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The Effects of Social Media on Students


Social media refers to websites and programs that let users build, share, and interact with

online networks and communities. The way people interact, communicate, and consume

information online has been completely transformed by social media. It enables people to

communicate with people all over the world, share content, and voice their opinions on a range

of subjects. With billions of users accessing social media sites on computers and mobile devices

worldwide, they have become a crucial part of many people's daily lives. Students now spend a

significant amount of time on social media, with many of them using sites like Facebook,

Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat for hours every day. Social media can help students connect

with friends and family, share information, and engage in online communities, but it can also

have a negative impact on their academic performance and mental health.

Students are using social media at an unprecedented rate due to globalized forms of

communication and the post-pandemic rush to use various social media platforms for education

across subject areas. The distraction that social media can bring about for students is one of its

most significant effects. Social media can make it difficult for students to concentrate on their

studies due to constant notifications and updates, which can affect grades and academic

performance. A lack of sleep can also be caused by social media, as students may stay up late

scrolling through their feeds, which can make them tired and less productive.

Taking advantage of social media sites carelessly can have a detrimental impact on one's

physical and mental health. Additionally, students may be exposed on social media to

cyberbullying, hate speech, and other types of online harassment, all of which can have a
detrimental psychological impact on the students. Cyberbullying can seriously harm the

well-being of students because it frequently goes unreported, making it difficult to identify and


Review of Related Literature

Foreign Literature

Constraints of Social Networking in Education

Social networking was once seen as a diversion with no educational value benefit. Students

could prevent wasting time by blocking this social network bullying, privacy protection, and time

2go and BB chat is seen in a learning environment by teachers and instructors as pointless time

wastage and a diversion from academic work.

Social networking sites have raised concerns about cyberbullying. An online poll based on

research that showed students between the ages of 9 and 19 received bullying remarks online.

Social networking sites frequently feature a lot of publicly posted personal information and many

people think that by using a simple communication tool and disclosing personal information

sexual predators can enter through social media.

However, there is evidence to the contrary: 69% of teens who use social media, and in

general, 85% of adults said that people are kind to one another. According to the national school

board association, more than 50% of students who use social networks discuss their

schoolwork and nearly 60% of them discuss educational topics. However, virtually all school

districts have strict policies prohibiting the use of social media during school hours. Social

networking is centered on fostering the relationships that are now used for learning between

teachers and students. Some websites, such as Term Wiki Learning and Ning for Teachers

Center were established to help with this.

Social media are also becoming popular as a private and public online yearbooks. Anyone

from the general public is able to sign up and connect with others. It gives participants the

chance to engage in just-in-time learning and follow a set curriculum. It was referred to as

participatory culture by Jerkins (2006). It provides a space for learning where James (2004)

suggests that there should be affinity, dispersion of expertise, and relatedness.

Impacts of Social Media

Online communities where a gift economy and reciprocal altruism are promoted through

cooperation are created through email and instant messaging. More and more scholarly

research is focusing on 2go and other social networking tools. Numerous academic disciplines

have started to look into the effects of social networking sites, including how such a site might

interact with concerns about identity, privacy, society, youth culture, and education.

Several websites are starting to leverage the social networking model's power for

philanthropy. Research by HCL Technologies in 2011 revealed that 50% of British employees

are prohibited from using social media during work hours. According to this theory, when

someone is chit-chatting, the messages' contents reveal a lot about the person. Comments,

pictures, and status updates in chat should reveal less about a person.

The effect of social media on the development of students’ affective variables

Despite the enormous opportunities for sharing thoughts and feelings provided by social

media, it's possible that the social support it offers falls short of meeting students' emotional

needs or that the purportedly positive effects are only temporary. Numerous studies have been

carried out recently to investigate the potential impacts of social media on students' affective

characteristics, including stress, anxiety, depression, and so forth.

Teachers who frequently ignore the potential psychological effects of social media may find

this review to be enlightening. They might be interested in learning more about the actual effects

of students' developing certain, potentially negative, self-images and emotions due to their

excessive and obsessive use of social media. Programs for pre-and in-service teacher training

and professional development as well as everyone involved in student affairs will be impacted.

Analysis and Conclusion

Students now spend hours every day on social media platforms, and it has become an

essential part of their lives. While social media has some benefits, such as making connections

and sharing information, it can also be detrimental to students' academic performance and

mental health. Social media use while studying has been linked to higher levels of distraction

and lower comprehension and retention of information, according to studies.

Additionally, using social media can encourage time wastage and procrastination, which lowers

productivity and academic performance. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize academic obligations

and limit social media use while studying. Additionally, social media can harm students' mental

health by fostering a culture of comparison, addiction, anxiety, depressive disorders, and low

self-esteem. To prevent these detrimental effects on their mental health, students should limit

their use of social media and use it carefully.

Moreover, students may be exposed on social media to cyberbullying, hate speech, and other

types of online harassment, all of which can have a detrimental psychological impact on the

students. Therefore, it is essential to encourage positive online conduct and encourage open

dialogue about mental health issues. In conclusion, social media can affect students in both
positive and negative ways. Although it offers a forum for communication and information

exchange, excessive use can have a negative impact on mental and academic health. To

prevent detrimental effects on students' academic and mental well-being, it is essential to use

social media responsibly, set time limits, and prioritize academic obligations.

Mayo Clinic Staff (2022) Teens and social media use: What's the impact?


The Positive and Negative Impact of Social Media on Students


Singh, A. (2023) Positive & Negative Effect Of Social Media On Education

Osharive, P. (2015) Social media and Academic performance of students


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