojnjkjg\.hhw abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.aligames\.sgzzlb abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.ziji$ abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.zlongame\.tdj.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.fdg\.flashplay\.farsee abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.bbk\.appstore abi = arm
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.zlongame\..*coside.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.junhai\.yzjq\.yofun\.mumu abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= air\.tv\.douyu\.android abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.onmyoji\.wyzymnqsd_cps abi = x86_64
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.shengqugames\.llas\..* abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.YoStarEN\.AzurLane abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.hypergryph\.arknights.* abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.sgwsba abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.lptiyu\.tanke abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.wmsj abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.250 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.jxsj3\.branch\.re abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.251 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.denachina\.g13002010\.denacn abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.251 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.superdream\.blackmoon\.yofun.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.251 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.ccxt abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.251 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.mmtag abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.251 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.pes\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.251 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.bilibili\.azurlane abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.251 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.bilibili\.blhx\..* abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.251 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.party abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.251 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.yalla\.yallagames abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.251 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= cn\.xuexi\.android abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.251 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.jedigames\.d3\.huchi abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.251 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.yiyou\.ga abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.251 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.hermes\.bgame.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.251 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.funplus\.awlzw\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.251 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.cmge\.atm\.yofun\.mumu abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.251 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.xyfmj\.yofun\.mumu abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.251 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.mf\.zm abi = armeabi
11-01 20:40:22.251 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tg\.benlei\.jh\.yofun.* abi = armeabi
11-01 20:40:22.251 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.sunborn\.neuralcloud\.cn abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.251 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.inutan\.manasis\.bilibili abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.251 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.my.* abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.251 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.tmgp\.g67 abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.251 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.qt\.qtl abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.252 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.qeeyou\.app\.accelerator abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.252 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.syyx\.whrhx abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.252 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= games\.guanyou\.lmzh\.dys abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.252 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.AVALON abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.252 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.shengjue\.wzzg\.yofun\.mumu abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.252 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.izhaohe\.zhaohe2.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.252 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.road7\.sqh5 abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.252 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.miHoYo\.wd abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.252 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= cn\.jj abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.252 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.yqzh\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.252 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= tw\.txwy\.and\.arknights abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.252 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.baplay\.st abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.252 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.aligames\.sgzzqb\..* abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.252 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.s6.sgzzqb\.cn abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.252 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.aligames\.sgzzqbb\.vivo abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.252 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.tmgp\.sgzzqb abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.252 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.tmgp\.yslzm abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.252 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.shenlan\.m\.reverse1999 abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.253 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.shenlan\.m\.reverse1999\..* abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.253 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.qn\.yofun\.mumu abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.253 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.zlongame\.tdj abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.253 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.gzchukai\.wzlr\.yofun\.mumu abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.253 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.je\.skgame abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.253 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.qnlxpt\.wpoquixn abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.253 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.leiyan\.mdjl\.an abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.253 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.leiyan\.mdjl\.bilibili abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.253 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.(qhly\.|acing\.)?jzjhq\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.253 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.manggo\.xwdsh\.yofun.* abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.253 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.taomee\.seerplan\..* abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.253 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.stzb.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.253 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.echo\.lsf.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.253 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= xy\.xxj\.tap abi = x86_64
11-01 20:40:22.257 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.RoamingStar\.BlueArchive.* abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.257 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.bilibili\.thrud\.yofun\.mumu abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.257 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.aligames\.sxx abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.257 441 685 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.moji\.mjweather abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.257 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern = io\.kkzs
11-01 20:40:22.258 441 685 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.258 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.tencent\.tmgp\.sgame.*
11-01 20:40:22.258 441 685 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.258 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.tencent\.tmgp\.pubgm.*
11-01 20:40:22.258 441 685 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.259 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.netease\.hyxd.*
11-01 20:40:22.259 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.259 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*shootgame.*
11-01 20:40:22.259 441 685 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.259 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern = .*hanju.*
11-01 20:40:22.259 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.259 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.tencent\.KiHan.*
11-01 20:40:22.259 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.259 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.tencent\.tmgp\.sskgame.*
11-01 20:40:22.259 441 685 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.259 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.ss\.android\.ugc\.aweme.*
11-01 20:40:22.259 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.260 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.ss\.android\.ugc\.live.*
11-01 20:40:22.260 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.260 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.tencent\.af.*
11-01 20:40:22.260 441 685 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.260 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.tencent\.wdqy.*
11-01 20:40:22.260 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.260 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.netease\.lztg.*
11-01 20:40:22.260 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.260 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.tencent\.tmgp\.WePop.*
11-01 20:40:22.260 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.260 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern = .*\.codm$
11-01 20:40:22.260 441 685 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.260 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.262 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.262 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.262 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.262 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*dts\.freefire.*
11-01 20:40:22.262 441 685 I Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig find player priority
11-01 20:40:22.262 441 685 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.263 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.riotgames\.league\.wildrift.*
11-01 20:40:22.263 441 685 I Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig find player priority
11-01 20:40:22.263 441 685 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.263 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*bilibili\.sao.*
11-01 20:40:22.263 441 685 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.263 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*\.tzyxmznew.*
11-01 20:40:22.263 441 685 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.263 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.264 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.264 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.264 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.264 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.264 441 685 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.265 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.265 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.265 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.265 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.265 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.265 441 685 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.265 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.tmgp\.bh3 abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.265 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.(tencent\.tmgp\.)?bilibili\.snake.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.265 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.265 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.yinhan\.skzh\.uc abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.265 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.265 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.braygame\.GunDam abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.265 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.265 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.braygame\.bc\.aligames abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.265 441 685 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.265 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.SleeeeepFly\.BuilderDuet abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.265 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.ilongyuan\.implosion abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.265 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.xcqy\.uc abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.265 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.xd\.scd\.release\.inside abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.265 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.tmgp\.mhzxsy abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.265 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.game\.rhythmmaster abi = arm
11-01 20:40:22.265 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.tako\.muses abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.266 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.cldts abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.266 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.266 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.266 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.266 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.266 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.266 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.266 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*gamamobi\.nikke.*
11-01 20:40:22.266 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.266 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*proximabeta\.nikke.*
11-01 20:40:22.266 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.266 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.266 441 685 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.266 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.tmgp\.ysj abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.266 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.tmgp\.fcicv abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.266 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.KiHan abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.266 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.yzs abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.266 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.shootgame abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.266 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.pandadastudio\.ninjamustdie3 abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.266 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.easybuddy abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.266 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.hxh abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.tapenjoy\.actx abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tnyoo\.z abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tiancity\.yzgj\.mumu abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.shining\.nikki4\.tw abi = arm
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.papegames\.nn4\.tw abi = arm
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.tmgp\.jx3m abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= .*\.tmgp\..* abi = arm
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.af abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= .*got\.wintercoming.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.douyu\.hd\.air\.douyutv abi = arm
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.bandainamcoent\.imas_millionlive_theaterdays abi = arm
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.lzhx abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= ^com\.aniplex\.fategrandorder$ abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.yysbwp abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.frxy abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.ulugame\.faithkr\.google abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.yysbwp\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.blizzard\.wtcg\.hearthstone abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.kurogame\.haru.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= .*\.Arknights abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= tw\.sonet\.princessconnect abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.miHoYo\.HSoDv2Original abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.miHoYo\.HSoDv2.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.fangcun\.gg.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.yzqy\.qm.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.uf abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.uf\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.miHoYo\.yuanshencb abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.lilithgame\.roc\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.lilithgames\.rok\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.taiyouxi\.jwshmt abi = arm
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.sofunny\.Sausage abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.ma84 abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.ma84\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.bilibili\.fatego abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.papegames\.evol abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.newtypegames\.jwsko abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.newtypegames\.jwsko abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.xml\.sw\.bilibili abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.267 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.bilibili\.arterygear\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.268 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= go\.OtakuGames\.ArteryGear\.bilibili abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.268 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.xmcy\.hykb abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.268 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.bilibili\.priconne\.yofun\.mumu abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.268 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.bilibili\.priconne abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.268 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.forest abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.268 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.xml\.sw\.gf abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.268 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.cokutau\.pj3x\.fc abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.268 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.devsisters\.ck abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.268 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= ^code\.asaiq\.azure\.r.* abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.268 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.stove\.epic7\.google abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.268 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.272 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= ^com\.djeablejbmfp\.yudianjiuyiwu$ abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.272 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.272 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.272 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= ^com\.ifengwoo\.zyjdkj$ abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.272 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.272 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= ^com\.cyjh\.gundam$ abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.272 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.272 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.272 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= ^com\.njmjmhngmImnmfmhnkjhjpjojo\.epic$ abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.272 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*zulong\.yslzm.*
11-01 20:40:22.272 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= ^com\.android\.AlipayGphone$ abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.272 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.272 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*tencent\.tmgp\.yslzm.*
11-01 20:40:22.272 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.sqw\.setdl\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.272 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.272 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern = .*\.vivo$
11-01 20:40:22.272 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.sqwtt\.setdl\.aer abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.272 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.272 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.smon\.erwa abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.272 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.minitech\.miniworld\.nearme\.gamecenter abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.272 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.cyjh\.mobileanjian abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.272 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.272 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.272 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.pearlabyss\.blackdesertm\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.272 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.272 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.hssm abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.272 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.272 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.lhrw.* abi = x86_64
11-01 20:40:22.272 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.272 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.272 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.bingningle\.mrqs abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.272 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.272 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.escape\.zjy2\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.272 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.272 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= tv\.danmaku\.bili abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.273 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.ninonetwork\.skyIsland abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.273 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.pwrd\.xxajh\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.273 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.yofijoy\.mlbbgl$ abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.273 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.estgames\.cm\.ph abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.273 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.273 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= net\.chinesegamer\.tsm abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.273 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.mcnamijjjjjhjojljmjp\.com\.aaaaf abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.273 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.273 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.mhjojgjhjpjojnjkjg\.hhw abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.273 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.273 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.aligames\.sgzzlb abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.273 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.273 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.ziji$ abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.273 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.zlongame\.tdj.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.273 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.fdg\.flashplay\.farsee abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.273 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.bbk\.appstore abi = arm
11-01 20:40:22.273 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.zlongame\..*coside.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.273 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.junhai\.yzjq\.yofun\.mumu abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.273 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*projectt\.laohu
11-01 20:40:22.273 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= air\.tv\.douyu\.android abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.273 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.273 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.onmyoji\.wyzymnqsd_cps abi = x86_64
11-01 20:40:22.273 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.273 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.shengqugames\.llas\..* abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.273 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.273 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.273 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.YoStarEN\.AzurLane abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.273 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.273 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*projecttl\.laohu
11-01 20:40:22.273 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.273 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.273 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.273 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.273 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.273 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.273 441 685 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.273 441 685 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.273 441 685 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.273 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.hypergryph\.arknights.* abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.273 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.sgwsba abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.lptiyu\.tanke abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.wmsj abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.jxsj3\.branch\.re abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.denachina\.g13002010\.denacn abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.superdream\.blackmoon\.yofun.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.ccxt abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.mmtag abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.pes\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.bilibili\.azurlane abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.bilibili\.blhx\..* abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.party abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.yalla\.yallagames abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= cn\.xuexi\.android abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.274 441 685 D Zygote : Apps device config data:
{.*com\.ss\.android\.ugc\.aweme.*={, ro.product.model=MI
5s, ro.product.brand=Xiaomi, ro.product.device=capricorn,
ro.product.board=msm8996}, .*\.tzyxmznew.*={ro.product.cpu.abilist64=arm64-v8a,
ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi-v7a, ro.product.cpu.abi=arm64-v8a,
ro.product.cpu.abilist32=armeabi-v7a, ro.product.cpu.abilist=arm64-v8a,armeabi-
v7a}, com\.vng\.codmvn={, ro.product.model=JAD-AL50,
ro.product.brand=HUAWEI, ro.product.device=JAD-AL50,
ro.product.manufacturer=HUAWEI, ro.product.board=JAD-
AL50}, .*proximabeta\.nikke.*={, ro.product.model=BLA-AL00,
ro.product.brand=HUAWEI, ro.product.device=BLA-AL00,
ro.product.manufacturer=HUAWEI, ro.product.board=BLA-AL00},
com\.shengqugames\.qyn.*={, ro.product.model=MuMu,
ro.product.brand=Android, ro.product.device=cancro,
ro.product.manufacturer=Netease, ro.product.board=hammerhead},
com\.netease\.harrypotter.*={, ro.product.model=MuMu,
ro.product.brand=Android, ro.product.device=cancro,
ro.product.manufacturer=Netease, ro.product.board=hammerhead},
com\.pwrd\.projectt.*={, ro.product.model=M2102K1AC,
ro.product.brand=Xiaomi, ro.product.device=mars, ro.product.manufacturer=Xiaomi,
ro.product.board=mars}, .*dts\.freefire.*={,
ro.product.model=ASUS_Z01QD, ro.product.brand=ASUS, ro.product.device=ASUS_Z01QD_1,
ro.product.manufacturer=ASUS, ro.product.board=SDM845},
ro.product.model=MuMu, ro.product.brand=Android, ro.product.device=cancro,
ro.product.manufacturer=Netease, ro.product.board=hammerhead},
io\.kkzs={, ro.product.model=MuMu, ro.product.brand=Android,
ro.product.device=cancro, ro.product.manufacturer=Netease,
ro.product.board=hammerhead}, com\.tencent\.jkchess={,
ro.product.model=ASUS_AI2201_B, ro.product.board=ASUS_AI2201_B},
com\.tgc\.sky.*={ro.board.platform=OnePlus, ro.product.brand=OnePlus,
ro.product.device=HD1907, ro.boot.baseband=OnePlus, ro.hardware=HD1907,
ro.product.manufacturer=OnePlus,, ro.product.model=HD1907,, ro.product.board=HD1907,
ro.boot.hardware=HD1907}, .*shootgame.*={ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi-v7a,
v7a}, .*com\.tencent\.tmgp\.pubgm.*={, ro.product.model=MIX
2, ro.product.brand=Xiaomi, ro.product.device=chiron,
ro.product.board=msm8996}, .*com\.tencent\.af.*={ 6,
ro.product.model=MI 6, ro.product.brand=Xiaomi, ro.product.device=MI 6,
ro.product.manufacturer=Xiaomi, ro.product.board=MI 6},
ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi-v7a, ro.product.cpu.abi=arm64-v8a,
ro.product.cpu.abilist32=armeabi-v7a, ro.product.cpu.abilist=arm64-v8a,armeabi-
v7a}, com\.netease\.party.*={, ro.product.model=MuMu,
ro.product.brand=Android, ro.product.device=cancro,
ro.product.board=hammerhead}, .*com\.riotgames\.league\.wildrift.*={
=SM-G9910, ro.product.model=SM-G9910, ro.product.brand=samsung,
ro.product.device=SM-G9910, ro.product.manufacturer=samsung, ro.product.board=SM-
G9910}, .*hanju.*={ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi-v7a, ro.product.cpu.abi=armeabi-
v7a}, .*\.vivo$={, ro.product.model=MuMu,
ro.product.brand=Android, ro.product.device=cancro,
ro.product.manufacturer=Netease, ro.product.board=hammerhead},
com\.netease\.sky.*={, ro.product.model=MuMu,
ro.product.brand=Android, ro.product.device=cancro,
ro.product.board=hammerhead}, .*zulong\.yslzm.*={,
ro.product.model=MuMu, ro.product.brand=Android, ro.product.device=cancro,
ro.product.manufacturer=Netease, ro.product.board=hammerhead},
com\.wangyuan\.yjzz\.bilibili.*={ro.product.cpu.abilist64=x86_64,arm64-v8a}, .*
11-01 20:40:22.274 441 685 D Zygote : Apps device config player priority data:
[.*com\.riotgames\.league\.wildrift.*, .*dts\.freefire.*]
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.jedigames\.d3\.huchi abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.yiyou\.ga abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.hermes\.bgame.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.funplus\.awlzw\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.cmge\.atm\.yofun\.mumu abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.xyfmj\.yofun\.mumu abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.mf\.zm abi = armeabi
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tg\.benlei\.jh\.yofun.* abi = armeabi
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.sunborn\.neuralcloud\.cn abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.inutan\.manasis\.bilibili abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.274 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.my.* abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.275 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.tmgp\.g67 abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.275 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.qt\.qtl abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.275 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.qeeyou\.app\.accelerator abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.275 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.syyx\.whrhx abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.275 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= games\.guanyou\.lmzh\.dys abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.275 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.AVALON abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.275 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.shengjue\.wzzg\.yofun\.mumu abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.275 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.izhaohe\.zhaohe2.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.275 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.road7\.sqh5 abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.275 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.miHoYo\.wd abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.275 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= cn\.jj abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.275 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.yqzh\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.275 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= tw\.txwy\.and\.arknights abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.275 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.baplay\.st abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.275 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.aligames\.sgzzqb\..* abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.275 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.s6.sgzzqb\.cn abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.275 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.aligames\.sgzzqbb\.vivo abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.275 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.tmgp\.sgzzqb abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.275 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.tmgp\.yslzm abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.275 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.shenlan\.m\.reverse1999 abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.275 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.shenlan\.m\.reverse1999\..* abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.276 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.qn\.yofun\.mumu abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.276 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.zlongame\.tdj abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.276 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.gzchukai\.wzlr\.yofun\.mumu abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.276 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.je\.skgame abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.276 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.qnlxpt\.wpoquixn abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.276 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.leiyan\.mdjl\.an abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.276 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.leiyan\.mdjl\.bilibili abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.276 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.(qhly\.|acing\.)?jzjhq\..* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.276 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.manggo\.xwdsh\.yofun.* abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.276 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.taomee\.seerplan\..* abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.276 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.netease\.stzb.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.276 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.echo\.lsf.* abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.276 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= xy\.xxj\.tap abi = x86_64
11-01 20:40:22.276 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.RoamingStar\.BlueArchive.* abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.276 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.bilibili\.thrud\.yofun\.mumu abi = x86
11-01 20:40:22.276 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.aligames\.sxx abi = arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:22.276 439 726 D NativeLibraryHelper: compilePackagePattern pattern
= com\.moji\.mjweather abi = armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:22.278 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern = io\.kkzs
11-01 20:40:22.278 439 726 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.278 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.tencent\.tmgp\.sgame.*
11-01 20:40:22.278 439 726 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.278 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.tencent\.tmgp\.pubgm.*
11-01 20:40:22.279 439 726 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.279 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.netease\.hyxd.*
11-01 20:40:22.279 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.279 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*shootgame.*
11-01 20:40:22.279 439 726 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.279 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern = .*hanju.*
11-01 20:40:22.279 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.279 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.tencent\.KiHan.*
11-01 20:40:22.279 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.279 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.tencent\.tmgp\.sskgame.*
11-01 20:40:22.279 439 726 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.279 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.ss\.android\.ugc\.aweme.*
11-01 20:40:22.279 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.279 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.ss\.android\.ugc\.live.*
11-01 20:40:22.279 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.279 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.tencent\.af.*
11-01 20:40:22.279 439 726 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.279 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.tencent\.wdqy.*
11-01 20:40:22.279 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.280 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.netease\.lztg.*
11-01 20:40:22.280 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.280 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.tencent\.tmgp\.WePop.*
11-01 20:40:22.280 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.280 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern = .*\.codm$
11-01 20:40:22.280 439 726 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.280 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.280 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.280 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.280 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.280 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*dts\.freefire.*
11-01 20:40:22.280 439 726 I Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig find player priority
11-01 20:40:22.280 439 726 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.280 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*com\.riotgames\.league\.wildrift.*
11-01 20:40:22.280 439 726 I Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig find player priority
11-01 20:40:22.280 439 726 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.280 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*bilibili\.sao.*
11-01 20:40:22.280 439 726 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.280 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*\.tzyxmznew.*
11-01 20:40:22.280 439 726 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.280 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.280 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.281 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.281 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.281 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.281 439 726 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.281 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.281 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.281 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.281 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.281 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.281 439 726 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.281 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.282 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.282 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.282 439 726 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.282 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.282 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.282 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.282 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.282 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.282 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.282 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*gamamobi\.nikke.*
11-01 20:40:22.282 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.282 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*proximabeta\.nikke.*
11-01 20:40:22.283 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.286 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.286 439 726 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*zulong\.yslzm.*
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*tencent\.tmgp\.yslzm.*
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern = .*\.vivo$
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*projectt\.laohu
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern
= .*projecttl\.laohu
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 I Zygote : config file alreay
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 D Zygote : getAppDeviceConfig pattern =
11-01 20:40:22.287 439 726 I Zygote : begin parse app property file:
11-01 20:40:22.289 439 726 D Zygote : Apps device config data:
{.*com\.ss\.android\.ugc\.aweme.*={, ro.product.model=MI
5s, ro.product.brand=Xiaomi, ro.product.device=capricorn,
ro.product.board=msm8996}, .*\.tzyxmznew.*={ro.product.cpu.abilist64=arm64-v8a,
ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi-v7a, ro.product.cpu.abi=arm64-v8a,
ro.product.cpu.abilist32=armeabi-v7a, ro.product.cpu.abilist=arm64-v8a,armeabi-
v7a}, com\.vng\.codmvn={, ro.product.model=JAD-AL50,
ro.product.brand=HUAWEI, ro.product.device=JAD-AL50,
ro.product.manufacturer=HUAWEI, ro.product.board=JAD-
AL50}, .*proximabeta\.nikke.*={, ro.product.model=BLA-AL00,
ro.product.brand=HUAWEI, ro.product.device=BLA-AL00,
ro.product.manufacturer=HUAWEI, ro.product.board=BLA-AL00},
com\.shengqugames\.qyn.*={, ro.product.model=MuMu,
ro.product.brand=Android, ro.product.device=cancro,
ro.product.manufacturer=Netease, ro.product.board=hammerhead},
com\.netease\.harrypotter.*={, ro.product.model=MuMu,
ro.product.brand=Android, ro.product.device=cancro,
ro.product.manufacturer=Netease, ro.product.board=hammerhead},
com\.pwrd\.projectt.*={, ro.product.model=M2102K1AC,
ro.product.brand=Xiaomi, ro.product.device=mars, ro.product.manufacturer=Xiaomi,
ro.product.board=mars}, .*dts\.freefire.*={,
ro.product.model=ASUS_Z01QD, ro.product.brand=ASUS, ro.product.device=ASUS_Z01QD_1,
ro.product.manufacturer=ASUS, ro.product.board=SDM845},
ro.product.model=MuMu, ro.product.brand=Android, ro.product.device=cancro,
ro.product.manufacturer=Netease, ro.product.board=hammerhead},
io\.kkzs={, ro.product.model=MuMu, ro.product.brand=Android,
ro.product.device=cancro, ro.product.manufacturer=Netease,
ro.product.board=hammerhead}, com\.tencent\.jkchess={,
ro.product.model=ASUS_AI2201_B, ro.product.board=ASUS_AI2201_B},
com\.tgc\.sky.*={ro.board.platform=OnePlus, ro.product.brand=OnePlus,
ro.product.device=HD1907, ro.boot.baseband=OnePlus, ro.hardware=HD1907,
ro.product.manufacturer=OnePlus,, ro.product.model=HD1907,, ro.product.board=HD1907,
ro.boot.hardware=HD1907}, .*shootgame.*={ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi-v7a,
v7a}, .*com\.tencent\.tmgp\.pubgm.*={, ro.product.model=MIX
2, ro.product.brand=Xiaomi, ro.product.device=chiron,
ro.product.board=msm8996}, .*com\.tencent\.af.*={ 6,
ro.product.model=MI 6, ro.product.brand=Xiaomi, ro.product.device=MI 6,
ro.product.manufacturer=Xiaomi, ro.product.board=MI 6},
ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi-v7a, ro.product.cpu.abi=arm64-v8a,
ro.product.cpu.abilist32=armeabi-v7a, ro.product.cpu.abilist=arm64-v8a,armeabi-
v7a}, com\.netease\.party.*={, ro.product.model=MuMu,
ro.product.brand=Android, ro.product.device=cancro,
ro.product.board=hammerhead}, .*com\.riotgames\.league\.wildrift.*={
=SM-G9910, ro.product.model=SM-G9910, ro.product.brand=samsung,
ro.product.device=SM-G9910, ro.product.manufacturer=samsung, ro.product.board=SM-
G9910}, .*hanju.*={ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi-v7a, ro.product.cpu.abi=armeabi-
v7a}, .*\.vivo$={, ro.product.model=MuMu,
ro.product.brand=Android, ro.product.device=cancro,
ro.product.manufacturer=Netease, ro.product.board=hammerhead},
com\.netease\.sky.*={, ro.product.model=MuMu,
ro.product.brand=Android, ro.product.device=cancro,
ro.product.board=hammerhead}, .*zulong\.yslzm.*={,
ro.product.model=MuMu, ro.product.brand=Android, ro.product.device=cancro,
ro.product.manufacturer=Netease, ro.product.board=hammerhead},
com\.wangyuan\.yjzz\.bilibili.*={ro.product.cpu.abilist64=x86_64,arm64-v8a}, .*
11-01 20:40:22.289 439 726 D Zygote : Apps device config player priority data:
[.*com\.riotgames\.league\.wildrift.*, .*dts\.freefire.*]
11-01 20:40:22.308 441 685 D Zygote : getAppTypeConfig pattern =
^vStudio\.Android\.Camera360$, type = camera
11-01 20:40:22.308 441 685 D Zygote : getAppTypeConfig pattern =
^com\.gorgeous\.lite$, type = camera
11-01 20:40:22.308 441 685 D Zygote : getAppTypeConfig pattern =
^com\.campmobile\.snowcamera$, type = camera
11-01 20:40:22.308 441 685 D Zygote : getAppTypeConfig pattern =
^com\.lemon\.faceu$, type = camera
11-01 20:40:22.308 441 685 D Zygote : getAppTypeConfig pattern =
^com\.funny\.cutie$, type = camera
11-01 20:40:22.308 441 685 D Zygote : getAppTypeConfig pattern =
^com\.tencent\.mm$, type = camera
11-01 20:40:22.308 441 685 D Zygote : getAppTypeConfig pattern =
^com\.ss\.android\.ugc\.aweme$, type = camera
11-01 20:40:22.308 441 685 D Zygote : getAppTypeConfig pattern =
^com\.tencent\.mobileqq$, type = camera
11-01 20:40:22.318 439 726 D Zygote : getAppTypeConfig pattern =
^vStudio\.Android\.Camera360$, type = camera
11-01 20:40:22.318 439 726 D Zygote : getAppTypeConfig pattern =
^com\.gorgeous\.lite$, type = camera
11-01 20:40:22.319 439 726 D Zygote : getAppTypeConfig pattern =
^com\.campmobile\.snowcamera$, type = camera
11-01 20:40:22.319 439 726 D Zygote : getAppTypeConfig pattern =
^com\.lemon\.faceu$, type = camera
11-01 20:40:22.319 439 726 D Zygote : getAppTypeConfig pattern =
^com\.funny\.cutie$, type = camera
11-01 20:40:22.319 439 726 D Zygote : getAppTypeConfig pattern =
^com\.tencent\.mm$, type = camera
11-01 20:40:22.319 439 726 D Zygote : getAppTypeConfig pattern =
^com\.ss\.android\.ugc\.aweme$, type = camera
11-01 20:40:22.319 439 726 D Zygote : getAppTypeConfig pattern =
^com\.tencent\.mobileqq$, type = camera
11-01 20:40:22.337 441 685 I System : Loaded time zone names for "" in 12ms
(12ms in ICU)
11-01 20:40:22.346 441 685 I System : Loaded time zone names for "en_US" in
9ms (8ms in ICU)
11-01 20:40:22.347 439 726 I System : Loaded time zone names for "" in 9ms
(9ms in ICU)
11-01 20:40:22.350 439 726 I System : Loaded time zone names for "en_US" in
3ms (3ms in ICU)
11-01 20:40:22.350 441 685 I System : Loaded time zone names for "es_ES" in
4ms (4ms in ICU)
11-01 20:40:22.352 439 726 I System : Loaded time zone names for "es_ES" in
2ms (2ms in ICU)
11-01 20:40:22.360 441 685 I Zygote : ...preloaded 3830 classes in 773ms.
11-01 20:40:22.360 441 685 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches starting
11-01 20:40:22.362 439 726 I Zygote : ...preloaded 3830 classes in 527ms.
11-01 20:40:22.362 439 726 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches starting
11-01 20:40:22.371 441 685 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches strings
total=246531 before=44414 after=44414
11-01 20:40:22.371 441 685 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches types
total=20427 before=6951 after=6984
11-01 20:40:22.371 441 685 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches fields
total=99082 before=35912 after=36185
11-01 20:40:22.371 441 685 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches methods
total=171986 before=71202 after=71900
11-01 20:40:22.371 441 685 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches finished
11-01 20:40:22.372 441 441 D Zygote : end preload
11-01 20:40:22.372 441 441 I boot_progress_preload_end: 3855
11-01 20:40:22.380 441 441 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit
11-01 20:40:22.382 441 441 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed
8046(667KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 41% free, 1430KB/2MB, paused
37us total 2.536ms
11-01 20:40:22.383 441 441 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit
11-01 20:40:22.384 439 726 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches strings
total=246531 before=44414 after=44414
11-01 20:40:22.384 439 726 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches types
total=20427 before=6951 after=6984
11-01 20:40:22.384 439 726 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches fields
total=99082 before=35912 after=36185
11-01 20:40:22.384 439 726 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches methods
total=171986 before=71202 after=71900
11-01 20:40:22.384 439 726 I art : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches finished
11-01 20:40:22.384 439 439 D Zygote : end preload
11-01 20:40:22.384 439 439 I boot_progress_preload_end: 3868
11-01 20:40:22.385 441 441 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed
387(17KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 42% free, 1413KB/2MB, paused 38us
total 2.019ms
11-01 20:40:22.387 439 439 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit
11-01 20:40:22.389 439 439 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed
412(46KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 40% free, 1478KB/2MB, paused 21us
total 1.738ms
11-01 20:40:22.389 439 439 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit
11-01 20:40:22.391 439 439 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed
12(432B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 40% free, 1478KB/2MB, paused 21us
total 1.497ms
11-01 20:40:22.412 441 441 I Zygote : Accepting command socket connections
11-01 20:40:22.425 439 711 I art : Starting a blocking GC HeapTrim
11-01 20:40:22.429 439 439 I art : Starting a blocking GC Background
11-01 20:40:22.435 439 439 I Zygote : System server process 735 has been
11-01 20:40:22.436 439 439 I Zygote : Accepting command socket connections
11-01 20:40:22.455 735 735 I Zygote : Process: zygote socket opened, supported
ABIS: x86,armeabi-v7a,armeabi
11-01 20:40:22.455 735 735 I InstallerConnection: connecting...
11-01 20:40:22.455 311 311 I installd: new connection
11-01 20:40:22.457 735 735 I InstallerConnection: disconnecting...
11-01 20:40:22.457 311 311 E installd: eof
11-01 20:40:22.457 311 311 E installd: failed to read size
11-01 20:40:22.457 311 311 I installd: closing connection
11-01 20:40:22.477 735 735 I SystemServer: Entered the Android system server!
11-01 20:40:22.477 735 735 I boot_progress_system_run: 3960
11-01 20:40:22.488 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:22.489 735 735 I Installer: Waiting for installd to be ready.
11-01 20:40:22.489 735 735 I InstallerConnection: connecting...
11-01 20:40:22.489 311 311 I installd: new connection
11-01 20:40:22.489 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
11-01 20:40:22.490 735 735 D ActivityManager:
readPageCacheLimitWhitelistPattern pattern = ^com\.bilibili\.priconne.*
11-01 20:40:22.490 735 735 D ActivityManager:
readPageCacheLimitWhitelistPattern pattern = ^com\.miHoYo\.Yuanshen.*
11-01 20:40:22.490 735 735 D ActivityManager:
readPageCacheLimitWhitelistPattern pattern = ^com\.tencent\.tmgp\.wuxia
11-01 20:40:22.490 735 735 D ActivityManager:
readPageCacheLimitWhitelistPattern pattern = ^com\.hermes\.br\..*
11-01 20:40:22.490 735 735 D ActivityManager:
readPageCacheLimitWhitelistPattern pattern = com\.longtugame\.yjfb.*
11-01 20:40:22.490 735 735 D ActivityManager:
readPageCacheLimitWhitelistPattern pattern = com\.ss\.android\.ugc\.aweme
11-01 20:40:22.490 735 735 D ActivityManager:
readPageCacheLimitWhitelistPattern pattern = com\.tencent\.jkchess
11-01 20:40:22.490 735 735 D ActivityManager:
readPageCacheLimitWhitelistPattern pattern = .*sy\.dldlhsdj.*
11-01 20:40:22.490 735 735 D ActivityManager:
readPageCacheLimitWhitelistPattern pattern = .*fatego.*
11-01 20:40:22.494 735 735 D ActivityManager:
readPageCacheLimitWhitelistPattern pattern = .*fgo.*
11-01 20:40:22.494 735 735 D ActivityManager:
readPageCacheLimitWhitelistPattern pattern = com\.taptap.*
11-01 20:40:22.494 735 735 D ActivityManager:
readPageCacheLimitWhitelistPattern pattern = .*diablo.*
11-01 20:40:22.494 735 735 D ActivityManager:
readPageCacheLimitWhitelistPattern pattern = .*netease\.g67.*
11-01 20:40:22.494 735 735 D ActivityManager:
readPageCacheLimitWhitelistPattern pattern = com\.netease\.l10
11-01 20:40:22.494 735 735 D ActivityManager:
readPageCacheLimitWhitelistPattern pattern = com\.longtugame\.wszj.*
11-01 20:40:22.494 735 735 D ActivityManager:
readPageCacheLimitWhitelistPattern pattern = com\.yunchang\.blr3.*
11-01 20:40:22.501 735 735 I ActivityManager: Memory class: 128
11-01 20:40:22.504 735 735 D BatteryStatsImpl: Reading daily items from
11-01 20:40:22.516 735 735 I IntentFirewall: Read new rules (A:0 B:0 S:0)
11-01 20:40:22.522 735 735 D AppOps : AppOpsService published
11-01 20:40:22.522 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:22.523 735 735 I libsuspend: Selected early suspend
11-01 20:40:22.523 735 735 E libsuspend: Error accessing
/sys/power/wait_for_fb_sleep: No such file or directory
11-01 20:40:22.524 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:22.524 735 735 E lights : Unable to detect max_brightness. Try to
set backlight.max_brightness_file
11-01 20:40:22.525 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:22.526 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 100
11-01 20:40:22.529 735 754 I DisplayManagerService: Display device added:
DisplayDeviceInfo{"Pantalla integrada": uniqueId="local:0", 1024 x 576, modeId 1,
defaultModeId 1, supportedModes [{id=1, width=1024, height=576, fps=60.000004}],
colorTransformId 1, defaultColorTransformId 1, supportedColorTransforms [{id=1,
colorTransform=0}], density 192, 192.0 x 192.0 dpi, appVsyncOff 0, presDeadline
17666666, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, state UNKNOWN,
11-01 20:40:22.529 291 291 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=2, type=0
11-01 20:40:22.529 291 291 D SurfaceFlinger: Screen type=0 is already mode=2
11-01 20:40:22.529 735 754 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed
state: "Pantalla integrada", ON
11-01 20:40:22.529 735 735 I SystemServer: Package Manager
11-01 20:40:22.538 735 735 D PackageManager: readPackageBlacklistConfigPattern
pattern = .*\.gbits\.atm.*
11-01 20:40:22.538 735 735 D PackageManager: readPackageBlacklistConfigPattern
pattern = ^com\.tencent\.tmgp\.pubgmhd$
11-01 20:40:22.538 735 735 D PackageManager: readPackageBlacklistConfigPattern
pattern = ^com\.tencent\.tmgp\.WePop$
11-01 20:40:22.538 735 735 D PackageManager: readPackageBlacklistConfigPattern
pattern = ^com\.tencent\.tmgp\.sgame$
11-01 20:40:22.538 735 735 D PackageManager: readPackageBlacklistConfigPattern
pattern = ^com\.tencent\.af$
11-01 20:40:22.538 735 735 D PackageManager: readPackageBlacklistConfigPattern
pattern = ^com\.lilithgames\.rok\.offical\.cn$
11-01 20:40:22.538 735 735 D PackageManager: readPackageBlacklistConfigPattern
pattern = ^com\.lemonjamgames\.hitea.*
11-01 20:40:22.538 735 735 D PackageManager: readPackageBlacklistConfigPattern
pattern = .*\.tzyxmznew.*
11-01 20:40:22.538 735 735 D PackageManager: readPackageBlacklistConfigPattern
pattern = com\.em\.q0m\.z6\.jxe2
11-01 20:40:22.538 735 735 D PackageManager: readPackageBlacklistConfigPattern
pattern = com\.tzy\.mhxzx.*
11-01 20:40:22.538 735 735 D PackageManager: readPackageBlacklistConfigPattern
pattern = mobi\.htjsq\.accelerator
11-01 20:40:22.538 735 735 D PackageManager: readLargeHeapConfigPattern for:
11-01 20:40:22.538 735 735 D PackageManager: readLargeHeapConfigPattern pattern
= com\.woniu\.wdqk\.mumu.*
11-01 20:40:22.538 735 735 D PackageManager: readLargeHeapConfigPattern pattern
= com\.miHoYo\.enterprise\.NGHSoD
11-01 20:40:22.538 735 735 D PackageManager: readLargeHeapConfigPattern pattern
= com\.miHoYo\.bh3\..*
11-01 20:40:22.538 735 735 D PackageManager: readLargeHeapConfigPattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.tmgp\.bh3
11-01 20:40:22.538 735 735 D PackageManager: readLargeHeapConfigPattern pattern
= com\.tencent\.wegame\.bh3
11-01 20:40:22.538 735 735 D PackageManager: readLargeHeapConfigPattern for:
11-01 20:40:22.539 735 735 D PackageManager: readLargeHeapConfigPattern pattern
= com\.baitian\.alx\.alxsy\.aligames
11-01 20:40:22.539 735 735 D PackageManager: readLargeHeapConfigPattern pattern
= com\.hypergryph\.arknights
11-01 20:40:22.544 735 735 I boot_progress_pms_start: 4027
11-01 20:40:22.544 735 735 E PmsDeserialize: mSerializeEnable:true
11-01 20:40:22.564 735 735 W SystemConfig: No directory /system/etc/sysconfig,
11-01 20:40:22.582 735 735 D SELinuxMMAC: Using policy file
11-01 20:40:22.585 735 735 D PackageSettings: Read domain verification for
11-01 20:40:22.589 735 735 D PackageSettings: Read domain verification for
11-01 20:40:22.599 735 735 I boot_progress_pms_system_scan_start: 4082
11-01 20:40:22.600 735 735 E art : DexFile_getDexOptNeeded file
'/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar' does not exist
11-01 20:40:22.600 735 735 W PackageManager: Library not found:
11-01 20:40:22.605 735 735 E art : DexFile_getDexOptNeeded file
'/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar' does not exist
11-01 20:40:22.605 735 735 W PackageManager: Library not found:
11-01 20:40:22.612 735 735 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-01 20:40:22.650 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: android deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:22.650 735 735 W PmsSerialize: Reset framework primary cpu abi
11-01 20:40:22.652 735 735 W System.err: No original dex
files found for dex location /system/framework/framework-res.apk
11-01 20:40:22.657 735 735 W System.err: at
dalvik.system.DexFile.openDexFileNative(Native Method)
11-01 20:40:22.657 735 735 W System.err: at
11-01 20:40:22.657 735 735 W System.err: at
11-01 20:40:22.657 735 735 W System.err: at
11-01 20:40:22.657 735 735 W System.err: at
11-01 20:40:22.657 735 735 W System.err: at
11-01 20:40:22.657 735 735 W System.err: at
11-01 20:40:22.657 735 735 W System.err: at
11-01 20:40:22.657 735 735 W System.err: at<init>(
11-01 20:40:22.657 735 735 W System.err: at
11-01 20:40:22.657 735 735 W System.err: at
11-01 20:40:22.657 735 735 W System.err: at
11-01 20:40:22.657 735 735 W System.err: at
11-01 20:40:22.657 735 735 W System.err: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
11-01 20:40:22.657 735 735 W System.err: at$
11-01 20:40:22.657 735 735 W System.err: at
11-01 20:40:22.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Failed to parse
/system/framework/x86: Missing base APK in /system/framework/x86
11-01 20:40:22.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Failed to parse
/system/framework/x86_64: Missing base APK in /system/framework/x86_64
11-01 20:40:22.658 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:22.661 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:22.664 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:22.670 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: deserialize
11-01 20:40:22.682 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:22.685 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:22.686 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:22.693 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission
android.permission.DOWNLOAD_WITHOUT_NOTIFICATION from package in an unknown group android.permission-
11-01 20:40:22.693 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:22.695 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:22.696 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:22.698 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:22.700 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:22.701 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:22.712 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:22.746 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: deserialize
11-01 20:40:22.760 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:22.762 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:22.764 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: deserialize
11-01 20:40:22.765 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:22.768 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: deserialize
11-01 20:40:22.774 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: deserialize
11-01 20:40:22.780 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:22.782 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:22.783 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: deserialize
11-01 20:40:22.785 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:22.819 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
queries at /system/priv-app/ Binary XML
file line #369
11-01 20:40:22.821 735 735 W PmsDeserialize: use normal
parsePackage Process.
11-01 20:40:22.822 735 735 W PackageManager: Failed to parse
/system/priv-app/ Package at /system/priv-
app/ ignored: updated version 83521960 better than this 82571410
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #5
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #6
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #7
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #8
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #9
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #10
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #11
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #12
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #13
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #14
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #15
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #16
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #17
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #18
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #19
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #20
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #21
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #22
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #23
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #24
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #25
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #26
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #27
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #28
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #29
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #30
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #31
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #32
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #33
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #34
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #35
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #36
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #37
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #38
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #39
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #40
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #41
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #42
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #43
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #44
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #45
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #46
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #47
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #48
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #49
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #50
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #51
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #52
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #53
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #54
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #55
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #56
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #57
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #58
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #59
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #60
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #61
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #62
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #63
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #64
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #65
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #66
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #67
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #68
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #69
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #70
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #71
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #72
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #73
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #74
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #75
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #76
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #77
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #78
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #79
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #80
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #81
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #82
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #83
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #84
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #85
11-01 20:40:22.865 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #86
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #87
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #88
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #89
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #90
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #91
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #92
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #93
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #94
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #95
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #96
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #97
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #98
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #99
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #100
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #101
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #102
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #103
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #104
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #105
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #106
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #107
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #108
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #109
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #110
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #111
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #112
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #113
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #114
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #115
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #116
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #117
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #118
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #119
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #120
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #121
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #122
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #123
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #124
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #125
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #126
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #127
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #128
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #129
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #130
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #131
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #132
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #133
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #134
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #135
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #136
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #137
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #138
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #139
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #140
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #141
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #142
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #143
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #144
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #145
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #146
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #147
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #148
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #149
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #150
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #151
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #152
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #153
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #154
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #155
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #156
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #157
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #158
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #159
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #160
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #161
11-01 20:40:22.866 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #162
11-01 20:40:22.869 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
queries at /system/priv-app/
Binary XML file line #596
11-01 20:40:22.876 735 735 W ResourceType: Failure getting entry for 0x7f150339
(t=20 e=825) (error -75)
11-01 20:40:22.883 735 735 W PmsDeserialize: use normal
parsePackage Process.
11-01 20:40:22.883 735 735 W PackageManager: Failed to parse
/system/priv-app/ Package at
/system/priv-app/ ignored: updated version 234212023 better
than this 211816022
11-01 20:40:22.890 735 735 W PmsDeserialize: use normal
parsePackage Process.
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.894 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.895 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.895 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.895 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.895 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.895 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.895 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from
package in an unknown group android.permission-
11-01 20:40:22.895 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.895 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.MESSAGES
11-01 20:40:22.895 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.MESSAGES
11-01 20:40:22.895 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.MESSAGES
11-01 20:40:22.895 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
11-01 20:40:22.895 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
11-01 20:40:22.895 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an
unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
11-01 20:40:22.895 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in
an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
11-01 20:40:22.895 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in
an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
11-01 20:40:22.895 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package
in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
11-01 20:40:22.895 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
11-01 20:40:22.895 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
11-01 20:40:22.895 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
11-01 20:40:22.895 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: is
new install, it's need serialize to gson.
11-01 20:40:22.904 735 735 W PmsDeserialize: use
normal parsePackage Process.
11-01 20:40:22.915 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: is new install, it's need serialize to gson.
11-01 20:40:22.924 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:22.939 762 762 W dex2oat : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: x86_64
11-01 20:40:22.940 762 762 E dex2oat : Failed to create oat file: /data/dalvik-
Permission denied
11-01 20:40:22.940 762 762 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 359.122us (threads: 4)
11-01 20:40:22.940 735 735 W art : Failed execv(/system/bin/dex2oat --
runtime-arg -classpath --runtime-arg --instruction-set=x86_64 --instruction-set-
features=smp,-ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2 --runtime-arg -Xrelocate --boot-
image=/system/framework/ --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx512m --
compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --instruction-set-variant=x86_64 --instruction-
ames.apk --oat-file=/data/dalvik-cache/x86_64/system@priv-
because non-0 exit status
11-01 20:40:23.074 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:23.081 764 764 W dex2oat : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: x86_64
11-01 20:40:23.082 764 764 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-
11-01 20:40:23.100 764 764 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 19.056ms (threads: 4) arena
alloc=88B java alloc=849KB native alloc=916KB free=1387KB
11-01 20:40:23.109 735 735 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /data/gms
11-01 20:40:23.110 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: com.nemu.backgrounddownload
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:23.112 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:23.113 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: deserialize
11-01 20:40:23.117 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: com.cyanogenmod.filemanager
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:23.121 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: deserialize
11-01 20:40:23.130 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:23.132 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:23.133 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:23.146 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:23.148 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: deserialize
11-01 20:40:23.154 769 769 W dex2oat : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: x86_64
11-01 20:40:23.154 769 769 E dex2oat : Failed to create oat file: /data/dalvik-
cache/x86_64/system@app@Galaxy4@Galaxy4.apk@classes.dex: Permission denied
11-01 20:40:23.154 769 769 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 125.495us (threads: 4)
11-01 20:40:23.155 735 735 W art : Failed execv(/system/bin/dex2oat --
runtime-arg -classpath --runtime-arg --instruction-set=x86_64 --instruction-set-
features=smp,-ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2 --runtime-arg -Xrelocate --boot-
image=/system/framework/ --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx512m --
compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --instruction-set-variant=x86_64 --instruction-
set-features=default --dex-file=/system/app/Galaxy4/Galaxy4.apk
because non-0 exit status
11-01 20:40:23.156 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: deserialize
11-01 20:40:23.163 771 771 W dex2oat : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: x86_64
11-01 20:40:23.163 771 771 E dex2oat : Failed to create oat file: /data/dalvik-
cache/x86_64/system@app@Gallery2@Gallery2.apk@classes.dex: Permission denied
11-01 20:40:23.163 771 771 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 152.958us (threads: 4)
11-01 20:40:23.164 735 735 W art : Failed execv(/system/bin/dex2oat --
runtime-arg -classpath --runtime-arg --instruction-set=x86_64 --instruction-set-
features=smp,-ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2 --runtime-arg -Xrelocate --boot-
image=/system/framework/ --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx512m --
compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --instruction-set-variant=x86_64 --instruction-
set-features=default --dex-file=/system/app/Gallery2/Gallery2.apk
because non-0 exit status
11-01 20:40:23.189 310 310 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service
11-01 20:40:23.193 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: deserialize
11-01 20:40:23.196 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:23.204 773 773 W dex2oat : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: x86_64
11-01 20:40:23.204 773 773 E dex2oat : Failed to create oat file: /data/dalvik-
Permission denied
11-01 20:40:23.204 773 773 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 124.351us (threads: 4)
11-01 20:40:23.204 735 735 W art : Failed execv(/system/bin/dex2oat --
runtime-arg -classpath --runtime-arg --instruction-set=x86_64 --instruction-set-
features=smp,-ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2 --runtime-arg -Xrelocate --boot-
image=/system/framework/ --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx512m --
compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --instruction-set-variant=x86_64 --instruction-
aper.apk@classes.dex) because non-0 exit status
11-01 20:40:23.206 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: deserialize
11-01 20:40:23.207 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: deserialize
11-01 20:40:23.208 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:23.211 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: deserialize
11-01 20:40:23.212 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:23.213 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: deserialize
11-01 20:40:23.220 775 775 W dex2oat : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: x86_64
11-01 20:40:23.220 775 775 E dex2oat : Failed to create oat file: /data/dalvik-
cache/x86_64/system@app@PhaseBeam@PhaseBeam.apk@classes.dex: Permission denied
11-01 20:40:23.220 775 775 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 274.985us (threads: 4)
11-01 20:40:23.221 735 735 W art : Failed execv(/system/bin/dex2oat --
runtime-arg -classpath --runtime-arg --instruction-set=x86_64 --instruction-set-
features=smp,-ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2 --runtime-arg -Xrelocate --boot-
image=/system/framework/ --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx512m --
compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --instruction-set-variant=x86_64 --instruction-
set-features=default --dex-file=/system/app/PhaseBeam/PhaseBeam.apk
) because non-0 exit status
11-01 20:40:23.222 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:23.225 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: deserialize
11-01 20:40:23.226 735 735 I PmsDeserialize:
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:23.229 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:23.231 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: com.mumu.launcher deserialize
11-01 20:40:23.236 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission
com.mumu.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE from package com.mumu.launcher in an
unknown group android.permission-group.SYSTEM_TOOLS
11-01 20:40:23.236 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission
com.mumu.launcher.permission.INSTALL_SHORTCUT from package com.mumu.launcher in an
unknown group android.permission-group.SYSTEM_TOOLS
11-01 20:40:23.236 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission
com.mumu.launcher.permission.UNINSTALL_SHORTCUT from package com.mumu.launcher in
an unknown group android.permission-group.SYSTEM_TOOLS
11-01 20:40:23.236 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission
com.mumu.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS from package com.mumu.launcher in an
unknown group android.permission-group.SYSTEM_TOOLS
11-01 20:40:23.236 735 735 W PackageManager: Permission
com.mumu.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS from package com.mumu.launcher in an
unknown group android.permission-group.SYSTEM_TOOLS
11-01 20:40:23.240 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: deserialize
11-01 20:40:23.266 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.nemu
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:23.269 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: com.netease.nemu_vinput.nemu
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:23.272 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: deserialize
11-01 20:40:23.281 735 735 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-01 20:40:23.282 735 735 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /oem/app
11-01 20:40:23.282 735 735 I boot_progress_pms_data_scan_start: 4765
11-01 20:40:23.286 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: com.dts.freefireth deserialize
11-01 20:40:23.289 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
queries at /data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #19
11-01 20:40:23.290 735 735 W PmsDeserialize: com.dts.freefireth use normal
parsePackage Process.
11-01 20:40:23.292 735 735 I NativeLibraryHelper: com.dts.freefireth use max
number of library use abi:arm64-v8a index:2
11-01 20:40:23.302 735 735 W PackageManager: Skipping provider name
com.dts.freefireth.fileprovider (in package com.dts.freefireth): name already used
by com.dts.freefireth
11-01 20:40:23.302 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: pkgName:com.dts.freefireth is new
install, it's need serialize to gson.
11-01 20:40:23.321 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
queries at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #422
11-01 20:40:23.322 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under
<application>: profileable at /data/app/ Binary XML
file line #516
11-01 20:40:23.324 735 735 W PmsDeserialize: use normal
parsePackage Process.
11-01 20:40:23.324 735 735 W PackageManager: Package
desires unavailable shared library androidx.window.extensions; ignoring!
11-01 20:40:23.324 735 735 W PackageManager: Package
desires unavailable shared library androidx.window.sidecar; ignoring!
11-01 20:40:23.326 735 735 I NativeLibraryHelper: use max
number of library use abi:x86_64 index:0
11-01 20:40:23.379 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: is new
install, it's need serialize to gson.
11-01 20:40:23.392 735 735 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 88, previously 91
11-01 20:40:23.392 735 735 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 166, previously 170
11-01 20:40:23.392 735 735 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 3515, previously 3535
11-01 20:40:23.392 735 735 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 487, previously 4586
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #15
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #18
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #21
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #24
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #27
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #30
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #33
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #36
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #39
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #42
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #45
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #48
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #51
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #54
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #57
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #60
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #63
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #66
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #69
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #72
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #75
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #78
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #81
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #84
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #87
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #90
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #93
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #96
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #99
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.394 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.395 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
attribution at /data/app/ Binary XML file line
11-01 20:40:23.397 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
queries at /data/app/ Binary XML file line #1517
11-01 20:40:23.397 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under
<application>: property at /data/app/ Binary XML
file line #1555
11-01 20:40:23.397 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16075b, entry
index(1883) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16075b, entry
index(1883) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160926, entry
index(2342) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160933, entry
index(2355) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603e0, entry
index(992) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603c4, entry
index(964) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603e0, entry
index(992) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160400, entry
index(1024) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603e0, entry
index(992) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c3, entry
index(4291) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603e0, entry
index(992) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160252, entry
index(594) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603fe, entry
index(1022) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160400, entry
index(1024) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160442, entry
index(1090) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16024e, entry
index(590) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160733, entry
index(1843) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16024e, entry
index(590) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160735, entry
index(1845) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160735, entry
index(1845) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160735, entry
index(1845) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160735, entry
index(1845) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160735, entry
index(1845) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160735, entry
index(1845) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160735, entry
index(1845) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160beb, entry
index(3051) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.398 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160735, entry
index(1845) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160735, entry
index(1845) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160735, entry
index(1845) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610cd, entry
index(4301) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16024e, entry
index(590) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160920, entry
index(2336) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610cc, entry
index(4300) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603e0, entry
index(992) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160735, entry
index(1845) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160beb, entry
index(3051) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603e0, entry
index(992) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610cd, entry
index(4301) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160735, entry
index(1845) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c6, entry
index(4294) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c6, entry
index(4294) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091a, entry
index(2330) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091a, entry
index(2330) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091a, entry
index(2330) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091a, entry
index(2330) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091a, entry
index(2330) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091a, entry
index(2330) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091e, entry
index(2334) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091a, entry
index(2330) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091a, entry
index(2330) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091a, entry
index(2330) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091a, entry
index(2330) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2b, entry
index(2603) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2b, entry
index(2603) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2b, entry
index(2603) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160930, entry
index(2352) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160924, entry
index(2340) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091e, entry
index(2334) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091e, entry
index(2334) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091e, entry
index(2334) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091e, entry
index(2334) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160920, entry
index(2336) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.399 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160920, entry
index(2336) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.400 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160735, entry
index(1845) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.400 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160735, entry
index(1845) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.400 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160735, entry
index(1845) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.400 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160735, entry
index(1845) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.400 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160735, entry
index(1845) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.400 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.400 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.400 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1604ca, entry
index(1226) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.400 735 735 W ResourceType: Failure getting entry for 0x7f1604ca
(t=21 e=1226) (error -75)
11-01 20:40:23.400 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1604ca, entry
index(1226) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.400 735 735 W ResourceType: Failure getting entry for 0x7f1604ca
(t=21 e=1226) (error -75)
11-01 20:40:23.400 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160572, entry
index(1394) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.400 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160729, entry
index(1833) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.400 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160729, entry
index(1833) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.400 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16072e, entry
index(1838) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.400 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.400 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160729, entry
index(1833) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.400 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160729, entry
index(1833) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.400 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16072e, entry
index(1838) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.400 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.400 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.401 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160269, entry
index(617) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.401 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16024d, entry
index(589) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.401 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160255, entry
index(597) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.401 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.401 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.401 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.401 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c5, entry
index(4293) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.401 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.401 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16027d, entry
index(637) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.401 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610b3, entry
index(4275) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.401 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091a, entry
index(2330) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091a, entry
index(2330) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091a, entry
index(2330) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091a, entry
index(2330) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091a, entry
index(2330) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091a, entry
index(2330) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610cb, entry
index(4299) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1602b3, entry
index(691) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1602bb, entry
index(699) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160925, entry
index(2341) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160930, entry
index(2352) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.402 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16051f, entry
index(1311) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1602df, entry
index(735) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610f4, entry
index(4340) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610f4, entry
index(4340) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c8, entry
index(4296) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160930, entry
index(2352) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603e1, entry
index(993) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16093b, entry
index(2363) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603e1, entry
index(993) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603e1, entry
index(993) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603a8, entry
index(936) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16093c, entry
index(2364) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160942, entry
index(2370) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160942, entry
index(2370) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160942, entry
index(2370) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160942, entry
index(2370) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160942, entry
index(2370) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160942, entry
index(2370) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160942, entry
index(2370) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1602f4, entry
index(756) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.403 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.404 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1602f4, entry
index(756) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.404 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f161114, entry
index(4372) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.404 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f161114, entry
index(4372) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.404 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1602f7, entry
index(759) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.404 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1602f7, entry
index(759) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.404 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1602f7, entry
index(759) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.404 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c5, entry
index(4293) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.404 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c4, entry
index(4292) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.404 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091e, entry
index(2334) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.404 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091a, entry
index(2330) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.404 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c5, entry
index(4293) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.404 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.405 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091e, entry
index(2334) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.405 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160980, entry
index(2432) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.405 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160980, entry
index(2432) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.405 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2d, entry
index(2605) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.405 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1609b3, entry
index(2483) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.405 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c5, entry
index(4293) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.405 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c5, entry
index(4293) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.405 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.405 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.405 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160964, entry
index(2404) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.405 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16094e, entry
index(2382) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.405 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16094c, entry
index(2380) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f161125, entry
index(4389) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f161125, entry
index(4389) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f161125, entry
index(4389) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f161125, entry
index(4389) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f161125, entry
index(4389) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f161125, entry
index(4389) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f161125, entry
index(4389) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f161126, entry
index(4390) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160925, entry
index(2341) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16075b, entry
index(1883) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603ae, entry
index(942) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603b0, entry
index(944) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603b0, entry
index(944) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603ae, entry
index(942) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603ac, entry
index(940) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603ae, entry
index(942) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16099f, entry
index(2463) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160924, entry
index(2340) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160924, entry
index(2340) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160918, entry
index(2328) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1609a1, entry
index(2465) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.406 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1609a1, entry
index(2465) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.407 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16072d, entry
index(1837) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.407 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16072d, entry
index(1837) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.407 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16072d, entry
index(1837) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.407 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16072d, entry
index(1837) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.407 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603ec, entry
index(1004) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.407 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.407 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160393, entry
index(915) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.407 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160393, entry
index(915) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.407 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.407 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16078c, entry
index(1932) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.407 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.407 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f161179, entry
index(4473) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.407 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603ed, entry
index(1005) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.407 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603ed, entry
index(1005) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.407 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160306, entry
index(774) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.407 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160393, entry
index(915) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.407 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.407 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160393, entry
index(915) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.407 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160393, entry
index(915) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.407 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160393, entry
index(915) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603fd, entry
index(1021) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603fd, entry
index(1021) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1609fe, entry
index(2558) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160964, entry
index(2404) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160439, entry
index(1081) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160352, entry
index(850) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160978, entry
index(2424) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160329, entry
index(809) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1602b1, entry
index(689) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: Failure getting entry for 0x7f1602b1
(t=21 e=689) (error -75)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1602f4, entry
index(756) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1602f4, entry
index(756) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603a8, entry
index(936) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160361, entry
index(865) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160354, entry
index(852) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160356, entry
index(854) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160358, entry
index(856) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160568, entry
index(1384) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c3, entry
index(4291) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160666, entry
index(1638) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160666, entry
index(1638) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160666, entry
index(1638) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160980, entry
index(2432) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16063a, entry
index(1594) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.408 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160659, entry
index(1625) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: Failure getting entry for 0x7f160659
(t=21 e=1625) (error -75)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16065f, entry
index(1631) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16061a, entry
index(1562) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16065f, entry
index(1631) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1609b3, entry
index(2483) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a28, entry
index(2600) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16065f, entry
index(1631) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160635, entry
index(1589) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160635, entry
index(1589) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160635, entry
index(1589) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1605f8, entry
index(1528) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1605f8, entry
index(1528) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1605f8, entry
index(1528) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160925, entry
index(2341) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610b3, entry
index(4275) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610b3, entry
index(4275) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160910, entry
index(2320) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1611df, entry
index(4575) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1611df, entry
index(4575) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610e7, entry
index(4327) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1611df, entry
index(4575) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160964, entry
index(2404) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160964, entry
index(2404) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160964, entry
index(2404) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1602bf, entry
index(703) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1604c3, entry
index(1219) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1604cc, entry
index(1228) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.409 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f161177, entry
index(4471) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f161176, entry
index(4470) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f161174, entry
index(4468) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610e2, entry
index(4322) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610cd, entry
index(4301) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610cd, entry
index(4301) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a0e, entry
index(2574) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610cd, entry
index(4301) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160920, entry
index(2336) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160920, entry
index(2336) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16119f, entry
index(4511) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610b3, entry
index(4275) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a0c, entry
index(2572) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16091a, entry
index(2330) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f161187, entry
index(4487) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16117f, entry
index(4479) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160735, entry
index(1845) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160735, entry
index(1845) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160930, entry
index(2352) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c6, entry
index(4294) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160930, entry
index(2352) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2a, entry
index(2602) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2a, entry
index(2602) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2a, entry
index(2602) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2a, entry
index(2602) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2a, entry
index(2602) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a29, entry
index(2601) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a29, entry
index(2601) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a29, entry
index(2601) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a29, entry
index(2601) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f16069f, entry
index(1695) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a29, entry
index(2601) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603a8, entry
index(936) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2a, entry
index(2602) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.410 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a29, entry
index(2601) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc0, entry
index(3008) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc4, entry
index(3012) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc4, entry
index(3012) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc1, entry
index(3009) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc0, entry
index(3008) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc0, entry
index(3008) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc2, entry
index(3010) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc2, entry
index(3010) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160c9e, entry
index(3230) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc0, entry
index(3008) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc1, entry
index(3009) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc1, entry
index(3009) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc0, entry
index(3008) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc0, entry
index(3008) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc1, entry
index(3009) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc1, entry
index(3009) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc2, entry
index(3010) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc2, entry
index(3010) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc0, entry
index(3008) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc1, entry
index(3009) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc4, entry
index(3012) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc4, entry
index(3012) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc1, entry
index(3009) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc1, entry
index(3009) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc1, entry
index(3009) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc1, entry
index(3009) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc1, entry
index(3009) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bc1, entry
index(3009) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: Failure getting entry for 0x7f080d06
(t=7 e=3334) (error -75)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bac, entry
index(2988) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160baf, entry
index(2991) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bf1, entry
index(3057) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bf1, entry
index(3057) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bf1, entry
index(3057) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bf1, entry
index(3057) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1603e0, entry
index(992) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bee, entry
index(3054) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bf1, entry
index(3057) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bf1, entry
index(3057) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bf1, entry
index(3057) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bf1, entry
index(3057) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160729, entry
index(1833) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bf1, entry
index(3057) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bf1, entry
index(3057) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160912, entry
index(2322) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160912, entry
index(2322) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bfb, entry
index(3067) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160bfb, entry
index(3067) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a2c, entry
index(2604) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160930, entry
index(2352) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160930, entry
index(2352) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b68, entry
index(2920) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b58, entry
index(2904) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b58, entry
index(2904) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b98, entry
index(2968) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.411 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b98, entry
index(2968) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b98, entry
index(2968) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b58, entry
index(2904) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160ba9, entry
index(2985) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b68, entry
index(2920) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b74, entry
index(2932) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b68, entry
index(2920) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b68, entry
index(2920) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b68, entry
index(2920) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b66, entry
index(2918) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b68, entry
index(2920) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b68, entry
index(2920) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b68, entry
index(2920) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b68, entry
index(2920) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160ba9, entry
index(2985) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b98, entry
index(2968) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b98, entry
index(2968) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b98, entry
index(2968) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b98, entry
index(2968) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b68, entry
index(2920) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b6b, entry
index(2923) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b68, entry
index(2920) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b68, entry
index(2920) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b68, entry
index(2920) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b68, entry
index(2920) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b68, entry
index(2920) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b68, entry
index(2920) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b6b, entry
index(2923) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b98, entry
index(2968) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1602ed, entry
index(749) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160b98, entry
index(2968) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c2, entry
index(4290) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160d12, entry
index(3346) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160d12, entry
index(3346) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160d04, entry
index(3332) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.412 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160d04, entry
index(3332) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.413 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1602ac, entry
index(684) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.413 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1602ac, entry
index(684) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.413 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1602ac, entry
index(684) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.413 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1609ad, entry
index(2477) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.413 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1610c4, entry
index(4292) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.414 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160a32, entry
index(2610) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.414 735 735 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f160924, entry
index(2340) is beyond type entryCount(487)
11-01 20:40:23.415 735 735 W PmsDeserialize: use normal
parsePackage Process.
11-01 20:40:23.415 735 735 W PackageManager: Package
desires unavailable shared library android.ext.adservices; ignoring!
11-01 20:40:23.415 735 735 W PackageManager: Package
desires unavailable shared library samsung.uwb; ignoring!
11-01 20:40:23.415 735 735 W PackageManager: Package
desires unavailable shared library androidx.window.extensions; ignoring!
11-01 20:40:23.415 735 735 W PackageManager: Package
desires unavailable shared library androidx.window.sidecar; ignoring!
11-01 20:40:23.415 735 735 W PackageManager: Package
desires unavailable shared library; ignoring!
11-01 20:40:23.419 735 735 I NativeLibraryHelper: use
max number of library use abi:x86 index:0
11-01 20:40:23.419 735 735 I NativeLibraryHelper: use
max number of library use abi:x86_64 index:0
11-01 20:40:23.587 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: is
new install, it's need serialize to gson.
11-01 20:40:23.589 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: com.kitkagames.fallbuddies
deserialize successfully!
11-01 20:40:23.593 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>:
queries at /data/app/com.kitkagames.fallbuddies-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #29
11-01 20:40:23.593 735 735 W PackageParser: Unknown element under
<application>: enable-feature at /data/app/com.kitkagames.fallbuddies-1/base.apk
Binary XML file line #157
11-01 20:40:23.594 735 735 W PmsDeserialize: com.kitkagames.fallbuddies use
normal parsePackage Process.
11-01 20:40:23.596 735 735 I NativeLibraryHelper: com.kitkagames.fallbuddies
use max number of library use abi:arm64-v8a index:2
11-01 20:40:23.656 735 735 I PmsDeserialize: pkgName:com.kitkagames.fallbuddies
is new install, it's need serialize to gson.
11-01 20:40:23.657 735 735 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /data/app-
11-01 20:40:23.657 735 735 W PackageManager: Package
desires unavailable shared library androidx.window.extensions; ignoring!
11-01 20:40:23.657 735 735 W PackageManager: Package
desires unavailable shared library androidx.window.sidecar; ignoring!
11-01 20:40:23.657 735 735 W PackageManager: Package
desires unavailable shared library; ignoring!
11-01 20:40:23.657 735 735 W PackageManager: Package
desires unavailable shared library; ignoring!
11-01 20:40:23.657 735 735 W PackageManager: Package
desires unavailable shared library android.ext.adservices; ignoring!
11-01 20:40:23.657 735 735 W PackageManager: Package
desires unavailable shared library samsung.uwb; ignoring!
11-01 20:40:23.657 735 735 W PackageManager: Package
desires unavailable shared library androidx.window.extensions; ignoring!
11-01 20:40:23.657 735 735 W PackageManager: Package
desires unavailable shared library androidx.window.sidecar; ignoring!
11-01 20:40:23.657 735 735 W PackageManager: Package
desires unavailable shared library; ignoring!
11-01 20:40:23.657 735 735 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : to x86_64
11-01 20:40:23.657 735 735 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : to x86_64
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 I boot_progress_pms_scan_end: 5141
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 I PackageManager: Time to scan packages: 1.059
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Not granting permission to package (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x30883e45)
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Not granting permission to package (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x30883e45)
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS in package com.kitkagames.fallbuddies
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.READ_BASIC_PHONE_STATE in package com.kitkagames.fallbuddies
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.applovin.array.apphub.permission.BIND_APPHUB_SERVICE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE in package com.kitkagames.fallbuddies
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS in package com.dts.freefireth
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Not granting permission to package com.dts.freefireth because it
was previously installed without
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Not granting permission
android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.dts.freefireth because it
was previously installed without
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Not granting permission
android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.dts.freefireth because it
was previously installed without
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT in package com.dts.freefireth
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.seagroup.spark.sdk in package com.dts.freefireth
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE in package com.dts.freefireth
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Not granting permission
android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO to package com.dts.freefireth because it was
previously installed without
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Not granting permission
android.permission.GLOBAL_SEARCH to package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3888be45)
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Not granting permission
android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3889be45)
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Not granting permission
android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package
(protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3889be45)
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.READ_DEVICE_CONFIG in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.WRITE_DEVICE_CONFIG in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADVERTISE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.NEARBY_WIFI_DEVICES in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_CLOUDSEARCH in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_ATTRIBUTION in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.SEND_SAFETY_CENTER_UPDATE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ALLOCATE_AGGRESSIVE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACCESS_INSTANT_APPS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_APP_OPS_MODES in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_ROLLBACKS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.SET_HARMFUL_APP_WARNINGS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.LOADER_USAGE_STATS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.sonyericsson.home.permission.BROADCAST_BADGE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.sonymobile.home.permission.PROVIDER_INSERT_BADGE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.anddoes.launcher.permission.UPDATE_COUNT in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.majeur.launcher.permission.UPDATE_BADGE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.READ_APP_BADGE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.oppo.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.oppo.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
org.chromium.arc.apkcacheprovider.permission.READ_CACHE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
org.chromium.arc.apkcacheprovider.permission.WRITE_CACHE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.SUBSTITUTE_NOTIFICATION_APP_NAME in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.READ_RUNTIME_PROFILES in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.START_ACTIVITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.CHANGE_OVERLAY_PACKAGES in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.SEND_DEVICE_CUSTOMIZATION_READY in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.LAUNCH_TWO_PANE_SETTINGS_DEEP_LINK in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Not granting permission
android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30d8bc45)
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.WRITE_EMBEDDED_SUBSCRIPTIONS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_SOUND_TRIGGER in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.START_ACTIVITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.RENOUNCE_PERMISSIONS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.REMOTE_DISPLAY_PROVIDER in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACCESS_FPS_COUNTER in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_GAME_ACTIVITY in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_GAME_MODE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MODIFY_ADSERVICES_STATE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_STATE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MODIFY_ADSERVICES_STATE_COMPAT in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_STATE_COMPAT in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.DISPATCH_PROVISIONING_MESSAGE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.RECOVER_KEYSTORE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.PRE_FACTORY_RESET in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_FACTORY_RESET_PROTECTION in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.CHECK_REMOTE_LOCKSCREEN in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.CREDENTIAL_MANAGER_SET_ORIGIN in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.CONNECTIVITY_USE_RESTRICTED_NETWORKS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ALLOCATE_AGGRESSIVE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.felicanetworks.mfc.permission.MFC_ACCESS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.felicanetworks.mfc.mfi.permission.MFI_ACCESS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACCESS_CONTEXT_HUB in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACCESS_VIBRATOR_STATE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.LOCATION_BYPASS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.TURN_SCREEN_ON in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.BROADCAST_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADVERTISE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MODIFY_DEFAULT_AUDIO_EFFECTS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.SUBSTITUTE_NOTIFICATION_APP_NAME in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.SUBSTITUTE_SHARE_TARGET_APP_NAME_AND_ICON in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.COMPANION_APPROVE_WIFI_CONNECTIONS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.UWB in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_WIFI_INTERFACES in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_WIFI_NETWORK_SELECTION in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.NEARBY_WIFI_DEVICES in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.UWB_PRIVILEGED in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.UWB_RANGING in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.REQUEST_COMPANION_PROFILE_COMPUTER in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.REQUEST_COMPANION_RUN_IN_BACKGROUND in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.REQUEST_COMPANION_SELF_MANAGED in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.TETHER_PRIVILEGED in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.CONTROL_DISPLAY_SATURATION in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.READ_OEM_UNLOCK_STATE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MODIFY_DAY_NIGHT_MODE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACTIVITY_EMBEDDING in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PROJECTION in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.PROVIDE_RESOLVER_RANKER_SERVICE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.READ_MEDIA_AUDIO in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VIDEO in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_DATA_SYNC in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.DOMAIN_VERIFICATION_AGENT in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACCESS_BROADCAST_RESPONSE_STATS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.SET_LOW_POWER_STANDBY_PORTS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.SCHEDULE_PRIORITIZED_ALARM in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_CONNECTED_DEVICE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_SUBSCRIPTION_PLANS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.READ_DEVICE_CONFIG in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.WRITE_DEVICE_CONFIG in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_TIME_AND_ZONE_DETECTION in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_ROLLBACKS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.REQUEST_DELETE_PACKAGES in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.UPDATE_FONTS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.LAUNCH_MULTI_PANE_SETTINGS_DEEP_LINK in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.SEND_SAFETY_CENTER_UPDATE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_SYSTEM_EXEMPTED in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MICROPHONE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.CALL_AUDIO_INTERCEPTION in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.PROVIDE_REMOTE_CREDENTIALS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.READ_NEARBY_STREAMING_POLICY in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.HIGH_SAMPLING_RATE_SENSORS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.RESET_PASSWORD in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.LOCK_DEVICE in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.cyanogenmod.filemanager.permissions.READ_THEME in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.658 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.659 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.asus.msa.SupplementaryDID.ACCESS in package com.mumu.launcher
11-01 20:40:23.659 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
freemme.permission.msa in package com.mumu.launcher
11-01 20:40:23.659 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.659 735 735 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.REQUEST_DELETE_PACKAGES in package
11-01 20:40:23.659 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.659 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.659 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.659 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.659 735 735 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.665 735 735 I
notifyBootPMSReady:116: boot_progress boot status:pms_ready
11-01 20:40:23.667 735 735 I boot_progress_pms_ready: 5148
11-01 20:40:23.671 735 735 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit
11-01 20:40:23.678 735 735 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed
149797(9MB) AllocSpace objects, 1(20KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 5MB/8MB, paused 36us
total 7.085ms
11-01 20:40:23.679 735 735 I SystemServer: User Service
11-01 20:40:23.681 289 289 I lowmemorykiller: ActivityManager connected
11-01 20:40:23.681 735 735 D SensorService: nuSensorService starting...
11-01 20:40:23.683 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:23.683 735 779 D SensorService: new thread SensorEventAckReceiver
11-01 20:40:23.683 735 780 D SensorService: nuSensorService thread starting...
11-01 20:40:23.684 735 745 I battery_status: [2,2,1,0,Li-poly]
11-01 20:40:23.684 735 745 I battery_level: [70,4020,320]
11-01 20:40:23.684 735 751 E BluetoothAdapter: Bluetooth binder is null
11-01 20:40:23.684 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:23.684 735 751 E KernelUidCpuTimeReader: Failed to read
uid_cputime: /proc/uid_cputime/show_uid_stat: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-01 20:40:23.685 735 751 E KernelUidCpuTimeReader: Failed to read
uid_cputime: /proc/uid_cputime/show_uid_stat: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-01 20:40:23.686 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:23.688 735 735 I SystemServer: Reading configuration...
11-01 20:40:23.688 735 735 I SystemServer: Scheduling Policy
11-01 20:40:23.688 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:23.688 735 735 I SystemServer: Telephony Registry
11-01 20:40:23.689 735 735 I SystemServer: Entropy Mixer
11-01 20:40:23.689 735 735 I EntropyMixer: Writing entropy...
11-01 20:40:23.690 735 735 I SystemServer: Camera Service
11-01 20:40:23.691 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:23.691 735 735 I SystemServer: Account Manager
11-01 20:40:23.692 735 735 I SystemServer: Content Manager
11-01 20:40:23.693 735 735 I SystemServer: System Content Providers
11-01 20:40:23.694 735 735 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-01 20:40:23.700 735 735 I SystemServer: Vibrator Service
11-01 20:40:23.701 735 735 I SystemServer: Consumer IR Service
11-01 20:40:23.701 735 735 E ConsumerIrService: Can't open consumer IR HW
Module, error: -2
11-01 20:40:23.701 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:23.702 735 735 D AlarmManagerService: Kernel timezone updated to
240 minutes west of GMT
11-01 20:40:23.703 735 735 I SystemServer: Init Watchdog
11-01 20:40:23.703 735 735 I SystemServer: Input Manager
11-01 20:40:23.703 735 735 I InputManager: Initializing input manager,
11-01 20:40:23.704 735 748 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 88, previously 91
11-01 20:40:23.704 735 748 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 166, previously 170
11-01 20:40:23.704 735 748 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 3515, previously 3535
11-01 20:40:23.704 735 748 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 487, previously 4586
11-01 20:40:23.705 735 735 I SystemServer: Window Manager
11-01 20:40:23.708 735 754 I WindowManager: No existing display settings
/data/system/display_settings.xml; starting empty
11-01 20:40:23.715 735 735 I wm_stack_created: [0,0,0,0,0]
11-01 20:40:23.715 735 735 I InputManager: Starting input manager
11-01 20:40:23.716 735 735 I SystemServer: Tab Manager
11-01 20:40:23.716 735 784 I EventHub: ignoring event id /dev/input/event6
driver Android Power Button
11-01 20:40:23.717 735 735 I SystemServer: Bluetooth Service
11-01 20:40:23.717 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:23.718 735 735 D BluetoothService: onStart: publishing
11-01 20:40:23.718 735 735 I SystemServer: Input Method Service
11-01 20:40:23.722 735 735 I SystemServer: Accessibility Manager
11-01 20:40:23.723 735 735 I configuration_changed: 7672
11-01 20:40:23.723 735 735 I ActivityManager: Config changes=1df8 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc
es_ES ldltr sw479dp w853dp h479dp 192dpi nrml long land ?uimode ?night -touch -
keyb/v/h -nav/h s.2}
11-01 20:40:23.727 735 748 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Rollover scheduled @
2023-11-02 20:00:00(1698969600000)
11-01 20:40:23.735 735 735 I configuration_changed: 1024
11-01 20:40:23.735 735 735 I ActivityManager: Config changes=400 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc
es_ES ldltr sw479dp w853dp h455dp 192dpi nrml long land ?uimode ?night -touch -
keyb/v/h -nav/h s.3}
11-01 20:40:23.736 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
11-01 20:40:23.738 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:23.738 735 785 D MountService: Thinking about reset,
mSystemReady=false, mDaemonConnected=true
11-01 20:40:23.738 735 785 D MountService: Thinking about reset,
mSystemReady=false, mDaemonConnected=true
11-01 20:40:23.738 735 735 I configuration_changed: 512
11-01 20:40:23.738 735 735 I ActivityManager: Config changes=200 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc
es_ES ldltr sw479dp w853dp h455dp 192dpi nrml long land -touch -keyb/v/h -nav/h
11-01 20:40:23.738 735 785 D CryptdConnector: SND -> {1 cryptfs getfield
11-01 20:40:23.739 251 269 I Ext4Crypt: ext4 crypto complete called on /data
11-01 20:40:23.739 251 269 I Ext4Crypt: No master key, so not ext4enc
11-01 20:40:23.739 735 787 D CryptdConnector: RCV <- {200 1 -1}
11-01 20:40:23.743 735 785 W MountService: No primary storage mounted!
11-01 20:40:23.743 735 785 D VoldConnector: SND -> {1 asec list}
11-01 20:40:23.743 735 786 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 1 asec operation
11-01 20:40:23.743 735 785 I PackageManager: No secure containers found
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Not granting permission to package (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x30883e45)
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Not granting permission to package (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x30883e45)
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS in package com.kitkagames.fallbuddies
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.READ_BASIC_PHONE_STATE in package com.kitkagames.fallbuddies
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.applovin.array.apphub.permission.BIND_APPHUB_SERVICE in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE in package com.kitkagames.fallbuddies
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS in package com.dts.freefireth
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Not granting permission to package com.dts.freefireth because it
was previously installed without
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Not granting permission
android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.dts.freefireth because it
was previously installed without
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Not granting permission
android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.dts.freefireth because it
was previously installed without
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT in package com.dts.freefireth
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.seagroup.spark.sdk in package com.dts.freefireth
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE in package com.dts.freefireth
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Not granting permission
android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO to package com.dts.freefireth because it was
previously installed without
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Not granting permission
android.permission.GLOBAL_SEARCH to package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3888be45)
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Not granting permission
android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3889be45)
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Not granting permission
android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package
(protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3889be45)
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.READ_DEVICE_CONFIG in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.WRITE_DEVICE_CONFIG in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADVERTISE in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.NEARBY_WIFI_DEVICES in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_CLOUDSEARCH in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_ATTRIBUTION in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.SEND_SAFETY_CENTER_UPDATE in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ALLOCATE_AGGRESSIVE in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACCESS_INSTANT_APPS in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_APP_OPS_MODES in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_ROLLBACKS in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.SET_HARMFUL_APP_WARNINGS in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.LOADER_USAGE_STATS in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.sonyericsson.home.permission.BROADCAST_BADGE in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.sonymobile.home.permission.PROVIDER_INSERT_BADGE in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.anddoes.launcher.permission.UPDATE_COUNT in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.majeur.launcher.permission.UPDATE_BADGE in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.READ_APP_BADGE in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.oppo.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.oppo.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
org.chromium.arc.apkcacheprovider.permission.READ_CACHE in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
org.chromium.arc.apkcacheprovider.permission.WRITE_CACHE in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.SUBSTITUTE_NOTIFICATION_APP_NAME in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.READ_RUNTIME_PROFILES in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.START_ACTIVITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.CHANGE_OVERLAY_PACKAGES in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.SEND_DEVICE_CUSTOMIZATION_READY in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.LAUNCH_TWO_PANE_SETTINGS_DEEP_LINK in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Not granting permission
android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30d8bc45)
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.WRITE_EMBEDDED_SUBSCRIPTIONS in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_SOUND_TRIGGER in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.START_ACTIVITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.RENOUNCE_PERMISSIONS in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.REMOTE_DISPLAY_PROVIDER in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACCESS_FPS_COUNTER in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_GAME_ACTIVITY in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_GAME_MODE in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MODIFY_ADSERVICES_STATE in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_STATE in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MODIFY_ADSERVICES_STATE_COMPAT in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_STATE_COMPAT in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.DISPATCH_PROVISIONING_MESSAGE in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.RECOVER_KEYSTORE in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.PRE_FACTORY_RESET in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_FACTORY_RESET_PROTECTION in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.CHECK_REMOTE_LOCKSCREEN in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.CREDENTIAL_MANAGER_SET_ORIGIN in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.CONNECTIVITY_USE_RESTRICTED_NETWORKS in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ALLOCATE_AGGRESSIVE in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.felicanetworks.mfc.permission.MFC_ACCESS in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.felicanetworks.mfc.mfi.permission.MFI_ACCESS in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACCESS_CONTEXT_HUB in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACCESS_VIBRATOR_STATE in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.LOCATION_BYPASS in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.TURN_SCREEN_ON in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.BROADCAST_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADVERTISE in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MODIFY_DEFAULT_AUDIO_EFFECTS in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.SUBSTITUTE_NOTIFICATION_APP_NAME in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.SUBSTITUTE_SHARE_TARGET_APP_NAME_AND_ICON in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.COMPANION_APPROVE_WIFI_CONNECTIONS in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.UWB in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_WIFI_INTERFACES in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_WIFI_NETWORK_SELECTION in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.NEARBY_WIFI_DEVICES in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.UWB_PRIVILEGED in package
11-01 20:40:23.744 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.UWB_RANGING in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.REQUEST_COMPANION_PROFILE_COMPUTER in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.REQUEST_COMPANION_RUN_IN_BACKGROUND in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.REQUEST_COMPANION_SELF_MANAGED in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.TETHER_PRIVILEGED in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.CONTROL_DISPLAY_SATURATION in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.READ_OEM_UNLOCK_STATE in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MODIFY_DAY_NIGHT_MODE in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACTIVITY_EMBEDDING in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PROJECTION in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.PROVIDE_RESOLVER_RANKER_SERVICE in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.READ_MEDIA_AUDIO in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VIDEO in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_DATA_SYNC in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.DOMAIN_VERIFICATION_AGENT in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACCESS_BROADCAST_RESPONSE_STATS in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.SET_LOW_POWER_STANDBY_PORTS in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.SCHEDULE_PRIORITIZED_ALARM in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_CONNECTED_DEVICE in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_SUBSCRIPTION_PLANS in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.READ_DEVICE_CONFIG in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.WRITE_DEVICE_CONFIG in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_TIME_AND_ZONE_DETECTION in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.MANAGE_ROLLBACKS in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.REQUEST_DELETE_PACKAGES in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.UPDATE_FONTS in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.LAUNCH_MULTI_PANE_SETTINGS_DEEP_LINK in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.SEND_SAFETY_CENTER_UPDATE in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_SYSTEM_EXEMPTED in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MICROPHONE in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.CALL_AUDIO_INTERCEPTION in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.PROVIDE_REMOTE_CREDENTIALS in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.READ_NEARBY_STREAMING_POLICY in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.HIGH_SAMPLING_RATE_SENSORS in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.RESET_PASSWORD in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.LOCK_DEVICE in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 735 I PackageManager.DexOptimizer: Running dexopt
(dex2oat) on:
apters.contacts.apk isa=x86_64
vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false oatDir = null bootComplete=false
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.cyanogenmod.filemanager.permissions.READ_THEME in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
com.asus.msa.SupplementaryDID.ACCESS in package com.mumu.launcher
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
freemme.permission.msa in package com.mumu.launcher
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: Unknown permission
android.permission.REQUEST_DELETE_PACKAGES in package
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.745 735 785 W PackageManager: mSetting.mDisabledPackages not
11-01 20:40:23.755 788 788 W dex2oat : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: x86_64
11-01 20:40:23.755 788 788 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-
11-01 20:40:23.768 735 784 E KeyLayoutMap:
/system/usr/keylayout/nemuVM_Virtual_Input.kl:33: Expected key flag label, got
11-01 20:40:23.769 735 785 W MountService: No primary storage defined yet;
hacking together a stub
11-01 20:40:23.769 735 785 W MountService: No primary storage defined yet;
hacking together a stub
11-01 20:40:23.770 735 784 W EventHub: Unable to disable kernel key repeat
for /dev/input/event5: Function not implemented
11-01 20:40:23.770 735 784 I EventHub: New device: id=1, fd=53,
path='/dev/input/event5', name='nemuVM Virtual Input', classes=0x17f,
keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false,
wakeMechanism=EPOLLWAKEUP, usingClockIoctl=true
11-01 20:40:23.770 735 784 E EventHub: could not get driver version for
/dev/input/mouse1, Not a typewriter
11-01 20:40:23.770 735 785 W MountService: No primary storage mounted!
11-01 20:40:23.770 735 785 D VoldConnector: SND -> {2 asec list}
11-01 20:40:23.770 735 786 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 2 asec operation
11-01 20:40:23.778 788 788 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 22.894ms (threads: 4) arena
alloc=88B java alloc=864KB native alloc=833KB free=1470KB
11-01 20:40:23.779 735 735 I SystemServer: LockSettingsService
11-01 20:40:23.780 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:23.781 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
11-01 20:40:23.784 735 735 I SystemServer: Status Bar
11-01 20:40:23.785 735 735 I SystemServer: Clipboard Service
11-01 20:40:23.785 735 793 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED:
11-01 20:40:23.785 735 735 I SystemServer: NetworkManagement Service
11-01 20:40:23.787 735 735 I SystemServer: Text Service Manager Service
11-01 20:40:23.787 735 735 W TextServicesManagerService: no available spell
checker services found
11-01 20:40:23.788 735 735 I SystemServer: Network Score Service
11-01 20:40:23.788 735 735 I SystemServer: NetworkStats Service
11-01 20:40:23.789 735 735 I SystemServer: NetworkPolicy Service
11-01 20:40:23.790 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:23.799 735 735 I WifiP2pService: Registering wifip2p
11-01 20:40:23.799 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:23.819 735 735 D HS20 : Passpoint is disabled
11-01 20:40:23.824 735 735 D WifiController: isAirplaneModeOn = false,
isWifiEnabled = true, isScanningAvailable = false
11-01 20:40:23.824 735 735 I WifiService: Registering wifi
11-01 20:40:23.825 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:23.825 735 735 I WifiScanningService: Creating wifiscanner
11-01 20:40:23.825 735 735 I WifiScanningService: Starting wifiscanner
11-01 20:40:23.825 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:23.825 735 735 I RttService: Creating rttmanager
11-01 20:40:23.826 735 735 I RttService: Starting rttmanager
11-01 20:40:23.826 735 735 I SystemServer: Connectivity Service
11-01 20:40:23.826 735 735 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService starting
11-01 20:40:23.828 735 735 D ConnectivityService: wifiOnly=true
11-01 20:40:23.828 735 735 D ConnectivityService: networkAttributes - ignoring
mobile as this dev is wifiOnly 0
11-01 20:40:23.828 735 735 D ConnectivityService: networkAttributes - ignoring
mobile as this dev is wifiOnly 2
11-01 20:40:23.828 735 735 D ConnectivityService: networkAttributes - ignoring
mobile as this dev is wifiOnly 3
11-01 20:40:23.828 735 735 D ConnectivityService: networkAttributes - ignoring
mobile as this dev is wifiOnly 5
11-01 20:40:23.828 735 735 D ConnectivityService: networkAttributes - ignoring
mobile as this dev is wifiOnly 10
11-01 20:40:23.828 735 735 D ConnectivityService: networkAttributes - ignoring
mobile as this dev is wifiOnly 11
11-01 20:40:23.828 735 735 D ConnectivityService: networkAttributes - ignoring
mobile as this dev is wifiOnly 12
11-01 20:40:23.828 735 735 E ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 10
11-01 20:40:23.828 735 735 E ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 11
11-01 20:40:23.828 735 735 E ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 12
11-01 20:40:23.828 735 735 E ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 14
11-01 20:40:23.828 735 735 E ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 15
11-01 20:40:23.828 735 784 I EventHub: ignoring event id /dev/input/event1
driver Sleep Button
11-01 20:40:23.829 735 735 I SystemServer: Network Service Discovery Service
11-01 20:40:23.830 735 735 D NsdService: Network service discovery enabled true
11-01 20:40:23.831 735 735 I SystemServer: UpdateLock Service
11-01 20:40:23.831 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:23.839 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:23.839 735 735 I free_storage_left:
11-01 20:40:23.840 735 735 I free_storage_changed: 133055774720
11-01 20:40:23.840 735 735 I SystemServer: Location Manager
11-01 20:40:23.841 735 735 I SystemServer: Country Detector
11-01 20:40:23.841 735 735 I SystemServer: Search Service
11-01 20:40:23.845 735 735 I SystemServer: DropBox Service
11-01 20:40:23.845 735 735 I SystemServer: Wallpaper Service
11-01 20:40:23.846 735 735 I SystemServer: Audio Service
11-01 20:40:23.869 735 793 D libEGL : loaded
11-01 20:40:23.875 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:23.875 735 735 W DockObserver: This kernel does not have dock
station support
11-01 20:40:23.876 735 806 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found.
11-01 20:40:23.876 735 735 I SystemServer: Wired Accessory Manager
11-01 20:40:23.876 735 735 W WiredAccessoryManager: This kernel does not have
usb audio support
11-01 20:40:23.877 735 735 W WiredAccessoryManager: This kernel does not have
HDMI audio support
11-01 20:40:23.877 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
11-01 20:40:23.877 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
11-01 20:40:23.882 735 735 E AlsaCardRecord: Failed to parse line 0 of
/proc/asound/cards: ---
11-01 20:40:23.884 735 793 D libEGL : loaded
11-01 20:40:23.884 735 735 I SystemServer: Serial Service
11-01 20:40:23.884 735 735 I SystemServer: TwilightService Service
11-01 20:40:23.884 735 784 I EventHub: ignoring event id /dev/input/event0
driver Power Button
11-01 20:40:23.885 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:23.886 735 735 I SystemServer: JobSchedulerService Service
11-01 20:40:23.886 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:23.887 735 735 D JobStore: job-info
11-01 20:40:23.888 735 735 I SystemServer: BACKUP_MANAGER_SERVICE_CLASS Service
11-01 20:40:23.889 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
11-01 20:40:23.889 735 793 D libEGL : loaded
11-01 20:40:23.891 735 735 I SystemServer: APPWIDGET_SERVICE_CLASS Service
11-01 20:40:23.891 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:23.893 735 735 I SystemServer:
11-01 20:40:23.893 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:23.894 735 793 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
11-01 20:40:23.894 735 793 W OpenGLRenderer: Failed to choose config with
EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED, retrying without...
11-01 20:40:23.917 735 784 I EventHub: ignoring event id /dev/input/event2
driver AT Translated Set 2 keyboard
11-01 20:40:23.936 291 758 I SurfaceFlinger: Boot is finished (3093 ms)
11-01 20:40:24.018 735 784 E EventHub: could not get driver version for
/dev/input/mice, Not a typewriter
11-01 20:40:24.026 735 798 D WifiApConfigStore: 2G band allowed channels
11-01 20:40:24.105 735 784 E EventHub: could not get driver version for
/dev/input/mouse0, Not a typewriter
11-01 20:40:24.184 735 784 I EventHub: ignoring event id /dev/input/event3
driver VirtualBox USB Tablet
11-01 20:40:24.190 310 310 I mediaserver: mediaServer start registerExtensions
11-01 20:40:24.190 310 310 I mediaserver: mediaServer startThreadPool
11-01 20:40:24.190 310 310 I mediaserver: mediaServer joinThreadPool
11-01 20:40:24.193 310 483 E AudioFlinger: no wake lock to update!
11-01 20:40:24.193 310 310 D PermissionCache: checking
android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS for uid=1000 => granted (579 us)
11-01 20:40:24.193 310 812 D PermissionCache: checking
android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_HOTWORD for uid=1000 => granted (2947 us)
11-01 20:40:24.194 735 735 W SoundTriggerHelper: listModules status=0, # of
11-01 20:40:24.194 310 813 D BlueZ : external/bluetooth/bluez/android/hal-
11-01 20:40:24.194 735 735 I SystemServer: Gesture Launcher Service
11-01 20:40:24.194 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:24.194 735 735 I SystemServer: DiskStats Service
11-01 20:40:24.195 735 735 I SystemServer: SamplingProfiler Service
11-01 20:40:24.196 735 735 I SystemServer: NetworkTimeUpdateService
11-01 20:40:24.196 735 735 I SystemServer: CommonTimeManagementService
11-01 20:40:24.197 735 735 I SystemServer: CertBlacklister
11-01 20:40:24.197 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:24.198 735 735 I SystemServer: Assets Atlas Service
11-01 20:40:24.198 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:24.200 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:24.201 735 815 D AssetAtlas: Loaded configuration: SliceMinArea
(832x2048) flags=0x2 count=7
11-01 20:40:24.203 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:24.210 735 735 I SystemServer: Media Router Service
11-01 20:40:24.212 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:24.212 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:24.213 735 735 W FingerprintService: fingerprint service not
11-01 20:40:24.213 735 735 V FingerprintService: Fingerprint HAL id: 0
11-01 20:40:24.213 735 735 I SystemServer: BackgroundDexOptService
11-01 20:40:24.217 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:24.219 735 806 I stream_devices_changed: [0,0,2]
11-01 20:40:24.221 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:24.226 735 806 I stream_devices_changed: [2,0,2]
11-01 20:40:24.226 735 806 I stream_devices_changed: [3,0,2]
11-01 20:40:24.228 735 806 I stream_devices_changed: [4,0,2]
11-01 20:40:24.228 735 806 I stream_devices_changed: [6,0,2]
11-01 20:40:24.237 735 784 I EventHub: ignoring event id /dev/input/event4
driver VirtualBox mouse integration
11-01 20:40:24.280 735 784 I InputReader: Device added: id=-1, name='Virtual',
11-01 20:40:24.281 735 815 D AssetAtlas: Rendered atlas in 68.31ms
11-01 20:40:24.296 735 784 I InputReader: Touch device 'nemuVM Virtual Input'
could not query the properties of its associated display. The device will be
inoperable until the display size becomes available.
11-01 20:40:24.296 735 784 I InputReader: Device added: id=1, name='nemuVM
Virtual Input', sources=0x01003713
11-01 20:40:24.296 735 784 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices.
11-01 20:40:24.296 735 784 I InputReader: Device reconfigured: id=1,
name='nemuVM Virtual Input', size 1024x576, orientation 0, mode 1, display id 0
11-01 20:40:24.296 735 783 I configuration_changed: 104
11-01 20:40:24.296 735 783 I ActivityManager: Config changes=68 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc
es_ES ldltr sw479dp w853dp h455dp 192dpi nrml long land finger -keyb/v/h dpad/v
11-01 20:40:24.299 735 735 I WindowManager: SAFE MODE not enabled
11-01 20:40:24.299 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-01 20:40:24.306 735 735 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file /data/system/gatekeeper.password.key: open failed:
ENOENT (No such file or directory)
11-01 20:40:24.306 735 735 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file /data/system/password.key: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-01 20:40:24.306 735 735 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file /data/system/gatekeeper.pattern.key: open failed:
ENOENT (No such file or directory)
11-01 20:40:24.306 735 735 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file /data/system/gatekeeper.gesture.key: open failed:
ENOENT (No such file or directory)
11-01 20:40:24.307 735 735 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file /data/system/gesture.key: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-01 20:40:24.307 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 480
11-01 20:40:24.310 735 735 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 88, previously 91
11-01 20:40:24.310 735 735 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 166, previously 170
11-01 20:40:24.310 735 735 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 3515, previously 3535
11-01 20:40:24.310 735 735 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 487, previously 4586
11-01 20:40:24.312 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 500
11-01 20:40:24.313 735 735 D BluetoothService: onBootPhase:
11-01 20:40:24.313 735 753 E BluetoothManagerService: Fail to bind to: Intent {
act=android.bluetooth.IBluetooth }
11-01 20:40:24.313 735 735 I WifiService: WifiService starting up with Wi-Fi
11-01 20:40:24.313 735 735 D WifiService: setWifiEnabled: true pid=735,
11-01 20:40:24.313 735 735 E WifiService: Invoking
11-01 20:40:24.314 735 799 D WifiController: WifiController msg { when=0
what=155656$SmHandler } deferred for
11-01 20:40:24.315 735 799 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous
11-01 20:40:24.316 735 735 I WifiScanningService: Registering wifiscanner
11-01 20:40:24.317 735 735 I RttService: Registering rttmanager
11-01 20:40:24.320 735 735 V BackupManagerService: No ancestral data
11-01 20:40:24.325 735 735 V KeyValueBackupJob: Scheduling k/v pass in 244
11-01 20:40:24.329 735 735 V BackupManagerService: Starting with transport
11-01 20:40:24.330 735 735 V BackupManagerService: Found transports: 2
11-01 20:40:24.330 735 735 W BackupManagerService: Proposed transport
ComponentInfo{android/} not
whitelisted; ignoring
11-01 20:40:24.330 735 735 W BackupManagerService: Proposed transport
ervice} not whitelisted; ignoring
11-01 20:40:24.330 735 735 I BackupManagerService: Found stale backup journal,
11-01 20:40:24.336 735 756 E KernelUidCpuTimeReader: Failed to read
uid_cputime: /proc/uid_cputime/show_uid_stat: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-01 20:40:24.336 735 756 W KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurningOn(): no
keyguard service!
11-01 20:40:24.336 735 735 I ActivityManager: System now ready
11-01 20:40:24.337 735 735 I
notifyBootAMSReady:97: boot_progress boot status:ams_ready
11-01 20:40:24.337 735 749 E KernelUidCpuTimeReader: Failed to read
uid_cputime: /proc/uid_cputime/show_uid_stat: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-01 20:40:24.344 735 735 I boot_progress_ams_ready: 5820
11-01 20:40:24.345 735 735 I SystemServer: Making services ready
11-01 20:40:24.345 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 550
11-01 20:40:24.346 735 735 D Interception: fileConfig = /data/system/etc/mumu-
11-01 20:40:24.346 735 735 D Interception: fileConfig = /data/system/etc/mumu-
11-01 20:40:24.350 735 735 D Interception: refreshAirRules, refresh the air
rules completely
11-01 20:40:24.350 735 735 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===retrieveService|||callerPkg===android|||||||||
11-01 20:40:24.351 735 785 D MountService: Thinking about reset,
mSystemReady=true, mDaemonConnected=true
11-01 20:40:24.351 735 785 D VoldConnector: SND -> {3 volume reset}
11-01 20:40:24.353 735 749 I ActivityManager: Force stopping appid=10004 user=-1: vold reset
11-01 20:40:24.353 735 786 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 emulated 7}
11-01 20:40:24.353 735 786 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {659 emulated}
11-01 20:40:24.353 735 786 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {650 emulated 2 "" ""}
11-01 20:40:24.353 735 786 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {654 emulated emulated}
11-01 20:40:24.353 735 786 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 emulated 0}
11-01 20:40:24.353 735 786 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 3 Command succeeded}
11-01 20:40:24.353 735 785 D VoldConnector: SND -> {4 volume user_added 0 0}
11-01 20:40:24.353 735 786 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 4 Command succeeded}
11-01 20:40:24.354 735 751 V MountService: Found primary storage at
11-01 20:40:24.354 735 751 V MountService: type=EMULATED diskId=null
partGuid=null mountFlags=0 mountUserId=-1
11-01 20:40:24.354 735 751 V MountService: state=UNMOUNTED
11-01 20:40:24.354 735 751 V MountService: fsType=null fsUuid=null
11-01 20:40:24.354 735 751 V MountService: path=null internalPath=null
11-01 20:40:24.354 735 785 D VoldConnector: SND -> {5 volume mount emulated 3 -
11-01 20:40:24.355 735 786 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 emulated 1}
11-01 20:40:24.355 735 786 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {656 emulated /data/media}
11-01 20:40:24.355 735 786 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {655 emulated
11-01 20:40:24.355 735 786 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 emulated 2}
11-01 20:40:24.355 735 786 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 5 Command succeeded}
11-01 20:40:24.355 735 735 I SystemServer: WebViewFactory preparation
11-01 20:40:24.357 735 735 D ActivityManager: start process: WebViewLoader-x86,
abi override: x86, primary cpu abi: null, forceToUseNativeBridge: true,
fileAccessControlLastUpdatedTime: -1, appDevicePropLastUpdatedTime: -1
11-01 20:40:24.357 735 735 D ActivityManager: start process: WebViewLoader-x86,
cpu abi: x86, instructionSet: null
11-01 20:40:24.368 735 735 I Zygote : Process: zygote socket opened, supported
ABIS: x86_64,arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:24.369 735 735 I Zygote : Process: zygote socket opened, supported
ABIS: x86,armeabi-v7a,armeabi
11-01 20:40:24.370 441 647 I art : Starting a blocking GC HeapTrim
11-01 20:40:24.371 441 441 I art : Starting a blocking GC Background
11-01 20:40:24.380 735 735 I am_proc_start: [0,826,1037,WebViewLoader-x86,,]
11-01 20:40:24.380 735 735 I ActivityManager: Start proc 826:WebViewLoader-
x86/1037 [android.webkit.WebViewFactory$RelroFileCreator] for
11-01 20:40:24.380 735 735 D ActivityManager: start process: WebViewLoader-
x86_64, abi override: x86_64, primary cpu abi: null, forceToUseNativeBridge: true,
fileAccessControlLastUpdatedTime: -1, appDevicePropLastUpdatedTime: -1
11-01 20:40:24.380 735 735 D ActivityManager: start process: WebViewLoader-
x86_64, cpu abi: x86_64, instructionSet: null
11-01 20:40:24.380 826 826 I art : Late-enabling JIT
11-01 20:40:24.380 826 826 D libnb : enter native_bridge2_initialize (null)
11-01 20:40:24.381 439 739 I art : Starting a blocking GC HeapTrim
11-01 20:40:24.389 831 831 I art : Late-enabling JIT
11-01 20:40:24.389 831 831 D libnb : enter native_bridge2_initialize (null)
11-01 20:40:24.391 735 824 D UsbHostManager: Added device
11-01 20:40:24.391 735 824 D UsbHostManager:
11-01 20:40:24.391 735 824 D UsbHostManager:
11-01 20:40:24.391 735 824 D UsbHostManager:
11-01 20:40:24.392 735 735 I am_proc_start: [0,831,1037,WebViewLoader-x86_64,,]
11-01 20:40:24.392 735 735 I ActivityManager: Start proc 831:WebViewLoader-
x86_64/1037 [android.webkit.WebViewFactory$RelroFileCreator] for
11-01 20:40:24.392 735 735 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===retrieveService|||callerPkg===android|||||||||action===null
11-01 20:40:24.393 826 826 D HP : patch strd susccess
11-01 20:40:24.393 735 735 D ActivityManager: start process:, abi override: null, primary cpu abi: null,
forceToUseNativeBridge: true, fileAccessControlLastUpdatedTime: -1,
appDevicePropLastUpdatedTime: -1
11-01 20:40:24.393 735 735 D ActivityManager: start process:, cpu abi: x86, instructionSet: null
11-01 20:40:24.394 441 830 I art : Starting a blocking GC HeapTrim
11-01 20:40:24.394 826 826 D houdini : [826] Initialize library(version:
6.1.2d_x.48748 RELEASE)... successfully.
11-01 20:40:24.396 836 836 I art : Late-enabling JIT
11-01 20:40:24.397 836 836 D libnb : enter native_bridge2_initialize
/data/user/0/ arm
11-01 20:40:24.398 836 836 D HP : patch strd susccess
11-01 20:40:24.398 836 836 D houdini : [836] Initialize library(version:
6.1.2d_x.48748 RELEASE)... successfully.
11-01 20:40:24.398 826 826 W art : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: dalvik.vm.isa.x86.features=default
11-01 20:40:24.400 836 836 W art : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: dalvik.vm.isa.x86.features=default
11-01 20:40:24.400 735 824 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-01 20:40:24.401 836 836 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB
11-01 20:40:24.401 826 826 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB
11-01 20:40:24.401 831 831 I HP : patch linker relocate target address
outof bounds
11-01 20:40:24.401 831 831 D HP : no
11-01 20:40:24.403 831 831 D houdini : [831] Initialize library(version:
6.1.2d_z.48748 RELEASE)... successfully.
11-01 20:40:24.403 836 836 I Zygote : fake Product info
not matched any pattern
11-01 20:40:24.403 735 735 I am_proc_start:
11-01 20:40:24.403 735 735 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
11-01 20:40:24.404 735 735 D NetworkManagement: not enabling bandwidth control
11-01 20:40:24.413 831 831 W art : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: x86_64
11-01 20:40:24.413 305 327 I iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that
11-01 20:40:24.413 826 826 I Zygote : fake Product info WebViewLoader-x86 not
matched any pattern
11-01 20:40:24.414 305 327 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1)
11-01 20:40:24.414 305 327 E Netd : exec() res=0, status=256 for
/system/bin/iptables -w -F st_penalty_log
11-01 20:40:24.415 831 831 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB
11-01 20:40:24.417 305 327 I ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by
that name.
11-01 20:40:24.417 305 327 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
11-01 20:40:24.417 305 327 E Netd : exec() res=0, status=256 for
/system/bin/ip6tables -w -F st_penalty_log
11-01 20:40:24.417 826 826 V WebViewFactory: RelroFileCreator (64bit = false),
32-bit lib: /system/app/webview/webview.apk!/lib/x86/, 64-bit
lib: /system/app/webview/webview.apk!/lib/x86_64/
11-01 20:40:24.418 735 745 I am_proc_bound: [0,836,]
11-01 20:40:24.419 305 327 I iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that
11-01 20:40:24.427 831 831 I Zygote : fake Product info WebViewLoader-x86_64
not matched any pattern
11-01 20:40:24.428 831 831 V WebViewFactory: RelroFileCreator (64bit = true),
32-bit lib: /system/app/webview/webview.apk!/lib/x86/, 64-bit
lib: /system/app/webview/webview.apk!/lib/x86_64/
11-01 20:40:24.429 305 327 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1)
11-01 20:40:24.429 305 327 E Netd : exec() res=0, status=256 for
/system/bin/iptables -w -F st_penalty_reject
11-01 20:40:24.431 305 327 I ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by
that name.
11-01 20:40:24.431 305 327 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
11-01 20:40:24.431 305 327 E Netd : exec() res=0, status=256 for
/system/bin/ip6tables -w -F st_penalty_reject
11-01 20:40:24.434 305 327 I iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that
11-01 20:40:24.437 305 327 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1)
11-01 20:40:24.437 305 327 E Netd : exec() res=0, status=256 for
/system/bin/iptables -w -F st_clear_caught
11-01 20:40:24.438 836 836 D NemuJavaHotPatchHelper: onHandleBindApplication isMatchJavaPatch:false
11-01 20:40:24.450 305 327 I ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by
that name.
11-01 20:40:24.451 305 327 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
11-01 20:40:24.451 305 327 E Netd : exec() res=0, status=256 for
/system/bin/ip6tables -w -F st_clear_caught
11-01 20:40:24.454 305 327 I iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that
11-01 20:40:24.454 305 327 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1)
11-01 20:40:24.454 305 327 E Netd : exec() res=0, status=256 for
/system/bin/iptables -w -F st_clear_detect
11-01 20:40:24.464 305 327 I ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by
that name.
11-01 20:40:24.467 305 327 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
11-01 20:40:24.467 826 826 W System : exit ---> code:0
11-01 20:40:24.468 305 327 E Netd : exec() res=0, status=256 for
/system/bin/ip6tables -w -F st_clear_detect
11-01 20:40:24.469 826 826 W System : java.lang.Throwable
11-01 20:40:24.469 826 826 W System : at
11-01 20:40:24.469 826 826 W System : at
11-01 20:40:24.469 826 826 W System : at
11-01 20:40:24.469 826 826 W System : at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
11-01 20:40:24.469 826 826 W System : at$
11-01 20:40:24.469 826 826 W System : at
11-01 20:40:24.470 826 826 I art : System.exit called, status: 0
11-01 20:40:24.471 826 826 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 0,
cleanup skipped.
11-01 20:40:24.473 305 327 I iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that
11-01 20:40:24.473 305 327 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1)
11-01 20:40:24.473 305 327 E Netd : exec() res=0, status=256 for
/system/bin/iptables -w -X st_penalty_log
11-01 20:40:24.475 305 327 I ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by
that name.
11-01 20:40:24.475 305 327 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
11-01 20:40:24.475 305 327 E Netd : exec() res=0, status=256 for
/system/bin/ip6tables -w -X st_penalty_log
11-01 20:40:24.482 305 327 I iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that
11-01 20:40:24.482 305 327 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1)
11-01 20:40:24.482 305 327 E Netd : exec() res=0, status=256 for
/system/bin/iptables -w -X st_penalty_reject
11-01 20:40:24.490 305 327 I ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by
that name.
11-01 20:40:24.490 305 327 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
11-01 20:40:24.490 305 327 E Netd : exec() res=0, status=256 for
/system/bin/ip6tables -w -X st_penalty_reject
11-01 20:40:24.494 305 327 I iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that
11-01 20:40:24.494 305 327 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1)
11-01 20:40:24.494 305 327 E Netd : exec() res=0, status=256 for
/system/bin/iptables -w -X st_clear_caught
11-01 20:40:24.496 305 327 I ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by
that name.
11-01 20:40:24.496 305 327 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
11-01 20:40:24.496 305 327 E Netd : exec() res=0, status=256 for
/system/bin/ip6tables -w -X st_clear_caught
11-01 20:40:24.497 305 327 I iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that
11-01 20:40:24.497 305 327 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1)
11-01 20:40:24.497 305 327 E Netd : exec() res=0, status=256 for
/system/bin/iptables -w -X st_clear_detect
11-01 20:40:24.498 305 327 I ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by
that name.
11-01 20:40:24.498 305 327 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
11-01 20:40:24.498 305 327 E Netd : exec() res=0, status=256 for
/system/bin/ip6tables -w -X st_clear_detect
11-01 20:40:24.499 880 880 W dex2oat : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: dalvik.vm.isa.x86.features=default
11-01 20:40:24.499 880 880 W dex2oat : Mismatch between dex2oat instruction set
features (ISA: X86 Feature string: smp,-ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2) and those
of dex2oat executable (ISA: X86 Feature string: smp,ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-
avx2) for the command line:
11-01 20:40:24.499 880 880 W dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --runtime-arg -
classpath --runtime-arg --compiler-filter=interpret-only --instruction-set=x86 --
instruction-set-features=smp,ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2 --runtime-arg -
Xrelocate --boot-image=/system/framework/ --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-
arg -Xmx512m --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --instruction-set-
11-01 20:40:24.499 880 880 E dex2oat : Failed to create oat file: /data/dalvik-
cache/x86/system@priv-app@SystemUI@SystemUI.apk@classes.dex: Permission denied
11-01 20:40:24.499 880 880 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 185.666us (threads: 4)
11-01 20:40:24.500 836 836 W art : Failed execv(/system/bin/dex2oat --
runtime-arg -classpath --runtime-arg --compiler-filter=interpret-only --
instruction-set=x86 --instruction-set-features=smp,ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2
--runtime-arg -Xrelocate --boot-image=/system/framework/ --runtime-arg -
Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx512m --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --instruction-
app@SystemUI@SystemUI.apk@classes.dex) because non-0 exit status
11-01 20:40:24.507 831 831 W System : exit ---> code:0
11-01 20:40:24.508 831 831 W System : java.lang.Throwable
11-01 20:40:24.508 831 831 W System : at
11-01 20:40:24.508 831 831 W System : at
11-01 20:40:24.508 831 831 W System : at
11-01 20:40:24.508 831 831 W System : at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
11-01 20:40:24.508 831 831 W System : at$
11-01 20:40:24.508 831 831 W System : at
11-01 20:40:24.509 831 831 I art : System.exit called, status: 0
11-01 20:40:24.509 831 831 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 0,
cleanup skipped.
11-01 20:40:24.526 836 836 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-01 20:40:24.531 836 836 V SystemUIService: Starting SystemUI services.
11-01 20:40:24.565 836 836 E SoundPool: error loading
11-01 20:40:24.566 836 836 W KeyguardViewMediator: failed to load lock sound
from /system/media/audio/ui/Lock.ogg
11-01 20:40:24.566 836 836 E SoundPool: error loading
11-01 20:40:24.566 836 836 W KeyguardViewMediator: failed to load unlock sound
from /system/media/audio/ui/Unlock.ogg
11-01 20:40:24.566 836 836 E SoundPool: error loading
11-01 20:40:24.566 836 836 W KeyguardViewMediator: failed to load trusted sound
from /system/media/audio/ui/Trusted.ogg
11-01 20:40:24.567 735 735 W NetworkStats: bandwidth controls disabled, unable
to track stats
11-01 20:40:24.567 735 735 W NetworkPolicy: bandwidth controls disabled, unable
to enforce policy
11-01 20:40:24.569 735 735 D PermissionMonitor: Monitoring
11-01 20:40:24.570 735 735 D PermissionMonitor: Users: 1, Apps: 40
11-01 20:40:24.571 735 735 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 600
11-01 20:40:24.572 310 310 D BlueZ : external/bluetooth/bluez/android/hal-
11-01 20:40:24.572 735 735 I BackupManagerService: Backup enabled => false
11-01 20:40:24.573 735 753 D BluetoothManagerService: Added callback:
11-01 20:40:24.577 735 735 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===retrieveService|||callerPkg===android|||||||||
11-01 20:40:24.577 735 735 E InputMethodManagerService: Ignoring
updateSystemUiLocked due to an invalid token. uid:1000 token:null
11-01 20:40:24.578 735 806 E BluetoothA2dp: Could not bind to Bluetooth A2DP
Service with Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothA2dp }
11-01 20:40:24.578 735 735 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===retrieveService|||callerPkg===android|||
11-01 20:40:24.578 735 735 D ActivityManager: start process:
com.netease.nemu_vinput.nemu, abi override: null, primary cpu abi: x86_64,
forceToUseNativeBridge: true, fileAccessControlLastUpdatedTime: -1,
appDevicePropLastUpdatedTime: -1
11-01 20:40:24.578 735 735 D ActivityManager: start process:
com.netease.nemu_vinput.nemu, cpu abi: x86_64, instructionSet: x86_64
11-01 20:40:24.585 923 923 I art : Late-enabling JIT
11-01 20:40:24.585 923 923 D libnb : enter native_bridge2_initialize
/data/user/0/com.netease.nemu_vinput.nemu/code_cache arm64
11-01 20:40:24.589 923 923 I HP : patch linker relocate target address
outof bounds
11-01 20:40:24.589 735 735 I am_proc_start:
11-01 20:40:24.589 735 735 I ActivityManager: Start proc
923:com.netease.nemu_vinput.nemu/1000 for service
11-01 20:40:24.589 735 735 V InputMethodManagerService: Adding window token:
11-01 20:40:24.590 310 813 I AudioFlinger: systemReady
11-01 20:40:24.590 923 923 D HP : no
11-01 20:40:24.590 923 923 D houdini : [923] Initialize library(version:
6.1.2d_z.48748 RELEASE)... successfully.
11-01 20:40:24.593 923 923 W art : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: x86_64
11-01 20:40:24.593 923 923 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB
11-01 20:40:24.597 735 875 I StatusBarManagerService: registerStatusBar$Stub$Proxy@cfdd7d4
11-01 20:40:24.599 735 748 D GpsLocationProvider: Reset GPS properties,
previous size = 0
11-01 20:40:24.599 735 748 D GpsLocationProvider: GpsParamsResource:
11-01 20:40:24.599 735 748 D GpsLocationProvider: GpsParamsResource:
11-01 20:40:24.599 735 748 D GpsLocationProvider: GpsParamsResource:
11-01 20:40:24.599 735 748 D GpsLocationProvider: GpsParamsResource:
11-01 20:40:24.599 735 748 D GpsLocationProvider: GpsParamsResource:
11-01 20:40:24.599 923 923 I Zygote : fake Product info
com.netease.nemu_vinput.nemu not matched any pattern
11-01 20:40:24.599 735 735 W LocationProviderProxy-network: resolves service, but has wrong signature,
11-01 20:40:24.600 735 735 W LocationManagerService: no network location
provider found
11-01 20:40:24.600 735 735 W LocationProviderProxy-fused: resolves service, but has wrong signature,
11-01 20:40:24.600 735 735 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===retrieveService|||callerPkg===android|||||||||
11-01 20:40:24.601 735 735 W GeocoderProxy: resolves
service, but has wrong signature,
11-01 20:40:24.601 735 735 E LocationManagerService: no geocoder provider found
11-01 20:40:24.601 735 735 E FlpHardwareProvider: Error hw_get_module 'flp': -2
11-01 20:40:24.601 735 748 D GpsLocationProvider: GPS properties reloaded, size
= 8
11-01 20:40:24.601 735 748 E GpsLocationProvider: no AGPS interface in
11-01 20:40:24.601 735 735 E LocationManagerService: FLP HAL not supported
11-01 20:40:24.601 735 735 D Interception: result: allow, reason: callerPkg ==
calleePkg, rule: runType===retrieveService|||callerPkg===android|||
11-01 20:40:24.602 735 735 W GeofenceProxy: resolves
service, but has wrong signature,
11-01 20:40:24.602 735 735 E LocationManagerService: Unable to bind FLP
Geofence proxy.
11-01 20:40:24.602 735 735 E ActivityRecognitionHardware: Error hw_get_module:
11-01 20:40:24.602 735 735 E LocationManagerService: Hardware Activity-
Recognition not supported.
11-01 20:40:24.604 735 735 W ActivityRecognitionProxy:
resolves service, but has
wrong signature, ignoring
11-01 20:40:24.604 735 735 E ActivityRecognitionProxy: ServiceWatcher could not
11-01 20:40:24.604 735 735 E LocationManagerService: Unable to bind
11-01 20:40:24.604 735 749 D Interception: isMatchAirRule, common air rule:
11-01 20:40:24.604 735 749 W Interception: result: deny, reason: deny by air
rule, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android||||||$PersistentTr
11-01 20:40:24.605 735 749 D Interception: isMatchAirRule, common air rule:
11-01 20:40:24.605 735 749 W Interception: result: deny, reason: deny by air
rule, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android||||||$PersistentTr
11-01 20:40:24.605 735 745 I am_proc_bound:
11-01 20:40:24.606 294 294 D local_gps: client connected
11-01 20:40:24.606 735 748 E GpsLocationProvider: no AGPS interface in
11-01 20:40:24.609 923 923 D NemuJavaHotPatchHelper: onHandleBindApplication
reportedPackageName:com.netease.nemu_vinput.nemu isMatchJavaPatch:false
11-01 20:40:24.610 735 735 I CommonTimeManagementService: No common time
service detected on this platform. Common time services will be unavailable.
11-01 20:40:24.610 735 735 I MmsServiceBroker: Delay connecting to MmsService
until an API is called
11-01 20:40:24.610 735 806 E SoundPool: error loading
11-01 20:40:24.610 735 806 W AudioService: Soundpool could not load file:
11-01 20:40:24.610 735 806 E SoundPool: error loading
11-01 20:40:24.610 735 806 W AudioService: Soundpool could not load file:
11-01 20:40:24.610 735 806 E SoundPool: error loading
11-01 20:40:24.610 735 806 W AudioService: Soundpool could not load file:
11-01 20:40:24.610 735 806 E SoundPool: error loading
11-01 20:40:24.610 735 806 W AudioService: Soundpool could not load file:
11-01 20:40:24.610 735 806 E SoundPool: error loading
11-01 20:40:24.610 735 806 W AudioService: Soundpool could not load file:
11-01 20:40:24.610 735 784 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices.
11-01 20:40:24.611 735 735 D MountService: onStartUser 0
11-01 20:40:24.611 735 735 D VoldConnector: SND -> {6 volume user_started 0}
11-01 20:40:24.612 251 268 D vold : Linking /storage/emulated/0 to
11-01 20:40:24.612 735 786 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 6 Command succeeded}
11-01 20:40:24.612 735 785 D MountService: Volume emulated broadcasting mounted
to UserHandle{0}
11-01 20:40:24.612 735 735 W VoiceInteractionManagerService: no available voice
interaction services found for user 0
11-01 20:40:24.612 735 735 W VoiceInteractionManagerService: no available voice
recognition services found for user 0
11-01 20:40:24.612 735 749 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android|||||||||
11-01 20:40:24.612 735 784 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices.
11-01 20:40:24.613 735 749 D ActivityManager: start process:, abi override: null, primary cpu abi: null,
forceToUseNativeBridge: true, fileAccessControlLastUpdatedTime: -1,
appDevicePropLastUpdatedTime: -1
11-01 20:40:24.613 735 749 D ActivityManager: start process:, cpu abi: x86, instructionSet: null
11-01 20:40:24.614 735 937 E WVMExtractor: Failed to open dlopen
failed: library "" not found
11-01 20:40:24.618 942 942 I art : Late-enabling JIT
11-01 20:40:24.620 942 942 D libnb : enter native_bridge2_initialize
/data/user/0/ arm
11-01 20:40:24.624 735 749 I am_proc_start:
11-01 20:40:24.624 735 749 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
11-01 20:40:24.625 735 735 D ActivityManager: start process:,
abi override: null, primary cpu abi: x86_64, forceToUseNativeBridge: true,
fileAccessControlLastUpdatedTime: -1, appDevicePropLastUpdatedTime: -1
11-01 20:40:24.625 735 735 D ActivityManager: start process:,
cpu abi: x86_64, instructionSet: x86_64
11-01 20:40:24.626 942 942 D HP : patch strd susccess
11-01 20:40:24.626 942 942 D houdini : [942] Initialize library(version:
6.1.2d_x.48748 RELEASE)... successfully.
11-01 20:40:24.628 951 951 I art : Late-enabling JIT
11-01 20:40:24.628 942 942 W art : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: dalvik.vm.isa.x86.features=default
11-01 20:40:24.628 942 942 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB
11-01 20:40:24.628 951 951 D libnb : enter native_bridge2_initialize
/data/user/0/ arm64
11-01 20:40:24.634 951 951 I HP : patch linker relocate target address
outof bounds
11-01 20:40:24.634 951 951 D HP : no
11-01 20:40:24.634 951 951 D houdini : [951] Initialize library(version:
6.1.2d_z.48748 RELEASE)... successfully.
11-01 20:40:24.635 735 735 I am_proc_start: [0,951,1000,,added
11-01 20:40:24.635 735 735 I ActivityManager: Start proc for added application
11-01 20:40:24.636 735 735 D ActivityManager: start process:
com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.nemu, abi override: null, primary cpu abi: x86_64,
forceToUseNativeBridge: true, fileAccessControlLastUpdatedTime: -1,
appDevicePropLastUpdatedTime: -1
11-01 20:40:24.636 951 951 W art : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: x86_64
11-01 20:40:24.636 735 735 D ActivityManager: start process:
com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.nemu, cpu abi: x86_64, instructionSet: x86_64
11-01 20:40:24.636 951 951 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB
11-01 20:40:24.638 966 966 I art : Late-enabling JIT
11-01 20:40:24.638 966 966 D libnb : enter native_bridge2_initialize
/data/user/0/com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.nemu/code_cache arm64
11-01 20:40:24.638 951 951 I Zygote : fake Product info not
matched any pattern
11-01 20:40:24.639 966 966 I HP : patch linker relocate target address
outof bounds
11-01 20:40:24.639 966 966 D HP : no
11-01 20:40:24.639 966 966 D houdini : [966] Initialize library(version:
6.1.2d_z.48748 RELEASE)... successfully.
11-01 20:40:24.641 966 966 W art : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: x86_64
11-01 20:40:24.641 966 966 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB
11-01 20:40:24.642 966 966 I Zygote : fake Product info
com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.nemu not matched any pattern
11-01 20:40:24.645 942 942 I Zygote : fake Product info
not matched any pattern
11-01 20:40:24.650 735 735 I am_proc_start:
11-01 20:40:24.650 735 735 I ActivityManager: Start proc
966:com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.nemu/1000 for added application
11-01 20:40:24.650 735 735 I ActivityManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000000
cmp=com.mumu.launcher/.Launcher} from uid 0 on display 0
11-01 20:40:24.655 735 735 I am_create_task: [0,12]
11-01 20:40:24.655 735 735 I am_create_activity:
11-01 20:40:24.655 735 735 I wm_task_created: [12,0]
11-01 20:40:24.655 735 735 I wm_task_moved: [12,1,0]
11-01 20:40:24.656 735 735 D ActivityManager: start process: com.mumu.launcher,
abi override: null, primary cpu abi: x86_64, forceToUseNativeBridge: true,
fileAccessControlLastUpdatedTime: -1, appDevicePropLastUpdatedTime: -1
11-01 20:40:24.656 735 735 D ActivityManager: start process: com.mumu.launcher,
cpu abi: x86_64, instructionSet: x86_64
11-01 20:40:24.658 999 999 I art : Late-enabling JIT
11-01 20:40:24.659 999 999 D libnb : enter native_bridge2_initialize
/data/user/0/com.mumu.launcher/code_cache arm64
11-01 20:40:24.660 999 999 I HP : patch linker relocate target address
outof bounds
11-01 20:40:24.660 999 999 D HP : no
11-01 20:40:24.660 999 999 D houdini : [999] Initialize library(version:
6.1.2d_z.48748 RELEASE)... successfully.
11-01 20:40:24.661 999 999 W art : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: x86_64
11-01 20:40:24.661 999 999 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB
11-01 20:40:24.663 999 999 I Zygote : fake Product info com.mumu.launcher not
matched any pattern
11-01 20:40:24.666 735 735 I am_proc_start:
11-01 20:40:24.666 735 735 I ActivityManager: Start proc
999:com.mumu.launcher/1000 for activity com.mumu.launcher/.Launcher
11-01 20:40:24.666 735 735 I wm_task_moved: [12,1,0]
11-01 20:40:24.667 735 735 I am_focused_activity:
11-01 20:40:24.667 735 735 I ActivityManager: Starting provision Activity:
Intent { }
11-01 20:40:24.667 735 735 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===activity|||callerPkg===android|||||||||action===null
11-01 20:40:24.668 735 735 I ActivityManager: START u0
{} from uid 1000 on display 0
11-01 20:40:24.668 735 735 I ActivityManager: Starting Intent { }
11-01 20:40:24.668 735 735 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===activity|||callerPkg===android|||||||||action===null
11-01 20:40:24.668 735 735 I ActivityManager: START u0
{} from uid 1000 on display 0
11-01 20:40:24.668 735 735 I ActivityManager: Starting service: Intent
vice }
11-01 20:40:24.668 735 735 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===retrieveService|||callerPkg===android|||
11-01 20:40:24.668 735 735 I ActivityManager: Starting service: Intent
{ }
11-01 20:40:24.668 735 735 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===retrieveService|||callerPkg===android|||||||||
11-01 20:40:24.669 735 875 I am_proc_bound: [0,951,]
11-01 20:40:24.670 923 923 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-01 20:40:24.670 735 988 I am_proc_bound:
11-01 20:40:24.676 735 746 I am_proc_bound: [0,942,]
11-01 20:40:24.683 951 951 D NemuJavaHotPatchHelper: onHandleBindApplication isMatchJavaPatch:false
11-01 20:40:24.688 735 998 I am_proc_bound: [0,999,com.mumu.launcher]
11-01 20:40:24.690 735 998 I am_restart_activity:
11-01 20:40:24.696 966 966 D NemuJavaHotPatchHelper: onHandleBindApplication
reportedPackageName:com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.nemu isMatchJavaPatch:false
11-01 20:40:24.696 310 812 W linker : /system/vendor/lib/ has
text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please
11-01 20:40:24.704 310 812 W linker : /system/vendor/lib/ has text
relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
11-01 20:40:24.704 310 812 W linker : /system/vendor/lib/ has
text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please
11-01 20:40:24.704 310 812 W linker : /system/vendor/lib/ has
text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please
11-01 20:40:24.710 942 942 D NemuJavaHotPatchHelper: onHandleBindApplication isMatchJavaPatch:false
11-01 20:40:24.718 310 812 W OMXNodeInstance: [e:qcom.decoder.avc] component
does not support metadata mode; using fallback
11-01 20:40:24.722 310 812 W linker : /system/vendor/lib/ has
text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please
11-01 20:40:24.724 310 812 W linker : /system/vendor/lib/ has text
relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
11-01 20:40:24.724 310 812 W linker : /system/vendor/lib/ has
text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please
11-01 20:40:24.724 310 812 W linker : /system/vendor/lib/ has
text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please
11-01 20:40:24.725 735 735 D RttService: SCAN_AVAILABLE : 1
11-01 20:40:24.725 735 819 D RttService: DefaultState got{ when=0 what=160513$SmHandler }
11-01 20:40:24.731 310 812 W OMXNodeInstance: [f:ffmpeg.h264.decoder] component
does not support metadata mode; using fallback
11-01 20:40:24.735 310 812 W OMXNodeInstance: [10:google.mpeg4.decoder]
component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
11-01 20:40:24.738 310 812 W OMXNodeInstance: [11:google.h263.decoder]
component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
11-01 20:40:24.740 310 812 W OMXNodeInstance: [12:google.h264.decoder]
component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
11-01 20:40:24.741 735 735 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-01 20:40:24.743 999 999 D NemuJavaHotPatchHelper: onHandleBindApplication
reportedPackageName:com.mumu.launcher isMatchJavaPatch:false
11-01 20:40:24.743 310 812 W OMXNodeInstance: [13:google.hevc.decoder]
component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
11-01 20:40:24.746 310 812 W OMXNodeInstance: [14:google.vp8.decoder] component
does not support metadata mode; using fallback
11-01 20:40:24.747 310 812 W OMXNodeInstance: [15:google.vp9.decoder] component
does not support metadata mode; using fallback
11-01 20:40:24.749 310 812 I SoftMPEG4Encoder: Construct SoftMPEG4Encoder
11-01 20:40:24.749 310 812 W ACodec : do not know color format 0x7f000789 =
11-01 20:40:24.757 310 812 W ACodec : do not know color format 0x7f000789 =
11-01 20:40:24.759 310 812 I SoftMPEG4Encoder: Construct SoftMPEG4Encoder
11-01 20:40:24.759 310 812 W ACodec : do not know color format 0x7f000789 =
11-01 20:40:24.761 735 875 I
notifyOpening:468: notify tab opened in android as it's new task com.mumu.launcher,
appName: Launcher3, taskId: 12, firstActiveTime: 1698885624695
11-01 20:40:24.762 310 812 W ACodec : do not know color format 0x7f000789 =
11-01 20:40:24.778 923 923 D
init input method server
11-01 20:40:24.778 310 812 W MediaCodecList: unable to open media codecs
configuration xml file: /etc/media_codecs_performance.xml
11-01 20:40:24.779 923 1053 D
server start listening at: 18052
11-01 20:40:24.784 951 951 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-01 20:40:24.786 310 812 W MediaCodecList: unable to open media codecs
configuration xml file: /data/misc/media/media_codecs_profiling_results.xml
11-01 20:40:24.787 966 966 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-01 20:40:24.808 1056 1056 W dex2oat : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: dalvik.vm.isa.x86.features=default
11-01 20:40:24.808 1056 1056 W dex2oat : Mismatch between dex2oat instruction set
features (ISA: X86 Feature string: smp,-ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2) and those
of dex2oat executable (ISA: X86 Feature string: smp,ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-
avx2) for the command line:
11-01 20:40:24.808 1056 1056 W dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --runtime-arg -
classpath --runtime-arg --compiler-filter=interpret-only --instruction-set=x86 --
instruction-set-features=smp,ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2 --runtime-arg -
Xrelocate --boot-image=/system/framework/ --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-
arg -Xmx512m --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --instruction-set-
11-01 20:40:24.808 1056 1056 E dex2oat : Failed to create oat file: /data/dalvik-
Permission denied
11-01 20:40:24.808 1056 1056 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 237.385us (threads: 4)
11-01 20:40:24.809 942 942 W art : Failed execv(/system/bin/dex2oat --
runtime-arg -classpath --runtime-arg --compiler-filter=interpret-only --
instruction-set=x86 --instruction-set-features=smp,ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2
--runtime-arg -Xrelocate --boot-image=/system/framework/ --runtime-arg -
Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx512m --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --instruction-
app@DownloadProvider@DownloadProvider.apk@classes.dex) because non-0 exit status
11-01 20:40:24.819 735 1059 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===provider|||callerPkg===android|||||||||action===call_log
11-01 20:40:24.820 735 1059 D ActivityManager: start process:
android.process.acore, abi override: null, primary cpu abi: null,
forceToUseNativeBridge: true, fileAccessControlLastUpdatedTime: -1,
appDevicePropLastUpdatedTime: -1
11-01 20:40:24.820 735 799 D WifiController: DEFERRED_TOGGLE handled
11-01 20:40:24.820 735 1059 D ActivityManager: start process:
android.process.acore, cpu abi: x86, instructionSet: null
11-01 20:40:24.821 942 942 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-01 20:40:24.821 966 966 I boot_progress_api_start: 6304
11-01 20:40:24.821 735 798 E WifiStateMachine: Failed to reload STA firmware
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: command '9 softap fwreload wlan0 STA' failed
with '501 9 SoftAP command has failed'
11-01 20:40:24.822 966 966 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-01 20:40:24.822 735 798 E WifiMonitor: killSupplicant p2pfalse
init.svc.wpa_supplicant=unknown init.svc.p2p_supplicant=unknown
11-01 20:40:24.822 305 319 E Netd : ifc_reset_connections failed on iface
wlan0 for address fe80::a00:27ff:febf:c81d/64 (Unknown error -1)
11-01 20:40:24.823 735 798 D wifi : Can not initialize the vendor function
pointer table
11-01 20:40:24.823 735 798 E WifiNative-HAL: Could not start hal
11-01 20:40:24.823 735 798 E WifiStateMachine: Failed to start HAL
11-01 20:40:24.827 1062 1062 I art : Late-enabling JIT
11-01 20:40:24.827 1062 1062 D libnb : enter native_bridge2_initialize
/data/user/0/ arm
11-01 20:40:24.828 1062 1062 D HP : patch strd susccess
11-01 20:40:24.828 1062 1062 D houdini : [1062] Initialize library(version:
6.1.2d_x.48748 RELEASE)... successfully.
11-01 20:40:24.830 1062 1062 W art : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: dalvik.vm.isa.x86.features=default
11-01 20:40:24.831 1062 1062 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB
11-01 20:40:24.837 735 1059 I am_proc_start:
11-01 20:40:24.837 735 1059 I ActivityManager: Start proc
1062:android.process.acore/u0a2 for content provider
11-01 20:40:24.837 999 999 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-01 20:40:24.839 735 798 D WifiMonitor: startMonitoring(wlan0) with
mConnected = false
11-01 20:40:24.847 1062 1062 I Zygote : fake Product info android.process.acore
not matched any pattern
11-01 20:40:24.849 735 941 I OMXClient: Using client-side OMX mux.
11-01 20:40:24.849 735 995 D Interception: result: allow, reason: callerPkg ==
calleePkg, rule: runType===retrieveService|||
11-01 20:40:24.858 735 941 D : alloc codec process name system_server
11-01 20:40:24.863 1061 1061 I wpa_supplicant: Successfully initialized
11-01 20:40:24.863 1061 1061 E wpa_supplicant: wpa config set ssid from prop:
11-01 20:40:24.890 1081 1081 W dex2oat : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: dalvik.vm.isa.x86.features=default
11-01 20:40:24.890 1081 1081 W dex2oat : Mismatch between dex2oat instruction set
features (ISA: X86 Feature string: smp,-ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2) and those
of dex2oat executable (ISA: X86 Feature string: smp,ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-
avx2) for the command line:
11-01 20:40:24.890 1081 1081 W dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --runtime-arg -
classpath --runtime-arg --compiler-filter=interpret-only --instruction-set=x86 --
instruction-set-features=smp,ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2 --runtime-arg -
Xrelocate --boot-image=/system/framework/ --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-
arg -Xmx512m --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --instruction-set-
11-01 20:40:24.890 1081 1081 E dex2oat : Failed to create oat file: /data/dalvik-
cache/x86/system@priv-app@MediaProvider@MediaProvider.apk@classes.dex: Permission
11-01 20:40:24.890 1081 1081 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 275.459us (threads: 4)
11-01 20:40:24.890 942 942 W art : Failed execv(/system/bin/dex2oat --
runtime-arg -classpath --runtime-arg --compiler-filter=interpret-only --
instruction-set=x86 --instruction-set-features=smp,ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2
--runtime-arg -Xrelocate --boot-image=/system/framework/ --runtime-arg -
Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx512m --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --instruction-
app@MediaProvider@MediaProvider.apk@classes.dex) because non-0 exit status
11-01 20:40:24.893 942 942 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-01 20:40:24.897 735 735 I Telecom : Class: TelecomSystem.INSTANCE being set
11-01 20:40:24.897 735 735 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-01 20:40:24.897 735 735 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===retrieveService|||callerPkg===android|||||||||
11-01 20:40:24.899 735 735 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-01 20:40:24.905 735 998 I am_proc_bound: [0,1062,android.process.acore]
11-01 20:40:24.917 735 798 D WifiConfigStore: Loading config and enabling all
11-01 20:40:24.919 735 798 D WifiConfigStore: loaded 0 passpoint configs
11-01 20:40:24.919 735 798 E WifiConfigStore: Error parsing configuration: /data/misc/wifi/ipconfig.txt: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
11-01 20:40:24.919 735 798 W WifiConfigStore: Upgrading network 0 to
11-01 20:40:24.920 735 798 E WifiConfigStore: readAutoJoinStatus: Error parsing /data/misc/wifi/autojoinconfig.txt:
open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
11-01 20:40:24.920 735 798 E WifiConfigStore: buildPnoList
sortedWifiConfigurations size 1
11-01 20:40:24.920 735 798 E WifiConfigStore: found sortedWifiConfigurations :
11-01 20:40:24.921 735 798 D WifiNative-HAL: Setting external_sim to 1
11-01 20:40:24.921 735 798 D WifiStateMachine: Setting OUI to DA-A1-19
11-01 20:40:24.922 735 798 D WifiConfigStore: Retrieve network priorities after
11-01 20:40:24.922 735 798 D WifiNative-HAL: Failing getSupportedFeatureset
because HAL isn't started
11-01 20:40:24.924 999 999 D Sentry : read: true
11-01 20:40:24.925 999 999 I Sentry : Retrieving auto-init from
11-01 20:40:24.946 1062 1062 D NemuJavaHotPatchHelper: onHandleBindApplication isMatchJavaPatch:false
11-01 20:40:24.960 735 799 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous
11-01 20:40:24.960 735 798 E native : do suspend false
11-01 20:40:24.960 735 798 D WifiConfigStore: No blacklist allowed without epno
11-01 20:40:24.961 735 798 D WifiConfigStore: Retrieve network priorities after
11-01 20:40:24.961 1061 1061 E wpa_supplicant: wpa driver wired get scan results
for ssid: 9UvKw3Gx1sz
11-01 20:40:24.961 1061 1061 E wpa_supplicant: wpa driver wired get scan results
for ssid: 9UvKw3Gx1sz
11-01 20:40:24.961 1061 1061 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Trying to associate with
39:55:76:4b:77:33 (SSID='9UvKw3Gx1sz' freq=2412 MHz)
11-01 20:40:24.961 1061 1061 E wpa_supplicant: wpa driver wired get ssid:
11-01 20:40:24.961 1061 1061 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Associated with
11-01 20:40:24.961 1061 1061 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED -
Connection to 39:55:76:4b:77:33 completed [id=0 id_str=]
11-01 20:40:24.962 735 798 D WIFI : Registering NetworkFactory
11-01 20:40:24.962 735 800 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkFactory Messenger
for WIFI
11-01 20:40:24.962 735 798 D WIFI_UT : Registering NetworkFactory
11-01 20:40:24.962 735 800 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkFactory Messenger
11-01 20:40:24.965 735 798 D WifiConfigStore: Retrieve network priorities after
11-01 20:40:24.967 735 798 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent
NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CONNECTING, reason:
(unspecified), extra: 0x, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]}
network{100} lp{{LinkAddresses: [] Routes: [] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU:
0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576}} nc{[ Transports:
LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps]} Score{20}
everValidated{false} lastValidated{false} created{false} lingering{false}
explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false}
lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
11-01 20:40:24.967 735 798 E WifiConfigStore: saveWifiConfigBSSID Setting BSSID
for "9UvKw3Gx1sz"NONE to any
11-01 20:40:24.967 735 800 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () -
11-01 20:40:24.971 999 999 W art : Method processed more than once:
11-01 20:40:24.972 735 798 E WifiConfigStore: saveWifiConfigBSSID Setting BSSID
for "9UvKw3Gx1sz"NONE to any
11-01 20:40:24.977 735 735 D GpsNetInitiatedHandler: location enabled :true
11-01 20:40:24.977 735 735 I WiredAccessoryManager:
notifyWiredAccessoryChanged: when=0 bits= mask=154
11-01 20:40:24.977 735 735 V WiredAccessoryManager: newName=h2w newState=0
headsetState=0 prev headsetState=0
11-01 20:40:24.977 735 735 E WiredAccessoryManager: No state change.
11-01 20:40:24.977 735 735 V WiredAccessoryManager: init()
11-01 20:40:24.995 999 1099 W art : Method processed more than once:
io.sentry.EnvelopeReader.deserializeEnvelopeHeader(byte[], int, int)
11-01 20:40:25.005 999 1099 W art : Method processed more than once:
11-01 20:40:25.005 999 1099 W art : Method processed more than once:
io.sentry.EnvelopeReader.deserializeEnvelopeItemHeader(byte[], int, int)
11-01 20:40:25.008 735 798 D WifiStateMachine: Start Dhcp Watchdog 1
11-01 20:40:25.009 735 798 D WIFI : got request NetworkRequest [ id=1,
legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with
score 0
11-01 20:40:25.009 735 798 D WIFI_UT : got request NetworkRequest [ id=1,
legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with
score 0
11-01 20:40:25.013 735 798 D IpReachabilityMonitor: watch: iface{wlan0/4},
v{1}, ntable=[]
11-01 20:40:25.013 735 800 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for
NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
11-01 20:40:25.013 735 800 D ConnectivityService: updateNetworkScore for
NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] to 56
11-01 20:40:25.020 735 995 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===retrieveService|||callerPkg===android|||||||||action===null
11-01 20:40:25.041 735 798 E native : do suspend false
11-01 20:40:25.046 735 1096 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPDISCOVER
11-01 20:40:25.046 735 1105 D DhcpClient: Receive thread started
11-01 20:40:25.047 735 1105 D DhcpClient: Received packet: 08:00:27:bf:c8:1d
OFFER, ip /, mask /, DNS servers: / , gateways
[/] lease time 86400, domain null
11-01 20:40:25.047 735 1096 D DhcpClient: Got pending lease: IP address Gateway DNS servers: [ ] Domains DHCP server
/ Vendor info null lease 86400 seconds
11-01 20:40:25.048 735 1096 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPREQUEST
ciaddr= request= serverid=
11-01 20:40:25.049 735 1105 D DhcpClient: Received packet: 08:00:27:bf:c8:1d
ACK: your new IP /, netmask /, gateways [/] DNS
servers: / , lease time 86400
11-01 20:40:25.049 735 1096 D DhcpClient: Confirmed lease: IP address Gateway DNS servers: [ ] Domains DHCP server
/ Vendor info null lease 86400 seconds
11-01 20:40:25.049 305 327 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg
11-01 20:40:25.050 735 798 D IpReachabilityMonitor: watch: iface{wlan0/4},
v{2}, ntable=[]
11-01 20:40:25.050 735 798 D WifiStateMachine: WifiStateMachine:
handleSuccessfulIpConfiguration and no scan results"9UvKw3Gx1sz"NONE
11-01 20:40:25.051 735 800 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () -
11-01 20:40:25.051 735 1096 D DhcpClient: Scheduling renewal in 43199s
11-01 20:40:25.052 735 800 D ConnectivityService: Adding iface wlan0 to network
11-01 20:40:25.062 291 810 D PermissionCache: checking
android.permission.HARDWARE_TEST for uid=1000 => granted (13162 us)
11-01 20:40:25.063 735 800 E ConnectivityService: Unexpected mtu value: 0,
11-01 20:40:25.063 735 800 D ConnectivityService: Adding Route [fe80::/64 -> ::
wlan0] to network 100
11-01 20:40:25.064 735 800 D ConnectivityService: Adding Route [ -> wlan0] to network 100
11-01 20:40:25.064 735 800 D ConnectivityService: Adding Route [ -> wlan0] to network 100
11-01 20:40:25.065 735 800 D ConnectivityService: force use default dns? false
11-01 20:40:25.065 735 800 D ConnectivityService: Setting Dns servers for
network 100 to [/]
11-01 20:40:25.065 735 800 D ConnectivityService: notifyType IP_CHANGED for
NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
11-01 20:40:25.065 735 800 D ConnectivityService: scheduleUnvalidatedPrompt 100
11-01 20:40:25.065 735 800 D ConnectivityService:
updateSignalStrengthThresholds: CONNECT, sending [] to NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () -
11-01 20:40:25.065 735 800 D ConnectivityService: rematch for NetworkAgentInfo
[WIFI () - 100]
11-01 20:40:25.065 735 800 D ConnectivityService: accepting network in place
of null
11-01 20:40:25.065 735 798 D WifiNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: Received signal
strength thresholds: []
11-01 20:40:25.066 735 798 D WifiNative-HAL: stopRssiMonitoring, cmdId 0
11-01 20:40:25.066 735 800 D ConnectivityService: Switching to new default
network: NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason:
(unspecified), extra: "9UvKw3Gx1sz", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable:
true]} network{100} lp{{InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses:
[fe80::a00:27ff:febf:c81d/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> ::
wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses:
[,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes:
524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576}} nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities:
LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -65]} Score{16} everValidated{false}
lastValidated{false} created{true} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false}
acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false}
lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
11-01 20:40:25.069 1110 1110 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:25.071 1113 1113 E ProbeModule: cannot load dep file : (null)
11-01 20:40:25.072 305 327 V IdletimerController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables
-w -t raw -A idletimer_raw_PREROUTING -i wlan0 -j IDLETIMER --timeout 15 --label 1
--send_nl_msg 1) res_ipv4=1, res_ipv6=1
11-01 20:40:25.072 735 800 E ConnectivityService: Exception in
setupDataActivityTracking java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '20 idletimer
add wlan0 15 1' failed with '400 20 Failed to add interface'
11-01 20:40:25.073 735 800 D ConnectivityService: Setting tx/rx TCP buffers to
11-01 20:40:25.073 310 1075 D BlueZ : external/bluetooth/bluez/android/hal-
11-01 20:40:25.077 735 800 D CSLegacyTypeTracker: Sending CONNECTED broadcast
for type 1 NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] isDefaultNetwork=true
11-01 20:40:25.077 735 800 D ConnectivityService: sendStickyBroadcast:
11-01 20:40:25.077 735 800 D ConnectivityService: notifyType PRECHECK for
NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
11-01 20:40:25.077 735 800 D ConnectivityService:
setProvNotificationVisibleIntent null visible=false networkType=MOBILE
extraInfo=null highPriority=false
11-01 20:40:25.122 1118 1118 W dex2oat : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: dalvik.vm.isa.x86.features=default
11-01 20:40:25.122 1118 1118 W dex2oat : Mismatch between dex2oat instruction set
features (ISA: X86 Feature string: smp,-ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2) and those
of dex2oat executable (ISA: X86 Feature string: smp,ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-
avx2) for the command line:
11-01 20:40:25.122 1118 1118 W dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --runtime-arg -
classpath --runtime-arg --compiler-filter=interpret-only --instruction-set=x86 --
instruction-set-features=smp,ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2 --runtime-arg -
Xrelocate --boot-image=/system/framework/ --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-
arg -Xmx512m --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --instruction-set-
11-01 20:40:25.122 1118 1118 E dex2oat : Failed to create oat file: /data/dalvik-
Permission denied
11-01 20:40:25.122 1118 1118 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 736.191us (threads: 4)
11-01 20:40:25.123 1062 1062 W art : Failed execv(/system/bin/dex2oat --
runtime-arg -classpath --runtime-arg --compiler-filter=interpret-only --
instruction-set=x86 --instruction-set-features=smp,ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2
--runtime-arg -Xrelocate --boot-image=/system/framework/ --runtime-arg -
Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx512m --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --instruction-
app@ContactsProvider@ContactsProvider.apk@classes.dex) because non-0 exit status
11-01 20:40:25.128 999 999 V Launcher: LauncherAppState inited
11-01 20:40:25.133 836 836 W ResourceType: Failure getting entry for 0x7f020041
(t=1 e=65) (error -75)
11-01 20:40:25.137 735 800 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () -
100] validation passed
11-01 20:40:25.137 735 800 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for
NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
11-01 20:40:25.137 735 800 D ConnectivityService: sendStickyBroadcast:
11-01 20:40:25.145 291 758 D gralloc_x86: gralloc_alloc: Creating ashmem region
of size 2359296
11-01 20:40:25.146 1062 1062 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: Error creating widget view
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: android.view.InflateException:
Binary XML file line #22: Binary XML file line #22: Error inflating class <unknown>
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at$1.handleMessage(
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at$
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: Caused by:
android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #22: Error inflating class
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: ... 36 more
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: Caused by:
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Native Method)
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: ... 43 more
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: Caused by:
android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Unable to find resource ID
11-01 20:40:25.183 836 836 W PreviewInflater: at
11-01 20:40:25.218 1062 1127 I ContactLocale: AddressBook Labels [es-ES]: [, A,
B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, #, ]
11-01 20:40:25.224 735 735 D RttService: SCAN_AVAILABLE : 3
11-01 20:40:25.225 735 818 E WifiScanningService: could not start HAL
11-01 20:40:25.225 735 819 D RttService: DefaultState got{ when=0 what=160512$SmHandler }
11-01 20:40:25.229 735 753 D Tethering: MasterInitialState.processMessage
11-01 20:40:25.233 999 999 D MumuUtils: init emulator: port = 32552
11-01 20:40:25.245 1132 1132 W dex2oat : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: dalvik.vm.isa.x86.features=default
11-01 20:40:25.245 1132 1132 W dex2oat : Mismatch between dex2oat instruction set
features (ISA: X86 Feature string: smp,-ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2) and those
of dex2oat executable (ISA: X86 Feature string: smp,ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-
avx2) for the command line:
11-01 20:40:25.245 1132 1132 W dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --runtime-arg -
classpath --runtime-arg --compiler-filter=interpret-only --instruction-set=x86 --
instruction-set-features=smp,ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2 --runtime-arg -
Xrelocate --boot-image=/system/framework/ --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-
arg -Xmx512m --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --instruction-set-
--dex-file=/system/app/UserDictionaryProvider/UserDictionaryProvider.apk --oat-
11-01 20:40:25.245 1132 1132 E dex2oat : Failed to create oat file: /data/dalvik-
Permission denied
11-01 20:40:25.245 1132 1132 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 175.772us (threads: 4)
11-01 20:40:25.246 1062 1062 W art : Failed execv(/system/bin/dex2oat --
runtime-arg -classpath --runtime-arg --compiler-filter=interpret-only --
instruction-set=x86 --instruction-set-features=smp,ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2
--runtime-arg -Xrelocate --boot-image=/system/framework/ --runtime-arg -
Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx512m --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --instruction-
--dex-file=/system/app/UserDictionaryProvider/UserDictionaryProvider.apk --oat-
r.apk@classes.dex) because non-0 exit status
11-01 20:40:25.247 1062 1062 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-01 20:40:25.252 735 735 I FusedLocation: engine started
11-01 20:40:25.299 999 1146 W ActivityThread: ClassLoader.loadClass: The class
loader returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host
multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For
example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
11-01 20:40:25.314 735 998 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android|||||||||
11-01 20:40:25.314 735 998 D ActivityManager: start process:,
abi override: null, primary cpu abi: x86_64, forceToUseNativeBridge: true,
fileAccessControlLastUpdatedTime: -1, appDevicePropLastUpdatedTime: -1
11-01 20:40:25.314 735 998 D ActivityManager: start process:,
cpu abi: x86_64, instructionSet: x86_64
11-01 20:40:25.323 1152 1152 I art : Late-enabling JIT
11-01 20:40:25.323 1152 1152 D libnb : enter native_bridge2_initialize
/data/user/0/ arm64
11-01 20:40:25.324 1152 1152 I HP : patch linker relocate target address
outof bounds
11-01 20:40:25.324 1152 1152 D HP : no
11-01 20:40:25.324 1152 1152 D houdini : [1152] Initialize library(version:
6.1.2d_z.48748 RELEASE)... successfully.
11-01 20:40:25.325 735 998 I am_proc_start:
11-01 20:40:25.325 735 998 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
11-01 20:40:25.325 735 875 I notification_cancel_all:
11-01 20:40:25.325 1152 1152 W art : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: x86_64
11-01 20:40:25.326 1152 1152 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB
11-01 20:40:25.333 1152 1152 I Zygote : fake Product info not
matched any pattern
11-01 20:40:25.336 999 999 D Activity: on create, cpu abi: x86_64, brand:
11-01 20:40:25.341 999 999 D mumu sale promotion: create launcher
11-01 20:40:25.341 999 999 W Launcher: setApplicationContext called twice!
11-01 20:40:25.343 735 875 I am_proc_bound: [0,1152,]
11-01 20:40:25.364 999 999 D mumu sale promotion: read from sale promotion
profile, has cached sale promotion: false
11-01 20:40:25.366 735 750 W PhoneWindowManager: Keyguard drawn timeout.
Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
11-01 20:40:25.376 1152 1152 D NemuJavaHotPatchHelper: onHandleBindApplication isMatchJavaPatch:false
11-01 20:40:25.429 1152 1152 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-01 20:40:25.430 735 1116 D GpsLocationProvider: NTP server returned:
1698885626718 (Wed Nov 01 20:40:26 EDT 2023) reference: 6913 certainty: 56 system
time offset: 1288
11-01 20:40:25.441 735 938 D AlarmManagerService: Setting time of day to
11-01 20:40:26.781 1152 1152 D Sentry : read: true
11-01 20:40:26.781 1152 1152 I Sentry : Retrieving auto-init from
11-01 20:40:26.784 735 753 D BluetoothManagerService: Added callback:
11-01 20:40:26.795 836 836 E BluetoothInputDevice: Could not bind to Bluetooth
HID Service with Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothInputDevice }
11-01 20:40:26.809 836 836 E BluetoothPan: Could not bind to Bluetooth Pan
Service with Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothPan }
11-01 20:40:26.810 836 836 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: Adding local MAP
11-01 20:40:26.811 836 836 D BluetoothMap: Create BluetoothMap proxy object
11-01 20:40:26.814 836 836 E BluetoothMap: Could not bind to Bluetooth MAP
Service with Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothMap }
11-01 20:40:26.824 836 836 E BluetoothPbap: Could not bind to Bluetooth Pbap
Service with Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothPbap }
11-01 20:40:26.824 836 836 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager:
LocalBluetoothProfileManager construction complete
11-01 20:40:26.832 1062 1127 D ContactDirectoryManager: Found
11-01 20:40:26.832 1062 1127 D ContactDirectoryManager: Found
11-01 20:40:26.833 1062 1127 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-01 20:40:26.833 1062 1127 I ContactDirectoryManager: Directory provider returned
a NULL cursor.
11-01 20:40:26.835 735 995 D Interception: isMatchAirRule, common air rule:
11-01 20:40:26.835 735 995 W Interception: result: deny, reason: deny by air
rule, rule: runType===provider|||||||||||
11-01 20:40:26.835 1062 1127 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-01 20:40:26.835 1062 1127 I ContactDirectoryManager: Directory provider returned a NULL
11-01 20:40:26.835 1062 1127 I ContactDirectoryManager: deleted 0 stale rows
which don't have any relevant directory
11-01 20:40:26.836 1062 1127 I ContactDirectoryManager: Discovered 0 contact
directories in 90ms
11-01 20:40:26.843 735 1018 D ConnectivityService: listenForNetwork for Listen
from uid/pid:10010/836 for NetworkRequest [ id=3, legacyType=-1, [] ]
11-01 20:40:26.850 1152 1152 W art : Method processed more than once:
11-01 20:40:26.861 999 999 D mumu sale promotion: create floating window
11-01 20:40:26.911 735 998 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 88, previously 91
11-01 20:40:26.911 735 998 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 166, previously 170
11-01 20:40:26.912 735 1018 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 88, previously 91
11-01 20:40:26.912 735 1018 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 166, previously 170
11-01 20:40:26.913 735 998 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 3515, previously 3535
11-01 20:40:26.913 735 1018 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 3515, previously 3535
11-01 20:40:26.913 735 998 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 487, previously 4586
11-01 20:40:26.914 735 1018 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 487, previously 4586
11-01 20:40:26.925 999 999 W art : Method processed more than once:
11-01 20:40:26.935 999 1181 W art : Method processed more than once:
11-01 20:40:26.941 999 1184 W art : Method processed more than once:
11-01 20:40:26.958 999 999 I am_on_resume_called:
11-01 20:40:26.962 1152 1152 D AppStoreModel: onCreate: AppStoreApplication
11-01 20:40:26.989 999 1191 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED:
11-01 20:40:27.020 1152 1152 D DeviceHelper: getLocalHost: s =
11-01 20:40:27.041 999 1183 I System.out: X-Param-architecture=x86_64||X-Param-
11-01 20:40:27.078 1152 1193 W art : Method processed more than once: void
11-01 20:40:27.092 836 1202 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED:
11-01 20:40:27.092 836 1202 D OpenGLRenderer: profile bars disabled
11-01 20:40:27.093 836 1202 D OpenGLRenderer: ambientRatio = 1.50
11-01 20:40:27.105 1152 1152 D DeviceHelper: getLocalHost: s =
11-01 20:40:27.107 1152 1203 W art : Method processed more than once:
java.lang.String okio.Buffer.readString(long, java.nio.charset.Charset)
11-01 20:40:27.135 999 1191 D libEGL : loaded
11-01 20:40:27.152 999 1191 D libEGL : loaded
11-01 20:40:27.160 999 1191 D libEGL : loaded
11-01 20:40:27.164 999 1191 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
11-01 20:40:27.164 999 1191 W OpenGLRenderer: Failed to choose config with
EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED, retrying without...
11-01 20:40:27.170 1152 1204 W art : Method processed more than once:
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.sym.CharsToNameCanonicalizer._addSymbol(char[], int,
int, int, int)
11-01 20:40:27.170 1152 1203 W art : Method processed more than once:
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.sym.CharsToNameCanonicalizer._addSymbol(char[], int,
int, int, int)
11-01 20:40:27.170 1152 1204 W art : Method processed more than once:
java.lang.String com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util.TextBuffer.contentsAsString()
11-01 20:40:27.170 1152 1203 W art : Method processed more than once:
java.lang.String com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util.TextBuffer.contentsAsString()
11-01 20:40:27.171 1152 1203 D AppInfoInterceptor: intercept: value =
11-01 20:40:27.171 1152 1204 I System.out: X-Param-architecture=x86_64||X-Param-
11-01 20:40:27.171 1152 1203 I System.out: X-Param-architecture=x86_64||X-Param-
11-01 20:40:27.205 836 836 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts
system_info back home recent clock search quick_settings >
11-01 20:40:27.219 1152 1204 W art : Method processed more than once:
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.UTF8StreamJsonParser.addName(int[], int, int)
11-01 20:40:27.219 1152 1152 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-01 20:40:27.220 735 875 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===retrieveService|||callerPkg===android|||||||||action===null
11-01 20:40:27.220 295 295 E local_camera: We have a problem with the player
connection. In main:190, reason:Invalid argument
11-01 20:40:27.229 735 754 I am_activity_launch_time:
11-01 20:40:27.229 735 754 I ActivityManager: Displayed
com.mumu.launcher/.Launcher: +1s297ms
11-01 20:40:27.238 735 735 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android||||||$PersistentTr
11-01 20:40:27.238 735 735 D ActivityManager: start process:, abi override: null, primary cpu abi: x86_64,
forceToUseNativeBridge: true, fileAccessControlLastUpdatedTime: -1,
appDevicePropLastUpdatedTime: -1
11-01 20:40:27.238 735 735 D ActivityManager: start process:, cpu abi: x86_64, instructionSet: x86_64
11-01 20:40:27.241 1218 1218 I art : Late-enabling JIT
11-01 20:40:27.241 1218 1218 D libnb : enter native_bridge2_initialize
/data/user/0/ arm64
11-01 20:40:27.242 735 735 I am_proc_start:
11-01 20:40:27.242 735 735 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast$PersistentTrustedReceiver
11-01 20:40:27.244 1218 1218 I HP : patch linker relocate target address
outof bounds
11-01 20:40:27.244 1218 1218 D HP : no
11-01 20:40:27.246 1218 1218 D houdini : [1218] Initialize library(version:
6.1.2d_z.48748 RELEASE)... successfully.
11-01 20:40:27.254 1218 1218 W art : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: x86_64
11-01 20:40:27.254 1218 1218 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB
11-01 20:40:27.254 1152 1152 D DownloadService: onCreate null
11-01 20:40:27.258 1218 1218 I Zygote : fake Product info not matched any pattern
11-01 20:40:27.260 311 311 E installd: Unable to unlink boot marker at
/data/dalvik-cache/arm64/.booting, error=No such file or directory
11-01 20:40:27.260 735 749 E ActivityManager: Unable to mark boot complete for
abi: arm64-v8a
11-01 20:40:27.260 311 311 E installd: Unable to unlink boot marker at
/data/dalvik-cache/arm/.booting, error=No such file or directory
11-01 20:40:27.260 735 749 E ActivityManager: Unable to mark boot complete for
abi: armeabi-v7a
11-01 20:40:27.260 735 749 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 1000
11-01 20:40:27.269 735 749 I
notifySystemReady:35: boot_progress system ready, but vapi not ready.
11-01 20:40:27.269 735 749 I boot_progress_enable_screen: 7477
11-01 20:40:27.270 735 749 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===retrieveService|||callerPkg===android|||||||||action===null
11-01 20:40:27.270 735 749 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: *** Keyguard started
11-01 20:40:27.270 735 749 I screen_toggled: 1
11-01 20:40:27.270 735 749 W KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurningOn(): no
keyguard service!
11-01 20:40:27.327 735 875 I am_proc_bound:
11-01 20:40:27.380 1218 1218 D NemuJavaHotPatchHelper: onHandleBindApplication isMatchJavaPatch:false
11-01 20:40:27.386 1218 1218 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 88, previously 91
11-01 20:40:27.386 1218 1218 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 166, previously 170
11-01 20:40:27.386 1218 1218 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 3515, previously 3535
11-01 20:40:27.386 1218 1218 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 487, previously 4586
11-01 20:40:27.406 836 836 D PhoneStatusBar: heads up is enabled
11-01 20:40:27.411 1152 1152 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-01 20:40:27.429 1218 1230 W art : Suspending all threads took: 6.282ms
11-01 20:40:27.451 735 820 V KeyValueBackupJob: Scheduling k/v pass in 243
11-01 20:40:27.463 966 966 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.service.AppService:
In normal mode, not start ActivityWatcher, as we use tab
11-01 20:40:27.477 836 836 I Choreographer: Skipped 49 frames! The application
may be doing too much work on its main thread.
11-01 20:40:27.482 836 836 D ViewRootImpl: changeCanvasOpacity: opaque=true
11-01 20:40:27.486 966 966 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: get frontend port from reflect
11-01 20:40:27.487 966 966 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: get frontend port from reflect
result: 32552
11-01 20:40:27.487 966 966 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: get frontend port: 32552
11-01 20:40:27.487 966 966 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.utils.StorageUtil: block size: 4096 block
count: 32995193 avail count: 32484320
11-01 20:40:27.487 966 966 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.utils.StorageUtil: used byte: 2092535808
available byte: 133055774720
11-01 20:40:27.495 999 999 D mumu sale promotion: finish binding items
11-01 20:40:27.495 999 999 D mumu sale promotion: we don't have cached sale
11-01 20:40:27.495 966 966 I boot_progress_app_bind: 7703
11-01 20:40:27.498 966 966 D SystemAppInstallManager: initManagerAppManager:
appManager = com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.resource.AppsManager@b27bc89
11-01 20:40:27.510 295 295 E local_camera: We have a problem with the player
connection. In main:190, reason:No such file or directory
11-01 20:40:27.513 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: player info response:
{"errcode": 0, "message": "", "return": {"uuid": "99ae9028-1ed6-4f2a-a03b-
41847718c5bf", "version": "", "engine": "NEMU", "package": "", "channel":
"aff", "token": "ac03af4c-4496-4d60-9316-dd46099ec460", "architecture": "x86_64",
"usage": "1", "language": "sp", "country": "es-PE", "fchannel": "aff", "token":
11-01 20:40:27.518 966 966 I boot_progress_: api_work, listening at 17002 7726
11-01 20:40:27.520 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: player info init: aff NEMU
99ae9028-1ed6-4f2a-a03b-41847718c5bf x86_64 1 sp
11-01 20:40:27.522 735 875 I
notifyBootCompleted:66: boot_progress boot status:enable_screen
11-01 20:40:27.541 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload event:
4d60-9316-dd46099ec460","used":2092535808}} type: DiskUsage sign:
n9k9BQyX0asEvOGaScwtjfW1otM= uid: 1000 json:{"available":133055774720,"error":
11-01 20:40:27.594 999 1191 V RenderScript: 0x7f3b8d967000 Launching thread(s),
CPUs 4
11-01 20:40:27.638 735 799 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous
11-01 20:40:27.660 836 1202 D libEGL : loaded
11-01 20:40:27.674 1218 1218 W art : Method processed more than once: int
dyly.c(java.lang.Object, byte[], int, int, int, dyhz)
11-01 20:40:27.690 735 995 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===provider||||||||||||
11-01 20:40:27.690 735 995 D ActivityManager: start process:, abi override: null, primary cpu abi: x86_64,
forceToUseNativeBridge: true, fileAccessControlLastUpdatedTime: -1,
appDevicePropLastUpdatedTime: -1
11-01 20:40:27.690 735 995 D ActivityManager: start process:, cpu abi: x86_64, instructionSet: x86_64
11-01 20:40:27.696 1290 1290 I art : Late-enabling JIT
11-01 20:40:27.696 1290 1290 D libnb : enter native_bridge2_initialize
/data/user/0/ arm64
11-01 20:40:27.704 735 995 I am_proc_start:
11-01 20:40:27.704 735 995 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
11-01 20:40:27.706 1290 1290 I HP : patch linker relocate target address
outof bounds
11-01 20:40:27.706 1290 1290 D HP : no
11-01 20:40:27.706 1290 1290 D houdini : [1290] Initialize library(version:
6.1.2d_z.48748 RELEASE)... successfully.
11-01 20:40:27.709 1290 1290 W art : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: x86_64
11-01 20:40:27.710 1290 1290 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB
11-01 20:40:27.710 836 1202 D libEGL : loaded
11-01 20:40:27.713 1290 1290 I Zygote : fake Product info not matched any pattern
11-01 20:40:27.714 836 1202 D libEGL : loaded
11-01 20:40:27.718 735 746 I am_proc_bound: [0,1290,]
11-01 20:40:27.719 836 1202 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
11-01 20:40:27.719 836 1202 W OpenGLRenderer: Failed to choose config with
EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED, retrying without...
11-01 20:40:27.729 1290 1290 D NemuJavaHotPatchHelper: onHandleBindApplication isMatchJavaPatch:false
11-01 20:40:27.749 966 1303 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.HttpServer:
http server response data: {"errcode":0,"message":"OK","return":{"volume":15}}
11-01 20:40:27.751 1290 1290 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-01 20:40:27.757 1290 1290 I GservicesProvider: Gservices pushing to system:
true; secure/global: true
11-01 20:40:27.762 735 735 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: *** Keyguard connected
11-01 20:40:27.786 1290 1290 I GoogleHttpClient: GMS http client unavailable, use
old client
11-01 20:40:27.853 291 333 D gralloc_x86: gralloc_alloc: Creating ashmem region
of size 4669440
11-01 20:40:27.869 1218 1218 I Safeboot: Checking safeboot...
11-01 20:40:27.930 1218 1218 W art : Method processed more than once:
java.lang.String dnui.__string(int, java.nio.ByteBuffer, dnuk)
11-01 20:40:27.947 1218 1218 W ProviderHelper: Unknown dynamite feature
11-01 20:40:27.948 1218 1218 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
11-01 20:40:27.948 1218 1218 I DynamiteModule: Selected local version of
11-01 20:40:27.981 1218 1218 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 302 native methods...
11-01 20:40:28.019 735 746 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: **** SHOWN CALLED ****
11-01 20:40:28.040 966 1303 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.HttpServer:
http server response data: {"errcode":0,"message":"OK","return":
11-01 20:40:28.040 966 1309 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.HttpServer:
http server response data: {"errcode":0,"message":"OK","return":{"volume":15}}
11-01 20:40:28.045 1218 1218 W ActivityThread: ClassLoader.loadClass: The class
loader returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host
multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For
example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
11-01 20:40:28.058 966 1309 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.HttpServer:
http server response data: {"errcode":0,"message":"OK","return":{"volume":15}}
11-01 20:40:28.069 1218 1218 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
11-01 20:40:28.092 1218 1314 W art : Method processed more than once: int
dyia.i(byte[], int, dyhz)
11-01 20:40:28.103 966 1313 W art : Method processed more than once: void
11-01 20:40:28.113 966 1310 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-01 20:40:28.130 966 1303 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.HttpServer:
http server response data: {"errcode":0,"message":"OK"}
11-01 20:40:28.135 735 998 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=nemu.intent.action.ACCELERATE pkg=com.mumu.acc cmp=com.mumu.acc/.AccService
(has extras) } U=0: not found
11-01 20:40:28.137 966 1310 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.HttpServer:
http server response data: {"errcode":0,"message":"OK"}
11-01 20:40:28.143 966 1327 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.HttpServer:
http server response data: {"errcode":0,"message":"OK","return":
11-01 20:40:28.153 966 1303 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.HttpServer:
http server response data: {"errcode":0,"message":"OK"}
11-01 20:40:28.161 966 1313 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.HttpServer:
http server response data: {"errcode":0,"message":"OK"}
11-01 20:40:28.164 1218 1320 I Watchcat: Started
11-01 20:40:28.177 1218 1218 W art : Method processed more than once: void
11-01 20:40:28.198 1218 1320 I GMS_MM_Logger: (REDACTED) Start time: %s
11-01 20:40:28.199 1218 1320 I GMS_MM_Logger: Started.
11-01 20:40:28.200 1218 1218 W cuee : Primes not initialized, returning
default (no-op) Primes instance which will ignore all calls. Please call
Primes.initialize(...) before using any Primes API.
11-01 20:40:28.200 1218 1218 W cuee : dhko: FULL
11-01 20:40:28.200 1218 1218 W cuee : at
a.J( (040800-574052649):9)
11-01 20:40:28.200 1218 1218 W cuee : at
cuee.a( (040800-574052649):32)
11-01 20:40:28.200 1218 1218 W cuee : at
34212023@23.42.12 (040800-574052649):441)
11-01 20:40:28.200 1218 1218 W cuee : at
11-01 20:40:28.200 1218 1218 W cuee : at
11-01 20:40:28.200 1218 1218 W cuee : at
11-01 20:40:28.200 1218 1218 W cuee : at$H.handleMessage(
11-01 20:40:28.200 1218 1218 W cuee : at
11-01 20:40:28.200 1218 1218 W cuee : at
11-01 20:40:28.200 1218 1218 W cuee : at
11-01 20:40:28.200 1218 1218 W cuee : at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
11-01 20:40:28.200 1218 1218 W cuee : at$
11-01 20:40:28.200 1218 1218 W cuee : at
11-01 20:40:28.201 1218 1330 W art : Method processed more than once: boolean
11-01 20:40:28.241 966 1332 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.HttpServer:
http server response data:
11-01 20:40:28.241 966 1332 W LYF : try to download file return response
11-01 20:40:28.273 966 1333 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.HttpServer:
http server response data: {"errcode":0,"message":"OK","return":
11-01 20:40:28.325 1218 1336 I cuwv : (REDACTED) Unable to retrieve flag
snapshot for %s, using defaults.
11-01 20:40:28.330 1218 1218 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
11-01 20:40:28.330 1218 1218 I DynamiteModule: Selected local version of
11-01 20:40:28.357 966 1312 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.HttpServer:
http server response data: {"errcode":0,"message":"OK"}
11-01 20:40:28.358 1218 1218 W art : Method processed more than once:
java.lang.String dyis.x()
11-01 20:40:28.363 966 1311 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.HttpServer:
http server response data: {"errcode":0,"message":"OK"}
11-01 20:40:28.363 735 1275 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===retrieveService|||callerPkg===android|||||||||
11-01 20:40:28.365 735 746 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android|||
11-01 20:40:28.365 966 966 I boot_progress_receive: 8573
11-01 20:40:28.365 966 966 I boot_progress_receive: broadcast: Intent
{ flg=0x4000010
hReceiver (has extras) }
11-01 20:40:28.365 966 966 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-01 20:40:28.369 735 995 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android|||||||||
11-01 20:40:28.372 735 1018 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===retrieveService|||callerPkg===android|||||||||action===null
11-01 20:40:28.374 735 1275 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android|||||||||
11-01 20:40:28.375 1152 1152 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-01 20:40:28.375 735 994 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===retrieveService|||callerPkg===android|||||||||action===null
11-01 20:40:28.375 735 746 I notification_cancel_all:
11-01 20:40:28.376 291 291 I sf_frame_dur: [Android se está
11-01 20:40:28.380 735 745 D Interception: isMatchAirRule, common air rule:
11-01 20:40:28.380 735 745 W Interception: result: deny, reason: deny by air
rule, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android|||||||||
11-01 20:40:28.380 735 749 D Interception: isMatchAirRule, common air rule:
11-01 20:40:28.380 735 749 W Interception: result: deny, reason: deny by air
rule, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android||||||$PersistentTr
11-01 20:40:28.385 1152 1152 D DownloadService: onCreate null
11-01 20:40:28.385 735 1340 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===retrieveService|||callerPkg===android|||||||||
11-01 20:40:28.385 735 1340 D ActivityManager: start process:, abi override: null, primary cpu abi: x86_64,
forceToUseNativeBridge: true, fileAccessControlLastUpdatedTime: -1,
appDevicePropLastUpdatedTime: -1
11-01 20:40:28.385 735 1340 D ActivityManager: start process:, cpu abi: x86_64, instructionSet: x86_64
11-01 20:40:28.391 1345 1345 I art : Late-enabling JIT
11-01 20:40:28.391 1345 1345 D libnb : enter native_bridge2_initialize
/data/user/0/ arm64
11-01 20:40:28.393 1345 1345 I HP : patch linker relocate target address
outof bounds
11-01 20:40:28.393 1345 1345 D HP : no
11-01 20:40:28.393 1345 1345 D houdini : [1345] Initialize library(version:
6.1.2d_z.48748 RELEASE)... successfully.
11-01 20:40:28.395 1345 1345 W art : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: x86_64
11-01 20:40:28.396 1345 1345 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB
11-01 20:40:28.396 735 1340 I am_proc_start:
11-01 20:40:28.396 735 1340 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
11-01 20:40:28.399 1218 1337 W art : Method processed more than once:
java.lang.String dynp.c(byte[], int, int)
11-01 20:40:28.401 1345 1345 I Zygote : fake Product info
not matched any pattern
11-01 20:40:28.402 735 745 D Interception: result: allow, reason: callerPkg ==
calleePkg, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android|||calleePkg===android||||||
11-01 20:40:28.403 735 735 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android|||||||||
11-01 20:40:28.404 735 1357 I RecoverySystem: No recovery log file
11-01 20:40:28.406 735 1018 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android|||
11-01 20:40:28.407 966 966 I boot_progress_receive: 8614
11-01 20:40:28.407 966 966 I boot_progress_receive: broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x8000010
hReceiver (has extras) }
11-01 20:40:28.407 966 966 W System.err:$NameNotFoundException:
11-01 20:40:28.407 966 966 W System.err: at
11-01 20:40:28.407 966 966 W System.err: at
11-01 20:40:28.407 966 966 W System.err: at
11-01 20:40:28.407 966 966 W System.err: at
11-01 20:40:28.407 966 966 W System.err: at
11-01 20:40:28.407 966 966 W System.err: at$H.handleMessage(
11-01 20:40:28.407 966 966 W System.err: at
11-01 20:40:28.407 966 966 W System.err: at
11-01 20:40:28.407 966 966 W System.err: at
11-01 20:40:28.407 966 966 W System.err: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
11-01 20:40:28.407 966 966 W System.err: at$
11-01 20:40:28.407 966 966 W System.err: at
11-01 20:40:28.407 966 966 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-01 20:40:28.407 735 1357 I BootReceiver: Copying audit failures to DropBox
11-01 20:40:28.407 735 1357 I BootReceiver: Checking for fsck errors
11-01 20:40:28.408 735 875 I force_gc: Binder
11-01 20:40:28.408 735 875 I am_proc_bound: [0,1345,]
11-01 20:40:28.409 966 966 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.service.AppService:
dropbox tag: SYSTEM_BOOT
11-01 20:40:28.409 966 966 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.service.AppService:
dropbox time: 1698885628407
11-01 20:40:28.409 966 966 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.service.AppService:
dropbox file is not to be trackd (not end with crash)
11-01 20:40:28.424 1152 1152 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-01 20:40:28.427 1345 1345 D NemuJavaHotPatchHelper: onHandleBindApplication isMatchJavaPatch:false
11-01 20:40:28.431 735 1018 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android|||||||||
11-01 20:40:28.432 735 1018 D ActivityManager: start process:, abi override: null, primary cpu abi: null,
forceToUseNativeBridge: true, fileAccessControlLastUpdatedTime: -1,
appDevicePropLastUpdatedTime: -1
11-01 20:40:28.432 735 1018 D ActivityManager: start process:, cpu abi: x86, instructionSet: null
11-01 20:40:28.435 1363 1363 I art : Late-enabling JIT
11-01 20:40:28.435 1363 1363 D libnb : enter native_bridge2_initialize
/data/user/0/ arm
11-01 20:40:28.440 1363 1363 D HP : patch strd susccess
11-01 20:40:28.440 1363 1363 D houdini : [1363] Initialize library(version:
6.1.2d_x.48748 RELEASE)... successfully.
11-01 20:40:28.442 735 1018 I am_proc_start:
11-01 20:40:28.442 735 1018 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
11-01 20:40:28.443 735 875 D Interception: result: allow, reason: callerPkg ==
calleePkg, rule: runType===retrieveService||||||||||||
11-01 20:40:28.443 1363 1363 W art : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: dalvik.vm.isa.x86.features=default
11-01 20:40:28.444 1363 1363 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB
11-01 20:40:28.447 1363 1363 I Zygote : fake Product info not matched any pattern
11-01 20:40:28.453 1218 1218 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent
{ dat=chimera-action: }
11-01 20:40:28.453 1218 1218 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent:
Intent { dat=chimera-action: }
11-01 20:40:28.457 1345 1345 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-01 20:40:28.461 735 746 I am_proc_bound:
11-01 20:40:28.472 1363 1363 D NemuJavaHotPatchHelper: onHandleBindApplication isMatchJavaPatch:false
11-01 20:40:28.482 1218 1341 W GoogleCertificates: GoogleCertificates has been
initialized already
11-01 20:40:28.520 999 1183 W art : Method processed more than once:
11-01 20:40:28.520 1218 1359 I NetworkScheduler: Using standalone scheduling
engine [CONTEXT service_id=218 ]
11-01 20:40:28.520 999 999 D AppStoreModule: handleOkResponse: page = 1 noMore
= false appList = 8
11-01 20:40:28.521 735 988 D Interception: result: allow, reason: callerPkg ==
calleePkg, rule: runType===retrieveService||||||||||||
11-01 20:40:28.524 999 999 D AppStoreModule: showRecommendedAppList: numColumns
= 5.0
11-01 20:40:28.525 1218 1218 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent
{ dat=chimera-action: }
11-01 20:40:28.525 1218 1218 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent:
Intent { dat=chimera-action: }
11-01 20:40:28.526 999 999 D AppStoreModule: showRecommendedAppList: icon size
= 46 iconTextSize = 10.0
11-01 20:40:28.527 1152 1152 D AppStoreModel: onEvent: event.mBadgeType = 4
11-01 20:40:28.527 1380 1380 W dex2oat : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: dalvik.vm.isa.x86.features=default
11-01 20:40:28.527 1152 1190 D AppStoreModel: onNext: SHOW_MANAGEMENT_BADGE
11-01 20:40:28.527 1380 1380 W dex2oat : Mismatch between dex2oat instruction set
features (ISA: X86 Feature string: smp,-ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2) and those
of dex2oat executable (ISA: X86 Feature string: smp,ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-
avx2) for the command line:
11-01 20:40:28.527 1380 1380 W dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --runtime-arg -
classpath --runtime-arg --compiler-filter=interpret-only --instruction-set=x86 --
instruction-set-features=smp,ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2 --runtime-arg -
Xrelocate --boot-image=/system/framework/ --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-
arg -Xmx512m --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --instruction-set-
11-01 20:40:28.527 1380 1380 E dex2oat : Failed to create oat file: /data/dalvik-
Permission denied
11-01 20:40:28.528 1380 1380 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 278.869us (threads: 4)
11-01 20:40:28.529 1363 1363 W art : Failed execv(/system/bin/dex2oat --
runtime-arg -classpath --runtime-arg --compiler-filter=interpret-only --
instruction-set=x86 --instruction-set-features=smp,ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2
--runtime-arg -Xrelocate --boot-image=/system/framework/ --runtime-arg -
Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx512m --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --instruction-
app@CalendarProvider@CalendarProvider.apk@classes.dex) because non-0 exit status
11-01 20:40:28.530 999 999 D AppStoreModule: removeInstalledApp: [mName:Garena
Free Fire: Héroes]
11-01 20:40:28.536 1363 1363 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-01 20:40:28.541 999 1185 I System.out: X-Param-architecture=x86_64||X-Param-
11-01 20:40:28.552 999 999 W Glide : Failed to find GeneratedAppGlideModule.
You should include an annotationProcessor compile dependency on
com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler in your application and a @GlideModule annotated
AppGlideModule implementation or LibraryGlideModules will be silently ignored
11-01 20:40:28.588 1363 1363 I CalendarProvider2: Created
11-01 20:40:28.600 999 1389 W art : Method processed more than once:
java.lang.String com.bumptech.glide.r.k.d(byte[], char[])
11-01 20:40:28.602 999 1389 W art : Method processed more than once:
java.lang.String com.bumptech.glide.k.b.d()
11-01 20:40:28.604 999 999 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:396 com.mumu.launcher.a2$a.c:11
com.mumu.launcher.a2$a.a:12 com.mumu.launcher.a2.getView:5
11-01 20:40:28.604 735 1018 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===retrieveService|||callerPkg===android|||||||||action===null
11-01 20:40:28.607 735 746 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android|||||||||
11-01 20:40:28.608 735 998 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===retrieveService|||callerPkg===android|||||||||action===null
11-01 20:40:28.609 999 999 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:396 com.mumu.launcher.a2$a.c:11
com.mumu.launcher.a2$a.a:12 com.mumu.launcher.a2.getView:5
11-01 20:40:28.612 999 999 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:396 com.mumu.launcher.a2$a.c:11
com.mumu.launcher.a2$a.a:12 com.mumu.launcher.a2.getView:5
11-01 20:40:28.615 735 745 D Interception: isMatchAirRule, common air rule:
11-01 20:40:28.615 735 745 W Interception: result: deny, reason: deny by air
rule, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android||||||
11-01 20:40:28.615 735 749 D Interception: isMatchAirRule, common air rule:
11-01 20:40:28.615 735 749 W Interception: result: deny, reason: deny by air
rule, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android||||||
11-01 20:40:28.615 735 749 D Interception: isMatchAirRule, common air rule:
11-01 20:40:28.615 735 749 W Interception: result: deny, reason: deny by air
rule, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android||||||
11-01 20:40:28.615 735 749 D Interception: isMatchAirRule, common air rule:
11-01 20:40:28.615 735 749 W Interception: result: deny, reason: deny by air
rule, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android||||||
11-01 20:40:28.615 735 749 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android|||
11-01 20:40:28.617 999 999 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:396 com.mumu.launcher.a2$a.c:11
com.mumu.launcher.a2$a.a:12 com.mumu.launcher.a2.getView:5
11-01 20:40:28.618 735 994 I notification_cancel_all:
11-01 20:40:28.622 999 999 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:396 com.mumu.launcher.a2$a.c:11
com.mumu.launcher.a2$a.a:12 com.mumu.launcher.a2.getView:5
11-01 20:40:28.625 999 999 D SalePromotionViewNew: show: return iconUrl = url
= linkType = internal_browser
11-01 20:40:28.628 735 995 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android|||||||||
11-01 20:40:28.633 1152 1152 D SystemAppUpdater: checkUpdate, begin to check,
thread: Thread[main,5,main]
11-01 20:40:28.634 1152 1152 D SystemAppUpdater:
checkUpdate,canAutoUpdateAppStore : true
11-01 20:40:28.634 295 295 E local_camera: We have a problem with the player
connection. In main:190, reason:No such file or directory
11-01 20:40:28.639 1152 1204 I System.out: X-Param-architecture=x86_64||X-Param-
11-01 20:40:28.640 735 995 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android|||||||||
11-01 20:40:28.640 1152 1152 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-01 20:40:28.640 1152 1203 I System.out: X-Param-architecture=x86_64||X-Param-
11-01 20:40:28.641 735 998 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===retrieveService|||callerPkg===android|||||||||action===null
11-01 20:40:28.641 735 745 D Interception: isMatchAirRule, common air rule:
11-01 20:40:28.641 735 745 W Interception: result: deny, reason: deny by air
rule, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android|||||||||
11-01 20:40:28.642 735 749 D Interception: isMatchAirRule, common air rule:
11-01 20:40:28.642 735 749 W Interception: result: deny, reason: deny by air
rule, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android||||||
11-01 20:40:28.642 735 749 D Interception: isMatchAirRule, common air rule:
11-01 20:40:28.642 735 749 W Interception: result: deny, reason: deny by air
rule, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android||||||$PersistentTr
11-01 20:40:28.642 735 749 W Interception: result: deny, reason: deny by
default category, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android|||
11-01 20:40:28.643 735 749 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===broadcast||||||
11-01 20:40:28.651 966 966 I boot_progress_receive: 8858
11-01 20:40:28.651 966 966 I boot_progress_receive: broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24000010
hReceiver }
11-01 20:40:28.651 966 966 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-01 20:40:28.661 735 748 I am_meminfo:
11-01 20:40:28.661 999 999 W Glide : Load failed for with size [62x62]
11-01 20:40:28.661 999 999 W Glide : class
com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.GlideException: Failed to load resource
11-01 20:40:28.663 735 746 D Interception: isMatchAirRule, common air rule:
11-01 20:40:28.663 735 746 W Interception: result: deny, reason: deny by air
rule, rule: runType===broadcast||||||||||||
11-01 20:40:28.663 735 749 D Interception: isMatchAirRule, common air rule:
11-01 20:40:28.663 735 749 W Interception: result: deny, reason: deny by air
rule, rule: runType===broadcast|||||||||$PersistentTr
11-01 20:40:28.663 735 749 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===com.mumu.launcher|||||||||
11-01 20:40:28.667 1152 1152 D DownloadService: onCreate null
11-01 20:40:28.669 735 988 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===com.mumu.launcher|||||||||
11-01 20:40:28.669 735 745 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===com.mumu.launcher|||||||||
11-01 20:40:28.670 735 1275 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===com.mumu.launcher|||||||||
11-01 20:40:28.670 735 875 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===com.mumu.launcher|||||||||
11-01 20:40:28.674 1152 1152 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-01 20:40:28.678 1218 1379 W EventPredictor: Received an event end, but no
corresponding event start exists [CONTEXT service_id=218 ]
11-01 20:40:28.682 735 799 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous
11-01 20:40:28.693 1152 1194 W ActivityThread: ClassLoader.loadClass: The class
loader returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host
multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For
example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
11-01 20:40:28.863 310 814 D BlueZ : external/bluetooth/bluez/android/hal-
11-01 20:40:29.193 999 999 D AppStoreModule: handleOkResponse: page = 2 noMore
= true appList = 0
11-01 20:40:29.196 1152 1152 D SystemAppUpdater: onNext, pkgName:
localVersion: 23 remoteVersion: 22 forceUpdate: false buildId: V417IR
11-01 20:40:29.196 1152 1152 D SystemAppUpdater: onNext, pkgName:
com.mumu.launcher localVersion: 57 remoteVersion: 43 forceUpdate: false buildId:
11-01 20:40:29.202 1152 1152 D SystemAppUpdater: updateSystemAppManagerStatus:
status = 2
11-01 20:40:29.202 1152 1152 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-01 20:40:29.203 735 749 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===broadcast||||||
11-01 20:40:29.203 966 966 D SystemAppInstallManager: onReceive: status = 2
11-01 20:40:29.203 966 966 D SystemAppInstallManager: updateInstallStatus:
status = 0
11-01 20:40:29.203 966 966 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-01 20:40:29.204 735 746 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===broadcast|||
11-01 20:40:29.211 999 999 D PreInstallReceiver: onReceive:
11-01 20:40:29.211 999 999 D PreInstallReceiver: onReceive: execute task
11-01 20:40:29.212 999 1404 D PreInstallationHelper: checkPreInstallationConfig
1 false
11-01 20:40:29.605 1363 1363 I CalendarProvider2: Sending notification intent:
Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED
dat=content:// flg=0x20000000 }
11-01 20:40:29.606 1363 1363 W ContentResolver: Failed to get type for:
content:// (Unknown URL content://
11-01 20:40:29.606 735 749 D Interception: isMatchAirRule, common air rule:
11-01 20:40:29.606 735 749 W Interception: result: deny, reason: deny by air
rule, rule: runType===broadcast|||||||||$GmsExternalR
11-01 20:40:30.738 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload server response:
{"errcode": 100, "errmsg": "ok"}
11-01 20:40:30.738 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload result: true
11-01 20:40:31.214 999 1404 D PreInstallationHelper: checkPreInstallationConfig
2 false
11-01 20:40:32.264 966 1303 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.HttpServer:
http server response data: {"errcode":0,"message":"OK","return":
11-01 20:40:32.293 735 800 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for
NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
11-01 20:40:32.294 735 800 D ConnectivityService: updateNetworkScore for
NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] to 60
11-01 20:40:32.479 966 1261 D FileUpdater: /data/system/etc/mumu-configs
contains something
11-01 20:40:32.479 966 1261 D FileUpdater: should fore update? false
11-01 20:40:32.479 966 1261 W ActivityThread: ClassLoader.loadClass: The class
loader returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host
multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For
example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
11-01 20:40:32.576 1415 1415 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<<
11-01 20:40:32.577 1415 1415 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
11-01 20:40:32.586 1415 1415 W art : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: x86_64
11-01 20:40:32.586 1415 1415 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB
11-01 20:40:32.587 1415 1415 D ICU : No timezone override file found:
11-01 20:40:32.591 1415 1415 W native_bridge: Cannot create code cache
directory ./code_cache: Read-only file system.
11-01 20:40:32.591 1415 1415 D libnb : enter native_bridge2_initialize (null)
11-01 20:40:32.592 1415 1415 I HP : patch linker relocate target address
outof bounds
11-01 20:40:32.592 1415 1415 D HP : no
11-01 20:40:32.597 1415 1415 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such
file or directory)
11-01 20:40:32.597 1415 1415 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module:
11-01 20:40:32.597 1415 1415 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
11-01 20:40:32.600 1415 1415 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry
11-01 20:40:32.601 1415 1415 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
11-01 20:40:32.882 1424 1424 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<<
11-01 20:40:32.882 1424 1424 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
11-01 20:40:32.888 1424 1424 W art : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using
defaults: x86_64
11-01 20:40:32.888 1424 1424 I art : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB
11-01 20:40:32.890 1424 1424 D ICU : No timezone override file found:
11-01 20:40:32.893 1424 1424 W native_bridge: Cannot create code cache
directory ./code_cache: Read-only file system.
11-01 20:40:32.893 1424 1424 D libnb : enter native_bridge2_initialize (null)
11-01 20:40:32.893 1424 1424 I HP : patch linker relocate target address
outof bounds
11-01 20:40:32.893 1424 1424 D HP : no
11-01 20:40:32.898 1424 1424 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such
file or directory)
11-01 20:40:32.898 1424 1424 E android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module:
11-01 20:40:32.898 1424 1424 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
11-01 20:40:32.901 1424 1424 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry
11-01 20:40:32.904 735 1275 W InputMethodManagerService: Illegal subtype state:
old subtype = null, new subtype =
11-01 20:40:32.904 1424 1424 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
11-01 20:40:33.002 966 1303 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.HttpServer:
http server response data: {"errcode":0,"message":"OK"}
11-01 20:40:33.022 966 1303 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.HttpServer:
http server response data: {"errcode":0,"message":"OK"}
11-01 20:40:33.042 999 1184 D Volley : [64] a.f: HTTP response for request=<[ ]
0xbd11b85a NORMAL 5> [lifetime=4383], [size=51], [rc=200], [retryCount=0]
11-01 20:40:33.215 999 1404 D PreInstallationHelper: checkPreInstallationConfig
3 false
11-01 20:40:33.613 735 749 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===broadcast|||callerPkg===android|||||||||
11-01 20:40:33.613 735 1275 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===retrieveService|||callerPkg===android|||||||||
11-01 20:40:34.344 735 800 D ConnectivityService: handlePromptUnvalidated 100
11-01 20:40:34.741 966 1303 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.HttpServer:
http server response data: {"errcode":0,"message":"OK","return":{"volume":15}}
11-01 20:40:35.216 999 1404 D PreInstallationHelper: checkPreInstallationConfig
4 false
11-01 20:40:36.174 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:36.174 966 1261 E FileUpdater: not update or fail.
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.175 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.176 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.176 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.176 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.176 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.176 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.176 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.176 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.177 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.177 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.177 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.177 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.177 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.177 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.177 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.177 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.177 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.177 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.177 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.177 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.177 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.177 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.177 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.177 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.177 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.177 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.178 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.178 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.180 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.180 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.181 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.181 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.181 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.181 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.182 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.182 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.183 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.183 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.184 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.184 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.184 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.184 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.184 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.184 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.184 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.184 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.184 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.184 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.184 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.184 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.184 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.184 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.184 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.184 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.184 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.184 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.184 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.185 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.185 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.185 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.186 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.186 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.186 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.186 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.186 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.186 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.186 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.187 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.187 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.187 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.187 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.187 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.187 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.188 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.188 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.188 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.188 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.188 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.188 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.188 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.188 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.188 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.188 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.189 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.189 966 1261 D FileUpdater: line:http://mumuglobal-
11-01 20:40:36.189 966 1261 D FileUpdater:
select-11.0.config, /system/etc/mumu-configs/prefetch.config=http://mumuglobal-
/system/etc/mumu-configs/native_patch/arm/, /system/etc/mumu-configs/harden=http://mumuglobal-
notification-blacklist.config, /system/etc/mumu-configs/notification-blacklist-
file/65028098b32fe47affc92df2wWLqbgTJ03/attachment/vinput.config, /system/etc/mumu-
64e45f47c7157e8be41b38b0s7WJbUm703/attachment/kd, /system/etc/mumu-configs/app-
arm.config, /system/etc/mumu-configs/native_patch/arm64/
/system/etc/mumu-configs/shared_libs/, /system/etc/mumu-configs/app-config.config=http://mumuglobal-
config.config, /system/etc/mumu-configs/nebula-config.json=http://mumuglobal-
config.json, /system/etc/m
11-01 20:40:36.643 999 1166 D mumu sale promotion: use cached uuid: 99ae9028-
11-01 20:40:37.217 999 1404 D PreInstallationHelper: checkPreInstallationConfig
5 false
11-01 20:40:37.496 966 1266 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.service.AppService:
Upload boot time start
11-01 20:40:37.500 966 1266 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.service.AppService:
Boot time upload task done
11-01 20:40:37.500 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload event:
3af4c-4496-4d60-9316-dd46099ec460"}} type: ModuleEvent sign:
CQpzc5meKF7eIqoYq7OjMMm+88k= uid: 1000 json:{"error":
11-01 20:40:38.525 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload server response:
{"errcode": 100, "errmsg": "ok"}
11-01 20:40:38.525 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload result: true
11-01 20:40:38.527 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload event:
3af4c-4496-4d60-9316-dd46099ec460"}} type: ModuleEvent sign:
ofoJHeSoZ/oMsUfZqpP80GTeLM4= uid: 1000 json:{"error":
11-01 20:40:38.629 295 295 E local_camera: We have a problem with the player
connection. In main:190, reason:No such file or directory
11-01 20:40:38.630 999 999 D SalePromotionViewManage: receive uuid: 99ae9028-
11-01 20:40:38.630 999 999 D SalePromotionViewManage: start get sale promotion
from server
11-01 20:40:38.937 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload server response:
{"errcode": 100, "errmsg": "ok"}
11-01 20:40:38.937 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload result: true
11-01 20:40:38.937 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload event:
af4c-4496-4d60-9316-dd46099ec460"}} type: ModuleEvent sign:
EgB/36XJAFatdHSKV1Psuom1iwU= uid: 1000 json:{"error":
11-01 20:40:39.125 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:39.125 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/abi-select-
11.0.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:39.710 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:39.710 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/prefetch.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:39.711 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload server response:
{"errcode": 100, "errmsg": "ok"}
11-01 20:40:39.711 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload result: true
11-01 20:40:39.711 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload event:
af4c-4496-4d60-9316-dd46099ec460"}} type: ModuleEvent sign:
xIYOfWmIxcJ4YsiGTnMkZ5lcSEw= uid: 1000 json:{"error":
11-01 20:40:40.041 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:40.041 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/device-prop-
configs/xiaomi5s.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:40.349 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:40.349 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/java_patch/javahelper/java_helper_classes.jar not need
update or fail.
11-01 20:40:40.349 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload server response:
{"errcode": 100, "errmsg": "ok"}
11-01 20:40:40.349 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload result: true
11-01 20:40:40.349 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload event:
3af4c-4496-4d60-9316-dd46099ec460"}} type: ModuleEvent sign:
5P7QJk4UDHgQZO97zYTB+WNKOhY= uid: 1000 json:{"error":
11-01 20:40:40.593 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:40.593 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/webview-
not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:40.909 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:40.909 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/native_patch/arm/ not need update or
11-01 20:40:40.909 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload server response:
{"errcode": 100, "errmsg": "ok"}
11-01 20:40:40.909 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload result: true
11-01 20:40:40.910 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload event:
3af4c-4496-4d60-9316-dd46099ec460"}} type: ModuleEvent sign:
eXamYB+eAiswTz8/jP2Z3mgWxPY= uid: 1000 json:{"error":
11-01 20:40:41.167 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:41.167 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/harden not
need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:41.376 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:41.376 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/webview-
not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:41.376 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload server response:
{"errcode": 100, "errmsg": "ok"}
11-01 20:40:41.376 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload result: true
11-01 20:40:41.377 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload event:
af4c-4496-4d60-9316-dd46099ec460"}} type: ModuleEvent sign:
coSRRo543N6oUZjRTbRrHiDyJ8I= uid: 1000 json:{"error":
11-01 20:40:41.577 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:41.577 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/notification-blacklist.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:41.781 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:41.781 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/notification-blacklist-v2.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:41.782 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload server response:
{"errcode": 100, "errmsg": "ok"}
11-01 20:40:41.782 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload result: true
11-01 20:40:41.782 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload event:
af4c-4496-4d60-9316-dd46099ec460"}} type: ModuleEvent sign:
QpsePKGFsqEDskN4+Q/9pyCkOkg= uid: 1000 json:{"error":
11-01 20:40:42.019 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:42.019 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/webview-
not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:42.164 966 1454 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.HttpServer:
http server response data: {"errcode":0,"message":"OK","return":
11-01 20:40:42.185 966 1454 D RootManager: onGet, return value: 0
11-01 20:40:42.185 966 1454 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.HttpServer:
http server response data: {"errcode":0,"message":"OK","return":{"state":0}}
11-01 20:40:42.194 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:42.194 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/vinput.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:42.194 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload server response:
{"errcode": 100, "errmsg": "ok"}
11-01 20:40:42.194 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload result: true
11-01 20:40:42.194 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload event:
03af4c-4496-4d60-9316-dd46099ec460"}} type: ModuleEvent sign:
hqR0TnJOjObbjQLmIxYLRJGbIyw= uid: 1000 json:{"error":
11-01 20:40:42.252 966 1454 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.HttpServer:
http server response data: {"errcode":0,"message":"OK","return":
11-01 20:40:42.266 966 1455 D com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.HttpServer:
http server response data: {"errcode":0,"message":"OK","return":
11-01 20:40:42.400 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:42.400 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/kd not need
update or fail.
11-01 20:40:42.473 966 1262 D
com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.NetworkChecker: http is start checking
11-01 20:40:42.475 966 1262 D
com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.NetworkChecker: https is start checking
11-01 20:40:42.504 966 1269 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.resource.SharedfolderManager$ <bottom of call stack>
11-01 20:40:42.505 735 749 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===broadcast|||
11-01 20:40:42.505 966 1269 D
com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.resource.SharedfolderManager: shared folder send
shared folder init broadcast
11-01 20:40:42.508 942 942 D MediaScannerReceiver: action:
nemu.intent.action.SHARED_FOLDER_REFRESH path: /storage/emulated/0
11-01 20:40:42.508 942 942 D MediaScannerReceiver: just scan shared folder
11-01 20:40:42.508 735 1275 D Interception: result: allow, reason: calleePkg is
system app, rule: runType===retrieveService|||callerPkg===android|||||||||action===null
11-01 20:40:42.508 735 748 I am_pss :
11-01 20:40:42.703 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:42.703 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/app-device-
channel-prop.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:42.704 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload server response:
{"errcode": 100, "errmsg": "ok"}
11-01 20:40:42.704 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload result: true
11-01 20:40:42.704 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload event:
3af4c-4496-4d60-9316-dd46099ec460"}} type: ModuleEvent sign:
em4+FhUagOu1HdugowsdBK4wE8U= uid: 1000 json:{"error":
11-01 20:40:42.910 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:42.910 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/renderer.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:43.113 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload server response:
{"errcode": 100, "errmsg": "ok"}
11-01 20:40:43.113 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload result: true
11-01 20:40:43.114 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:43.114 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/large-heap-
blacklist.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:43.115 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload event:
03af4c-4496-4d60-9316-dd46099ec460"}} type: ModuleEvent sign:
SK03sMtLjBm9VsQg5ZKdZmTtpRQ= uid: 1000 json:{"error":
11-01 20:40:43.432 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:43.432 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/webview-
hook/9674f2c09bff2f6f6a52369ab7b33410_84c564f661513dc3915b15317c46fe01_css not need
update or fail.
11-01 20:40:43.432 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload server response:
{"errcode": 100, "errmsg": "ok"}
11-01 20:40:43.432 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload result: true
11-01 20:40:43.433 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload event:
03af4c-4496-4d60-9316-dd46099ec460"}} type: ModuleEvent sign:
7SNlQE9sNQQOeWjQl9P3XckOhXI= uid: 1000 json:{"error":
11-01 20:40:43.571 1218 1218 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent
{ dat=chimera-action: }
11-01 20:40:43.634 1218 1218 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent
{ dat=chimera-action: }
11-01 20:40:43.637 735 995 D Interception: result: allow, reason: callerPkg ==
calleePkg, rule: runType===retrieveService||||||||||||
11-01 20:40:43.638 1218 1218 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent
{ dat=chimera-action: }
11-01 20:40:43.638 1218 1218 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent:
Intent { dat=chimera-
action: }
11-01 20:40:43.645 1218 1218 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent
{ dat=chimera-action: }
11-01 20:40:43.645 1218 1218 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent:
Intent { dat=chimera-
action: }
11-01 20:40:43.728 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:43.728 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/device-prop-
configs/arm.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:43.729 966 966 D
com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.NetworkChecker: http is success
11-01 20:40:44.036 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload server response:
{"errcode": 100, "errmsg": "ok"}
11-01 20:40:44.036 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload result: true
11-01 20:40:44.036 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:44.036 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/native_patch/arm64/ not need update or
11-01 20:40:44.036 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload event:
03af4c-4496-4d60-9316-dd46099ec460"}} type: ModuleEvent sign:
VMueFaahmPJc7Ygu9OYoDFAer8c= uid: 1000 json:{"error":
11-01 20:40:44.575 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload server response:
{"errcode": 100, "errmsg": "ok"}
11-01 20:40:44.575 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload result: true
11-01 20:40:44.575 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:44.575 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/shared_libs/ not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:44.575 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload event:
03af4c-4496-4d60-9316-dd46099ec460"}} type: ModuleEvent sign:
FBQ9RUUua1egAaw9tzbQD+Vo3h0= uid: 1000 json:{"error":
11-01 20:40:44.576 966 966 D
com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.thread.NetworkChecker: https is success
11-01 20:40:45.283 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:45.283 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/app-
config.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:45.468 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:45.468 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/nebula-
config.json not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:45.674 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:45.674 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/device-prop-
configs/tzyxmznew.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:45.981 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload server response:
{"errcode": 100, "errmsg": "ok"}
11-01 20:40:45.981 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload result: true
11-01 20:40:45.981 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload event:
03af4c-4496-4d60-9316-dd46099ec460"}} type: ModuleEvent sign:
lzdAw+YjxUHIe8ixpAwlKytBDFc= uid: 1000 json:{"error":
11-01 20:40:45.981 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:45.981 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/package-
blacklist.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:46.185 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:46.185 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/native_patch/arm64/ not need update or
11-01 20:40:46.185 1152 1194 W art : Method processed more than once:
android.util.Pair com.netease.mobidroid.h.execute(java.lang.String, java.util.Map,
11-01 20:40:46.347 1061 1061 E wpa_supplicant: wpa driver wired get scan results
for ssid: 9UvKw3Gx1sz
11-01 20:40:46.600 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:46.600 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/abi-
select.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:46.601 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload server response:
{"errcode": 100, "errmsg": "ok"}
11-01 20:40:46.601 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload result: true
11-01 20:40:46.601 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload event:
03af4c-4496-4d60-9316-dd46099ec460"}} type: ModuleEvent sign:
NiIofZLuLqSerZvuL45RT26hDfM= uid: 1000 json:{"error":
11-01 20:40:46.804 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:46.804 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/codec.json
not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:47.004 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:47.004 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/interception-rules-nebula.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:47.005 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload server response:
{"errcode": 100, "errmsg": "ok"}
11-01 20:40:47.005 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload result: true
11-01 20:40:47.005 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload event:
3af4c-4496-4d60-9316-dd46099ec460"}} type: ModuleEvent sign:
+Qmj/5BcN9KFaPhUjhUTHzcADt0= uid: 1000 json:{"error":
11-01 20:40:47.602 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:47.602 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/abi-select-
v3.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:47.602 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload server response:
{"errcode": 100, "errmsg": "ok"}
11-01 20:40:47.602 966 1265 D
com.netease.nemu_android_watchdog_lib.core.Watchdog: upload result: true
11-01 20:40:47.824 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:47.824 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/java_patch/javahelper/libs/x86/ not need
update or fail.
11-01 20:40:48.028 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:48.028 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/wb not need
update or fail.
11-01 20:40:48.336 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:48.336 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/app-device-
prop.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:48.643 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:48.643 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/webview-
not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:49.065 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:49.065 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/device-prop-
configs/xiaomi6.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:49.257 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:49.257 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/interception-rules-nebula-overseas.config not need update
or fail.
11-01 20:40:49.564 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:49.564 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/device-prop-
configs/samsungsmg9910.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:49.911 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:49.912 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/keep-alive-
blacklist.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:50.076 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:50.076 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/abi-select-
v4.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:50.497 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:50.497 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/device-prop-
configs/mumu.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:50.913 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:50.913 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/java_patch/java-hot-patch.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:51.215 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:51.215 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/shader-
cache.json not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:51.523 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:51.523 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/shared_libs/ not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:51.718 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:51.718 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/shared_libs/ not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:52.044 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:52.044 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/pre_fetch.json not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:52.670 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:52.670 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/webview-
not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:53.288 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:53.288 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/force-
orientation-apps.json not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:53.867 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:53.868 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/app-
configs/freefire/com.dts.freefiremax.v2.playerprefs.xml not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:54.582 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:54.582 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/java_patch/jpatchs/patch_all_in_one.jar not need update or
11-01 20:40:54.786 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:54.786 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/webview-
not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:54.999 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:54.999 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/background-
download.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:55.299 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:55.299 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/app-
configs/freefire/com.dts.freefireth.v2.playerprefs.xml not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:55.610 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:55.610 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/interception-rules-9.0.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:56.733 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:56.734 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/shared_libs/libhp6_x86_64.md5 not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:56.937 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:56.937 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/package-
filtering.json not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:57.245 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:57.245 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/intent-
filtering.json not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:57.552 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:57.552 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/keep-alive-
fromlist.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:57.858 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:57.858 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/kobe not
need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:58.268 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:58.268 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/ydntp.bak
not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:58.483 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:58.484 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/shared_libs/libhp6_x86.md5 not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:58.664 735 748 I am_pss :
11-01 20:40:58.664 1218 1218 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent
{ dat=chimera-action: }
11-01 20:40:58.664 1218 1218 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent
{ dat=chimera-action: }
11-01 20:40:58.666 735 748 I am_pss :
11-01 20:40:58.791 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:58.792 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/app_vm_dex2oat.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:59.292 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:59.292 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/shader-
cache-v2.json not need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:59.624 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:59.624 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/lakers not
need update or fail.
11-01 20:40:59.804 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:40:59.804 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/hot-
plugin.jar not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:00.003 735 748 I am_pss :
11-01 20:41:00.006 735 748 I am_pss :
11-01 20:41:00.139 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:00.140 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/device-prop-
configs/gjqtmyr.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:00.418 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:00.418 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/device-prop-
configs/armv7.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:00.623 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:00.623 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/native_patch/arm/ not need update or
11-01 20:41:00.975 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:00.975 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/device-prop-
configs/xiaomi11pro.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:01.263 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:01.263 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/device-prop-
configs/mix2.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:01.448 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:01.448 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/large-heap-
whitelist.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:01.647 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:01.647 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/oneal not
need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:01.852 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:01.852 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/clone-
blacklist.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:02.159 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:02.159 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/cr7 not need
update or fail.
11-01 20:41:02.368 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:02.368 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/webview-
url.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:02.572 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:02.572 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/webview-
not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:03.139 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:03.139 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/package-
sdkver-whitelist.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:03.388 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:03.388 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/device-prop-
configs/mate10pro.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:03.697 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:03.697 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/interception-rules-6.0-v2.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:04.008 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:04.008 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/kooh_collam.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:04.208 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:04.208 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/java_patch/loader/libs/x86_64/ not
need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:04.514 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:04.514 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/webview-
not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:04.924 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:04.924 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/device-prop-
configs/rog.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:05.745 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:05.745 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/lbj not need
update or fail.
11-01 20:41:06.062 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:06.062 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/webview-
not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:06.481 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:06.481 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/app-
configs/com.tencent.tmgp.sgame/com.tencent.tmgp.sgame.xml not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:06.665 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:06.665 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/clone-
blacklist-v2.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:06.870 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:06.870 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/webview-
not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:07.280 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:07.280 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/device-prop-
configs/rog6pro.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:07.587 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:07.587 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/abi-select-
v2.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:07.791 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:07.791 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/messi not
need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:08.098 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:08.098 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/dropbox-
blacklist.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:08.407 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:08.407 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/java_patch/javahelper/libs/x86_64/ not
need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:08.611 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:08.611 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/interception-rules.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:09.049 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:09.049 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/webview-
not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:09.254 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:09.254 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/shared_libs/ not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:09.839 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:09.839 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/device-prop-
configs/oneplushd1907.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:10.157 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:10.157 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/joker not
need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:10.336 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:10.336 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/java_patch/loader/libs/x86/ not need
update or fail.
11-01 20:41:10.557 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:10.557 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/abi-select-
android12.config not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:10.869 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:10.869 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/app-
configs/jinglingshengdian/dummy_mumu.txt not need update or fail.
11-01 20:41:11.070 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:11.070 966 1261 I FileUpdater:
/system/etc/mumu-configs/notification-blacklist-android12.config not need update or
11-01 20:41:11.174 281 281 I virtual_shell: Oracle VM VirtualBox Guest
Additions Command Line Management Interface Version 4.1.12_OSE
11-01 20:41:11.174 281 281 I virtual_shell: (C) 2008-2012 Oracle Corporation
11-01 20:41:11.174 281 281 I virtual_shell: All rights reserved.
11-01 20:41:11.174 281 281 I virtual_shell: Name:
11-01 20:41:11.174 281 281 I virtual_shell: Value: dump_rom_log
11-01 20:41:11.174 281 281 I virtual_shell: got command:dump_rom_log
11-01 20:41:11.174 281 281 I virtual_shell: command:dump_rom_log
11-01 20:41:11.174 281 281 I virtual_shell: start dump rom log
11-01 20:41:11.174 281 281 I virtual_shell: handle_dump_rom_log
11-01 20:41:11.176 281 281 I virtual_shell: got
11-01 20:41:11.176 281 281 I virtual_shell: output
11-01 20:41:11.176 281 281 I virtual_shell:
11-01 20:41:11.177 281 281 I virtual_shell: remove failed: No such file or
11-01 20:41:11.177 281 281 I virtual_shell: dump_logcat:logcat -d -b main -b
system -b crash -b events -f /mnt/shared/MuMuSharedFolder/RomCmdOutput.txt && echo
"" >> /mnt/shared/MuMuSharedFolder/RomCmdOutput.txt
11-01 20:41:11.375 966 1261 E FileUpdater: Server returned HTTP 304 Not Modified
11-01 20:41:11.375 966 1261 I FileUpdater: /system/etc/mumu-configs/webview-
not need update or fail.

[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu

[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
[ 0.000000] Linux version 4.0.9-android-x86_64+ (duanlusheng@a11-gz02- (gcc version 4.9 20150123 (prerelease) (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu
Apr 6 15:40:40 HKT 2023
[ 0.000000] Command line: androidboot.serialno=ZX1G42CPJD
[ 0.000000] KERNEL supported cpus:
[ 0.000000] Intel GenuineIntel
[ 0.000000] AMD AuthenticAMD
[ 0.000000] e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000009fbff] usable
[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000000009fc00-0x000000000009ffff] reserved
[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000000f0000-0x00000000000fffff] reserved
[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x00000000dffeffff] usable
[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000dfff0000-0x00000000dfffffff] ACPI data
[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fffc0000-0x00000000ffffffff] reserved
[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000100000000-0x000000011fffffff] usable
[ 0.000000] NX (Execute Disable) protection: active
[ 0.000000] SMBIOS 2.5 present.
[ 0.000000] DMI: innotek GmbH VirtualBox/VirtualBox, BIOS VirtualBox 12/01/2006
[ 0.000000] Hypervisor detected: KVM
[ 0.000000] e820: update [mem 0x00000000-0x00000fff] usable ==> reserved
[ 0.000000] e820: remove [mem 0x000a0000-0x000fffff] usable
[ 0.000000] e820: last_pfn = 0x120000 max_arch_pfn = 0x400000000
[ 0.000000] MTRR default type: uncachable
[ 0.000000] MTRR variable ranges disabled:
[ 0.000000] PAT configuration [0-7]: WB WC UC- UC WB WC UC- UC
[ 0.000000] CPU MTRRs all blank - virtualized system.
[ 0.000000] e820: last_pfn = 0xdfff0 max_arch_pfn = 0x400000000
[ 0.000000] found SMP MP-table at [mem 0x0009fff0-0x0009ffff] mapped at
[ 0.000000] Base memory trampoline at [ffff880000099000] 99000 size 24576
[ 0.000000] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x00000000-0x000fffff]
[ 0.000000] [mem 0x00000000-0x000fffff] page 4k
[ 0.000000] BRK [0x01371000, 0x01371fff] PGTABLE
[ 0.000000] BRK [0x01372000, 0x01372fff] PGTABLE
[ 0.000000] BRK [0x01373000, 0x01373fff] PGTABLE
[ 0.000000] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x11fe00000-0x11fffffff]
[ 0.000000] [mem 0x11fe00000-0x11fffffff] page 2M
[ 0.000000] BRK [0x01374000, 0x01374fff] PGTABLE
[ 0.000000] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x100000000-0x11fdfffff]
[ 0.000000] [mem 0x100000000-0x11fdfffff] page 2M
[ 0.000000] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x00100000-0xdffeffff]
[ 0.000000] [mem 0x00100000-0x001fffff] page 4k
[ 0.000000] [mem 0x00200000-0xdfdfffff] page 2M
[ 0.000000] [mem 0xdfe00000-0xdffeffff] page 4k
[ 0.000000] RAMDISK: [mem 0x7fea4000-0x7ffeffff]
[ 0.000000] ACPI: Early table checksum verification disabled
[ 0.000000] ACPI: RSDP 0x00000000000E0000 000024 (v02 NEMU )
[ 0.000000] ACPI: XSDT 0x00000000DFFF0030 00003C (v01 NEMU NEMUXSDT 00000001
ASL 00000061)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: FACP 0x00000000DFFF00F0 0000F4 (v04 NEMU NEMUFACP 00000001
ASL 00000061)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: DSDT 0x00000000DFFF0480 001CEB (v01 NEMU NEMUBIOS 00000002
INTL 20100528)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: FACS 0x00000000DFFF0200 000040
[ 0.000000] ACPI: APIC 0x00000000DFFF0240 00006C (v02 NEMU NEMUAPIC 00000001
ASL 00000061)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000DFFF02B0 0001CC (v01 NEMU NEMUCPUT 00000002
INTL 20100528)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000
[ 0.000000] kvm-clock: Using msrs 4b564d01 and 4b564d00
[ 0.000000] kvm-clock: cpu 0, msr 1:1fffb001, primary cpu clock
[ 0.000000] [ffffea0000000000-ffffea0003ffffff] PMD -> [ffff88011b600000-
ffff88011effffff] on node 0
[ 0.000000] Zone ranges:
[ 0.000000] DMA32 [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x00000000ffffffff]
[ 0.000000] Normal [mem 0x0000000100000000-0x000000011fffffff]
[ 0.000000] Movable zone start for each node
[ 0.000000] Early memory node ranges
[ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x000000000009efff]
[ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x00000000dffeffff]
[ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000100000000-0x000000011fffffff]
[ 0.000000] Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x0000000000001000-0x000000011fffffff]
[ 0.000000] On node 0 totalpages: 1048462
[ 0.000000] DMA32 zone: 12543 pages used for memmap
[ 0.000000] DMA32 zone: 3605 pages reserved
[ 0.000000] DMA32 zone: 917390 pages, LIFO batch:31
[ 0.000000] Normal zone: 1792 pages used for memmap
[ 0.000000] Normal zone: 131072 pages, LIFO batch:31
[ 0.000000] ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0x4008
[ 0.000000] ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000
[ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x00] lapic_id[0x00] enabled)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x01] lapic_id[0x01] enabled)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x02] lapic_id[0x02] enabled)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x03] lapic_id[0x03] enabled)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: IOAPIC (id[0x04] address[0xfec00000] gsi_base[0])
[ 0.000000] IOAPIC[0]: apic_id 4, version 17, address 0xfec00000, GSI 0-23
[ 0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 0 global_irq 2 dfl dfl)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 9 global_irq 9 high level)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: IRQ0 used by override.
[ 0.000000] ACPI: IRQ9 used by override.
[ 0.000000] Using ACPI (MADT) for SMP configuration information
[ 0.000000] smpboot: Allowing 4 CPUs, 0 hotplug CPUs
[ 0.000000] e820: [mem 0xe0000000-0xfffbffff] available for PCI devices
[ 0.000000] Booting paravirtualized kernel on KVM
[ 0.000000] setup_percpu: NR_CPUS:32 nr_cpumask_bits:32 nr_cpu_ids:4
[ 0.000000] PERCPU: Embedded 30 pages/cpu @ffff88011fc00000 s85848 r8192 d28840
[ 0.000000] pcpu-alloc: s85848 r8192 d28840 u524288 alloc=1*2097152
[ 0.000000] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 1 2 3
[ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages:
[ 0.000000] Kernel command line: androidboot.serialno=ZX1G42CPJD
[ 0.000000] PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
[ 0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 524288 (order: 10, 4194304 bytes)
[ 0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 262144 (order: 9, 2097152 bytes)
[ 0.000000] xsave: enabled xstate_bv 0x7, cntxt size 0x340 using standard form
[ 0.000000] Memory: 4042396K/4193848K available (8345K kernel code, 1015K
rwdata, 3420K rodata, 1212K init, 1260K bss, 151452K reserved, 0K cma-reserved)
[ 0.000000] Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation.
[ 0.000000] CONFIG_RCU_FANOUT set to non-default value of 32
[ 0.000000] RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=32 to nr_cpu_ids=4.
[ 0.000000] RCU: Adjusting geometry for rcu_fanout_leaf=16, nr_cpu_ids=4
[ 0.000000] NR_IRQS:4352 nr_irqs:456 16
[ 0.000000] Offload RCU callbacks from all CPUs
[ 0.000000] Offload RCU callbacks from CPUs: 0-3.
[ 0.000000] Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
[ 0.000000] console [tty0] enabled
[ 0.000000] tsc: Detected 2496.002 MHz processor
[ 0.612514] Calibrating delay loop (skipped) preset value.. 4992.00 BogoMIPS
[ 0.613203] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
[ 0.613540] ACPI: Core revision 20150204
[ 0.614817] ACPI: All ACPI Tables successfully acquired
[ 0.615390] Mount-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
[ 0.615746] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
[ 0.616248] Initializing cgroup subsys freezer
[ 0.616559] Initializing cgroup subsys debug
[ 0.616916] CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
[ 0.617218] CPU: Processor Core ID: 0
[ 0.620352] mce: CPU supports 0 MCE banks
[ 0.620877] Last level iTLB entries: 4KB 0, 2MB 0, 4MB 0
[ 0.621257] Last level dTLB entries: 4KB 0, 2MB 0, 4MB 0, 1GB 0
[ 0.622170] Freeing SMP alternatives memory: 28K (ffffffff8122e000 -
[ 0.624917] ftrace: allocating 27767 entries in 109 pages
[ 0.653305] ..TIMER: vector=0x30 apic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=-1 pin2=-1
[ 0.760911] smpboot: CPU0: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-1215U (fam: 06, model:
9a, stepping: 04)
[ 0.761972] Performance Events: unsupported p6 CPU model 154 no PMU driver,
software events only.
[ 0.786532] x86: Booting SMP configuration:
[ 0.786880] .... node #0, CPUs: #1
[ 0.798357] kvm-clock: cpu 1, msr 1:1fffb041, secondary cpu clock
[ 0.801278] mce: CPU supports 0 MCE banks
[ 0.810771] #2<6>[ 0.823109] kvm-clock: cpu 2, msr 1:1fffb081, secondary cpu
[ 0.826106] mce: CPU supports 0 MCE banks
[ 0.848910] #3
[ 0.848911] kvm-clock: cpu 3, msr 1:1fffb0c1, secondary cpu clock
[ 0.851822] mce: CPU supports 0 MCE banks
[ 0.853931] x86: Booted up 1 node, 4 CPUs
[ 0.855573] smpboot: Total of 4 processors activated (19968.01 BogoMIPS)
[ 0.858034] NET: Registered protocol family 16
[ 0.878491] cpuidle: using governor ladder
[ 0.889241] cpuidle: using governor menu
[ 0.889639] ACPI: bus type PCI registered
[ 0.890034] PCI: Using configuration type 1 for base access
[ 0.900823] ACPI: Added _OSI(Module Device)
[ 0.901193] ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Device)
[ 0.901554] ACPI: Added _OSI(3.0 _SCP Extensions)
[ 0.901918] ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Aggregator Device)
[ 0.902784] ACPI: Executed 1 blocks of module-level executable AML code
[ 0.905242] ACPI: Interpreter enabled
[ 0.905797] ACPI Exception: AE_NOT_FOUND, While evaluating Sleep State [\_S1_]
[ 0.906644] ACPI Exception: AE_NOT_FOUND, While evaluating Sleep State [\_S2_]
[ 0.907444] ACPI Exception: AE_NOT_FOUND, While evaluating Sleep State [\_S3_]
[ 0.908246] ACPI: (supports S0 S5)
[ 0.908607] ACPI: Using IOAPIC for interrupt routing
[ 0.909119] PCI: Using host bridge windows from ACPI; if necessary, use
"pci=nocrs" and report a bug
[ 0.915845] ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (domain 0000 [bus 00-ff])
[ 0.916246] acpi PNP0A03:00: _OSC: OS supports [Segments MSI]
[ 0.916621] acpi PNP0A03:00: _OSC failed (AE_NOT_FOUND); disabling ASPM
[ 0.917072] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00
[ 0.917404] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff]
[ 0.917792] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0x0000-0x0cf7 window]
[ 0.918187] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0x0d00-0xffff window]
[ 0.918583] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff
[ 0.919167] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0xe0000000-0xffdfffff
[ 0.920078] pci 0000:00:00.0: [8086:1237] type 00 class 0x060000
[ 0.920453] pci 0000:00:01.0: [8086:7000] type 00 class 0x060100
[ 0.920980] pci 0000:00:02.0: [80ee:beef] type 00 class 0x030000
[ 0.923338] pci 0000:00:02.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xe0000000-0xe0ffffff pref]
[ 0.936178] pci 0000:00:03.0: [1af4:1000] type 00 class 0x020000
[ 0.936293] pci 0000:00:03.0: reg 0x10: [io 0xd000-0xd01f]
[ 0.936839] pci 0000:00:04.0: [80ee:cafe] type 00 class 0x088000
[ 0.938467] pci 0000:00:04.0: reg 0x10: [io 0xd020-0xd03f]
[ 0.939947] pci 0000:00:04.0: reg 0x14: [mem 0xf0000000-0xf03fffff]
[ 0.941674] pci 0000:00:04.0: reg 0x18: [mem 0xf0400000-0xf0403fff pref]
[ 0.950400] pci 0000:00:06.0: [106b:003f] type 00 class 0x0c0310
[ 0.952492] pci 0000:00:06.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xf0404000-0xf0404fff]
[ 0.964918] pci 0000:00:07.0: [8086:7113] type 00 class 0x068000
[ 0.965449] pci 0000:00:09.0: [1c87:1074] type 00 class 0x050000
[ 0.965517] pci 0000:00:09.0: reg 0x10: [io 0xd040-0xd07f]
[ 0.965564] pci 0000:00:09.0: reg 0x14: [mem 0xf8000000-0xffffffff]
[ 0.965964] pci 0000:00:0d.0: [8086:2829] type 00 class 0x010601
[ 0.966070] pci 0000:00:0d.0: reg 0x10: [io 0xd080-0xd087]
[ 0.966201] pci 0000:00:0d.0: reg 0x18: [io 0xd090-0xd097]
[ 0.966303] pci 0000:00:0d.0: reg 0x20: [io 0xd0a0-0xd0af]
[ 0.966355] pci 0000:00:0d.0: reg 0x24: [mem 0x00000000-0x00001fff]
[ 0.966738] pci_bus 0000:00: on NUMA node 0
[ 0.967388] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs 5 9 10 *11)
[ 0.968613] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs 5 9 10 *11)
[ 0.969698] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs 5 9 *10 11)
[ 0.970790] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs 5 *9 10 11)
[ 0.971895] ACPI: Enabled 2 GPEs in block 00 to 07
[ 0.972730] vgaarb: setting as boot device: PCI:0000:00:02.0
[ 0.973369] vgaarb: device added:
[ 0.974153] vgaarb: loaded
[ 0.974596] vgaarb: bridge control possible 0000:00:02.0
[ 0.975648] SCSI subsystem initialized
[ 0.976517] libata version 3.00 loaded.
[ 0.976555] ACPI: bus type USB registered
[ 0.977174] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
[ 0.977657] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
[ 0.978190] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
[ 0.978743] pps_core: LinuxPPS API ver. 1 registered
[ 0.979198] pps_core: Software ver. 5.3.6 - Copyright 2005-2007 Rodolfo Giometti
[ 0.979897] PTP clock support registered
[ 0.980386] Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Initialized.
[ 0.980861] PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing
[ 0.981308] PCI: pci_cache_line_size set to 64 bytes
[ 0.981379] pci 0000:00:09.0: can't claim BAR 1 [mem 0xf8000000-0xffffffff]: no
compatible bridge window
[ 0.982164] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0x0009fc00-0x0009ffff]
[ 0.982169] e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0xdfff0000-0xdfffffff]
[ 0.982257] Bluetooth: Core ver 2.20
[ 0.982655] NET: Registered protocol family 31
[ 0.983040] Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized
[ 0.983393] Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized
[ 0.983713] Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized
[ 0.984047] Bluetooth: SCO socket layer initialized
[ 0.984553] Switched to clocksource kvm-clock
[ 0.996646] pnp: PnP ACPI init
[ 0.997081] pnp 00:00: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0303 (active)
[ 0.997127] pnp 00:01: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0f03 (active)
[ 0.997480] pnp: PnP ACPI: found 2 devices
[ 1.010719] pci 0000:00:09.0: BAR 1: assigned [mem 0xe8000000-0xefffffff]
[ 1.011487] pci 0000:00:0d.0: BAR 5: assigned [mem 0xe1000000-0xe1001fff]
[ 1.011918] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 4 [io 0x0000-0x0cf7 window]
[ 1.011920] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 5 [io 0x0d00-0xffff window]
[ 1.011921] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 6 [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff window]
[ 1.011922] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 7 [mem 0xe0000000-0xffdfffff window]
[ 1.012065] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[ 1.012635] TCP established hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
[ 1.013225] TCP bind hash table entries: 32768 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
[ 1.013681] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 32768 bind 32768)
[ 1.014088] TCP: reno registered
[ 1.014431] UDP hash table entries: 2048 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
[ 1.014815] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 2048 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
[ 1.015281] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[ 1.015641] pci 0000:00:00.0: Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers
[ 1.016030] pci 0000:00:01.0: Activating ISA DMA hang workarounds
[ 1.016490] pci 0000:00:02.0: Video device with shadowed ROM
[ 1.017532] PCI: CLS 0 bytes, default 64
[ 1.017604] Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...
[ 1.032250] Freeing initrd memory: 1328K (ffff88007fea4000 - ffff88007fff0000)
[ 1.032872] PCI-DMA: Using software bounce buffering for IO (SWIOTLB)
[ 1.033261] software IO TLB [mem 0xdbff0000-0xdfff0000] (64MB) mapped at
[ 1.033918] platform rtc_cmos: registered platform RTC device (no PNP device
[ 1.034681] microcode: CPU0 sig=0x906a4, pf=0x8, revision=0x0
[ 1.035104] microcode: CPU1 sig=0x906a4, pf=0x8, revision=0x0
[ 1.035501] microcode: CPU2 sig=0x906a4, pf=0x8, revision=0x0
[ 1.035903] microcode: CPU3 sig=0x906a4, pf=0x8, revision=0x0
[ 1.036288] microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.00
<>, Peter Oruba
[ 1.041636] futex hash table entries: 1024 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
[ 1.042356] kpagecache_limitd_run vm_pagecache_limit_mb 303
[ 1.043072] vm_pagecache_limit_mb expand to 313
[ 1.044032] fuse init (API version 7.23)
[ 1.046592] Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 251)
[ 1.047161] io scheduler noop registered
[ 1.047522] io scheduler deadline registered
[ 1.047941] io scheduler cfq registered (default)
[ 1.048405] ACPI: Deprecated procfs I/F for AC is loaded, please retry with
[ 1.049090] ACPI: AC Adapter [AC] (off-line)
[ 1.049513] input: Power Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input0
[ 1.050073] ACPI: Power Button [PWRF]
[ 1.050431] input: Sleep Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSLPBN:00/input/input1
[ 1.050989] ACPI: Sleep Button [SLPF]
[ 1.052009] virtio-pci 0000:00:03.0: virtio_pci: leaving for legacy driver
[ 1.052460] ACPI: Deprecated procfs I/F for battery is loaded, please retry with
[ 1.052501] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 4 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
[ 1.052606] Linux agpgart interface v0.103
[ 1.055996] [drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0 20060810
[ 1.056810] brd: module loaded
[ 1.058499] ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT0] (battery present)
[ 1.063253] loop: module loaded
[ 1.063626] ahci 0000:00:0d.0: version 3.0
[ 1.064057] ahci 0000:00:0d.0: SSS flag set, parallel bus scan disabled
[ 1.064615] ahci 0000:00:0d.0: AHCI 0001.0100 32 slots 2 ports 3 Gbps 0x3 impl
SATA mode
[ 1.065231] ahci 0000:00:0d.0: flags: 64bit ncq stag only ccc
[ 1.065941] scsi host0: ahci
[ 1.066392] scsi host1: ahci
[ 1.066738] ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m8192@0xe1000000 port 0xe1000100 irq 21
[ 1.067306] ata2: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m8192@0xe1000000 port 0xe1000180 irq 21
[ 1.068019] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6
[ 1.068382] tun: (C) 1999-2004 Max Krasnyansky <>
[ 1.068953] pcnet32: pcnet32.c:v1.35 21.Apr.2008
[ 1.069373] e100: Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Driver, 3.5.24-k2-NAPI
[ 1.069755] e100: Copyright(c) 1999-2006 Intel Corporation
[ 1.070128] e1000: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - version 7.3.21-k8-NAPI
[ 1.070532] e1000: Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Intel Corporation.
[ 1.070935] e1000e: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 2.3.2-k
[ 1.071312] e1000e: Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Intel Corporation.
[ 1.071714] ixgb: Intel(R) PRO/10GbE Network Driver - version 1.0.135-k2-NAPI
[ 1.072125] ixgb: Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Intel Corporation.
[ 1.072510] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
[ 1.072898] PPP BSD Compression module registered
[ 1.073257] PPP Deflate Compression module registered
[ 1.073644] PPP MPPE Compression module registered
[ 1.073998] NET: Registered protocol family 24
[ 1.074354] usbcore: registered new interface driver asix
[ 1.074725] usbcore: registered new interface driver ax88179_178a
[ 1.075113] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ether
[ 1.075539] usbcore: registered new interface driver net1080
[ 1.076049] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_subset
[ 1.076814] usbcore: registered new interface driver zaurus
[ 1.077215] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ncm
[ 1.077633] ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
[ 1.078026] ehci-pci: EHCI PCI platform driver
[ 1.078386] ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver
[ 1.078797] ohci-pci: OHCI PCI platform driver
[ 1.079558] ohci-pci 0000:00:06.0: OHCI PCI host controller
[ 1.079991] ohci-pci 0000:00:06.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
[ 1.080663] ohci-pci 0000:00:06.0: irq 22, io mem 0xf0404000
[ 1.137618] usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001
[ 1.138027] usb usb1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
[ 1.138595] usb usb1: Product: OHCI PCI host controller
[ 1.138925] usb usb1: Manufacturer: Linux 4.0.9-android-x86_64+ ohci_hcd
[ 1.139282] usb usb1: SerialNumber: 0000:00:06.0
[ 1.139645] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
[ 1.139971] hub 1-0:1.0: 12 ports detected
[ 1.140480] uhci_hcd: USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver
[ 1.140873] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
[ 1.141259] i8042: PNP: PS/2 Controller [PNP0303:PS2K,PNP0f03:PS2M] at 0x60,0x64
irq 1,12
[ 1.142241] serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
[ 1.142659] serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
[ 1.143225] mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
[ 1.143738] input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as
[ 1.144384] usbcore: registered new interface driver xpad
[ 1.144734] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb_acecad
[ 1.145100] usbcore: registered new interface driver aiptek
[ 1.145437] usbcore: registered new interface driver gtco
[ 1.145770] usbcore: registered new interface driver hanwang
[ 1.146109] usbcore: registered new interface driver kbtab
[ 1.146575] rtc_cmos rtc_cmos: rtc core: registered rtc_cmos as rtc0
[ 1.146974] rtc_cmos rtc_cmos: alarms up to one day, 114 bytes nvram
[ 1.147465] device-mapper: uevent: version 1.0.3
[ 1.147910] device-mapper: ioctl: 4.30.0-ioctl (2014-12-22) initialised: dm-
[ 1.148869] Driver 'mmcblk' needs updating - please use bus_type methods
[ 1.149311] sdhci: Secure Digital Host Controller Interface driver
[ 1.149693] sdhci: Copyright(c) Pierre Ossman
[ 1.150057] hidraw: raw HID events driver (C) Jiri Kosina
[ 1.150644] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
[ 1.151028] usbhid: USB HID core driver
[ 1.151363] ashmem: initialized
[ 1.151688] logger: created 256K log 'log_main'
[ 1.152039] logger: created 256K log 'log_events'
[ 1.152394] logger: created 256K log 'log_radio'
[ 1.152763] logger: created 256K log 'log_system'
[ 1.157933] Mirror/redirect action on
[ 1.158284] netem: version 1.3
[ 1.158661] u32 classifier
[ 1.159046] Actions configured
[ 1.159420] Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
[ 1.159820] nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (16384 buckets, 65536 max)
[ 1.160357] ctnetlink v0.93: registering with nfnetlink.
[ 1.160790] xt_time: kernel timezone is -0000
[ 1.161139] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
[ 1.161492] arp_tables: (C) 2002 David S. Miller
[ 1.161836] TCP: cubic registered
[ 1.162147] Initializing XFRM netlink socket
[ 1.162667] NET: Registered protocol family 10
[ 1.163395] mip6: Mobile IPv6
[ 1.163741] ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
[ 1.164128] sit: IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
[ 1.164539] NET: Registered protocol family 17
[ 1.164920] NET: Registered protocol family 15
[ 1.165503] Bluetooth: RFCOMM TTY layer initialized
[ 1.165927] Bluetooth: RFCOMM socket layer initialized
[ 1.166271] Bluetooth: RFCOMM ver 1.11
[ 1.166568] Bluetooth: BNEP (Ethernet Emulation) ver 1.3
[ 1.166906] Bluetooth: BNEP socket layer initialized
[ 1.167261] Bluetooth: HIDP (Human Interface Emulation) ver 1.2
[ 1.167601] Bluetooth: HIDP socket layer initialized
[ 1.168065] registered taskstats version 1
[ 1.169133] ALSA device list:
[ 1.169614] No soundcards found.
[ 1.389379] ata1: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)
[ 1.390010] ata1.00: ATA-8: NEMU HARDDISK, 1.0, max UDMA/133
[ 1.390501] ata1.00: 3994716 sectors, multi 128: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32)
[ 1.391136] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
[ 1.391710] scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access ATA NEMU HARDDISK 1.0 PQ: 0
[ 1.392647] sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0
[ 1.392676] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 3994716 512-byte logical blocks: (2.04 GB/1.90
[ 1.392697] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
[ 1.392698] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00
[ 1.392705] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't
support DPO or FUA
[ 1.393416] sda: sda1 sda2 sda3 sda4 < sda5 sda6 >
[ 1.393615] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk
[ 1.544957] usb 1-1: new full-speed USB device number 2 using ohci-pci
[ 1.715756] ata2: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)
[ 1.716517] ata2.00: ATA-8: NEMU HARDDISK, 1.0, max UDMA/133
[ 1.717061] ata2.00: 268589056 sectors, multi 128: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32)
[ 1.728227] ata2.00: configured for UDMA/133
[ 1.728700] scsi 1:0:0:0: Direct-Access ATA NEMU HARDDISK 1.0 PQ: 0
[ 1.729425] sd 1:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 0
[ 1.729856] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] 268589056 512-byte logical blocks: (137 GB/128
[ 1.730581] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off
[ 1.731101] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00
[ 1.731119] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't
support DPO or FUA
[ 1.732707] sdb: sdb1 sdb2 sdb3
[ 1.733451] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI disk
[ 1.734577] Freeing unused kernel memory: 1212K (ffffffff810ff000 -
[ 1.735457] Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 14336k
[ 1.736686] Freeing unused kernel memory: 1884K (ffff880000a29000 -
[ 1.737654] Freeing unused kernel memory: 676K (ffff880000f57000 -
[ 1.739424] 81:81 exit_group:0
[ 1.740314] 82:82 exit_group:0
[ 1.741207] 83:83 exit_group:0
[ 1.742542] 84:84 exit_group:0
[ 1.743624] 85:85 exit_group:0
[ 1.750979] 86:86 exit_group:0
[ 1.751446] random: env urandom read with 1 bits of entropy available
[ 1.753485] 87:87 exit_group:0
[ 1.755478] 88:88 exit_group:0
[ 1.795547] 93:93 exit_group:0
[ 1.795613] 91:91 exit_group:0
[ 1.795682] 92:92 exit_group:0
[ 1.813143] 95:95 exit_group:0
[ 1.813641] 96:96 exit_group:0
[ 1.814099] 97:97 exit_group:0
[ 1.814511] 98:98 exit_group:0
[ 1.815584] EXT3-fs (sda6): error: couldn't mount because of unsupported
optional features (40)
[ 1.815710] EXT2-fs (sda6): error: couldn't mount because of unsupported
optional features (40)
[ 1.817122] EXT4-fs (sda6): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts:
[ 1.817130] 99:99 exit_group:0
[ 1.817494] 103:103 exit_group:0
[ 1.817825] 104:104 exit_group:0
[ 1.818157] 105:105 exit_group:0
[ 1.818494] 106:106 exit_group:0
[ 1.821575] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=80ee, idProduct=0021
[ 1.821578] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=3, SerialNumber=0
[ 1.821580] usb 1-1: Product: USB Tablet
[ 1.821581] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: VirtualBox
[ 1.822340] 108:108 exit_group:0
[ 1.826245] 109:109 exit_group:0
[ 1.833125] 107:107 exit_group:0
[ 1.834246] EXT3-fs (sdb3): error: couldn't mount because of unsupported
optional features (40)
[ 1.834362] EXT2-fs (sdb3): error: couldn't mount because of unsupported
optional features (40)
[ 1.836453] 111:111 exit_group:0
[ 1.840151] EXT4-fs (sdb3): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts:
[ 1.840172] 110:110 exit_group:0
[ 1.840909] 114:114 exit_group:0
[ 1.842647] input: VirtualBox USB Tablet as
[ 1.842696] hid-generic 0003:80EE:0021.0001: input,hidraw0: USB HID v1.10 Mouse
[VirtualBox USB Tablet] on usb-0000:00:06.0-1/input0
[ 1.843048] 118:118 exit_group:0
[ 1.843056] 117:117 exit_group:0
[ 1.843161] 119:119 exit_group:0
[ 1.843412] 116:116 exit_group:0
[ 1.868882] 120:120 exit_group:0
[ 1.869570] 122:122 exit_group:0
[ 1.870456] vgdrvHeartbeatInit: Setting up heartbeat to trigger every 2000
[ 1.870526] input: Unspecified device as
[ 1.870575] nemuguest: misc device minor 49, IRQ 20, I/O port d020, MMIO at
00000000f0000000 (size 0x400000)
[ 1.870576] nemuguest: Successfully loaded version 5.0.14 (interface 0x00010004)
[ 1.870660] 115:115 exit_group:0
[ 1.870939] 124:124 exit_group:0
[ 1.870964] 123:123 exit_group:0
[ 1.870969] 126:126 exit_group:0
[ 1.871219] 125:125 exit_group:0
[ 1.879049] 127:127 exit_group:0
[ 1.883479] 129:129 exit_group:1
[ 1.884544] 128:128 exit_group:0
[ 1.886644] 131:131 exit_group:1
[ 1.887143] 133:133 exit_group:0
[ 1.887552] 134:134 exit_group:1
[ 1.888153] EXT3-fs (sdb1): error: couldn't mount because of unsupported
optional features (40)
[ 1.888300] EXT2-fs (sdb1): error: couldn't mount because of unsupported
optional features (40)
[ 1.890029] EXT4-fs (sdb1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts:
[ 1.890037] 135:135 exit_group:0
[ 1.890574] 138:138 exit_group:0
[ 1.896195] 139:139 exit_group:0
[ 1.898310] 140:140 exit_group:0
[ 1.898544] init: init started!
[ 1.900713] 141:141 exit_group:0
[ 1.900890] init: init second stage started!
[ 1.900986] init: (Loading properties from /default.prop took 0.00s.)
[ 1.901208] init: (Parsing /init.environ.rc took 0.00s.)
[ 1.901235] init: (Parsing /init.usb.rc took 0.00s.)
[ 1.901287] init: could not import file '/init.bluetooth.rc' from
[ 1.901296] init: (Parsing /init.superuser.rc took 0.00s.)
[ 1.901298] init: (Parsing /init.cancro_overseas_x86_64.rc took 0.00s.)
[ 1.901337] init: (Parsing /init.usb.configfs.rc took 0.00s.)
[ 1.901345] init: (Parsing /init.zygote64_32.rc took 0.00s.)
[ 1.901355] init: (Parsing /init.trace.rc took 0.00s.)
[ 1.901357] init: (Parsing /init.rc took 0.00s.)
[ 1.901390] init: Starting service 'ueventd'...
[ 1.901464] init: Starting service 'exec 0 (/system/bin/dhcptool)'...
[ 1.901778] ueventd: ueventd started!
[ 1.916723] ueventd: Coldboot took 0.01s.
[ 1.973190] 143:143 exit_group:0
[ 1.973324] init: Service 'exec 0 (/system/bin/dhcptool)' (pid 143) exited with
status 0
[ 1.973630] init: write_file: Unable to open
'/sys/module/xt_qtaguid/parameters/ctrl_write_limited': No such file or directory
[ 1.973640] init: Waiting for /dev/.coldboot_done...
[ 1.973647] init: Waiting for /dev/.coldboot_done took 0.00s.
[ 1.973651] init: /dev/hw_random not found
[ 1.979770] init: write_file: Unable to open
'/sys/class/misc/alarm/rtc_local_time': Permission denied
[ 1.980004] init: write_file: Unable to open
'/proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs': No such file or directory
[ 1.980009] init: write_file: Unable to open '/proc/cpu/alignment': No such file
or directory
[ 1.980020] init: write_file: Unable to open
'/proc/sys/kernel/sched_compat_yield': No such file or directory
[ 1.980091] init: write_file: Unable to open '/dev/cpuctl/cpu.shares':
Permission denied
[ 1.980116] init: write_file: Unable to open
'/dev/cpuctl/bg_non_interactive/cpu.shares': Permission denied
[ 1.980519] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe fs-cpuset
[ 1.980538] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'fs-cpuset'
[ 1.980549] 146:146 exit_group:-1
[ 1.980707] init: write_file: Unable to open '/proc/sys/abi/swp': No such file
or directory
[ 1.980737] init: /dev/hw_random not found
[ 1.980878] 147:147 exit_group:0
[ 1.980955] init: Starting service 'logd'...
[ 1.981071] init: Starting service 'exec 1 (/system/bin/logwrapper)'...
[ 1.984926] 151:151 exit_group:0
[ 1.988166] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe net-pf-16-proto-9
[ 1.988187] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'net-pf-16-proto-9'
[ 1.988200] 157:157 exit_group:-1
[ 1.988235] logd.auditd: start
[ 1.988239] logd.klogd: 1243685355
[ 1.988368] 158:158 exit_group:0
[ 1.988752] 159:159 exit_group:0
[ 1.989242] 160:160 exit_group:0
[ 2.001924] 161:161 exit_group:1
[ 2.032899] tsc: Refined TSC clocksource calibration: 2494.730 MHz
[ 2.077354] nemusf: Successfully loaded version 5.0.14 (interface 0x00010004)
[ 2.077373] 163:163 exit_group:0
[ 2.084979] [drm] Initialized nemuvideo 1.0.0 20090303 for 0000:00:02.0 on minor
[ 2.084986] 164:164 exit_group:0
[ 2.086368] 165:165 exit_group:0
[ 2.087930] 166:166 exit_group:1
[ 2.089305] 167:167 exit_group:1
[ 2.090833] 168:168 exit_group:0
[ 2.090925] 169:169 exit_group:1
[ 2.091479] 170:170 exit_group:0
[ 2.093624] 171:171 exit_group:0
[ 2.094976] 172:172 exit_group:0
[ 2.095403] 173:173 exit_group:0
[ 2.109061] 174:174 exit_group:0
[ 2.110805] 175:175 exit_group:0
[ 2.112566] 176:176 exit_group:0
[ 2.114018] 177:177 exit_group:0
[ 2.114485] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'snd-sb16'
[ 2.114498] 178:178 exit_group:-1
[ 2.115980] 179:179 exit_group:1
[ 2.116410] 180:180 exit_group:1
[ 2.117671] 181:181 exit_group:0
[ 2.120377] 182:182 exit_group:0
[ 2.125914] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'btusb'
[ 2.125927] 183:183 exit_group:-1
[ 2.126400] 184:184 exit_group:0
[ 2.127374] 185:185 exit_group:0
[ 2.127883] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'uvesafb'
[ 2.127899] 186:186 exit_group:-1
[ 2.129157] 187:187 exit_group:1
[ 2.178545] 188:188 exit_group:0
[ 2.178654] 189:189 exit_group:0
[ 2.179096] 190:190 exit_group:0
[ 2.180689] 191:191 exit_group:0
[ 2.181197] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'psmouse'
[ 2.181210] 192:192 exit_group:-1
[ 2.189741] 193:193 exit_group:0
[ 2.220414] 194:194 exit_group:0
[ 2.262038] 195:195 exit_group:0
[ 2.263463] 196:196 exit_group:0
[ 2.278880] 197:197 exit_group:0
[ 2.282493] 198:198 exit_group:0
[ 2.296922] 199:199 exit_group:0
[ 2.310352] 200:200 exit_group:0
[ 2.317323] 201:201 exit_group:0
[ 2.326340] 202:202 exit_group:0
[ 2.349120] 203:203 exit_group:0
[ 2.353240] 204:204 exit_group:0
[ 2.377501] 205:205 exit_group:0
[ 2.380627] 206:206 exit_group:0
[ 2.393053] 207:207 exit_group:0
[ 2.394651] 208:208 exit_group:0
[ 2.406893] 209:209 exit_group:0
[ 2.410902] 210:210 exit_group:0
[ 2.436722] 211:211 exit_group:0
[ 2.438843] 212:212 exit_group:0
[ 2.440328] 213:213 exit_group:0
[ 2.441821] 214:214 exit_group:0
[ 2.443205] 215:215 exit_group:-1
[ 2.444700] 216:216 exit_group:0
[ 2.462876] 217:217 exit_group:0
[ 2.467180] 218:218 exit_group:0
[ 2.468481] 219:219 exit_group:0
[ 2.469923] 220:220 exit_group:0
[ 2.471129] 221:221 exit_group:0
[ 2.722913] 222:222 exit_group:0
[ 2.724692] 223:223 exit_group:1
[ 2.728693] 224:224 exit_group:0
[ 2.757582] 225:225 exit_group:0
[ 2.759146] 226:226 exit_group:0
[ 2.773489] 227:227 exit_group:1
[ 2.774970] 228:228 exit_group:1
[ 2.777493] 230:230 exit_group:0
[ 2.782170] 231:231 exit_group:0
[ 2.786534] 232:232 exit_group:0
[ 2.786684] 229:229 exit_group:0
[ 2.791853] 233:233 exit_group:0
[ 2.794320] 234:234 exit_group:0
[ 2.795628] 235:235 exit_group:0
[ 2.805270] 236:236 exit_group:0
[ 2.806954] 237:237 exit_group:0
[ 2.813164] 238:238 exit_group:0
[ 2.819772] 239:239 exit_group:0
[ 2.844803] 240:240 exit_group:0
[ 2.848261] 241:241 exit_group:0
[ 2.849632] 242:242 exit_group:0
[ 2.851057] 243:243 exit_group:0
[ 2.852261] 244:244 exit_group:0
[ 2.853800] 245:245 exit_group:0
[ 2.855045] 246:246 exit_group:0
[ 2.856737] 247:247 exit_group:0
[ 2.861815] 248:248 exit_group:0
[ 2.863388] 249:249 exit_group:0
[ 2.863617] 150:150 exit_group:0
[ 2.863719] 149:149 exit_group:0
[ 2.863790] init: Service 'exec 1 (/system/bin/logwrapper)' (pid 149) exited
with status 0
[ 2.863842] init: Starting service 'VBoxShell'...
[ 2.864374] init: property_set("ro.sf.lcd_density", "240") failed
[ 2.864565] init: property_set("", "0") failed
[ 2.864607] init: (Loading properties from /system/build.prop took 0.00s.)
[ 2.864616] init: Unable to read property file '/vendor/build.prop'
[ 2.864620] init: Unable to read property file '/factory/factory.prop'
[ 2.864639] init: /recovery not specified in fstab
[ 2.865039] init: Starting service 'vold'...
[ 2.865694] init: Not bootcharting.
[ 2.875001] init: Failed to reload policy
[ 2.875041] init: Starting service 'exec 2 (/system/bin/tzdatacheck)'...
[ 2.877085] 255:255 exit_group:0
[ 2.877189] init: Service 'exec 2 (/system/bin/tzdatacheck)' (pid 255) exited
with status 0
[ 2.877266] init: Starting service 'exec 3 (/system/bin/rm)'...
[ 2.878398] 256:256 exit_group:0
[ 2.878469] init: Service 'exec 3 (/system/bin/rm)' (pid 256) exited with status
[ 2.878560] init: Starting service 'exec 4 (/system/bin/logwrapper)'...
[ 2.881954] 259:259 exit_group:0
[ 2.886736] 260:260 exit_group:0
[ 2.887095] 261:261 exit_group:0
[ 2.887627] 262:262 exit_group:0
[ 2.895009] 263:263 exit_group:0
[ 2.896479] 264:264 exit_group:0
[ 2.898032] 265:265 exit_group:0
[ 2.899301] 267:267 exit_group:0
[ 2.907723] 272:272 exit_group:0
[ 2.907855] 271:271 exit_group:0
[ 2.915621] 274:274 exit_group:0
[ 2.915751] 273:273 exit_group:0
[ 2.925189] 276:276 exit_group:0
[ 2.925371] 275:275 exit_group:0
[ 2.929002] 278:278 exit_group:0
[ 2.929103] 277:277 exit_group:0
[ 2.929177] 270:270 exit_group:0
[ 2.948595] 279:279 exit_group:0
[ 2.967928] 280:280 exit_group:0
[ 2.968255] 258:258 exit_group:0
[ 2.968393] 257:257 exit_group:0
[ 2.968487] init: Service 'exec 4 (/system/bin/logwrapper)' (pid 257) exited
with status 0
[ 2.968532] init: Starting service 'virtual_shell'...
[ 2.981148] init: Starting service 'logd-reinit'...
[ 2.981229] init: Unable to read property file '/x86.prop'
[ 2.981310] init: write_file: Unable to open
'/proc/sys/vm/min_free_order_shift': No such file or directory
[ 2.981570] init: Starting service 'healthd'...
[ 2.981639] init: Starting service 'adbd'...
[ 2.981704] init: Starting service 'lmkd'...
[ 2.981751] init: Starting service 'servicemanager'...
[ 2.981800] init: Starting service 'surfaceflinger'...
[ 2.981852] init: Starting service 'ntp_server'...
[ 2.981899] init: Starting service 'vinput'...
[ 2.981947] init: Starting service 'local_gps'...
[ 2.981958] binder: 287:287 transaction failed 29189, size 0-0
[ 2.981994] init: Starting service 'local_camb'...
[ 2.983348] logd.daemon: reinit
[ 2.983455] 286:286 exit_group:0
[ 2.984130] init: Service 'logd-reinit' (pid 286) exited with status 0
[ 2.985660] init: Starting service 'exec 5 (/system/bin/logwrapper)'...
[ 2.985996] input: nemuVM Virtual Input as /devices/virtual/input/input6
[ 2.993785] 299:299 exit_group:0
[ 2.995365] 300:300 exit_group:0
[ 2.995797] 301:301 exit_group:0
[ 2.996191] 302:302 exit_group:0
[ 3.012166] 303:303 exit_group:0
[ 3.014261] 304:304 exit_group:0
[ 3.014547] 298:298 exit_group:0
[ 3.014662] 297:297 exit_group:0
[ 3.014751] init: Service 'exec 5 (/system/bin/logwrapper)' (pid 297) exited
with status 0
[ 3.014919] init: Starting service 'netd'...
[ 3.015028] init: Starting service 'debuggerd'...
[ 3.015094] init: Starting service 'debuggerd64'...
[ 3.015145] init: Starting service 'ril-daemon'...
[ 3.015203] init: Starting service 'drm'...
[ 3.015252] init: Starting service 'media'...
[ 3.015299] init: Starting service 'installd'...
[ 3.015346] init: cannot find '/system/bin/', disabling
[ 3.015351] init: Starting service 'keystore'...
[ 3.015402] init: Starting service 'zygote'...
[ 3.017994] 313:313 exit_group:0
[ 3.028385] 315:315 exit_group:0
[ 3.035317] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe net-pf-16-proto-5
[ 3.035339] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'net-pf-16-proto-5'
[ 3.035351] 321:321 exit_group:-1
[ 3.045615] 328:328 exit_group:2
[ 3.055576] 329:329 exit_group:2
[ 3.063584] 330:330 exit_group:1
[ 3.070186] 331:331 exit_group:1
[ 3.071589] 332:332 exit_group:1
[ 3.072925] 334:334 exit_group:1
[ 3.079184] 337:337 exit_group:0
[ 3.084314] 338:338 exit_group:0
[ 3.085692] 339:339 exit_group:0
[ 3.086987] 340:340 exit_group:0
[ 3.092698] 341:341 exit_group:2
[ 3.094321] 342:342 exit_group:2
[ 3.095762] 343:343 exit_group:1
[ 3.101006] 344:344 exit_group:1
[ 3.111026] 345:345 exit_group:1
[ 3.112465] 346:346 exit_group:1
[ 3.121083] 347:347 exit_group:0
[ 3.124766] 348:348 exit_group:0
[ 3.126447] 349:349 exit_group:0
[ 3.132944] 350:350 exit_group:0
[ 3.136847] 351:351 exit_group:2
[ 3.138678] 357:357 exit_group:2
[ 3.140094] 358:358 exit_group:1
[ 3.141920] 359:359 exit_group:1
[ 3.143101] 360:360 exit_group:1
[ 3.144129] 361:361 exit_group:1
[ 3.145336] 362:362 exit_group:0
[ 3.146445] 363:363 exit_group:0
[ 3.147420] 364:364 exit_group:0
[ 3.148381] 365:365 exit_group:0
[ 3.149410] 366:366 exit_group:2
[ 3.150378] 367:367 exit_group:2
[ 3.151396] 368:368 exit_group:1
[ 3.152512] 369:369 exit_group:1
[ 3.162026] 370:370 exit_group:1
[ 3.163573] 371:371 exit_group:1
[ 3.164991] 372:372 exit_group:0
[ 3.166312] 373:373 exit_group:0
[ 3.167650] 374:374 exit_group:0
[ 3.172787] 375:375 exit_group:0
[ 3.174406] 376:376 exit_group:2
[ 3.175667] 377:377 exit_group:2
[ 3.176958] 378:378 exit_group:1
[ 3.178083] 379:379 exit_group:1
[ 3.179675] 380:380 exit_group:1
[ 3.184259] 381:381 exit_group:1
[ 3.193196] 382:382 exit_group:0
[ 3.194465] 383:383 exit_group:0
[ 3.195839] 384:384 exit_group:0
[ 3.200529] 385:385 exit_group:0
[ 3.202034] 386:386 exit_group:2
[ 3.203153] 387:387 exit_group:2
[ 3.204258] 388:388 exit_group:1
[ 3.205464] 389:389 exit_group:1
[ 3.206565] 390:390 exit_group:1
[ 3.208186] 391:391 exit_group:1
[ 3.209664] 392:392 exit_group:0
[ 3.210757] 393:393 exit_group:0
[ 3.211885] 394:394 exit_group:0
[ 3.213135] 395:395 exit_group:0
[ 3.214272] 396:396 exit_group:2
[ 3.218935] 397:397 exit_group:2
[ 3.220043] 398:398 exit_group:1
[ 3.221260] 399:399 exit_group:1
[ 3.222506] 400:400 exit_group:1
[ 3.225833] 401:401 exit_group:1
[ 3.226965] 402:402 exit_group:0
[ 3.228139] 403:403 exit_group:0
[ 3.229338] 404:404 exit_group:0
[ 3.230441] 405:405 exit_group:0
[ 3.231511] 406:406 exit_group:2
[ 3.232879] 407:407 exit_group:2
[ 3.234211] 408:408 exit_group:1
[ 3.235257] 409:409 exit_group:1
[ 3.241087] 410:410 exit_group:1
[ 3.242757] 411:411 exit_group:1
[ 3.244493] 412:412 exit_group:0
[ 3.250308] 413:413 exit_group:0
[ 3.251833] 414:414 exit_group:0
[ 3.253081] 415:415 exit_group:0
[ 3.254140] 416:416 exit_group:2
[ 3.255177] 417:417 exit_group:2
[ 3.256158] 418:418 exit_group:1
[ 3.257442] 419:419 exit_group:1
[ 3.259007] 420:420 exit_group:1
[ 3.260428] 421:421 exit_group:1
[ 3.261767] 422:422 exit_group:0
[ 3.263109] 423:423 exit_group:0
[ 3.264461] 424:424 exit_group:0
[ 3.265871] 425:425 exit_group:0
[ 3.267169] 426:426 exit_group:2
[ 3.268526] 427:427 exit_group:2
[ 3.270318] 428:428 exit_group:1
[ 3.271356] 429:429 exit_group:1
[ 3.272394] 430:430 exit_group:1
[ 3.273490] 431:431 exit_group:1
[ 3.275085] 432:432 exit_group:0
[ 3.276542] 433:433 exit_group:0
[ 3.277944] 434:434 exit_group:0
[ 3.279290] 435:435 exit_group:0
[ 3.280346] 436:436 exit_group:2
[ 3.284891] 437:437 exit_group:2
[ 3.285888] 316:316 exit_group:0
[ 3.286518] 314:314 exit_group:0
[ 3.286644] 438:438 exit_group:1
[ 3.286849] init: Starting service 'zygote_secondary'...
[ 3.286940] init: Starting service 'gatekeeperd'...
[ 3.286995] init: cannot find '/system/xbin/perfprofd', disabling 'perfprofd'
[ 3.287006] init: Starting service 'powerbtnd'...
[ 3.287061] init: Starting service 'nemu-service'...
[ 3.287118] init: Starting service 'opengl-gc'...
[ 3.287455] init: Starting service 'exec 6 (/system/bin/nemuVM-nemu-control)'...
[ 3.288195] 440:440 exit_group:1
[ 3.295025] 447:447 exit_group:1
[ 3.296670] 448:448 exit_group:1
[ 3.300737] 451:451 exit_group:0
[ 3.313697] 454:454 exit_group:0
[ 3.315033] 446:446 exit_group:0
[ 3.315176] init: Service 'exec 6 (/system/bin/nemuVM-nemu-control)' (pid 446)
exited with status 0
[ 3.315307] init: Starting service 'su_daemon'...
[ 3.315369] 455:455 exit_group:0
[ 3.315472] init: write_file: Unable to open
'/sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable': No such file or directory
[ 3.315477] init: write_file: Unable to open
'/sys/class/android_usb/android0/bDeviceClass': No such file or directory
[ 3.317057] 457:457 exit_group:0
[ 3.319407] 459:459 exit_group:2
[ 3.325046] 444:444 exit_group:0
[ 3.325251] init: Service 'nemu-service' (pid 444) exited with status 0
[ 3.325397] 461:461 exit_group:0
[ 3.325452] init: Untracked pid 461 exited with status 0
[ 3.326023] 460:460 exit_group:2
[ 3.335933] 464:464 exit_group:1
[ 3.339190] 465:465 exit_group:1
[ 3.348188] 466:466 exit_group:1
[ 3.348395] init: Starting service 'bootanim'...
[ 3.364861] 469:469 exit_group:1
[ 3.366491] 473:473 exit_group:0
[ 3.367946] 474:474 exit_group:0
[ 3.373299] 475:475 exit_group:0
[ 3.375519] 476:476 exit_group:0
[ 3.377277] 477:477 exit_group:2
[ 3.384952] 478:478 exit_group:2
[ 3.388109] 479:479 exit_group:1
[ 3.392968] 480:480 exit_group:1
[ 3.400683] 481:481 exit_group:1
[ 3.402232] 484:484 exit_group:1
[ 3.404456] 485:485 exit_group:0
[ 3.409748] 487:487 exit_group:0
[ 3.411644] 488:488 exit_group:0
[ 3.413804] 490:490 exit_group:0
[ 3.416843] 491:491 exit_group:2
[ 3.421325] 492:492 exit_group:2
[ 3.422505] 493:493 exit_group:1
[ 3.424162] 494:494 exit_group:1
[ 3.425480] 495:495 exit_group:1
[ 3.426903] 496:496 exit_group:1
[ 3.428560] 497:497 exit_group:0
[ 3.430183] 498:498 exit_group:0
[ 3.431829] 499:499 exit_group:0
[ 3.439217] 500:500 exit_group:0
[ 3.444898] 468:468 exit_group:0
[ 3.448723] 501:501 exit_group:2
[ 3.449130] init: Service 'bootanim' (pid 468) exited with status 0
[ 3.450273] 502:502 exit_group:1
[ 3.451599] 504:504 exit_group:1
[ 3.452849] 503:503 exit_group:0
[ 3.452894] 505:505 exit_group:0
[ 3.454034] 506:506 exit_group:0
[ 3.455523] 508:508 exit_group:0
[ 3.455745] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.455768] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.455783] 511:511 exit_group:-1
[ 3.456536] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.456557] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.456569] 514:514 exit_group:-1
[ 3.457316] 509:509 exit_group:3
[ 3.457642] 512:512 exit_group:0
[ 3.457806] 507:507 exit_group:0
[ 3.462937] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.462962] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.462974] 517:517 exit_group:-1
[ 3.463502] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.463522] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.463534] 519:519 exit_group:-1
[ 3.463745] 515:515 exit_group:3
[ 3.465912] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.465944] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.465961] 522:522 exit_group:-1
[ 3.466712] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.466746] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.466762] 524:524 exit_group:-1
[ 3.466982] 520:520 exit_group:3
[ 3.472553] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.472578] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.472592] 528:528 exit_group:-1
[ 3.473455] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.473485] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.473504] 530:530 exit_group:-1
[ 3.473664] 525:525 exit_group:3
[ 3.473834] 526:526 exit_group:0
[ 3.479097] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.479128] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.479145] 533:533 exit_group:-1
[ 3.479519] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.479536] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.479547] 536:536 exit_group:-1
[ 3.479710] 531:531 exit_group:3
[ 3.481410] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.481430] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.481442] 540:540 exit_group:-1
[ 3.485101] 538:538 exit_group:0
[ 3.485509] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.485530] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.485543] 542:542 exit_group:-1
[ 3.486588] 537:537 exit_group:3
[ 3.487942] 543:543 exit_group:0
[ 3.488081] 534:534 exit_group:0
[ 3.488289] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.488313] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.488328] 546:546 exit_group:-1
[ 3.488913] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.488932] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.488945] 548:548 exit_group:-1
[ 3.489070] 544:544 exit_group:3
[ 3.496875] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.496902] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.496916] 551:551 exit_group:-1
[ 3.498090] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.498110] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.498121] 553:553 exit_group:-1
[ 3.498284] 549:549 exit_group:3
[ 3.499961] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.499983] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.499996] 556:556 exit_group:-1
[ 3.500418] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.500440] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.500454] 558:558 exit_group:-1
[ 3.500647] 554:554 exit_group:3
[ 3.507949] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.507972] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.507984] 561:561 exit_group:-1
[ 3.508363] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.508379] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.508389] 563:563 exit_group:-1
[ 3.508533] 559:559 exit_group:3
[ 3.509927] 564:564 exit_group:0
[ 3.511175] 565:565 exit_group:0
[ 3.513105] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.513130] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.513143] 568:568 exit_group:-1
[ 3.513545] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.513566] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.513579] 570:570 exit_group:-1
[ 3.513726] 566:566 exit_group:3
[ 3.517478] 572:572 exit_group:0
[ 3.517640] 571:571 exit_group:0
[ 3.519912] 573:573 exit_group:2
[ 3.524293] 574:574 exit_group:2
[ 3.525763] 575:575 exit_group:1
[ 3.530790] 576:576 exit_group:1
[ 3.532957] 577:577 exit_group:1
[ 3.534154] 578:578 exit_group:1
[ 3.535240] 579:579 exit_group:0
[ 3.536670] 580:580 exit_group:0
[ 3.538256] 581:581 exit_group:0
[ 3.539692] 582:582 exit_group:0
[ 3.545105] 583:583 exit_group:0
[ 3.556153] 584:584 exit_group:0
[ 3.561423] 585:585 exit_group:0
[ 3.562724] 586:586 exit_group:0
[ 3.564378] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe ipt_owner
[ 3.564405] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'ipt_owner'
[ 3.564420] 589:589 exit_group:-1
[ 3.564864] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe ipt_owner
[ 3.564904] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'ipt_owner'
[ 3.564919] 591:591 exit_group:-1
[ 3.565351] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe ipt_owner
[ 3.565372] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'ipt_owner'
[ 3.565385] 593:593 exit_group:-1
[ 3.565507] 587:587 exit_group:1
[ 3.570835] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe ip6t_owner
[ 3.570866] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'ip6t_owner'
[ 3.570879] 596:596 exit_group:-1
[ 3.571464] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe ip6t_owner
[ 3.571484] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'ip6t_owner'
[ 3.571495] 598:598 exit_group:-1
[ 3.572151] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe ip6t_owner
[ 3.572179] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'ip6t_owner'
[ 3.572196] 600:600 exit_group:-1
[ 3.572399] 594:594 exit_group:1
[ 3.575505] 602:602 exit_group:0
[ 3.577006] 601:601 exit_group:0
[ 3.577947] 603:603 exit_group:0
[ 3.583850] 605:605 exit_group:2
[ 3.584368] 606:606 exit_group:0
[ 3.585619] 607:607 exit_group:2
[ 3.585968] 608:608 exit_group:0
[ 3.586067] 604:604 exit_group:0
[ 3.588055] 609:609 exit_group:1
[ 3.600696] 610:610 exit_group:1
[ 3.603100] 611:611 exit_group:1
[ 3.604578] 612:612 exit_group:1
[ 3.606132] 613:613 exit_group:0
[ 3.607943] 614:614 exit_group:0
[ 3.609844] 615:615 exit_group:0
[ 3.610983] 616:616 exit_group:0
[ 3.612386] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.612408] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.612419] 619:619 exit_group:-1
[ 3.612804] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
[ 3.612820] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'iptable_nat'
[ 3.612830] 621:621 exit_group:-1
[ 3.612950] 617:617 exit_group:3
[ 3.614895] 622:622 exit_group:0
[ 3.616215] 623:623 exit_group:0
[ 3.617414] 624:624 exit_group:0
[ 3.618576] 625:625 exit_group:0
[ 3.625492] 626:626 exit_group:0
[ 3.628700] 627:627 exit_group:0
[ 3.630111] 628:628 exit_group:0
[ 3.631430] 629:629 exit_group:1
[ 3.633034] 630:630 exit_group:1
[ 3.637135] 631:631 exit_group:1
[ 3.645428] 632:632 exit_group:1
[ 3.654639] 633:633 exit_group:1
[ 3.661539] 634:634 exit_group:1
[ 3.663089] 635:635 exit_group:0
[ 3.669428] 636:636 exit_group:0
[ 3.671087] 637:637 exit_group:0
[ 3.678133] 638:638 exit_group:0
[ 3.679793] 639:639 exit_group:1
[ 3.685969] 640:640 exit_group:1
[ 3.687631] 641:641 exit_group:1
[ 3.690247] 642:642 exit_group:1
[ 3.700710] 646:646 exit_group:1
[ 3.710255] 648:648 exit_group:1
[ 3.716115] 649:649 exit_group:0
[ 3.724672] 650:650 exit_group:0
[ 3.725937] 652:652 exit_group:0
[ 3.726178] 651:651 exit_group:0
[ 3.731152] input: Android Power Button as /devices/virtual/input/input7
[ 3.732407] 655:655 exit_group:0
[ 3.733130] 656:656 exit_group:0
[ 3.733287] 653:653 exit_group:0
[ 3.734633] 657:657 exit_group:0
[ 3.734755] 654:654 exit_group:0
[ 3.736606] 658:658 exit_group:0
[ 3.741703] 660:660 exit_group:0
[ 3.743117] 662:662 exit_group:0
[ 3.743319] 659:659 exit_group:0
[ 3.749853] 661:661 exit_group:0
[ 3.752330] 663:663 exit_group:0
[ 3.758118] 665:665 exit_group:0
[ 3.759441] 664:664 exit_group:0
[ 3.759655] 666:666 exit_group:0
[ 3.761800] 668:668 exit_group:0
[ 3.762615] 669:669 exit_group:0
[ 3.763876] 670:670 exit_group:0
[ 3.769647] 671:671 exit_group:0
[ 3.769911] 667:667 exit_group:0
[ 3.769970] 672:672 exit_group:0
[ 3.771138] 673:673 exit_group:0
[ 3.772194] 674:674 exit_group:0
[ 3.773798] 675:675 exit_group:0
[ 3.779302] 676:676 exit_group:0
[ 3.780787] 677:677 exit_group:0
[ 3.782878] 678:678 exit_group:0
[ 3.784160] 679:679 exit_group:0
[ 3.796710] 680:680 exit_group:0
[ 3.803662] 682:682 exit_group:0
[ 3.812401] 683:683 exit_group:0
[ 3.812691] 681:681 exit_group:0
[ 3.814193] 684:684 exit_group:0
[ 3.814923] capability: warning: `main' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support
in use)
[ 3.824488] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe ipt_owner
[ 3.824531] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'ipt_owner'
[ 3.824552] 689:689 exit_group:-1
[ 3.825075] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe ipt_owner
[ 3.825096] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'ipt_owner'
[ 3.825109] 692:692 exit_group:-1
[ 3.825523] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe ipt_owner
[ 3.825540] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'ipt_owner'
[ 3.825552] 694:694 exit_group:-1
[ 3.826022] 687:687 exit_group:-1
[ 3.826388] 686:686 exit_group:1
[ 3.831922] 690:690 exit_group:0
[ 3.832321] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe ip6t_owner
[ 3.832366] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'ip6t_owner'
[ 3.832385] 697:697 exit_group:-1
[ 3.832874] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe ip6t_owner
[ 3.832893] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'ip6t_owner'
[ 3.832904] 700:700 exit_group:-1
[ 3.834056] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe ip6t_owner
[ 3.834077] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'ip6t_owner'
[ 3.834090] 703:703 exit_group:-1
[ 3.834781] 695:695 exit_group:1
[ 3.835302] 701:701 exit_group:0
[ 3.842190] 705:705 exit_group:0
[ 3.842324] 698:698 exit_group:0
[ 3.901051] 704:704 exit_group:0
[ 3.980784] 707:707 exit_group:0
[ 3.982846] healthd: BatteryHealthPath not found
[ 3.982850] healthd: BatteryTemperaturePath not found
[ 4.012424] 713:713 exit_group:0
[ 4.022970] 714:714 exit_group:0
[ 4.037470] 715:715 exit_group:0
[ 4.043264] 716:716 exit_group:0
[ 4.043678] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe netdev-dummy0
[ 4.043698] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'netdev-dummy0'
[ 4.043710] 718:718 exit_group:-1
[ 4.044046] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe dummy0
[ 4.044066] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'dummy0'
[ 4.044079] 720:720 exit_group:-1
[ 4.047474] 721:721 exit_group:0
[ 4.050436] 723:723 exit_group:0
[ 4.054340] 722:722 exit_group:0
[ 4.057458] 724:724 exit_group:0
[ 4.060726] 725:725 exit_group:0
[ 4.063198] 727:727 exit_group:0
[ 4.066072] 729:729 exit_group:0
[ 4.066306] 728:728 exit_group:-1
[ 4.073207] 730:730 exit_group:0
[ 4.607518] 731:731 exit_group:0
[ 4.615189] 732:732 exit_group:0
[ 4.639473] 733:733 exit_group:0
[ 4.652908] 734:734 exit_group:0
[ 4.704496] 747:747 exit_group:0
[ 4.808423] 760:760 exit_group:0
[ 5.168278] 762:762 exit_group:1
[ 5.180334] random: nonblocking pool is initialized
[ 5.328889] 764:764 exit_group:0
[ 5.382528] 769:769 exit_group:1
[ 5.391426] 771:771 exit_group:1
[ 5.432311] 773:773 exit_group:1
[ 5.448841] 775:775 exit_group:1
[ 5.898807] 777:777 exit_group:0
[ 5.911802] healthd: battery l=70 v=4020 t=32.0 h=2 st=2 chg= 2023-11-02
00:40:23.683909548 UTC
[ 5.950735] lowmemorykiller: lowmem_shrink: convert oom_adj to oom_score_adj:
[ 5.950738] lowmemorykiller: oom_adj 0 => oom_score_adj 0
[ 5.950739] lowmemorykiller: oom_adj 1 => oom_score_adj 58
[ 5.950739] lowmemorykiller: oom_adj 2 => oom_score_adj 117
[ 5.950740] lowmemorykiller: oom_adj 3 => oom_score_adj 176
[ 5.950741] lowmemorykiller: oom_adj 9 => oom_score_adj 529
[ 5.950741] lowmemorykiller: oom_adj 15 => oom_score_adj 1000
[ 6.006788] 788:788 exit_group:0
[ 6.573606] 823:823 exit_group:0
[ 6.635329] 852:852 exit_group:0
[ 6.639088] 855:855 exit_group:0
[ 6.641652] 857:857 exit_group:1
[ 6.644219] 859:859 exit_group:1
[ 6.657213] 861:861 exit_group:1
[ 6.659310] 869:869 exit_group:1
[ 6.665101] 871:871 exit_group:1
[ 6.676768] 872:872 exit_group:1
[ 6.681979] 873:873 exit_group:1
[ 6.695163] 874:874 exit_group:1
[ 6.698721] 826:826 exit_group:0
[ 6.701419] 876:876 exit_group:1
[ 6.703416] 878:878 exit_group:1
[ 6.710258] 879:879 exit_group:1
[ 6.717652] 881:881 exit_group:1
[ 6.722050] 882:882 exit_group:1
[ 6.723774] 883:883 exit_group:1
[ 6.725168] 884:884 exit_group:1
[ 6.726409] 885:885 exit_group:1
[ 6.727760] 880:880 exit_group:1
[ 6.731277] 886:886 exit_group:0
[ 6.734224] 888:888 exit_group:0
[ 6.735649] 889:889 exit_group:0
[ 6.737233] 831:831 exit_group:0
[ 6.740698] 890:890 exit_group:0
[ 6.744708] 892:892 exit_group:0
[ 6.749195] 893:893 exit_group:0
[ 6.750538] 894:894 exit_group:0
[ 6.754069] 895:895 exit_group:0
[ 6.755568] 896:896 exit_group:0
[ 6.757183] 897:897 exit_group:0
[ 6.758674] 898:898 exit_group:0
[ 6.760557] 899:899 exit_group:0
[ 6.762318] 900:900 exit_group:0
[ 6.764847] 901:901 exit_group:0
[ 6.766299] 902:902 exit_group:0
[ 6.768670] 903:903 exit_group:0
[ 6.770009] 904:904 exit_group:0
[ 6.771516] 905:905 exit_group:0
[ 6.772962] 906:906 exit_group:0
[ 6.774849] 907:907 exit_group:0
[ 6.776046] 908:908 exit_group:0
[ 6.777345] 909:909 exit_group:0
[ 6.779668] 910:910 exit_group:0
[ 6.782267] 911:911 exit_group:0
[ 6.783731] 912:912 exit_group:0
[ 6.785156] 913:913 exit_group:0
[ 6.786714] 914:914 exit_group:0
[ 6.788520] 915:915 exit_group:0
[ 6.789796] 916:916 exit_group:0
[ 6.791106] 917:917 exit_group:0
[ 6.792455] 918:918 exit_group:0
[ 6.793705] 921:921 exit_group:0
[ 7.036351] 1056:1056 exit_group:1
[ 7.052493] init: Starting service 'wpa_supplicant'...
[ 7.118282] 1081:1081 exit_group:1
[ 7.288352] 1106:1106 exit_group:0
[ 7.291095] 1107:1107 exit_group:0
[ 7.297154] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe ipt_IDLETIMER
[ 7.297217] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'ipt_IDLETIMER'
[ 7.297237] 1110:1110 exit_group:-1
[ 7.297589] 1108:1108 exit_group:1
[ 7.299519] modprobe: /sbin/modprobe ip6t_IDLETIMER
[ 7.299545] modprobe: Couldn't probe module 'ip6t_IDLETIMER'
[ 7.299558] 1113:1113 exit_group:-1
[ 7.299767] 1111:1111 exit_group:1
[ 7.301317] init: write_file: Unable to open
'/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_default_init_rwnd': No such file or directory
[ 7.301393] init: Starting service 'exec 7 (/system/bin/logwrapper)'...
[ 7.351102] 1118:1118 exit_group:1
[ 7.369284] 1120:1120 exit_group:0
[ 7.397603] 1123:1123 exit_group:0
[ 7.398485] 1124:1124 exit_group:0
[ 7.399973] 1125:1125 exit_group:0
[ 7.400339] 1115:1115 exit_group:0
[ 7.400510] 1114:1114 exit_group:0
[ 7.401104] init: Service 'exec 7 (/system/bin/logwrapper)' (pid 1114) exited
with status 0
[ 7.460977] 1130:1130 exit_group:0
[ 7.474050] 1132:1132 exit_group:1
[ 7.514277] 1136:1136 exit_group:0
[ 8.119253] 1207:1207 exit_group:0
[ 8.218109] init: write_file: Unable to open
'/proc/sys/vm/pagecache_limit_interval_ms': No such file or directory
[ 8.218121] init: Starting service 'exec 8 (/system/bin/logwrapper)'...
[ 8.240395] 1235:1235 exit_group:0
[ 8.242636] 1236:1236 exit_group:0
[ 8.243498] 1237:1237 exit_group:0
[ 8.244053] 1238:1238 exit_group:0
[ 8.252956] 1239:1239 exit_group:0
[ 8.253199] 1240:1240 exit_group:0
[ 8.253287] 1241:1241 exit_group:0
[ 8.254644] 1242:1242 exit_group:0
[ 8.255825] 1243:1243 exit_group:0
[ 8.272089] 1244:1244 exit_group:0
[ 8.279998] 1245:1245 exit_group:0
[ 8.282601] 1246:1246 exit_group:0
[ 8.285795] 1247:1247 exit_group:0
[ 8.294139] 1248:1248 exit_group:0
[ 8.294721] 1249:1249 exit_group:0
[ 8.296826] 1250:1250 exit_group:0
[ 8.299090] 1251:1251 exit_group:0
[ 8.310324] 1252:1252 exit_group:0
[ 8.312559] 1253:1253 exit_group:0
[ 8.314915] 1254:1254 exit_group:0
[ 8.316487] 1255:1255 exit_group:0
[ 8.318005] 1256:1256 exit_group:0
[ 8.318088] 1257:1257 exit_group:1
[ 8.322545] 1258:1258 exit_group:1
[ 8.322729] 1259:1259 exit_group:0
[ 8.322963] 1233:1233 exit_group:0
[ 8.323074] 1232:1232 exit_group:0
[ 8.323175] init: Service 'exec 8 (/system/bin/logwrapper)' (pid 1232) exited
with status 0
[ 8.507277] init: Starting service 'exec 9 (/system/bin/logwrapper)'...
[ 8.521404] 1273:1273 exit_group:0
[ 8.538222] 1278:1278 exit_group:0
[ 8.542369] 1279:1279 exit_group:0
[ 8.543234] 1280:1280 exit_group:0
[ 8.543897] 1281:1281 exit_group:0
[ 8.552372] 1282:1282 exit_group:0
[ 8.556969] 1286:1286 exit_group:0
[ 8.573754] 1277:1277 exit_group:0
[ 8.573903] 1276:1276 exit_group:0
[ 8.574023] init: Service 'exec 9 (/system/bin/logwrapper)' (pid 1276) exited
with status 0
[ 8.991174] binder: 966:978 refcount change on invalid ref 11
[ 9.087695] 1324:1324 exit_group:0
[ 9.111665] 1329:1329 exit_group:0
[ 9.112409] 1326:1326 exit_group:0
[ 9.112722] 1325:1325 exit_group:0
[ 9.113106] 1321:1321 exit_group:0
[ 9.113436] init: Untracked pid 1325 exited with status 0
[ 9.480739] 1380:1380 exit_group:1
[ 12.588222] binder: 1152:1160 refcount change on invalid ref 21
[ 13.432788] 1412:1412 exit_group:0
[ 13.758584] 1415:1415 exit_group:0
[ 13.950481] 1435:1435 exit_group:0
[ 13.953860] 1438:1438 exit_group:0
[ 13.954028] 1437:1437 exit_group:0
[ 13.954119] 1434:1434 exit_group:0
[ 13.954164] 1436:1436 exit_group:0
[ 13.954203] init: Untracked pid 1436 exited with status 0
[ 13.967072] 1440:1440 exit_group:0
[ 13.969542] 1443:1443 exit_group:0
[ 13.969698] 1442:1442 exit_group:0
[ 13.969786] 1439:1439 exit_group:0
[ 13.969870] 1441:1441 exit_group:0
[ 13.969930] init: Untracked pid 1441 exited with status 0
[ 13.971640] 1445:1445 exit_group:0
[ 13.974208] 1448:1448 exit_group:0
[ 13.974335] 1447:1447 exit_group:0
[ 13.974423] 1444:1444 exit_group:0
[ 13.974468] 1446:1446 exit_group:0
[ 13.974530] init: Untracked pid 1446 exited with status 0
[ 14.064190] 1424:1424 exit_group:0
[ 14.072842] 1414:1414 exit_group:0
[ 14.072967] 1413:1413 exit_group:0
[ 14.073025] 1410:1410 exit_group:0
[ 14.073042] init: Untracked pid 1413 exited with status 0
[ 18.452057] 1452:1452 exit_group:0
[ 18.452816] binder: 966:1265 refcount change on invalid ref 11
[ 18.452817] binder: 966:1265 refcount change on invalid ref 11
[ 18.452819] binder: transaction release 5948 bad handle 11
[ 27.138087] binder: 1152:1194 refcount change on invalid ref 21
[ 27.138091] binder: 1152:1194 refcount change on invalid ref 21
[ 27.138092] binder: transaction release 8078 bad handle 21
[ 52.126322] 283:283 exit_group:0
[ 52.128822] 1468:1468 exit_group:0
[ 52.375012] 1470:1470 exit_group:0
[ 52.376773] 1469:1469 exit_group:0


root 1 0 4564 1356 0 00004d61ca S /init
root 2 0 0 0 0 0000000000 S kthreadd
root 3 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/0
root 13 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S migration/0
root 14 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S migration/1
root 15 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/1
root 21 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S migration/2
root 22 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/2
root 28 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S migration/3
root 29 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/3
root 35 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S khelper
root 36 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S perf
root 37 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S writeback
root 38 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S ksmd
root 40 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S crypto
root 41 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S kintegrityd
root 42 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S bioset
root 43 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S kblockd
root 44 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S ata_sff
root 45 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S kswapd0
root 46 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S kpclimitd
root 47 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S fsnotify_mark
root 62 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S acpi_thermal_pm
root 66 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S kloopd
root 73 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S dm_bufio_cache
root 74 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S binder
root 75 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S ipv6_addrconf
root 76 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S krfcommd
root 77 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S deferwq
root 101 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S jbd2/sda6-8
root 102 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S ext4-rsv-conver
root 112 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S jbd2/sdb3-8
root 113 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S ext4-rsv-conver
root 121 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S iprt-NemuWQueue
root 130 1 5072 296 0 7f5908632217 S /system/bin/dump_log
root 136 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S jbd2/sdb1-8
root 137 2 0 0 0 0000000000 S ext4-rsv-conver
root 142 1 4044 1108 0 00004beafa S /sbin/ueventd
root 144 142 4044 212 0 00004beafa S /sbin/ueventd
logd 148 1 14020 4168 0 7fc7615cb6f7 S /system/bin/logd
logd 152 148 14020 4168 0 7fc761560f08 S logd.daemon
logd 153 148 14020 4168 0 7fc7615cb63a S logd.reader
logd 154 148 14020 4168 0 7fc7615cb63a S logd.writer
logd 155 148 14020 4168 0 7fc7615cb63a S logd.control
logd 162 148 14020 4168 0 7fc7615cb63a S logd.klogd
root 250 1 5436 1516 0 7fc8e9328b3a S /system/bin/VBoxShell
root 251 1 13484 4656 0 7f0698e2b217 S /system/bin/vold
root 266 251 13484 4656 0 7f0698e2a63a S vold
root 268 251 13484 4656 0 7f0698e2a63a S vold
root 269 251 13484 4656 0 7f0698e2a63a S vold
root 252 250 6280 2132 0 7f7c8a2505d7 S nemuVM-nemu-control
root 281 1 5292 1428 0 7fd13ed3a61a S /system/bin/logwrapper
root 282 281 6636 1336 0 7f973f1f7f08 S
root 1467 282 6636 1336 0 7f973f263337 S virtual_shell
root 287 1 5472 876 0 0000457ffa S /sbin/healthd
root 289 1 6028 1816 0 7fcde78ed49a S /system/bin/lmkd
system 290 1 6076 1668 0 7fdbc39595d7 S
root 291 1 33384 6972 0 7fe991ce849a S
root 333 291 33384 6972 0 7fe991ce85d7 S Binder_1
root 335 291 33384 6972 0 7fe991c7df08 S DispSync
root 336 291 33384 6972 0 7fe991ce85d7 S Binder_2
root 352 291 33384 6972 0 7fe991ce871a S POSIX timer 0
root 353 291 33384 6972 0 7fe991c7df08 S EventThread
root 354 291 33384 6972 0 7fe991ce871a S POSIX timer 1
root 355 291 33384 6972 0 7fe991c7df08 S EventThread
root 458 291 33384 6972 0 7fe991c7df08 S VSyncThread
root 467 291 33384 6972 0 7fe991c7df08 S EventControl
root 758 291 33384 6972 0 7fe991ce85d7 S Binder_3
root 810 291 33384 6972 0 7fe991ce85d7 S Binder_4
root 811 291 33384 6972 0 7fe991ce85d7 S Binder_5
root 292 1 5324 1452 0 7f1dced8d3ba S /system/bin/ntp_server
root 293 1 5440 1472 0 7f4ee33d7337 S /system/bin/vinput
root 294 1 5436 1480 0 7fb04a596217 S /system/bin/local_gps
root 295 1 8920 1472 0 7fb72ce2563a S
root 305 1 17748 3400 0 7fb247d5d217 S /system/bin/netd
root 318 305 17748 3400 0 7fb247d5c63a S netd
root 319 305 17748 3400 0 7fb247d5c63a S netd
root 322 305 17748 3400 0 7fb247d5c63a S netd
root 323 305 17748 3400 0 7fb247d5c63a S netd
root 324 305 17748 3400 0 7fb247d5c61a S netd
root 325 305 17748 3400 0 7fb247d5c63a S netd
root 326 305 17748 3400 0 7fb247d5c63a S netd
root 327 305 17748 3400 0 7fb247d5c63a S netd
root 306 1 4240 1276 0 00f752b213 S /system/bin/debuggerd
root 307 1 6116 1708 0 7f3e1dad341a S
root 308 1 6604 2936 0 7fd4aa652217 S /system/bin/rild
drm 309 1 17456 5204 0 00f7416476 S /system/bin/drmserver
drm 356 309 17456 5204 0 00f7416476 S Binder_1
media 310 1 98156 20988 0 00f6f79476 S /system/bin/mediaserver
media 470 310 98156 20988 0 00f6f0c192 S ApmTone
media 471 310 98156 20988 0 00f6f0c192 S ApmAudio
media 472 310 98156 20988 0 00f6f0c192 S ApmOutput
media 482 310 98156 20988 0 00f6f0c192 S FastMixer
media 483 310 98156 20988 0 00f6f0c192 S AudioOut_2
media 489 310 98156 20988 0 00f6f79213 S mediaserver
media 812 310 98156 20988 0 00f6f79476 S Binder_1
media 813 310 98156 20988 0 00f6f79476 S Binder_2
media 814 310 98156 20988 0 00f6f79476 S Binder_3
media 1075 310 98156 20988 0 00f6f79476 S Binder_4
media 1084 310 98156 20988 0 00f6f79476 S Binder_5
root 311 1 5816 1740 0 7fca0b63b337 S /system/bin/installd
keystore 312 1 10932 4020 0 7efdbaaa75d7 S /system/bin/keystore
root 439 1 1531964 99044 0 7f3ba5ece61a S zygote64
root 1346 439 1531964 99044 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S ReferenceQueueD
root 1347 439 1531964 99044 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S FinalizerDaemon
root 1348 439 1531964 99044 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S FinalizerWatchd
root 1349 439 1531964 99044 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S HeapTaskDaemon
root 441 1 978460 79596 0 00f729a570 S zygote
root 1364 441 978460 79596 0 00f722d192 S ReferenceQueueD
root 1365 441 978460 79596 0 00f722d192 S FinalizerDaemon
root 1366 441 978460 79596 0 00f722d192 S FinalizerWatchd
root 1367 441 978460 79596 0 00f722d192 S HeapTaskDaemon
system 442 1 10344 3540 0 7f6873f045d7 S
root 443 1 5436 1528 0 7fea8fae761a S /system/bin/powerbtnd
root 445 1 7432 2104 0 7f12d03a3217 S /system/bin/opengl-gc
root 456 1 3628 508 0 00004b0a6a S /system/xbin/mu_bak
root 462 1 6888 428 0 7fb609f6671a S /system/bin/nemuVM-
root 463 462 6888 428 0 7fb609f67217 S nemuVM-nemu-ser
system 735 439 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S system_server
system 740 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece71a S Signal Catcher
system 741 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S ReferenceQueueD
system 742 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S FinalizerDaemon
system 743 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S FinalizerWatchd
system 744 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S HeapTaskDaemon
system 745 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece5d7 S Binder_1
system 746 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece5d7 S Binder_2
system 748 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S
system 749 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S ActivityManager
system 750 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S android.ui
system 751 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S android.fg
system 752 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ecf337 S FileObserver
system 753 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S
system 754 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S android.display
system 755 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S CpuTracker
system 756 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S PowerManagerSer
system 757 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S BatteryStats_wa
system 759 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S .ProcessManager
system 761 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S PackageManager
system 778 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S PackageInstalle
system 779 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S SensorEventAckR
system 780 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece63a S SensorService
system 781 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S CameraService_p
system 782 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece5d7 S AlarmManager
system 783 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S InputDispatcher
system 784 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S InputReader
system 785 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S MountService
system 786 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ecf3f7 S VoldConnector
system 787 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ecf3f7 S CryptdConnector
system 793 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S RenderThread
system 794 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ecf3f7 S NetdConnector
system 795 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S NetworkStats
system 796 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S NetworkPolicy
system 797 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S WifiP2pService
system 798 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S WifiStateMachin
system 799 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S WifiService
system 800 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S ConnectivitySer
system 801 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S roid.pacmanager
system 802 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S NsdService
system 803 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ecf3f7 S mDnsConnector
system 804 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S ranker
system 805 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S notification-sq
system 806 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S AudioService
system 807 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece61a S UEventObserver
system 808 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S hwuiTask1
system 809 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S hwuiTask2
system 816 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S WifiWatchdogSta
system 817 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S WifiManager
system 818 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S WifiScanningSer
system 819 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S WifiRttService
system 820 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S backup
system 821 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S PhotonicModulat
system 822 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S LazyTaskWriterT
system 824 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ecf337 S UsbService host
system 825 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece41a S Thread-64
system 875 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece5d7 S Binder_3
system 922 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S watchdog
system 936 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S SoundPool
system 937 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S SoundPoolThread
system 938 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S NetworkTimeUpda
system 939 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S gps_state_threa
system 988 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece5d7 S Binder_4
system 994 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece5d7 S Binder_5
system 995 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece5d7 S Binder_6
system 998 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece5d7 S Binder_7
system 1018 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece5d7 S Binder_8
system 1046 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S Thread-78
system 1047 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S Thread-79
system 1052 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S Okio Watchdog
system 1055 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S OkHttp Connecti
system 1059 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S AsyncQueryWorke
system 1085 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece61a S WifiMonitor
system 1089 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S SyncHandler-0
system 1091 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S WifiScanner
system 1092 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S NetworkMonitorN
system 1094 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ecf337 S Thread-87
system 1096 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece49a S DhcpClient
system 1105 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ecf337 S Thread-89
system 1116 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S AsyncTask #1
system 1275 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5ece5d7 S Binder_9
system 1340 735 1854804 161936 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S AsyncTask #2
u0_a10 836 441 771420 95560 0 00f729a2a5 S
u0_a10 840 836 771420 95560 0 00f722d192 S Jit thread pool
u0_a10 843 836 771420 95560 0 00f729a74b S Signal Catcher
u0_a10 847 836 771420 95560 0 00f722d192 S ReferenceQueueD
u0_a10 848 836 771420 95560 0 00f722d192 S FinalizerDaemon
u0_a10 849 836 771420 95560 0 00f722d192 S FinalizerWatchd
u0_a10 850 836 771420 95560 0 00f722d192 S HeapTaskDaemon
u0_a10 853 836 771420 95560 0 00f729a476 S Binder_1
u0_a10 856 836 771420 95560 0 00f729a476 S Binder_2
u0_a10 919 836 771420 95560 0 00f722d192 S SoundPool
u0_a10 920 836 771420 95560 0 00f722d192 S SoundPoolThread
u0_a10 1090 836 771420 95560 0 00f729a2a5 S WifiManager
u0_a10 1169 836 771420 95560 0 00f729a2a5 S PhoneStatusBar
u0_a10 1172 836 771420 95560 0 00f729a2a5 S ConnectivityMan
u0_a10 1189 836 771420 95560 0 00f729a2a5 S QSTileHost
u0_a10 1195 836 771420 95560 0 00f722d192 S AsyncTask #1
u0_a10 1202 836 771420 95560 0 00f729a2a5 S RenderThread
u0_a10 1304 836 771420 95560 0 00f729a476 S Binder_3
u0_a4 942 441 744584 66988 0 00f729a2a5 S
u0_a4 956 942 744584 66988 0 00f722d192 S Jit thread pool
u0_a4 959 942 744584 66988 0 00f729a74b S Signal Catcher
u0_a4 960 942 744584 66988 0 00f722d192 S ReferenceQueueD
u0_a4 961 942 744584 66988 0 00f722d192 S FinalizerDaemon
u0_a4 962 942 744584 66988 0 00f722d192 S FinalizerWatchd
u0_a4 964 942 744584 66988 0 00f722d192 S HeapTaskDaemon
u0_a4 986 942 744584 66988 0 00f729a476 S Binder_1
u0_a4 991 942 744584 66988 0 00f729a476 S Binder_2
u0_a4 1058 942 744584 66988 0 00f729a476 S Binder_3
u0_a4 1082 942 744584 66988 0 00f729a476 S Binder_4
u0_a4 1093 942 744584 66988 0 00f729a2a5 S DownloadProvide
u0_a4 1148 942 744584 66988 0 00f729a2a5 S thumbs thread
u0_a4 1150 942 744584 66988 0 00f729a2a5 S DownloadReceive
wifi 1061 1 10620 4936 0 7f2f316c363a S
u0_a2 1062 441 745020 62952 0 00f729a2a5 S android.process.acore
u0_a2 1067 1062 745020 62952 0 00f722d192 S Jit thread pool
u0_a2 1068 1062 745020 62952 0 00f729a74b S Signal Catcher
u0_a2 1069 1062 745020 62952 0 00f722d192 S ReferenceQueueD
u0_a2 1070 1062 745020 62952 0 00f722d192 S FinalizerDaemon
u0_a2 1071 1062 745020 62952 0 00f722d192 S FinalizerWatchd
u0_a2 1072 1062 745020 62952 0 00f722d192 S HeapTaskDaemon
u0_a2 1073 1062 745020 62952 0 00f729a476 S Binder_1
u0_a2 1078 1062 745020 62952 0 00f729a476 S Binder_2
u0_a2 1119 1062 745020 62952 0 00f729a476 S Binder_3
u0_a2 1127 1062 745020 62952 0 00f729a2a5 S ContactsProvide
u0_a2 1128 1062 745020 62952 0 00f729a2a5 S CallLogProvider
u0_a2 1133 1062 745020 62952 0 00f729a476 S Binder_4
u0_a14 1218 439 1677764 150124 0 7f3ba5ece49a S
u0_a14 1225 1218 1677764 150124 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S Jit thread pool
u0_a14 1226 1218 1677764 150124 0 7f3ba5ece71a S Signal Catcher
u0_a14 1227 1218 1677764 150124 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S ReferenceQueueD
u0_a14 1228 1218 1677764 150124 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S FinalizerDaemon
u0_a14 1229 1218 1677764 150124 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S FinalizerWatchd
u0_a14 1230 1218 1677764 150124 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S HeapTaskDaemon
u0_a14 1231 1218 1677764 150124 0 7f3ba5ece5d7 S Binder_1
u0_a14 1234 1218 1677764 150124 0 7f3ba5ece5d7 S Binder_2
u0_a14 1308 1218 1677764 150124 0 7f3ba5ecf337 S FileObserver
u0_a14 1320 1218 1677764 150124 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S highpool[0]
u0_a14 1328 1218 1677764 150124 0 7f3ba5ece49a S GlobalDispatchi
u0_a14 1331 1218 1677764 150124 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S GlobalScheduler
u0_a14 1334 1218 1677764 150124 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S lowpool[0]
u0_a14 1335 1218 1677764 150124 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S highpool[1]
u0_a14 1336 1218 1677764 150124 0
7f3ba5e63f08 S highpool[2]
u0_a14 1337 1218 1677764 150124 0
7f3ba5e63f08 S highpool[3]
u0_a14 1339 1218 1677764 150124 0
7f3ba5e63f08 S ice] processing
u0_a14 1341 1218 1677764 150124 0
7f3ba5ece49a S GoogleApiHandle
u0_a14 1377 1218 1677764 150124 0
7f3ba5e63f08 S pool-24-thread-
u0_a14 1379 1218 1677764 150124 0
7f3ba5e63f08 S lowpool[2]
u0_a14 1381 1218 1677764 150124 0
7f3ba5e63f08 S lowpool[3]
u0_a14 1382 1218 1677764 150124 0
7f3ba5ece49a S netscheduler-qu
u0_a14 1387 1218 1677764 150124 0
7f3ba5e63f08 S lowpool[4]
u0_a14 1290 439 1565056 76828 0 7f3ba5ece49a S
u0_a14 1295 1290 1565056 76828 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S Jit thread pool
u0_a14 1296 1290 1565056 76828 0 7f3ba5ece71a S Signal Catcher
u0_a14 1297 1290 1565056 76828 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S ReferenceQueueD
u0_a14 1298 1290 1565056 76828 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S FinalizerDaemon
u0_a14 1299 1290 1565056 76828 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S FinalizerWatchd
u0_a14 1300 1290 1565056 76828 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S HeapTaskDaemon
u0_a14 1301 1290 1565056 76828 0 7f3ba5ece5d7 S Binder_1
u0_a14 1302 1290 1565056 76828 0 7f3ba5ece5d7 S Binder_2
u0_a14 1305 1290 1565056 76828 0 7f3ba5ece49a S Gservices
u0_a14 1306 1290 1565056 76828 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S RefQueueWorker@
u0_a14 1390 1290 1565056 76828 0 7f3ba5ece5d7 S Binder_3
system 1345 439 1558096 62232 0 7f3ba5ece49a S
system 1350 1345 1558096 62232 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S Jit thread pool
system 1351 1345 1558096 62232 0 7f3ba5ece71a S Signal Catcher
system 1352 1345 1558096 62232 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S ReferenceQueueD
system 1353 1345 1558096 62232 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S FinalizerDaemon
system 1354 1345 1558096 62232 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S FinalizerWatchd
system 1355 1345 1558096 62232 0 7f3ba5e63f08 S HeapTaskDaemon
system 1356 1345 1558096 62232 0 7f3ba5ece5d7 S Binder_1
system 1361 1345 1558096 62232 0 7f3ba5ece5d7 S Binder_2
u0_a1 1363 441 740208 64124 0 00f729a2a5 S
u0_a1 1368 1363 740208 64124 0 00f722d192 S Jit thread pool
u0_a1 1369 1363 740208 64124 0 00f729a74b S Signal Catcher
u0_a1 1370 1363 740208 64124 0 00f722d192 S ReferenceQueueD
u0_a1 1371 1363 740208 64124 0 00f722d192 S FinalizerDaemon
u0_a1 1372 1363 740208 64124 0 00f722d192 S FinalizerWatchd
u0_a1 1373 1363 740208 64124 0 00f722d192 S HeapTaskDaemon
u0_a1 1374 1363 740208 64124 0 00f729a476 S Binder_1
u0_a1 1375 1363 740208 64124 0 00f729a476 S Binder_2
u0_a1 1391 1363 740208 64124 0 00f722d192 S pool-1-thread-1
root 1474 282 5908 2568 0 7f8a0da416f7 S sh
root 1475 1474 5832 1884 0 7f2e4dcc8337 R ps

tmpfs on / type tmpfs (ro,relatime)

/dev/block/sda6 on /system type ext4 (ro,noatime,data=ordered)
/dev/sdb3 on /data type ext4 (rw,noatime,data=ordered)
/dev/sdb1 on /cache type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
tmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,relatime,mode=755)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,relatime,mode=600)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)
/sys/kernel/debug on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw,relatime,mode=755)
none on /acct type cgroup (rw,relatime,cpuacct)
none on /sys/fs/cgroup type tmpfs (rw,relatime,mode=750,gid=1000)
tmpfs on /mnt type tmpfs (rw,relatime,mode=755,gid=1000)
none on /dev/cpuctl type cgroup (rw,relatime,cpu)
pstore on /sys/fs/pstore type pstore (rw,relatime)
tmpfs on /storage type tmpfs (rw,relatime,mode=755,gid=1000)
none on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw,relatime)
none on /mnt/shared/MuMuSharedFolder type nemusf (rw,nodev,relatime)
none on /mnt/shared/install_apk type nemusf (rw,nodev,relatime)
none on /mnt/shared/keymap_config type nemusf (rw,nodev,relatime)
none on /mnt/shared/products type nemusf (rw,nodev,relatime)
none on /data/media/0/$MuMuSharedFolder type nemusf (rw,nodev,relatime)
/dev/sdb3 on /mnt/runtime/default/emulated type ext4 (rw,noatime,data=ordered)
none on /mnt/runtime/default/emulated/0/$MuMuSharedFolder type nemusf
/dev/sdb3 on /storage/emulated type ext4 (rw,noatime,data=ordered)
none on /storage/emulated/0/$MuMuSharedFolder type nemusf (rw,nodev,relatime)
/dev/sdb3 on /mnt/runtime/read/emulated type ext4 (rw,noatime,data=ordered)
none on /mnt/runtime/read/emulated/0/$MuMuSharedFolder type nemusf
/dev/sdb3 on /mnt/runtime/write/emulated type ext4 (rw,noatime,data=ordered)
none on /mnt/runtime/write/emulated/0/$MuMuSharedFolder type nemusf

----- pid 1531 at 2023-11-01 19:12:40 -----

Cmd line:
Build fingerprint: 'OnePlus/OnePlus2/OnePlus2:6.0.1/MMB29M/1447841200:user/release-
ABI: 'x86_64'
Build type: optimized
Zygote loaded classes=4007 post zygote classes=8647
Intern table: 51421 strong; 23 weak
JNI: CheckJNI is off; globals=500 (plus 355 weak)
Libraries: /data/app/
/data/data/ /system/lib64/
/system/lib64/ /system/lib64/
/system/lib64/ /system/lib64/
/system/lib64/ (11)
Heap: 19% free, 30MB/38MB; 225765 objects
Dumping cumulative Gc timings
Start Dumping histograms for 5 iterations for partial concurrent mark sweep
MarkRootsCheckpoint: Sum: 65.402ms 99% C.I. 0.044ms-26.616ms Avg: 6.540ms Max:
ProcessMarkStack: Sum: 25.847ms 99% C.I. 0.001ms-9.995ms Avg: 1.723ms Max: 10.349ms
MarkConcurrentRoots: Sum: 17.935ms 99% C.I. 0.003ms-8.390ms Avg: 1.793ms Max:
UpdateAndMarkImageModUnionTable: Sum: 8.824ms 99% C.I. 0.038ms-5.608ms Avg:
1.764ms Max: 5.608ms
SweepMallocSpace: Sum: 4.812ms 99% C.I. 0.416us-3695us Avg: 481.200us Max: 3844us
MarkAllocStackAsLive: Sum: 3.985ms 99% C.I. 31us-3327.500us Avg: 797us Max:
AllocSpaceClearCards: Sum: 3.830ms 99% C.I. 0.294us-2045us Avg: 191.500us Max:
FinishPhase: Sum: 1.673ms 99% C.I. 29us-933us Avg: 334.600us Max: 933us
ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects: Sum: 1.233ms 99% C.I. 0.416us-538us Avg: 123.300us
Max: 538us
UpdateAndMarkZygoteModUnionTable: Sum: 949us 99% C.I. 38us-601us Avg: 189.800us
Max: 601us
(Paused)ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects: Sum: 643us 99% C.I. 0.312us-506us Avg: 64.300us
Max: 506us
EnqueueFinalizerReferences: Sum: 612us 99% C.I. 1us-586.250us Avg: 122.400us Max:
ReMarkRoots: Sum: 346us 99% C.I. 20us-158us Avg: 69.200us Max: 158us
ScanGrayImageSpaceObjects: Sum: 293us 99% C.I. 3us-272us Avg: 58.600us Max:
MarkNonThreadRoots: Sum: 218us 99% C.I. 2us-116us Avg: 21.800us Max: 116us
(Paused)ScanGrayImageSpaceObjects: Sum: 208us 99% C.I. 3us-193us Avg: 41.600us
Max: 193us
SweepLargeObjects: Sum: 157us 99% C.I. 8us-90us Avg: 31.400us Max: 90us
SweepSystemWeaks: Sum: 92us 99% C.I. 4us-60us Avg: 18.400us Max: 60us
ImageModUnionClearCards: Sum: 70us 99% C.I. 3us-16us Avg: 7us Max: 16us
RevokeAllThreadLocalAllocationStacks: Sum: 26us 99% C.I. 1us-12us Avg: 5.200us
Max: 12us
ProcessReferences: Sum: 22us 99% C.I. 0.250us-13us Avg: 4.400us Max: 13us
(Paused)PausePhase: Sum: 17us 99% C.I. 1us-7us Avg: 3.400us Max: 7us
PreCleanCards: Sum: 12us 99% C.I. 1us-4us Avg: 2.400us Max: 4us
(Paused)ProcessMarkStack: Sum: 10us 99% C.I. 0.250us-10us Avg: 2us Max: 10us
(Paused)ScanGrayZygoteSpaceObjects: Sum: 7us 99% C.I. 1us-3us Avg: 1.400us Max: 3us
MarkRoots: Sum: 6us 99% C.I. 0.250us-4us Avg: 1.200us Max: 4us
BindBitmaps: Sum: 0 99% C.I. 0ns-0ns Avg: 0ns Max: 0ns
Done Dumping histograms
partial concurrent mark sweep paused: Sum: 15.332ms 99% C.I. 0.129ms-12.250ms
Avg: 3.066ms Max: 12.279ms
partial concurrent mark sweep total time: 137.306ms mean time: 27.461ms
partial concurrent mark sweep freed: 138573 objects with total size 8MB
partial concurrent mark sweep throughput: 1.01148e+06/s / 65MB/s
Start Dumping histograms for 9 iterations for sticky concurrent mark sweep
MarkRootsCheckpoint: Sum: 130.036ms 99% C.I. 0.027ms-49.840ms Avg: 7.224ms Max:
ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects: Sum: 33.696ms 99% C.I. 1.333us-14780us Avg: 936us
Max: 16359us
ProcessMarkStack: Sum: 16.371ms 99% C.I. 1.125us-9140us Avg: 454.750us Max: 10263us
FinishPhase: Sum: 11.890ms 99% C.I. 0.010ms-5.383ms Avg: 1.321ms Max: 5.490ms
SweepArray: Sum: 9.151ms 99% C.I. 0.021ms-5.283ms Avg: 1.016ms Max: 5.346ms
MarkingPhase: Sum: 7.650ms 99% C.I. 43us-4687.500us Avg: 850us Max: 4782us
MarkConcurrentRoots: Sum: 7.369ms 99% C.I. 0.562us-1755us Avg: 409.388us Max:
FreeList: Sum: 6.645ms 99% C.I. 1us-2016.999us Avg: 73.021us Max: 3189us
ResetStack: Sum: 4.648ms 99% C.I. 4us-3606us Avg: 516.444us Max: 3707us
ScanGrayImageSpaceObjects: Sum: 1.770ms 99% C.I. 3us-333us Avg: 98.333us Max:
MarkNonThreadRoots: Sum: 841us 99% C.I. 2us-732.499us Avg: 46.722us Max: 772us
(Paused)ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects: Sum: 827us 99% C.I. 0.321us-377.500us Avg:
45.944us Max: 391us
ReMarkRoots: Sum: 535us 99% C.I. 13us-123us Avg: 59.444us Max: 123us
AllocSpaceClearCards: Sum: 505us 99% C.I. 0.264us-158us Avg: 14.027us Max: 158us
(Paused)ScanGrayImageSpaceObjects: Sum: 246us 99% C.I. 2us-189us Avg: 27.333us
Max: 189us
ImageModUnionClearCards: Sum: 146us 99% C.I. 3us-21us Avg: 8.111us Max: 21us
(Paused)ProcessMarkStack: Sum: 111us 99% C.I. 0.281us-111us Avg: 12.333us Max:
SweepSystemWeaks: Sum: 96us 99% C.I. 3us-35us Avg: 10.666us Max: 35us
EnqueueFinalizerReferences: Sum: 89us 99% C.I. 0.281us-67us Avg: 9.888us Max:
ScanGrayZygoteSpaceObjects: Sum: 72us 99% C.I. 0.250us-25us Avg: 4us Max: 25us
RevokeAllThreadLocalAllocationStacks: Sum: 38us 99% C.I. 1us-11us Avg: 4.222us
Max: 11us
(Paused)PausePhase: Sum: 22us 99% C.I. 1us-4us Avg: 2.444us Max: 4us
PreCleanCards: Sum: 16us 99% C.I. 1us-3us Avg: 1.777us Max: 3us
ProcessCards: Sum: 13us 99% C.I. 250ns-2000ns Avg: 722ns Max: 2000ns
(Paused)ScanGrayZygoteSpaceObjects: Sum: 9us 99% C.I. 0.250us-2us Avg: 1us Max: 2us
SwapBitmaps: Sum: 7us 99% C.I. 250ns-2000ns Avg: 777ns Max: 2000ns
ProcessReferences: Sum: 6us 99% C.I. 250ns-2000ns Avg: 666ns Max: 2000ns
InitializePhase: Sum: 5us 99% C.I. 250ns-4000ns Avg: 555ns Max: 4000ns
MarkRoots: Sum: 4us 99% C.I. 250ns-1000ns Avg: 444ns Max: 1000ns
BindBitmaps: Sum: 1us 99% C.I. 250ns-1000ns Avg: 111ns Max: 1000ns
FindDefaultSpaceBitmap: Sum: 0 99% C.I. 0ns-0ns Avg: 0ns Max: 0ns
Done Dumping histograms
sticky concurrent mark sweep paused: Sum: 12.971ms 99% C.I. 0.027ms-5.708ms
Avg: 1.441ms Max: 5.708ms
sticky concurrent mark sweep total time: 232.867ms mean time: 25.874ms
sticky concurrent mark sweep freed: 81641 objects with total size 7MB
sticky concurrent mark sweep throughput: 351901/s / 32MB/s
Total time spent in GC: 370.173ms
Mean GC size throughput: 42MB/s
Mean GC object throughput: 594849 objects/s
Total number of allocations 446002
Total bytes allocated 46MB
Total bytes freed 15MB
Free memory 7MB
Free memory until GC 7MB
Free memory until OOME 481MB
Total memory 38MB
Max memory 512MB
Zygote space size 2MB
Total mutator paused time: 28.303ms
Total time waiting for GC to complete: 2.302us
Total GC count: 14
Total GC time: 370.173ms
Total blocking GC count: 0
Total blocking GC time: 0
Histogram of GC count per 10000 ms: 0:35,13:1
Histogram of blocking GC count per 10000 ms: 0:36

suspend all histogram: Sum: 25.128ms 99% C.I. 0.001ms-10.813ms Avg: 1.092ms Max:
"Signal Catcher" daemon prio=5 tid=3 Runnable
| group="system" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c650a0 self=0x7f1918dc2a00
| sysTid=1538 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1913a18440
| state=R schedstat=( 3692835 17602197 9 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f191391c000-0x7f191391e000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
native: #00 pc 0000000000557da7 /system/lib64/
native: #01 pc 000000000051b8c0 /system/lib64/
native: #02 pc 000000000052b2ad /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000052dbc6 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000005306fe /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 00000000004ec36a /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 00000000004fd6bd /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000004fe817 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"main" prio=5 tid=1 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x7551c970 self=0x7f1918fbba00
| sysTid=1531 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f191ce88300
| state=S schedstat=( 577590181 286890758 1613 ) utm=25 stm=32 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7fffd55ed000-0x7fffd55ef000 stackSize=8MB
| held mutexes=
native: #00 pc 000000000001cf06 /system/lib64/ (syscall+22)
native: #01 pc 000000000017c9f5 /system/lib64/
native: #02 pc 000000000061f96b /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000015a802 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000012b691a /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native method)
at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
at android.content.ContextWrapper.unbindService(
at android.content.ContextWrapper.unbindService(
at android.content.ContextWrapper.unbindService(
at ajpv.g( (040800-574052649):22)
at ajpv.b( (040800-574052649):39)
at ajdr.handleMessage( (040800-
- locked <0x0905a4a7> (a java.util.HashMap)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at (040800-574052649):1)
at bezh.dispatchMessage( (040800-
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke!(Native method)

"Jit thread pool worker thread 0" prio=5 tid=2 Native (still starting up)
| group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x0 self=0x7f19128ed800
| sysTid=1537 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f19174e9440
| state=S schedstat=( 141440602 43324589 511 ) utm=3 stm=10 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f19173ec000-0x7f19173ee000 stackSize=1017KB
| held mutexes=
native: #00 pc 000000000001cf06 /system/lib64/ (syscall+22)
native: #01 pc 000000000017c9f5 /system/lib64/
native: #02 pc 0000000000530f2c /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 0000000000530e82 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000005322d1 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #07 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"ReferenceQueueDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=4 Waiting

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c4ee80 self=0x7f1918dc3e00
| sysTid=1539 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1913919440
| state=S schedstat=( 2002619 4038762 24 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1913817000-0x7f1913819000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0fbc2d54> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)
at java.lang.Daemons$
- locked <0x0fbc2d54> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)

"FinalizerDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=5 Waiting

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c4eee0 self=0x7f1918dc5200
| sysTid=1540 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f19136bf440
| state=S schedstat=( 20791538 24307818 131 ) utm=0 stm=1 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f19135bd000-0x7f19135bf000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0be714fd> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue)
at java.lang.Object.wait(
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
- locked <0x0be714fd> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
at java.lang.Daemons$

"FinalizerWatchdogDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=6 Waiting

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c4ef40 self=0x7f1918dc6600
| sysTid=1541 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f191353f440
| state=S schedstat=( 5812978 11194187 10 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f191343d000-0x7f191343f000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x027735f2> (a java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon)
at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon.waitForObject(
- locked <0x027735f2> (a java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon)
at java.lang.Daemons$

"HeapTaskDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=7 Blocked

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c4efa0 self=0x7f1918df8a00
| sysTid=1542 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1907633440
| state=S schedstat=( 155644148 41835688 156 ) utm=5 stm=9 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1907531000-0x7f1907533000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
native: #00 pc 000000000001cf06 /system/lib64/ (syscall+22)
native: #01 pc 000000000017c9f5 /system/lib64/
native: #02 pc 00000000002defc0 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 00000000002dfa2a /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 0000000000000549 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.runHeapTasks(Native method)
- waiting to lock an unknown object
at java.lang.Daemons$

"Binder_1" prio=5 tid=8 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12ca40a0 self=0x7f1912832c00
| sysTid=1543 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1913814440
| state=S schedstat=( 325358063 276750034 956 ) utm=14 stm=18 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1913718000-0x7f191371a000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
native: #00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
native: #01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
native: #02 pc 0000000000033f56 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 0000000000034800 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"Binder_2" prio=5 tid=9 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12ca80a0 self=0x7f1918dfbc00
| sysTid=1544 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1907330440
| state=S schedstat=( 218606075 188128176 822 ) utm=7 stm=14 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1907234000-0x7f1907236000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
native: #00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
native: #01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
native: #02 pc 0000000000033f56 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 0000000000034800 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"Binder_3" prio=5 tid=10 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c65100 self=0x7f1908d37000
| sysTid=1557 nice=9 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1901e3f440
| state=S schedstat=( 60349891 129215270 427 ) utm=1 stm=4 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1901d43000-0x7f1901d45000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
native: #00 pc 000000000001cf06 /system/lib64/ (syscall+22)
native: #01 pc 000000000017c9f5 /system/lib64/
native: #02 pc 00000000003df88b /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 00000000000fe5f5 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 000000000010689c /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000002b6f4 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 00000000000347bc /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 0000000000034853 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
native: #10 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #11 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #12 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #13 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #14 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"Binder_4" prio=5 tid=11 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c6c400 self=0x7f19071cfe00
| sysTid=1558 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1901cff440
| state=S schedstat=( 111176223 67497047 470 ) utm=4 stm=6 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1901c03000-0x7f1901c05000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
native: #00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
native: #01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
native: #02 pc 0000000000033f56 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 0000000000034800 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"FileObserver" prio=5 tid=12 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c3bd60 self=0x7f190660a200
| sysTid=1559 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1901b7b440
| state=S schedstat=( 672874 80392 1 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1901a79000-0x7f1901a7b000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
native: #00 pc 0000000000088335 /system/lib64/ (read+5)
native: #01 pc 0000000000150e30 /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #02 pc 00000000000288f7 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
native: #03 pc 000000000010226f (???)
native: #04 pc 00000000001024ff (???)
at android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe(Native method)
at android.os.FileObserver$

"GoogleApiHandler" prio=5 tid=14 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c61820 self=0x7f1908bf7400
| sysTid=1562 nice=9 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f19015ff440
| state=S schedstat=( 181983287 228696059 605 ) utm=6 stm=11 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f19014fd000-0x7f19014ff000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"highpool[0]" prio=5 tid=15 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c616a0 self=0x7f1908bf7e00
| sysTid=1563 nice=9 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f190147f440
| state=S schedstat=( 9666732 12735111 19 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f190137d000-0x7f190137f000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0a5de443> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x0a5de443> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
at java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue.take(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(
at (040800-574052649):8)

"highpool[1]" prio=5 tid=16 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x13527160 self=0x7f1908bf8800
| sysTid=1566 nice=9 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f190137a440
| state=S schedstat=( 65284832 152806648 374 ) utm=3 stm=3 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1901278000-0x7f190127a000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0458cac0> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x0458cac0> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
at java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue.take(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(
at (040800-574052649):8)

"highpool[2]" prio=5 tid=17 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x135276a0 self=0x7f1912833600
| sysTid=1567 nice=9 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f19011df440
| state=S schedstat=( 20281190 13248559 77 ) utm=0 stm=1 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f19010dd000-0x7f19010df000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x081503f9> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x081503f9> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
at java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue.take(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(
at (040800-574052649):8)

"highpool[3]" prio=5 tid=18 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x135278e0 self=0x7f1901232000
| sysTid=1568 nice=9 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f19010da440
| state=S schedstat=( 75629371 158839396 496 ) utm=2 stm=4 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1900fd8000-0x7f1900fda000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x03bebf3e> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x03bebf3e> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
at java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue.take(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(
at (040800-574052649):8)

"GlobalScheduler" prio=5 tid=25 TimedWaiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x13896b20 self=0x7f1900f3be00
| sysTid=1584 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f190083f440
| state=S schedstat=( 2179760 11528853 42 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f190073d000-0x7f190073f000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0e70819f> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x0e70819f> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(
at (040800-574052649):8)

"GlobalDispatchingHandlerThread" prio=5 tid=22 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x13896be0 self=0x7f1900f3c800
| sysTid=1589 nice=9 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f190003f440
| state=S schedstat=( 2029311 22372108 17 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fff3d000-0x7f18fff3f000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"lowpool[1]" prio=5 tid=23 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x1322f820 self=0x7f1900f3b400
| sysTid=1625 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f18ffdff440
| state=S schedstat=( 24666993 42848805 174 ) utm=0 stm=2 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18ffcfd000-0x7f18ffcff000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0d5fd2ec> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x0d5fd2ec> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
at java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue.take(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(
at (040800-574052649):8)

"DG" prio=5 tid=24 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x136c92e0 self=0x7f1900f6ce00
| sysTid=1631 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f190057f440
| state=S schedstat=( 6586764 238524 28 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f190047d000-0x7f190047f000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"pool-33-thread-1" prio=5 tid=27 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x1399c100 self=0x7f1900f73200
| sysTid=1637 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18ffc7f440
| state=S schedstat=( 1599900 1994488 2 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18ffb7d000-0x7f18ffb7f000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0298e6b5> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x0298e6b5> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.take(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(

"lowpool[3]" prio=5 tid=29 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x13870e80 self=0x7f1900f6f600
| sysTid=1647 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f18ff9ba440
| state=S schedstat=( 92482715 142247991 410 ) utm=3 stm=5 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18ff8b8000-0x7f18ff8ba000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0663914a> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x0663914a> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
at java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue.take(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(
at (040800-574052649):8)

"lowpool[4]" prio=5 tid=30 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x13da9220 self=0x7f1906608400
| sysTid=1664 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f18ff83f440
| state=S schedstat=( 64275850 76120261 433 ) utm=1 stm=5 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18ff73d000-0x7f18ff73f000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x07e598bb> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x07e598bb> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
at java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue.take(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(
at (040800-574052649):8)

"netscheduler-queue-handler" prio=5 tid=32 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x13d4c820 self=0x7f1906607000
| sysTid=1673 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f18ff240440
| state=S schedstat=( 77146428 43670810 445 ) utm=2 stm=4 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18ff13e000-0x7f18ff140000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

nChimeraService] processing" prio=5 tid=13 Waiting
| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x14266820 self=0x7f1900f6ec00
| sysTid=1834 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f190183f440
| state=S schedstat=( 3348122 2282161 23 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f190173d000-0x7f190173f000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0ced31d8> (a java.lang.Object)
at (040800-574052649):41)
- locked <0x0ced31d8> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$

nChimeraService-Executor] idle" prio=5 tid=20 Waiting
| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x1429d340 self=0x7f1900f74600
| sysTid=1842 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1900dfa440
| state=S schedstat=( 424488 7755480 3 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1900cf8000-0x7f1900cfa000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0b3e3931> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x0b3e3931> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
at java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue.take(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(

"lowpool[7]" prio=5 tid=21 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x13d4c1c0 self=0x7f1900f38c00
| sysTid=1862 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f190047a440
| state=S schedstat=( 148885142 62850657 775 ) utm=6 stm=8 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1900378000-0x7f190037a000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0bd17816> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x0bd17816> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
at java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue.take(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(
at (040800-574052649):8)

"CronetInit" prio=5 tid=26 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x1422a880 self=0x7f18ff5b7e00
| sysTid=1882 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18ff53f440
| state=S schedstat=( 10466703 808668 117 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18ff43d000-0x7f18ff43f000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"ConnectivityManager" prio=5 tid=31 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x14266dc0 self=0x7f190020ac00
| sysTid=1884 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fec43440
| state=S schedstat=( 1520738 2232979 11 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18feb41000-0x7f18feb43000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"ThreadPoolForeg" prio=5 tid=33 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x142b70a0 self=0x7f1908bfa600
| sysTid=1889 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f18fe776440
| state=S schedstat=( 1067509 63918 15 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fe67a000-0x7f18fe67c000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
native: #00 pc 000000000001cf06 /system/lib64/ (syscall+22)
native: #01 pc 00000000000848b2 /system/lib64/ (pthread_cond_wait+82)
native: #02 pc 00000000001e3790
/data/data/ (???)
native: #03 pc 0000000000007c2f
/data/data/ (???)
(no managed stack frames)

"ChromiumNet" prio=5 tid=34 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x142bb0a0 self=0x7f18ff397000
| sysTid=1888 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f18fe940440
| state=S schedstat=( 26992039 23272600 120 ) utm=0 stm=1 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fe844000-0x7f18fe846000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000036e5e7
/data/data/ (???)
native: #03 pc 00000000000f4066 ???
(no managed stack frames)

"ThreadPoolForeg" prio=5 tid=35 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x142e4760 self=0x7f1900f38200
| sysTid=1886 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f18fea3f440
| state=S schedstat=( 15144160 674307 33 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fe943000-0x7f18fe945000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
native: #00 pc 000000000001cf06 /system/lib64/ (syscall+22)
native: #01 pc 00000000000848b2 /system/lib64/ (pthread_cond_wait+82)
native: #02 pc 00000000001e3790
/data/data/ (???)
native: #03 pc 0000000000007c2f
/data/data/ (???)
(no managed stack frames)

"pool-83-thread-1" prio=5 tid=36 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x1427aee0 self=0x7f1900128800
| sysTid=1911 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fe2bf440
| state=S schedstat=( 1770274 621817 19 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fe1bd000-0x7f18fe1bf000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x01cb0597> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x01cb0597> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.take(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(

"ThreadPoolServi" prio=5 (not attached)

| sysTid=1885 nice=0 cgrp=default
| state=S schedstat=( 528518 311731 7 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100

"ThreadPoolForeg" prio=5 (not attached)

| sysTid=1890 nice=0 cgrp=default
| state=S schedstat=( 475194 126088 7 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100

"Network File Th" prio=5 (not attached)

| sysTid=1891 nice=0 cgrp=default
| state=S schedstat=( 49032 0 1 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100

----- end 1531 -----

----- pid 939 at 2023-11-01 19:12:41 -----

Cmd line: com.netease.nemu_vinput.nemu
Build fingerprint: 'OnePlus/OnePlus2/OnePlus2:6.0.1/MMB29M/1447841200:user/release-
ABI: 'x86_64'
Build type: optimized
Zygote loaded classes=4007 post zygote classes=105
Intern table: 45593 strong; 25 weak
JNI: CheckJNI is off; globals=311 (plus 355 weak)
Libraries: /system/lib64/ /system/lib64/
/system/lib64/ /system/lib64/
/system/lib64/ /system/lib64/ (7)
Heap: 34% free, 1645KB/2MB; 31951 objects
Dumping cumulative Gc timings
Total number of allocations 31951
Total bytes allocated 1645KB
Total bytes freed 0B
Free memory 856KB
Free memory until GC 856KB
Free memory until OOME 510MB
Total memory 2MB
Max memory 512MB
Zygote space size 2MB
Total mutator paused time: 0
Total time waiting for GC to complete: 0
Total GC count: 0
Total GC time: 0
Total blocking GC count: 0
Total blocking GC time: 0

suspend all histogram: Sum: 7us 99% C.I. 80ns-4000ns Avg: 777ns Max: 4000ns
"Signal Catcher" daemon prio=5 tid=3 Runnable
| group="system" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c3d0a0 self=0x7f1918dc2a00
| sysTid=946 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1913a18440
| state=R schedstat=( 470033 301970 3 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f191391c000-0x7f191391e000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
native: #00 pc 0000000000557da7 /system/lib64/
native: #01 pc 000000000051b8c0 /system/lib64/
native: #02 pc 000000000052b2ad /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000052dbc6 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000005306fe /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 00000000004ec36a /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 00000000004fd6bd /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000004fe817 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"main" prio=5 tid=1 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x7551c970 self=0x7f1918fbba00
| sysTid=939 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f191ce88300
| state=S schedstat=( 38226980 9906203 344 ) utm=2 stm=1 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7fffd55ed000-0x7fffd55ef000 stackSize=8MB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/939/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke!(Native method)

"Jit thread pool worker thread 0" prio=5 tid=2 Native (still starting up)
| group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x0 self=0x7f19128ed800
| sysTid=945 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f19174e9440
| state=S schedstat=( 271860 1598957 2 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f19173ec000-0x7f19173ee000 stackSize=1017KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/945/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000001cf06 /system/lib64/ (syscall+22)
native: #01 pc 000000000017c9f5 /system/lib64/
native: #02 pc 0000000000530f2c /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 0000000000530e82 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000005322d1 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #07 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"FinalizerDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=4 Waiting

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c00820 self=0x7f1918fbec00
| sysTid=948 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f19136bf440
| state=S schedstat=( 346049 0 5 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f19135bd000-0x7f19135bf000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x03c4dd74> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue)
at java.lang.Object.wait(
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
- locked <0x03c4dd74> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
at java.lang.Daemons$

"FinalizerWatchdogDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=5 Waiting

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c00880 self=0x7f1918d96000
| sysTid=949 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f191353f440
| state=S schedstat=( 397628 451688 10 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f191343d000-0x7f191343f000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0203d29d> (a java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon)
at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon.waitForObject(
- locked <0x0203d29d> (a java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon)
at java.lang.Daemons$

"Binder_1" prio=5 tid=6 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c440a0 self=0x7f1908bdbc00
| sysTid=954 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1913814440
| state=S schedstat=( 2744392 771315 43 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1913718000-0x7f191371a000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/954/stack)
native: #00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
native: #01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
native: #02 pc 0000000000033f56 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 0000000000034800 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"HeapTaskDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=7 Blocked

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c008e0 self=0x7f1918d96a00
| sysTid=950 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1907633440
| state=S schedstat=( 272919 0 6 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1907531000-0x7f1907533000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/950/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000001cf06 /system/lib64/ (syscall+22)
native: #01 pc 000000000017c9f5 /system/lib64/
native: #02 pc 00000000002defc0 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 00000000002dfa2a /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 0000000000000549 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.runHeapTasks(Native method)
- waiting to lock an unknown object
at java.lang.Daemons$

"ReferenceQueueDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=8 Waiting

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c007c0 self=0x7f1918fbe200
| sysTid=947 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1913919440
| state=S schedstat=( 139664 3752070 4 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1913817000-0x7f1913819000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x083ab312> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)
at java.lang.Daemons$
- locked <0x083ab312> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)

"Binder_2" prio=5 tid=9 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c7f0a0 self=0x7f1918d97400
| sysTid=955 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1907330440
| state=S schedstat=( 1485873 2148144 29 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1907234000-0x7f1907236000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/955/stack)
native: #00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
native: #01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
native: #02 pc 0000000000033f56 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 0000000000034800 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"Thread-27" prio=5 tid=10 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d143c0 self=0x7f1918dfb600
| sysTid=1091 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f190717f440
| state=S schedstat=( 1302780 475961 14 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f190707d000-0x7f190707f000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1091/stack)
native: #00 pc 00000000000883b8 /system/lib64/ (recvfrom+8)
native: #01 pc 000000000003c1bc /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #02 pc 00000000005fd1aa /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at method)
- locked <0x0579eae3> (a$PlainSocketInputStream)
- locked <0x090c5ce0> (a

"Thread-29" prio=5 tid=11 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d945f0 self=0x7f19071b6000
| sysTid=1733 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f190707a440
| state=S schedstat=( 903008 95066 16 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1906f78000-0x7f1906f7a000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x03cffb99> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x03cffb99> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(

"Thread-30" prio=5 tid=12 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d94660 self=0x7f19071b6a00
| sysTid=1734 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f1906ebf440
| state=S schedstat=( 2893639 3210496 22 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1906dbd000-0x7f1906dbf000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0f8cee5e> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x0f8cee5e> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(

"Thread-32" prio=5 tid=13 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d94740 self=0x7f19071b7e00
| sysTid=1736 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f1906cb5440
| state=S schedstat=( 933976 100842 10 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1906bb3000-0x7f1906bb5000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0a56523f> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x0a56523f> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(

"Thread-31" prio=5 tid=14 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d946d0 self=0x7f19071b7400
| sysTid=1735 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f1906dba440
| state=S schedstat=( 179655 338341 8 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1906cb8000-0x7f1906cba000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0f8a670c> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x0f8a670c> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(

"Thread-33" prio=5 tid=15 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d947b0 self=0x7f19071b8800
| sysTid=1737 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f1906bb0440
| state=S schedstat=( 168238 304205 8 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1906aae000-0x7f1906ab0000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x089bb855> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x089bb855> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(

"RenderThread" prio=5 tid=16 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12dba0a0 self=0x7f1908bf6000
| sysTid=1738 nice=-4 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f19069ff440
| state=S schedstat=( 22377396 1922963 80 ) utm=0 stm=1 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1906903000-0x7f1906905000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1738/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 0000000000030e55 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #09 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"Okio Watchdog" daemon prio=5 tid=17 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12db4400 self=0x7f1908bfc400
| sysTid=1739 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f190687f440
| state=S schedstat=( 295751 18530 10 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f190677d000-0x7f190677f000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0335926a> (a
- locked <0x0335926a> (a java.lang.Class<>)

----- end 939 -----

----- pid 972 at 2023-11-01 19:12:41 -----

Cmd line: com.netease.nemu_vapi_android.nemu
Build fingerprint: 'OnePlus/OnePlus2/OnePlus2:6.0.1/MMB29M/1447841200:user/release-
ABI: 'x86_64'
Build type: optimized
Zygote loaded classes=4007 post zygote classes=465
Intern table: 46282 strong; 31 weak
JNI: CheckJNI is off; globals=294 (plus 355 weak)
Libraries: /system/lib64/ /system/lib64/
/system/lib64/ /system/lib64/
/system/lib64/ /system/lib64/ (7)
Heap: 11% free, 4MB/5MB; 37978 objects
Dumping cumulative Gc timings
Start Dumping histograms for 2 iterations for partial concurrent mark sweep
SweepMallocSpace: Sum: 5.957ms 99% C.I. 0.001ms-5.784ms Avg: 1.489ms Max: 5.864ms
SweepLargeObjects: Sum: 4.623ms 99% C.I. 0.056ms-4.555ms Avg: 2.311ms Max:
FinishPhase: Sum: 2.791ms 99% C.I. 0.017ms-2.772ms Avg: 1.395ms Max: 2.774ms
UpdateAndMarkImageModUnionTable: Sum: 1.207ms 99% C.I. 284us-923us Avg:
603.500us Max: 923us
MarkConcurrentRoots: Sum: 661us 99% C.I. 0.500us-354us Avg: 165.250us Max: 354us
UpdateAndMarkZygoteModUnionTable: Sum: 657us 99% C.I. 59us-595us Avg: 328.500us
Max: 598us
MarkRootsCheckpoint: Sum: 593us 99% C.I. 30us-406us Avg: 148.250us Max: 406us
ProcessMarkStack: Sum: 534us 99% C.I. 0.375us-389us Avg: 89us Max: 389us
ReMarkRoots: Sum: 305us 99% C.I. 39us-266us Avg: 152.500us Max: 266us
AllocSpaceClearCards: Sum: 64us 99% C.I. 0.285us-52us Avg: 8us Max: 52us
MarkAllocStackAsLive: Sum: 30us 99% C.I. 11us-19us Avg: 15us Max: 19us
ImageModUnionClearCards: Sum: 23us 99% C.I. 4us-7us Avg: 5.750us Max: 7us
ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects: Sum: 22us 99% C.I. 0.250us-13us Avg: 5.500us Max:
SweepSystemWeaks: Sum: 14us 99% C.I. 4us-10us Avg: 7us Max: 10us
EnqueueFinalizerReferences: Sum: 10us 99% C.I. 3us-7us Avg: 5us Max: 7us
MarkNonThreadRoots: Sum: 9us 99% C.I. 2us-3us Avg: 2.250us Max: 3us
(Paused)ScanGrayImageSpaceObjects: Sum: 8us 99% C.I. 3us-5us Avg: 4us Max: 5us
MarkingPhase: Sum: 6us 99% C.I. 2us-4us Avg: 3us Max: 4us
ProcessReferences: Sum: 5us 99% C.I. 1us-4us Avg: 2.500us Max: 4us
ProcessCards: Sum: 4us 99% C.I. 1us-1us Avg: 1us Max: 1us
(Paused)PausePhase: Sum: 3us 99% C.I. 1us-2us Avg: 1.500us Max: 2us
(Paused)ScanGrayZygoteSpaceObjects: Sum: 2us 99% C.I. 1us-1us Avg: 1us Max: 1us
ScanGrayZygoteSpaceObjects: Sum: 1us 99% C.I. 250ns-1000ns Avg: 500ns Max: 1000ns
(Paused)ProcessMarkStack: Sum: 0 99% C.I. 0ns-0ns Avg: 0ns Max: 0ns
Done Dumping histograms
partial concurrent mark sweep paused: Sum: 345us 99% C.I. 62us-283us Avg:
172.500us Max: 283us
partial concurrent mark sweep total time: 17.570ms mean time: 8.785ms
partial concurrent mark sweep freed: 6839 objects with total size 836KB
partial concurrent mark sweep throughput: 402294/s / 48MB/s
Start Dumping histograms for 8 iterations for sticky concurrent mark sweep
MarkRootsCheckpoint: Sum: 10.352ms 99% C.I. 48us-4342us Avg: 647us Max: 4505us
FreeList: Sum: 4.538ms 99% C.I. 0.269us-1249.749us Avg: 46.783us Max: 2049us
MarkConcurrentRoots: Sum: 3.735ms 99% C.I. 0.500us-719us Avg: 233.437us Max:
(Paused)PausePhase: Sum: 3.719ms 99% C.I. 1us-3602us Avg: 464.875us Max: 3704us
ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects: Sum: 2.594ms 99% C.I. 0.363us-476us Avg: 81.062us
Max: 479us
MarkingPhase: Sum: 1.786ms 99% C.I. 48us-621us Avg: 223.250us Max: 621us
ScanGrayImageSpaceObjects: Sum: 1.745ms 99% C.I. 2us-714us Avg: 109.062us Max:
ProcessMarkStack: Sum: 977us 99% C.I. 0.285us-351us Avg: 30.531us Max: 351us
SweepArray: Sum: 883us 99% C.I. 35us-236us Avg: 110.375us Max: 236us
ReMarkRoots: Sum: 418us 99% C.I. 21us-116us Avg: 52.250us Max: 116us
ImageModUnionClearCards: Sum: 266us 99% C.I. 3us-142us Avg: 16.625us Max:
AllocSpaceClearCards: Sum: 187us 99% C.I. 0.250us-22us Avg: 5.843us Max: 22us
ResetStack: Sum: 136us 99% C.I. 4us-86us Avg: 17us Max: 86us
SweepSystemWeaks: Sum: 131us 99% C.I. 5us-53us Avg: 16.375us Max: 53us
ReclaimPhase: Sum: 116us 99% C.I. 0.285us-110us Avg: 14.500us Max: 110us
InitializePhase: Sum: 102us 99% C.I. 0.285us-93us Avg: 12.750us Max: 93us
ZygoteModUnionClearCards: Sum: 99us 99% C.I. 0.266us-61us Avg: 6.187us Max:
ScanGrayZygoteSpaceObjects: Sum: 91us 99% C.I. 0.250us-37us Avg: 5.687us Max:
EnqueueFinalizerReferences: Sum: 87us 99% C.I. 0.285us-51us Avg: 10.875us Max:
FinishPhase: Sum: 86us 99% C.I. 8us-13us Avg: 10.750us Max: 13us
MarkNonThreadRoots: Sum: 61us 99% C.I. 1us-10us Avg: 3.812us Max: 10us
RevokeAllThreadLocalAllocationStacks: Sum: 42us 99% C.I. 2us-12us Avg: 5.250us
Max: 12us
(Paused)ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects: Sum: 39us 99% C.I. 0.250us-24us Avg: 2.437us
Max: 24us
(Paused)ScanGrayImageSpaceObjects: Sum: 21us 99% C.I. 2us-4us Avg: 2.625us Max:
ProcessCards: Sum: 14us 99% C.I. 250ns-2000ns Avg: 875ns Max: 2000ns
ProcessReferences: Sum: 7us 99% C.I. 250ns-5000ns Avg: 875ns Max: 5000ns
PreCleanCards: Sum: 6us 99% C.I. 250ns-2000ns Avg: 750ns Max: 2000ns
SwapBitmaps: Sum: 4us 99% C.I. 250ns-1000ns Avg: 500ns Max: 1000ns
MarkRoots: Sum: 3us 99% C.I. 250ns-2000ns Avg: 375ns Max: 2000ns
(Paused)ProcessMarkStack: Sum: 2us 99% C.I. 250ns-2000ns Avg: 250ns Max: 2000ns
BindBitmaps: Sum: 0 99% C.I. 0ns-0ns Avg: 0ns Max: 0ns
Done Dumping histograms
sticky concurrent mark sweep paused: Sum: 4.311ms 99% C.I. 40us-3737us Avg:
538.875us Max: 3737us
sticky concurrent mark sweep total time: 32.249ms mean time: 4.031ms
sticky concurrent mark sweep freed: 87404 objects with total size 7MB
sticky concurrent mark sweep throughput: 2.73138e+06/s / 244MB/s
Total time spent in GC: 49.819ms
Mean GC size throughput: 138MB/s
Mean GC object throughput: 1.89026e+06 objects/s
Total number of allocations 132149
Total bytes allocated 11MB
Total bytes freed 6MB
Free memory 610KB
Free memory until GC 610KB
Free memory until OOME 507MB
Total memory 5MB
Max memory 512MB
Zygote space size 2MB
Total mutator paused time: 4.656ms
Total time waiting for GC to complete: 1.711us
Total GC count: 10
Total GC time: 49.819ms
Total blocking GC count: 0
Total blocking GC time: 0
Histogram of GC count per 10000 ms: 0:3,2:2,5:1
Histogram of blocking GC count per 10000 ms: 0:6

suspend all histogram: Sum: 44us 99% C.I. 0.084us-28us Avg: 2.315us Max: 28us
"Signal Catcher" daemon prio=5 tid=3 Runnable
| group="system" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c470a0 self=0x7f1918dc2a00
| sysTid=983 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1913a18440
| state=R schedstat=( 537105 83709 3 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f191391c000-0x7f191391e000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
native: #00 pc 0000000000557da7 /system/lib64/
native: #01 pc 000000000051b8c0 /system/lib64/
native: #02 pc 000000000052b2ad /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000052dbc6 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000005306fe /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 00000000004ec36a /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 00000000004fd6bd /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000004fe817 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"main" prio=5 tid=1 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x7551c970 self=0x7f1918fbba00
| sysTid=972 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f191ce88300
| state=S schedstat=( 114453601 78867196 1705 ) utm=2 stm=8 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7fffd55ed000-0x7fffd55ef000 stackSize=8MB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/972/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke!(Native method)

"Jit thread pool worker thread 0" prio=5 tid=2 Native (still starting up)
| group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x0 self=0x7f19128ed800
| sysTid=981 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f19174e9440
| state=S schedstat=( 4120200 1280937 8 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f19173ec000-0x7f19173ee000 stackSize=1017KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/981/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000001cf06 /system/lib64/ (syscall+22)
native: #01 pc 000000000017c9f5 /system/lib64/
native: #02 pc 0000000000530f2c /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 0000000000530e82 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000005322d1 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #07 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"ReferenceQueueDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=4 Waiting

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c00ca0 self=0x7f1918fbe200
| sysTid=984 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1913919440
| state=S schedstat=( 2194321 52452 42 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1913817000-0x7f1913819000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0f601dee> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)
at java.lang.Daemons$
- locked <0x0f601dee> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)

"FinalizerDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=5 Waiting

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c00d00 self=0x7f1918fbec00
| sysTid=987 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f19136bf440
| state=S schedstat=( 7446721 872317 28 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f19135bd000-0x7f19135bf000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x091f728f> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue)
at java.lang.Object.wait(
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
- locked <0x091f728f> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
at java.lang.Daemons$

"FinalizerWatchdogDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=6 Waiting

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c00d60 self=0x7f1918df7000
| sysTid=988 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f191353f440
| state=S schedstat=( 592560 656101 13 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f191343d000-0x7f191343f000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x00e5891c> (a java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon)
at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon.waitForObject(
- locked <0x00e5891c> (a java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon)
at java.lang.Daemons$

"HeapTaskDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=7 Blocked

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c00dc0 self=0x7f1918df7a00
| sysTid=989 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1907633440
| state=S schedstat=( 36078855 11479803 92 ) utm=1 stm=2 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1907531000-0x7f1907533000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/989/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000001cf06 /system/lib64/ (syscall+22)
native: #01 pc 000000000017c9f5 /system/lib64/
native: #02 pc 00000000002defc0 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 00000000002dfa2a /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 0000000000000549 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.runHeapTasks(Native method)
- waiting to lock an unknown object
at java.lang.Daemons$

"Binder_1" prio=5 tid=8 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c4f0a0 self=0x7f1908bdbc00
| sysTid=994 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1913814440
| state=S schedstat=( 1792208 3199471 42 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1913718000-0x7f191371a000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/994/stack)
native: #00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
native: #01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
native: #02 pc 0000000000033f56 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 0000000000034800 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"Binder_2" prio=5 tid=9 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c520a0 self=0x7f1918df8400
| sysTid=1003 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1907330440
| state=S schedstat=( 2126416 1579411 30 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1907234000-0x7f1907236000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1003/stack)
native: #00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
native: #01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
native: #02 pc 0000000000033f56 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 0000000000034800 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"pool-4-thread-1" prio=5 tid=14 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c52160 self=0x7f1907195000
| sysTid=1230 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f19064e1440
| state=S schedstat=( 23790432 10724855 21 ) utm=2 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f19063df000-0x7f19063e1000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x092a1925> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x092a1925> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.take(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(

"pool-5-thread-1" prio=5 tid=16 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d21640 self=0x7f1907195a00
| sysTid=1239 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f190633f440
| state=S schedstat=( 54868792 25826143 162 ) utm=0 stm=4 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f190623d000-0x7f190623f000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x02342afa> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x02342afa> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.take(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(

"Okio Watchdog" daemon prio=5 tid=18 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d2a460 self=0x7f1906368a00
| sysTid=1242 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1906030440
| state=S schedstat=( 1369298 5276540 58 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1905f2e000-0x7f1905f30000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0caaa8ab> (a java.lang.Class<okio.AsyncTimeout>)
at okio.AsyncTimeout.awaitTimeout(
- locked <0x0caaa8ab> (a java.lang.Class<okio.AsyncTimeout>)
at okio.AsyncTimeout$

"Thread-44" prio=5 tid=19 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d21820 self=0x7f1907196e00
| sysTid=1249 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1905ebf440
| state=S schedstat=( 151345 27133 1 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1905dbd000-0x7f1905dbf000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x03501b08> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x03501b08> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.take(

"NanoHttpd Main Listener" daemon prio=5 tid=22 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d21be0 self=0x7f1907198c00
| sysTid=1254 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1905bb0440
| state=S schedstat=( 7942207 1045227 54 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1905aae000-0x7f1905ab0000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1254/stack)
native: #00 pc 0000000000087418 /system/lib64/ (__accept4+8)
native: #01 pc 0000000000000ed2 /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #02 pc 000000000003e0c9 /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #03 pc 000000000034f81f /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at method)
- locked <0x018822a1> (a
at fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD$

"java.lang.ProcessManager" daemon prio=5 tid=30 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c52340 self=0x7f1906bcdc00
| sysTid=1321 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f19059bf440
| state=S schedstat=( 9168319 2775087 19 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f19058bd000-0x7f19058bf000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0b09fcc6> (a java.util.HashMap)
at java.lang.ProcessManager.waitForMoreChildren(
- locked <0x0b09fcc6> (a java.util.HashMap)
at java.lang.ProcessManager.watchChildren(
at java.lang.ProcessManager.-wrap0(
at java.lang.ProcessManager$

"Binder_3" prio=5 tid=31 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c55160 self=0x7f1906857200
| sysTid=1323 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f19054bf440
| state=S schedstat=( 1136913 1965826 18 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f19053c3000-0x7f19053c5000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1323/stack)
native: #00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
native: #01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
native: #02 pc 0000000000033f56 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 0000000000034800 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"Binder_4" prio=5 tid=35 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d2a0a0 self=0x7f19054fb600
| sysTid=1423 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f190523f440
| state=S schedstat=( 1050661 250827 14 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1905143000-0x7f1905145000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1423/stack)
native: #00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
native: #01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
native: #02 pc 0000000000033f56 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 0000000000034800 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"Thread-67" prio=5 tid=10 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12e43660 self=0x7f1905ed4000
| sysTid=1741 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f1906faa440
| state=S schedstat=( 1701471 1724630 19 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1906ea8000-0x7f1906eaa000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x05692487> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x05692487> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(

"Thread-68" prio=5 tid=15 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12e436d0 self=0x7f1905ed5e00
| sysTid=1742 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f1906bbf440
| state=S schedstat=( 1713363 568520 18 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1906abd000-0x7f1906abf000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0e4fdfb4> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x0e4fdfb4> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(

"Thread-69" prio=5 tid=23 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12e43740 self=0x7f1905ed6800
| sysTid=1743 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f1906aba440
| state=S schedstat=( 5107698 1445497 32 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f19069b8000-0x7f19069ba000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x076347dd> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x076347dd> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
"Thread-70" prio=5 tid=24 Waiting
| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12e437b0 self=0x7f190636e400
| sysTid=1744 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f19065e6440
| state=S schedstat=( 873601 5003 6 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f19064e4000-0x7f19064e6000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x07191f52> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x07191f52> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(

"Thread-71" prio=5 tid=12 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12e43820 self=0x7f1906bca000
| sysTid=1745 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f190623a440
| state=S schedstat=( 178080 166213 5 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1906138000-0x7f190613a000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x08a98223> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x08a98223> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(

"Okio Watchdog" daemon prio=5 tid=20 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c00760 self=0x7f1906bcaa00
| sysTid=1750 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f19066eb440
| state=S schedstat=( 375089 23929 2 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f19065e9000-0x7f19065eb000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0fe54320> (a
- locked <0x0fe54320> (a java.lang.Class<>)

----- end 972 -----

----- pid 951 at 2023-11-01 19:12:41 -----

Cmd line:
Build fingerprint: 'OnePlus/OnePlus2/OnePlus2:6.0.1/MMB29M/1447841200:user/release-
ABI: 'x86_64'
Build type: optimized
Zygote loaded classes=4007 post zygote classes=18
Intern table: 45564 strong; 17 weak
JNI: CheckJNI is off; globals=284 (plus 355 weak)
Libraries: /system/lib64/ /system/lib64/
/system/lib64/ /system/lib64/
/system/lib64/ /system/lib64/ (7)
Heap: 52% free, 1191KB/2MB; 28075 objects
Dumping cumulative Gc timings
Total number of allocations 28075
Total bytes allocated 1191KB
Total bytes freed 0B
Free memory 1311KB
Free memory until GC 1311KB
Free memory until OOME 510MB
Total memory 2MB
Max memory 512MB
Zygote space size 2MB
Total mutator paused time: 0
Total time waiting for GC to complete: 0
Total GC count: 0
Total GC time: 0
Total blocking GC count: 0
Total blocking GC time: 0

suspend all histogram: Sum: 4us 99% C.I. 80ns-2000ns Avg: 444ns Max: 2000ns
"Signal Catcher" daemon prio=5 tid=3 Runnable
| group="system" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c440a0 self=0x7f1918dc2a00
| sysTid=961 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1913a18440
| state=R schedstat=( 226570 6263 2 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f191391c000-0x7f191391e000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
native: #00 pc 0000000000557da7 /system/lib64/
native: #01 pc 000000000051b8c0 /system/lib64/
native: #02 pc 000000000052b2ad /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000052dbc6 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000005306fe /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 00000000004ec36a /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 00000000004fd6bd /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000004fe817 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)
"main" prio=5 tid=1 Native
| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x7551c970 self=0x7f1918fbba00
| sysTid=951 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f191ce88300
| state=S schedstat=( 16737729 14095028 125 ) utm=0 stm=1 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7fffd55ed000-0x7fffd55ef000 stackSize=8MB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/951/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke!(Native method)

"Jit thread pool worker thread 0" prio=5 tid=2 Native (still starting up)
| group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x0 self=0x7f19128ed800
| sysTid=958 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f19174e9440
| state=S schedstat=( 218615 0 2 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f19173ec000-0x7f19173ee000 stackSize=1017KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/958/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000001cf06 /system/lib64/ (syscall+22)
native: #01 pc 000000000017c9f5 /system/lib64/
native: #02 pc 0000000000530f2c /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 0000000000530e82 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000005322d1 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #07 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"ReferenceQueueDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=4 Waiting

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c009a0 self=0x7f1918fbe200
| sysTid=962 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1913919440
| state=S schedstat=( 166861 0 4 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1913817000-0x7f1913819000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x01a7939b> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)
at java.lang.Daemons$
- locked <0x01a7939b> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)

"FinalizerDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=5 Waiting

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c00a00 self=0x7f1918fbec00
| sysTid=963 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f19136bf440
| state=S schedstat=( 142464 1877156 7 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f19135bd000-0x7f19135bf000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x08354338> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue)
at java.lang.Object.wait(
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
- locked <0x08354338> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
at java.lang.Daemons$

"FinalizerWatchdogDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=6 Waiting

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c00a60 self=0x7f1918d96000
| sysTid=964 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f191353f440
| state=S schedstat=( 268057 13385 5 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f191343d000-0x7f191343f000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0e78df11> (a java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon)
at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon.waitForObject(
- locked <0x0e78df11> (a java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon)
at java.lang.Daemons$

"HeapTaskDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=7 Blocked

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c00ac0 self=0x7f1918d96a00
| sysTid=965 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1907633440
| state=S schedstat=( 182553 36503 4 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1907531000-0x7f1907533000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/965/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000001cf06 /system/lib64/ (syscall+22)
native: #01 pc 000000000017c9f5 /system/lib64/
native: #02 pc 00000000002defc0 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 00000000002dfa2a /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 0000000000000549 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.runHeapTasks(Native method)
- waiting to lock an unknown object
at java.lang.Daemons$

"Binder_1" prio=5 tid=8 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c840a0 self=0x7f1908bdbc00
| sysTid=966 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1913814440
| state=S schedstat=( 1108224 1072642 17 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1913718000-0x7f191371a000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/966/stack)
native: #00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
native: #01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
native: #02 pc 0000000000033f56 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 0000000000034800 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"Binder_2" prio=5 tid=9 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c870a0 self=0x7f1918d97400
| sysTid=970 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1907330440
| state=S schedstat=( 305520 86026 8 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1907234000-0x7f1907236000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/970/stack)
native: #00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
native: #01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
native: #02 pc 0000000000033f56 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 0000000000034800 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

----- end 951 -----

----- pid 732 at 2023-11-01 19:12:40 -----

Cmd line: system_server
Build fingerprint: 'OnePlus/OnePlus2/OnePlus2:6.0.1/MMB29M/1447841200:user/release-
ABI: 'x86_64'
Build type: optimized
Zygote loaded classes=4007 post zygote classes=2885
Intern table: 48192 strong; 4184 weak
JNI: CheckJNI is off; globals=1051 (plus 355 weak)
Libraries: /system/lib64/ /system/lib64/
/system/lib64/ /system/lib64/
/system/lib64/ /system/lib64/
/system/lib64/ /system/lib64/
/system/lib64/ (10)
Heap: 8% free, 17MB/19MB; 201830 objects
Dumping cumulative Gc timings
Start Dumping histograms for 1 iterations for concurrent mark sweep
ProcessMarkStack: Sum: 2.403ms 99% C.I. 0.375us-2364.750us Avg: 801us Max: 2395us
SweepMallocSpace: Sum: 1.898ms 99% C.I. 1us-1881.500us Avg: 949us Max: 1897us
MarkConcurrentRoots: Sum: 346us 99% C.I. 0.500us-346us Avg: 173us Max: 346us
MarkRootsCheckpoint: Sum: 149us 99% C.I. 46us-103us Avg: 74.500us Max: 103us
UpdateAndMarkImageModUnionTable: Sum: 143us 99% C.I. 143us-143us Avg: 143us Max:
AllocSpaceClearCards: Sum: 106us 99% C.I. 0.333us-94us Avg: 26.500us Max: 94us
MarkAllocStackAsLive: Sum: 45us 99% C.I. 45us-45us Avg: 45us Max: 45us
SweepLargeObjects: Sum: 33us 99% C.I. 33us-33us Avg: 33us Max: 33us
SweepSystemWeaks: Sum: 31us 99% C.I. 31us-31us Avg: 31us Max: 31us
ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects: Sum: 27us 99% C.I. 0.250us-27us Avg: 13.500us Max:
ReMarkRoots: Sum: 18us 99% C.I. 18us-18us Avg: 18us Max: 18us
ImageModUnionClearCards: Sum: 15us 99% C.I. 4us-11us Avg: 7.500us Max: 11us
FinishPhase: Sum: 14us 99% C.I. 14us-14us Avg: 14us Max: 14us
SweepZygoteSpace: Sum: 11us 99% C.I. 11us-11us Avg: 11us Max: 11us
ScanGrayZygoteSpaceObjects: Sum: 7us 99% C.I. 7us-7us Avg: 7us Max: 7us
MarkNonThreadRoots: Sum: 6us 99% C.I. 2us-4us Avg: 3us Max: 4us
ZygoteModUnionClearCards: Sum: 5us 99% C.I. 2us-3us Avg: 2.500us Max: 3us
(Paused)ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects: Sum: 4us 99% C.I. 0.250us-4us Avg: 2us Max: 4us
EnqueueFinalizerReferences: Sum: 3us 99% C.I. 3us-3us Avg: 3us Max: 3us
(Paused)PausePhase: Sum: 2us 99% C.I. 2us-2us Avg: 2us Max: 2us
MarkingPhase: Sum: 1us 99% C.I. 1us-1us Avg: 1us Max: 1us
(Paused)ProcessMarkStack: Sum: 0 99% C.I. 0ns-0ns Avg: 0ns Max: 0ns
Done Dumping histograms
concurrent mark sweep paused: Sum: 34us 99% C.I. 34us-34us Avg: 34us Max: 34us
concurrent mark sweep total time: 5.281ms mean time: 5.281ms
concurrent mark sweep freed: 124190 objects with total size 6MB
concurrent mark sweep throughput: 2.4838e+07/s / 1GB/s
Start Dumping histograms for 15 iterations for partial concurrent mark sweep
MarkRootsCheckpoint: Sum: 158.058ms 99% C.I. 0.029ms-43.600ms Avg: 5.268ms Max:
ProcessMarkStack: Sum: 39.329ms 99% C.I. 0.803us-5220us Avg: 873.977us Max: 5371us
SweepLargeObjects: Sum: 23.974ms 99% C.I. 0.006ms-14.869ms Avg: 1.598ms Max:
ReMarkRoots: Sum: 22.212ms 99% C.I. 0.019ms-20.010ms Avg: 1.480ms Max:
SweepMallocSpace: Sum: 12.411ms 99% C.I. 0.500us-3417.500us Avg: 413.700us Max:
MarkConcurrentRoots: Sum: 11.613ms 99% C.I. 0.500us-1727.500us Avg: 387.100us
Max: 1749us
UpdateAndMarkImageModUnionTable: Sum: 10.310ms 99% C.I. 56us-2605us Avg:
687.333us Max: 2628us
AllocSpaceClearCards: Sum: 7.042ms 99% C.I. 0.319us-1495us Avg: 117.366us Max:
MarkAllocStackAsLive: Sum: 5.636ms 99% C.I. 8us-3903.749us Avg: 375.733us Max:
ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects: Sum: 2.088ms 99% C.I. 0.468us-358us Avg: 69.600us
Max: 358us
FinishPhase: Sum: 1.439ms 99% C.I. 15us-337us Avg: 95.933us Max: 337us
UpdateAndMarkZygoteModUnionTable: Sum: 973us 99% C.I. 14us-562.500us Avg:
64.866us Max: 594us
MarkNonThreadRoots: Sum: 950us 99% C.I. 1us-501us Avg: 31.666us Max: 501us
SweepSystemWeaks: Sum: 874us 99% C.I. 3us-367us Avg: 58.266us Max: 367us
EnqueueFinalizerReferences: Sum: 450us 99% C.I. 2us-160us Avg: 30us Max: 160us
ScanGrayImageSpaceObjects: Sum: 355us 99% C.I. 2us-168us Avg: 23.666us Max:
ImageModUnionClearCards: Sum: 212us 99% C.I. 3us-21us Avg: 7.066us Max: 21us
(Paused)ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects: Sum: 179us 99% C.I. 0.258us-51us Avg: 5.966us
Max: 51us
RevokeAllThreadLocalAllocationStacks: Sum: 142us 99% C.I. 2us-39us Avg: 9.466us
Max: 39us
(Paused)ScanGrayImageSpaceObjects: Sum: 99us 99% C.I. 2us-31us Avg: 6.600us Max:
ZygoteModUnionClearCards: Sum: 54us 99% C.I. 0.250us-6us Avg: 1.800us Max: 6us
ProcessReferences: Sum: 52us 99% C.I. 0.250us-31us Avg: 3.466us Max: 31us
MarkingPhase: Sum: 44us 99% C.I. 1us-8us Avg: 2.933us Max: 8us
(Paused)PausePhase: Sum: 30us 99% C.I. 1us-6us Avg: 2us Max: 6us
ProcessCards: Sum: 26us 99% C.I. 250ns-4000ns Avg: 866ns Max: 4000ns
PreCleanCards: Sum: 25us 99% C.I. 0.250us-4us Avg: 1.666us Max: 4us
ScanGrayZygoteSpaceObjects: Sum: 18us 99% C.I. 0.250us-5us Avg: 1.200us Max: 5us
Sweep: Sum: 17us 99% C.I. 0.250us-3us Avg: 1.133us Max: 3us
ReclaimPhase: Sum: 14us 99% C.I. 250ns-3000ns Avg: 933ns Max: 3000ns
(Paused)ScanGrayZygoteSpaceObjects: Sum: 6us 99% C.I. 250ns-3000ns Avg: 400ns Max:
MarkRoots: Sum: 5us 99% C.I. 250ns-2000ns Avg: 333ns Max: 2000ns
InitializePhase: Sum: 4us 99% C.I. 250ns-3000ns Avg: 266ns Max: 3000ns
(Paused)ProcessMarkStack: Sum: 2us 99% C.I. 250ns-2000ns Avg: 133ns Max: 2000ns
BindBitmaps: Sum: 0 99% C.I. 0ns-0ns Avg: 0ns Max: 0ns
Done Dumping histograms
partial concurrent mark sweep paused: Sum: 22.905ms 99% C.I. 0.030ms-20.424ms
Avg: 1.527ms Max: 21.602ms
partial concurrent mark sweep total time: 298.669ms mean time: 19.911ms
partial concurrent mark sweep freed: 303633 objects with total size 35MB
partial concurrent mark sweep throughput: 1.0189e+06/s / 118MB/s
Start Dumping histograms for 32 iterations for sticky concurrent mark sweep
SweepArray: Sum: 50.652ms 99% C.I. 0.021ms-16.840ms Avg: 1.582ms Max: 18.584ms
ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects: Sum: 42.782ms 99% C.I. 1.267us-7655.999us Avg:
334.234us Max: 10477us
MarkRootsCheckpoint: Sum: 22.298ms 99% C.I. 20us-4098us Avg: 348.406us Max:
MarkingPhase: Sum: 16.049ms 99% C.I. 28us-3577us Avg: 501.531us Max: 3577us
FreeList: Sum: 15.845ms 99% C.I. 0.264us-243.499us Avg: 25.311us Max: 3082us
MarkConcurrentRoots: Sum: 12.285ms 99% C.I. 0.516us-618us Avg: 191.953us Max:
FinishPhase: Sum: 9.021ms 99% C.I. 8us-3959.999us Avg: 281.906us Max: 4379us
ProcessMarkStack: Sum: 8.038ms 99% C.I. 0.307us-1745.999us Avg: 62.796us Max:
ScanGrayImageSpaceObjects: Sum: 6.674ms 99% C.I. 2us-1005.999us Avg: 104.281us
Max: 1102us
ResetStack: Sum: 4.145ms 99% C.I. 2us-2593.999us Avg: 129.531us Max: 3017us
ReMarkRoots: Sum: 2.148ms 99% C.I. 13us-372us Avg: 67.125us Max: 372us
AllocSpaceClearCards: Sum: 1.134ms 99% C.I. 0.260us-69us Avg: 8.859us Max: 69us
SweepSystemWeaks: Sum: 942us 99% C.I. 3us-109us Avg: 29.437us Max: 109us
EnqueueFinalizerReferences: Sum: 835us 99% C.I. 0.296us-120us Avg: 26.093us Max:
(Paused)ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects: Sum: 599us 99% C.I. 0.271us-134us Avg: 9.359us
Max: 137us
ImageModUnionClearCards: Sum: 503us 99% C.I. 2us-151.999us Avg: 7.859us Max:
MarkNonThreadRoots: Sum: 424us 99% C.I. 1us-118us Avg: 6.625us Max: 118us
ScanGrayZygoteSpaceObjects: Sum: 371us 99% C.I. 0.253us-185.999us Avg: 5.796us
Max: 206us
RevokeAllThreadLocalAllocationStacks: Sum: 338us 99% C.I. 1us-63us Avg:
10.562us Max: 63us
(Paused)ScanGrayImageSpaceObjects: Sum: 147us 99% C.I. 2us-28us Avg: 4.593us Max:
ReclaimPhase: Sum: 111us 99% C.I. 0.258us-81us Avg: 3.468us Max: 81us
ZygoteModUnionClearCards: Sum: 83us 99% C.I. 0.250us-5us Avg: 1.296us Max: 5us
(Paused)PausePhase: Sum: 50us 99% C.I. 0.250us-9us Avg: 1.562us Max: 9us
InitializePhase: Sum: 34us 99% C.I. 0.250us-29us Avg: 1.062us Max: 29us
ProcessCards: Sum: 31us 99% C.I. 250ns-2000ns Avg: 484ns Max: 2000ns
PreCleanCards: Sum: 28us 99% C.I. 250ns-12000ns Avg: 875ns Max: 12000ns
SwapBitmaps: Sum: 18us 99% C.I. 250ns-3000ns Avg: 562ns Max: 3000ns
ProcessReferences: Sum: 11us 99% C.I. 250ns-5000ns Avg: 343ns Max: 5000ns
(Paused)ScanGrayZygoteSpaceObjects: Sum: 9us 99% C.I. 250ns-2000ns Avg: 281ns Max:
MarkRoots: Sum: 4us 99% C.I. 250ns-1000ns Avg: 125ns Max: 1000ns
(Paused)ProcessMarkStack: Sum: 2us 99% C.I. 250ns-1000ns Avg: 62ns Max: 1000ns
BindBitmaps: Sum: 0 99% C.I. 0ns-0ns Avg: 0ns Max: 0ns
Done Dumping histograms
sticky concurrent mark sweep paused: Sum: 3.969ms 99% C.I. 26us-485us Avg:
124.031us Max: 485us
sticky concurrent mark sweep total time: 195.613ms mean time: 6.112ms
sticky concurrent mark sweep freed: 615088 objects with total size 49MB
sticky concurrent mark sweep throughput: 3.1543e+06/s / 253MB/s
Total time spent in GC: 499.563ms
Mean GC size throughput: 118MB/s
Mean GC object throughput: 2.08681e+06 objects/s
Total number of allocations 1244326
Total bytes allocated 76MB
Total bytes freed 59MB
Free memory 1630KB
Free memory until GC 1630KB
Free memory until OOME 494MB
Total memory 19MB
Max memory 512MB
Zygote space size 2MB
Total mutator paused time: 26.908ms
Total time waiting for GC to complete: 7.968us
Total GC count: 48
Total GC time: 499.563ms
Total blocking GC count: 1
Total blocking GC time: 5.340ms
Histogram of GC count per 10000 ms: 0:15,1:2,5:1,40:1
Histogram of blocking GC count per 10000 ms: 0:18,1:1

suspend all histogram: Sum: 495us 99% C.I. 0.097us-69us Avg: 8.839us Max: 69us
"Signal Catcher" daemon prio=5 tid=2 Runnable
| group="system" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c010a0 self=0x7f19128ed800
| sysTid=735 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f19181a9440
| state=R schedstat=( 7816384 700114 8 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f19180ad000-0x7f19180af000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
native: #00 pc 0000000000557da7 /system/lib64/
native: #01 pc 000000000051b8c0 /system/lib64/
native: #02 pc 000000000052b2ad /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000052dbc6 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000005306fe /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 00000000004ec36a /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 00000000004fd6bd /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000004fe817 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"main" prio=5 tid=1 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x7551c970 self=0x7f1918fbba00
| sysTid=732 nice=-2 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f191ce88300
| state=S schedstat=( 1333453169 109750045 4292 ) utm=42 stm=91 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7fffd55ed000-0x7fffd55ef000 stackSize=8MB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/732/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke!(Native method)

"ReferenceQueueDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=3 Waiting

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c040a0 self=0x7f1918dc2a00
| sysTid=737 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f19180aa440
| state=S schedstat=( 12098459 2039816 289 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1917fa8000-0x7f1917faa000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x02c3b0ec> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)
at java.lang.Daemons$
- locked <0x02c3b0ec> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)

"FinalizerWatchdogDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=4 Waiting

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c04160 self=0x7f1918dc3e00
| sysTid=739 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1917ea0440
| state=S schedstat=( 519330 421073 17 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1917d9e000-0x7f1917da0000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0fc26cb5> (a java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon)
at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon.waitForObject(
- locked <0x0fc26cb5> (a java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon)
at java.lang.Daemons$

"FinalizerDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=5 Waiting

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c04100 self=0x7f1918dc3400
| sysTid=738 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1917fa5440
| state=S schedstat=( 37633530 12345195 216 ) utm=3 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1917ea3000-0x7f1917ea5000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0be59f4a> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue)
at java.lang.Object.wait(
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
- locked <0x0be59f4a> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
at java.lang.Daemons$

"HeapTaskDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=6 Blocked

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c041c0 self=0x7f1918dc4800
| sysTid=741 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1917d9b440
| state=S schedstat=( 411775602 36003920 745 ) utm=10 stm=30 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1917c99000-0x7f1917c9b000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/741/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000001cf06 /system/lib64/ (syscall+22)
native: #01 pc 000000000017c9f5 /system/lib64/
native: #02 pc 00000000002defc0 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 00000000002dfa2a /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 0000000000000549 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.runHeapTasks(Native method)
- waiting to lock an unknown object
at java.lang.Daemons$

"Binder_1" prio=5 tid=7 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c560a0 self=0x7f1918dc5200
| sysTid=744 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f19178b4440
| state=S schedstat=( 172719807 148253606 3600 ) utm=8 stm=8 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f19177b8000-0x7f19177ba000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/744/stack)
native: #00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
native: #01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
native: #02 pc 0000000000033f56 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 0000000000034800 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"Binder_2" prio=5 tid=8 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c590a0 self=0x7f1908bdbc00
| sysTid=745 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f19177b0440
| state=S schedstat=( 194548859 148387409 3606 ) utm=2 stm=16 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f19176b4000-0x7f19176b6000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/745/stack)
native: #00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
native: #01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
native: #02 pc 0000000000033f56 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 0000000000034800 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"" prio=5 tid=9 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c04b20 self=0x7f1918d6fe00
| sysTid=747 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f19175c0440
| state=S schedstat=( 208629450 42594359 396 ) utm=4 stm=16 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f19174be000-0x7f19174c0000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/747/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"ActivityManager" prio=5 tid=10 TimedWaiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d95120 self=0x7f1918d70800
| sysTid=748 nice=-2 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f19174bb440
| state=S schedstat=( 75030408 31676057 417 ) utm=3 stm=4 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f19173b9000-0x7f19173bb000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x04898ebb> (a$4)
at java.lang.Object.wait(
- locked <0x04898ebb> (a$4)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"android.ui" prio=5 tid=11 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d95200 self=0x7f1918d71200
| sysTid=749 nice=-2 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1913a18440
| state=S schedstat=( 482480892 96486230 5926 ) utm=21 stm=26 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1913916000-0x7f1913918000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/749/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000001cf06 /system/lib64/ (syscall+22)
native: #01 pc 000000000017c9f5 /system/lib64/
native: #02 pc 00000000003edf0b /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000014b962 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 000000000001cf4a /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"android.fg" prio=5 tid=12 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d952e0 self=0x7f1918d71c00
| sysTid=750 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1913913440
| state=S schedstat=( 20102510 14294162 125 ) utm=0 stm=2 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1913811000-0x7f1913813000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/750/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"FileObserver" prio=5 tid=13 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c59700 self=0x7f1918d72600
| sysTid=751 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f19136bf440
| state=S schedstat=( 603213 73704 7 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f19135bd000-0x7f19135bf000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/751/stack)
native: #00 pc 0000000000088335 /system/lib64/ (read+5)
native: #01 pc 0000000000150e30 /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #02 pc 00000000000288f7 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
native: #03 pc 000000000010226f (???)
native: #04 pc 00000000001024ff (???)
at android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe(Native method)
at android.os.FileObserver$

"" prio=5 tid=14 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12e060b0 self=0x7f1918d9b000
| sysTid=752 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f191353f440
| state=S schedstat=( 4949869 944234 36 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f191343d000-0x7f191343f000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/752/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"android.display" prio=5 tid=15 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12e06120 self=0x7f1918d9ba00
| sysTid=753 nice=-4 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1907088440
| state=S schedstat=( 117010206 33256774 853 ) utm=2 stm=9 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1906f86000-0x7f1906f88000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/753/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"CpuTracker" prio=5 tid=16 TimedWaiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c59880 self=0x7f1918d9c400
| sysTid=754 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1906f83440
| state=S schedstat=( 2925382 1015122 4 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1906e81000-0x7f1906e83000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x07b0efd8> (a$3)
at java.lang.Object.wait(
- locked <0x07b0efd8> (a$3)

"PowerManagerService" prio=5 tid=17 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d6b350 self=0x7f1918d9ce00
| sysTid=755 nice=-4 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1906e7e440
| state=S schedstat=( 17481931 8335211 262 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1906d7c000-0x7f1906d7e000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/755/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"BatteryStats_wakeupReason" prio=5 tid=18 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d6b5f0 self=0x7f1918d9d800
| sysTid=756 nice=-2 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1906d79440
| state=S schedstat=( 205944 67195 2 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1906c77000-0x7f1906c79000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/756/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000001cf06 /system/lib64/ (syscall+22)
native: #01 pc 000000000002d6c8 /system/lib64/ (sem_wait+168)
native: #02 pc 0000000000012b92 /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #03 pc 000000000014eef0
at method)

"java.lang.ProcessManager" daemon prio=5 tid=19 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c59460 self=0x7f1918d9e200
| sysTid=758 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1906a7f440
| state=S schedstat=( 694491 5850596 9 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f190697d000-0x7f190697f000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x087a1f31> (a java.util.HashMap)
at java.lang.ProcessManager.waitForMoreChildren(
- locked <0x087a1f31> (a java.util.HashMap)
at java.lang.ProcessManager.watchChildren(
at java.lang.ProcessManager.-wrap0(
at java.lang.ProcessManager$

"PackageManager" prio=5 tid=20 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d21e40 self=0x7f1918d9ec00
| sysTid=760 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f190697a440
| state=S schedstat=( 109892467 17428724 110 ) utm=3 stm=7 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1906878000-0x7f190687a000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/760/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"PackageInstaller" prio=5 tid=21 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x138bd0a0 self=0x7f1918d9f600
| sysTid=777 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f1904bff440
| state=S schedstat=( 540755 365696 25 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f1904afd000-0x7f1904aff000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/777/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"SensorEventAckReceiver" prio=10 tid=22 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12dc1340 self=0x7f1917643400
| sysTid=778 nice=-8 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fc6d8440
| state=S schedstat=( 62685838 49238575 4538 ) utm=0 stm=6 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fc5dc000-0x7f18fc5de000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/778/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 0000000000017878 /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #05 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #09 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"SensorService" prio=10 tid=23 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12e35160 self=0x7f1904c46e00
| sysTid=779 nice=-8 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fc5d9440
| state=S schedstat=( 375205835 55117042 3737 ) utm=2 stm=35 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fc4dd000-0x7f18fc4df000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/779/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008763a /system/lib64/ (__pselect6+10)
native: #01 pc 000000000002c7a5 /system/lib64/ (select+69)
native: #02 pc 000000000000507a /system/lib64/hw/
native: #03 pc 0000000000011441 /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #04 pc 000000000001e154 /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #05 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #09 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"CameraService_proxy" prio=5 tid=24 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x131a9d60 self=0x7f1904c46400
| sysTid=780 nice=-4 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fc4da440
| state=S schedstat=( 202735 48753 1 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fc3d8000-0x7f18fc3da000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/780/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"AlarmManager" prio=5 tid=25 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x1327ad00 self=0x7f1905cc5200
| sysTid=781 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fc3d5440
| state=S schedstat=( 4124885 1969505 20 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fc2d3000-0x7f18fc2d5000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/781/stack)
native: #00 pc 00000000000875d5 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+5)
native: #01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
native: #02 pc 000000000001232c /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #03 pc 00000000000137a9
native: #04 pc 0000000000101cdf (???)
native: #05 pc 0000000000007f18 ???
at method)

"InputDispatcher" prio=10 tid=26 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x133060a0 self=0x7f1917649800
| sysTid=782 nice=-8 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fb93c440
| state=S schedstat=( 108893726 22675615 3566 ) utm=2 stm=8 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fb840000-0x7f18fb842000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/782/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 000000000003c254 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000002f6e0 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"InputReader" prio=10 tid=27 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x133120a0 self=0x7f1905d03400
| sysTid=783 nice=-8 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fb83d440
| state=S schedstat=( 76724050 10359217 1313 ) utm=0 stm=7 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fb741000-0x7f18fb743000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/783/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000002f1cb /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000004334b /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 000000000003d530 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #09 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"MountService" prio=5 tid=28 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x13347760 self=0x7f1905cc5c00
| sysTid=784 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fb73e440
| state=S schedstat=( 13760677 935823 47 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fb63c000-0x7f18fb63e000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/784/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"CryptdConnector" prio=5 tid=29 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x13347a00 self=0x7f1905d02000
| sysTid=786 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fb534440
| state=S schedstat=( 1541473 212234 11 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fb432000-0x7f18fb434000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/786/stack)
native: #00 pc 00000000000883f5 /system/lib64/ (recvmsg+5)
native: #01 pc 00000000000fd2b0 /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #02 pc 00000000000fd610 /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #03 pc 0000000000ee81d0 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at method)
- locked <0x02666616> (a java.lang.Object)

"VoldConnector" prio=5 tid=30 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x133479a0 self=0x7f1905cc6600
| sysTid=785 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fb639440
| state=S schedstat=( 1997279 1191040 17 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fb537000-0x7f18fb539000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/785/stack)
native: #00 pc 00000000000883f5 /system/lib64/ (recvmsg+5)
native: #01 pc 00000000000fd2b0 /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #02 pc 00000000000fd610 /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #03 pc 0000000000ee81d0 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at method)
- locked <0x03b85b97> (a java.lang.Object)

"RenderThread" prio=5 tid=31 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x132fd220 self=0x7f1904a34c00
| sysTid=792 nice=-4 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fc2d0440
| state=S schedstat=( 222904886 55851768 1390 ) utm=4 stm=17 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fc1d4000-0x7f18fc1d6000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/792/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 0000000000030e55 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #09 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"NetdConnector" prio=5 tid=32 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x13306940 self=0x7f1905d02a00
| sysTid=793 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fc1d1440
| state=S schedstat=( 3478195 1762131 31 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fc0cf000-0x7f18fc0d1000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/793/stack)
native: #00 pc 00000000000883f5 /system/lib64/ (recvmsg+5)
native: #01 pc 00000000000fd2b0 /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #02 pc 00000000000fd610 /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #03 pc 0000000000ee81d0 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at method)
- locked <0x0f313184> (a java.lang.Object)

"NetworkStats" prio=5 tid=33 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x13306dc0 self=0x7f1906760000
| sysTid=794 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fc0cc440
| state=S schedstat=( 352170 73838 1 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fbfca000-0x7f18fbfcc000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/794/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"NetworkPolicy" prio=5 tid=34 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x13306e20 self=0x7f1906760a00
| sysTid=795 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fbfc7440
| state=S schedstat=( 162753 29750 1 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fbec5000-0x7f18fbec7000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/795/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"WifiP2pService" prio=5 tid=35 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x13312100 self=0x7f1906761400
| sysTid=796 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fbec2440
| state=S schedstat=( 341989 43570 5 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fbdc0000-0x7f18fbdc2000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/796/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(
"WifiStateMachine" prio=5 tid=36 Native
| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x133121c0 self=0x7f1906761e00
| sysTid=798 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fbcff440
| state=S schedstat=( 76771030 53952866 453 ) utm=2 stm=5 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fbbfd000-0x7f18fbbff000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/798/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"WifiService" prio=5 tid=37 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x13338280 self=0x7f1906762800
| sysTid=799 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fbb13440
| state=S schedstat=( 3378149 842518 25 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fba11000-0x7f18fba13000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/799/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"ConnectivityServiceThread" prio=5 tid=38 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x13340d60 self=0x7f1906763200
| sysTid=800 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fb42f440
| state=S schedstat=( 10365873 10392911 217 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fb32d000-0x7f18fb32f000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/800/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"android.pacmanager" prio=5 tid=39 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x13364a00 self=0x7f1906763c00
| sysTid=801 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fb32a440
| state=S schedstat=( 232458 50963 1 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fb228000-0x7f18fb22a000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/801/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"NsdService" prio=5 tid=40 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x13368520 self=0x7f1906764600
| sysTid=802 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fb225440
| state=S schedstat=( 854560 96921 2 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fb123000-0x7f18fb125000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/802/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"mDnsConnector" prio=5 tid=41 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x13382100 self=0x7f1904de4000
| sysTid=803 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fb120440
| state=S schedstat=( 4051164 117820 2 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fb01e000-0x7f18fb020000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/803/stack)
native: #00 pc 00000000000883f5 /system/lib64/ (recvmsg+5)
native: #01 pc 00000000000fd2b0 /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #02 pc 00000000000fd610 /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #03 pc 0000000000ee81d0 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at method)
- locked <0x05207d6d> (a java.lang.Object)

"ranker" prio=5 tid=42 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x13382280 self=0x7f1904de4a00
| sysTid=804 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f18fb01b440
| state=S schedstat=( 17846908 1985997 121 ) utm=0 stm=1 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18faf19000-0x7f18faf1b000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/804/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"notification-sqlite-log" prio=5 tid=43 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x133822e0 self=0x7f1904de5400
| sysTid=805 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f18faf16440
| state=S schedstat=( 5563764 14306672 35 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fae14000-0x7f18fae16000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/805/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(
"hwuiTask1" prio=5 tid=44 Native
| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d71460 self=0x7f1906a8fc00
| sysTid=806 nice=-2 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fae11440
| state=S schedstat=( 17639245 15690152 159 ) utm=0 stm=1 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fad15000-0x7f18fad17000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/806/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000001cf06 /system/lib64/ (syscall+22)
native: #01 pc 00000000000848b2 /system/lib64/ (pthread_cond_wait+82)
native: #02 pc 0000000000031eaa /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #03 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #07 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"hwuiTask2" prio=5 tid=45 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d9b0a0 self=0x7f1904de6800
| sysTid=807 nice=-2 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fad12440
| state=S schedstat=( 280529 5187260 4 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fac16000-0x7f18fac18000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/807/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000001cf06 /system/lib64/ (syscall+22)
native: #01 pc 00000000000848b2 /system/lib64/ (pthread_cond_wait+82)
native: #02 pc 0000000000031eaa /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #03 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #07 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"AudioService" prio=5 tid=46 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x132fd640 self=0x7f1904de5e00
| sysTid=808 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fac13440
| state=S schedstat=( 26627746 8146995 227 ) utm=0 stm=1 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fab11000-0x7f18fab13000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/808/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"UEventObserver" prio=5 tid=47 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x132fd820 self=0x7f1904e26c00
| sysTid=809 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fa9cd440
| state=S schedstat=( 345307 82936 4 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fa8cb000-0x7f18fa8cd000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/809/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008761a /system/lib64/ (__ppoll+10)
native: #01 pc 000000000002c6d3 /system/lib64/ (poll+51)
native: #02 pc 00000000000026ab /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 00000000000fc6cb /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #04 pc 0000000000027ddd /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
native: #05 pc 000000000010226f (???)
native: #06 pc 00000000001024ff (???)
at android.os.UEventObserver.nativeWaitForNextEvent(Native method)
at android.os.UEventObserver.-wrap0(
at android.os.UEventObserver$

"WifiWatchdogStateMachine" prio=5 tid=48 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x132d1580 self=0x7f1904e28a00
| sysTid=814 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f9d2b440
| state=S schedstat=( 1140811 257082 55 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f9c29000-0x7f18f9c2b000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/814/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"WifiManager" prio=5 tid=49 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x132fd280 self=0x7f1904e29400
| sysTid=815 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f9c26440
| state=S schedstat=( 306090 42971 2 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f9b24000-0x7f18f9b26000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/815/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"WifiScanningService" prio=5 tid=50 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x132fd580 self=0x7f1904c74c00
| sysTid=816 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f9b21440
| state=S schedstat=( 479279 217985 10 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f9a1f000-0x7f18f9a21000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/816/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"WifiRttService" prio=5 tid=51 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x132fd5e0 self=0x7f1904c75600
| sysTid=817 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f9a1c440
| state=S schedstat=( 782156 1789461 8 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f991a000-0x7f18f991c000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/817/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"backup" prio=5 tid=52 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x132fd940 self=0x7f1904e27600
| sysTid=818 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f18f9917440
| state=S schedstat=( 720204 93851 5 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f9815000-0x7f18f9817000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/818/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"PhotonicModulator" prio=5 tid=53 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x133043c0 self=0x7f1905bb7400
| sysTid=819 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f9812440
| state=S schedstat=( 695372 3041548 12 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f9710000-0x7f18f9712000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x045acda2> (a java.lang.Object)
- locked <0x045acda2> (a java.lang.Object)

"LazyTaskWriterThread" prio=5 tid=54 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c59820 self=0x7f1904e29e00
| sysTid=820 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f18f970d440
| state=S schedstat=( 961636 1643460 11 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f960b000-0x7f18f960d000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x029d1a33> (a
- locked <0x029d1a33> (a

"Binder_3" prio=5 tid=55 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x138c6100 self=0x7f1904de0800
| sysTid=822 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f9608440
| state=S schedstat=( 180611468 152606936 3569 ) utm=4 stm=14 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f950c000-0x7f18f950e000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/822/stack)
native: #00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
native: #01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
native: #02 pc 0000000000033f56 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 0000000000034800 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"Thread-65" prio=5 tid=56 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x133b3b80 self=0x7f1904e2b200
| sysTid=824 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f923a440
| state=S schedstat=( 807648 462087 2 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f9138000-0x7f18f913a000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/824/stack)
native: #00 pc 0000000000087418 /system/lib64/ (__accept4+8)
native: #01 pc 0000000000000ed2 /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #02 pc 000000000003e0c9 /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #03 pc 000000000034f81f /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at method)
at android.system.Os.accept(

"UsbService host thread" prio=5 tid=57 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x133b3b20 self=0x7f1904e2a800
| sysTid=823 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f933f440
| state=S schedstat=( 2327166 3226730 39 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f923d000-0x7f18f923f000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/823/stack)
native: #00 pc 0000000000088335 /system/lib64/ (read+5)
native: #01 pc 00000000000018c1 /system/lib64/
native: #02 pc 0000000000002387 /system/lib64/ (usb_host_run+39)
native: #03 pc 00000000002866d9
at method)

"watchdog" prio=5 tid=58 TimedWaiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12deaf90 self=0x7f1904e2bc00
| sysTid=918 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f8e7f440
| state=S schedstat=( 1721116 29167863 12 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f8d7d000-0x7f18f8d7f000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0151e1f0> (a
at java.lang.Object.wait(
- locked <0x0151e1f0> (a
"SoundPool" prio=5 tid=59 Native
| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x136e30a0 self=0x7f1905bb6000
| sysTid=926 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f8cff440
| state=S schedstat=( 744131 1076401 5 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f8c03000-0x7f18f8c05000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/926/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000001cf06 /system/lib64/ (syscall+22)
native: #01 pc 00000000000848b2 /system/lib64/ (pthread_cond_wait+82)
native: #02 pc 0000000000008bba /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #06 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"SoundPoolThread" prio=5 tid=60 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x136f60a0 self=0x7f18fb9a7000
| sysTid=927 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f8c00440
| state=S schedstat=( 10766247 4446554 137 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f8b04000-0x7f18f8b06000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/927/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000001cf06 /system/lib64/ (syscall+22)
native: #01 pc 00000000000848b2 /system/lib64/ (pthread_cond_wait+82)
native: #02 pc 000000000000906a /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 00000000000092bc /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #07 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"NetworkTimeUpdateService" prio=5 tid=62 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x137281c0 self=0x7f1904e2c600
| sysTid=929 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f88fc440
| state=S schedstat=( 2380528 3280887 32 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f87fa000-0x7f18f87fc000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/929/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"gps_state_thread" prio=5 tid=63 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x137450a0 self=0x7f18f8d20c00
| sysTid=930 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f877f440
| state=S schedstat=( 99872305 19582013 2502 ) utm=0 stm=9 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f8683000-0x7f18f8685000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/930/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 00000000000016d0 /system/lib64/hw/ (???)
native: #03 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #06 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"Binder_4" prio=5 tid=65 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x137530a0 self=0x7f18f84b0000
| sysTid=967 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f847f440
| state=S schedstat=( 173986947 148525150 3467 ) utm=4 stm=12 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f8383000-0x7f18f8385000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/967/stack)
native: #00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
native: #01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
native: #02 pc 0000000000033f56 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 0000000000034800 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"Binder_5" prio=5 tid=66 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x137560a0 self=0x7f18f85edc00
| sysTid=968 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f8380440
| state=S schedstat=( 172142893 159186839 3543 ) utm=3 stm=13 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f8284000-0x7f18f8286000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/968/stack)
native: #00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
native: #01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
native: #02 pc 0000000000033f56 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 0000000000034800 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"Binder_6" prio=5 tid=67 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x1375a0a0 self=0x7f18f84b6400
| sysTid=977 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f8281440
| state=S schedstat=( 187851932 161003876 3738 ) utm=6 stm=12 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f8185000-0x7f18f8187000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/977/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000001cf06 /system/lib64/ (syscall+22)
native: #01 pc 000000000017c9f5 /system/lib64/
native: #02 pc 00000000003df88b /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 00000000000fe5f5 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 000000000010689c /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000002b6f4 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 00000000000347bc /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 0000000000034853 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
native: #10 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #11 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #12 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #13 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #14 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"Binder_7" prio=5 tid=68 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x137810a0 self=0x7f18f7e83000
| sysTid=1015 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f7fff440
| state=S schedstat=( 173215118 122241071 3545 ) utm=6 stm=10 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f7f03000-0x7f18f7f05000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1015/stack)
native: #00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
native: #01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
native: #02 pc 0000000000033f56 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 0000000000034800 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"Binder_8" prio=5 tid=69 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x137830a0 self=0x7f18f814f200
| sysTid=1019 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f7e7f440
| state=S schedstat=( 181783084 148640218 3602 ) utm=8 stm=10 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f7d83000-0x7f18f7d85000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1019/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000001cf06 /system/lib64/ (syscall+22)
native: #01 pc 000000000017c9f5 /system/lib64/
native: #02 pc 00000000003df88b /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 00000000000fe5f5 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 000000000010689c /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000002b6f4 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 00000000000347bc /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 0000000000034853 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
native: #10 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #11 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #12 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #13 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #14 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)
"Thread-78" prio=5 tid=70 Waiting
| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x1368d7b0 self=0x7f1904de1200
| sysTid=1056 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f18f7c7f440
| state=S schedstat=( 373054 641831 9 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f7b7d000-0x7f18f7b7f000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x02548369> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x02548369> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(

"Thread-79" prio=5 tid=71 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x1368d820 self=0x7f1904de1c00
| sysTid=1057 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f18f7b7a440
| state=S schedstat=( 5682032 6408799 44 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f7a78000-0x7f18f7a7a000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0a3c21ee> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x0a3c21ee> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(

"Okio Watchdog" daemon prio=5 tid=72 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x137b7400 self=0x7f18f8007400
| sysTid=1064 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f79ff440
| state=S schedstat=( 813374 616832 10 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f78fd000-0x7f18f78ff000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0a05268f> (a
- locked <0x0a05268f> (a java.lang.Class<>)

"AsyncQueryWorker" prio=5 tid=74 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x137ad940 self=0x7f18f7a03400
| sysTid=1068 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f777f440
| state=S schedstat=( 2519245 1822523 39 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f767d000-0x7f18f767f000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1068/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"WifiMonitor" prio=5 tid=75 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x13850640 self=0x7f18f85f5400
| sysTid=1100 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f7361440
| state=S schedstat=( 1635236 29746914 19 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f725f000-0x7f18f7261000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1100/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008761a /system/lib64/ (__ppoll+10)
native: #01 pc 000000000002c6d3 /system/lib64/ (poll+51)
native: #02 pc 00000000000039d1 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 0000000000003aa0 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 0000000000007feb /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #05 pc 0000000000167691 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 000000000015d0e4 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 000000000016c857 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 00000000005a8724 /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000032a109 /system/lib64/
native: #10 pc 000000000033061d /system/lib64/
native: #11 pc 000000000011947f /system/lib64/
native: #12 pc 000000000030407b /system/lib64/
native: #13 pc 000000000032a109 /system/lib64/
native: #14 pc 0000000000331b19 /system/lib64/
native: #15 pc 00000000001195af /system/lib64/
native: #16 pc 0000000000303cd9 /system/lib64/
native: #17 pc 0000000000620fba /system/lib64/
native: #18 pc 000000000016780c /system/lib64/
native: #19 pc 000000000015d0e4 /system/lib64/
native: #20 pc 000000000016c857 /system/lib64/
native: #21 pc 00000000004e62f7 /system/lib64/
native: #22 pc 000000000051cbc6 /system/lib64/
native: #23 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #24 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #25 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
at method)

"SyncHandler-0" prio=5 tid=61 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x134bd220 self=0x7f18f752d800
| sysTid=1106 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f8b01440
| state=S schedstat=( 377358 361505 11 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f89ff000-0x7f18f8a01000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1106/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"WifiScanner" prio=5 tid=64 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x1393ef40 self=0x7f18f85f5e00
| sysTid=1109 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f725c440
| state=S schedstat=( 257105 77756 7 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f715a000-0x7f18f715c000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1109/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"NetworkMonitorNetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]" prio=5 tid=76 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x139bb9a0 self=0x7f18f85f6800
| sysTid=1112 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f7157440
| state=S schedstat=( 374262 38865 3 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f7055000-0x7f18f7057000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1112/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"Thread-87" prio=5 tid=77 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x139c5340 self=0x7f18f85f7200
| sysTid=1113 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f7052440
| state=S schedstat=( 10106955 9424111 42 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f6f50000-0x7f18f6f52000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1113/stack)
native: #00 pc 0000000000088335 /system/lib64/ (read+5)
native: #01 pc 000000000003c4f0 /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #02 pc 00000000005fcfef /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at method)

"DhcpClient" prio=5 tid=78 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x139c5880 self=0x7f18f85f7c00
| sysTid=1114 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f6f4d440
| state=S schedstat=( 2637319 744861 19 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f6e4b000-0x7f18f6e4d000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1114/stack)
native: #00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
native: #01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
native: #02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000f9a25 /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 0000000000000827 /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"Thread-89" prio=5 tid=79 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x139e41c0 self=0x7f18fb9ad400
| sysTid=1117 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f6e48440
| state=S schedstat=( 922783 361112 4 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f6d46000-0x7f18f6d48000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1117/stack)
native: #00 pc 0000000000088335 /system/lib64/ (read+5)
native: #01 pc 000000000003c4f0 /system/lib64/ (???)
native: #02 pc 00000000005fcfef /system/framework/x86_64/boot.oat
at method)

"AsyncTask #1" prio=5 tid=80 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x137016a0 self=0x7f18f7a03e00
| sysTid=1130 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18f6ac0440
| state=S schedstat=( 950460 477745 8 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18f69be000-0x7f18f69c0000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x078b2d1c> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x078b2d1c> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.take(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(
"AsyncTask #2" prio=5 tid=81 Waiting
| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x1323e3a0 self=0x7f18f93fac00
| sysTid=1340 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f18fa67f440
| state=S schedstat=( 2486709 1096372 21 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fa57d000-0x7f18fa57f000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0da8ed25> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x0da8ed25> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.take(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(

"Binder_9" prio=5 tid=82 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x13684280 self=0x7f18fa6ae600
| sysTid=1418 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7f18fa57a440
| state=S schedstat=( 141471907 115483062 2515 ) utm=8 stm=6 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fa47e000-0x7f18fa480000 stackSize=1013KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1418/stack)
native: #00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
native: #01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
native: #02 pc 0000000000033f56 /system/lib64/
native: #03 pc 0000000000034800 /system/lib64/
native: #04 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
native: #05 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
native: #06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
native: #07 pc 00000000000ae3b3 /system/lib64/
native: #08 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/
native: #09 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
native: #10 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
(no managed stack frames)

"AsyncTask #3" prio=5 tid=83 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x133bee80 self=0x7f18f850c200
| sysTid=1463 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0x7f18fa47b440
| state=S schedstat=( 824849 555172 6 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0x7f18fa379000-0x7f18fa37b000 stackSize=1037KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x08cc6efa> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x08cc6efa> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.take(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(

----- end 732 -----

----- pid 285 at 2023-11-01 19:12:41 -----

Cmd line: /sbin/healthd
ABI: 'x86_64'

"healthd" sysTid=285
#00 pc 0000000000457ffa /sbin/healthd
#01 pc 000000000044eafd /sbin/healthd
#02 pc 0000000000401129 /sbin/healthd
#03 pc 000000000044e15c /sbin/healthd
#04 pc 0000000000401b73 /sbin/healthd
#05 pc 0000000000000000 <unknown>

----- end 285 -----

----- pid 288 at 2023-11-01 19:12:41 -----

Cmd line: /system/bin/servicemanager
ABI: 'x86_64'

"servicemanager" sysTid=288
#00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
#01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
#02 pc 0000000000001fc6 /system/bin/servicemanager
#03 pc 0000000000000ee8 /system/bin/servicemanager
#04 pc 000000000001cc74 /system/lib64/ (__libc_init+84)
#05 pc 0000000000000fbe /system/bin/servicemanager
#06 pc 0000000000000000 <unknown>

----- end 288 -----

em/lib/ /system/lib/
/system/lib/ /system/lib/
/system/lib/ (8)
Heap: 20% free, 9MB/11MB; 80969 objects
Dumping cumulative Gc timings
Start Dumping histograms for 4 iterations for partial concurrent mark sweep
MarkRootsCheckpoint: Sum: 32.239ms 99% C.I. 0.078ms-11.608ms Avg: 4.029ms Max:
ProcessMarkStack: Sum: 14.488ms 99% C.I. 0.000ms-9.456ms Avg: 1.207ms Max: 9.823ms
UpdateAndMarkZygoteModUnionTable: Sum: 2.984ms 99% C.I. 166us-1265us Avg: 746us
Max: 1265us
MarkConcurrentRoots: Sum: 2.769ms 99% C.I. 2us-891us Avg: 346.125us Max: 891us
UpdateAndMarkImageModUnionTable: Sum: 2.543ms 99% C.I. 134us-930us Avg:
635.750us Max: 930us
MarkAllocStackAsLive: Sum: 2.315ms 99% C.I. 113us-1604us Avg: 578.750us Max:
FinishPhase: Sum: 2.149ms 99% C.I. 26us-1288us Avg: 537.250us Max: 1288us
MarkNonThreadRoots: Sum: 1.945ms 99% C.I. 5us-1688us Avg: 243.125us Max: 1742us
AllocSpaceClearCards: Sum: 1.906ms 99% C.I. 0.307us-780us Avg: 119.125us Max:
EnqueueFinalizerReferences: Sum: 1.036ms 99% C.I. 2us-1011us Avg: 259us Max:
SweepMallocSpace: Sum: 1.034ms 99% C.I. 1us-670us Avg: 129.250us Max: 670us
SweepLargeObjects: Sum: 468us 99% C.I. 24us-218us Avg: 117us Max: 218us
Sweep: Sum: 301us 99% C.I. 2us-291us Avg: 75.250us Max: 291us
ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects: Sum: 234us 99% C.I. 0.333us-101us Avg: 29.250us Max:
ReMarkRoots: Sum: 133us 99% C.I. 26us-47us Avg: 33.250us Max: 47us
ImageModUnionClearCards: Sum: 123us 99% C.I. 6us-54us Avg: 15.375us Max: 54us
SweepSystemWeaks: Sum: 88us 99% C.I. 14us-30us Avg: 22us Max: 30us
MarkingPhase: Sum: 38us 99% C.I. 7us-14us Avg: 9.500us Max: 14us
ScanGrayImageSpaceObjects: Sum: 31us 99% C.I. 6us-9us Avg: 7.750us Max: 9us
ProcessCards: Sum: 30us 99% C.I. 2us-8us Avg: 3.750us Max: 8us
(Paused)ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects: Sum: 27us 99% C.I. 0.250us-11us Avg: 3.375us
Max: 11us
PreCleanCards: Sum: 22us 99% C.I. 4us-8us Avg: 5.500us Max: 8us
(Paused)PausePhase: Sum: 20us 99% C.I. 4us-6us Avg: 5us Max: 6us
SwapBitmaps: Sum: 14us 99% C.I. 3us-4us Avg: 3.500us Max: 4us
ReclaimPhase: Sum: 13us 99% C.I. 3us-4us Avg: 3.250us Max: 4us
MarkRoots: Sum: 12us 99% C.I. 2us-4us Avg: 3us Max: 4us
ScanGrayZygoteSpaceObjects: Sum: 9us 99% C.I. 2us-3us Avg: 2.250us Max: 3us
FindDefaultSpaceBitmap: Sum: 8us 99% C.I. 0.250us-8us Avg: 2us Max: 8us
(Paused)ScanGrayZygoteSpaceObjects: Sum: 7us 99% C.I. 1us-3us Avg: 1.750us Max: 3us
BindBitmaps: Sum: 3us 99% C.I. 250ns-2000ns Avg: 750ns Max: 2000ns
SwapStacks: Sum: 2us 99% C.I. 250ns-1000ns Avg: 500ns Max: 1000ns
(Paused)ProcessMarkStack: Sum: 0 99% C.I. 0ns-0ns Avg: 0ns Max: 0ns
Done Dumping histograms
partial concurrent mark sweep paused: Sum: 262us 99% C.I. 53us-77us Avg:
65.500us Max: 77us
partial concurrent mark sweep total time: 67.072ms mean time: 16.768ms
partial concurrent mark sweep freed: 13195 objects with total size 9MB
partial concurrent mark sweep throughput: 196940/s / 146MB/s
Start Dumping histograms for 7 iterations for sticky concurrent mark sweep
MarkRootsCheckpoint: Sum: 18.274ms 99% C.I. 0.030ms-5.117ms Avg: 1.305ms Max:
ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects: Sum: 6.102ms 99% C.I. 0.411us-3021.999us Avg:
217.928us Max: 3371us
SweepArray: Sum: 5.412ms 99% C.I. 44us-2595.750us Avg: 773.142us Max: 2600us
MarkConcurrentRoots: Sum: 5.396ms 99% C.I. 1us-1506us Avg: 385.428us Max: 1506us
FreeList: Sum: 3.782ms 99% C.I. 1us-204.499us Avg: 20.780us Max: 240us
ProcessMarkStack: Sum: 3.638ms 99% C.I. 0.368us-1531.999us Avg: 129.928us Max:
FinishPhase: Sum: 2.530ms 99% C.I. 9us-1616.750us Avg: 361.428us Max: 1644us
ScanGrayImageSpaceObjects: Sum: 2.224ms 99% C.I. 4us-730us Avg: 158.857us Max:
MarkingPhase: Sum: 1.981ms 99% C.I. 49us-673us Avg: 283us Max: 673us
ReMarkRoots: Sum: 1.139ms 99% C.I. 13us-966.750us Avg: 162.714us Max: 968us
ResetStack: Sum: 867us 99% C.I. 27us-265us Avg: 123.857us Max: 265us
EnqueueFinalizerReferences: Sum: 560us 99% C.I. 1us-243us Avg: 80us Max: 243us
AllocSpaceClearCards: Sum: 469us 99% C.I. 0.291us-80us Avg: 16.750us Max: 80us
ScanGrayZygoteSpaceObjects: Sum: 318us 99% C.I. 1us-230us Avg: 22.714us Max:
ImageModUnionClearCards: Sum: 129us 99% C.I. 5us-15us Avg: 9.214us Max: 15us
SweepSystemWeaks: Sum: 112us 99% C.I. 7us-36us Avg: 16us Max: 36us
MarkNonThreadRoots: Sum: 108us 99% C.I. 2us-37us Avg: 7.714us Max: 37us
(Paused)ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects: Sum: 79us 99% C.I. 0.250us-38us Avg: 5.642us
Max: 38us
ZygoteModUnionClearCards: Sum: 47us 99% C.I. 1us-8us Avg: 3.357us Max: 8us
(Paused)ScanGrayImageSpaceObjects: Sum: 42us 99% C.I. 3us-11us Avg: 6us Max: 11us
(Paused)PausePhase: Sum: 38us 99% C.I. 3us-10us Avg: 5.428us Max: 10us
ProcessCards: Sum: 32us 99% C.I. 1us-4us Avg: 2.285us Max: 4us
PreCleanCards: Sum: 29us 99% C.I. 3us-6us Avg: 4.142us Max: 6us
ReclaimPhase: Sum: 26us 99% C.I. 2us-6us Avg: 3.714us Max: 6us
ProcessReferences: Sum: 25us 99% C.I. 1us-12us Avg: 3.571us Max: 12us
SwapBitmaps: Sum: 18us 99% C.I. 1us-5us Avg: 2.571us Max: 5us
(Paused)ScanGrayZygoteSpaceObjects: Sum: 13us 99% C.I. 1us-3us Avg: 1.857us Max:
InitializePhase: Sum: 8us 99% C.I. 0.250us-4us Avg: 1.142us Max: 4us
UnBindBitmaps: Sum: 5us 99% C.I. 250ns-2000ns Avg: 714ns Max: 2000ns
BindBitmaps: Sum: 3us 99% C.I. 250ns-1000ns Avg: 428ns Max: 1000ns
(Paused)ProcessMarkStack: Sum: 2us 99% C.I. 250ns-2000ns Avg: 285ns Max: 2000ns
RecordFree: Sum: 1us 99% C.I. 250ns-1000ns Avg: 142ns Max: 1000ns
FindDefaultSpaceBitmap: Sum: 0 99% C.I. 0ns-0ns Avg: 0ns Max: 0ns
Done Dumping histograms
sticky concurrent mark sweep paused: Sum: 1.413ms 99% C.I. 36us-1036us Avg:
201.857us Max: 1036us
sticky concurrent mark sweep total time: 53.458ms mean time: 7.636ms
sticky concurrent mark sweep freed: 176870 objects with total size 8MB
sticky concurrent mark sweep throughput: 3.33717e+06/s / 160MB/s
Total time spent in GC: 120.530ms
Mean GC size throughput: 77MB/s
Mean GC object throughput: 1.57689e+06 objects/s
Total number of allocations 271032
Total bytes allocated 18MB
Total bytes freed 9MB
Free memory 2MB
Free memory until GC 2MB
Free memory until OOME 118MB
Total memory 11MB
Max memory 128MB
Zygote space size 2040KB
Total mutator paused time: 1.675ms
Total time waiting for GC to complete: 9.005us
Total GC count: 11
Total GC time: 120.530ms
Total blocking GC count: 0
Total blocking GC time: 0
Histogram of GC count per 10000 ms: 0:23,1:1,9:1
Histogram of blocking GC count per 10000 ms: 0:25

suspend all histogram: Sum: 77us 99% C.I. 0.083us-44.479us Avg: 3.500us Max: 45us
"Signal Catcher" daemon prio=5 tid=3 Runnable
| group="system" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c190a0 self=0xf3b34a00
| sysTid=850 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xe3dbe930
| state=R schedstat=( 3763279 158866 7 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0xe3cc2000-0xe3cc4000 stackSize=1014KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
native: #00 pc 0057776f /system/lib/
native: #01 pc 0053767e /system/lib/
native: #02 pc 0054874b /system/lib/
native: #03 pc 0054b30e /system/lib/
native: #04 pc 0054e170 /system/lib/
native: #05 pc 004ff976 /system/lib/
native: #06 pc 00513443 /system/lib/
native: #07 pc 00514674 /system/lib/
native: #08 pc 000817d1 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+56)
native: #09 pc 00021a1e /system/lib/ (__start_thread+25)
native: #10 pc 00017066 /system/lib/ (__bionic_clone+70)
(no managed stack frames)

"main" prio=5 tid=1 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x742bc6a0 self=0xf3b34500
| sysTid=841 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xf7784d40
| state=S schedstat=( 1552977699 560060090 13460 ) utm=64 stm=91 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0xff45f000-0xff461000 stackSize=8MB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/841/stack)
native: #00 pc 000842a5 /system/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+37)
native: #01 pc 0002222d /system/lib/ (epoll_pwait+96)
native: #02 pc 00022271 /system/lib/ (epoll_wait+58)
native: #03 pc 0001aee8 /system/lib/
native: #04 pc 0001b327 /system/lib/
native: #05 pc 000c9bd3 /system/lib/
native: #06 pc 000c9c44 /system/lib/ (???)
native: #07 pc 00000704 /system/framework/x86/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke!(Native method)

"Jit thread pool worker thread 0" prio=5 tid=2 Native (still starting up)
| group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x0 self=0xedd95200
| sysTid=848 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xef2ff930
| state=S schedstat=( 9064759 3684741 75 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0xef202000-0xef204000 stackSize=1018KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/848/stack)
native: #00 pc 00017190 /system/lib/ (syscall+32)
native: #01 pc 00152df3 /system/lib/
native: #02 pc 0054ea95 /system/lib/
native: #03 pc 0054ea0f /system/lib/
native: #04 pc 0054fca2 /system/lib/
native: #05 pc 000817d1 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+56)
native: #06 pc 00021a1e /system/lib/ (__start_thread+25)
native: #07 pc 00017066 /system/lib/ (__bionic_clone+70)
(no managed stack frames)

"ReferenceQueueDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=4 Waiting

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c00340 self=0xf3b35e00
| sysTid=851 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xe3cbf930
| state=S schedstat=( 4730339 4245371 21 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0xe3bbd000-0xe3bbf000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0f5d63f7> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)
at java.lang.Daemons$
- locked <0x0f5d63f7> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)

"FinalizerDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=5 Waiting

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c003a0 self=0xf3b37200
| sysTid=852 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xe3bba930
| state=S schedstat=( 22783940 8976146 95 ) utm=0 stm=2 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0xe3ab8000-0xe3aba000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x07430264> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue)
at java.lang.Object.wait(
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
- locked <0x07430264> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
at java.lang.Daemons$

"FinalizerWatchdogDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=6 Waiting

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c00400 self=0xf3b37c00
| sysTid=854 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xe3ab5930
| state=S schedstat=( 981212 17824587 17 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0xe39b3000-0xe39b5000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0f9aaccd> (a java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon)
at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon.waitForObject(
- locked <0x0f9aaccd> (a java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon)
at java.lang.Daemons$

"HeapTaskDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=7 Blocked

| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c00460 self=0xf3b38100
| sysTid=856 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xe39b0930
| state=S schedstat=( 73871194 32759194 146 ) utm=4 stm=2 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0xe38ae000-0xe38b0000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/856/stack)
native: #00 pc 00017190 /system/lib/ (syscall+32)
native: #01 pc 00152df3 /system/lib/
native: #02 pc 002d1e22 /system/lib/
native: #03 pc 002d2969 /system/lib/
native: #04 pc 0045177a /system/lib/
native: #05 pc 00000494 /system/framework/x86/boot.oat
native: #06 pc 01dc15fe ???
at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.runHeapTasks(Native method)
- waiting to lock an unknown object
at java.lang.Daemons$

"Binder_1" prio=5 tid=8 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c220a0 self=0xedd96600
| sysTid=861 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xe36ad930
| state=S schedstat=( 54113388 35162394 1028 ) utm=1 stm=3 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0xe35b1000-0xe35b3000 stackSize=1014KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/861/stack)
native: #00 pc 00084476 /system/lib/ (__ioctl+22)
native: #01 pc 0009613a /system/lib/ (ioctl+42)
native: #02 pc 00025f1f /system/lib/
native: #03 pc 000268db /system/lib/
native: #04 pc 00026a17 /system/lib/
native: #05 pc 0002fd3c /system/lib/
native: #06 pc 00014a64 /system/lib/
native: #07 pc 00074854 /system/lib/
native: #08 pc 0001418f /system/lib/
native: #09 pc 000817d1 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+56)
native: #10 pc 00021a1e /system/lib/ (__start_thread+25)
native: #11 pc 00017066 /system/lib/ (__bionic_clone+70)
(no managed stack frames)

"Binder_2" prio=5 tid=9 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c250a0 self=0xf3b38600
| sysTid=864 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xe35ae930
| state=S schedstat=( 52892995 25239647 985 ) utm=3 stm=1 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0xe34b2000-0xe34b4000 stackSize=1014KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/864/stack)
native: #00 pc 00084476 /system/lib/ (__ioctl+22)
native: #01 pc 0009613a /system/lib/ (ioctl+42)
native: #02 pc 00025f1f /system/lib/
native: #03 pc 000268db /system/lib/
native: #04 pc 000269d1 /system/lib/
native: #05 pc 0002fd3c /system/lib/
native: #06 pc 00014a64 /system/lib/
native: #07 pc 00074854 /system/lib/
native: #08 pc 0001418f /system/lib/
native: #09 pc 000817d1 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+56)
native: #10 pc 00021a1e /system/lib/ (__start_thread+25)
native: #11 pc 00017066 /system/lib/ (__bionic_clone+70)
(no managed stack frames)

"SoundPool" prio=5 tid=10 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d110a0 self=0xee764a00
| sysTid=919 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xe2ebf930
| state=S schedstat=( 4084154 166146 9 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0xe2dc3000-0xe2dc5000 stackSize=1014KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/919/stack)
native: #00 pc 00017190 /system/lib/ (syscall+32)
native: #01 pc 000813b6 /system/lib/ (pthread_cond_wait+106)
native: #02 pc 000079d5 /system/lib/
native: #03 pc 00007b30 /system/lib/
native: #04 pc 00074854 /system/lib/
native: #05 pc 0001418f /system/lib/
native: #06 pc 000817d1 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+56)
native: #07 pc 00021a1e /system/lib/ (__start_thread+25)
native: #08 pc 00017066 /system/lib/ (__bionic_clone+70)
(no managed stack frames)

"SoundPoolThread" prio=5 tid=11 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d160a0 self=0xf3aaae00
| sysTid=920 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xe2dc0930
| state=S schedstat=( 396535 5971612 5 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0xe2cc4000-0xe2cc6000 stackSize=1014KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/920/stack)
native: #00 pc 00017190 /system/lib/ (syscall+32)
native: #01 pc 000813b6 /system/lib/ (pthread_cond_wait+106)
native: #02 pc 00007e4f /system/lib/
native: #03 pc 000080f9 /system/lib/
native: #04 pc 00008166 /system/lib/
native: #05 pc 00074854 /system/lib/
native: #06 pc 0001418f /system/lib/
native: #07 pc 000817d1 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+56)
native: #08 pc 00021a1e /system/lib/ (__start_thread+25)
native: #09 pc 00017066 /system/lib/ (__bionic_clone+70)
(no managed stack frames)
"WifiManager" prio=5 tid=12 Native
| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c191c0 self=0xef5fa900
| sysTid=1115 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xe2cc1930
| state=S schedstat=( 373177 66333 6 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0xe2bbf000-0xe2bc1000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1115/stack)
native: #00 pc 000842a5 /system/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+37)
native: #01 pc 0002222d /system/lib/ (epoll_pwait+96)
native: #02 pc 00022271 /system/lib/ (epoll_wait+58)
native: #03 pc 0001aee8 /system/lib/
native: #04 pc 0001b327 /system/lib/
native: #05 pc 000c9bd3 /system/lib/
native: #06 pc 000c9c44 /system/lib/ (???)
native: #07 pc 00000704 /system/framework/x86/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"PhoneStatusBar" prio=5 tid=13 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d96160 self=0xef5fb800
| sysTid=1178 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0xe29ff930
| state=S schedstat=( 2826194 3164489 42 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0xe28fd000-0xe28ff000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1178/stack)
native: #00 pc 000842a5 /system/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+37)
native: #01 pc 0002222d /system/lib/ (epoll_pwait+96)
native: #02 pc 00022271 /system/lib/ (epoll_wait+58)
native: #03 pc 0001aee8 /system/lib/
native: #04 pc 0001b327 /system/lib/
native: #05 pc 000c9bd3 /system/lib/
native: #06 pc 000c9c44 /system/lib/ (???)
native: #07 pc 00000704 /system/framework/x86/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"ConnectivityManager" prio=5 tid=14 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12dd3be0 self=0xef5fbd00
| sysTid=1181 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xe28fa930
| state=S schedstat=( 1110845 182803 19 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
| stack=0xe27f8000-0xe27fa000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1181/stack)
native: #00 pc 000842a5 /system/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+37)
native: #01 pc 0002222d /system/lib/ (epoll_pwait+96)
native: #02 pc 00022271 /system/lib/ (epoll_wait+58)
native: #03 pc 0001aee8 /system/lib/
native: #04 pc 0001b327 /system/lib/
native: #05 pc 000c9bd3 /system/lib/
native: #06 pc 000c9c44 /system/lib/ (???)
native: #07 pc 00000704 /system/framework/x86/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"QSTileHost" prio=5 tid=15 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12dd3fa0 self=0xf3aac200
| sysTid=1189 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0xe27f5930
| state=S schedstat=( 9246099 26885385 64 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0xe26f3000-0xe26f5000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1189/stack)
native: #00 pc 000842a5 /system/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+37)
native: #01 pc 0002222d /system/lib/ (epoll_pwait+96)
native: #02 pc 00022271 /system/lib/ (epoll_wait+58)
native: #03 pc 0001aee8 /system/lib/
native: #04 pc 0001b327 /system/lib/
native: #05 pc 000c9bd3 /system/lib/
native: #06 pc 000c9c44 /system/lib/ (???)
native: #07 pc 00000704 /system/framework/x86/boot.oat
at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
at android.os.Looper.loop(

"AsyncTask #1" prio=5 tid=16 Waiting

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d9ca00 self=0xe2b70000
| sysTid=1192 nice=10 cgrp=default sched=3/0 handle=0xe26f0930
| state=S schedstat=( 2273056 8181765 38 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
| stack=0xe25ee000-0xe25f0000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x09103982> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
- locked <0x09103982> (a java.lang.Object)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.take(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(
"RenderThread" prio=5 tid=17 Native
| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c19100 self=0xe2b70a00
| sysTid=1202 nice=-4 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xe25eb930
| state=S schedstat=( 405946756 105876822 8692 ) utm=1 stm=39 core=3 HZ=100
| stack=0xe24ef000-0xe24f1000 stackSize=1014KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1202/stack)
native: #00 pc 000842a5 /system/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+37)
native: #01 pc 0002222d /system/lib/ (epoll_pwait+96)
native: #02 pc 00022271 /system/lib/ (epoll_wait+58)
native: #03 pc 0001aee8 /system/lib/
native: #04 pc 0001b327 /system/lib/
native: #05 pc 0002714c /system/lib/
native: #06 pc 00014a64 /system/lib/
native: #07 pc 00074854 /system/lib/
native: #08 pc 0001418f /system/lib/
native: #09 pc 000817d1 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+56)
native: #10 pc 00021a1e /system/lib/ (__start_thread+25)
native: #11 pc 00017066 /system/lib/ (__bionic_clone+70)
(no managed stack frames)

"Binder_3" prio=5 tid=18 Native

| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c950a0 self=0xee766800
| sysTid=1300 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xe198b930
| state=S schedstat=( 48720441 19768802 909 ) utm=2 stm=2 core=2 HZ=100
| stack=0xe188f000-0xe1891000 stackSize=1014KB
| held mutexes=
kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/1300/stack)
native: #00 pc 00084476 /system/lib/ (__ioctl+22)
native: #01 pc 0009613a /system/lib/ (ioctl+42)
native: #02 pc 00025f1f /system/lib/
native: #03 pc 000268db /system/lib/
native: #04 pc 000269d1 /system/lib/
native: #05 pc 0002fd3c /system/lib/
native: #06 pc 00014a64 /system/lib/
native: #07 pc 00074854 /system/lib/
native: #08 pc 0001418f /system/lib/
native: #09 pc 000817d1 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+56)
native: #10 pc 00021a1e /system/lib/ (__start_thread+25)
native: #11 pc 00017066 /system/lib/ (__bionic_clone+70)
(no managed stack frames)

----- end 841 -----

----- pid 289 at 2023-11-01 19:12:41 -----
Cmd line: /system/bin/surfaceflinger
ABI: 'x86_64'

"surfaceflinger" sysTid=289
#00 pc 000000000008749a /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+10)
#01 pc 00000000000287ed /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+61)
#02 pc 000000000001cdd8 /system/lib64/
#03 pc 000000000001d1cd /system/lib64/
#04 pc 0000000000029241 /system/lib64/
#05 pc 000000000002cb87 /system/lib64/
#06 pc 0000000000001193 /system/bin/surfaceflinger
#07 pc 000000000001cc74 /system/lib64/ (__libc_init+84)
#08 pc 0000000000000fd1 /system/bin/surfaceflinger
#09 pc 0000000000000000 <unknown>

"Binder_1" sysTid=327
#00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
#01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
#02 pc 0000000000033f56 /system/lib64/
#03 pc 0000000000034800 /system/lib64/
#04 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
#05 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
#06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
#07 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+46)
#08 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
#09 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)

"DispSync" sysTid=328
#00 pc 000000000001cf08 /system/lib64/ (syscall+24)
#01 pc 000000000008498a /system/lib64/ (pthread_cond_timedwait+138)
#02 pc 000000000001f600 /system/lib64/
#03 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
#04 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+46)
#05 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
#06 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)

"Binder_2" sysTid=329
#00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
#01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
#02 pc 0000000000033f56 /system/lib64/
#03 pc 0000000000034800 /system/lib64/
#04 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
#05 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
#06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
#07 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+46)
#08 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
#09 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)

"POSIX timer 0" sysTid=339

#00 pc 000000000008771a /system/lib64/ (__rt_sigtimedwait+10)
#01 pc 000000000002c9fc /system/lib64/ (_ZL20__timer_thread_startPv+92)
#02 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+46)
#03 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
#04 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)

"EventThread" sysTid=340
#00 pc 000000000001cf08 /system/lib64/ (syscall+24)
#01 pc 00000000000848b2 /system/lib64/ (pthread_cond_wait+82)
#02 pc 00000000000211fc /system/lib64/
#03 pc 0000000000020cd8 /system/lib64/
#04 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
#05 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+46)
#06 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
#07 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)

"POSIX timer 1" sysTid=341

#00 pc 000000000008771a /system/lib64/ (__rt_sigtimedwait+10)
#01 pc 000000000002c9fc /system/lib64/ (_ZL20__timer_thread_startPv+92)
#02 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+46)
#03 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
#04 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)

"EventThread" sysTid=342
#00 pc 000000000001cf08 /system/lib64/ (syscall+24)
#01 pc 00000000000848b2 /system/lib64/ (pthread_cond_wait+82)
#02 pc 00000000000211fc /system/lib64/
#03 pc 0000000000020cd8 /system/lib64/
#04 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
#05 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+46)
#06 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
#07 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)

"VSyncThread" sysTid=455
#00 pc 000000000001cf08 /system/lib64/ (syscall+24)
#01 pc 00000000000848b2 /system/lib64/ (pthread_cond_wait+82)
#02 pc 000000000003e82a /system/lib64/
#03 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
#04 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+46)
#05 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
#06 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)

"EventControl" sysTid=486
#00 pc 000000000001cf08 /system/lib64/ (syscall+24)
#01 pc 00000000000848b2 /system/lib64/ (pthread_cond_wait+82)
#02 pc 000000000002043a /system/lib64/
#03 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
#04 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+46)
#05 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
#06 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)
"Binder_3" sysTid=757
#00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
#01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
#02 pc 0000000000033f56 /system/lib64/
#03 pc 0000000000034800 /system/lib64/
#04 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
#05 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
#06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
#07 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+46)
#08 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
#09 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)

"Binder_4" sysTid=797
#00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
#01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
#02 pc 0000000000033f56 /system/lib64/
#03 pc 0000000000034800 /system/lib64/
#04 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
#05 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
#06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
#07 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+46)
#08 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
#09 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)

"Binder_5" sysTid=1007
#00 pc 00000000000875d7 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+7)
#01 pc 0000000000097729 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+41)
#02 pc 0000000000033f56 /system/lib64/
#03 pc 0000000000034800 /system/lib64/
#04 pc 00000000000348ef /system/lib64/
#05 pc 000000000003d036 /system/lib64/
#06 pc 0000000000017412 /system/lib64/
#07 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+46)
#08 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
#09 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)

----- end 289 -----

----- pid 303 at 2023-11-01 19:12:41 -----

Cmd line: /system/bin/netd
ABI: 'x86_64'
"netd" sysTid=303
#00 pc 0000000000088217 /system/lib64/ (nanosleep+7)
#01 pc 000000000004def6 /system/lib64/ (sleep+38)
#02 pc 00000000000213e9 /system/bin/netd
#03 pc 000000000001cc74 /system/lib64/ (__libc_init+84)
#04 pc 0000000000005ee9 /system/bin/netd
#05 pc 0000000000000000 <unknown>

"netd" sysTid=315
#00 pc 000000000008763a /system/lib64/ (__pselect6+10)
#01 pc 000000000002c7d2 /system/lib64/ (select+114)
#02 pc 00000000000042f1 /system/lib64/
#03 pc 0000000000004668 /system/lib64/
#04 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+46)
#05 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
#06 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)

"netd" sysTid=316
#00 pc 000000000008763a /system/lib64/ (__pselect6+10)
#01 pc 000000000002c7d2 /system/lib64/ (select+114)
#02 pc 00000000000042f1 /system/lib64/
#03 pc 0000000000004668 /system/lib64/
#04 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+46)
#05 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
#06 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)

"netd" sysTid=319
#00 pc 000000000008763a /system/lib64/ (__pselect6+10)
#01 pc 000000000002c7d2 /system/lib64/ (select+114)
#02 pc 00000000000042f1 /system/lib64/
#03 pc 0000000000004668 /system/lib64/
#04 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+46)
#05 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
#06 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)

"netd" sysTid=320
#00 pc 000000000008763a /system/lib64/ (__pselect6+10)
#01 pc 000000000002c7d2 /system/lib64/ (select+114)
#02 pc 00000000000042f1 /system/lib64/
#03 pc 0000000000004668 /system/lib64/
#04 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+46)
#05 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
#06 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)

"netd" sysTid=321
#00 pc 000000000008761a /system/lib64/ (__ppoll+10)
#01 pc 000000000002c6d3 /system/lib64/ (poll+51)
#02 pc 0000000000013f6b /system/bin/netd
#03 pc 0000000000013e95 /system/bin/netd
#04 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+46)
#05 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
#06 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)

"netd" sysTid=322
#00 pc 000000000008763a /system/lib64/ (__pselect6+10)
#01 pc 000000000002c7d2 /system/lib64/ (select+114)
#02 pc 00000000000042f1 /system/lib64/
#03 pc 0000000000004668 /system/lib64/
#04 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+46)
#05 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
#06 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)

"netd" sysTid=323
#00 pc 000000000008763a /system/lib64/ (__pselect6+10)
#01 pc 000000000002c7d2 /system/lib64/ (select+114)
#02 pc 00000000000042f1 /system/lib64/
#03 pc 0000000000004668 /system/lib64/
#04 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+46)
#05 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
#06 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)

"netd" sysTid=324
#00 pc 000000000008763a /system/lib64/ (__pselect6+10)
#01 pc 000000000002c7d2 /system/lib64/ (select+114)
#02 pc 00000000000042f1 /system/lib64/
#03 pc 0000000000004668 /system/lib64/
#04 pc 0000000000084aae /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+46)
#05 pc 000000000002814b /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+11)
#06 pc 000000000001cdf5 /system/lib64/ (__bionic_clone+53)

----- end 303 -----

----- pid 307 at 2023-11-01 19:12:41 -----

Cmd line: /system/bin/drmserver
ABI: 'x86'

"drmserver" sysTid=307
#00 pc 00084476 /system/lib/ (__ioctl+22)
#01 pc 0009613a /system/lib/ (ioctl+42)
#02 pc 00025f1f /system/lib/
#03 pc 000268db /system/lib/
#04 pc 00026a17 /system/lib/
#05 pc 00003c9b /system/bin/drmserver
#06 pc 00016e5e /system/lib/ (__libc_init+100)
#07 pc 00004005 /system/bin/drmserver

"Binder_1" sysTid=347
#00 pc 00084476 /system/lib/ (__ioctl+22)
#01 pc 0009613a /system/lib/ (ioctl+42)
#02 pc 00025f1f /system/lib/
#03 pc 000268db /system/lib/
#04 pc 00026a17 /system/lib/
#05 pc 0002fd3c /system/lib/
#06 pc 00014a64 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+404)
#07 pc 0001418f /system/lib/
#08 pc 000817d1 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+56)
#09 pc 00021a1e /system/lib/ (__start_thread+25)
#10 pc 00017066 /system/lib/ (__bionic_clone+70)

----- end 307 -----

----- pid 308 at 2023-11-01 19:12:41 -----

Cmd line: /system/bin/mediaserver
ABI: 'x86'

"mediaserver" sysTid=308
#00 pc 00084476 /system/lib/ (__ioctl+22)
#01 pc 0009613a /system/lib/ (ioctl+42)
#02 pc 00025f1f /system/lib/
#03 pc 000268db /system/lib/
#04 pc 00026a17 /system/lib/
#05 pc 00001aac /system/bin/mediaserver
#06 pc 00016e5e /system/lib/ (__libc_init+100)
#07 pc 00001edd /system/bin/mediaserver

"ApmTone" sysTid=481
#00 pc 00017192 /system/lib/ (syscall+34)
#01 pc 00081632 /system/lib/ (pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np+104)
#02 pc 00006a10 /system/lib/
#03 pc 00014a64 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+404)
#04 pc 0001418f /system/lib/
#05 pc 000817d1 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+56)
#06 pc 00021a1e /system/lib/ (__start_thread+25)
#07 pc 00017066 /system/lib/ (__bionic_clone+70)

"ApmAudio" sysTid=482
#00 pc 00017192 /system/lib/ (syscall+34)
#01 pc 00081632 /system/lib/ (pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np+104)
#02 pc 00006a10 /system/lib/
#03 pc 00014a64 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+404)
#04 pc 0001418f /system/lib/
#05 pc 000817d1 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+56)
#06 pc 00021a1e /system/lib/ (__start_thread+25)
#07 pc 00017066 /system/lib/ (__bionic_clone+70)

"ApmOutput" sysTid=483
#00 pc 00017192 /system/lib/ (syscall+34)
#01 pc 00081632 /system/lib/ (pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np+104)
#02 pc 00006a10 /system/lib/
#03 pc 00014a64 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+404)
#04 pc 0001418f /system/lib/
#05 pc 000817d1 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+56)
#06 pc 00021a1e /system/lib/ (__start_thread+25)
#07 pc 00017066 /system/lib/ (__bionic_clone+70)

"FastMixer" sysTid=492
#00 pc 00017192 /system/lib/ (syscall+34)
#01 pc 0006bf1e /system/lib/
#02 pc 00014a64 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+404)
#03 pc 0001418f /system/lib/
#04 pc 000817d1 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+56)
#05 pc 00021a1e /system/lib/ (__start_thread+25)
#06 pc 00017066 /system/lib/ (__bionic_clone+70)

"AudioOut_2" sysTid=493
#00 pc 00017192 /system/lib/ (syscall+34)
#01 pc 000813b6 /system/lib/ (pthread_cond_wait+106)
#02 pc 00044da7 /system/lib/
#03 pc 00014a64 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+404)
#04 pc 0001418f /system/lib/
#05 pc 000817d1 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+56)
#06 pc 00021a1e /system/lib/ (__start_thread+25)
#07 pc 00017066 /system/lib/ (__bionic_clone+70)

"mediaserver" sysTid=498
#00 pc 00084213 /system/lib/ (__accept4+19)
#01 pc 00000cb8 /system/lib/
#02 pc 00020b87 /system/lib/ (accept4+51)
#03 pc 00020b4e /system/lib/ (accept+50)
#04 pc 00004f35 /system/lib/hw/
#05 pc 000817d1 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+56)
#06 pc 00021a1e /system/lib/ (__start_thread+25)
#07 pc 00017066 /system/lib/ (__bionic_clone+70)

"Binder_1" sysTid=810
#00 pc 00084476 /system/lib/ (__ioctl+22)
#01 pc 0009613a /system/lib/ (ioctl+42)
#02 pc 00025f1f /system/lib/
#03 pc 000268db /system/lib/
#04 pc 00026a17 /system/lib/
#05 pc 0002fd3c /system/lib/
#06 pc 00014a64 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+404)
#07 pc 0001418f /system/lib/
#08 pc 000817d1 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+56)
#09 pc 00021a1e /system/lib/ (__start_thread+25)
#10 pc 00017066 /system/lib/ (__bionic_clone+70)

"Binder_2" sysTid=811
#00 pc 00084476 /system/lib/ (__ioctl+22)
#01 pc 0009613a /system/lib/ (ioctl+42)
#02 pc 00025f1f /system/lib/
#03 pc 000268db /system/lib/
#04 pc 000269d1 /system/lib/
#05 pc 0002fd3c /system/lib/
#06 pc 00014a64 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+404)
#07 pc 0001418f /system/lib/
#08 pc 000817d1 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+56)
#09 pc 00021a1e /system/lib/ (__start_thread+25)
#10 pc 00017066 /system/lib/ (__bionic_clone+70)

"Binder_3" sysTid=812
#00 pc 00084476 /system/lib/ (__ioctl+22)
#01 pc 0009613a /system/lib/ (ioctl+42)
#02 pc 00025f1f /system/lib/
#03 pc 000268db /system/lib/
#04 pc 000269d1 /system/lib/
#05 pc 0002fd3c /system/lib/
#06 pc 00014a64 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+404)
#07 pc 0001418f /system/lib/
#08 pc 000817d1 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+56)
#09 pc 00021a1e /system/lib/ (__start_thread+25)
#10 pc 00017066 /system/lib/ (__bionic_clone+70)

"Binder_4" sysTid=1088
#00 pc 00084476 /system/lib/ (__ioctl+22)
#01 pc 0009613a /system/lib/ (ioctl+42)
#02 pc 00025f1f /system/lib/
#03 pc 000268db /system/lib/
#04 pc 000269d1 /system/lib/
#05 pc 0002fd3c /system/lib/
#06 pc 00014a64 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+404)
#07 pc 0001418f /system/lib/
#08 pc 000817d1 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+56)
#09 pc 00021a1e /system/lib/ (__start_thread+25)
#10 pc 00017066 /system/lib/ (__bionic_clone+70)

"Binder_5" sysTid=1116
#00 pc 00084476 /system/lib/ (__ioctl+22)
#01 pc 0009613a /system/lib/ (ioctl+42)
#02 pc 00025f1f /system/lib/
#03 pc 000268db /system/lib/
#04 pc 000269d1 /system/lib/
#05 pc 0002fd3c /system/lib/
#06 pc 00014a64 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+404)
#07 pc 0001418f /system/lib/
#08 pc 000817d1 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+56)
#09 pc 00021a1e /system/lib/ (__start_thread+25)
#10 pc 00017066 /system/lib/ (__bionic_clone+70)

----- end 308 -----

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