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Advanced Cooling

CimatronE 8.5 Tutorial

Table of Contents
Advanced Cooling1
Creating the Cooling Lines.............................................................................................. 1
Creating the Cooling Lines 2 ....................................................................................... 2
Creating the Cooling Objects........................................................................................... 8
Creating the Cooling Objects ....................................................................................... 8
Adding Cooling Items.................................................................................................... 11
Cooling Cut.................................................................................................................... 15
Editing the Cooling System ........................................................................................... 17
Editing Cooling Item ..................................................................................................... 20

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Cooling i

ii Advanced Cooling CimatronE 8.5
Advanced Cooling

Creating the Cooling Lines

Creating the Cooling Lines1

Unpack the Gameboy_Cooling.ctf file. Reconnect the catalog parts to Hasco catalog – if required.

Activate the Fixed Side.

From Cooling Guide invoke Plane Parallel

Pick the side face of the cavity plate and set the distance to 165 mm.

Select OK.

Notice the new Cooling part in the Fixed Side.

From Cooling Guide Bar invoke Cooling Sketch.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Cooling 1

Create a single line to length 248. The line is 50 mm offset from the cavity plate top.

Exit the Sketcher.

Creating the Cooling Lines 2

Activate the cooling part under Fixed side.

Copy single by XYZ Delta. Delta Y = 46 mm.

Create Plane - Defined By.

2 Advanced Cooling CimatronE 8.5

Select the two lines to define the plane.

Create a sketcher on the previously created plane.

Select the external edges of K20 and the 2nd line as references.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Cooling 3

Creating the Cooling Lines 3
Create a new sketch in the other side of the cavity.

Create the sketch using the 1st plane of the cooling part.

4 Advanced Cooling CimatronE 8.5

Copy the new sketch using XYZ Delta. Delta Y = 46.

Invoke the Curves/Line; Point to Curve/Face option.

Pick a point as shown in the picture below.

Select the side face of cavity plate.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Cooling 5

Repeat the same operation for the 2nd point.

Creating the Cooling Lines4

Create a "Plane –defined by". Select the sketcher and the Copied sketch as references.

6 Advanced Cooling CimatronE 8.5

Create a sketch on the previously created plane as shown in the picture below:.

Select the external edges of K20 as references.

Create "Main plane" ZX on the UCS of the cooling part.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Cooling 7

Copy a mirror of all wire entities using the reference plane.

Creating the Cooling Objects

Creating the Cooling Objects

Creating the Cooling Objects 1

Activate the Fixed Side. Invoke the Cooling Objects.

It is recommended to create the cooling objects separately for every cooling circuit. This will allow you easily
edit later

8 Advanced Cooling CimatronE 8.5

Select one wire entities group using the By Box selection method.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Cooling 9

Use the Without Cut option.

Repeat the operation three more times for all the other circuits.

10 Advanced Cooling CimatronE 8.5

Adding Cooling Items

Adding Cooling Items 1

Invoke the Add cooling Item.

Browse to the Hasco mm catalog. Select the Plugs category & Hexagon Z 94.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Cooling 11

Select the Place on Cone Face option.

Place the plugs on the cooling objects according to the picture below:

Use the Without Cut option.

In order to place the plug pick the cone face close to its end. If the plug is placed on the wrong side flip it
with the arrow.

Removing plugs will be performed with the small X.

12 Advanced Cooling CimatronE 8.5

Adding Cooling Items 2

Invoke the Add Cooling Item. Select the Nipples category and then select Connecting nipple Z 6302.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Cooling 13

Select the Place on Cone Face option.

Place the nipples on the remaining cooling objects. Toggle to the Without Cut option.

Use the optional stage to sink the nipples 17 mm into the plate

14 Advanced Cooling CimatronE 8.5

Cooling Cut

Cooling Cut 1
Invoke Cooling Cut option.

Use the With items option.

The with items option selects automatically all cooling items which connected to the cooling objects.

Select all the cooling objects.

Exit to jump to the next step. Do not pick any object to be removed. Select OK.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Cooling 15

Note that the plate is cut by the cooling objects and the items. The cooling objects are automatically hidden
after the execution.

A new Cooling set is created inside the cavity plate.

16 Advanced Cooling CimatronE 8.5

Editing the Cooling System

In General, the cooling system can be edited using the classic historic parametric method. However, in some
cases, this kind of editing may lead to regeneration difficulties. The following editing method was developed to
be used in these kinds of cases.

Be aware that editing the cooling system using the new method might lead to lose of dimensions in the drawing

Editing the Cooling System 1

Unpack the Gameboy_Cooling_editing.ctf file. Reconnect the catalog parts to Hasco catalog, if required.

Invoke the Remove Cooling Circuit.

Pick all circuits.

Use the Circuit Selection.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Cooling 17

Under Circuit selection you can expand the selection to the whole circuit. If some faces were not selected,
or extra faces were selected use the Manual Selection option to pick/unpick these faces

Activate the cooling part under the Fixed Side. Edit the Sketcher 15 feature.

Edit the dimensions according to the picture below:

Editing the Cooling System2

Activate the Fix side.

Invoke "Relocate component" (From the Assembly/Quick Modification tools menu,)

18 Advanced Cooling CimatronE 8.5

Select the two baffles and their two plugs.

Move them 3mm to X direction "without cut"

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Recreate the Cooling Cut on all cooling objects "with items"

Editing Cooling Item

Editing Cooling Item 1

We will now replace the nipples without regenerating the cavity plate.

Invoke the Remove Pocket option.

20 Advanced Cooling CimatronE 8.5

Use the Select by Cutting Part option to remove the pocket of the nipples only. Select all nipples. Switch
to the Cut Faces Only.

Invoke Edit dimensions .

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Cooling 21

Double click on one of the nipples.

The system detects and shows the number of the same nipples in the entire assembly. All of them will be

Open the dimension table and pick the 2nd line.

22 Advanced Cooling CimatronE 8.5

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