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- the specialist for astromedical concepts & Sound Therapy with Tibetan Singing Bowl
Tel.: 0977-9841706076

TRAINING MODULE A - Basic information for beginners Confidential information - all copy rights reserved

1. Chapter
General Introduction to Tibetan Singing Bowls :
Singing bowls have been gaining more and more attention by the therapist community worldwide in the past 20 years.
Here we attempt to give a short overview over the important facts concerning the meditative and spiritual impacts that have
brought so many people to these magical instruments. Tibetan singing bowls have been playing a key role for the
development of sound therapy, even though little is known about their traditional uses.
Singing Bowls actually originate similar to Buddhism from Northern part of India and Nepal. Especially in Northern Indian
States like Bengal, Orissa, Jaharkand and Assam singing bowls have been used for cooking and storage of food and have
been much liked marriage gifts since centuries and until today.
In the 5000 year old ancient medical science of India, Ayurveda, various metals are declared to have healing effects and
especially mothers after giving birth have been given food out of such food bowls. Other health conditions have been also
treated with other metal mixes. Also in Indian Ashrams, the spiritual centers of Hinduism large singing bowls have been used
for calling people to the Ashram and were also played during ceremonies. In monasteries of Tibetan Buddhism singing bowls
are a common item to see and to be used. During the intellectual training, the teaching of the Dharma they are often used as
the perfect tool to begin or end meditation exercises. Their deeply relaxing and calming effects provide a wonderful entry
into meditative mental states and also benefit the safe return from those vulnerable mental states. This is done until today by a
large number of precious meditation masters named “Rinpoche” and linage holders of Tibetan Buddhism.
Similarly to Buddhism that spread around 1200 years ago into Tibet from northern India, the use of singing bowls as
household items has spread into the neighboring mountain countries like Nepal, Ladakh and Tibet.
Until today the Tibetan Buddhist monastic practices are very rich in rituals. During many of these practices musical
instruments of various forms are rhythmically used and bear mayor impacts on the advanced meditative practice. These
practices focus on purification and harmonization of the body energies entering into 2 different meditation stages named
Shambata and Vipassyana. Shambata refers to a preliminary necessity for profound meditation and means “calm abiding”.
Since ancient times singing bowls, and other trumpets, horns and Tingsha are used to attain “calm abiding” during meditation
rituals. The instruments bring about relaxation, which is well mentioned in Tibetan Buddhist teachings and training.
Therefore we can say that such instruments play an instrumental part on the path to enlightenment as the Buddhist call their
spiritual goal, which is also the end of reincarnation and the end of suffering altogether.
The term Tibetan Singing Bowl came into being as during the Chinese invasion into Tibet refugees took their most prized
belongings with them to countries like Nepal and very often singing bowls would be part of those family treasures. Then after
the flight to places like Kathmandu in Nepal the Tibetan refugees where in need of money and they began to sell their few
valuable belongings and western tourists took the antique items with their amazing sounds and overtones to Europe and
named them Tibetan Singing Bowls. Gradually the bowls became known and a Tibetan singing bowl trade developed. Even
until today there are Tibetans arriving almost daily from Tibet in Nepal, but they don’t bring any more singing bowls with
them. Actually there have really only very few singing bowls available in Tibet. Soon after the tourists of Nepal and India
have developed a taste for the wonderful antique objects, they have become a collection and trading article for bowl
collectors in India and for tourists. So India where the singing bowls have been plentiful in use since centuries is the origin of
the traded singing bowls even though they are still called Tibetan singing bowls.
During the last 15 years almost all of the singing bowls where collected in northern Indian villages and traded under the name
Tibetan Singing Bowls. Nowadays this trade of antique singing bowls is gradually becoming smaller as the resources for
collection in the villages of Northern India are running gradually dry. In order to compensate for the lack of quality singing
bowls new manufacturers of golden color type of singing bowls have appeared and begin to dominate the trade. Mostly those
manufacturers are also located in Northern India. Since about 2010 only a small amount of quality antique singing bowls are
available from collection in villages. The larger parts of bowls that are traded are newly made bowls.
The traditional use of singing bowls for therapy seems to have been mostly related to Tibetan Buddhism as supportive tool to
manifest the “calm abiding”, Shambata. This can also be seen as a support for relaxation and the purification of energy

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- the specialist for astromedical concepts & Sound Therapy with Tibetan Singing Bowl
Tel.: 0977-9841706076

TRAINING MODULE A - Basic information for beginners Confidential information - all copy rights reserved

Since the early beginning of trade with singing bowls the deeply penetrating sound vibrations of singing bowls have been
causing great interest by spiritual seekers that came from the West to the East namely India, Nepal and Tibet. On their
personal spiritual paths they met the amazing magic of the singing bowl sounds and the wonderful items have become subject
to the creative capacities of those seekers. Many forms of utilization of singing bowls have developed over time within the
alternative health circles of the West. Only after about 10 years of very vague understanding about the causes of their effects
gradually more profundity entered the development of singing bowl use and nowadays we have powerful therapy methods
that utilize the vibrations produced by singing bowls.
With the growing consciousness levels within western societies on the non-physical human energy fields (Aura), Chakras and
their relation to spiritual and physical well-being some vibrational therapies became subject to efficient research. Color
Therapy and Sound therapy both are core of those developments. Nowadays Sound therapy is getting ever more attention by
scientists as well as creative new age healers and Singing Bowl therapy has been playing a key role in this development. A
good part of this is due to the mentioned mystical component, but very much also to the effective applications of treatments
on relaxation and healing.
Certainly Sound therapy with Tibetan Singing Bowls has still a lot of potential for further development, but meanwhile the
theoretical knowledge based on practical application has widened considerably. Certainly there are still many more
applications for sound therapy treatments possible and we await those developments eagerly.

How Singing Bowls are Produced

Singing Bowls are made from a brass metallurgic mix of 3 to 12 metal components. During the production of singing bowls
these metal mixes are melted, poured into casts and then cooled down, afterwards the resulting metal sheets are heated again
and hammered into form by hand and a group of craftsmen. Later the bowls are polished. The exact amount of the different
metals in the metal mix depends of every producer, as they had their own recipe for the mixes also depending on availability
of raw mareials. The metal mix as well as the capacity of craftsmenship are the crucial factors on sound qualities. Therefore
the antique singing bowls available procuce a wide range of sound qualities.
Regarding sound quality, we cannot really speak of better or worse in regard to mixes, as each metal and blend has its own
useful characteristic and therapeutic value. The widespread talk about the seven or nine metal bowl especially produced for
healing is a hoax and invention to foster sales. Similarly we cannot exactly refine how old a singing bowl really is. At best we
can say that antique singing bowls are between 40 and 350 years old.
Scientific analysis at the Max Plank Institute in Germany has shown that precious metals such as Gold and Silver can only be
found in percentages below 0,01% within the metallurgic mixes. This is due to the lack of proper refining of metals at the
time of production some 50 or 200 years ago. At the core of the question is whether a pinch of gold has any effect on the
sound and strength of the bowl. But certainly precious metals was not added to metal mixes intentionally to produce sounds
for healing as the singing bowls was household articles.
After 20 years of working with and trading singing bowls, we believe that the temper and tenderness of sound in a bowl is
what touches a person’s heart. Learning to strike the bowl in the right spot, with the proper striker and with a caring touch as
well as having a positive motivation is the secret for the unfolding of singing bowl secrets. Simple as it is, it still needs
experience and some talent to unleash the potentials of these objects of great craftsmenship.


Singing Bowls that are older than 30 years are called antique bowls. Nowadays due to the big demand it is getting rarer to
find antique bowls that produce a nice therapeutically valuable sound.
There are only few highly specialized dealers of quality antique singing bowls and a large number of dealers who deal with
lower quality bowls.
More and more imitations of old bowls are in the market and some of the fakes are not easily recognizable by an
inexperienced buyer.
An antique bowl always embodies a history. A life story is in it and therefore has its own and unique energy.


As since about 2005 the supply of wonderful old singing bowls for healing with sound therapy is dwindeling a select group
of metallurgic artists took on the almost lost tradition of producing handmade singing bowls again. In these early days

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- the specialist for astromedical concepts & Sound Therapy with Tibetan Singing Bowl
Tel.: 0977-9841706076

TRAINING MODULE A - Basic information for beginners Confidential information - all copy rights reserved

quality of new made bowls was low, but now that they have gathered many years of experience improved their skills so that
really good singing bowls useful for sound therapy, new and handmade have emerged.
The experienced user will sense the difference easily as their sounds ring long and effects are harmonizing. The duration of
the vibration of sound is longer and more even when the bowl has been tempered through multiple heating and hand
hammering. The thickness of the bowl is making the sound last longer and the bowl has the feel of having even thickness.
Some of the new bowls are even superior to old ones. Nevertheless, as the new bowls all have a very similar metal mix, there
is a quality benefit of similarity with new bowls. On the other hand the variety of different qualities of sounds is wider with
old bowls. Both types are suitable for therapy applications.


There are 4 main singing bowl forms or types. Each type produces its own specific sound quality and their name derives from
the area of their origin in India, as in different parts of India we can find those traditional forms.
Their specific height and open form produces the greatest variety of sound characteristics. The sound and height of the tone is
directly dependent on the thickness of metal. A thin material side of the bowl results in a deep humming tone, while thicker
sides produce higher and more even longer lasting and faster vibrating tones.
Bengal Bowls are especially useful for therapeutic purposes, as their tendencies are to release the sounds towards the bottom
of the bowl and sideways.
Flat, wide and open, they have higher vibrations that open up into space. These mostly smaller bowls sometimes have
oscillating sounds. Their best uses lie with meditation and group activities, as their sounds need be heard. On the body placed
they hardly produce any noticable effect as they are quite small.
High and straight up walled bowls mostly come in mostly small size. They have a sound that remains in space and usually are
of high frequencies. They have a flat base of bowl and are often thick metall producing high tones.Their benefit lies in
meditation uses, as they are not very suitable for use on the body.
These are identified through the small hub at the bottom of the medium sized bowls. They have small to medium sizes with
usually thin metal sides, which results in a lightweight bowl, often with a deep vibration for the size of bowl. Medium sized
bowls of this type can produce surprisingly deep tones with much character. In these cases they can be great to play on the
body, while the smaller light ones have a tendicy of moving on the body during applications. They are also great for
individual meditation practices.

The sound of a bowl depends also on the thickness of the rim. If the rim is thick, then the sound will be high and rather stable
and longlasting. With a very thin rim the vibration will be rather deep, but can be restless. Smaller singing bowls of hand size
usually have a high vibrations while with larger bowls the sound tends to get deeper and darker with a growing diameter, but
also in relation to the thickness of the metal at the rim.


Apart from relaxation, peace, harmony and balance you can have a number of other experiences that touch the innermost core
of a human being. Sometimes the sound of a bowl can resound deep into the emotional life or help you to open up to the
beauty and the wide spheres of the universe. It is impossible to put the wealth of potential personal experiences into words.
There is no way we could explain how the apple tastes. Personal experiences can provide you with a glance on the misteries
of the effects. Take your time to find an experienced therapist and receive a few sessions. The depth of relaxation and inner
peacefulness is truly astonishing.

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- the specialist for astromedical concepts & Sound Therapy with Tibetan Singing Bowl
Tel.: 0977-9841706076

TRAINING MODULE A - Basic information for beginners Confidential information - all copy rights reserved


To discover a singing bowl is very much like making a friend. Usually one knows with the first meeting that this is the one,
just like love on first sight. Sympathy and mystery are main aspects. The first singing bowl is very special company touching
the heart as a space of calmness and peacefulness is created when ringing it.


At times it will take a bit until you find a bowl that fits you; play and try as many bowls as possible, different sizes and
sounds until you find the bowl that harmonizes with you. If you listen to a singing bowl, hear what your inner voice says.
Trust your intuition; every human being has a natural feeling for what harmonizes with oneself and what does not.


It’s important to know: How to Hold a Bowl in the Hand ….. And
What Tool you have to use it with as different types of bowls need different size of rubbing and druming tools.


Position the bowl on the flat hand and please make sure that the fingers and hand are stretched out, so that the rim of the bowl
can vibrate freely and unhindered.
Very small bowls can also stand on the fingertips, while the rim of the bowl should be allowed to vibrate without hindrance.
If you hold the bowl at the side you prevent it from vibrating and singing.


A small wooden mallet is used to strike very small singing bowls so their clear overtones can develop especially well. For the
striking of larger singing bowls wooden mallets are generally not the best.
A leather stick is also good for striking smaller singing bowls. The bowl then sounds with a softer tone. Use Leather sticks or
felt covered sticks to strike small to medium sized singing bowls.
First rule: The bigger the singing bowl the thicker the striker should be bolstered, so that the deep dark tones can better
Felt drum sticks are used to strike the larger and very large singing bowls to bring out the amazing deep dark tunes which
experienced practitioners love so much. For the smaller bowls the bolstering of those sticks is too thick to bring out the
capacities to sing high tones. Ultimately, you will have to try out which is the best striker to use for the selected bowls as the
differences are too big. Find out how the bowl sounds most harmonic to you!


Once you have selected your bowl and the striker, then you can train in the tender striking. Find out first how strong the
striking needs to be in order to produce a harmonically sounding tune. Striking too hard produces an uncomfortable sound,
whereas too little force sounds barren and empty and has no effect. Act out the movement consciously. Striking a singing
bowl tenderly is a wonderful exercise in living in the here and now, in the present. This needs to be done over and over again,
excercise is a must.
Please hold the striker while striking parallel to the rim of the singing bowl and strike the bowl just below the rim. The striker
should touch the bowl briefly only and should be brought quickly away from the bowl again. Do not go into the bowl, just
touching it produces a caressing sound. As a rule of thumb, one strikes a bowl only once and lets the sound diminish before
stricking again. In case one wishes to keep the sound one can repeat the tender striking, but not quickly one after the other.
Thus a rhythmical striking can unfold and rhythmical sound happens to appear. Rhythm of producing quality sounds is the
secret of the best singing bowl therapists.


First you need to know how hard you can strike the singing bowl.
Don’t strike the singing bowl too much below the rim. Each bowl has their own secret, find it by excercising.

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- the specialist for astromedical concepts & Sound Therapy with Tibetan Singing Bowl
Tel.: 0977-9841706076

TRAINING MODULE A - Basic information for beginners Confidential information - all copy rights reserved


A bowl can be brought to singing by a balanced rubbing of the rim.
In order to learn this technique you need to have a little patience. Don’t let yourself be discouraged as some bowls are easier
to rub than others! In the beginning use a wooden rubbing stick. Most singing bowls can be rubbed with a leather rubbing
stick to bring out the deep dark sound beautifully. Hold the rubbing stick flat at the rim of the sbowl and press it into the rim.
Now move the stick along the upper rim slowly and steadily until it starts to sing. It can be helpful to strike the bowl slightly
before the rubbing. For a harmonic tone apply equal pressure with balanced movement. Try different sizes of rubbing sticks.
Exercise is the secret.

2. Chapter:
Bowl Therapy Intro
What is it that makes us feel different with classical music or modern age Hard Rock? Why do we dance to one type of music
and not to the other one?
Ancient classical texts of Asia and the West tell us quite clearly that we are far more than what we can see of ourselves as
physical body in the mirror. Hindu philosophy is telling that we are composed of 5 elements and have a great number of
different levels of energy sheets named together as “Aura”. Chinese Taoism also speaks about five mayor elements that are
constantly in transformation cycles and that there are mayor energy distribution channels (Meridians) not seen by the mere
eye. Famous Western philosophers (fex. Rudolf Steiner) and ancient secret orders (fex. Rosicrucians) have also taught
suchlike insights on human Aura and tell us that there is something about us that we do not immediately see with our eyes or
can hear. It is said that the Aura is the body of emotion or soul.
Curiously we tread along our lives paths and wonder often what is happening to us. Many things we wish for become true,
others not. Much happens that we would love to avoid and yet we experience unwanted situations again and again. Gradually
we learn about our conditions, learn to deal with them and enter a kind of development by living adaptation and gradually
It is as if human life with its component of spiritual development creates means of sufferings for us to understand ourselves
Mostly our interest lies in the physical body along this learning path as we can see and touch it. And yet, soon we notice that
if the body of plant, animal or person is dead it begins to smell and decompose. The body is losing its form and breaks down
into parts that are without life force and dead. What is it that we call life or that which makes us feel alive. How come that we
can touch and see something that is alive while we cannot touch life itself?
At this point we cannot go into detail of the subject, but you may notice that this is essential in the question that puzzles
everybody at one point in life ‘who and what are we?’. We can feel that we are alive and don’t really know what that life is?
Ancient philosophy and religions have always pointed at the stars and mentioned about our intimate but unconscious
relationship with the sky. “As above so below” Chinese, Hindu and western philosophies state this in communion.
And the Sciences of Astrology in all these cultures make this more than obvious.
Mankind knew something about the relation between above and below, the stars, earth and man.
In the spiritual quests of all cultures a path to freedom, health and strength leads to a realization of union of the above and the
The Sound Planetarium is utilizing ancient knowledge about the inner relatedness of the above, the stars with earth and man.
The attempted results do not only target improved physical conditions. Improved naturalness of an individual caused by
improving the union between heavens and the individual can provide for natural emotional and spiritual conditions and affect
physical well-being at the same time. The Sound Planetarium therapy target the unseen life energy of a person, the Aura and
does this with the help of selected frequencies related to rhythms of celestial bodies played by Tibetan singing bowls. The
selected SP frequencies are attempting to make a link between man and the stars, to harmonize conditions where the above
and below is disturbed in their coexistence. If such attempts of harmonization are successful then self-healing capacities on
all levels of the person are activated.
Therefore the astro-medical concepts of the SoundPlanetarium attempt to unite the heavens, earth and man.

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- the specialist for astromedical concepts & Sound Therapy with Tibetan Singing Bowl
Tel.: 0977-9841706076

TRAINING MODULE A - Basic information for beginners Confidential information - all copy rights reserved

Effects of Sound Massage with Planets Singing Bowls

Produce very deep relaxation fast
Increases circulation & improves digestion
Decreases inner tensions and stress
Reduces body aches, headaches, migraines and back pains
Brings up energy fast & produces mental clarity
Creates a feeling of lightness
Supports most other therapy forms considerably

3. Chapter:
Introduction to astromedical frequencies, their calculation and uses:
What are Planet Sounds?
The basis of the calculations for the planet frequencies has been given by the Swiss mathematician and Music Scientist Hans
Cousto. He had the idea to calculate the movements of the planets and use the results of the calculations according to the law
of octaves. As such he has provided the mathematical basis that serves for the techniques to measure singing bowls
frequencies and their relation to planetary movements.
By this the term planet sounds and planet singing bowls was created.

Basis of calculations for Planet frequencies

Hans Cousto, Swiss Mathematician and Music researcher discovered the basis of the planet sounds in 1978. He came up with
the idea of the “Cosmic Octave”, which proclaims that the orbits of the planets are cosmic vibrations in themselves. For
example 1 orbit is 1 vibration. As those vibrations are very slow the human ear cannot hear them, but they influence worldly
creation including mankind. Continously and powerfully.
The law of octaves is known to all musicians and says that every sound played is repeated on other octaves having
similar qualities. Especially the interplay of sounds as melody within an octave has similar effects on mood of humans and
resulting behaviour. So the sound harmonies in an have similar impacts as their harmonies on other octaves. Therefore
Cousto developed a system that allows to catch an essence of a celestial rhythm and translate that into a frequency that can be
heard by the human ear. In this way cosmic harmonies can be heard on a different octave. Every sound vibrates on a
particular frequency (measured in Hertz Hz). Hz is measured by a mathematical formula depending mostly on the duration of
the rhythm say orbit in seconds. The result of a calculation of a planet frequency can be doubled or halfed and we find then
the value in a higher or lower octave.
This process can be called harmonics or octaving.
One Octave difference means only half or double the frequency measured in Hertz. This law of octaves can be used on the
frequencies of planet orbits and calculating rhythms by octaving (multiplying by 2) 20-100times celestial vibrations can
become hearable in essence to the human ear and can be felt in the human Aura.
An Example:
The sound of earth-day was called by Cousto ‘the averaged sun-day’ and relates to the turning of the earth around itself
during a day, which takes 24h. The measurement Hertz is a synonym for orbits and is calculated with the formula
If we wish to translate the averaged sun-day in a frequency, then we calculate 24h by 60 min by 60 seconds and we arrive at
86400 seconds for a day. Applying the formula results in 1 divided by 86400 is 0,000011574 Hz.
If we now double the result 24 times, we result 24 octaves higher at a hearable frequency of 194,18Hz.

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- the specialist for astromedical concepts & Sound Therapy with Tibetan Singing Bowl
Tel.: 0977-9841706076

TRAINING MODULE A - Basic information for beginners Confidential information - all copy rights reserved

Frequencies between about 30 and 10000 Hz are hearable, so that one can say that the Sound of Earth-Day has practically for
sound therapy speaking the frequencies of 97,09Hz, 194,18Hz, 388, 36Hz, 776,72Hz. Comfortable and deeply penetrating
are the lower octaves within the hearable realm.
Similar calculations apply for other planet frequencies used by SoundPlanetarium!

How comes a Planet Singing Bowl into existence

Our Planet singing bowls are measured according to the calculation method of Hans Cousto with the help of highly sensitive
computer software. This program recognizes the various different vibrations a singing bowl vibrates with and compares them
with the planet frequencies that have been calculated. Like this we can easily select the singing bowls that vibrate on the
defined frequencies. With the help of modern technology we unlock the mystery of the many sounds in a bowl, analyse them
and select those that are usefull for therapeutical purposes. We do not manufacture bowls according to frequencies. We select
jewels of craftmenship for wanted purposes.
The technically difficult measurements are done with high accuracy for which commercially available software in the
worldwideweb is not qualified.

How does a Tibetan Singing Bowl become a Planet Singing Bowl?

The basic principle is that there is an analysis of the frequencies of the 1 to 4 frequencies of the sounds that can appear in a
single singing bowl. If one or two of these is a dominant sound relating to a Planet frequency we call that bowl a Planet
singing Bowl and make it visible with the help of a sticker on the bowl itself.

Tolerances of the measurements and analysis

The handmade singing bowls are not on each side of the bowl similarly thick or thin, which can be leading to small
differences of measurement but do not influence outcome of results as the whole rim produces one pattern of vibrations.
Similar situations apply, if the bowl is not exactly hit at the upper rim. In general can be said: if the bowl is hit with a
drumstick rather similar as the one used when identifying the frequencies with the computer program, then results stay also
the same. This is the basis for the trade with singing bowls with measured frequencies.
Nevertheless there can be small differences due to temperature and other factors.
For these reasons we need to measure bowls with tolerances. A great amount of experiments have led to an allowed
tolerance up to 1% . As some calculated planet frequencies are close to each we have at times several planet frequencies in a
bowl due to tolerances.
In order to avoid too much confusion, we concentrate on the 2 main sounds in a singing bowl, that we call;
“Basic Sound” and “First overtone”.
About 65% of all bowls have two main frequencies, the rest has only 1 mayor sound, a basic sound.
The labels on the bowls are defining the basic sound as a name and the first overtone with a small stroke in the end. The first
overtone is what you can hear as the higher frequency and sound, while the basic sound is the darker tune.
These 2 levels are easily being heard, if one concentrates on the sound of a singing bowl and it is those to strong influences
that we try to classify, so that we can use the planet singing bowl within the application system.
Herewith the focus for making singing bowls sets lies on the Basic Sound, the lower tone.

Advantages of a Planet Singing Bowl

A planet singing bowl can be played, felt and utilized like a regular singing bowl too, but they have the advantage, that they
can be used therapeutically more easily, because the effects of the different sounds are known.
While doing Sound Massage with Planet Singing Bowls you know the effect the sound has and the preffered body positions
they can be placed upon.
That helps the therapist to know what bowl with what sound can be used for a particular problem of a client that wishes to
have a massage.
The therapeutic use of a Planet Singing Bowl is a combination of intellectual comprehension of a therapy system and the
integration of emotional experiences while practicing sound massage. The secret lies in applying celestial rhythms of the
above heavens on the microcosm body in the below. The clients can be realigned with the cosmic realities and feel more what
they truly are, a being created by the universe.

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- the specialist for astromedical concepts & Sound Therapy with Tibetan Singing Bowl
Tel.: 0977-9841706076

TRAINING MODULE A - Basic information for beginners Confidential information - all copy rights reserved

Planet Singing Bowls Combinations

In many cases two astromedical frequencies can be found within one and the same singing bowl. As we have discussed a
singing bowl has a Basic Tone (mostly a deep dark tone with low frequency) and also a 1. Overtone.
Those 2 frequencies are dominating most often the sound produced by a singing bowl. When a bowl has both of the
frequencies less than 1% diverting from an astromedical frequency then we have a Combination bowl. The bowl contains
both frequencies capacities and mingle together for a common effect. Some of the more commonly appearing combinations
have been researched and are discribed in the below for their special effects.
They are especially useful for particular therapy purposes and are rare gems.
The Roots : Moon syn/sid/met/Lilith/Draconic Nutation & Hopi Heart
This deep and tender sound fills us with warmth and safety, allowing our heart to flourish, and unfold. It aids in liberating the
suppressed feminine quality.

The Royal Sound : Sun & Jupiter

This is an intense, expansive sound that radiates our being with light and warmth. The Royal Sound carries the potency of the
sun; opening and enhancing our subtle energy body.

Yin and Yang : Om & Earth Day

This sound is at peace with itself. Yin and Yang embodies the essence of equanimity. It is akin to a formless mediation of
pure, simple being.

Search for Vision : Moon apsidian/ sarosp/Lilith/Draconic Nutation & World Year
This sound connects the upper sphere of the mind with the lower sphere of the body

Animus & Anima : Sun & Moon culm

This warm and deep sound wants to create synthesis; a unification of dualities such as the conscious with the unconscious,
the masculine with the feminine, and the animus with the anima.

Healing : Chiron & Lilith

This sound brings hidden, repressed pain and emotions to the surface of our awareness.
Healing is facilitated through integrating these repressed, dissociated parts of the self with the whole self.

Partnership : Venus & Eros

This sensual sound calls for tenderness, love and eroticism. It opens the heart, creating a space for playfulness and freedom to

The Meditative : Alpha wave & Theta wave

This vibration quiets and active, busy or anxious mind that is in the Beta state of normal, waking consciousness. It mediates
our entry into the Alpha and Theta states, related with dreaming, creativity, meditation, and inward journeying.

Body & Mind : Bio Rhythm Body & Bio Rhythm Mind
This sound clears the mind and strengthens the body. The mind becomes rooted in the physical body, establishing stability
and balance.

The Tenderness Soul : Bio Rhythm & Galaxy(= Eros)

This sound carries the magic love, as it is sensual, tender and soft. The Tender Soul dissipates our tension, unveiling a
beautiful relaxation.

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- the specialist for astromedical concepts & Sound Therapy with Tibetan Singing Bowl
Tel.: 0977-9841706076

TRAINING MODULE A - Basic information for beginners Confidential information - all copy rights reserved

Fighting Spirit : Mars & Uranus

This vibration contains a lot of power, for it facilitates direction in our lives.
This fighting spirit energy propels us forward, with courage to overcome obstacles and negative habits.
Soul of the World : Om & Moon culm
This sound aids us to know - with certainly and clarity - what we feel.
With emotional strength, living in connection to inward insight becomes natural, easy.
The New and Olden Times: Uranus & Saturn
This combination blends the rational with the intuitive approach, to making decisions, spontaneity, along with logic and
Under the Ocean : Neptune & Alpha wave
This vibration opens the gate of the unconscious mind, where forgotten memories are stored within.
It is a chance to dive under the ocean, to discover and retrieve our personal, hidden treasures.
Tender Release : Theta wave & Hopi Heart
This sound guides us into the deepest layers of our emotional self. The experience is a gentle letting go, a relinquishing of
the impulse to cling control.
We are able to access the child archetype, becoming open and innocent.
Balm for the Soul : Moon met/sarosp/apsidian/Draconic Nutation & Chiron
This sound connects the instinctual lower spheres of our mind with the higher inner healer.
Responsibility as Love : Saturn & Venus
The crystalline sound of Saturn merges with the tender sound of Venus, sharpening concentration and steadying passion.
Such a union creates the pathway for our high ideals to be realized through discipline.
Self-Appreciation : Venus & Hopi Heart
The tender and light filled sound softens the heart and provides it with the need love and protection. This vibration teaches
us, how healing it is to appreciate and love oneself and being able to share that appreciation and love with others.
The Dream : Moon met/Draconic Nutation & Alpha wave
The dream pulls us from the active, concentrated mental state into the serene, meditative state.
In this open space- not muddled by ruminative thoughts- visualization can simply arise.
Personal & Impersonal Light: Sun & World Year
This energetic vibration is luminous, clear and liberating. It helps us to enter into the clear spheres, while remaining alert and
Home of the Spirit : Bio Rhythm & Earth Day
This vibration connects us with the element: earth. Awareness of physical sensation – the body’s way of knowing
information- is increased. As a result, the mind is able to be still in the present moment, with what is arising – now.
Kundalini : Neptune & Galaxy (=Eros)
Neptune as the higher potency of Venus and Moon “The eternal Feminine” is very receptive for Eros. The energy of this
sound arises from the root charka towards the heart region and therefore is associated with the Kundalini power.

Intellect and Emotion : Moon syn & Mercury

This sound connects the world of thoughts with the world of emotions.
It supports us to speak directly from the heart and enables to be listening as well.
Self-Worth : Chiron & Sun
Without a sense of self worth there is not personal development.
The vibration of this combination connects us with the necessary inner self assurance and provides the trust into oneself,
which is necessary to realize our grand work of life.

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The Atomic : Pluto & Uranus

This powerful energy supports transformation processes. It brings us to the confrontation with our darker sides and helps us
to let go of fears about changes. This combination supports letting go of cramps effectively
Abundance of Feelings : Moon sid/apsidian/Lilith & Jupiter
This harmonizing combination of Jupiter and moon provides us with more generosity warmth of heart, compassion and trust
into existence.
Sleeping Beauty : Venus & Alpha wave
A Wonderful relaxing sound that enables us into the deep and serene sleep in order to be connected with our perfect love.
Especially helpful with thinking dominated persons or rigid thinkers.
Stability of Feelings : Moon syn/sid & Saturn
This Saturn-Moon combination leads us to research our emotional life in a structured and thorough way. This requires self
discipline that is transferred by the sound. A very good combination for the lower back pains.
The Winged Spirit : Mercury & Uranus
This combination is very rich in ideas which are supportive flexibility in thinking and spiritual freedom. This sound
combination helps us to become independent, authentically ourselves and to be faithful towards oneself.
Adventure : Uranus & Galaxy (=Eros)
A very passionate sound that our enthusiasm and lust for adventure awakes.
It asks us to gather experiences, to go onwards in life and rejects being tied up.
In the Underground : Earth-Day & Pluto
Pluto as the “ God of the Underworld” in combination with the earth sound supports us the reach down to our own root-
power. Together they make us understand that we should not be afraid about our own power.
Inner Peace : Om & Bio Rhythm Mind
This deep sound aligns our soul of heart with our soul of mind. This combination has a effectively relaxing effect and brings
us towards inner peace and inner balance.
The Instinctive : Moon syn & Mars
This combination helps us to show our emotions openly, to display ourselves as we really are. That helps us to confront our
own hurt feelings and letting go of suppressed rage.
The Progressive : Om & Uranus
Being focused in the heart one is easily able to open oneself towards Uranus-Like alternatives and progressive ideas. This
sound provides us with intuition and enables us to have visionary mind flashes.
Celebration of Life : Moon sid/met/sarosp/Lilith/Draconic Nutation & Galaxy (=Eros)
The sound of the Eros – Moon combination is like a call to take part in the “celebration of life”.
This archaic energy of the combination awakens in us the wild, free and very alive sides of our hearts.
Tantra : Mars & Venus
Root male energy of Mars and root feminine of Venus striving for harmony combine in this sound, separated and yet
connected in androgyny, where extremes met balance is arising.
It is like a hint about the perfection of development. (Combine this combination with an OM bowl)

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4. Chapter:
Sound Planetarium (SP) frequencies :
Basis for their calculation, relevance for applications and positioning
1. Saturn geocentric - 65,74 Hz (Saturn g)
Saturn synodic (=geocentric) needs 378, 09 days to arrive at the same place in relation to the sun, when
observed from Earth. Earth & Man experiences Saturn under this rhythm.
Astrology has utilized self-observation since ancient times which is a geocentric view point and
traditional forms of medicine like Paracelsus medicine or Homeopathy are based on geocentric views.
SP treatments utilize this frequency in many applications, as human disharmonies with Saturn g energies
are related to lasting ailments, chronic diseases and taking on of mayor tasks of spiritual development
throughout the unfolding of individual destiny in life.
Experiences of personal crisis are very often caused by imbalances with Saturn g.
Therefore this frequency is one of the most used ones by therapists in order to realign human Aura
with Saturn g.
Favorable positioning for this frequency is near the spleen, but also on bones (skull, shoulders, arms,
hips, legs, ankles & feet).

2. Saturn heliocentric - 147, 85 Hz (Saturn h)

Saturn sideric (= heliocentric) needs 29,458 years to orbit the sun in relation to fixed stars.
Movements of planets around the sun have powerful vibrational impact within the solar system affecting the
the human energy system accordingly. This rhythm is an inert Saturn life cycle and supports a
capacity to separate the insignificant from the essential and in turn provides stability.
Favorable positioning for this frequency is on the lower parts of the body on 1. Chakra and
especially on the knees. Spleen and everything hard in the body like positioning on bones is recommended.
Furthermore intuitive capacities can be supported with Saturn h and therefore Saturn h is beneficial
around the head near 6th & 7th Chakra, too.

3. Geomagentfield maximum - 74,87 Hz (Geomagnet)

The magnetic field of the earth is having a form with north & south magnetic poles that shows a micro
pulsation Spectrum and a rhythm that reaches a maximum in the area around 9-10Hz. The colors indigo or
blue violet are used frequently in color therapy. Those 2 factors in relation to the research on the
Schumann frequencies have led to the selection of this frequency for the use in sound therapy. It is
named Geomagentfield-maximum and is an earth related frequency useful for activating and aligning
the human bodies to earth energies, as well as for detoxification of the body. It harmonizes hormone
glandular functions as well.
It can be used effectively from 2.Chakra down to the feet, but also for small intestines. It supports being
in tune with Mother Earth in general by positioning from small intestines to knees, best on Chakra 1&2.

4. Solar Galaxy Heartbeat or Cosmic Year - 77.4 Hz (Galaxy=Eros)

This is a frequency that resembles the orbit of our entire Solar system around the center of the Galaxy which is
supposed to be a black hole of enormous weight on a fairly small space that sucks all that is into itself. The
black hole is said to be also the origin of immense subtle energy powers.
The Cosmic Year takes about 236 million years to complete and is the longest time span of all by SP utilized
cosmic rhythms. It is also called the cosmic heartbeat. About 60 octaves higher this is reflecting the suggested
vibration, which is similar to the averaged heartbeat of about 60-100 beats per minute, when a person is in an
active but relaxed state.
A very similar frequency (only 0.14Hz difference) has been utilized by sound therapists since 2000 as a
heart frequency without recognizing the similarity with Cosmic Year and was named

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Eros (heliocentric) - 154,66 Hz or 77,33Hz.

Eros is an asteroid near earth within the Mars orbit and orbits the sun in 1,76 years or 643,219 days.
Eros has potential to be a Mars crosser which means it has a 50% chance to impact the earth in about 2 million
years and cause environmental changes similar to the one that has caused the extinction of dinosaurs.
The Name was given after the Greek God of Love in 1998 after discovery.
The frequency is enlarging and opening the heart and promotes joyful relaxation while being playful and light.
The frequency is gentle and calm, empties the mind from stressful thinking and balances feelings and heart.
Male (yang) and female (yin) energies are united to become tantric life energy.
True peacefulness from the depth of infinity arises allowing to rest in the middle of ones being.
Most favorably the Cosmic Year is positioned on and around the 4 th, the Heart Chakra. But also around the 3rd
Chakra the vibration can be useful.

5. Physical Body Female - 88,768 Hz (Female)

Dr Rudolf Steiner mentioned in his lectures that the capacity to bear children of the female physical
body is most clearly pointing to the inner nature of women. The duration of pregnancy is obviously affected
by the synodic moon rhythm as it lasts exactly for 10 synodic moon orbits.
Therefore the Physical Body Female frequency is calculated as 10 x the synodic moon rhythm of
29,5305886 days.
The sound therapy with singing bowls is heavily impacting the Aura with its fine energies of Chi.
Those energies flow in rhythms throughout the Aura and are condensed gradually into physical matter.
In order to support the integration of Auric treatment effects into the female body the utilization of this
frequency is most beneficial. Sequences that utilize this frequency are often integrated in SP treatments in the
beginning and end phases of applications on women. The frequency is a supportive bridge for adaptation and
integration of application effects from Aura towards the female body.
Most favorable placements are towards middle and lower parts of the body, mainly fostering
connection with Mother Earth. The 3rd Chakra is the preferred choice of SP, but also 2nd Chakra as well as
1st Chakra are wonderful options. In order to improve earth connection also knees, ankles and feet
are recommended. Once earth and heaven connection of a client is achieved also heart position for
this frequency becomes an alternative.

6. Physical Body Male - 73,974 Hz (Male)

The basis for the frequency is given in lectures by Dr Rudolf Steiner. He mentioned that the Moon Year (the
12 synodic months with approx. 29,5days/month) would be most relevant for the male natural human physical
condition and is calculated as 12 x 29,5305886 days.
Most of the effects of sound therapy are happening within the Aura. Aura conditions are becoming physical
conditions over time. Changes of Aura will cause change in physical conditions.
This frequency particularly facilitates Auric changes to be integrated into male physical conditions and is
therefore extremely supportive to the SP applications on men.
In many SP sound therapy applications a short sequence at beginning and/or end of treatments utilizing a
singing bowl with this frequency is integrated for male clients, in order to harmonize Auric effects with the
physical basic male
condition. The frequency is a supportive bridge for adaptation and integration of application effects from Aura
towards the male body.
Most favorable placements are towards middle and upper parts of the body, mainly fostering connection with
Father Heaven. The frequency opens the Aura like a flower opens towards the heaven.
Placements at the head Chakras 5 and 6 are favored.
Also heart and 2nd Chakra, as well as the thighs and calves are great positions for this frequency.

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7. Venus geocentric - 85,13 Hz (Venus g)

Venus synodic (= geocentric) needs 583,92 days to arrive at the same place in relation to the sun,
when observed from the Earth. Earth/Man experiences Venus under this rhythm.
Astrology has utilized self-observation since ancient times which is a geocentric point of view and
traditional forms of medicine like Paracelsus medicine or Homeopathy are based on geocentric views.
SP treatment use this frequency in many applications, as human disharmonies with Venus g energies
are related to fearful emotional states, or related to troubles with social life and libido.
In this context Venus g is mostly used to support innate Venus g qualities like purification of body
from toxins and energy provision for emotional processes.
Most favorable positioning for this frequency is on the kidneys/adrenals, but also on the bladder.
Secondarily Venus g can be placed on veins (fex heart) and hormone glands.
8. Venus heliocentric - 221,23 Hz (Venus h)
Venus Sideric (=heliocentric) needs 224,701 days to orbit the sun in relation to fixed stars.
Movements of planets around the sun have powerful vibrational impact within the solar system affecting
the human energy system accordingly. This rhythm is an inert Venus life cycle and supports human
emotional life and harmony therein. This frequency is closely related to love (including sex) and the
capacity to enjoy life. Self- liberation by the development of self- appreciation as a prerequisite of
being able to love others is the power of the Greek Goddess Venus. This force is activating
attraction and eroticism. Being able to love others opens the door to being loved by others.
Favorable positioning for this frequency is on the 4 th and 6th Chakra, but can be used for the
entire upper parts of Aura from heart to head. When deeply emotionally disturbed also the use on all
Chakra for calming down stirred up emotions is recommended.
9. Cat snoring - 100 Hz (Cat)
The frequencies 25 & 50Hz are the main sounds produced by snoring cats. Cats are known to have 7 lives
which is due to their immense capacity to regenerate from even serious injuries especially fractures.
Since ancient times this faculty of cats is known to be connected with their purring. The frequencies generated
While purring are effectively stimulating bone growth which affects regeneration from broken bones. Purring
also leads to the production of anti-inflammatory substances that reduce joint pains and swelling.
Cats are known to be not affected by sicknesses of bones, joints (-like arthritis) and purring is their
prime aid for self-healing. We all know how soothing the sound of purring is on our minds.
This frequency aids to make connection with Mother Earth by feeling peace, trust into the powers of creation
and by letting go. In this way the heaven is reaching towards earth and harmonizes the body by regeneration.
This very pleasurable sound permeates all body and supports grounding and earth connection.
Therefore we strongly recommend using this frequency for regeneration of fractures in and around the
fractures and on all bony parts of body, like hips, shoulders, arms, legs, ankles. Most favorable positioning
when no fractures are apparent is though on the lower part of the body from 3.Chakra to the knees.
10. Mercury geocentric - 107,245 Hz (Mercury g)
Mercury synodic (=geocentric) needs 115,88 days to arrive at the same place in relation to the sun,
when observed from the Earth. Earth/Man experiences Mercury under this rhythm.
Astrology has utilized self-observation since ancient times which is a geocentric point of view and
traditional forms of medicine like Paracelsus medicine or Homeopathy are based on geocentric views.
SP treatments use this frequency in applications, as Mercury g activates metabolic functions
(respiratory as well as endocrine) and communicative human capacities.
In this context Mercury g is mostly used to support function of respiratory organs especially the
lungs, but can also support to activate hormonal functions. Therefore the most favorable positioning
of this frequency is on the lungs, but also around 3.Chara; where intestines, adrenals and other glands

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are located or nearby. Furthermore, is this frequency used in order to harmonize opposing planet influences,
which makes Mercury g the most applied frequency that rounds up SP treatments, in order to harmonize sound
recipes according to the ‘Tria Principa’ (= three principles) of Paracelsus.
11. Mercury heliocentric - 141,27 Hz (Mercury h)
87,969 days Mercury needs to orbit the sun in relation to fixed stars.
Movements of planets around the sun have powerful vibrational impact within the solar system affecting
the human energy system accordingly. This rhythm is an inert Mercury life cycle and supports
communicative capacities as well as mediation between opposing forces. Mercury is a messenger and
mediator. Intelligence and communication by quality rhetoric are the strengths of Mercury.
Such communication can be focusing on the outside towards others, but also towards inside
communication between higher and lower self and supports self-development.
Adaptation is another wonderful potential of Mercury that can be tapped for personal growth.
Most favorable positioning for this frequency is on the 5. Chakra and near the throat on shoulders,
neck and upper arms. Secondarily also positions on lungs, intestines are recommended and for crisis
situations connected with personal development positions around the head are also helpful.
12. Bio-Rhythm Mind - 188,29 Hz (BR Mind)
This frequency is a mental rhythm of 33 days. The Psychologist Swoboda and physician Fliess have
discovered that the human being experiences various Bio Rhythms that affect physical and intellectual
capacities, as well as the emotional life. Those rhythms are said to be similar for all people and begin at birth.
This Bio Rhythm Mind frequency provides wakeful consciousness and protects by shielding and embracing.
Most favorable positioning is proven to be on the lower to middle parts of body and especially the
2nd Chakra, nevertheless the frequency can be used from 1 st to 5th Chakra.
13. Aura (previously Bio-Rhythm Soul) - 110,96 Hz (Aura)
Dr Rudolf Steiner mentioned in his lectures that the cosmic rhythms of week and month would be most
relevant for the Aura of Humans ( Dr Steiner subdivided Aura into 2 parts- Astral/emotional &
etheric/life forces of different levels of density). Dr Steiner mentioned that the rhythm of week with 7 days
would be most important for astral body and the rhythm of month with 4x7=28 days would be most important
for etheric body. The related frequencies for both week and month are found within one and the same hearable
frequency after applying the law of octaves. Therefore we have a frequency that can be applied on the entire
Aura. This frequency is clearly an emotional rhythm.
Therefore the frequency can be used throughout the Aura and on all Chakras.
The sound provides mental clarity, relaxation, harmonizes and purifies Aura, while being extremely pleasant.
Most favorable positions are near the ears, heart and forehead, but also very good all over the Aura and on all
Please note, that this frequency is also known under the name Bio Rhythm Soul. The Psychologist
Swoboda and physician Fliess have discovered that the human being undergoes various Bio Rhythms
that affects physical and intellectual capacities, as well as the emotional life. Those rhythms are said
to be all the same for all people and begin with birth. The SP has chosen to change the name of the frequency
to Aura, as SP applications with this frequency describes its function more accurately.

14. Bio-Rhythm Body - 135,08 Hz (BR Body)

This frequency is a physical rhythm of 23 days duration. The Psychologist Swoboda and physician Fliess have
discovered that the human being undergoes various Bio Rhythms that affect physical and intellectual capacities,
as well as the emotional life. Those rhythms are said to be all the same for all people and begin with birth.
This particular Bio Rhythm Body frequency energizes and strengthens the whole physical body and creates
Most favorable positioning is proven to be on the lower parts of body and especially the 1st Chakra,
nevertheless , the frequency can be used from feet to navel and even towards the heart.

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15. Mars geocentric - 127,47 Hz (Mars g)

Mars synodic (=geocentric) needs 779, 94 days to arrive at the same place in relation to the sun, when
observed from the Earth. Earth/Man experiences Mars under this rhythm.
Astrology has utilized self-observation since ancient times which is a geocentric point of view and
traditional forms of medicine like Paracelsus medicine or Homeopathy are based on geocentric views.
SP treatments use this frequency in applications, as Mars g is related to human willing as well as the
physical bodies oxidation processes.
Human courage and activity is basic Mars nature; fighting and protecting.
In this context Mars g is mostly used to provide energy and affect blood forming organs and digestion
and its mayor position is at the gallbladder. Placements from base of spine along the spine upwards
towards the neck are very effective for energy supply as this is along the central Aura channel.

16. Mars heliocentric - 144,72 Hz (Mars h)

686,98 days needs Mars to orbit the sun in relation to fixed stars.
Movements of planets around the sun have powerful vibrational impact within the solar system ffecting
the human energy system accordingly. This rhythm is an inert Mars life cycle and supports
vitality and taking up initiative, even aggression. It is a strong Yang (male) energy impact that
enables to fight for one’s life. Mars is the warrior god in man. Those energies are needed when
beginning something new, even new sections of life regarding personal development. It has the power to
initiate new realities in life and always comes with providing opportunities and challenges. The largest
challenge is to give the Mars in us the right positive direction.
Most favorable positioning for this frequency is on the 1. & 2.Chakra and 5. & 6.Chakra to provide
energy into the energy circuit. Chakra 1&2 are great for provision of energy to the back of body,
while Chakra 5&6 are better to provide front of body.
Mars h is also very good to place on muscles of the body like thighs etc.

17. Theta waves & Alpha waves

Brainwaves are the Mirror of Human Consciousness, constantly changing in their compositions.
Since in 1960 Joe Kamiya of the University of Chicago began to research brainwaves this process has
been extended in many parts of the world. Since then it became evident that meditation affects
brainwave patterns distinctively. An Awakended Mind is composed of a harmonic combination of
alpha-, theta-, beta-and delta brain waves. If this state of mind can be maintained when not asleep
research has shown that those persons can be extremely efficient. An Awakened Mind could be also
called a High Performance Mind (HPM) with a very flexible consciousness.
Predominantly the SP applications utilize Alpha- and Theta waves to calm the mind and relax clients
from tensions and induce meditative states. To retreat from everyday condition is aimed at.
Favorable positions are around the head.
a. Theta waves - (112 Hz) (Theta waves)
Theta waves (range from 3,5 - 7 Hz) are the waves of the sub consciousness. They are especially produced
during dreaming, in mediation, when mountaineers reach top of mountains and during creative activity. Within
the Theta waves we find unconscious and suppressed emotional aspects and also our creativity and spirituality.
Theta waves alone remain unconscious only if Alpha waves are added we can recognize content consciously
and can remember.
Effects have been documented to improve language skills, learning, and memory and produce vision
on needed personal growth and transformation processes, as well as fostering creativity and
Favorable positions are around the head near 6th & 7th Chakra, but are also useful 3rd Chakra

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b. Alpha waves - (160 Hz) (Alpha waves)

Alpha waves (range from 8-14 Hz) and develop in the brain when in a relaxed and light
mental atmosphere, when day dreaming and visualizing.
Alpha waves are the door to meditation. They are needed as a bridge to receive
information from the Theta wave level into states of wakeful consciousness.
If meditation is so deep that only Theta- and Delta waves are produced it is not possible to remember
content or experiences in mediation. Alpha waves are therefore especially important to be present in
combination with other brainwaves.
Effects have been documented to support regression into previous phases of life, improve
capacity to visualize mental objects, awareness about causes of physical imbalances and
healing of body.
Favorable positions are around the head near 6th & 7th Chakra, but are very useful on the feet too.

18. Draconic Nutation - 116,995 Hz (Draconic Nutation)

The path of the Moon around the sun has a 5% inclination and the 2 crossing points of the orbit with
the ecliptic (= path of sun along zodiac) are called Moon Nodes. As the sun proceeds through the
ecliptic, so do the moon nodes. It takes 249,82 Draconic Months until the sun arrives on the
same place in the ecliptic and is called a nutation which takes 18 years, 7 months and 9 days.
Draconic Month - (114,173 Hz)
The path of the Moon around the sun has a 5% inclination and the 2 crossing points of the orbit with
ecliptic (=path of sun along zodiac) are called Moon Nodes. One such orbit with 2 Moon Nodes is
called a Draconic month and takes 27.212220817 days. (presently not used in SP applications)
The Draconic Nutation cycle is about the relationship between sun and moon within the entire zodiac
and different for people born at different times. It is a cycle affecting individually, but with similar impacts.
Modern astrology based on Dr Rudolf Steiners suggestions concerning human biography has recognized
rhythmic occurrences in human lives related to the Draconic Nutation cycle.
For therapy with sound this brings great importance to this cycle as roughly every 18 years and 7 months a
human experiences similar moon & sun energy an cosmic energy condition similar to the conditions at the
time of birth is occurring.
This cycle enables to remember the initial tasks and individual destiny that where brought from past lives into
this life. Mostly when individuals are in need of reorientation a form of crisis also appears at the same time.
In such times of crisis opportunity dawns for remembering initial aims and tasks.
Such occurrences are natural for the times when Draconic Nutation appears. Remembrance of our
deepest destiny can reawaken and provoke reorientation towards the individuals true calling.
The frequency of Draconic Nutation is the essence of the capacity to reawaken towards the true calling and to
realize one’s destiny, to grow emotionally and spiritually.
Due to these factors Draconic Nutation ends are milestones in the life path and development of an individual.
The SP utilizes the Draconic Nutation frequency in numerous ways for the purpose of support for
reorientation and personal growth. As this is a common theme in therapy the frequency can be utilized in
many ways and basically on all people, but is particularly useful in times of crisis.
For a therapeutic method that wishes to address deeper philosophical issues this frequency is essential.
The Draconic Nutation frequency can be positioned at the head, heart and root Chakras. The sound can be
experienced as if all subtle energies would be flooding towards the root and is supporting incarnation and
The creative powers of Sun & Moon expressed on earth as the form of Man are fostered immensely.
Particularly positions on 2nd and 3rd Chakra support remembrance and the archetypal becoming of man on
earth. This frequency is one of the most important frequency in SP applications supporting personal growth
and especially during crisis management.

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19. Jupiter geocentric - 124,625 Hz (Jupiter g)

Jupiter synodic (= geocentric) needs 398,88 days to arrive at the same place in relation to the sun,
when observed form the Earth. Earth/Man experiences Jupiter under this rhythm.
Astrology has utilized self-observation since ancient times which is a geocentric point of view and
traditional forms of medicine like Paracelsus medicine or Homeopathy are based on geocentric views.
SP treatments use this frequency in applications, as Jupiter g is related to human thinking and
temperament. Human reason, ambition and a sense of justice is basic Jupiter nature and being a higher
octave of the sun. In many situations Jupiter g is supporting the OM (Sun) frequency and is named
also a universal remedy. This frequency is a wonderful support and useful for all conditions.
In this context Jupiter g is mostly used to brighten the mood, clear the mind and awaken hope.
Jupiter g mayor position is because of being supportive to the inner alchemist at the liver.
Other possible placements are on joints and connective tissues, or shoulders, elbows, hands, hips, knees,
ankles and feet.

20. Jupiter heliocentric - 183,58 Hz (Jupiter h)

11,862 years needs Jupiter to orbit the sun in relation to the fixed stars.
Movements of planets around the sun have powerful vibrational impact within the solar system affecting the
Human energy system accordingly. This rhythm is an inert Jupiter life cycle and supports growth, creativity
and a sense of inquiry. It supports understanding where one comes from and where one goes to by establishing
mental clarity and a harmonized provision of physical energies. On emotional level Jupiter h provides
generously without spoiling, paving the path with hope and a positive feeling about ourselves. This leads
eventually to mental experiences of being one with all.
As above so below is of great importance along spiritual development and Jupiter is a great aid to achieve this
by providing needed energies for those processes.
Most favorable positioning are on the 6th & 7th Chakra and also the hips, liver. 3rd Chakra and muscles are
also recommended.

21. Schumann Resonance 1 - 125,28 Hz (Schumann Resonance 1 = SR1)

The Schumann Resonance Frequencies belong to the group of ELF Atmospherics (ELF = extreme
low frequencies) that were discovered in the 1950’s by Prof. O.W. Schumann at the University in
Munich, Germany. One of his main students’ Professor König has verified his findings. Most of the
low frequencies that are measured during ‘Nice Weather’ do not originate from the sun. They are
rather products of resonance within the space between earth and ionosphere and caused by distant
lightning. Prof. R. Wever proved that human beings are in dire need of Schumann waves and today
they are recognized to be a "Biological Normal". This is especially important as climate change transform
measured frequencies within the biospheres nowadays. That means that actually the Schumann
frequencies are changing towards considerately higher levels of vibrations..
The Schumann Frequencies are called ‘Good Weather Frequencies’ and support our well being and pleasant
emotinoal states. The basic frequency of Schumann Resonance 1 is at 7,83 Hz and is 4 octaves higher at
125,28Hz. The application of these Schumann frequencies are nowadays used to enable people to relax into the
socalled natural state.
This frequency produces relaxation into the normal in the Here and Now. Physical comfort, as well as
emotional states of peacefulness that can lead into deep meditational stages are supported.
Schumann Resonance 1 can be positioned at the head Chakras 5, 6&7 and along the full Aura.
Please note: The Schumann Resonance 2 is discussed under Master frequency.

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22. Master frequency - 128 Hz (Master)

This frequency is also a lower octave of Schumann Resonance 2 (256Hz) and relates to a ‘Relaxed Awake
Consciousness’ useful for all Chakras, but especially the 7th Chakra. Relaxed attentiveness realized in the
physical and emotional bodies by mind is like the higher stages of meditation and lead towards enlightenment.
It is a true ‘Good INNER Weather frequency’.
This frequency also resembles the old chamber tone C of the diatonic music scale. It is based on the ancient science of
harmonics and the chamber tone A=432Hz. The frequencies of the antique diatonic system is in close relation to the
vibrations of the earth rotation and therefore very suitable to the human condition in general as an earth being. Actually
most of the classical master composers have created their music based on diatonic frequencies. Unfortunately have the
authorities changed the diatonic system based on tone A = 432 Hz to the chromatic system based on A=440Hz and
mutilated the works of ancient composers or denaturalized their works from being earthly. Guiseppe Verdi and Dr
Rudolf Steiner have amongst others advised to use for chamber tone C the diatonic frequency 128Hz, as this is
harmonizing with the human condition on the whole.
The frequency resembles Selfless Love and is called therefore the Master frequency. It supports mediation between
earthly and heavenly aspects of humans. Harmonization of heaven and earth within the human being is supported by
producing relaxation and liberation all over. Other side effects are opening the heart towards other’s needs, letting go of
fear and gaining trust into oneself. Aura conditions can be greatly improved with this frequency. This frequency is useful
for all conditions and includes grounding on Mother Earth, while being One with All.
Favorable positions are particularly on the Heart Chakra, but actually this frequency can as well be very effectively used
universally on all Chakras, the full Aura and all Meridians (Nadis). It is the most universally useful SP frequency.

23. Gateway Sun or Sun (Cousto) - 126,22 Hz (Sun)

This is a frequency based on quantum physics theory rather than on a natural phenomenon and has been formulated by
astronomer mathematician Cousto. The calculation of the sound is based on a limit being a value in our solar system in
relation to the threshold between contraction and expansion.
An imaginative planet circulating the sun with speed of light in the distance of gravitational length would orbit the sun
32000 times / second. This resembles a situation at the rim of a black hole where everything even light is being sucked
into. This tone corresponds to limits of physical existence and a world totally different from ours. Therefore the
frequency is a door or gateway from this world into another.
It is applied in order to provide much energy and security in order to work through inner emotional processes
and to arrive in one’s own middle. Its sound is the border between yin and yang, transcendental and magical.
Its best value for sound therapy lies in its ability to free emotions into awareness from the subconscious and by
providing energy. Becoming aware about lasting conditions is an essential prerequisite for personal change,
transformation, healing and personal growth.
Most favorably the frequency is positioned on the 3rd Chakra, but also on 2nd Chakra is beneficial.
Other locations are at the head (for eyes & relaxation) and heart. Overall focus is the middle of the body.

24. OM , the Earth Year or Sun geocentric - 136,1Hz (OM)

Basis for this frequency is the movement of the Earth around the sun which takes 365,2421905 days
or an earth year. While the earth is orbiting the sun, the orbit is actually not exactly geocentric, rather
it is heliocentric. Nevertheless we use this frequency in the context of geocentric frequencies, as the
human experience of this rhythm is essentially same as the geocentric rhythms are experienced.
This earth year rhythm is how man experiences the sun on earth. The rhythm of the year is causing the seasons
on earth and the breathing rhythm of the earth Aura which shows itself in nature and emotional life of man.
In ancient India this sound is called Sadja, the father of all other sound, or OM and tuning of classical
musical instruments are based on it. Intonations of Mantras containing the sound are celebrated in
meditation practices since 1000s of years with wonderful spiritual effects.
It is the most important sound of the nature we experience around us. It is the heart sound of nature.
This frequency is calming, soothing and deeply relaxes. Acceptances of outer worldly occurrences are

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fostered and harmonized. The heart is the sun of the body and in the middle of what we are. The mind
core resides in the heart. If man is anything at all, than man is heart. It is where consciousness resides. It is a
place with idealism, strength of character and a meeting point of lower and higher self with basic functions of
circulation, compensation and protection. The Greek sun God mentioned it clearly ‘Know Thyself’ and meant
with it, that omnipotence comes with purification of the heart. Along suchlike heart purification
self-appreciation, feelings of self-worth and prudence are only few of the treasures to be attained.
This frequency is the best frequency to be applied in the middle of a human on the Heart Chakra, as it
relaxes and harmonizes. Furthermore the frequency is splendid for head positions especially the left
side of the brain. The frequency is also universally useful along all the Chakras and the full Aura.
25. Hopi Heart - 164,80 Hz (Hopi Heart)
This is a frequency that is originating from the native American tribe of the Hopi Indians and is the frequency that they
intonated in their spiritual song rituals connecting them with the great earth spirit. This is the earth core or earth’s core
This is the most friendly and welcoming of all frequencies. It is permeated with caring friendly unconditional love and
therefore also a heart tone. It helps to feel secure and become playful like a child.
It actually eases to feel emotions as they are and the acceptance of ourselves as we are.
Therefore the frequency is especially useful for persons who think too much pragmatically and supports the journey to
liberate the inner child in us.
Most favorable placements are the heart, chest and throat. This frequency also supports group mediation practice in
combination with OM (and also earth day).
26. Chiron heliocentric - 171,8 Hz (Chiron)
Chiron is orbiting the sun (=sideric) and is a small asteroid, a comet like planetoid in the area of the
outer planets that was discovered in 1977. It takes Chiron 50,674 years to orbit the sun. It is the largest known
comet and classified today as a planetoid or small planet.
Its orbit location around the sun is between Saturn and Uranus and is said to be a mediator bridge between
societal relevant and spiritually relevant planets. Astrologically Chiron is a new planet that gains more
interest nowadays. Chiron is connected with the themes of healing, medicine, holistic views, injury
and opening towards new dimensions.
The sound is connected with the inner healer and teacher and filled with light.
Most favorably positioned is this frequency from throat to head and beyond particularly on 6th & 7th Chakra.
27. World Year or Platonic Year - 173,01 Hz (World Year)
This frequency is based on a very long universal rhythm known also as the gnostic year. The combined gravitational
effects of the sun, moon, and planets on the Earth’s equatorial bulge cause the Earth’s axis to sway clockwise in a slow
circle, like the motion of a spinning top. It takes 25,766 years for the Earth’s axis to complete one wobble, sway, or
clockwise circle. We call this cycle of our planet the Platonic or a World Year. It is also referred to as the precession of
the equinoxes or the great year and one of the longest cycles that are well known to our astronomers since ancient times.
The Great World Year duration is commonly calculated as being 25920 years, which is slightly incorrect. As this
difference of 154 years may not make much difference regarding the general more philosophic views on the cycle, it has
caused actually incorrect frequency calculation for sound therapeutic use by some sound therapist scholars and trainers.
When utilizing exact astronomical data for calculation of the frequency of World Year or Platonic Year it is a remarkable
difference of about 1Hz to the frequency widely in use among sound therapists as Platonic Year.
As the SP does not want to produce more irritation within the sound therapist community the frequency was named
World Year rather than Platonic Year.
The frequency itself is providing mental clarity and joyfulness and is opening the Aura to experience a sense of unity
with the cosmos. Most favorable position is clearly the 7th Chakra, the Crown Chakra. The frequency though can be used
everywhere around the head.

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28. Earth Day or also Sound or Lower Self - 194,18 Hz (Earth Day or Sound of Day)
This frequency is based on the earth’s rotation around its own axis during one earth day and is also
the day/night rhythm that Dr. Rudolf Steiner attributed to be the mayor rhythmic force regarding the
Ego or lower self. That lower self is relevant in regard to survival on earth and within given rational
circumstances very important. On the path of spiritual development the lower self is not to be
destroyed rather to be trained, expanded and purified. Therefore the lower self needs also care along
the spiritual path and is always in need to be aligned with its main energy, the earth itself.
Mother Earth is prominently nurturing and vitalizes. It provides stability and security to stand on and be there.
This frequency aligns the Human Aura and body with the earth Aura and body. It is grounding and provides
stability. This is a very special frequency that is applied also in the context of Paracelsus Medicine in order to
supplement those applications with an connection to mother earth.
Most favorable position is clearly the 1st Chakra, the Root Chakra. The frequency though can be very useful also all the
way down to the feet (hips, knees, ankles & feet).

29. Moon synodic (=geocentric) - 210,42 Hz (Moon syn)

The elliptic orbit of the Moon around the Earth takes 29,5305886 days (29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, 2,9 sec). It is the
time between two full Moons and called astrologically the synodic lunar month. There are 12,36874634 synodic moon
orbits per solar year.
Astrology has utilized self-observation since ancient times which is a geocentric point of view and traditional forms of
medicine like Paracelsus medicine or Homeopathy are based on geocentric views.
The synodic moon cycle is the most important moon cycle for us humans on earth affecting especially
the household of light on earth during night and the water household of earth fex through the tides.
Since the Moon is closely connected to the thinking process of man it is known to man since ancient times that
Moon synodic is about reflection and emotion. Regeneration and reproduction are other main aspects.
The Moon is considered to be feminine,receptive, caring and passive, real Yin energy. All of that results in a
Moon causing constant change of moods, as the rhythm is comparatively short in time.
So moon is passive, thinking, wisdom, constantly changing and reflecting & adapting.
Therapeutically this frequency is one of the most important frequencies for the brain and the reproductive
organs supporting fertility, calmness and moderate behavior styles.
Sensitivity, femininity and capacity to tap into the sub conscious are fostered by this frequency.
Most favorable positioning is at the brain (especially right side) and on the 2nd Chakra (sexual glands).
Secondary positioning on glands and kidneys is also benefitting clients.
30. Moon sideric - 227,43 Hz (Moon sid)
This rhythm is a period of the Moon's orbit around the Earth with respect to a fixed star.
It is the time the Moon takes to return to a given position among the stars - 27.321661 days.
This cycle is more of a cosmic moon cycle than the synodic moon and its theme is one to get from an unconscious to a
conscious state. This is more a celestial yin energy, an archetypal yin, especially helpful for men when discovering their
inner female aspects.
It supports activation of immune system and removal of energy blockages with sexual problems. It invites strongly to
self-reflection. Intuitive capacities are fostered and relaxation is enhanced. Becoming whole means uniting inner male
and female aspects, an inner marriage. Moon sideric is the yin aspect fostering these developments. It is a great
frequency for male clients that need to discover their feminine aspects.
Favorable positions are again at around the head and brain and on the 2nd Chakra.
31. Moon metonic - 229,22 Hz (Moon met)
The metonic Moon cycle is a period of very close to 19 years which is remarkable for being very nearly a common
multiple of the solar year and the synodic (lunar) month. The Greek astronomer Meton observed that a period of 19 years
is almost exactly equal in duration to 235 synodic months at 6939.602 days. The difference between the two periods is
only a few hours. This metonic cycle harmonizes far more accurately with the earth year and their related seasons

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drifting only about 1 day every 200 years while being a lunar cycle. So solar and lunar impacts unite in this rhythm, and
the human being is composed mainly of the 2 forces as well.
The frequency supports a path of inner search and truth by purification of tissue, liver and dissolving emotional issues.
By reflecting, learning, experiencing and purifying, we can discover ‘our true self and related realities. This frequency
supports clarity aspects along this path.
Most favorable positions are on spleen, liver, on 2nd & 3rd Chakra and around the head.

32. Moon Culmination Period - 187,61 Hz (Moon culm)

The Moon Culmination Period is related to the Moon and its daily course in the sky reaching a highest point of
culmination daily about 50min after the sun does the same. The moon rises daily 50min later than the sun and
this difference lets the moon catch up with the sun after about 29,53 days. This frequency reflects the duration
that the moon takes from culmination to culmination in 24 hours 50 min and 28,33secs. This is an innate moon
rhythm in relation to the sun affecting changes that we experience daily throughout our life.
The rhythm teaches us to let go and be in harmony at the same time and has strong yin energy. By letting go of
attachments emotional problems are overcome. This rhythm regulates warmth and water, emotionally and
mentally supports reflection during crisis and to overcome and adapt. Yin and Yang is harmonized. For those
being way to much intellectually orientated and fixated on reason, this frequency provides relaxation.
Favorable positions are on 1st and 2nd Chakra and again around the head.
33. Moon Saros Period - 241,56 Hz (Moon saros)
The Saros is a period of 223 synodic months (approximately 6585.3213 days, or nearly 18 years and 11 days), that can
be used to predict eclipses of the Sun and Moon. One Saros after an eclipse, the Sun, Earth, and Moon return to
approximately the same relative location, and an almost identical eclipse will occur. This is referred to as an eclipse
cycle. In clearer terms this means that the Moon will have the same lunar phase, is at the same moon node, and have the
same distance after a Saros. Note, that the moon will be in a different location in relation to the fixed stars and that the
eclipse moves ahead 8h from Saros to Saros arriving at a Triple Saros in the same day time again after almost 19756 full
The Moon eclipses are more frequent than sun eclipses, but are also along this Saros rhythm.
This frequency is about eclipses that have since ancient time been connected with the darker sides of experiences and
life. Until today the potency of harvested herbs are said to be highest during eclipses.
In these times the shadow in the within can be experienced more clearly and when the eclipse has ended transformation
processes integrate the results. The shadow is transformed then.
During crisis this frequency can support the discovery of deeper traumatic issues that can then be reflected and
transformed. Deep pains in the sub conscious can be liberated and utilized as new potentials.
Most favorable positions for this frequency are in 1 st and 2nd Chakra, but also around the head.

34. Moon Apsidian Orbit - 246,04 Hz (Moon apsidian)

The moon rotates around the earth in an elliptic orbit. At one point on the elliptic orbit moon is most
close to the earth (perigee) and another point is furthest away from earth (apogee).
The duration of the movement of an axis of the moons elliptical orbit around the ecliptic or one such
revolution takes about 8.85 years or 3.232 days 16 hours and 27 minutes.
This frequency is about balance and harmony of subtle energies. For those processes kidneys and spleen are most vitally
important organs. They remove and supply and keep in this way balance and stabilize the subtle as well as physical body
energies. Otherwise chaos would manifest. This frequency can provide support by finding the middle by receiving and
giving and establish a harmony necessary to communicate with the outer world.
This frequency is a wonderful transformer energy for imbalances causing obstructions within the Aura and harmonizes
yin (feminine) and yang (masculine) energies.
It is most favorably positioned on 2nd and 3rd Chakras or on spleen and kidneys.

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35. Lilith heliocentric - 123,02 Hz (Lilith)

Is also called ‘The Black Moon’ and is a 8,8 year cycle of the Apogee, which is the furthest point from earth on the
almost elliptic orbit of the moon. This particular Apogee is also describing a calculated orbit around the earth, which is
the basis for the frequency. Therefore Lilith is a hypothetical moon that predominately has importance in terms of
astrological tradition, where Lilith is a female mythological figure a kind of dark sister twin of the moon. Lilith is related
to the feminine archetype and connected with female emancipation, the battle of power between the sexes. In mythology
Lilith has been sentenced for her wild and untamed femininity by patriarchal gods and driven into the desert. There she
transformed into a night demon that is visiting people in the dreams. Other important astrological views on Lilith are
that the frequency is describing our human relationship to the absolute and ultimate, to those that are victims as well as to
the capacity of letting go.
This frequency is about the darker emotional sides, especially of women but men as well. Suppressed emotional issues
can be transformed by reflection and purification and prevent outbursts and excesses.
Most favourably positions are on and near 2nd and 3rd Chakra, but also near the head.

36. Outer Planets geocentric - (Outer Planets)

This frequency is related to the 3 outer planets of the solar system Uranus, Neptune and Pluto from a geocentric point of
view. The 3 mentioned planets orbits after calculating their relevant frequencies are very close to each other, so that the 3
outer planets are in praxis often united within in one and the same singing bowl. Therefore we call the frequency of the 3
planets as one frequency named Outer Planets.
The frequency is particularly useful for the elderly starting from age 60 or 63 as the energies associated with are
fostering biography related transformation processes natural at the later stages of life. Therefore the frequency is
extremely useful to the elderly as it creates a natural energy suitable for the developments and transformations needed
during that age. The sound can be also easing transitions at the time of death.
Most favorable positioning is around the Head Chakras, but can be applied all over the Aura. Actual positions on the
physical body should be avoided if the condition of client demands.
a. Uranus geocentric - 134,48 Hz (Uranus g is part of Outer Planets)
Uranus synodic (=geocentric) needs 369, 66 days to arrive at the same place in relation to the sun,
when observed form the Earth. Earth/Man experiences Uranus under this rhythm.
b. Neptune geocentric - 135,27 Hz (Neptune g is part of Outer Planets)
Neptune synodic (=geocentric) needs 367, 49 days to arrive at the same place in relation to the sun,
when observed form the Earth. Earth/Man experiences Neptune under this rhythm.
c. Pluto geocentric - 135,55 Hz (Pluto g is part of Outer Planets)
Pluto synodic (=geocentric) needs 366,73 days to arrive at the same place in relation to the sun, when
observed form the Earth. Earth/Man experiences Pluto under this rhythm.
37. Neptune heliocentric - 211,44 Hz (Neptune h)
164,793 years needs Neptune to orbit the sun in relation to fixed stars. Movements of planets around the sun
have powerful vibrational impact within the solar system and affect the human energy system accordingly.
This rhythm is an inert Neptune life cycle and supports intuitive capacities that lead to inspired action.
Dreaming is inspired and visionary capacities unfold.
This frequency helps to bring issues and capacities from deep inside the subconscious mind to the aware
surface. It is very helpful with sleep disorders, addictions, infections and mental illnesses, as the calming effect
is very powerful. Integrity is supported helping us to overcome hindrances like being disappointed about
oneself and supports self-appreciation. Selflessness and altruistic actions with an urge for divine perfection is
guided by this Neptune energy. This frequency is extremely helpful along the path of spiritual development.
Most favorable positioning for this frequency is on the lower parts of the body,
particularly on 2nd & 1st Chakra and fantastic at the feet.
38. Pluto heliocentric - 140,67 Hz (Pluto h)
247,68 years needs Pluto to orbit the sun in relation to fixed stars.
Movements of planets around the sun have powerful vibrational impact within the solar system and affects

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the human energy system accordingly. This rhythm is an inert Pluto life cycle is about integration and
profundity. It supports relaxation and aids the dissolution of the old and integration of new, a perfect
tool for growth and transformation. Pluto h supports radical changes in thinking and renewal. This dynamic
principle embodies power, the power that we have over others and the power that we let others have over us.
Pluto is the planet of extremes where half trust is not tolerated. This frequency strives for power,
metamorphosis and radical transformation and is a special tool during times of solution of crisis and
individual development. It is death and becoming combined with regeneration. Pluto h supports change.
Most favorable positioning for this frequency is on the 5th & also 2nd Chakra.
Around the head is another great way of placing Pluto h. In order to lift issues from deep subconscious to the
surface, the Solar plexus area is also recommended.
PS.: Due to incorrect assumptions on the duration of Pluto heliocentric orbit, some other sound therapists utilize a
slightly different frequency. We felt the need to correct the error and therefore work only with the corrected (about
0,5 Hz lower) frequency.
39. Uranus heliocentric - 207,36 Hz (Uranus h)
84,014 years needs Uranus to orbit the sun in relation to fixed stars. This rhythm is an inert Uranus life cycle
and is about freedom and equanimity. It supports generating new ideas as well as independence and supports
letting go of old and unneeded securities. This frequency helps to gain sudden insights in need to be realized
immediately and has a power of surprise and renewal. The sound is archaic and erotic. This vibration brings up
progressive ideas, ingenuity and inspirations that lead to renewal and pacifies tensions in the nervous system
and Aura. After all the power of Uranus is electricity. Uranus h is the principle of ‘Going New Ways’ that
explodes limitations providing liberation.
Most favorable positioning for this frequency is on the 1 st, the Root Chakra, but can be applied on all lower
body parts including hips, knees, ankles and feet.

These are the 40 main frequencies that are in use as part of the Sound Planetarium application with singing bowls.
They contain the entire development of sound therapy with singing bowls since specific planet frequencies were used for
massage and therapy.

They are composed of the-

 13 classical planet frequencies of Cousto-
Earth Day, Earth Year(Om), Platonic Year (almost like World Year of SP), Sun, Moon syn, Mercury h,
Venus h, Mars h, Jupiter h, Saturn h, Uranus h, , Neptune h, Pluto h (varies from Pluto h of SP),
Which were extended little later by 7 more classical Cousto frequencies mostly Moon rhythms like
Moon sideric, Moon metonic, Moon sarosperiod, Moon culmination, Moon apsidan rotation, and
Moon nodes (same as Draconic nutation of SP) and the earth asteroid Eros (similar to Galaxy of SP).
Therefore there are 20 classical Cousto frequencies.

 After Singing Bowl therapist researchers have taken on the classical frequencies 8 new frequencies have
been used since about 1995 such as
Hopi Heart; the 3 Bio-Rythms (BR Body, BR Mind and BR Soul (now Aura in SP system);
Lilith; Chiron and the 2 Brainwave frequencies- Alpha- and Theta waves.
Therefore there have been 28 frequencies been in use in sound therapy with singing bowls since about

 Since 2008 the SoundPlanetarium has researched about 400 more frequencies with emphasis on
geocentric frequencies and has integrated those geocentric frequencies into the SP therapy system and
applications as to reproduce Paracelsus recipes through sounds produced by singing bowls. These 6 new
frequencies are
Mercury g; Venus g; Mars g; Jupiter g; Saturn g and outer planets.

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Furthermore the 2 new frequencies based on Rudolf Steiners information are are in use:
male and female body.
As well as 4 other new frequencies were incorporated into the SP list of therapeutically useful frequencies
Geomagnet; Schuman Resonance 1; Master(=Schumann Resonance 2) and Cat.

The SoundPlanetarium system uses frequencies that are selected due to known effects seen in practical
applications of sound therapy over the past 25 years and uses also astro-medical concepts practiced since over 500

Please understand that the SoundPlanetarium is presenting you in Modula A all frequencies used by
SoundPlanetarium all therapy applications.
In Module A we focus on relaxation with mostly classical frequencies, while in Module B (professional level)
applications we focus on using geocentric frequencies as to reproduce treatments (free of side effects)from
Paracelsus medicine, which is based on astro medical concepts sucessfully in use since over 500 years.

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Chapter 5: Practicals Support A

Female & Male Introduction Treatment (10-15 min)
- a treatment for harmonization Female & Male Aura and body with
Female or Male (Physical body frequency bowl) (sequence with timing)
- These sequences are applied in various treatments as an introduction to main part of
Session depending on sex of recipient client


is done with Female (physical) frequency

A. Part: FRONT Side of Body: (5 – 8 min)

To be done on Lower Body Part only from Solarplexus to Feet

1. Step: Right Side of Body- (3-5 min)

play female bowl slowly from solar plexus chakra (where it was placed initiating session part)
down to root root chakra and then one side of legs down to toes & feet.
2. Step: Left Side of Body - (3-5 min)
then move bowl back up up to solarplexus chakra again and move first to Root Chakra and then
gradually down to the other side of legs to toes & feet and play shortly at bottom of feet too.

Next Step depends the type of treatment that is actual core of session.

B. Part: BACK Side of Body at the end of Treatments: (5 – 8 min)

To be done on Lower Body Part only from Solarplexus to Feet

1. Step: Left Side of Body - (3-5 min)

play female bowl slowly from solar plexus chakra (where it was placed initiating session part)
down to root root chakra and then one side of legs down to toes & feet.
2. Step: Left Side of Body - (3-5 min)
then move bowl back up up to solarplexus chakra again and move first to Root Chakra and then
gradually down to the other side of legs to toes & feet and play shortly at bottom of feet too.

Remove the bowl and let client relax for a while (2-5 min)

(end of sequence with FEMALE frequency)

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is done with Male (physical) frequency

A. Part: FRONT Side of Body: (5 – 8 min)

To be done on Middle to Upper Parts of Body only from Solarplexus to Head

1. Step: Right Side of Body- (2-3 min)

Play male bowl slowly from solar plexus chakra (where it was placed initiating session part)
upwards to Heart Chakra and Chest, then to the shoulder and back towards Heart Chakra and
Place bowl shortly on Heart Chakra and play bowl while you move around body at feet end.
2. Step: Left Side of Body - (2-3 min)
Play male bowl slowly from solar plexus chakra (where it was placed initiating step)
upwards to Heart Chakra and then to the shoulder and back towards Heart Chakra.
3. Step: Left Side of Head - (1-3 min)
Play male bowl slowly circulating the bowl around head 3x. Then place bowl next to left side of
head/ear and play the bowl for some time (30s-1min). Then place the bowl next to other side of
head/ear and play softly for some time(30s-1min). Then place the bowl at head end and play
softly for some time(30s-1min). Remove the bowl from body and place nearby for later back part.

Next Step depends the type of treatment that is actual core of session.

B. Part: BACK Side of Body at the end of Treatments: (5 – 8 min)

To be done on Middle to Upper Parts of Body only from Solarplexus to Head

1. Step: Right Side of Body- (2-3 min)

Play male bowl slowly from solar plexus chakra (where it was placed initiating session part)
upwards to Heart Chakra and Chest, then to the shoulder and back towards Heart Chakra and
Place bowl shortly on Heart Chakra and play bowl while you move around body at feet end.
2. Step: Left Side of Body - (2-3 min)
Play male bowl slowly from solar plexus chakra (where it was placed initiating step)
upwards to Heart Chakra and then to the shoulder and back towards Heart Chakra.
3. Step: Left Side of Head - (1-3 min)
Play male bowl slowly circulating the bowl around head 3x. Then place bowl next to left side of
head/ear and play the bowl for some time (30s-1min). Then place the bowl next to other side of
head/ear and play softly for some time(30s-1min). Then place the bowl at head end and play
softly for some time(30s-1min). Remove the bowl from body and place nearby for later back part.
Remove the bowl and let client relax for a while (2-5 min)
(end of sequence with MALE frequency)

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Chapter 5: Practicals Support B

Relaxation Treatment (long version) (49-67 min)
- a treatment for rejuvenation and calming (sequence with timing)

A. Full session on FRONT of Body: (49 – 67 min)

1. Step: male or female sequence played according to sex of client (5-8 min)
b. 1. For women- utilizing female bowl frequency, front part only - (all 5-8 min)
play female bowl slowly from solar plexus chakra down to root root chakra and then one side of legs down to toes & feet,
then move bowl back up up to solarplexus chakra again and move down to the other side of legs to toes & feet again,
shortly at bottom of feet too.
b.2. For men- utilizing male bowl frequency, front part only - all (5-8 min)
Play male frequency from Solarplexus upwards to heart and chest slowly, then move to the shoulder, back to center of chest/heart
and to the other shoulder. Then take the bowl into hand and move while playing softly around head area in round circles (3x).
Then place the bowl next to the head/ear and play softly for some time, then place the bowl next to other side of head/ear
and play softly for some time. Then place the bowl at head end and play softly for some time.
Then take the bowl and circle the head while playing the bowl softly before removing the bowl.

2. Step: Introduction and moving sequence 1st Bowl (6-7 min)

For this sequence the following bowl frequencies (and their combinations) are suitable-
For 1st Chakra (Root Chakra) use:
Cat, Saturn h, Uranus h; Neptune h, Geomagnet, Earth Day Sound, Female,
(in exceptions Aura, Master, SR1, Moon syn also possible).
Introduce the bowl along body and
a. Play the sequence moving the bowl gradually from feet (toes) along calves, thighs upwards towards hip and
then move more inside the body towards 2 Chakra. (3 min)
b. Walk around body to other side at feet side and move the same bowl then from 2 Chakra towards other side hip
and gradually downwards along thighs and calves towrds feet (toes) and play shortly at bottom of feet. (3 min 30s)

3. Step: Introduction and moving sequence 2nd Bowl (7-9 min)

For this sequence the following bowl frequencies (and their combinations) are suitable-
For 2nd Chakra (Navel Chakra) use:
Cat, Moon syn, Moon sid, Moon culm, Moon met, Moon sarosperiod,Lilith h, Draconic Nutation,
female, Geomagnet, Neptune h , Mars h (for men or somebody in need of energy), Mercury g.
(in exceptions Aura, Master, SR1 also possible).
Introduce the bowl along body and
a. Play the sequence moving the bowl gradually from thigh near knee upwards towards hip and lower liver and then
rd nd
move more inside the body towards 3 Chakra (Solarplexus). From there move the bowl slowly towards 2 Chakra
just below navel and change side by walking around body at feet side. (3 min 30s)

(sequence continued on next page)

Continuation of Relaxation treatment (long version Step 3 & page 2 of 3)

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- the specialist for astromedical concepts & Sound Therapy with Tibetan Singing Bowl
Tel.: 0977-9841706076

TRAINING MODULE A - Basic information for beginners Confidential information - all copy rights reserved

nd rd
b. Walk around body to other side at feet side and move the same bowl then from 2 Chakra towards 3 Chakra and
from there towards side of body at spleen towards hip. Move the other side of thighs gradually downwards towards
until just above the knee. (4 min)

4. Step: Introduction and moving sequence 3rd Bowl (5-7 min)

For this sequence the following bowl frequencies (and their combinations) are suitable-
For 3rd Chakra (Solarplexus Chakra) use:
Sun, Thetawaves, Draconic Nutation, Lilith h, Cat, Moon sid, Moon met,
Moon apsidian, male/female, Venus g . (in exceptions Aura, Master, SR1 also possible).
Introduce the bowl along body and
a. Play the sequence moving the bowl gradually from liver inside body towards 3 Chakra (Solarplexus). From there
move the bowl around belly (1min 30s)and play the 3 bowls placed for some time(2 min).
b. Walk around body to other side at feet side and move the same bowl then from 3 Chakra towards spleen and up
again towards 3 Chakra. (2 min)

5. Step: Introduction and moving sequence 4th Bowl (5-7 min)

For this sequence the following bowl frequencies (and their combinations) are suitable-
For 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) use:
Galaxy Heartbeat(=Eros), Hopi Heart, Master, Venus h, OM(Sun).
(in exceptions Aura, SR1 also possible).
Introduce the bowl along body and head
a. Play the sequence placing the bowl on heart and move towards side of chest and back to heart and then up towards
shoulder (one side) and then back towards heart Chakra. (2 min)
b. Walk around body to other side at feet side and move the same bowl then from 4 Chakra towards other side of
chest, back towards the heart and then up towards the shoulder (other side) and back towards Heart Chakra. Place
th st nd rd
this bowl on 4 Chakra and place bowls played in Step 1-3 near feet (1 ) and lower thighs (2 ) and navel (for 3
Chakra bowl).
c. Play the 4 bowls placed for some time in sequence from feet upwards. (3-4 min)

6. Step: Introduction and moving sequence 5th Bowl (5-7 min)

For this sequence the following bowl frequencies (and their combinations) are suitable-
For 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) use:
Mercury h, Pluto h, BR Mind, Chiron h, male, Mercury g.
(in exceptions Aura, Master, SR1 , OM(Sun) also possible).
Introduce the bowl short along body and longer around head
a. Play the sequence placing the shoulder and move the bowl along all arm towards hand and all the way back to
shoulder. (2 min)
b. Walk around body to other side at feet sidewhile playing the other bowls and move the same bowl then from other
side shoulder along all arm to hand and back towards shoulder. Place bowl on side of head. (2 min)
c. Play the 5 bowls placed for some time. (1-2 min)

(sequence continued on next page)

Continuation of Relaxation treatment (long version ) (page 3 of 3)

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- the specialist for astromedical concepts & Sound Therapy with Tibetan Singing Bowl
Tel.: 0977-9841706076

TRAINING MODULE A - Basic information for beginners Confidential information - all copy rights reserved

7. Step: Introduction and moving sequence 6th Bowl (3-4 min)

For this sequence the following bowl frequencies (and their combinations) are suitable-
For 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra) use:
Jupiter h , Venus h, Mars h, Saturn h, Chiron h, male, Alphawave, Thetawave.
(in exceptions Aura, Master, SR1, OM(Sun) also possible).
Introduce the bowl short along body and longer around head
a. Play the bowl holding it in hand for some time circling the head (1-2 min) and place bowl on right side of head. (2
min) Play all bowls in sequence for a while (1 min)

8. Step: Introduction and moving sequence 7th Bowl (8-11 min)

For this sequence the following bowl frequencies (and their combinations) are suitable-
For 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) use:
World Year, Chiron h, Jupiter h, Aura, Alphawave, Thetawave, SR1, Mars g .
(in exceptions Master, Jupiter g, Saturn g, outer planets also possible).
Introduce the bowl short along body and longer around head
a. Play the bowl holding it in hand for some time circling the head (1-2 min) and place bowl on top end of head.
b. Play all bowls around the head in sequence for a while. (3 min)
c. Play all the bowls placed sequence from feet upwards and include also the head section for 5-6 rounds. (3-
d. Remove the bowls gradually from body , while still playing the bowls that remain on body, start removing from head
side. Move last bowl all over Aura. (2-3 min)

9. Step: male or female sequence played according to sex of client (5-8 min)
a. For women- utilizing female bowl frequency, back part only- (all 5-8 min)
play female bowl slowly from solar plexus chakra down to root root chakra and then one side of legs down to toes & feet,
then move bowl back up up to solarplexus chakra again and move down to the other side of legs to toes & feet again,
shortly at bottom of feet too.
a. For men- utilizing male bowl frequency, back part only - all (5-8 min)
Play male frequency from Solarplexus upwards to heart and chest slowly, then move to the shoulder, back to center of chest/heart
and to the other shoulder. Then take the bowl into hand and move while playing softly around head area in round circles (3x).
Then place the bowl next to the head/ear and play softly for some time, then place the bowl next to other side of head/ear
and play softly for some time. Then place the bowl at head end and play softly for some time.
Then take the bowl and circle the head while playing the bowl softly before removing the bowl.

10. Step: Let Client relax for some time (with Music maybe if it takes too long)
(end of sequence)

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