Christianity Activity

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1.) Why is the concept of Holy Trinity confusing for some Christians and non-Christians alike?

Because it is a complex theological concept that is not easily understood or explained. The
concept of the Holy Trinity is a deep mystery and is often difficult to understand and explain
in simple terms. Its based on the idea that there is one God, yet the God exists as three
distinct persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

2.) Despite the split in Christianity into numerous sects, what binds these religious sects

The core beliefs that bind the different Christian sects together include the belief in the
divinity of Jesus Christ, his death and resurrection as the sacrifice for the sins of humanity,
and the Holy Spirit as the agent of salvation.

3.) What does Christianity share with Judaism in terms of beliefs and practices?

Both religions believe in one God who is the creator of the universe, and both focus on the
importance of moral behavior, personal responsibility, and loyalty to a code of ethics. And
they both place a strong emphasis on spirituality and faith.

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