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ML2i & ML3 USB Host Adapter Serie

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English (EN)
Downloading data ("RETR DATA")
With this op on the stored data from the ML2i or ML3 controller can be wri en to the USB s ck. The following
op ons are available:
The most important func ons of the adapter are: Load All
 Loading so ware into the ML2i controller Load 90 Days
Load 60 Days
 Retrieving data from the ML2i controller Load 30 Days
Load Trip
Beside these func ons, the adapter has the following addi onal op ons:
A er selec ng an op on the downloading starts. The display shows "RETR" / "DATA" in the first segment and the
 Se ng configura on progress percentage in the second segment. When the data retrieval is complete, the display shows "RETR
DONE"; or in case of a failure "RETR ERR". If there is no valid data present in the ML2i or ML3 controller the dis‐
 Se ng container ID
play shows "NO DATA".
 Se ng date and me
 Tes ng outputs of the ML2i controller Seƫng container ID ("SET ID")
With this op on the container ID can be set. The ID will be displayed from right to le . The most right character
 Tes ng the display in the display can be changed with the 'up' and 'down' keys. Because this character on the display has a few
extra segments, all le ers will be properly displayed here. Some le ers will be legible worse when scrolling fur‐
ther. Use the 'enter' key to confirm a character; use 'code select' to go back. The last digit (checksum) is auto‐
How to use ma cally calculated. On comple on the display shows "ID DONE".
Place the adapter in the programming slot of the ML2i or ML3 controller, but only when the unit is switched off.
Connect a USB s ck to the adapter. The adapter will be operated using the display and keyboard of the ML2i or Seƫng date and Ɵme ("SET TIME")
ML3 controller. With this op on the date and me can be set. Successively year, month, day, hours and minutes can be set. On
comple on the display shows "TIME DONE".
Without USB‐s ck the ML2i or ML3 will give the message "NO USB" in the display. In this case, some addi onal
op ons are s ll available. When a USB s ck is connected the ML2i or ML3 controller starts up with the message TesƟng outputs ("SET OUTPT")
"PROG SOFT". With this op on the 14 relay outputs of the ML2i or ML3 controller can be manually energized. The relay will be
Use the 'up' and 'down' keys to step through the menu or change the se ngs. Use the 'enter' key to confirm choic‐ energized as long as the 'enter' key is pressed.
es. Use the 'code select' key to return to the menu. TesƟng display
Prepara ons USB s ck With this op on the display can be tested. When the 'return / supply' key is pressed all segments of the display
On the USB s ck a directory "CARRIER" must be created. In this directory, the so ware and configura on files and all LED’s will go off, when the '°C/°F' key is pressed all segments and LED’s will go on. This works as long as
(*.M2X and *.ML3) can be placed. The retrieved data files (*.DCX) will be placed by the adapter into the sub‐ the key is pressed. A er releasing the keys, the normal display data will be displayed again.
directory "DOWNLOAD". The adapter itself creates this directory if this directory cannot be found. OPTIONAL Serialnumber corrupƟon fix, ERR1 ("PROG SN")
Menu op ons This feature is only available for the ML3 controller and only when the official Carrier Transicold file
(ML3_serial_number_xxxx.bin) is placed in the “CARRIER” directory. A er pressing the 'enter' key, you are able
Loading soŌware ("PROG SOFT") to fix the serialnumber, but only when corrupted. Please follow the manufactures guide lines/instruc ons.
This is the first op on a er the ML2i or ML3 controller starts up.
OPTIONAL UpdaƟng USB adapter firmware ("PROG UHA")
A er pressing the 'enter' key, a list of available so ware files will be displayed. If no valid so ware files are pre‐ When a so ware error is discovered or a new feature is added, we need to update the so ware of the adapter.
sent, the message "NO FILES" appears. This will be announced on the website ( Via this website, you download the latest
file (xxx.bin) and drop this on the USB s ck in the “CARRIER” directory. The UHA will automa cally recognize this
Select the upload file using the 'up' and 'down' keys. Press 'enter' to confirm your choice, the upload will start. file and ac vate the “PROG UHA” menu func on. A er pressing the 'enter' key, the so ware will be loaded into
The display shows "PROG" / "SOFT" in the first segment and the progress percentage in the second segment. the UHA. A er the comple on of the update of the firmware, the USB adapter will reset itself. A display message
When uploading is finished the display shows "PROG DONE", or in case of a failure "PROG ERR". "PROG SOFT" indicates the adapter is ready for use again.
Seƫng configuraƟon ("SET CONF") Read adapter firmware
With this op on the configura on can be set. The configura on is taken from the configura on files called By pressing the 'alt. mode' key, the internal firmware version of the USB adapter will be displayed.
CFxxxxxx.M2X (where xxxxxx is the date). At least one of these configura on files must be in the directory
"CARRIER" on the USB s ck. If not, the message "NO FILES" appears on the display. Problems
A display message "USB ERR" indicates adapter cannot read the USB s ck. Possibly the USB s ck is faulty or of a
A er pressing the 'enter' key, a choice can be made out of configura on files on the USB s ck. The most recent
wrong type. The adapter does not support FAT12 file system (only used at USB s cks with a size of 32MB or less).
file is shown first. A er choosing a file, a selec on from the list of configura ons can be made. A er loading the
configura on file the display shows the message "EEPRM DONE". A display message "CHIP ERR" indicates that the adapter itself does not func on properly. Possibly this can be put
right by switching the power off and on again; otherwise the adapter may be defec ve.

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