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Microsoft Word

1. Which keyboard shortcut is used to save a document in Microsoft Word?

a) Ctrl+S
b) Ctrl+C
c) Ctrl+P
d) Ctrl+X
2. What does "CTRL+Z" do in Microsoft Word?

a) Save the document

b) Cut selected text
c) Undo the last action
d) Bold selected text
3. Which menu in Microsoft Word is used for formatting text?

a) File
b) Edit
c) Format
d) View
4. What is the default file extension for a Microsoft Word document?

a) .doc
b) .txt
c) .xls
d) .ppt
5. What is the function of the "Bullets" button in the Word toolbar?

a) Insert a bullet point

b) Create a numbered list
c) Indent text
d) Highlight text
6. Which tab in the Word ribbon contains options for adjusting the page margins
and orientation?

a) Home
b) Insert
c) Page Layout
d) References
7. Which view allows you to see a document's layout as it will appear when

a) Print Layout
b) Draft
c) Full Screen Reading
d) Web Layout
8. What is the purpose of the "Find and Replace" feature in Microsoft Word?

a) Spell check
b) Insert images
c) Replace text throughout a document
d) Add page numbers
9. Which feature allows you to view two different parts of a same document

a) Page Break
b) Split View
c) Page Layout
d) Header and Footer
10. Which option allows you to change the spacing between lines of text in a
Word document?
- a) Page Break
- b) Indentation
- c) Line Spacing
- d) Bullets and Numbering

11. What does the "Thesaurus" tool in Word do?

- a) Corrects spelling errors
- b) Provides word definitions
- c) Suggests synonyms and antonyms
- d) Translates text to another language

12. Which keyboard shortcut is used to copy selected text in Microsoft Word?
- a) Ctrl+C
- b) Ctrl+X
- c) Ctrl+V
- d) Ctrl+S

13. What does the "Undo" button in Word do?

- a) Redo the last action
- b) Delete the selected text
- c) Restore the last action
- d) Save the document

14. Which feature allows you to create a duplicate of a selected object or text in
- a) Copy and Paste
- b) Bold
- c) Spell Check
- d) Find and Replace

15. Which view in Word is most useful for editing the content of a document?
- a) Print Layout
- b) Outline
- c) Web Layout
- d) Draft

16. What does "CTRL+B" do in Microsoft Word?

- a) Save the document
- b) Copy selected text
- c) Bold selected text
- d) Undo the last action

17. Which menu allows you to insert headers and footers in a Word document?
- a) File
- b) Edit
- c) Insert
- d) View

18. What is the purpose of the "Table of Contents" feature in Word?

- a) Add page numbers
- b) Create a list of references
- c) Generate a table with page titles and numbers
- d) Spell check

19. How can you align text to the right margin in a Word document?
- a) Use the "Align Left" button
- b) Use the "Justify" button
- c) Use the "Center" button
- d) Use the "Align Right" button

20. What is the purpose of the "Word Count" feature in Word?

- a) Count the number of words in a document
- b) Check for grammar errors
- c) Translate text to another language
- d) Adjust font size

21. Which tab in Word contains options for adding page numbers to a document?
- a) Home
- b) Insert
- c) Page Layout
- d) References

22. What does "CTRL+I" do in Microsoft Word?

- a) Save the document
- b) Copy selected text
- c) Italicize selected text
- d) Underline selected text

23. Which feature allows you to apply a consistent style to your document in
- a) Templates
- b) Spelling and Grammar Check
- c) Copy and Paste
- d) AutoSave

24. Which option is used to change the paper size of a document in Word?
- a) Page Orientation
- b) Margins
- c) Paper Layout
- d) Page Size

25. How can you create a numbered list in Word?

- a) Use the "Bullets" button
- b) Use the "Numbering" button
- c) Use the "Indent" button
- d) Use the "Font Size" button

26. What is the purpose of the "Page Break" feature in Word?

- a) Insert a line
- b) Insert a blank page
- c) End the document
- d) Start a new paragraph

27. How can you change the font size of selected text in Word?
- a) Right-click and select "Font Size"
- b) Use the "Font Size" drop-down menu in the ribbon
- c) Press "Ctrl+F"
- d) It is not possible to change font size in Word

28. Which feature allows you to add references and citations in Word?
- a) Spell Check
- b) Table of Contents
- c) Footnotes and Endnotes
- d) Word Count

29. What does "CTRL+U" do in Microsoft Word?

- a) Save the document
- b) Cut selected text
- c) Underline selected text
- d) Redo the last action

30. Which option is used to adjust the spacing between characters in a Word
- a) Line Spacing
- b) Paragraph Spacing
- c) Character Spacing
- d) Word Spacing

31. What is the function of the "Headers and Footers" feature in Word?
- a) Change document orientation
- b) Add page numbers and information at the top and bottom of each page
- c) Change text color
- d) Insert hyperlinks

32. Which view in Word displays a simplified, text-only version of the document?
- a) Print Layout
- b) Draft
- c) Outline
- d) Full Screen Reading

33. What is the purpose of the "Clipboard" group in Word?

- a) It provides access to the internet.
- b) It allows you to copy and paste items.
- c) It is used to format text.
- d) It is a spell-checking tool.

34. Which option is used to change the color of text in Word?

- a) Text Color
- b) Highlight Color
- c) Font Color
- d) Background Color

35. What is the purpose of the "Page Numbers" feature in Word?

- a) Insert headers and footers
- b) Add page numbers to a document
- c) Change the page size
- d) Create a table of contents

36. How can you insert a hyperlink in a Word document?

- a) Right-click and select "Insert Hyperlink"
- b) Use the "Hyperlink" button in the ribbon
- c) Press "Ctrl+H"
- d) It is not possible to insert hyperlinks in Word

37. Which option is used to adjust the indentation of a paragraph in Word?

- a) Page Break
- b) Bullets
- c) Paragraph Spacing
- d) First Line Indent

38. What is the purpose of the "Comment" feature in Word?

- a) Insert images
- b) Add notes and feedback to a document
- c) Change text alignment
- d) Create a table of contents

39. How can you change the page orientation from portrait to landscape in Word?
- a) Use the "Page Size" option
- b) Use the "Page Orientation" option
- c) Use the "Font Size" option
- d) It is not possible to change page orientation in Word

40. Which view in Word is used for creating and editing the structure of a
document, such as headings and subheadings?
- a) Print Layout
- b) Draft
- c) Outline
- d) Web Layout

41. How can you insert a footnote in a Word document?

- a) Use the "Footnote" button in the ribbon
- b) Press "Ctrl+F"
- c) Right-click and select "Insert Footnote"
- d) Use the "Find and Replace" feature

42. What is the purpose of the "Styles" feature in Word?

- a) Change document orientation
- b) Apply consistent formatting and design to a document
- c) Add images
- d) Insert page numbers

43. How can you change the page margins of a document in Word?
- a) Use the "Page Layout" tab
- b) Use the "Font" tab
- c) Use the "Paragraph" tab
- d) Use the "Table of Contents" tab

44. Which feature allows you to create a list of references at the end of a
document in Word?
- a) Spell Check
- b) Table of Contents
- c) Bibliography
- d) Footnotes

45. What is the purpose of the "AutoSave" feature in Word?

- a) Automatically save a backup copy of the document
- b) Automatically correct spelling errors
- c) Automatically format text
- d) Automatically insert page numbers

46. How can you change the line spacing to double spacing in Word?
- a) Use the "Line Spacing" drop-down menu
- b) Use the "Font Size" drop-down menu
- c) Use the "Paragraph Spacing" drop-down menu
- d) Use the "Margins" drop-down menu

47. Which feature allows you to create a table of contents in Word based on
document headings?
- a) Bibliography
- b) Index
- c) Table of Contents
- d) Footnotes

48. How can you insert a page break in a Word document?

- a) Use the "Page Break" button in the ribbon
- b) Press "Ctrl+P"
- c) Right-click and select "Insert Page Break"
- d) Use the "Spell Check" button

49. Which option is used to check and correct spelling errors in Word?
- a) Grammar Check
- b) Thesaurus
- c) AutoCorrect
- d) Spell Check

50. What does "CTRL+Y" do in Microsoft Word?

- a) Cut selected text
- b) Redo the last action
- c) Underline selected text
- d) Save the document

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